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Functional Testing

Tester: Pamli

Test 1: check whether the four regional classifications of electricity connection is correct

 Click on Legends tab

 Compare each region in GIS map with New Ventures map for the correct household without
electricity classification
 Check the percentage of electricity without households in Dar es Salaam and see how it is
represented in the GIS map
 If “not OK” use red font

Households without electricity

Category Regions in NV map Regions in GIS map OK /not OK

1) 0 % to 75% 2 2 Not ok range, color
Arusha is 75.5% Range should be
Kilimanjaro 73% 0-76.5%
+ color of Kilimanjaro is
diff from color of
2) 75 % to 87.5% 8 8 Not ok range
Morogoro 86% Lindi 87.6% Range should be
Mbeya 87% Pwani 85% 76.5%-88.5%
Tanga 84.7% +
Morogoro 85.3% Check Morogoro,
Iringa 84.4% Mbeya
Mbeya 87.6%
Mwanza 77.3%
Shinyanga 87.4%
3) 87.5 % to 90.7 % 7 7 Not ok range
Mara 88.9% Range should be
Katavi 90.7% 88.5% - 90.7%
Tabora 89.6%
Singida 89.9%
Dodoma 89.7%
Manyara 89.7%
Njombe 89%
4) 90.7 % to 94.5 % 7 7 OK
Kagera 92.7%
Geita 93.9%
Kigoma 93.1%
Rukwa 94.6%
Simiyu 92.4%
Ruvuma 91.4%
Mtwara 94.1%
Dar es Salaam % of HHs not Which colour in GIS OK/not OK
connected in NV map map
36.6% 37% Same color as category Not OK color
1 above

Test 2: check region by region whether the number of households and the (% of and number of )
households without electricity are correct

 Click on Legends tab

 Click on each region
 Write down the Total number of households
 Write down the Total number of households not connected to the grid
 Compare with your Excel spreadsheet and tabulate the results below:
 Note : please make sure that the classification solar households (if any) is consistent in Excel
and GIS map
 If “not OK” use red font

Category Number of HHs OK Number of HHs OK % of HHs without OK /

/not without access to /not access to not
OK electricity OK electricity OK
Excel GIS Excel GIS Excel GIS
spreadsheet map spreadshee map spreadshee map
t t
450,305 Ok 403,92 Ok 89.7 Ok
Dodoma 450,305 403924 4 89.7
376,336 ok 284,13 ok 75.5 Ok
Arusha 376,336 284,134 4 75.5
381,526 Ok 279,65 ok 73.3 Ok
Kilimanjaro 381,526 279659 9 73.3
435,853 Ok 368,93 ok 84.7 Ok
Tanga 435,583 368939 9 84.7
501,794 Ok 430,35 ok 85.8 Ok
Morogoro 501,794 430539 9 85.8
254,810 Ok 216,58 ok 85 Ok
Pwani 2,54,810 216589 9 85
Dar es 1,083,381 Ok 396,517 ok 36.6 Ok
Salaam 10,83,381 396517 36.6
224,316 Ok 196,50 ok 87.6 Ok
Lindi 2,24,316 196501 1 87.6
342,165 Ok 321,97 Ok 94.1 Ok
Mtwara 3,42,165 321977 7 94.1
300,05 Ok 274,20 ok 91.4 Ok
Ruvuma 3,00,005 274204 4 91.4
220,776 Ok 186,33 ok 84.4 Ok
Iringa 2,20,776 186335 5 84.4
630,593 ok 546,72 ok 86.7 Ok
Mbeya 630,593 546,724 4 86.7
255,613 Ok 229,79 Ok 89.9 Ok
Singida 255,613 229796 6 89.9
379,770 Ok 340,27 ok 89.6 Ok
Tabora 379,770 340274 4 89.6
198,011 Ok 187,31 ok 94.6 Ok
Rukwa 198,011 187318 8 94.6
370,374 Ok 344,81 ok 93.1 Ok
Kigoma 3,70,374 344818 8 93.1
258,981 Ok 226,34 ok 87.4 ok
Shinyanga 2,58,981 226349 9 87.4
521,028 ok 482,99 Ok 92.7 ok
Kagera 521,028 482,993 2 92.7
481,107 Ok 371,89 Ok 77.3 Ok
Mwanza 4,81,107 371896 5 77.3
308,483 ok 274,24 Ok 88.9 Ok
Mara 308,483 274,241 1 88.9
271,050 Ok 243,13 Ok 89.7 ok
Manyara 271,050 243132 2 89.7
168,982 Ok 159,39 Ok 89 ok
Njombe 168,982 150394 4 89
Katavi 100,350 100,350 ok 91017 91,017 Ok 90.7 90.7 Ok
227,862 Ok 210,54 Ok 92.4 ok
Simiyu 2,27,862 210544 4 92.4
283,584 Ok 266,28 Ok 93.9 Ok
Geita 2,83,584 266285 5 93.9

On clicking the individual regions when the electricity filter is on (only this filter), there is no pop-up box
with the details

Test 3: check whether the four regional classifications of radio ownership ownership is correct

 Click on regional indicators tab

 Compare each region in GIS map with New Ventures map for the correct household with
radio ownership
 Check the radio ownership in Dar es Salaam and see how it is represented in the GIS map
 If “not OK” use red font

Category Regions in NV map Regions in GIS map OK /not OK

1) 0% to 53% 5 5 OK
2) 53 % to 60.1% 6 (Arusha not included 7 (includes Arusha) Not Ok
– included in the next
3) 60.1 % to 67.2% 12 (includes Arusha 10 (Arusha included Not Ok
and Kagera) above and Kagera Colors are different
below) within the same
4) >67.2% 1 (Does not include 2 (includes Kagera) Not ok
On clicking the areas, there is no pop up with info on radio ownership

Dar es Salaam Radio ownership in Which colour in GIS OK/not OK

Excel/NV map map
Category 4 Category 4 Ok
735616 households 735616 households
owning a radio

Test 4: check whether the four regional classifications of iron sheet roofing ownership is correct

 Click on regional indicators tab

 Compare each region in GIS map with New Ventures map for the correct household with
iron sheet ownership
 Check the radio ownership in Dar es Salaam and see how it is represented in the GIS map
 If “not OK” use red font

Category Regions in NV map Regions in GIS map OK /not OK

1) 0 % to 42% Range is upto 42.5 4 OK
4 – Katavi, Tabora,
Lindi, Mtawara
2) 42% to 55% Range is upto 55.1 5 OK
5 – Rukwa, Kigoma,
SIngida, Manyara,
3) 55 % to 68% Range is upto 67.7 9 – Geita, Mara, Not ok
7 – Geita, Mara, Tanga, Simiyu, Tanga,
Dodoma, Morogoro, Dodoma, Morogoro,
Pwani, Ruvuma Pwani, Ruvuma, Iringia
4) 68 % to 96% Range is from 67.8 6 – Kagera, Mwanza, No ok
8 – Kagera, Mwanza, Arusha, Kili, Mbeya,
Simiyu, Arusha, Kili, Njombe (Simiyu, Iringa
Mbeya, Njombe, Iringa included above)
On clicking the areas, there is no pop up with info on iron sheet roof ownership

Dar es Salaam Iron sheet roofing in Which colour in GIS OK/not OK

Excel/NV map map
Included in category 4 Category 4 Not ok
1041129 households 1041130 households
own an iron roof
Test 5: check whether the four regional classifications of mobile ownership is correct

 Click on regional indicators tab

 Compare each region in GIS map with New Ventures map for the correct household with
iron sheet ownership
 Check the radio ownership in Dar es Salaam and see how it is represented in the GIS map
 If “not OK” use red font

Category Regions in NV map Regions in GIS map OK /not OK

0% to 48.8% 4 – Rukwa, Lindi 3 – Rukwa, Lindi, Katavi Not ok
Kigoma, Mtwara

(Catavi – cat 3)
48.8% to 57.5% Starts from 48.9% 13 – Mara, Simiyu, Not ok
6 – Kagera, Mbeya, Geita, Shinyanga,
Singida, Dodoma, Kigoma, Tabora,
Njombe, Ruvuma Singida, Manyara,
Iringa, Njombe,
(Kigoma, Mtwara – cat Ruvuma, Mtwara,
1, Pwani
Mara, Simiyu, Geita,
Tabora, Manyara,
Iringa – cat 3
Shinyanga, Pwani – cat
57.5% to 66.3% Starts from 57.6% 3 – Arusha, Dodoma, Not ok
9 – Katavi, Tabora, Tanga
Geita, Simiyu, Mara,
Manyara, Tanga,
Morogoro, Iringa

(Arusha – cat 4,
Dodoma – cat 2)
66.3% to 90% Starts from 66.4% 5 - Mwanza, Kagera, Not ok
5 – Mwanza, Mbeya, Morogoro, Kili Different regions
Shinyanga, Arusha, Kili,
(Kagera, Mbeya – cat 2
Morogoro – cat 3)

Dar es Salaam Mobile ownership in Which colour in GIS OK/not OK

Excel/NV map map
969626 households Category 4 Ok

Test 6: check whether the four regional classifications of livestock is correct

 Click on regional indicators tab

 This is not calculated in the original New Ventures sheet: you will have to use the source file
and update the Excel spreadsheet
 Divide into quartlie
 Compare each region in GIS map with New Ventures map with your calculated quartile for
livestock ownership
 Check the livestock ownership in Dar es Salaam and see how it is represented in the GIS map
 If “not OK” use red font

Category Regions in NV map Regions in GIS map OK /not OK

1) 0 % to 40% 4 – Pwani, Kigoma, 5 – In addition to the 4 Not ok
Morogoro, Mtwara in NV excel, includes
2) 40 % to 45.1% 6 – Mwanza, Mbeya, 6 – Mwanza, Mbeya, Ok
Dodoma, Lindi, Geita, Dodoma, Lindi, Geita,
Katavi Katavi
3) 45.1 % to 6 – Arusha, Kagera, 7 – Kaegra, Arusha, Not ok
50.8% Tabora, Tanga, Iringa, Tanga, Tabora, Iriniga,
Ruvuma Ruvuma, Rukwa (in
addition to 6 in NV
4) 50.8 % to 63% 8 – Rukuwa, Shinyanga, 6 – Mara, Simiyu, Not ok
Njombe, Kili, Manyara, Shinyanga, Singida, Kili,
Mara, Singida, Simiyu Njombe
(Manyara in category 1
and Rukwa in category

The NVI maps do not have livelihoods tab, so the categories are as per the GIS maps

When the livestock filter is chosen only, the pop up box with the household details does not appear and
the region names do not appear. So there is no way to understand which region is in which category

Dar es Salaam Livestock rearing Which colour in GIS OK/not OK

0-40% 7.8% Category 1 Ok

Test 7: check whether the regional classification of assets is correct

 Compare your Excel spreadsheet with the map

 Only use: livestock, iron roofing and radio

From Excel From map Complete match

(OK), else NOT
Regions which 6 6 Ok
are are in the
top 2 quartiles
in all three
asset classes

Regions which 10 10 Ok
are in the top
2 quartiles in
any two asset
Regions which 6 6 Ok
are in the top
2 quartile of
one asset class
Region which 3 3 ok
are in the top
quartile of no
asset class

Test 8: check whether combined layer of asset ownership and electricity access should be correct

 Compare your Excel spreadsheet with the map

From Excel From map Complete match

(OK), else NOT
The regions which are 2 2 OK
the highest in the asset
ownership (above)
AND (are in the range of
90.7 to 94.5 OR 87.5 to
90.7 in the Percentage of
Households without

3 assets in top 2 quartile

and top 2 for un-electr

The regions which are 4 4 OK

the second in the asset
ownership (above)
AND (are in the range of
90.7 to 94.5 OR 87.5 to
90.7 in the Percentage of
Households without

3 assets in top 2 quartile

and top 2 for un-electr
The regions which are 6 6 OK
the second in the asset
ownership (above)
AND (are in the range of
75 to 87.5 OR 0 to 75 in
the Percentage of
Households without

2 assets in top 2 quartile

and bottom 2 for un-
Region which are in the 13 13 OK
top quartile of no asset
class (All others

Notes on legends

o Dotted – planned transmission lines

o Solid – existing transmission lines
o NoElecPer :
a. Number of households without access to electricity
b. Indicate %
o In text box :
a. % of & No of households without electricity – check no solar counting
o In regional indicators clicking on the text box should tell us the specific regional indicator
(?) - it is not clickable in my case
o In household asset ownership data how is the text box programmed? Can it tell us the
specific asset classes that the region is in the top two quartiles of?
o In household asset ownership data, the legend can be “all three of , , and “, “ any two
o In the combined layer, the last classification medium electricity and low asset
ownership is actually all others
Connectivity Testing (after it moves to the WRI site)

 Test 1: test access over a laptop/desktop in various connectivity situations


Go through Steps 1 to Step 6 in various connectivity situations. If you can work through all the steps
write “OK” in the results column else write the Step where you got stuck.


Do the test in the following locations:

 DC (in WRI office)

 DC (at home)
 India (office/home)
 In five locations in Tanzania:
o Tatedo office (office Wifi available)
o Coffee shop (public Wifi available)
o Home (home Wifi available)
o Using mobile internet in Dar
o Using mobile internet outside Dar

Test Device Results

Test access over mobile Iphone (Model)
Ipad (model)
Android (make)

 Test 2: Test access over a mobile device


Go through Steps 1 to Step 6 using various devices. If you can work through all the steps write “OK” in
the results column else write the Step where you got stuck.


Do the test in the following locations:

 DC (in WRI office)
 DC (at home)
 India (office/home)
 In five locations in Tanzania:
o In Dar at a coffee shop (using 3G)
o In Dar in a office (using 3G)
o Outside Dar in a town
o Outside Dar in a village

Test Device Results

Test access over mobile Iphone (Model)
Ipad (model)
Android (make)

 Test 3: Test access over a mobile device

Concurrency testing (does WRI have standard tools ?)

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