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Module Syllabus

Module Title MindShift: Achieving Personal Growth & Effectiveness

Module Code SDD4005 / SDD4005M

QF Credits 6
QF Level 4
Contact Hours: 26 (for pre-employment programme)
18 (for in-service programme)
Self-study Hours: 34 (for pre-employment
Notional Learning programme)
Hours 42 (for in-service programme)
Assessment Hours: 0
(Outside Contact/Self-study Hours)

The exemption will be granted for students who fulfill either of

the following exemption criteria (1) or (2):
(1) Academic Criteria
 A pass in SDD4001
 A pass in WPD3200S
Exemption Criteria  A pass in WPD4063 & WPD4041 or WPD4082
 A pass in a comparable academic achievements

(2)Work Experience with Pass in Exemption Assessment

 A pass in the assessment for module exemption, plus
two years full-time work experience acquired after
meeting HD Minimum Entrance requirement.

Module Aim:

This module aims to enable students to formulate effective self-improvement strategies and to
develop good habits for pursing personal goals as well as meeting the impending challenges
of the changing world.

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Module Intended Learning Outcomes:
On completion of the module, learners are expected to be able to:

1. formulate self-improvement strategies to meet the needs of the changing world.

2. foster good habit building for well-being.
3. articulate one’s personal goals in terms of personal potentials.

Learning and Teaching Strategies:

1. A student-centred learning and teaching approach will be adopted to facilitate students’

advancement in adaptability, resilience and potential development to achieve personal
goals even in face of changing environments with adversity. Students will be given
opportunities to integrate the learning attributes through participation in different
activities such as interactive workshop activities, group discussion, individual
presentation and physical activity workshops. Through different activities, the
experiential learning model of linking training with learning will be adopted to debrief
students and help them to articulate their learning.

2. Mutual support and peer feedback will be encouraged and adopted in the in-class
activities, such as group sharing, to create a mutual support learning environment, which
will help promote better adaptation and resilience building. Students will be given
opportunities to learn from their peers as well as to give and receive feedback.

3. Students’ learning will be kept track through various means, such as written exercise,
in-class activities, peer feedback, and presentation of their self-reflection. The products
of students’ works will be collected as evidence to demonstrate their competency and
will be contributing to their career portfolio for graduation.

4. Students will be encouraged to extend their learning experiences beyond workshops to

build up personal goals and resilience for personal development. They are encouraged
to participate in activities with manageable challenges, including sports activities and
psychological skills training.

Assessment Scheme:

Continuous Assessment (CA) 50%

End-of-Module Assessment (EA) 50%

Total 100%

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Continuous assessment is used to check the students’ learning and to monitor the progress of
teaching. A mixed mode of assessment components is adopted to collect a composite score
which will be expressed in the form of grade. The grading criteria are:

70 or above Pass with Merit

40-69 Pass
0-39 Fail

Key Content Area:

The following Units of Competency (UoCs) are created to guide the delivery of the whole
module in order to achieve the intended learning outcomes.

Unit of Competency Performance Criteria

SWPD408 1. Articulate the impact of the changing world on people’s
self-improvement Range: Topics may include but not limited to the impact of the
strategies to meet the Industry 4.0 and internet world, the importance of generic
needs of the changing competencies in different scenarios related to the changing
world world.

2. Develop the growth mindset for self-improvement.

Range: Topics may include but not limited to the

understanding of one’s mindset, the different impacts resulted
from fixed and growth mindset, and the corresponding
self-improvement strategies.

3. Employ self-regulation approach.

Range: Topics may include but not limited to the

understanding of different emotions and the mechanism of
one’s affective, physical and cognitive response to a variety of
situations, and apply the knowledge of S-ABC model as for

SWPD409 1. Review one’s experience in meeting challenges.

Foster good habits for Range: Topics may include but not limited to review of one’s
personal effectiveness experience and to share the experience for building personal

2. Employ interpretation strategies on resilience and application

of new strategies.

Range: Topics may include but not limited to strategies for

resilience and case studies in applying new approaches to
handle various challenges.

3. Implement physical training exercise to enhance well-being.

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Range: Topics may include but not limited to the appropriate
health check and building habit of regular exercise for

SWPD410 1. Identify strategies for developing one’s potentials.

Articulate one’s Range: Topics may include but not limited to set goals with
personal goals in personal strengths or potentials according to the goal-setting
terms of personal process.
2. Apply strategies for self-improvement.

Range: Topics may include but not limited to applying growth

mindset and building good habits for personal effectiveness on
goral setting.


1. Blackwell, L., Trzesniewski, K., & Dweck, C. (2007). Implicit Theories of

Intelligence Predict Achievement Across an Adolescent Transition: A Longitudinal
Study and an Intervention. Child Development. 78(1), 246-263. doi:

2. Chao, M., Visaria, S., Mukhopadhyay, A., & Dehejia, R. (2017). Do rewards
reinforce the growth mindset? Joint effects of the growth mindset and incentive
schemes in a field intervention. Journal Of Experimental Psychology: General.
146(10), 1402-1419. doi: 10.1037/xge0000355

3. DeBacker, T., Heddy, B., Kershen, J., Crowson, H., Looney, K., & Goldman, J.
(2018). Effects of a one-shot growth mindset intervention on beliefs about
intelligence and achievement goals. Educational Psychology. 38(6), 711-733. doi:

4. Carlson, N., & Birkett, M. (2017). Physiology of behavior (12th ed.). England:
Pearson Education Limited.

5. “Discover How to Rewire Your Brain with Neuroplasticity.” YouTube, YouTube, 11

June 2017. Retrieved from

6. Dweck, C. (2015). Carol Dweck Revisits the 'Growth Mindset'. Retrieved from

7. Dweck, C. (2016). Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. New York: Ballantine.

8. Kolb, B., Gibb, R., & Robinson, T. (2003). Brain Plasticity and Behavior. Current
Directions in Psychological Science, 12(1), 1-5.

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9. Leung, F. (Feb, 2018). Doing CBT in the Decade of the Mind: The S-ABC Model.
Keynote Address at the 6th Asia CBT Conference. Dhaka, Bangladesh.

10. “Growing Lifelong Learners.” Science Impact. Retrieved from

11. Paunesku, D., Walton, G., Romero, C., Smith, E., Yeager, D., & Dweck, C. (2015).
Mind-Set Interventions Are a Scalable Treatment for Academic Underachievement.
Psychological Science, 26(6), 784-793. doi: 10.1177/0956797615571017

12. Wilson, T., & Buttrick, N. (2016). New directions in social psychological
interventions to improve academic achievement. Journal Of Educational
Psychology, 108(3), 392-396. doi: 10.1037/edu0000111

13. Yeager, D., & Dweck, C. (2012). Mindsets That Promote Resilience: When Students
Believe That Personal Characteristics Can Be Developed. Educational Psychologist,
47(4), 302-314. doi: 10.1080/00461520.2012.722805

Creation/Revision Record:

Version Date Created/Revised by

1 24 September, 2018 Ms LAU Sze Lui, Mr WONG Hon Chun,
Ms CHAN Siu Yung, Ms WONG Ka Yi,
Mr LAU Ho Ming
2 21 January, 2019 Ms LAU Sze Lui, Mr WONG Hon Chun,
Ms CHAN Siu Yung, Ms WONG Ka Yi,
Mr LAU Ho Ming

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Appendix 1

Module Assessment Scheme

1 Module Details
a Module Code/Title SDD4005 / SDD4005M
MindShift: Achieving Personal Growth & Effectiveness
b Programme Code/Title
c QF Level 4
d Notional Learning Hours (total) 60
e Notional Learning Hours, comprising of Self-study
Contact Hours Assessment Hours
26 hrs 34 hrs 0 hrs
Module Assessment in alignment with MILO
Module Intended Learning Outcome (*Please indicate the assessment mode for each MILO by
(MILO) ticking () the appropriate box(es))
In-class exercise Presentation
a Formulate self-improvement strategies
 
to meet the needs of the changing world
b Foster good habit building for

c Articulate one’s personal goals in terms
 
of personal potentials
3 Continuous Assessment (CA) Total CA marks contributing to 50% of module mark
a CA component In-class exercise
b No. of assessment (s) 1
c CA component as a % of module mark 50%
4 End-of-Module Assessment (EA) Total EA marks contributing to 50% of module mark
a EA component Presentation
b No. of assessment (s) 1
c EA component as a % of module mark 50%
5 Any Special Assessment Requirement NIL

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