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Overall employees are completely satisfied with their jobs. Nestle follow the following
Nestle is providing to its employees. The employees have access to company sponsored training
programs and seminars.
The purpose of training is to upgrade the capabilities and efficiency of all the employees and
prepare them for more responsible positions in future.
Provide employees with greater opportunity to grow and succeed within the company.
Both managers and non-managers receive help from training and developmental program but
mostly non-managers are concerned with training while the managers are concerned with
developmental programs.

Career Advancement:
Nestle is providing clear path for career advancement to its employees. Company gives full
support to its employees in this context.

According to employees, they face or experiences not any form of discrimination in Nestle. They
are fairly treated by their boss

Working environment:
Almost all the employees are satisfied with their physical working of employees. Nestle aim’s to
ensure a workplace that necessitates open and respectful communication between the employees’

Relationship with supervisors:

Mostly employees somewhat agree that their supervisors communicates with them properly and
also provides counseling. They believe that their managers effectively lead the department.
Supportive colleagues and coworkers:
The morale of the employees at Nestle is satisfactory and the have teen spirit in their work
environment. They are satisfied with their professionalism of their coworkers.
According to employees their performance is individually recognized and they are appreciated
according to the performance.

To increase goodwill and positive impression of Nestle among employees and customers
Company should adopt the following things:

 Enhance more promotion opportunities for their employees.

 Encourage employees to participate in decision making.
 We would suggest that specific job related training should be imparted to employees this
would give an additional benefit to employees for improving their skills.
 Professional counseling programmes should also be started to provide employees with
the information, regarding future prospects at Nestle and in the mobile industry
 Although Nestle is covering whole Pakistan but is rates are high they can lower its rates,
with low charges in order to capture a larger market and this way they can capture the
customers of low income group.
 They should be establishing and maintaining effective communication with each
employee, sharing of ideas and employee involvement in decision making process
 The employer should show a greater trust to employees and employees should feel good
about their employer.
 Their should be no artificial barriers between employees and management.

Leadership is the manner and approach of providing direction, implementing plans, and
motivating employees in the organization. A Manager’s leadership style contributes, to the
subordinates’ incentive, work fulfillment, and the work growth in the organization. Leadership
plays a vital role for the success of organization. Lack of leadership leads to increased employee
turnover, absenteeism, dissatisfied customers from poor customer service.

In Nestle 53% of the employees feel that their managers are employee oriented leaders and
remaining 47% feels that their managers are task orientated leaders. So this shows that the Nestle
has got the combination of leaders that are task oriented and leadership oriented. This shows that
NESTLE have the leaders that perform better in all situations and can manage their teams more

A manager with a task-oriented style will have work results as his major concerns and therefore,
he will enlarge rigid policy that would lead the subordinates to reach the preferred results.

A manager with an employee-oriented behavior objective is to improve the employee’s
confidence and influence them to work jointly and to resolve the problems.

In Nestle the leadership style is participative in which the leader involves one or more employees
in the decision making process (determining what to do and how to do it). The leader allows the
employees to make the decisions. However, the leader is still responsible for the decisions that
are made. This is used when employees are able to analyze the situation and determine what
needs to be done and how to do it. Positive leaders use rewards, such as education,
independence, etc. to motivate employees.
While negative employers emphasize penalties such as loss of job, days off without pay.
In Nestle, learning is done to make the employees skilled at creating, acquiring, transferring
knowledge, and to enhance their skills. In an Organization learning is a long-term activity that
builds competitive advantage over time and requires sustained management attention,
commitment, and effort. In Nestle collaboration with team members give the employees
opportunity for learning social, technical and creative skills. When learning is effective the
organization is highly aware of how to motivate its employees in the best ways. Rewards, such as
education, bonuses are given to motivate employees. There are different kinds of rewards
NESTLE gives to their employees which are as follows:

 Cash bonuses
 Promotions
 Make team leader
 Increments in salaries
 Allowances like ( fuel allowance, mobile allowance)
In line with Nestle management’s effort to maintain the decorum and ensure an environment that
is cohesive to the development and success of the people, a Code of Conduct has been put in
place where the following activities can result in disciplinary action:

 Unsatisfactory and negligent job performance.

 Excessive and unauthorized absence from duty.
 Unsatisfactory safety performance.
 Reporting on duty under the influence of drug or intoxicants.
 Absence from duty without notice or permission from the supervisor unless the cause of
absence prevents giving notice.
 Using influence for promotion, transfer or posting.
 Conduct that violates common decency and morality.
 Engaging in a fight or in activity that could provoke fighting on site property.
 Insubordination or deliberate refusal to comply with reasonable requests or instructions.
 Use or possession of weapons, ammunitions, explosives, intoxicants, illicit drugs
ornarcotics on site.
 Acts of “horse play” on site property.
 Gambling on site property or bringing illegal gambling paraphernalia on to the site.
 Theft or unauthorized removal of site property or property belonging to site employee,
contractor and vendor.
 Intentional damage to site, employee, contractor or vendor property.
 Dishonest act or fortification of records, including the giving of false information when
 Bringing combustible material on site or having any type of match sticks, cigarette lighter
or flame producing device in restricted areas.
 Smoking except in designated areas.
 Using or divulging without permission, any confidential information gained through
employment at the site.
 Physical, mental or sexual harassment of fellow employee including threat to do bodily
 Crime involving fraud, indecency, breach of dignity or public morals and other serious
 Any other commission or omission which, in the opinion of the company,
requires/justifies dismissal/termination of employment.
After studying various issues related to the organizational behavior within the organization we
analyzed that
 Nestle is working globally and is also operating in Pakistan. The organization behavior
regarding goal setting for employees I have analyzed that the management of Nestle is
effective in setting goals according to the competition in the privator sector of Pakistan.
 The management style in Nestle is kind of participative management in which employees
are given chance to share their ideas for decision making.
There are different kinds of rewards NESTLE gives to their employees which are as follows:
 Cash bonuses
 Promotions Make team leader
 Increments in salaries
 Allowances like ( fuel allowance, mobile allowance)
We found very different kind of reward in Nestle that they motivate their employees whose
performance is not up to the mark by giving them the salaries equivalent to the market value of
the any other employee of same rank so as to motivate their employees. Many of the employees
are being rewarded after accomplishment of their sales target in such a way that their
management take them to the picnic or invite them for dinner frequently. And another very
interesting fact which I found in Nestle is that their management does not fire their employees
even their performance level is not up to the mark.

Overall employees are satisfied with their company and jobs.

 To some extent they are given empowerment to do their work. Most of them agree that
their jobs are not creating any physical or mental problems for them.
 But according to my opinion employees are facing job stress. It is a fact that cannot be
denied. Because we know that stress is inevitable. It can only end up with the end of life
But the company deals with this problem and provides them proper counseling.
 Most of the employees have positive attitude toward their jobs.
If we see an overall picture, then it is clear that they are somewhat satisfied with their jobs and
they don’t have a lot of stress on them. But still there is a need of improvement in strategies of
NESTLE to make workforce more productive.

NESTLE asses the employee’s performance on:

 Leadership
 Communication skills.
 Team work and Co-operation.
 Problem solving & decision making.
 Customer focus.
In NESTLE training to the employees is given for the current improvement in the job while
developmental program is for improving the skill which will be used in the future. Both
managers and non-managers receive help from training and developmental program but mostly
non-managers are concerned with training while the managers are concerned with developmental

Nestle aim’s to ensure a workplace that necessitates open and respectful

Communication between the employee’s abilities. Almost all the employees are satisfied with
their physical working of employees.
Nestle has got the combination of leaders that are both task oriented and leadership oriented.
This shows that Nestle have the leaders that perform better in all situations and can manage their
teams more effective and efficiently.
The organization properly communicates its strategies to its employees to carry good results
efficiently and effectively. The communication between the employees is good and that drives
them to do outstanding achievement in work. In Nestle the employees are listened, respected,
trusted, and valued that gives them a sense of self worth and belonging.
Nestle is providing clear path for career advancement to its employees, Company gives full
support to its employees in this context. At Nestle, employees work in team and they have a team
of over 4,500 unique individuals who make it Pakistan’s largest company. Being exposed to best
practices and an enabling environment, they are the best minds in the industry today. By working
in teams, employees bring their collective skills and knowledge to bear on problems and to
develop innovative ideas for the organization.

Employee Survey Report:

1. I am proud to work for [Nestle]

Strongly Disagree Neither Agree nor Agree Strongly

Disagree Disagree Agree
2. I would recommend [ Nestle ] as a enormous place to work
Strongly Disagree Neither Agree nor Agree Strongly
Disagree Disagree Agree

3. I infrequently think about looking for a job at another company

Strongly Disagree Neither Agree nor Agree Strongly
Disagree Disagree Agree

4. “I see myself still working at [ Nestle ] in two years’ time”

Strongly Disagree Neither Agree nor Agree Strongly
Disagree Disagree Agree

5. “[ Nestle ] motivates me to go beyond what I would in a comparable function elsewhere”

Strongly Disagree Neither Agree or
n Agree Strongly
Disagree Disagree Agree

6. “The leaders at [company] keep people well-versed about what is happening”

Strongly Disagree Neither Agree nor Agree Strongly
Disagree Disagree Agree

7. “My manager is a great role model for employees”

Strongly Disagree Neither Agree nor Agree Strongly
Disagree Disagree Agree

8. “The leaders at [ Nestle ] have communicated a visualization that motivates me”

Strongly Disagree Neither Agree nor Agree Strongly
Disagree Disagree Agree

9. “I have admittance to the things I need to do my job well”

Strongly Disagree Neither Agree nor Agree Strongly
Disagree Disagree Agree

10. “I have access to the learning and development I necessitate to do my job well”
Strongly Disagree Neither Agree or
n Agree Strongly
Disagree Disagree Agree

11. “Most of the systems and processes here sustain us getting our work done effectively”
Strongly Disagree Neither Agree nor Agree Strongly
Disagree Disagree Agree

12. “I know what I need to do to be successful in my role”

Strongly Disagree Neither Agree nor Agree Strongly
Disagree Disagree Agree

13. “I receive appropriate recognition when I do good work”

Strongly Disagree Neither Agree or
n Agree Strongly
Disagree Disagree Agree
14. “Day-to-day decisions here demonstrate that quality and improvement are top priorities”
Strongly Disagree Neither Agree nor Agree Strongly
Disagree Disagree Agree

15. “My manager (or someone in management) has shown a genuine interest in my career
Strongly Disagree Neither Agree nor Agree Strongly
Disagree Disagree Agree

16. “I believe there are good vocation opportunities for me at this company”
Strongly Disagree Neither Agree nor Agree Strongly
Disagree Disagree Agree

17. “This is a great company for me to make a contribution to my development”

Strongly Disagree Neither Agree nor Agree Strongly
Disagree Disagree Agree

 During the survey, it has been found that most of the employees in the
organization are satisfied with the remuneration paid.
 As I found that majority of the employees are personally satisfied with the job in the
 As I interviewed employees it has been found that majority of the employees receive all
the perquisites offered by the organization.
 During the survey, it has been found that the majority of the employees in the
organization is comfortable with the working hours of the organization.
 Most of the employees in the organization agree with the statement that the senior
management keep a better communication with the staffs in the organization.

Conclusion Long-run success and health of any organization depends upon the retention of
skilled employees. They are the most vital and dynamic resources of any organi-zation as
the knowledge and skills of employees have become highly important in gaining competitive
advantage in today’s business environment. Hence keeping a well trained, skilled, and
contended workforce can lead an organization to greater heights while the lack of it can
hamper its growth badly. Besides, it has been observed that employee turnover is becoming
a challenge which costs a lot of efforts, money, and energy. So, every resignation saved is
money earned. Also, every organization should develop strategies that strengthen the work
environment and increases the employee’s morale and employee’s job satisfaction to
enhance employee retention, which ultimately results in high profits, customer satisfaction, as
well as customer retention. Therefore, if the above mentioned factors exist in the
organization, it will not only help to attract new employees into the organization but will also
lead to the retention of the existing ones. The main role of HR, therefore, is to understand the
critical issues of employee retention, integrate them into the organization’s HR policy, and
support employee retention programmes.
The world’s leading Nutrition, Health and Wellness Company, Nestlé believes that its employees
are the key to its success and nothing can be achieved without their engagement. This company
is committed to provide its employees all over the world with good working conditions, a safe
and healthy work environment, and flexible employment possibilities that support a better
balance of private and professional life consistent with its ambition as a leading Nutrition, Health
and Wellness Company. In accordance with this global perspective, Nestlé Ltd. is also trying to
facilitate its employees with agreeable job satisfaction despite of facing some difficulties.
Therefore, considering the above recommendations this company may also able to add value
towards its employee. Apart from this, the survey result was quite satisfactory enough which
represents that Nestlé Ltd. is a place for work with proper work life balance, dignity, equal
opportunity as well as security for job which is at present one of the concerned issues for
employees. Lastly, I would like to conclude my report with one of the quotation collected from
one of the Category Brand Managers of Nestlé Ltd. “Nestlé provides a safe, respectable work
environment. Cordial, pleasant relationships between colleagues make this a great organization
to be a part of. Work-life balance at Nestlé is probably the best in the industry.”
The management style in Nestle is kind of participated manner in which employee are given
chance to share their ideas for decision-makings.
There are different kinds of rewards Nestle gives to their employee which are as follows:
 Cash bonuses
 Promotions make team leaders
 Increment in salaries
 Allowances like (fuel allowance, mobile allowance)
We found very different kind of rewards in Nestle that they motivate their
employees whose performance is not up to the mark by giving them the salaries equivalent to the
market values of the any other employee of same rank so as to motivate their employees.
Many of the employees are being rewarded after accomplishment of their sales
target in such a way that their management take them to the picnic or invite them
to the dinner frequently. And another very interested fact which I found in Nestle is that
their management does not fire their employees even their performance level is not up to the
mark. Overall employees are satisfied with their companies and jobs.
To some extent, they are given empowerment to do their work. Most of them agree that their
jobs are not creating any physical or mental problem for them.
But according to my opinion employees are facing job stress. It is a fact that cannot be denied
because that stress is inevitable. It can only end up with the end of life but the company deals
with this problem and provides them proper counseling.
Most of the stories have positive attitude towards their job.
If we see an overall picture, then it is cleared that they are somewhat satisfied with their jobs and
they don’t have a lot of stress on them. But still there is a need of improvement in strategies of
NESTLE to make work force more productive.

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