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AGREED "Approved"

Dean of the Medical Faculty, at faculty meeting

S.V. Znamenskaya Internal Disease Propaedeutics
Medical Faculty
protocol № 1 of 26.08.2015

Rating system for estimating the knowledges of the 3 course students

students in the department of internal medicine medical Propaedeutics

Counting of points for students is achieved according their attendance in practical lessons
and lectures, on performance in practical classes, writing of a curatorial sheet and passing
skills in the studied subjects.
Progress on practical lessons is estimated on a daily basis ("current control of
knowledge ") by the traditional “5” grade system.
Naming of the rating position Amount of points
1.Mark of independent work on practical lessons (1 position: input
testing - testing, 2 position: oral response or performance in practical tasks, and 3 position:
output control - a solution of situational tasks, etc.) Score by occupation is calculated as the
average of positions. The average score for a single practice session is defined as the sum
all assessments received by the student in class, divided by their number,
rounded to tenths. For example: the input control-4, working within
exercises (oral responses) -4, the output control-5. Srednearifmetichesky
figure will be (4+4+5) / 3 = 4.3
2.Assemble of points during the first and third positions of input
and output control
The answers given are correct to 91-100% 5
The answers given are correct to 81-90% 4
The answers given are correct to 71-80% 3
The answers given are correct to 61-70% 2
The answers given are correct to 51-60% 1
Correct answers are less than 50% of the tests 0

The number of points for visiting practical skills are counted once at the end of the semester.
Percentage of visits of practical lessons is translated into points in accordance with the

5. Educational researches and scientific work, extra classes after

the academy:
Points exhibited by the teacher who which students are engaged in
research with in a separatecolumn entitled "The Circle", a list of
attending elektivy shall separate laboratory assistant
- participate in student scientific circles 0.1
- abstract in final conference 0.2
- oral / posted report 0.3
- prize at the conference, the Olympics, 0.4
speech at the National Congress, etc.
ntermediate control is carried out on the basis of three positions (1position - testing, 2
position - writing curatorial sheet and history disease, 3 position - the practical skills) and
the calculation of average arithmetic index. For example: the final test - 4 writing curatorial
leaf - 3, delivery of practical skills - 4. Average arithmetical ratio will be (4+3+4) / 3 = 3.7
1. Practicals skills
- submit or retake on time to "excellent" 5
- submit or retake on time to "good" 4
- submit or retake on time to "satisfactory" 3
- submit or retake on time to "unsatisfactory" 0
- submit not on time without a reasonable excuse 1
2. Writing of curatorial sheet and the resulting history
- submit or retake the histories of the disease on time to 5
- submit or retake on time to "good" 4
- submit or retake on time to "satisfactory" 3
- submit or retake on time to "unsatisfactory" 0
- submit not on time without a reasonable excuse 1
Points of the current rating are submitted by the teacher on a daily bases in the journal.
Intermediate control of knowledge (the final lesson on the study topic), testing, protection of
the curatorial sheet and passing of practical skills assessed on a 5 mark scale used for each
type of control with definition of average value. For example: testcontrol-4, protection of
the curatorial sheet-3, practical skills-4. Averagearithmetic index is calculated as follows: (4
+3 +4) / 3 = 3.67 (Rounded to 3.7)
In cases of absences for a valid reasons, confirmed by dean, and with timely (within 2
weeks) eliminate debt rating, student recalculated upward. Skipping lessons wit invalid
reasons is liquidated in accordance with the “Regulations onElimination of current backlog
of students StSMA”, while rating for the student is not recalculated.
At the end of the semester it is available to calculate the semester and year rating.
According to the results of the discipline the student is determined by the rating figure for
the year (2 semesters), which is the sum of scores for each type of learning activities divided
by the number rounded to the nearest tenth, mid arithmetic indicator. The final mark for the
subject is calculated
similarly. Rating of the year is defined as the average value of the the results of the current
rating and the points scored for the intermediate control.
Example of formation of the year ratimg of student:
- Lectures - from 0 to 5 points
- Seen workshops - from 0 to 5 points
- Practical exercises - from 0 to 5 points
- Intermediate control - from 0 to 5 points
- Educational research work - from 0 to 1 points
The average index is calculated.
Student who have a rating score for the year 4.7 points or more, and who did not missed
lectures and practical lessons for unreasonable causes and disciplinary action, with the
decision of faculty meeting with the participation of representative of the Dean's, gets the
mark "excellent" automatically.
- Clearing of missed classes of a valid reason may be done when the teacher of the group
will have free time apart from the lesson or to any other teacher according to the schedule
of missed class elimination in the form of a written review on the topic, followed by a
- Clearing of missed classes without a good reason shall be done according to the schedule
of missed class elimination to any teacher in the form of a written review on the topic,
followed by a missed interview.
- Clearing of missed lectures is done in the form of writing an abstract, followed by an
interview on a missed lecture, according to the schedule of missed class elimination.
The Department may decide to admit students for the exam and the application of
criteria for evaluation of students' knowledge on the exam to the specific life
circumstances within the framework of an individual approach to learning. Such
decision must be taken at a meeting of the department and reflected in the ptotocol.

Conducted in 3 phases in an integrated form:
1. Certification Testing
2. Evaluation of practical preparation (skills)
3. Interview examination tickets
Step 1: The student performs the first test items to test knowledge
their basic concepts ("credited");
Step 2: Submit of practical skills ("mastered");
Step 3: answering the ticket to the teacher, who by this time has
the output of the test section of the exam.
Exam taken by the commission of two or more teachers, is estimated at
5-grades system. If tested student scored less than 70%, he
automatically receives a rating of "2" ("unsatisfactory") without further
interviews given the annual

A test portion of the exam

The correct answers are given in the 91-100% -5 points
The correct answers are given in 81-90% -4 points
The correct answers are given in 71-80% -3 points
The correct answers are given in 61-70% -2 points
The correct answers are given in the 51-60% - 1 point
Correct answers are less than 50% of the test-score of 0

Head. Department Propaedeutics Internal Medicine,

Professor V. Pavlenko

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