Name: Alya Esa Mentari Class: XII IPA 1

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Name : Alya Esa Mentari

Class : XII IPA 1

Good morning, viewers, welcome to rejoin detik tv news with me, Alya Esa Mentari, in the
next few minutes we will bring some of the hottest news, including the anticipation of Nataru, the
end of semester holidays for students in Boyolali have been postponed.

The Boyolali Education and Culture Office (Disdikbud) has postponed the end of semester
holidays for elementary and junior high school students. After semester 1 final exams, students
continue to attend school. All elementary and junior high schools in Boyolali have held limited face-
to-face learning (PTM). Included in the implementation of semester 1 carried out face to face.
According to the academic calendar, the odd semester break starts from December 20, 2021 to
January 1, 2022. Not only the end of semester holidays, but the distribution of report cards for
semester 1 exams has also been postponed. So after completing the semester exams, from
December 20 to January 7, 2022, students will continue to attend school following PTM and enter
semester 2 learning.

His party has not determined learning in semester 2 later, it will be done online or offline. It
is still waiting for the results of the evaluation and permission from the Regent. It was stated that all
elementary and junior high schools in Boyolali had held PTM for the end of semester assessment

In Boyolali Regency there are 579 public and private elementary schools. Then for SMP and
98, consisting of 52 public junior high schools and 46 private junior high schools. The 680 schools
successfully held PTM.

He hopes PTM can continue until next year. Given the many obstacles when online learning
is run.

viewers of the information, at the same time closing our meeting this time I am Alya Esa
Mentari and all the team thank you for your attention

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