Modal Verbs

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Mai Linh Phone: 0943361466


I. Tại sao lại gọi là động từ khiếm khuyết?

- Động từ không cần chia ở ngôi thứ 3 số ít: I can, She can, He can
- Không có hình thức nguyên thể hay phân từ  hai giống như các động từ thường khác
- Động từ chính đứng đằng sau không chia, ở dạng nguyên thể (có hoặc không có “to”)
- Không cần trợ động từ trong câu hỏi, câu phủ định, câu hỏi đuôi…

II. Các động từ khiếm khuyết hay gặp:

1. Can
Khẳng định: can + V1 (có thể)
Phủ định: can’t + V1   (không thể)
 Diễn tả:
- Khả năng ở hiện tại, tương lai.       
Ex: They can speak English.
- Sự xin phép và cho phép. Can’t được dùng để từ chối lời xin phép
Ex: Can I use your phone? Yes, of course you can / No, I’m afraid you can’t.
- Lời yêu cầu, đề nghị hoặc gợi ý.   
Ex: Can I carry your bag?
- Can’t: nói rằng chúng ta chắc chắn điều gì đó không thể xảy ra ở hiện tại
Ex: She has cleaned the floor. It can’t be dirty.
2. Could
Khẳng định: could + V1
Phủ định:  couldn’t + V1
Diễn tả:
- Khả năng (phổ quát, chung chung) trong quá khứ
Ex: I could swim when I was ten.
- Điều gì đó có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại, tương lai nhưng không chắc chắn
      The phone is ringing. It could be Tim.
- Sự xin phép. Could lễ phép và trịnh trọng hơn can nhưng không dùng couldn’t để cho
phép hoặc từ chối lời xin phép.
CouldI ask you something? Yes, of course you can.
Couldwe picnic here? I’m afraid you can’t.
3. May / might
Diễn tả
- Điều có thể xảy ra (không chắc chắn)
Khẳng định may / might + V1 may / might have + V3/-ed
Phủ định may / might + not + V1 may / might + not + have +


Mrs. Mai Linh Phone: 0943361466
Ex: He may / might be in his office. (= perhaps he is in his office)
      A: I can’t find my bag anywhere.

      B: You may / might have left it in the shop. (= perhaps you left it in the shop) 
- Yêu cầu lịch sự hoặc xin phép hay cho phép
Ex: May I use your phone? – Yes, you may. / Sorry, you may not.
- Lời chúc hay diễn tả niềm hy vọng
Ex: May you be happy.
Note: Could có thể dùng thay cho may / might
Ex: The phone is ringing. It could be Tim. (= it may / might be Tim)
4. Must / mustn’t
a. must + V1 (phải), diễn tả:
- sự bắt buộc cần thiết (có tính chủ quan)    
Ex: My car is very dirty. I must wash it now.
- một suy luận hợp lý và chắc chắn    
Ex: John’s lights are out. He must be sleep.
- sự việc ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai, không dùng ở quá khứ   
Ex: We must go tomorrow   (không dùng We must go yesterday)
- lời khuyên hoặc lời yêu cầu được nhấn mạnh
       You must be here before eight o’clock tomorrow.
b. mustn’t + V1 (không được) diễn tả sự cấm đoán
Ex: You must keep it in a secret.    You mustn’t tell anybody else.
5. Needn’t + V1 = don’t / doesn’t have to + V1: không cần, không phải
     Needn’t + V1 # must + V1
Ex:We have got plenty of time. We needn’t hurry. ( = we don’t need to hurry = we
don’t have to hurry)
6. Sự khác nhau giữa must và have to
* must:   + sự cần thiết hay bắt buộc có tính chủ quan (người nói đưa ra ý tưởng của
riêng mình)
                    + không thể dùng ở thì tương ai, tiếp diễn, quá khứ,
Ex: I must study for the exam.
      I haven’t phoned Ann for ages. I must phone her tonight.
* have to:    + sự cần thiết hay bắt buộc có tính khách quan (sự bắt buộc do điều kiện
bên ngoài: nội qui, qui định, luật pháp, …)
                          + dùng thay cho must trong các trường hợp không thể dùng must
Ex: You can’t turn right here. You have to turn left.


Mrs. Mai Linh Phone: 0943361466
       I had to go to hospital.
7. Should
Khẳng định: should + V1 (phải, nên)
Phủ định:  shouldn’t + V1 (không nên)
Diễn tả:
- sự bắt buộc hoặc bổn phận (nghĩa không mạnh bằng must)

Ex: You shouldn’t drink and drive.

- lời khuyên hoặc ý kiến
Ex: You should stop smoking.
8. Ought to + V1 (nên) / ought not to + V1 (không nên), diễn tả:
- sự bắt buộc hoặc bổn phận (tương tự như should)
- lời khuyên hoặc kiến nghị
Ex: You are not very well. Perhaps you ought to see a doctor.
9. Had better + V1 (nên, tốt hơn) / had better not + V1 (không nên)
- dùng đưa ra lời khuyên
Ex: It’s cold. The children had better wear their coats.
      You don’t look very well. You’d better not go to work today.
10. used to + V1: đã từng
    +: S + used to + V1…
    -:   S + didn’t use to + V1…                                  
    ?: Did + S + use to + V1…?
Ex: I didn’t use to like her but we are best friends now.
- be used to + V-ing / noun: quen, quen với                       
Ex: I am used to living alone.

- get used to + V-ing / noun: trở nên quen với                   

Ex:You’ll soon get used to living in the country.

*Note: Modal Verb diễn tả phỏng đoán, suy luận, giả định trong quá khứ

Modal verbs Cách dùng Ví dụ


Mrs. Mai Linh Phone: 0943361466
1. Can't/Couldn't + have + - Can’t have và Couldn’t have: - The teacher can't have
V3/ed chắc chắn đã không, trái noticed you. (Cô giáo chắc
với Must have chắn đã không thông báo cho
- Diễn đạt một suy diễn phủ định bạn.)
về 1 hành động trong quá khứ.

2. Could/ May/ Might + have - Nghĩa là: có thể đã/ có lẽ đã - It may have rained last night.
+ V3/ed - Diễn tả một tiên đoán trong quá (Tối hôm qua trời có lẽ đã
khứ nhưng không có cơ sở. mưa.)
- You can have lost your
wallet. (Bạn có thể đã làm mất
cái ví rồi.)
3. Must + have + V3/ed - Nghĩa là: chắc chắn đã - You must have lost your
- Diễn đạt một phỏng đoán sự wallet. (Bạn chắc chắn đã làm
việc trong quá khứ chắc chắn mất ví rồi.)
100% đã xảy ra.
4. Should/ Ought to + have + - Nghĩa là: lẽ ra nên (nhưng thực - You should have told him
V3/ed tế không làm) the truth. (Bạn lẽ ra nên kể cho
- Diễn đạt một nghĩa vụ không anh ta nghe sự thật.)
thể làm được trong quá khứ.
5. Would + have + V3/-ed - Nghĩa là: đáng lý ra đã làm - I would have bought this car
gì(nhưng thật chất là không làm) but I didn’t have enough
money. (Lẽ ra tôi đã mua
chiếc xe này nhưng tôi không
đủ tiền)

6. Needn't + have + V3/-ed - Nghĩa là: lẽ ra không cần phải - You needn’t have given me
- Diễn tả một hành động không books. (Bạn lẽ ra không cần
cần thiết phải thực hiện trong quá đưa sách cho tôi.)

III. Exercises

Exercise 1: Complete each sentence so that it contains might, might not, must,
mustn't, can or can't. More than one answer may be possible.
1. Don't stand up in the boat! You _____ fall in the river!
2. Sue says she's stuck in traffic and she _____ be late.
3. You really _____ start spending more time on your work.
4. Tell Peter he. _____ stay the night here if he wants to.
5. That's a really stupid idea! You _____ be serious, surely!
6. You _____ realize it, but this is very important to me.
7. Don't be silly. You_____ expect me to believe you!
8. We're not sure but we_____ go to Prague for Christmas this year.


Mrs. Mai Linh Phone: 0943361466
9. I learn to fly! You_____ be joking!
10. Bill cooked the lunch, so you _____ expect anything special!

Exercise 2: Fill in the blank with must have been, can’t(couldn’t) have been, have
to/had to (be) and didn’t have to (be):

1. He knows a lot about flying plane. He_____a pilot when he was young.
2. Vera _____at the supermarket this morning. I didn’t see her there.
3. John _____at the bank until 10, so he arrived here five minutes ago.
4. When she _____at the hospital? Early this morning.
5. We had enough foreign currency left at the end of the holiday, so I _____buy any
6. Monica knew exactly what to do. I ____ tell her twice.
7. There _____an accident on South Street because the road is closed off.
8. I left a message on your answer phone last night. You _____out.

9. You _____ waiting long. After all, I’m only five minutes late.
10. The fire alarm went and we _____out of the building in two minutes.

Exercise 3: Rewrite the following sentences using the given words

1. I think you should give up smoking immediately. (had)
I think you______________________________________________
2. It’s necessary for me to bring my passport. (have)
I _____________________________________________________
3. It’s very inconvenient if you can’t drive. (able)
4. I am sure that John is not the thief. (can’t)
5. I am sure that the cat is in the house somewhere. (must)

Exercise 4: Rewrite the following sentences using the given words

1. I’m sure that you didn’t lock the front door. Here is the key.
You can’t ______________________________________________
2. It was quite unnecessary for you to carry all those parcels home yourself.
3. It was careless of you to leave the windows open last night
You shouldn’t_____________________________________________
4. I’m sure it wasn’t Mrs. Mai you saw because she is in Boston.
It can’t____________________________________________________________
5. I’m sure Alison made arrangement. I recognized her voice.
It must________________________________________________________
6. Maybe John’s working this weekend.
John _______________________________________________________


Mrs. Mai Linh Phone: 0943361466
7. I’m sure he didn’t know that his brother was seriously ill.
He couldn’t possibly____________________________________________
8. I didn’t apologize. That was wrong of me.
I should_____________________________________________________
9. I am sure it was Judy that I saw in town this morning
It must______________________________________________________
10. It wasn’t necessary for me to go out after all.
I needn’t_________________________________________________

Exercise 5: Rewrite the following sentences using the given words

1. I am sure you were surprised when you heard all the news (must)
You _______________________________when you heard the news
2. It wasn’t necessary for you to do all this work (needn’t)
You _______________________________all this work
3. Someone almost certainly broke the window on purpose. ( must)
The window _______________________________on purpose

4. I’m sure you are very tired after working so hard. (must)
You_______________________________ after working so hard.
5. It is possible that one of the men died on the mountain. (may)
One of the men _______________________________on the mountain.
6. I’m sure that you were driving too fast (been)
You _______________________________ too fast.
7. The thief almost certainly came in through the window. (come)
The thief _______________________________ through the window.
8. If he is not in the office, then I’m sure he’s working at home ( must)
If he is not in the office, he _______________________________

Exercise 6: Viết lại các câu sau đây sao cho nghĩa không đổi.
1. Perhaps Susan knows the address. (may)
=> Susan______________________________________________
2. It’s possible that Joanna didn’t receive my message. (might)
=> Joanna ______________________________________________
3. The report must be on my desk tomorrow. (has)
=> The report ______________________________________________
4. I managed to finish all my work. (able)
=> I______________________________________________
5. It was not necessary for Nancy to clean the flat. (didn’t)
=> Nancy______________________________________________

Exercise 7: Trong những câu sau đây, có một số câu chính xác và một số câu chứa
một lỗi sai. Nếu câu đó đúng, hãy đánh dấu R, nếu câu đó sai, hãy tìm và sửa lỗi
sai đó.


Mrs. Mai Linh Phone: 0943361466
1. You must have be surprised when you heard the news.
2. You needn’t have do all this work.
3. The window must have been broken on purpose.
4. You must tired after working so hard.
5. One of the men may have died on the mountain.
6. You must been driving too fast.
7. The thief must have come in through the window.
8. If he is not in the office, he must at home. 

Exercise 8:Read the situations and use the words in bracket to write
sentences with must have and can't have.
1. The phone rang, but I didn't hear it. (I/asleep)
I must have been asleep.
2. Sue hasn't contacted me.(she/get/my message)
She can't have got my message.
3. The jacket you bought it very good quality. (it/very expensive)

4. I haven't seen the people next door for ages. (they/go away)

5. I can't find my umbrella. (I/leave/it in the restaurant last night)

6. Dave,who is usually very friendly, walked past me without speaking. (he/see/me)

7. There was a man standing outside the café. (he/wait/for somebody)

8. Liz did the opposite of what I asked her to do.

(she/understand/what I said)

9. When I got back to my car, the door was unlocked.

(I/forget/to lock it)

10. I was woken up in the night bu the noise next door.

(the neighbours/have/a party)

11. The light was red, but the car didn't stop.
(the driver/see/the red light)

Exercise 9: Read the situations and make sentences with needn't have.
1 Paul went out. He took an umbrella because he thought it was going to rain. But it
didn't rain.
He needn't have taken an umbrella.
2 Linda bought some eggs when she went shopping. When she got home,
she found that she already had plenty of eggs.
She ....................
3 A colleague got angry with you at work. He should at you which you think was


Mrs. Mai Linh Phone: 0943361466
Later you say to him: You ..........................
4 Brian had money problems, so he sold his car. A few days later he won some money
in a lottery. He .......................
5 We took a camcorder with us on holiday, but we didn't use it in the end.
We ........................
6 I thought I was going to miss my train, so I rushed to the station.
But the train was late and in the end I had to wait twenty minutes

Exercise 10: Complete the sentences with must, mustn't or needn't

1. We haven't got much time. We must hurry.

2. We've got plenty of time. We needn't hurry.
3. We have enough food at home, so we ....... go shopping today.
4. Gary gave me a letter to post. I ……... remember to post it.
5. Gary gave me a letter to post. I ........... forget to post it.
6. There's plenty of time for you to make up your mind. You ........ decide now.
7. You .......... wash those tomatoes. They've already been washed.
8. This is a valuable book. You .... .…..look after it carefully and you ….... lose it.
9. A: What sort of house do you want to buy? Something big?
B: Well, it …..... be big- that's not so important. But it …….. have a nice garden-
that's essential.

Exercise 11: Complete the sentences. Use couldn't or couldn't have + these verbs
be be come find get live wear

1. I couldn't live in a big city. I'd hate it.

2. We had a really good holida. It couldn't have been better.
3. I ….... that hat. I'd look silly and people would laugh at me.
4. We managed to find the restaurant you recommended, but we…. .... it without the
map that you drew for us.
5. Paul has to get up ap 4 o'clock every morning. I don't know how he does it. I ...... up
at that time every day.
6. The staff at the hotel were really nice when we stayed there last summer.
They ........... more helpful.
7. A: I tried to phone you last week. We had a party and I wanted to invite you.
B: That was nice of you, but I ……….. anyway. I was away all last week.

 Exercise 12: Put in had better where suitable. If had better is not
suitable use should
1. I have an appointment in ten minutes. I'd better go now or I'll
be late.
2. It's a great film. You should go and see it. You'll really
like it


Mrs. Mai Linh Phone: 0943361466
3. I ….... get up early tomorrow. I've got a lot to do.
4. When people are driving, they ............. keep their eyes on the road.
5. I'm glad you came to see us. You .......... come more often.
6. She'll be upset if we don't invite her to the wedding so we …….... invite her.
7. These biscuits are delicious. You ……... try one.
8. I think everybody …….... learn a foreign language.



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