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Working the Magick of the Classical Planets
in the Western Mystery Tradition

' '

I i

David Rankine & Sorita d'Este

ISBN 1-905297-01-7

Ill 90000

9 ~81905 297016
Practirnf Pfn11t'f11r_11 i\1ns,icJ..

Magi ck
Working the Magick of the Classical Planets in the Western Mystery Tradition

David Rankine & Sorita d'Este

Published by Avaloni,1

BM A valonia
England, UK u k


ISBN (10) 1-905297-0l-7

ISBN (13) 978-1-905297-01-6

First Edition 2007

Design by Satori
Copyright© David Rankine, Surita d'Este

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized

in any form or by any 111e,1ns, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying, microfilm, recording, or by any information stor,1ge and
retrieval system, or used in another book, without written permission from
the authors.

f'age 6
Pmct1rnl /l/n11ctnn1 ,\,1asJd

Other Books by the Authors

Sorita d'Estc & David Rankine arc the authors, or ui-c1uthors of the following
published books:

Celtic I British Mythology & Folklore

llw isles of the Many Gods, 2ll07
Tlw Guises of the Morrig,rn, 2005

Greek Mythology, Magick & History

HL'btc: Keys to the Crossroads (Edited bv Sorit,1 d'EstL'), 2006
Artemis, Virgin GoddPss of the Sun & Moon (bv Sorita d'Estl'), 2005

Egyptian Mysteries
Heka: The Practicl'S of Ancient Egvptian Ritual & Magic (bv D,l\'id Rankine), 2006

Climbing the Tree of Life (bv D,l\'id Rankim'), 2005

Source Works of Ceremonial Magic

(Slcphc11 Ski1111cr & DnPid R1111ki11c)
Volume I - The Pr,ictical AngL'l M,1gic of Dr John DL'l''s Enochi,rn Table's, 2004
Volume II - The KPvs to the G,1te\\',1y of i\1dgic, 2005
Volume IJI - The Goetia of Dr Rudd, 2007

Other I Practical Magick

A valonia's Book of Ch.ikras, 2006
Circlp of Fire, 2005
BL'coming M.igick, 2004 (bv D,l\'id R,rnki1w)
Crvst,1ls Healing & Folklore, 2002 (bv D,1,·id R,1nki1w)
.~1.igick Without l'cprs, 1997 (D,l\'id R,rnki1w & Ari,1d1w Rainbird)

Page 7
Table of Contents
['i,11wt,1rv M,1gick ..................................................................................................... 13

ThL' 5en•n Wandering :itars .................................................................................... 17

The SL1n - VVorks of We,ilth ................................................................................. 18
i\krcmy - Works of Mind ................................................................................... 20
Venus - Works of BmL1tv .................................................................................... 22
ThL' Moon - Works of :'v1ystcry ........................................................................... 24
i\L1rs - Workc; of rm,·er ...................................................................................... 26
jllpitcr - Works of Expansion ............................................................................. 29
Silt LI rn - Works of Form ....................................................................................... 32

The I'lilnl'tilry Deities .............................................................................................. 35

The Stilar God ....................................................................................................... 37
The Mercuri ill God ............................................................................................... 39
Tlw VenL1sian Coddess ........................................................................................ 41
The LL1nilr Goddess ............................................................................................. 43
The Mc1rtial God ................................................................................................... 45
The Jupitcrian God .............................................................................................. 47
The Si1tL1rnian God ............................................................................................... 49

ML'dit,1tion jt1L1nll')'S ................................................................................................ 51

Journc\' to the God 5ol ........................................................................................ :13
JollrnL'V to the Cod Mei·cury ............................................................................... 55
_1,1urnL'\' to the Goddess Venus ........................................................................... 57
Journev to the CoddL'ss Luna ............................................................................. 59
Juurnev tu the Cod M,irs ..................................................................................... 61
JLiurnL'\' to the Cod JupitL'r .................................................................................. 63
JLiurnL'\' tLJ the God S,1turn .................................................................................. 65
Pl.:inct0ry DJys & Hllurs ......................................................................................... 67
Pl0nl't0ry DJys ..................................................................................................... 69
l'l0nL'tJl)' Hours ................................................................................................... 70

lnVlJCi"ltion & Evoc;1tilll1 ........................................................................................... 76

The Olympic Spirits ................................................................................................. 80

Invoking the Olympic Spirits ............................................................................. 88

QJbJlistic Spirits ...................................................................................................... 94

The Spiritu0l Creatures of the Sun ..................................................................... 99
The Spirituul Creutures of Mercury ................................................................. 101
The Spiritu0l Creatures of Venus ..................................................................... 103
The Spiritu0l Creiltures of the Moon ............................................................... 105
The Spirituill Creatures of Mms ....................................................................... 108
The Spiritual Crmtures of Jupiter .................................................................... 110
The Spiritu0l CreJturL'S of SJturn .................................................................... 112
Pl0netJry Intelligences ...................................................................................... 114
ManifestJtion of Spiritu,11 CrL'Jtures ............................................................... 115

K,1me,1 Sigilisation ................................................................................................. 116

Amulet:; & TalismJns ............................................................................................ 122

Consecration Ritu,11 ........................................................................................... 126

Preparation ............................................................................................................. 129

The M,1gick CirclL' .................................................................................................. 133

Planetary Circle (Subtle) ................................................................................... 134
Planetary Circle (Physical) ................................................................................ 136

P0ge 10
/>mcfi(n/ JJ/ruretary AlagicA

rhL' Ritual of the HL'ptagram ................................................................................ 138

rlanetary Pyrzimids ............................................................................................... 141

Tlw Solar Pyramid ............................................................................................. 142
The rv1ercurial Py1"1mid ..................................................................................... 145
The Venusian l'yramid ...................................................................................... 149
The Lun<1r l'yrnmid ............................................................................................ 153
The \1artial Pyramid ......................................................................................... 156
ThL' Jupiterian Pyrnmid ..................................................................................... 159
The Saturnian Pyramid ..................................................................................... 162

The Trnns-Saturnian Planets ................................................................................ 165

Uranus ................................................................................................................. 166
Neptune ............................................................................................................... 168
Pluto ..................................................................................................................... 170

Angle Webs ............................................................................................................. 172

APPENDIX ............................................................................................................. 175

lnter-Plilnetary Relationships ........................................................................... 176
The Ka meas ........................................................................................................ 177
Sigils for Planetary lntelligences & Spirits ...................................................... 183
a. Kamea Sigils for the Seven Archangels ....................................................... 183
b. Kanwa Sigils for the Plilnetary Intelligences .............................................. 186
c. Kanwa Sigils of the Planetary Spirits ........................................................... 188

rlebrew Names ................................................................................................... 191

PJ,111et,1ry Fragrances ......................................................................................... 195
The Planets and Minerab .................................................................................. 197
Tlw Planets ilnd Plilnts ...................................................................................... 199
ThL' l'lilnets & M,1nkind ..................................................................................... 200
Tlw l'lilnets and Anim,1ls .................................................................................. 201

Page I 1
Pmctic11/ f>ln11et11ry l'vlogic~

Planetary Sigils ................................................................................................... 202

Pbnct1ry ContcrnplJtions ................................................................................ 206
Invocation of Planetary lntclligcnccs .............................................................. 209
The HcptJgrJrn .................................................................................................. 212
Terms & Definitions .......................................................................................... 214

Bibliography ........................................................................................................... 216


Planetary Magick
"Thr wheel of tlzc stars ;.;ocs (ortil wit/1 sruc11 zuilrcls of SL'c't'll pla11t'/s. They arc
5atum, Jupiter, Mars. tilc 51111, Vcnm, Mcrrnry, 111ui tlzc Moon. " 1

The influence of the pl<mets subtly surrounds us all the time, in the
names of the days of the week. In myths from around the world, we find
repeated examples of the seven-fold symbolism and importance that was
placed on the influence of the planets on everyday life.
When working with the planets, we <ire raising our gMcs to the stars,
setting our sights beyond the horizon of the next hill or boundary. As was
said in the Orphic mysteries of ancient Greece, "We arc cilildrc11 of cart/1 and
starry lzenuen". Exploring the mysteries Clssociatcd with the planets helps us to
reach up into the heavens whilst keeping our feet firmly rooted on the
The ancients saw the planets as being extremely important to the lives of
mankind. The planets represent the higher powers of the universe beyond the
Earth. For this reason when you do planetary work, you arl' bringing the
stellar force to earth to empower your magick appropriatl'ly, applying the
principle of "As nbovc, so /?c/ou>''.
Today the most common use of planetary magick seems to be for the
creation of amulets and talismans. This field of pla1wt,1ry magick has a rich
history of practice from ancient Crcccl' through to thl' Middle Ages and
Rl'n,1issance through to the current day, and is covered in the chapter on
Amulets & Talismans. However it is only one ,1rca of planL'tarv magick, and
fheurgy and Invocation ,md Evocation also form Jn import,mt part of the

I Sc'plwr Rc,oial Hemelach, p I 18.

Page 13
Prnctirnl fJ!r111ct11ry 1V1ng1c~

pr.icticcs of plcrnct;:iry m;:igick, ilS will be seen from the rncitcriill umt<1incd
within this volume.
Thcurgy is J term which hJs follcn Sllmcwh;:it out of use, Jlthough the
principle it represents h,1s not. Tlll'urgy represents the quest for the
perfection of the gods through idcntificiltion with their perfected divine
qu,1litics. Dcvotion<1I work with deities, including the use of hymns, ;:ind
111cdit,1tion journeys which include Jn intcrilction with deity ;:ire ;:ill Thcurgic
techniqm's. Theurgy is further discussed in the ch;:ipters on P!JnctJry Deities
Jnd MeditJtion Journeys.
As <l IJrgc component of plunetury mugick involves working with
spi1·itu<1I crmturcs, till' logical C]UL'Stion to JSk hils to be, whJt ;:ire the benefits
of working with different types of spirituJ! cre;:itures? The reilsons Jnd
benefits for \\'orking with different types of spirituJI cre;:iture need to be
considered within the context of the m;:iteriill ilnd techniques we hJve
presented, ;:ind this is drnll' in the chJpters on lnvocJtion & EvocJtion,
PIJnctJry DL'ities ;:ind on QJbillistic Spirits.
Tilble of RituJI Intentions
The intent of il ceremony will determine its n;:iture. To ensure J
successful ceremony requires <l precise intent Jnd focused ilppropriJte energy.
This tJble gives the ;:ippropri;:ite pluncts for il wide rJnge of intentions in J
convenient form for eJsy Jcccss.

Intention Planet
Ambition, dl'Vl'lopnwnt of Jupiter
Angl'r, controll111g Mc1rs
Astr,1 I tr,1\'c'I Moon
Attr(1ction, increa'.->ing Venus
llcautv, dc\'clnping Venus
Birth, s,1fclv Moon

I3u'.->il1l'S'.-> '.->LICCl'SS Mercury

Career "-> Jupiter or Sun

Cl,1in·p1·,rncc, dc'\'l'ioping Moon

Puge 14
Intention Planet
C\Hf\ff\unication, irnproving i\krcurv

L~ln1rl1gl', L'nh(1ncing i\1.irs

CrL'<lti\·ity, incre,1'.->ing VL'l1US

Discord, c.1using i\Lw,

L)1 .... cord, prl'VL'nting i\krCUI'\'

Dn'<1n1s, prornoting ,1nd rL'n1en1bl}ring i\1oon

Dull', pL'rtorming s,1turn

l~nl'rg_\', incn\1,-,ing J\Lirs

Fnlhusi,1sn1, incrL',1'.->ing lupitl'r

f:quifibriurn, L'St,1blishing S,1turn

Ethics, dl'l'L'loping JupitL'r

Ex,1111in,1tion studv Saturn

Ex<ln1intltion success J\forcurv

rl'cH, displ'lling M.irs

Fertility, incrL',1sing Venus

Fk•xibility, devl'ioping Ml'rcurv

Fortune, in1proving jupitL'r

FriL•ndship, developing Venus

FuturL', lecirning thl' Monn or Ml'rcury

Gl,1111our, dc•1·eloping Moon

J Lirnwnv, dc•1'cloping Sun

He,1ling, gi\'ing Sun

l-IL•,1lth, improving Jupiter or Sun

\-hnrt(', protecting S,1turn

Hunou r, ,icqu iring Jupiter

~ lun1uur, itnpn)\·ing lupitL'r

!llu'->ion~, cn',1ting 1\10011

Illusions, dispL'lling S,1turn

lnt(u,,11c·L', dL'\'L'loping :.krcur\'

lounwv, prntl'llion \krcun- (l,rnd, ,1ir) or i\loon (sl',1)

"-no\\'il'dgL', lncre,1'.->ing J\lcrcun'

Intention Planet
Law, dealing with JupilL'r or S,1turn
Lc>adership, dc'\'L'loping Sun or jupit<'r
Lo\'L\ obL1ining or pron1uting Venus
Luck, impro\'ing Jupill'r
Lust, satisfving Venus
i\lemorv, imprcl\'ing Mercury
Monev, acquiring Sun
Music, impro\'ing or learning Mercury
P(1ssion, incn.:i{1sing Venus or Mars
Patience, dc\'l'loping Saturn
Patronage, ubtaining Sun
PeacL', establishing Sun or M<'rcury
PkJsurc, ensuring Venus
Practicality, developing Saturn
Promotion, gaining Sun m Jupiter
Propc>rtv, recovering Mercury
Public Speaking, successful Iv Mercury
Responsibility, taking Jupiter
Self-confidence, increasing VPnus
Self-discipline, developing S,1turn
Sex-drive, decrC'cising Saturn
Scx-d rive, incn'<lsing MMs
Social skills, improving Yl'nus
StrL'ngth, incre,1sing i\lars
Teaching, devl'loping Saturn
Truth, le,1rning or promoting Jupiter
Unconscious, clCCessing Monn
Vigour, incrL'l1sing Mars
\A/eillth, improving Sun or Jupitl'r
Willpower, strengthening Sun
l'ractirnl Plnnetary i'11asic/..


The Seven Wandering Stars

"We nrc also lo s'1011' .f(Jrl/1, wlint Divine, gifis, powers & Virtur:s, man rr:ceiveth .from
Ilic cclestinl bodies (t/1nt is) thr: scurn planets; cn/lr:d liy the Astrologers the scurn
erratic or wa11dcri11g Stars.":

The influence of the seven classical "planets" or "wandering stars" has

bL'en one of the central mysteries of spiritual traditions since the people of the
city states of the first civilization of Sumeria gazed at the heavens around
seven thousand years ago. Their astrologers, artisans and priests created the
first known alphabet (cuneiform) alongside arithmetic and astronomy. From
this cradle of invention also came the first calendar.
The Sumerians identified the five "stars" that wandered through the
night sky, which we know tmfoy as the planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter
and S,1turn. Together with the two luminaries of the Sun and Moon, they
,1ttributed these seven "wnndcring stars" to some of thL'ir most important
deities, and the connection between the heavenly gods and their influence on
the earthly realm of man was laid out as a template for future cultures to learn
from and refine.
So here we present the seven wandering stars, or deathless powers as the !!
Creeks called them, still illuminating the darkness with their wisdom and I

inspiration for m,111kind as they have done for many thousands of years past.
Through time ,1nd sp<1ce the ph1nets exert their influence, and by working
with them we can ,11ign ourselves more effectively with the subtle powers of
change which surround us at all times through our lives.

f'age 17

flmctrrnl fJ/r111ct11ry 1\1agid

The Sun - Works of Wealth

"From !Iii' Sun No/J/1'111'ss of mind perspicuity off 11dgrn1c11t & /11lllgi11ntioll, Ilic
1111/11rc of K1101ulcdgl' & opinion, Mnturity, Counsel, Zl'nl, Lixlit orJusticc, Reason l1'
judgw1l'u/ to Disli11g11is/1 Rix/it fi·o111 H'rn11g purging Li,1;/1t fro111 tile Dnrkncss of
Ig11om11c1', !hi' Glory or truth _t[mnd OJI/,(/ Clinrity thc 11101/ia & Q111'cn of 111/
Virtues. "1

Numbers G, 36, 216, 666

Colour Cold, Orange, YPllmv

Rules Leo

Metal Cold

Day of the Week Sundav

Element Fire

Direction South

Ath"rnC<'lllL'nt, DominancL', Egotism, FriPndship, Crt'L'd,

Concepts Healing, Illumination, lndividu<Jlitv, Joy, Ll'adl'rship,
l'L'rsonal PuwL'r, Success, Wealth, Will

Tools Cymbals, L1me11, Lance, Rose Cross, Sword

Apollo, Ba,11, Bclenus, Cr.iinnc, HL'lios, Lugh, 1\1 ithr.1s,

Rl' (!{a), Sekhrnct, Sh,1111,1sh, Sol

Archangel Mich,ll'I
Practicnl Plnne/01'.ll ,\1ng1c~

The Sun is the centre of our universe, and is the giver of life through its
light and hl..'at, so it is unsurprising that it should have been such a central
object of human fascination and worship for so many thousands of ymrs. The
Sun represents spiritual power, the heart or centre, the radiation of energy. It
,1Iso embodies the idea of consciousness, the reality of the soul and spirit. The
111,1ssive size of the Sun means it comprises more than 99';1,, of the mass of our
so\Jr system, giving justification tu the heliocentric nature of so many \\'Orld
With its connections to power, the association between the Sun, royalty
and wealth arc obvious. Hence the Sun has bcconw known as the planet for
advancement and success. The drive to succeed is accompanied by a strong
will, and this is an essential quality for any spiritual path.
That friendship is associated with the Sun may seem surprising until you
consider the illuminating and life-giving qualities of the Sun. Like the Sun, a
true friendship adds light and joy and growth to our lives.
Sunlight itself helps us feel more positive and joyous. Without enough
sunlight we can feel less motivated and positive, manifesting in many people
as S.A.D. (Seasonal Affectiveness Disorder).
The importance of sunlight for life is also seen in the plant kingdom in
the process of photosynthesis. Without the plants on land and phytoplankton
in the sea, the entire food chain would break down. The Sun truly is the giver
of life to the Earth!
Of course everything with a positive side tends to have a negative side as
well. Too much light can be harmful and as with all things a balance is
needed. The Earth herself provides the balance through her daily rotation,
ensuring we experience the regular cycle of d,1y and night (in most of the
Negative solar qualities include ins,1tiablc ambition, boastfulness,
imperiousness, pride ,1nd tyranny. These can all be overcome bv working
with the positive solar qualities, and striving for balance in our actions, so \\'e
,1re not overcome by the harshness of too much light.

Page 19
Practicnl l)fnnetnry l'v1flgic/..,

Mercury - Works of Mind

"Fro111Mcrrnry11 picrcing faith & belief, Clrnr rrnsoning, t/1e Vigour of !ntcrprrting
L0-11ro1101111ci11g, Grnvity of spccc/1, Arntcness of will, Discourse of Rrnso11, & the
:;wift 111otio11 ofthe Sincere."~

Numbers 8, 6.J, 88, 888

Colour Orange, Light Blue
Rules Gl'mini, Virgo

Meta.\ Ml.'rcury, Aluminium

Day of the Week Wednpsd<1y

Element Air
Direction East

Business, Comn1unicl1tinn, Deception, Flexibility,

I-foaling, Hyperacti\'ity, Insight, Magick, Men1ory,
Music, l'oetrv, Protl'ction, l'svchopomp, Scipncc, Speed,
Tlwft, Tra\'cl, T rickcry
Tools Apron, Words, Caduceus
Deities lfrrmcs, !'1crcurv, Ncbu, Thoth, Zalmoxis

Archangel R,1ph.1L''

.J Tlw KL'\'S to tlw CatL'w,w oi \L1gic.

l'ogc 20
l'mctrcnf l'fa11dnn1 ,\f11g1t A

Mercurv is the s1ll<illl'st pl<1net, closest to the 5un und orbiting it evL'ry 88
LLws. The ,incient Creeks initi,illy ossociutcd Mercury with Apollo in the
!llorning ,ind Hermes in the L'VL'ning, und subsequently c,illed it <:;til/1011,
nic',llling "the sle11111i11s one". The B.ibyloniuns n,imed Mercury ,iftcr Nebu,
their messenger god.
Ml'rcurv is ,issoci<1ted with v.irious qu,ilitie~, like communiccition .ind
trickerv, both useful qu.ilities when you .ire the messenger uf the gods' i\nd
"f course' othe1· qu,ilities ,ire ,ilso connected to Mercury ilnd communic,ition,
like commercL' ,ind music.
i\ll'rcury h;:is come to be con1wctl'd with hmling; be.iring \\'hilt is now
L·,1lled the c.iduceus. The originill Cilduceus Wils ,i rod with ,i single snilke
cul"ied ,iround it, but it become the ,iccepted norm to cull the wingc'd rod
with twin serpents ,is borne by the Greek God Hermes und Goddess Iris ;:ind
,idopted by the medic;:il profession, the cuduceus. Skill und knowledge ilre
combined in hmling, m;:iking it the Mercury skill pur excellence.
The power of the mind ilnd ideilS, expressed through words, ilre ,ill
\1crcuri,il qu,ilities, ,ind this Ciln be seen ilS the process of reillisution.
rhe qu ick~i Iver firing of ide<is through our syn;:i pses in to voicc'd rc',i ii ty
1•erfectly embodies the fled footed Mercury.
With its .issociiltion to ill! things of the mind, one of the mujor Mercuri,il
dttributions is th,it of memory. And memory is iln skill for the .:irt
,ind pr,ictice of m'igick .ind illl other skills.
Mercury is the psychopomp, the guide between the worlds. This role
expresses the fluid qu.ility of Mercury, the ,ibilitv to .id.:ipt to one's
c'nvirnnment zrnd be ,it home in ;:iny surroundings .:ind circumst,inces. lt ulso
brings in .inother qu<ility of Mercury, of protection when tr.welling.
i\eg,itive Mercuri.ii tr.iits .ire deceit, gossip, lying, ,ind treucherv. Thesl'
qu,ilities ,ire ,ill ,issoci,ited with communic,ition, ilnd ,ill be O\'erco!llL' with
f'usiti\·e l\lercuri<il tr,iits.
PmcfH of fl/1111ctar_11 i\,fos,1cA

Venus - Works of Beauty

"Fro111 Ve1111s n fervent Love, most sweet hope, tlzc Motion of Desire, order, Benuty,
Sweetness, Desire of I11crcnsi11s & propngntio11 of ii self"'

Numbers 7, -19, 3-13, 777

Colour GrL'l'll, Pink
Rules Taurus, Libra
Metal Copper
Day of the Week Friday
Element Earth
Direction CentrL'
Attraction, Art, Beauty, Culture, Emotions, Fertilitv,
Concepts GracL', lnsp1r,1t1on, Je,1lousv, LovL', Passion, Pleasun',
Self-ConhdencL', Sensualitv, Sexuality, Sociability
Tools Belt, Girdk, Harp, NecklacL'
AphroditL', Astarte, Hathor, lnanncl, Ishtar, Lucifer,
Archangel UriL'l

Page 22
Venus is the second closest planet to the Sun, and the nearest in size to
the Earth, her neighbour. Venus is the brightest planetary body in the night
:;ky after the Moon, the first to be seen in the evening (as "tlic rnrning stnr")
,1nd the last to be seen before the dawn (as "the morning stnr").
The Babylonians knew Venus by the name of the goddess lshtJr, and the
,111cient Greeks as,,ociated the planet Venus with Aphrodite and knew it as
f'lwspilorus, meaning "the !ig!zt Jicnrcr", and Hcspcros, meaning "the dt1sk stnr".
The name of Phosphorus wa,, also associated by the Greeks with the goddess
Hekate, and her twin torches mJy be seen to symbolise Venus as the morning
,1nd C\'Cning star. The name Phosphorus was also attributed to the fallen
,1ngcl Lucifer.
Love has always been associated with the planet Venus. This is reflected
in a pcrnliarity of Venus, for it is said thJt "love mnkcs time stnnd still", and the
VcnusiJn Liily is longer thJn the VcnusiJn yeJr! It tJkes Venus 225 Liilys to
orbit the Sun, but 243 days to rotate on its axis, giving it the longest day of ,1ny
planet. Venus also rotates in the opposite direction to the other planets, so
from Venus the sun would appear to rise in the West and set in the East.
Ltwc has inspired much of the great art in history, from literature and
paintings to sculpture and jewellery. For this reason Venus is known as the
inspirer of the arts and creativity.
Love is expressed in different ways, and this is also reflected in the
different Venusian qualities like creativity, pleasure, sensuality and sexuality.
This is particularly seen in the ancient Greek languJge, with different words
for tlw different types of love. Thus there is ngnpe (spiritual love), nos
(physical love), storgc (familial love) and phi/in (friendship).
Sociability is another Venusian quality, as friendships also usually have a
level of attraction of stm1c sort, (c\·cn if not sexual), and relationships require
co111111unication and an abilitv to function in soci,1! circumst,1nces.
Negative Venusian qu,1\itics arc associated with attraction, love and
'L''\u,1\ity, such as jcalousv and lasciviousness. These qualities mav all be
u\·crrnmc by \\·orking with positi\'C Venusian ones.

Page 23
Pmctirnl J>lr111ct11r_11 i\1asicA

The Moon - Works of Mystery

"From t/1c Moo11, n pcnccmnkins Collso11n11cy, fi:rnl/(lity, //1c power of Grncmti11g ci

growing grcn/cr, of /11crcnsing & Dccrcnsi11g; A Modem le Tempcm11cc (i fi1it/1, w/1ic/1

/icing Convcrsn11/ in Mn11ifcs/ [i ocrn// things, .vicldcth Direction In nll, 11/so Motion
lo the til/i11g of t/1e Enr//1, .for the 111n1111cr of Lifi:, & giving grow//1 lo it self &
otl1crs. ,,,,

Numbers 9, 13, 81, 999

Colour Silver, WhitL'
Rules CanCL'r

Metal Silver
Day of the Week t\lond,w

Element Water

Direction North-West

Astral Work, Birth, C!(1irvoy(1ncL', CvdL•s, Divinatiun,

Dre,1111s, GlcllllOllr, Illusions, I ncrL'clSL' & DL'CH.'clSl',
M.id1wss, Sh,1 fWSh ift ing, Spells, Spiritu,1litv, Tidl'S,
Trdnsforn1,1tion, Unconscious

Tools Bow & Arrow, t\l.1gick l\1irwr, l'L•rfurncs, S,rnd,1ls

ArtL•mis, Bendis, Dian,1, Hek,1tc, Isis, Klmnsu, Lun,1,
SL'ic'l1L', Sin, Thoth

Archangel C,1briL'I
Practirn/ Pfm1t'fnr_11 lvtas,ic~

The Moon is the fifth largest planetary satellite in our solar system,
though it is much larger in comparison to the Earth than any of the other
moons to their planets. The Moon orbits the Earth every 27.3 days, taking 29.5
d,1ys to rotate on its own axis.
Along with the Sun, the Moon is the most visible object in tlw sky, and
the most obviously significant. The Moon has played a role in religions and
magick since time immemorial. The changing face of the Moon was the basis
llf early calendars, providing a way to measure the passing of time in cycles.
The Moon pulls the tides of the oceans, and through this action is
intimately connected with water. As the human body is mostly water, it is
easy to see why so many people should feel influenced by the Moon. The
extreme of this is of course ufllll moon mnr/11css", the source of the term lunatic
for people whose behaviour became more erratic at the Full Moon.
The tidal influence of the Moon is also used in magick to describe the
effects of the Moon phases. Thus a waxing Moon from new to full is
considered to be a time of increase, as the light level grows, and the waning
Moon from full to dark is considered a time of decrease, as the light level
As the strongest light source during the hours of night, the Moon has
come to be connected with the unseen, the unconscious, dreams, and psychic
powers. This has resulted in the power of the Moon being greatly emphasised
in magickal work, as it is seen as encouraging the Lfovelopment of the psychic
senses, and holding sway during the hours when people are normally
sleeping, when dreams are expressing the language of the unconscious.
With its cyclic nature, the Moon is associated with events from both the
beginning and end of life. Thus both birth and communication with the dead
,1re connected with the Moon.
Negative lunar qualities include delusion, fantasv-prone nature, and
inconstancv. Working with positive lunar qualities c,111 overcome all of these.

Page 2S
Mars - Works of Power

"Fro1111\!lnrs, co11,,/1111/ Co11mse {t {i1rlit11rle, not lo lie larificrl, truth, afavrnl Desire
of1111i11wsity, t/1c power & pmctice of Ac/ins, 1111rl 1111 /11co11vcrti/Jlc Vclic111c11cy of/lie

Numbers 5, 25, 125, 555

Colour Red
Rules Aries, co-rules Scorpio
Metal Iron, Br,1ss
Day of the Week Tuesd,1y
Element Fire
Direction South-West
Concepts Anger, At,1\'ism, Conflict, Cnurage 1 Egl1, Energy,
Lvcanthropv, Passion, Sl'x Drivl', Strl'ngth, Vengeancl',
Tools A111-il, Burin, Hammer, Scourge, SpP,1r, Whip
Deities ArL'S, Bellona, Horus, Mars, Nerg.1!
Archangel Kh,rnrnL'l

P.:ige 26
M ,irs is ,i \so known ,is the "Rl'!i P/1111c/", d uc to its colour \\'hen v ic\\'cd in
till' night sky. The zmcicnt Creek nzimc fur \1,irs \\',is Piroc.'i.', me•,ining "the
tit"! I/ one The l3,1byloni,ins nzimcd Mzirs ,ifte•r their fic1·y \\'Zlr god f\:e•rg,il.
It is the fourth plcinct from the Sun, zind of ,ill the pl<inL'ls f'vLirs is the

11 w:-t likL• the Lirth, h,wing ,i "rlny" of ziround 241/2 hours, ,i\though its
d 1,1nwtc1· is just over h,ilf th,it of the Ezirth, zind its yczir much longc1· zit 687
,L11·s. Mzirs 11'cis originzilly <issoci,itcd with zigriculturc, zind subsequently
h•c1mc zi wzir god, zi reflection of hum<in dcvclopme•nt from m,in's c,irly
,igricultur,il roots being u1·crt.:ikcn by his bellicose n.:iturc. \fars h.:is t\\'o
nwo1is, P/w/lo,; ("fi'nr") zind Drimo;; ("terror"), nzimcd Jfll'r the sons tif Arcs, the
c;rcek \\'Jr god cqu,1tcd \\'ith MJr5 by the Rom,ins. Both moons ,ire' \'Cry SlllJI\
,111d ,ire thtiught to be rnpture•d zistcroids.
MJrs is ,issoci,itcd \\'ith scxu,ility, through its pJssion, vigou1· ,ind
e•ncrgy. BccJusc of its connection to wolves <ind the primitive instinctuJ\
nciturc (the "f7isht orfls/1/" instinct), Mzirs is zilso ,issoci<itcd with lyccinthropy,
tir tr<1nsform<ition into ,in1mJ\ form (not just werewolves but other \\'crc-
crc<1turcs JS well such Js 11·e•rc-tige•rs zind 11·crc-lcopJrds). In mJgick this type
uf primitive' trJnsfurm,itionzil energy is sornL'limcs rde•rrcd to zis <itJvism, ,rnd
i:- sonwtirncs utilised for sigils to powe•r thcrn with J strong cne•rgising
cmotion,il current.''
As the "wnrrior" p\,mct, Mzi1·s is zissocizitcd \\'ith the zippropriJtc quJlitics
like cour,ige', strength ,ind virility. Mzirs provides the courJgc to ,ict zind the
cne•rgy to sec the <Ktion through to resolution. It zilso provides the strength to
m,iint,iin tlw ego <ls the socizil core of identity. The crnphzisis here is on
111,iintcn,incc, rn1t inf!Jtion, \\'hich is one' of the problems thzit c,in be
L'nruuntcrcd \\'hen the po\\'crful energies of Mzirs Jrc flowing fre•cly.
The cncrg1· of .\·'brs c,rn be turned to constructive or dcstructi1·c ends.
I his is 11cll illustrated through its nwLil, iron, which cJn be used to m,ikc
f'i"ughsh,ire's or sc,ilpcls to nurture' ,ind hc,il, or swords to kill (or gu,1rd of
course). It cz111 also be seen in how you use angL'L Anger c,111 be focusL'd and
used as a transformational quality, not being directed at any person but used
instead to motivatl', or it can be allowed to take the easy route of aggression
and weaken you by making you act in a negatiVL' manner.
Mars in its negative state brings abusivenL'ss, arrogance, bullying,
destructi Veness, d isru p ti veness, L'gotis m, profon i ty, self-centred ness,
stubbornness, violence, and wrath. Such conditions can be countered with
positive Martial qualities, and removed from the nature, though stubbornness
is by its nature a difficult trait to dispel.

Page 28
Prnct1cnl Pln11ctar_11 j\1ngick

Jupiter - Works of Expansion

"From Jupiter 1111111u;/111krn prmfi:ncc, tempcr1111cc, benignity, piety, Modesty, justice,

faitlz, Gmcr, Religion, Equity & Regality, &c."''

Numbers 4, 16, 64, 444

Colour Blue, Purple
Rules Sagittarius co-rules Pisces
Metal Tin
Day of the Week Thursday
Element Air/Watc•r
Direction South-East
Ascenduncy, Authority, Body Health, Devotion,
Enthus1,1sm, Ethics, Expansion, FortunC', Honour,
Humour, L<l\V, Luck, Morals, Politics, Rl•ligion,
Rl'Spons1bility, Rulcrship, Tyranny, Truth, Wealth
Tools Crook, Dorje, Mace, Sct>ptre
Deities Amun, Dolicill'nus, Fortuna, Jupiter, Marduk, Zeus
Archangel T1adkit•I

'J The· Kl'\'s to the Gall'wav ot tvlag1c

PagL' 29
Jupiter is the i<1rgest of the pl,1nets, ilnd the fifth out from the Sun. It h,1s
ilt lmst sixty-three moons, the largest of these being consider«1bly J,11·ger thJn
the EJrth's Moon. Unlike other pbnets, Jupiter r,1diates more ilL',1t thJn it
Jbsorbs from the Sun, hence its connection to expJnsiveness. Jupiter WJS tllL'
ruler of the gods, Jnd its Jssoci,1ted quillities rctk'ct this position.
Tlw Jncient GrL'eks JssociJted Jupiter with Zeus ,ind CJllL'd it P!r11ct!ro11,
mL'ilning "tlzc /lrig/1/ 011c". In the Middle Age~ Jupiter 11·Js know11 JS the "Crmt
Bc11cfic'", Jnd 11·ils seen as one of the most positil'e ;rnd benevolent of pl,1nets.
It is JssociJted with the estJblishment, with religion, the poll'er structure, Jnd
hence is connected to rulership, ,ind its consequence of politics.
Jupiter is concerned with the ethics Jnd beh,wiour of the individu,1!, in
how they express themselves in society, so the strength of Jupiter in a person
cJn be seen through the level of morJlity they demonstrJte in thL'ir behJviour.
BecJuse of its JssociJtion with both ethics Jnd rulership, Jupiter is Jssoci,1ted
with bw. LJw is the domJin of the ruler, with his sceptre symbolising his
Jbility to dispense power through others without needing to ,ict personJl!y.
HowL'VL'r with l;iw comL'S tlw d;:inger of ;:ibuse to thosv in powerful
(JupiteriJn) positions, or thv old Jtfage of "011e lmufor tlze rich 1111ri 11110tl1crflJr tire
The word jovi;:il comes from Jove, ;:inother n;:ime for Jupiter. Humour
;ind enthusi;:isrn Jre both positive Jupiteri;:in qualities. Jupiter is also
associated with exp;:insion, ;ind for this rv;:ison is connected to success in
business and other ventures, p,1rticubrly when you need to "g11i11 Ilic 11ppcr
Bodilv he;:ilth is ;:ilso ;:issociJted with Jupiter, the ideJ of h;:iving ;:i strong
heJlthy body to en;:ible vou to pursue vour goJls in life, both m,1teri,1l Jnd
spiritu,11, without the hindr;:incL' of regul;:ir illness.
With its ;:ittribution to rL'iigion Jnd spiritu;:ilitv, the exprL'ssion of
individuJI spiritlhllity ;:ilso reflects the Jupitl'ri,ln infiUL'llCL' in cl person.
Den1tionJI work is usu;:i ll y ,1ssoci;1 ted 11·i th Jupiter. Devotion en t,1 ib tlw
expJnsion of ;:i rel;:i tionshi p with the di 1·i ne, ie;:id i ng to spiri tu,1 I expJ rbion ,rnd
r ,ucccss in w<1lking your p<1th. Truth is the go<1l of <111 spiritu<1l seekers, <1nd is
,1\so the found<1tion of ethics <1nd mor<1ls, m<1king it one of the most import<1nt

tif Jupitcri;m concepts.

The negative qu<1Jities of Jupiter arc bigotry, covetousness, hypocrisy,
prejudice, recklessness, self-indulgence <1nd tyr<1nny. Working with the
ptisitive qualities of Jupiter c<1n help ncutr<1lisc these tendencies, <111 of which
c;1n be permanently dispelled from the person<1lity freeing energy for spiritu<1l

Pmctio1! />/1111ctar_11 i\fogick

Saturn - Works of Form

"Fnm1 S11t11rn 1111111 rcccic'ct/i n s11lili111c rn11tc111plntio11, prof(11111d 1111dcrst11ndi11g,
solidity o(/11d:~c111c11t, flrr11,;l"'rnl11tio11, stnliility nnd n11 ir111110u11/Jlc Rcsol11tio11." 1n

Numbers J, 9, 29, JJJ

Colour Bl,ick, Brown

Rules C,1pricc1rn, co-rules Aqu,irius
Metal Lc,lli
Day of the Week S,1tt1rd,1y
Element E,irth
Direction North
Concepts r\gricultun.', Austerity, Duty, Equilibrium, Furm,1tion,
Historv, L<.'g,11 Mdtters, Limit,1tion, l\1ticncc, J'r,ictic,1lity,
l'rudc'nCc, Restriction, Sdf-Disciplinc, Tc,iching, Time,
Tools l luurgl,1ss, Scvtlw, Sc,1lcs, Sh,1duws, Sickle, Veil
Deities J,111us, Krono,,, Ninib, Saturn
Archangel T1,1phkicl
l'mcticn! Jl/1111t'11n_11 .\Jngu~

5,ltllrll is till' .second J.:irgest Of the pbnetS, ,llld is thL' Sixth OUt from t]ll'
Sun. s,1turn is bL'St known for its spL'Ct,icubr rings, which ilre m,1inlv icl'
,, rtick's nmibined with pilrticles of dust thought to be thL' rem.:iins of moons
1, Jiich \\'el-L' dl'stmyl'd in tlw ~1Jst. S,1turn h,is fiftv-six moons (<lt !,1st count!),
11 wsth· n.:inll'd ,iftl'r ch.:ir.:ictc1·s from Greek .:rnd Rom,in mvths.
Thl' brgest moon of SJturn is C<llll'd Tit,in, zrnd it is thl' only moon in our·
uni\'L'rse dense enough to h,i\'L' .:111 dt111osphere. i\fam· of the other moons ,ire
n,1mL'd ,ifll'r .:ictu,il Tit,rns from thl' Grl'ek mvths. To the .:rncil'nt Grl'L'b
c;,1turn 11-.:is known .:1s fJ!i11i11011, nwzming "the s/1i11y one", .:rnd .:issoci,itcd with

till' gcid Krnnus.

S.:1turn tZ1kes just under 29 1/2 yeZ1rs to orbit the Sun, this period of time
bl'ing known in Astrology ilS fhc S.:iturn Return. The S.:iturn Return is when
the pLrnct rl'turns to the s.:irnc pl.:ice in the heZ1vens ZIS it WZIS when 1·ou were
b<irn, ,rnd is thought to usu,1lly hcrZ1id rniljor life ch<lngcs.
S.:1turn is the most m,iligncd of the pl.:1ncts, .:is Cclll be SL'L'll horn its old
11,11llL' of the "Crml Mnlctic". This is 1·cry unf.:iir \\'lwn 11·c remember th,it the
Rcllllci1i god Silturn wils the ruler of the Golden Age, ilnd w.:i.s the god who
t,i ugh t m,rn ,1gricu Itu re ,rnd how to sm1· seeds. S.:1 turn is ilSSoci,i ted with ti me
,ind form, thl' soliditv of milttcr.
In ,mciL'nt times S,1turn wils the most dist.:int f'l.:1nl't visibll' to m,in, ,rnd
'"set the bound,iries of the uni1·crse. As the outer boumfary it is e,1sy to see
\\'ll\' S,1turn .sh1iuld be ,issociJtcd \\'ith time Zind bound,iries.
S.:iturn is ,1 grc.:it tmclwr. In the L'ncrgv of S.:iturn you le,irn b,11.:mce ,rnd
sc•lf-discif1line, hu\\' to dc,1! with tlw m<lll'riJI \\'orld. Though structu1·es ,rnd
Liws m,11· somctirnl's SL'L'm restrictive, the1· ~'rovidL' the phvsicZ1! fr,11llL'1Hirk
\ uu l\L'l'd to function, <lnd 1·emind you of your dut\' in ,i soci,il ,ind PL'rson,il
situ,1tion. Only 11·he11 niu undc1·st,111d ho\\' things work ,ind ,i1-e corn~1eknt in
f1crfur111ing thl'm c,rn you l'ffc'cti1·elv move un bL'\'ond thL' limits of the currl'nt
situ,ition. Thl' p,1tience, prudenCL' ilnd pr,ictic,ilitv of s,1turn MC ,111 1·it,il
'lll,1/itiL'S for· rn,iintJining ,i heillthy b,ilclllCL' in 1·our life ,1nd not bL'ing
"l'l'r\\'lwlnll'd b1· L'xccssive tides of emotiun or L'Ill'rg1-.
In Qaba!ah, Saturn is <1ttributed to the Sephira of Binah, and is associated
with the feminine divine as the Dark Mother. Binah is also known as the City
of Pyramids, a good .:malogy to the power of Saturn, as the apex can be seen
as the place where force manifests down into the form of the pyramid. As the
only planet with a density less than w<1ter, the associated quality of being the
transitional place between force and form is particularly appropriate for
The negative qualities of Saturn are ,111guish, desperation, lying,
madness, melancholy, obstinvcy, rigidity, sJdness, Jnd tedium. All of these
states can be countered by working with the positive qualities of the planet.
Some of these qualities can be permanently removed, but others like
melancholy and sadness can creep back in and must be countered whenever
they occur.

Page 34
l 1racfrcal Plrmefrrry Magtd,


The Planetary Deities

The deities JssociJted with the seven classical planets have remained
f,iirlv constant for mpre thJn two thousJnd years. They take their names from
the old Roman gods: Sol, Mercury, Venus, Luna, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.
1\1ust of these Roman plJnetJry gods cJn be seen JS pJrt of Jn extended
t,1mily, which Jlso includes the deities associated with the trans-Saturnian
planets. This cJn be seen in the fomily tree:

E8 Uranus is the father of Saturn, and Venus

E8 Saturn is the fothL'r of Jupiter, Neptune ond Pluto
E8 Jupiter is the father of Mercury ond Mors

It is interesting and significant that the two luminaries of the Sun and
Moon, Sol and Luna, were brother and sister, and come from a different line,
which equated to the Greek Titans Hyperion and Theia. This separation of
the seven classical planets into the five "ren/" planets Jnd the two luminJries
(Sun Jnd Moon) is repeatedly emphasised in planetary attributions.
The Romans equated their own deities to those of the earlier Greek
culture during the period of expansion of the Roman Empire, in doing so they
Jbsorbed many of the qualities and myths of the Greek deities into those of
their own. As a result of this conflation it would be more accurate to say that
the planetary gods may be considered to be Romano-Greek in nature.
The idea of attributing deities to the seven classical planets did not
however originate with the Romans or indeed the Greeks. When considering
the history of these Jttributions we find that it is one \Vhich was also prJcticed
bv the much eJrlier BabyloniJns and that this may indeed hJve provided the
inspiration for the Greeks to nJme the planets after their own gods. When the
Greeks conquered the ancient Babylonians they considered the quJlities

Page 35
C1ssocii1ted with the Bc1byluni,1n dcitil's i1nd through comp,1rison with th,1t of
thl'ir own, namL'd the planets clfter the deitil's in their own p.rntlwon \\'ith

co1TL'sponding qualities. Thus if we follow the sequencl' nf attribution to the

planets through thl'sl' cultures from B,1bvloni,1n tll G1·eek to Ro1llc1n, \\"L' sel':

Planet Babylonian Greek Roman Common Qualities

Sun Shilm,1sh Helios Sol Sol,H Gods

Mercurv N,1bu Hcrnws I\ ll'rcur\' l\ksscngc'rs of t lw Gods

Venus Ishtar Aphrodite \'enu~ GoddcssL'S of Lo\"c'

Moon Sin SL'lc'l1l' l.un,1 Lun{u DPitiL)S

Mars Nerg(1I Arcs 1\1.irs Gods

Jupiter M.irduk Zeus Jupiter F,1thcr Gods, Bring<'rs of Order

Saturn Ninib Kroncis s,1turn !'l,rntc'rs of S<'l'ds

The bendits of working with thL' planL'tilry dl'itil's ci1n be summilrisL'd by

two possibilities, either recl'iving enL'rgy from the deity or striving towilrds a

greater purity ilnd power ilS expressed by the deity. Both these ilpproclChl's
cz1n be sel'n mcist clearly in ancient Greek writings. !'lie fornlL'r clttitudL' of
requesting divine aid is seL'Il throughout writings Sl'eking to achieve mc1gick,1l

results, particulZ1rly thl' Greek M11gick11/ P1111_11ri. It is illso seen in writings such
ZIS the Homeric H1111111s, where offerings are mildL' to the deity bl'ing hvmnl'd in

Zill attempt to encourage a gift of divi1w L'nergy.

The second reilson is pZirticularly WL'll exprL'SSL'd by the NL'oplatonic
phik1s<1pher Iamblichus (c.245-325 CE) in his Thl'urgic writings. I IL' p1·L',iched

the journey of the soul to perfection through union with tllL' perfected power
of the dL'itiL'S, through the devL'lopment of facets of the self b\' idL'ntificatiun
with the difforent dL'ities. Thus l,1mblichus wrotL' of lwmns th,1t thcv:
"Do 110/ dmw dmt'// the i111p11ssiuc 1111d /'lll"L' Gods to t/111/ <ul1icil i.s pnssi<>c 1111d i1111111rc,
/111/ 011 t!tc co11fmry, ii rrndcrs us ... 1111rc 1111d i11111111/11/1/c. ";

JI On tlw l\lvstc'ric's of the Egvpti,rns, Ch,1ldc,1ns, .rnd Aswri,rns, 1.12.

Prncticnl P/n11ctnr_1; ,V1ns,icA

The Solar God

Sol, meaning "Sun", was a major Roman Cod. He was also known as Sol
lnvictus ( "invi11ci/Jle S11n "), a title shared at times by the Persian warrior god
Mithras. As well as Mithras, he was also equated at times with the Creek
sol<1r gods Apollo and Helios, and the Egyptian solar god Ra ,1nd Sumerian
solar god Shamash. Sol was the brother of the goddesses Luna <rnd Aurora.
The Sun Cod is the lord of light, tllL' eternal illuminating fire, all-seeing
,1nd hence all-knowing. His radiant generative power makes him <l ruler god
in many pantheons, orbited by the other deities like the planets orbit the Sun.
lfo is apotropaic in n,1ture, driving away evil by shining his stt'llar light into
the darkest recesses. This is why the Atlll'nians ()f ilncient CrL'L'CL' Cillled him
Aln:icncon, or "nvcrtcr of evil". His rilys of light ilre often equ,1ted to golden
<1rrows, illlLi he is hence known as Arcilc11c11s ("bow s/10o/cr"), illld Apollo with
his bow and ,1rrows, and the ilrrows ()f the ferocious Egyptian goddess

Puge 37
Sekhmct i\lust1«1te this principk. The r,1dizmce of tlw Sun Cod emphilsiscs his
be,1uty, the pure Jnd honest virtue of the wise govern(lr of the Lfoylight hours,
uncunqucrilble ilnd enduring.
Sul is shown ilS <l lllclll scilted or stJnding in J golden chJriot drJwn by
two liuns or four golden horsL'S, sornctimes wingL'd. I-k m,1y be depicted with
sol Jr 1«1ys cm,111Jting frorn his hcJd ur il r<1diJnt snlJr disk focc, Jnd he bcilrS i1

sceptre of power in his right hJnd. HL' rnily illso be depicted with i1 whip in
one h,111d, or with ,1 goldL'n bow Jnd il1Tows.

Hymn to Sol
HL'ilr rnc golden lord whose eternill cyL'
Secs ill I ilS it illurniniltes the sky
Lord uf the SL'Jsons with your fiery crown
SL'if-bom fierce god of rnighty renown
Agile ilnd vigorous thou vcnerJble Sun
In bright splendour ,1round the hcJvens you run
Source uf existence pure ilnd fiery bright
All-knowing ,111-pL'rvziding light
Blessed with irnmortzil flzinws to set zind rise
RcvL'Jling ill I th<it occurs benezith your J\\'esomc eyes
0 Sul the foithful ddender ilnd eye of might
You shinL' with life' ilnd power zind light
Propitious on my L1buurs shi1w
And bk'ss nw with thy r,1r divitlL'
The Mercurial God

:'vkrcun· i~ the R()man god of communication, rn,1gick and nwrchzinb,

\krcu1"\' l\'ilS till' sun of Jupiter and the nymph t\L1i,1. He 11·,1s ,1 p!'L'cocious
child, im'L'nting till' lyre 11,lll'n ill' \\'JS il fell' Li<lys uld. l IL' \\'JS <1 grL'at joker
,rnd mischief ,md theft arc ,1J~o quillities ,1ssociated ll'ith him. f le \\'as L'ljU,1tcd
tll till' Crl'L'k Clid HL'rllll'S, \\'ho h,1d sirniL1r ch,1rilctl'ristics, till' Fgvpti,1n
111,1gick gud Thuth, the Thraci,1n god Zalrnoxis ,ind the Sumeri,111 llll'~~cngcr

god \:d1u.

1\~ till' gud of till' rnind, Mercury is the grL',1t invL·ntur, tlw bringL'r of

1n~pi1·,1tiun ,ind ,1Jsu the heiller. !-k 11"1s s,1id tu h,1\'L' in1'entcd ll'riting ,1ftcr
11,1tching till' ~h,1pL' cr,1nL'~ lllclKL' \\'hen till'\' t!y, ,ind gil'L•n it tO lllL'n, \\'hl'!lCL'
lw 11\is knu\\'n ,1s Ln11c11c11fc,;, lllL'ilning "i11lal'rcfl'r". I IL' 11'ib ,1i~o till' glid of
d1f1 lomcJcy ,rnd ~oci,11 intcr,1ction. Mcrcur\' i~ ,1 god of jourm•\'ing, till'
psychopomp who trJvels between the worlds, Jnd is thus J god of the
liminJI, often to be found guarding gJtewJys or medi<1ting disputes. Another
importJnt Jttribute of Mercury is th<1t he is the god of astronomy and
zistro\ogy, Jnd he J\so invented the c:i\endM, ordering the months. Mercury
wzis the god of dogs, which were seen zis his szicred ,1nimzil.
Mercury wzis commonly depicted JS zi beJutiful young man, with
winged sandzils zind zi winged helmet indicating his role zis the messenger of
the Gods, often bearing the cziduceus zind/or zi money bzig, zind ocrnsionally a
golden winged czipe. He wzis also sometimes depicted zis a mature bearded

Hymn to Mercury
Mercury drnw nezir and to my words incline
Master of mzigick and psychopomp divine
Celestizil messenger of ziwesome skill
Whose skills zind humour does zill mortals thrill
Bestower of sacred wisdom in thy speech
Quicksilver speed beyond zill human reach
With heart almighty ;rnd a cunning mind
You gave the gift of he,1\ing to mzinkind
0 liminal trnveller to rejoice is thim•
In art zind crnft zind music zill sublime
Sharper th,1n a sword thy tongue which men revere
Hear my words grL'Zlt Mercury zind drziw nezir
Assist my work zind bk•ss me with your pezice
A grzice in speech ,1nd memory's incrL•,1se

Page 40
l'rnctirnl 1'/nncl11r11 Mng1cA

The Venusian Goddess

Venus is the Roman goddess of love and gardens, who became

associated with the Greek love goddess AphroditL>. Her name may mean
"/ouc", "/1c1111/y" or "sc:uwl rfcsirc". She was also equated to the Sumerian
goddess Ishtar, the Egyptian cow goddL'SS Hathor and the Assyrian goddess
Astarte. There arc two different birth myths for Venus, either she was born
from the genitals of Uranus which had been thrown into the sea, or she was
the d,1ughtcr of Jupiter with the goddess Dione. Venus was known by many
titk's, including Amica ("Frirnrf"), Aurea ("Go/rfc11"), Caclcstis ("Celestin/"),
F'elix ("Lucky"), and Genetrix ("Mother"). She was sometimes also portrayed
\\ith a helmet and/or shield ,1s Venus Victrix ("Victorious").
She is the goddess of all the qualities ,1ssociated with love, such as
bL',1uty, desire, gracL' and ple,1sure, and also love poetry and songs. Venus is
,1l~o ,1 goddL'SS of procreation, in humans and animals, the natural result of

Page 41
SL'X. Her girdk of love and desirL' w,is i1TL'sistible and rL>prL'SL'nkd the cosrnic
power of ,ittrilction, which consUrntlv ,icted in b<iL1ncL' with thL' power or
repulsion (or strife). Only three deities were imnrnnc to her girdll', the
goddL'sses Di,lllil, MinL'rv,i ,ind Vesta (m tlwir Creek equiv,iiL'nts of Artemis,
Athena and Hestiil).
Venus is shown as ,i bc,iutiful n<1ked woman, sometimes bearing ,i
flaming he,irt in her right hand. She is sometimes depictL'd accornp,inied by
birds or by Eros, as il winged cherub bearing bow and arrow. Birds were
particularly associated with her, and she was occasionally depicted riding
side-saddle on a goose or swan, or in a chariot drawn by doves. When
travelling across sms she would ride in a cockle shell chariot pulled bv tritons.

Hymn to Venus
Beautiful hcawnly laughter-loving queen
Your radiance always the first and last to be seen
Source of persuasion secret favouring queen
Illustrious born apparent and unseen
Desiring, most desired, harsh ,ind kind
To thee arc men and women all inclined
With milgick chains you bind through love's fair grace
To chance a single glance of your heavenly face
The strongL'St power in your girdle rests
That freL'S us through the fires of your tests
Choirs of nvmphs sing praises to your n,i!llL'
Not e\•en gods can ever hope your he,irt to tame
Come most be,iutiful to mv pr,wer inclined
To thee I call with holy Ion' ,ind pr,iise in mind
Praclicnl [Jf1711ctnry .\1agicA

The Lunar Goddess

Luna is the Roman name for the Moon. Like her brother Helios, Lun,1
w.:is .:i child of the Titans Theia ("Sight") and Hyperion ("the One 11/JOve"), along
with her sister Aurora ("the D11w11"). This goddess was sometimes equated to
otlwr goddesses from the Roman .:ind Greek pantheons, such as Dian.:i,
Artemis, Selene and Hekate, as well as the Thracian goddess Bendis. She w,1s
worshipped from early Roman times in her own right, but less has bL'en
recorded about her due to her conflation with other lunar goddesses.
Luna is a goddess of birth, ,rnd of the growth of plants .:ind animals. She
is the illuminating light in the Lictrkness of night, reflecting the tides she pulls
in her ever-changing face. ln this context she w,1s seen as .:i protectress for
tr,l\·ellers on earth and se.:i by night. Slw was also regarded as .:i dispenser of
t.1\L', a nurturing goddess who nourished mankind through her bene\·o\ence.
Luna is shown as .:i beautiful naked or semi-naked woman standing on ,1
Ci'L'scent, bearing .:i torch in her left hand. Slw may also be winged, ha\·e il

Page 43
lun,ir crl'scent un her brow ,1rni st.-irs ,1bove hl'r hc,1d. Lun.-i wils somL'ti11ws
depictL'd riding zi st,1g or bull, or in il silver chziriot ~1ulkd by two or four
\\'inged lmrscs, or by zi k',1m of oxen.

Hymn to Luna
Hezir rne, grzicious goddess, diffusing your silvery light
As horned ;rnd 1«1di,1nt you trzivel through the night
Su 1·rounded by st,1rs in your orbit wide
Your torch extl'nded through the hmvens you ride
Rdll'cting borrn\\'ed so!M rziys you shine
Now growing to full, now tending to decline
Mother of ziges, thou fruit-producing queen
Lover of life your touch on the waters is seen
F'1ir lzidy of night, illumin'1tor zind friend
You give' to nziturl''s works their dl'stined end
CL1d in ,1 shimmering robe zind shining veil
Quel'n of the night to thee Lun,1 I hciil
Shine on my scicred rite with your prosperous mys
And receive from me my deep cine\ cirdent prilise
The Martial God

\1,trs is thL' tutL'IJry god of thL' RomJns, the son of Jupiter ,111d Junu. lie
w,1s \\'orshipped ,is J 11·Jr god, but was origi11,1lly an ,1griculture god. I !is
llclllll' m,1y be deri\'L'd from the EtruSGlll ,1griculture god rvL1ris. The \\'olf \\,is

f ,1rticuL1rly ,1ssociatL•d with Mcirs JS his sacred ,111im,1!, ,111d this is p,1rticu],1rly

SL'L'n in the storv of the founding of Rome, with the she-wolf th,1t suckled
Romulus ,ind Remus. The month of M,1rch is 11,1med ,1fter him Jilli he 11·,1s
gilL'll ,1 \\'hole 1"crnge of titles, which 11·erL' ,1ppendL'd t(1 his n,1me Jnd rL'flL'cted

his L]u,1lities. ThL'SL' included Augustus ("/111J'Cl"inl"), Co11ser1·,1tor ("the

/',,.,,,,.,.,,,. .. ), \liliLHus ("i\lilitnn;"), f'cicifer ("tin· /Ycnff111n~c1"'), !',1ter ("fa//1a"),

L lt()r I "//1<· !\c•e11s,•r"). ,rnd Victor ("the Victorious").

\Lirs is a god of qu,1lities ,1ssoci,1ted \\'ith w,1r ,rnd conflict, such ,1s ,111gcr,
l()L1r,1gl', st1·L'ngth, bloodslwd, \'iulencc, cm1·,1rdicL', fe,1r ,111d lL'rr<11-. I k \\"ls
'L'l'll .is both the ddendL'r Jlld s,ickcr of ci ti L's.
MJrs is shown JS J strong wJrrior, helmeted Jnd either nuked or in
RornJn-styiL' armour with a short leather tunic underneJth, bearing a sword
in his right hand and shield in his left. He is sometimes depicted on or in
front of a lion, or in a chariot pulled by lions or fierv horsL'S.

Hymn to Mars
Mighty unconquered fiery Mars
In strength rejoicing amongst the stJrs
Fierce and untamed your mighty power can make
Even the strongest walls to their foundations shake
Evil destroying king covered with gore
Dispelling the tkmons with your dreJdful roar
In blood and sword and spears you delight
Always ready to win the fight
Your power in the fields is also great
To strengthen the crops and h<1rvests you create
You lend your force to honourable men
Your strategies victorious again and ugain
Encourage my work to v<1lour inclined
And give success with benevolent mind

Puge .+6
- l'mctirnl Pln11etnr.11 ,\fas;icA

The Jupiterian God

Jupiter is the king of the gods of the Roman pantheon, the sky god who
bore the celestial thunder and lightning. He is the first deity of the Capitoline
triad (with the' goddesses Juno and Mine'rva), and his name means "Fnthcr
God". As such Jn importJnt Jnd popul;:ir deity it is not surprising thJt the
RomJns equated other major deities with him, including the Greek Zeus,
Egvptian Amun and the SyriJn Dolichenus. His sacred animals were the
eagle' and the' bull.
Jupiter is the god of the weather, fate, Jnd law Jnd order. He is the most
prolific shape-shifter of the planetary gods, taking on a whole range of animal
forms to seduce mortal 1,·omen and nymphs, often producing semi-divine
childrL'n. He is the Fathe'r God of the pantheon, and he lived up to thb role
with his huge number of children. Jupiter was also known as Jove, which is
the rnot for the word jovial, and humour was associated with Jupiter. His

Page 47
Greek counterpart Ze•us w,is the god of g,1mes, with the Olympic G,1rne's
being held in his honour.
Jupiter \\'clS depicted as cl kingly beclrded man in his prime' often shown
beilfing his thunderbolts or il sceptre' or ],1nce•, ilnd sonwtinws ,1 p,1te1·J
(offering p!Jte). He is sonwtinws dL•picted riding iln e'Jgie, griffin or ,1 winge'd
stilg. The' oilk tree \\'JS .silcred to him, Jnd lw 11·Js occ,1sionillly represented
11'L'Jring J wreJth of oilk Je,1ves.

Hymn to Jupiter
0 greatly honoured Jupiter supremely great
To thee this rite I dedicate'
My prJyers and exaltiltions to thee king divine
For Jll things round thy he,1d exJlted shine
MJgnanimous commanding sceptred god
Even n<1ture trembles at your mighty nod
Loud-sounding armed with bolts of thunder
With lightning fbsh the sky you sunder
Source of Jbundilnce and purifying king
Milny-formed from whom mercies spring
Benevolent lilughter roaring through the sky
l call to you enthroned in the heavens on high
Propitious hear my prilyer and give good health
With peJce divine and necessary wealth
The Saturnian God

Saturn is the Roman god who ruled the Golden Age of Mankind when
all life was in harmony, ilnd ruled over seed sowing, ilS seen by the meilning
of his nilme ilS "Sower". Saturn wils the son of Uranus, whose rule he
overthrew, and the father of Jupiter, who subsequently copied his father's
deed ilnd overthrew him. He was equilted to the Greek Kronos, the
ilssociated myths then being trilnsferred to him.
Silturn is the god of time, known for his wisdom ilnd intelligence. He
h,1d the ilbility to rnise or depress the thoughts of men, ilnd for this reason is
,issoci,1ted with preserviltion ilnd destruction, inspiriltion and melilncholy. He
11 as ill so known by the title of Coelius (" Hcnuc11ly" ). After his deposJ I he
bc•c1me tlw ruler of the Isles of the Blessed, J pJradisiilcal afterlife n•Jlm.
During the Golden Age of SJturn honey 11•Js said to flow from trees, and
honey WJS sacred to him.
JJmcticnf JJ{a11cfary i\1ngicA

S,1turn is depicted i\S i\11 old but strnng bl'ilrded mi\n, Wl'ilring il crown
,ind Lx',1ring il scytlw. I le is sumetimes shown riding il crowned winged
d1«1gon, ,ind occ,isionJlly bL\1ring iln hour-gbss.

Hymn to Saturn
My Wtl!·ds, mighty Sil turn du heilr
Lither of Gods, whom <111 revere
Gless me with your wisdom pure Jnd strong
To you pL'rfoction ,rnd dL'crezise belong
You consume ill! th<1t hils reilched its time to die
J\nd rq1l<Kl' it with the new growth you supply
Fzithcr of eternity, v<1st ilnd divine
The blossoms of e,uth zind the stilrs Ml' thine
From your seeds do v,1rious forms of being shoot
TIK' bud, the brzinch, the blossom zind the root
0 lord of form, of time, of subtle mind
Towilrds my words mziy your grilcious poWL'rs be inclined

Meditation Journeys
1\ tnedit<1tion journl'Y is ex,1ctly <1s the n,1nlL' suggests, il llll'nt,1! journl'Y

1·"u undert,1ke in ,1 mcdit<1tive st,1tl' to ext1lorc your inner l<1ndsc,1pe. The

t'LitTose of such journl'ys is to integr<1te <1spects of yuur t1syche during the
jnurnl'_I', tu bccoming ilS perfect ,15 yuu C<1n bl'. f'rorn this per5pL'Cti\'e it c,1n be
,,,cn th,1t medit,1tion journl')'5 invt•h-ing encounters with deitics <1re ,lCtu;1lly ;1
tortn of theurgy, tlw quest to t1crfcct the soul by identificJtion with the
qu,1litics uf the guds.
for this tl',lSOn We recommend thilt il hymn to thl' t1!Jnl't,1ry deity should
b,, performed bdure undertilking the nwdit<1tion journey. This will ;1ct ,1s ;m
i111·it<1tion to the deity without, tu express itself Js il focet of the di\'ine sp,1rk uf
the soul within, so th;1t through this intc1·<1ction the soul is brought closl'r to
~kditc1tion journeys ,ire <1 simple yet effecti1·e tool, which c,m be
pl'rfurmed with ,is little or <1s much ceremony ,1s you desire. Gy pl,icing the
jounw_1· within il CL'remt111i<1l context you gi\'e gre<1ter emt1h,1sis to the inner
tr<1nsfur1n,1tions vou seL'k to effect. The setting for the medit;1tion juurncy
sillluld bl' ,1 quiet sp,lCL'. They c<1n bL' perforrnL'd in zi quid niom or <lt night
out undl't' thl' st,1rs if you h,l\'l' ilccess tu '1 s<1fc ,111d quiet t>utduor st1,1ce <111'<1y
tr"m light pollution. The use of incenSl' <1nd il subtle mogick circle t1rior to ,1
nwditc1tion journey both ,1dd to the cbrity of the journey by cnh;mcing your
nwod ,rnd focusing your mind on thL' t<1sk ot h,111d.
It is recommended th,1t 1·ou m,1ke o rl'Cording of the tneditation journe1·
t" 1•!,11· du1·ing niur ccrl'lllony. ff you reod thl' journl'\', vou ob\'ious)\· c,m1wt
b,. tn ,1 11wdit,1ti1·e st,1tc. You c<1n rnctrn>rise the journev ,md fol1011· it, but

·1:c'..1i111·our conccntr,1tion is then of necessitv not on getting the full be1wfits of

t)i,. dct,1ils 1·our mind sut1plies. Thesl' det,1ils should bl' noted ,1ftl'r11 ,irds
11 h,•nc1·l'r possible, ,1s thcy ,lt'l' indic1tors of thc '>\'lllbt>lic l,rngu,1gL' ot nn1r
Pmctirnl Pla11t'f11r11 Af11g1c/...

unconscious. By recording additional detail in this m,111nL'r over a period of

time, you arc creating a symbolic dictionary for your own unconscious, which
you can use over time to gain grcJtl'r understanding of visionary images and
As with other types of meditation, these journeys should be performed
sitting or smtl'd, not lying down. Whl'thcr you arc sitting or seated for
meditation, it is always prcfcrablc to sit with your spine straight. Never
slouch when you arc meditating, as the bad posture inhibits internal L'ncrgy
flow. Begin each journey by taking a few deep breaths, allowing your body
Jnd mind to relax ,111d in so doing, prepare yourself for the journey you will
be undcrtJking.
The journeys that follow can be used for both solitary and group use.
Each in turn introduces the participant(s) to the deity associated with one of
the seven wandering stars and allows for exploration of the symbolism, ideJs
and mythologies associated with each in turn. They can be used as
introductory workings, which c,111 be expanded upon in duL' course as they
provide clear symbolic images of the deities which are useful as a core around
which to crcJte further journeys exploring the deeper mysteries of mch

rage 52
Journey to the God Sol
Sit comfortably and relax, closing your eyes. In your mind's eye fix the
in 1,1ge of yourself sitting as you arc in the room. Hold this imagL', and then
sec ,1 white mist filling the room, obscuring the walls, the floor, the ceiling,
l.'\'L'rything, until all around you is white mist.
The white mist disperses and you tind yourself looking down at the
earth from cl great height. Taking stock of your surroundings you realise you
,1rL' in cl golden chJriot pulled by four golden winged horses, flying through
till' heavens. Standing iwxt to you is a beautiful man dressed in golden
;irmour with a golden helmet, with light radiating from him. You reillisc he is
Sol, the sun god.
As you fly through the heavens, you notice for all the horses' movement
the chariot hardly seems to move in the sky. You look down at the earth
below, enjoying the incredible perspective, with the earth beneath you.
Everything is clearly illuminated by the sunlight shining down upon it.
Ynu sec a brilliant light, and watch as il flaming bird rises to the sky and
flies past. The phoenix leaves a trail of golden sparks in its wake. Even light
and fire must be periodically renewed, it seems to say, as a single flaming
feather drifts into the chariot and lands at your feet.
Sol speaks to you and says, "When you live yo!lr entire life i11 tile light, you
<cclco111c tile /Jrie{ kiss of n11 eclipse. Witl1 my sister I nm one side of Ilic cycle. Tlwuglz
1 li1 1c cternnll!f in IHI/ ow11 light, it is too l1right for you lo liue in. Tl10llgl1 my light
l1ring:; !if~, it nlso ln1ms in crlremcs. Eurn I/rough you mny seek tile ligl1t, you must
n/:;o lcnrn {rolll tl1c dnrknc,;s, wl1ic'1 /ins its own power."
You know that light and dark, night and day, are balancL'd, and wonder
at his words. Yuu think about how balanced the forces are in your life.
Ho\\'eVl'r you also rL'alisc thcit the solar light of illumination is necessary to
guide \'our Wil\' ,ind bring the life-giving energy of thL' Sun into your life.
Proctirnl P/1111c/11ry ,\111sick

You look down <1g<1in <tt tlw fc'<tther, which is still burning, ,ind <ts you
look you see the white mist forming <Ind surrounding you until once <1g<1in ,i!J

<1round you is white mist. Agciin the mist disperses, <111d <ts it f,ides ,iwcw vou
find yourself once more sitting in the room.

·Like some tinw to write up your experic'n<.;e <111d contempl<tte \\'hat you
Ji<tve le<1rned.
Journey to the God Mercury
Sit comfortably and relax, closing your eyes. In your mind's L'Vl' fix the'
im,1gc of yourself sitting as you arc in the room. Hold this image, and then
see a white mist filling the room, obscuring the walls, the floor, the ceiling,
c\·crything, until all c1round you is white mist. As the mist disperses you find
ynursclf in an underground tunnel m,1de of grey granite, with torches on the
\\·alls alternately every 5m. About 20m ahead there is a doorway into ,1 vault.
Entering the vault, you sec it is about 20m square and has roughly hewn
\\'Jlls. The ceiling is 3m above you, and in the centre of the vault is a bmutiful
young man sitting on a golden throne, he has a grin on his face and his eyes
Jrl' full of laughter. He wears a simple white tunic and has a winged helmet
on his head and winged samfals on his feet. In his right hand he holds J
The throne he sits on is flanked by two pillars each Im in diameter, rising
from the floor to the ceiling. The pil!Jr on the left of the throne is made of
gold, and the one on the right is made of a single piece of emerald.
Approaching the throne you see that there is a golden casket sitting on the
floor in front of Mercury. The casket is 30cm by 20cm by !Ocm deep.
Mercury asks you how much the truth matters to you? He tells you he is the
master of guile, but even lies work best when interwoven with the truth, like
the two serpents of his caduceus. However, he insists, truth must be your
guiding light on your path and you should never lie to yourself.
He touches the end of the caduceus to the casket, and vou hear the lock
click. Look inside, he tells you, so you lift the lid, struggling slightly with the
\\'c'ight, and open it. Within the casket is a single t,1blct of emerald, filling the
c,1,ket. On the emerald tablet there are strange hieroglyphs. As you look at
tlw hieroglyphs they seem to shift in front of your eyes. The first line says
"\'\'ith cert11i11ty, that which is aliouc is as that zuhiclz is Jwlmu". As you continue to
'tare' at the tablet, the words speak to you, and you realise that the truth on
tlw L'mcrald tablet is an e\'er-changing messJge thclt varies with the observer.
RL'ml.'mbL'r .:1.s fully .:1s you c.:111 the words you read on the emer<:1ld t<:1blet so
you c.:1n considL'r thL'm ;ind medit.:1te on thL'm .:1fterw.:1rds.
Mercury lnughs and you lift your gaze from the L'merald tnblet to see
him looking .:1t you from the throne. He has ch.:1nged and his foce is now that
of ,i bl.',irded mature man. His transformation reminds you th<lt everything
changes ,ind that pL'ople c,in WL'ar many foCL's. Nodding to you, he vanishes
,ind the white mist appears, filling the v,rnlt around you, until once again you
,ire surroundl.'d by white mist. AgLlin the mist disperses, Llnd <:ls it fodes Llwny
you find yoursL'lf once morl.' sitting in the room.
Ti:lkL' some time to write up your experience and contemplate what you
have learned.

P.:1gL' 56
Journey to the Goddess Venus
Sit cumforti1bly and relax, closing your eves. In your mind's eye fix the
:n,,1ge of vourself sitting as you are in the room. Hold this im;ige, and then
see ,i white mist filling the room, ohscuring the walls, the floor, the ceiling,
en•rvthing, until all ,iround you is white mist. As the mist disperSL'-" you find
roLir:.;elf at the bottom of a mound with a tL•mple on it.
fhe tL•rnple is a hept,igon about lOm across, set at the top of seven mMh!c
stL'r'' \\·hich lead up to it. There are se\·en marble pillars of classic design
pLlCL'd eL1uidist,rntly around the top of tlw base ;it the points of the hL'ptagon
rising 3m into the air. On top of the pillars there are marhle linteb all thL' w,iy
,iniund them. Growing up the pillars are rose \'ines, with roses of ,i differL'nt
rainbow colour around each pillar. Sitting on top of the pillars are doves,
cooing happily.
Climbing the steps ;ind passing between two pill;irs you sc'e ,i marble
fountain in the cc•ntre of the temple, with water shooting up about Im in the
,iir. The scent of roses fills the air around you, and looking up you sec' that
there is nu roof, vou c,rn see the sun in the clear blue c;ky ,ibm·e you. At the
b,be of the fount;1in is ,i hand-mirrnr, set in ,i copper frame. As you look ,it
tlw mirror you see a flaming hL'art inside it.

You re;ich to pick up the mirror but as you do so ,i be,lL!tifullv formed

fem,1\c• hand be;1ts vou to it and picks the mirror up. As vour g,ize lifb to see
the wuman who hcic; picked up the mirror, you see the most lw,iutiful woman
vou h,1\·e ever seen, zmd 1·e,1lise that this is thL' goddess Venus. I !er simple
\\hite tunic c,rnnot conceal the perfection of her form underneath it, and thL'
r,idi,ince of her foce t,ikes \'our bre,1th ,i\\',i\'.
\'enuo. smiles ,it you ,rnd \'our heart ,ilmost stops. She o,,ivs "l.oi'L' co111cs i11
111n1111 f(ln11s. •· ,ind offers \'OU the mirror. Th.inking he1· vou t,ike the mirror,
,ind ,i\· \ou look intuit you realise it does not show vour rdlection, but th,it of
\llur first love. ;\s vou continUL' to look ,it it, the image change:.; ,ind a
'l'')LIL'llCL' of ,11/ till' t'L'Ople you ha\'L' lo1·ed is sh01\·n thwugh the l'l'fiection,
Prnct[( 111 Pla111't11n1 ,\ l11;-.::1cA

lovers, family, close friends. If you JrL' looking for love, offer a prnyer to
Venus to show you the face of your lo\·e-to-be, and wait for ,1 face to i1ppear in
the reflection.
When \"OU have finished looking in thL' mirror you return it to Venus
with your thJnks, and she points to the waters of the fountJin, suggesting you
take i1 drink of the waters of love if you wish to bring more love into your life
or ecise the pain of love lost. You thank her oncL' more and kneel by the
fount<1in to cup your hands into the water. Lowering your head to drink the
Wi1ter you have cupped up, its cool refreshing taste reminds you of
As you look up you see that Venus has disappeared, and the white mist
is rolling in, obscuring the fountain, the temple, the sky, everything around
you, until once Jgciin you are surrounded by white mist. Again the mist
disperses, and as it fades away you find yourself once more sitting in the
Tcike some time to write up your experience and contemplate what you
have learned.

f>mcf1n1{ f>ltrl/efanr rVfrrgid

Journey to the Goddess Luna

Sit comfort;:ibly and rcl;:ix, closing your L')'l'S. In your mind's l')'L' fix the
iJllilg'-' of yourself sitting ;:is you arc in the room. Hold this image, and then
scL' ,1 white mist filling the room, obscuring the walls, the floor, the ceiling,
cvc'rvthing, until ull Mound you is white mist. As the mist disperses you find
Vl 1urself in a silver chariot pulled through the night sky by four silver horses.
Standing next to you in the chariot is a beautiful wom;:in with long silver
h,1ir in a flowing silver dress. As silver light rndiates from her you know this
is Luna, the moon goddess, trnvelling lwr course through the night. Her light
dims a little, and <ls you look forwMd you see one of the front horses turns
You keep looking around, at the stars above, and the dimly lit lamisrnpe
bL'low, and as you do so her light dims .:igain, and the other front horse turns
bLick. You realise the phases of the moon are reflected through her light and
the colour of her horses.
"U/l(lcrslmuli11g the 11nl11rc of cycles will help you 11wvc fonunrrl 011 your pnth,"
l.una tl'lls you, "t/1c c/Jlis nnrl flows of your own nnturc nnrl how lhC!f respond to
.11011r rnviro11111c11t." As she speaks her light dims further, and you know a
third horse has turned black. She smiles, ilnd her light fades completely,
enabling you to look at her beauty eJsily. You glance forward and see the
chariot is now pulled by four b1C1ck horses.
Though it is d;:irkcr now, it is easier for you to sec the ground bl'low and
tlw stars ;:ibovc. You re,1lise that the dreC1mlike quality of this journey is a
reflection of the power of the moon, and sec a silver light emanating from
Luna ,1gain, and one of the horses turn silver.
"One of tlzc grcntcsl gifts I give is i11t11itio11, ahun11s trust yours, f(ir it is 1'1crc
z1'11,·u yo11lim•c11ot/Ji11g else, .. Lunzi informs you.
You thzink her and w,1tch enraptured ,1s she becomes brighter zind
bnghtL'r ,1g,1in, reg,1ining her former rzidi,111ce. As she docs so zill the horsL'S
turn silVL'r one bv one.
You know this is Jn endless cyck, and as you watch lwr, the white mist
appears, filling the chariot around you, until once again you ,1re surrounded
by white mist. Again the mist disperses, and as it fades away you find
yourself unCl' mure sitting in your ruorn.
Take some time to write up vour experience and contemplak whclt you
havL' learned.

Page 60
JJrncf/(nf Pfnuct11r_1t ,·\1nsic~

Journey to the God Mars

Sit comfortably and relax, closing your eyes. In your mind's eye fix tllL'
inl<igc of yourself sitting as you are in the room. Hold this image, and then
Sl'L' a white mist filling the room, obscuring thL' walls, the floor, the ceiling,
L'\·crything, until all around you is white mist.
The white mist disperses and vou rind yourself standing in a grove, in
front of a large old oak trL'l'. In your hands you are holding a sword and a
round shield. As you look up at the branches of the oak tree you see mistletoe
growing on the upper branches.
A rustling in the undergrowth alerts you to the presence of other life and
you turn around so your back is to the tree. Stepping from the trees is the tall
figure of a warrior bearing an axe. You bang your sword against your shield
to draw his attention and he stares pointedly at you. He demands you step
out of the way so he can cut the oak tree down. You refuse and explain that
the oak is ancient, a sacred tree that supports all sorts of life and is central to
the grove it is in. Listening to you, the warrior first shakes his head, and then
slowly starts nodding in agreement. When you have finished explaining he
takes his axe and walks away back into the woods.
Almost immediately another figure steps from the trees, again carrying a
large axe. He also demands you step aside to let him cut down the oak. You
rduse and start to explain about the oak, but he ignores your words and runs
at vou waving his axe. You raise your shield in time and deflect his blow,
SL'nding him flying. With an angry grunt he rises and charges again. This
time you <1re more re<1dy <1nd p<1rr.1: his blow, knocking him to the ground
,1gain with your shield. You warn him that next time you will dr<1w blood.
The warrior pauses and sizes you up. Realising you are serious, he gives
vou a nod of respect and w,1lks away. More rustling warns you that anothl'r·
P«'rson is corning. As you wait, you see a largL' attractive and powerful man
in a breastpl<1te bearing a sword and shield walking towards vou. HL' sttips
and haib vou, and vou realise this is Mars.

Page 61

Prnctirnf [J/n11etnr_11 Afagic~

I-IL' spe,1b to you and says: "You hove shown your wil/i11g11css lof/g/11 when
you need to. 1111d as 11 il'arrior 110! do 111orc th1111 _11011 need lo. Do you 11/wnys choose
your tig!tts as well. 1111d c!toosc your grou11d npproprintc/y? You slwuld usually lie
11/1/e lo <l'i11 1111y (ig/1! <l'il!t your mind. nnd without sh11ming your opponent.
F\c111e111/7cr !!tis 1111d the w11rrior pnlh will 11/w11ys prouidc you with slrrngtlz 1111d
courage lo rnrr.11 011 _11011r w11_11. flnil wnrrior!"
With this cry, Mars disappears, leaving you considering his words.
As you look around you see the white mist rising until once again all
around you is whitL' mist. Again thL' mist dispL'rSL'S, and as it fadL's away you
find yoursL'lf once more' sitting in the room.
Take somL' time to write up your experience and contemplate what you
have learned

Page 62
Prnct1rn! f>/1111etar_111'-'f11s1c~

Journey to the God Jupiter

Sit colllfortably and relax, closing your eyes. In your lllind's eye fix the
in 1,1ge of yoursl.'lf sitting ,1s you Jre in tlw roo!ll. Hold this imJgL', ,111d then
:;L'L' ,1 \\·hite lllist filling the room, obscuring the walls, the flour, the ceiling,
c'\L'tdhing, until all around you is white mist.
Thl' whitL• mist disperses Jnd ym1 tind yourself stJnding on J mountain
tof' tlw sun shining down on your brightly fro111 a cloud sky. As you take in
till' f''1no1-.1111ic view of the J,1ndscJpe below you, you cJn see there hJs been J
storm bv the rainbow in the sky, Jnd you feel the frL•shness in the air ziround
vou th,1t a storlll JI ways leJves behind.
You see a powerful 111Jture man striding thmugh the air tow,1rds vou.
He \\'eJrs a blue tunic over his musculJr body, Jnd has ,1 golden crown on his
head. In his right hand he holds a bunch of thunderbolts. He IJughs with ,1
dL•ep roar like thunder as he approaches you, ,111d you know vou are in the
prL'SL'JlCe of JLI pi ter
Jupiter stl.'ps on the 111ountJin top next to yuu, towering over vm1. Sik•nt
he iooks over the IJndscafoe, and you gain a sense of his rulership of the land
lwlow. Not ownership, but r,1ther a stewardshifo to protect its creJtures. As
vou fl>L•I his controlled power emanating from hilll, you begin to ,1pf11·eci,1te
thl' qu,1litiL'S neeLil'd for ,1 good ruler. Thl' strl'ngth templ'rL'd with
rnrnf1,1ssio11, fir11111ess telllpl'rL'd with hu!llour, justice tl.'!llpl'rL'd with lllL'IT)'.
Somehow thl' mil' of ruler suddl'nly SL'ems much more complicatl.'d.
Jupiter points to ,1 forl'st and spl'Jks. "Wiren left alone Ilic c11rtlr 11/w11ysfimls
li,·1 ou•n h11l1111cc. It is 1111111 1ul10 t/Jrmus the hnl1111Ct' 0111. Bui lo i11fl11cncc your
L'lli'irrn1111e11t in 11 posili«c 1P11.11, yo11 11111sl first /le tire rnlcr of yourscl( Do you rule
your oz1•11 pnssious, your own .fi•11rs, your own driucs, or do llll'y rnlc you?" His
f'iL'rring g,11e holds \'OU fast ,ind vou know he SL'es the truth of your thoughts.
flL' t<:lb vou to hold one of his thund<:rbolts, ,111d hzinds it to you. ;\s you
t,ikl' thL' thumil'rbolt, there is ,1 hugl' bJng Jnd you find yourself lving on your
back on tlw ground. "/ /uwe lnkrn the first /111rrier _f(ir yo11, it is up lo yo11 lo den/
with the rest." Jupiter says, and strides off into the ,1ir, laughing again.
Calling your thanks after him, vou ponder his words and what he made
you sec ,1bout yourself, you ga;;e around, and sec the white mist rising until
once again ,1ll around you is white mist. Again the mist disperses, ;ind as it
fades away you find yourself once more sitting in the room.
Tilkc some time to write up your L'xpericncc and contcmpl;ite whilt you
h<Jve leilrncd
/>111d1rn/ J>lo11e/11r_11 ,\1n;.:1c~

Journey to the God Saturn

Sit comfortably and relax, closing your eyes. In your mind's eye fix the
in1 ,1 ge of yoursL'lf sitting as you are in the room. Hold this image, and then
SL'L' ,1 white mist filling the room, obscuring the w<Jlls, the floor, the ceiling,
L'\'l'i"Ything, until <Jll around you is white mist.
The white mist disperses and vou find yourself standing in a field full of
g"lden corn, ripening under the harvest sun. As you look around, you see the
fields go on in ,111 direction~ to the hori;;on, apart from to your left, where i1

gL'ntll' hill stands out from the corn. On top of the hill you can make out a
JargL' throne carved from a single piece of black basalt.
You walk up the hill to look more closely at the throne, and as you
,1ppro<Jch it you notice an hour-p,lass carved into the head of the throne. As
vou admire the workmanship of the throne, a figure walks around from
behind till' back. It is an old bearded man in a black robe, bearing a scythe,
und you realise this is Saturn. Though he is old, there is no sign of weakness
or decrepitude in his strong, lithe form. With a nod to you he sits on the
Saturn holds the scythe in his right hund, and you understand that the
primary function of the scythe is to reap the hMvests he gathers. With this the
scvthe no longer seems ,1s fmrsome. Saturn smiles and the scythe turns into a
Cl'll\\' and flies away into the sky. He holds out his left hand, und a black
obs1di,1n sphere uppe,1rs in it. Saturn asks if you would like to take the
me,1surL' of your life and see where your boundaries end. You thank him und
g,l/L' deeplv into the obsidian ball.
As vou look into the ball, your focus moves entirely onto the images you
'''L' ll'ithin it. You see scenes from your life, of tlw moments that have defined
\'our path and the person you are. You see your successes <Jnd failures, good
dL'L'ds ,ind mistakes. Through <Jll these visions you re,11ise that there was
,il11,ws tlw potential for greater success and ulso greater failurL'. The

Puge 65
boundaries und barriers you have built around yourself bccomL' ckurcr, und
you sec which of these help you, und which hinder you and hold you b,1ck.
The form of your life bcconws clmrL'r, and you intuit that the force
within your life is your own will, your determination. How much you
transform that form by wisely directing your own force is up to you. With
this knowledge, you bring your aw,1rcncss ,1way from the obsidian b,111, and
in that moment you sec that S,1turn h,1s disappmrcd, and in his place an hour-
gbss sits on the throne.
Ca/ing at the hour-glass, you observe that it is not sand pouring from
the top bulb to the bottom, but seeds. You realise that Saturn is telling you to
choose which seeds you plant in your life to harvest later, and not to w,1ste
your time being delayed and put off by self-imposed restrictions.
With a smile, you call a thank you to Saturn, and as you do so the white
mist rolls in over the fields, obscuring the corn, the sky, tllL' throne,
everything, until once again all around you is white mist. Again thL' mist
disperses, and ,1s it fades <lway you find yourself once more sitting in the
Take some time to write up your experience and contemplate whJt you
hJ1'C h..>,1rncd.

Page 66
Pmrticnl Plnnt'f11n1 Ains;1cA


Planetary Days & Hours

Timing is an important consideration when performing work with the
SL'\'en classical planets and choosing a favourable time to perform your
ceremony is a key factor in securing effective results for your magick,
In order to decide which planetary day or hours to perform your magick
in vou need to consider the nature of the results you require, so that you will
be able to select the most auspicious day and time at w'hich to perform it,
Lich of the days of the week are associated with one of the classical planets
Jnd for this reason it is preferable to perform your ceremony on the day
<1ssociated with the planetary energy most relevant to your ceremony. When
invoking a planetary spirit you would do so on the day of the planet it is
Jssociated with, or if you were consecrating a talisman or Jnrnlet you would
use the day of the week corresponding to the energy you wish to chJrge it
Whichever planet you are working with, in addition to performing your
ceremony on the day of the week associJted with th<lt pl811l't, it is preferJbk
to olso use one of the hours on that day (or night) associated with the planet.
If vou need to perform a ceremony urgently Jnd it is not practicJI to wJit for
the planetMy day, you can still use the planetary hours of the planet on Jny
dov of the week to tune in to the energies of thJt planet.
Likewise if a ceremony is for Jn intent which falls umkr the influenCL' of
two planets, their influence can be combined by using the pl,1netary hour of
0 nL' of the planets on the planetary Lfay of the other planet. E.g., if you were
performing a ceremony for career succL'SS, vou would notiCL' that this is
something which benefits from the influence of both Jupiter ,1nd the Sun,
Tlwrefore you could tap into the energy of both these planets by either
performing your ceremony during a solJr hour on a Thurs,fay, or J Jupiterian
hour on a Sunday.

Page 67
Pmcticnf Pfn11etnr_11 Afosic~

Planet Types of magick performed on days and in hours

Sun C.ireer success, est,1blishing h.irmony, he,1ling, improving gL'ner,11
lw,1lth, de\'L'loping Ic,1dL'rship skills, ,icquiring mrnwv, g,1ining
promution, strL'ngtlwning willpower
i\ h>rcu rv Bus111ess sucCL'Ss, improving communic,1tion skills ,rnd knowledge ,rnd
n1L'n1ory, diplor11,1cy, succeeding in ex,1n1s, divining the futun.',

dL'\'eloping influL'ncc>, protection when travelling by ,1ir ,1nd land,

J,?,uning niusic
VL'nus lnlre,1sing dtlr,1di\'<.'IH.)ss ,1nd b<..',1uty and p,1ssion, enhcincing crvativity,

improving fL'rtilitv, dL'\'cloping friendships, obtaining Ion>, increasing


"-lnon Enh,rncing cl,1irn1v,111ce, Ensuring sail' childbirth, divining the future,

de\'doping gL1mour <rnd illusions, protection when tr,1\'elling by sea
Md rs Controlling ,1ngcr, incre,1sing e<.H1ragl' and energy and passion,

incre,1sing sex drive and vigour

Jupill'r C.HL'L'r success, dL'\'Cloping ambition and enthusiasm, improving fortune

,rnd gL'IH'r,il he,1lth, ,1cquiring honour, improving humour, dealing with
leg,11 m,1ttns and the L'stablishmcnt, dL'\'L'loping lc,1dership skills,
improving luck
S,1turn l'L'rforming duty, cst,1blishing b,1lance and equilibrium, studving for
L'xams, dispL'lling illusions, protecting the home, dealing with legal
m,1ttL'rs, developing patience ,rnd self-discipline

P;:ig<' 68
Planetary Days
The po~1u!ar sequL'nCc' of pl;mct;iry Jttributions of the LiJys comes from

cincicnt ~ksoput,1miil. I his WJS subsequently Jdopted by the Greeks, who

,1ttributc'd their deities to the d;1ys in clCCOrd,1nce with sin1ilclfities between the

qu,1litics Jnd ilttributes of thl'ir deities with the eJrlier MesopotJmiiln ones.

Jhc RomJns then followed the sJrne procedure, replJcing the Greek deities

11 ith their Rorniln equivill<'llts. Thus it w,1s thJt the fJrnili,1r sequence of Sun,
i\\,1,111, Milrs, Mercurv, Jupiter, Venus, ;ind SJturn for the LiJys wils c'stJb!ished

1, ith the 1',111 deities, i.e. Sund;iy, Monday, TuesLby, Wednesd,1y,

Jhursdily, Fridav, ;1nd Siltur<iily.

The Jc;soci,1tion of the planets with the Lic1ys of the week hJc; cJrried

through into many l;1nguJges, with the nJmes often 1·dlccting the p1Jnct<1rv

,1s91ci<1tion of th<1t day. Even the S<1xon deities whose names were ;1ttributcd

to tour d,ws of the 11·eek were b<1sed on their equ;:ition to the most com p,1r;:ible

Rorn<1n ~11Jnctilry deities.

Named After
Planet Days of the Days of the Week Roman Deity Saxon Deity
Week (Italian)
Tlw Sun Sund,w Don1L'nic(1 Sol
r!wi\10011 i\lon<L1v Luncdl Lun,1
f\ lc1rs Tl!('Sd cl\' f\1.irtcdl f\1.irs Tiw
\krcun· V\' l'd lll'Sd ,l \' i\krcokdl f\ 1crcu rv 1
Vv tldl'll
lupitl'r J'hursd,11· Ciovcdl Jupiter Thu nor
\'t·nus Frid,11· V<'ncrdl V<..•nus Fri ,.__,,::->

S,1turn S,1turcLl\' S,1b,1to S,1tum

Page 69
Planetary Hours
"[will spenk of tile u11cq11nl hours whic/1 arc nllrilmtcd 1111!0 tlze do111i11io11 or rule of
the pln11els, fiir tlint tile do111i11io11 of tile /1011r scrvet/1 to t/1e pln11cls ns for n dig11ity"1c

Although the idea that working with planetary hours has been promoted
by some teachers as starting with the medieval grimoires, this is not the case.
In ancient Egypt the Egyptian Priests attributed a different ruling god to each
of the twenty-four hours of the day. The Greeks adopted this idea,
rationalising it into the system we are now familiar with. They attributed the
seven planets to the hours of the day, with the ruler of the first hour being the
same as the ruler of the dayl 1 and through this they developed the system in
which the repetitive sequence of the seven planets was first introduced.
If you Jre new to the concept of planetary hours you may at first be
overwhelmed by the confusing use of the term "/1011r" for each time period as
these are not the sixty-minute hours that we are accustomed to using in
normal timekeeping. The planetary hours used in planetary magick are not
the same as the sixty-minute hours beginning at midnight that we use for
normal timekeeping. The planetary days are divided into twenty-four
planetary hours starting with the first hour of the day beginning at sunrise
and ending with the last hour of the day ending at sunrise of the next
planetary day.
The period of day light that extends from sunrise to sunset is divided into
the twelve "/1011rs" of the day. The period of darkness extending from sunset
to sunrise of the next dilV is divided into the twelve "/1011rs" of night.
Combined these give the twenty-four hours of the planet,1ry day. As the
duration of daylight and darkness in a day will always differ except possibly
at the Spring and Autumn Equinoxes when they may be equill, so on a
particular planetary dilv the length of the hours of the day will differ from the

12 A Brid ,md most E,1sv Astrnlogical Judgmc>nt of tl1l', Claudius D.uiot, 15H3
13 Set> Tlw Ex,ict Sciences in Antiquity. Nt•ugt•b.iuc>r, 1967, p 169.

Page 70
[cngth of the hours of the night. This is why the pbnetary hours arc
" 011 1ctimcs called the unequal hours. During the "light" half of the year
between the Spring and Autumn Equinoxes there will be more hours of
d,wlight than night, so the twelve planetary hours of the day will be longer
th,in the twelve planetar\' hours of the night. The converse is true during the
"dnrk" half of the year between the Autumn and Spring Equinoxes, when
there arc more hours of darkness than daylight and so correspondingly the
twelve planetary hours of night arc longer than those of the day.
Almanacs, cphemcredes and thL' internet are all sources you can use to
discover the sunrise c1nd sunset times, enabling you to calculate the planetary
hours in advance and time your ceremonies appropriately.

rage 71
Pmc//(11/ P/1111ct11r_11 :\Ingid

Attributions for Planetary Hours

Planetary Hours of the Day

Hour Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
I Sun f\loon ;-vLus i\ll'rcur\' Jupitc>r Vl'nllS s,1turn

2 Venus Sdturn Sun f\1oon f\Lirs f\h'rcury Jupitl'r

3 Mercury Jupit<'r VL'nlls S,1turn Sun Moon f\Lirs

4 Moon f\1c1rs Mercurv Jupik'r Venus S,itu rn Sun

5 S,\turn Sun f\ \mm f\krcurv Jupiter VL'\\LIS

6 Jupiter VL'nus S,1turn Sun f\1oon i\\cirs ML'rcurv

7 Mars ML'rcury Jupiter VL)llUS S,1turn Sun ~v1oon

8 Sun Moon f\Lirs Mercury Jupiter VL)llllS S,1turn

9 Venus Sdturn Sun j\1oon McHs Ml'rcurv Jupitl'r

]() Mercury JupitL'r Vl'nUs S,1turn Sun f\1oon f\Lirs

II Moon f\Lus Mercurv JupitL'r Venus S,iturn Sun

12 Saturn Sun Moon MMs Mercury JupitL'r VL'nus

Planetary Hours of the Night

Hours Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
I Jupiter Venus S,1turn Sun Moon Mars Mercury

2 f\1ars j\1ercurv Jupitl'r Venus S<1turn Sun Moon

3 Sun Moon Mcirs ML'rcury Jupiter Venus S,1turn

4 Venus S,1turn Sun f\loon Mei rs l\krcury Jupiter

5 Mercury Jupitl'r Venus S,1turn Sun Moon Mars

6 !\loon !V1clrs Mcrcurv Jupitl'r Venus S,1turn Sun

7 Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury j LI pitl'r VL'nlls

8 lupitl'r Venus S,1turn Sun j\loon l\L1rs i\krcurv

9 f\Lirs l\'fercury Jupiter \'enu.s S,1turn Sun !\Joun

10 Sun i\lmm j\Jc1rs f\krcurv Jupiter \'C'J1LIS Saturn

11 \\lJllJS S,1turn Sun f\1oon f\1,us i\ ll'retir\' Jupill'r

12 f\1l'rcurv JupilL'r VL)nus S,1turn Sun "1rn1n :-.Lirs

Pmcticnf }Jflluctnr,11 A1n,~ic~

Calculations: Example 1
Let us say you wanted to work out the planetary hours for a ritual that
focused on using Mercurial energies. Wednesday is the day of Mercury, so
,·ou decide to perform the ritual next Wednesday, during the day. The
f'roccss is then as follows:

EB Consulting an almanac you sec the sun rises at 7am on that day
and sets ,1t 8.48pm.
EB So the hours of daylight are from 07.00 - 20:48, giving 13 hours
and 48 minutes.
EB 13 x 60 + 48 = 828 minutes of daylight.
EB Divide by 12 = 69.
EB This means each of the 12 "hours" of daylight will be 69 minutes

Consulting the tables given you see the first and eighth hours of
Wednesday arc ruled by Mercury. So for the first hour nf the day the ritual
should be performed between 7.00am and 8.09am (69 minutes).

For the eighth hour further calculation is needed:

EB Add together the "hour" length for 7 "hours" (7 x 69 483

minutes, or 8 hours and 3 minutes).
EB Then add this to the sunrise time (7:00am) + 8 hours and 3 minutes
= 3:03pm).

EB This mrnns thL' eighth hour starts at 3:03pm and finishL'S at 4:12pm
(3:03 + 69 minutL's).

You then decide which of these two times will be morL' practical, and
l'ou ha\'L' your time to perform the ritual in.

Page 73
Calculations: Example 2
Ll't us s0y \'llll now \\',mted to work out the pl0nl't,1ry hours for a ritual
th,1t focusL'd on using S,1turni,111 energies. Saturday is the day of Saturn, so
vou deciLk to pL't·iorm the ritual next Saturday, during the night when Saturn
is \'isible in the skv. The process is then as follows:

Consulting ,1n alman,1c you sec the sun sets at 9.04pm on that day and rises
the following morning at 6.10,1111.
EB So the hours of night arc from 21.04 - 06:10, giving 9 hours and 6
EB 9 x 60 + 6 = 546 minutes of night.
EB DiviLk bv 12 = 45.5.
EB This means each of the 12 "hours" of the night will be 45.5 minutes

Consulting the tables given you see the third and tenth hours of
S0turday night c1l'L' ruled by Saturn. So if vou now calculate these two times
you have vou 1· options:

hir the third hour

EB Sunset is 9.04pm so this is the bilse time you start from.

EB To calculate the stMt time for the third hour, add the "/wur" length
for 2 "hour,·· (2 x 45.5 = 91 minutes, or 1 hour C1nd 31 minutes)
EB Add this to the sunset time (9.04) + 1 hour and 31 minutes
EB lhc Saturnicm hour rnns from 10.35pm to l l.20.5pm (Hl.35 + 45.S

hir the tenth hour further c,1lcuL1tion is needed:

ffi ;\dd togl'thl'r thl' "hour" iL'ngth for 9 "/1011r< (9 x 45.5 409.5
minutL's, or (1 hours ;rnd 49.5 minute's).

EB Then Zldd this to thL' sunsd time (9:ll4pm) + (J hours Zlnd 49.5
minutL's = 3:53.5<:lm).

EB This nw,rns thL' tL'nth hour stcirts ,1t 3:53.5,1m ,1nd finishes ;1t

4:39,im (3:53.5 + 45.5 minutL's).

You thL'n decidL' which of thL'se two times will be more p<:lctical

(f'r"bablv 10.35pm 1), Zlnd you havL' your timL' to pl'rform the ritu,11 in.

OnL' further ,1Spect vou mZly wish to consider is thL' pland,irv movL'ment.

At times somL' of thL' pl<:lnds go rL'trogr;1de, i.L'. appL'ar to rL'versL' thL'ir

rno\·e·rnent in the sky. This is tZlkL'n in magickZll terms to me<:ln the' energy is
w,111ing r,1thL'r than w;1xing, so m<:lny m<:lgicians prdL'r to \\'(ll'k when thL'

pL111l't is not rctrogr,1de. This CZln e',1sily be' chL'cked bv looking ,1t <:ln
i\strologic<:ll EphL'meris.

PagL' 75
Prnclirnl Pl11111'1111y lv111sick


Invocation & Evocation

The grimoirL'S placed a great dezil of emphasis on interaction with
spiritual crmtures, either through invocation or evocation, or J combination
of both. Invocation of ,1 spiritu,11 crmture into a medium such as a crystal was
a commonly used technique. This technique was used for most types of
spiritu.:il cre.:iture, including Archangels, demons, Olympic Spirits, Planetary
Spirits, faeries .:ind elementals. Confusingly, phrases such as "[11/0 this crystnl
stone or glnss receptnc/e, or otherwise visi/1/y Olli of the snmc" are often to be found
in grimoires, indicating th,1t the call to the spiritual creature can result in
invocation (into the crystal stone or gl.:iss receptilcle) or evocJtion ("visibly Olli

of the sn me").
Evociltion of i1 spiritual creature specificJlly to tangible appeilrJnce
outside of i1 receptacle (i.e. without invocJtion) was almost .:ilways exclusively
performed with demons. As the Planetary Spirits were also referred to .:is
Pl.:inetary Demons, evocation was .:ilso used with them, which is why
descriptions of their physical appe.:irance and phenomenon associated with
their appmr.:ince can be found in grimoires such as Hnrley MSS 6482, whereas
physical descriptions Me not given for the Planetary Intelligences, also known
as Planetary Angels.
Such evocations were performed into a tri,1ngle, which acted as a c.:ige to
protect the summoner from the influence of the demon. The triangle usu.:illy
had sitks thrL'L' foot Jong with protective divinL' names written around them,
.:ind w,1s pbced two foot from the outer edge of the circle in the direction the
creature was expected to .:ittend from. When demons were evoked in this
manner, they ~l'<rnld be bound through use of divine n.:imes of power to
ensure their obedience and the truth of their statements and actions, as well .:is
constraining them not to hurt any living thing or c,1use damage to the pl.:ice.
Pmcticaf Plnnetnry Afogic~

"And /1y Ille Sen/ of your Creation, /Jei11s t/Je mnrk,

or C/Jnrnclcr of holiness 1111/0 you. "J;

For both invorntion and evocation, the magician would normally wear a
l,irncn on their chest over their heart. This !amen would include the seal of
the creature being called, which was believed to have the power to facilitate
(li!11!11Unication with the creature, as wl'll as providing protection from the
crL•,iturc. It could also be seen as acting as a beacon for the creature on the
phvsical plane, which when combined with the ceremony would tell it where
hi go to. For the Planetary Intelligences and Spirits these seals correspond to
the sigils formed by sigilising their names on their appropriate pL:metary
kJmcas (sec Appendix 3). The !amen would be constructed during the
i1ppropriate planetary hour on the appropriate planetary day as part of the
preparation for i1wocatioi 1 or evocation. For the planetary archangels and
demons, examples of their seals are found in different grimoircs.
In addition to the !amen, the other main form of protection was the
magick circle. A whole range of different magick circles are given in different
grimoires, of varying complexity. The circle is usually nine foot in diameter,
with a second circle within of eight foot diameter. What they usually have in
common is pentagrams marking the four directions in the boundary between
till' two circles, and divine names between the four pentagrams. Both the
penL:igrams and divine names served as protection for the magician within
the circle from any creature evoked outside of the circle. The pentagrams
were drawn with the point of the pent;1gram facing inwards towards the
CL'ntrc of the circle. The divine names used were usually those considered
p,11·ticularly efficacious, such as Jahvch, Adonai, Ehcia and Agla. Unlike the
pcnt,1grams the names were written facing inwards towards the magician in
tlw centre. Within the circle at the centre was the Jltar, which WJS the focus
for 111\'0cation as the place where the receptacle was positioned. The altar was

Page 77
Prnctirn/ !1/n11t'111n1 .\!11_<.:it ~

SL'L'n ,is sacrl'd in itsl'lf, and ofll'n h,1d its own circll' d1-,1wn on it, within which
tlw cryst,11 wou Id bl' ~"!,iced.

For ,111 works of pbnet,1rv rn<1gick (,ind indL'L'd ,1ny otlw1· m,1gick) the
practitioner should obsl'rvc a principll' which is strl'SSL'd hl'avih· in the
grimoircs, which is th,1t of purific,1tion <llld consecration. All thl' tools usl'd
should be consl'crnted, as should talisrnans ,rnd amulets (scl' thl' SL'Ction in the
chapter on Amull'ts & Talism,1ns). Purification ,1lso irn·olvl's \'OU, ,ind this
includl's ritual b,1thing beflHL' ,1ny cl'rcmony, and the mundane clmning of the
space you use as your tcmpll' for ceremonies on a regul,1r basis. Anything
you take into a magick circll' for rituol work should hove been purified. This
includes mundane items you might not othl'rwise considl'r, such as your pair
of glassl's if you we,ir thcrn.
Thl' use of a seril's of conjurations to invokl' or evoke a spiritual creature
had a number of reasons. Onl' was that it built up the Pncrgy and focusl'd the
attention of the magician. Anothl'r is that it might takl' time to dr;1w the
attention of the spiritual creature in qul'stion. Soml' writers havl' suggested
that a series of conjurations implies a lack of belief that they will work, <ind
the magician should only use the strongest conjuration. However this misses
an obvious ~"oint, which c<in bl' best illustrated by an<ilogy. If your tL>lcphom'
rings and you arc not right next to it, it t<ikes timl' for you to rc<ich the
tclcphonl' <ind answer it, <issuming vou <ire in the house. Likl' the ringing of
the tcll'phonc, thl' conjurations dr,1w the <ittention of the spiritu<il creature,
am\ build up a m<igickal prcssurl' L'nrnur;1ging it to <inswcr your c<ill. Of
course if you <ire not in the housl' vou cannot ,1nswer your telephone, so
remember th<it if you ml' calling a unique spiritu<1l crmturc, it is not
impossibll' th<it it may <ilrl'<1dy be soml'whl'rL' fulfilling i1 t;1sk, in which casl' it
is not going to respond to your c,111.
Binding a spiritual cre,1ture is also a p,1rt of the process of invoci1tion ,ind
C\'OC,1tion. In this context thl' tl'rm binding should bL' cl<irifil'd ,is the
formalisation of <in ,1grecrnent, like ,1 contract or 0<1th, which thl' spiritu<il
creature ,1grces to, to fulfil tlw task you h,1\'L' set it, ,ind <1lso to rn,1kc

l'agl' 78
Prnctirnl Plo11cfory ,\fog/(~

subsequent contact easier. This may also include the spiritual crcature giving
the magician a particular seal to use to call it more easily, or a specific n;1me to
u"e to call it, as mentioned with the Olympic Spirits.

There nrc other 11nnzcs of tl1e Olympic Spirits delivered by others; li11t they 011/y nrc
effect uni, wliiclz nrc rlelivemt to nnyonc, by tile Spirit. " 1 ~

A component that is seen in both invocation and evocation is the license

tl' depart. Having called a spiritual creature, when it had fulfilled the task it
\\·,is called for, it was cnnsidered mamfotory to license the creature to depart.
This is not the same as banishing, as the context is entirely different. You
Lmish unwanted influences or entities, and it would be incredibly rude to
banish a spiritual creature you had summoned to assist you. This is why the
licenses to depart found in the grimoires are courteous, though usu,11ly with ,1
reminder that you might call on the creature's services again in the future.
Following the license to depart, a banishing or exorcism would then be
performed. When calling a spiritual creature, it was considered akin to
lighting a beacon, which could attract all manner of unwanted entities to the
vicinity. Thus the performing of a banishing or exorcism would ensure that
any unwanted "guests" would leave the vicinity and not cause any problems.
In the case of demons, it was also thought that if the demon had become
invisible after the license to depart, or had arrived but not assumed visible
~ppearance and thus avoided being bound, <llld was still hanging around to
cause mischief afterwards, you would be sending it away as well, preventing
it from misbehaving.

]] Aphorism 18, Arbdtcl of f\L1gick.

Page 79

The Olympic Spirits

"T!icy arc rnlled Oly111pic Spirits, or Spirits o{ 0/_1;111p11s, wilic/J ln/Jaliit in Ilic
J'im1a111<'11/, and in I/Jc Stars //1acot: Il'liosc Office is lo Declare Ilic Fate and Destiny
o{ 1v1ort11/,;, 1111d lo !\d111ini;;tcr Scucml o//1a Matier;; rwd T/1i11gs concern ins our
Tcrrc,;/rial 11ttl1ir;;; and lo Tc11c/1 allli Declare tlwsc T11i11ss Ilia/ Ilic Stars lo wlziclz
c11cn; one is appointed, portcndct/1 and S('{111fictil, according lo Ilic Doctrine of
A;;I ro11011n; 1111d !\;;/rolosy, Il'i1crcin //Jc Oftlccs of I lie Oly111pic Spirit;; is 111ost
cll"'{rll1l/_11 Sl'/f(nt/1" 1'

This seventel'nth century dl'scription from Rayp/inson MSS D1363 of the

Oly111pic Spirits gives Jn indic1tion of their cx,1lted nJture. They ;:ire not
simple spirits, but sk'lbr governors \\'ho rule VJst legions of spirits. The best
\\'cl)' to describe the111 is prnb,1bly JS "planetary sovcrnors", JS the CilrJicst
rctL're1KL' to the111 in the sixteenth century Ar/Jf1/c/ of Ma«.;ick describes them in
conncctil>ll to spiritu<:JI govcrn111cnts ,111d ruling provinces.

"T/Jcrc arc ,;c1 1cn ditft'l'<'ll/ so1 1c1w11c11/,; of tile Spirit;; o{Oly111p11s, ln; whom Cod linlh
a1111ointcd Ilic 1p/Jo!cfm111c and universe of this world lo lie governed. "1.-

The ne,1rest spirituJl crcJturcs to which the Oly111pic Spirits could thus
be co111p,1rL'd ilrL' tlw cHch,1ngL'ls. Like the ;:irchilngcls they hJvc J degree of
,1utononw, JS SL'L'n b1· reference to their i1ppe,1rJ1ice. There is ;1 simibrity
bct11·<'L'n tl1L' Olvmpic Spirits, 11·ith their consecutive periods of pbnct<:Jry rule
through historv llt -190 \'L',1J'S, ,1nd the pl,1nctJry ,1ngels described by Joh<:Jnncs

lh l\ISS l\,1\\'li1Nm DIJ63

l';:ige 80
rithL'lllius in his work Uc Scptc111 Scrn11dcis (JS08 CE), who consL'CutiVL'il' rull'
t"r ,1 ~1eriod of :iS4 Vl'clrs and 4 months (ilnd were in f,ict tlw ,1rch;rngcls).
JIK' Olym~1ic Sf1irits, ;1s the nilme "Oly11111ic" suggL'Sts, ;1re prnb;:iblv from
(~rl'c·k origins. J=or this reiJS()n they du not rl'Zlllv fit well with thl' I ll'brcw
hic'r,irclw of spi1·itu,1l cre,1turL'S which is structurL'd tlrn1ugh its Q,1b,1listic
,1,,,"·i,1tions. It is also interesting to obsen'L' th;1t unlike ,1rch,mgels which Ml'

C[lll'idcrcd to be m,1de of the highL'St ,1spect of ;iir, the Olympic Spirib ,irL'
cotll~1risL'd of J b,1],111ce ()f the four clements, indic,1ting ;1 much mme physic,1!

:'f'hL·rc' uf influL'JlCe.
!his is ,1n extremely import;int distinction, ;1s ;1!! tlw spiritu;1] crc;iturl's

dc'"cribed from Hl'brew sources, such JS ,1rchc1ngL'ls, ilngcls ;ltld dl'nHms, ML'

,1JJ c,llllf'OSL'd of ,1 single L'll'nwnt, usuillly Jir.

"/'11cse Seuc11 /111peri11/ Princes, or Spiri/1111/ Coucmors,

zuit/1 thcir //(l;;/s, are i1111/I Ilic frllLr Elc111c11/;;,
n11d do 111ozic wit Ii //1c cqunl Motio11 of the Fin11ni11rnl,
1111d //1e /11f(·riors do 11/ui111;s Dcpcnd 11po11.
1111d are Scruie11/ /o //1e S11paiors

RetL'J"l'tlCL' mildl' to thL' Olympic Spirits in llnrlcy 1\!ISS G4S:!, ;1 sig11ific,mt

grirnoirL' copied from se\·entl'L'nth century 111;:itcri,1l worked by the rn,1gici,rn

Dr Thom,1s Rudd, m,1h's ;in impo1·t;:int rcfL'rencc to the prdL'rence for working
\\'ith thL' Oh·mpic Sf1irits r;ither than tlw I kbrL'11· ordl'rs of pLmL't,1n· Sf1iritu,1l
GL',1tures. This is il point we wish to emph,1tic,1lh· ernph;isiSL', ,1s the Olympic
Spirits ,rnd their subservient spirits ilrL' f,11· nmrL' ,iccessible in m,1n\' w,1ys th,ltl
lirch,111gL'I~ ,111d ,1ngcls.

"T" co11c/11dc /),- l\11dd's Doctrine otthc Nine /-/iemrcl1ics "fA11,~c/,;

1111,f tl1l' /ict/a lo 1111dcrs/1111d !1i111. t/111/ 11//lw11gl1 t/1c c'~!tJrio11s i\11'1/1mlltJ11
Prnctirnl J>/11nl'f11r.11 ,\Iax1c~

1111d Rn:icl 111ny lie i11uocntcd_f(ir so111c grcnl sig11nl n11d wriglzty 111nllers
lo prrz•rnt rui11 o(slnlco n11d kingdoms n11d prrso11s in gri:nl nutlzority,
yet it i:; !Iii: opi11io11 of Dr. Orr nnd Dr. R11dd, n11d /nnz/Jlidzus tlznt
n11cirnt 111ngici1111. !lint it i:; rnrcly prncticcd since Ilic Oly111pic powers
nrc s11fllcirnt lo /Jr i11uornlrd n11d ndvioi:d witlz. " 1

The qualities of the Olympic Spirits seem to be determined by the

number seven, that of the classical planets. Thus we see that they all rule a
number of provinces which is a multiple of seven, their period of rule is four
hundred and ninety yezirs each; and their sub-rulers are in multiples of seven.

Period of Rule

Planet Governor Period of Rule

Jupiter Beth or 60 BC-430CE

l\1MS Ph a leg 431 CE - 920CE

Sun Och 921CE - 14!0CE

Venus Hagith 141 ICE - l 900CE

Mercurv Ophil'l 1901 CE - 2390CE

Moon l'hul 2391CE-2880CE

Saturn Aratrnn 2881CE - 3370 CE

The current age is under the rule of Ophiel, the Mercurial Olympic Spirit,
which is understandable in a world that has become so dominated by
informzition technology.

19 MSS Hark'1' 6482

Page 82
flmct1c11f Pl1111etnr11 A1ns;icA

Olympic Spirit Rulerships

Planet Governor Provinces Ruled Number of Legions

(Visible Provinces) (legion= 490 spirits)

SMurn Aratron 49 36 000

Jupiter Beth or 32 29 000

M,us l'h,ileg 35

Sun Och 28 36 536

Venus Hagith 21 4 ()()()

Mercury Ophiel 14 100 000

Moon Phu I 7

186 provinces

An point mentioned in the Arbnte/ of" Mngic regarding the

Olympic Spirits is that they do not always turn up when they are called. If the
motives of the m,1gician were not pure there was no guarantee of
manifestation. And of course even if a spiritual creature did appear it might
not be visible, which is why the grimoires place so much emphasis on
thorough banishing even if nothing is obviously visible. This is why texts say
th,1t when called by a true magician who is acting in accord with the divine
will, tlwy are said to appear; however to a mean magician they send some of
their spirits with limited powers, and to false magicians they do not appear at
,1!! but send demons instead. 20
Also of course, it is possible that when you call an Olympic Spirit it may
be otherwise occupied and SL'nd one of its many spirits from its legions to
,1ttL'nd vou rather than coming itself.

Page 83
Governor Rules over

-l'J Kings, -!2 l'rinet's, 3'.i l'rcsidenh, W Dukl'S, 21 l\linisters,

Standing bdorc him l-l famili,us, 7 mcssc'ngc'rs
-!2 Kings, 3'.i l'rinn's, 2R Dukes, 21 Counsc'llors, 1-l \linistl'rs, 7
f'v1 esscngc..•rs

l\1anv subsc'n'il'nts, wt lw administrc'lh all things alone and ,111

his spirits SL'f\'L' him bv ccnturic's.
l\lanv subscn·icnt rninistl'ring spirits ,rnd ll\'l'r L'\'L'f\' ]()()() lw
ordai1wth Kings tor tlwir ,1ppointcd SL'<1sc111s.


Prnct1rnl l'ln11et11r.11 ;\111sic~

---:y;;functions of the Olympic Spirits

Planet Olympic Description

- Sun
Och Och is called for tn.w;ure and wealth spells, being ,,1id to give
gold and pn'cious stones, ,llld a "p1m;c spri11si11s ZI'ith sold". He'
bestows wisdom and raises tlw dignity of ,1 pc'rson so they MP

honoured and esteemed, <;o ideal for improving qualities of

k'adL'rship and social position. His familiars are said to be
excellent ,llld teach perfect mc•dici1ws, so ideal for lwak•rs. He
is ,1lso said to prolong life.

~lercurv Ophiel Ophicl teaches all subjects, lw is the ideal spirit to call to help
lc.un things. He gives familiar spirits. He is said to be able to
make mercury transform into the Philosophers stmw.
Venus Hagith Hagith !ncreases personc1l beauty and attrclctiveness. He is said
to transform copper to gnld (and vice-versa). He gives faithful
familiar spirih
t>.1oon I'hul Phu! is a healer who can prolong life. He can transform all
metals into silver. He gives undines as familiars.
Mars Phaleg Phaleg raises a person to great honour in matters of war.
Jupitc'r Aratron Aratrnn teaches alchemy, magick and healing. He is as<;ociated
with transmutation, with his powers being gin'n as converting
anything into stone, and converting coal to treasure' (and vice-
versa). He causes the barren to become fruitful, and tcache><;
invisibility. He gives long life. He givc.~s fcin1ili(u.., \Vi th a
"dc/i"11itc pm1•cr", makes "hairy men"' and c,lll call subterranean


S,1turn Bcthor Bethor raises cl person to greclt dignitic.)s, i.e.\ lw should be c,1lled
to when Irving to gain promotion or improve vour lot in life.
He.) r<.'\'eals, and tr(1nsports precious ..,tunes fron1 plcicc.)
to place'. He i111pnH'<.'~ psychic pO\\'er~, being s(1id to n1.1ke
n1c.'diun1s \\'Ork mir.1culou~ c.)ffl)Cts, and abu en..,ure airy '-'pirih
gi\'e tnW cl11S\VC'rS. He' prolongs life>, ,llld gives f,<; of the

rage 85
Fmc/i(trl P/1111et11r_11 Afogich

Olympic Spirit Seals & Astrological Rulerships

Planet Spirit Rulership Seal

The Sun Och LL'U

CL rnini

i\ lcrcu rv Ophil'l
,rnd \'irgo

Libr.1 dnd
Olympic Spirit Seals & Astrological Rulerships (continued)

--- It t 0 4

] he' \!Ollll l'hul Ctl!lCC'f

_,,-- -....


\Lirs l'h,1k'"h
Aries ,rnd


lupikr Gl'lhor
PlsCL'~ (1nd

'><1turn Ar{1lrun

l'rncfi( al fJ/1111etnr_11 ,\111s;1d

Invoking the Olympic Spirits

"T/icrr nrc ot/1cr Nn111es of the Olympic 5pirits Drlivcred /1y tradition, /111t they only
nrc Effcct1111/ 1uhiclz nre delivered or Reuenlcd to 1111y One /ly t/1c 5pirit it 5clf, either
visi/1/y or i11uisi/1/y; n11d tlzey nrc De/iucrcd to cucry One according ns tlzcy
Predcstinnted, or 5ynipnthised, or nre Governed /7.11 the Celestin/ Co11stcl/ntio11s in
their Nntiuity, &c. '" 1

The first thing you need to do is decide which of the Olympic Spirits is
<1ppropriate for the oper<Jtion you wish to undL'rtake. H<Jving determined
this, you should work out the pl<Jnet<Jry hours for that Olympic Spirit on its
day of the week. E.g. to c<Jll forth Bethor (Jupiter) it is best to do so on a
Thursday during the pbnet<Jry hour of Jupiter.
A talism<Jn with the se<Jl of the required Olympic Spirit should also be
prepared before the oper<Jtion. This you should prep<Jre in a planetary
magick circle, on the <1ppropri<Jte day <Jnd in the appropri<Jte planetary hours
for the spirit. The seal is placed under the cryst<J! b<Jll you use as a receptacle
to c<Jll the Olympic Spirit into.
Hence you could prep<Jre the seal in the first appropriate planetary hour
of the <1ppropri<Jte day, and then do the invoc<Jtion in the second appropriate
planetary hour of the s<Jme day. The optimum Olympic Spirit for personal
work is the one for the pl,rnet which rules your astrological sun-sign.
The sources give no details for prepar,1tion of sp<Jce or tools to be used.
The formub given is to first perform the preliminary conjur<Jtion, kneeling
before the <J!t<Jr. Then stand and perform the main conjuration. Perform the
active part of the ritu<Jl, making your request. This should all last no more
th<Jn an hour. Then give the license to depart.
Obviously you should work out the wording of your request before you
perform your ritu<Jl. P<Jy great <Jttcntion to your request, examining ,ind re-

21 MSS Rawlinson DIJ6J

P<Jge 88
Proctic al fl/011etnr.11 i\1ngirk

""'1n1ining your words until you are totally happy with them. Remember
spirits can bL' very literal in following instructions, and for this reason you
shtiuld phrase your rL'quest very carefully. The golden rule is be precise and
,1 \nid ,1mbiguity.
lhe structure for working with the Olympic Spirits is given in the Ar/Jntf/

0 f ,'v1asic, first issued in 1575 CE in Basel. It was made available in English by

Rubert Turner as part of The Fourth Book of Ocrnlt Philosophy attributed to
Agripp,1, in 1655 CE. It is also to be found in Rnzuli11so11 MSS 01363, a
-;e\Tntl'enth century manuscript. We have included the material found in
buth sources as the conjurations are identical (Rnwli11so11 MSS 01363 and The
/ ourlh Book of Ocrnlt Philosophy), expanding and expounding where necessary
to give a clear and coherent format to follow. We have chosen to leave the
conjurations in their original form, which is why the language is archaic in
style. However this archaic style has the benefit of forcing you to concentrate
totally on what you Me saying. If you prefer to you can rewrite them for your
own purposL'S in modern English, using the original conjurations as a
guideline for content.
As with any ritual, it is a good idea to have bathed beforehand as part of
your purification process. Using an appropriate planetary scent in thL' bath
will help the process of focusing your mind on the ritual to come. Likewise a
period of medit,1tion before you begin the ceremony is always worthwhile for
the s,1111e reason.

Page 89
You will need:
EB A crystal or glilss billl, ~1rdl'rilblv ilbout 4" (lOcrn) in dianwtl'r.

EB Thl' sml of tllL' Olyrn~1ic Spirit, ritu<1lly prl'p<lrl'd bcflHL'h,111d.

EB A cloth or silk bag of thL' il~1pro~1riiltl' ~1I,1nl't0ry colour.
EB A simpll' illt<ir to ~1lilCl' thl' Sl'ill ilnd cryst<1l onto.

EB An ilppropriatl'iy colourl'd plilnl't,1ry illt,1r cloth.

EB An il~1pro~1ri,1tl'lv colou1·L'd plilnl'tilry candll'.

EB Cl'nsl'r with incl'llSl' of ,111 <1pprop1·iatl' pbnL'tMy naturL'.

EB A whitl' robl'.

Note - illl of thl'Sl' itl'rns should hil\'l' bl'l'll consl'cr,1ll'd prl'viously bcforl' use.
C0ndlcs should be new ,1mi unused.

Altar Set-up:
The altilr should hil\'C the illt;:ir cloth on it. The scill of the Olympic Spirit
should be pbccd in the centre of thL' ;:iltar, undl'rnl'ilth the cryst;:il bill\. The
c;:indlc and censer m;:iv be pbccd on the floor at thl' edge of the circle (South
for the c;:indle ;:ind E;:ist for the censer), or they m;:iy be pl,1ccd c,1ndlc behind
the cryst;:il ball close to the edge of the ,1lt;:ir, with the censer close bv.

The Ceremony:
Prcp;:irc the sp,icc by first lighting the c;:indk's and the inccnsL'.
Purify the sp;:icc in your prcfcrrL'd lllilllllL'r, e.g. the LL'SSL'r G,111ishing
Ritu;:il of the PL'nt;:igr,1m.
Perform the Hq1t;:igram rituill, using thl' i1l\'oking form for the ~1J,1nd
associ;:itcd with the Olvm~1ic Spirit \'OU ilrl' c,1lling.
C;:ist ;:i PL1nct;:iry i\tigick Circk'.
Kneel bcforL' tlw altar ilnd s,w tilL' ~1rclirninMy conjur,1tion.
preliminary Conjuration:
"O //um Almighty, lnzmnculntc, lmnzortnl nlld l1lco111prehellsil1le Cod of Hosts,
Crcnlor of Henvrn n11d Enr/11, zuho hns sprcnd the Hcnurns n/Jm•c tlze hcigl1/ of tlzc
Clouds, nlld Estnblislzcd the Wnters upoll tlze Enrlh, n11d nppoillled the Sen its
Btllllids, which ii 111ny 110/ pnss or exceed, nlld lzns plnced t/1e S1111, Mooll, n11d Sinn;
i7l1o<'e the Air, ill the Firnzn111c11/ of t/1e Henvrns, nlld 1u/10 /Jy your 1110s/ c.rcellrnl,
Sncrcd, n11d Diville Wisdom, /ins plnced nil Crenlures, /10//1 Celestin/, Aerinl,
Tcrrestrinl, nnd Infemnl, tu lwnour, obe11, nlld s)orif}t yo11 ill t/1cir Severn/ &
respective Orders, Offices, nlld Vocnlions; nnd 11znde Mmz nccordi11g lo yo11r owll
Si1llilitude; nnd hns ordnined tlze wlzole Crenlioll for yo11r pmise nlzd Glory: 0 Lord,
/l/11111i11n/c my U11dersln11ding, enrich 111e with your Cmce, fortif11 me with your
Strength, protect me with your Shield, nnd Shndow me 11nder the cover of your
Celestin/ Wings, tlznl the Envy, Mn/ice, nlld Severity of no Person living, or nny
<Picked Spirit, mny hnvc power lo nssn11//, hurt, or do me nlly injury or prejudice, b11/
//int I mny vnnquislz nnd overcome nil my Enemies, /10//z privnle lllld p11/Jlic, uisi/,/e
nnd inuisi/J/e, bodily nnd Ghostly.
And I beseech yo11, 0 most Crncio11s nnd Hcnuenly Lord Cod, tlznt you would /,y
11our Divine Permission, en use lo nppenr, nlld Srnd the Allgel or Spirit N. of tlze
/Snturni11e, Jovinl, Mnrlinl, Solnr, Vencrenl, or, Merrnrial/ Order, {lzcre 1lo1ninnlillg
the pnrliculnr Nnme of tlze Angel or Spirit, &c./ zulzo shnll /11f(mll, /1u;/r11c/, silow
for//1, 1111d /enc/1 me tlzose I/zings ns I shnll nsk & desire of lzi111, nnd lo be fi·ic11dly lo
111c, nnd do for Ille ns for your Servnlll, 11'11crcin Its Oft/cc is 111nnifes/, /10th nml', 1111d
n/ nil times, whe11soever my 11eccssity slznll require Its Aid nud Assisl1111cc. Whiclz
ineslinznblc Boon /most hu111/1/y beg nl your merciful Hnnds, /\111e11."

Allow <t couple of minutes, <tnd then st<tnd cind dccl<trc the m<tin

P<tgc 91
flmd1(1il Pln111'f11r_11 ,\fogic~

"O t/1011 Cc/est in!, G!orio11s, 11111! Bc11cvolcnl Angel: N: ui/10 arc Principnl Covcr11or
1111d hen ring !111pcri11! Ruic, Pml'cr 1111d Do111i11ion oucr t/1c I Snt11mi11c, fovinl, Mnrtin!,
Solrir, Vc11cre11!, Mcrrnrial, or, L11n11r/ Order of Angels, I cnll 11pon you, 1111d most
rnrncstly 111se 1111d c11trenl you i11 1111d tlmmgli thc Divi11c, E_tflcncio11s 1111d
!11co111prl'i1cnsil>!c N11111c of tl1c ftcm11! 1111d /111111c11sc God, the Crcntor of Hcnvcn nnd
Enrt/1 - fod Tetmgm11111111to11; Hcrclll/ I 11rgmtly desire _1;011 lo nppcnr; 1111d present
_1;oursclfuisilil_111111to 1ne i11 l/1is Crystnl Sto11c, or ollicrwisc lo rcsoluc_t(1r nu' w/11111
s/111/l 11sk ofyo11, 11111! !0(11/fil 1n1; /111111/J/c rcq11csls i11 w/111/socvcr I shnll desire,
11ccording lo your Office, or else tofind, or misc lo come, 1111 Angel or Spirit from your
Ordas, 1111tl1oriscd lof11/f// 111y desires nnd pclitio11s, ns nflircsnid, Moue therefore,
nnd slww yo11rsclf i11 Pml'<'I' & Prcsc11cc, Opm Ilic Mysteries of yo11r Crenlio11, he
fi-icndly 1111!0 111c, f(1r / 1111111 scrv1111t of Ilic s11111c 1;011r Cod, the true worshipper o( the

You should now hopefully see the Olympic Spirit or one of its spirits in
the crystJI billL At this point you should mJke your request to the Olympic
Spirit, JS you gJze into the crystJl bJlL

When your request is finished, give the spirit the license to depJrL

License to Depart:
"For as 11111c/111s _11011 rn111c in Pence rmd Scrc11ity, 1111d /111vc hL'L'nfrimdly 1111!0 111c, 1111d
1111s11'L'red 111y Petitions 1111d lfr1711csls; I giuc tli1111ks 1111!0 God, i11 zl'iwsc 1111n1c you
cr1111c; 1111d in il'l1osc Na111c, you 11w1; 1ww 11t 1!1is time, dcpnrl in pence 1111!0 your
Orders; a/11•01;s o/1sa1•i11g lo return ziisihly lo 111c 11g11i11, nl 1111y ti111e, 1111d 11t 11/l ti111cs,
ui/1c11son•cr and u•/1acsoc1•a I s/1111/ mil you, ill/ 1;011r 1111111c, or ill/ your Office, or 1111
your Order, u•l1ic/1 is /n11n tile Bcgi1111i11g of1;011r Elcclio11 and Cmicm111e11t pri11111ril 11
/)cuccd 1111d Ordoincd to you In; tl1c 011111ipotc11/ Crcotor offfr11uc11 1111d E11rt/1.

'\)0\1· pl,ice thl' se,1! in tllL' cloth or silk b,1g of the <1ppropri,1te pLrneLHy
ctJll>Lil. tll be stored some\\"here s,1fc \\"hl'rl' nobodv else will hu\'L' ,iccess to it.
['erfor111 till' bunishing version of thl' Hq1t,1grum ritu,1! for the pL11wt you

\\"L'IL' \,·,irking with.

Perform ,11w other· b,1nishing thut m,1y be ,1ppropri,1tc to I"L'-pu1·it1· vou1·

Qabalistic Spirits
In order to fully underst,rnd the scope of planetary work, especially
when deciding to work with the various planetary spirits, intelligences and
archangels, it is necessMy to have a good understanding of the hierarchy of
spiritual creatures. This will allow you to make the appropriate decisions as to
which entity to call and work with in your cerL'monies. Magickians during the
Renaissance did not m,1ke the same distinctions as thosL' which are commonly
made in modern magick today. Over the last two or three decades, with the
upsurge in interest in modern magickal and pagan practices, boundaries
seems to have been erected through the pressure for individuals to make a
decision as to which "trnditio11" they should follow and as such the rich
heritage of spiritual creatures has become subdivided in a way that obstructs
many from seeing thL' full picture.
The grimoire magicians of yesteryear did not make these distinctions
and would have been as likely to work with fairies as they were angels,
demons or planetary spirits. Till' whole body of grimoire magick was part of
a unified corpus of magickal pr,ictice, and within this practice was a whole
range of spiritual creatures. This is demonstrated by the same invocatory
style being used to summon archangels, demons, Enochian governors,
planetary spirits and Olympic spirits.
An example of this can be gleamed from The Ni11c Kcyo grimoire, which
sets the Enochian System, of Dr. John Dee, within the contL•xt of the nine
Orders of Angels, and also includL' various other orders of angels and
spiritual creatures, giving a coherent hierarchy which makes for a clearer
picture for working such grimoires. This hierarchy expands thL' nine Orders of
Angels as they WL're sl't out by pseudo-Dionysus thL' ArL'opagite in his work
Tlzc Cclcotinl Hicrnrchy ,1round 500 CE, which has been thL' accepted hierarchy
of the angL•lic orders L'VL'r since.

rage 94
JJmrt1cnl Plnnet11r11 i\1ngic/..,

As an aside, within the grimoires the Nine Orders Of Angels have

ditkrent names to those used in Qabalah, resulting in some confusion, as e.g.
till' Seraphim in the grimoires correspond to the Chaioth haQadosh of the

Q,1 balah, whereas the Seraphim of the Qabalah correspond to the order of
p,itL'states or Powers in the grimoires. The Kabbalistic roots of the planetary
spiritual creatures in this hierarchy will now be considered.

Planetary Hierarchy

Order of Intelli-
Heaven Planet I Archangel I Angels gences

Superior Hierarchy

Ml't,1trnn Seraphim

Razicl Cherubim

7 S,1turn T /,1phkiel Thrones Agil'l Zazel

Middle Hierarchy

6 Jupiter Tzadkicl Domin,1tions jophiL'i Hismael

5 MMs Kham,1el Po\VL)r.s Graphiel B,utzabel

-+ Sun Mich,wl VirtUL'S Nakhicl Sora th

Inferior Hierarchy

3 VL'IHIS Uriel Principalitic>s Hagie! Kedemel

2 tvll-rcurv Raph,wl Arch,rngcls Tiricl Taphthartharath

I Moon G,1briel AngL'is rv 1<1 lka" Sch,1d

The Hebrew attributions to the planets date back to the roots of the
k\\ ish K,1bbalah, and were subsequently reinforced by the synthesis of

22 \L1ik.i is rnmmonlv used as shorth,rnd for \L1lka Lw-Th,ushisim \'e-ad Bc-Ru,1choth


Page 95
Kilbbillistic miltcriill into the grimoircs with their brgcly phrnct,1ry fucLis
during the Middle Ages ilmi Rcniliss<incc. At first glilncc the seven clilssica]
p!Jncts might not seem a good fit onto the tl'n Sephiroth of the Tree of Life,
but there is a long trJdition Jnd history of planctarv ,1ssociations with the

ThL' planL'tary influence in Kabbalilh can bL' seen in both thL' schools
which combined to form the Liter pr,icticcs, M1111se/1 Merk11c'l1h ("Worki11ss o( the
C/111riut") with its emphasis on the first chapter of E:ekie/, ,ind M1111seh Ilaes/1it1 1
("Workinss of the Ilesi1111i11s"'), which was focused ilround the cosmology and
cosmogony of the first chapter of Genesis as a rcvcliltory text.
These need to be considered in turn to sec the planetary influence in each
of them. The word A1crk11u11h mmns "(/i11riot ", and refers to the vision of
Ezekiel's chariot found in the Book of Ezekiel in the Bible. The texts rcl,1ting to
Mcrkavah Mysticism Mc commonly referred to Js f-lck/111/ot texts. 1-lckhalot
mcJns "hall" or "('111111/Jer", and is used to denote the seven pbnctary p,1laccs
through which the prnctitioncr of Mcrkavah would pass to enter into the
presence of God.
The Mcrkavah Mystic or Rider sought entry into the throne world of
God, using fasting Jnd repetitious use of hymns and prayers, akin to m,1ntra.
When in trance he would send his spirit upwards through the Seven Palilces,
using magickal amulets and long rncrnori/cd incantiltions to ensure
successful passage past the guardian ilngcls and demons he would encounter.
The Mcrkavah cosmology is specifically planetary, focusing on the Sephiroth
which correspond to the seven cL1ssicill plilncts, from Ycsod the Scphiril of the
Moon up to Binah the Sephira of Saturn.
Considering the images of the Greco-Roman gods as riding ch<iriots
(such as Sol and l_unc1 in their chilriots tra\·clling through the day 'ind night
skies respectively), it is interesting to note the significance of the ch,1riot in
this form of eilrly rnysticisrn and specuL1tL' ,1s to the level of cross-fertilisation
of ideas thilt rnav h,we occurred. Echoes of the :vlerkzl\'ah tr,1dition c,111 be
found throughout the 111cdiev,1l g1·iml1ires, frorn the use of pland,1ry ilrnukts
l'mr/1ml Pl11N<'111r11 Alog11 A

..ind long invocations, through to the purificatory use of fasting and prayers.
f\"L'n references to the "c/111riol of the sou/" can be found in some grimoires.
If we now consider the Maasch Gereshith school of KabbJlah, the
pL111etary influence is again pronounced. One of the earliest cind grecitest of
Jewish Kabbalistic texts, the Scphcr Yctzimlz ( "BooJ.. of For11111tio11 ") was written
in the first or second century CE. Jn this text, the fourth of the sixth chapters
focuses on the sevenfold associatiuns uf the planets and their connection to
the Hebrew alphabet and Kabbalistic symbolism.

"Seven Dou/lies: .
A111i with them He former/,
Seuell pln11cts in the Universe,
Sevrn rlnys in Ilic Ycnr,
Seven gnles in the Soul, nznlc mzrl_fenz11/c.""

The seven doubles are the seven double letters of the Hebrew alphabet,
so-called because there are two wJys of pronouncing eJch letter depending on
their position in a word. The seven double letters correspond to the planetary
Sephiroth on the Tree of Life. The seven planetary Sephiroth also directly
relilte to the days of the week, as described in creation (i.e. the Book of Grncsis).
The six planetary Sephiroth of Yesod, Hod, NetJ:ach, Tiphereth, GeburJh
ilnd Chesed correspond to the Liilys from Sumfay to Fri,fay ilnd are
cullectively known ilS Scpl1iroth '111-Brnyin ("the Scphiro//1 of Cons/ruction"), with
tlw Saturnian Sephira of Binilh corresponding to the Silbbilth, which tilkes its
nanw from the Hebrew word for Saturn, "S/111li11t/111i". Frnm this sevenfold
'i\'mbolism a whole range of otlwr associJted quJlities are used in Kabbalah,
including the concept of the "Cube of Spncc", with the six directions and the
Cl'ntre corresponding to tlw plcmets. Thus tlw plcinetciry energies are
ilssociated with both time ,111d spcice. These qualities hJ\'L' been ch,1nged in

2~ Sl'plwr YcL-'.irah -1:6.

Page 97
J,1tL'r Western mvsterv Trildition Qilbalah to be more in line with clilssica]
influL'llCL'S, but clearly show the significance of planct,1ry symbolism to the
dL'VL'iopment of L'arlv K,1bbal,1h and its derivatives.
The different types of Qilbalistic spirituJ! crmtures associJted with the
planets and when to work with them can be very confusing. The Jrchilngels
,1ssociated with tlw plilnets <ire like overseers, directing the energv of the
pL1nets, and in this sensL' could be seen JS lenses for their respective plJnetJry
L'Iwrgies. You ec1ll on the archangels when you \\'Jilt to direct il pJrticulilr
pL1netary L'nergy into your ceremony. This can be for any form of plJnetary
The Pl,rnetary Intelligences, also known as !'!Jnet<1ry Angels, embody the
positive qualities of their respective planets, and act as manJgers for the
planetary spirits. The Planetary Spirits, also known as PlanetJry Demons, are
comprised of ungoverned purL' planetary energy without focus, and should
illw,1ys be dirL'cted by the ,1ppropriate Planetary Intelligence or Archangel
WhL'n USL'd.
Both tllL' Planetary Intelligences Jnd Spirits Jre usuJ!ly only cJlled on for
thL' m,1king and empowering of amulets and talismans. This is cleJr!y seen by
thL' fact that the numerical tot,1ls for the names of the Planetary Intelligences
,ind l'lanet,11-v Spirits all <1dd up to J total equating to an ilspect of the
,1ppropriate planetary magick number square (kamea), such JS the sum of the
numbers in the square, the sum of a row, or the number of squJres in the

Thus the l'lanctJry Intelligences of Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and the Moon
Jdd to the sJme JS the kamL'J total; Sun Jnd Mercury to the row totill; Jnd
VL'nus to the number of squares. In the cJse of the l'!JnctJry Spirits, those of
Saturn, Jupiter, i\L1rs, Sun, Mercury and Moon add to the sJme JS the kilrneJ
toL1l; ,1nd VL'nus to the row total.
The Spiritual Creatures of the Sun
-- Archangel l\lichdL'J
- Rules the t\l.1J,1khi111 I Order of Virtue<;
-- In the Fourth f-JL>,1n'll of S\ll

Under the Divine Name El\lh,1

He is also called Shenwliel, Sclwmc><;hiL'l, Soli,1h

Planetary Spirit Sor.1th

Planetary Intelligence ~.1khicl

Order of Demons AL•ri,1! Power<;

Archangel: Michael
'v1 ichael was the first angel created, and is often seen as the Je,1der of the
:mgeb or "first 11111011s e171111/s". His name means "He who is like Cod". I le is
usually shown wiL'iding ,1 sword or lance, and sometimes the scales of justice.
J\s with the other ,1rch<1ngels, :vlichael should be visualised st<1nding ,1buut 3m
tall, ,1nd he \\'L'ars <1 golden yellow tunic.
f\1ich,1el is tlw <11'Ch<1ngel of Fire and the Sun, <1nd helps those who c<1ll
him to achieve go<1ls <1nd destinies. Amongst the ,KhievernL'nts especi,1lly
SZICl'ed to Michzicl arc mzirri<1ge ,rnd music. If vou ,1J'c seeking to <1chic\'L' zi
legitim<1tL' gozil, min ncL'd of protection, Mich,1cl is the ,1ngel you should G111
to, as he is thL' defender of the just <1nd is <1lso known ,1s the f\lerciful J\ngL'I.
Mich,K'i <1ppc<1rs ,1 number of timL'S in the Bibk>. Mich,1cl \1·,1s tlw
.1rch,1ngel who <1ppL',1red to Moses JS the fire in the burning bush. He ,1lso
rescued D,1niel fn1m thL' lion's den zind informed i\1.1ry of her .1ppro.Khing
dL\1th. \lichael .1ppe,1rs in RL'\'e],1tions as thL' iL',1dL'r of thL' cek'sti,11 host that
dl'fc\1ts the ,1ntichrist. I le is thL' pr.wer-k',1dL'r in thL' HL'J\·ens in lsl<1rn.
Order of Angels: Malakhim
Thl' SoL:ir Ordl'r of Angl'ls is calll'd by two diffl'rl'nt naml's. In the
Grimoires thl'y arl' calk•d the Virtues, and in Qabalah they arc called the
Malakhirn ("King;;"). For consistency we arc using thl' Qabalistic naml's for
thl' Ordl'rs of Angl'ls. The Malakhirn should be called upon to strengthen the
will, courage, humility and patil'nCL', and aid thl' caller in coping with
adversity and tramna. ln appearance the Malakhim stand about 2m tall, and
arc very beautiful. They havl' white wings, and wear goldl'n tunics and haw
golden crowns on thl'ir heads. All around them there is an intense aura of
nobility and grace.

Planetary Intelligence: Nakhiel

Nakhicl is good for gaining success and elevation. Hl' ;1lso helps with
having spl'edy journeys, and bringing people to you quickly that you want to
sec. Nakhicl responds to thl' Divinl' Names: Elah (ALH), El (AL), Elban

Planetary Spirit: Sorath

Sora th has a large and full body or great stature. His skin is reddish with
a gold tingl'. Hl' moves swiftly, as lightning. The sign of his appearance is a
tendency for the magician to start sweating.

Pagl' JOO
Prnl f [( 11/ Pln11et11n1 iVtaxicA

The Spiritual Creatures of Mercury


Archangel l{,1ph,wl
- Rules the Bl'ne Elohim I Order of Archangc>ls
In the SL'cond Heaven of l\1ercurv
Under the Divine Name Elohim Tzabaoth
- He is also called Cochabiel, Cochalijah, l\krcurit>l
Planetary Spirit Taphtharth.irdth
Planetary Intelligence Tine!
Order of Demons Sifters, Tryprs or Accusers, Inquisitors

Archangel: Raphael
Raphael mmns "Hrnlcr of" God", and he is the archangel charged with
hc,1ling m<mkind and the earth. He is the Archangel of Mercury and the Air.
HL' is the patron of travellers, often being depicted with a pilgrim's staff, and
he protects those on journeys, especially air travel. As well as protecting
tr~vellers, Raphael's special charges are the young and innocent. Raphael is
the archangel of knowledge and communication, and may be called to help
with any related areas, such as improving your memory, learning languages,
exams, dealing with bureaucracy and business matters.
Raphael was the angel who gave King Solomon the ring inscribed with
tlw PL'ntagram that enabled him to bind demons, and force them to build his
k'mple. He was said to have healed the earth after the Flood, and also visited
\io,1h ,1fter the Flood to give him a book of medicine, which had belonged to
the angel Raziel. Raphael is usually seen standing about 3m tall, with a
bL',1utiful face. He wears an orange robe and sandals, and may bmr a
caducL'Us in his right hand.

Page 101
Order of Angels: Bene Elohim
In the Grimoires the Mercuriill Order of Angels is called the Arch,1ngeis,
wherms the Sil Ille order is known ilS Bene Elohim ("Soils of God5 ") in Q<1b,1luh.
They ilre both names for the' same beings. It is L'usicr to use the nunw Bene
Elohim, us the name Arch,mgcls for Jn Order of Angels can c,1usc confusion
with the individual beings cJllcd Archcmgels, who arc higher in the hicrMchy
Jnd rule the Orders of Angels. The Bene Elohim should be called upon to
strengthen the mind and intuition, incrmsc precognition and spirituJ]
devotion. In i1ppmrance the Bene Elohim stand about 2m tall with whit<!
wings and are very becrntiful. Some of them appear more masculine, ilnd
some more feminine. Thcv wear orange tunics.

Planetary Intelligence: Tiriel

Tiriel is good for improving learning and knowledge, ,md giving
eloquence of speech. 1IL' is good for di\·iniltion, especially by drmm. He
helps avoid poverty and makes il person sociable and easy to get on with.
Tiriel responds to the Divine N,1111cs: Din (DIN), Doni (DNI), Asboga

Planetary Spirit: Taphthartharath

Taphthartharath hus a medium size body and an attractive face. He appears
as an armed knight in ilrmour. He moves like the clouds. The sign of his
appmrnnce is a feeling of fear or nervousness.
r Pmctirnl Pln11elrrr.11 ;\fnsic ~

The Spiritual Creatures of Venus

Archangel Uril'l
Rules the Elohim I Order of l'rincip.ilitil's
In the Third Heavl'll of VL'nus
Under the Divine Name Yalweh Tzabaoth
He is also called Nogathil'I, Orie>], Vendrid

Planetary Spirit Kc>demcl

Planetary Intelligence Hagil'l
Order of Demons Furies, Seminaries of Evil

Archangel: Uriel
Uriel, also known as Aurie] or Oriel, is the Archangel of Venus and of
Earth, and of peace and salvation. His name means "Light of Cod", and he is
often depicted with a flame or lamp in his hands. Uriel embodies the power of
light as illumination and spiritual passion. Uriel is associated with magic,11
power, and the application of force. As such he is the angel to help cause a
positive breaking of bonds when needed and overcoming inertia, being able
to go with the flow of the "wind::; of change". He is also the patron of astrology
and has been linked strongly with electricity.
Uriel is credited with being the ,ingel who gave alchemy and the
Q,1balah to man. Uriel was the angel who helped inspire Abrah,1111 to lead the
kws out of Ur. As one of the most powerful archangels, Uriel is said to be the
be,1rer of the keys to hell, standing as gu,1rdian to that infernJl realm. Uriel is
LN1a\\y seen standing about 3m ta\\, with ,1 beautiful face. ! le wears an
l'nwrald green robe and carries J copper lamp in his left hand.

rage 103

Jlractirnf Plm1etnr.11 l'v1agicA

Order of Angels: Elohim

The Venusi,in Order of Angels is known by two different n;:nnes. In the
Crimoires they iHl' coiled the Principolities, ilnd in Qobobh they ilre the
Elohim ("Cod<'). The Elohim should be colled upon to improve your personal
situJtion so you con more effectively fulfil your spirituill poth, ilnd ulso how
to hondle power so it is not obused but used positively. The Elohim ure seen
i'IS stonding ilbout 2m toll, with white wings Jnd ore very beautiful. Some
ho1·e more masculine foces ond some more feminine. They weilr emerald
green tunics zmd ure surrounded by iln JUril of beouty.

Planetary Intelligence: Hagiel

Hogiel is good for ending strife. He is olso coiled to help goin love ond
en,1ble conception free from bilrrenness. He Ciln olso diffuse enchilntments.
I-logic! responds to the Divine Nomes: Shoddoi (ShDI), Dogoil (DCAIL).

Planetary Spirit: Kedemel

Kedemel hos ;:in Jttr;:ictive body or medium size, with ;:in Jttr;:ictive foce. His
skin is white with J green tinge, ;:ind m;:iy h;:ive ;:ilso J golden hue. He moves
ils i1 st;:ir through the heovens. The sign of his oppeMJnce is noise like women
pbying outside the circle.
The Spiritual Creatures of the Moon
- Archangel G,1bril'l

Rules the KPrubim I Order of i\ng,•ls


In the First Heaven of Lun,1

Ll-nder the Divine Name Sh,1ddai
---- He is also called JorvtlhL)I, LL'\'tlllcll)L Loun,wl, Lunajah
Olympic Spirit l'hul
--- Planetary Spirit Ch."rnod,1i
Planetary Spirit of Spirits Schad B,w.;clwmoth h,1-Sh,irt,1th,111
Planetary Intelligence M,1lka be-ThMshisim Vl'-,1d Bl'-Ru;ichoth Shcch,1li111
Order of Demons Ten1pters, EnsncHl"'rs

Archangel: Gabriel
CJbriel meilns "The Strc11gtil of God". G,ibriel is the ilngel \\'ho usuJlly
deli1'L'rs messJges to humJnity, embodying the link between miln <rnd the
uni1'L'r·se Jnd the di1·ine Js expressed by the Moon. Gi!briel first i1ppe.1rs in
the Old TestJment in the book of Dilniel. It is Cobriel who first indic,ites the
coming uf ,1 rnessiJh to Dilniel in this book. GJbriel visited Z,ichJry tu tell
him his son would be c,11led John (the BJptist) Jnd most fomously he told
Mari· thJt she pregn<rnt with Jesus. In Islam G;ibriel is also seL'n ,is the
divinL' messL'nger, it 11·<is he \\'ho deli1·ered the Qur'1111 to Mohammed.
1\s the Arch,rngel of the Moon Jnd W Jter, CJbriel is the guide to the
irnwr tides of our unconscious. GJbriel cJn help with developing the
in1,igin<ition ,rnd psvchic obilities. He is abo associ,itL•d with domestic m,1tters,
espvci,1111' the dL•1·elopment of the homL', or finding i1 new home. Gabriel is the
Jrch,1ngL'l to c,111 to if you are hoving problems with your menstru,il cvcle, ,1s
hL' nrk•s the forces th,1t influence it.
C,1briL•I ,is mak• or fl'm<ile, ,rnd m.iy bL' c,illed to ,is L'ithL•r.
C,ib1wJ often appe<irs cJrrying a stoff topped ll'ith lilies, showing his fruitful
•lllirL' .ind Jbilit1' tu help 1·ou bring plans to fruition. He is usu<illy seL'n

l'ogc 103
standing about 3m tall, with ,1 bmutiful foce, which is more fominine than
most of the <1rchangels. He wears a violet robe, and m,1y bear ,1 silvL'r cup in
his hands.

Order of Angels: Kerubim

The lun<ir Order of Angels is another onL' which has different n<mies. In
the Grimoires they are called the Angels, and in Qabalah they are called the
Kerubim ("The Stro11s "). Again the Qabalistic name is easier to use, as the
name Angels is also a ge1wric and can cause confusion. It should be noted
that in the Grimoires the name Kerubim is used for the Order of Angels
associated with the Zodiac, which are called the Auphanim ("Wheels") in
Qabalah. Nonetheless as WL' are using the Qabalistic com·ention for this
work, the Kerubim is applied to the lunar Order of Angels. The Kerubim
should be called upon for sustenance through troubles, and for guidance in
dealing with immediate problems.
The Kerubim are the most ek'mental of the Orders of Angels, and are
probably the easiest to contact for this reason. The elemental nature of the
Kerubim is seen in thL'ir appearancP. They h,we two sets of wings, one set
pointing upwards and one set downwards; and e<Kh has a head of one of the
four element,11 animals - eagle, lion, man <md bull.

Planetary Intelligence of Intelligences: Malka

Malka be-Tharshisim ve-,1d Be-Ruachoth Shechalim is often shortened
simply to :vlalka for convenience. Malka helps a ~x'rson be happy and affable,
and improves body health. He also incrL'ases riches and drives away enemies.
Malka responds to the Divine Names: Hod (HVD), Elim (ALM), Eliha (ALIH).

PagL' 106
Pmctirnl P/011e/11r_11 ,V1ogicA

planetary Spirit: Chasmodai

Chasmodai is describ1c'd as the Planetary Spirit of the Moon, yl't there is
no infnrmation about him.

Planetary Spirit of Spirits: Schad Barschemoth ha-

Schad Barschemoth ha-Shartathan (often reforred to as Schnd for
cn11\'enience) has <l large body with soft blackish skin. He has red, watering
eye~ ,md is bald, with sharp teeth. He moves like a tempL'St at sea. The
presence of water outside the circle is a sign of his appearance.

Page 107
The Spiritual Creatures of Mars
Archangel Kh,1111,wl

Rules the SL'r,1phim I Ordl'r of l'otL'Stdll'S (l'owl'rs)

In the Fifth HL',l\'l'll of tvLirs

Under the Divine Name Elohim Gibor

He is also called C,1111,wl, tvL1dimil'l, tvLirtil'I, S,1m,ll'I, Z,1mdL'I

Planetary Spirit [3,irtz,1bl'I -

Planetary Intelligence Grdphiel -
Order of Demons Juggk'rs ,rnd DL'Ju,frrs

Archangel: Khamael
Khamacl is the archangel of Mars, and is one of the seven archangels
who stand in the presence of god, which is emphasized by the me<rning of his
name, "He who secs Cod". Khamacl is a warrior who represents divine justice,
and is the head of the ordL'r of Angels called Seraphim.
ln appL'arancc Khamael stands about 3m tall with a beautiful face zmd
fiery red hair. He appears as a warrior, with a scarlet red tunic, green plates
of armour, an iron helmet and a sword. He has large green wings.
Khamacl is said to grnnt invisibility and rules over rn,1rtial qualities like
power and invincibility. Khamael is the ideal angel to call upon to help you
take personal responsibility and to lkvclop self-confidence. He will help you
deal with the consequences of your actions and to find justice, but only if you
stick to the truth. Many writers have put Khamael for\\'ard as the angL'I who
wrestled with Jacob. He is also thought to have been the othL'r angel \\'ho
appmrcd with GabriL'l to comfort Jesus during his agony in the garden of
Khamael is the angel who guards thl' gatl's of heaven, chid of the 12,00ll
fiery Angels of destruction who guard the gall's. KhamaL'I is also t11L' angel
who holds Leviathan in chL'Ck until Judgement 0,1y, when he will swallow the
souls of sinners. Other duties of Khamacl arc as patron Angel of all tlw.;c

rage 108
Prncticnl Pln11dnr,111\fogic~

\\'ho love God, governing the hcavL'nly singing, and to bring the gift of
,, 0 dliness to mankind, helping them find the holiness that L'xists within but is
"r, rclv fully released.

Order of Angels: Seraphim

The Martial Order of Angels is known in the Grimoires as the Potestatcs
or Powers, and in Qabalah as the Seraphim ("Fiery Scrprnts"). This is
cl1nfusing as in the Grimoircs the name Seraphim is used for a different Order
of Angels, which corresponds to the Q,1balistic Chaioth haQadosh ("Holy
Liui11g Crmtures") attributed to the highest Sephira of Kcther. However as this
is not a planetary sphere, and we arc using the convention of the Qabalistic
names, we are referring to the MJrtial Order of Angels as the Seraphim. The
Seraphim should be c<'llcd upon for spiritual protection from negative
influences or entities, and for overcoming passions or negative emotions
which are detrimental to your growth. In appearance the SL'raphim arc very
beautiful angels, around 2m tall with who have three pairs of white wings on
their backs, in scarlet tunics, whose auras are filled with flames that surround
them at all times.

Planetary Intelligence: Graphiel

Graphiel is very good for winning conflicts, to the extent of bringing
those in conflict to you from wherever they arc. He is also used to stop the
flow of blood. Graphic! responds to tlw Divine Names: Adonai (AON!),
Melek (MLK), Ehcii1 (AH!H).

Planetary Spirit: Bartzabel

Bart;abcl is tall with a dirty face. He h,1s a di1rk skin, or red, with stag horns
und claws, and moves swiftly like burning fire. The sign of his C1rri\ i1l is

lillL'Xpected noise around the circle.

Pi1ge 109
Pmctirnf l)lr111et11ry MngicA

The Spiritual Creatures of Jupiter

Rules the
In the
Ch,1sm.ilim I Order of Dominations
Sixth Hc.i\'l'll of Jupitl'r
Under the Divine Name El -
Cc1SSiQI, jovicl, S,1tqicl, Z<Jbdicl, Z.ibkil'I. Z,icharicl,
He is also called
Z,ichiel, Zadkicl, Zcdckicl, Zcdkil'I
Planetary Spirit li ism a cl

Planetary Intelligence Jophicl

Order of Demons A\'l'ngcrs of Wickedness

Archangel: Tzadkiel
T/ildkiel is the ill'Chilngel of Jupiter, ilnd of benevolence, memory ilnd
IllL'1'Cy. His nilme me,1ns "I\iglilcous11css of God", ilnd he is often depicted with a
d,1gger in his hand. However this dilgger represents the power of the intellect,
,rnd illso his role in s,wing Abrilhilm's son. Tzildkiel is il comforter, ilnd he is
ilssociilted with invociltion ilnd prilyer, He is hence the MChilngel to help
on'rcorne despondency, ilnd to help you forgive others for their negiltive
Through prilyer ilnd invociltion he is illso il chilnnel to help you ilttune
yourself with divinity in the wily you perceive ilnd experience it. As
,irchilngel of Jupiter, T/adkiel can illso be i1ppei11ed to for help with finilncial
miltters ,ind for ilchieving justice in il situiltion. Tzildkiel is the ilngel who
prevents Abrilhilm from silcrificing his young son lsililC to God, which is
wherL' his ilssoci,1tions with the dilgger ilnd nwrcv come from.
T/ildkiL'I is tlw chief of the ordL'r of ilngels known ilS the Brilliilnt Ones
(Chilsmillim). He is one of the two stilmfard beMers (illong with Zophiel) who
follow directly behind MichilL'I ilS he enters bilttle. Tzildkiel is described as
one of the seven il!'Chilngels who preside next to God. Tzildkiel is usuillly seen

l'ilge 110
J>rncfirnl Pl1111cf11r_11,\f11gicA

st,111ding ,1bout 3m toll, with ,1 beoutiful foce, we,1ring o blue tunic <ind Lw,1ring

,1 ,L1gger in his left hand.

Order of Angels: Chasmalim

fhe Jupiteri,1n Order of Angl'ls is called the Dominions or Domin,1tions
in the Crimoires, ,ind the Chasm,1lim ( "Brilli1111! Ones") in Q,1baJ,1h. The

Ch<1smalim should be coiled upon iur focusing your will, and refining vour

.;enses, os well <ls resisting strung temptations which ,ire not bencfici,1! to your

dl'\'L'lcipment (though they m<1y <1ppeol to your hedonistic side). The

Ch,1smalim stand obout 2m toll, ond Me extremely beoutiful, with white

\\'ings. They we<ir sopphire blue tunics, ond give off an ouro of intense light
th,1t m,1kes it difficult to look ,1t them.

Planetary Intelligence: Jophiel

Jophiel ("Beautiful 011e of God") hos the powers of ossisting to go in fovour

\\'ith powerful people, ond oppeosing enemies. He is olso very good for

dmling with difficult situ,1tions ond for disclcising liL'S ond illusions. Jophiel

responds to the Divine Nomes: El (AL), Ab (AB), Abob (ABAB), lllVH


Planetary Spirit: Hismael

l Iism,1el h<1s a bodv of medium stoturL' and a mild foce, with reddish

skin. Hl' moves quickly, as with thl' floshings of lightning ond thundL'1·. l lw

sign of his ,1rriva\ is glimpsc>s of mm'l'mL'nt ,1s uf mc>n moving ,1ruund the>

Poge ll l
Prnct1rnl l'lr111t'fnr_11 ,\1nsir~

The Spiritual Creatures of Saturn

Archangel Tzaphkiel
Rules the Aralim I Order of Thro1ws
In the Seventh He.wen of Saturn
Under the Divine Name Yalweh Elohim
He is also called Captiol, C1ssiel, Jophiel, Orifiol, Sab,1thiel, Saturniel,
Planetary Spirit Z,1zl'I
Planetary Intelligence Agicl
Order of Demons Yl'sscls of Iniquity

Archangel: Tzaphkiel
The Saturnian archangel is Tzaphkicl whose name means "Beholder of
God". Tzaphkiel is one of the seven archangels who stand in the presence of
God. He is known as the Angel of Paradise because of his role in the Garden
of Eden, and in modern times is the patron of all those who fight pollution
and love and protect nature.
Tzaphkicl is also the patron of artists, bringing illumination and
inspiration to those who seek to create beauty in the world. He is usually
seen as a beautiful male angel standing about 3m tall, wearing a black tunic,
with white wings, and bearing a flaming sword in his right hand.
lie is the first angel mentioned in the Bible, though not by name, being
the guardian of the Tree of Life, Jnd it was he who drove Aliilm ilnd Eve from
the Garden of Eden after they had eaten the forbidden apple, and bars th('
return of man, standing ,1t the giltes bcilring the flaming sword. Tzaphkicl is
one of the chiefs of the choirs of the Cherubim, who arc assigned the task of
watching the four gJtec; to Eden. He is Jlso il Prince of the Angelic Order of
Thrones. Tzaphkiel is Sc1id in Jewish lore to be especially good friends with
Metiltron, the Ztrchangcl of Ket her who is the voice of God.
Prncticnl fJ!n11ctar.111\;1nsick

Order of Angels: Aralim

The S<lturnian Order of Angels is called the Thrones in the Grimoires,
,ind the Aralim ("Strong n11d Mighty Ones") in Qabalah. The Aralim should be
c,illcd upon to help you make correct judgments, especially when faced with
diHicult choices and no obvious solutions. In appearance the Aralim stand
obnut 2m tall, with beautiful though somewhat severe faces. They wear black
tunics and gold crowns. They haYL· white wings on their backs, and rainbows
F'la\' about them at all times.

Planetary Intelligence: Agiel

Agiel is associ,1ted with safe births, for both mother and child, and also
the S<lllle for animals. He is also called to prevent miscarriage during
pregnancy. He is also good for petitions to powerful people, which can be
interpreted as job ilpplications, court cases, etc. Agiel responds to the Divine
N,m1es: Ab (AB), Hod (HVD), Yah (!H), Hod (HVD), IHVH (Yahveh).

Planetary Spirit: Zazel

Zazel has a tall, lean and slender body. He has four faces on his head,
facing in each direction. He also has a black shining face on each knee. He
lllOVL'S like the wind driven by an earthquake. The sign of his arrival is
whiteness around the circle.

Page 113
Planetary Intelligences
"T/zcrc 11rc Scw11 I11tclligc11ccs or S11irits, o(lig/11, zp/10 11rc Ccbti11/11; Dig11i(icd, /11;
1111t11rc, A11gc!icnl [f Bc11ez10/rnl, zp/10sc 1111111cs 11rc lo lie Collected, fr C/111mclcrs
Drmu11 from tlzcf(irC111('1l/io11cd l11"1cs'•; zuith the 11nn1cs o( Cod, Coucmi11g tlzc111, by
t/1cforcc, I11f)11rncc, Virtue, fr Mysticnl, fr Secret, Efficncy, zp/1ercot: l/1rn1 good
drn1011s, 11re potPcrf11lly 111oued, fr lo lie C11/lcdf(11·t/1, to Visi/1/c Appc11rn11ce, wl10se
N11111es 11rc 11s .f(i/lowd/1. ":;

The Planct.:iry lntclligcnccs, or Pl.:inctary Angels as they ,ire also known,

<ire directors of planctc1ry energy. They arc benevolent spiritu.:il creatures,
who govern the undirected and amoral force of the Pl.:inctary Spirits, Their
seals are often used on t.:ilism.:ins to .:ict .:is J focus for the pbnctary energy,
together with the Planct.:iry Spirits.
The Planetary Intelligences (and Spirits) arc first found in Agrippa's
Tlzrcc Books of Ocrnlt Plzilosopl1y, which though published in 1531-3 CE, was
first drafted .:iround 1508-9 CE. It is unlikely that Agrippa made them up, .:ind
he probably heard about them from his teacher, the extremely signific.:int
m.:igick.:il figure Abbot Joh.:innes Trithemius. However the source of their
origin is currently a mystery.
Should you decide at some point thJt vou wish to try invoking the
PlJnetJry Intelligences, Jn old Conjurntion from J grimoire is included as
Appendix 12 of this volume Jnd you mJy want to study it, using it ,1s it is
presented or JLiJpting it for your pcrsonJI use. The stvle of pr,ictice given for
the Olympic Spirits mJy be used, substituting the PbnetJry Intelligence
lnvoc.:ition for the mJin Conjur.:ition, Jnd adjusting the other com~1011ents
Jppropriately to ch.:inge .:iny references to the Olympic Spirit to thJt of th<'
Jppropriatc Pl.:inetJry Intelligence.

24 This is ,1 rcfc'rl'llCL' to tlw pl,rncl<HV k,lllH',1s.

25 SJ0,11ll' MSS 3821
Prnctiurl Plrrucfrrr_11 !\t1rrgic/.,

Manifestation of Spiritual Creatures

Renaissance Magickians recorded the results they obt<lined whilst
\nirking with the spiritual creatures associated with the seven classic;1l
planets and for the purposes of your own com~1arison, should you decide to
Ferform evoc<ltion or indeed meditations or contemplations with these bL'ings
\\"l' include the common forms recnrded for each planet here.

A King with a sceptre riding on a lion, a crowned King, a Queen with ,1

The Sun
sCl'ptrl', a bird, a lion, a cock, a vellow or golden garment and a sceptre.
Classic ML'rcurial symbols such as the fair youth (Hermes or t\krcurv),
the m,1gpie and a robl' of changL'able colours. Other manifc•stations
described ,1re a King riding upon a bear, d woman holding a distaff, ,1
dog, a she bear, a rod and a little staff
lmagL'S of the beautifully dressed and clothed maid (Venus), A King with
Venus a sceptre riding upon a c,1mel, a Slw-Goat, Camel or Dovl'. Flowers and
g,irments in the colours white> or green arc also oftl'n cited.
Classical image of a female huntress with a bow and arrows
(Artemis/Dia11<l), ,1s well as thl' arrow itsl'lf and till' colour silvl'r. Lunar
The Moon spirits m<1y also appear as a King riding on d Doe, a littll' bov, ,1 cow, a
little doe, a goose, a creature with m,rny fel't or in the form of gn'L'n or
silver coloured garments.
Includes symbols such as wc>apons, the wolf and thl' colour rl'd. Spirits
associated with Mars mav also appe<H as an ,irmed King riding upon a
wolf, an Mmed man, a woman holding a buckler on lwr thigh, a go,1t, a
horse, ,1 st,1g, wool or as red garmcnh.
A n1cin \vcaring ,1 mitre in cl long robL', a maid \vi th a lciurel cn.nvn,
Jupiter adonwd with flowers, ,1 bull, st,1g or peacock. It n1,1y cilso n1cinifcst dS ,1

S\Vord, a box trC<.' Of i:lS clll ,lZUfC' coloured garnll'llt.

Includl'S a King with ,1 Lward Sl'l'll riding on a Dragon, an old man with a
Saturn beard, an old wom,rn ,,,,rning on a st,1ff, a hog, a Dragon, ,rn owl, a black
garment, ,1 hook or sickle' or as a junipl'r trel'.

Kamea Sigilisation
A sigil is ci pictogrciphic representcition of the nci111e of J spiritucil creciture
or of your intent. When you use J sigil rl'presenting ,1 spiritu.:il cre<1ture you
,ire crmting J g,1tcwciy for the energy of thcit creJture to milnifcst. When you
dr,1w J sigil of this sort onto .:in Jrnulct or tJlism<m, you Me creJting J link to
the spirituJl creJture to enJble energy to be drJwn from it, like chilrge from a
b,1ttcry. The sigils for pbnet.:iry spiritucil crecitures Me cre,1tcd by drJwing
them out on kJmeils.
K.:imeils <lrL' plcinct<iry mJgick number squJres whose row Jnd column
length corresponds to the .:issoci.:itcd number for the pl.:inet, e.g. SJturn hJs a
3x3 squJre, Jupiter ci 4x4 squ.:ire etc. MJgick number squMes Jre figures
where the tot.:il for every row, column Jnd di.:igonJl in the squJre is the sJme.
There JrL' different 111cithem.:iticJl formulJe for generJting such magick
number squ,ires, ilnd the kJmeJs were creJted using one of these formube.
The bmms generJted in this wciy then becJrne Jccepted JS the stalllfard form
to be used JS J b,1sis for the creJtion of sigils.
Although the creiltion of sigils on the kJmeJs is, cis for JS we know, first
documented in Agripp,1, tlw kJmecis by themselves were being used for
m,1gick prior to this. The bmeJs were inscribed on p!Jnctciry Jmulcts and
tJlismcins m<1de of thin sheets of the pLmctJry mctJls cind used for il wide
\«1riL'ty of purposes. A m,1nuscript entitled Tile Book of Angels, Rings,
C/11m1ctcrs Er /11111scs o( the P/1111cls: 11ttril111ted lo Osl1Cm Boken/111111, dJting to the
period 1441-45 on ~'l<rnet<1ry m,1gick mcikes specific reference to use of the
kcimecis i11 tcilism,mic rn,1gick in this mcinner. This MSS is contciined in
C11111/Jridgc lv1SS Od.:ri.45, between herbal Jnd mediccil texts, Jnd cill written in
the s<1me h,md.
JJrnctirn/ JJfo!lt'far_11.\111s1c~

Names of Spiritual Creatures

;\II the n,1mL'S for the spiritu,11 cre,1tures ll'hich <1re conl'erted into sigils
,, 1 1 i-.,1meils ilr<.' 1 lebrell'. Eilch letter uf the Hebrew illphilbet has an ilssuci,1tL'd

wn1eric1l v,1IUL', ll'hich is used to help form the unique sigil for the i11di1'idu,1l
crL',1turl', l3v con1,erting the letters of the n<lrne i11to thei1· ,1ssociJted 11umlx'rs,
till' sigil Gm be cre,1tL'd by connecting the sequence of numbers furnwd by this
c,1111'c1·siu11 on tllL' ,1ppropricite pl,rnetJry k,1mcil. The sigil for ,1 pLrnetilrl'
, 1,1ritu,1l creilture is ,1lwavs f"rmed by using the i1pprnpriiltL' ,1ssoci,1tL'd
f'L111et,1n' k,1111e,1 ilS the b,1se, i.e. you \\'ould illll'ilys drJ11· up the sigils for
q1l,ir spiritu,11 crmtures on the solill' kilmm, etc.
The obvious problem th;1t could arise from this forn1 of sigilisiltion is th;it
.i \l'ord cou Id cont,1in letters whose numericill equiv;1lents ilre lmger th,111 the
numcric,11 r,111gc cont;;incd within the kJrne,1 which is used ilS the bilsis for
d1«111'ing the sigil on. This is solved by ,1 process of numeric,11 reduction
11'hich is known as Aiq Beker or the Qilbillcih of Nine Chilmbers. The nilme
Aiq Beker comes from the ilttribution of the letters to the first two chilmbers,
hence AIQ (Aleph, Yod, Qoph) BKR (Beth, Kilph, Resh).

I 2 J
AIL'ph (A: I) Beth (B: 2) Cinll'I (C: 3)
Yod (I, Y: 10) K.1ph (K: 20) Lrnll'd (L: JO)
(lllph (Q: lllO) 11.L'Sh (II.: 200) Shin (Sh: JOO)

4 5 6
D,1ll'th (D:-l) Heh (H, E: 5) V,w (V, 0, U: h)
f\lc'111 (f\I: -lO) Nun (N: 50) 5,rnwkh (S: 60)

T"'' (Th: 400) Fin.ii Kaph (K: 500) Fin,11 Mc111 (M: (,()())

7 8 l)

/'.,1in (/'.: 7) Clwth (Ch: 8) Tdh (T:lJ)

A1'in (A,1, 0, :\gh: 70) i'l'h (I', l'h: 80) T/"ddi ( r/: '10)
Fin,11 Nun(:\: 700) Fin,111\'h (I', l'h: 800) f'in,11 T/..iddi (T/: 'lllO)
If the letter has ,1 higher number attributed to it than exists in the kamea,
the number is dropped to the highest number ,wailable in the appropriate
square of the Aiq Beker t0ble. Thus you c0n see th0t the first step in dr0wing
0 sigil for a pl0net0ry spiritu0l creature is to work out the numerical sequence
for the Hebrew of its n0me. Hebrew words often have pronunci0tion marks
which 0dd vowels to the English transliter0tion of the words, but these 0re not
included in the sigils, which 0re drawn purely from the Hebrew letters which
make the word, 0nd tlw corresponding numbers which they are converted to.
There are cert0in guidelines which 0re observed when drawing sigils in
this m0nner, which c1re 0s follows:
E8 A circle is usually drnwn in the squ0re where the sigil begins and
ends. A bar c0n 0lso be dr0wn 0crnss the starting line in place of a
circle to m0rk the beginning or end of the name.
E8 When 0 n0rne st0rts 0nd ends in the same square the sigil can be
"closed" by joining the end of the fin,11 lilll' to the beginning of the
first line.
E8 If a name begins with two letters with the same numerical value, a
bifurrntion like 0 curvy m may be used, with the line to the next
squ0rL' dri"l\\'n from the centre of the bifurcation.
E8 When two consecutive letters within 0 n0me have the same
numerical v0lue, 0 small loop is drawn, with 0dditional loops for
e0ch 0dditional consecutive repetition of the same numerical

Example of Sigil Construction

The principles described previously c0n be demonstrated by the
construction of a sigil for a planetary spirituJI creature. Using the SJturnian
Planetary Intelligence of AgiL'l JS ,1n example, you can SL'e how the process
comes together.
The name Agiel is written in Hebrew Js AGIAL, which converts to the
numerical sequence of !(A), 3(G), 10(1), 1(A), 30(L). The SJturn kaniea
conwins the numerical range 1-9, so by Aiq !3ekL'r the 10 is reduced to 1 ,rnd
the 30 is rL'duced to 3. The sequence of numbers for drawing the sigil then
L1ewn1es 1, 3, 1, 1, 3.

.i 9 2

3 5 7

8 I 6

The first number is 1 (for A), so a circle is drawn in the centre of the
squ,1re corresponding to 1 (fig 1). The second number is 3 (for G ), so a line is
drJwn from the circle to the squJre corresponding to 3 (fig 2). The third
number is J 1 (for I, reduced from 10), so a loop is drawn Jnd J line drawn to
the squJre for the number 1 (fig 3). The next letter in the nJme is A, also with
a numeration of 1, so a double loop is drawn to show thJt there are two
con~ecutive letters Jttributed to this number (fig 4). Finally the line is drJwn
to the squJre with 3 again, (for L, reduced from 30 to 3). As this is the last
lettL'r of the sigil, the end is marked with a small circle (fig 5).

Page 119
Pr11ctirnf fllrll!etnr_11 S111sicl1

1. 2.

3. 4.


The sigi\s for the Olympic Spirits Jre not drJwn using this principle, zrnd
their origins prior to their Jppe<lrJ!lCl' in the Fourth Book of Ocrnlt Pl1i/osopl1.11
Jre not known. However it is likely they were Creek in origin Jnd so their
crrntion WJS obviously not through this technique which uses Hebrew.
l'rnclicn/ l'/a11cl11ry .~lngid

Sigils of Intent
This technique for cn'ating sigils on kamec1s can also be usl'd to create a
"igil of your intent to include on an amulet or talisman. In this case you Giil

,ipply exactly the same techniques, but keep the word or sequence of words in
English <llld use the table below to convert them into a sequence of numbers
to sigillise on the appropriJte kame;:i. It is best to keep the intent as short and
prL'cise as possible or your sigil mc1y end up becoming very complicated. A
bL'ndit of using this English form of kamea sigilisation is that numbers are
,1Jw;:iys in the 1-9 range and never nL'ed to be reduced.

1 2 J
A,J,S B, K, T C,L, U

4 5 6

D,M,V E,N, W F, 0, X

7 8 9
G, P, Y H,Q,Z I, R

Page 121

Amulets & Talismans

WhL'll you work with the planets it is to positively incrc<Jsc something in
vour life th,1t is <Jssoci<Jtcd with the pl<1net, or to remove or tr<Jnsform
something ncg,1tivL' thJt is <Jssocbtcd with the pl<1nct. In either case you Jre
looking to improve yourself Jnd your situation, thJt you may more effectively
follow vour pJth through life.
The process of ,1ttraction, repulsion or trnnsformation needs to be
considL'rcd to ddermine tlw most effective method of working to Jchicve
vour go,1!, such as <ln ,1mulct or t<1lis111an.
The tL•rms ,1111ulet Jnd talism<Jn Jrc often incorrectly used
interch,1ngeably. An <Jmulet is J protective chJrm, used to prnkct the bearer
from spL'Cific forces or events. A tJlismJn is used to attract specific energies to
cnh,1nce J s1wcific aspect of the bearer's situation. So for example, one may
own ,1n Jmulet to protect against lightning strikes or J talisman to attract love.
Amulets and t,1\ismans may be carried on you if you need to receive the
benefits on an ongoing basis (p<1rticularly for Jmulcts), or they may be placed
in ,1 s,1fL• Jppropriatc place. Thus, L>.g. an amulet to protect your car would be
stored in the c,1r, wherL'as ,1 tc1lisman for better communication might be
placL'd llL',1r your tclepho1w or computer.
The process of tJ!ism,111ic magick can be summed up in four stages -
prep,ir,1tio11, creation, purificc1tion and consecration. For the purpose of
outlining this sequL'ncc we are using the term tJ!ismJn generically, and it
could L'qu,1llv bL' ,1pplied to ,1111uk•ts.

P<Jgc 122
1. Preparation
Tlw first st,1ge of prq1cir,1tion involves deciding till' intL'11t ,ind thL'
c,inif'''nL'nts \\'ill bL' USL'd in the t,1Jism,1n, i.e. the lll<lteri.1! thL' t,1Jism.rn is

111 ,1 de uf ,rnd till' words and sigils USL'd 011 the tcilisrnzm. Once \"OU h.wL'

decided on ynu1· Colllponents they nL'L'd to bL' acquirL'd. l'reparcitiun ,1Jso

in\l1l\'L'S cJlculciting thL' planL'tJry hours during \\'hich vou will pL'rform thL'

r1urific.1tion .ind conSL'Cration. You lllcl)' ,1lso choOSL' to includL' nwdit,1ti\"l'

\\llr·1'. with the plJnet cit this stage if you foci you llL'ed to develop your

un,il'rst,1nding of the L'nL'rgies of the planL't you \\"ill bL' drawing on.

2. Creation
Cre,1tion involvL's the actu,1! construction of tlw talisman. You dr,1\\", etch

,,r L'ngr,WL' thL' sigils onto your tJ!ismcin, indic.1ting your intent and till' n,1ture

of till' spiritu,1! crL',1tures or forces you will bL' drJwing upon to empo\\'er vour

tzilic,m,1n. \Vhen cre;1ting ,1mulets or t,1Jism,1ns drawing on planetary L'nergies

\'OU will neL'd to decide whether or not you will be doing so on the

Jprirnpricite mL'tJI or J!terncitively on suitably colourL'd pc1f1L'r. For most

pL'opk' thL' dL'cision will bL' bcisL'd on considerJtions of cost and prcictic,11 skills

cis met,1! will by its VL'ry n,1ture rL'quirL' SfX'CiJI engraving tools and s1'.ills if

you dL'Cide tO USL' it clS till' basis for your ChcHm.

1\ddition,1llv, sornL' mL'tJls such as gold m,1y incur costs cind the

:;uurcing of c;uit;1biL' suppliL'S may also dL'tL'1· ,111 but thL' VL'ry dL'terminL'd when
it conws to Cl"L«1ting ch,1rm m,1de from met.ii. It is llL'CessJrT ho1\'L'\'L'r to

L'!llf1h,1sisL' herL' that ch,1rrns CfL'cltL'd on ,1 nwt,11 b,1sL' will by thL'ir \'L'r\' 11,1turL'

bl' morL' L'nduring thJn thosL' CrL',1tL'd on t''lf'L'r Jnd ,1s such thL'\" .ue
i"L'C<JrnnwmiL'd for ch;1rms \\'hich will bL' used fur longer pL'riods of tinw.
Planet No Metal Colour
Saturn J Ll',1d Black
j LI pitL'r .i Tin Blue
Mars 5 Brass 21 ' Rl'd
Sun 6 Gold Gold/Yellow
Venus 7 Copper Green
1\krcurv 8 Aluminium 27 Or.mgc
Moon 9 Silver Silver/Purple

In the grimoires the amulets and talismans were usually made on

circular disks of metal. However when using pJper, the Jmulet or tJlisman
can JlternJtively be made with J number of sides equal to the plJnetary
number. If you decide to use white papl'r or cJrd for your tJlismJn, the ink
colour for drawing all the ,1ppropriate seJls or sigils you decide on should be
that of the planetJry colour.
Hence J Jupiterian tJlismJn would be on a squJre piece of blue card.
Glyphs usually included on talismans are the astrological sign of the plJnet,
the Divine Name, the name and/or seal of the Arcl1Jngel, the name and/or
sigil of the Planet,1ry Spirit and Intelligence, and any other appropriJte
symbols desired. The sigils for the Planetary Intelligences and Spirits, and the
Hebrew words commonly used on the talismans for the associated plJnetary
spiritual creatures, divine names and concepts are included as Appendix 4 of
this work.

26 Br,iss is USL'd for tlw crc>ation of ch.urns instL',1d of tlw pl,i1wt.irv ml'tal for Mars
which 1s lrnn due to thl' Lwlid th,1t spiritu,11 beings dislike lrnn.
27 As Mercurv is ,1 liquid a room tempL'r.1ture ,111d extrenll'IV toxic it is for ob,·ipUS
reasons unsuitable for creating charms. Alummium is a light mct,11 usl'd in the
construction of aircraft and hence mm·enwnt Lwtwl'L'n realms (Air & Earth) makes it a
suitable' nwt,11 for usL>.

Page 124
Prnct1cnl fJ/r111etan1 A1ns1c~

3. Purification
rurificc1tion is the third stage, and is the precursor to the finol step of
consecration of the talisman. Purification involves ensuring there are no
Lll 1 "·ankd influences Jttached to your tJlisman, effectively making it
ni,1 gickJlly neutral ready to Jct as a receptacle Jnd lens for the forces you seek
to cittr,ict through its ,iction. Purification can Jlso include ritual bathing,
cn!'uring that you too JrL' pure.

4. Consecration
The finJl step of consecration is the activation of the talisman as a focus
for the desired planetary energy. Hymns may be included in the consecration
ceremony to request assistance, to enhance the effectiveness of both amulets
and tJlismans.

r'Jge 125
Prn( tic11/ fJf1lllt'fnn1 A111g1d

Consecration Ritual
H<wing created vour <lmulct or t,1lisman, the following io. Jn outline for the

On the altar you need to have:

EB The Talism,1n

EB An appropri,1tely colourc'd pic'ce of natur,1l m,1teri,1l big enough to

wrap it in.
EB Bowl of spring w,1ter
EB 13owl of sea salt
EB Censer of incense
EB Red candle

Place your talisman on the piece of coloured fobric on the altar.

The Procedure:
You may choose to perform the Hept,1gram Ritual, using the Invoking
Hcptagram for the planet whose energy you arc working with in m,1king the
Cast a Planetary Circle to perform yolll· consec1«ltion within.

Before performing your consecr<1tion you should purify y(>ur talisman to
remove all influences, m,1king it effectively a t<1bula rasJ ready to cict <JS vour
focus for the desired energy.
T,1kc the' talisman and p<1ss it through the incense ~moke, saving:
i 1'11rifi1 you <Pith tire elcn1c11t o(Air

!'age 12G
Now pass the talisman (cMdully and quickly) through thL' candk' fL1mc,

I p11rif!1 you with tile clcmc11t of Fire

Sprinkle the talisman with a drop of water from the bowl and ~,1y:

I p11riflf you witlz tile clrn1rnt o(Wnter

Sprinkle a few grains of suit over the talismJn and say:

I purify yo11 with tlze element of Earth

The talisman is now purified and rmdy to be consecrate.

State the intent of the talisman, in a single concise sentence (that you
hJvc prcpMed beforehand), drawing the sigil of the plunl't in the Jir over the
talisman and visualising it in the appropriate planetary colour. Sec the sigil
shining with an inner brilliance, and then visualise a taut line of force in the
appropriate planetary colour from your dominant hand to the sigil. Lower
your hand so the sigil descends with it, into the talisman.

Intone in sequence the hierarchy of pbndary spiritual crmturcs for tllL'

planet, a number of times equal to the planetMy number. Start with the
Divine Name, then the Archangel, then the Order of Angels, the name of the
Hcuven (i.e. the planet), the Planetary Intelligence and finally tlw Plundary

\low raise your Jrms upwards so they m,1ke a V, and dL'clare:

I will take of tile divine spirit /divine 1111111c]. rn1111111ti11g fro111 tile llenurns.
Focused tlmmgh the 11rc/11111gel / 11111/lc} zulw directs the /order of 1111gcls]
.\1n11ifesti11g through the power of the '1e11ue11 of f11/1111et] nprcssed through

Page 127
i!'l1111ct11n1i11tclli,'\Cllcc]1111d /pl1111cl1ny spirit/
I l11wc crrntcd thi;; t11li;;1111111 fiir lll_ll glory,
I l11wc fim11cd it nnd 1linuc111mlc it.

As \'OU mJke this decbr,1tion, feel the pbnctJry force from the phinet
you ,11·e \\'orking ll'ith descending from the he;wens, ,ind collecting in your
hJnds. Sc'L' the e1wrg\' there ,is Cl glo\\' of the plcmctJry colour surrounding
your h<1nds. Bring \'our h,1nds down simult,:meously Jnd plJce them on the
tJlism,111, s,1ying:

I ioi11 tl1is tnlis1111111 to m11 life, tl111t tl1c (repent intrnt).

As 11/Jouc, so l,l'iow, this is 1n11 will, it is so.

WrJp the tJlismJn in the fobric Jnd put it in" s,1fc pbce.

Ex,1mple Sl'l]Uence of tllL' c11ling of the hierJrchy of spirituJI creJtures for a

tC1lism,1n of l'vt1rs:

[lol1i111 Gil,or, K'11w111L'i, Scmphi111, Mnrs, Gmpl1icl, Bnrt211bcl (x5)

I uiill tnkc o( tl1c diui11c spirit Eloliilll Ci/Jor, e1111mnti11g fi·om Ilic hcnucns,
/'ornscd througil tlic nrc/11111gcl Klin11111el who directs ll1c :::.cmpl1i111
,\11111ifi·sti11g tl1ro11gl1 tile power o( the lie11uc11 o( Mins e.\prcsscd tl1ro11gh
Crnphiel 1111d Bnrtzn/Jcl
I l11wc crcotcd tliis tnlis1111111(or 1u11 glon1,
I l11wc fimncd it 1111d I l111uc 111111ic it.

['(ir ,lll\' CL'rL'lllOll\' thL'rL' arL' cl numbL'r (lf COmponcnh to be' t,1ken into

JCC(1unt before you start.

coniponc·nts ensur·L's vour· ccremonic's arc morL' likL'lv to bl' successful. ThL'sL'

Ctlillfl<lllL'nts arL':

EB In tL'n t

EB Timing

EB Location

EB Puri fica ti on

EB Circle & Alt,1r

EB Symbols

EB Tools

EB Sequence

,\n\ L'ffective ccremo1w h,1s a \'L'ry precise intent. You sh(luld ha\'L'

furnwL1tL'd this ,is your first step, ,is evL'rything L'bl' ,1bout the cer·l'lllony
dq1L'nLb on this.

I he f1l,1nL't,1ry hours ,ind dav should h,1\'l' been dL'tcrmincd \\L'll in
cldi·,11lCL'. y,,U 111,l\' ,1lso wish to c]wck to SL'e if the pic1nL't \'OU ,1re working

\\'ith IS undL'rgoing ,lll\' f1,1rticular cl'>pL'ctS or conjunctillll<.,, F.g. \'OU Jll,l\'

f'rdl·r t() not 1\·mk 1\·ith ,1 planL't \\'lw11 it re; 1·ct1·ogr,1dL', ,is this 1ndic,1tL's ,1

l\•i·l'rs,11 ot l'llL'rg\'
{. \\'hich is on\\·
• ,1nnl'()nri,1tc'
r- r- r- for b,1nishin"
Most planetary magick is performed indoors. If you are working
indoors, do you have ,1 permanent temple space, or do you need to make a
space to work in? In either case the space should be cleanL'd before the
ceremony, and if it is not ,1 permanent temple space, all distractions should be
dealt with. This includes turning off all telephones and electrical equipment.
If you are working outdoors, double and triple-check that you have
everything you will need for your ceremony before leaving the house.

An important consideration for magickal work is that everything you use
should be purified. Anything you take into a magick circle for ritual work
should have been purified. This includes mundane items you might not
otherwise consider, such as your pair of glasses if you wear them.
Additionally, following purification, if an item has a specific purpose, like a
tool or robe, it should also have been consecrated. Consecration involves
energising the item in question towards the specific purpose(s) you will be
using it for.
Having a ritual bath before a ceremony is always to be recommended,
and whL'n you do so you can use appropriately scented bath oils to fragrance
your bath and aid in your purification before the ceremony. After drying
yourself you should put your robe on rather than clothes, and also any ritual
jewellery you may be planning on wearing for the ceremony.

Circle & Altar

The nature of the work you perform will contribute to vour choice of
circle. If you are performing invocation or evocation a permanent circle is
preferable. For evocation you m,w ,1lso wish to construct a triangle if
appropriate. For consecration of talismans or amukts, meditation, or
devotion, a subtle circk' is appropriate. The ,1ltar is usually placed at the

Page 130
Prnct1rnf Plr111etnry MogicA

centre of the circle. For invoc:ition the receptacle is usually placed on the
centre of the altar, and other tools may be placed at the L'dges of the circle or
on the altar as preferred. For work such as the consecration of talismans, the
,ippropricite items all need to be on the altar.
Remember as you are performing a planetary ceremony, you do not
nL'L'd to follow the common model of having elemental tools and
represent,1tions on your altar. An altar is like a working table, it should only
hil\'e items there that need to be there. There is no point in having a cup there
if \'OU don't need it, for example.

Use of ilppropriate symbols helps focus the mind on the intent of the
ceremony. Using the i1ppropriate planetary colour for your candles and altar
cloth, <ind having an appropriate plilnetary incense will all help with focusing
your mind on the energy you are working with. Your robe mily be white or
the ilppropriate planetilry colour as desired.

Your tools include your robe, magickal weapons, candles, censer &
incense, lilmen, altar, altar cloth. Lilmens should have been made at an
i!ppropriate pli!netary time. All tools should have been purified and
consecrated before the ceremony.

HJve a clear idea in your head of the "ru1111i11g order" of your ceremony.
If you Me working with planetary hours, be aware of the time constraints Jilli
pL1n accordingly. You can O\'L'rrun slightly, but the milin focus of the ritual
should be within the appropriate planetary hour, and Jny closing up can be
du1w in thL' subsequent planetary hour. If you are pL'rforming conjurJtions,

Page 131
hilve copies of ilnything you plan on re,1ding in ck',1r ilnd l<lrge easy-to-read
Remember thilt working in tlw semi-dilrkness of cilndlclight Ciln make it
hilrd to reild. If vou have memorised the milteriill then ,1 script copy is still
useful in Cilse you forget the words, or just to providL' you with the confidence
thilt comes from knowing you hilvc planned thoroughly. If you are
performing invocation or cvoc:1tion, h,we il list of questions prL'PMed
bcforehilnd, or it is eilsy ill! too easy to get distrilcted ilnd not cover everything
you Wilnted to.
[Jrnctirnl Pln11etar_11 ,\111sic~


The Magick Circle

The milgick circk• hils long been used by milgickiilns ilS il rituill spilce. In
the' modern trildition of Wiccil, the milgick circle is ildditionillly s<iid to
p1·,ivide il contiliner for the energies rilised during il ceremony ilnd the circle
itself is often Cillled il "pince /Jc tween the worlds of 1111111 and tlzc Cods". This is
entirely different to the use of the milgick circle in cercmoni<1l milgick, where
the milgiciiln stilys in the world of miln ilnd effects chilngc, rilthcr thiln
shifting to iln in-between spilce.
A magick circle may be physical ilnd pcrm,1ncnt, being milrkcd on the
floor, or il boMd or other suitable material to plilcc on the floor, or it may be J
subtle circle created by the mJgician before performing mJgicbl work. A
subtle circle has the benefits of being usmble anywhere, Jnd not requiring
you to have il permilnent temple set up. If you mJkc J pcrmilncnt circle on J
material for placing on the floor, this also docs not require J pcrmJncnt
tl'mple, but will tJkl.' up spJce wherever you store it.
For work with the Olympic Spirits and PIJnetary Gods, JS well as for the
purposes of consecrations ilnd empowerment of tillismans Jnd C1mulets, the
subtle milgick circle mJy provide the ideill working conditions. It is however
importC1nt to be proficient in the creation of the milgick circle, prior to stilrting
Jny ceremonies in which it will be utilized.
For magicbl work the altar is usuJlly placed in the centre of the temple.
It m,1y be set up in one of two wilys, either with any pi1raphern;1JiJ and tools
on it, as for consecration of talismans, as is usuillly the G1se for work with ,1
subtle mJgick circle. Alternatively it may be set up with a receptilcle for
invocation on it, when it is usuillly kept clear of all other pi1r<1phernaliil. In
'uch inst,mces items like candles and censers are commonly p!Jccd Jround
tlw edge of the circle, which is norm,1lly a perma1ll'nt circle.
Planetary Circle (Subtle)
Prqo,1re the sp,1ce in which you cire to pl'rform your ceremony by
removing clll\' d istr,tetions ci nd cle,1 ni ng. You wi 11 be cre<J ting ci circle which
will be 7 foot in diJrneter, ill though you m<Jy <JLtlpt this to <J !Jrger size if you
pL1n on 1Yorking with others.

E8 A small bowl cont,1ining spring wuter.

E8 A smcill bowl of se,1 s<1lt.

E8 Spirit light (m<Jy be bmp with <J wick or <J candle)

For the cre<Jtion of the circle you m<Jy use ci wcind or dugger, or your
preferred h,rnd. If you use your hand, make the gesture of benediction. This
is mcide by extending the forefinger cind big finger, Jnd curling the ring finger
Jnd little finger into the pcilm, with the thumb curled over so it rests on the
ring ,rnd little fingers.

Bdore the ceremony commences light the spirit light Jnd the incense.
Hdas o lzckas cstc /Jibcloi' 8

Add the salt to tlw bowl of 11·citer. As you do so, procluim:

Be pure.

Dip \'ou1· fingers in the consecr,1ted w0ter. Pick u~o the bowl of
consecr,1ted \\',1tl.'r <Jnd ll'cllk ,1round the sp,Ke, stJrting in the EJst, in a

2~ llc'gn1w <111 unhnltnc'" (Crl'L'k).

cl,1ckwi~e circle, ~pri11kli11g the co11secr<1ted \\'ater ,is yllu w<1lk. When vou
fl,i\'l' returned to the Ecl~t, go buck to the ,1!tclr cllld replcice the bo\\'I 011 the
,1 Jt,1r ,111d pick up \'Our ~orderred tool, or lllclke the ge~ture of benediction.
r\g,1i11 go to the Ecist ,rnd w;:ilk clockwise ,1round your spclce with your ,irm
,1 utst1·etched do\\'ll\\'urds tow;:ird::; the floor ;rnd ~L'L' cl circle of white fl;:imes
being tornied <Jt the tip of the \\'e<Jpon or your fingers, Jnd s,1y:

L/11ited the 'cum deatl!le.c' po<l'cr,_f(im1 t/1c grmla 1111ity

That unity i~ IHI/ circle, />01111d i11 ti111c and '1'17Ce
\Vitlii11 i' m1; 1111iucr'c il/11111i11atcd /Jt/ Ilic 111agicl-, of/lie il'i711dcri11g ,111r,.
A' al>ovc, ~o l>c/oui

When you h,we returned to the E<Jst, return to the centre ,rnd pLice \'our
\\'l'clpon 011 the <1it,1r, ;rnd continue with vour ceremony.
/lrncfi( nf I'/r1netnr_111V111s1c/...

Planetary Circle (Physical)

A permanent magick circle is used for invocation and evocation, and
great care should be taken in its construction. The circle is in fact a doub]e
circle, with one circle inside the other. The circles arc usually painted in white
on the ground.
Mark a circle of nine foot diameter, with a concentric circle inside it of
eight foot diameter. This will give you an inner circle which is six inches from
the outer circle zill the way around. In the space between the two circles, at
the cardinal points (i.e. East, South, West & North) draw a pentagram, with its
point nearest the inner circle, so it appears to face outwards. In the spaces
between the pentagrams, write the divine names you are going tu use, focing
inwards do you can reJd them from inside the circle. These can be in English
or Hebrew depending on your preference, but for convenience we will give
them in English here.
Between the '.'Jorth Jnd East write YJ!wch, between the East and South
write Adonai, between the South and West write Eheia, and between the West
and North write Ag!J.
When you use J permanent circle, it is important to remember that you
should use a sword, dagger or wand or other appropriate weapon to trace
both the outer and inner circles, to emphasise their integrity as a barrier.
We advocate the use of the banishing pcntagrJm of Active Spirit for the
creating of the wJrds on the circle. This is becJusc it is not Jn elemental circle,
and you are calling spiritual creatures, so Active Spirit is appropriate as the
most effective ward to mJintain the circle.

B,111ishing Acti\'L' Spirit l'entagr,1111

Prnctirn/ Pl11nctnr_11 A1ngic~

To ensure the integrity and power of your circle, st.:irt in the East and
walk clockwise around the circle with your weapon pointing towards the
Lll 1ter circle, seeing the marked circle burning with a white fire. Walk a
cP111plete circuit back to the East, and then repeat the same for the inner circle.
\!ow using the dagger or wand, draw the banishing pentagram of Active
Sf1irit in the air over the pentagram marked on the floor in the East, and see it
h,1nging in the air, burning in white flame. Go clockwise around the circle
r''f1eating this in the South, West and North.
\1oving to the North-E,1st, vibrate the divine name Yahvch, and sec the

11 ,inw in the space between the circles in front of you burning with white fire.
Move clockwise to the South-East and vibrate the divine name Adonai, again
SL'eing the name on the floor burning with white fire. Continue clockwise to
the South-West and vibrate the divine name Eheia, seeing the name on the
floor burning with white fire. Continue your circuit to the North-West, .:rnd
vibrate the divine name Agla, seeing the name on the floor burning with
white fire.
The circle is now activated and ready for use for invocation or evocation.
When you have finished your ceremony, as the circle is permanent you
obviously do not "de-ens!" it. Go around the circle anti-clockwise starting in
the North, and sec c<1ch of the flaming white pentagrams in the air descending
.:1nd superimposing themselves onto the pentagrams beneath them in the
sp.:1ce between the circles. This then serves the purpose of further charging
these pent<1grams with energy as protective wards.
When you have done this, go round the circle a second time
Jnticlockwisc, seeing all the white fl.:1mes in the circles, pentagrams and
n.:1nws being absorbed into the paint of the circle markings.

Page 137
l'rncf1c11f P/1111t'l11r_11.'vlnsid

The Ritual of the Heptagram
\Ne crL'atcd this ritual some YL'ars ag(1 for use in ,1 mugickal group \\'l'
were facilitating ilt the time for use in ,1 series of pbnctary workings. Wl' fl'!t
that the Hcxagr;1m Rituul of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Duwn which is
usually recommended for pL1nctMy workings WilS inildcquiltL' fur our
purposes. Through rcgul;1r work the rituill hils undergone refinements ovl'r
the yc;1rs and the version we present hcrL' is one we found most cffcctivl.' for
solitary or srn;11l group workings.
It is best used ilt the beginning of ceremonies focusing on plilnctMy
forces ilnd can also be used ,1s il d,1ily balilncing exercise. It c,111 ildditionillly bl'
used at the end of ceremonies to b;1IC1ncc ilnd ground excess energy in J

harmonious milnncr.
When performing pbnl'tmy work it is usu ill to focus on thL' energies of J
pilrticulilr plunct, for this reason it is nccessC1ry to use the ,1ppropriilh.'
invoking ilnd bC1nishing hcptilgrilm in the Ritual of the I kptilgrilm.

Sun Mercury Vcnu~ \.1oon


Stand facing East, with your arms by vour sides, palms forw,ird, and s,1y:

E111111i gm; uios kni 011rn11011 nsteroc11tos 2"

Move your arms upwards into a V with your palms upward and
visualise a gold sphere of energv around your heart as you s,1y:

I stnnd in the timeless uoid, my hcnrt burning wit/1 the i111mortnl .fire

Move your right arm down in ,1 sweeping movement to your side with
the palm facing downward, and visualise a green sphere of energy at vour
fel't, standing on it as you say:

I drnw 111y powerfro111 the enrth nnd the stnrry hcnuc11s

Move your arms so they arc horizontal (crucifix position) with the palms
focing forward, and visualise a white sphere of energy at your crown, the
bottom of the sphere touching the top of your hc,1d as you say:

I crcntc the lwly light thnt shines in the dnrk11css

Keeping your Jrms in the cross position, draw the green energy up tlw
body and the white energy down from the head ,111d sec them merge with tlw
gold energy to form an even brighter golden energy at the heart which thL'n
spre,1ds and suffuses the aurJ.

Slowlv lower your arms towJrds vour sides agJin Jnd sav:

29 '"I ,1m a child of l'arth and starrv lwa\"l'n'", tlw Orphic Oath.

rage 139
*Wit/J /\lpl111 I /1egi11 tlzis rite, es/11/Jlisl1i11g pence, A
Witlz Epsi/011, I wclco111e gmce, E
\Vit!1 E/11, I c/c11nsc tlzis pl11cc, EE
Willi lo/11, !focus 11111 will, I
\Vit/1 On1icm11, I 11plzolri tlzc lrntlz, 0
Witlz Upsilo11, I mdi11/e glory, U
Willz 0111cg11 I co111plctc tlze ordering o( clwos, 00

In tl1c seven-lettered 1111111c I cs/11/Jlish the h11m1011y o( //1e hc11ur11s

A, E, EE, I, 0, U, 00

Move your preferred h;:md to the stZJrting position for the uppropriate
~,l,inctZJrv HL'~'tugrum, ,ind inscribe the heptugrum stZJrting ZJt the uppropriute
~'oint, visu,ilising the lines in the uppropriatc colour for the pbnct you ure
working with. From the to~', the points when drawn in front of the body Jre
level with the head (top), 6" ,ibove left ZJnd right shoulder (upper left and
u~'~'er right), 6" to the left ZJnd right of the body in front of bottom of ribs
(middk' left ,ind right), in front of left and right hips (bottom left 0nd right).

Uniting t11c scuCll dc11tlzlcss powers o( llzc universe.

Cross your ,irms over your chest ZJnd suy:

T/1crc is 110 port o( n1c 11111/ is not o( //Jc Cods

*l'le,isL' nok': If you 0re doing this rituJI Jt the end of your ceremony to
baLincL' L'nergiL'S ,ind end vour rituZJI, you sh(iuld use the appropriotc
b,mishing he~'tog1«im ond suy "Willi Alpl111 I c11d this rile, cs/11/1lislzi11g pence, A"

l'uge 140

Planetary Pyramids
t\s with the Ritu,11 of the HeptC1gr<1m, \\'e cre,1k'd the Pl<1nL't<1rv l'vr,1mids

fo 1· ,1 mc1gick,1I group we f,icilit<1tl'd i1 number of years ,1go, ,1s solitc1ry

11·llrkings for lllL'lllbers to USC clS f'repiHiltion for group workings. Tlw ide,1 for

tlwsl' workings w ,is dl'\'l'illf'Cd out of i1 si mi Li r tl'chn iquc we cre<1 tl'd for
ii« irking with the four l'lcml'nts, b<1sl'd on thl' m,1gick<1I ,1xiorn of "To Knml', To

\Vi!/, ro Dorr, To KL'l'p Silc11/" which form the bcisis of successful m<1gick<1I

11·llrk. \NL• clttributl'd these four Zlxioms to the four corners of the b<1se of the
pncimid, with the fifth <1xiom of "To Bffo111c", which is th;:it uf Spirit,

Mtributcd to the ,1pex of the pyr;:imid.

The <1ttribution of these powers of the elements in this rn;:inncr is

sonwtirnes c;:illed the "Pyrn111irl of Power". Following a discussion of the rL'sults

we g,1ined from \n1rking with the elements in this \\'ilY ;:ind Licing ,1 series of

pl,1nL't,1ry workings we decided to experiment with the tL•chnique ;:ipplying

the s,1111e princif'le to the seven cl;:issicill pl;:inL'ts.

\Ve ,1ttributL•d cl set of correspondences fo1· L'clch of the pbnct,1ry energiL'S

to the b,1ses of the pyr,1mids ;:ind devised suit<1ble ;:iccomp,1nving

visu,1lis,1tions, which we then combined with ch,rnting of n,1mes of powL'r to

crc,ltL' these powerful ,rnd effective wo1·kings for soliU1rv use. \Ve h,1\·e

sub-.,cquL•ntlv n1,1de sm;:ill '1dapt;:itions to enC1bll' us to USL' the s;:ime workings

in ,1 group environment with gre,1t success.

Lich PbnctcHy l'vr,1mid working c<1n be used before working with its

corr"·'f'Onding pL1nL't, ,1s p<1rt of the prepcll"cltion for work or ;:is pc1rt of the

\\'ur~ itsL•lf. It will hL'lf' vou to de\·clop <1 chisL'r undL·t·st,rnding of the L'nL'rgiec,

'111 d 11,lturc of L',lCh f'l,1nL't in turn, particubl'iv if pe1·fmlllL'd Oil ,1 regulc1r b,1sis.

Y()u 111,1\· find it usL'ful to rl'Cord thesL' workings ,1nd pl,l\' them to voursL•lf so
\'uu CcJn concL'ntr,1te cntirclv llll the ,ictu,11 pr,icticL'.
Pmctirn/ fJ/1111et11n1 .Vfog1C A

The Solar Pyramid

The word used ,is a mantra in this pyramid is Thelema, which is Greek
for "Will". We chose to use it here bL'cause Will is particularly associated with
the Sun ,1s a Solar attribute, and it is chanted in groups of six repetitions as six
is the solar number. The divine name of Sol lnvictus ("I11vi11ci/7/e Sun") refers
to the Roman Sun God, whose name has come to embody the Sun. The colour
gold is used throughout the visualisation as the primary solar colour.
The qualities we attributed to the corners of the pyramid are truth, will,
beauty and harmony, and their solar nature is emphasised through the
accompanying visualisations of the gold feather, sword, solar disk and scales.
The feather is associated with truth as the feather of Maat, the Egyptian
Goddess of Truth and Harmony, as is the scales. The sword is associated with
will throughout magick since the Medieval and Renaissance grimoires, where
it is used as a weapon of command to ensure the obedience of spiritual
creatures. The Solar disk is by its nature a Solar symbol.

Solar Pyramid Working

See yourself sitting in a gold square within the circle, whose corners are
in the East, South, West and North, touching the edge of the circle. This
square symbolises the power of the Sun. In the first corner, in the East, is the
first of the four powers of the Sun, that of truth. See the energy of truth as a
golden feather in the eastern corner, glowing with an inner vibrancy as it
embodies the truth that you live by and the truths of the universe.
Concentrate on focusing the energy of truth in the eastern corner of the
Truth is not static and changes with the flow of life, so move the truth to
the second corner of the square, in the Sou th. Do this with the word Theleina
(meaning Will in Greek). Chant Thelema six time;; to send the energy of truth
down the golden edgL' of the square to the southern corner.

In the second corner in the South, truth is transformed into the second
quality of the Sun, that of will. Truth inspires the will, driving it so that you
express your intent on following your true will. Focus on transforming the
energy of truth into will at the second corner of the square, in the South,
\·i,ualising the golden feather changing into a golden sword, point upwards.
Sec the sword flaming with the power of your will.
!'\ow move the power of will to the third corner of the square, in the
\Vest. Do this again with the word Thelema, chanting it six times to send the
energy of will down the golden edge of the square to the western corner.


In the third corner in the West, will is transformed into beauty, the third
quality of the Sun. Beauty is an expression of will, your will to be as perfect
as vou can be, the will of life to grow and express itself, of the mind to create
be.::utiful words and images. See the golden sword change into a golden solar
disk, radiating golden rays outwards. Focus on gathering the energy of
beauty in the third corner of the square, in the West.
Living beauty grows, so move it to the fourth corner of the square, in the
:'\orth. To do this chant the word Thelema six times to send the energy of
beautv down the golden edge of the square to the northern corner.


Beauty is an expression of inner harmony and outer harmony with the

environment. In tlw North beauty is transformed into the fourth quality of
the Sun, that of harmonv. Harmonv comes from finding balance, and
l'Xpressing th,1t bal,ince in your thoughts and ,1ctions. See the golden solar

Page 143

disk change into a golden p,1ir of sc,1lcs. Focus on transforming that beauty
you have moved here into harmony.
To complete the square move the harmony to the c,1stcrn corner. \Vhcn
you arc in harmony, you express truth as a natural consequence of your
balanced state. To move the harmony to the first corner b,1ck in the East chant
Thelcma six times, to send the energy of h,1rmony down the golden edge of
the square to the ms tern corner.


Now you sit within the golden square of the Sun, with its powL'rs of
truth, will, beauty and harmony. To use these qualities you must move in
time, which mc,rns you need to trJnsform the squ<irL' into three dimensions.
Visualise a golden line rising from each of the four corners, to meet in the
centre above you, forming a pyramid. As you are completing the pyrJmid,
use the phrase Sol lnvictus to express the triumph of life in its myriad forms.
So chant Sol lnvictus six times to aid the formation of the pyr,1mid JS you see
the lines rising to the upper central point.


Now you sit inside the pyramid of the Sun, in the inner chamber. You
arc surrounded by the golden energies of beauty and harmonv, of truth and
will. Draw those golden cm'rgics into vour hl'art so that your body ,1nd ,1urJ
arc permeated with the golden powl'r of the Sun. Do this until all the energy
is absorbed and the pyramid h,1s fodl'd away.
Practirnl Pl1111c/rn_11 i\ fas1c~

The Mercurial Pyramid

The word used ZIS '1 rnC1ntrC1 in this pyromid is A;roth. A/lith is ;1 tcrrn
from olchemy used to describe fluid Mercury ,1s ;1 spirituol essence rother thC111
the physicol metol. The word A;roth is formed by toking the Rom,1n letter
"A", which is olso equated to the Greek "Alp/111" ,md Hebrew "Alcp/1 ", ond
then following it with the finol lett<_'r of eoch of those olphabets, i.e. the RomJn
Jetter "Z", the Greek letter "0111cg11" (0) and the Hebrew letter "Tnv" (Th).
;\/oth thus implies the beginning Jnd end. Till' word A;roth is chanted in
groups of eight repetitions as this is the number of Mercury, and likewise the
colour orange is used throughout the visu,11isation as the primary Mercuri,1!
The quolitics we C1ttributcd to the corners of the pyramid are clority,
knowledge, inspirotion and flexibility. These are JI! quolities ossociatcd with
'v1ercury, and this is emphasised by the occompanying visualisotions of the
orange dagger, quill, lightning bolt ond octogram. The dagger represents the
clarity of mind that cleaves through superfluity to go stroight to the heart of '1

sul_1jcct or concept. The quill is indicotive of knowledge CIS the writing

implement for recording knowledge. Inspiration is often described as curning
"like 11 bolt from tlze blue", and the dramatic power and speed of lightning ore ,1
good Zlnology to the flash of inspirotion. The octogram or eight-rayed star is
Mercurio! by its numerntion of eight.

Mercurial Pyramid Working

Sec yourself sitting in an orange squorc within the circle, whose corners
.:ire in the East, South, West ond North, touching the edge of the ci1-cle. This
squ,1rc symbolises the power of Mercury. In the first conll'r, in the East, is the
firq of the four powers of Mcrcurv, that of cl,1rity. Clarity is till' ability to
discern the reality of '1 situation ,md see things how they ,11-e. Concentr,1tc on
focusing the energy of clarity in the eastern rnnll'r of the squ,irL', seeing it ;1s

Poge 145
Prnctical P/011ctnry A'fngick
,111 or,mge d<1gger point upw<irds; the d.:igger of cl<1rity th<1t cle;wes through
illusion ,111d deception to show the truth beneJth.
Clarity c•ncourJges you to grow Jnd move forward, so move the energy
of cl,iritv to the second corner of the square, in the South. Do this with the
word J\/,0th. A/,0th is the JichemicJI fluid, the essence of life th.:it permeates
;11! <ind ,1cts <is J cilt<ilyst for ch<inge <ind growth tow<irds perfection. Chant
A/oth eight times to send the energy of cl<i ri ty down the or<inge edge of the
squ,1re to the southern corner.

AZOTH (x8)

In the second corner in the South, cl<irity is tr<insformed into the second
qu<ility of Mercury, th<it of knowledge. Knowledge comes from experience
<ind the cbrity of thought <ind deed that bring realis<ition. Focus on
tr<insforming the energy of cl<irity into knowledge .:it the second corner of the
squ<ire, in the South, <ind see it become <in orange fe<ither quill. The quill
writes <ind records knowledge, mJking it av<iil<ible to <ill with eyes to see.
Think of <ill the knowledge you h.:ive g<iined in your life, <ind focus this in the
quill in the southern corner
Through g,1ining knowledge, your horizons widen and you open
Vllurself to growth as you mJke connections between disp<ir.:ite pieces of
knowledge. Now move the energy of knowledge to the third corner of the
squ<ire, in the West. Do this with the word Azoth, ch<inting it eight times to
send the energv down the or.:mge edge of the squJre to the western corner.

AZOTH (x8)

In the third corner in the West, knowledge is transformed into

i11spir,1tion, the third qu,1lity of Mercury. Inspiration can come from
knowledge you h<in' g<iined or out of the blue like .:i bolt of lightning. focus
on g,1the1·ing the energy of inspir<ition in the third corner of the square, in the

PJge 146
r f'mctical Plo11ct11n1 j\ f11g1c~

\\'est, seeing the llrclngc quill ch<:rngc to Jn or,rngc lightning bolt. Think of
tillll'S you have been inspired Jnd how vou felt, Jnd put the cncrgv th,1t
inspirl'S in you into the western corner of thl' squ,1rl'.
lnspirJtion ,1lso llll',1ns thl' intJkl' of brc;ith, moving thl' L'lll'rgy. To movl'
till' L'nl'rgv of inspir;ition to thl' northl'rn corner of thl' squ;irl' ch;int thl' word
,\/oth eight times to SL'nd it down thl' or;ingc L'dgl' of the squ<1rc to thl'
nnrthl'rn cornl'r.

AZOTH (x8)

With inspir;ition coml's ;i Ill'\\' fll'xibility ,is you rcalisl' new possibilitil's.
Flexibility is thl' fourth qu;ility of ML'rcury, showing thl' ;ibility to ,1diipt
.:ipproprii1tl'ly ;is circumst;incl's ch;ingl'. Sec the or;ingl' lightning bolt ch;ingl'
into an or,1ngl' octogrilm, mi1dl' of two squi1rl'S ;it forty-fivl' dl'grl'l's to L'i1ch
othl'r. Think of how you ;ire fll'xibll' in your life ;ind focus thl' L'lll'rgv thl'rl' in
thl' northern cornl'r of the squ;irl'.
FIL'xibility implies movl'ml'nt, ;ind to compll'tl' thl' squ;irl' you must
rn~ivl' the L'nl'rgy of fll'xibility to thl' L'ilStl'rn corner. To move thl' flexibility to
thl' fir;;t corner b;ick in thl' E;ist, ch;int thl' word A1oth, eight times, to send the
L'tll'rgy of fll'xibility down thl' or;ingl' l'dgl' of the squ,1rc to the castl'rn cornl'r.

1\ZOTH (x8)

:\ow you sit within thl' or;ingc squ,1rc of Mercury, with its powl'rs of
cL11·itv, knowlcdgl', inspir;ition and fll'xibilitv. To usL' thcsl' qu;ilitil's vou must
n1u1·L' in tinll', ll'hich lllL',111s you lll'L'd to tr,111sform thl' squiirl' into thrl'L'
dillll'nsions. Visu,1lisc ,1n lll«1ngl' line rising from L',1ch of thl' four conwrs, to
llWl't in the CL'tltrL' ,1bovL' vou, forming ;i pvriimid. 1\s 1·ou ML' compll'ting thL'
Pl'J«lll1id, USL' thl' n<lllll' A/.oth, ch;inting it L'ight timl'0> to ,1id the forn1,ltion of
tlw pn,1mid ilS vou SL'l' the linl's rising to the upper ccntriil point.

P;igc 147

Pmclinrf J>f1111et11r_11 ,\fos:ic~

AZOTH (x8)

Now you sit inside the pyramid of Mercury, in the inner chamber. Draw
the orange Mercurial energy into your heart, filling your body and aura With
the powers of clarity, knowledge, inspiration and flexibility, absorbing all the
energy until the pyramid has faded away.

Page 148
The Venusian Pyramid
UnlikL' the previous pyramid meditations, a number of words are used in
this meditation. The four words used as mantras for sending the energy
Jround the bJse of the pyramid Jre Philia, Agape, Eros, Jnd Storge. These

1\·ords all emphasise the concept of love, which is particularly associated with
\'L'nus. The four words are all Greek. being friendship (Philia), spiritual or
unconditional love (Agape), physical or sexual love (Eros) and familial love
(Storge). The word used as a mantra to visualise the upward edges which
extend the pyramid into three dimensions is Elohim, which is the Hebrew
Divine Name associated with Venus as the sphere of Netzach on the Tree of
Lif('. Elohim means "Cods", Jnd emphasises multiplicity of the divine
m,1nifestJtions in a similar way to the expression of different manifestations
of love. The words are chanted in groups of seven repetitions as this is the
number of Venus, and emerald green is used as the colour for the same reason
of correspondence with Venus.
The qualities we attributed to the corners of the pyramid are liberty,
light, life Jmi love. These are all qualities associated with radiation of positive
concepts which are both life-affirming and life-enhancing. Liberty is a quality
that can be taken for granted by those who have it, but consider the
implications. Liberty means you can go where you want and arc free to
express your opinions and have rights. Light is a requisite for most life, love
brings its own benefits and pleasures, and life is (or should be) its own
rew,1Hi. The accompanying visualisations for these concepts are less "shnrp"
thJn in the other meditations as the concepts arc harder in some respects to
svmbolise. Glow and brilliance arc both types of light. The Hebrew word for
Vl'nus is "Nosn/J ... which also me,ms "slow", and brilliance indicates the
highest form of light. The pulsating brilliance visuJlisation associated with
lu\·(' i,., symbolic of thl' beating of the hl'art, thl' organ associated with love.
Jnd this visuulisution is m,1intuined for life ,1s it is also ,1ppropriutc there.

Page 149
The Venus Pyramid Working
See yourself sitting in an emer<tld g1·een squ<1re within the circle, whose
corners <1rL' in the E<tst, South, \Vest <1nd North, touching the edge of the circle.
This squ<1re symbolises the power of Venus. In the first corner, in the East, is
the first of the four powers of Venus, th<tt of liberty. Liberty is freedom,
freedom of deed <tnd thought, freedom of mo\·emL'nt. Like <1ir, liberty is
invisible <tnd <tll <1round vou. Think of the winds <1nd how they blow free,
unrestricted. Concentr<1te on focusing the energy of liberty in the e<1stern
corner of the squ<1re. See it <ts i1 transp<1rent green glow in the e<1stern corner
of the squ<1re.
Liberty c<1nnot be cont,1ined, so move the liberty to the second corner of
the squ<1re, in the South. Do this with the word Phili<t, representing
friendship, for true friendship is liber<1ting <1nd helps you grow. Ch<tnt Philia
seven times to send the L'nergy of liberty down the green edge of the squMe to
the southern corner.


In the second corner in the South, liberty is tr<1nsformed into the second
quality of Venus, th<tt of light. The light of the morning and evening st<tr, the
light of illumination which shines on the path of the mysteries, the light of the
divine spark within you. Focus on transforming the energy of liberty into
light at the second corner of the square, in the South, and seL' it become J

brilliant emerald green light.

Light illuminatL'S wherevL'r it travels, so now move the light to the third
corner of the square, in the \Vest. Do this with tlw word AgJpe, reprL'senting
spiritual love, the pure uncondition'1l lm'L' of self, love of others, ,ind ll11·e of
life that is illuminated with inner harmony. Chant Agape se1·en times to coend
the emerald green light down the grL'en edge of the square to the western
J>rnctirnl l'la11ctar_11 AI11gic~

AGAPE (x7)

In the third corner in the West, light is t1«1nsformed into lo\·c, the third
quality of Venus. Love is expressed through thoughts and actions, and tlw
perfect love you feel for your family and friends. Love of yoursL'lf, love of
others, love of life. Love is the greatest power in the universe. Focus on
gathering the energy of love in the third corner of the square, in the West. Sec
the radiant green emerald light, pulsing in time with your heartbeat.
Love moves and flows, so move it to the fourth corner of the square, in
the North. To do this chant the word Eros, physical love. Love is expressed
in union with others, and when life comes forth from this love, it is truly
blessed. Chant Eros seven times to send the energy of lovL' down the green
L'dge of the square to the northern corner.

EROS (x7)

With love comes life, for love permeates the univL'rse engendering life
and love of life, the fourth quality of Venus, and one associated with family.
You experience life, its own reward, as you seek to realisl' your divine
potential and become the best you can be. See the enL'rgy of life, still pulsing
in time with your heart, emerald green and brilliant.
To complete the square you must move the life to the eastern corner. J\s
vou move through life, you strive for liberty, to be yourself <1lld do what you
ilL'L'd to do to fulfil your path. To move the lifL' to the first corner back in the
East chant the word Storge, familial love, se\·en times, to send the energy of
life down the green edge of the square to tlw eastern corner.


\low you sit within the green squarL' of Venus, with its powers of life,
light, love and liberty. To use thesL' qu,1lities you must move in time, which
nw,rn;; you need to tr,1n;;forlll the square into three dimensions. Visualise a
grL'en line rising from mch of the four corners, to meet in the centre above
you, forllling ,1 pyr<1mid. 1\s you are completing the pyramid, use the nanie
Elohim, which llleans Gods, to celebrate the gods who act through you,
empowering and inspiring you on your path. So chant Elohim seven times to
,1id the forlll,1tion of the pyramid as you see the lines rising to the upper
central point.


Now you sit inside the pyramid of Venus, in the inner chamber. And
herein is ,1 mystery, for the inner chamber is the name of Yah, the first two
letters of the fourfold name, combining the feminine and masculine in union,
as you do yourself, within the pyramid of Venus. Draw the green Venusian
energy into your heart, filling your body and aura with the powers of light,
life, love and liberty, absorbing all the energy until the pyramid has faded

Page 152
P111ctical P/1111d11r_11 ,\fngrc~

The Lunar Pyramid

The word we chose to use as a mantra for this pyramid is Lun,i, which
nw,ins "lv10011" ,ind is also the name of the Lunar Goddess. ThL' \\'ord is
c\1,intl'd in groups of nine repetitions as the Lunar number, ;md silver is used
,is the colour for the visualisation as the main Lunar colour.
The qualities we attributed to the corners of this pyr,imid arc crmtivity,
irn,igination, drc,irns and the unconscious. All of these qualities ,ire directly
;ic,sociatl'd with the Moon, and we chose to represent them with tlw phases of
the Moon as appropriate to their naturL', and also demonstrating the cyclic
11,1turc of the Moon. Hence the four accompanying visu.:ilisations arc the New
Moon, 1-1,i\f Moon, Full Moon and 0,irk Moon.

Lunar Pyramid Working

Sec voursclf sitting in a silver square \\'ithin the circle, whose corners arc
in the East, South, WL'St and North, touching the edge of till' circle. This
squcirc symbolises the power of the Moon. In the first corner, in the E,ist, is
tlw first of the four powers of the Moon, that of creativity. Creativity is the
nll1t of our growth, the undercurrent that flows through our lives inspiring us
to try Ill'\\' things. Concentrate on focusing the energy of creativity in the
e,btcrn corner of the square, seeing it <is a New Moon.
The NL'\\' Moon represents the beginning of a cycle, as creativity is often
the beginning of the process of realisation and manifestation. Creati\·ity
encourages you to do things and spring into action, so move the energy of
crl',ltivity to the second corner of the square, in the South. Do this with tlw
\\'ord Luna. Ch,int Luna nine times to send the energy of crcati\·ity do\\'n the
"ih·L'r L'dgL' of the square to the southern corm'1·.

LLl'\A (x9)

Page 153
In the SL'cond comer in the South, creativity is transformed into the
second quality of the Moon, that of imagination. Imagination is the wings
that let your mind fly free, exploring possibilities and harnessing the power of
the unconscious. Focus on transforming the energy of creativity into
imagination at the second corner of the square, in the South, and see the New
:v!oon beconw a half Moon. The hJlf Moon is light Jilli dark in bJlance,
emphJsising the union of thL' conscious and unconscious mind. Focus this in
the hJlf Moon in the southern corner
Through the imagination you can give form to your dreams, mJking
them more tangible. Now move the energy of creJtivity to the third corner of
the squJre, in the West. Do this with the word Luna, chanting it nine times to
send the energy down the silver edge of the square to the western corner.

LUNA (x9)

In the third corner in the West, im<1gination is transformed into dreams,

the third quJlity of the Moon. Dreams can be the IanguJge of the unconscious
bubbling up into your conscious mind, and dreJms can be the goals you set
yourself to Jchieve. Both have a rich and full value to making you move
forward on your path. Focus on gathering the energy of your dreams in the
third corner of the square, in the West, seeing the half Moon change to a Full
Dreilms Ciluse us to ;1ssess and make changes, so recognising this, move
the energy of dreilms to the northern corner of the squJre, by chanting the
word Luna nine times to send it down the silver edge of the square to the
northern corner.

LUNA (x9)

The dreams th,1t cpme when you sleep Jre the symbolic messages Jnd
lilnguage of your unconscious, the unseen yet vital part of your life that helps

Page 154
vou develop by listening to yourself. The unconscious, the store of ill! your
knowledge ilnd experience, is the fourth power of the Moon. See the Full
\loon ,far ken ilnd become a dark moon, representing the hidden quality of
, ,1tir unconscious, below the surface like the undercurrents of the oceilnS that
the Moon pulls.
Your unconscious is pulled by the tides of your ilctions, ilnd so to
(lllllplctc the squilrc you must move the energy of the unconscious to the
c,1stern corner. To mo\·e the energy of the unconscious to the first corner back
in the eilst chilnt the word Lunil, nine times, to send the energy down the
sil\'cr edge of the squilre to the eilstcrn corner.

LUNA (x9)

Now you sit within the silver squilfe of the Moon, with its powers of
creativity, imaginiltion, drmms ilnd the unconscious. To use these qualities
you must move in time, which meilns you need to trilnsform the squilre into
three dimensions. Visuillisc il silver line rising from l.'ilch of the four corners,
to meet in the centre ilbove you, forming il pyrilmid. As you ilre completing
the pyrilmid, use the nilme Luna, chilnting it nine times to ilid the forn1iltion of
tlw pyrilmid as you see the lines rising to the upper centrill point.

LUNA (x9)

Now you sit inside the pyrilmid of the Moon, in the inner chilmber.
Draw the silver Lunar energy into your hmrt, filling your body and ilura with
the powers of creiltivity, i111<1gin,1tion, dn'ilms ilnd the unconscious ilbsorbing
,1JI the energy until the pyr,1mid h,1s foded ilWily.
Prnct1rn/ Pln11et11r_111V111sic~

The Martial Pyramid

The word we chose to use JS J m<intr<i for this pyramid is the lfobn.>\v
word Madim, which is used in Qabal<ih, and literally means "Mnrs" and can
<ilso mean "redness" (and has five letters). It is chanted in groups of five
repetitions as five is the Martial number, and scarlet is used in the
visualisations as the Martial colour.
The qualities we attributed to the corners of this pyramid are
assertiveness, power, courage and strength. All of these qualities are
associated with the dynamic and energetic nature of Mars. Assertiveness is
represented by a hand, as the raised or outstretched hand is often symbolic of
standing firm and being assertive. The pentagram for power is a Martial
symbol as the five-pointed star, and also implies a balance of forces, which is
needed to establish power. The heart for courage is a classical attribution, and
the bulls' horns for strength symbolise the sustained strength seen in beasts of
burden, and also their potency.

The Mars Pyramid Working

Sec yourself sitting in a scarlet red square within the circle, whose
corners arc in the East, South, West and North, touching the edge of the circle.
This square symbolises the power of Mars. In the first corner, in the East, is
the first of the four powers of Mars, that of assertiveness. Sec the energy of
assertiveness as a red hand, fingers together, facing you, embodying your
power to be firm and stand for what you believe in, and be able to say no.
Concentrate on focusing the cncrgv of asscrtivL'ncss in the eastern ClinWr of
the squJrc.
AssL'rtiVL'ncss 1s an action, so move the energy of Jsscrti\·cncss tn the
second corner of the square, in the South. Do this with tl1L' word M,1di 111 •
Chant Madim five times to SL'nd the L'ncrgy of assertiveness down the sccirlct
L'dgc of the square to the southern corner.
MADIM (x5)

In the second corner in the South, assertiveness is transformed into the

-.;econd quality of Mars, that of power. Power is energy in motion, driving
your focus so that you express your intent. Focus on transforming the energy
(1f assertiveness into power at the second corner of the square, in the South,
\'iq1alising l't\e red hand changing into a red pentagram, point upwards. See
the pentagram flaming scarlet with the power of your will.
Now move the power to the third corner of the square, in the West. Do
this again with the word Madim, chanting it five times to send the power
down the scarlet edge of the square to the western corner.

MADIM (x5)

In the third corner in the West, power is transformed into courage, the
third quality of Mars. Courage is an expression of assertiveness, inner
strength to act on your principles and stand up for what you believe, to do
what is right. See the red pentJgram chJnge into J red heart, beJting in time
with your own. Focus on gJthering the energy of courage in the third corner
of the square, in the West.
Courage brings action, so move it to the fourth corner of the squJre, in
the North. To do this chJnt the word MJdim five times to send the energy of
courage down the srnrlet edge of the square to the northern corner.

MADIM (x5)

Courage requires strength, strength of will and emotional strength. In

tlw North, courJge is transformed into the fourth quJ!ity of l\1Jrs that of
strength. Strength is J result of being trnL' to yourself, and dL'\"eloping your
qu,1lities to mJke you J stronger person. See the red heJrt chJnge into J rl'd
J>mct1rnl l'ln11cfnn1 i\!1ngid

p,1ir of bull horns pointing upwilrds. Focus on trnnsforming thilt courilge you
h,we moved here into strl'ngth, ilnd rl'cognisl' your own strengths.
To complete the squcire move the energy of strength to the eilstern
corner. To move the energv of strength to the first corner bJck in the east
ch,mt Madim fivl' times, to send thl' energy of strength down the sc.:irlct edge
of the square to the eilstcrn corner.

MADIM (x5)

Now you sit within the red squure of Murs with its powers of
,1sscrtivL'ness, power, cour;:ige ilnd strength. To use these quJlities you must
1110\'C in time, which mc;:ins you need to trzrnsform the square into three
dimensions. Visu;:ilisc il scMlct line rising from eJch of the four corners, to
meet in the centre ilbovc you, forming a pyri1mid. As you arc completing the
pyr,1mid, use the phr;:isc M;:idim, ch,rnting it five times to ;:iid the formation of
the pyr,1mid ilS you sec the lines rising to the upper central point.

MAD!M (x5)

Now you sit inside the pyr;:imid of Mars in the inner chJmbcr. You are
surrounded by the scilrlct energies of assertiveness zind power, of courage and
strength. Drilw those scJrlct energies into your heart so thilt your body and
aura arc pcrmcJtcd with the fiery power of Milrs. Do this until Jll the energy
is ,1bsorbcd and the pyrilmid hils faded ilWily.
Pmctirnl Pl1111t'/111 !I ,\fog{( /1

The Jupiterian Pyramid

VVe chosL' the TetragrJ111m,iton or fourfold na111e for its Jssoci,1tion with
Jupiter both through the number of letters ,ind its use in QJbJlJh. It is Cl'L'Jtl'd
thwugh tlw con;,truction of the py1«1mid one ,iddititm,il letter ~lL'r side of tlw
pvri\rnid, i\nd tlwn prnnmnKL'd in its usual form when the py1"1mid is
c·dcnded into thrl'L' dimensions. The cu111u!Jtivc nJmL'S arc pronounced in
c;roups of four repetitions i\S the Jupiterian number, Jnd blue is used ,is tlw
Jupiteri,in colour for the \'isualisutions.
The qu,ilitics we i\ttributcd tu the conwrs of this pyramid <11-c luck,
cu111pussion, lo\'L' and trust. These iHC JI! trJditioni\lly .:issociatL'd with Jupiter,
and h.:l\'e appropriate Jupiteriun symbols connected with them. The
horseshoe is classically connected with luck, ;md the blue lotus is tr.:iditionJ!ly
,i;,soci.:itcd with comp.:ission. The blue rose is connected with perfection in
iilchcrny, and is thus a good symbol of love in its highest form. The
h,mdsh,ikc symbolises trust through <Jgrcemcnt Jnd fricndshi~1.

Jupiterian Pyramid Working

Sec yourself sitting in J blue squ<Jrc within the circle, whose corners arc
m the List, South, West <1nd North, tnuching the edge of the circle. This
squJ1·c symbolises the power of Jupiter. In the first corner, in the East, is the
first of the four powers of Jupiter, th;,it of luck. Like ;:iir, luck is invisible <ind
,ill arnund you. Think of things like the four-leafed clovL'r i\nd horseshoe,
bL'lie\'L'd to bring luck, and the energy of luck that permcutcs tlwm.
ConcL'ntr,itc on focusing the energy of luck in tlw c,istcrn corner of the squ,irc
"'a blue horsL'shoL' pointing upwards.
Luck is not static, so mm·c the luck to the SL'cond conwr of till' squurc, in
tlw South. Du thi;, with the letter Yod, tlw first letter of the fourfold name.
Ch,1nt Yud four times to send tlw L'nc1·gv of luck do\\'n the bluL' edge of the
'tlll,irL' to tlw southl'rn omwr.
YOD (x4)

Jn the second corner in the South, luck is transformed into the second
quality of Jupiter, that of compassion. When you h,we luck you feel
benevolent ,111d well disposed to the world, ,1nd you demonstrate compassion,
by sharing your good luck with others. Compassion is one of the greatest
magickal qualities, for it is an expression of unconditional love, for others, for
life. Focus on transforming the energy of luck into compassion at the second
corner of thl' square, in thL' South, visualising the energy of compassion as a
blue lotus flower. Now move the compassion to the third corner of the
square, in the West. Do this with the letters Yod Heh, the first and second
letters of the fourfold name. Chant Yod Heh four times to send the energy of
compassion down the blue edge of the square to the western corner.

YOD HEH (x4)

Jn the third corner in the West, compassion is transformed into love, the
third quality of Jupiter. Love is expressed through comp,1ssion, and the
perfect lovL' you feel for your close friends and family. Love of yourself, love
of others, love of life. Love is the greatest power in the universe. Focus on
gathering the energy of love in the third corner of the square, in the west, and
transform the blue lotus of compassion into a blue rose.
Love moves and flows, so move it to the fourth corner of the square, in
the North. To do this chant the three letters Yod Heh Vav, the first three
lcttl'rs of the fourfold name. Ch,1nt Yod Heh Vav four times to send the
energy of love down the blue edge of the square to the northern corner.


With perfect love comes perfect trust, and trust is the fourth qu,1lity of
Jupiter. You trust in yourself and in those within your life. Focus on

Page 160

Pmctirnl Plnnd11r_11 ,\Angid

transforming th<lt love you hetve moved here to the North into trust, changing
the blue rose into ,1 blue pair of hands in a handshake.
To complete the square move the trust to the eastern corner. When you
uust yourself etnd the gods and thL' universe, you can experience luck, and
sometimes you have to rL'ly on trust alone. To move the trust to the first
corner back in the East chant the four letters Yod Heh Vav Heh, the fourfold
n,1rne, four times, to send the energv of trust down the blue edge of the square
to the eastern corner.


Now you sit within the blue square of Jupiter, with its powers of luck,
compassion, love and trust. To use these qualities you must move in time,
which meetns you need to transform the square into three dimensions.
Visualise et line rising from each of the four corners, to meet in the centre
above you, forming ,1 pyramid. As you are completing the pyramid, use the
fourfold name in its entirety, rather than as its component letters. So chant
YAHVEH four times to aid the formation of the pyramid as you see the lines
rising to the upper central point.


Now you sit inside the pyramid (1f Jupiter, in the inner chamber. And
herL'in is a mystery, for the innL'r chamber is the name of Yah, the first two
letters of the fourfold name, combining the feminine and masculine in union.
You ,1re united, a complete bL'ing containing the divine spark, within the
pvramid of Jupiter. Draw the blue energy of Jupiter into your heart, the
powers of luck, compassion, love and trust. Keep dr;1wing them in and filling
\'uur ,1u1«1 and body with thL'l11 until the pyramid has faded away.

Page 161
Prru lrrn/ Pfa11etnr_11 ,-v1ns1cA

The Saturnian Pyramid

The word we chose to use <:is <:i m<:intrn for this pyr<:imid is !AO, the
Gnostic divine n<:ime which is cilso i1 contr;iction of the Hebrew divine n<:iine of
Tetrngrilmm<:iton. !AO symbolises <:i r<:inge of mmnings, including the grecit
divine, ilnd J!so hJs three letters, the number of SJturn. It is ch<:inted in
groups of three repetitions <:is the S<:iturniJn number, cind b!Jck is used cis the
colour of <:ill the visu<:ilis<:itions Js the SciturniJn colour.
The quJ!ities we Jttributed to the corners of this pyrJmid Me uwcireness,
trJnsformJtion, efficiency <:ind stillness. Silturn is often milligned ilnd its
positive qu<:ilities ignorL'd, but they ilre importilnt quillities. AwMe1wss is
represented by iln eye, symbolising the ilbility to SL'L' und thus be Jw<:ire of
your surroundings. The blilck sun is Jn illchemicill symbol of trilnsformiltion
within the solidity of the mrth, which we felt WilS ilppropriilk' here JS i1

symbol of the trilnsforming power of Silturn. The upwilrd pointing hilnd ilS il

symbol of efficiency reflects the ilbility of the hilnd to grip ilnd m<:inipu!Jte
objects. The obsidiiln bill! for stillness represents the pussivity ilSsociilted with
skrying ilnd also the Silturniiln quillity of time, seeing visions ilnd the future in
iln obsidiiln billl being il popul<:ir milgickill ilCt for mJny centuries.

Saturnian Pyramid Working

See yourself sitting in il blilck squilre within the circle, whose corners Jre
in the EJst, South, West Jnd North, touching the edgL' of the circle. This
squJre symbolises the power of Silturn. In tlw first corner, in the Eilst, is the
first of the four powers of Siltum, thilt of JWJrenL'SS. See the energy of
ilWilreness ilS il blilck eye, like the Eye of Horus in the eJstern conlL'r, open
Jnd tilking JI! in with its JWJreness. Concent1·cite on focusing the L'nL'rg\' of
ilWMeness in the ecistern corner of the squ,1re; ilWilrL'ness of vuurselL vour
thoughts, deeds Jnd body, Jnd your environment.
AwJreness ch<:inges with time, so move the J\\'ML'ness to the ~econd
corner of the squilre, in the South. Do this with thL' word !AO ch,1nted three

PJge 162
r Prnc/1cn/ Pln11etnr_11 i\1n,i,::HA

times to send the energy of awi.lreness down thL' bli.lck edge of the squ,1re to
the southern corner.


In the second corner in the South, ,l\\"i.lreness is chi.lnged into the second
quillity of Silturn, of tri.lnsformi.ltion. Tri.lnsformiltion of your self i.lS you
pursue your pi.1th, improving your mind, your i.lCtions, your hmlth, becoming
thL' best you Ci.ln be. Focus on the energy of tri.lnsformi.ltion the second
wrner of the squi.lre, in the South, visui.llising i.l bli.lck disk, the blilck sun
of i.llchemy thcit symbolises transformi.ltion.
Now move the power of tr<msformi.ltion to the third corner of the squi.lre,
in the West. Do this i.lgi.lin with the word !AO, chilnting it three times to send
the energy of trnnsformation down the bli.lck edge of the squi.lre to the western


In the third corner in the West, trnnsformiltion is chi.lnged into efficiency,

the third qui.llity of Suturn. Efficiency is i.ln expression of tr,1nsformiltion,
bL'COming more effective doing things in the best i.lnd simplest wily
possible. See the black sun chilnge into i.ln ebony blilck hilnd with its fingers
pointing upwurds. Focus on gilthering the energy of efficiency in the third
corner of the square, in the West.
Efficiency brings chunge, so move it to the fourth corner of the squi.lre, in
thL' north. To do this chilnt the word !AO three times to send the energy of
efficiency down the bli.lck edge of the squi.lre to the northern corner.


Pi.lge 163
Efficiency is ,m c'xprcssion uf inner h;irnmny ;ind outer ;iction. In the
\Jorth efficiency is tr,rnsformcd into the fourth quality of S,1turn, th<it of
stillncs.s. Inner stillness n·hcn you find the silence \\'ithin, and outer stillness
when vour c'1wirnnnwnt is in b,1bncc. Sec the ebony black hand change into a
bLtek ubsidiJn splwrL'. rocus on tr,rnsforming that dficicncy you hJvc moved
here into stillness.
Stillness c,1n cumc' in action JS well ;is repose, so to complete the square
lllll\'L' the stillness to the c,1stcrn corner. To move the stillness to the first
corner b;ick in the eJst ch;int !AO three times, to send the energy of stillness
down the b];Kk edge of the squun' to the eilstern corner.


Now you sit within the blilck squMe of Saturn, with its powers of
awilrcncss, trJnsform;ition, dficicncy <llld stillness. To use these qualities you
must move in time, which mcuns you need to trJnsform the squurc into three
dimensions. Visualise il bl<ick line rising from e;ich of the four corners, to
meet in the centre ,1bovc you, forming il pyr;imid. As you arc completing the
r1yrilmid, chunt !AO three times to uid the formation of the pyr;imid ;is you
sec the lines rising to the upper ccntr;il point.

!AO (x3)

Now vou sit inside the pyr;imid of S;iturn, in the inner chilmbcr. You ;ire
surrounded bv the energies of uwJrencss, transform;ition, stillness Jnd
dficicncy. Tlw pvr,1mid of Saturn is the highest of the pyr;imids, reflecting
the energy of tlw City of l'vr,1mids, where force first bcrnmcs form. Draw
those LL1rk energies into your heJrt so thJt your body Jnd auril Jre permeated
\\'Ith the blilck power of S;iturn. Do this until all the energy is ;ibsorbed and
till' pyr,1mid hils faded cl\\'il\'.

rage 164

The Trans-Saturnian Planets

1\lthough the focus of this \\'ork is the SL'\'c'n CJ,1ssic,1l Plcineh, fo1, the
c;,1ke of completion \\'e hCl\'e includl'd infllrrn,1tion on the so-ccilled tr,1ns-
:-;,1turni,m planets of Uranus, Neptune ,rnd Pluto, Although Pluto h,1o; 110\\'

been decLl!'ed ,1 pbnetoid l',1ther thzm ,1 plcinet (,1 mcittl'r of size), it h,1s beL'll
u'ed in m,1gick since its disrn\'ery in 1930 and is included here for this re,1son.
The basic inform<ltion on the plcincts, plus invoccitions to the associ,1ted
cl,1ssic,1l gods MC included, providing sufficient infurmcition should you wish
to ilpply the principles ,rnd techniques used elsewhere in the book to crecite
ritucils with these planets.

rage 16'1

Prnct1ca/ fJ/nnefnn1 A1ag1c/...

Numbers 11, 121
Colour Purple
Rules Aquarius
Metal Titanium
Day of the Week Wednesda\'
Element Air -
Direction Abm'l'
Concepts Hca\'cns, Magick, Rl'ality, [{evolution, Transformation
Animals Bee, Butterfly, Camel, Fox, Ibis, Jackal, Jaguar, Moth,
Khcphra, Spider, Vulturl', Wolf
Crystals Anwthvst, L1br,1dorite, Rhodolitl', Sphene, Tourmaline
Plants Morning Glory
Scents Ambl'rgris, Garlic
Symbols Web
Tools Bell, Cloak, Cords
Gods Ouranos, Uranus

The Uranian God

Uranus is the Roman god who was the father of Saturn, whose name
means "sky" or "hrnvr11 ", He was castrated by his son Saturn with a flint or
diamond sickle, who then threw his genitals into the sea, Some versions of
the myth have Venus being born from the blood from his genitals and foam of
the sea, Uranus was equated to the Creek Ouranos, and his associated myth,
The magick,11 image of Uranus is of a strong but elderly bearded man,
Uranus is the least often anthropomorphised of the gods, hence the lesser
amount of dL't,1il in his magicbl imilge,

Pilge 166
Prncticnf Plnnetnry ."v1ns1c~

Hymn to Uranus
Lord uf heaven whose body never respite knows
Father of all from whorn the world arose
The stars within you the source and end of all
Forever shining down on this earthly ball
You are the abode of gods and your power surrounds
This fertile world with ever e11during bounds
Constell,1tions rise and fall within your eyes
As you hold us within the eternal skies
Ethereal and earthly of all-containing frame
Azure and full of life no power can tame
All-seeing heaven and progenitor of time
Blessed Uran us forever you shine
Propitious to my rites ever incline
And crown my wishes with a life divine

The Sigil of Uranus

The sigil of Uranus is a circle surmounted
by an equal-armed cross, with two crescents
facing outwards, one on each of the ends of the
horizontal line of the cross. The elemental
balance of the cross is radiated outwards as
change (the two crescents) and dominates
spirit (circle), indicating the manifestation and
radiation of ideas into reality, which fits with
the revolutionary nature of Uranus.

rage 167
Prnc tirn! />!1111t'tnr_11 Afos,1cl.

Numbers 2

Day of the Week Mond,w
Element VV' ,1ter -
Direction Seaward -
Concepts l111wr•, Se,1, Tides, Unknown -
Alb,1tross, Dolphin, Fish, Heron, HorsL', Ort opus, SL'a
Horse, Sc.i-Urrhin, Sh.nk, Wh,1le, C,1pricorn Coat,
Kc Ipi, Kr,1ken, Meliai, Ml'r-Cn•,1tun•s, Se,1 SerpL'nts,
Crystals Bezo.u, Cr.ibs Eye, i'e<H\, Ru tile, Rutilc Qu.ntz
Anemone, Ash, Dube & other Se,1weeds, Orchid,
Scents Musk
Symbols Trident
Tools Shells
Gods NL'ptune, Poseidon

The N eptunian God

Neptune is the Roman god of the sea, horses and earthquakL's, who WilS

a son of Saturn and brother to Jupiter and Pluto. His name mav come from
the root "11cl1/r" nwaning "1110isl11rc", giving a meaning of "Cod of i\1oi,;t11r<'"·
He was originallv associated with springs and streams prior to his
identification with the Creek SL'a god PosL'idon.
The m,1gickal image of Neptune is ,1 crowned and Lw.trckd stnrng 111

bearing a trident in one h,1nd, in J chariot pulled bv two sc,1horses (1r sL·a-

Pmctical Pln11ct11r_111\1nsit A

Hymn to Neptune
HeJr me Neptune ruler of the sea profound
Whose liquid grasp defines the solid ground
Who in the deepest re<1 lms of the se<1
Reign unch<1llenged in your mighty suprem<1cy
You hold the brnzen trident in your h<1nd
And drive your <1wesome w<1ves onto the bnd
From your d<1rk locb tlw briny waters glidL'
As in your ch<1riot <1cross the fo<1m you ride
E<1rth shaker whom the trembling w<1ves obey
And to whom the w<1tery denizens do prny
Your voice is hL'Jrd throughout the deep
The w<1ters movements to your will do keep
Bring gentle peace and prosperous hc<1lth beside
And pour abundance in your L'ndless tide

The Sigil of Neptune

The sigil of Neptune is <111 equ<1l-<1rmed
cross surmounted by a crescent horns up,
bisected by the upper vertical <1rm of the
cross, forming the trident. The equal-mmed
cross of elemental balance is influenced by the
ticfal n<1ture of the Moon, which is <1lso
indic<1ted by the symbolism of the SL',l
(crescent) <1nd the smbed <1nd co<1st (cross).

P<1ge 169
Numbers I

Day of the Week s,1turd,w
Element Lirth
Direction Below
Concepts lnvisibilitv, Treasure, UndL'rworld
Animals Cr,11w, Cral'fish, Dog, Dragon, Sw,rn, Wolf
Crystals ()i,1mond, FluoritL>, Zircon
Plants Ebrnw, Fungi
Scents Almond, Am,iranth
Symbols Crown
Tools HL'lnwt, Hood, Keys, Limp
Gods H;idL'S, Pluto

The Plutonian God

Plutl1 is thL' Romiln god of thL' undL'rworld ilnd WL'<1lth. His nilnlL' comes
from thL' Liltin "p/11/on", \\'hich is dL'rivL'd from thL' GrcL'k word "p/011/os"
lllL\lning "zucn///z". HL' wils ilnother son of S,1turn, ilnd thus brother to Jupiter
and t\eptune. In bter times he WilS equilted with the Greek underworld god
HildL's, ;rnd thL' whole "A/id11ction of Pcr~cp/1011c" myth ilSsoci;1ted with him,

\\'ith [>ersL'phone bL'coming Pruserpin,1.

·1 he milgicbl i111;1ge of Pluto is ci dilrk stern m;rn in il blilck cloilk. He
lllil\' \l'L',l!' ,1 helnwt (the lwlmct of invisibility) cimi lllil)' bL'cir ,1 bcig of coins or

jewels in one h,111d.

Pilge 170
Hymn to Pluto
Mc1gn,11iirn<lus l'luto whose re,1lms profound
1\re hiddL'n bL'neilth the firm c1nd solid ground
\\'r<ippL'd forL'l'L'r in the depths of night
RL'nwtc from strifL' ,1nd the sun's bright light
ThL' L',1rth's kL'ys to theL' great king bL'iong
ThL' SL'nl't gJtes unlocking dL'LT Jnd strong
Your thro11L' is sl't in I [,id,,< dismJI pbins
\Vhere not knowing rest your dJrkness reigns
0 mightv king whosL' decisions drL',1d
The f,itc determines of the dmd
DeJth's power ruling in sacred night
Dispensing justice with mercy Jnd might
Prnpitious tu my works incline
RL'joicing come for holy rites Jre thi1w

The Sigil of Pluto

The sigil of l'luto is ,1n equ,1J-,1rmed
cross surnmunk'd b1· ,1 uescent horns up,
,ind ,1bove the crescent J circle which is
f1,irti,illy surruundL'd bv thL' crescent. ThL'
cross being cit the bottorn under the creSCL'nt
,i11d cirCiL' hints clt the undL'rworJd nJtUrl' of
l'luto, with pL't·fection (circle) ,rnd thl' tidL'S of
tiniL' (crL'SCL'nt) b()th ,1bove the eJrth (crnss) ,1t
tlw bottom, showing ,1!1 must e1·entu,11lv
i<>urnl'V into tllL' urniL'rll'orld.

Angle Webs
David created this technique in 1987, after considering sigilisation
techniques and developing ideas for creating a sigil that captures a moment in
time to draw on the energy of that particular time to power a talisman. The
Angle Web sigil is created by superimposing a symbolic macrocosmic /
microcosmic map (the Qabalistic Trel' of Life, representing both the universe
and man) onto an astrological map of a given moment in time.
The sigil acts as a focus for a given moment in space and time, enabling
you to tap into the energy of a particular important event such as an eclipsl',
significant astrological conjunction, historical event, etc. All the planetary
relationships at that time are recreated by the sigil, emphasising the positions
and powers of the planets at the moment in time.

Exam pk• Angk'wcb for midnight nf tlw 1\1illl•nium in Lund on, UK

Page 172
/lrncticnl [J/n11t'fnr_11 ,\fogic~

Software to draw up natal charts for any moment at any place is easily
,1\'ailable freely online now, and can be used to provide you with the basic
information you need to construct an angle web, By placing the angle web on
the reverse side of a talisman, you arl' adding another source of energy to
\our talisman, to empower it for effective results,


EB Draw 10 concentric circles at equal intervals outwards from a

central point
EB Very lightly draw 12 equidistant radii to the outer circle, dividing
all the circles into 12 equal segments, These divisions represent
the astrological signs, so start with Aries at the top (in the North
position), and the other signs follow round in an anti-clockwise
EB The centre of the circle represents the planet Earth (because this is
Malkuth qabalistically, and because that is where we are, so that is
where we want to focus the energy!), Moving out from the centre
the planets are placed on the circumferences of the respective
circles relative to their mean distance from Earth, and based on
their astrological position at the time the sigil is being drawn for,
EB In order out from the centre, the planets follow this sequence -
Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,
Neptune, Pluto, Thus if the sign of Aries began at the top of the
page, and the \1oon was 28° Taurus, the Moon would be located
at approximately the JO o clock position on the rim of the first
EB When all the planets have bl'en marked in their respective places
on tlwir respecti\'e circks, each planet should be joined to the
other planets it would be connected to on the Tree of Life, using
the st,111dard attributions, Hence the centre, Earth (Malkuth),

would be' joi1wd to the Moon (Ye'Slid) on the' first circle', Vl'nus
(NL'tz<ich) on thl' third circle' zrnd Mcrcu1-y (I-lod) on the' fourth
circle'. This method usl's thl' cl,1ssic attribution of S,1turn to BinJh
on thl' Trcl' of Lifl', with Uranus to Daath, l\!e'ptunc to Chokmi!h
<ind l'luto to Kcthe'r.

Thc tabll' that follows shows all the' connl'ctions thi!t lll'e'd to bl' m,1dl'
between the points rcpre'scnting the pbnds on the concentric circles.

Planet Position Connects to

Luth Centre Moon, l\lcrcurv, VL'IH"
Moon First circle l\krcurv, Venus, Sun
Mars Second circle Jupill'r, S,1turn
Venus Third circle Sun, JupilL'r
Mercury Fourth circle Venus, Sun, Mars
Sun Fifth circle l\Lirs, Jupiter, S<lturn, Ur,1nus, NL•ptunL', Pluto
Jupiter Sixth circle Neptune
S,1turn Seventh circle NL•ptu1w, Pluto
Uranus Eight circle Pluto
NL•ptune Ninth circle Pluto
Pluto Tenth circle•

l'luto docs not have .:my connections as it is the top of the Tree of Life
and therefore has already h,1d all its connecting p.:iths dr.:iwn in.
The' Angle Web should be' dr<1wn in ,in ,1ppropri.:ite pl.:inet.:iry colour for
the nature of your talism.:in. After .:ill the' pl<rnL'ts h.:ive been connected, the
Angle Wd1 is constructed, .:ind re,1dy for .:idding to your t.:ilism<rn to empo\n'r
it when you consccr.:ite the t<ilism.:in.
Pmctirnl f>/n11t'fnr_11 i\,fogicA

f>rncl irn/ fJf1111ctar.11 lvfog1cA


Inter-Planetary Relationships
It is intL'resting to note from the grimoires th<1t the pl<1ncts we1·e not ;:ti\

percei\·ed ,1s h,1\·ing positive' rel<1tionships. A summ<1ry of the plJnetary

re!Jtionships tJke11 fnim the work of Agrippu is given in the following t<1ble.

Relationship Sun Mercury Venus Moon Mars Jupiter Saturn

Ent n1v
Love Ene1ny Enemy LOVl' Friend
E1ll)n1y Friend Enemy Encnw Friend Friend
Lon' LO\'e Love Love Lt)\'C Enemy
Enenw Enenw Friend Enenw Friend Friend
Enenw Ent•n1y Love Enen1y Enen1v Enemy
Fric'nd Fric'nd Friend Fric'nd Enemy Frit>nd
Fril'nd Friend Enemy Friend Enenw Friend

P<1ge 176
/lm( lien/ P/1111t'f11n; ;\/11g1t ~


The Kameas


.j 9 2

J 5 7

~ I 6

N11111/ia of Sq1111rco = 9; Row!Co/11m11 lo/11/ = 15; Sq1111rc lolnl = 45


4 14 15 I

9 7 6 12

5 II IO ~

I6 2 J lJ

N11111/icr of Sq1111rc' = 16; Row!Co/1111111 10111/ = 34; 517111m' loln/ = 136


11 24 7 20 J

.j 12 r
-J 8 I6

17 5 JJ 21 9

Ill I~ I I.\ 22

__ , l'J 15
1' 6 2

N11111/1cr of S11111m'' = 25; {\0;1'/Co/1111111 loin/= 65; Sq1111rc 10111/ = 325

P<1gc 177

6 32 3 J4 35 I

7 11 27 28 8 JO

19 1-1 Ih 15 23 24

18 20 22 21 17 13

25 29 10 9 2h 12

36 5 3J 4 2 JI

l\111111/Ja o( Sq11nrc5 = 36; Row/Co/11m11 totnl = 111; Sq11nrc totnl = 666


22 47 Ih 41 IO J5 4

5 23 48 17 42 11 29

30 f, 24 49 18 3h 12

13 31 7 25 43 19 37

38 14 32 I 2h 44 20

21 39 8 33 2 27 45

46 15 40 9 34 3 28

N11mlicr of Sq11nre5 = 49; Row/Co/1111111 totnl = 175; Sq11nre totnl = 1225

Page 178
Pmct1rn/ Plnnt'f11n1 l'vf11g1c~


8 58 59 5 4 h2 f,J 1

49 15 14 52 5J 11 10 5h

41 2J 22 44 48 19 18 45

J2 J4 J5 29 25 J8 J9 28

40 26 27 J7 J6 JO Jl JJ

17 47 46 20 21 4J 42 24

9 55 54 12 lJ 51 50 lfl

1)4 2 J 1)1 60 h 7 57

N11ml1a of Sq11nrt's = 64; Rmu!Co/11rn11totnl=260; Squnrc totnl = 2080


J7 78 29 70 21 fl2 13 54 5

6 J8 79 JO 71 22 f)J 14 46

47 7 J9 80 31 72 2J 55 15

lh 48 8 40 81 J2 M 24 5fl

57 17 49 9 41 7J JJ 65 25

21) 58 18 50 1 42 74 J4 61)

h7 27 59 10 51 2 4J 75 J5

Jf, f,8 19 60 II 52 J 44 76

77 28 69 20 61 12 53 4 45

N11111/1cr o( S1111nrcs = 81; Rmu!Co/1111111 totnl = 369; Sq11nrr totnl = 3321

PagL' 179
J>mctirn! fJ/1111et11n1 AtasicA

D<wid creatL'd tllL' k,1mLw.; for the tr0ns-S<1tu rniun pl0ncts in the 1980s
using the same mathem0tical formula USL'd to crL'ilte the cl.1ssic,1I k<imc,1s. He
did this so the same method of bmezi sigiliszition could be used fnr the Plik'r
planets. Urzinus w<ic; 0ttributed to the m<igickzillv 0pprnpri<1tL' l lx11 bmL'il.
Neptune 0nd Pluto were subsequentlv <ittributed to tlw 12xl2 and 13x!3
k0mezis respectivelv.


5() 117 4() 107 J6 97 2() K~

<I 16 77 6

7 57 118 47 ]()8 J7 98 27 H8 17 (,7

68 8 58 11 l) 48 109 J8 99 28 78 18

19 (il) 9 59 120 49 110 J9 89 29 79

80 20 70 10 60 121 50 )l)() 40 l)() 30

31 81 21 71 II 61 111 51 101 41 lJI

92 32 82 22 72 I (i2 112 52 102 42

43 93 33 8"~' 12 73 2 63 113 53 103

104 44 94 23 84 13 74 3 64 114 54

55 105 J4 95 24 85 14 75 4 65 115

116 45 106 35 96 25 86 15 76 5 G6

Nu111/Jcr of Squnrc' = 121; Rml'IC0!1111111 loin!= 67 J; Squnrc loin!= 7381

P0ge 180
Pmct1rnl Pf1111dnr_11 Afosid


12 134 135 5 4 138 139 8 9 142 143 I

121 23 22 128 129 19 18 124 125 15 14 132

109 34 34 116 117 31 30 112 113 27 26 120

48 98 99 41 40 102 lll3 45 44 lll6 107 37

60 86 87 53 52 90 91 57 56 94 95 49

73 71 70 80 81 67 66 76 77 63 62 84

61 83 82 69 69 79 78 64 65 75 74 72

96 50 51 89 88 54 55 93 92 58 59 85

108 38 39 IOI 100 42 43 105 104 46 47 97

25 119 118 32 33 115 114 28 29 111 110 36

13 131 130 20 21 127 126 16 17 123 122 24

144 2 3 137 136 6 7 141 140 10 II i33

Number of Squares= 144; Row!Co/um11 total= 870; Square lot11/ = 10440

rage 181
Prnc/H11f Pfn11et11n1 ,V1ag1c~


7q 164 67 152 55 140 43 128 31 116 19 104 7

8 81l 165 68 153 56 141 H 129 32 117 20 92

l)3 9 81 16h 69 154 57 142 45 !JO 33 105 21

22 94 lO 82 167 70 155 58 143 46 118 34 106

107 23 95 11 83 168 71 156 59 131 47 119 35

36 !08 24 96 12 84 169 72 144 60 132 48 120

121 37 109 25 97 lJ 85 157 73 145 61 133 49

50 122 38 I IO 26 98 I 86 158 74 146 62 134

135 51 123 39 111 14 99 2 87 159 75 147 63

64 136 52 124 27 I 12 15 100 3 88 160 76 148

149 65 137 40 125 28 113 16 101 4 89 161 77

78 150 53 138 41 126 29 114 17 102 5 90 162

163 66 151 54 139 42 127 30 115 18 103 6 91

N11111/Jcr of Squares= Hi9; f.i.ow/Col111n11total=1105; 51)1111rc total= 14365


Sigils for Planetary Intelligences & Spirits

In the context uf the Plunetury lntelligL'nces ilnd Spirits, it would
~1rob,1bly be best tu describe• the sigils in respect uf their roles. Using the sigil
of the l'lanctclr)' S~1irit is creuting <l channel fur the unfocused pl,1net,1ry
L'ncrgy tu cnlL'r into \'Our ,1111ulet or tuli;,111,1n ,rnd e111pmH'r it. Adding the
sigil of the• l'lunctory lntc•lligence (or ,1rch,1ngcl) functions as i1 lens so th,1t you
,ire only getting completely focused plunL'l,1ry energy e111~1owe•ring your
,1111ulct or tc1lis111,1n.
When you look Jt these sigils, first rcco1·de•d by Agrippu in his Three Roo~

,if Ocrnlt P/1ilosopln;, you will notice thJt he does not Jlw,1ys ,1bidc by the rules

he described! I le st1111ctinws reduces numbers when he docs nut need tu, und
where i1 nJrne cuntilins the letters IA together, which is co111111un in nilmes of
s~1iritu<1I creuturcs, the nurncricul l'illucs of the letters, 1=10 Jnd A=·!, Me' uftc•n
,1ddcd to 111<1ke 11, inste,1d of using the• squ,ires for 10 Jnd 1. In this inst,1ncc J
line is drawn tu the squurc rnntoining 11 ilnd the two letters (IA) which rnuke
this nu111ericJ] \'illuc ilrL' represented by ,1 double loop to show thci1· ~1rescncc
bdore the line is drawn tu the next uppropriilte square.

a. Kamea Sigils for the Seven Archangels

/Ymctirnl Fl11111!fan1 ~tagicA

Rilphael - Archangel of Mercury

Criel - Archangel of Venus

Gabriel - ArchJngel of the Moon

l)racttoll f>/mrefrrry AtagicA

Khamael - Archangel of Mars

Tzadkiel - Archangel of Jupiter

Tzaphkicl - Archangel of Saturn

Page 185
Pmctirnl J>!11t11·t11r_11,\fogicA

b. Kamea Sigils for the Planetary


Nilkhiel - Plilnetilry Intelligence of the Sun

Tiriel - Plilnetilry Intelligence of Mercury

Hilgiel - f'bnetMy Intelligence of Venu~

Malka - Planetary Intelligence of Intelligences of the Moon

·/ t
.. . ...

Graphiel - Planetary Intelligence of Viars

c: )

Jophiel - Planetary Intelligence of Jupiter

Agiel - PL:metC1ry Intelligence of Saturn

Page 187
c. Kamea Sigils of the Planetary Spirits

Sor<1th - Pl<i11<.'t<1ry Spirit of the Sun

T<1phth<1rthM<1th - Pl<1net<1ry Spirit of Mercury

Kedemel - Pl<1netciry Spirit of Venus

Pmctirnl J>ln11et11r_11 i\·1as;icl.

Chilsmodili - PbnctMy Spirit of thl' Moon

Schild - Plilnctilry Spirit of Spirits of the Moon

Hismael - Plant>tary Spirit nf Jupitl'r

...._1 a;i. ~
...... -. . . .

___L. ..

Zazl'l - Planetary Spirit of Saturn

Page 190
Prnctirnl Plnnefnry A1ngick


Hebrew Names
Hebrew words associated with the planets arc frequently used in
talismans and other planetary magick. In consideration of this we have
included thL' commonly used Hebrew words and their translations. These
names include Qabalistic terms, such as the names of the planetary Scphiroth,
their associated Divine Names and the names of the planets, and other
commonly used titles. Additionally the names of the appropriate archangels,
orders of angels, planetary intelligences and planetary spirits arc also

Hebrew English

The Sun

r:-1~~r: Tiphereth
\.::r.:[· Sham ash
-- ..
~ ~
I I 1I_. Sora th
;-,;:-:~ ~ .., ~~ :'"1;-'" Yahvch Eloah va-Daath
...J / I - Malakhim
~~'"J:i N,lkhiel
~~= . r.: Michal'!
l~r~ ivkkkh
:-~ ';~ Eloah
JJmctirn/ fJfn11t'/rrn1 .\1as,1cJ...

Ta phtharthar,1 th



BL'l1L' Elohim
.. -. .. -,
1 ...........








The Moon


Shad Barslwhmoth h,1-ShMtathan

.. ii '~ .. ""':\.::


Hebrew English

= "":"-"'
- I~


Elnhim Gibor
__ ,._"I
I 11....i-1 Gl'burah


Sac hie\


1~1 I Chcscd

El Ab


ruge 193
Prnctirnl Plnnt'111r_11 ,-\fosic~




Y.ilwd1 Elohim


Aim a





Page 194
Practicnf Pfanel11n1 ,\1ag1c~


Planetary Fragrances
Writings fnim MesopotamiJ mention seven pli1nl't,1ry frilgrilnces
,1ssociilted with the cbssicill p!Jnl'ts Jnd their gods. Thesl' fr,1gr,111cl's Jre
C,1h1mus, CL'dJr, Cyprl'ss, GalbJnum, LJbdanum, Mvrtll' Jnd SturJx.
HU\\'l'Vl'r as the rderences JrL' frJgmentary, the only specific JssociJtions we
c,1n bl' cl'rtJin of ,1111ongst these plants Jre CL'dilr JS being sacred to M,1rduk
(,1nd hence Jupitl'r) Jnd Myrtle JS being sacred to Shamash (and hence the
This theml' of Jttributing specific scents to planl'tary gods wJs continul'd
in <111cient Gr·l'ece. A rderl'nCL' in the Greek M11sick11/ P11pyri gives uc, J sl't of
pbnetJry ,lttributions bv listing specifically the sevl'n Grl'l'k gods who WL'rl'
,1ssoci,1tl'd with the clJssicJI planets and thl'ir scents.

"T/1e proper i11rc11se of Kronos is slomY, f(ir ii is he11u111111d(msm11!; o(Ze11s,

11111/11/711t/1ro11; of Ares, koslos; of Helios, ti·1111ki11cc11sc; of Aphrodite, /11di1111 1111rd; of
Hennes, rnssi11; of Selene, 111yrrh. "' 11

Planet Incense Plant Latin Name

Sun Fr,1nkincc'nsc Boswclli,1 ccHtcrii

Mcrcurv C(1ssi(1 Cinn,1111on1un1 c(1s~id

Vc'nw. Spih'11c1rd NMdost,iclws j,1t,1m,1n'ii

Moon Mvrrh Commiphorn mvrrh,1

~ 1MS Kostos S,1ssurc',1 l,1pp,1

Iu pill'r ~L1 l,1b,1th ron Cinn,1rnomum t,1rn,1l,1

(lndi,111 l3,1v Lc',1f)

S,1lurn Stor,1x LiquicL1rnb<H stvr,iciflu,1 L.

JO l'C\1 XIIl.17-211.

Pagl' 19'.i
By the time of the Crimoircs different sets of frilgr<rnccs were being
ilttributcd, bilscd on ilVilibbility ilnd illso il very different culturnl situiltion,
where the plilncts were no longer being worshipped ilS different gods, but ilS
pilrt of the Christiiln crciltion. Thus if we compilrc scents given in Agrippil's
Three Books oF Ocrnlt Plzilosoplzy (published 1531-3) ilnd the Hcptnnicro 11
(published 1485) we sec the following attributions:

Planet Heptameron Agrippa

Sun Red Sandalwood" Mastic
l\krcurv f\l,1stic Cinnamon
Venus l'epperwort Saffron
Moon Aloes Myrlie
MMS Pepper Lignum Aloes

Jupiter S,1tfron Nutmeg

S<1turn Sulphur l'epp12rwort

The incenses given by Agripp,1 for working with the planets include
animill blood ilnd brains, ilnd <lre not of ,1 type that any modern practitioner
would be comfortilble with milking, smelling or using!
For Evocation, censers of incense were often pbced Jt the points of the
triJngle to provide ,1 reilson<Jble quilntity of incense smoke over the tri<Jngle to
act JS a medium, giving the dernon J physicill b;:isis to milnifest in. This use of
incense WJS entirely in keeping with the bel id that demons were formed from
the element of Air, giving them il "t/1ickcr" form of Air to creilte iln ilppeMilnce

:ll Tlw tr,rnsl.ilion rL'•His "l{L'd Wlw,1t", which we han' takL'll a' being ,111 l'rror, ,ind thi'
ac; the lllL1't likelv origin,11 ,1ltribution.

Page 196
flmct1rnf Pla11ct11r.11 i\1ngicA


The Planets and Minerals

"Mnke the S1111 gold, the Moon silver, Kronos orol1sidinn, Arcs or yellow-green onyx,
Aphrodite o(lnpis ln::uli strenkcd with gold, Hennes or turquoise, nznkc Zeus or n dnrk
l1l11e stone, but 1111dcmcnth or crystnl." ' 2

As this quote from the Greek Mngicnl Pnpyri shows, there is along history of
associ;:ition between minerills ilnd the planets. Agrippa, in his classic Tlzrec
Books or Ocrn/t Pililosopln; lists minerills ilssociated with eilch of the plilncts.
This list is given below, though we may note th;:it milny of the minerals Me
rcpcJtcd for ;:it leilst two (or even three) of the planets, which docs limit the
Villue of his list, despite its regulM duplication ilnd common use in the
subsequent five hundred ymrs.

Planet Agrippa
Sun Cats Eye (Oculus Solis), Chrysoprasc, Garnet (Carbuncle), Gold,
Heliotrope', l'eridot (Chrysolite), R,1inbow Quartz, Ruby, Topa1:, Zircon
1\krcurv Agate (Ach<ltl's), Emerald, Marc,1site, Mercury (Quicbilver), Rc'd
Marble, Tin, Topaz
Venus Bervl, Brass, Canwlian (Corneola), Coral, Emerald, Green Jasper, L1pis
Lawli, Peridot (Chrysohte), Sapphire, Silver
Moon Bervl, Marc,1sitc, Moonstone (Selcnites), !'earl, QuMtl'. (Cryst;il), Silver
Mars Amctlwst, Bloodstone, Brass, Diamond, Iron, J,1sper, 1\lagrwtite
)upilL'r Bc'rvl, Enwr,1ld, Gold, Grel'n jasper, SapphirL', Silver, Tin, Zircon
Saturn Brown J,1spl'r, Ch,1lcedonv, Gold, Lead, 1\lag1wtite (Lodestone), Onvx,
l'vritL'S (Gulden !'vl,ucasitL'), S,1pphirL'

12 l'Gl\1 CXA-11.

PJgc 197
For convenience we have included ,1 list of attributions which is more
rationalised than Agrippa, drawing on a range of classical sources for their
associations. We would recommend this list as a more appropriate source for
your choice of planetary minerals for magickal work.

Planet Minerals
Sun Amlwr, Cits Eve, Chrvsopr,1sl', Di,1mond, Cold, Heliotrope. l'nidot,
Sunstone, Tigers Eve, Top,1z, Zircon
l\lcrcurv Ag,1te, A\·enturine, Citri1w Qu,irtz, L1brJdorite, Mercurv, Op,11
Venus Am,1zonite, Copper, Emer,1ld, J,1deite, L1pis L1zuli, l\L1l,ichite, Nq)hrill',
l'eridot, Rose Qu,utz, Zoisite
Moon Aqu,1m<Hine, fkrvl, Ch,1lcedonv, Gypsum, Ivorv, Moonstone, l'e,irl,
Qwirtz, Selenite, Silver
M,us Bloodstone, Brciss, Ccunclicin, Gcnnet, Hen1(1tite, Iron, rv1(1gnetite, Pyrites,

Rubv, Spine!
Jupiter Anwtlwst, Ammonitl', Azurite, SJpphire, Sod,1lite, Tin, Turquoisl'
Saturn Cor,11, Jl't, Le,1d, Obsidi,1n, Onvx, Serpentine, Smokv Qu,utz
l'mrtirnl P/n11ctnn1 Masi<'


The Planets and Plants

Plants have long been associated with the planets. Through their scents, used
to please the gods; their healing uses ,111d their shapes an colours, plants have
become a major symbol of the axiom of "ns nbovc, so below", reflecting in
nature physical qualities associated with the wandering stars in the heavens.

Planet Vegetable
The Sun Acacia, Angelica, Ash (Tree), Ba Isam, Bav, Butter-bur, C1lamus,
Chamomile, Celandine, Centaurv, Cinnamon, Eyebright, Fr,111kincense,
Galanga!, Gentian, Ginger, Gorse, Heliotrope, Hyacinth, Juniper, Marigold,
Mistletoe, Oak, Orange, Orris, Palm, PL'onv, Pine, Saffron, St johns Wort,
Storax, Sunflower, Vine, Walnut
Mercury Caraway, Dill, Eucalvptus, Herb Merrurv, Lavender, Lemon, Lime,
Liquorice, Mace, Maqoram, Mastic, Moly, Sandalwood, Storax, Tragacanth
Venus Adam & Eve Root, Balm, Benzoin, Bergamot, Clover, D,1ffodil, Elder,
Geranium, L1dv's Mantle, LildC, Mvrtle, Pennvroval, Peppermint, l'rimroSl',
Rose, Saundcrswood, Svc,1more, Venus Fly Trap, Violet
Moon Adders Tongue, Alder, Aniseed, Artemisi<1, C1mphnr, HMel, Honeysuckle,
jasmine, jojob<1, Lignum Aloes, Mangrove, Moon wort, l{anunrulus, Thyme,
Turmeric, Willow, Witch,1zel, Ylang Yl,111g
Mars Basil, B,1y, Bl,ick Pepper, Buttercup, Capsicum, Chilli, Dr,1gons Blood,
Ginger, Hickory, Mustard, NL'ttle, Opopon,1x, l'Ppper, Rue, Thistle, Tobacco
Jupiter Agrimony, Alf.ilia, Alkanet, Arnic,1, BavbPrrv, Betonv, Boragc,,
Chervil, Cinqudoil, Copa!, Dock, Fir, Fumitorv, Hvssop, f\!aplc, f\lcliss,1,
Poplar, S,1ffron, S,1gc, Sh,1mrock, St John's Wort, Vc'n'ain
S,1turn Aconite, Asafcwtida, Bell,1donn,1, Civet, Cvpress, D,1tur,1, Hc'llcborL',
Hemlock, Henb,1ne, l\lvrrh, Yew

Page 199

The Planets & Mankind

Thl' zmcil'nts <lttributl'd rulership of different pZirts of the body to the
pl,1nets. This ,1ssoci,1tion of tlw pl,1nets to the body WJs known JS rnelothesic
(zodiJcJI) rn,1n. By working with the upprnpriute plunets, heJling work WJs
pL'rforrned on the body. These Jttributions developed into the subsequent
,1strologic,1! rull'rship of p,irtc; of the body by the twelve ,1strologicul signs.
Likl'wise thl' pLml'tc; were ubo ,1ttributed to the periods of humJn life,
known ,1s tlw Se1·en Ages of Mun. This is referred to by Sh,1kespeure in his
f,1mous quotL' in As You Like It (II.viii), which begins with the line "All Ilic
iuor/d's 11 singe, n11d all Ilic 1111'11 1111d wo111c11 111crcly plnyers". He gives the seven
,1ges JS bL'ing the infont, the school-boy, the lover, the soldier, the justice, old
,1ge ,ind the IL'<1d-up to deuth, which cleJrly correspond to the clussic
pbnetury Jssociutions.

Planet Melothesic Man Planetary Age Virtue

Sl'nse of Sight, [{ight-hdnd Fourth Age of Man which

Sun Virilitv
Side, Br,1in, HL',irt, Sinews is 23-41 yeMS

SpeL'ch & Thought, Bile>, Second Age of M,rn which

l'vlcrcurv Education
Buttocks, Tongue is 5-14 YL'<HS

Third AgL' of l\.Lrn which

Venus Sensl' of Snwll, Li1·er, Flesh Emotion
is 15-22 YL'ars

Sense of 'L1stL', Ldt-h,1nd Sidl', First Age of Man which is

~10011 Growth
lkllv, Sto111,1d1, Womb birth to 4 \'L'MS old.

CL•nit,1ls, KidnL'\'S, Ldt EM, Fifth AgL' of Man which is

l\Lirs Ambition
V'L,ins 42-56 YL'<lrS
SL'nSL' of Touch, ArtL'riL'S, Sixth Age of l\.Lrn which is
Jupikr Reflection
Lungs, ~L'rnen 57-68 \'e<HS
Sc'\'enth AgL' of l\·Lrn,
lll,1dckr, llrnws, l'hlcgm, ]{ight
s,1turn which is 69 \'L',irs to end of Rc'sign,1tion
FM, Spk'L'll

The Planets and Animals

!he ch,11«icteristics ,ind beh<wiour of ,1nimzils h,1s over the centuries
resulted in tlwir being used ,is symbols of deitic's zind planc't,w:-' energies, !'his
11',ls pzirticulzirly evident in ancient Egypt, where many of the deities hzid
cinim,1! or composite hum,1n-,1nim,1l forms. From these e,1rly ,1ssoci,1tions
pl,11wt,1ry svmbolism for zinim;ils beczime ,1 common form of represent,1tion,
e1'en of shorth,llld, such clS an eagle representing Zeus or Jupiter r,1ther th,111
sho\\'ing the god himself. The Greek ,ind Roman deities continued this
theme, \\'ith deities zissurning sacred anim,1! forms on occzisions.

Planet Animal
Sun Gee, F,1kon, H,iwk, LL'Op.ud, Lion, I'elic,in, l'hoenix, l'urn,1,
Sp<Hro\\'h,i\\'k, Sw,in, TigL'r
l\krcurv Ape, [3,iboon, [3,it, CovolL', Dog, I lcrrn,iphrodilL', Hummingbird,
Kingfisher, J,ickdl, Jdv, 1\1,igpi(', l'.irrot, S,ilmon, Swdllow, Twin
Venus Birds, Dovl', Lynx, Nighting,1ll', l\utridge, PL),1cock, Pigeon, So\\',

Moon 5,1dger, Cit, Cr,ib, Deer, Dog, Eleph,111t, Frog, H,ire, Hl'ron, f lven,i,
Li/.irds, Otter, Owl, [{,it, Sn,1il, Stork,, TortoisL>, Unicorn
1\-1.irs 5,isilisk, Bc,ir, Go,ir, Cock, Hippogrit, Horse, [{,irn, Wolf, Woodpc'ckL'r

JupilL'r Bull, CL'nt,rnr, Cuckoo, E.igk', GoosL', Grvphon, J'r,wing M,111lis, R,im,
[{,i1·en, St,ig, Sturg<'on, Wren
S,1turn i\ss, Cow, Crocodile, Crow, Donk<'\',, Hippopot,imus, 'v1ok',

Planetary Sigils
The alchemic,11 ,ind hermetic writings of the Middle Ages and
Renaissance contained a whole host of sigils for the classical planets. The
sigils that have become accepted as the standard were reproduced in the
Italian publication of Hyginus' "Poctico11 Astronomicon" in 1482 CE.
The planetary sigils are all made from combinations of three constituent
symbols, the circle, the crescent and the equal-armed cross. Which symbols
form the planetary sigil, and the positioning of the component symbols tells
you a great deal about the nature of the energy of the planet.

The Solar sigil is a circle with a dot in the centre. The
circle represents the life-giving energies of the infinite, the
cycle of life, death and rebirth.
The dot in the centre emphasises the primal nature of
these energies, reflected in the level of solar worship throughout history and
the vital nature of the sun for life on earth. The absence of anything
connected to the circle indicates the way the solar energy emanates
universally, as is sometimes shown by rays coming off the circle in all
Prnctirnl Pl1111ctnr.11 /'v1nsicA

Tlw sigil of Mercury shows a circle atop an equal-
armed cross, with a crescent horns up intersecting the
top of the circle. Here the life essence of the circle is
conjoined with the crescent of time, dominating the
cross of matter.
The union of time and life emphasises the quicksilver nature of Mercury,
speeding over the elemental cross. As the crescent only slightly touches the
circle, it can be seen that Mercury's influence is one of subtlety rather than
direct action.

The sigil of Venus depicts a circle atop an equal-

armed cross. The life-giving energies of the circle
dominate the cross of matter. This form shows the
power of Ven us as the force of generation and
attraction, with the essence of life dominating the
physical world.

The sigil of the Moon is a crescent usually facing
to the left, or occasionally to the right. The cyclic
nature of the Moon is entirely indicated by its symbol
of the crescent, which changes form through every part
of the lunar cvcle.

Page 203
The sigil of Mars shows a circll' with an ,11-row
connected to it at the i\:E point of the circle. It
emphasises the energy and vitality of M,1rs, with the
life-giving circle expressing its energy through
action, indie<1tcd by the arrow being at a diagonal
and to the upper right (corresponding to the right arm and h,1nd, the
dominant active force in most people). Modern writers have equated this
symbol to a shield and lance, emphasising the warrior qualities of M;1rs.

The sigil of Jupiter is an equ<1l-armed cross with ,1
left-facing crescent joined to the left-hand arm of the
cross by its bottom tip. Although the sigil is made of
the same components as the Saturn sigil, the emphasis
here is on expansion rather than contraction, with the
crescent facing outwards, expressing the balance of
form outwards in time producing change, rather than limiting it imvurds to i1

stutic stute.

f'age 20.f
Prncticnf Pfr111etar_11 A1nsic~

The sigil of Saturn is formed of an equal-armed
cross with a left-facing crescent attached to the
bottom of the cross by its upper tip. This
symbolically expresses the qualities of Saturn,
with the equal-armed cross of matter and form
dominating the crescent which represents time in
the context of the lunar cycle of ebb and flow.
The Saturn sigil is thus one of solidity and its restriction.

Page 205

Planetary Contemplations
Close \'tlLir eves ,1nd \'isuJ!ise the Sun symbol in gold on il purple
b,Kkground. As you visu,1lise the golden circle with its centrJI golden dot,
contL'mpL1te the sol,H qu<tlities of egotism, friendship, joy, success, weJlth ilnd
will. Ho\\' strnng Me L'<Kh of these forces in your life?
Which of them ilre you <1ctivcly trying to cultiv<tte or trJnsform? Whilt
other· qu,1lities or events do they bring to mind ,1s you contemplilte their

Close your eyes <1nd visuJlise the Mercury symbol in orJnge on il blue
bJckground. As you visuJlise the 01"c1nge circle on top of the orJnge equill-
,Hnwd cross, surmounted by the nr;mge crescent with its horns up,
contempbtc the MercuriJI quJlities of communicJtion, deception, flexibility,
milgick, memory ,ind speed.
How strong <tre e<Kh of these forces in your life? Which of them Jre you
,Ktively trying to culti\'ilte or trJnsforrn? Whilt other quillities or events do
they bring to mind JS you contemplJte their influences?

Close your eyes Jnd visuJlise the Venus symbol in green on il red
b,Kkground. As you visu,1lisL' the emerJld green circle on top of the emerJld
green L'qu,1l-,1rnwd cross, contempbtc the Venusiiln qu,1lities of beJuty,
culture, fl'rtilit\', illl'l', SL'XuJlitv ,md soci,1bilitv.
How strnng ,He L'<ich ot these forces in your life? Which of them <HL' vou
,Kti1·ely trving t(> cultiv,1tc or tr,msform? Wh;it other quJlities or events do
thL'\' bring to mind ,1s you contL'mp!JtL• their influences 7

PJge 206
Close \'our L'yes ,1nd \'isu.:ilise the Moon s\'mbol in sil\'L'r un ,1 yL•llo\\'
b.:ickground, ;\s \'OU \'isu,1lise till' silvL'r crescent to the left.
C<llltempl,1tl' the Lun,ir qu.:ilities of cl.:iirvoyzince, drc,1rns, gl,1mc1u1·,

spiritu,1lity, tr,1nstormzition, ,ind your unconscious,

I lo\\' strong ,1re L'clCh of theSL' forces in your life? Which of tlwm clrl' \'Oll

,icti\'elv trying to culti\'Jte or tr,1nsfurrn? Whzit uthcr qu.:ilities ur L'\'L'nh du

they bring t<J rn1nd ,1s vou conternplzite their influences?

Close \'Ollr eyes ,ind \'isuzilise the f\1,1rs symbol in red on cl grL'L'n

b,ickground, As vou visu.:ilise the srnrlct red circle \\'ith the sc.:irll't red ,1JTO\\'

corning out of the upper right (NE) of the circle, conternplzite the i\Llrti.:il

quzilities of <1ngcr, courJge. p,1ssiun, strength, venge.:ince .:ind viguur,

How strong Me e,ich of these forces in your life? Which of thern ,lrL' you

,icti\·ely trying to cultivcite or tr,msforrn? Whzit other qu,1lities or e\'L'nts do

thev bring to rnind ,1s you contempl.:ite their inflm•nces?

Close your L')'L'S zind visuJlise the Jupiter svrnbol in blue un ,111 or,rngL'
bzickground. As you visu.:ilise the szipphire blue equJl-;1rrned cruss with the

s<1pphirL' blue c1·escL•nt fcicing left joined tu the lcftrnost tip of the huri1ontc1l
bell' of the cross. conternplzite the Jupiteri,1n qu,1lities of ,rnthurit\', L'thics,

fortune. hu1rn1ur, rL·sponsibility zind truth.

Ho\\' strong <ll'L' e.:ich of these forces in your lifo? Which of thcrn ,ire vuu

,ictivelv t1·ving to cu ltiv,1te ur tr,1nsforrn 7 Wh,1t either qu,1lities m e\'L'nts do

they bring to mind ,is _\'OU cuntL·mpl.:itL• tlwir inflllL'llCL'S?

f>rnctic11! f>/r111e/11n1 l'v1as;1cA

Close your eyes and visualise the Saturn symbol in black on a white
background. As you visualise the black equal-armed cross with the black left-
facing crescent attached to the bottom of the cross, contemplate the Saturnian
qualities of austerity, duty, equilibrium, limitation, patience and self-
How strong are each of these forces in your life? Which of them are you
actively trying to cultivate or transform? What other qualities or events do
they bring to mind as you contemplate their influences?
Prnrficnl Pfnnefary l\11n;.;1rA


Invocation of Planetary Intelligences

This conjuration is a template of the conjurations of the Planetary
Intelligences found in Slonne MSS 3821. The conjurations are all identical
except for the name of the Planetary Intelligence, the Divine Names it
responds to and the associated planet. In the sections on the Spiritual
Creatures of the Planets, there are Divine Names given which the Intelligence
responds to, these arl' the ones which should be incorporated into this
conjuration if you decide to use it. So, e.g. for Saturn you would be calling the
Planetary Intelligence Agiel, and the Divine Names he responds to are Ab,
Hod, Yah, Hod, Yahveh

"O You benevolent /11telligence, of Celestin/ light, Dignified, & by Nnture Angelicnl,
who nrt Known or en/led, by the 11nme, [Intelligence Nnme]: & snid to lie of the Nature
& office, of the plnnet or Stnr Cnlled [Pln11et], When by Celestin/ position it shnll, lie
both Esse11tinlly & Accidentally Well Dignified, nnd fortified with nil Otlzcrs your
Sulistitutes the president J11tellige11ces, or Dignified powers of Light properly
Residing in Or Ot/1crwise Appcrtnini11g to yo11r Mnnsion Orders or Hiernrchyfrom
the Superior to tlzc Inferior n11d Srrving the most High Cod in your Respective Orders
& office ns Mediums of Divine Crncc nnd Mercy, & ns in Clrnrge Commnnd &
Appointed we the Servants nlso of the Highest Reverently here present in his lwlyfenr
Do Enrnestly, /1escec/1 humbly Request Strongly Invocate Cnll forth & powerfully
nwl'e you to Visililc Appenrnnce i11 liy & tlzrough tlzese Excellent lneffnlile grent
Sig11nl Sncred & Diuine Nnmes of your Cod [Divine Nnmes]: Evrn the Omnipotcnt
!J111110rtnl J;;uncnse l11co111prehcnsible & most liiglz god nnd Lord of hosts felzovnlz,
/1ef(1rc wllo111 the wlzoh· L'fwir of lzcm>cn Conti11unlly Singctlz, 0 Mnppa:lnmnn
Hnllclujn/1 And liy tile Seal o(your Crcntion /1eing tile Mnrk or Chnmcter of holiness
unto you & /1y tlzc grcnt Mysten1 Virtue force power Efficncy nnd Influence, o(nll we
Do Strongly /1wornte Confidently Cnllf(irtll & 11owcr(ully Move you 0 you
Bc11euolrnt Intelligence or Angclicnl Medium of Light Cclestinlly Dignified zulw by

Page 209
1111111c arc Cnllcd /Na111c/ Il'il/1111/ Ot/1crs t/1c /'rcsidc11! [r Scruirnl Angels ur Alcdi11111s
o(Li,<.;lit Celestially Di,<.;nificd l>y Oc«~rcc i:f office in sc11cml i:i portirnlnr Ec«·ry {1

Eacli 011cf(n fr />y ii Self rcspcclivciy l1/'/'l'rl11i11i11g lo your /-/icmrc/11; 1111111sio11 or

place of residence lo Visi/Jlc A/'l"'11m11cc; 111ouc t/1crcf(>rc 0 1;c B,·11cc•olc11! /11tc/ligc11cc,
/N11111e/, wit/1 a/I Ot/1crs ofyo11r Ordas office /-!icmrc/11; Or l'v1a11sio11 /oi11tly i:i
Sevemlly as 11f(ncs11id ,'\ird 11p & s11t/1cr 1;011r Self or Selc•es Accordi11gly tosct/1cr i:i
SO/Ill' Olli' or 111orc ofyo11, ilS ii s/1111/ plcnsc Cod of /1is Special smcc [f pem1issio11 is
giurn lo 1;011 and also Accordi11gl11 Descend fi·o111 your M1111sio11 or p/11cc of Residence
or wheresoever Else you 111ay /Jc Ot/1enl'isc oftlciali11g or C/11111ccly A/Jsc11t t/1crc(ro111
nnd Inw1cdi11tr!y f(irt/1witlz Appmr Visilily, /1crc l1cf(m• 11s i11 ll1is Cn;s/11/ Stone or
Glass I<eceptncle 9anding /1crc /Jcf(irc 11s i:i in [r t/1ro11glz tlic s11111c lo lm1L-<111it your
lrne and rrnl prcsrnce /11 Sp!e11did Af1/!t'11m11cc p/11in/1; 1111!0 tile Lig/11 ofo11r Eyes
Utter 1;011r Voices unto 011r Ears t/1al wt' 1111n; Not only Visi/1/1; scc 1;011 /iul /\11dilily
hear yo11 SpC17k unto us 1111d t/111! wc 111m; Converse wit/1 you or ol/1crwisef(1rl/1wit/1
Ap1n·ar 011! of t/1rn1 Visible Upon t/1is Ta/lie or Herein; upon t/1cf)oor and S/10w
plain/_11 & visil1ly unto 11s A Sufficient Sisn or !cs! of your Co111in,<.; and A/'l"'amncc
t/1crc{lne wc Do Entreat you nnd Llndrni11l1/_11 Rcq11csl you Cilarsc Const min
Com111and nnd powcrf11//1; Move you 0 you !<oyal nnd A111irnl>/c Ansel or R/cssed
!11/clliscncc /Na111e/ 1u/10 nrl lntcly Ascri/Jcd lo tlzc p/1111cl /plnncl/ 1111d In; t/1e grc11!
Na111es of god governing tlz11t p/1111ct: I Divine N11111cs/: God 11gnin 1111d ngnin
1mwcrf11/fl; zuiti1011t a11y de/1111 Lingl.'ri11g or larn;i11s strictly clzarsc t/1at you dcscc11d
Not one Mi1111tc Longcr lo Serve 11s and really firl(il all t/1al is l1J'J'ropri11tcd 1111d
[1e/011ging lo your C/111r,<.;c Undcr l/1c pla11ct: /planet/: /Na111c/: N11111c/: N11111e/: sird II/'
Move Comc f(1rl/1 andf11it/1f11!11; Answer lo 111/ t/111! /Jclongs lo your /-licmrcl1y office
or order I hein,<.; Am1t'd wit/1 powcrfi·o11111l1oue N11111c/: l>t:/10/d t/1c Lrnffis111 l/1e S/111111'
of t/1e very Idea t/1c 1v1icrocos111: !'_1;: A,<.;ln: El: On; Tctmgrn11111111ton: In;: Ogi111 Osj
wlio Sittl'lli L/1)(111 Ilic t/1ronc In; 111/ t/111! /111!/1 hcc11 Nmu is 1111d [per 511111/ he In; tile
palcigicks and prop/1cls In; t/1c Gre11! /a111c11 Sr/1rn1'1111111'!10rns/1 In; lzerwen E11rl'11111d
hcll /Na1ncf !'1011 /1/esscd /ntellisl'!lce 0(/11/anct/ hy All Af(iresnid: Mocic: :\101•,·: Moz'e:
CtJ111t'_f(irth and Visi/Jly S/1ml' ll11; self11t t/1is Ven; Minute as _11011will11ns1l'er t/1e
Conlmry l)('ill,'\ /1isl1 Misd,·111e11no11r al your peril l)('f(irc /1i111 Il'llO S/1111/ Co111t' lo Jud"~"
I'rncl1cn/ 1'/1111elnry Atnsid

tlze quick n111i tlzc Dcnd n11d Ilic world by fire fintfintflnt f(ir w/1y <Pc nrc Scrvnnls of
tlzc snrne your god, n11d true worslzippcrs of the Hi,<.;hcst, wherefore In' frirndly 1111!0 us
nnd Do for 11s nsfor the Servn11ts of tlze Higltest 1Pl1ere1111to /11 /1is Nn111c we Do ngni11
Enrnestly Request clcgnntly n11d 1111drnin/Jly Move you both i11 power mzd 11rcsence 0
yo11 Roynl Spirit {Nnmc/ wlzoscfriendsliip 1111to 11s lterei11 n11d works S/111// /Jen So11g
of ho11011r nnd the prnise of yo11r god i11 your Crentio11. A111c11."

Page 211
Pmdirn/ J>ln11efar.1r Afos,ic~


The Heptagram
The hL'pt,1gr,1rn (soml'tirnes Gilled the Scpt11sm111) is the seven-pointed
st,ir \\'hich hils been used by i1 number of milgickill trilditions. It hils two
funns, which <He for111c1llv known ilS the 7/2 ilnd 7/3 hepti1gr;m1, the numbers 2
<llld 3 1·derring to the number of points you go ilruund the stilr to drilw the
next line of till' heptilgrum with till' single continuous stroke th<1t forms its
sh,1pL'. l3oth thL' 7/2 ,ind 7/3 heptilgrilm huve been used by order such us the
Colden DJwn ,1s plunl'tilry emblems, with the seven cbssicul plunets ilnd
dJys of the week being ilttributed to the seven points of the stilr.



\Nednesd,1y Tuesd,ty
ThL' 7/2 ill'pt,1grcllll w,1s pllpu\,1r in the grirnllires, wlll'rL' it is seL'n in till'
f,1mllUS Sigillum Dei J\L'meth (":;igil of Go1i'.' Truth") in till' thirteL'nth centurv
g1·irnllire l.i/icr /11ml11,;. This irn,1ge \\',is adoptL'd b\' Dr john DeL' in till'
sixteenth centurv ,rnd used as ,1 centr,1\ p,irt uf his Enuchi,rn system of rn,1gick.
The 7/2 hL'pt,1gr,1rn 11·as also subsequL'nt\\· used by 1\leister Cru\\'\ev, who
c1ssuci,1ted it with ffab,1/011, the Scclrk't Wo111,1n, crnd used it in the emblern l1f
his m,1gickal order the A.A. (Aslrc11111 Argc11lc11111 llr Silver St<H). The 7/3
hept,11-',r'1m 11-c1s rcfL'ITL'd to by the Hermetic Order of the Colden [),111·11 ,1s the
":;Jnr of Vc1111:"' (due tL1 its seven 1-1oints, seven being the Venusi,rn number).
The t,1b\e belll\\' indic;1tcs till' associated planetary colours for the
hept,1grc1rns ,1ssuciatcd with the respective pbnets, as well as the CrL'ek
vowel, Sllund ,ind position on the heptJgrcllll.

Vowel Sound Planet Colour Position

Alph.1 A f\10011 Sih'L'r tvliddk l\ight

[psilon E 7\krcurv Or,rngL' Bottom I.cit

U,1 E (EE) VL'llLIS Grl'L'll UppL'r Left

lot,1 I Sun Gold UppL'r l\ight

0111ilrl)ll 0 f\!.us RL'd Bottom l\ight

Upsilun u Jupitl'r BlllL' Middll' LL'il

Onll'g.1 0(00) S,1turn Bl,ick Top

\'lie e,lS\' \\',1y tu remember the positions of thL' planets on the points of
the hept.1gr,1m is by the d,ws of the \\'eek, moving cluck\\'ise round from the
top. Till' top 1-1uint is S,1turn (Saturdav), upper right is Sun (SundJv), middle
right is :V1uun (f\1lltlLi.iy), lower right is M,irs (Tuesd,1v), lower left is \krcun'
(\VL'dtll'sd,1\'), rniddle left is Jupiter (Thursd,w), upper left is Venus (Frid,w)
f'rncficnl f'lnndnnr ,'v1nsid


Terms & Definitions

Terms such as invocation and evocation have gained different meanings
over centuries of use, which can be confusing or even misleading if the
context of their use is not clmrly defined. For the purpose of this book we are
giving our definitions of these terms and how they are applied to the
planetary work within it.

A hymn is a spiritual song or lyrical religious poem. By its definition a
hymn is a series of words, usually in adoration or praise of a deity. What we
call a hymn is often referred to as invocation in modern pagan traditions,
though by our definition this is not the case. A hymn does not include music,
and when music is added to a hymn, it is the hymn tune.
Examples of hymns of this kind are the Egyptian Gren/ Hymn to the Aten
composed by the Pharaoh Akhenaten, and the Homeric Hymns to the Greek
Gods. The hymns to the Planetary Gods within this book are based upon the
Homeric Hymns in their style and content, rewritten in modern language.

We use the term Conjuration to refer to the calling of a spiritual creature,
as part of the process of Invocation or Evocation. Although some old texts
refer to the long prose calls as invocations, to avoid confusion we are using
the term Conjuration to refer to this part of the process.

Page 214
Pmcficnf Planet11ry J\r!ngicA

We arc defining Invocation as the process of calling of a deity or spiritual
creature into something or someone. This then includes the use of crystal
stones, glass receptacles, bowls of liquid and magick mirrors, statues as
fetishes and techniques such as the Wiccan ceremony of "Drnn1ing Down tlzc
Moon", where a specific deity is called into a person who is awaiting this
contact. The practical work with Olympic Spirits found later in the book is
invocatory in its nature, being the calling of the Olympic Spirit to appear
within a crystal.

Evocation is the process of calling forth of a spiritual creature to tangible
presence. When evocation is to visible appearance it is in a medium provided
to give form to the creature, usually incense. It does not apply to the
appearance of an image of the creature in a receptacle such as a crystal or
mirror, which we have defined as invocation.
A noteworthy difference between hymning and both invocation and
evocation is that the former requires no appearance of the spiritual creature,
whereas the latter two seek either an image of the creature in the case of
invocation or a presence of the creature in the case of evocation.

Page 215
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