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12/1/2019 Consumer Attitude Towards Mobile Marketing In Financial Services

Consumer Attitude Towards Mobile Marketing In

Financial Services

1. 1) Name :

2. 2) Age
Mark only one oval.

Less than 20
21 to 30
31 to 40
above 41

3. 3) Gender
Mark only one oval.


4. 4) Occupation
Mark only one oval.

Self Employed
Business Person

5. 5) Acceptability of different types of text messages from companies.

Mark only one oval per row.

Very Neither Happy or Very

Happy Unhappy
happy Unhappy unhappy
Receive discount vouchers
Receive alert from shopping
Receive alert from news
Receive social networking
Receive online auction alert

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12/1/2019 Consumer Attitude Towards Mobile Marketing In Financial Services

6. 6) Your attitude towards website content

Mark only one oval per row.

Strongly dis Dis Strongly

Neutral Agree
agree agree Agree
I feel irritated when website does
not work
I feel negatively towards a brand
I think brand does not provides a
poor service

7. 7) Factors likely to promote adoption of QR codes based on Incentives and Experiential &
relational benefits
Mark only one oval per row.

Strongly Dis Strongly dis

Agree Neutral
agree agree agree
To access discount vouchers or
special offers
To enter competition for cash
rewards or prizes
For instant access to further
I would more like to scan a OR
code I shown how to do it
I would more likely to scan a QR
code I thought it was safe
I would more likely to scan QR
codes when my friends were
using them

8. 8) Factors likely to Non- adoption of QR codes.

Mark only one oval per row.

Strongly dis Dis Strongly

Neutral Agree
agree agree agree
I am not aware of existence of
QR codes
My phone is not able to read QR
I am not aware of any benefits to
scanning QR codes
I feel self- conscious scanning
QR code in public

9. 9) Familiarity with QR codes?

Mark only one oval.

Some what
Not really

https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1ee90Tz1YbbZ_JqG0Hu8twQQNPgzf0Kf8XyMaUg1e3Oc/edit?no_redirect=true 2/3
12/1/2019 Consumer Attitude Towards Mobile Marketing In Financial Services

10. 10) Being attitude towards contacted by companies through mobile phone.
Mark only one oval per row.

Strongly Dis Strongly dis

Agree Neutral
Agree agree agree
I receive most text & mobile
advert from annoying companies
I would delete or ignore most
text message from companies
I generally prefer my mobile
phone for personal use only

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