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This section of the report presents the findings of the gender Base Violence Survey. It is
divided into two significant sub-topics: general profiles of the study respondents, and
the main results of gender Based Violence (GBVs) survey that describes the main
findings of the report.


The survey has covered thirty (30) woredas in the ten (10) sub cities of Addis Ababa
City Administration. As shown in Table 2 below, quantitative data was collected from
4005 women and 900 men respondents in the age group of 14 - 65 years old living in
the sample thirty(30) districts. Almost equal percentage of the survey data was collected
from each sample woreda. Apart from the quantitative data, qualitative data were
collected using key informants interviews and focus group discussions. Consequently,
125 KIIs and 70 FGDs were conducted from each targeted districts.

Table 1: Sample Size by region and district

Data collection At Districts At sub City GBV Survival Total
Method Level level centre
1. HH Survey 4,905 4,905
2. KIIs 90 25 10 125
3. FGDs 60 10 70
4. Total 5,055 35 10 5,100

3.1.1 Demographic Characteristics Of Respondents

As shown in Table 3 below, out of the total household survey respondents, 82% were
female whereas the remaining 18% were male.

The marital status of respondents is the key demographic variable that implies the
gender roles, access to and control over benefits as well as the prevalence of GBV in
the household as well in the community. In this GBV survey, it was found that the
majority of male respondents were unmarried (55.3%), whereas a majority of female
respondents (45.6%) were married. Across the sub city and district, there was no
significant difference in the marital status of respondents.

Table 2: Marital Status of Respondents

Items Male respondents Female Respondents
Frequenc Percent Frequency Percent
Married 292 32.4 1826 45.6
Unmarrie 498 55.3 1613 40.3
Divorced 41 4.6 339 8.5
Widowed 69 7.7 227 5.7
Total 900 100.0 4005 100.0
Source: Survey data, September 2020

The educational background of the study population indicated that 14.5% and 3% of the
male and female study population respectively can read and write, while those who
have completed elementary education accounts for 11% male and 35% female
respondents of the total study population. The majority of male respondents (52%) and
the minority 6% of the female respondents are degree and above holders. About 70%
of female respondents are elementary and high school complete.

Table 3: Educational background of respondents

Educational Male respondents Female respondents
Frequency Percent Frequency Percent

Read & write 25 2.78 579 14.5

1-8 grade 97 10.78 1415 35.3
9-12grade 208 23.11 1371 34.2
Diploma 99 11.00 393 9.8
Degree & above 471 52.33 247 6.2
Total 900 100.00 4005 100.0
Source: Survey data, September 2020
3.1.2 Socioeconomic Characteristics of Respondents

The socio economic status of individuals have significant role in their exposure to GBV.
As a result the study population was asked to mention their employment status and
living arrangements. The result showed that the majority of the respondents (24%) are
doing their own business followed by 18% house wife. Whereas 15.3%, and 15% of
respondents are civil servants and job seekers respectively. The remaining respondents
are employees of private companies, university students, and high school students.

When one see the living arrangements of respondents 48% of female respondents are
living with their family, 36% are living with their partner and only 10% of these
respondents are living alone. The remaining 5.5% live with relatives and friends.

Table 4: Socioeconomic characteristics of respondents

Variables Response number Response percent

Job type
Civil Servant 622 15.3%
Private Company Employee 221 5.4%
Private Business 952 23.4%
House Wife 750 18.4%
University Student 120 2.9%
High School Student 444 10.9%
Elementary School student 353 8.7%
Job Seeker 607 14.9%
Living arrangement
Alone 383 9.6
With family 1918 47.9
With partner 1444 36.1
With female friend 37 .9
With relative 132 3.3
Other 90 2.2
Source: Own computation, 2013E.C

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