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PRACTICAL DIARY INDEX ana] a = | a INVERTEBRATES z Hydra 2 Liver Fake 3 Ascaris 4 Earthworm s Teech é Honeybee 7 Silkworw = Prawn 4 Pila 70 | __ Starfish VERTEERATES 3a. Roku 32| Frog 23 | Garden lzard 34[ Pigeon as | __ Rabbit MORPHOLOGY § ANATOMY. Ze | __ Mouth parts of cockroach 27 | __ Digestive systern of cockroach INDEX INDEX som = = a] = = PHysiowo “SLIDE PREPARATION ae | Heart ZA | __Human cheek epithelium Ta] Lungs 35 | ___Human lood smear 20 Kidney EMERYOLOGY 2a | Brain Bel TS of ovary 22 Eye Ea TS of testis 23] Ear Se [ TS of lastula HISTOLOGY GENETICS 2a| Striated ruse Ba] Study of Mendelian inheritance 25 | Smooth muscle 40| Pedigree analysis 26 Cardiac muscle EVOLUTION OSTEOLOGY 2 | __ Analogous & homologous organs 27 | __Types of jonts COMMON HUMAN DISEASES 28 | Ball & Socket, Hinge Jone 2 __ Ascaris 24 Gliding joint & Pivot joint 43 Entamoeba BIOCHEMICAL EXPERIMENTS: 44 Plasmodium Z| __ Starch digestion by Salt amefase 45 | __Ringwore SL Test for starch 3a |___Test for glucose? sugar tn urine 35 | Test For protein/ alburain FIRST YEAR PRACTICALS INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS COMMENTS: Hydra is a Fresh water solitary coelenterate The body is tubular and cylindrical and is divisible into basal disc, column and oval dise Mouth leads into a gastrovascular cavity + Mouth is surrounded by 6-8 tentacles with stinging cells for defense. + The body and tentacles are highly retractile. + Reproduideiol if asehdlly bq Iuidding and stale by the Formation of gametes 1. HYDRA Phylum Close enue Species Cnidaria Hydrozea Ayre vuloaris COMMENTS: + Fasciola isan endoparasite found in the bile duct of sheep, cows, pigs ete. and commonly called liver luke. The body is lea like about an inch in length + Mouth is at the tip and is surrounded by oral sucker: A lieele distance from the anterior sticker is the posterior sticker. A genital pore is found between the suckers. It is @ hermaphrodite, Life eyele involves several larval stages. PARASITIC ADAPTATIONS: Body is covered with cuticle Presence of oral sucker and lateral sucker (Acctabulum) Anaerobic respiration. Absence of digestive system 2. LIVER FLUKE Phylum Platyhelminthes Fasciola hepatica COMMENTS: + [eis an endoparasite of man, commonly called roundworm. The body is cylindrical and unsegmented. + Mouth is at the tip and is surrounded by lips Sexual dimorphism is distinct. Male is smaller than the female. Tail end of the male is curved while pointed in female. Male possesses a pair of penial setae. Genital aperture and, anus. are separate in females, while in male both open through a single opening. the cloaca, PARASITIC ADAPTATION: Presence of cuticular covering Suctorial pharyux for sucking jn fluid food. Absence of locomotory. circulatory systems and digestive glands. Anaerobic respiration. Power of reproduction is great. 3. ROUND WORM Phylum lose ous ‘Species Achelminthes Nematode Avcoris lumbricoides COMMENTS: + [eis a common earthworm found in moist soil where dead leaves and other organic materials are present. ‘The body is elongated, cylindrical and segmented. ‘The first segment is called peristornium bears mouth. Dorsally the peristomiumn possesses prostomium. Segments Id - lé fuse to form a swollen structure called elitcllum. It is used as egg case All segihchts bear setad excepe clitellank anc peristomium. + Earthworm is a hermaphrodite. ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE: + Earthworm aerates the soil while making burrows Earthworm increases the fertility of the soil by its worm casts 4. EARTHWORM Prylum Close Gans ‘Species Amelide Oligechacte Pheretina posthume COMMENTS: + Its commonly called Indian cattle leech. + Body is mecamerically segmented, dorsoventrally flattened and elongated. + Mouth has toothed jaws. Presence of two suckers- anterior and posterior. + The saliva contains an anticoagulant known as hirudin. + The intestine of leech can store large amount of blood. PARASITIC ADAPTATIONS: + Presence of suckers tor attachment. Presence of toothed cutting plates in the mouth Presence of an anticoagulant known as hirudin in the saliva to prevent blood coagulation while sucking + Well developed crop for storing blood. 5. LEECH Phylum Close Gens ‘Speciee Annelida Hirvdines grenulese COMMENTS: + They are colonial social insects showing division of labour. “Three kinds of individuals queen, drones and workers. Queen + Fertile. Large size. short wings and tapering abdomen. Wax glands and pollen collecting apparatus are absent: Drone + Fertile. Medium size with ill developed proboscis & sting, Wax gland and pollen collecting apparatus are absent: worker ‘Smallest individual of the colony, Wax glands and pollen collecting apparatus are Well developed. Stout hairy legs with special features such as pollen brush, pollen basket eec ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE: Honey bees are reared for obtaining honey and wax. Honey is a valuable food and medicine Wax is used for the making candles, moulds, polishes ete. Honey bees are very good pollinators 6. HONEYBEE Phylum Arthropoda Close Insecte Genus Ais Species COMMENTS: The adult insect is known as silkworm moth. The female moth lays eggs on mulberry leaves. Eggs hatch in 8 = 12 days emerging caterpillar called silkworm. te voraciously Feeds on waulberry leaves. Fully grown larva secretes sil which forms cocoon around itself. After that it enters pupa. After metamorphosis pupa becomes adule. The adults are shore lived (2 - > days) Adult + Body i divsble into head, thorax & abdownen + Females are Jarger-has ale + Rudimencary mouth and il developed proboscis caterpillar + ei has whitest or greenish hairless wrinkled body Body is divisible into head, thorax and abdomen. Head bears % pairs of oceli and chewing mouth parts Thorax is Formed of 3 segments, each with true legs. te has a pair of sik glands and a spinning organ. ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE: + Sitkworm is used for the production of cocoons. + Silk is used for the production of fabries, insulation cables, screen printing ete 7. SILKWORM Phykim Arthropoda lose Insecta Genus Bombyx Species COMMENTS: 8. PRAWN + Body is divisible into cephalothorax (13 segments) and Pinkin = Arthepede abdomen (6 segments). 7 oe Gloss - Crustacea “There are (9 pairs of appendages: 5 pairs of cephalic, 8 Gens - Penaeus pairs of thoracic and 6 pairs of abdominal Species = indicus “The abdominal legs are meant for swimming, hence called swimmeretes or pleopods. The last abdominal legs are called uropod. + In the male prawn, the endopodites of first abdominal legs are merdbrandis and hooked ad ford Wl stricture known as petasma by which the male deposits the sperms into the body of female. [n the female a cup like structure known as thelycuin is in the last thoracic segment. 1 receives the sperms during copulation. ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE: + It is used as Food. + It 8 exported in dried, canned and frozen forms. Prawn culture provides employment opportunities COMMENTS: 9. PILA Ie is commonly called apple snail Phylum Mellsea 11s an amphibious Fresh water raolluse Found in fields Class Gastropoda ponds ete Genve Pile 7 Species globose Body is covered by univaive spirally coiled shell. Mouth of the shell is covered by operculum Body is divisible into head, foot and visceral mass + It can live without water for a considerable time ADAPTATIONS: + Presence of gills For aquatic respiration and lungs (pulmonary sac) for terrestrial respiration. + Shows aestivation to escape from extreme hot: COMMENTS: 10. STARFISH It is @ marine animal. 7 7 Phylum - Echinodermata Body is star shaped with a central dise and five arms. Gest = Aataroide ‘The oral surface hears mouth and aboral surface bears Genus = Asterias anus. Presence of water vascular system. Locomotion takes place by tube feet: Shows a high power of regeneration. VERTEBRATE ANIMALS IDENTIFYING CHARACTERS: 1. ROHU TWiploblastic, coelomate, and bilaterally symmetrical aaa ade Presence of terminal mouth Cloee Osteichthyes Presence of eyeloid scales Genus Labeo Presence of post anal tai oa cae Dorsal nerve cord ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE: Used as foe, ADAPTATIONS: + Presence of fins for locomotion Presence of lateral line Sense organs. + Presence of operculum. IDENTIFYING CHARACTERS: + Triploblastic, coelomnate, bilaterally symmetric. Body i divided into head and trunk. Molet skin without ccales + Tympanuin is present just behind eye ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE: Used as Foo. Controt insect populatiok ADAPTATIONS: Acstivation at dry season. + Hybernation at winter season. Phylum Cloee Gene Chordata Amphibia Rena tigre IDENTIFYING CHARACTERS: + Dry skin with scales Presence of clawed, pentadactyle limbs. Triploblastic, coelomate, bilaterally symmetric. + -Tympanum represents the ear. ADAPTATIONS: Ability t0 change colour suitable to surroundings Teamouflage] ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE: It helps to control insects. 3. GARDEN LIZARD Phylum loce anu Species Chordata Reptilia IDENTIFYING CHARACTERS: + “Triploblastic, coelornate, bilaterally symmetrical Beaks are present. Streamlined body with Feathers. Forelimbs are wiodified into wings ADAPTATIONS: + Streamlined body, beak + Presence of feathers Forelibs meoditied ineo wings + Presence of pneumatic bones. ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE: + Used as food + Feaces is used as manure 4. PIGEON Phylum clase enue Species IDENTIFYING CHARACTERS: Triploblastic, coelomate, bilaterally symmetrical Long pinnae. Body is covered by white, soft hairs Upper lip is cleft in the middle and have sensitive hairs or vibrissa. ADAPTATIONS: Presence of sensitive hairs oF vibrissae Color of ur helps t0 blend in With ts Subroundings Presence of long and strong hind limbs for hop very quickly and very Far ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE: + Used as Food. + tt gives fur 5. RABBIT Phylum ose enue Species Chordata Mammalia Onyetologus eunicaue MORPHOLOGY & ANATOMY “The mouthparts of cockroach are biting and chewing type They include Labrum, Mandibles, wmaxillae, labium andl hypopharynx. + Labruma (upper lip): The mouth is covered by labrum. te helps in tasting and also handling the food. Mandibles: They are located on either side of mouth behind labrum. They are dentate along their inner margins and are masticatory in function. Maxillac: A paie of first mauillae is located belind mandibles on either side of the mouth. The Stipes has five segmented maxillary palp on its outer side. The maxillary palps are used for cleaning the antennae and also the front pair of legs Labiuem (lower lip} te iS forvned by the Fusion of second pair of maxilae Hypopharynx (ligula or tongue) It iS chitinous, grooved and a rod-like structure found hanging inco the preoral cavity. MOUTH PARTS OF COCKROACH DIGESTIVE SYSTEM OF COCKROACH lt has 3 regions: f) Fore gut it) Mid gut it) Hind gut. 1) Fore gut: le consists of following regions. 2. Mouth Buccal cavity esophagus Crop 5. Gizzard/ Proventriculus 1) Mid gut/ Mesenteron: + Short gnd marrow tube, + Anterior part has 7-8 blind tubes called hepatic eavea. lt seoretes digestive juices and site for absorption of digested food. Ii) Hind. gue: tc has chree regions. 2. tlewm. A. Colon. 3. Rectum. Associated glands: + Two salivary glands are present, one on each side of crop. + Each gland has two lobes andl a salivary receptacle. DIGESTIVE SYSTEM OF COCKROACH PHYSIOLOGY PARTS OF HEART AND THEIR FUNCTIONS: Right atrium: Receives oxygenated blood from body parts, 1. HEART Left atrium: Receives oxygenated blood from the lungs Right ventricle: Punips deoxygenated blood to the lungs Left ventricle: Pumps oxygenated blood to various body parts. ‘Superior vena cava: Collects deoxygenated blood from upper body parts to the right atrium. + Inferior vena cava: Collects deoxygenated blood from the lower body parts the right atrium Pulmonary artery: Carries deoxygenated blood from right ventricle to the lungs. Pulmonary vein: Carvies oxygenated blood From (ungs to left Aorta: Carries oxygenated blood from left ventricle to different body parts. ‘Semilunar valves: Prevent backflow of blood from arteries to ventricles. “Tricuspid valve: Prevent backflow of blood from right ventricle to right atrium. Bicuspid valve: Prevent backflow of blood from left ventricle to left atrium. PARTS OF LUNGS AND THEIR FUNCTIONS 2. LUNGS Lungs are the organs for gas exchange. Lungs situate in thoracie chamber and rest on diaphragen. Right lung has 3 lobes and left lung has 2 lobes Lungs are covered by double-layered pleura (outer parietal pleura and inner visceral pleura The pleural fluid present in between these 2 layers lubricates the surface of the lungs and prevents friction between the membranes Bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli together constitute lungs. Alveoli and their ducts form the respiratory or exchange part of the respiratory system. Alveoli are the structural and functional units of lungs PARTS OF KIDNEY AND THEIR FUNCTIONS 3. KIDNEY Renal cortex: Accommodates Malpighian corpuscles. Proximal convoluted tubules (PCT) and Distal convoluted tubules (DCT) Renal medulla: Carries Henle's loop and Collecting ducts Hilura: The opening through which blood vessels, nerves, lymphatic ducts and ureter enter the kidney. Renal artery: Supply oxygenated blood to the kidney. Renal vein: Collects deoxygenated blood from the kidney. Renal pelvis: Collect and conduct urine from Kidney to ureter. Ureter: Carries urine to urinary bladder. PARTS OF BRAIN AND THEIR FUNCTIONS Cerebrum: Controls voluntary movements, memory, intelligence, reasoning and learning. Perception of various stinnul: Thalamus: Coordinating centre (relay station) for sensory and motor impulses. Hypothalamus: Regulates temperature, thirst, hunger and emotions. Mid brain: Centre of visual reflexes and auditory reflexes. Cerebellum: Co-ordinates muscular activities and body equilibrivin Medulla oblongata: Controls respiration, digestion, heart beat, blood pressure, vowiting, sneezing, urination ete. Pons : Co-ordinates the activities of eye and ear and regulates respiration. ypomatamus | Psitry ‘land 4. BRAIN PARTS OF THE EYE AND THEIR FUNCTIONS Selera: Outer covering for protection of eye Cornea: Transparent region for passing of light rays Choroid: Provide nutrition, contains nerves, blood vessels ete tris: Regulates the amount of light rays into the eye ball Retina: Help in image formation with the help of cone cells and rod cells Lens: Refvadts the light rays from he bbject ahd focus on Retina Aqueous humour: Give shape to the eye. refracts the light rays, nutrition to lens and cornea. Vitreous humour: Give shape to the eye, refracts light rays, maintain pressure in the eye ball Optic nerve: Transmit visual impulses into the visual area of cerebrum. FUNCTIONS OF VARIOUS PART OF EAR Pinna: Collects sound waves and passes into ear canal (auditory canal ‘Auditory canal: Transinit sound waves into the ear drura. Ear drum (Tympanum) : Vibrates according to the intensity of sound waves and conducts to middle ear. Ear ossicles (maleus, incus, stapes): Transmit vibrations into the inner ear. Eustachian tube: Maintains he alr pressire i tympanic cavity Semi circular canals: Maintain the balance of the body. Vestibule (saccule & ventricle): Maintain the equilibria of the body. Cochlea: Helps in hearing. Auditory nerve: Transmit auditory inapulses into the brain. ‘Temporal bone "2 ‘Malleus \ External Exiog’ Dmpane ditoy emmbrane HISTOLOGY FEATURES OF STRIATED MUSCLE Muscle fibres are cylindrical and unbranched Striations are present Found attached to skeleton. Voluntary in action Multinucleate. Fatigue muscle. Abundant mitochondria and myoglobin. . STRIATED MUSCLE Striations: FEATURES OF NON-STRIATED MUSCLE 2. SMOOTH MUSCLE Spindle shaped and unbranched fibres. Striations are absent: Found in visceral organs such as stomach, intestine, blood vessels ete. Involuntary in action Uninucleate. Lesser amount of mitochondria and myoglobin. Non-Fatigue muscles. Nucleus FEATURES OF CARDIAC MUSCLE 3. CARDIAC MUSCLE Cylindrical branched fibres. Involuntary in action Found in heart wall only Uninucleate Abundant mitochondria and myoglobin. Striations are present Intercalated dises are present. Non-fatigue neuseles Junction between adjacent cells OSTEOLOGY + Joints are points of contact between 2 bones or bone and cartilage. + They are 3 types: 2. FIBROUS JOINTS: + They are inwnovable joints. + Joints are interlocked by collagen fibres. + Eg. Sutures of skull 2. CARTILAGINOUS JOINTS: + They are slightly movable joints + Joints are articulated with fibrous cartilage + Eg. Joints between vertebrae of backbone. 3. SYNOVIAL JOINTS: They are freely movable joints Synovial membrane is present between the joints. Inside the membrane, there is synovial cavity filled with synovial lui. Synovial joints are many types such as ball & socket joint, Hinge joint, Gliding joint, Pivot joint ete SKELETAL SYSTEM & JOINTS BALL AND SOCKET JOINT 1. BALL AND SOCKET JOINT + Movement is possible in different directions and planes. + One bone is like a ball whereas the other bone end is like a cup shaped socket: + Eg. Humerus with Shoulder girdle, Femur with Hip sirdle HINGE JOINT + tt allows movements in one plane only + One bone is deep convex whereas the other bone is deep concave allowing the movement only in one plane only. + Eg. Knee joint, Elbow joint Elbow joint GLIDING JOINT It allows movements in two directions, iv. side to side and back and forth. Ends of both the bones are either flat or slightly curved to allow gliding movements Eg. Joints between tarsals (Ankle joint), Joints between carpals (Wrist joint). PIVOT JOINT It allows rotational movements One bone is stationary whereas other bone can rotate over it Eg. Joint between skull and atlas vertebra. 3. GLIDING JOINT {ing Joint 4, PIVOT JOINT BIOCHEMICAL EXPERIMENTS DEMONSTRATION OF DIGESTION OF STARCH BY SALIVARY AMYLASE + Aime: To study the effect of temperature on the action of salivary amylase on starch Materials required: (%. starch solution, saliva, Lugol's iodine. phosphate buffer (pH 6.92), distilled water, cotton, water bath, cavity blocks, test tubes, pipettes, beaker. test tube stand, test tube holder ete Procedure: Wash your mouth with lukewarm water and then chew a piece of rubber and collect 2. val of saliva Filter it through the cotton kept in the test tube Add equal quantity of distilled water to the saliva Take four test tubes (A, B, € & D) and add 2 wl of saliva in each test tube using a pipette. Add 5 mal of 2% starch solution in each test tube and place them in a water bath which should be maintained at 37°C. Then place test tube A in ice for 20 minutes. Boil test tube 8 for 10 minutes. To the test tube C, add S wml of phosphate buffer Test tbe 8 t TestubeC Tease D t Taf of salva, Sinfof cet Taloteara Smif Westrch Baer ot pt Take four cavity blocks and label as A. B.C and D. Take 2 drops of Lugol's iodine in each cavity ‘Add a drop of solution From A to the cavity block A Similarly Solutions from the test tubes B, C and D to the cavity blocks B, C & D. Observation: In cavity blocks A — Blue colour is developed 8 - Blue colour is developed © - No colour D - No colour Inference: The presence of blue colour in test tubes A & B shows that no starch digestion has taken place in themn THis is because the Salivary amylase activity has become inactivated by cooling in the test tube A and denatured by heating in the test tube B. Colourless solutions in the test tubes C & D indicate the absence of starch. The optimum pH for salivary amylase is ©. In the test tube ‘C, starch is broken down into dextrins and maltose. So it becomes colourless. The optimum temperature for salivary amylase is 37°C. The test tube D provided optimum temperature and hence the solution becomes colouress. Observation Table Procedure (Iodine test) Observation Inference sample A Take 2 ml of given sample in a test tube. Add Dark blue colour appears. Presence of starch. Sample B a few drops of iodine solution. Mix well. No colour change No starch. 1. TEST FOR STARCH Aim: To detect the presence of starch in the given sample solution. Materials required: Saraple solutions, Test tubes, lodine solution. Procedure: lodine Test: Take 2 ml of given sample A and B in 2 test tubes and add few drops of iodine. Observation: Dark blue colour appears. The sample A contains starch Observation Table Procedure (Benedict's test) Observation Inference Sample a Take 2 wl of given saraple in 4 test tube and ‘add equal amount of Solution turns greenish to brick ved ppt Presence of glucose Sample B Benedict's reagent. Boil for 2 minutes. No colour change No glucose Procedure (Fehling’s test) Observation Inference Sample A Take equal amount of Fehling’s A & B solutions in a test tube and Solution turns orange to brick red ppt Presence of glucose Sample 8 add 2. ml of given solution. Heat to boil No colour change No glucose 2. TEST FOR GLUCOSE/ PRESENCE OF SUGAR IN URINE Aim: To detect the presence of glucose in the given sample solution or urine sample. Materials required: Sample solution, Test tubes, Benedict's reagent, Spirit lamp, Febling’s solution A and 8, Test tube holder. Procedure: Benedict's Test: Take 2 val of sample A and B in 2 test tubes and add equal amount of Benedict's reagent. Boil for 2 minutes. Febling's Test: Take equal amount of Fehling’s A & 8 Solutions in 2 test tubes. Add 2 ml of sample A and 8 solution. Into both test tubes. Heat to boil Result: The sample A contains glucose/ The sample A is the urine of diabetic patient. Observation Table Procedure (Sulphosalieglic acid test) Observation Inference Sample a Take 2 ml of given savaple in 4 test tube and Cloudy ppt Presence of protein (albursin Sample B add 2 drops of Sulphosalicylic acid. No colour change No protein. Procedure (Biuret test) Observation Inference Sample a “Take 2 wal of given sample in a test tube and ‘add biuret Violet or bluish pink colour Presence of protein (alluarnin). sample 8 reagent (3. mal of 5% NaOH + 4 % CuSO). Mix well No colour change No protein. 3. TEST FOR PROTEIN/ PRESENCE OF ALBUMIN IN URINE ‘Aim: To detect the presence of protein/albuiin in the given saraple solution. Materials required: Sarmple solution, Test tubes, Sulphosalieylic acid, Biuret reagent Procedure: Sulphosalicylic acid Test: Take 2 val of sample A and B in 2 test tubes and add 2. drops of Sulphosalicylic acid Biuret reagent: Take + wil of given sample in a test tube and add biuret reagent (2 mil of 5% NaOH + 2% CuSO.) Mix well { Result: The sample A contains protein/ The sample A is the urine containing albumin. SLIDE PREPARATIONS CHEEK SQUAMOUS EPITHELIAL CELLS OF MAN CHEEK EPITHELIUM + Aim: To prepare a temporary stained slide of cheek squamous epithelial cells of man. Materials required: Slide, Cover slip, Needle, Tooth pick, Methylene blue, Brush, Microscope Procedure: Gently scrap the inner side of the cheek by ‘a washed tooth pick to get some epithelial cells Place the collected cells on the clean slide and spread it with a needle Add 2 or 3 drops of Methylene blue stain to the cheek eels After some time, resmove the stain and add glycerin on the slide. Cover it with a cover slip. Observe the slide under the microscope. Observations: Flat cells with irregular boundary. Oval or spherical nucleus in the centre of cel Cytoplasm contains mitochondria and vacuoles BLOOD SMEAR + Aim: To prepare a temporary stained slide of human blood smear. Materials required: Slides, Lancet, Cotton, Spirit, Leishman's stain, Microscope. Procedure: Sterilise your finger and needle by using spirit Prick the sterilised Finger with the needle. Place one drop of blood on one end of a clean slide Make a thin film of blood by using the other side. Allow to dry. ‘Add a few drops of Leishman's stain on the blood film After some time, drain out the excess stain, dip it into water and allow to dry + Observe under microscope. + Observations: The following blood cells are observed. HUMAN BLOOD CELLS Neutrophil Nucleus ‘ytetasm cranes Eosinophil Nucleus @. Lymphocyte Granules ‘ofeiasm Nucleus Basophil Monocyte we Platelets * Erythrocytes or Red Blood Cells (RBC): They are dise like, biconcave, red in colour, without nucleus and more in nurnber. Leucoeytes or White Blood Cells (WBC): They are large. nucleated, less in number. They are 2. types 4. Granulocytes: have granular cytoplasm and lobed. nucleus. They are 3 types: a. Neutrophils: More in number. 2-5 lobed nucleus. b. Eosinophils: Granular cytoplasm, bilobed nucleus . Basophils: Granular cytoplasm, lobed nucleus 2. Agranulocytes: without granules, unlobed and large nucleus. They are 2 types: a. Lymphocytes: Large circular nucleus b, Monocytes: Kidney shaped nucleus. Blood Platelets: Non nucleated, Irregular in shape, appear round or ovoid. SECOND YEAR PRACTICALS EMBRYOLOGY TS. OF TESTIS ‘Testes are the primary sex organ of male reproductive system. It is covered by tunica albuginea. Each testis contains about 2.50 testicular lobules which contain seminiferous tubules. Seminiferous tubules contains Sertoli cells and male germ cells (spermatogonia). Spermatogonia undergoes spermatogenesis to, form sperms. In between seminiferous tubules, interstitial cells or Leydig cells are present: Leydig cells produce male Sex hormone called testosterone 1. T.S OF TESTIS Sertoli cots Spermatis Secondary spermatocyte Primary spermatocyte Spexmatagoniam T.S. OF OVARY Ovary is the Fernale primary sex organ. Each ovary is surrounded by mesovariumn. ‘The ovary consists of outer cortex and inner medulla Medulla contains ovarian Graafian follicles, blood vessels, nerve fibres and some smooth muscles, Each follicle contains a large centrally placed ovum surrounded by many layers of follicle cells. Mature Graafian follicle: ruptures to, release ovum. tis called ovulation. After ovulation, ruptured follicle becones yellow coloured mass called corpus luteum. It secretes the hormone Progesterone. 2. T.S OF OVARY MSBLASTILA (BLASTOCYST) 3. T.S OF BLASTULA blastocyst has thee parts- trophoblast, inner cll mass and blstcoe Topholat isthe outer cdllalar wall of basa that forms hCG, villi, chorion, amnion and foetal part of placenta Inner cell mass Forms embryo. Blastocoel is the fluid filled space which helps in rapid expansion of blastocyst GENETICS Observation Table Characters | Exp 3 | Exp 2 Yellow/yellow | 26 | 24 Yellow/green | 4a | 50 Green/green | 27 Conclusion: The genotypic ratio obtained is Characters Yellow Yellow + yellow Yellow + green Green 20 | 24 Green + green Conclusion: The phenotypic ratio obtained is 3:2 STUDY OF MENDELTAN INHERITANCE USING SEEDS OR BEADS OF DIFFERENT COLOURS Aim: To analyze seed/bead sample of different traits for Mendelian phenotypic ratio of 3:3 and. genotypic ratio of 1:2:2. Materials required: 200 beads of two colours (yellow/green), trays, notebook, pen. Procedure: Take two sets of beads of 2 colours (200 + 00) ina tray and mix them. Pick two beads randomly at a time and place them on the table and record it on the book according to the colour as shown in the table (genotype and phenotype). Repeat this experiment three times and tabulate the results Symbols used in Pedigree Analysis o Male O Female W@ Aiected individual TO Mating biw male 8 female Parents above and children below SD Ment ns Sd neta 2. STUDY PREPARED PEDIGREE CHARTS PEDIGREE ANALYSIS + The study of an inherited trait in a group of related individuals in several generations to determine the pattern and characteristics of the trait, including its wmode of inheritance. and phenotypic variability is called pedigree analysis. The family trees helps to analyze genetic background of individuals. It also shows if the offspring will have the trait, or if they will be a carrier. With the help of pedigree analysis, we can study the inheritance of some common human traits such as colour blindness, human blood group, tongue roll, widow's peak ete Pedigree chart showing Inheritance of Colour blindness 2. STUDY PREPARED PEDIGREE CHARTS COLOUR BLINDNESS + Itis.a sex linked genetic disorder due to which a person is unable to distinguish between some of colours. The genes needed to distinguish red from green are on the X-chromosome. A female with one defective and one. normal X-chromesome has normal vision. However, a male with a defective colour vision gene on his X- chromosome. is colour blind. There are no genes for normal colour vision on the Y-chromosome to cover for the defective X-chromosome Males can never be a carrier of colour blindness because ‘males have only one X chromosome. Females can be carrier as well as colour blind because Females have two X chromosomes. X-linked trait like colour blindness can not pass from father to son. It shows crisscross inheritance because in this disorder Father passes gene for the disorder to carrier daughter who then transmit it to son. EVOLUTION HOMOLOGOUS & ANALOGOUS ORGANS + Aim: To study analogous and homologous organs in various animals using charts ‘Analogous organs: Wings of butterfly and bird are structurally different organs which get modified to perform similar Function. Insect wings are outgrowths of integument formed of chitin. They operate through muscles attached to their bases. The wings of bird are covered by feathers. They are supported by skeletons. They have Flight muscles. Homologous organs: Fore limbs of man, cheetah, bird and bat ave organs which have similar basic internal structure and similar origin but their functions are different. The forelimbs consist of digits, metacarpals, carpals, radius-ulna humerus ete. HOMOLOGOUS & ANALOGOUS ORGANS HOMOLoGous ORGANS ANALOGOUS ORGANS: COMMON HUMAN DISEASES ASCARIS LUMBRICOIDES Pathogen: Ascaris lumbricoides. Common name: Human roundworm. Disease caused: Ascariasis. Transmission: Contaminated food and water. Symptoms: Colic pain, Impaired digestion, Diarrhoea, Vomiting, Retarded body growth. Treatment: Antihelminthie drugs Prevention: Personal hygiene and sanitation. 1. ASCARIS ENTOMOEBA HISTOLYTICA Pathogen: Entomocha histolytica. Disease caused: Amocbiasis or Amoebic dysentery Transmission: Contaminated food and water. Through insects like house Flies and cockroaches Symptoms: Abdominal pain, repeated motions with fluid feacal matter with blood and mucus, produce ulcers Prevention: Personal hygiene and sanitation. 2. ENTAMOEBA PLASMODIUM Pathogen: Plasmodium vivax, P. malariae, P. ovale and P falejparum Common name: Malarial parasites. Disease caused: Malaria Transmission: Biting of female Anopheles mosquito. Symptoms: Recurrent Fever (periodic reappearance of high fever), Chilling, Shivering Treatment: Anti-malarial drugs Prevention: Control mosquitoes: 3. PLASMODIUM Nucleus Mitochondria Endoplasmic Reticulum RINGWORM Pathogen: Trichophyton’ Epidermaphyton/ Microsporum Common name: Ringworm fungus Disease caused: Ring Worm in man. Transmission: Through the use of cloths, comb ete. of the infected person. Symptoms: Appearance of dry, scaly lesions on skin, nails, sealp ete., intense itehing, Treatment: Anti-fungal drugs. 4, RINGWORM Prepared by: Muhammed Ali KC THANK YOU FOR WATCHING

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