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The Twits, a humorous children's book, was written by Roald Dahl, a British novelist

famous for his darkly funny, and often comically violent children’s books, and illustrated by
Quentin Blake in 1979. This author was very successful in the 1940s with works for children
and for adults, and he became one of the world's best-selling authors. The Twits first
published in 1980, this book is the most-read book in UK primary schools and after all those
years, it´s still a very famous book.

The book is the story of a married couple, Mr and Mrs Twit, who despise each other.
With the description of the nasty couple, we can see who horrible this people are fiscally,
from Mr. Twit's truly disgusting beard, to the fact that Mrs. Twit made herself uglier with her
ugly thoughts. Then continues with a description of the countless tricks they play on each
other, and shows us that these two horrible people were happy making each other suffering.
Here we can already see how weird and strange this couple was, but to clarify this point we
received more details about the life and habits of this couple. They were once retired circus
trainers who continuously abuse a family of monkeys, the Muggle-Wumps, since they had
the desire to create the first "upside-down monkey circus," a complete nonsense.
Furthermore, The Twits use a strong sticky glue called "hugtight" to trap birds so they can
make them into a pie, another terrible action of this two. However this couple doesn´t win at
the end of this story. Sick of the Twits, the family of monkeys come up with a plan to get rid
of them for good with the help of the birds. Using the "hugtight” they put the furniture on the
ceiling to trick the couple into thinking that they are upside down and then they glue
themselves to the ground when they stand on their heads. The Twits begin shrinking and
shrinking until they disappear. It is important to say that this is an incredible denouement
since one of Mr. Twit tricks had been to make her wife believe she was shrinking and both
end up suffering from it.

It seems clear to me that this book it´s very different from other books, at least I have
never read anything like this. For me, the whole book was completely unpredictable and at
first, I have to admit, it was a little strange because I was not understanding what the author
wanted to evidence with all the characters and its symbology. In my view this story is a little
more complex than it seems at first, despite being a children's book, most things which seem
to be simple and just characters or just actions, mean something more and serve to represent
something. For example, it is described to us, that this couple is very ugly, and at first I was
not understanding why the author wanted this physically apparency but this ugliness
symbolize ugly feelings and thoughts, demonstrating that it is better to do good than bad. The
cruel tricks are reflective of their cruelty, the fact they are bad people. Therefore the couple’s
physical appearance or even their behavior serves to represent bad people. In the other hand,
the family of monkeys and the birds represent good people. Their union shows that if we are
good we can always overcome evil a very recurring moral in children's stories. To sum up, I
liked The Twits, it was very exciting that you never knew what was going to happen next and
it was also very funny to read about the awful things they did to each other. Nevertheless,
what I liked the most were the meanings behind the story and the fact that two different
species, monkeys and birds, help each other to end their problems.

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