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Keywords: Bioeconomy, in vitro, hydrogel, plant biotechnology, reducing costs


The bioeconomy comprises all the economical sectors and related services that produce, process
or use biological resources, in any of their forms (Bio-economy Council, 2009). The pillars of
bioeconomy are respresented by thousands-year old agricultural and forestry practices, animal
domestication as well as simple biotechnological processes of subtance transformation (such as wine or
beer processing, biofuels production etc.). Fulfilling future food and energy requirements demands
significant increases in both production and productivity. Although current agricultural production may
be sufficient for the actual population if equitably distributed, in the future a 50% increase is required to
cope with world populational trends by 2020.
It is known that some plant species have a tremendous importance in providing food and
biofuels. The most important species in this respect are sunflower, sugarbeet, rapeseed, wheat and
maize. Considering, however, that the Earth population is significantly increasing each year, there is a
corresponding increase in food and energy demands but cultivated land areas cannot be expanded
proportionally thus actions must be taken to overcome these defficiencies. In this regard, an important
part play plant improvement procedures, performed today by innovative techniques and technologies,
such as plant biotechnology and genetic engineering for the aim of productivity increase.
Considering that the costs of any technology are crucial nowadays, one of the main concerns of
scientists in all areas is the identification of methods to decrease costs. Therefore, the present study
concerns this particular aspect, the reduction of costs ncecessary to cultivate in vitro initiated plants up
to the stage of genetic improvement, for species with the highest economical interest.

B. 2.1 Project Scope and Objectives
Producing food and commodities in adequate amounts for world populations, which is
expected to reach 9 billion peoples in the next 30 to 50 years, seems nowadays a hardly achievable
objectives, especially by means of regular „business plans” based on current knowledge regarding
production practices. Approaching food and fibers necessities of future population in a sustainable
manner requires more than incremental changes (Federoff et al., 2010 quoted by IAAE, 2011).
Available predictions indicate that, by 2050, when the world population should reach 9 billion
peoples, food production should increase by more than 70% (World Bank, 2007; Royal Society of
London, 2009). Such an increase has to be accomplished in the context of decreasing profits from
main productivity areas in the past 25 years (the world grain production increase rate dropped from
3% in 1960 and 1970 to less than 1% in 2000), scarcer agricultural fields and reduced availability of
other resources, such as water.
Meeting future needs requires both a significant increase in production as well as in
productivity. Although the actual agricultural production might suffice for the current population
levels, if judiciously distributed, a future increase of 50% in productivity is required to cope with
the increase in world population by 2020. To answer such requirements, difficulties may be met if
current practices are followed, current energy supplies might become scarcer, thus more expensive,
while effects on the environment might occur.
Sustainability is a prime objective when a KBBE (Knowledge-Based Bio-Economy)
bioenergy pillar construction is sought after and is achievable through safer energy sources,
greenhouse gases prevention, reduced waste amounts, ecosystems conservationn and preservation
of rural social structures and employment. All these objectives must be achieved with efficient
Biotechnology is considered to be able to deliver adequate and extremely valuable means of
meeting the challenges. Bioenergy production (encompassing bioheat, electrical bioenergy and
biofuels) biomass based will become essential in the future energetic context. Besides energy
consumption reduction, increase in energetic efficiency and development of renewable energy
sources and of new CO2 capturing technologies are important aspects in the biotechnologies field.
Developing new crops and integrated whole plant utilization is the key to biotechnology
based solutions for biofuels. By 2030, energetic crops which store more energy (expressed as
GJ/ha) could be used in theier entirety and will become available folowing the introduction of
advanced reproduction techniques, including genetic improvement techniques (according to En
route to KBBE, published in 2007). Usage of plant cultivars adapted to local conditions should
allow additional biomass increase, as a result of, for example, prolonged uptake of nutrients.

Sunflower, sugar beet, rapeseed, soy, wheat and maize are included among main crop
species used for both food and bioethanol production, the latter considered the fuel of the future
(Kim and Dale, 2004). Globally, yields and areas used in this respect between 2000-2010 for the
six crops ennumerated are given in Table 1.

Table 1. The dynamic of yield and total agricultural areas used for 10 years (2000-2010) for sunflower, sugar beet,
rapeseed, soy, wheat and maize cultivation (according to FAO statistics, 2012)
Yield Percent Cultivated area Percent
(million tons) difference (million ha) difference
No Crop
(2000- (2000-

2000 2010 2000 2010

2010) 2010)
1. Helianthus annuus L. 26.44 30.55 +15.54 211.16 231.04 +9.41
2. Beta vulgaris L. var. saccharifera 250.1 228.45 -8.65 6.01 4.67 -22.29
3. Brassica napus L. ssp. oleifera 39.51 59.07 +49.5 25.83 31.68 +22.64
4. Glycine max L. Merr. 161.29 261.57 +62.17 74.36 102.38 +37.68
5. Triticum aestivum L. 585.69 650.88 +11.11 215.43 216.97 +0.71
6. Zea mays L. subs. mays 592.47 844.40 +42.52 137 161.9 +18.17
TOTAL: 1655.5 2074.92 +25.33 669.79 748.64 +11.77

Therefore, obvious increasing trends may be observed, considering the six species
ennumerated above, in both food and fuel requirements (with up to 25.33% between 2000-2010) as
well as in areas used for cropping (with 11.77% between 2000-2010).
Such data may be explained by the present demographic increasing trends, which also
requires more food and more green fuels, demands that can be met by increasing crop yields on
existing land areas, based in turn on sustainable bioeconomies (Bonaiuti, 2011; Mayumi, 2001;
Roegen, 1971). These should be oriented towards environmental conservation and food biosecurity
coupled to climate changes (Antofie, 2011), aspects which today form a new paradigm – the eco-
bioeconomy (Bogdan et al., 2010). The demans can also be met, in the least favourable scenario,
through use of additional surfaces for crop cultivation (Weber, 2010).
Regardless of the route to be followed, the use of plant biotechnologies and genetic
engineering is mandatory, as they allow short intervals (months or, at most, years) to improve
hybrids or cultivars with better yield for existing or newly introduced lands in the agricultural
circuits (Brandt, 2003; Oksman-Caldentey and Barz, 2002).
Lowering development costs is also an object of interest to large companies and research
centers worldwide. Therefore, optimization of in vitro technologies for economically interesting
crops is today a major focus of scientists (Pop and Cachita 2011).
Modern plant biotechnologies such as cell and tissue cultues, genetic engineering and
genetic transformation techniques allow for new opportunities to raise the quality of crop species
germplasm (Sharma, 2005). A safe protocol for in vitro plantlets regeneration is a mandatory

requirement for efficient Un protocol sigur de regenerare a plantulelor in vitro, este o condiþie
prealabilã pentru aplicarea eficientã a strategiilor de transformare geneticã (Jayanand et al., 2003).
A viable alternative to reducing costs involved in any in vitro culture is the use of
replacements for cultivation mediums needed for initiating or subcultivation of vitroplantlets
subjected to improvement techniques. One of such medium component, mandatory for proper
aeration of inoculums, is the agar-agar. This is a polysaccharide extracted from some red algae
species growing in the Southern Asia sease. It is an excellent gelifying agent, which, besides actual
hardening of the medium is chemically inert, therefore does not leaches into the medium any micro
or macroelements. Therefore, agar is used as a first choice gelifying agent in axenic in vitro plant
Reducing cost prices is a supplementary reason for investigating new replacements – totally
or partially – for agar, as different efficient substrates for vitrocultures should have low production
prices for mass production. The available literature describes various solutions as agar replacements
and subsequent price reductions, but most of them are not easily available.
An alternative to be tested within experiments constituting this project is the replacement of
agar-agar as a solidifying agent for culture mediums with another gelifying agent. The proposed
procedure consists in the use of syntehtic/organic reticulated polymer which is commercially
available, named Hydrogel or Solid Rain. It is a product based on potassium polyacrylate and other
ferrous elements, with a contractible, autoportant structure, which may be visualized as a 3D
network, used so far in arid agricultural lands. The network may bound or set free water, increasing
its volume in the presence of water and contracting otherwise.
The commercially available agar from companies such as Sigma Aldrich or Duchefa have a
price per kg between 94.4 euro ( and 1755 euro
( The hydrogel has a much lower price, at 18.2 euro (82 Ron) per kg
( Therefore, using hydrogel as a solidifying agent the costs of
medium producing significantly decreases.
The main aim of the current project is concerned with reducing costs for vitrocultured plants
up to the size required for future amelioration techniques.
The starting technology readiness level is valued at TRL 3 (according to European
Commission Decision C (2014)4995), as there is an experimental proof of concept. At the end of
the TRL level becomes 4 as the technology is validated in lab.

B.2.2 Presentation of the concept of technology / product or existing model and which
constitutes the starting point of the project
Experiments with this product were made with various experimental models and was tested
phytoinoculi reaction from two plant species - mini cuttings of Sedum telephium ssp. maximum
(lucky, medicinal grass species) and a species of ornamental plant, an orchid (Cymbidium sp.).
Next, we present some embodiments of the experiment, respectively, the procedure for replacing
agar in culture medium for in vitro cultivation of the explant, without affecting their regenerative
capacity (Ardelean, 2012).
MS62 growing medium (Murashige-Skoog, 1962) solidified by hydrogel product was
sterilized and after distribution and cooling of the medium it was carried out the inoculation of the
phytoinoculi. The culture containers were placed in growth chamber, at 23-250C, the photoperiod of
16 h light /24 h, the crop development can be physiologically, biochemically and morphological
examined (the growth of the regenerate organs and assessing their appearance). To quantify plant
growth and development, biometric measurements were performed, which were aimed at tracking
the growth of each type of organ of the phytoinoculi. The Sedum vitroplantlets both in the control
group (MS classic agar) and those grown on the gelled hydrogel substrate could be maintained for
12 weeks in in vitro cultures, at this age the plantlets were occupying the whole space of the culture
container, and their top level was at the level foil that covers the culture container, for which reason
we had to subculture the vitroplantlets from the control group (Ardelean, 2012).
In a second example, organized with the Cymbidium protocorms which were inoculated one
per culture container, they reacted positively to the environment prepared by us, almost identical to
that previously described and used on Sedum telephium ssp.maximum. After 24 weeks of growth,
the inoculi showed a growth similar to that described in control group cultures, without residual
effects of growth slowdown.
Given the particularly promising experimental results achieved with this type of hydrogel,
we considered it appropriate to study its use to plant species used in the production of biofuels,
bioethanol and biodiesel respectively.

Human resource:
Project director is Cristian Felix BLIDAR, PhD.
The overall experience in research: plant biotechnology, plant physiology, ecophysiology, the
assessment of the biodiversity, environmental monitoring, ecological restoration and preservation of
the protected areas. The expertise of the associated with the theme of the project: advanced
expertise in plant biotechnology (doctoral and postdoctoral studies alongside of the majority of the
scientific activity being in this field), expert in Plant Physiology (main educational activity being in

this field, together with a rich scientific publishing activity). In the specific field of the project
theme he was carried out investigations which have been an integral part of the work of his doctoral
degree and subsequently by the Postdoctoral; has an application for a patent in the field of
increasing the effectiveness of the in vitro plant micropropagation, etc. The results of the research:
100 articles, out of which 2 items ISI, 44 articles BDI and 2 applications for patents, one in the field
of plant biotechnologies: „Filter paper bridge for vegetal vitro culture, mycological and algal
cultures” (OSIM: a-2013-00226 / 13.2013, only author).
Angela Monica ŞIPOŞ, PhD - member of the project coordinator institution
General experience in research: plant physiology, plant cytology, plant morphology and anatomy.
Expertise associated to the research theme: expert in histology, morphology, anatomy, plant growth
and development, knowledge that allow immediate notification of normal development or of some
changes in the acclimatation process of the plants. Research results: over 50 articles, of which 6
were ISI articles
Alina Dora SAMUEL, PhD - member of the project coordinator institution
General experience in research: soil enzymology. Expertise associated to the research theme: expert
in microbiology and enzymology of nutritive substrate. Research contracts: 1 international projects,
(member), 8 national projects, (member). Research results: over 100 articles, of which 9 were ISI
articles, 32 articles BDI and 2 applications for patents in the area of biology of soil.

Partner institution coordinator is Mirela ARDELEAN, PhD. General experience in research:

Plant biotechnology, plant physiology, eco-physiological, biodiversity assessment, plant
morphology and anatomy, microbiology, cytology, plant systematic. Expertise associated with the
project theme: advanced expertise in plant biotechnology (PhD and Postdoctoral studies, along with
most of the scientific work in this area). It has 4 patent applications in the area of in vitro plant
micropropagation efficiency. Research results: over 10 articles, of which 2 ISI, 12 BDI articles and
4 patent applications in plant biotechnology.
PhD. student Marian BURDUCEA - member of the project partener
Current position: PhD. Student, Plant Physiology Laboratory, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University,
Iasi, Romania. The master’s theses (“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Faculty of Biology, Iasi,
Romania) regarding the biofortification with selenium of strawberry plants cultivated under
hydroponic system. The experiment was performed during an Erasmus scholarship in Spain. The
doctoral research theme entitled “Morpho-anatomical and physiological investigations in Ocimum
basilicum L. cultivars grown in experimental conditions” started in 2013, at the “Alexandru Ioan
Cuza” University, Faculty of Biology, Iasi. Research results: 3 BDI articles.

PhD. student Elida ROSENHECH - member of the project partener
Current position: PhD student at Faculty of Biology, Doctoral School of Chemistry and Life
Sciences and Earth, within the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași. General experience in
research: Plant physiology, morphology, anatomy and cytology, plant systematic, microbiology,
biochemistry, biodiversity assessment and ecology. Expertise associated with the project theme:
Plant physiology, morphology, anatomy and cytology, plant systematic, biochemistry. Research
results: 3 BDI articles.
Economist of the project is Anca Laura OPREŢ. His current position is Assistant-manager /
economist in Technology and Business Nursery GOLDTECH ITA Arad within the "Vasile Goldis"
Western University of Arad. General experience in research: financial accounting: accounting,
accounting expertise, audit. Project expertise associated theme: advanced expertise in finance and
accounting (in terms of specialization - BA, MA, PhD graduated in economic sciences). Research
results: 15 articles, of which 1 article ISI, 10 articles BDI.
Legal adviser of the project is Adrian Milutin COTORACI
His current position: Director of Technology and Business Nursery GOLDTECH ITA Arad within
the “Vasile Goldis” Western University of Arad. General experience in research: engineering, law,
economics. Project expertise associated theme: advanced expertise in the legal field (in terms of
specialization) management.

B.2.3 Method of project implementation

1. Acquisition activities of raw materials needed for the project (for research and
1.1. Documentation for the selection of vegetal species by economic interest (month 1)
We will justify the choice of species of economic interest to be subject tests on the effectiveness of
hydrogel as a substitute agar. These species will be most used to obtain bioethanol. Equipment
necessary to achieve these activities is online resource library as provided by equipping with books,
online databases, computers, printers (, As well as activities associated with this deliverable will
be a report documenting about the selected species. The expected result: is the choice of plant
species that will be subjected to experiments. At this activity will contribute: research team
members from the coordinator institution and partner institution.
1.2. The acquisition of certified seed material (month 2 and 3)
From an authorized Seed Center will be purchased seeds from main species of plants used for both
human food and to obtain bioethanol, considered the fuel of the future. As well as activities
associated with this deliverable will be a file acquisition. Economist of the project and legal adviser

of the project will write an activity report. The expected result consists in the acquisition of certified
seed material. At this activity will contribute: project leader and coordinator of partner institution,
legal adviser, economist.
1.3. Purchase of equipment, materials and supplies (month 1-3)
We will purchase laboratory equipment, laboratory reagents for culture media preparation, hydrogel
and instruments, respecting equality between bidders. As well as activities associated with this
deliverable will be a file acquisition. Economist of the project and legal adviser of the project will
write an activity report. The expected result consists in he acquisition of equipment, materials and
supplies. at this activity will contribute: leader project and coordinator of the partner institution,
legal adviser, economist.

2. Research and development (experimental development)

2.1. Micropropagation protocol optimization of selected species using hydrogel solidified culture
media (month 4-15)
We will test multiple variants of culture media with hydrogel both in terms of content hydrogel and
in the presence of plant hormones, to determine the most effective experimental protocol for
initiating and subculturing the chosen plant species. Research infrastructure available for the project
needed to achieve these activities are equipment found in institutions that are part of the project
( and materials that will be purchased by the
project like: reagents, glassware, instruments and equipment. As well as activities associated with
this deliverable will be a protocol optimization of selected species using hydrogel solidified culture
media which will be presented in the ISI articles and conferences. As a result expected we will
promote this protocol at conferences and in the specialized articles. At this activity will contribute:
research team members from the coordinator institution and partner institution.
2.2. Morphological, physiological and biochemical studies of the vitro plantlets (month 5-15)
Comparison of the initiated and micropopagated vitroplantlets on the agar medium relative to those
obtained on the control hydrogel culture media, morphologically and physiologically to track
structural and functional differences of the vegetative organs. Research infrastructure available for
the project needed to achieve these activities are equipment found in institutions that are part of the
project ( As well as activities associated with this deliverable
the results will be sent for publication of scientific articles. As a result expected must be presented
the results from these activities. At this activity will contribute: research team members from the
coordinator institution and the partner institution.

3. Information activities and publicity regarding the project
3.1. Developing and maintaining a website (month 1-18)
The information and publicity activities will be conducted under the coordination of the project
manager with the participation of the project team and representatives of direct and indirect
beneficiaries of the project and media to ensure transparency of scheduled activities and real-time
dissemination of project results. Equipment necessary to achieve these activities is online resource
library as provided by equipping with books, online databases, computers, printers
(, All
activities will have to comply with the visual identity program funding. This website will have two
sections. A public section, through which we ensure the transparency of the project, the project
results will be known, we will connect to the website of the funding program and other programs
(ex. Horizon 2020) or professional networks and the society and media will be informed on the
actions of information organized within the project. Also, the site will include a private section
through which the management team will be constantly connected with beneficiaries and future
research and business partners. Throughout the period of the project it will be ensured a smooth
functioning of the website, we will develop databases and ensure computer security and good
communication in the private area of the site. The information publish on the project web-site,
during press releases and also in the scientific community will be realized by the project manager.
The legal adviser will offer accurate information and help in order to respect the romanian law
regarding free access to information of public interest, copyright and oppen access on scientific
research and technological development, intellectual property rights and protection of industrial
property rights (if applicable). The institutions logos will used on the advertysing materials
according to the rules and regulations demanded by romanian law and internal procedures of the
partener institutions of the project. As well as activities associated with this deliverable will be 1
website, a database of research results, access synergistic funding programs and activity report. At
this activity will contribute: the project leader and legal adviser.
3.2. Making information materials in printed media (month 1 and 18)
Items will be prepared for the press in first and 18th month. They will be targeted two newspapers
with local and regional print runs. Advertising will be done to promote the project and to present the
activities included in the project. During the 18th month it will be the only information that will
emphasize the results achieved in the project. Equipment necessary to achieve these activities is
online resource as provided by equipping with books, online databases, computers, printers
(, At
this activity will contribute: the project leader and legal adviser.

4. Activities for Project Management
4.1. Organization of acquisition procedures (month 1-3)
Legal adviser, together with the project manager and financial responsible will begin the
procurement procedure. This sub-activity will take place in the first 3 months of project
implementation. The finance will realize the specifications, calls for proposals, evaluation of
tenders, procurement reception and checking the acquisitions so that they comply with required
specifications. Also, he will carry out progress reports monthly in the first three months of the
project, and progress reports only in the months in which there will becarry out acquisitions. It will
be respected the current laws and it will be respected the principle of the best cost-quality offer. To
ensure transparency in all procurement procedures these will be made available on the project
website. Equipment necessary to achieve these activities is online resource as provided by
equipping with books, online databases, computers, printers (
Biotehnology-ILS-UVVG), Results expected:
procurement procedures carried out in accordance with the current legislation from Romania and
the EU policies of free competition; progress reports procurement responsible approved by the
project manager and financial responsible. At this activity will contribute: the project leader, the
economist and the legal adviser of the project.
4.2. Monitoring the research activity (month 1-18)
The monitoring of the research activity will be carried out directly by project director for the entire
period of project implementation. He will inform the research team on research plan and expected
results. He will constantly check progress and seek solutions together with the team of researchers
to solve problems as they appear. Researchers will carry out monthly activity reports. As well as
activities associated with this deliverable will be two intermediate research reports; research activity
reports of the team project. At this activity will contribute: the project leader.
4.3. Technical and financial project management (month 1-18)
Financial and legal officer will conduct monitoring activities of the technical support staff. They
will do monthly activity reports that describe the activities undertaken in accordance with the Gantt
chart. Financial and legal officer will monitor the eligible and non-eligible expenditure and how
how the budget is folding with the proper of project activity. Technical and financial monitoring
will be carried out for the entire period of project implementation, and every four months the two
responsible will realize progress reports that will be presented the project director. Equipment
necessary to achieve these activities is online resource as provided by equipping with books, online
databases, computers, printers (, At this activity will contribute: the project leader, the
economist and the legal adviser of the project.

4.4. Management of information activities and publicity (month 1-18)
The publicity management will be carried out by the project leader that will inform media
monitoring. The project leader and the coordinator of partner institution, will give press statements
and he will track project visibility. Equipment necessary to achieve these activities is online
resource as provided by equipping with books, online databases, computers, printers
(, At
this activity will contribute: the project leader and the coordinator of partner institution.
The team member make a monthly activity report for each month in which has participated in this
Gantt Chart with planned activities during the project
Month No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Year 2016 2017 2018

Stage /
10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3
Stage 1.
10 11 12
(3 months)
Stage 2.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
(16 months)
Stage 3.
10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3
(18 months)
Stage 4.
10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3
(18 months)

The amount of wages and the number of hours allotted to each member of the project team is
justified by the degree of responsibility of each one within the project, the type of tasks that will be
introduced in the job description and the level of scientific expertise that will ensure the project

Nr. Salary
Project team members Activities
crt. expenses
1 Blidar Cristian Felix, PhD. – project coordinator 1.1. – 4.4. 86400
2 Șipoș Monica Angela, PhD. 1.1., 2.1., 2.2. 18000
3 Samuel Alina Dora, PhD. 1.1., 2.1., 2.2. 18000
4 Ardelean Mirela, PhD. – partner coordinator 1.1., 1.2., 1.3., 2.1., 2.2., 4.4. 86400
5 Rosenhech Elida, Ph. student 1.1., 2.1., 2.2. 18000
6 Burducea Marian, Ph. student 1.1., 2.1., 2.2. 18000
7 Economist, Opreț Anca Laura, PhD 1.2., 1.3., 4.1., 4.3. 43200
8 Legal adviser, Cotoraci Adrian Milutici, PhD 1.2., 1.3., 3.1., 3.2., 4.1., 4.3. 10800

Detailed risk analysis and possible contingency plans are:
Research and development (experimental development)
1.Social risk: Unavailability of some key members of the implementation team due to job’s change,
health problems or death. Contingency plan: intensification of the internal communication of
project’s goals; extension of the pool of experts in order to easily replace the missing person.
2.Work accidents: poisoning, electrocution. Contingency plan: Staff training on labour protection.
The only major risk would be to transport the samples to centers where vitro cultures will be made
at other centers, where they will be cross analyzed. However, this risk will be eliminated through
the use of fast transport services, companies specializing in such activities.
Project management
1. Social risk: Unavailability of some key members of the implementation team due to job’s change,
health problems or death. Contingency plan: intensification of the internal communication of
project’s goals; extension of the pool of experts in order to easily replace the missing person
2. Economic risk:
a) Low degree of compliance of financial management with the rules enshrined by the Guidelines
for grant applicants and other contracting provisions. Contingency plan: periodical training of the
financial responsible for updating the knowledge in accordance with the required financial
b) Unexpected delay of payments. Contingency plan: using the own financial resources of the
partners or a bank loan; reschedule some activities
Public procurement:
Economic risks:
a) Low degree of compliance of public procurement procedures with the rules enshrined by the
Romanian law and potential companies who want to sell us their product. Contingency plan
periodical training of the public procurement responsible for updating the knowledge in accordance
with the required public procurement practices and market supply.
b) Increasing of the sales prices for the purchased services, works and goods due to inflation,
national currencies depreciation etc. Contingency plan: drawing a back up list of appropriate
services / goods / works at lower price.
Information, awareness and dissemination
Economic risk: Low degree of compliance of promotional material with the rules enshrined by
Romanian law, the Visual Identity Manual of the program and market supply. Contingency plan:
periodical training of the communication and visibility responsible for updating the knowledge in
accordance with requirement imposed by the law and market supply.

Project Budget:

Allocated budget / costs (Lei)

Personal Indirect
Logistics* Travel Total
costs costs**

Public budget 122400 197250 3150 7200 330000
Public budget 176400 89600 4000 0 270000

Partener Own
contribution (if - - - - -
Total 298800 286850 7150 7200 600000

* Subcontracting – no more than 5% of the project’s public budget

** Max. 25% of direct costs minus subcontracting and equipment costs.

C. Bibliography
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7. Brandt, P., (2003): Was geht uns die Gentechnik an? / What's Gene Technology to Us?:
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