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Training TM-1818

AVEVA Everything3DTM (2.1)

Guide Supports

AVEVA Everything3DTM (2.1)
AVEVA Everything3D™ (2.1)
Supports TM-1818

Copyright © 2015.
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
AVEVA Everything3D™ (2.1)
Supports TM-1818

Revision Log

Date Revision Description Author Reviewed Approved

11/09/2015 0.1 Issued for Review ST

16/11/2015 0.2 Reviewed ST BT
26/11/2015 1.0 Approved for Training AVEVA E3D™ (2.1) ST BT KB

Change highlighting will be employed for all revisions. Where new or changed information is presented section
headings will be highlighted in Yellow.

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
AVEVA Everything3D™ (2.1)
Supports TM-1818

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1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................9
1.1 Aim ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
1.2 Objectives.......................................................................................................................................... 9
1.3 Prerequisites ..................................................................................................................................... 9
1.4 Course Structure............................................................................................................................... 9
1.5 Using this guide ................................................................................................................................ 9
2 Entering AVEVA E3D SUPPORTS .......................................................................................11
2.1 Supports Application Pre-requisites ............................................................................................ 11
2.2 Starting AVEVA E3D ....................................................................................................................... 12
2.3 Setting up the Training Course ..................................................................................................... 12
2.4 Creating a Support Zone ................................................................................................................ 13
Exercise 1 – Loading AVEVA E3D SUPPORTS.........................................................................14
3 Support Defaults within AVEVA E3D ..................................................................................15
3.1 Supports Application Defaults ...................................................................................................... 15
3.2 Selecting a Support Creation Zone............................................................................................... 16
Exercise 2 – Support Defaults ...................................................................................................17
4 Multi Discipline Framework Support ..................................................................................19
4.1 Framework Support Hierarchy ...................................................................................................... 19
4.2 Supports Auto-naming ................................................................................................................... 19
4.3 View setup for Framework Creation ............................................................................................. 21
4.4 Creating a Multi Discipline Framework Support – A Worked Example..................................... 23
4.5 Ancillary Selection.......................................................................................................................... 24
4.6 Support Editor Form....................................................................................................................... 26
4.6.1 Naming the Support................................................................................................................... 26
4.6.2 Positioning the Support ............................................................................................................. 26
4.6.3 Adding other elements to the support........................................................................................ 27
4.6.4 Dimension Control ..................................................................................................................... 31
4.6.5 Building the Framework ............................................................................................................. 31
4.6.6 Add the Cross Bar ..................................................................................................................... 34
4.6.7 Modifying Ancillaries .................................................................................................................. 34
4.6.8 Adding a Packing Piece............................................................................................................. 35
4.6.9 Steelwork Template Selection ................................................................................................... 36
4.6.10 Modify Connections ................................................................................................................... 37
4.7 Finishing the Support Creation ..................................................................................................... 38
4.8 Health Check Utility ........................................................................................................................ 39
4.8.1 Errors ......................................................................................................................................... 39
4.8.2 Warnings.................................................................................................................................... 40
Exercise 3 – Multi Discipline Framework Supports..................................................................41
5 Modifying, Deleting and Locking Supports........................................................................43
5.1 Modifying a support........................................................................................................................ 43
5.1.1 Methods of selecting the support to be modified....................................................................... 43
5.2 Support Modification- A Worked Example ................................................................................... 43
5.3 Deleting a Support .......................................................................................................................... 45
5.3.1 Methods of selecting the support to be deleted......................................................................... 45
5.4 Locking and Unlocking a Support ................................................................................................ 45
5.4.1 Methods of selecting the support to be Locked/Unlocked......................................................... 45
Exercise 4 – Modifying a Support..............................................................................................46
6 Bracing..................................................................................................................................47
6.1 Creating Bracing ............................................................................................................................. 47
6.2 Selecting the Bracing Standard .................................................................................................... 48
6.3 Steelwork Size Selection (Material code) ..................................................................................... 48
6.4 Selecting the Bracing Style ........................................................................................................... 49
6.5 Create and/or Modify a Bracing..................................................................................................... 49
6.6 Bracing Dimensions ....................................................................................................................... 49
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6.7 Bracing Creation ............................................................................................................................. 50

6.8 Bracing............................................................................................................................................. 50
6.9 Displaying Bracing Types .............................................................................................................. 51
6.10 Displaying/Hiding the ‘on screen’ Dimensions........................................................................ 52
6.11 Selecting an Existing Bracing.................................................................................................... 52
6.12 Deleting an Existing Bracing ..................................................................................................... 53
6.13 Modifying an Existing Bracing................................................................................................... 53
Exercise 5 – Bracing...................................................................................................................54
7 Cable Rack Support .............................................................................................................55
7.1 Creation of a Cable Rack Support................................................................................................. 55
7.2 Initial Creation ................................................................................................................................. 55
Exercise 6 – Cable Tray Supports .............................................................................................57
8 HVAC Support ......................................................................................................................59
8.1 HVAC Support ................................................................................................................................. 59
8.2 Creation of a HVAC Framework Support – A Worked Example................................................. 59
Exercise 7 – HVAC Framework Support ...................................................................................62
9 Creation of a Stand Alone Support .....................................................................................63
9.1 Creation of a Stand Alone Ancillary Support............................................................................... 63
9.2 Creating an Ancillary Support – A Worked Example .................................................................. 64
9.3 Adding a Guide to an Ancillary. .................................................................................................... 66
Exercise 8 - Creating Stand Alone Supports and a Guide .......................................................68
10 Trunnion Support..............................................................................................................69
10.1 Creation of a Trunnion Support................................................................................................. 69
10.2 Creating a Trunnion on a Pipe Component or on a Piece of Pipe – A Worked Example .... 69
10.3 Setting the Trunnion Height....................................................................................................... 71
10.4 Setting the Trunnion Material .................................................................................................... 72
10.5 Adding a Reinforce Pad to the Trunnion .................................................................................. 73
10.6 Create Base Component ............................................................................................................ 75
10.7 Trunnion on a piece of pipe ....................................................................................................... 77
Exercise 9 – Trunnions ..............................................................................................................79
11 Hanger Support.................................................................................................................81
11.1 Creating a Hanger ....................................................................................................................... 81
11.2 Creating a Fixed Hanger – A Worked Example ........................................................................ 83
11.3 Creating a Variable Hanger – A Worked Example ................................................................... 85
Exercise 10 – Hangers................................................................................................................88
12 Special Supports...............................................................................................................89
12.1 When is a support a special?..................................................................................................... 89
12.2 Creating a Special ....................................................................................................................... 89
12.2.1 Support Ancillary only................................................................................................................ 89
12.2.2 Project Special Support ............................................................................................................. 90
12.2.3 Creating a Special from Existing Supports ................................................................................ 90
12.3 Special – Multi Discipline Support – A Worked Example ....................................................... 91
12.3.1 Creation of a Special Support using ‘Copy Project Special’ button........................................... 93
12.3.2 Creation of Special members from ‘Copy Section’ button......................................................... 95
12.4 Creation of HVAC Support from ‘Copy Project Special’ button............................................. 96
12.5 Special Creation - From Existing Supports .............................................................................. 99
Exercise 11 – Special Supports ...............................................................................................101
13 Convert to Special ..........................................................................................................103
Exercise 12 – Convert to Special.............................................................................................107
14 Preliminary Supports......................................................................................................109
14.1 Creating Preliminary Supports ................................................................................................ 109

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14.2 Creating Preliminary Supports – A Worked Example ........................................................... 110

Exercise 13 – Preliminary Supports ........................................................................................117
15 Supports Browser...........................................................................................................119
16 Copy Support ..................................................................................................................121
16.1 Copying a Support .................................................................................................................... 121
16.2 Copy Support – A Worked Example........................................................................................ 122
Exercise 14 – Copy Support ....................................................................................................125
17 Support Wizard ...............................................................................................................127
Exercise 15 – Support Wizard..................................................................................................129
18 Health Check Utility (HCU) .............................................................................................131
18.1 Running the Health Check Utility ............................................................................................ 132
18.2 Support List Tab........................................................................................................................ 133
18.3 Error Messages and Warning Messages Tabs....................................................................... 134
Exercise 16 - Health Check Report..........................................................................................135
19 Miscellaneous Utilities....................................................................................................137
19.1 Aligning the Support................................................................................................................. 137
19.2 Align Support- A Worked Example.......................................................................................... 137
19.3 Add Support/s............................................................................................................................ 140
19.4 Drawlist ...................................................................................................................................... 140
19.5 Additional Tools ........................................................................................................................ 140
19.5.1 Drawing.................................................................................................................................... 141
19.5.2 Material .................................................................................................................................... 143
19.5.3 Reference Bed/Anchor Plate ................................................................................................... 143
19.5.4 Snipe........................................................................................................................................ 144
19.5.5 Spooling................................................................................................................................... 146
19.5.6 Support Data............................................................................................................................ 146
19.5.7 Trimmer ................................................................................................................................... 147
19.5.8 View Standard ......................................................................................................................... 147
19.6 Display Dimensions .................................................................................................................. 147
Exercise 17 – Miscellaneous Utilities Snipe ...........................................................................148
20 Supports Drawing Production .......................................................................................149
20.1 Supports Drawing Production Introduction ........................................................................... 149
20.2 Entering Draw ............................................................................................................................ 149
20.3 Area Based Automatic Drawing Production (AB ADP) ......................................................... 150
20.4 Checking AB ADP Defaults ...................................................................................................... 150
20.5 Creating a Support Drawing..................................................................................................... 152
Exercise 18 - Drawing Production ...........................................................................................157
Appendix A - Supports Default Settings .................................................................................159
Appendix B - Support Editor Form..........................................................................................167
Appendix C - Supports Manuals and Help..............................................................................175

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AVEVA Everything3D™ (2.1)
Supports TM-1818

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1 Introduction

The Supports module of the AVEVA Everything3D™ (AVEVA E3D™) application is used to create, modify
and delete the various types of support required during the design stages of a project. Supports are based on
engineering standards that are configured to the projects requirements.

The workflow using in this module does NOT require write access to the Piping, Cable Tray, HVAC or main
Steelwork elements.

1.1 Aim

Give a good basic understanding of how Supports in AVEVA E3D can help with plant design.

1.2 Objectives

 Understand how AVEVA E3D recognises what a support consists of and how the design elements
are named.

 Explain the basic concepts of AVEVA E3D Supports

 Understand how to create a series of Supports in AVEVA E3D.

 Understand how to produce a Supports Drawing

1.3 Prerequisites

It is expected that trainees will have completed the TM–1801 AVEVA Everything3D™ (2.1) Foundations
training course. Trainees who can demonstrate a suitable understanding of other AVEVA E3D applications
and modelling techniques may also be permitted to undertake the training.

1.4 Course Structure

Training will consist of oral and visual presentations, demonstrations and set exercises. Each workstation will
have a training project, populated with model objects. This will be used by the trainees to practice their
methods, and complete the set exercises.

1.5 Using this guide

Certain text styles are used to indicate special situations throughout this document.

Button clicks are indicated by bold turquoise text.

Information the user has to enter will be bold red text.

Additional information notes and references to other documentation will be indicated in the styles below.

 Additional information

 Refer to other documentation

System prompts will be bold, italic and in inverted commas i.e. 'Choose function'.

Example files or inputs will be in the courier new font.

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This chapter explains how to enter AVEVA E3D and start the Supports module.

2.1 Supports Application Pre-requisites

The Supports application will be entered as long as the pre requisites below are met.

 At least one of the Application Data Worlds for frame templates, BS, DIN or AISC must exist in the current

When there is no Application Data World, the following error message will be displayed.

 The Supports catalogue MDS/CATA must exists in the current MDB otherwise the following error
message will be displayed.

 Supports UDAs, MASTER/MDSDICT, must be included in the MDB.

At least one support zone with the purpose set to SUPP Supports should exist to be able to enter the
Supports application

 Please refer to TM-1865 AVEVA Everything3D Supports Administration training guide for more

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2.2 Starting AVEVA E3D

Login to AVEVA E3D using the details provided by the Trainer. They will typically be as shown below:

Project: Training(TRA)


Password: A


Click the Model button.

2.3 Setting up the Training Course

From the TOOLS tab, click the Setup button located in the Training group to display the Training Setup

Navigate to the Supports tab, check the Setup Training Course checkbox.

Click OK

Click the Apply button and Close the Training Setup form.

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Start the Supports application by selecting SUPPORTS from the drop

down menu

When there is no support zone, the following error messages will be


To be able to enter the Supports application, at least one support zone with the purpose set to SUPP
Supports must exit.

2.4 Creating a Support Zone

In the Model Explorer navigate to:


From the GENERAL tab, on the

Create Group, select Zone.

Create a new zone called ZONE-SUPPORTS-


Set the Purpose of the zone to SUPP Supports.

Selecting the SUPPORTS function from the Module drop down menu will now open the SUPPORTS toolbar.

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Exercise 1 – Loading AVEVA E3D SUPPORTS

Perform the following tasks.

1. Using the above example enter AVEVA E3D and select the SUPPORTS toolbar.

2. Create two support creation zones ZONE-SUPPORTS-AREA01 and ZONE-SUPPORTS-AREA03.

The zones should be created under the SITE SITE-SUPPORTS-AREA01 and SITE SITE-
SUPPORTS-AREA03 respectively.

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3 Support Defaults within AVEVA E3D

Before the user can start building supports, a series of defaults must be entered. Some of these defaults
can be set by the user through the Supports Application Defaults form, others are set at an Administration

3.1 Supports Application Defaults

Supports Application Defaults can be displayed by selecting the Defaults option

on the drop-down menu of the Defaults button located in the Settings group on the

Any changes made by the user are temporary and apply only to the current session.
To make the changes to the defaults permanent, the applicable administration
windows must be modified.

 A full description of all the Supports Application Defaults form functions can be found in Appendix
A of this guide.

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3.2 Selecting a Support Creation Zone

Before starting to create any support, a support creation zone needs to be selected.

From the Support Creation Zone and Templates section of the Supports Application Defaults form,
click the Select… button.


Click the OK button.

All Support created from now on will be

created in the zone ZONE-SUPPORT-

The support creation zone can also be set from the Area
section in the Storage group of the SUPPORTS tab.

Clicking on the small arrow will open a drop-down menu

containing all support zones with the purpose set to the

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Exercise 2 – Support Defaults

Perform the following task:

1. Using the Supports Applications Defaults form, change the Pipe Clearance to 50mm.

 This pipe clearance will be used in the next chapter.

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4 Multi Discipline Framework Support

This chapter explains how to create a Multi Discipline Framework Support to include PIPES, HVAC and

4.1 Framework Support Hierarchy

The hierarchy for a framework type support (image right) is

shown in the diagram below, the red boxed elements are the
Design Databases in the support hierarchy, the green boxes
are the structural templates and elements of the hierarchy and
the blue boxes are the support components and ancillaries.

In principle, each framework support (SUPPO) owns a

structure (STRU) and at least one component (SUPC) which
in turn owns an ancillary (ANCI).

4.2 Supports Auto-naming

The Supports AutoNaming facility is a project wide facility enabling multiple users to create supports in
sequential order. The default file DES-SUPP-NAMES is selected by default on entry to the application. The
user may select different default files to use.

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 The Supports module does not allow the use of a full stop within the name. This is because subsequent
members are named by Supports as <Support Name>. Integer.

To modify or query the default file being used select Autoname from the Settings
group on the SUPPORTS tab to display the Supports AutoNaming File form.

The user can select a new default file if required or reset the index being used.

The format of the name in created by the use of:

Prefix: The prefix to be used in the support

name eg.PS.

Index: The sequential index.

Suffix: The suffix to be used in the support


Index Width: The width of the index value, this

will add preceding zero’s (00000) if
the generated number width is less
than the index width.

Min Index: The minimum index number that

the naming file will use.

Max Index: The maximum index number that

the naming file will use.

The prefix and suffix may be a text string or PML

expression enabling the use of attributes etc to be
used in the support name.

 The configuration of Supports AutoNaming is covered in the TM-1865 AVEVA Everything3D 2.1
Supports Administration training guide.

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4.3 View setup for Framework Creation

The training example uses the Multi Discipline Support Standard XFT09. The Training Project provided
contains a group to assist in the setting up of the 3D View.

As the following image, add the GPSET Area02-Supports to the 3D view.

From the Model Explorer, navigate to

AREA02_WS_AXIS_WS.3 and click Create button
from the Clip group on the VIEW tab.

This creates a clipping box around the selected

framework and enables the Clip and Modify toggles.

To adjust the dimensions, double click on the clip box

in the 3D view to activate grips and axis.

As shown, pull the grip arrow in the E direction to

extend the Xlength.

Enter value 2000mm in the canvas and press


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Pull the grip arrow in the W direction.

Enter value 4000mm in the canvas and press


Disable the Modify toggle to remove the yellow box and see the
clipped area.

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4.4 Creating a Multi Discipline Framework Support – A Worked Example

Set the support creation zone to ZONE-SUPPORTS-AREA02-WORKSHOP as explained earlier.

Make sure that the Pipe Clearance is set to 50mm (according to exercise 2).

To create a Multi Discipline Framework Support, from the SUPPORTS tab, select the Framework icon,
located in the Create group to display the Frameworks gallery.

The gallery displays thumbnails of all the framework types available within the project and places them into
categories of Cable Tray Frameworks, HVAC Frameworks, Multi Discipline Frameworks and Guide
Frameworks. For the purpose of this training exercise the XFT09 Multi Discipline Framework will be selected.

The Prompt message on the top centre of the canvas

will prompt the user to Identify tube of datum pipe
or support.

Select the pipe 02100-B-40 close to where the framework

support is required.

This will display the Ancillary Selection form.

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4.5 Ancillary Selection

The Ancillary Selection form allows the user to select an individual ancillary from the selection available
in the project.

The Ancillary Selection form displays the available and unavailable ancillaries related to the selected
pipe’s specification. The selection may include Bore, Material, Insulation, Temperature and Elevation.

The specifications of the selected pipe Bore, Material, Insulation, Temperature and Elevation are
displayed at the bottom of the form.

To assist in selection the user can use the List by Type

drop down menu. Selecting each option will filter the list

The Ancillary Selection form also allows the user to filter

the elements via an input into the text field at the top of
the Standard or Description columns

In this case Pipe Shoe will return all

items with “Pipe Shoe” in the
descriptive text of the item.

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Select the XAT001 – Pipe shoe for N.B. 3/4” to 20” ancillary.

The simple sketch of the support in the Preview window helps to make the right selection.

A plot file of the selected support, showing the

location of all of the dimensions can also be
browsed by clicking the View Standard…

After the selection is made, click the OK button.

The support will be created and positioned

downstream of the previous piping component
to the position selected in the model and the
Support Editor form is displayed.

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4.6 Support Editor Form

The Support Editor form is used to set all the items on the

The buttons and options, which appear for each support type,
are dependent on its usage and orientation. Consequently not
all buttons and options appear on every Support Editor form
or can be used in every orientation. Any buttons that are not
required by the particular standard will be deactivated, i.e.
greyed out.

 A full description of all the Supports Editor form

functions can be found in Appendix B of this guide.

4.6.1 Naming the Support

The name field at the top of the Support Editor form is automatically populated with the next available
sequence name. For the purposes of this training exercise, rename the support to A-FT09-1 by typing this
into the Name field.

4.6.2 Positioning the Support

The support can be positioned by using the Position Through

button in the Common section of the Support Editor form

Click on the Position Through button as shown.

On the Positioning Control form, select Element and Snap.

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The Position Through control form is shown on the Support Editor form.

From this form, the positioning can be fine adjusted by

either Align With or by Move by Distance options.

Select the steelwork directly above where the support is

to be positioned.

Here the support is being positioned from the p-line of the neutral axis (NA) of the vertical support leg (V1)
and aligned with the GENSEC 1 of FRMWORK /AREA02_WS_AXIS_WS.3 of the supporting steelwork.
This can be modified by selecting the Change button and reselecting the position of the element to be

The Position Through can also be overridden by adding a distance into the Move by Distance field.

Select Close to close the Position Through Form

4.6.3 Adding other elements to the support

The framework can support more Pipes, HVAC and/or Cable Tray elements by adding them as required. This
is done by selecting the Support additional pipe, HVAC or cable tray button from the Common section of
the Support Editor form.

Any item added will be automatically aligned to the initially created ancillary (Datum).

To add a second pipe to the support, select the

Support additional pipe, HVAC or cable tray

A prompt message ‘Identify element you wish to

support’ is displayed.

Identify the pipe 02100-B-41.

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From the displayed Ancillary Selection form, select XAT003 – Clamp on pipe shoe for N.B.3/4” to 20 and
click the OK button.

The second ancillary will be created and named

(ANCI) A-FT09-1.2 under (SUPC) A-FT09-1/B2
owned by (SUPPO) A-FT09-1.

To add a Cable Tray to the support, select the

Support additional pipe, HVAC or cable tray
button again and this time identify the Cable Tray

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From the Ancillary Selection form, select XCA01 – Rack Rest, and click the OK button.

The Cable Tray support ancillary will be

represented by a temporary lollipop.

To add a HVAC ductwork to the framework, select

the Support additional pipe, HVAC or cable tray
button and identify the HVAC

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From the Ancillary Selection form, select HVAC-Rest and click the OK button.

The HVAC support ancillary will be represented

by a temporary lollipop.

 The HVAC and Rack (Cable Tray) supports are temporarily represented by the ‘lollipop’ symbol, because
the fixings to the support steelwork are regarded as supplied by the HVAC and/or the Cable Tray
contractor. When the support creation is completed the ‘lollipop’ symbol/s will disappear. These lollipop
symbols do not have any clash properties.

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4.6.4 Dimension Control

The support can be adjusted by using the Dimension

Control section of the Support Editor form.

At the top of the section are a number of tabs which are

related to the main support and its members. The first one
relates to the framework being created (XFT09).

Here aspects of the support frame can be adjusted by

entering specific dimensions into the text fields of each leg
height, leg position relative to the support ancillary and
distance between vertical legs.

4.6.5 Building the Framework

Build by Cursor and Build by Clearance are two methods of building a support framework and creating
the connection hierarchy. Build by Cursor

Select Build by Cursor from the Supports Editor form.

1. Select the steelwork section above and

perpendicular to the created framework. (As

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2. Identify the steelwork section running

parallel and to the north of the section
selected in section 1.

The framework connections will now be built and the

dimensions on the form will be calculated and their
values updated on the framework creation form. Build by Clearance

The Clearance option allows the user to identify a single element and the Supports module will calculate the
clearance required and build the framework.

Select Build by Clearance from the Supports Editor form

The prompt “Identify element to support from” will


Identify the angled steelwork above and parallel to the

created framework. (As shown)

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The Support module will now generate the

support connections and calculate the
dimensions of the support utilising the
identified element.

 The clearance values between the

vertical support GENSECs and the pipes
being supported are obtained from the
Pipe Clearance field in the Supports
Application Defaults form.

When building the framework by Cursor or Clearance,

some dimensions on the Dimension control section are
disabled and cannot be changed due to a connection
being made and the Modify Connection, Force
connection to P-line and Delete connections buttons
become active on the Support Editor form.

No physical joint is placed on the connection at this point.

This is done later through the modify connections form.

As there is no need to the write access to other databases,

ENDATUs are created under the support framework in the
hierarchy, Secondary nodes are no longer created underneath
the connecting steel.

The ENDATU element has a FIXING member.

The FIXING element contains key information about the

steelwork that the support framework is connecting to and
holds information about where the physical joint is positioned
and can hold a SPREF if a physical joint exists.

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4.6.6 Add the Cross Bar

If elements have been added to the support are on a different

level to the datum component, the Create Crossbar button
can be used to create extra steelwork.

Click the Create Crossbar button

In this case select the ‘lollipop’ on the HVAC and Cable Tray
and press the Esc key to finish.

As shown below, a crossbar is created to support additional

elements added to the framework A-FT09-1.

4.6.7 Modifying Ancillaries

The second and subsequent tabs on the form

allow the user to modify the ancillary and its
components, An additional tab is created for
every ancillary used on the created framework.

As with the framework tab, the modifiable

elements have editable fields adjacent to them.

In this example the ancillary XAT003 can be

modified by the user in 3 ways, The clamp
rotation, the shoe height and the shoe length can
be adjusted (only within the tolerances set within
the supports catalogue).

 Other ancillaries may have differing editable


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Select XAT003 tab as identified in the previous

image and set the Support Height to 75 and the
Angular Offset 30.

4.6.8 Adding a Packing Piece

A packing piece can be added to make up the difference in elevation from the bottom of the component to
the steelwork, if the selected component cannot be modified in height.

To create a packer; click the Create Packer button in the Create group on the Support
Editor form. The prompt ‘Identify the Support Ancillary (ANCI) to Add Packing
Piece to’ appears.

Select the clamped shoe (shown in

the view to the right).

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The packing piece will be built as


4.6.9 Steelwork Template Selection

The framework steel template can be modified from the Set Steelwork Template form.

This form is displayed by clicking the Set

Steelwork Template button in the Common
group on the Support Editor form.

For this exercise select the second option of

80x80x10 Angle, Internally Welded and click
the OK button.

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4.6.10 Modify Connections

To put a physical joint onto the connection, the connection needs to be modified. This button is disabled until
building by cursor or clearance has taken place and established the connection hierarchy.

After the framework has been positioned correctly click

the Modify Connection button in the Support Editor
form. The user will be presented with the Joint
Specification form where the required joints and settings
can be selected.

From the Joint List section, select Apply to All


From the Sub-Type drop-down menu, select Clamp


The list of available selected type will be displayed.

Select /E3D/Bent_Clamp_Plate_Joint

Click the Apply button.

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The connection also can be modified for each joint


From the Joint List section on the top of the form,

select Joint 2.


Click the Apply and Dismiss buttons.

Joint 2 is now shown with a different connection.

4.7 Finishing the Support Creation

After finishing the support design, click on the Apply button, this will run the Support Health Check Utility
automatically. If the Support Health Checker detects a problem with the Support the Support Health
Check Utility form will be displayed and the Support Editor form remains open. If there are no errors or
warning the form will not be displayed.

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4.8 Health Check Utility

The support Health Check Utility runs

automatically every time a support is completed
and checks for the following:

 Maximum steelwork sizes.

 Valid references to bedplates, guides, etc.

 Maximum packing distances.

 Whether all the pipes are supported on the


 Check the min/max dimensions of

ancillaries are not exceeded.

There are two levels of checks that are performed:

 Error

 Warnings

If any errors are detected the Support is considered to be incomplete and the Support Editor Form cannot
be closed. Therefore the user is forced to return to the Support Editor form to rectify the reported errors
before being allowed to exit the creation form.

Any warnings that compromise the Health check of the support should be rectified in order for the support
to be considered as complete. However the user has the option in this case to exit the support creation form
and return at a later date to modify the support.

4.8.1 Errors

• Checks to see if the maximum packing distance has been exceeded, as per the maximum packing
distance value on the Application Default form.

• Checks to see if any of the support attachments are NOT positioned along the length of the
associated cross bar.

• Checks to see if any of the dimensions values associated with the support ancillaries i.e. shoes, do
not exceed the values defined in the Catalogue.

• Checks to see if any reference used within the MDS application, i.e. Bedplate reference no longer

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4.8.2 Warnings

Maximum length of steelwork is not to be

exceeded. In the design template database
each GENSEC member has an allowable
maximum length, which should not be

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Exercise 3 – Multi Discipline Framework Supports

1. Create Support FT09 was shown previously in the worked example.

2. Add the Group Set Area02-Workshop to the screen and create the following standards using
pipe 02200-B-42, it will be necessary un-clip the view by clicking the Clip button from the Clip
group on the VIEW tab and removing some of the Workshop Cladding.

XFT03 – L Bracket XFT07 – Post XFT13 – Braced Bracket

 Ancillary type BT01 is used to create above Frameworks.

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5 Modifying, Deleting and Locking Supports

This chapter explains how to modify and delete supports, including selection mechanisms and the implications
of certain modifications.

5.1 Modifying a support

The created support may be modified the Support Editor form can be reopened
by clicking the Support button in Modify group from the SUPPORTS tab.

5.1.1 Methods of selecting the support to be modified

There are two methods of selecting the support to be modified:

• Make the support the Current Element and clicking on the Support button.

• Clicking on the Support button. The user will be prompted to ‘Pick support’ by graphical

These methods will display the same form that was used to create the support with all the appropriate
options. The principle of using this form is the same for Modifying as it was for Creating and the support.

Any changes made to the support via the modification form may be discarded by clicking the Cancel button
on the Support Editor form.

After clicking on the Cancel button, the user will get a

message to confirm if the modification should be

Clicking on Yes will cause the support to be

regenerated to its original configuration and any
modifications made to the model whilst modifying the
support will be reset and the Support Editor form will
be closed.

5.2 Support Modification- A Worked Example

From the Model Explorer, select the previously created framework, A-FT09-1.

Click the Support button in the Modify group of the SUPPORT Tab.

From the reopened Support Editor form, select Set

Steelwork Template button in the Common group.

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The Set Steelwork Template will be


Select a different Steel Size, 100 x 100 x 12

Angle, Internally Welded.

Changing the size of the required steelwork section will

regenerate the framework in the selected material size
utilising the dimensions shown on the form.

Click the Cancel button to bring back the previously

selected template.

 For the purposes of the training the support steel

should be 80 x 80 x 10 Angle.

On the Support Editor form, click the Cancel button.

A Confirm message displays to ask if the user wishes to cancel

the modification to the support.

Click the Yes button.

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5.3 Deleting a Support

To delete a support select Delete Support from the Delete group on the SUPPORTS

5.3.1 Methods of selecting the support to be deleted

There are two methods of selecting the support to be deleted similar to those in the modification process.

• Make the support the Current Element and clicking on the Delete Support button.

• Clicking on the Delete Support button. The user will be prompted to ‘Pick support or <ESC> to
finish’ by graphical selection.

This will display the Confirm message shown below. If the Yes button is clicked, the application will delete
all members of a support.

5.4 Locking and Unlocking a Support

Supports can be locked individually or from the support zone level to avoid any further modification,

To lock or unlock a support, select Lock or Unlock option from the Lock/Unlock drop down menu in the
Tools group on the SUPPORTS tab.

5.4.1 Methods of selecting the support to be Locked/Unlocked

To select a support or support zone to be locked or unlocked user have two options:

• Make a support or support zone as the Current Element before locking or unlocking.

• Clicking on the Lock or Unlock button will request the user to ’Pick support or <ESC> to finish’
from the 3D view.

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Exercise 4 – Modifying a Support

1. Using one of the examples described above edit a support created in the previous exercise.

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6 Bracing

This chapter explains how to create/modify/delete Support bracing elements on FRAMEWORK supports.

6.1 Creating Bracing

Creation of framework bracing is invoked from the Support Editor form.

Before proceeding with the bracing, ensure that the support frame and supporting steelwork are displayed
in the 3D view.

The first bracing element to be created will display the bracing name in green at the top of the form.

However the new bracing design, i.e. the ‘Type’ and ‘Dimensions’ etc, will only be completed by clicking
the Apply button.

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6.2 Selecting the Bracing Standard

There are two support bracing standard types available, XFB01(FB01) and XFB02(FB02), as displayed in
the standard plot files shown below:

6.3 Steelwork Size Selection (Material code)

Bracing steelwork sizes may be selected from the available list

displayed in the Size option gadget on the form.

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6.4 Selecting the Bracing Style

The bracing configuration required is selected by clicking one of the seven Style buttons displayed on the

These indicate the location and direction of the bracing required. From left to right, the Style buttons
represent the type of bracing required.

Outside Frame Inside Frame

In Front of Frame Behind Frame

Under Cantilever In Front of Cantilever

Behind Cantilever

6.5 Create and/or Modify a Bracing

After selecting the required bracing configuration from the bracing form gadgets ‘Type’, ‘Size’, ‘Style’ and
completing the appropriate Dimension gadgets ‘Dim L’ , ’Dim H’ etc…, a bracing element may be created
and/or modified by clicking the Apply Button.

When the form gadgets above have been correctly completed and the Apply button is clicked, the designer
will have to successfully satisfy the two prompts issued in the bottom left hand corner of the 3D view,

i.e. ‘Identify frame member to be braced’ and ‘Identify supporting member’

The bracing Gensec is created and/or modified accordingly.

6.6 Bracing Dimensions

Where supporting steelwork is in the same plane as the bracing, the variables are dimensions L & H and
the bracing angle.

By default the angle is locked, allowing L or H to be modified where entry for L modifies H and vice versa.

Alternatively L or H may be locked and the angle modified. In this instance a change in angle will impact on
the unlocked dimension (L or H).

Where supporting steelwork is normal to the plane of bracing, the dimension L is fixed with the bracing
aligning with the steelwork centreline (standard XFB01) or at a clearance from the web (standard XFB02).

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6.7 Bracing Creation

The following shows an Outside Frame Bracing on an FT09 Support Frame.

The steelwork is stored under a framework and it appears on

the isometric MTO.

6.8 Bracing

Displayed below is a typical isometric MTO output when a bracing GENSEC is created.

Item 10 shown in the MTO output above display the evaluation of the RTEXT values stored in the DETAIL
reference of the bracing,

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In the first part the bracing standard description ‘Frame Bracing.’ is shown, as defined in the Catalogue.

The second part the bracing standard property CODE is evaluated and shown from the DATASET reference
of the bracing. The property CODE is concatenated from five separate fields/values defined for the Bracing
GENSEC, e.g. XFB01-4-500-500-A-W45U, where:

 XFB01 represents the bracing support standard.

4 represents the bracing ‘Style’ type number.

 500 represents the value in mm of the ‘H’ dimension.

 500 represents the value in mm of the ‘L’ dimension.

A represents the bracing GENSEC ‘Size’ as a Material Code.

 W45U represents the bracing GENSEC orientation.

6.9 Displaying Bracing Types

The available Bracing Types can be displayed by selecting View

Standard as shown.

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6.10 Displaying/Hiding the ‘on screen’ Dimensions

To display or hide the ‘on screen’ dimensions for the current

bracing element show in the form, click the Show/hide
Dimensions button.

6.11 Selecting an Existing Bracing

When the Supports bracing form is shown if one or more bracing

GENSEC already exist, the data for the last bracing GENSEC
on the support will be displayed.

The CE and the Pick, buttons may be clicked to populate the

bracing form with the data of a valid bracing GENSEC on the
current support.

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6.12 Deleting an Existing Bracing

The current supports bracing GENSEC displayed in the

Bracing form may be deleted by clicking the Delete
Brace button.

When an existing bracing GENSEC is deleted, the

remaining bracing GENSECs, are re-numbered in
numerical order with the data of the last bracing displayed
on the form. If no bracing members are remaining the
default settings for a new bracing element will be

6.13 Modifying an Existing Bracing

Clicking the Mirror Brace button on the main Bracing

form allows the current bracing GENSEC to be

Clicking the Nudge Brace button displays the Modify

Bracing form show to the right.

A bracing GENSEC may be moved ‘By’ an incremental distance in any direction. Enter a value in the By
gadget and click the appropriate directional button to move the bracing GENSEC as required.

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Exercise 5 – Bracing

Perform the following task:

1. Using the Support Frame created earlier create an outside Brace.

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7 Cable Rack Support

This chapter explains how to create a Cable Rack Support. The procedure and the form for creating a
Framework are similar to those used when creating a Multi Discipline Support.

7.1 Creation of a Cable Rack Support

To create a Cable Tray Support, select the Framework icon, located within the Create group on the
SUPPORTS tab to display the Frameworks gallery.

The top section of the gallery contains thumbnails of all the Cable Tray Frameworks available within the

7.2 Initial Creation

Before proceeding with the creation of the support, ensure that all of the Cable Racks to be supported, and
any Steelwork and/or Panels the support is to be attached to, are shown in the 3D view.

There are two possible element types that can be handled using the Cable Support, these are:

• Tray elements which were defined as PIPE in the hierarchy.

• CTRAY elements owned by CWAY.

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If the PIPE method of Cable Tray is used the following must be allowed for:

 The PURPOSE attribute of the owning ZONE, which MUST be set to TRAY, and

 The Cable Tray Specification has a PURPOSE attribute, which MUST also be set to TRAY.

After selecting one of the standard Cable Tray frameworks from the gallery, the Prompt message on the
top centre of the screen will prompt the user to ‘Identify tray section of datum cable rack or support’.

Graphical selection of a cable tray straight to be supported, will display the Ancillary Selection form which
allows the user to select an individual ancillary from the selection available for the project. There are a few
simple ancillary supports available on Cable Tray supports. This is because in most cases the fixings to the
support steel framework are regarded as being supplied by the Cable Tray contractor.

After selecting an ancillary, the support is created and the ancillary is represented by a temporary ‘lollipop’
symbol. This ‘lollipop’ is only shown for ease of identification when creating or modifying a Cable Tray
support. When the support creation is completed the ‘lollipop’ symbol(s) will disappear.

The Support Editor form is also displayed which is similar to the one used for Multi Discipline Framework

The Cable Tray support may be modified in the same way as a Multi Discipline Support.

The Support Health Check Utility form will run automatically after clicking on the Apply button in the
Support Editor form.

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Exercise 6 – Cable Tray Supports

Perform the following task:

1. Create the Cable Tray support shown below use XCT01 – L Bracket Up. The support shown is at
the east end of Cable tray CTRAY-WORKSHOP which can be found in Zone ZONE-CTRAY-

Set the support creation zone to ZONE-SUPPORTS-AREA02-WORKSHOP from the Storage area.

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8 HVAC Support

This chapter explains how to create a HVAC Support. The procedure and the form for creating a HVAC
Framework Support is similar to that used when creating a Multi Discipline Support.

8.1 HVAC Support

To create a HVAC Framework Support, select the Framework icon, located in the Create group on the
SUPPORTS tab to display the Frameworks gallery

The second section of the gallery contains thumbnails of all the HVAC Frameworks available within the

8.2 Creation of a HVAC Framework Support – A Worked Example

Before proceeding with the creation of the support, ensure that all of the HVAC to be supported, and any
steelwork and/or panels the support is to be attached to, are shown in the 3D view.

Set the support creation zone to ZONE-SUPPORTS-AREA02-WORKSHOP from the Storage area.

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The example below shows, HVAC B02_LEVEL01_AC-SUPPLY located within SITE-HVAC-AREA02 and

Select XDT02 from HVAC frameworks section of the Frameworks gallery. The Prompt message on the top
centre of the screen will prompt the user to Identify HVAC section of datum HVAC or support.

Identify the straight length of HVAC to be supported from the 3D view. The Ancillary Selection form is
displayed allowing the user to select an individual ancillary from the selection available for the project.

There are NO ancillary supports available on HVAC supports. This is because the fixings to the support
steel framework are regarded as being supplied by the HVAC contractor.

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Select XRT02- HVAC Rest from the available ancillaries list and click on the OK button.

The support framework and a temporary ‘lollipop’ symbol is positioned on the selected HVAC straight in the
model and the Support Editor form opens which is similar to the one used for Multi Discipline Framework

 This ‘lollipop’ is only shown for ease of identification when creating or modifying a HVAC support. When
the support creation is completed the ‘lollipop’ symbol(s) will disappear.

Enter the name A-DT02-1 into the Name text box

Align the framework to the steelwork using the

Position Through button.

Select Build by Cursor from the Supports Editor


The first prompt message asks to identify element to

support vertical leg. Select the Beam above the

The second message asks to identify element to

support cross member. Select the Column.

As shown, the framework is built and the connections

on both sides are created.

The Support Health Check Utility will be run automatically after clicking on the Apply button in the Support
Editor form.

The HVAC support may be modified in the same way as Multi Discipline and Cable Tray Supports.

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Exercise 7 – HVAC Framework Support

1. Create the following support XDT02 HVAC duct support frame

2. Modify the above Support using the Support button in Modify group.

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9 Creation of a Stand Alone Support

This chapter explains how to create a Stand Alone Support. A Stand Alone Support is a support on one line
with no associated steelwork. For instance a U-bolt on a line positioned on a piece of main steelwork belonging
to a pipe rack.

 This section is the same for the creation of Anchors, Guide, Stops and Slip Units

9.1 Creation of a Stand Alone Ancillary Support

To create an Ancillary Support, click on the Ancillary button within the Create group located on the

The Stand Alone Supports gallery will be displayed as follows: Select Ancillary from the gallery.

A message on the top centre of the screen will prompt the user to Identify tube of datum pipe or support.

After selecting a pipe to be supported, the Ancillary Selection form is displayed containing a list of available
ancillaries matching the selected pipe specification and also a list of unavailable ones.

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For other types of Stand Alone Supports such as Anchor, Guide, Stop and Slip Unit, the same Ancillary
Selection form containing a list of available and unavailable components will be displayed.

After selecting a standard ancillary, click the OK button to display the Support Editor form.

9.2 Creating an Ancillary Support – A Worked Example

Before proceeding with the creation of the support, ensure that all of the design elements to be supported,
and any steelwork and/or panels the support is to be attached to, are shown in the 3D view.

Add Pipe 02200-B-42 and Structure Track2 to the 3D view.

These can be found in Zone ZONE-PIPING-AREA02-

Set the support creation zone to ZONE-SUPPORTS-

AREA02-WORKSHOP from the Storage area.

Select Ancillary from the Create group located on the SUPPORTS tab and select Ancillary from the
displayed gallery as shown before.

Indicate the pipe by the graphical selection. The Ancillary Selection form is displayed.

Select XAT001 – Pipe shoe for N.B. ¾” to 20” and click the OK button.

The ancillary is created on the selected pipe and the Support Editor form is displayed.

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It can be seen that most of the buttons are greyed out as they are not
appropriate for use on a Stand Alone Ancillary support.

The support can be renamed by entering the new support name in

the text box, or the user may use the Auto Naming functionality as
previously explained.

Enter the name A-AT001 into the Name text field.

Select Position Through in the Common section and indicate the

steelwork in the 3D view to align the support with it.

It can be seen in the above example the support does not reach the steelwork. Consequently the support
needs to be extended to meet the steel.

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Click on the Set Height to Steel/Bedplate button in the

Support Editor form as shown.

A prompt message displays to ‘Identify steelwork to

support shoe from’.

Indicate the Steelwork below in the 3D view.

The positioning and modification of the Ancillary

Support is the same as explained in the Multi Discipline
Supports section of this document.

9.3 Adding a Guide to an Ancillary.

In this example a guide will be added to the ancillary (shoe) created previously.

Click the Add Associated Ancillary button in the Support

Editor form to display the Ancillary Selection form.

From the List by Type drop down menu in the Ancillary

Selection form, choose the Guides option to filter the list
accordingly and display the available guides.

Select XGT06 – Guide for support shoe (Welded to support Beam) NPS 1-36.

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Click the OK button.

The guide will be added to the shoe as shown.

Other associated ancillaries can be added to the support in a similar way to the above.

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Exercise 8 - Creating Stand Alone Supports and a Guide

1. Using the above example create a guided support.

2. Create following standard supports.

XAT003 - Ancillary Support XAN02 - Anchor Support

XBT01 – U-Bolt XGT02 - Guide

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10 Trunnion Support

This chapter explains how to create a Trunnion Support.

10.1 Creation of a Trunnion Support

To create a Trunnion Support, click on the Trunnion button within the Create group located on the

Trunnions gallery will be displayed as follows.

After the user select one of the standard templates, a message on the top centre of the screen will prompt
the user to Identify tube of datum pipe or support.

After selecting the pipe to be supported, the trunnion will be created and the Support Editor form will be

10.2 Creating a Trunnion on a Pipe Component or on a Piece of Pipe – A Worked Example

Add Pipe 02200-B-42 located in ZONE-PIPING-

in SITE-CIVIL-AREA02 to the 3D view.

Before starting, set the support creation zone to

Storage area.

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Select Trunnion from the Create group located on the SUPPORTS tab as shown before, select XTT04 from
the displayed gallery.

Indicate the pipe by the graphical selection. The trunnion is created on the previous piping component of the
position selected in the model and the Support Editor form is displayed.

It can be seen that most of the buttons have been greyed out
as they are not appropriate for use on a Trunnion support.

The support can be renamed by entering the new support name in the Name text box, or the user may use
the Auto Naming functionality as previously explained.

Enter the name A-TT04-1 into the Name text box.

On the top of the form, there is a drop down menu containing all available
trunnion bores. If the user selects a different bore the trunnion will be rebuilt
with the new bore.

Members of the support are displayed in some tabs on the top of the form.

XRT01 is the tab for the TRANCI, the ancillary which connects the trunnion
to the pipe, for TT04 this is just a pipe rest which signifies that the trunnion is
welded to the pipe.

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XAC18A is the tab for the base plate. In this case there is
only one member of a base plate. The dimensions of the
plate can be changed through the dimension control
section on this tab. There could be more than one plate on
a trunnion.

10.3 Setting the Trunnion Height

It can be seen in the image from the previous step that the trunnion height needs to be extended to be
positioned on top of the slab.

Click the Set Trunnion Height by pick button in the

Support Editor form as shown.

A prompt message displays to ‘Identify element to set

trunnion to’.

The types of element that may be identified are:




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Indicate the slab below in the 3D view, the trunnion length

is calculated.

If the calculated length exceeds the minimum/maximum

length from the standard the length will be set to its
minimum/maximum length and an error is output.


If the user does not want to identify a design element as listed before the
Escape key can be pressed and the length value can be entered in the
dimension control area of the Support Editor form.

10.4 Setting the Trunnion Material

The trunnion material by default is set to the Parent

Material from the Pipe this can be modified using the Set
Trunnion Material button on the Support Editor form.

Click the Set Trunnion Material button as shown.

The Select Trunnion Material will display all available specifications material for tube. The parent pipe
material is indicated on the selection form as the default material.

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Select a Material and Click the OK button on the Select Trunnion Material form. The selected material will
be used for the trunnion.

10.5 Adding a Reinforce Pad to the Trunnion

A Reinforce Pad can be added to the trunnion from the

Select Head Component button on the Support Editor

Click the Select Head Component button as shown.

The Ancillary Selection form with all available Head Components will be displayed.

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Select XAT029B – Reinforcing Pad for elbow for C.S. pipe and click the OK button.

The reinforce pad is created and will be substituted

for the XRT01 tab on the top of dimension control
area of the Support Editor form as shown below.

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10.6 Create Base Component

Create Base Component Allows you to associate an additional ancillary with the base of the trunnion. For
example Guides, Stops and Slip Units.

Adding a Guide to the Trunnion

A guide can be added to the trunnion from the Create

Base Component button on the Support Editor form.

Click the Create Base Component button as shown.

The Ancillary Selection form with all available associated ancillaries will be displayed.

The List by Type drop down menu can help to filter the list and bring up the guide types.

Select XGT11 – Guide for Base Support NPS 2-36 and click the OK button.

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The guide will be added to the trunnion as shown.

It can be seen that a tab for the guide has been added to the
top of the dimension control section of the Support Editor

The guide orientation can be modified through the Rotate

Component button in the Common section of the Support
Editor form.

Click on the Rotate Component button.

A prompt message asks to ‘Identify ancillary to rotate’. Select the guide from the 3D view

The Rotate Ancillary window is displayed.

Enter 90 in the Angel text box and click the OK button to

rotate the guide.

As shown, the guide is rotated 90 degree around the


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10.7 Trunnion on a piece of pipe

The user can set whether the trunnion is positioned on the

pipe or on the previous component if the previous
component is an ELBO, TEE, BEND or REDU or a piece of
pipe by clicking on the toggle button shown on the right of
the form.

Once clicked, the icon will be changed and displays another


Component – Click to Support Pipe

Pipe – Click to Support Component

Click the button Component - Click to Support Pipe to

position the trunnion on the pipe. The trunnion with all
associated ancillaries is moved and positioned at the
clearance of 200mm from the elbow.

 The Distance Box will now be active.

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Select the Distance button on the Support Editor form as shown and enter a distance of 2000mm and press

The user may use other available options for positioning the support for example Position Through.

The Support Health Check Utility will be run automatically after clicking on the Apply button in the Support
Editor form.

The Trunnion support may be modified in the same way as other support types described before.

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Exercise 9 – Trunnions

1. Using the above example create trunnions under an elbow and pipe.

2. Create the following:

Try Changing the Trunnion Offset to 15mm and

the Length to 1200mm.

XTT15 –Dummy Extension For Horizontal Pipe

This support could be configured to be used on

Stainless Steel Pipework.

XTT06 – Base ELL and Pipe Support Variable

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11 Hanger Support

This chapter explains how to create hangers both fixed and variable.

11.1 Creating a Hanger

To create a Hanger Support, click on the Hanger button from the Create group located on the SUPPORTS

Hanger gallery with available standards will be displayed as follows.

When a selection is made, a message on the top centre of the screen will prompt the user to Identify tube
of datum pipe. The pipe to be supported should be identified by graphical selection.

The user is prompted to Identify steelwork member to connect hanger to.

After identifying the steelwork, the Template Hanger Creation form will be displayed as shown below.

The Template Hanger Creation form shows all Fixed and Variable Hangers configurations available to the
user for the selected piping and steelwork configuration.

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The user can view and browse a plot file of the selected standard support by selecting the View… button on
the Ancillary selection form (the left image below).

Clicking the View Config… button will show the selected configuration in a graphical view window (the right
image below).

After selecting an appropriate type from the available fixed or variable hangers, the hanger will be created and
the Support Editor form will be displayed.

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11.2 Creating a Fixed Hanger – A Worked Example

Add Pipe 50-B-9 and Steel framework /ROW_ES.D belonging

respectively to the 3D view.

Set the support creation zone to ZONE-SUPPORTS-AREA01

as explained before.

Click on the Hanger button from the Create group located on the SUPPORTS tab.

From the displayed Hanger gallery, select the Single to Beam type from Hangers to Steelwork section.

Identify the pipe and steelwork member above it. The Template Hanger Creation displays.

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From the Fixed Hanger list, select FH T1 M1 B5 – Fixed Hanger NPS 1/2 – 2 and click the OK button.

The hanger will be created and the Support Editor form displayed.

During hanger creation a check will be performed to

see that the hanger can be fitted in between the pipe
and steelwork member, if there is insufficient room a
message similar to the following will be displayed to
the user.

The buttons and options, which appear on the Support Editor

form, depend on the support usage and orientation, therefore
not all buttons and options appear on every support form.

Enter the name A-FH01 into the Name text box.

The hanger rod size can be modified through the Change

hanger rod Size button shown on the Support Editor form.

Clicking on the Change hanger rod Size button will display a

list of all available rod sizes which are controlled in the

Select 16.00mm.

Click the Apply button followed by the Dismiss button.

The Rod size will change and the support will be recreated.

Click Apply on the Support Editor form to finish the support

creation process and to run the Health Check.

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11.3 Creating a Variable Hanger – A Worked Example

The workflow to create a variable hanger is very similar to creating a fixed hanger

Add Branch 80-A-11/B1 and Structure PIPERACK

belonging to site SITE-PIPING-AREA01 and SITE-
STRUCTURAL-AREA01 respectively to the 3D view.

The support creation zone should be ZONE-

SUPPORTS-AREA01 as set before.

Click on the Hanger button in the Create group on the


From the displayed Hanger gallery, select the Single

to Beam type from Hangers to Steelwork section.

Identify the pipe under GENSEC 5 of FRMWORK

/ROW_P1.A and the steelwork member.

From the displayed Template Hanger Creation form, select the Variable Hangers tab to see all available
types of variable hangers.

Select Support VH T3 M3 B6 – Variable Hanger NPS 3 – 24 and click the OK button

The hanger is created and the Support Editor form will be displayed.

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Similar to the fixed hanger creation workflow, during

hanger creation a check is performed to see that the
hanger can be fitted in between the pipe and steelwork
member, if there is insufficient room an error message is

Enter the name A-VH01 into the Name text box.

The buttons and options, which appear on the Support

Editor form, depend on the support usage and orientation,
therefore not all buttons and options appear on every
support form.

The variable hanger rod size can be modified through the

Change hanger rod Size button.

Select 16.00mm rod size.

Click the Apply button followed by the Dismiss button.

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To change the spring type, click on the Select spring

for hanger button (shown below) on the Support
Editor form.

The CHOOSE VSPR form is displayed.


V1 and click the OK button.

Click Apply on the Support Editor form to finish

the support creation process and to run the Health

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Exercise 10 – Hangers

1. Using the above example create a Fixed Hanger, try different combinations and rod diameters.

2. Using the above example create a Variable hanger try changing the rod and spring size.

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12 Special Supports

This chapter explains how to create a Special support.

12.1 When is a support a special?

A Special support is one of the following:

 A support that does not conform to any available framework template shape.

 A support that uses a different steelwork size to those available via default creation.

12.2 Creating a Special

Select Special Support from the Create category located on the SUPPORTS tab.

A Special Support is a framework support that has a configuration of steelwork not available in any of the
standards available within the Supports module

The available options to create a special support are.

 Multi Discipline Support

 HVAC Support

 Racking Support

 From Existing Supports

A Special Support can be created in several ways:

12.2.1 Support Ancillary only

An ancillary only Special will be created if one of the following types are used initially.

 Multi Discipline Support

 HVAC Support

 Racking Support

The User is responsible for creating the supporting steelwork, this can be done using the Structures
application or by the use of a Project Special.

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12.2.2 Project Special Support

Project specials are pre-defined Support Templates stored in various application data worlds called

The piping project specials are contained in the PIPE zone of the application data world. The HVAC project
specials are contained in the HVAC zone of the application data world. The cable tray project specials are
contained in the Tray zone of the application data world.

When a Project Special is selected the Project Special Template is copied into
the existing special support.

This speeds up the process of creating a special support with a complicated

configuration and can be used repeatedly on a project.

12.2.3 Creating a Special from Existing Supports

Special Support > From Existing Support, creates a special

support from existing supports, you can select the supports to
be used.

Select From Existing Supports from the Special Support

Button of the Create group on the SUPPORT Tab

Existing Supports can be selected and combined into a new

Special Support.

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12.3 Special – Multi Discipline Support – A Worked Example

Add pipe 02200-B-42 belonging to ZONE-PIPING-AREA02-

WORKSHOP to the 3D view.

Set the support creation zone to ZONE-SUPPORTS-AREA02-

WORKSHOP from the Storage area

Click the Special Support button.

From the displayed drop-down menu, select the Type of Multi-Discipline


This option helps to create all the support ancillaries on the pipes to be
supported with this Special support.

A message on the top centre of the screen will prompt the user to Identify tube of datum pipe.

Select the tube between the Reducer and the Flange of the BRAN 02200-B-42/B2 by graphical selection.

The Ancillary Selection form is displayed.

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Select XAT03 – Clamp on pipe shoe for N.B. ¾” to 20” and click the OK button.

The selected ancillary is created and positioned downstream of the previous piping component to the position
selected and the Support Editor form is displayed.

As shown below, the STRU element containing the FRMW element

is created as a place holder ready for the creation of the steelwork.

It can be seen that most of the buttons on the Support Editor

form have been greyed out as they are not appropriate for use on
a Special support.

The support can be renamed by entering the new support name

in the Name text box, or the user may use the Auto Naming
functionality as previously explained.

Enter the name A-SPECIAL-1 into the Name text box.

Using the Distance option on the Support Editor form, position

the Ancillary in the distance of 5000 from the Reducer.

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12.3.1 Creation of a Special Support using ‘Copy Project Special’ button

Following options are available on the Special section of the

Additional tab of the Support Editor form to create the
steelwork members.

 Copy Project Special

 Include Section into Special

There are two options available on the Additional tab of the Support Editor form to create the steelwork
members from a Project Special Support Template, and they are controlled by the two buttons shown below.

Copy Section Copy Project Special.

Click the Copy Project Special button to invoke the form shown below.

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This form allows the user to copy a special template from the project special templates available for different
disciplines stored in separate ZONES in THE Application Data World typically

The Application Data Worlds and Zone names are mandatory in

SUPPORTS for example:





If the discipline ZONE exists, in this case /SUPPORT/FRAMES/SPECIALS/BS, the STRU elements in the
zone will be displayed as shown in the form earlier. Otherwise the user will be informed that the zone
SUPPORTS /SPECIALS/BS/PIPE does not exist and the ‘Copy Project Special’ operation is aborted. If the
zone exists but NO STRU elements exist in the zone, an empty list on the form will be displayed.

From the Select Project Special Template form, select

Wall Mounted Support 152x89 Channel.

Dismiss the Select Project Special Template Form.

The template members from under the project special

template are copied to the current SUPPORTS special

 The Framework can be rotated as required.

Users may now use the standard AVEVA E3D Structures module to add any new members required on the
support, modify and/or delete any of the existing structure members etc… to complete the design of the
Support required.

 Users who have write access to the database zones owned by the Application Data World typically
/SUPPORT/FRAMES/SPECIALS/BS, can create their own SUPPORTS Project Special structural
templates in the discipline specific zones for use by users of the SUPPORTS application in the AVEVA
E3D project.

The idea of the Supports project special templates is for users to create a special support with some steelwork
members very quickly and if necessary complete the design of the support in the standard AVEVA E3D
Structures module.

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12.3.2 Creation of Special members from ‘Copy Section’ button

The Copy Section button shown below allows users to copy any steelwork member from the current Supports
Special template, on all Special supports and not just those created via the Copy Project Special option.

Clicking the Copy Section button prompts the user to ‘Identify

section to copy’. On selection of a steelwork member of the
current Special support the user is advised that the ‘Identified
section has been copied & moved up 300mm and named

Select and Modify the existing Special created previously.

Click the Copy Section button.

Users may copy as many steelwork members as required,

and if necessary use the standard AVEVA E3D Structures
module to complete the design of the Special support.

Click Apply on the Support Editor form to finish the support creation process and to run the Health Check.

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12.4 Creation of HVAC Support from ‘Copy Project Special’ button

There are several predefined Project Special HVAC templates supplied at this release to complement the
existing standard SUPPORTS HVAC templates available.


3D view it can be found in the Site SITE-HVAC-

Click the Special Support button.

From the displayed drop-down menu, select the Create option of

HVAC Support.

The user is prompted to Identify HVAC section of datum HVAC.

Select the HVAC as shown.

From the Ancillary Selection form, Select

XRT02- HVAC Rest.

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A temporary lollipop is positioned on the HVAC and the

Support Editor form is displayed.

Enter A-HVAC-SPECIAL into the Name text field.

Click the Copy Project Special button in the Additional tab (shown in the image above).

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Clicking this button when an HVAC Special support is being created will invoke a form, shown below,
displaying the list of available HVAC project special supports. The generated list is dependent on whether the
HVAC Straight (STRT) component to be supported is insulated or not, and the setting at the UDA :MDSRange
of the STRU element at each of the HVAC project special templates:

Select Type 1 for S S Duct. 50×50×5 Angle, 102×51 RSC.

The HVAC template members from under the project

special template are copied to the current
SUPPORTS special structure.

Dismiss the Select Project Special Template Form

Click Apply on the Support Editor form to finish the

support creation process and to run the Health

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12.5 Special Creation - From Existing Supports

In the example below two framework supports A-XFT09 and A-XFT14 are combined together into a Special.

Create and display two Multi-discipline Supports as


From the Model Explorer, add the following items to the

3D view:

Pipes 02200-B-43 & 02200-B-44



Framework AREA02_WS_AXIS_WS.2


Set the support creation zone to ZONE-SUPPORTS-

AREA02-WORKSHOP from the Storage area

Click the Special Support button.

From the displayed drop-down menu, select the Create option of From
Existing Supports

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A new support with a new number is created and the

Support Editor form is displayed.

Enter the name A-SPECIAL-2 into the Name text box.

Select each framework support one by one and add

them to the list by Add Support or Add by Cursor. A
minimum of one support must be selected.

The Support List to Create a Special section of the

Support Editor form is populated with the added

By default, datum anci of the first support identified

(here A-FT09) is used as the datum anci of the special

This can be modified by selecting the support from the

list and clicking on the Use Selected Support as
Master button.

Once all the supports required are added, click the

Apply button.

A conformation message (shown on the right) is displayed

Click on the Yes button if there is no need to make any

changes in the list.

The support is now one Special and the existing names

(A-FT09 & A-FT14) have been removed from the

 BEWARE! Creating a Special Support From Existing Supports’ is a ONE off operation. Once the
procedure has been completed, it cannot be reversed from within the Supports module. Therefore if there
is any doubt about combining the existing Supports into a Special Support, click the No button to cancel
the process.

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Exercise 11 – Special Supports

Using the above example create the following Special Supports:

1. Project Special on a Pipe.

2. Project Special on HVAC.

3. From Existing Supports.

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13 Convert to Special

This option enables the user to convert a Standard support to a Special Support, it will then be possible to
modify supports steelwork like any other steelwork member.

The supports shown to the left has been created from a modified
Cantilever converted to a Special and a standard Hanger added.

Add Pipe Branch 02200-B-42/B2 and FRMW AREA02_WS_AXIS_WS.4

to the 3D view.

Set the support creation zone to ZONE-SUPPORTS-AREA02-

WORKSHOP as set before.

Create a standard Framework Support XFT14

Select XRT01 - Pipe Rest from the Ancillary Selection form.

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Position the support through the column and build using the
Build by Cursor option.

Rename it to A-FT14-2.

Finish the support by clicking the Apply button.

As the Angle GENSEC is being changed in size, the support must be converted a

Select Convert To Special in the Modify group on the SUPPORTS tab.

Click the Yes button.

The Support Editor form for the Special Support is now


Click the Apply button.

Click the Properties button from the Display group in the HOME tab.

The Properties form is displayed.

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Select the Support GENSEC and set following options in the

Specification part in the Properties form.

Type: Universal Beam

Classification 152x89UB16

Change the Beta angle to 180.

Move up the Support GENSEC 1100mm using the move command.

Create a Fixed Hanger–Single to Beam as described before.

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Select the template FH T3 M2 B6.

Identify the Special that was just created as a steelwork member

to connect hanger to.

Rename the Hanger Support to A-FH-2.

Click the Apply button.

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Exercise 12 – Convert to Special

1. Using the above example create a Hanger support from a special.

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14 Preliminary Supports

The Piping Designer can create Preliminary Supports in a support zone to which they have been given
access, the Support Designer can use these Preliminary Supports and convert them into Ancillary Supports.

The image to the right shows a typical Preliminary


An optional Soft Obstruction volume can be created

to allow for access.

14.1 Creating Preliminary Supports

To Create a Preliminary Support, click on the Preliminary button in the Create group on the SUPPORTS

The Preliminary gallery will be displayed as follows:

Preliminary Supports are created in exactly the same way as Stand Alone Supports.

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14.2 Creating Preliminary Supports – A Worked Example

Login to the Training Project as Piping Designer typically A.PIPER password A and MDB A-PIPING

From the Model Explorer add pipe 150-A-3 and Structure PIPERACK to the 3D view.

Create a new Support Zone ZONE-PRELIMINARY-

SUPPORTS and set the Purpose to SUPP Supports

 This Site and Zone are in the database

ASSOC/DESI-A which both the Piping and Support
Designer have read and Write Access

Select the SUPPORTS Application and set the Support

Storage area to the newly created Zone


Click on the Preliminary button in the Create group and from the displayed gallery, select Anchor.

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Identify the pipe after ELBO 3 as shown.

A Preliminary Anchor support is created and the

Support Editor form is also displayed.

Rename the preliminary support to A-ANCHOR.

Click the Position Through button to align the support with the

Select the GENSEC 3 of FRMWORK AXIS_P1.2, as shown.

Click on the Apply button.

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Change the Obstruction Graphic Settings to 50%.

Select Graphics from the Setting Group on the VIEW Tab, Select
the Representation Tab and 50% from the Obstruction
Pulldown and Apply and Cancel.

Follow the previous workflow and create a Preliminary Guide,

rename it to A-GUIDE and position it align with the GENSEC 3 of

Set the Obstruction Width and Height to 300mm

Click on the Apply button.

Save Work and exit E3D Project > Exit

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Login to the Training Project as Support Designer typically A.SUPPORTMAN password A and MDB A-

Alternatively the login User can be changed using the Training Setup, switch the user to A.SUPPORTMAN
from the Setup Tools tab on the Training Setup form, The Training Setup Form is available by Selecting
Setup from the Training group of the TOOLS Tab.

From the Model Explorer add Structure PIPERACK and pipe 150-A-3 to the 3D view.

Add the Preliminary Supports to the screen.

Select Pipe 150-A-3 using the Right Hand Mouse

Button and Select 3D View > Add Supports

Change the Obstruction Graphic Settings to 50%.

Select Graphics from the Setting Group on the

VIEW Tab, Select the Representation Tab and 50%
from the Obstruction Pulldown and Apply and

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In the Supports Application make sure that the support creation zone in the Storage Area is set to ZONE-

Pick A-ANCHOR in the 3D view, select the Anchor type from the Stand Alone Supports gallery.

Select XAN07 from the Ancillary Selection form and click OK.

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As shown, the preliminary support is converted to the

ancillary support.

The Support Editor form is also displayed to allow for


Click Apply button on the Support Editor form.

Select the previously created Preliminary Guide from the 3D view.

From the Stand Alone Supports list, select Anchor rather than Guide.

Select XAN07.

As shown, a message displays to inform the user about the

wrong Ancillary selection.

Click on No to cancel the process and Cancel the Ancillary

Selection form.

Select the Guide type from the Stand Alone Supports gallery.

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Select XGT02 from the available guides. Click OK.

The Preliminary Guide is converted to the Ancillary Guide.

The Support Editor form is also displayed to allow for


Click Apply button on the Support Editor form

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Exercise 13 – Preliminary Supports

1. Using the above example add some typical Preliminary Supports to the Design and convert them to
Ancillary supports.

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15 Supports Browser

This chapter explains the use of the Support Browser.

Click the Support Browser button in the Tools group on the SUPPORTS tab to open up the Support
Browser list.

Navigate through the tree.

It is possible to drag elements from the Support Browser and drop them into the 3D view.

Each node function as described below:

 All Supports

Lists all of the support zones along with the supports

 Supported Pipes

Lists all of the zones with supported pipes with the supports under each pipe

 Supported HVAC

Lists all of the zones with supported HVAC with the supports under each HVAC

 Supported TRAY

Lists all of the zones with supported TRAY with the supports under each TRAY

 Unsupported Elements

Lists groups of zones with unsupported Pipes/HVAC/CTRAY under their respective zones

 Orphaned Supports

In cases a pipe designer deletes a pipe that has associated supports, those supports that have no
connected pipe appears as orphaned supports in support browser.

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Right clicking on a node will display different menu options dependant on the node.

Right clicking on the support node opens up a menu

with options which enable the user to Modify, Delete
or Zoom To the selected support.

When right lick on Zones, Pipes, HVAC and TRAYS

the menu contains the Health Checker and Zoom To

 Note: There is no right click functionality for nodes under the Unsupported Elements node.

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16 Copy Support

This chapter explains how to copy a support.

 This functionality is not available for hangers or trunnions. The Support Application completes various
checks while creating the support which may be bypassed in the copy process. It is easier to create a
new support from scratch.

16.1 Copying a Support

To copy a support select Copy Support from the Tools group on the SUPPORTS tab.

The User is prompted to “Identify source support to copy or <ESC> to finish”. The prompt message is
not shown if the support to be copied is already selected.

Select the support to copy using a cursor pick in the 3D


The user will be presented with the Copy Support form

and also prompted to “Identify tube of pipe to add
DATUM ancillary of the support or <ESC> to finish:”

The Distance value defines the distance between the copied support and the previous piping component or
previous support.

Selecting the Align with selected framework check box,

align the copied support to the original support.

The copied support is offset by the value entered in the

Offset field.

If no value is entered in the Distance or Offset fields, a

message as shown on the left displays.

Click Yes to confirm or No to cancel it.

The Distance or Offset values can be modified between each copy.

Positive or negative values can be entered in the Distance or Offset fields to copy the support along or
against the pipe direction.

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After entering the Distance or Offset values, the pipe to associate with the copied support should be selected.
Continuing to click the pipe will cause to create additional supports.

Press ESC to finish copying support.

By default, the SUPPORTS application defines the support name for the copied support. The support name
can be modified through the Support Editor form.

16.2 Copy Support – A Worked Example

The following shows the procedure used to copy an existing support.

Add BRAN 02200-B-42/B1 and the support to be copied XFT03 created previously to the 3D view.

Click the Copy Support button in the Tools group as shown above.

Select the Support XFT03 from the 3D view.

The Copy Support form and a prompt message

are displayed

As shown, a red arrow showing the pipe direction

appears on the top of the pipe where the source
support is located.

Enter Distance 500mm.

Select the pipe between the REDUCER and the existing


As shown, a copy of the support is created in 500mm

distance from the previous piping component and
along with the pipe direction.

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Without changing the distance value, select the

pipe after the source support.

A copy is created along with the pipe and in 500mm

from its previous support.

Enter -500mm in the Distance field.

Select the pipe between the support and TEE.

The copied support is created against the red

arrow direction and in 500mm distance from the
pipe component.

Check the Align with selected framework checkbox.

The Distance option is changed to Offset.

Enter 500mm in the Offset text box.

Select the pipe as shown.

As the copied support is aligned with the source

support, the following message displays.

Click No to cancel it.

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Enter 1500mm in the offset text box and select

the pipe shown before.

A copy is created at a 1500mm offset from the

source support

 When copying a framework on multiple pipes with different slopes the SUPPORTS module does not alter
the elevations of any steelwork members. To adjust these and make sure the support is correct the
support must be modified to make any changes necessary.

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Exercise 14 – Copy Support

1. Using the above as an example copy some Supports

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17 Support Wizard

The Support Wizard is a utility supplied to assist the user to identify quickly, the Pipes, HVAC and Trays
that are in the vicinity of the working element, which may require supporting.

To use the Support Wizard select Support Wizard from the Tools group on the SUPPORTS tab.

The user will be presented with the form

shown to the left.


belonging to site SITE-STRUCTURAL-AREA02 to the
3D view.

Click the Choose Working Element button at the top

left of the form to allow the user to indicate a steelwork
section or a piece of tube as the working element. This
example uses a piece of steelwork.

Identify GENSEC 1 as shown below.

When the working element has been identified in

the graphical view, an outline of a box will be
displayed, as a graphical aid, depicting the ‘Reach’
value, e.g. 1000, which the Support wizard utility
will use.

The size of the box will adopt the length of the

identified element, with the height and width
approximately twice the reach value plus the
element size

The user can select if pipes, steelwork or

equipment are to be added to the view.

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Set the Add Type radio button to Pipes.

 Leaving the Add Type unset will

add all elements to the view.

Selecting Add Elements Within Reach button will cause the wizard to search within the reach box and
add all the elements found to the 3D view as shown below.

In the Reach text box the user can specify the

distance of the Support Wizard’s Reach.

Input 1000mm to the text gadget.

Click the Add Elements Within Reach button.

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Exercise 15 – Support Wizard

1. Use the Support Wizard to add some Pipes and Steelwork to the 3D view.

Try leaving the Add Type unset.

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18 Health Check Utility (HCU)

The Supports application creates supports across four disciplines: Structural, Piping, Electrical and HVAC,
and it is possible that one of the disciplines could inadvertently corrupt a support in some way. The Health
Check Utility checks for the existence of any problems.

Separate checks are performed for ancillaries, structural supports, hangers and trunnions. Ancillaries which
are part of structural supports (For example, pipe shoes) are checked as part of the structural supports,
using the ancillary checking method.

After the health check is carried out, the results can be displayed on the screen or exported to an excel file.

The checks that are carried out are listed below:

 Ancillaries

• The ancillary is still valid for the pipes

• Bore
• Material
• Insulation thickness
• Temperature
• Elevation

• The ancillary has valid

• Specification references (SPREF)
• Guide references
• Description values for standard supports
• Any other reference

• Check for unknown references

 Supports

• Check support type exists in available types

• Check DATUM exists
• Check specification references (SPREF)
• Ancillary check DATUM
• Check for support structure existence
• Structures have members
• Check frameworks have members
• Check for unnamed elements
• Check any other references
• Check for valid description values for standard supports
• Check for unknown references
• Check the joint offset distance between FIXING and ENDATU elements.

 Hangers

• Check ancillary exists

• Data consistency check on hanger
• Check component names are valid
• Check for valid SPREF of ancillary

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 Trunnions

• Data consistency check on trunnion

• Check for correct name of trunnion
• Check for correct trunnion configuration (correct straight pipe, elbow, reducer or tee
• is used)
• Check for correct main line specification

18.1 Running the Health Check Utility

The Support Health Check Utility will run automatically when clicking Apply on the Support Editor form to
finish the support creation procedure.

It also can be run by clicking on the Health Check button in the Tools group on the SUPPORTS tab.

After clicking on this button, the user is prompted to ‘Pick Support to be checked or <ESC> to finish’.

Supports can be selected from the 3D view or from the Model Explorer.

After finishing the selection and pressing the <ESC> key the Support Health Check Utility form is

The Support Health Check Utility window allows the user to select the elements to check and run a health

Add Supports Click to add supports below the currently selected element in the hierarchy to the
support list.

By Pick Click to add a support to the support list using a cursor pick in the 3D view.

You are prompted to Pick Support to be checked or <ESC> to finish :

Press ESC to finish adding supports to the support list.

Check The Check button will run the health check for all loaded supports into the list.

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The form comprises the following three tabs:

• Support List

• Errors Messages

• Warning Messages

18.2 Support List Tab

The Support List tab contains a grid with four


Support Name

Type: Support type

Result: Valid or invalid support


The grid entries may be grouped, sorted and filtered to suit the user’s requirements.

The grids in this tab has a right click pop-up menu which has the
following options.

Check Selected Support The user can check the selected supports only

Remove Items from list Remove selected support in the support list

Add to 3D View Add selected support to 3D View

Remove from 3D View Remove selected support from 3D View

Navigate in Explorer Navigate to the selected support in the Model Explorer

Show in 3D View Navigate to the selected support in the 3D View

Export to Excel This option opens the Save Drawlist As browser, enabling the grid contents
to be saved to a .xls file

Print Preview Preview the support list to be printed

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18.3 Error Messages and Warning Messages Tabs

Error and Warning Messages tabs provided four

headings and one detail messages section.

Support Name

Type : Error(Warning) Type

Ref. Name: Reference Element Name

Message: Title of Error(Warning) Message

The user can check detail information on the Detail

Messages at the bottom of the form.

If any errors are detected the Support is considered to be incomplete and the Support Editor Form cannot
be closed. Therefore the user is forced to return to the Support Editor form to rectify the reported errors
before being allowed to exit the creation form.

Any warnings or messages that compromise the health check of the support should be rectified in order for
the support to be considered as complete. However the user has the option in this case to exit the support
creation form and return at a later date to modify the support.

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Exercise 16 - Health Check Report

1. Using the above as an example, check the supports in the current model.

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19 Miscellaneous Utilities

There are several miscellaneous tools provide with Supports Application that have not been covered so far,
these are explained below.

19.1 Aligning the Support

The Align Support functionality enables the Support Designer to reposition the supports and realign them to
the Pipe, HVAC and Cable Trays which have been moved by a user who has write access to these databases.

Align Supports is located in the Tools group on the SUPPORTS tab

19.2 Align Support- A Worked Example

Login to the training project as A.PIPER.

From the Model Explorer, add BRAN 02200-B-42/B1 to 3D view.

Add attached supports to 3D view, by selecting the branch in the Model Explorer and using the Add Supports
option from the sub menu of the 3D View option.

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Select the whole branch, double click on the elbow to activate the Model Editor.

As shown, move the pipe 2000mm in Z direction of the Model Editor axis

Save Work, Exit and re-enter E3D as the user to A.SUPPORTMAN or use the Setup Tools tab on the
Training Setup form.

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The Supports should be repositioned back in line with the Pipe.

Select the pipe and click the Align Support button in the Tools group on the SUPPORTS tab.

The Align Supports forms will be displayed.

This form contains a list of supports available on the selected pipe and the result of the aligning.

As shown, all pipe supports are now aligned with the pipe except the Horizontal Trunnion A-TT15 which
needs to be regenerated on the new position.

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19.3 Add Support/s

Supports can be added to the 3D view using the following options:

 Drag the support or support zone from the Model Explorer and drop it into the 3D view.

 Drag the support or support zone from the Supports Browser and drop it into the 3D view.

 Right clicking on a support or support zone/site in the Model Explorer and using the Add Supports
option from the sub menu of the 3D View option to add supports or

 Right clicking on a branch, pipe, pipe zone/site in the Model Explorer and using the Add Supports
option from the sub menu of the 3D View option to add all linked supports to the selected item.

19.4 Drawlist

This option allows the user to add elements to the Support drawing. Each drawing will contain the support,
structural steel, pipes and any connected steel by default. This draw list may be used to add extra items of
interest to the drawing.

19.5 Additional Tools

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19.5.1 Drawing ADP Location

When a location plan is created on the Supports drawing, the origin of the datum ancillary is used to locate
the support to the nearest columns. This position may be modified to any point in the design database using
the Location Position form. Comment

Clicking on the Comment button will display the Modify Drawing Comment form. This enables the user to
add a general comment that will be added to the Supports ADP drawing.

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Supports TM-1818 Isometric Settings

Used to change the appearance of the Pipe Support on the Isometric. Drawing Notes

This enables the user to add notes to the Supports drawing. The user must first select the member of the
support they require to add a note to. The text is entered. By default it will use the origin of the selected
member to point the leader line to. The user may modify this origin position.

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19.5.2 Material

This enables the user to set the material of the ancillaries. By default the material is set when the user creates
the ancillary and would not be normally modified.

19.5.3 Reference Bed/Anchor Plate

This will enable the user to reference a bed plate or anchor plate.

This can be used to reference the support to various connection items. If the item being referenced is located
in a read only database, a one way connection is made.

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19.5.4 Snipe

This enables the user to trim the end of angles.

Add Support XFT03 to the 3D view.

To use Snipe select Snipe from the Additional Tools drop-down menu
located in the Tools group on the SUPPORTS tab.

Pick the member to be modified according to the prompt message.

The Snipes form, shown below, is displayed.

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Use the Select Sniped End and Select Angle Leg

radio buttons to select the leg for the snipe.

Click the Create button.

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19.5.5 Spooling

Steelwork can be spooled the for erection purposes. The spool number is depicted on the Support drawing
alongside the part number. I.e. 5(2) designates part number 5 belongs to spool 2.

19.5.6 Support Data

Used to add Pipe Stress Interface Data to the Ancillary.

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19.5.7 Trimmer

This sets a logical flag at the support structure element to record the
fact that a trimmer is required to be added to the main structural steel.
A report is provided that will list all supports requiring trimmer steel to
be added. If the support is connected to steelwork the user will not be
allowed to set the trimmer required flag.

19.5.8 View Standard

By clicking the View Standard button a standards plot file of the current support type is displayed, showing
the location of all of the dimensions etc.

19.6 Display Dimensions

Support dimensions can be displayed by clicking the Dimensions button in the

Display group.

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Exercise 17 – Miscellaneous Utilities Snipe

1. Using the above example add a Snipe to some Supports.

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20 Supports Drawing Production

This chapter explains how to create drawings of Supports automatically.

20.1 Supports Drawing Production Introduction

The Supports Drawing Production system uses the AVEVA Area Based Automatic Drawing Production
Application (ABA) to produce drawings. This technology uses pre-defined areas, a classification and a
template in order to produce a drawing. The template has associated tasks, which perform actions on the
drawings. These actions can be for instance dimensions, tagging etc.

AVEVA E3D Supports is supplied with an overlay application for ABA to produce drawings of Supports.

20.2 Entering Draw

In order to access the Supports Drawing Production Application the user must enter Draw and select the
Automatic Drawing Production application from the Draw menu as shown below.

From the PROJECT tab select Modules > Draw.

The user will be prompted to “Leave Model and enter Draw”. Select Yes.

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20.3 Area Based Automatic Drawing Production (AB ADP)

SUPPORTS uses the AVEVA Area Based Automatic Production System. In Draw select the AREA tab to
access the Area Based Auto functions

20.4 Checking AB ADP Defaults

Before trying to create a Support drawing for the first time the Area Based Automatic Drawing Production
System (ABA) needs to be checked.

Select Defaults from the Area-Based Auto group on the

AREA tab.

If the ABA Defaults form does not have a green dot adjacent to Create Hierarchy, as shown below, the
settings will need correcting.

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Click the Defaults File button and locate the Training Defaults file using the Sub Directories and Files




Click the Apply button.

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If any of the items have a red CE, this means that the file does not exits and the Create Hierarchy button
should also show in red.

By clicking the red Create Hierarchy button this should create all the missing files and turn all CE’s green.

Select File > Save Defaults

20.5 Creating a Support Drawing

Create a Department by selecting Create from the

Department pull down menu located in the Explorers
group on the TOOLS tab.

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Click the OK button.

A window is displayed with the option to create the

Registry at the same time.

Alternatively create a Registry by selecting Create

from the Registry pull down menu located in the
Explorers group on the TOOLS tab.


Click the OK button.

 When a DEPT is created there is an option

to create a new registry at the same time.
The Registry Information form will need to
be cancelled.

Create a new Support drawing by selecting New Drawing from the Supports group on the AREA tab.

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The Create Supports Drawing form will be displayed.

Select All in MDB from the Load Supports drop down menu.

 If the CE & Below option has been selected the above will only have
the supports for the Current Element and below.

The user must select from the following:

Drawing Registry This lists all available drawing registries that the user may write to. This is where
the drawings will be created.

Frameworks This is a list of all framework supports found in the current MDB. The user can
select multiple supports or use the All Frames check box.

Hangers This is a list of all hanger supports found in the current MDB. The user can select
multiple supports or use the All Hangers check box.

Ancillaries This is a list of all ancillary supports found in the current MDB. The user can select
multiple supports or use the All Ancillaries check box.

Lighting Supports This is a list of all the lighting supports found in the current MDB. The user can
select multiple supports or use the All Light Supports check box.

Checking the Detail Sheets check box will also creating detailed drawings of each of the Framework
members below a Department called SUPPORTS-Details-Dept.

There are two Drawing Option radio buttons:

 Regenerate – will delete any existing drawings and create new versions.

 Update – does not delete the drawing, however all the tasks are re-run, based on the latest design
model changes. Therefore views or notes created by the user in a DRAW session do not get deleted
using this option.

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The Template pull down is a list of all ABA templates found in the current MDB.

Select the Template MDS-ABA-2-VIEWS-A2(METRIC) Drawing Registry REGI-SUPPORTS and

Frameworks A-FT09-1 click the Apply button to produce the drawings.

In order to browse the completed drawings click the Existing Drawings… button. The first drawing found
will be added the graphical display and a list of all the other drawings available for selection.

In order to maintain a better cosmetic layout to the MDS drawings some basic rules are adhered to by the
application. These are:

 All labels will be positioned along the top and right hand size of each view.

 All dimensions will be positioned along the bottom and left hand size of each view.

On processing the view direction if the application calculates it to be up, west and south it will change the
view direction to down (plan), east and north respectively. This will only be active on orthogonal view and
non-orthogonal view will not be modified.

Select Existing Drawings… and pick the drawing that

has just been created.

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Exercise 18 - Drawing Production

1. Using the above as an example create some Support Drawings.

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Appendix A - Supports Default Settings

Before the user can start building supports a series of defaults must be entered. Some of these defaults can
be set by the user for the session others are set at an Administration level. This section explains all settings,
what they are used for and if they can be set by a user or an admin.

Support Creation Zone and Templates:

The user may modify the following settings:

 Support Zone where all supports will be

 Frameworks Templates
 Special Templates
 Hangers Templates

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Application Tolerances

 Pipe Clearance This is the value used by the application when creating frameworks
using a clearance value.

 Max. Pipe Slope This is the value used when checking if a pipe is horizontal, this value
may be decreased but not increased above a 1/10 slope.



Max = 1/10

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 Steelwork Overlap This is the value used when overlapping steelwork when creating


 Maximum Packing When a pipe is placed on a support this value is used to check that the
Distance distance between the steelwork and the bottom of ancillary is not


 Maximum Packing When a pipe is placed on a support this value is used to check that the
Overlap negative distance between the steelwork and the bottom of ancillary is
not exceeded.


 Maximum Trunnion When creating trunnion types TT01 to TT03 this value is used to check
Length that the maximum length is not exceeded. Standards from TT04 and
above have their own setting for each standard.

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ID Settings
This can be used when identifying fixed tube
piping. This section can be modified at
administration level.

Ancillary Selection Settings

Select the check box to define that the Ancillary Selection window always displays when an ancillary
selection is required. Deselect the check box to allow the Supports application to auto select an ancillary
if only one ancillary is available for selection. The Ancillary Selection window does not display.

Default: When this button is selected the default file DES-SUPP-DEFS is loading
overriding any user modified values.

Flange Gap…: This is the setting used when a support framework position
is controlled using the flange gap functionality. This will only be active when
create by cursor is used. The ID1 setting are the settings used for the first
identified element and ID2 for the second.

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This section can be modified at administration

 Maximum pipe angle This is used to stop the addition of pipes to a framework that is not
within the angle specified from the axes of the datum pipe.






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 Special Number Prefix A special may be identified by a special number other than its name,
this value sets the prefix used.

 Special Number Unique A special may be identified by a special number other than its name,
this value determines if this number is unique throughout the project or
if it can be used again.

 Transport Prefix When producing a support drawing if the support name starts with this
value the drawing will have a note added as defined in Transport Text
to each view title.

 Alternate Repr Level When a support is being used, a special drawing level is used to make
graphical aids appear this value is used when re displaying the
elements to the drawlist.

 Transport Text This contains the text used in item Transport Prefix.


 Maximum Pivot Angle This value is used to check that the angle between the horizontal
hanger and a sloping pipe is not exceeded.

 User Warning Angle If this value is exceeded the maximum piviot angle, the user will be
given a warrning message.

 Minimum Rod Length The user may not set a rod length that is less than this value. This is
only for standard SP02. When using the FH and VH standards it will
use the value set in the manufacture’s catalogue.

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 Hanger Interface in Use This shows the available hanger interfaces.

 Licad- Lisega
 PSDesigner Pipe Supports Ltd
 Witch- Hanger: Carpenter & Paterson Ltd
 Standard MDS: Standard MDS hanger application Default

Steelwork Connection Details

 Automatic Pads Turns the Automatic creation of Deck Pads On or Off

 Joint Offset This is used as the value when checking joint eccentricity.

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Appendix B - Support Editor Form

The support may be modified using the various options available to the user. Any option Buttons that are not
required by the particular standard will be deactivated.

The buttons and options, which appear on each support type, are dependent on its usage and orientation.
Consequently not all buttons and options appear on every support form or can be used in every orientation

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Support Name / Rename Field: Indicates the name of the

support as created by the Autoname function. Support can
be renamed by inserting a unique name into the Name

Support Further Option Selections: Section automatically populates when the

selected support template contains further modifiable elements.

Main Support Tab: This tab indicates the chosen template and contains
functions to modify and position that support. The information on the tab
is unique to the support template selected and will display differing
modifiable elements with different templates.

Ancillary Tab: A unique tab is generated for each individual ancillary whether as a member of a created support
template or as a standalone ancillary. Each tab is populated with differing modifiable elements that are associated
to different ancillary type.(See examples below)

Ancillaries can be modified only within the tolerances set within the supports catalogue.

XAN07 XAT003 XGT22

Anchor U Bolt Clamp on Pipe Shoe Overstrap Guide

Set Height to Steel/Bedplate: This is a graphical method of defining the ‘Height’ value of the
support, but only within the maximum and minimum values described above.

Set Parameters to Default: This will set all modifiable parameters to their default.

Add Associated Ancillary: This will display the Ancillary Selection form with available
associated ancillaries.

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Reselect Ancillary Type: This button is used to change the selected ancillary.

Switch to 3D View: Opens a 3D view of the created support within the Support Editor form.
The view also allows the user to Zoom, Pan, Rotate by selecting one of these options
from the right click menu and hovering over the view and rotating the mouse scroll
By clicking one of the three direction icons the support can also be viewed in either the
front elevation (View along Centreline of pipe), side elevation (View perpendicular
to pipe) or in the plan view (Vertical to Pipe).

Vertical Leg Dimension Control: Using these fields allows the user
to modify the lengths of the vertical bars (V1 & V2).

Pipe Position Dimension Control: Allows the modification of the

distance between the V2 leg of the support and the centreline of the
datum pipe.

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Support Width Dimension Control: Allows the modification of the

width between the two vertical legs of the support template.

Build By Curser: Function expects the user to select two different supporting members to be
supported from.

On selection the user is prompted to Identify first element to

support from on the top centre of the canvas.

Upon identifying the first element the user is prompted to Identify the
second element to support from on top centre of the canvas. If both
selections are suitable the support is built.

Build By Clearance: This option allows the user to identify a single element to support
from. Upon the selection of the steelwork to be supported from, the function uses the
Pipe Clearance tolerance set in the Supports Application Defaults form and also
calculated the leg lengths from the underside of the ancillary to the supporting

Clearance – Click to use Distance: Gives the user instant feedback of the distance
between the centreline of the support and the closest P-point of the previous component
and the ability to modify this distance.

Distance – Click to use Clearance: Gives the user instant feedback of the distance
between the centreline of the support and the previous component and the ability to
modify this distance

Distance from Support – Click to use Distance from pipe element

Distance from pipe element – Click to use Distance from Support

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Create Bracing: Allows the creation of bracing either internal to or from the support to additional
structural steelwork.

Create Crossbar: Allows the creation of a crossbar to support pipes, HVAC and Cable
Containment. The user is prompted to identify the ancillary already supported by the support to
have an additional cross bar created.

The Common section of the Support Editor form contains functions most commonly used in the creation
and modification of supports.

Support additional pipe, HVAC or cable tray: Allows the user

to add additional pipes, HVAC ductwork and cable tray to a

Position Through: Positions the support to align with a specific

element within the 3D model.

Rotate: Allows the user to rotate the support 180° around the
axis perpendicular to the centreline of the supported pipe. (Only
available on selected framework support types such as XFT03)

Rotate Component: Allows the user to rotate an individual

component around the centreline of the pipe being supported by
entering a value into the Angle field on the Rotate Ancillary
form or by Aligning the component to another object in the 3D

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Set Steelwork Template: Allows the user to modify the

steelwork profile of the support being created / modified to an
alternative profile available within the project specification.

The two tabs to the base of the support editor form (Primary and Additional) contain all the additional
functions available to use in the creation or modification of supports. Not all functions are available for use
with all support types, where the function is unavailable the icon will be greyed out.

Create Weld: This displays the Framework Weld Selection form.

Create Packer: This enables the user to add packing pieces to ancillary supports that are
not sitting directly on steelwork.

Modify Datum Component: This enables the user to declare

another ancillary on the framework to be used as the datum. This
is only necessary when the datum ancillary is to be deleted from
the framework. When this is done the support may change in its
position, this is because the datum position has now changed and
the support will be regenerated using this datum.

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Modify Connection: The user will be presented with the Joint

Specification form where the required joints and settings can be

Force Connection to P-Line: In exceptional circumstances the P-

line selected by the application for use as the connected P-line may
be incorrect. If this is the case the user can identify the P-line
required with the cursor

Reconnect Hanger: This enables the user to reselect the

steelwork that the hanger is connected to. A check is made to see
if the new beam is suitable and if so the fitting is removed from the
existing beam and added to the new beam.

Crossbar Associations

Rotate All Components: This enables all components on the support to be rotated
by a specified angle.

Flip Component: This enables the user to flip Ancillaries through 180 degrees.

Mirror: This button will mirror the framework perpendicular to the datum component

Nudge Support Component: This enables the user to nudge either all or selected
ancillary components, independent of the supporting structure, a specified distance,
either Upstream or Downstream of the framework or through a given selected position.

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Flip Field Weld: When a field weld is required on one end of a framework, for example
an XFT07 post, the application selects the longest section from the centreline of the
pipe to the end of the section. In some cases this field weld is required at the other
end; in this case this button can be used to move the field weld.

View Associations: This will colour code the graphical display so that the user can
view the current associations to check that they have been defined correctly. When
the user first initialises this functionality the first cross bar and its associated Ancillaries
are coloured. The user selects another cross bar with the cursor and its associated
Ancillaries will be coloured. The user can press the Esc key to exit.

View Direction: Can be used to aid clarity during ADP Drawing Production.

Delete Component: This enables the user to identify an ancillary Component to

delete from the support. This will also rename the support components that are left in
the correct order.

Delete Packer: This will enable the user to delete a packer previously added to the
support framework.

Delete Connections: The framework connectivity, joints and connections, can be

removed using this option.

If a Connection is deleted, it must be reconnected using the Build by Cursor or

Clearance options before the new connection can be made.

Copy Component: This enables the user to copy an existing ancillary, if the same
pipe is selected when copying a component, the copied ancillary will be rotated by 90

Copy Like: This enables the user to identify a support of the same type and the
dimension used for the identified support will be copied to the new support.

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Appendix C - Supports Manuals and Help

The Supports manuals and Help are accessed by selecting the F1 key on your keyboard.

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