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EG WC Unit 6

Writing a Memo—– Offering

Advice and Giving Instructions

Learning objectives
 By the end of this unit, you should be able to:
 offer advice and give instructions using an appropriate tone;
 understand the functions of the closing of a memo;
 use vocabulary related to renovation;
 take notes using symbols and abbreviations;
 write concise subject lines using nouns and noun phrases;
 write a memo giving instructions to staff.

Task 1 Offering advice and giving instructions

When you write a memo or other workplace texts offering advice or giving instructions, you should
adopt an audience-centred approach to help you decide whether a milder or stronger tone is
appropriate. In either case, it is always important to be polite.

Milder tone Stronger tone

“I suggest you speak to the Director “You must speak to the Director

when you get a chance.” immediately.”

 The reader will feel more  The reader will appreciate the
Possible results

Possible results
comfortable. significance of the message.
 The reader may not appreciate the  The reader may feel upset or
significance of the message. discouraged.

Task 1a
Read the sentences offering advice below. Is the tone of the advice mild or strong? Put a tick (✓) in
the appropriate column.

Advice Milder Stronger

1 a I would advise you to double-check your plan with
your supervisor.
b You have to double-check your plan with your
2 a Sending out a memo to all staff is ineffective;
instead we must speak individually to employees
who arrive late to work.
b Rather than sending out a memo to all staff, it
would be a better idea to speak individually to
employees who arrive late to work
3 a Do not wait until the last minute to work on the
You could cause the team to miss the deadline.
b You might not want to wait until the last minute to
work on the project since problems may arise
which will make it difficult to meet the deadline.

Below are some expressions commonly used to offer advice. Note that in some cases, strong advice
can be considered an instruction. Study the expressions carefully.

Giving advice • My advice is to consult Jerry about facility maintenance.

• I would advise (against) starting the project in March.
• I would advise you (not) to draft the testing procedure manual.
• I (do not) recommend/suggest that you agree to the subcontractor’s demands.
• It would/may be best to hire an electronic engineer with at least three years’
• experience in the industry.
• If possible, you could postpone the delivery date.
Giving stronger • You (do not) need to settle the payment before arranging delivery.
advice • Staff members are encouraged/advised to have their hot meals in the canteen
instead of at their workstations.
• It is (not) necessary to hire temporary staff in order to meet our production
• I strongly recommend/suggest that you agree to the subcontractor’s demands.
Giving even • Stay in the office if the black rainstorm signal is issued during office hours.
stronger advice / • Do not remove any storage device containing confidential data from the office.
instructions • You should/must (not) discuss the matter with your colleagues.

Task 1b
Complete the memo below using appropriate expressions listed above.
Task 2 Concluding a memo
TO: All staff
FROM: Glenn Anderson, HR Manager
DATE: 28 September 201–
SUBJECT: Proper procedure for taking annual leave
I would like to remind you of the proper procedure for taking annual leave.
According to company policy, all staff ❶ _____________________ submit their leave
applications to HR at least two weeks in advance. If you wish to alter your leave arrangements
after they have been approved, you ❷ _____________________ contact HR immediately.
I ❸ _____________________ that you discuss your leave plans with your manager before
submitting your application. In addition, while you are not required to clear your annual leave
before the end of the calendar year, you
❹ _____________________ do so to achieve a better work-life balance.

The closing of a memo can have a range of functions. You may, for example, need to state what
follow-up action you would like the recipient(s) to take, offer a channel of reply or indicate your
Read the closings of the three memos below. Tick (✓) the appropriate boxes in the table to indicate
the function(s) of each.

Subject: Introducing a new medical

insurance scheme B
Subject: Reducing manpower
A booklet is attached for your further ...
information. If you require clarification Affected employees will meet
of any points raised, please contact us at individually with their managers over
ext. 357. the next two weeks.

Subject: Conducting the annual audit
Your cooperation in this exercise is much
appreciated. Please discuss with your
department manager if you have any

1 To inform the reader of follow-up action that will be taken
2 To offer/suggest a channel of communication
3 To refer to (an) attachment(s)
4 To request action
5 To show appreciation

Vocabulary in context Renovation and relocation (1)—–Note taking

a. Situation
You are Bryce Lee, Marketing Officer of V-Glory, a well-established company specialising in auto
repairs. There have been complaints about the facilities and environment of the Mong Kok repair
centre. Your supervisor has asked you and other staff members from various departments to meet
to discuss whether to renovate or relocate the centre.

b. Word organiser
Vocabulary items related
Below are vocabulary items commonly used in relation to renovation. You will to relocation will be
hear some of them in the staff meeting. Check the meaning of any words or covered in Unit 7.
phrases you do not know in a dictionary.

modify (v)
cosy (adj)
attract (v)

well-lit (adj) branch (n)

makeover (n)
consideration (ncustomer
phr) (n)
atmosphere (n)

refurbish (v) chain (n)

flagship store (n phr)

overhaul (v/n)

renovation (n)

dripping tap
(n phr)

environmental issue
(n phr) inspection (n)

energy-efficient (adj)

waste (v/n)
lighting (n) lifespan (n)

c. Taking notes using symbols and abbreviations

In meetings or during presentations, you may need to take notes

about the main ideas discussed. To do so, you can use symbols and To abbreviate longer words, you
abbreviations. can write the first syllable only
and leave out some vowels.

Some examples of symbols and abbreviations are given in the table

below. With a partner, complete the table with the missing
symbols/abbreviations and full forms / meanings.

Symbol/ Symbol/
Full form / Meaning Full form / Meaning
Abbreviation Abbreviation
asap as soon as possible @ at/each
department greater/more than
education fewer/less than
w/o Δ
and others leads to / so that
note does not lead to
Esp 
Ppl 
Gov &
e.g. /
that is / in other words because/since
curriculum vitae therefore
etc. =
vs. ≠
aka ~

d. Staff meeting (1)

You are now attending the meeting about whether to renovate or relocate the Mong Kok repair
centre. Listen to the first part of the meeting and note down your
You will listen to the
colleagues’ ideas in the spaces provided below. Use symbols and second part of the
abbreviations to help you. Then, (1) complete the summary of each meeting in Unit 7.
speaker’s ideas with the correct form of words and
phrases from the Word organiser, and (2) answer the question at the
bottom of the page.

Bryce’s ideas
Alena’s ideas
recptn area ✗ brt, ✗ attract cust

Summary _______________________
Focus on things that really need to should be changed.
_______________________ Danielle’s ideas
Clay’s ideas

1. Summary
Should have a bright, _________________
____________________ There are _______________________ in
What have your the female
2. Use ______________________ light bulbsstaff toilet and this
colleagues decided to _______________________
change? a lot of water.
Writing essentials Forming nouns and noun phrases

Forming nouns with suffixes

Some nouns can be formed by adding suffixes to adjectives or verbs.

revise (v)  revision promote (v)  promotion effective (adj)  effectiveness
reliable (adj)  reliability deliver (v)  delivery perform (v)  performance
productive (adj)  productivity employ (v)  employment refer (v)  reference
store (v)  storage engineer (v)  engineering

Forming noun phrases with modifiers

A noun phrase consists of a head noun modified by words to clarify or enhance it. Modifiers can be
placed before or after a head noun.

Modifiers placed before a head noun Modifiers placed after a head noun
• Client privacy • Measures to safeguard client privacy
[noun] [adverb adjective] [prepositional phrase]
• The 10 most effective business strategies • Installation of CCTV in March
[article number] [noun] [prepositional phrase]
• The recent controversial election campaign • Files downloaded from the intranet
[article adjective adjective noun] [participle phrase]

Task 3 Forming subject lines with noun phrases for Writing essentials

The following sentences introduce the main idea of five memos. Write an appropriate subject line
foreach memo by forming noun phrases. Use as few words as possible. The first one has been done
for you. MEMO
TO: All staff
1. To cope with increasing demand, the opening FROM: Chris Cheung, Manager
DATE: 26 October 201–
hours of our repair centre will be extended. SUBJECT: Extension of opening hours
Extension of opening hours____________ To cope with increasing demand, the opening
hours of our repair centre will be extended . . .
2. The goods must be delivered by this Friday. Main idea

3. The company will train new staff in customer

service skills.

4. Staff should be aware of which auto parts are protected by warranty.


5. We will introduce a new point-of-sale system.


Task 4 Guided practice

You are Nadia Wan, Administration Manager of Bottom Line Engineering. You are going to write a
memo to all staff introducing a new housekeeping plan. Use your notes below to help you complete
the memo that follows.

• Memo: Implement company housekeeping plan (attach hardcopy!)

• Purpose? workplace safety and efficiency
• The plan–developed by external consultant
• Highlights in memo:

Neatness & cleanliness Health & safety

Action by: All staf Action by: Administrative Officers
✘ place food waste in wastepaper bins ✔ purchase ergonomic furniture
 maintain a healthy posture
Action by: Administrative Assistants Action by: Administrative Assistants
✔ folders in numerical order  easy to ✔ warning signs on room doors  prevent
retrieve accidents
Action by: Cleaners Action by: Technicians
✔ clear rubbish bins twice daily electrical sockets  ✘ overload


TO: All staff

FROM: Nadia Wan, Administration Manager


You can use the checklist below to check your work.
 The correct memo format is used.
 The subject line is clear and concise.
 There is a clear statement of purpose in the opening.
 Readers’ attention is drawn to the attachment.
 The closing effectively concludes the memo.
 Appropriate expressions are used to offer advice and give instructions.
 The tone of the memo is polite.
 The memo uses correct spelling, punctuation and capitalisation.

Useful vocabulary

Look up the vocabulary items in the dictionary and check how they are used in the unit.
Write the most suitable meanings in the spaces provided. Stressed syllables are shown in bold.

Word Meaning
1 ap•pre•ci•ate v
2 au•dit n
3 er•go•nom•ic adj
4 re•trieve v
5 set•tle v
6 sig•nif•i•cance n

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