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Hubungansocial factors and family support in the incidence of hypertension in the elderly in the
working area of bontobahari health center
Andi isnyanti1 Edison2, Asrii3
S1 Nursing Study Program Stikes Panrita Husada Bulukumba, Indonesia1
Department of Maternity Nursing Stikes Panrita Husada Bulukumba, Indonesia2
Department of Basic Nursing and Community Stikes Panrita Husada Bulukumba, Indonesia3

Correspondent: andiisnayanti99@gmail.com :
Social Factors Relationship and Family Support Exposed to The Incidence of Hypertension In The
Elderly In The Working Area of Bontobahari Health Center
Andi Isnayanti¹, Edison Siringiringo², Asri ³
Background: : Hypertension is a persistent blood pressure where systolic pressure is 140 mmhg
and diastolic blood pressure is above 90 mmhg (Ahmad, 2018). According to the WHO (World
Health Organization),the normal limit is 120-140 mmHg systolic and 80-90 mmHg diastolic. , a
person is called hypertensive if systolic blood pressure 160 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure
95 mmHg, and blood pressure borders when systolic blood pressure is between 140 mmHg and
diastolic blood pressure between 90 mmHg -95 mmHg
Purpose: Known relationship of social factors and family support to the elderly in Bontobahari
Health Center.
Method:This research uses analytical obsevasional research design, which is research that
explains the relationship between variables through hypothesis testing, while the research design
uses cross sectional, which is research that emphasizes the time of measurement / obsevation of
independent variable data and dependent only once at a time
Hasil Research: The results of the study : identified four discussions, namely: (1) social factors,
(2) family support, (3) the relationship of social factors with the incidence of hypertension in the
elderly, and (4) the relationship of family support with the incidence of hypertension in the
elderly. From the results of the distribution of social factors in the elderly, the respondents who
had the most social factors were 22 people with family support in the elderly, the respondents
who had the most social support in the elderly, the respondents who had the most hypertension
were 29 people, bivariate analysis results showed that there was no association between social
factors and the incidence of hypertension in the elderly(ρ = 0.208), The results of bivariate
analysis showed that there was no association between family support and the incidence of
hypertension in the elderly with a value(ρ = 0.701). For elderly patients with hypertension, you
should be able to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Conclusion and S aran: : Based on the results and discussion of research can be concluded that
several ways that can be done to maintain a healthy lifestyle one of them is by regulating diet,
reducing excessive salt and fat consumption, and diligently exercising or doing other physical
activities, for the community or families of elderly patients with h ipertensi, in order to be able to
make this study as a reference to control blood pressure and know how to maintain the health of
the elderly.
Keywords: social factors, family support, incidence of hyperetensitency in the elderly
Keywords: social factors, family support, hypertension
Hypertension is a persistent blood pressure where systolic pressure is 140 mmhg and
diastolic blood pressure is above 90 mmhg (Ahmad, 2018). According to the WHO (World
Health Organization),the normal limit is 120-140 mmHg systolic and 80-90 mmHg
diastolic. A person is said to have hypertension if systolic blood pressure 160 mmHg and
diastolic blood pressure 95 mmHg, and blood pressure borders when systolic blood
pressure is between 140 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure is between 90 mmHg -95
mmHg (Smith, Tom 2018).
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the elderly are the age of
strengthening (75-90 years) and the very old (over 90 years). The elderly are at high risk of
degenerative diseases, such as cordon heart disease, diabetes hypertension, gout,
(rheumatation), and cancer. One of the diseases suffered by many elderly is hypertension
(Kodim Nasrin, 2018).
Based on international data hypertension in the Asian Region, the elderly population of
8% or about 142 million people. By 2050, the population will increase threefold. In 2000 the
number of elderly was about 5,3000,000 (7.4%) of the total population, while in 2010 the
number of elderly was 24,000,000 (9.77%) of the total population, and in 2020 the number
of elderly reached 28.8000,000 (11.34%) of the total pupulation (Kemenkes Ri 2018).
Increasing age in the elderly, physiological function decreases due to the process of
treatment so that non-communicable diseases appear in the elderly. In addition, degenerative
problems decrease the body's endurance so that it is susceptible to infectious disease
infections. Riskesdas 2018 results, the most common diseases in the elderly are non-
communicable diseases (PTM) including hypertension, atritis, stroke, chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD) and diabetes militus (DM). The prevalence of hypertension in
the elderly at the age of 55-64 years is 45.9%, the age of 65-74 years as large as 57.6% and
the age of >75 years by 63.8% (Riskesdas, 2018).
Social factors are a condition when a person is born, grows, lives, works, and old,
including health conditions. This state of being is shaped by the distribution of money,
power, and resources at the global, national and local levels. Social health is greatly related
to the responsibility of unfairness in health, various differences that are considered uneven
and fair that should be avoided in the status of health, both in a region of State and area
between States. The health status that is influenced by various social factors is gender, age,
education, employment, and socioeconomic status (Kaswardhani, 2018).
Support from the family is needed in the treatment of people with hypertension. Support
from the family is the most important factor in helping the indifidu solve the problem.
Family support will add confidence and motivation to face problems and increase life
satisfaction. In this case the family should be involved in the education program so that the
family can meet the needs of the patient, knowing when the family should seek help. Family
becomes the support of the system in the life of people with hypertension, so that the
condition experienced does not get worse (Nugroho Wahjudi, 2018).
Research conducted by Herlina (2019) at the beru soil health center showed that there is
a relationship of social factors and family support with the incidence of hypertension in the
elderly. Data obtained in the recording and reporting section of the beru land health center in
2018 amounted to 1225 Research results showed there was a relationship of social factors
and family support to the incidence of hypertension in the elderly. Further analysis showed
that social factors and family support are critical in improving the health of the elderly.
Some unhealthy behaviors are closely related to risk factors for hypertension (factors
that can be changed) namely: obesity, food salt intake and lifestyle (factors that cannot be
changed) offspring (genetic) age (age) gender, geography and environment, lifestyle, kitchen
salt, smoking (Lani Gunawan, 2018).
Based on initial observations conducted by researchers at Tanah Beru Health Center,
and based on the results of interviews from one of the managers of hypertension, most of the
patients who came were repeat patients due to the possibility of social factors, and family
The results of basic health research (Riskesdes) in 2018 showed that south Sulawesi was
ranked 3rd as many as 426,655 people (2.3%). Prevalence of hypertension based on doctor's
diagnosis as much as 315,423 (1.2%) (Kemenkes Ri, 2018).
Based on preliminary studies obtained in the medical record book of Tanah Beru health
center the number of people with hypertension in 2018 there were 1,281 cases or 16.11%,
while in 2020 as many as 2,125 cases or 58.54% of people with hypertension.
Seeing the description above, the researchers were interested in raising the title
"Relationship of Social Factors and Family Support Against The Incidence of Hypertension
in the Elderly in the Bontobahari Puskemas Work Area.
          Research design is a design to direct research that controls factors that will likely
affect the validity of the discovery (Notoatmodjo, 2010). This type of research is an
obsevasional analytical study, which is research that explains the relationship between
variables through hypothesis testing. While the research design uses cross sectional, which
is a study that emphasizes the time of measurement / obsevation of independent and
dependent variable data only once at a time (Nursalam, 2017). Measurement of research data
(free and bound variables) is done once simultaneously.

Table 5. 1 Distribution of Respondents By Gender
Incidence of Hypertension in Bontobahari Health Center in 2021

Rusteristic Frequency (N) Percentage (%)

Woman 17 51,5
Man 16 48,5
Total 33 100,0
        Source: Primary Data
Table 5.1 showed the results of the study of the distribution of respondents by
gender in Bontobahari Health Center of Bulukumba Regency showed that the
number of female respondents was 17 people (51.5%) while the male respondents
were 16 people (48.5%).
Table 5. 2 Distribution of Respondents Based on Age
Incidence of Hypertension in Bontobahari Health Center in 2021
Rusteristic Frequency (N) Percentage
55-65 23 69,7
66-70 9 27,3
>70 1 3,0
Total 33 100,0
                    Source: Primary Data
Table 5.2 showed the results of a study of the distribution of respondents based on age
in the respondents of Puskesmas Bontobahari Bulukumba Regency showed that the
average age was in the age range of 55-65 years as many as 23 people with a
percentage of 69.7%.
Table 5. 3 Distribution of Respondents Based on Income
Incidence of Hypertension in Bontobahari Health Center in 2021
Rusteristic Frequency (N) Percentage (%)
Not UMK 19 57,6
UMK 14 42,4
Total 33 100,0
                   Source: Primary Data
Table 5.3 shows the results of the survey of the distribution of respondents based
on income in Puskesmas Bontobahari Bulukumba Regency showed that the number
of respondents had the most income below UMK (<Rp.4,000,000) which is 19
people (57.6%) while respondents with income according to UMK (>Rp.4,000,000)
as many as 14 people (42.4%).
Table 5. 4 Distribution of Respondents Based on Work
Incidence of Hypertension in Bontobahari Health Center in 2021
Rusteristic Frequency (N) Percentage
None 19 57,6
Farmer 1 3,0
Merchant 7 21,2
Pensioner 6 18,2
Total 33 100,0
                   Source: Primary Data
Table 5.4 showed the results of the survey distribution of respondents based on
work in Puskesmas Bontobahari Bulukumba Regency showed that the most
respondents who did not have a job were 19 people (57.6%), while respondents who
had the least jobs were farmers 1 person (3.0%).
Table 5. 5 Distribution of Respondents Based on Education
Incidence of Hypertension in Bontobahari Health Center in 2021
Rusteristic Frequency (N) Percentage
Not school 11 33,3
SD 14 42,4
JUNIOR 8 24,2
Total 33 100,0
Source: Primary Data
            Table 5.5 showed the results of the survey distribution of respondents based on
the history of education in Bontobahari Health Center of Bulukumba Regency showed
that the most respondents had a primary education level of 14 people (42.2%) and the
education level of respondents at least 8 people (24.2%).
1. Social Factors

Table 5.6 showed the results of the survey distribution of respondents based on social
factors in the elderly in Puskesmas Bontobahari Bulukumba Regency showed that the
number of respondents with social factors were not good, namely as many as 22 people
(66.7%) while respondents of good social factors as many as 11 people (33.3%).
This study is not in line with research conducted by Dewi et al., (2017) which
examined the relationship of social factors with the incidence of hypertension said that
social factors influenced by knowledge and lifestyle together have a significant influence
on the incidence of hypertension, thus the better knowledge possessed by someone about
hypertension and supported by a good lifestyle will make it possible to live a healthy
lifestyle. One of them will avoid the occurrence of hypertension.
Based on the results of research that has been done, researchers assume that there is
no relationship between social factors and the incidence of hypertension in the elderly,
namely because social factors owned by someone with hypertension make families more
concerned, this social factor is very important because it makes a person know in taking
action with good knowledge and lifestyle. They behave correctly in avoiding the habits of
wrong habits. Among them choose fast food, smoking, alcoholic beverages, do not
maintain sleep patterns and rarely exercise.
Hypertension is often found in the elderly. As we age, almost everyone experiences a
rise in blood pressure, systolic pressure continues to increase until age 80 and diastolic
pressure continues to increase until the age of 55-60 years, then decreases slowly or even
decrease drastically (Suhadak, 2010). Hypertension in old age is mostly isolated systolic
hypertension (HST), and is generally primary hypertension. The presence of
hypertension, both HST and a combination of systolic and diastolic is a risk factor for
morbidity and mortality for the elderly (Asari, 2017)
The better social factors owned by someone about hypertension and supported by a
good lifestyle will make a person will avoid the occurrence of hypertension. This social
factor is important, because it makes a person know in doing his actions. With good
knowledge and lifestyle, make them will behave right and avoid wrong habits. Among
them are the habits of people who prefer fast food, smoking, alcoholic beverages, and do
not maintain sleep patterns and rarely exercise. People who realize that they suffer from
hypertension and do not obey taking drugs are more likely to experience complications of
stroke (Dewi et al., 2017)
2. Family Support

Based on table 5.7 shows the distribution of respondents based on family support in the

elderly in Bontobahari Health Center bulukumba regency that respondents get the most

support that is less, namely 23 people (69.7%) while respondents who get good support

as many as 10 people (30.3%).

Family is a bond between men and women based on the law and legal marriage laws live

together with legal and emotional attachment where individuals have a good role who are

part of the family Families suffering from an illness need help from families in

conducting health care (Lolo & Nurlaela, 2018).

The family serves as a collector and disseminator of information about the world. If the

individual is unable to solve the problem at hand then this support is provided by

providing information, advice and instructions on how to solve the problem. The family

is also a spreader of information that can be diwujudkan with the provision of spirit

support, as well as supervision of daily activity patterns. Family plays a role in

theprocess ofsupervision, maintenance and prevention of complications of hypertension

at home (Tumanggung, 2017). Good family support is a family that provides support in

the form of information support, assessment, instrumental and emotional support. This

shows the still functioning of the family to pay attention, appreciate and love family

members. Patients who get good support, show that the family realizes the patient
desperately needs family support. Support from the family makes sufferers do not feel

burdened with the disease suffered (Arindari, 2016). Family support as a family coping in

the face of the problems of one of his family members, so that the family can increase the

spirit and motivation to behave healthy. Forms of information support obtained by

patients with hypertension such as: the village tells that hypertension can be cured if

treated regularly (Pamungkas et al., 2020).

This study is not in line with research conducted by Sigit 2005 in Sinaga (2015) which

said family support is a form of service behavior carried out by the family both in the

form of emotional support, appreciation / assessment, informational and instrumental

because the family has a function to maintain the state of health of the family in order to

remain high productivity.

From the results of the distribution of social factors in the elderly, the respondents with the most social
factors were less good was 22 people. The most supported family support in the elderly, the respondents
with the most support of the family were 23 people, the distribution of the incidence of hypertension in
the elderly, the respondents who had the most hypertension were 29 people, bivariate analysis showed
that there was no association between social factors and the incidence of hypertension in the elderly (ρ =
0.208), bivariate analysis results showed that there was no association between family support and the
incidence of hypertension in the elderly (ρ = 0.208), bivariate analysis results showed that there was no
association between family support and the incidence of hypertension in the elderly (ρ = 0.208), bivariate
analysis results showed that there was no association between family support and the incidence of
hypertension in the elderly (ρ = 0.208), bivariate analysis showed that there was no association between
family support and the incidence of hypertension in the elderly(ρ = 0.208), bivariate analysis results
showed that there was no association between family support and the incidence of hypertension in the in
the elderly with a value(ρ = 0.701)
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one of them is by regulating diet, reducing excessive salt and fat consumption, and diligently
exercising or doing other physical activities. For health workers should continue to provide
education and information to the community, especially the elderly, to be able to maintain a
healthy lifestyle and how to maintain the level of health in the elderly. For the community or the
families of elderly patients with hypertension, in order to be able to make this study as a
reference to control blood pressure and know how to maintain the health of the elderly.
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