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English Project Term 2 Guidelines

Term 2: Project & Viva (10 Marks)
• Project
❖ The students will prepare a paper presentation (Project File)
based on chapter 8, ‘Silk Road.’
• Research-Based : The students will read various articles
and do a bit of research and find the answers for the following
➢ What is Silk Road? (1) No of pages
➢ History of Silk Road (1) No of pages
➢ Importance (1) No of pages
➢ Goods traded (1) No of pages
➢ Mode of travel (1) No of pages
➢ Facts about Silk Road (1) No of pages
• Chapter Based: The students will read the chapter
carefully again as it has been covered in the class, go through
the notes on the MOODLE and write about the following
(2 Pages)
✓ Towns
✓ Locals
✓ Dresses
✓ Climate
✓ Mansarovar & Mt. Kailash
✓ Religious beliefs
✓ Scenic Beauty
❖ The project file will include pictures as well
❖ The project file should have the following:
➢ Page Title - Title of the project
➢ Index pages (including the table of content and page numbers)
➢ Certificate
➢ Content must be limited to 500 words (Inclusive of pictures)
➢ List of references - bibliography should be arranged in
alphabetical order
Note: Write in your own handwriting

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