ME G 641 Compre Exam Part A Through Google Form

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12/30/2020 Compre 1 A

Compre 1 A
This form contains 30 Multiple choice questions carrying 1 mark each. Please. Answer in One
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Multiple Choice Questions

3. Shearing strain is given by *

Mark only one oval.

Deforming force

Shape of shear

Angle of shear

Change in volume of the body

4. What is the rank of stress tensor *

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Four 1/14
12/30/2020 Compre 1 A

5. Match the following experimental technique and direct information provided by

them *

Mark only one oval.

A-i, B-ii, C-iii, D-iv

A-iv, B-i, C-ii, D-iii

A-iv, B-iii, C-ii, D-i

A-iii, B-ii, C-iv, D-i

6. Fringe patterns are shown below in a photo elastic experiment identify the patterns
representation *

Mark only one oval.

i-Isochromatics, ii-isoclines, iii- both isoclines and Isochromatics

i- isoclines, ii- Isochromatics, iii- both isoclines and Isochromatics

i-Isochromatics, ii- both isoclines and Isochromatics, iii. Isoclines

d. None of the above 2/14
12/30/2020 Compre 1 A

7. One can obtain only Isochromatic fringes by using *

Mark only one oval.

Plane Polariscope

Circular Polariscope

Both Plane and Circular Polariscope

Can’t be obtained only Isochromatics using any of the two Polariscope

8. Choose the correct possible fringe order N, at a point on Isochromatic band for a
pattern obtained from circular Polariscope with bright background *

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9. Choose the correct possible fringe order N, at a point on Isochromatic band for a
pattern obtained from circular Polariscope with dark background *

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12/30/2020 Compre 1 A

10. For a circular Polariscope intensity of light after analyser is dependent on *

Mark only one oval.

Orientation of principal stresses only

Phase retardation accrued by the fast and slow waves only

Both a and b


11. For a Plane Polariscope intensity of light after analyser is dependent on *

Mark only one oval.

Orientation of principal stresses only

Phase retardation accrued by the fast and slow waves only

Both a and b


12. Equality of cross shear is insured by *

Mark only one oval.

Stress equilibrium

.Angular moment balance

Compatibility conditions

None of the above 4/14
12/30/2020 Compre 1 A

13. Which is true for a hydrostatic state of stress *

Mark only one oval.

One unique non principal direction and all direction orthogonal to that will be principal

All the directions will be principal direction

There will be at least one principal shear direction

There will be only three mutually perpendicular principal direction

14. In which hardening law Bauschinger effect is neglected *

Mark only one oval.

Kinematic hardening

Mixed hardening

Isotropic hardening

None of the above

15. The traction vector at a point on a plane is (3i + 4j + 12k) N/m², where i, j and k are
unit vectors along x, y and z directions. If the direct stress on the plane is 5 N/m²,
the magnitude of shear stress will be *

Mark only one oval.

10 N/m²

12 N/m²

13 N/m²

15 N/m² 5/14
12/30/2020 Compre 1 A

16. State of stress at a point is given below, Which will represent vector for Body force
per unit volume if the body is under static equilibrium, where i, j and k are unit
normal vectors *

Mark only one oval.




xi+j+k 6/14
12/30/2020 Compre 1 A

17. In cylindrical polar coordinates, two stress components are given as given below,
Other stress components are zero. If the body is in equilibrium, body force per unit
volume is *

Mark only one oval.

Option 1 Option 2

Option 3 Option 4 7/14
12/30/2020 Compre 1 A

18. What is the value of the octahedral shear stress in the uni-axial tension test when
the yielding impends? *

Mark only one oval.

Option 1 Option 2

Option 3 Option 4

19. In general as the yielding begins within a material which is true *

Mark only one oval.

Tangent modulus > Plastic modulus

Plastic Modulus > Tangent Modulus

Plastic Modulus and Tangent modulus are same always

. None 8/14
12/30/2020 Compre 1 A

20. Displacement and stress formulations are represented by *

Mark only one oval.

Beltrami Michell and Navier’s Equations respectively

Navier’s Equations and Beltrami Michell respectively

Lame’s equation only

Cauchy’s stress formulae only

21. Which statement/statements is/are true *

Mark only one oval.

Von Mises criteria assumes that yield function in linear with respect to third invariant
of stress deviator

Von Mises criteria predicts the yield function is independent of third invariant of stress

Tresca’s criteria predicts the yield function is independent of third invariant of stress

None is true

22. According to Von Mises yield criteria *

Mark only one oval.

Yield surface grows isotopically if the hydrostatic stresses are increased

Center of yield surface shifts following Bauschinger effect if the hydrostatic stresses
are increased

Shape of the yield surface will change if hydrostatic stresses are increased

Yield surface will not change hydrostatic stresses are increased 9/14
12/30/2020 Compre 1 A

23. A thin solid circular disk with unit thickness made of steel with Young’s modulus
207 GPa, density 8000 Kg/m³ and Poison’s ratio =0.3, and radius = 200 mm is
rotated with the speed some angular speed so that the maximum stress appeared
to be 60 MPa. If a small hole is drilled in the middle and then it is rotated with the
same speed. Maximum stress will be approximately *

Mark only one oval.

30 MPa

120 MPa

90 MPa

180 MPa

24. Time dependent permanent deformation is called *

Mark only one oval.

Plastic deformation

Inelastic deformation

Elastic deformation


25. Thick cylindrical shell is subjected to internal pressure only, Radial, hoop and
longitudinal stresses at a point in thickness will be *

Mark only one oval.

Tensile, compressive, tensile

Compressive, tensile, tensile

Compressive, Compressive, tensile

Tensile, compressive, Compressive 10/14
12/30/2020 Compre 1 A

26. A thick cylinder is subjected to an internal pressure of 60 MPa, if the hoop stress at
outer surface is 150 MPa, then hoop stress on the internal surface will be *

Mark only one oval.

140 MPa

180 MPa

210 MPa

240 MPa

27. A thick cylinder with internal diameter d and outer diameter 2d, maximum hoop
stress developed will be *

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28. Which one of the following material is highly elastic *

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Glass 11/14
12/30/2020 Compre 1 A

29. In a plane stress problem, when maximum shear stress is equal to maximum tensile
stress, which of the following represents the same *

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30. A uniform bar lying in the x direction, is subjected to pure bending where bending
moment is about z axis. Which strain tensors represents the variations of strains in
such case, where p,q,r are constants *

Mark only one oval.

a b

c d

31. An internally pressurized thick cylinder with infinite outer radius can be
represented by *

Mark only one oval.

plane stress

plane strain

Both Plane stress and plane strain

None. 13/14
12/30/2020 Compre 1 A

32. Ratio between radial and tangential stresses at a point in thickness of an internally
pressurized cylinder with infinite outer radius will be *

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