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EG WC Unit 7

Writing an Email—– Explaining

Causes and Effects

Learning objectives
By the end of this unit, you should be able to:
• identify the format of an email;
• use appropriate language for offering explanations;
• apply the language of causes and effects;
• use vocabulary related to renovation and relocation;
• take notes in a meeting;
• analyse the structure of a range of sentences.

Task 1 Understanding the format of an email

Most companies use email for both internal and external communication. When you write an email,
keep in mind the following dos and don’ts.

Do … Don’t …
 check the recipient’s email address carefully;  use all uppercase or oversized fonts;
 include a subject line to summarise the  forget to attach necessary files;
 include a salutation and complimentary  write anything private, confidential or
close. potentially incriminating.

Read the email and the descriptions of its format features below. Which features are the same as or
different from those of letters and memos? Discuss with a partner.

To: Paul Cheung <> ❶

Cc: Ray Wang <> ❷
Send Bcc: Chris Wong <> ❸
Subject: Annual Leave❹
Attached: HR leave arrangement 201401c.pdf❺
Dear Paul ❻

I would like to aeek your advice on …❼

❶ Name and email address of recipient(s)
• Point 1 ❷ (Optional) Name and email address of the people who will receive a copy
• Point 2 ❽ of the message
• Point 3 ❸ (Optional) Name and email address of the people who will receive a copy
of this message without the knowledge of “To” and “Cc” recipients
I am looking forward to … ❾ ❹ Subject line: This should be brief and direct.
❺ (Optional) Attachment
Best regards ❿ ❻ Salutation: If you know the recipient, you can use his/her first name. If
this is your first contact with the recipient of an external email, use a formal
Kitty ⓫
address, e.g. “Dear Mr Cheung”.
❼ Opening: This states the purpose of the email and may refer to the email
being replied to .
❽ Body: This can be presented in point form (using either sentences or
phrases) if this makes the message easier to read .
❾ Closing: This can mention follow-up actions, express goodwill, etc.
❿ Complimentary close: This can be formal, e.g. “Regards”, “Sincerely”, or
informal, e.g. “All the best”, “Thanks” .
⓫ Name of sender

Read the following sentences extracted from emails and decide which part of the email ( opening,
body or closing ) each one belongs to. Write your answers in the blanks provided.

1 Thank you for your email expressing concerns about our adaptive
lenses. __________________
2 Please contact me if you have any questions. __________________
3 The optical dispensing course is offered by Kingfisher University. It is
conducted on Saturdays, so my duties will not be affected. __________________
4 Thanks for your email updating me on the progress of your work. __________________
5 I am writing to apply for a grant from the staff development fund to
take a short course on optical manufacturing technology. __________________

Task 2 Offering explanations

In workplace correspondence, we sometimes need to explain the causes of a problem and why
something occurred. This involves showing the relationship between causes and effects.

Task 2a
Link the cause and effect fragments in Column A and Column B to form sentences relating to a
construction site.
Because of the typhoon (event 1 = cause), there was no school (event 2 = effect).
There was no school (event 2 = effect) because of the typhoon (event 1 = cause).

Column A Column B
1 If a one-way traffic system is A because it is more durable and has
introduced on site, a higher load-carrying capacity.
2 The breakdown of the lift B since it offers better protection.
3 The construction site will be C if the machinery had been inspected
closed for two weeks according to schedule.
4 Metal scaffolding can be used in D the risk of head-on collisions will be
place of bamboo scaffolding reduced.
5 The department has selected E because this amount of time is
this safety helmet needed for the flooding to subside.
6 The crane accident would not F was caused by overloading.
have occurred

Which of the above are causes and which of them Cause (1)
are effects?
Effect (2)

Write the letters and numbers of the sentence fragments in the correct row of the table on the

Task 2b
You are Paul Jones, Assistant Architect at B&T Architects. Read the email you received from a
colleague below.

To: Paul Jones, Assistant Architect

From: Donald Yuen, General Manager
Date: 14 February 201-, Friday, 4:30 p.m.
Subject: Building with bamboo
Dear Paul
I’m trying to convince our architects to increase the use of bamboo in their designs. I have told them that
bamboo is more environmentally friendly and cost-effective, but they need more supporting information. I
would be grateful if you could research the benefits of building with bamboo, so I can have the information
ready for further discussion with them.
Thanks for your assistance.

Complete your draft reply using the words and phrases in the word box. Use each word or phrase
once only.
for these reasons because since so therefore

To: Donald Yuen, General Manager

From: Paul Jones, Assistant Architect
Date: 17 February 201-, Monday, 11:19 a.m.
Subject: Re: Building with bamboo
Dear Donald
Using bamboo as building material has a number of benefits. ❶ ____________________ bamboo is a
fast-growing sustainable material, its use will help reduce the carbon footprint of our building projects.
Also, bamboo only takes three to six years to grow, ❷ ____________________ it is more cost effective
than wood which takes 20 to 60 years to mature.
In addition, bamboo is lighter than concrete and steel but just as strong ❸ ____________________ it is
hollow and cylindrical. ❹ ____________________ , it is less dangerous in the event of a storm or an
earthquake. Furthermore, bamboo is flexible and therefore easy to work with compared with other
❺ ____________________ , bamboo is an ideal material for our building projects.
Best regards

Task 3 Applying the language of causes (1) and effects (2)
When we discuss the relationship between causes and effects, we can use the verbs and
connectives shown in the following tables.

Verbs introducing causes (1) and effects (2)

Active Example
attribute . . . to • Joe attributed the bridge collapse to some serious design flaws.
result from • The bridge collapse resulted from / stemmed from some serious
stem from design flaws.
bring about • Serious design flaws have brought about / have caused / have
cause resulted in the collapse of the bridge.
result in • Our adoption of Building Information Modelling software has
allow allowed / has enabled our engineers to work more efficiently.

Passive Example
(be) brought about by • The bridge collapse was caused by / was brought about by some
(be) caused by serious design flaws.

Modal verb (active) Example

can • We can improve our performance if we follow the new guidelines.
could • The construction of the new bridge may cause some
may environmental damage.
bare might • Building a new bridge will ease traffic congestion.
infinitive +

Modal verb (passive) Example

can • Owing to bad weather conditions, the building project
could may be delayed.
may • With the use of prefabricated components, construction
might Past + be + time can be reduced.

will • Due to increased risk of collapse, bridges built before

would 1970 will be repaired to ensure safety.
Connectives introducing causes and effects
Cause Example
as a result of + NP • As a result of dropping production cost, shape-memory alloys
because of + NP now have wide applications in the construction, aerospace and
due to + NP biomedical industries.
owing to + NP
As + SVO • The construction site is closed because safety infringements are
Because + SVO currently being investigated.
Since + SVO
Noun phrase (NP) – a group of words acting like a noun, can’t have a verb

Effect Example
consequently • The production cost of shape-memory alloys has dropped
as a result significantly. Consequently, these alloys now have wide
for this reason applications in the construction, aerospace and biomedical
therefore industries.

Your colleague has asked you to help proofread the draft of her email. She has made some mistakes.
Cross out each mistake and write the correct word above it. Use ONE word only to correct each
mistake. (Hint: There are SIX mistakes, ONE in each sentence.)

The site was without air conditioning for four hours yesterday thus the cooling system broke
down. The system failure resulted in overheating of the temperature sensors in two water
chillers. Our engineers have found that the problem was caused of installation of faulty sensors
and prolonged exposure to heat. Then, some workers were not feeling well due to high indoor
Owed to the breakdown of the cooling system, we have now installed fans so that work can
continue while urgent maintenance takes place. We hope that these repairs will be completed
soon so that the impact of the incident can be minimise.

Vocabulary in context Renovation and relocation (2)—–Note taking

a. Action verbs for meeting notes

When taking meeting notes or writing minutes, it is important to use the correct verbs to record the
main points. Below are some comments made in a meeting. An excerpt of the meeting minutes
follows. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate verbs from the word box and write them in the
correct form.

I suggest buying three

Now let me brief you all
hydraulic car lifts for our
on the Work Experience
new centre . . .
Ms Roberts Day arrangements.

Mr Jones
It may be a
good idea
Mrs Chan
to consider
an air

propose agree inform review mention

reject approve confirm present consider

3 Operation of Tseung Kwan O Centre

3.1 Purchase of hydraulic car lifts
Ms Roberts ❶ ____________________ the purchase of three hydraulic car lifts for the
new centre. The proposal ❷ ____________________ and it ❸ ____________________
that HK$150,000 would be allocated for the purchase.
3.2 Work Experience Day arrangements
Mr Jones ❹ ____________________ the Work Experience Day arrangements in full. He
❺____________________ staff members that IVE had agreed to send 50 students to
help on the day. The rundown ❻ ____________________ and it was agreed that Mr
Jones would proceed with the production of promotional materials.
3.3 Air quality issue
Mrs Chan ❼ _________________ that it might be worthwhile ❽___________________
installation of an air purifier. However, the Chairperson ❾____________________ this
suggestion due to budgetary limitations, suggesting instead that the situation
❿____________________ again in the new financial year.

b. Situation
You are Bryce Lee, Marketing Officer at V-Glory, an auto repair
company. You are attending a staff meeting to discuss problems You listened to the first part
with the Mong Kok repair centre and whether to renovate it or of this meeting in Unit 6.
relocate. You will need to email your manager about what is

c. Word organiser
Below are vocabulary items commonly used in relation to renovation and relocation. Check the
meaning of any words or phrases you do not know in a dictionary.

construction (n)
convert (v)
shortlist (v)
evaluate (v)
partition (n)
reputation (n)
renovation (n)
business situation (n phr)
contractor (n) desirable (adj)

carpet (n)

cabinet (n)

business decision (n phr)

prime location (n phr) lease (v/n)

expand (v)

relocation (n)
neighbourhood (n)

property agent (n phr)

onsite inspection
(n phr)
passing trade (n phr)
premises (n)
relocate (v) rent (v/n)

d. Staff meeting (2)

Listen to the second part of the meeting. What is discussed

regarding You can use the symbols
and abbreviations you
possible renovation or relocation of the Mong Kok repair centre?
learnt in Unit 6 to help you.
notes in the note sheet below to help you write your email to the

Renovation Relocation
B: need prime locatn
D: D:
C: A:
B: ✘ renovate whole ctr @ 1 time C:
A: B: shrtlst locatns & inspect them

Now complete your draft email to your manager about what was decided at the meeting.

Below is a summary of the discussion regarding the renovation or relocation of our Mong Kok
repair centre.

If it is decided that the Mong Kok repair centre should be renovated, we agreed it would be a
good idea to __________________________________________________________________
Regarding the possibility of relocation, ______________________________________________


Writing essentials Review of types of sentence

In Units 3 and 5, you learnt about four types of sentence that you can use in your writing. Read the
information below to remind yourself about the structure of each type of sentence.

• A simple sentence is an independent clause with a single subject and a single predicate.
• A compound sentence has two or more independent clauses but no dependent clauses.
• A complex sentence is composed of one independent clause and one or more dependent
• A compound-complex sentence has two or more independent clauses and at least one
dependent clause.

Remember, an independent clause can stand alone as a simple sentence.

e.g. It is necessary to renovate our premises.
A dependent clause adds more information to an independent clause and cannot stand alone.
e.g. Although it will be expensive, it is necessary to renovate our premises.

Task 4 Analysing sentence structure for Writing essentials

In the sentences below, write the missing conjunctions in the blanks. Then underline the
independent clause(s) in each sentence and write the type of sentence in the boxes provided on the

1 The survey shows ____________ popularity of the product

has declined.
2 She is wondering ____________ her computer is not working.
3 We would be pleased to offer you a 20% discount ____________
you order 100 units or more.
4 We received the tender requirements yesterday, ____________
management is now reviewing the terms.
5 The group has been working on the project for three months,
____________ little progress has been made so far.
6 ____________ the launch of our Green Office campaign , energy
and water consumption have been reduced significantly.
7 As part of the enhanced security feasibility study , the company
has carried out consultations with service providers ____________

site visits have been conducted.


Task 5 Guided practice

You are Chris Wong, Assistant Engineer at City Train. Your manager has sent you an email. Read the
email and underline what he asks you to do.

Date: 3 October 201-, Wednesday, 1:35 p.m.
Subject: Delays on Downtown Line
Dear Chris
There were serious delays on the Downtown Line yesterday and senior management is requesting an
explanation. I’m forwarding their email for your reference. This is the first time we’ve encountered such
problems. I’d like you to find out why the signals were unstable and why there were cracks in the track.
You can discuss the case with our technicians to find out the possible causes of the problems. Please let me
know the results of your investigations by the end of this week.
Thanks very much.
Now read an excerpt of the email from the station officer and your notes.

Date: 2 October 201-, Tuesday, 3:06 p.m.
Subject: Downtown Line disruption
Dear Joe
There was a 2-hour disruption on the Downtown Line this morning. Unstable signals were detected
between Central Station and City Hall Station and trains heading to Central Station were extremely slow
from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m., causing delays and overcrowding on platforms.
In addition, when fixing the unstable signals, cracks were spotted in a section of the track near Central
Station. After emergency repairs, train service resumed to normal at around 11 a.m. . . .

• Cracks in a section of track
• Unstable signals between Central
Possible cause:
Station and City Hall Station
• High speed train passing
Possible cause:
Central Station @ 7:50 a.m.
• Signal transmitters in use since
 serious vibration 
opening of the line (>20 years) 
ageing  malfunctioning

Now write your reply to your manager. Add a subject line and complete the body of the email.

Date: 5 October 201-, Friday, 10:11 a.m..
Dear Joe
I have looked into the delays occurring on the Downtown Line on 2 October as requested.

Although we have not encountered these kinds of problem before, we will do our best to review our
preventive maintenance programme. I will inform you of our progress by the end of next week. In the
meantime, our technicians will carry out a thorough inspection.
Please let me know if you require any further information.

Useful vocabulary

Look up the vocabulary items in the dictionary and check how they are used in the unit.
Write the most suitable meanings in the spaces provided. Stressed syllables are shown in bold.
Word Meaning
1 al•loy n
2 con•sump•tion n
3 dis•rup•tion n
4 fea•si•bi•li•ty n
5 load-car•ry•ing n
ca•pac•i•ty phr
6 pre•fa•bri•cat•ed adj
7 scaf•fol•ding n

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