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Infant Mortality Rate

Year India Pakistan Peru

2005 57.8 77.8 22.2
2006 55.7 76.5 20.8
2007 53.7 75.3 19.5
2008 51.6 74.1 18.3
2009 49.4 72.8 17.3
2010 47.3 71.5 16.3
2011 45.1 70.1 15.5
2012 43 68.6 14.7
2013 40.9 67.1 14
2014 38.8 65.4 13.3
2015 36.9 63.8 12.7
2016 34.9 62.1 12.2
2017 33.1 60.5 11.6
2018 31.4 58.8 11.1
2019 29.7 57.2 10.7
2020 28.3 55.7 10.3
Infant Mortality Rate( Per 1000 Live Births)
2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022

India Pakistan Peru

mortality is defined as the death of a child before reaching the age of one. The infant mortality
rate is calculated as the number of infant deaths per 1,000 live births. In addition to providing
important information about maternal and infant health, the infant mortality rate is an important
indicator of a society's overall health.
We can see from the graph that the IMR of Pakistan is highest among the India and Peru, this is
because of several reasons as population growth, rising urbanization, environmental pollution,
and changes in people's lifestyles, among other factors, are threatening Pakistan's national health
India’s Infant mortality rate have improved significantly over the past few years but at a slow
rate because of the huge difference between the IMR of different states as Kerala having rate
equals to US but if e talk about Madhya Pradesh, the IMR is worse than some under developed
countries like Yemen, Sudan.
The IMR of Peru has also declined in the past few years but it as highly impacted on the year
2006-2007 due to the Child health crisis that was prevalent in the country.

Population In million
Year India Pakistan Peru
2005 1147.609924 160.304007 27.86614
2006 1165.486291 164.022626 28.102055
2007 1183.209471 167.808106 28.33305
2008 1200.669762 171.648984 28.562321
2009 1217.726217 175.52561 28.792663
2010 1234.281163 179.424643 29.02768
2011 1250.287939 183.340168 29.264314
2012 1265.780243 187.280125 29.50679
2013 1280.842119 191.260799 29.773986
2014 1295.600768 195.305012 30.090372
2015 1310.152392 199.426953 30.470739
2016 1324.51725 203.631356 30.926036
2017 1338.676779 207.90621 31.444299
2018 1352.642283 212.228288 31.989265
2019 1366.417756 216.565317 32.510462
2020 1380.004385 220.892331 32.971846

Population ( In Millions)
2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022

India Pakistan Peru

Population of a country is one of the most important factor that defines its economic condition as if the
size of population is large the country has to use its resources very carefully and moreover in a
sustainable manner so that to keep the long term implications in the mind.

India is the second largest country in the world as far as population is concerned and it also expects to
grow rapidly and as per the report of United Nations, India is going to surpass china by 2027. There are
several reasons for such a high growth in the population as the birth rate continues to outnumber the
death rate. We have been successful in lowering death rates, but not in lowering birth rates.
Pakistan’s low literacy rate is one of the most important reasons for growth in the population, another
major reason is the Islamic Religion that allows multiple marriages at a same time. Experts have warned
that Pakistan's alarming population growth poses a greater threat, and that the country may be unable
to meet the needs of its rapidly growing population. According to experts, Pakistan's struggle to
maintain a sustainable national headcount continues, as reported by The Express Tribune. While the
rate of growth, they argue, is not the root cause of all problems, it does exacerbate the pressures on
livelihoods, natural resources, and the provision of certain services, particularly health and education.

Peru's population growth rate has never exceeded 3% as a result of the country's exceptionally high
mortality and infant mortality rates. Peru has a crude mortality rate of 10.74 per 1000 people and an
infant mortality rate of 98.63 per 1000 people. When compared to other Latin American countries,
these are extremely high. In theory, the momentum of progress should propel Peru quickly into the
demographic transition.
Gross National Income (per Capita )
Year India Pakistan Peru
2005 710 740 2540
2006 790 800 2810
2007 910 860 3210
2008 1000 920 3790
2009 1120 950 3970
2010 1220 970 4410
2011 1360 1030 4970
2012 1480 1120 5790
2013 1520 1210 6420
2014 1560 1230 6530
2015 1600 1260 6340
2016 1680 1310 6110
2017 1820 1400 6060
2018 2010 1480 6470
2019 2120 1410 6790
2020 1900 1280 6010

Gross National Income( per Capita)

2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022

India Pakistan Peru

The total of a country's gross domestic product (GDP) plus net foreign income (positive or
negative). It represents the value created by a country's economy in a given year, regardless of
whether the value is created domestically or through receipts from abroad.
Per capita income is a measure of how much money is earned per person in a country or region.
Per capita income can be used to calculate the average per-person income for a region and to
assess the population's standard of living and quality of life.
Covid 19 has severely impacted the national income of the whole world as people started losing
their job and which ultimately impacted the per capita incomes, which is one of the most
important factor for knowing the standard of living of a country’s people.
In all the three countries the Gross National Income has declined in 2020 as compared to the
previous year 2019 India’s per capita income declined from 2120 to 190, whereas Pakistan’s per
capita declined from 1410 to 1280. Similarly pandemic also affected the national income of Peru
as it decreased from 6790 to 6010.

I have done comparison of India, Pakistan and Peru on the basis of Infant Mortality Rate, Gross
National Income (Per Capita) and Population. With the use of Time Data (line Graph) I have
analyzed the facts about certain parameters and done research on any significant change that has
happened in any of the parameters for a country and then written about the reasons of any
unusual changes that happened in the Income or Population.

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