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Shipping. Shipping Public Notices. Tenders. Railways. Wanted.

THOS. COOK & SON Cash Advertisements under thlsihead ooft'ra
A RE now prepared to SUPPLY the
xl with SUGAR, duty paid, at theTRADE
oeeding twenty-tour words ONS SHILLI&S

Eoyal Mail Line of New

Steamers. I and REPAIRS to House, Armagh street
{tinderContract witfc the
(Under Postal Contract with
the Government for the Conveyance of her
ing prices :—
Sugar Xo. 1,£W 10s per ton.
West. Plans and specification can be seen at
my office, where tenders are to be sent by noon
HeadOffice, Ludgate Circus, London. Office. WANTED,
a Scullerymaid. Apply Pnarc
Majesty's Mails), will despatch their of Saturday, the 10th instant. The lowest or BABY OGDEN AS EVA. Head Office for New Zealand, 4 Victoria
Sugar No. 2, £23 10s per ton.
Sugar No. 3, £27 tier ton. any tender not necessarily accepted.
Arcade, Auckland.
ANTED, Painters. Apply, at once,
Booth, Macdouald and Co. 1494
•%-wj UJj be Deepatched with
Vmider,Herfor MaiosCT s MAILS
For LONDON as under, calling Cube Sugar, atflb Boxes, 17s.
F.o.b. Auckland. 1355
arranged for, and all information as to
an experienced Barmaid, for a
At Rio pk Jakeibo, TgygßiFFg.& Plymouth

nrst-class house in the city. References
:— « i
Cheap FreiKhr can be arranged.
mENDERS Wanted for PAINTING (labor
Baby Ogdex as JO.
Cost, Routes, &c, supplied npon application.
Special REDUCTIONS over the NewZealand required. Apply between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. to

_ Teneriffe Port of G;4den Syrup and Treacle in Case and Bulk,

fle Jar.eiro and

rv, m Prices—Adults, Is; Children 6d. 1518 Railways for FOREIGN TOURISTS. Agents Fenerty and Buddie, wine merchants. 1508
g§ l mander A

Steamer. Depar- Date. frices wUIbo furnished oa application to the only) for
— — t ture. 1889. Company *t Auckland.
Terms—2j per c.-nt. discount will be allowed WATER TANK AND CORRUGATED IRON
for ail the principal lines of Steamships and
Railroad Companies throughout the world. WANTED
KNOWN. Dann'a LinseedCough
Balsam, J23 Manchester street.
! ! Theatre R,o
Com- Port of de-:
„„ Arawa.. 5200 Stuart Welingtn Aug. 22 for cash payment?. BUILDING. yal.
gteamers. Tons. mander. paxrure.
\ ■" —*
1889 lonic ..
Coptic.. 4440 Burton
4753 Kidley
Sept. 19
Oct. 17
\Y. TV.
Auckland, August 2nd.
1305 Particulars on application at CITY GUARDS J
Christchurch to Neleon. via Otira Gorgo and
Buller Valley, Return Steamer. Otago Lakes, WANTED"
K~NOWN-Tha6 in this
final Sale, you shall
and cheapest;
hare the beet
in Canterbury.

■ '- goods
Tainui.. 5031 Barlow Nov. 14 1430 15G HEREFORD STREET. including Te Anau and Manapouri, Akarao

Water Machine -
H. E. May. The Hall.
SBSfJaSBur WeU^ <S! n
MR CATTLIN, AMATEUR DRAMATIC Sumner, and all and every place of interest in

Doric 4744 Jennings Dec. 12

** s££t ? 17 G
Oct. 3
Sccont Class passages from Thirty-five
Guineas. For particulars as to rates of freight URGEOX U ENTIST,
the Colonies.
For Sale, Aerated
Plant, complete, Vrith
ftaapebu.. ««3 Findlay |
,Occ. 31 or paseatrea. apply to TENDERS for
SUMNKR. Very Bi«9t Accommodation.
J. M. HEYWOOD and CO., Agents.
hor9e and cwt. going concern.
to retire from business, will sell very
or to
DALGETY and CO. (Limited); agency
national mortgage and
Opposite Grain Agency Buildings.
Furrows to be 4Hn by 10in. Tenders close at
Sn;»wdon, on TUESDAY, the 13th August. For MONDAY AND TUESDAY, AUGUST
8121 Cathedral Square. che »p. For further particulars apply personally
to J. Wyatt, 152 High street, Chriatchuroh.
further particulars apply to 19th and 20th. 1601
fourth Thursday. CO. of N.Z. (Limited). 1075 WM. GERARD, Snowdon. Wanted.
'—Thence forward every
WrtteWr* learned on application W
Loading Agents. High street—
Entrance to Standish
Private Residence-
Relmont Terrace SKLWYN COUNTY COUNCIL. When will be produced the Military and WANTED KNOWN.- Juat Received, ex
Tonsrariro. a Choloe Assortment of the
Newest Styles in Art Needlowork. inoluding
232 Oxford terrace. Spectacular Drama, Cosh Advertisements underthis heading not ex
COMPANY, I--jhrißtchereh R.M.S AKAROA. and Preece'a Studio.
ceeding twenty-four words ONE SHILLING Silk Mattelasse and Plush. Pongee Silk, Silk
Applique, Hemstitched Linen Goods, Sec.
nptetfce and Agentsof the Company gsS33h. T EAVESLYTTELTON
THE Selwyn County Council invite &0.. in tho Latest Designs. Mrs Withers, 233
w^ throneheuttheColony. :f PIGEON* BAY •J • JLK Al ELLEWELL TENDERS for the SUPPLY of FENCING
MATERIALS for about 110 Chains of Wire
Sime's Registry Office. 107 Worcester street*
just over Manchester street.
High street,next Wood and Co.,
__. Booksellers.
S~^~^j?lJ^ PING COM"
at 8.30 a.m.
(Lata; Ingham),
Opposite Baliantyne's.
Specification can be seen at the County
Council Chambers.Christchurch, where tenders
Mr Johu
(generally called by the Regi-
ment Surly Jack)—Captain R. C. Bishop
Uavunant (a Private Gentleman, re- situation.
Servants of all classes, also
young Girls; good Servants sure of a
dress ;
immediately, for tbo country,
near Tltnaru, an experienced Laun-
a Housemaid. Apply after 5 p.m,
FOR LONDON DIRECT. Leaves for Little Akaloa, Okain's, and Lβ will be received up to 10a.m. 14th August. siding at Portsmouth)—Alajor b\ W. Francis to Mrs Pitman, Latimer Square. 1387
EXTRACTION—ONB SHILLING 1 W. JAMESON, Monsieur Alphoase Gienouille (International Mrs Izktt, Manchester street,
.— » mHE~~Smart Iron Clipper Bon's Bay on Tuesday,
Fridays 2
at 2 p.m. Leaves 1390 County Clerk. Financial of the Firm of Grenouille
ANTED to dell,Horse,Cartand Harness;
1 »IGNAIR, ,
jgpfew 620
for Akaroa on
Saturday early.
at p.m., returning on
Mr Jonathan Bull (his Partner)—Private B. REQUIRES Sharp, Smart Lad, thirteen,
foqfl, residence, clothing, and wages;
strong turn-out; or would ex-
for pony and trap.
302 South Apply
Tons 100 Al at Kegister. As this steamer carries the mail, and con PANY, LIMITED. Housemaid, light place; Nurse; Housemaid. Christohurch. 1384
nects with the mail coaches,passengers can be PLOUGHING. Levoi
ma be Despatched as above during AUGUST. booked through to Akaroa via Pigeon Bay. Subscribed Capital ....
£2,000,000 .... Paul Davenant (a young Gentleman, who,
believing himself to be a coward, has ESPECIALLY Recommends English married WANTED, Tenders for Rolling about 700
Couple. Wife Cook, baker, &c.; man Acres, Downs, West Melton; one

FRESH invitedfor PLOUGH-

Xbebulk of her cargo being Paid-up Capital £200,000 ING PLANTATION RESERVE, No. 1814, earned the sobriquet of the " Neck or useful; also,
English Housekeeper. 1195 roller sufficient. Also, for Grubbing Gorse and
we prompt despatch. Lowest current rates 6532 Christchurch and Lyttelton.
between Coalgate and flomebush, 70 Acres.
Noshing", Sergeant) Lieutenant C. B.
IZETT gives especial attention to
Making-up Hedges on 100 Acres, formerly
Head Office for the Colony: The Manager, Box 8, G.P.0.,

efteight. can be seen at the Selwyn Massey
INSURANCE BUILDINGS County Council Chambers,
Auckland. Christchurch. where Ivanford
Orlotf (a Russian Serf)—Private H. Duns- Employers Requiring Servants for Christcaurch.
Country, none of bad character being sent. 1399 '
tenders will be received up to 10 a.m. Wednes-
Priva c Murphy (an Irishman who does not
Ready for Engagement—Certificatedgoverness, \XT ANTED—Cabinets at iOs dozen. Cartel
Agents. Chairman ok Directors: day, 14th August.
believe he descended from the Kings of lady helps, thorough housekeepers, monthly JLT de Visifce os dozen, Midgeta 2s 6d dozen.
yj Sir JT. Wkitaker, ii.C.Af.G. W. JAMESON, nurses, hotels, station, farm, cooks (barmen), Where? At Spillere, Oxford terrace west
Ireland)—Private R. Dennis married couples, grooms, gardeners, shepherds, (late Sherlock's premises), close to Caahel street
BanivKrs :
The Bank of Now Zealand.
County Clerk.
Joe Cricket (a young man who kn<" to his way
to AldgatePump, but would be careful noc
ploughmen, laboring men, boys, &c. Board, bridge.
residence, furnished apartments, respectable
BAY on Tuesdays,
Tlfch #~
IThurs- This Company is Prepared to Negotiate
WfllfiAlL for the abovementioned ports on or Loans on Freehold Mortgages throughout the FENCING AND PLANTING.
to drink the water)—Private M. Lovoi
Bob Arnold and Ned Foster (Comrades, who
know the value of a Pipe and a Glaes)— : (good table), lodgings for servants. 2848 WANTED KNOWN-We have only two
weeks to dispose of the very large
Slock now at The Hall. Everything at Whole-
days, and Saturdays, at OFFICE, 222 Gloucester street sale price. Don't lose this genuine oppor-
; fM p9*WLi' tt "~" 8.30
* a.m.. connecting -with
colony at Currant Rates,
For applicacioa forme aud further partiou-
Sclwyn County Council invites
TENDEits for the following WORK:—
Sergeant. Willisand Corporal Steire
Sergeant Lewis—Sergeant-Major tsaker REGISTRY
west. tunity of saving money at H. E. May and Oα,
lie Coach Xor Akaroa on Tuesdays and Thurs- TUESDAY NEXT,
• —
lars, apply to 1. Fencing—Erection of about 47 chains of Captain Denvil—Private Griiiiths
BON'S BAY on Tuesdays
BAY and USSaturdays
New Zealand Insurance Company.
196 Herefordstieeu Christchurch. 17
fencing at New Brighton; labor and cart-
2. Planting about 13 acres of pines, &c, at
The Countess Woronzoft (a Russian Lady, re-
siding at the Isle of Wight)—Mrs W. E.
WANTED KNOWN—Good Situations for
Servants with good references. 491 ANTED KNOWN Furniture Buyers
call and see our Goods (own make), and
compare pricesbefore buying elsewhere. David
at 2 p.m., and at 8.30 a.m. For passage only apply to
on Tuesdays at 2 p.m. New Brighton. Nadine (her Daughter)—Miss Carrie Fischer •\7|TANTED. to Sell, by order of the Mort Sykes, Cabinet-maker, Upholsterer, 74 Oxford
Leaves tor AKAROA Specifications be seen at the County Mrs Cleopatra Hull (a Lady wlio does not
TT gagees, good 5-roomed House, nice terrace Iron and
Returning from Akaroa on Wednesdays can west, next British Hotel. N.B.—Just
C. W. TURNER, Educational. Council Chambers, High street, Christchurch, believe in judicial separation)— Mias May
9 a.m., callintr atLe Bon's Bay. Okain's
Bay and Little Akaloa. *499 Christchurch. where-Tenders will be received up to 10 a.m., Hanle garden. Windmillroad. This is a rare chance landed,
to obtain a good property, which must be sold. in town.
Brass Bedsteads. Best value
WEDNESDAY, 14th August. Mona (Maid to the Countesa Woronzoff)—Miss
KAIKOURA on Thursdays at 6 CHRIST'S COLLEGE GRAMMAR SCHOOL- For particulars, apply W. Stonyer, IS6Hereford Ladies of Christohuroh to
Leaves lorReturning
tun. from Kaikoura on Business Notices. ENTRANCE SCHOLARSHIPS. 1391
County Clerk.
Nellie Ray street, Morten's Buildings.
who have
know Miss MoCormick waits upon per*
■TtTANTEO Clothing to dispose
Box Plan will be open at Milner and Thomp-
son's on Friday, August 9th, at 10a.m.
KNOWN—That Jubal Fleming
Tt has just received new Lawn Tennis of. The highest price given for Ladies' and
pel ih'on.
SHIPS will shortly be Offered for Com- FOR
Stall and Pit Tickets may be obtained at
Rackets,"' The Wonder "by J. Wisden and Co., Gentlemen's Clothing, Jewellery, Furniture,
and new season's Balls by came maker. &c. Address Colombo road, Sydenham, near
the Railway Gates.
ALLEY CoAL.I. For Boys tinder 14 and upwards of 12 years TTI E N C I N G. Levy's, High street; and JS. A. Gamett'a,
"TXTANTED KNOWN—The Annual Ball in

grftotj. rjpHE s.s.

We are now offerine our Famous
of age.
11. For Boye under 12. Two boys in each
these Classes will obtain Scholarships if they
of 1502Particulars at 156 HEREFORD STREET.
Colombo street, opposite Cook and Rose.
Dress Circle 3s, Stalls 'Zβ, Pit is, 1519 V T connection with the Oddfellows' Lodge,
1.0.0.F., No. 33. will be held in the Preboleton WANTED KNOWN-800 dozen Frillinga
and Collarettes at less than quarter
Town Hall on Friday, the 9th instant, Mr John price. Beath'sSale.
gain the reqiiired p< rcentage of mark9. The
Scholarships will provide for the payment of
the school fuea, and be tenable for two years, if
Meetings, &c
Prebble presiding at piano. G. D. Marsh,
Secretary. 1318
ANTED KNOWN—That Publicans and 30s. Beath'a Sale.
'ANTED KNOWN -60 nair full-sire
Wellington Blankets at 22s 6d, worth

DOUGLAS the scholars well conducted.

At Price same as Newcastle, and our Coal is the case of Government scholai-s, for whom
much cleaner.
Except in
special Exhibitions are provided, the Scholar-
Storekeepers can Buy " Yum Yum "
Cigarettes 09 Gα per 1000 cheaper than Old
«TAN TED KNOWN—Buyers ehould visit
ff Beath and Co.'a Sale, 1700yards Dress
THIS DAY (THURSDAY). Special Terms perTruck Load. Judgeat JubalFleming's.
At t son. and each Thursday at same time.! ships are open to nil boys who are members of TO BUILDERS, FARMERS AND Stuffs at Sjd, worth 6jd.
IMS CUFF and GRAHAM..Agents.
Westport, Newcastle, Local Coal and Fire-
wood always in Stock at lowest currentrates. the Church of England, and have been re-
Large Stocks of Coke, Fireclay, Fire Bricks, public ortheir
ceiving education privately, or in any STATIONOWNERS. CONYERS LODGrE No. J916. B.C. WANTED KNOWN — Footballs
Bladders, Boxing Gloves, Indian Clubs,
and CI_XANTED KNOWN—Jackets, Ulsters, and
T T Costumes at halfprice. Beath'a Autumn
FOR SYDNEY. Fireclay Goods.
Offices, corner Manchester and High streets. satisfactory
private school, and who produce
testimonials. Preference is given, REGULAR MONTHLS" MEETINITof
above Lodge will be held- at the Masonic
cheaper than ever, at Jubal Fleming's.
ANTED, Employers to know I can supply
ANTED KNOWN, Dann's Herbal PlUsi
Telephone No., 349. in the event of equality, toFounders' kin.
The subjects of the examination, which will
RAILWAY SIDING and RETAIL DEPOT— commence August 28th, at 9 a.m., are—English,
and THE
undersignedhaving Laid in a LARGE
Hall, Sydenham, THIS (Thursday) EVENING,
at7.30. Brethren from Sister Lodges cordially
them with the best servants in the
market. No others need apply. Now waiting
123 Manchester street.

FAL3GRAVE STREET (continuation East English History, Geography, and Arithmetic.
Belt). Telephone No. 303.
For further information application may be
J. BURNS, Secretary. engagements—Marriedcouples, farm servants,
navvies, cooks, grooms, gardeners, hotel ser-
ANTED I have several
Sums of Money to Lend. Security
And at LYTTELTON—HuIk Lnna. made to the Head Master or the Bursar. OP vants. James McDonald, Manchester street. must be good. W. atonyer, 186 Morten's
GREY VALLEY COAL CO- LTD., BUILDING AND CABINET TIMBERS, TelephoneNo. 256. 5892 Buildings, Hereford street.
Intending Candidatesto forward their names,
Taking passengers for Melbourne, 1 THOS. BROWN. Agent. with certificates of age and good character, on , DOORS AND SASHES, "ANTED KNOWN—For a Good Portrait
WANTED Servants of ail classes to know

TUILL LEAVE for above Port about 19th or before August 24th, to the Head Master or Has now REVISED his PRICES, and ia that James McDonald, of Manohester go to Dutch And Bull, US Victoria
fT AUGUST. Bursar. PREPARED to street, charges no Fee to Servants applying street, and ensure satisfaction. fill!
personally until they receive a Letter of En-
gagement. Servants communicating by letter W "ANTED, to Sell, several four-roomed
Cottages, which are forced into the
Business Notice! AND ,7,
RATES MEETING ofthis Lodge will be held on
THURSDAY, August Bth, at 7.30 p.m.
of Lodges cordially invited.
, must forward Three Twopenny Stamps for

Buyers for Bicyole WheefPer-
A. Reed, from 112 to 146
market, andmuet be sold; no reasonable offer
refused. W. Stonyer, 188 Hereford street,
iMorten's Butldinga.
s .
New Milk and

' ...
.Between Morten's Building and Post-office PROMPT DELIVERY. 1513 Secretary. High street. 6256 TT Cream delivered twice daily to any part
NORTH QUEENSLAND and Mothers to know of town. R. Gainaford and Son, Christchuroh
8330 Chriatchuroh. MEETING /of SHAREHOLDERS in Dairy, Cashel street.
ZEALAND (LIMITED). that we are Sellingßicycle Wheel Per-
DIRECT STEAMEiTfROM GLASGOW. (LIMITED), R W. ENGLAND, COMPANY will beheldat ambulators with Rubber Tyred for £2 10s. A.
Reed, 142 to H6, High street ITTANTEP KNOWN-That Taylor, Papps
T V and Co.'s 2s Tea is Invigorating aad re-
H, D. A. NDR EW g Capital
For Marine Insurance.
~ -. ..
ON WANTED KNOWN—A printed guarantee,
twelve months, with everywatohand
freshing, and we can safelyreoommendit to tho
most fastidious.
jglpav J. Splendid Steamship SOLICITOR, 1183
clock repaired. K. Grieahaber. 256 High street.

Christchurch, EVERY
settled with promptitude.
of Marine Insurance
effected at Lowest Current Rates. Ciainu
Election Notices.

At half-past seven o'clock. WANTED

KNOWN, Dann's Dandelion
Bitters, 123 Manohester street.
WANTED to Sell, a few Splendid Building
Sections at New Brighton, within a
stones throw of the hotel, both north and
approved Freehold Security, at current rates KAYE & CARTER, south, also fronting; on tram line. This is a
3500 Tons,
3000 h.p.
of interest. PHARMACY BOARD OF NEW ZEALAND Business—lmportant. 1506 WANTED KNOWN, Dann's "Bitter
Apple" Hair Tonio, 123 Manohester chance that may never occur again, as they
(Now building),
N.B.—Mr Andrews visits Leeston on Sale S7B
10Cathedral square Chriscotmrah
> must be sold. Owner leaving, and on easy
terms. W. Stonyer, 186 Morten's Buildings,

Wp LBAVE the CLYDE days, and may be seen at the Office of Messrs ELECTION OF MEMBERS. ST. PAUL'S Hereford street.
Bennett Bros. Cashel street. Vir ANTED KNOWN —K. Grieshaber
P. Marra, T T Watchmaker, Jeweller, 236 High street
WANTED, to Sell, acood Farm of 400 acres
CarryingPassengers and Cargo for All Porta. THE "OTTO GAS Corner Barbadoes and Armagh streets.
accordance with Regulations approvedby
bis Excellency the Governor in Council,
Ausust 6th, 1883, for the Conduct of Elections
thursdayTlth august. Cheapest Shop, Christchurch.
ANTED KNOWN-K. Grieshaber SeU
good land, well fenced, and sub-divided,
gooddwelling and outbuildings, and on very
easy terms; greatest part of the money may
TM> offers a good opportunity to oolonieta ENGINE,
of Members of the Pharmacy Board, I hereby
give notice of my intention to proceed to hold
an Election of Fit and Proper Persons to
Cjtrand Sacred By the
Concert, Guaranteed Ladies' Silver Hunting Watches, 25s
twelve months. remain on mortgage. W. Stonyer, 188 Mor*
ten's Buildings. Hereford street.
bow at Home who contemplate returning, and
ateto otherswhointend visiting New Zealand. VERY BEST TABLE POTATOES, de-
livered from one bag to 20 tons. 1514 serve as Members on the Pharmacy Board of
New Zealand. Candidates must be Regis-
WANTED KNOWN—Finest Separator
Butter, Devonshire Cream, Cream WANTED, to Sell, ISOQuarter-acre Sections
Oatoniate are invited to communicate the in- Colony, ME N DEL S SO"H~N-S MOTBIT, Cheese,New Laid Eggs. Poultry, Home-cured Tl at New Brighton, all fronting; and near
formation to friends in Great Britain.
The intention of importers is directed to the NEW AND SECOND HAND ENGINES FOR CODLIN MOTH, SCALE, AMERICAN tered Pharmaceutical Chemists of this
IN STOCK. BLIGHT, GREEN FLY, SLUGS, &c, &c, of whom Four will be required to be Resi-
Hams, superior quality, at Christchurch Dairy, the Beach; £5 deposit, balance week'y,monthly
or on mortgage. This is a chance to obtain
tact of the Monowai being on theberth.
Passages can be arranged on application at A. FIELDWICK, Sole Agent, In Gardens, Orchards, or Greenhouses.
dents in Dunedin, and One in Auckland,
Wellington, Christchurch, respectively.
will be held at the OfHce of the
Cashel street. R. Gainsford and Son.
XTfTANTED KNOWN—Splendid Portraits
Vγ taken daily from locket to life size a&
section that may never occur again. W.
Stonyer, 186 Hereford street, Morten's Build* *
anyof the Company's Offices. 826 Box 597, Dunedin.
REDWOOD'S ings. ""
Board of Christchurch, on THURSDAY, Zealandia Studio, Attwood and Co., Cashel
AUGUST the TWE \TY-NINTH, One Thou- " RUTH." street west Cabinets 15s doz. C.D.V., 7s 6d
WANTED Known—Watches Gleaned an&
-W«LLINOTON, Pictonl Neleon-PENGUIN, Exhibitors requiring a Representative send BLIGHT SPECIFIC, sand Eight Hundred and Eighty-nine. Any
Registered Pharmaceutical Chemist wishing Organist—Mr H. Wells.
per doz. 2127 warranted12 months, 4s: Clocks Cleaned
and warranted, 3b 6d; Mainsprings, 3s 6d each;
t_ To-saorrow, Friday, 9.5 p.m. train.
Cargo 10 a.m.
particulars for terms, &c. 1216 Cost moderate, application simple, effect cer-
to Nominate a Candidate must do so in the
form of Si h jdule 1., under the aforesaid Regu- Conductor—Mr D. Hunt. WANTED,
Persons in Want of Works of
Oleoß, Steel Engravings,
call at C. Buckner'e,'Wholesale and Retail
&c, to Watch Glasses. Jewellery Jobs,Watch Hands.
&c, 6d; Brooch Pins, 3d. The Exceleipr, JS
TARANAKI and Manukau-ROTORUA, from tain. lations, ana such Nomination Papers must be Lower High street. Make sure of the address,
MMUNITlON, aU kinds, Ount, Revolrer mc on or before AUGUST Tickets at Milner and Thompson's, Davies Picture Framemaker, Victoria street. 6565

Wellington,Saturday next. Passengers A lodged with the as our success and popularity has led to our
J\. Powder, Shot, Cartridges. Aitken and Agent, Should be applied now. FIFTEENTH, 1889. Nomination Forms may andLamb's, and Bpensley and Co. 1492 advertisements and prices being cooied. The
by Penguin as above.
MELBOURNE, via Port Chalmers and Bluff— Roberts, Corner Colombo and Cashel streets
Ballantyne'e). be obtained from the Deputy-Registrar, Auck-
land, Wellington and Dunedin, and from the T%|- USICAL AFTERNOONS- WANTED— E. J. Walsh. Black woisted
and fancy coating coat and vest and Eroelaior. five doors from Barrett's Hotel.

WAIRARAPA. Tuesdaynext. opposite M AITLAND GARD'NER, colonial tweed trousers 655, usual price 90s. See
WELLINGTON, Vapier, Qlsborne, and Auck- T. J. Maling and Co., Worcester street, Registrars, Christchurch.
MUSICAL~"ivENINGS, following notice, Dressmaking. \\rANTED KNOWN-That H. Oakey, Hair-
dresser and Tobacconist, Resumed
land—WADZOßA, This Day, Thurs- Retail Agents, F. W. SMITH ANSTED, TT
Business next Gimblefcfe, and opposite Reeoe's,
,,_ day, 4 p.m. train. Cargo 10a.m.
816 J. PLAISTED & CO., Colombo street. Registrar. KNOWN —That McDowell's
This Day, Thursday, 12.10 p.m. train. Oils, Copper, Slate Nails, Rooflnß
Interspersed with Art Needlework, Readings
Recitations, &c. Fee—Afternoons, 5s for
ifcefc-vSet of twelve. Evenings, 5s for course of and
Fire Kindlers are Sold by all Grocers
Safe, Clean and Sure.
Colombo Btreet.

IWI tfrom Auo«Jwid)-ARAWATA. early.
SYDNEY and Newcastle—LINDUS, about
and BoilerFelt. Aitken and Roberts, 202
chfleld street (noxt Danks'). > I City Council, Hours—from 3to 5; and 7.30 to 9.30.
m. For those ladies who are unable to attend on
WANTED-W. Woods is Selling Wheat FOR
Haircuttlng Gd, Shaving 3d. all kinds
Fancy Goods, try H. Oakey, 138 Colombo)
SA L E ■c Monday afternoons or during the day, Oate, Chaff, Flour, Sharps, Bran. Oatmeal, Carrots
and every description of Horse and
WELLINGTON, Taranaki, and Manukau—
■ WaNAKA, Monday next. AUSTIN, ] another set will
wfßcient number
be commenced as soon as a
have promised to become Cattle
Members. Proposed afternoon—Wednesday or masat
Feed at Mill Prices. Lower High street,
and 38 Barbadoes street. Agents for Christ-
"DOORKEEPER and Assistant in Store—
x> This Situation, advertised for in the

TONGA and Samoa—WAINUI, from Auck- Celebrated Flour. Goods delivered PitEss of 6th inau, has been filled. 1490
land, early. Freight and passengers
booked through. Full particulars on
COPPERSMITH, I Ktnrday. Proposed evening—Wednesday or daily. Bros.'
?718 A YOUNG Man wishes tomeet withEngajre*

f\. ment as Ploughman; up country pre-
ANTED Known—Watches, Clocks, and
-..„ application
JAHITI-RIOHMOND. from Auckland, early,
Spnll particulars may be obtained on applica-
Ulem to the
W Jewellery made or repaired
prlce3. All work warranted twelve months.
at English
paper. "
ferred. Apply to Ploughman, office of tale
and CargoBatesi. PLUMBER, GASFITTER, &C, \ I.g505 And ADA SINCLAIR TAYLOR, Highest price given for old gold and silver.
WILLWQTON. Fares Nelson, and Westport- 236 Armagh street W. Wedding and Engagement Rings a speciality. BURNISHING Ironmongery and Crockery
1 —A Very Large Assortment at the
__, GRaFTON, Monday next. HOTEL;
S. Clarke and Co., 148 Colombo street, opposite LC.


TDUEU and Dunedin-MAHINAPU A, Mon- are invited from compe-li Recce's.
tent persons for KEEPING in WORKING! X Sports. j tIfTANTED KNOWN—That Mrs Pinnion
LECTRO-PLATE Spoons, Forks, Sea, and
Cutlery, at the D. CO.
To-morrow, Friday, 1.25 p.m. train. GREAT EFFORT Utensils supplied. All kindi ORDER the ELECTRIC FIRE AT, A RAT' If ? Monthly Nurse, from the British Lying-
TJILOUR—Wood Bros Imperial Roller, 0- W

SYSTEM. TGIOOTBALL. Hospital, Endell street, London, has re-
___Cargo 10 a.m.
morrow, Friday, 9.5 a.m. train. Cargo
of Shipwork, including Cargo and Con
densing Engines, repaired.
Elbows. Caps, Cowls, Ships' Side-lamps, - Specification of duties, &c,
Stove piping City Council Office, where applications are to
Han< be sent by 12 o'clock noon, on Friday, August
can be seen at the moved to No. 108 St. Asaph street, opposite
Jenkins' sawmills.
Accommodation for
_F Turner's Patent Roller—Having com
known Brands of
for large lines of these well
pleted contracts Flour,
we are enabled to sup-
noon This Day, Thursday.
gall paresis received atChristohuroh Offl««
«un» can ba secured atChristohuroh.
virrtw—Ohrtoteburch and Lvttelton.
and GlobeLamps, made and repaired. SpouC 16th. By
Estimates Given. ■
Town Clerk.
town, a
to Sell, about 2J miles from
gentleman's Residence, con-
taining 12 spacious rooms and all necessary
ply the same cheaper than any nrm In towß.
Taylor, Papps and
Grocers, High street.
Co., Co-operative Cash
PATENTS— Drawings and SpeeiUcatloaa

BOYAL MAIL EXPRESS SERVICR :•■ City Council Office,9 offices, with hot and cold water laid on up prepared and Patents obtained at mode-

stairs and down. The grounds consist of about
frfr^agff^l ß^
Overland Route to Europe TO CLEAR THE MAJOR PORTION All Work Guaranteed. 512 1507
7 Acres beautifully laid out with 2 lawns, fish rate charges. A. H. Hart, Patent Agent, 258
•Mldlng alikethe heat of the Red Sea and the OF THEIR STOCK CANTERBURY, pond, and an orchard containing fruit trees of
the choicest sorce. This propertyis for absolute
Colombo Btreet. Christchurch. ■
cold of Cape Horn.
Before the Annual Balance in August.
121 Manchester street
YYood & C<o.,
(Green's Buildings),
Road Boards.
sale, and maybe had a bargain, and on most
reasonable terms. This is a rare.chanoe to ob-
valuego to Smith's for your crockery, 1
steamships of thisline leave SYDNEY
and SAN
P.0., Box 255, Christchurch.
MALVERN ROAD DISTRICT. tain a first-class property. Good reason for
selling. Also quarter-acre section near Park.
china, cutlery, saucepans, brushware, &c. J.S. l
having just opened, a general assortment of
choice and new goods, in prepared to sell aft
•§f£LING from AUCKLAND as under:—
eALANDIA. 3000 tone, August 12.
J_J against all Persons in the above Road LANCASTER PARK, For cards to view and particulars, apply to W.
Stonyer, 186 Hereford street, Morten's Build-
pricesconsiderably lower than those shops that)
profess to sell at wholesale prices. Before
ALAMEDA, September 12. SEED AND PRODUCE MERCHANTS, District having UNREGISTERED DOGS in purchasing elsewhere enquire our prices. J*
»tekets are available for 12 months, and pas- BALANCE OF
Agents for Karsten's Celebrated Berlin Pianos. their possession after the 29th August, 1889.
SATURDAY NEXT, W" ANTED, to Buy Furniture in any quan- Smith, 249 Caahel street, by the bridge. 698
SgMs can break their journeyat Auckland,
S^iWfcg"*•"*"^ H OBDAT AND C0.3 See samples and prices at our Offices.
above Board invite APPLICATIONS
tity; best cash prices.
1383 Victoria street.
J. Bowman-
TfIOUND at Last, the Right Place for genuine
F Boots and Shoes at Lowest Feasible
Fares-Sydney or Auckland to
*" Stock,
All commissions promptly executed.

(stating terms) for DOG RANGER.
Applications received up to 2.30 p.m. 29th
AT 2.30.
KNOWN Furniture Bought Prices,ffjSast belt. A. Brookctt.
are undoubtedly
£Si to £67; Steerage,£33 4s 6d. AIJGUST, 1889. Sporting.
from Persons leaving Christchurch,
pricos given by J. Bovrman,Victoria street GREAT Bargains
Sold at Luxtpn's Clearance Sale. Prove*

*»rallinfonnationapply to BOOKSELLER, STATIONFR AND RICHARD KOBELT, best
t 223
yourselves. Caahel street. Wog
OFNZ LIMITED. 1516 Registrar.
KNOWN New and Second
The Brackenfield Hounds WANTED
Removed from Old Premises to ELECTROPLATER, going to Luxton's Great Clear-
tto IJNE~bF SfEAMERS, Morten's Building (opposite Bank of N.Z.) Hand Furniture for Sale, Cheap, ab J T\oNt Mtes
veoetContract with the Bowman's, Victoria street. MJ ance Sale To-day, 223 Caahel street.
Imperial Govemmen

tor the conveyance of Mails. WILL MEET- and Tea Setr. Toiletware, and pashel.«*reefc-O«««»
come and secure

J^/ SS A of the ORIENT

C Stewnkhip Company will
a Lady's Black COLLARETTE.
will receive reward on returning
FRIDAY, AUGUST 9th—THE KENNELS, mentat General Crockery—A Very Large Assort-
the D.LC. .
/• ance Sale AU
nf the great bargatiM now offering.
LUXTON'S GreatClearance Sale on To-
StXht?**** LONDON, from Sydney and
At Moderate Prices. same to Strange and Co. 1503 to finish the season, at 1L
Chinaware—ALarge and Beautifnl day. 323 Caahol street.
last week, at Avonside, a BROOCH. There will be Three Days in the Amuri, Assortment for presents, Sec, at the Dyer and Scourer, fto,
From Sydney. From Melbourne
/"GALVANISED Iron, Hoop Iron
VJT Wire. Aitkenand Roberts, Ironmongers, office.
J Owner can have same by applying Press
viz.:— D.LC.
best makee,
, lias, for the convenience of his
Offifcaiiing Co-
AUg A aß » TO MEDICAL MEN. 202 lichfleld street (next Danks').
01 HORSE, barb wire marked on fore legs. Dappled Grey
WAIKARI—August 13th
CULVERDEN—August 15th
to the
season, win be Sold at
numerous cuetomere, Removed from Tictorl*
flteeet to Central Premleee, Hobbs Buildings,
Establghed 1876.
Sent. 7
&tortaiß' ,x Xr thereafter.
Sept. IS
Bte»P»er for Cuzco, Waihora, A -
Last seen on Sunday, 21st July, at Sydenham.
The reward will be on
BASTCOTT, WAIKARI—August 17th. 1489
Rednoed Prices. J. Ballantyne and Co.
and SON, The Rosery, 187
SALS. above paid returning to
fvc Victoria street, have on Sale aO
SSSiAngnsc 20th, from Lyttefton.
Foil particulars, &c, on application to
WOOD ENGRAVER AND ELECTROTYPER A. E. Slack, Salisbury Grove, Christchurch.
Fisher's Buildings, Hereford street, Any one detaining said horse after this notice
BRACKENFIELD HOUNDS. #m confpSefavorablyJuvenile with bespoke garments,
Clothinte has
Keuuced Prices—Roaes, Microcarpa, Ever-
green and Flowering Shrubs, Fruit Trees and

Christchurch, opposite Bank of New Zealand will be prosecuted. 1493 mmS CELEBRATED PACK having been Bnshes,Raspberry Canes. Strawberry Runners,
SmLiS?8 &nd Steeragereduced to £2L H. N. MARTIN, 797
HANDED OVER by their
owner to the DISTRICT in trust, a MEETING
Asparagus, Rhubarb, Herbs, Early Seed Pota-
toes, Peas and Beans, home-grown Onion and
187 Hereford street Chambers, Bankruptcy. ofFARMERS and others interested will be held other Garden Seeds, Cabbage Plants. Garden
9363 Christchnrch. at Amberiey on MONDAY, August 12th,atCom- two Toole,&c.,atc Orders received atChristchurch

for the purpose of Electing a
o'clock p.m.carrying Victoria street. Dairy, Oaahel street. ■ W2O
t>EST Manuka Cbarooaland Irons, allkinds for out the general manage- mrvancvKTYS Iceland Moss, for coughs
bottles, la and*2s A ERATED Waters Young~Man, with
x> Aitken and Roberts, Ironmongers,
Colombo and Cashel streets (opposite Ballan-
Corner To be
had in ment of the Pack.
Haa.Bec_ One
T doae relieves. ■ j J\, eight years' experience, sis yeara with
Set employer, understands hories, &c., is open\
ri'ULB 'PRESS' is an authorised GAZBTTB 545g F. G. PiSPPERKLL, 15H Bilious and Liver Pilh keep j for engagement. Apply 20 Press Office. 1388

\ all BE»T Hollowground Razors and Strops X tor all Notices under the Debtors and
Aitken and: Roberts, Corner Coiomoo CreditorsAotu INTkw Brighton Racing. kJdnCTa-__Frag_by 'I In health the liver,
post, la.
heart and
MISS IZETT, 135 Manchester sneet
saints; vineyard, andCashel streets (opposite Baliantyne's.) /-\YSTERS, three fresh every
Oysters, night by
Musical Studio upstairs. Pupils re-
ceived for Singing and Pianoforte. Terms
IN BANKRUPTCY. THE LABORATORY. settling this day. \J Express; pence per dozen, a. from commencement. At home from 3to 5

TLLUMINATXD ADDRESSES prepared by At 3 p-m. Mnmford. 115 Manchester street. 8905 p.m. each day.
I A. H. Hart Architect. 2SB Colombo streee
Sees jecLnens. JN
the Superior Court of Bankruptcy holden
at Christchurch—ln the matter of the
.nkruptcy Act 1833 and of the Acta amend-
ing- the same -
Notice is hereby given 215 COLOMBO STREET,
EMPIRE HOTEL. U96 moWNEND'S Effervescing Saline, equal to
J. Fruit Salt Price Is. 183Colombo street.
npOWNEND'S Bilious and Liver Pills for
I Dyspepsia and all Derangements of the
Digestive Organs. Free by post, la.

Buy Old Gold and Silver, or Make
that Thomas Davis of Coalgate bankrupt labourer
WE Ring*, Chains, Brooches, or any article

-. .
OP WINES. SPIRITS, &c has this day been adjudicated a general Corner of Gloucester street. Ti'Oß SALE, Ladies' 15-carat Gold Albert,

A ND ARTISTS' MATERIALS for Oα and in the said Court
,/% Water Color Painting at Moderate meeting or the creditors will be held, at —The first TOOR SALE, First-Class NEWSPAPER
LMK? . P~flt? >iea!S
in jewellery from customers own gold or
suver. Quotations free of charge. S. Clarke
■JP original coat, £7; price, £2 15s: Silver
Rotherham Lever, cost £6,price £3 7s 6d; SUTeP
Pncec. Country orders jr. promptly-attended to. the office of the Official Assignee Old Govern- field one of thegiven mostpronusmg in the coto»J« and Co., 148 Colombo street. ■ ■ Lever (Stewart Dawson), cost *5 sa, price ASSα.
*5E ABOVE CELEBRATED WINES, W. GIBB, ment Buildings Christchurch on Wednesday for selling. jCtae of ttw TTIOR SALE, Wedding apd Engagemeat 8. Clarke and Cα, 148Colombo streeft. •
R.BRIEN, Good-reasons

Morten's Buildings, Cathedral square. the 14th day of August 1889 at 11-30 o'clock in grandest Principals
chances to aonly
moderate capitalist ever
Consistingof the following :— JD immensely
Rings, Watches, Chains, &c Best quality SALTS-CailsSad, Vichy
7,00,181 the forenoon—Dated this 7th day of August offered. dealt with. Apply. and below ordinary prices, at) the EFFERVESCING
Llthia, See, at Townend's, Colombostf«rt-
•McSabai7urßUady» CJawt, Reialing, Hock W-HEELBARROWS,
cheap. Aitken and
good, strong and 1889.
Roberts, Iron-
-1moagersTaoiLichfleldstr _. tnexaDaaks 1). 1187
Official Assignee.
Pharmaceutical Chemist, Manager. ?G0 AJBJff., office of this paper.
"** Excelaior.lSlLower Hjfihetreet. -1oppositeCityHoteL
should still look upon mc as a villain; and The return of the policemen to aid mc in knownartist, who has kindly sent meouft
Business Notices. Biuinees Notices. Business Notices. if she has told him, he should be still more loosening the arm aud open the front
furious. It is curious, but no affair of door partially restored mc; but after'the *W and £80. Some of those who earned
mine." Three times within the next few dead body had been removed aud the names for themselves in this nro-
days he encountered the lady on the tow- doors securely refastened I could do «seion have attained celebrity
nothing but walk the floor in great other branches of dramatic art, as, in
path or elsewhere with a young gentle- for in.
man of empty countenance, Jf"0', ne nervous distress until it was fcM ne to open stance, Arthur Roberts, who is now a
the store forbusiness in the morning.
DISAS*TEOUS saw, must be thereal Lothario. Once they
passed him when he was in the shadow or
a tree, and the lady was making pretty
Then, when the clerks arrived, and I
had related my adventure *$o them, I was
celebrated comedian. It was, and afwavt
has been, my desire and ambition to
come a comediau, and I have acted on be.
WESE AND SPIRIT faces with a cigarette in her mouth. The fain to go home and avoid the excitement several occasions In that capacity. I have
RESULT OF A LONG VOYAGE. house-boat Heathen Chinee lay but a short
distance off; and Jocelyn could see_ the
that I knew would distract mc if I re-
mained to answer the thousand questions
playedtheeading star part in the pant*
mime at Wllepn Barretfs Grand
Leeds and intended Theatre;
MERCHANT, owner gazing after his daughter placidly, that would be asked of mc.
I had only one satisfaction, but it was
, to bring out and play
in Ihe Lights o London 'in
a pipe between his lip3. "He must be
only I was juat tweuty-four hourscolonies
approving of her conduct now," was my one that a lad of my age could thoroughly too late
HAVE JUST OPENED To-day several Bales and Cases
"\\TE &c. of Drapery,
These Goods were ordered before we had signed the Lease for our
GREAT SALE friend's natural conclusion. Then one enjoy. I was a hero. The police, the
pret-s, and tho public freely expressed their
to secure the rights, which had passed tn
Mr George Rignold and Mr .Tames Allison
forenoon Jocelyn travelled to town in the
New Establishment at Hobday's corner, and should have reached us months same compartment as the old gentleman, admiration for the coolness and bravery I You will have noticed that, as far as
ago It is most unfortunate for us the Goods should have arrived so late in
had manifested in capturing the burglar, practicable I make my entertainment
ii AS & N OALE-j thp'tsoaeon esnppiallv as we CANNOT take any of them into our new shop; who was exceedingly frank, and made sly
aud the sympathy and hearty congratula- the form of comediettas.

therefore we mean to sell them at EXACTLY'HALF-PRICE, and thus give
the public something to wonder and talk about. We shall lose a heap of
VEHICLES. remarks about romantic young people who
met by stealth when there was no reason
why they should notmeet openly. What "
tions of personal friends soon restored mc
to comparative quietude.
" bctweeu the comic singers of the
There is the greatest possible differ-
money over this transaction, but we MUST CLEAR them and at once. does he mean?" Jocelyn asked himself But the best of all was the kiud con- time when I commenced and those of to-
WJK HAVE Comprising— LARGE uneasily. He saw terrible elaborate ex- sideration which 1 received from my em- day. It is a fashion, and tastes have
OUR LOSS WILL BE YOUR GAIN. T? STOCK, planations gathering, and shrank from
ployers. They were very profuse in the
expressions of their esteem. They had sent
altered as completely as the types of
charaoter caricatured. Think of the
SPRING CARTS My telegram from Jocelyn beggmg mc for the policeman who assisted mc, and "Dundreary " of twenty years apro and the
And ail the other Leading Brands kept in WHITECHAPEL CARTS to come at once and help him out of a ter- he had told the story of the burglary in
such a manner as to give mc thesole credit
" masher
of to-day, and the change will
apparent at once. That is only one
Stock. THE LINES ARE— SOCIABLE CARTS rible fix reached mc last night; and I came example out of many which could readily
to his house-boat this morning. What he of the capture. The result was a magnifi-
NOVELTY CARTS had to tell mc, not already known to the cent gift and a fortnight's leave of ab- be cited. Then the differenceIn the style
r«?K PAIRS "WHITE BLANKETS, to be sacrificed at 153 9d. These
VILLAGE CARTS "reader, is this. Yesterday afternoon he sence to recruit my shaken nerves. of songs has made a difference in the style
ADELAIDE WINES. /O blankets are 2£yds in length, and worth double this price,
RUSTIC CARTS was out in a punt, when he encountered
Adventure 11.
of singers, and has also had the effect of
limiting the field and the workers In Jt,
gentlemen in a canoe. The old
CANTERBURY CARTS manoldsaid, purple with passion, that he
the Now the necessity has arisen for the
PAIRS GREY BLANKETS, to be sacrificed at 7a lid. These Biankets
A Large Assortment alvrays on hand
including— 7f O are worth double, and are 2£yds long. DOG CARTS was on his way to pay Mr Jocelyn a busi-
ness visit. Oh, yes," he continued, I
" "
Two years later I was sent to Savannah,
Ga., by my employers to open and manage
a branch store in that city.
"The Bridge," for instance, are what
to be an actor as well. Acted songs, Hire

000 A YDS DRESS MATERIAL, in all the very best shades, to be TIMKEN GEARED BUGGIES know who you are; ifI had not discovered people want, and hence a man who cau
HATAEO cleared at 7? d' B^d 1(?2 d and ls °3 d« These goods are honestly I was yet unmarried. The store had a only sing and cannot act is speedly cut out
SARVEN-WHEELED BUGGIES you were a man of means I would not have bedroom in the rear, adjoining the office,
worth double these prices. ' ABBOTT PATTERN BUGGEES let the thing go on, and no tv I insist upon and there I lodged. In it was one large
of the running.
is "farabove that of the London music hall
SHIRAZ The taste of my patrons in Melbourne
an explanation !" window, which opened upon an alley, as
C\ X LADIES' UISTERS to be cleared atprices commencing at 2s lid. SINGLE BUGGIES Explanations! did also the rear door of the store in the goer, and they require a batter entertain-
DOUBLE BUGGIES They made for Jocelyn's houseboat, adjoining entry. At night all the doors
with almost no words on the young man's were locked and barred. The bedroom ment. You need nave no fear that a good
SHERRY KO PIECES FORFAR, for Working Aprons, Tea Cloths, &c, to be PHAETONS, TILBURIES part; but the other blurted out several window had a tight,heavy outside shutter,
show will succeed. It will, andtheiulro-
GO sacrificed at is lid, 6s lid and 9s 6d per dozen. things—as that his daughter knew where duction of vulgarity will condemn the
MUSCADINE DRAGS, COACHES made of boards and battened, which I best. That is my experience, $nd that is
was going when he left the Heathen could close and fasten inside. The why I endeavour to my utmost to elevate
MEN'S TWEED SAC SUITS to be given away at 20s suit, all sizes.
Chinee, and that he had an hour before
seen Jocelyn making love to another girl.
Don't deny it!" cried the indignant
window-sill, with its broad ledge, was
fully four feet above the floor.
One moonlight night, when I had been
the tone of my companies, and produce
nothing but higher class programmes free
CLARET, CARRIAGES. " from anything which could possibly
And to Arrive
— OH7 MENS' TWEED SAC COATS, 8s lid, worth double,
Many of the above lines will be Sold at
Cost, and all at Very Low Prices
father ; I recognised you by your velvet
and broad hat."
Then Jocelyn began to see more clearly.
The girl had"kept up the deception, and
established in business for several months,
the weather being very warm, I left the
shutter uuclosed, and lowered the top
sash a few inches to admit fresh air. I
Then there Iβ a call for ".Rickards," and
the little chat perforce concludes.
ALL OTHER LINES TO BE CLEARED AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES For Cash. had been allowed to meet her lover had not been disturbed by nocturnal in-
TOKAY. AT THE GREAT REMOVAL SALE AT because he was supposed to be no adven- truders since my arrival, and had, owing
turer but the wealthy Mr aJocelyn.
must have told him to get coat and hat
She to the heat, become quite careless. Be-
sides, I kept within reach of my bed a for-
WM, MOOR & CO., like his to help the plot. At the time the
midable bowie-knife.
amateur artist only saw all this in a About midnight I awoke. The room [from oyp correspondent.]
F. C. B. B. would draw attention to a 53 VICTORIA STREET.
Line of 1206 jumble.
Jocelynhad bravely resolved to explain
was dark, although the moon was shining
brightly. A slight noise attracted my at- Is this winter duller than the last } every,
CASHEL STREET. everything now; his bewilderment may be tention to the window, and there I saw a body is asking; upon tny word I don t
kuow, but I suppose it must be. aa we
BASS' ALE, A NECESSARY PRECAUTION. conceived when, on entering his saloon
with the lady's father, the first thing they
stalwart fellow endeavouring to prise
open the lower sash with a chisel, and have been doing nothing but sport lately,
saw was the lady herself. The old gentle- knew that in a very few minutes he would and we are at it still. Last Wednesday it
GUINNESS' STOUT. The Cunard Steamship Company, who man gasped, and his daughter looked at
own the largest and best equipped fleet in
Jocelyn imploringly.
effect an entrance. With a gun or pistol I
could have killed him without rising, but
was football in one place and a run with
the hounds in another; quite an unusual
the world, proudly boast that during the "Now," said the father, fiercely, "ex- sight it was for the rising generationwho,
Bottles fittsd -with Patent Stopper (no
corkscrew required), specially suited G.I.C. KINCAID'S G.I.C. many years of their incorporation they plain
have never lost by shipwreck or accident !"
as I had no weapon except the bowie-knife
I had to decide instantly upon some of co'iree, had never witnessed anything
of that sort before. The run was with the
for Picnic Parties. The lady's tears became her vastly. method of thwarting his purpose, for I
161 COLOMBO STREET, OPPOSITE CITY HOTEL, the life of a single seaman or passenger. Hardly knowing what he did, Jocelyn took felt that if he once gained admission he Birchwood Hounds, the start was made
Dwellers in these coloniee have no idea of from Invercargill, the place selected for
her hand. would kill mc if he could.
Also, 222 COLOMBO STREET, NEXT COOKHAM HOUSE. the precautions taken by this Company for There is nothing to explain," he said. Getting out of bed into a dim corner as the run being the West Plains, a settle-
KRON PRINZ the rough and boisterous Atlantic trade. ""
the safety and comfort of passengers in Don't—don't you see ?"
That is really the end of this strange
quietly as possible, and armed with the
bowie-knife,-1 crept along the wall on my
ment about four miles from town. There
were over two hundred horsemen present,
Every berth carries a life belt (as do the story. and Iquite a number of ladies. The
hands and knees until I was fairly under
A-dvertisin" our TEAS we do not try to mislead fche Public by pretending to ships of the Union Company), whilst
have our own plantations for growing it, or to charter vessels for carrying it to
these .shores, &c, &c.; but this we do say (owing to one of the Largest Tea Merchants
patent lifeboats and rafts are stowed ac asking " What is to be done ?" Jocelyn keeps
mo. "Of course, the old gentle-
every convenient corner of the deck. man thinks we are engaged."
the ledge of the window-sill. Then I
carefully rested on my knees and prepared
for an attack. I had no sooner done so
day was fine and the meet was highly
successful, and the master, Mr J. Gardner,
must be congratulated upon the success
In Quarts and Pints. in Melbourne getting Into financial difficulties), we have had the offer of Every ship carries, too, for the free use of
" I don't wonder. What does the lady than the lower sash yielded and was care-
which attended his labours, and is entitled
SELECTING TEAS FROM THEIR STOCK, passengers and crew, an abundant supply to the thanks of this community forgiving
Assorted Dozens of any of the above At considerably under their cost, and we absolutely state that we have
of St. Jacobs Oil, in order that the many say ?"
" She says that she ran along the bank
fullyraised and wedged with the chisel.
Then 1 heard the fellow clambering in. As
them a taste of the grand old sport.
supplied on the shor&est notice. bruises, sprains, colds and other ailments and got into my house-boat by the plank, he gained the Bill, barefooted, he paused Ploughing matches have been the ordor
SECURED SEVERAL OF THEIR CHOICEST GRADES Incidental to a bad weather trip may be hoping to see mc before her father arrived, an instant to reconnoitre, and lightly of the day all over the country, and Iα
quickly and surely relieved. about ten days there will take place the
At Prices that enable us to give BETTER VALUE IN TEAS than can be procured and to get mc to run away. leaped, into the room. Southland Champion Ploughing Match,
elsewhere in our City. "But what does she say about explain- This was the most critical moment I had
Special attention given to CASES ing affairs to him." ever experienced. As he sprang from the that finishes the sport of the country folks
PACKED for ROAD or RAIL. THESE TEAS ARE NOW BLENDED AND READY FOR SALE AT PRICES A COOKHAM COMEDY. " She says she daren't; and as for mc, I ledge I suddenly rose and plunged the for the season ; after that work. On the
evening of the ploughing match there will
PER SINGLE LB. couldn't. So I hope that you
Not I."
" bowie knife iuto his breast, andhe fell dead,
be a dinner, and we shall hear what our
REDUCTION ON According to Jocelyn, whom I hear ""It is all your fault, teaching mc to like Prostrating mc With the force of his fall,
n a second I was up again and looking out prospects for the future are, we hope they
t> dk dk 41* QUANTITY. tramping sullenly on the deck of his house- that Raleigh Mixture."
boat while I jot down these notes in the "Nonsense! you have brought it on
saloon, I am to blame for his present yourself by your horror of explanations,
of the window to discover his confederate,
if he had one, but all was quiet in the alley,
are good at any rate ;Mr Farmer hae
got tokeep us somehow; he may grumble,
but it's no use, we shall stick to him. It
ASSAM OS FINEST CEYLON OS OD and no one was visible.
OP RICH plight because I first advised him to smoke which is only another name forlaziness." As I turned to light a lamp and gain a has not been possible to do much work

All net weight M U the mixture which has brought him to So Jocelyn is now stumping up and better idea of the position, I felt the warm in the country lately, the frost was too
SAVANNAH AND OTHER CIGAR S Every Tea drinker may prove the above statement by purchasing any of the aboveTeas. this extraordinary pass. I am with him down the deck. But what can I do ?—BL blood of the burglar laying at my feet. severe, the ground being frozen to a depth
IN STOCK. in answer to his telegram; but, having James's Gazette. There he lay, as dead as Julius Caesar, a of six or seven inches, which has' made
heard all,I hold that&is horrorof explana- big, burly negro, holding in his stiffened great havoc with tho-potatoes, and the
tions is what has undone him. True, if grasp a bowie knife muchlarger than mine, loss will be pretty heavy In this direction.
you once smoke the Raleigh Mixture it and I was very, very thankful that he had Folks not used to such frosts will be
JEA IN HALF-CHESTS AND BOXES COFFEE, has you for life ; but, still, had Jocelyn FIGHTING WITH BURGLARS. found no opportunity to use it upon mc. better prepared another ciine. When run-
or the girl—however, I had better give the ning water is frozen over it Is time to look
particulars. It is a case for a plebiscite. I dressed myself hurriedly, with a
We are the only Retail Firm in Christchurch who have a Complete Plant for Roasting Adventure I. nervous tremor that I had not noticed outl
and Grinding; Fresh Ground Daily. Connoisseurs of Coffee can rely on Jocelyn. as I call him here, is a wealthy until then, and hastened to open the front The frost bee had the same effect upon
SUGAR, SOAP AND CANDLES. getting the Genuine Article. young fellow, who follows the profession Twice in my life I have been placed in door of the store. The street was bathed mining operations, which are pretty well
of being an amateur. In the middle of positions that served to harrow up my" in moonlight, and midnight silence was at a standstill, though it doesnfcaffect the
last month he installed himself in a small soul, freeze my young blood," and turned over all. Again and again I shouted the work on the big rivers and on the beaches*
Our DRY FBUITS are of the FINEST QUALITY and Perfectly Clean, being Washed house-boat below Cookham Lock—for my hair as grey as a rat's before my 24th name of the patrolman on the beat, with Sew Hoy's dredge on|the ShotoveJhaUbeen
F. C. B. BISHOP, and Dried by our New Machine. "No Grit, no Dirt.' obvious reasons I do not give the real birthday.
locality—where he meant to catch the I had been hired, when a small lad, a-
whom I had an intimate acquaintance, and doing some uncommonly good work lately,
and getting good bit of gold: it mast not
advent of summer upon a canvas. Early an v nder-cierk or apprentice in a whole in a few minutes he came, running, and be supposed that this dredge Jβ similarto
WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT, quite excited by the novelty of being the beach dredges, the beach dredgebeing
that evening, while his boy was at sale hardware store in New York. After wanted.
OUR WELL-KNOWN ASSORTED DOZEN SPIRITS in fact, a centrifugal pump—but the
184 ARMAGH STREET, OJ^S Maidenhead, he smoked his last pipeful several years service, during which I
of the Raleigh Mixture, which can only gained a good practical knowledge of the
After a briefrelation of my adventure,
and a closer examination of the dead dredge working on the Shotover lean
be got in London. Cigars he cannot business and gradual promotion. I became burglar, the guardian of the night ordinary bucket dredge, a steam digger
Christchtoch. 5779 smoke, cigarettes he only cares for when the head salesman, and enjoyed the con- in fact working on a large beach
identified him as an old offender, a desper- commonly called the Big Beach," from
G.I.C. made of his favourite tobacco. At Cook-
ham he could only get tobacco that made
fidence of my employers.
I was nearly twenty years of age when
ate villian, and well known to the police. "
where, on the first discovery of gola on
More officers were speedily called in, and the Wakatipu, gold was taken out by the
him uncomfortable. Havingrecently be- the adventure which I am about to relate
the body, withthe negro's bowie knife and
gun to use a new ponch, he searched his occurred. The work of my earlyapprentice- bucket full. ft does not seem to be all
THE MASSEY TORONTO LIGHT BINDER. pockets in vain for odd shreds of the mix- ship had enlarged and strengthened my
chisel, was removed.
I spent an unquiet hour, trembling with done yet. It is stated Iα town that the
Waipapa dredge is at work Again, and
ture to which he had so contemptibly be- muscular system, my health was at Its nervous excitement, in washing the floor
THE come a slave. In a very bad temper he best, and as I had never been exposed to and closing the shuttered window. Then that, during the past ten days the returns
took to his dingey, vowingfor a little while peril I knew but little of the sensation of have been highly satisfactory; of ex-
THE MOST SUBSTANTIAL FRIEND OF THE FARMERS. that he would violently break the chains fear. I walked the floor another hour to soothe
my rebellious nerves, and then I went to act quantity obtained I am at present un-
that bound him to one tobacco, and after- For many years I slept alone in the score. able to apeak. The Nenthorne reef
FISHER'S BUILDINGS, wards, when he was restored tohis senses, Every evening the doors and windows in bed and slept the sleep of the just until business is getting very exciting,
THJS WONDERFUL that he would jilt it gradually. He had daylight. our brokers being busy supplying; the
the rear were protected with heavy iron This was my last encounter with a
HEREFORD STREET,CHRISTCHUKCH, pulled some distance down the river, with- shutters, swung from outside and strongly demand for shares; should have thought
New Zealand. REAPER AND BINDER out regarding the Cliveden Woods, when barred and bolted Inside ; the hatchway
he all but ran into a blaze of Chinese leading to the cellar and second floor were
burglar. The sport is too exciting for
frequent indulgence or for enjoyment.
I may say, in conclusion, that this
with Stewart's Island on our hands we
were about full up ; had no idea we were
VIEW at our Stores, West street, Ashburton; at, Messrs BENNETTS lanterns. It was a house-boat called—let securely covered and fastened ; one of the adventure paved the way formy entrance so well off. Speaking of the Island, speci-
BROS., Christchurch and Leeston ; at Mr W. BUSS , Rangiora. us change its name to the Heathen Chinee. massive wooden front doors was bolted at mens of tin ore are coming over thick and
AUTHORISED CANVASSING AGENT Staying his dingey with a jerk, Jocelyn the top and bottom, while the other' was
into the firm as a partner. My "pluck"
fast, in fact this specimen business is
FOB We Invite Inspection of this Little but Strong, this Small but Great, this Light but and possibly a serviceable supply of getting about as large as the fleb trade,
Durable Machine. Every Farmer should go and see this looked up, when a wonderful sight met his only carefully locked, and the key was assurance, besides my constant fidelity to
ADVERTISEMENTS & SUBSCRIBERS eyes. On the open window of an seldom removed. only not quite so profitable. Fish
apparently empty saloon stood a round tin My bed occupied a comer of the count- the interests of the business, served mc ia brings money in, specimens takes nwney
The Press Co., Limited, Christchurch
MASSEY Jocelyn sat gaping. "
of tobacco, marked Raleigh Mixture."
The only sound
ing-room, midway between the front and
to rear of the store. Upon retiring I always
lieu of capital. out, but then we look to a glorious fntnre
when we shall have lots of tin. Input- the
The Canterbury Tramway Co., Limited "nCONOMICAL be heard, except a soft splash of water turned off all the gas, for, if necessary, I meantime two of the companies are

HL tor
Ess&v iissi Las,, AN INTERVIEW WITH HARRY ting in tunnels, hoping to strikethe lode;

The Canterbury A. and P. Association EiHT ,l under the house-boat, came from the could, from long familiarity with the store
Whitcombe, Tombs and Co., Limited kitchen, where a servant was breaking and allits contents, make my way safely this is on the right lines, and ia the moat

The Otago Daily Times and Witness crockery for supper. The romantic figure about all parts of it in the most profound RICKARDS. important and satisfactory step which hw
Co., Limited yet been taken In connection with tflew
B 1 N_D E R. in the dingey stretched out his hand and darkness.
tin workings. That tin ore is widely die-
The N. Z. Tablet then drew it back, remembering that In all my mercantile life the premises
TheN. Z.Methodist there was a law against this sort of thing. had never been beset by burglars, and, Comiques Past and, Present. tribatod throughout the island there can
The N. Z. Church News BROS., Sole Agents for N.Z. He thoughtto himself, "If I were to wait indeed, the store was so carefully closed Harry Eickards and a first clasn be no doubt; but certainly running back-
The Catholic Times FRIEDLANDER until the owner returns, no doubt a man and guarded against intruders thatit was Specialty Company will arrive in New ward and forward with specimens wop t
The Southland Times and Weekly Times who smokes the Raleigh Mixture would deemed invulnerable. Zealand at the latter end of September,
The Soufchlaader feel for mc." Tben hie fatal horror of ex- One night I was suddenly awakened by opening at Dunedin. The Company has At the meeting of the Town Council on
The Southland Daily News ! Thursday evening, the half-holiday people
The West Coaet Times and Leader TAYLOR, PAPPS & CO. "
planation whispered to him, The owner some noise that seemed to come from out-
may be a stupid, garrulous fellow, who side of the store. As I raised myself in
just concluded a long season at St.
George's Hall, Melbourne, and are at pre- had quite a monopoly of business ; waen
The Grey River Argus willkeep you here half the night explain- bed to listen I heard a neighbouring city sent on a flying visit to the inland towns it was decided toestablish the Wednesday
The N.Z. Times ")
The Evening Post Iwpllinfffcon
; WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CO-OPERATIVE ing your situation." Jocelyn, I want to clock strike two. When its vibrations of New South Wales. The tour will be half-holiday, the County Council alteted
the statutory holiday from Saturday to
> CASH GROCERS impress upon the reader, is the sort of man ceased, I felt sure that something was under the management of that popular
Th,e Evening Press
who, if asked whether he did not think wrong at the front door. There seemed to agent, Mr W. A. Jinkins. Arepresentative Wednesday; now soraeoae wants »»«£•
The Weekly HeraldJ I "InMemoriam" Mr Browning's greatest be a saw or other sharp instruments in of the Melbourne Evening Standard recently dayback again, and on 'Ihuwday night
THE NEW ZEALAND FARMER have had MANY YEARS' PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE n the BLENDING petitions were presented front both "Wft
Auckland Star
Auckland Weekly News j
WE OF TEAS which, combined with the fact that we always give GOOD VALUE,
accounts for the large inquiry and general satisfaction experienced. Others, no doubfc,
poem, would, say yes, as the easiest way of operation, Thus impressed, I quietlyrose,
ending the conversation. Obviously he dressed, and made my way in the dark to
would save himself trouble by simply the front.
interviewed the great coraique, when the
following interesting facts of comiques I don't know how It will all end bttMt
seems to mc that the Wednesday peopJ*
N.Z. Herald understand T*a Blending equally with ourselves, but the great drawback to those annexing the tin. He seized hold of it Listening for a few seconds I could hear "
past and present were elicited :~
"Wheu I commenced my professional have got the beet ol It. ■ . AW ~,
Hawke's Bay Herald who rely upon tea alone is the number of hands through which it passes before and rowed off. faint whispers, and then the sound of a :
career !a 1808, Vance and Leybourne were The dispute between the Charitable

Evening News and Hawke's Bay Ad- j reaching the consumer. First comes the merchant or importer, then the tea blenders, Smokers, who know how tobacco de- small saw. Then I knew that burglars the great representatives of the style of Board and the Southland Hospital tree-
vcrtiser, from them, in many oases, back again to the merchant, who supplies the small store- velops the finer feelings, hardly require to were cutting a hole in the door, in order tees seems to be approaching a
entertainment to which I have since de-
And all of the principal New Zealand keepers,agents, hawkers,&c, and of course each one mof his turn obtains a profit. Sothat be told what happened next. Suddenly that the key might be reached and turned. voted my life, and in which, I think I can, tkm. It will be remembered thafctn© trns

Journals. we are not far wrong in stating that the original cost the ordinary 2a tea generally Jocelyn remembered that he was probably From marks discoveredon the key, during tees applied forpermission to borwrv £\W
without vanity, say I have won a large
retailed by the small agencies of tea blending firms ever exceeds Iβ Id to ls 2d duty leaving the owner of the Heathen Chinee a subsequent examination, It was evident for new buildings which request;the

The Sydney Morning Herald measure of success and distinction in

. refused. lhe Wβ
Daid. It may seem strange, but it is nevertheless true, that the merchant proper without any Raleigh Mixture. He at once that they had tried to turn it with nippers. nearly all English speaking parts of the Charitable Aid Board
The Sydney Mail scarcely ever blends tea himself, but often re-purchasee tea of his owe importing tees, wrath at this, appealed to theColonW
The Sydney Echo filled his pouch, and, pulling softly back to But it was too cumbrous, and the effort world; And speaking of Leybourne re-
The Melbourne Argus in the form of blended the house-boat, replaced the tin on the had been abandoned. minds mc that when he died, and both Secretary. The matter, of C°* tß<bJg:
.. Tne Australasian window, his bosom swelling with the I could have frightened away the in- have now passed away, a mutual friend referred to the Inspector,
It willbe seen at a glance the advantages those possess who Import, Blend, and pride of those who give presents. At the truders by making a noise and lighting the commented thus :—* Ah, poor George !he Who, in a memorandum on tlnen"©
The Melbourne Sun
The Melbourne Evening Standard Supply the Public Direct over those who rely upon so many mediums before reaching same moment a hand gripped him by the gas, but I wished, if possible, to thwart drew the largest audiences while he lived,
The Queenslander j the public neck, and a girl, somewhere on deck, their purpose in another manner, and and had the biggest funeral when he

screamed. capture one ofthe marauders. With this died.'
The Queensland Observer We are Making a LEADING LINE OF OUR 2s BLEND, and are Jocelyn's captor, who was no other than intention I cautiously crept to a package I was a civil engineer in London when
The Brisbane Courier
The Hobart Town Mercury ExtraordinaryValue. We can safely recommend it in preference to the ordinary 2s4d the owner of the Heathen Chinee, dragged of stout bed cords, one of which I seized, "
in the year named I accompanied some -hospitals sum* out of all W IM J
The Launceston Examiner tea to be obtained elswhere. him fiercely into the house boat and and returned to the door. In the end of
stormed at him for five minutes. My the cord I made au easy-running noose,
friends toKnightebridge, and at the Sun the contributions of these
auras which, especially in the
case, oi
The Adelaide Observer Hall, hearing & variety entertainment were
spent After «»*Jβ **
And all the principal Australian papers. friend shuddered as he thought of the ex- and strongly fastened the bight to the leg which included comic vocalism, the idea the Riverton
planations to come, when he was allowed of a neighbouring counter that supported came into my head that I could go and do travagantly *£,
were wakened we
The attention o£ Sportsmen is specially ! to epeak, and gradually he realised that heavy boxes of tinplate. likewise, and I did. In 1868 I was intro- pecience the Board
directed to the FIELD," published at
" he had been mistaken for some one else— Then I carefully held the noose around duced to Mr John Wilton, of Wilton's necessity for economy, but
Chicago. apparently for some young blade who had the place where the burglars were cut-
been carrying on a clandestine flirtation ting the hole. After waiting a few
Hall, who, hearingmc sing, at once offered
mc an engagement, which! accepted, and
they have taken up a et*Q
place; that the demand of the
V?ki fIKS
with the old gentleman's daughter. minutes 1 heard them remove the piece of sang comic and topical song 3. My success Trustees is perfectly legitimate
such to WjHgg
Hospital buildings areoutlay a^
E. NORTON TAYLOR- It will take an hour, thought wood which they had sawed out. The
Jocelyn, to convince him that I am light of a bull's-eye lantern flashed for an
was such that in the course of a few
months Mr Charles Morton, the proprietor need the additional |£
not that person, and another hour instant at the aperture, sufficiently to re- of the Oxford and Canterbury Halls, Of course the trustees are jubila
Represents the to explain why I am really here. veal its outline and enable mc to adjust secured my services for those houses, and
and ft Iβ to'be bgg
new aspect of affaire,be
Then the weak creature had an idea: the noose. Then a man's arm was thrust
Might not the simplest plan be to say through the hole.
my income jumpedat one bound to £20 a the matter will now <k^et }lf°%l «*>
ably settled, as Hospital matters ft»
that hi* surmises are correct, promise to This was the opportunity for which I
week. I remained therd for three years,
and if thejesue of songs associated with a mpor t/int to be trifled with.
The Southland Acclimatisation!
AGENCY, NEW YORK, give his daughterup, and get off as quickly had waited. A quick and vigorous move- singer is an indication of then
as possible 1 He began to wonder if the ment drew the noose tightly around the I had no reason to be dissatisfied, "as, I held their usual meeting a fewc
And is prepared to Contract for Advertise-
ments in the Leading Journals of England
girl was pretty; but saw it would hardly fellow's wrist, aud then I hauled on the
do to say that he reserved his defence un cord with all my strength until I had
think, no vocalist, before or since, has
so much published with his name upon it
had The proceeding* of these. »P
always interesting *n*sm
°sMvs M w*
and America. tilhe could see her. pulled tbe arm through the hole as far as I as a claim for it of favourable recognition. In which they are whole coramatUW,™ »»
." "
I admit," hesaid at last, that I admire could, notwithstanding the opposition One of my great successes at this time importance to the
N.B.— your daughter; but she spurned my ad- manifested by its owner. was Captain Jinke of the Horse Marines,' only as regardn the future b«t
THE CENTRAL PRESS AGENCY, vances, and we parted yesterday for ever."
" Yesterdayr
There was no noise, although the fellow
was undoubtedly in great pain ; and when
which became world-famous, andhas been
repeatedly eung sine'e by W. H. Llngard " i*
present time. The *Ple d Ktonoftb«
obtained from the acclimatisation fc
48 Castlereagh street, and Corner of Vic-
" Or was it the day before ?" I had firmly secured the cord to the trout and other fish i» *&>•£ ™ &r.
€fe E0R57&1
and Billy Emerson.
toria Arcade, Sydney, N.S.W., or
Fisher's Buildings, Hereford street,
"Why, sir, I have caught you red- counter I felt along it until I touched the
handed .'" arm, and found that it had been forced " Acting upon the hint given by reward for years
At the meeting in
of un
H>* *S& eW
JJgil *�»
Enderby Jackson, I brought out a company
Supply all the Papers and Periodicals of "This is an accident," Jocelyn ex- through the opening almost to .the to Australia in 1872 and opened at the old specimen turned up, and the oije
the day. Young Australia, the Journal of
the Naval and Military Forces, and official her again.' "
plained, andThen I promise never to speak to shoulder.
he added, as an after- I was not in the least frightened. I had
thought, "however painful that may be to one of the burglars a prisoner, and I knew
Princess's Theatre on the occasion of a
benefit tendered to Mrs Mary Gladstane,
startled by the
of its members.
was this, that
Mr McGregor.
some years %
organ of the Imperial FederationLeague,
2Qs per annum advance. London Sunday TAYLOR, PAPPS & CO., mc." that the others would not long remain
Before Jc-cslyn got back to his dingey he with him. On the whole, I was rather
under the management of MrL.M. Bay-
leas. Subsequently I played long and opossums were "berated k fc ™i*K™Viid
Buah ; they hare thriven amajtoelβ m
Times, The Sun, Town and Country CO-OPERATIVE CASH GROCERS. successful seasons at that theatre, afc Bt.
Journal, Albury Banner, Detroit Free
Press, and numerous others. Main Warehouse-195 and 197 HIGH STREET. _--_-
had been told that he would be drowned pleasantly excited, and quite exultant over
if he came- near that house-boat again. my success.
George's Hali, at the Apollo Hall, which
was expressly built for mc, and in nearly
the boys go out and ■*£*£ss
trees;that skins badteensene
Branches at LOWER HIGH STREET and 65 VICTORIA STKEET. As he sculled away he had a glimpse of Slipping on my shoes, I lighted three or
the flirting daughter, whom he describes four gas jets, unfastened a back door, and
every city and important centre through-
the whole of the colonies.
.where an expert had
exceed, not only In si" and In i™> mJ .
Special Terms to Advertisers. Orders Carefully Packed and Forwarded by Bail Goods Deliveries
at Railway to mc briefly as being of such engaging shouted down the alley for a policeman.
appearance that six yards is a trying As soon as he came I let him inside of the
Since then I have been home twice of skin, buc in ««»•««•
thing produced in Victoria
tions to meet all trains. - distance to be away from her. store, and then we began to reconnoitre
and retnrned with new companies,
o£ which that now playing with mc is the In view of these facw It was
"Here," thought Jocelyn that night, and ascertain the status of affairs at the fourth. It 13.n0w my intention to settle that the opossums SwJbS, ft
throughout the Soufchlaloo "» Z&tfjp
E NORTON TAYLOR, over a pipe of that Raleigh Mixture, '• the front. The arm was -till there, of course In Melbourne, and If my schemes are

affair ends; though I dare say the young —I should have been exceedingly as- carried oat I %hall build a theatre that the Government should ior

' •%»**£ °%Sfxtioat°

-_ ftiea to the 1-atKI&HT YK-LRB. «nd by Kwt- lady will call mc terrible names when she tonished if it had disappeared. The cord especially adapted to my line of business, declare a dose
A-USTRALASIAN, **"' > r'T«—
Hfl^ Kntali, *nd Materiel h--e β-cored one of the hears that I have personatedher lover. I was tightly drawn around the wrist, and and then pay a flying visit to London and three years, and a
, \
mast take care to avoid the father now, the hand was black, owing to the stoppage engage a flrst-claas company for it. thateffectwas /»fr j*f"" stUl anott"*
Zealand, JCjNGLisst, i _||K_f_'e__7 " * Repairing Trade* in Canterbury. -ltt_a__jß

IM ew
for he will feel that I have been fooling of the circulation of the blood. I have said, Vance and Leyboariie

cleaned r -^,ehS.p^lt ' ISjSneo

him. Perhaps I should have made a clean The policeman thenreturned to the alley were at the top of the tree when I com-
■A.MWRICAN I breast of it; bat X do loathe explana- and made his way to the front, picking up
tions." another officer on the street to assist him.
menced climbing it, but there were others
like- George Hartley, Brian, and Connelly jg&fJS

Two days afterwards Jocelynpassed the Presently I heard them shouting to mc ("the Nerves") Stead ("the Cure"), time of the year are qujefe.
sWarranted character-

AND father and daughter on the river. The that the burglar was dead; that his Arthur Lloyd, Nelly Power, &c, most of doing in oats,
A-DVERTISING .A.GENCY, warrants] lady said Thank you to him with her companions, finding it impossible to re-
" "
eyes, and, still more remarkable, the old lease him, and fearful that he would
whom are now gone. Of coarse there
have been, and are still, imitators, and
_^%-rJ'_-r • Xoe«meottaew«h any otherahep. *~** gentleman bowed. Jocelyn thought it expose them to the authorities, had out you have had several here. Charles God-
HEREFORD STREET,CSBJSICB.JJBCR. Jr faaported the latest hxprcKoA Took over. "She is grateful to mc," he con- his throat from ear to ear. frey trhtvby the way, made mc a present
"*~ ~-. I ameila to Make to Older Bines,—*
Pi&S, S^>^^ »?
cluded, for drawing away suspicion from I was young, and unused to dreadful
the other man, but what can have made acts like this, and the unexpected denoue- "
of Oα Guard," and a great number of
, impersonations, including
other successful
[ f-— - |t
i> Wfpjtuiw matron w i-mbm am .na_B9l*jw>«fc...-_-—___! the father so amiable ? Suppose she has ment not only astonished me,* bnt ao
not told him that I am an impostor, he shocked my nerves that I nearly fainted- ' The Bridge, makes between £80 and £100
a week; and Jennie Hill, another well-

Business Notices. Bttrinsaa Kofcton the recommendation, and pointed oat that defendant. Sometimes beer which was ALDIVNEGTOSTOCK
HOSPITAL BOARD. the Committee had, given the-matter sound was returned. No new beer was SPORTING.
An ordinary meeting of the North Can-
lengthy consideration, and that the man
they had recommended had the best cre-
put unstamped. Returned beer, however,
was not stamped a second time when it
terbury Hospital Board was held at 2 p.m. dentials. was taken out again. ASHBURTON COUNTY HUNT CLUB Wednesday.
yesterday, when there were present— Mr Crooks objected to the Chairman Cross examined—Returned beer if the STEEPLECHASE MEETING. The sale* were favored with fine
THOS, TAYLOR'S Messrs W. White, junior (Chairman), D. opposing the recommendations of the
House Committee. The man whom the
casks were full, remained untouched, and
the casks Stewards—Messrs G. H. Alington, J. C. N. weather, the attendance was large, aud
McMillan, R. WestenraJl. Crooks, b! H.
Parish, R. Martindale, W. Prudhoe, and Chairman had cut and dried for the posi- "
were sometimes fixed up." If
were ullaged their contents were used for Grigg, Dr. Leahy, John Corbitt, J. Jackson,
H. G. Moore, w. P. Chapman, J. Jamieson,
the yards were Ln good order. Entries all
round were not large except fat cattle, ol
W. Moor. tion had not the best credentials. bottling. I>. McKendry, P. Russell. Judge—Mr M. which there was a large supply. Fat
Mr Martindale supported the report. H. Stevenson, carter, gave similar evi-
PRICE LIST A letter was read from H. Bonnington,
the contractor for supplies,
an advance of Id per pound asking that
on sugar be
The Chairman said that the man whom
Mr Crooks charged him with having had
T. Cooper, accountant, deposed that he
Stitt, Starter—Mr D. Thomas. Clerk of
the Course—Mr A. Hewson. Clerk of the
Scales—Mr A. J. Kelly. Hon. Sec MrK.
sheep also were in good force, but quality
was not as well represented as quantity.
Fat Cattxe.—This was the best repre-
OF allowed on his contract price, seeing the cut and dried for the position was not the had investigated defendant's books in J. Fooks. sented class of cattle in the day's market,
extraordinary rise that had taken place in man he would have recommended. There reference to certain dates. The sub-day- The annual steeplechase meeting of the including a good few really one beasts.
that article. were two others, either of whom he book was an account of returned beer sent Ashburton Hunt Clnb was held on the The attendance of the trade was not very
TEAS. Mr Prudhoe moved and Mr Parish
seconded—" That the request be not en-
thought would have been quite suitable.
At the same time he wished it tobe under-
stood that he had nothing against the
out. There was another book called the Ashburton racecourse on Wednesday. A
caskbook, which was an account of re- well filled card, beautifullyfine weather.and
turned beer received at the brewery. He an unusually large attendance, including
large, but nearly all the lines changed
hands at satisfactory rates. Bidding
throughout the sale was brisk and any-
Mr D. McMillan supported the motion, man recommended. had compared a large number of entries many ladies, augured well for the thing of superior quality was keenly com-
wnicn was agreed to. Messrs Parish and McMillan sup- and found them to fit with each other. success of the meeting, and the peted for. Best heavy weight bullocks
m TAYLOR'S BLENDED TEAS were Correspondence was read from Messrs ported the Committee's recommendation, Casks No. 556 and 716 were received on actual result was a really capital made from £0 to £8 7s 6d, inferior beasts
'■ introduced in 1876, have
m first Jones, Perceval and Taylor. M.H.R.'e, and after hearing the Engineer's scale of February 2nd from Maguire, were credited day's sport There were no particu- from £4 to £5 10s, heifers went from£4
Always maintained a large sale, and are acknowledging receipt of copies of the was duties read, expressed the opinion that he to him in the ledger at £4 10s each. On larly close or exciting finishes, but
10s to £7, and cows up to £6, or from 16a
Sillsteadily Increasing in favor.
The collapse of so many who have dealt
to Teas exclusively indicates that the
jjegu 2s tfoards resolution re Hospitals and
Charitable Aid Bill.
The letters werereceived.
not too highly paid.
The motion for the adoption of the
report was then put and carried.
April sth they went to Manning. Maguire the various events were well contested,
got it on January 3rd; it was then new and the members of the Hunt Club are to
beer, dutypaid, "the charging of 1hhd to be congratulated on having closed a par-
6d to 17s 6d per lOOlbs. H. Matson and
Co. (associated with National M. and A.
Company of N.Z. Ltd.) sold for Mr T.
recognise that they get best value The formal resolution moved by Mr to twopersons on the same date appeared to ticularly successful hunting season, with
r their money from the grocer (provided
of course that he knows his business).
c,™ Chairman of the Honorary Medical Prudhoe, and seconded by Mr McMillan,
btaff wrote as follows :—" Your Sfcaff are allocating the payment of £2945 for the
unanimous in the belief that the system
be an error. He could. not explain the a particularly successful and enjoyable
credit to Deal of £2 8$ 2d. The books steeplechase meeting. The first event on
Kennedy 8 steers at J£6 7s 6d to £7 10e, 2
heifers at £5 12s 6d and £6 15a; for Mr D.
Rutherford, 2 bullocks at £6 17s 6d and £8
The reason is obvious, namely, that sell- of heating wards 4 and 5 is faulty. Instead maintenance of the Hospital for the cur- were kept in a very unsystematic manner, the card was the Hunters' Hurdle Race, 7s 6d, and 10 steers at from £4 ( 17s 6d to
ing a hundred other articles he is not com- of the heat vents being placed underneath rent year to the various local bodies in the and witness was surprised that the entries for which a field of six faced the starter, £617s Cd ; for Mr J. Grigc, 12 steers at
pelled to get an enormous profit on Tea, the oeds they should be brought into the North Canterbury district was passed. proved so well. which resulted ia a three lengths victory
from £tf to £7 7s 6d; for Mr M. Ryan, 2

or to pay an agent to sell for him at a middle of the floor, so that an even This is £585 less than for the previous Chas. Louisson, Managing Director of for Meada. Old Captain ran a good steers ac £4 15s ; for Mr Coolihan, 4 steers
eecondpront. temperature could be maintained. The pre- year. the Crown Brewery Company, gave evi- second. Chancellor, though not in the at from £l> 10s to £7, and 3 heifers at from
sent system is most stifling to patients, The Board then adjourned. dence as to the quantity of material used pinkest of condition for galloping, took £5 os to £0 15s ; for the Drainage Board, 5
PRICES OF especially those suffering from chest in the manufacture of "beer, and as to the his fences, and also showed a fair turn of head at from £4 5s to £5 12s Gd ; for Mr
aflections. Your staff requests that No. custom of his firm with regard to returned speed. The eight acceptors went out for Spencer, 10 head, mixed at from £4 2s 6d
NEW SEASON BOX 6 be not connected (according to the exist- BEER DUTY ACT. beer. the principal event, the Hunt Cup Steeple-
The case was then adjourned till to-day chase. Lewis, by Cloth of Gold, was made
to £7; for Mr Griffiths, Icon-at £4 15s:
ing system), as it would lead to badresults for Mr F. Tavender, 6 heifers at from £4
in some surgical cases." at 10 a,m. a warm favorite. He led from the start, 7s 6d to £0 ios. Messrs Pyne and
At the Resident Magistrate's Court yes-
TEAS. and, being splendidly ridden by Mr E.

IDs 6d,12s6d. 14s 6d, 16s 6d. 18s 6d, 20s,

Mr Moor said he understood the system
was a most successful one. It had been Westenra, terday before R, Beetham, R.M., and R.
adopted at Home, and now, when they of the Standard
had completed it here the honorary staff
J.P., William Scarlett, brewer,
Brewery, Christchurch, SUPREME COURT.
Saunders, ne took every jump iv the most
perfect manner, and won cleverly by
three lengths, never having been headed
Co. sold for Mr T. Wilson, fat
cows at £6 15s and £6 17s 6d.
Messrs Dicken and Co. sold for Mr A.
McLachlan, 2 heifers at £4 ss; for Mr M.
and 225. Each will be found of un- was
objected to it, and the whole thing was to Dutycharged Mr with breaches of the Beer or hard pressed from start to finish. Weir, cows from £3 5s to £3 15s: for Mr
usually good value. Act. Martin appeared for the The win was a very popular one,
be capsized. of Customs, Mr Kippenberger and on weighing in three lusty cheers A. W. Bennetts, 8 steers from £5 5s to £1,
MrR. Westenra said he remembered Collector 12 heifers from £4 7s Gd to £6 2s 6d.
BLENDED TEAS. FLAVORED NUTRITIOUS that when the system was proposed the
staff approved of it, and generally the forty-six
for the defendant.
Mr Martin stated that there had been
SITTINGS IN BANCO. were given "for the horse and owner,
and a special hearty one for one of the
Stork Cattle—Aα extremely small
entry brought forward, made up princi-
informations laid against the Wednesday, August 7. very best riders that ever threw a leg
Having a complete stock of the various patients spoke in favor of it. He had
but it had been arranged to pally of odd lots of mixed cattle. There
made inquiries among the patients, and defendant, (Before his Honor Mr Justice Denniston.) across a horse. Audley delighted his six was not a large attendance present while
Teas used in blending, such as Indian, take
only one of them said that the heat of the The first caseonly three on the present occasion. backers by winniDg the Hack Race by a
including Assam, Darjeeling and would be with regard to two His Honor sat in Banco at 11 a. in. the sale was going on, and as the quality

TEAS ward was too great when the gas was neck, and paying a dividend of £16 Is. was poor prices suffered in consequence.
others, Ceylons in variety, Fiji, China, lighted. He had also spoken to the archi- hogsheads of beer, of which it was alleged MAY V UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Meada scored a second victory by lauding
Pekoes, Capers, Oolong and Green defendant had not made true and Two-year-old steers made £3 7s, do neifers
Teas, the public may rely on a Tea to tect, Mr S. Hurst Seager, who had carried that
exact entry and report," an offence " which In this case, which was heard before a the Maiden Steeplechase, while Little
cleverly won the Ladies' Bracelet. £2 10s, three-year-old steers £4 6s,
suit any palate. These Blended Teas out the system, and who had written a if would render the defendant special jury at Nisi Prius in June last, a Arthur
Selling Steeplechase brought the meet- and heifers went up to £3 17s 6d-
letter on the subject, which he would proved verdict for £40 damages was returned for A Messrs Ptne and Co. sold for clients, 6
contain no Green or Pekoe unless liable to a tine not exceeding £100 nor less ing to a close. Messrs Mason and Roberts two-year-old steers at £3 7s ; cows at from
read. plaintiff. The plaintiff sued for damages were
asked for.
Is a sound flavored Tea _- Q
2s 4D Mr Seager, under date August 6th, and
wrote, stating that the inlets for the ad-
than £50, besides the forfeiture of all beer
utensils on his premises. He called
Thomas Lye, clerk and Dook-keeper to
mission of fresh air to the Hospital wards the defendant, who produced a book called
on account of a certain shipment of butter through
Company. Leave was reserved at the
In charge of the totalisator, and put
which was shut out by the defendant Appendedthe satisfactory
are the results:
sum of £803.

£3 to '£3 13s; jtwo-year-old heifers at
50s, and four yearlings at 255. Messrs
Dicken and Co. sold for Mr J. Beaumont,
of fair strength, equal to I s f-tv were placed in accordance with the views the Excise Book, relating to the busi- trial to move. The Hunterb' Hurdle Race H_*ndioap of dairy cow at .£7 10s ; for Mr W. Bade,
the 2s Tea sold second- -*- v, expressed by the most eminent authorities ness " of his employer. On Mr Spackman now moved for judgment 15 soys; a'cond horseto receive 3 soys from heifer at M ; for Mr W. McDonald, steers
on hospital construction. The systemhad deliveries were hhd. Other April sth the
to be entered up for plaintiff. the stake; for qualified hunters, the pro- at £4 6s, bull at £1 Is, roan heifer at JB4
hand by the agents. books showed perty of members of the A'-hburton County
been carried out with perfect success in that this was 1delivered to Mr Wallace. Mr Harper {contra and for judgment) for Over eight flights of hurdles,
Hunt Club. high. 10s, heifer at £3 17s 6d.
Dairy Cattle—Another small entry of
COMPARE this with the several important modern hospitals and Witness produced a carter's delivery book defendant. about 3ft 6ln
2s 4d of the second hand ac /%r» infirmaries in England, Scotland, and which showed 2 hhds had been delivered His Honor, after argument, entered up 32. Mr A. McLeans b m Meada, by Daniel dairy cattle yarded, the majority of which
sellers, and you will save | 111" WARDELL BROTHERS America. Edmund A. Parkes, M.D., on Apnl sfch to Manning, of Kaiapoi. The judgment for defendant with costs accord- O'Rorke, aged, lOst 71b (Bamber) 1 were in poor condition. Bidding was
the 6d per lb differencein -■-
-*- v F.R.S., Prof, of Military Hygiene in the first of the books produced was that (pro- ing to scale. 24. Mr J. Corbltt's br g Captain, aged. lOst
(Owner) 2
fairly brisk for the better class of cattle,
but inferior beasts were much neglected.
Army Medical School, one of the foremost duced)from which the transcript" (of beer CORK V GARTER.
English authorities on the subject, said in sent out) "
was furnished to the Customs In this case, in which a verdict was 9st7lb
6 yra.
3. Mr J. Heßeltine's eh g Chancellor,(Roaa) 3 Best cows made from £510s to £7 10s, and
JHIS TEA draws a strong,' his well-knovrn book, "A Manual of officers. The entry to Manning was not 13. Doubtful, list; 28,
30. Waireka. 12st: ran. inferior ones up to £5 a head.
returned for the plaintiff in a case for
rich and bright liquor
excellent flavor, and the OS AND COMPANY, Practical Hygiene," page 166, "The air in the ordinary day-book (produced.)
may pass (intorooms) through boxe3 con- In June, Jackman, a Customs officer,
damages, an action of malicious prose- Cymaro, lOst 9lb, alao
Chancellor and Captain were quickest to
Store Sheep—The entry of this class
was a shade larger than last week's.
second liquoring is stron- cution arising out of the Kaikoura con- Prices also were good, young stock being
taining coils of hot water pipes, or in came to the brewery. Defendant told spiracy case, start. After jumping the first hurdle
ger than the first, an factories, of steam pipes. This is the best witness to show him the books. Jackman but ran greatly in demand. Crossbred ewes in
economical Tea Mr Gresson moved that the verdict Waireka rushed to the front, Captain lamb made from 6s to 9s (3d, crossbred
CASHEL STREET- CHRISTOHURCH. mode of warming. The coils may be close put a query about the two casks of beer entered up for plaintiff be set aside, and round the second hurdle, leaving wethers from 5s 6d to Bs, and a line of
to the outside walls, or in the centre; or named in the information. He spoke of that a verdict should be entered for defen- in front, a position he held for a mile. really fine lambs made up to 103 6d a
AT THIS PRICE we can in hospital, in boxes under the beds, com- the discrepancy between the entries in dant. Meada then ran into the lead, which she
head. The first fat lambs of the season
introduce a really fine held to the finish, winning easily by three
grade of China and municatiner,with the exterior air , and open- the delivery book and thea day-book. day- The Mr Stringer contra. were sold to-day. The pick of them was
strengthening Teas into OS A D
ing into the ward." Dr. Parkes opinion on casks were entered in subsidiary After argument, his' Honor dismissed lengths, Chancellor a poor third a length secured by Mr W. H. Cooper, who gave as
outlets for air was also given. Mr H. book (produced), which was not shown to the application with costs. in advance of Cymaro. Time, 4min ISsec.
the blend, notwithstand- A rMI Saxon-Snell. author of " Hospital Con- Jackman, but it was probably lying before The Court then rose. Dividend £3135. much as 16s a head for a few very superior
ing the 6d per lb duty. struction and Management," and architect him en the desk. In the ledger, under lambs. Messrs Dicken and Co. sold for
Try it once you will Hunt Club Cup Steeplechase, a handicap a client 200 halfbred lambs at 7s; for Mr
for several important British hospitals, date April sth, Manning is debited with of 30 boys. second horse to receive 3 soys,
always drink it and who had visited all the British and two hogsheads of beer, and an account for and third horse to receive 2 soys from the W. A. Gray, 109 merino ewes (In lamb) 4s
stake. Open to all qualified hunters,Club,
the 4d; for Mr A.F. Bennetts, 33 crossbred
A mixture of ALL BEST
TEAS has no superior W* |II
Continental hosDitals, said he found no them wa9 sent to Manning, and had been
system so satisfactory as the one recom- paid on May 10th. This entry was not
LAWN TENNIS. Sroperty of any recouniaed Hunt
[inimum weight, lOst. About three miles
ewes at 8s 4d, 35 lambs at 10s 4d; for Mr
J. Moffat, 371 two and four-tooth ewea and
JV mended by Dr. Parkes. F. S. B. Frangois shown to Jackman, who expressed himself o("er such jumps and course as the Stewards
at any price "
& 10, or 121b tins at a reduction of 2d per de Chamont, M.D., F.R.S., approved of dissatisfied; witness did not volunteer
introducing the greater part of the air any explanation. CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH.
shall direot.
G. G. Merewether'B b g Lewis, by
41. MrCloth,
wethers at 10s to 10s 6d. The N.Z. Loan
and Mercantile Agency Co. sold aline
lb, 401b half chestsreduced 3d per lb through a grating between and beneath of Gold, 6yrs, 12st (__r_C. Saunders) 1 of merino wethers at 7s 4d.
The witness hesitated a good deal in his
Original half chests of China Tea at Is 2d,
Iβ 4d, Is 6d, Is 9d or 2s per lb
Sugars at lowest prices obtainable else-
the beds. Mr Seager pointed out that evidence, and Mr Beetham at one time
there were in wards 4 and 5 six sliding cautioned him.
The match for the single-handed cham-
pionship of the Canterbury Lawn Tennis
Club and the right to hold the Club's
12. Mr J. C. N. Grigg's b g (Mr
list 121b
Mr F. P. Claridge's b g
Trooper, 6yrs,
A. G. Cox} 2
Enoore. aged.
Fat Sheep.—This week's entry of fat
sheep was lust about sufficient for the
demand, being made up to a large extent
where, as also the different millers' valves under as many beds, for the pur- Cross-examined—Beer entered in the list 71b (Owner) 3
pose of regulating the temperature as sub-day book was returned beef ; sent challenge cup for the year was played 29. Mr J. Balfour'- eh g Juggler,asred, 12st 71b of maiden ewes of excellent quality, and a
flour, Somerville's oatmeal, &c
Special lines—Albert Sardines in large desired, and as recommended by Dr. out from the bottling " stores. " The carter yesterday afternoon at the Cranmet (Mr G. Murray-Aynsley) 0 fair sprinkling of large framed crossbred
tins. Farola, Tritola, Oatflour, and
the patent washed and dried fruit,
Parkes ; valves could be fixed under every would get the casks from the bottling
bed if thought desirable. They were not stores and give witness their numbers. Mr J. M. Marshall, who beat Mr R. D. 12st ..
square courts, and resulted in a win for 22. Mr A; McLeod's br g Little Arthur, aged.

Harman, last year's champion, by 3 sets 2. Mr E. J. Fook's blk g Blackbird,(J. Smith)

(Ross) 0
wethers. The demand throughout the
sale was brisk, and prices were connidera*
bly better for the seller than, for the buyer.
currants, raisins, sultanas, first intro- put to all the beds in the first instance, on "Returned" beer meant beer which had 0 This was especially the case in regard
account of the extra expense they would been sent back to the brewery by various to love. Kearney's b g Sir John, aged, list
ducedby T. Taylor t have entailed. customers, and which had already paid At the beginning of the first set Mr 25. MrT. (Owner) 0 to best sheep, which realised, in some
Marshall won the first three games, all of 8. MrE. P. Chapman's g gPostboy, list cases as much as |much as 2s a head ad-
We call for orders and deliver goods in Mr Westenra said that the staff could duty. It would be stored in the bottling
them after deuce had been called once. (Bradbury) 0 vance on late rates. Inferior sorts were a
Chriatchurch and suburbs and forward not be aware of the nature of the department. The beer sent to Manning shade easier, selling at about 2d per lb,
by outward trains at Christchurch or anpliances forregulating the temperature, was "returned" beer. Mr Earman then brought the score to 3 Lewis took the lead from the fall of the
There was a
all, and the game was then called 4 flag, and was closely followed over the while from 2gd to 2jjd was obtainable for
Addington Stations. as they could have it any degree they "cellarman's book" (produced), which all and 5 all, but Mr Marshall then won first fence by Juggler and Postboy; Sir best mutton. Merinos were not strongly
caose. He had come to the conclusion (he showed the quantity of returned beer represented, but what few there were met
might be right or might be wrong) that in stock. It contained the numbers two games in succession, and the set at John, Blackbird, and Little Arthur bring- with a ready market, at prices ranging
some one was stirring up this matter for of all the casks. When any were 7 games to 5. ing up the rear. Lewis took the double
In the second set Mr Harman brought at the from 7s 6d to 12a 3d a head. The highest
83 COLOMBO STREET AND TRIANGLE some motive. He had heard that a ther- sent out their numbers were checked but stand beautifully, but Juggler came price obtained during the sale was 18s 9d,
mometer had been placed under one with those in the book, and entered in the the score to 4 games to 2 in his favor, down at the second of* the obstacles.
was unable to win another, and the set Blackbird which was got for some very heavy cross-
Opposite May s, High street. of the beds, and that the heat was sub-day book. Tracing the casks Nos. 556 baulked at the first. At the sod bred wethers. Crossbred ewes made
found to be 126 degrees; but on and 716, witness found that they had been went to Mr Marshall by 6 games to 4. wall Sir John fell, and Lewis was now
In the third and, as it turned out, last followed by Encore, Postboy and Trooper, from 10s 6d to Ids Ud, and inferios
making inquiries he (Mr Westenra) ascer- returned by a customer on February 2nd, wethers from 7s 6d to 13s a head.
tained that it had been laid on the crating, and were sent to Manning on April sth. set of the match, Mr Marshall went away the field being very straggling. Juggler,
with the lead, and won four out of the who had been very cleverly re- Miles and Go. sold for Walpara Downs
where it was tg be expected the heat [Entries in the sub-day book named and estate 107 crossbred wethers at 15s 6d to
first five games, only to have the score made up his lost ground very
afterwards cabled i all. Mr Harman mounted,
would be greatest. The Board had done in various others were exhibited by the 15s 8d; for Mr H. Squire, 60 crossbred
the best that could have been done for the witness in support of his statement.] quickly, but Sir John could never again wethers at 16e 3d, 31 crossbred ewes at 11s
Institution. He had looked up authorities Re-examined—The bottling stores were was, however, unable to keep up the approach the field. Lewis came back to 7d to 13s; for Mr W. 8. Pearce, 111 two*
himself, and the Board, was also backed not very large. There was a door, or effort, and Mr Marshall won the set by field after going two miles,Encore,
up by recognised authorities, and he would man-hole, about 4ft x 3ft, between them 6 games to 4, and the match as above the Juggler, Trooper, Little Arthur and
tooth wethersand ewes at Hβ 8d to 12s8d;
stated by 3 sets to love. for Mr J. Brown, 216 wethers and maiden
stand by them. following in the order named,
and the brewery. Witness used to go
The Chairman said that Mr Seager had through it to put out the gas. Mr The bare result of three sets to love Blackbird
but all but the firstfour were soon beaten.
ewes at 11s lid to 15s 10d; for Chatmoss
once stated that the old hot water system Scarlett also used it. weuld seem to point to a rather one-sided Juggler gave in half a mile from home, estate, 159 crossbred wethers at 17s to 17s
It was match, but this was not the case, as the and Encore ran up to Lewis, but the pony 9d; for a client, 37 crossbred wethers at 18a
they had could have been made quite suit- kept locked. It was not very con- throughout was very even, and a very soon shook him off, and had then to with- 3d to 18s 9d; for Mr L. H. Lane, 120cross-
able by the expenditure of a few pounds, spicuous. The keyhole of the door
and the expenditure of upwards of £500 was covered by a hat-peg which had to be
ttle improvement on the one side or stand a challenge from Trooper, and a bred wethers at 14s 6d; for Mr E.
on a new boiier would have been unneces- canted on one side to allow the key to be slackening off on the other would have finish between these two resulted
G. Wright, 180 crossbred ewes at 16e lid.
sary. turned the tide of success the other way. capital a clever win for Lewis by three
P. C. Tabart sold for Mr W. Clougher, 49
introduced. The doorway was large
Mr Prudhoe said that was one opinion. enough to allow beer to be passed between Both players played almost entirely from in lengths. Encore was a fair third, and
crossbred ewes and wethers at 10s to 13a
the back line, hitting hard and playing Juggler close up fourth. Dividend, £3 6s. 3d; for Messrs H. R and J. E, Parker, 60
The drying room was a specimen of Mr the brewery and bottling store. Witness
with great accuracy. Mr Marshall is crossbred wethers at 15s 6d to 15s 9d, 124
Seager's engineering. did not know what manipulationreturned rather weak in his backhanders, and Selling Hack Race ot 10 soys, no weight crossbred ewes at 12s 9d; for Mr James
Mr McMillan said they were not likely beer underwent. In reference to cask No. indeed trusts very little to them, almost under 9st. Winner to be sold by auction Little, 319 crossbred wethers at 14s 9d to
to come to anything definite that day, and 556, the books showed that it had been immediately after the race, amount rea- 16s 6d; for Mr G. H. Mdore, 235 crossbred
he rose to move " That the letter from the first aent to Maguire on January 3rd, and invariablyrunning round even balls placed lised above 10 soys to go to the funds of the
honorary staff be referred to the House had been returned by him onFebruary 2nd. well into the back hand corner of the Club. Three-quarters of a mile on theflat. ewes at Hβ, 133 crossbred wethers at 13a
10d, 113 merinos at 9s Id to 9s 2d ; for a
Committee to report upon at next meet- There was an interpolation in the account;
ing." If there was anything in the letter witness could not explain it. Referring to players would very quickly exhaust them-
selves in trying this, bat Mr Marshall's
ae;ed ..
court, and taking them forehanded. Most 6. Mr J. Doherty's b m Audry, by Python.
(R. McDonnell) 1
0, Toorak ; 52, Syke, ;2, Leodogran; 19, Gold-
client, 50 crossbred ewes at 13s 3d, 31
Down maiden ewes at 14s Sd; for a client,
it would shake his confidence in the certain figures set in a marginal column Vines; 3, Jessie; also ran. a line of ewes from 10s 10d to 14s 84. 7ff
House Committee's administration. He against all entries in the ledger, they were eye is so quick that he seems to know finch ; 25,
directly a ball is struck where it is Won by a neck. Time, lmin 23sec ewes and wethers at 10s 4d to Hβ. Diokem
WARDELL BROTHERS hoped that the letter was wrong, and that put there by witness, but he did not know
they had not been spending money what they meant. going, and. thus has plenty of time to Dividend, £16 ls. The winner was sold to
place himself in position for his return. Mr J. C. N. Grigg for £13.
and Co. sold for a client, 50crossbred ewes
ifrom 9e 9d to 10s sd; for Mr A.10s E. Ben-
foolishly. He trusted the Committee Mr Beetham asked the witness whether Mr Harman was not at his best yesterday, Maiden Steeplechase* Plate of 15 boys; netts, 120 crossbred ewes from to 10a
would go fully and exhaustively into the he thought they were going to believe that 6d; for a client, 83 crossbred ewes
DRAPERY as often he did not seem to get fairly hold second horse. 3 soys; for qualified hunters,
- — at 10s, 35 crossbred ewes at lls Bd.
matter. The opening of tenders called for statement.! of the ball, and did not seem able to bring the property of members of the Ashburton
heating No. 6 ward might be postponed. Be examination continued —In Man- off his pet stroke into the right hand County HuntClub; weight for age. About The New Zealand Loan and Mercan-
Mr Martindale seconded the motion. ning's account in the ledger there tile Agbnoy Companysold for Mr Milsom
The Chairman said that when the appeared : February sth, Cr. by corner of the court; neit&er did he volley --34. Mr A.miles.
two ~«,-—,--
McLeod's b m Meada, by Daniel Jones, half-bred wethers at 17s 6d»
as much as usual, but this was partly, no O'Rourke, aged, 12st 31b (Bamber) 1
matter of heating the wards was brought cheque; February 6th, Cγ. by cheque, Ronraey Marsh wethers at 17s 6d, and
up he was absent through illness. Had and on February 2nd, Cγ. by 3 hhds of
he been present he would have opposed beer. Witness could not explain this.
doubt, due to the fact, well known
other opponents of Mr Marshall, that the
to 65. Mr G. Murray-Aynaley's b g Glen. aged.
latter is so good down the side lines that 19. Mr H. G. Moor'sblk g Fox, aged.
.. (Mr Cox) 2
12st 81b
crossbred wethers at 13s; for Mr Holmes,
235 crossbred ewea at 15s 2d, 21 do at 15s.
WISH TO DIRECT SPECIAL F, GABITES, the expenditure on the new boiler, as he Defendant had accounts with customers
approved of the recommendation of the referring to loans ; he kept them himself;
architect in reference to the improvement witness did not know anything about
volleying does not pay against him. In
conclusion, we think that the best man on
the day won, but are by no means sure
Postboy, 12st31b, also ran.
Fox led over the first fence, but Meada
(J. Warner) 3 30 do at 12s lid, 31 do at 12s 6d, and 2$ at
12s; for Mr Pearson, 72 merino wethers »c
9s, crossbred wethers at 12s 6d; for ft
of the old system. them. He saw now that certain figures that if the same opponents met acain, the soon went to the front, and held command client, crossbred wethers at 17s od; for
Mr Moor said if the Chairman were to in the blocks of the carter's delivery book result would be the same, as on the play to the treble opposite the stand, where all another client, 142 crossbred wethers ab
ATTENTION VICTORIA STREET refresh his memory he would
had approved of the proposal.
find that he referred to the folios in the ledger. When
previously asked about them he could not
shown during the match there did not four baulked. They, however, got over on
asking, when Meada
17s 10d; for another client, crossbred
wethers at 15s to 15s 10d; for Mr Jas,
seem to be much difference between the the second time of
and maintained McFarlane, crossbred wethers at 18a
The Chairman—No, I did not. tell what they were—he had forgotCen— players. The game was a very good again assumed the lead, hurdle,
TO Mr Westenra bore out the Chairman though he had inserted them himself. In exhibition of the back line game, both her advantagebeing to the last at which 3d, 30 crossbred ewes at 14s 7d,
statement 61 do at 13s 3d. and 70 at 12s Od.

in his that he (the Chairman) reference to cask No. 716, it went out ori- players showing good placing and hard point she was fell, pressed by Postboy.
Special Reductions. had all along opposed the scheme, and ginally to Deal on Jan. 3rd, and was re-
was absent from the Board meeting when turned by him on Jan. 11th; it was still full. hitting, whilst a little superiority in the Here the
matter of steadiness turned the scale in to do but to waltz
grey and Meada had
away and win as she
nothing H. Matson and Co. (associated with the
National M. and A. Company of New Zea-
THEIR TEAS, it was adopted. On January3rd, inrespect to this cask, Deal Mr Marshall's favor. liked. Dividend, £3145. land, Limited) sold for Mr J. McFarlane,
The motion, after some further discus- was debited £4 10s; on its return he was At the conclusion of the match, after a Ladies' Bracelet, first horse a bracelet value 15 crossbreds at 18s 9d; for Mr A. Kelnran.
Children's Muff and Tie Set, Is, sion, was adopted. credited, on its account, £2 8s 2d. It was short speech from Dr. Nedwill, the Presi- 15 soys, second horse a bracelet value 5 52 crossbred ewes at 13s and 13s Id, and 72
worth 2s lid The House Committee reported as fol- so credited by order of defendant; it would dent of the Club, who said, among other 30. Mrs 'McLeod's blk g Little Arthur, by halfbred ewes at ll* to 12s sd; for Mr J.
4adman particularly to their Under- Children's Wool Tarn Hats, 6id lows : —" Your Committee has to report be a fair inference, therefore, that when things, that he was glad to see so many Janc-ler,aged, list (Mr J. Corbitt) 1 Williams, 18 crossbred withers at 18s 9d,
Children's Woollen Hoods, 6Jd that it forwarded to the various members returned the cask was not full. If that 32 wethers and maiden ewes at 16slid; for.
mention Well-known Woollen Shawls, 3s lid, w rth
6s lid
of this district the resolution as sent from was so, and the cask was placed in the
the Board, and received replies that the bottling store, yet in April sent out full
lawn tennis a thoroughly healthful 121b..
recreation, and that, therefore, he hoped 43. Mrs E. Saunders' br g(Mr
ladies looking on; that he considered 36. Miss Ashworth's b g Cymaro. aged. lOat
(Mr R. McDonnell) 2
Songster, lOst 12lb
Mr J. A. Campbell, 61 ewes at lls sd: for
Mr P. Henley, 90 maiden ewes at 9e 8d to
Ladies's Corsets, 3s lid, worth Board's wishes as contained therein to Manning, witness could not tell how they and all their friends would at once F. P. Claridgel 3 10s 6d; for Mr R. Davis, 60 crossbred
6s lid. Sizes only 10, 24, 25; a would be given effect to. The wards it came to be full. In the account join the club. Mrs E. J. Ross presented Trooper, 15, Waireka. 12st; 4, Juggler, list 4lb: 8, wethers at 12s 6d to 13s7d ; for Mr J. Mo-
lOst 121b; 1. Black Douglas. lOst 51b
BLENDS, great bargain if the sizes are
that have hitherto been unoccupied there were erasures and interlineations.
are now furnished, the new bedsteads The substituted writing was done
the Challenge Cup to Mr Marshall, who 3, Patriarch, list 71b; 5, Cygnet, lOst 41b; 15
will hold it for the ensuing year. Lopear, 9st 101b, also ran.
Leod, 120 crossbred wethers at 13*4dta
15s6d; for Mr J. Baker, 112 halfbred ewea
4 ply English Fingering, reduced having arrived from England. Two more at the same time as the portion at 9s to 10s, 24 four-tooth ewes at 12s: fox
Vl*:- to Iβ 6d per head convenient wards for females and one where the erasure had been made. Waireka, Little Arthur, Cygnet, and an Amuri client, 143 merino wethersat 12s
Black Plushes, Is lid, worth 3a lid for children are now available. The Witness said this, although the color Cymaro were in the lead for the first mile to 12s 3d; for Messrs Gould and Cameron,
-etcong Medium Tea, re-"l Songster closed up to them. Little 163 crossbred ewes at from 12s Bdto 14» 9d,
awkably good value,}- I s OD
c__ ophthalmic ward, also, has been furnished of the ink was different.
with new bedsteads, as also the fever 716, though credited on January 11th
Cask No. KAIAPOI BOROUGH COUNCIL. when Arthur then gradually drew away, and and 53 halfbreds at 13s 3d to 14s 10d: for
and very economical ...J ■*■ *>' ward. These, with the exception of the to Deal, £2 8s 2d, forreturned beer, was won comfortably by three lengths. Divi- Mr J. Mitchell, 62 halfbred ewes at 9s 2d
A Favorite latter, have all been lately re-painted in- debited to Maguire on January 3rd. This dend, £4 lis. and 10s ; for Mr B. McKinnon, 25 cross*
Family Tea,"* F. GABITES, ternally.andpresent a cheerful appearance. line was in Maguire's account, in ink of a The fortnightly meeting was held on. Selling Hunters' Steeplechase of 10soys, bred wethers at IBs 2d; for Messrs Gebbie
strength and quality,! M Victoria street. The Board not having made, within the different color to the other entries aboye Tuesday evening. Present—The Mayor one ana a half miles, was won by Mr Bros., 132 wethers at 13s 3d; for Mr J. A.
moeh recommended ...J vF
v time limited by the Act, the allocation of and below it. The cellar-man's name was (Mr Hansen) and all the Councillors. Knyvefct's g g Brian Boru, aged, lOst, itoag, 50 two-tooth wethers at 15s 5d to
bhipment of Tea Cosies, Is 6d, the proportion of expenditure required for Purchase, he had been in defendant's em- Letters were read —From Messrs Holmes (J. Warner). Blackbird, 12st 71b; Sir 15s 10d; for Mr J. Radford, 51 halfbred
Pdtowu MeUow.flavoredl worth 2s lid the maintenance of hospitals in this dis- ployment for fifteen months. and Loughrey, solicitors for Hγ J, Stanton, John, 12st 51b; Larry, 12st 51b; Chancellor, wethers at 13s and 13s lid; for Mr J.
trict to be contributed by the re- requesting the enlargement of Dudley's list 71b, also ran. Brian Boru won easily. Wilson, 95 mixed eexes at 13s9d and 14s
Tea, of very fine flavor > 2 AP Special Purchase of 407 yards
Homespun Dress Tweeds, Is OJd, spective local authorities
To Mr Kippenberger—There were in-
therein, stances of two casks bearing the same drain, on the Ohoka road. Cr. Fraser Dividend, £3125. lid: for Mr W. McLeod, 54 crossbred
andexoellentquaUty..J ■■
worth Is 9d under the impression that the basis brand, though thus was remedied as moved, Cγ. Kidd seconded, "That they be- wethers at 18s and 18s 3d: for Mr Jas.
100Children's Tweed Tunics, Is 3d, of the said allocation would be promptly as possible. informed the Council does not see its way McFarlane, 84 crossbred wethers at 15sBd,

quotations are per single lb,
under the new values on the rate rolls, J. Jackraan, Customs officer, deposed to alter its decision on the matter. NORTH CANTERBURY STEEPLE- and 32 maiden ewes at 12s7d.
are made for tins and half- worth 2s lid CHASE.
SrHjalao, special concessions are made and having now been advised that the that on May 23rd he and Hawley, another Carried. From Messrs Moore and Heney, Pigs.—The smallest entry that has been
allocation must be completed under the officer, went to the brewery, and saw de- for extension of time to complete Sewell The quality all
submitted for some time.poor,
JJj-gJa and those who are large con- old valuation, it was found necessary to fendant, and asked him how much beer he
ask that an Order in Council extending bottled per month, and he said six or
street drainage. Referred to the Works These races
Committee, to act. The Surveyor reported ing are my selections :—
are run to-day. The follow-
round was extremely
really good baconers being
very few
seen. These
F. GABITES, the time might be made. This has seven hhds. At the back of the bottling delivery of 100yards of metal; the forma- GREAT NORTHERN STEEPLECHASE, met with a ready demand but the re-
Victoria street. accordingly been effected, the exten- store he found the door of a passage tion of Smith and Cass streets was pro- MONTEAGLE. mainder were not so much sought .after.
sion being to the 9th day of August. into the brewery office. It was about ceeding; the drainage of Sewell street , showed a slight ad-
Prices for baconers rates, while porkers,
Ladies Straw Hats, Is 6d, reduced In {accordance with instructions, your 4ft x 2ft, and there was no indication of it was being; delayed; he called attention to FARMERS STEEPZiEOHASE, vance on last week's
to 6Ad; Is lid, reduced to Is; Committee invited applications for the except in the joint of the match lining. the dangerous state of the lower culvert BATCHELOR. on the other hand, showed a falling oft
2s 3d, reduced to Is 4d; 2s lid, position of engineer. Twenty-five were The keyhole was covered by a hathook. on Beach road; levels for Hilton street SEADOWN STEEPLECHASE,
received. Due consideration was given Defendant said the passage was required

reduced to 2a east were completed. The Finance Com-
to each. It was resolved to recommend to control the gas. Defendant showed
Mr George Loughton for the appointment. witness a lot of beer which had been
mittee reported receipts £8 13s 6d. The
general account debit was £567 33 sd.
Tenders also were called forthe completion returned, and asked him how to proceed The loan account credit was £660 8s 4d. SQUIB. CHBISTCHURCH.
of the steam service, three were received, to get a rebate of the duty paid, on it. Accounts, £19 8s Bd, were passed. Four Wednesday, August 7.
F. GABITES, hunters' plate,
Wabdell brothers Victoria street.
but your Committee deferred opening Witness inspected the stock and material,
them until the communication from the on a subsequent day witness visited the
Chairman of the honorary staff had been brewery, and examining the books found
applicationsforposition of Inspectorof Nui-
sances were considered, andMr R. W. Smith
appointed. A tender for work in Cass
v B. Beetbam, 8.M., „ ana
WestenrajJ.F., Esqs.)

Children's Ulsters, 5s lid, reduced dealt with by the Board. During the the discrepancies which gave rise to the street, at £38 Is 6ci, was MAiNTENANCE.-William Winter wa§
AM) COMPANYj to 3s lid: 8s 6d, reduced to Sα month 63 patients have been ad- present information. H»> got no explana-
accepted. The
required works in Hilton street east were
charged with failing to obey anorder ol
the Court directing him to pay £1 Bβ per
lid; 9s 6d, reduced to 6s lid;
10s6d, reduced to 7s lid
mitted, 61 discharged, 5 have died, tion from the defendant or his book-
leaving 76 remaining in the Hospital. keeper.
referred to the Works Committee. Crs.
Wearing and Kidd were appointed a Com- INVERCARGILL POULTRY week towards his wife and four children,
being in arrears .£35. It appears that the
GASHH,] 18TBEBT CHMSTCHUBCH Cashmere Gloves, Is, worth 2s 6d The receipts for the month have been, for Cross-examined—The opening between mittee to inspect the Endowment Reserve SHOW. defendant had already been imprisoned
year 188859, Waipara Road Board, £100; the brewery and the bottling store would at Aehburton. Crs. May, Wearing, and
for current year 1889-90. Selwyn County, not admit anything larger than a twenty- for six months for previous default. The
AT Fraser were appointed a Committee to police reported that the defendant was of
£300; Government subsidy, .£730 14s 7d; eight gallon cask. A* the result of his confer with the Mandeville Road Board [PBKSS ASSOCIATION TELEGRAM.] drunken habits, and spent all his money
patients' fees, £40 5s 6d ; total, £1171 0a Id. inspection witness found that defendant in reference to a culvert on Beach road. A rSrVEKCAKGILL, August 7. in that way. He was now ordered to be
F, GABITES,^ The expenditure has been £688 8s 6d, as ought to have had eight hogsheads more
per details on the table."
The Chairman considered that the Com-
beer on the premises than was found
there. There was also a shortage in
sum of ££ was passed for poisoned wheat
to be distributed for killing small birds.
It was resolved that the Judge of the As-
The poultry show to-day gave evidence
of a great increase in interest in bird
again Imprisoned for six months, with
hard labor.—Alex Stewart Gilchrist was
charged with having failed to contribute,
VICTORIA STREET, 84 the position of engineer. He held they

mittee had not chosen the best man for sugar and malt.
Hawley, Custom House clerk, gave
should have given the appointment to a corroborative evidence, whica
married man, especially one with a family. case for the prosecution.
closed the
sessment Court be asked on what ground fancying in the district. The following
the Volunteer Drill-hall was erased from
the Valuation List. It was determined outside exhibits took prizes:—White
that owners of public halls and buildings Leghorn cock, W. J. Waters, Port Chal-
as ordered, 6s per week towards the sap-
port of his two children in Buraham, be-
ing in arrears £11 Be. The boys had been
sent to the institution for stealing, and
An experienced man who was beyond For the defence, be notified that if they do not apply for mers,
second and first for hen; Polish their father bore a bad character. He was
work in the workshops in town would Richard Purchase, cellarman to the licenses they willbe forthwith summoned. Williamson, sentenced to be imprisoned, with hard
The Council, afcer passing some routine (white crested) pair, T.

have been the most suitable. He pointed defendant, deposed that about fourteen labor, forthree months.
out that the salary of the engineer and hogsheads were produced in a brew. Not business, then adjourned. Oamaru, first; Dorking (dark)and pair, Mr
The CombulsoryClause.—JohnPearce
that of the night watchman, who had more than twelve hogsheads and a half Bruce, Oamaru, first, and first second
charge of the boiler at night, were dispro- would remain for use. Witness sent out for coclrerel and pallet; cochins James Irving, and John Dickson were
portionate. He had nothing to say against all the beer except the returned beer. A bankrupt Coventry lodging-house tridge) cockerel, T. Williamson first and charged, under the compulsory clauee oi
keeper, in his examination the other day, pullet first and secondj -white cock and the Education Act, with having failed ta
the present engineer's abilities, and did E. Bound, carter, with defendant for
not wish to impute anything whatever eighteen months, stated that in the last stated the Claimant, with his wife and hen, C. Hansen, Dunedin, first; Wyan- send their children, who are within the
to the Committee; but wished to give eight or nine months there had been a lot sister, recently lived in his lodging-house, statutory age, to the Halswell District
having three rooms for the lot, at 12s a dottes, cook, E. B>. Williams, Dunedin, PublicSchool. There was no defence, and
his reasons for opposing their recommen-
of beer returned. The3e casks were pat
in the yard near the bottling store, and
Messrs Westenba and Moob supported were again taken oat as directed by the
week. These are low rates for the true second and for hens first j green canary, J.
heir to the Tichborne estates. Bates, Dtuuidin, first.
formal orders for the future attendance
the children, were made*
,, •with valuable kauri, which would
furnish a profitable timber traffic for
some time. Towards this extension
Englishman was taking come. wine here,
and as the President approached he put
his glass behind his back, doubtless out of
H. Matson andCo., associatedwiththe N.M«
there is, however, only a balance of respect for the distinguished visitor. "ThhWeekly Pkess."— Seeing
Phases of the Moon. and A. Coy. of N.Z., at Soutiibrook,
at 12—Horses, cattle, 6_c £56.929 available. It is, therefore, Some of the detectives who were on duty great importance which lawn tennis U
Calculated for New Zealand Mean Time. The few that like saw him standing thus, with his glass be-
Charles Clark, at his Rooms, at 12—Free-
hold property. AULSEBROOK & CO.'S proposed to appropriate £23,000 assuming in Canterbury, our enterprising
AUGUST. hind his back, and imagining that it was
INDIAN TEA originally set apart for a double contemporary presents this week detailed
First quarter
Full moon — D.
67 a.m.
J. R. King and Co., at their Rooms, at 12—
Stock-in-trade of a grocer; and at 1—
boiled oil.
"Will find the
line to Penrose. * With this aid the
work could be completed to the point
his intention to fling the contents over the
Chief Magistrate, promptly took him
information as to the laying down of all
kinds of courts, including graes. Aβ fch
cost is estimated in each case, the articlee
Last quarter
New moon -•- ... 18
Perigee—9d6h p.m.; Apogee—2ld 6h p.m.
32 p.m. Tonks, Norton, and Co., at their Rooms, at
30 12—Japaneseornaments, &c.
Arthur Beauchamp, at Hagley Park, at 12 CHOCOLATE TABLETS "JUMBO BLENDS mentioned. The arrangement, on the
face of it, seems a reasonable one.
in charge. Of course ascuffle and disturb-
ance ensued and the unhappy President will be appreciated by tennis players, espe-
—Wood. once more had to scurry away, his lot cially iv the country districts.
No. 1 AND 2, AT 28 AVD 2s <D There is no probability of the double being all the sadder in this case because
pood occasional article is that on Train-
UNEQUALLED AND PLEASANT line to Penrose being gone on with to "
Theatre Royal, at 8. DRINKING. 8816 he was unable to taste any of the Austra- ing for Football," written by
Wea-ther Report—Wednesday, Aug. 7.
Amberlev Steeplechases. completion for many years to come, lian wines, as he was expected to do. The quarter Back." Enthusiastic footballers
9 a.m.—Fine weather; overcast sky ;
wind calm.
St. Paul's Church—Sacred concert. CHOCOLATE CREAMS, and if the Auckland members are Prince of Wales, who with the Princess of will find in it; soma useful hints. The
Conyers Masonic Lodge, at 7.30. satisfied with the scheme, the rest of
5 p.m.—Fine weather; sky overcast; Empire Hotel—Settling on New Brighton Wales and family visited the Exhibition a Editor of The Yeoman points out
wind. N.E,, fresh. Races. the colony is not likely to raise objec- day or two later, fared no better. The " "
value of growing *reen foddor plants fc[
Barometer ......
9 a.m.
noon. 5 p.m.
30.25 30.18
Lodge of Concord, Papanui, at 7.30. tions. As regards thefurther extension Prince, we are told, was in excellent an aid to improved dairying, and *•
Fancier ,,
thermometer 57 65 56 of the line northwards, it is intended humor, and insisted on Sir F. D. 801l has some " Poultry Show Notes." A
NELSON, MOATE & CO, to introduce a measure this session covering himself. "Put on your hat, Sir amusing paper is that giving the Shah'i
" !

High Water—Thursday, August 8. setting apart the proceeds of certain
August 7th—Thomas Davis, of Coalgate, Francis," he said. Then he looked round
Morning, 0.41 ; evening, 1.12. laborer. kauri forests in the district as au en- at the menacing crowd, and, like an old
Impressions of England." We note t&eji
the paper contains reports of the Maprf
Sun rises, 7.7 a.m. ;sets, 5.4 p.m. to draw the atten-
Moon rises, 1.31 p.m. ; sets, 4.6 a.m. MAIL NOTICES. BEG tion of the public to dowment for future works. The only
interest that has been felt in the State-
stager, took in the situation at once. Oil football match at Invercargill, and the
Malls close for the following places as D. I. C. the face thatitis
most im-
portant that they should ment has been in connection with the
he started at a surprising pace to
"do the Exhibitiju." Poor Sir Francis
lawn tennis match at Cranmer square,
played yesterday. ; bolft
Wakatu, «.-•., 115 tons, Wills, from subject to the necessary altera- insist upon having Nel- North Islaud Trunk Railway. As our
Ivellington via. Kaikoura. Kinsey and under,
tions/ :*— son, Moate and C0 ,3 Pure toiled after him in a panting condition, Public Works Statement. Thjjj
Co., agents. THURSDAY, AUGUST 8. mHfi BESTPLACE TO PURCHASE Teas when they ask for readers know the people of Auckland aud was hardly able to keep up with his Minister of Public Works (Mr Mitchelaoa)
August 7. for the marked* and Wellington by U9 means agree as Royal Highness. When they reached the laid the Public Works Statement on the
For Greymouth (direct), per Rosamond, full of inferior mixtures
Lindus, s.s., 10s0 tons, Johnson, from at 11.10 a.m.; late fee letters, 11.20 a.m.; HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS put up in similar packets, to the course which should be taken. principal entrance of the New Zealand t&ble of the House last night, time- not
Newcastle. Union Steamship Company, guard's van, 12.10 p.m. train. The cost of the line was in the first Court, which the Prince was to visit, there allowing of its being read, as is ÜBnaL
Of Every Description, and pushed upon the pub-
agents. For Akaroa and Dunedin, per Taka-
Jane Douglas, s.s., 70 tons, Whitby, puna, at 11.10 a.m. ; late fee letters, lic for the sake of extra instance ridiculously underestimated, was a large crowd assembled round a group owing to the protracted .debate on the
profit. N. M. and Co.'a
from Akaroa. Cuff and Graham, agents. 11.20 a.m.; guard's van, 12.10 p.m. train. General Drapery. Natural Flavored Prize
the million appropriated for its con- of Maori figures, and the Prince "
ex- third reading of the Representation Bill,
Cleared—August 7. For Northern Ports, per Waihora, at struction being little more than half pressed his disinclination to enter." Then The officers of the Christchurch Telegraph,
p.m.; late fee lettei s, 3.15 p.m.; guard's Teas have by far the
Croydon Lass, schooner, 51 tons, Moore. 3van, 4 p.m. train. Fancy Goods, larfrest sale in the its ascertained cost. The Auckland they rushed round to the Victoria front Office who received it must be congratu.
ior Waitapu. Cuff aud Graham, agents. SOUTHERNWORLD. entrance, where the new gold arch is
Sailed—August 7.
For Kaikoura, per Jane Douglas, at Sec., &0. people wishedthe line divertedtowards lated on the manner in which they per-
3p.m.; late fee letters, 3.15 p.m.; guards New Plymouth, there to join the being put up, and the Prince asked formed their task. The Statement, a3
Wakatu, s.s., 115 tons, Wills, for van, 4 p.m. train.
Kaikoura. Kinsey and Co., agents. existing railway system. The Welling- a question abouc this. to which telegraphed, consisted of 9951 words, and
FRIDAY, AUGUST 9. 899 Sir Francis made a its transmission from Blenheim to
ton people are, as we have said, bitterly we suppose Christ-

For Northern Ports and Greymouth, per
Lindus From Newcastle 2000 tons —
Brunner, at 12.30 p.m.; late fee letters,
12.45p.m.; guard's van, 1.25 p.m. train.
LAST THREE WEEKS. opposed to this. Some curiosity was reply as well as he could in his gasping
state. Finally, we are informed, the
church commenced at 9.50 p.m. and
Wakatu—From Wellington—l 2cases For the United Kingdom, Conti-
therefore felt as to the steps which " finished at 11.47 p.m. The operators en-
galvanised irou, '6 pkgs sundries. nents of Europe and America, and West Anything in the hall THE DON'S STOCK the Government would propose to be Prince looked into the "Victorian and New gaged were Messrs Hawley, Treeweek and
Exports. Indies (via San Francisco), Sandwich CLOTHING, MERCERY, OVERCOATS taken. Their decision, it appears to New Zealand Courts, but made no allusion Tovey, and they are specially to be com
Rotorua—For Wellincton—3 sks oysters, Islands, Cape of Good Hope.&c, Sec, and AT
MACKINTOSHES, GLOVES, &0., us, is the only one in the circumstauces to them in any way." One feels after plimented on the clearness and accuracy of
for Northern Ports of New Zealand,
10 sks Hour, 1!) sks beans, 5 sks barley, 12 also this that there are disadvantages con- their copy. Mr Northeroft'a arrangements
per Penguin, as follows:—Ordinary letters, WHOLESALE COST. BOUGHT AT 12s IN THE £. which can be adopted. The balance

bars steel, 40"" pkgs sundries. For Nelson nected with being an exalted personage" for expediting the delivery ofthe messages
—31 chests tea, 1 pkgs sundries. For New at 7.45 p.m.; late fee letters, Bp.m.; bootts of the loau is totally inadequate to "
Plymouth—lOdO sks flour, 50 sk3 malt, 3 and newspapers, at 7.30 p.m.; registered complete the live by any of the sug- if you want to see an Exhibition; on the also left nothing to be desired. ."
pk_-s sundries. For Manukau—24 sk3 p.m.; guard's at 5 p.m.; money orders, at 4 ALL ACCOUNTS MUST BE PAID other hand, it must be an excellent train- Sporting.—The settling on the New
potatoes, a quantity scrap iron.
van, 9.5 p.m. train. This IMMEDIATELY. gested routes. To have gone on, in Brighton Race Meeting will take place at
Croydon Lass—For Waitapu—sl sks 16th.
mail -will be due in Loudon on September
New Zealand J?weed such circumstances, spending the
money as long as it lasted could not
ing for the wind to have to show many of
them round.
3 p.m. to-day, at the Empire Hotel.
Orowaiti—For Westport—2 cases bacon, H. E. May and Cα C/OMPANY, possibly be justified. What is
IiicHMOND Kifles.—A social gathering
in connection with the Richmond Rifle*
2 cases naiis, 50 sks chaff, 2 sks onions,
kegs butter, 124 bdls straw, cases cheese,
_ Wolfe's Schnapps is the purest and best
157 sks potatoc-s, 40 sks oats, 30 bags salt, stimulant, tonic, diuretic, at present before the
2 world.—{Advt.]
Invigorate the system with Wolfe's
Between Nashelelti's and Mutual BD3b Sfc3P3 now proposed to be dove is this—The
Govemoientask the House to authorise
Unless a very distinguished scientist
has turned babbler in his old age, the
will be held at their orderly room this
Christ's College Scholarships.—;The
7 pkgs sundries. Schnapps if you would avoid bilious
WHITE BLANKET LIST. A Clearing Line the appropriation of £100,000 out of
the loan for the purchase of Native
elixir of life has at length been discovered.
This seems an audacious statement to
particulars of four entrance Somes' scholar-

The s.s. Lindus is due here to-day OF ships in connection with Christ's College
from Newcastle direct with ISUO tons coai, BOYS' KNICKER SUITS. lands in the neighborhood of the make, but M. Brown-Sequard, one of Grammar School appears elsewhere. Can-
consignedto Messrs Geo. McClatchie and the most distinguished physiologists in didates must send in their names on or
Jane Douglas, s.s., from Akaroa, arrived
northern and southern ends; the pro-
ceeds to be credited to the fund a3 Europe, stood up before a meeting of the before August 24th, to the Headmaster or
In port last nip-lit. She leaves for Kai- SOLeTtHIS MONTH. they accrue. This is the only reason- Biological Society in Pari3 recently to Mc Sullivan's Mission.—Last evening
koura this afternoon. able plan to adopt. It is the course assert that he had made such a discovery, Mr Gγ. T. Sullivan continued his mission
Arawa. s.s., Shaw, Savill and Albion SURGERY, Small Size
„ 6s lid, 9s 6d per Pair PARKER ~& TRIBE, which we strongly urged should bo and was himself a living attestation of iv the Baptist Church, Oxford terrace, and

Compauy'sLine, is due in port this morn- Medium Size 93 lid, 12s 9d per Pair
ing from Napier at 2 a.m. yesterday. 12b9d, 13a 6a, 17b 6d, its potency and value. He stales that addressed a crowded audience. Hie earnest
CORNEROF CASHEL AND HIGHSTREETS Full Size.. Next BaUantyne's, taken before a single mile of the address was listened to most attentively.
Wakatu, s.s., arrived from Wellington 19s 6d per Pair the experiments instituted by himself and
on Tuesday night, and steamed ou her MYERS & CO., Double Size 17e9d, 22a. 24s 9d per CASHEL STREET. railway was constructed in the first Hβ again Bang solos with good effect.
return trip last night.
Lindus, s.s., Union Company's steamer, SURGEON
Captain Johnson, arrived at 10.15 a.m. SPECIALISTS OF ARTIFICIAL DENTISTRV
yesterday from Newcastle. Her purser
DENTISTS, Extra Size
- Pair
27a6d, 293 6d perPair
instance. But the late Governmeut
were in too great haste to begin the
works to listen to such a suggestion,
others with respect to the transfusion of
healthy young blood into the veins of
invalids led him to reflect upon the
An isniEttsioN.—A sailor belonging to
one of the crafts lying in the Waimakariri
yesterday, who had apparently been
PAINLESS EXTRACTIONS. possibility of transferring the living worshipping at the shrine cf
(Mr Murley) reports leaving Newcastle on 500 PAIRS TO BE SOLD a number of our Customers and others and the consequence is that we have now whilst attenrpting to reach his vessel out
81st July at _» p.m. Had fine weather
throughout the passage, and arrived as
Moderate and Uniform Fees.
Before Stocktaking.
AS are under the impression that our COAL
AUJSNC V has been TAKEN OVEi< by a local
to enter upon the taskunder much less
cells of a youthful and vigorous
bein£ to the system of one who
in the stream, slipped oil the plank into
the river. Assistance was fortunately tft,
temporarily replaced almost imme- firm of Coal Merchants, we beg tostate that favourable circumstances. It is, never-
diately after extraction.
and Dentures made by other Dentists NO SUCH CHANGE HAS BEEN MADE, theless, pleasing to learn that, in
the opinion of the Ministers, satis-
was neither. Atter a series of ex-
periments with animals, h« found the
hand and Jack Tar was saved from'■"*
watery grave.
repaired remodelled
or at small
Highest-class Workuiaoshlp and very Best i
SALE THIS DAY. and that
AND factory prices can be arranged,
time had arrived for testing the truth of Mk John Cookb.—The MelbourneDaily
Telegraph says:—Wβ are requested to in-
Manaponri, s.s., Union Company's line, WE CONTINUE OUR his theory by applying it to the human
fe due at Hobart to-day from Melbourne Materiala. RETAIL TRADE and that by next session such being. He felt that it was hazardous, and
timate that Mr John Cooke, late of Cnrist-
August 6th, due Bluff August 12th. Ca_*ldren's Teeth Regulated. 30 PAIRS WELLINGTON BLANKETS, progress can be made in the church, has entered upon his duties at
Tongariro, s.s., New Zealand Shipping At our Depot and Offices, as usual. therefore he operated upon himself. He manager of the. Melbourne Branch of the
OompanyV line, leaves Wellington to-day All Deformitiesof theMouth speciallyattended. 22s 6d; worth 30s. acquisition of land as will place took parcels of certain organs of very New ZealandLoan and Mercantile Agency
for Plymouth, due September l<th. 30 114 GREY BLANKETS, THE GREY VALLEY COAL COMPANY, Ministers in a position to make definite
loss oFtek TH 17s 9d; worth 25a 6d. young guinea pigs, triturated them, while Company, Limited. Prior to Mr Codke's
Means the LIMITED. proposals as to the future. Coming still palpitating, in a mortar, diluted departure from New Zealand he was enter-
to the Woodville-Palmerston line,
we learn that this werk will, in all
them with distilled water, purified and
clarified the liquid thus obtained, and
tained at a banquet at which many of the
speakers alluded to the greatly improved
Hours of Attendance—9 a,m. to 6-30 p.m. 1458 trade and general condition of that colony.
Thursday (This Day)—The Takapuna probability, be completed and opened injected it hypodermically with a Artistic.—There ia- now on view at toe
arrives about 7 a.m. from Wellington, and Appointments can be made by Telephone 279. DEATHS. for traffic in a year from now. studio of Mr Manning, photographer, a
leaves for Akaroa and Dunedin early in the syringe, like morphine, a cubic centi-
! Gibson—Oα August 3rd, at HawkswoocU This necessary enterprise will place -well executed enlargement of a photo of

Consultation Free. metre sufficing for a doso. The first
afternoon. The Waihora arrives from Walter Gibson, sen., aged 72. Madame Melba, the Australian prima
Dunedin, and leaves for Wellington, NITROUS OXIDe"qaS administered. By BARB—On Wednesday, 7th August, at
Wellington and the West Coa3t of experiment was made on the loth
donna, -who has recently created 'suchit

Napier, Gisborne and Auckland about o itsuse Decayed Teeth or Stumps are Extracted Mountain View Farm, Anuat, Mrs John the North Island in railway communi- of May, and after the second injection,
p.m. positively without Pain, Perfectly Safe, Barr, sen., at the ripe age of 89 years. furore in Europe. The work has been
Harmless and Effective. cation with Napier. Following the he felt himself entirely transformed. The most artistically executed from a photo
Look wearying for the end.
Administration of Nitrous Oxide Gas, ss. j THE CANTERBUEY Statement in the order in which it was
delivered, nothing worthy of special
report in the Figaro of his address con-
tinues : —" Up to this time half an hour's
recently received from Paris. There is
also a capital enlargement from a photo
Extraction, 2s (id, of the late Constable Sutherland, who waa
AUCKLAJND, August7. A Single Artificial Tooth, 10s. notice occurs till w# come to the work standing in his laboratory completely
Arrived, 2.30 a.m—Arawata, from Fiji; shot recently in Sydney by a burglar.
Complete Set, Upper and I_ower (t-mporary
Lady Jocelyn, Captain Watts, from and permanent), £1010s.
Greymouth-Hokitika line. This rail- knocked him up, Now he can continue Pigeon Shooting.—Mr E. W. Boper

London, with a cargo valued at £43,200. used,Ordinary Extraction, 2s 6d (local anaesthetic way, as our readers know, has been for three hours at a stretch without ex- has issued the following handicaps for the
which always annuls pain, without extra
The barque Cabarfeidh, which was recently- charge). THE PUBLIC WORKS STATE- for years in an mcompleted state. It periencing the least fatigue. His appetite Inaugural Stakes, to be shot at Heothcote
stranded near Eaipara Harbor, has been We arrange to take part or monthly pay- MENT. is one of the numerous works which has improved, his sleep is calmer and more on August 15th:— J. B. HilT30yds, Man-
brought to Auckland for repairs.
Saiied,;s.3o p.m.-r-Te Anau, for Sydney,
ments to those who desire it. AUGUST 9, 1889. THE PUBLIC WORKS ESTI- were begun years ago under political restorative, his stomach fulfils its functions ning 29yds, J. W. Francis 28yds, E. J.
Whittle 27yrs, E. J. Maaon 27yds, G.
viaßussell. pressure. About £100,000 has now more perfectly, he pursues his intellectual
Spit, August 7, MATES— Mathew3 27yds, M. Thomas 26yds, Hill-
Sailed, 2 a.ra.—Arawa, for LytteUon. _M • Sandstein, been expended, and it will require labors with remarkable facility and yard, 26yds, E. Knight 2t>yds, J. Jackson
Wellington, August 7.
Arrived, 1.45 p.m.—Kotorua, from Lyt-
IMORTEN-S BUILDINGS), THE YEOMAN. another £100,000 more to complete
the line. There is no prospect what-
lucidity, and his dynamo-metric strength
is greater than it was by 141b." The re-
25yds, J. Chad wick 24yds, Hatherley
23yds, E. Cutts 22yds, C. Ainyes 21yds, W.
IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELLERY, THE LATEST ABOUT LOUD porter himself avers that the voice of the P. Townena 21yda, W. White 21yds.
Sailed— p.m., Takapuna, for the FIELD GLASSES, &c. THE VALUE OF GREEN FODDER CRANLEY. ever of this sum being granted, Presentation. —Lixot night, after the
South. Passengers—Messrs Davis, Ward, PLANTS. at any rate for soms years to venerable savant was stronger and clearer,
parade of the Christ's College Eifles, the
Cook, Stephenson, and Giles.
Akakoa, Auerust 7.
MONEY AT M PER VETERINARY REMEDIES. ASHBURTON RACES. come. Negotiations have, therefore, and his countenance more animated than members assembled in the Orderly-room,
heretofore, and that under his thick white uuder the presidency of Captain Harper,
Sailed, 1 p.m.—Jane Douglas, for Lyt-
been entered into with the Midland
Company for ascertaining if that cor- eyebrows his eyes seemed to glitter with for the purpose of making a presentation
to Mr K. A. Loughnon, who for some time
POKT CHALMEK3, August 7.
.•■-Arrived—Tarawera, from the North; THE FOLLOWING SUMS are AWAITING
INVESTMENT on Really First-Class
ecurities at the above rate :— THE REPRESENTATION BILL— poration would take the line over and
complete it, oh condition of being
the light of former years. " The emotion
augmented around him, and the audience past has occupied the proud distinction of
Srafton, cariy, from the West Coast. THE BILL PASSED. was speedily allured and convinced." M.
being the"bos 3private" of the College
Sailed, 5.45p.m.—Waihora, forLyttelton. £4000. £2000, £1500, £1099. granted the works already done, or Kifies. After paying a high compliment
PasseagersforLytteltJon—MrThursby. For
Wellington—Messrs Elder, Burnell, and
THE GARDEN. FOOTBALL— some of them. If auything like a Brown-Sequard, who is seventy-two years to Mr* lidughnanfor his pninefcakiag atten-
of age, concluded his address by declaring tion to his military duties and his genial
Meek. For Auckland—Miss Bntherford,
Meeera Battray and Sullivan. For Nelson
—Mr Jennings.
6th August, 1889.
- 207 Hereford street, PROPAGATION OF PLANTS.


satisfactory bargain can be entered
into the colony will probably be glad
to get rid of further responsibility on
that the effect o£ the injections was equiva
lent to the deduction of ten years from
his ago"; and thunders of "applause
qualities as a comrade, the Chairman pre*
aeuted him, on behalf, of the Company,
with a fcatideonjo; silver} motanted stick,
THE such terms. bearing'the following inscription on the
PBOCEEDINGS IN THE 11. COURT. greeted the declaration. What are we to
We have no space in thisarticle to deal
with theotherportionsof the Statement
make of all this ? It cannot be said that
ferrule :—" Presented to E. A. Loughnan
by tae Christ's College Eifies, August,
the alleged discovery is brought forward
CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH. before üb. But, in conclusion, we Morris Tube Match. ~ The return
by a nobody. M. Brown-Seqaard has been
would jiist direct attention to the fact Professor of the Physiolpjyjr and Pattiology match waa fired at the Gladstone ranfire on
The National. Mortgage and Agency
FOOTBAL L, TOWN AND COUNTRY REPRE- that the policy adopted at the last -
Monday-evening between the tearna wp*!*
floacpAKT report Tinder date Melbourne,
JOthJuly:- . SUMMARY, By Three-Quarter Back. SENTATIVES. general election has been kept care-
of the Nervous System at Harvard "Uni-
versity, and Professor in the Ecole de
sentiug- ;Mason, Struthers and Co. and
Booth, Macdonald and Co., with fifteen
During the past month business in the OF fully in view, Last year the expendi- Medepine at Paria. He his; received men a side, aud resulted in a win for the
grain trade has dragged somewhat, owing ture was reduced to £633,000, former by 32' point*, tne- scores, being,

The ress.
to the uncertainty of the tariff alterations .several prizes from the French Academy of
which are expected to be included in the
Budget proposals to be placed before Par-
WEDNESDAY, AUG. 7, ATHLETICS. and, iucluded in this sum there was
over £100,000 charges and expenses
Sciences, and in 1878 was elected to the
Masou, Struthers and Co. 440, Booth,
Macdonald and C0... 408. The highest
The immediate future
liament to-night. entirely CONTAINS of raising the loan. The appropria-
Chair of Medicine that body. He is, in scorers for Mason, Struthers and Co. were
2>f prices depends on the increases AUSTRALIAN BOXING. THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1889. facb, a physiologist of the highest' rank, Pickering 32, Brown 32; and for Booth,
made, and greatwill diversity of opinion A Summary of the Commercial, Shipping and tions asked for during the current and in some departments there is Macdonald and Co.-, BroomM, Waddell33,
General News of the Month, together
asists as to what be proposed. Dis-
THE IRISH CHAMPIONSHIPS, year are £574,161, leaving £871,509 hardly auy name which carries greater and Sinclair 32. -The previous match wae
tributors complain loudly of the difficulty ■with a carefully compiled record One of the most significant signs of the won by Booth, Macdonald an* Co. by &i
In getttuz in money lately, and, with a of the Political events of the altered tone of public opinion in the
Notes by Handicajpp—b. available for succeeding years. It is authority. All we can say, pending; the
points, the scores then being Smooth, Mac-
few exceptions, they have been operating same period. country is the total absence of any- expected, however, that the whole of result of further, investigatidns, which, we donald and Co. 394, Mason, Struthere and
inaJiahd-fco-morith way, preferring to be

thing like eager curiosity as to the the money proposed to be voted will are told, are being made by other setenfcife
idle rather than run the risks which will
attend any further advances in the price
of horse feed. TJp to the present the
A VISIT TO THE NEW character of the Public Works State- not be expended, the actual expendi-
ture probably not exceeding £445,000,
msa, is, that either this great man has :
An nat School CoMMiCT««;-4-ThieCom-
mittee held their monthly meeting,
ment. Once or twice a question on become the subject of a Keye
weather has been all that could be desired thus leaving £1,000,000 to be delusion in'h'.s old age, or he has hie upon | Tuesday night. Piesenfc-Messre *«■
for the growing crops, and reports from
all parts of the colony say they are in a
GOLDFIELDS the eubject has been put in the House,
apparently more for form's sake than dealt with in the future. All the most surprising aiscowry yot recorded ■
(Chairman) Barr, BarlgWt Bloor, Iha
gusson, Graham, and Bobertson.
forward condition, the wheat crops being MURPHY'S NEAR HOKITIKA, anything else. But no one succeeded this is highly encouraging. It shows in the annals of mudical science. I Board| wrote, saying that it hadbeen decided
particularly healthy. that the election of the Bfch July
Wlieat improved slightly at the begin- in getting up anything like an interest that Ministers have so far carefully ad-

ning of the month, bnt has eased again. From ouu own Correspondent. hered to their pledges to gradually valid. The master's report fofc July
in the disclosures which the State-

Only a small quantity offering, and DOINGS IN PARLIA- eatiafaotQjy, end showed an increaee-M
millers have just been able to get suffi- PRICE, 2s Go-
* ment was expected to make. The expla- reduce the loan expenditure t.o the
attendance from 64.8 to 85
narrowest limits, and so place the Some other bnsraeee'wfte
cient to keep them going. The larger
holders are not quoting at all, but offers
Getthe value out of your Garden by Purchasing GRASS & ARTIFICIAL The public already
of Sβ Sd to 5s 9d would probably bring out
a fair quantity. Most of that offering has
nation of all this is manifest enough.
knew, in a general
way, what the proposals of the
colony in a position to bring the whole
Public Works policy to a close at an
MENT. on the roll.
transacted, accounts were passed tot p*^
inent, and the meeting adjourned, _
a Copy. Fibb
been of oiT quality, and to-day's sales Government would be. The principles early date.
range up to 5s 63d for good milling. It is COURTS la the Legislative Council yesterday the night a special pi-acfcice wae
business was purely of a formal character, companies, viz , Extinguisher, lu
beyond doubt that our stocks are short, To be had of all Booksellers. upon which our public works policy V5 ffLw»
but, if the dnty is not increased, shipments FOB ia now based were fully laid down TOPICS OF THE DAY. and the Council rose at 2.40 p.m. the two chemical enginee. •ffte™Tat
the Station, at Chester efertet,Mβ
from New Zealand may be expected to when the last loan was authorised, Iα the Jlouse of Bepresentatives, on the ing to
such an extent as would prevent much AND t^OMBS, TENNIS. LAWN and when it was agreed that the ex- Sic Dillon Bell had the honor of re- motion of the Premier, the order relating the
invitation of Mr Baker, who
Flour continues quiet in sympathy "with LIMITED. penditure on Public Works should be ceiving two very distinguished personages
recently taken unto taosel
to the adjournment of th,e debate on the members ahsembled in «he /* JL
wheat. A steady export to New South WRITTEN FOR THE WEEKLY PRESS. Otago Central Railway Bill was rescinded, grafculate him on his becomingißjg
Wales and Queensland has, however, strictly confined within certain agreed at the New Zealand Court of the Paris
and the debate was ordered to stand ad- After Mr aud Mr« Bakert hedfrto*
Desire to Call the Attention ot our ■**"
been going on, and stocks of old flour
have been working down. Values are to-
Customers andWEthe
Public to tho limits. In the Financial Statement
we have already been informed of tha
Exhibition. The first was President
Carnot, and the second was his Royal journed till next day. The Premier's drunk with musical honors,»°ft£g£'' ■
day £11 to £11 los for stone made, and £12 SPORTING NOTES, actual results of the past financial Highness the Prince of Wales. The public motion for the appointment of a Select
to £13 os for roller. RETAIL DEPARTMENT, Committee to report as to the best form of
Oats—Arrivals have been heavy, and a Which will much facilitate business, and add By Spectator. year. The expenditure on Public will naturally be interested toknaw what
£air_proportion of them let go at 4s to 4s to their convenience. Works for the period ending those exalted visitors thought of our local government for New Zealand waa
Id (duty paid); the remainder were stored
Our Large Stock beiaj? continually Supple- March 31st last was £528,453, exhibits, but unfortunately there is very agreed to. A somewhat heated discussion joyable evening was speot-
t>& spec, of the duty being increased. mented lay Novelties aud New Goods of Every took place in regard to the Ward-Hislop
Stocks are roughly estimated at IOO.OOG
bags, the bulk of "which have cost their
Description, weare able to Supply the Require- TABLE TALK.
or including charges and expenses of little to be told. It seems that the polite
Parisians are a good deal worse than the correspondence. The Premier stated that ing of the Committeeth,
of toe above^Agoffl^
owners 4s 3d to 4s 4d. Sydney market
continues flat, owing principally to the
ments of Purchasers of
raising loans, discount, &c, amounting
to £104,912, a total of £633,365. less polished Londoners for "mobbing,"and the Government had. come to the con- tion took place at
.«^ °LHS

fact that theirmaize is much cheaper feed, A TENNIS MATCH. The balance left to the credit of the both the Prince aud the President appear clusion that no good could arise from the
and it oar Government increase the duty
aanraize, this outlet for their surplus will IRONMONGERY. Public Works fund on March 31st was to have gone through the Court as if they
were snatching a fearful joy, and might
appointment of a Committee as naked for
by Mr Larnach. At the same time he
be gone.
We Invite Inspection of the Premises and £1,445,670, subject to £368,639 at any moment, in schoolboy parlance, said Government were quite ready to set
Baxley—Very little good malting about, Comparison of our
MR BROWNING AND BUS LADY liability. As the Minister of Public
but what has been offering found ready FRIENDS. have to " cut and run." President Carnot apart a xlay to diecusa it, if the hon. gentle-
ouyers at 5s Gd to 5s 7d, and at least as 9d STOCK AND PRICES Works explained last evening, the did manage to say something in admira- man opposite (Mr BaUance) desired it.
xiuld have been got by judicioushandling. With those of other house-. proposals of the Government were essen-
L);t* -qualities slow of sale at from 4s 9d is TWENTY YEARS SONG WRITING; tially of a moderate character. They tion of our timber. He gazed at a fine Mr Ballanee .declined to accept the chal-
lenge, and after some further conversation Wilkineon (Liflcoin e lle
is 3d. Cape,, after being neglected for
?onic time, has come under notice again,
r~iid sales have been made to-day at from
WARRANTED. As Interview with the Author
of •' Nancy Lee."
simply aimed at defining the manner in piece of totara and said, " What magni-
ficant timber you have in New Zealand." the matter dropped- The whole of the flaced them under inuawW**'Seap-
is 10d to 4s _d; this is being largely used
which it is proposed to expend the evening, except an half-hour's adjourn- tion. and had
Sir Francis told him we had quantity as
lor mixing with oats far crashing. REECE
EDWARD balance of the loan fund over a period well as quality, and then they went on to ment at; IT p.m., was occupied by a large peared to be in n°,
a,~r any report

ITarifT—fcince above has gone to press THE SHAH'S IMPRESSIONS OF of about three years. That balance, Committee
the Budget speech ha* been delivered, AND SONS, we have seen, is £1,445,670. It is
the maps and plans of New Zealand which number., oJI. member? Ina|ipg $P&fej set aa to efficacy till further bown the j
and it is proposed to increase the duty on ENGLAND. ornamented the walls of the Court. The speeches of from ten to twenty minutes' made and further proofs

oats and barley from 2e to 3e per cental,
the increased r»te to come into operation
Ist December next].
Colombo Street. Christchurch. THE AMERICAN LANGUAGE.
obvious, therefore, that there could be
nothing of a sensational character in
* delivered last evening.
the Statement
President remarked that they were very
well done—an opinion especially valuable in.
deration upon the Representation Bill. utility
This interesting process of "talking to mittee also hoped
that Mr
become law.
v fa
view of the fact that M. Sadi-Carnofc is an Hansard," or, as one member called it, read some interesting with
PKKMANBNT INVESTMENT LOANAND THE BURGLAR AND THE GENTLEMAN Beginning with the Helenaville iine, able engineer. At this point the crowd, embalming their views in Hansard," con- Farm and Garden/ «
"tinued the
ASSOCIATION. the Minister explained what the views till twenty minutes past one in the
BEATH'S both before and behind the President was
f OAKS GRANTEITin any SUMS for of the Government were withreference so great that it was impossible for him to morning, when, after some thirty members
to this work. It is proposed to take make any careful inspection of the ex- hid spoken, the Bill passed the third
ON the railway to a point Borne ten hibits and so a minute .or two after his reading on the voices. The House then ineffective, eieept tnr
MONTHLY REPAYMENT SYSTBM. WEDNESDAY. PBICE—SIXPfiNCSi miles beyond its present terminus. The entry a move out was made. When he rose. The Public Works Statement was
H.B.WSBB, REMOVAL OF HOBDAY.} fiTOC-E. new section, it was stated, would pass entered the South Australian Court a little laid on the table during tne evening, and
OStoee-188Herefeidteeeti. to a great extent through land covered later, an odd incident recurred. A young will be found in anoth*** column. ■; adjourned.

Cabl» ComfoincATioN.
steamer —
was at work on the cable yester-
day, and communication was interrupted
The cable
TECHNICAL EDUCATION. GENERAL ASSEMBLY. dence between the Government and Judge
Ward. As to Mr Fisher's statement, that
no justice could be expected by J Judge
again, no messages being received either Ward from the Government, he thought
daring the day or at the usual hour this
ME FISHEB'S BILL, [PBJESS ASSOCIATIOK T-ELBOBAM.] It was perfectly impossible to suppose that
the Government wouldbeallowed to sit on
those benches if they were deemed in-
WELLINGTON, August 7. capable of dealing out justice to civil ser- PHILIPPIC BY MX SAUNDEBS.
a Ruth" and Mendelssohn's Hear my " Wedn-esday, August 7. vants. If Mr Ballance thought; that WELLINGTON. August 7.
prayer" will be given by the choir of St. Mr Fisher's Bill for the promotion of they were not capable, he should at The following is the Public Works
The Legislative Council met at 2.30 p.m. £Bt TttXGBAraO The Mercantile Law Act Amendment Statement, laid before the House last
Paul's Church this evening technical instruction in state schools is once move a no-confidence motion, Bill, introduced into the Legislative Qoua- evening by the Minister forPublic
in aid of the church debt extinction entitled The Manual and Technical
PETITIONS. so that the House would explain its Works,
fund. "
Elementary Instruction Act." In it
Mr Shrimski presented a petition from
Oamaru for the abolition of the Contagious
opinion on it. He, however, altogether [TOOK OXTB. COKJ£»SPOVD«NT.] cil to-day, proposes to appty the Mercan- the Hon.
tile Law Act, 1880, to all parts of the
Edward Mitchelson :—
refused to believe that the House held any WELLINGTON, August 7. Mr Speaker, the proposals of the Govern-
Masdnic.—The regnlar monthly meeting mannal instruction is denned aa meaning

Diseases Act, and in doing so said he did snch opinion as that advocated by Mr colony.
of the Conyers Lodge, 1910, E.G., will be instruction in the
use of tools and in
not identify himself with the prayer of the Fisher. As he had sAid previously, the Mr Saundets made come remarks to- The Shipping and Seamens Act Amend- ment in relation to public works which I
held this evening at the Masonic Hall, modelling clay, wood, or other
petition. Government were entirelyresponsible for night as to the advantages city representa- ment Bill provides for the application of have to explain this evening are essen-
Sydenham. A meeting of the Lodge of materials. in Technical instruction is to
KEW BILLS. the conduct of its Civil Servants, and it tion had over the country. Speaking as a the Shipping and Seaniens Act, 1877, to tially moderate, merely defining the
Concord, Papanui, will be held in the hall The following Bills were introduced and would be most improper for the House to all vessels on inland navigable waters, and manner in which the Government pro-
this evening at 7.30. mean instruction in the principles read a first time:—SelectorsLands Re-valu- interfere with such administration. The country member he said that his observa-
of science and art applicable to ation Bill; an Act to enable the Governor duty of the Executive would be taken tions of the last thirty years had allowed
enacts a nevr scale of fees for surveying poses that the expenditure of the
Gold Mining Company.—A meeting of industries the application of to issue a Crown grant of Orimakatea to away if the House interfered. He steamships. balance of the Loan Fund (amounting at
the shareholders in the Green's Beef special branches in of science and art to certain Natives as a reward for military did not wish to make this ques him to form some idea of the influence the The Public Petitions Committee have the end of March last to £1,446,670) should
Gold Mining Company will be held at or employment. It is services; an Act to further Amend the tion a party one, but when it was four cities had on the representation of reported on the petition of K. C. Shear- be spread over a period of about three
Warner's Hotel, oa Monday evening next, specific industries Government Native Land Purchase Act, stated by any hou. member that New Zealand. Commencing with Dunedin, man that the Government has dealt with years.
not to include teaching the practice of any
at 7.30. trade, industry, or employment. Mr 1877; au Act to Amend the Mercantile it was utterly hopeless for high officers he asserted that when that place was in- him in a liberal manner, and that he has RAILWA\S IN COURSE OF CON-
Waddington.—The East Malvern Band
Fisher proposes that manual instruction
Law Act, 1880; an Act to provide in the State to expect justice at the hands no further claim against the colony.
jf Hope gave a good programme to a large for the Payment by the Public Trustee of the Government, the House should habited by Scotchmen only the influence The first motion on the Order Paper to- STRUCTION AND PROPOSED,
may be given only to the pupils following of certain moneys received by him ake steps to ascertain whether the of its public men was good, and nothing
iudience on Tuesday night at Waddmg- the standard course of instruction at a on account of Auckland Native Hostelry Government were capable of acting in day was one to rescind the adjournment of INCLUDING ADDITIONS TO OPENED UNESL
ioD. Mr Jas. Heighway occupied the but good, and if he could not be an the dabate on the Otago Central Railway To commence with the Railways—
public school, and to such pupil it must on account of the Civil list for Native pur- that manner, but such a charge was
Englishman he would be a Scotchman.
thair. be given at extra hours beyond the poses ; an Act to Amend the Shipping and utterly untrue and the House knew it. for a fortnight, and to adjourn it instead Helensville Northward—The HelensviUe
Seamens Act, 1877. He again stated that he never expressed (Laughter.) Scotchmen were the easiest till to-morrow. This of course was to northwards railway is, as hon. members
Abrests.—Constable Dillon arrested a ordinary school time. For manual in- governed people in the world, and at the
man yesterday, named Patrick Kelly, on a struction so given a payment may be made The Council rose at 2.40 till to-morrow. his willingness to hare a Committee remedy the extraordinary blunder made are no doubt aware, already
appointed to inquire into the correspon- same time they always managed to govern last night. The Premier explained how
jharge of larceny of a pair of boots and a by the Minister of Education to the Edu- dence. "yell. While theii influence as pure and open for traffic to a point in
pair of trousers value 10s 6d, the property he had been called to the telephone for Kaukapukapu Valley, about 'eight
cation Board, and by the Education Board HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr Ballance contended that thecorres-
jf Albert Ashley, Madras street. Mary Scotchmen was exceedingly good in this a minute, and had gone not expecting the
to the teacher at the rate of tsro shillings pondence showed that one of the Ministers House, a race had grown up since whose the debate to collapse so suddenly.
miles from Helensville and forty,
Brown, alias Edwards, was arrested by a quarter for every unit of average attend- Wednesday, August 7.
Messrs W. P. Beeves, Taylor, and Seddon four miles from Auckland, and it is
had improperly interfered in the adminis- influence went altogether in the other
Sergeant Stagpole yesterday on a charge of ance at the class for manual instruction, The House met at 2.30 p.m. tration of justice, but he was notprepared
itealing various articles of clothing value provided that the manual instruction to to condemn the Ministry, as the Colonial direction. The people, since they had been indulged in some good-natured banter now proposed to undertake its extension
OTAGO CENTRAL KAILWAY. Secretary might be able toshow a very good mixed up with Australian adventurers, at the expense of the Premier and his for a further distance of ten miles, to
18s, the property of Elizabeth Wiltshire, each pupil occupies at least two hours a seemed to have the same power without
Sydenham, on the Ist inst. week for ten weeks within the quarter. Sir H. Atkinson moved—"That the case for hie action. That, however, should colleagues, after which the motion was Burns' farm (Ahuroa), between Komo-
resolution of the House passed on the be inquired into by the Committee already the same prudence, force and foresight, agreed to on the voices, the feeling among koriki and the Kaipara flats, that being
Sons op Temperance, Progress Divi- Technical instruction may be given only to 6th inst. adjourning the debate on the spoken of, and the Colonial Secretary and the result was that they had sent up members opposed to the Bill being that the nearest point to which it can be pro-
sion.—The annual tea meeting and enter- such scholars as have passed the fourth second reading of the Otago Central should be allowed an opportunity of vindi- representatives like Sir J. Yogel and the if they took advantage of such an acci- fitably taken. By this extension there
tainment connected with the Son 3 and standard, as have obtained from an In- Railway Bill for a fortnight be rescinded, cating his action before that tribunal. He late Mr Macandrew, who had been guilty dent it would only serve to create a feeling will be opened up a large area of land
Daughters of Temperance of the Progress spector of Schools a certificate of having and that the debate be adjourned until asserted, however, that the Government of raising loans, expenditure and extrava- in tavor of the Bill as having been un- at present unutilised, a considerable
Division, was held at Kaiapoi on Tuesday passed the requisite examination. For to-morrow." He said he had assented to dare not face the position of having a gance, which the pure Scotchman never
an adjournment of the debate on the Committee appointed, so that all the facts fairly treated. Almost the whole of the
remainder of (the afternoon was occupied portion
evening, 'i here was a large attendance, such technical instruction occupying at dreamt of, and would never have sanc- of which is owned by the
Bill on the previous night, but being of the case could be brought out. What
and the undertaking passed off in a highly least twelve hours a week for ten weeks called away to attend to some public the House wanted was to get behind the tioned. His observations had led him to with a dull and dreary debate on the Ward- passed Crown, and as the land which will be
through by the railway is covered
successful manner. during every quarter, a grant shall be business he was unable to return till the correspondence, and every constitutional the conviction that the influence of the Hialop correspondence, a subject which has to a great extent with valuable kauri and
Fibe at Ohoka.—On Tuesday morning made by the Minister of Education to the motion had been carried for the adjourn- means would be adopted by his side of great city of Dunedin—great and good and now been worn threadbare. The motion for other timber, there will be a prqdtable
at tnree o'clock an eight-roomed house at Education Board at the rate of ten shil- ment for a fortnight. At this stage of the House for gaining that end. important a city as it was—had of late the third reading of the Representation timber traffic on the new extension, and
Ohoka, the property of Mr Abraham Jago, lings for every unit ot average attendance the session it was, of course, out of the Sir John Halt, said that the House had years been exceedingly bad in this House. Bill came on at five o'clock, and would consequently a further development of
at Buch instruction. Every Board pro- question to have a Government Bill post- all the facts before them that tne Com-
& resident of St. Albans, was found to be poned for a fortnight, and he should mittee could have. (Mr Fisher—Not all.)
Then he came up to his own (neighborhood have been agreed to at once had not Col. the traffic on the existing line in the im-
on fire. The alarm was given by the posing to establish a course of technical of Christchurch, and he admitted they had Fraser announced his intention of em- mediate present, to be followed hero-
R-atchman at the Kaiapoi Milling and iustruction under this Act is to prepare a therefore ask the House to rescind that
motion and agree to the one he now pro-
If the correspondence did not disclose all
the facts, why not move for the rest of got a very peculiar race of politicians "
balming a history of this Bill in Hansard." after, as the land is cleared, by. toe
Produce Company's flour mill. Nothing scheme showing a copy of the proposed from that city. They called themselves Thia occupied only about ten minutes, but more permanent traffic of a settled
posed, namely, that the second reading of it ? He considered Mr Ballance had not district. To complete the work now
Bould be done, and the house was burned instruction, and submit such scheme to the Bill should be set down for the next treated him fairly by stating that he had Liberal, and yet the politics they gave rise to a number of explanations from proposed, however, including prq vision
Sown. It had stood unoccupied for some the Minister for his approval, and no pay- day. He should, afcer the second reading advocated a special Committee to enquire had adopted were the most illiberal other members. Mr Samuel was one of for existing liabilities und engagements

"' time. It was insured with the Victoria ment shall be made by the Minister of had been agreed to postpone the Bill till into the correspondence. that he had ever heard of in these. In the cenirse of his remarks he will cost close upon £80,000, and as the
Company for £200. The cause of the fire Education to any Education Board for any after the Public Works Statement had Mr Seddon said that the change of front any country in the world. They had said said, speaking as a email borough member, balance of loin allocution for these rail-
technical instruction under the Act until been brought down. on the part of the Government was due
Is unknown.
to their having ascertained which way in this House that minorities should not "We have found ourselves sold. Sir." ways at the cad of March lost was oufy
Accidint with a Chaffcuttee. —Mr T. a scheme of such instruction has received Mr Kebves (St. Albans) reminded the have a voice, and yet when their turn, Having been originally bought," inter- £5(1,929, the Govern menc has decided to
Anderson, of Arowhenua, met with a
the Minister's approval. Any such scheme Premier that a member of the Govern- the majority of the House would go
if this question was referred to the House came of being in a minority they wanted "jected Dr. Fitchett amid loud laughter. recommend that the £23,000 originally
ment was present in the House when the The debate was not concluded at the allocated for the double line to

painful accident on Tuesday. While en- may include payment of fees asa condition all the voice. Oae great reason why the
of attendance. motion for the adjournment was carried for its consideration. should be diverted to the Helenavilie
Bjaged in feeding %»chaffcutter his right the previous evening. After further discussion, the motien for cities should not have so much representa- dinner adjournment, and was resumed lino, thus making up the funds avail-
ttand was drawn into the machinery and Sir H. Atkinson said that at any rate an adjournment was lost, and the matter tion as the country districts was that again at 7.30. When the Premier had an- able to £79,929. Iv coming to this
the fingers badly crushed, the middle one the Minister did not know what was going dropped. during the whole of this session their nounced that the Public Works Statement conclusion the Government has been
having to .be amputated at the second BRANDING SHEEP. on and did not assent to the adjournment
for a fortnight.
REPRESENTATION BILL. representatives had taken up considerably would be brought down at that hour if the largely influenced by the fact that
joint. Hi3injuries were attended to by Mr Reeves remarked that if they "were
Mr Hislop moved—"That the amend- more than half of the whole time of the Representation Bill was disposed of, a the £23,000 provided for the Penrose line
ments made in the Representation Bill be House with their speeches. An excellent large number of members, however, seemed required is only a small fraction of the amount
Dr. J. S.Hayes. [By Tileqbaph.] to assume that when the Premier was agreed to," which was carried without to complete that work, the total
arrangement would be that representation anxious to follow Colonel Eraser's example
Chbistchubch Hospital.—A meeting of absent from the House the Government debate. estimated cost of which is £100,000, and
was represented by a lot .of dummies he should be regulated by the number of by registering their views in Hansard, and as there seems to be no prospect of ob-
the North Canterbury Hospital Board was [from our correspondent.]
had no more to say on the matter.
On the motion for the third reading,
hours' talk indulged in, in which case the spoke ac some length.
held yesterday, when a letter was read from Colonel Fraser said he was dissatisfied taining the balance for years to come, it
WELLINGTON, August 7. MrTaylor protestedagainst the manner with the quota, but in consequence of the cities would not, so far as the number of Major Steward's Waimate Public Re- would appear to be useless to continue it
she chairman of the honorary medical staff, At a meeting of the Stock Committee in which the Government was carrying on Bill containing the reduction of members members went, be more than adequately serve Sale Bill is introduced with the as an allocation to the Penrose line. The
complaining that the system of heating
K08. 4 and 5 wards was faulty. Mr Wes- this morning, the subject of branding business, and he thought if he (Mr
Taylor) were a Ministerialist such a mis- "
and also the grand principle of one man
one vote," he should support the third
represented. (Laughter.) One of the
great evils the country complained of in j
object of empowering the authorities to authority proposed to be asked tor thifl
submit to public ,auction an unclaimed year, in order toadmit ofcontractsbeing let
tenra read a letter from Mr S. Hurst sheep was discussed at great length. Those take would not happen. reading. connection with Christchurch represents- I reserve at the back of the Anglican Church for the works which I have indicated, will
Seager (who had carried out the system) representing long wool from the North Mr Seddon thought that the Premier's Mr Samuel spoke strongly against the tives was that they were the advocates of in the town of Waimate. be the £70,920 already mentioned, but of
Dn the subject. After a discussion the looked upon branding as being practically proposal was reasonable, but it showed way in which members of small boroughs this amount only £15,000 will require to
that the present was essentially a one monopolies. The Liberals of Christ- Parata has given notice to ask the be
letter of the honorary etaff was referred to
the House Committee to report upon at useless, as it was no protection against man" Government, and that the rest of" had been treated by the negotiations
between the town and country parties. He church were protectionists and mono-
voted for actual expenditure within the
Native Minister whether he will arrange year. Beyond the point to which this, rail-
sheep stealing, and only calculated to spoil the Ministers were unable to act in the considered the Bill was 'disgraceful in its polists. They put taxes on the that Mr Mackay may be instructed to way is now proposed to be carried, namely,
next meeting. A report of the meeting of the wool. Finally it was resolved to re- Premier's absence. construction, and he Regretted being a farmers' ploughshares, on his manure complete the certificates for the Native to Burns' Atiriu, no further extension
the Board will be found elsewhere. commend the following amendment in the Aftersome further discussion, the motion member of a Parliament which had passed and clothes, and on the tools of miners and lands at Kaiapoi and on to Murihiku, that would appear to be justifiable until the
Lecttjbe.—The Bey. W. Morley de- Act:—'c That no flocfc owner residing in was agreed to. it. farmers, with a view of maintaining some is to say, to complete the unfinished work colony is in a position to continue it to
livered a lecture in the Lyttelton Wes- any clean district shall be compelled to LOCAL GOVERNMENT. The House rose at 5.30 p.m. paltry industry or manufactory in the of the Native Land Court which sat in Well's Ford or Maungatoroto, that is fco
leyan Church on Monday night last on brand his sheep with any other mark than Sir H. Atkinson moved that a Select town, but were not prepared to protect 1887. ; say, to a. distance beyoud Bums' Farm of
"Thirty Thousand Miles by Land and his registered earmark, anything in the Committee be appointed to Inquire and EVENINcTsiTTING. farming and agricultural industries of the One of the mysteries which for some about fifteen or twenty miles respectively;

provide for this and Cor
years post have exercised the minds of furtherorder to
report as to what form of local govern- The House resumed at 7.30 p.m. and in
Sea." In a very eloquent and forcible Branding Act to the contrary notwith- country. Then the Auckland members had of this very important
style he narrated the incidents of his standing." ment is best adapted to the requirements
REPRESENTATION BILL. talked very freely in the House, and had members has been the disposal of fines railway extension l<1! tiie; future, the Government
travels through England and the Conti- of New Zealand, the Committee to con-
sist of Messrs G. F. Richardson, Jones, Dr. Newiian reviewed the position of often made compacts with the South, and as imposed on Railway employe v. Mr Fish propose' to introduce a Bill this Session
nent of Europe, and at the close a vote of the Bill and the action of the town mem- a result of their compacts the rest of the is now moving in the inatcer, and has given eetting apart the proceeds of certain kauri
Whyte, Pyke, Samuel, J. Mackenzie,
' thanks, moved by Mr A. Hendersen, and DUNEDIN THEOLOGICAL Macarthur, Tanner, and the mover. He bers over it. He also protested against country had shared very badly in t$L& nofcioe to ssk the Minister for Public forests, the property of the Crown, to the
jeeonded by Mr Olliver, was carried with
COLLEGE. said he had been requested by a number the galleries being closed during the plunder that were going on. He ad- Works:—(l) What has been done with, or north of Auckland, as an endowment for
enthusiasm, The Bey. George Bond oc-
cupied the chair, and expressed his high
appreciation of the lecture.
Ikqttbst.—An inquest was held at the
DUNEDIN, August 7.
of members tobring forward this motion,
and he hoped the Committee would be
successful in suggesting a satisfactory
system of local government. His own
debate on the Bill.
Mr Mackenzie (Ulutha) denied that the
Bill was a disgrace to the House, as
alleged by the member forNew Plymouth.
vocated that the representation of
Wellington should be rooted out root,
and branch. The principal reason
why Wellington should send no mem-
what is intended to be done with, the fines that purpose.
which have been levied on Railway ser-
vants previous to the Railway Commis- laid
Grahamstown Te Aroha
Grahamstown-Te Aroha line the rails are

Grahamstown to Kauranga,
sioners taking office ? (2) What is the about live miles', and the formation, witn-
On the

opinion was that if they were to It would be a disgrace, however, It it bers to the House was this : They came here accumulated amount of tiie above fines oub bridges, is completed; from thence to
,Christchurch Hospital, at 9 a.m. yesterday, At a meeting of the members of the search the whole world they would not passed in the shape in which the Govern-

.touching the death of Hugh Wilson, who find a better system of local Government ment brought it down originaUy. invariably as representatives not of the up to the before-mentionedperiod ? about the nineteenth mile, near Ohine-
Church of England to form a Church taxpayers of the country, but of the tax Mr Fish also intends to move for a murL From that point to Te Aroha, a
.died' suddenly on the previous day. Mr than existed in this colony at present. Messrs Reeves (St. Albans), Taylor, Dod-
B. Beetham, Coroner, presided. After a Committee was appointed to
jInstitute, However, the Government would give the son, Russell, Hobbs, Brown, Fisher, receivers, and were, in short, advocates of return setting forth—(l) The number of distance of thirteen miles, no work has

consider and report as to the best means Committee every assistance in their de- Fitchett, Saunders, Allen, Seddon, and everything in the shape of extravagance members, the present value of the benefits, yet been done. The loan allocation
hearing the evidence of J. Akerman and J. short by some £65,000 of the amount
•Soper, a verdict to the effect that the to be taken to establish a Theological liberations on this important subject. Menteath spoke on the third reading. and of robbing the country. No man present value of contributions, the required
Mr Walker regretted that the Premier would have a chance of being elected for amount of funds and surplus or deficiency there are to complete the work, and as
deceased "Committed suicide, by taking College and Library. Bishop Neville was PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT. no funds out of which
.strychnine, whilst in a state of temporary had not given a better reason for the Wellington unless it was known he stood in each district of the affiliated Orders this amount can be supplemented, and
thanked forhis past exertions during his appointment of this Committee; in fact Sir H. Atkinson, at 10.16 p.m.. aske<* as a determined advocate in the way of of Friendly Societies as at the last valua furthermore, as any further expenditure
finaanity," was returned.

recent visit Home. He collected over the whole tone-of his remarks suggested for the suspension of the debate for a few

,. .£3OOO for a Theological College, of which that the Committee should not be ap- minutes. He said the Minister forPublic extravagance. Wellington took every- tion, together with a statement of the date on the railway would be wasted until it
Scfbemb Coubt. His Honor Mr
Justice Denniston sat in banco yesterday he has expended £1100 in the purchase of pointed. He dissented from the practice Works intended making the Public Works thing it could out of the poor, miserable, up to which, such valuation was made, and can be completed throughout, it has 'been
a house and land, which is not yet free. of Committees doing work that should statement that night,,bub if the House was over-taxed farmers of the country, and as the amount of surplus or deficiency for decided by Government that nothing more
morning, and disposed of two^csses In be performed T>y the Government them- willing, his? coH*«Jg«»e»-WdttW aekrja»hti» the sexfc of Government was sufficiently, members in, such case. (2) A summary of should be done at present beyond the
May v the Union Steamship Company a J52000 is going to the endowment of a

tutorship. He was also presented with seives, and he should therefore oppose the take the Statement as read, and he would represented. the actuarial'position of the several completion of some necessary drainage
'yerdict for £4O was returned for motion. then lay it on the table, when copies of the Orders, including the Order of Druids, work, including, the culverts required at
plaintiff; and application was now made a library, on condition that it was safely Mr Samuel said he should not vote on Statement and Public Works estimates the Thames. The line passes through some
housed, and named after the husband of containing the same particulars of infor- very good land suitable for settlement, but
to enter up judgment. Hie Honor, after the motion one way or other, but he would be distributed amongst the

mation as in section 1. a large portion of this land is still in the
Argument, entered up judgment for the lady who made the gift. The Bishop
requires now about .£SOO.
thought that the importance of devising
some scheme of local government should
Mr Ballance thought that the debate
PUBLIC WORKS ESTIMATES. Major Steward intends moving for a hands of the Natives, and it is intended
'defendant. In Cook v Carter an applica- return showing for each and every finan- j that steps should be taken to acquire for
tion to enter up judgment for defendant be admitted by the House. At the same had nearly closed, but he approved of the
time, he felt that a whole session would course proposed by the Premier as to cial year, commencing with the year the Crown as much of it as is possible.
was refused, with costs. The Court will not be sufficient to devote to this impor- laying the Statement on the table without THE CANTEEBUEY VOTES. 1869-70 down to and including the year The authority proposed to be asked lor to
"litat 11 a.m. to-day. COURSING.
tant question. reading it. cover the draiuaue works which I have
1888 89, the names of all persons who have referred
Eanqiosa Litebaby Institute.—The Mr Moss hoped the Government would Mr Seddon objected to such an unusual [By Telegraph.] been members of the Executive Govern- £3500 will require
to is .£4500, and of this amount
also agree to a Committee being formed course being followed. to be voted for actual
monthly meeting of the Managing Com-
mittee was held on Tuesday evening. THE CHAMPION MEETING. for enquiry into the depression existing in
the country at present, and devising some
The motion was agreed to.
Mr Mitchelson said he had intended
L'fbom ova special correspondent/]
ment of the colony, and the sums drawn by expenditure this year.
each such member in each year in respect >
Putaruru-Rotorua—No work has been
There were present—Meesrs G. Buckham [press association 'telegram.] means of checking the outflow of popula- delivering the Statement that night, but WELLINGTON, August 7. of—(i) Ministerial salary: (2) house allow- done on this railway, since the: date
(Chairman), Evans, Wilson, Hunnibell, tion that was now going on. as the debate on the .Representation Bill In consequeace of the protracted debate ance (3) travelling
; allowance ; (4) iv any of my last statement, and it ; thartt"
Prestney, Good, Jennings and Sharland. DUNEDIN, August7. other way. fore remains iv the same position
The draw in connection with the Cham- Mr Seddon moved the adjournment of had been protracted so much, he thought on the third reading of the Eepresentation
The Treasurer reported that the receipts the debate but it was not seconded. he could not read the Statement at such a Among the strangers in the House to- as there described, that is to cay,» lti> Is
pion Coursing Meeting took place to-night. Bill, the Minister of Public Works aban- completed with permanent way for eight
for the month had been £14 7s 10d, ex- Champion Stakes. The Premier's motion was then agreed late hour without wearying members. He doned his intention of reading the Public day was the Hon. John Bryce. miles (to Ngatira) at the Putaruru
penditure JEIO 12s 4d. Cγ. balance, £3 j
Effie Deans meets Emm Bey
to on the voices. therefore requestedpermission to lay it on Works Statement, and it was laid on the Mr T. Thompson has received a petition and the formation, without bridges;jend, 'for
-15s 6d. Tenders were received for the j the table, and moved that the Statement with about 1(500 signatures, asking, on about six miles at the Rotorua end Vis
TomBrown meets Fugue LEAVE OF ABSENCE. be taken as read. table in the course- of the evening.
for last year, and accepted, amount- Luna 11. meets Dribbler behalf cf the licensed victuallers, for an also done, the intervening gap of eighteen
Leave of absence for a week was granted Agreed to, and the Statement was laid The following general estimates for the
ing to £3 8s sd. It was decided to sub- Kiwi meets Smoker to Mr Withy on urgent business, and for year 1889-90 accompanying the statement amendment of the Licensing Att to pre- miles being at present untouched; ■*' Ajs
ecribe to "Zealandia," also to put a cur- Sultan meets Yorkshire Lass on the table.
tain along the front of the platform in the
ball. The meeting then terminated.
Flora meets Whisper
Sea Rock meets Riuger
Newton meets Mariner.
Maiden Stakes.
ten days to Mr Duncan on account of
serious illness in his family.
The following Bills were introduced:—
Moss resumed the debate on the
are chargeable to the unexpended balance
Representation Bill, and was followed by 18S6 :—
the loans raised prior to 31st March,

Estimated amount required to be voted

vent arbitrary closing of licensed houses the line at -present stands, inere-
by Committees of their own motions. He foie, the worjj done upon it,' which
received from other centres. Mr Goldie utilised, as jthere is no road and "no
is holding it back tillsimilar petitions ar<* has cost about £70,000, cannot be

Bill to Amend the Napier Harbor Board Mr Ballance, who spoke at some length has received, a counter-petition to this justification for making one
from Ngatira
Manton meets Turk H. on the Bill, replying to the arguments for actual expenditure this year—lmmi- to Ohiuemutu. It is therefore proposed
NEW ZEALAND. Kapriolana meets Supplejack
Melbourne Tom meets Britannia
Titder meeteForest Queen
Act Amendment Act, 18S7, Wellington
City Empowering Bill, Waimate Public
Reserves Sale Bill, Bill to Provide for the
advanced by Mr Saundera and other gration, .£3830. Public Works Depart-
members. ment—Railways, £9330; roads, £145,127 ;
from Sir William Fox. that it ehouid be carried on for a further
The Goldiields Committee passed the distance of 10 miles to the Okibftiki
Roeelle meets Lassie Messrs Grimrnond, Buchanan, Buxton, waterworks on goldfields, £700; purchase following resolutions to day :— 1. The saddle, from which point to the present
Harpenden meets Wainni Promotion of Technical Education. T. Thompson, Harkness, Monks, Mac- Committee recommends Government to road from Oxford to 'Rotorua, a road' 6
[PRESS ASSOCIATION TELEGRAMS.] of Native lands (North Island) £9396 ; tele-
Turk meets Bonnie Girl THE HISLOP-WARD CORRESPONDENCE. arthur, R. Thompson, Mills, Goldie, and graph extension,£l2,7oo; public buildings, send suitable mineral exhibits to the miles in length can easily be made.''This
Actress meets Mabel Lenny Kelly also spoke.
AUCKLAND, August 7. Sir H. Atkinson desired to make a and Dunedin Exhibition, and place some would reduce the coach journey to IS
Nimrod n'eets Cinderella
Ivanhoe meets Blacklock statement as to the position the Govern- Mr Hislop said the debate that night £48,051; lighthouses, harbor works, official in charge to give information to miles, and it would thus be pos-
•At the first annual meeting of the showed that the relations between town defences, £9382; rates on Native lands,
Auckland West Kindergarten the balance-
theet showed the sum of j£l4 10s 9d to
Bonnie Black Baas meetsFlimsy
Mystery meets Maida
Dark Rustic meets Tyrone
Steamer meets Jeanie Deans
ment had taken up withrespect to the Com-
mittee asked for by Mr Larnach to enquire
into the Ward correspondence. The
Government had carefully considered the
and country constituencies were in a very £8595; Thermal Springs, £2350; charges
unsatisfactory condition, and it would be and expenses for raising the loan, £3084.
for the House to consider the adoption of Total of part 1, £252,545.
visitors. 2. The Committee is of opinion Ohinemutn, to eet from

mines and minerals should be prepared manifest this would make an irnxoense
Auckland to
or vice versa, in one
that a suitable handbook of New Zealand whereas it now takes two days.' Itd*?* ° Is
A valedictory dinner was given to Mr Vixen meets Kotomahana
DreadnoughtmeeieFlying Spur matter, and had come to the conclusion the Hare system, or some other system, Chargeable to the North Island Main and placed before the public at the difference in the tourist arid other 6faffl6,
tli. Geeling, late Town Clerk of Ham I- that no good whatever could arise from as the best means of remedying this state Trunk Eailway Loan Act, 1882:—Public Exhibition. 3. That the Chairman and and thus attain a better return for £&p

Meg Dods meets Starlight
jon, who is a&out to leave for the Ker- Black Rock meets Plymouth Rock the appointment asked for by the hon. of things, so that they could proceed with Works Department, £1000; railways, Mi' Allen prepare a circuLar urging expenditure already' made, not alone oil
aaadee Islands. HomoRule niceis Cottage Girl gentleman, The whole faces of the case the real business of the country. As for £31,000; roads, £«92; purchase of Native upon mine owners, mine managers, and the Putaruru-ltotorua Railway, but $&$p

An application -was made at the Police Bantam meetsLochiel were now before the House, but if Mr the Bill that had just ieft the Committee, local bodies in mining districts the on the Railway from Auckland --fro
Court to-day for the issue of an order, pro-
hibiting the supply of alcoholic liquor to
Prospector meets Presto
Gordon meets Queen of the West
Spring meets lona
Ballance desired it he (the Premier)
would be glad to give him opportunity
he did not think that it was an improve- lands, "£1509; charges
ment on the Bill originally brought down raising the loan
and expenses of
Total, part 2,
bition. The Chairman (Mr Cadman) read the
necessity of being represented at the Exhi- saddle will also open to
Tite extension Okihirikl
up one of
Hector meets Scotch Mist of discussing the matter by appointing by the Government. beet blocks. of ugriculturiil
A. K. (ireenway, a young man who re- Kingask ineete Miss Huskett a day on which the question could The motion for the third reading of the Chargeable to the New Zealand Loan a letter which had been sent to him from laud in the district, the property of the
cently came into a large fortune upon the Stranger a bye. be brought up. It seemed to him that Bill was then agreed to on the voices. Act, ISB6: —Public Works Departmental, W. H. Hammond and Son, Auckland, Crown, contaiiiing about 43,000 acres, oil
leath of his father. Green way's case was Sapling Stakes, of four stakes great difficulty would arise if a Committee The Bill was read a third time and £11,000; railways, £276,415; charges and respecting a patent safety cage and hook which there is a large quantity of valuable
ujonrned. First Stake. were appointed, but he was quite ready to passed. expenses raising the loan, ——; total of for mining shafts, invented by Mr Allen, timber. If this land is opened up by a
At the Police Court to-day, a charge was set apart a day for the consideration of the The House rose at 1.20a.m. Part 3, £287,415; total Public Works of Coromandel. As it was the intention of railway to Auckland and by a rpaatb
•Brunette meets Watermark have suggested,' it would
tewrd against J. G. Berry, a country Kintyre meets Irony. question. funds, £574,161. the writer to exhibit a model at the Dun- Rotorua as I carry
Mr Larnach was rather surprised at without doubt a large and thriving
*ttier, of cruelty to animals. The evi- Second Stake. The following are the Canterbury votes edin Exhibition, it was thought it would population, whose first efforts in settle-
dence showed that sixty pigs had been Lurline meets MossRose
the Premier's statement, as he had moved DISASTROUS FIRE IN for the year:—Lincoln—Little Eiver, for have an opportunity of recommending ment might also be very considerably
packed, some on the top of others, in Bornie meets Kathleen. in the matter from no party spirit at all. itself, and the Committee accordingly took assisted by the employment which could
AMERICA. drainage of lands in Akaroa railway en-

The question was so important that he
:» cattle truck, to be sent 120 miles by Third Stake. hoped the Government would accept the dowment, to be reconped to the Public no further action in the matter. be afforded to them during the construction
.rail, "When the truck was unloaded, two SilverDust meets Musket motion not to name a day fordiscussing it. Works fund out of the proceeds of the of the road and railway. It is in facfc the
.tughts and a day afterwards, thirteen of Dash meets Belvedere. Sir H. Atkinson said he conld not [PRESS ASSOCIATION TELEGRAM. sale of the land when drained, £5430. (FROM OUR CORRESPONDENT.] only block of good agricultural land In
the pigs were dead and in a very bad state, Fourth Stake. accept the motion, and the Government AUCKLAND, August 7. Main roads —Nelson-Westport,Grreymouth- the immediate vicinity of Rotorua and
•tt was contended that the offence was com- Sympathy meets Bed o' Stone H. were very firm in that decision. As he Yesterday afternoon Mr Broomwell, who Hokitika, £5300; Hokitika to Christ-
WELLINGTON, August 7. until it is opened up in the manner sug-
Lady Godiva meets Silver Mine. had stated he would be quite willing to In reply to a (communication sent to the gested there is very little chance of its
mitted through an oversight. A fine of 40s is at present in Auckland, and represents a church, £4300; Haasfc Pass track, £340. Railway Commissioners, Mr Rhodes has being settled upon. The

fend costs was imposed. have the matter fully discussed if the
large number of Insurance Offices in Miscellaneous roads—Christchurch-Hoki- been informed that the extension of regu- opening up rii
lations applying to religious bodies will be to the development of the Rotorualargely
hon. gentleman opposite desired it. this land would also conduce very
Government House grounds are to be San Francisco, received a cable reporting a tika road, construction
pot in order in anticipation of his Excel- A CHARITABLE AID CASE. Mr Ballance regrettsd the position
taken up by the Premier, as the hon. gen- large fire at Spokane Falis, Washington Valley, £713; roads to open up lands
in Bealey
authorised, so that the delegates will be torium. In order that the railway worift
lency's next visit. tleman had stated recently that he was territory, by which 6,000,000d01s worth of before sale to the Upper Ashley river, granted special fares when attending not which I have above indicated may bis
JP& Union and Northern S.S. Company's
•earners had their flags at half-mast out of DUNEDIN, August 7.
quite willing to have the matter discussed.
The Premier now intimated that it could
property has been destroyed by fire. Mr Kuku Pass, £238; road to Mount Cook
Broomwell states that; Spokane wrs a and to glaciers, £500; Ohau bridge, Jgl
only the annual meetings of the Synod, undertaken it is proposed toask forautho-
but all duly authorised meetings. Clergy- ritv for this year for the balance of 'the
Wepect to the memory of Capt. Hansby. At a meeting of the Benevolent be discussed in such a way that he thought thriving town of some 20,000 inhabitants, for £1, J8800; to village and deferred
men willbe al owed during the session of loan allocated of £40,350, but the vote
it would probably be treated as a want Synod to return co their homes to preach, required for actual expenditure within the
WELLINGTON, August 7. Trustees, the Chairman explained, in con- with an abundant supply of water. It is payment blocks, £200 j miscellaneous, on payment of the special fare provided.
The Eev. Mr Miln,formerly of Arbroath, of confidence ia the Government. If the year will be only £10,000.
nection with the girls Hodgetts, who, correspondence in question showed any- evident, however, toac the conflagration .£399; public buildings—Postal and Tele- Mr Ward informs mc that it is hie
intentionto move, beforethe session closes, NORTH ISLAND TRUNK RAILWAY.
been appointed to the Terrace Congre must at an early stage have gone beyond graph, Canterbury, i>l2o; lunatic asylum,
«*« when charged with larceny last week, thing it showed that a Judge of the Dis-
!«ijHiai Church vice the late Dr. West, stated that it was their only alternative trict Court had been accused of partiality the control of the local brigades, and, Sunnyside, i>14,000; lighthouse, Kaikoura, a direct motion on the question of ocean 1 now come to the moat difficult case
fwa* WiUarrive herefrom Sydney on
with starving, that the family had been
and gross unfairness. What the House
wanted to know was whether those
aided probably by;a gale, swept everything £100; railway, Mount Somere branch,
before it. .£4415; iJlenheim-Awatere, £10,000.
going mail services. The hon. gentleman which we have
who, last session, successfully led an attack North
to deal with, viz., tn«
Island Trunk Railway. •-_-
, Jae. Barrett, messenger at Parliament in receipt of relief for years. This was charges were true, and whether the Judge against a continuance cf the San Fran- ratlway North end—At the north, end of Jbhi
eaumngß, hanged himself this morning, recently stopped, with the intimation that should be continued in his office. He {Mr Iβ finished to the Upper Mofcag
cisco Service, -will return to the charge Valley, a distance of thirty-four miles
r* **a been drinking heavily for six
"••era. and wae drunk" last night. He
the mother could go into the Institution Ballance) was not prepared to accept the DEATHS OF OLD COLONISTS. with a proposal that the subsidy to it be from Te Awamutu, and the Poro-o-Taroa
and the girls go to work. This suggestion Premier's challenge, as they would be
asked to deal with it wholly from a one- LORD CRANLEY. discontinued, and that any subsidy for section between the fo_rty-flfth and forty-
«|e»a«d very depressed. He was found in a had now been acted on. He had discovered
sided view, and with no evidence at all [press association telegram. 1 moil services be paid on the basis of weight seventh mile, including tunnel, is ap-
jweet behind his house. He had fastened a giece of land in Mornington worth about
before them. to direct steamers. proaching completion. Between the Upper
«*e door and tied his
hands behind his i>Bo, which belonged to Mrs Hodgetts, Sir John Hall disclaimed having advo-
KELSON, August 7. [PRESS ASSOCIATION TKLEGRAM.I Mokau Valley and Poro-o-Taroa section,
**« and hanged himself although she was not aware of it. It was cated thac the correspondence should be The deaths are reported to-day of three. eleven miles, the contract survey is com-
,_ DUNEDIN, August 7. decided that, as the family had been referred to a Select Committee. °ld colonists. Mr Henry Lewis, who was WELLINGTON, August 7. pleted, but no work has as yet been'done.*
A telegram was received at Government IC
SAUDTHEN HRIST- South End—At the South end no works
aJSLF 68*I***1*** Coal Company have
««K«KI to pay an interim dividend for the
receiving relief for years, steps shouldbe
taken to have the land transferred to the
Mr Hutchison denied the Premier's
contention that the whole matter was
Provincial Surveyor of Nelson, died at the House this morning stating Lord Cranley or surveys have been done since the date
**X year ending before the House, and said that several age of seventy-six. He was well known shows signs of amelioration, but his con- CHURCH. of my last Statement, so that the line re-
June, at the rate of 5 trustees. telegrams between the Government and and highly esteemed. Mr Joseph Sim- dition is sufficiently serious to cause grave mains as there described, vie., from Mar-
per annum. ton to Bangitira, nineteen miles com*
Judge Ward were not in possession of anxiety for several days.
mSt Qene^al Comn"ttee's report, recom-
giving the Tramway Com- TYPHOID IN WELLINGTON. the House.
Mr Dodson said it was much to be de-
monds, another old settler, arrived here in
1842, in the Fifeshire. He was at one time NELSON, August 7. A single woman, about thirty years of pleted and opened for traffic, working
surveys finished from thence to the end ol
for th Option of Pfovincial Council. The Lord Onslow arrived early this morning age, died suddenly at about two o'clock the Paeugaroa section thirty-two miles,
S^ 617
motive power, was ißy Telegraph-J
plored that the administration of justice
should be dragged before the House in
a member of the
third is Mrs Matthews, aged eighty-four, by a which made a special call here. this morning, at Mrs Higgs' registry office, and line located from thence for ten miles
**« On enquiry to-night it was learnt that Lord the Hautapa Valley, which
»wio- n
18111 by the Cifcy
Up eme
J Co**. Mr Guthrie,
[raoic otra correspondent.]
this manner. He thought that nothing
was more likely to interfere with the
who came out in the Olympus in 1843.
Cranley was a shade better.
St. Asaph street. She had previously pro- to the head of
is the end of the rough country; total
cared some medicine from a local chemist, sixty-one miles.
WELLINGTON, August 7. proper administering of the Courts of and had told a girl who was sleeping In Connectionwith NewPlymouth—During
SoSe •S*? nfcof tte,u» of slanderous
# Captain Savill is reported to have lost al
hope of recovery from hie illness. A son
Justice than the action now being taken
by some hon. gentlemen. The Govern-
ment, in his opinion, had taken the only
the room with her to come to her if she the recess surveys have been undertaken
called during the night. The girl was {under the vote for Surveys of new lines
At seven o'clock this evening the Pre- o£ railways,") for the purpose of ascer-
of Colonel Trimble, who died in the Hos- reasonable course in dealing with this [By Telegraph.l awakened about the time mentioned, and taining the probable cost of connecting
pital here, succumbed the other day to matter, especially as the petition was still mier received the following telegram from the woman's condition was considered so the New Plymouth district with the
Lord Onslow, the time of despatch from
before the Committee. serious that Dr. Nedwill was sent for. bat central line, and, as the result of
At «,.
I EB CABGILL, Augusts typhoid fever, said to have been contracted Mr Fisher strongly urged the appoint- ffeom oxtr correspondent.) Nelson beinrf 6.26 p.m.:—" Lord Cranley'e
before he arrived the patient had died. this, detailed preliminary surveys hare
match to-
in the Hospital. The newspaper report of
his death made it appear to have resulted
ment of a Committee, and hoped that Mr
Larnach would press his motion. He
BEEFTON, August 7.
The Beefton and Dunedin Exchanges
condition is less favorable than this morn-
ing, the fever is higher, and the patient
been made of two alternative routes. A
special report on this subject, together
of Menzfes
Ferry, m- from injuries sustained to his knee. Cap- said it was perfectly well-known that
Judge Ward could not expect much con-
having been closed this afternoon, as a reetlesa." ?,;Moch anxiety is felt for the
child here, as it is known that his life is The Bußslan Army wUleoon be provided with a map showing the several
,116 m a
ploughman. John tain Page, Superintendent of the Fire
sideration from some members of the
mark of respect to the late Walter Ash-
now hanging by a thread, and it is re- withbreechldadiiiK rifles which will carry routes will be laid before you. The *<g»
Brigade, is still suffering from typhoid. man, sharebroker, there was no business a distance o* WOOtt. Noiseless powder will routes, surveyed are the Ngeire ana tfee
y£ w£a "markably Bucceesful this Mr Bone Marten's condition is favorable. present Government.
Sir H. Atkinson denied that he had done to-day. The only line of quotation garded 88 certain that his death would also be used in fattire by the army. These Waitara routes. The Ncaire Una learwe
the Foxton-New-Plymoutfe railway aegf
Mr Donne, statxonmaster here, has now this afternoon is Inkermans* 18s, ex lead to Lord Onelow's resignation and Improvemento in the arming of troops la-
assented to the appointment of a Special
return to England. vofve immense expenditure. Iflth«met«tiou,and6»veireittgeuooee#l*wy
Jteoovered. Committee to enquire into the correspon* dividend.
all £391.770. As against study, and yet in his letter he save—" Aβ
and £23,816 ; total £53,156. The liabilities Act, making in proposed to be expended we know certainly thatfario in brackish
theMakuri, Margaohiku, Wangamomona, undertaking which I have described, as the amount voted for expenditure last year was£7015; for the P™?**!*™!
with liabilities amounting to-po,!*, *• at the 31st March, 1889, were-On public during
this the amount
the present year, including water takes on the true salmon sheen and
Tangarakau Head, and Ohura valleys, to the extent of the balance of the existing during the year ending March last buildings and domains, £10,452; and on
merges into the central route in the loan allocation, £27,363, of which £10,000 is was £406,900, and of this amount £272,077 ask for a vote of £30,000; The amount schools buildings, £100; amounting to a £163,273 liabilities at the end of March deciduous coat, which were present in the
Ongaruhevalley atapoint twenty-fivemiles proposed tobe voted for expenditurewithin was expended within the year. As against asked for this year in excess of the exist- total of £10,552; and to cover these and last, is £252,5_5, which will in succeeding
leave species under consideration." That Iβ
from the Upper Mokau and 160 from Auck- the year. The section of railway from this, with liabilities at the end of March ing liabilities is for the purpose of com- provide for the usual maintenance, and available for appropriation
quite true, but why did he not speak of that
land. The Waitaraline follows up thecoast Blenheim to Dashwood could, it is antici- last amounting to £207,483, we propose to pleting roads ou which large sums have also to provide £25.000 for further school years. A further sum, amounting to change in our conversations, and not leave
been from time to time expended,whole
but probably it until Dr. Gunther mentions It. But
from Waitara to the Minu River, and then pated, be worked very cheaply in con- ask for votes for the current year amount- buildings, a vote of £56,275 has been taken about £59,800 will, however,
which cannot be utilised until the come to the credit of this fund in the this is not the point for identification, and
strikes inland up the Minu Valley and
across the intervening ranges into the
nection with the existing railway from
Picton to Blenheim, on which the staff
ing to £316,745, leaving £669,557 available
for expenditure in succeeding years. Of distance is constructed. on the consolidated fund.
shape of recoveries under the Native __ ~
Laud it is wrong to say that the evidence to
decide that question is available only in
Tangarakau watershed, where it joins
the Ngaire route. The Waitara line
would be exceedingly costly; about
fifteen miles in the Minu and Wai-

and rolling stock are not fully employed.
Greymouth-Hokitika On the Grey-
mouth-Hokitika Railway during the last
financial year the embankment and
these amounts £31,000 is for expenditure
on the North Island Trunk Railway, leav-
ing £352,810 still available for the same,
and £285,735 is for expenditure on all the
On account of roads of all classes, with
liabilities at the end of March, 1888,
I now come to the subject of lighthouses,
the disposal of the Government for this
Rating Act.

Part 2—For North Island Trunk Rail-
and it is to be regretted that the funds at way, including road works and Native
purchase in connection therewith.
New Zealand, for Dr. Gunther has speci-
mens at the Museum,
Director, that enable
any question apart
over which he is
him to decide almost
from his extensive
tara watershed are by far the heaviest protective works at ; the Arahura other railways provided for under parts 1 amounting to £119,121, the amountending voted class of work are so limited, as there are In part 2 of the sum fund we have at
yet surveyed in the North Island, and river have been completed, and the and 2 of the fund, leaving £316,747 still for expenditure during the year several points on the coast of the colony 31st March the of -.435,817, scientific- knowledge. I may add that Mr
Teremakau bridge has made good pro- available for the same. of this would aod as against this, with liabilities Forbes' own admission led to the request
after leaving the coast no settlement March last was £186,504, and where, if funds were available, it being sent to the Board ot Governors that
country is opened up. For these and gress, and is now nearly finished. TOTAL LENGTH OF RAILWAYS amount £10i.632 was expended withinthe be very desirable to erect lighthouses. at the end of March amounting
other reasons it is unnecessary to give The condition of the line at present is Amongst these I may mention Stephens to £a8,972, we shall have to expend the specimen might be forwarded to Dγ,
CONSTRUCTEDAND IN PROGRESS. year. For the current year, with liabilities during the present year in order to meet Gtinther for his opinion.
further consideration to this route. The that at the Hokitika end the Railway is last amounting to Island, Cape PaUiser, Cape Kidnappers,
Ngaire line, on the other hand, is quite completed, with permanent way, from the The total length of railways open for at the end of March of £140,1^7. and the East Cape. At Stephens Island a existing engagements the sura of £34,201, Now. Int. mo say that the fish was not
feasible, fifteen miles in the Tangarakau Hokitika wharf to about the fourth mile traffic on the 31st March last was, in the £120,958, we ask for a vote light would be very useful to all vessels leaving £401,101 for appropriations in sent at the request of the Acclimatisation
valley are very heavy, but the whole near the Arahura river, and between that North Island 662 miles and in the South WATERWORKS ON GOLDFIELDS. navigating Cook Strait, and especially so succeeding: years. Society, but upon my own suggestion and
of the remainder is moderate or easy. point and the Kapitea Creek, near the Island 1108 miles; total. 1770 miles. There to vessels from over sea when not able to Part 3, for railway works generally, on behalf of public interest, tho facts of
Under the heading of waterworks onloan the
The average cost per mile for the 103 miles tenth mile, the formation is nearly done were also at that date 164 miles of railway
goldfields, the balance remaining on make land nor see Farewell light. Cape with the exception of the North Islaud which I shall show further on. The whole
question rested upon the difference of
between Eltham and Ongaruhe is £8800. and the Arahura river is bridged. At in course of construction, of which allocation is only £929, and the vrorks Palliser is a turning point, and a light Trunk railway and small items of railways
the Greymouth end the rails are laid for seventy-two were in the North Island and would also be of great value to -vessels included under part:—in part 3 of the opinion as to the identification of the said
There is no exceptionally heavy work in ninety-two in the South. The total ex- have consequently come to an end. 1C ports to sum of fish, and the absence of scientific accuracy,
the shape of tunnels or viaducts. The one and a-half miles, and the formation, may therefore be interesting to state the bound from South Island East fund we had at 31st March the
without bridges, is partly done to the on cost of eventually provo.l by Dr. Gunther's re-
penditure railways, Coast of North Island. On Cape Kid- £618,078, and as against this, with liabi-
general direction of the line is straight,
provincial lines and purchase of district up total expenditure on this class of works marks to be wanting. The flsh was caught
the altitudes are low, and the gradients Teremakau river, seven and a-half miles to 31st March last has been £009,996. nappers a light would be of great use to lities at the end of March amounting to
and curves are easy. Comparing it with further, and the bridge over the Terema- railways, up to the 31sfc March last, was ocean-going vessels bound to Napier, £174,304, we propose to expend during the ln the River Selwyn several miles from
£14,733,772. and the liabilities on the 31st For the current year authority is asked for brackish water, with nothing abnormal
the general route, the distances to Auck- kau is, as before stated, nearly completed. to coyer either from the north or south, and would present year the sum of leaving
land from the principal centres in the The Government regrets that as so large a Miirch were £207,484, making in all the balance of theallocation (£929) also be of some service to the ordinary £330,663 for appropriation in succeeding about it, for it was a perfect and beautiful
£14,946,266. the cost of some small additions to existing fish, with the vomerine teeth intact, a fact
South would be as folio we :— sum of money (close upon £100,000) water-races, which it is anticipated will coasting ships. It has been suggested years.
has already been expended on this line it ADDITIONS TO OPENED RAIL- that the light now on Napier Bluff might that Dr. Giinther at once saw, and decided
increase the sale of water. THE PUBLIC WORKS FUND AS A that it was notucoinmon trout(salmoratio).
cannot be at once completed, but in view WAYS.
PURCHASE OF NATIVE LANDS, possibly with advantage be removed WHOLE.
Centra] laranae of the fact that it would cost quite £98,000 to this point. East Cape is one of Is it not strange, then, that Mr Forbes
more to complete and equip it, whereas The amount voted for expenditure NORTH ISLAND. Taking the Public Works Fund as a should stati* in his letter that the indi-
To Auckland. Route. Boute. during last year was £65,000, and of this those prominent points where vessels
there is only £26,178 available under allo- we had available at 31st vidual in dispute differed from the Home
amount £48,440 was expended. Of these In the North Island Generally—Under have to materially alter their course whole, therefore,sum common trout by the absence of vomerine
cation, it is evidently impossible for the heading of purchase of Native lands and a light there would consequently be a March last the of £1,445,670, and as
Napier via i

Palmerston ... 453 miles | 500 mile:

Vom Wellington 433 miles I 480 mile
'rom Wanganui 350 miles j 335 mile;
, Government to complete the work. This
being so, the question arose as to what
could best be done, and after giving the
matter full consideration the Government
sums, however, £25,000 in each case was thethe
for purchase of a stock of permanent way in
for working railway requirements, so that from
North Island generally, as distinct
purchase out of the loan for the
the vote for actual works ia the shape of North Island Tiunk Railway,
additions to open lines was only £40,000, ture during the year ending
the expendi-
the olst
considerable benefit. Early in August
last year a working party was sent
Cuvier Island, and the erection of thelight- pose to expend during
house and other buildings is so
this, with liabilities at the end of
to March amounting in all to £368,63-*, we pro-
the pre-ietit year the
far ad- sum of £574,161, leaving £"f71,50_> available
teeth, and that the specimen is but a
variety without them.' It was not tha
absence of teeth on the vomer that led Dr.
Giinthar to decide that it was not a
'rom New Ply- decided to ask the Midland Railway Com- and the area lijcht will for appropriation in succeeding years, as common trout, but that there was not the
and of this sum £23,440 was expended. March last was £5059, vanced that it is anticipated the

mouth... 451 miles £93 mile! pany if they would be willing to take over The diminution of this class of expendi- finally acquired during the same period shortly be ready for exhibition. The light- explained in my last Public Works State- double row that determines its species,
this railway and complete it, equip and 37,000 acres. Negotiations for fur- house is a cast-iron structure, which was ment. However, it is scarcely probable and there is uo difference in that respect
work it as a part of their undertakings in ture alluded to in former Public Works was ther blocks of land have been pushed for- that the various amounts which I have between the common trout iv English
Statements, and which cannot be other- ward manufactured at Auckland. On light-
The expenditure on the North Island the colony. It is not probable, however, wise than satisfactory to the House and during the year, and within a few houses last year the amount expended was just alluded to charge
as proposed to be expended rivers and those in the waters of New
Trunk Railway to date, exclusive of the that the Coir.jany would enter into this area of considera- £2504, and for the current year the amount will all come to within the curreat Zealand. In both countries these teeth
purchase of Native lands and charges, undertaking without a subsidy of some the country, is therefore still going months an additional hands that the actual expenditure which gradually disappear with age, and some-
on, the several expenditures for ble extent will be in the of the Go- asked for is £2J30. This exhausts the loan year, brought so
and expense of raising loans, has been kind, and the Government have deter- the last five years having been, in vernment. The year efforts of the department will be to book will not probably times are loa fc by accident. Dr. Giinther
in round numbers at the North end mined upon not granting any further en- round numbers. £140,000, £91,000, £89,000, during the last have been principally ' HARBOR WORKS. exceed £445,000, thus leaving about also states that the specimen differed from
£245,000, at the South end £167,000, total dowments of land to any Company. If a £38,000 and £24,000. For the present year, in the direction of completing oldoldnego- £1,000,000 for expenditure in succeeding a common trout iv several minor points-
£412,000. The estimated cost of connect- subsidy is given therefore, it would have ad- On account of harbor works no provision years. He does not state in his letter to mc the
ing Wellington with Auckland, by the to be in the shape of the works already with liabilities at the end of March tiations and acquiring land for was made under the loan funds last year, following words: "judging by English
amounting to £26,027, we ask for a vote of vances. There is still much important TABLES A, B, C AND D.
eeveral routes mentioned, exclusive, as done, or some of them, and it is under- and difficult work to be done in this direc- nor is it intended to make any this year, specimens," but he distinctly asserts,
before, of the purchase of Native lands stood that the Company is willing to en- £30,000. the allocation for that class of works The condition of various funds In Your specimen is a mis-ratory trout. If
and the costs and charges of rais- tertain the project on these terms. No THE WORKING RAILWAYS. tion. The balance ,of loan allocation in
part 1 of the Public Works Fund avail- being exhausted since April, 1888. How- relation to several works and services
for will be found in detail on
it had been caught in England or Scotland
ing loans is, in addition to the final arrangement can, however, be come On the subject of the working railways able for these purchases is only £9396, ever, the Public Works Department have provided I should not have hesitated to call it
amount already expended as follows :— to until the arrival in the colony of the it is not necessary to make any remarks, but a sum of £30,285 is still due had charge of the construction of harbor tables A, B and C, which will be attached salmo trutto (a sea trout)." He further
works at vVestport and Greymouth, which it to this Statement. From table Aof these,
For the North Island trunk railway Company's Engineer-in-Chief, who is as a full report on the year's workings, to the general land purchase fund
will be seen that some readjustments states: "There Is one other possibility,
£1,673,000; for the Ngaire or Stratford shortly expected from London. The with the usual statistical returns, has from the fund for the purchase of have been carried on rapidly, in accordance viz., chat it is a cross between salmo fario
route, .£1,166,300, and for the Waitara House will be asked to authorise the already been laid on the table of the House land along the North Island Trunk Rail- with Sir J. Coode's designs, by funds are proposed in the allocations recom- and salmon parr. You, knowing the his.
route £1,311,000. In any case, however, balance of loan allocation for the £26,178 by the Railway Commissioners, in accord- way on account of purchases made out of created under the Special Acts of 1884. mended last session for various classes of Tory of the introduction of salmonoids into
the total sum at present available is already alluded to, to be utilised (in the ance with section 61 of the Government the" general fund within the railway area; works under part 1 of the fund, but none the Selwyn, as you do, will be able to judge
.±434,000. event of the negotiations with the Mid-
HAKBOR DEFENCES. of them call for any special note,
only in round numbers Railways Act, 1887. and assuming that arrangements will be Daring the past year defence works as they consist merely in carrying
whether or not such an assumption
Independently, however, of any ques- land Railway Company falling through) PUHIPUHI TRAMWAY. made for further sums to be available for on by convict labor, a small portion of the amount previously is permissible." This, says Mr Forbes, Is
tion as to whether either of the firstly, for completing and equipping the land purchase along the North Island have been carried not possible, since we have no salmon parr
lines to connect Taranaki with the main railway fromGreymouthtothe Teremakau Before finally leaving the subject of the Trunk Railway, and that this amount of barracks originally erected at the principal unalloted 'to the credit of some of the for the salmo fario to cross with. I admit
trunk railway should be constructed (or to the Kanieri); secondly, for adopt- Railways, I wish to take this opportunity £20,285
will consequently come in for forts having been converted into secure items engagements. where fuuds were insufficient to
this is excusable, coming from one (*) so
or not, the Government is of opinion that ing the Arahura bridge for combined of stating to the House a matter will be available for general temporary prisons. The prisoners are fulfil Table D shows the new to the colony, and the Selwyn being
of great importance to the credit, there both to themselves total expenditure on all classes of works
the works along the central route should road and railway traffic; and thirdly, which is land purchases the sum of £29,681. thus, with advantage at present aqux Lncoqiiito to him ; and yet
be carried at the south end into the for such other works as may be found Auckland district especially, but also, Along the North Island Main Trunk and to their work, kept confined on the for several years back. T think I may reasonably ask how is it
Awarua block, namely, for a distance of after full enquiry to be the most advisable more or less, to the whole of New Zea- now to the land pur- fortifications on which they are employed. CONCLUSION.
land, viz., the saving and utilising of so Railway.—Coming Considerable progress has been made on that Dr. Giinther states that the said flsh
twelve miles beyond Hunterville, and that to construct. By this means it is hoped chase out of the allocation of £100,000 In conclusion, Sir, I would wish to take is not a salmo fario 1 What then can it
at the north end the eleven miles to con- that some return may be obtained for the much as can now be saved of the Puhi- the estaolished lines of the scheme of
puhi kauri forest. Hon. members are Loan, under the North Island Trunk Railway the opportunity of congratulating the be? As to the" "duo scientific caution**
nect the Upper Mokau with the Poro-o- expenditure already incurred. The Grey- the amount expeudeu last year was defence. The amount voted last year House taken in labelling the specimen with a
aware that most uafortunately a large was £56,541, and of this amount prospects aud the country on the improved
Tarao section, together with the plate- mouth end of the line at any rate can be £3983, and the area finally acquired during of the colony since the date of query to it, 1 must say that I never noticed
laying over the Tunnel section and worked very economically in conjunction part of this valuable forest has already the same acres. The £50,090 was expended, chiefly on material
been partially burnt, and that this de- tptal expenditure to29,900 it, although I took several gentlemen to
period was Public Works Statement of last year,
the construction of a station beyond with the Greymouth to Brunner railway. the 31st March of war from England (fulfilling contracts my express see the fish while it was in the Museum,
struction is still going on. The Govern- last entered by the previous Government). and to the hope and belief that if
should also be undertaken. The estimated On the basis of these proposals, the was £98,491, thus leaving a balance the proposals which I have now made are and if 1 had seen the sign I should have
cost of these works, exclusive of per- amount required for expenditure during ment has, therefore, come to the conclu- available of IThis leaves an unexpended balance on the given
sion that steps should be taken to provide only be £1509,but, as alreadypurchases at once concluded that it was affixed be-
for further effect to it will further develop our
manent way, sleepers and rolling stock the current year would be £15,000. Snmers stated (under loan allocation of £6452. The total ex- resources, and enable us to take further cause I had raised the question as to the
already provided for, would be respec- Mount Somefs—On the Mount access to the forest by a tramway, in order North Island Trunk penditure on works themselves was
the heading of the advantage of the rise in prices which our identification. I know that in December,
tively £120,000 and £110,000, a total of Branch Railway the extension of Spring- that it may be utilised, and a Bill for that railway), the Government now propose to
purpose will be laid before Parliament for ask the House
h£15,010, of which amounts £2240 repre-
sents payments on account of unsettled produce has recently commanded. The 1885, I liberated for the Society several
£230,000; but after giving the subject very burn (four miles), which has been for some to authorise a further allo- hundreds of young salmon (salmo solar)
full and careful consideration, the Govern- time in hand by the unemployed and its consideration during the current cation of £100,000, oi' of part of the Public ! claiine forTheland taken for batteries usual reports Department by the several permanent
session. expenditure on material officers of the will be attached in the Selwyn, six months old, and more
ment is clearly of opinion that before otherwise, is now approaching comple- Works fund, for these land purchases, and in 1885.
£35,980, work to this Statement, also the ,usual cables than twelve hundred were put into the
these works are undertaken a large area tion ; and as the balance of the existing ROADS. if this is granted the amount available will was, therefore, upon same river in lt'**7, about five mouths old.
showing the condition of loan allocations.
Of Native lands suitable for settlement allocation in Part 3 of the Loau Fund is thus be £10,509. Out of this amount there £12 770. and upon land £2240, making in I also know that common trout (salmo
Should be acquired at both ends of the line insufficient to finish it, a further sumpro-in I now come to the subject of roads and would then be recouped to the general all a total of £50,090, as above. Large
should mention in the first instance that land purchase fund fario) have been placed in the same stream
and within easy reach of it. The pro- aid to the extent of £1171 lias been the sum of £20,085 ex- contracts for material have now been
in large numbers nearly every year since
posal of the Government, therefore, is vided from Part 1. The total amount now all classes of roads, except roads on gold-
fields, are now in the charge of the the trunk pended out of that fund on lands along fulfilled, and the remaining orders are not
for large amounts. The liabilities at the
FOOTBALL. 1871, and no other kind of fish nave been
that £100,000 should be set aside out of the required to be authorised is therefore the line of railway acquired before turned into those w.iters t'- my knowledge*
present North Island Trunk Loan balance of allocation in Part 3 is £4158, Minister of Lands. The roads on gold- the passing of the North Island Mtin 31st March last were £3715 on English
fields are in charge of the Minister of Trunk Railway Loan Application Act, These facts, coupled with another fact,
for the purchase of these lands, the and £971 from Part 1; total, £6386 (sic), material and £2400 on works (£6OO of the HAWKE'S BAY v SOUTH CANTER- viz., that although the Curator of the
proceeds of the sale of the said practically the whole of which will be Mines. latter item representing a still unsettled BURY.
The length of roads and bridges con- 1886, but which are still in the hands of Society and his assistant have been with
lands, as well asofthe proceeds of the sale of required for expenditure within the cur- and available to be dealt land claim), or a total of £6115. These
£100,000 worth land already purchased, rent year. structed or improved out of public works the Government, liabilities, with contingencies, will absorb [By Telegraph.] mc collecting ova in that river several
fund last year was :— with under the provisions of that Act. If seasons, it was not until last season (1888)
to be credited to the fund as they accrue. Livingstoneßranch—On the Livingstone these proposals are assented to vigorous the unspent balance of £6452 above that we observed flsh having different
Dray Roads—North Island, 192 miles. have again our corbespondbnt.]
If this proposal is assented to by the branch railway there is a balance unex- Dray Roads—Middle Island, 74 miles. efforts will be made to acquire land along arrived at. Government [feok movements and of a different color to
House, steps will at once be taken to give pended of the allocation, amounting to the line of the railway at both ends; to express their sense of the valuable TIMARU, August 7. those we had been accustomed to capture.
effect to It. Preliminary negotiationshave £1063, but as no further extension of the Total Dray Roads—266 miles. advice which has continued to be readily
Horse Roads—North Island, 96 miles.
but to avoid unprofitable expenditure, The Hawke's Bay team weie met on These, then, are the grounds for my
in fact already been instituted with a view line is contemplated, it is not proposed to
of attaining this end, and it is believed ask for any vote on account of this work Horse Roads—Middle Island, 23 miles.
no payment will be made on land Iand freely given by General Schaw on arrival by a large crowd of footballers, who
questions connected with these works and cheered the visitors very heartily. The
assuming that it was a salmon: a very
Total Horse Roads —119 miles. until the title is ascertained in ac- natural sequence, I venture to think,
that very satisfactory prices can be during the current year. section 4 of the Native scheme of defence generally. The total Hawke's Bay men had a practice" on
arranged, and that by next session such Otago Central—On the Ofcago Central Grand total of roads of all classes—3Bs cordance with expenditure on harbor defences up to 31st the under the circumstances. The idea of a
Land Court Act, 1886. The total expendi- cross did not occur to mc, and it was never
March, 1889, has been in round numbers, ground
are laid from miles. this afternoon, and declared it the
progress can be made in the acquisition of Railway the rails
Bridges—North Island, 9 bridges, 343ffc. ture on land along the North Island Trunk best football ground they had seen in the hinted that such might be the case until
the land at both ends as would warrant Chain Hills Junction to Barewood Creek,
Bridges—Middle Island, 4 bridges, 349 ft. Railway to the 31st March last has there- £442,000, of which £233,C0J represents the colony. The weather promises to be fine Dr. Gunther's letter came to hand, to
Government in asking the House to carry twenty-one and a half miles. The cost of material of war obtained from to-morroyv.
on the railway to the extent which I have formation, ; tunnels, and masonry of
fore been £118,776. Of
Tocalßridges in both Islands—l 3bridges, has been' paid for 630,283. acres, of which
this amount £87,499
England, and £209,000 cost of works as the local team : The visitors are the favorites,
have not had anything
whose decision I humbly bow, being con-
vinced that he is a specialist who under-
indicated. If sufficient land is acquired the bridges are completed to a point 722 ft. the purchases are complete, and £31,277 in the colony. Of this latter sum
stand!- his verdict. His opinion proves
between this and next session the Govern- three miles beyond the Suttonor thirty-six The total length of roads constructed about £32,000 has been paid for land and
like sufficient practice together.
been paid on account of further areas that we have, if not a salmon, a fish
ment is of opinion that these lands should from the Chain Hills. The bridge and and improved in .the colony generally, has of which purchases are as yet incom- the balance, £177,000. represents the cost THE NATIVE TEAM. approximately allied to it, and superior to
then be opened up byroads, say fromPoro- superstructure are finished as far as the from beginning of the Public Works plete. of forts, batteries, submarine defences, the common trout, so that, although he
hakaroa (the end of the proposed extension rails are laid, and under contract to the Policy up to the 31st March last, approxi- steam launches, special reports, super- differs from my assumption, he agrees
mately, was as follows :— IMMIGRATION. (jIROM OTTR COBRBSPOtTDENT.]
of railway from the south) to Kerioi, and Sutton at 33 miles. It has noc been con- vision and all charges. with mc in my protest against which I
from a point nine miles from Bltham, near sidered necesaary to open the line for Dray Roads—North Island, 3573 miles. Immigration is now discontinued, except RATES ON NATIVE LANDS.
INVERCARGILL, August 7. believed to be a misnomer, and which now
Stratfortl, to Poro-o-taroa; and also that, regular traffic, but excursion trains are Dray Roads—Middle Island, 1287 miles. to a very limited extent iv favor of sepa- The match Maoris v Southland came off"
seems to be explained as meaning a
in order to give access to the large extent occasionally run to the Big Stream at the Total dray roads, 4860 miles. rated families. It is in fact restricted to For rates on Native land there is a on the Union Grounds this afternoon when
of Crown lands in the interior of the twentieth mile, and settlers' produce and Horse Roads—North Island, 2783 miles. cases where the father of a family has his balance due to the extent of about £1000. the former won by 5 points to one. There " modified salmo fario." This certainly is
something new, unless It may be equally
country, the Wanganui river should be mining plant are carried by the ballast Horse Roads—Middle Island, 1320 miles. wife and children in the United Kingdom. In respect of the year ending 31st March, was splendid weather for the match, and said that a mule Is a modified donkey.
made navigable as far as Taunearanui. trains. The contract for the superstruc- Total—Horse roads, 4003 miles. Owirig to an intimation through the 1888, and the estimated amount required over 20U0 people paid for admission. The Although there are several ither matters
Existing roads—The road works already ture of the Barewood bridges expires in Grand total—Roads of all classes, 88S3 Agent-General in May last that all nomi- for rates during the year ending 81st visitors played one man short. The
miles. nations would lapse unless taken advan- March, 1889, but not yet paid, is £10,000, Southland Union debarred four of I might comment on in the letter, it being
constructed in connection with the North July, 1890, and the plate-laying to the tinged with jealousy, sarcasm, and ill
Island Trunk Railway are in much the Sutton must necessarily be finished at the Bridges—North Island, 639 bridges, tage of within three months, a large and for the year ending the 31st March, the Maoris from playiag, owing to feeling. I refrain, believing they could not
same position as they were last year. A same time. There will be no difficulty in 49,919ft. number of applications for refunds of 1890, a further £10,000, making in all their having taken money for a match in
have originated with the writer, to whom
dray road has been partly made inland to having the formation and bridges on the Bridges—Middle Island, 165 bridges, deoosits were received. This has greatly £21,000. As the rates, however, do not Brisbane. theyThis leaves them with only
I am a comparative stranger, having had
the Pafcea district from Upper Rangitikei Middlemarch section also finished by the 33,895ft. reduced the liability of the department in usually become payable until the year 14 men, but talk of getting Hirst, a
crossing to Moawhanga (sixteen miles), same date. The only work, therefore, Total Bridges in both Islands, 804 respect to outstandingnominations. The following that on which they are assessed local man, to play for them after this. but two or three interviews with him.
Probably in the near future he willknow
and thence to Turangarere (nine miles). that will remain unfinished after the bridges, 83,517ft. liabilities and commitments, both in Lon- it is only proposed to aek this year for a ,
Warbrick won the toss and kicked off.
better than to fire shot for others; how-

• vote of £8595, being the £11.000 for the

The weekly mail coach from Napier now Barewood bridge is the Middlemarch don and in colony, at this date, amount to Play was very soon in the home team's
ROADS NORTH OF AUCKLAND- £2830. This includes cost of passages years ending 31st March, 1888 and 1889, twenty-five, and Wai. Warbrick made a ever, of this I am convinced that what-
runs as far as Moawhanga. There is agood plate-laying, and this can easily be done in MAIN ROADS, MISCELLANEOUS for 58J adults, whose nominations stM ever enquiries he makes about my past
riding road along the railway line all the three months. We may consequently look less recoveries up to 31st March, 1889, splendid run and scored right under the
way fromHunterville to the Upper Mokau, forward with confidence to having this ROADS AND BRIDGES AND hold good, and for the passages of amounting to £2405. The £10,000 in re- post. J. Warbrick took the kick and career on behalf of pisciculture, collection
GRANTS IN AID. spect of the year ending 31st March, 1890, placed a goal.Invercargill kicked off at half and distribution of the various kinds of
a distance ofabout 170 miles, with a branch long-delayed railway completed toMiddle- whom the Government is liable should flsh, he will find that all has been done
(25 miles) from Ohakune to the Wanganui march before Christmas, 1890. For the Roads North of Auckland—For roads application be made under the nomina- less such recoveries as may fall due in the way and the Maoris put in some passing
in the general interests of the public, and
Biver at Pipiriki. The tracks have been works already in hand, or still to be under- north of Auckland the loan allocation has tions. It is proposed to take a further meantime, will be asked for next which completely baffled the local men, and
the well-being of my fellow colonists.
kept passable during the year, and im- taken for the completion of the railway to for some time been practically exhausted. vote of .£IOOO for the passages of separated year. The total amount paid out of Taiaroa scored. The kick at gaol was a
There seems to mc to be two questions
provements have been effected on the Middlemarch, the sum of £61,473, being The totalbalance on 31st March, 1888, was families. Nominations in favor of ten Public Works Fund in respect of these failure. A few minutes afterwards the
that He a little below the surface of tha
Inland Patea road. the balance of the existing loan allocation, only £732, of this amount £264 was ex- separated families have been accepted, on rates, up to 31st March, 1889, was same player scored again, the kick going letter I am referring to, that require pass-
PURCHASE OP NATIVE LANDS. will now require to be authorised, and pended during the last financial year, and which the sum of t3OO was deposited in i
£43,607, out of which I have just stated wide of the posts; the local men pulled
ing notice, the first being, what do I know
of this amount £40,000 will be re-
The particulars as regards the purchase quired to be voted for actual expenditure
a vote is now asked for the remainder, the colony.
Since the data of my last
Statement (18th August. 1888) 250 persons
£2405 has already been recovered, leaving
£41,204 still to be recovered, and assuming
themselves together and took the pjay
into the Maoris 25, and A. Galbraith about fishes ? to which I reply (and I trust
not in an egotistical spirit) that I have
of Native Lands out of the loan for the within the current year. It will thus be Main Roads—For main roads the amount have arrived under the ordinary regula- that the estimate of amount still to be scored. The kick at goal was unsuccessful.
for many years closely observed not only
North Island Trunk Railway will be stated seen that it is anticipated that the present voted last year wa? £15,000, of which tions and fourteen under the regulations paid (viz., £18,595) is correct, the amount Lee, one oft the Maori three-quarters,was the instincts and habits of fishes, but hay«
in connection with the purchase of Native loan allocation will complete the railway J810.968 was expended. For the present for the introduction of small farmers, to be ultimately recovered will be £59,799. hurt just before call ofhalf time. His knee,
lands in the North Island generally, which to Middlemarch, but with nothing to year, with liabilities at the end of March which are not now in force. This makes After payment of rates in respect of the an old sore, got twisted under him, and also studied their external form, color,
year ending 31st March last, no further and internal organisations, availing my-
I shall come to presently. spare, and as the Government has come to last amounting to £7380, we ask for a vote a total of 264 persons who have arrived in it is unlikely that he will be of much
self of all the knowledge of others that
The vote proposed for this year out of the conclusion that a further extension of for £14,000. This will leave a balance on the colony during the year. There is one sums will be payable on this account, the service to his team again. The second
has come within my reach, and Dr.
the North Island Trunk Railway Loan as this railway is necessary if any return the loau allocation for this class of work family of four persons now afloat. Details Act having been repealed. spell started with the local captain kick-
Gunther's book "Study of Fishes" has
a whole.—The vote which is now asked for whatever is to be obtained for the money of only £4676. It is obvious, therefore, of the nationalities and classes of immi- THERMAL SPRINGS. ing off. Play was centred in the visitors' 25
In order to meet existing engagements already expended, a Bill has been prepared that if the colony is to continue to main- grants introduced up to 30th April last, nearly the whole of the sp 11, a rush now proved to be a great help in this all-absorb-
now to the subject of thermal ing and interesting subject. ■

during the current year, is £34,201. tain these mainroads the necessary funds willbe found, as usual, in Parliamentary Coming and again taking the ball away from their
and laid before Parliament setting forth springs I find the only one of these The other question is, and probably a
Woodville Palmerston.—On the Wood- a proposal by which the construction of a for the future must be obtained from the Paper D3, 1889. lines. The Maoris showed some splendid
vexed one. why did Dr. Giinther reply to
ville-Palmerston railway considerable further distance, thirty-eight miles, can Consolidated Fund or some o<^her sources. with which it is necessary for mc to passing: throughout the game, in fact this
has been the The roads which have been maintained
TiiLEGRAPH EXTENSION. ! deal,public
as it is the only one on which was the only department of the game my communication so promptly as to reach
difficulty experienced in be attained. This will bring the railway to works expenditure has re- mc before he acknowledged the receipt of
Manawatu Gorge in getting a solid Eweburn, which is, in fact, the first point under this heading are mainroads ru (mine In the extension of the telegraph system any in which they were superior to their the specimen. This I cannot answer, but
through counties where the Counties Act of the colony a sum of £12,047 was ex- cently been going on, is that at Roto-
foundation, the rock which at first sight on the line of this railway from which any rua, but full information as regards opponents. Elliott and Wra. Warbrick are doubtless it will be explained by and bye.
appeared solid enough having proved, considerable amount of traffic can be antici- is not in force, or otherwise in sparsely pended during the last financial year, and springe with which
the pick of the Maori backs. Messrs
There is also in the letter an important
when opened out, to be friable and very pated. The working of the portionalready to inhabited districts. I ft is estimated that the sum of £12,700 will I the other thermal Wesney and Arthur Warbrick acted as question which I cannot Dass unanswered,
subject to slips. This has caused not hand from the Chain Hills to Middlemarch Miscellaneous roads and bridges—For be required to carry out the proposals for Government is more or less connected umpires for Invercargill and the Natives
only delay in the completion of the rail- would involve a continuous loss ofrevenue, miscellaneous roads and bridges the the present year. The expenditure of last will be found in the report of the Crown respectively, and Mr Hempton was the because It has in it strong proof that the
way, but also considerable expenditure on in addition to the loss already incurred by amount voted last year was £34,604, of year included a sum of £6293 on account of Lands Department, already laid on the referee. There were no disputes through- writer is not the originator of tbe letter-
viz., Has not Dr. Giinther also identified
retaining walls and other works beyond interest on upwards of £500,000, which it which £26,748 was expended. For the I the, telephone exchanges of the colony, table of the House. At Rotorua the out the game, and but for the accident to
alterations and improve- other specimens to be trout which were
whole of the works required for the com-

what was originally anticipated, but the will have cost when completed.
Oatlin'B River On the Catlin's River
pletion of the line from Woodville to Branch the first seven miles from Bal-
Palmerston are now in active progress, and clutha to Romahapa has been opened for
current year, with liabilities amounting to bringing the total capital cost of these ex-
£21,232, we ask for a vote for '27,112. This changes, including the
will leave a balance on the loan allocation in hand for them, £59,581 on the 3lst
ol only £4651. The principal items on March, 1889. The work
stock and material
of last year—like
ments undertaken in connection with
the bathing accommodation are
completed, and it is satisfactory to
find that invalids from all parts of onr
Harry Lee everything passed off satis-

considered to be salmon by Mr Farr, and
sent to him for determination f In April,
1884,1 sent to Dr. Giinther three flsh for
verification, ou be'-alf and at the request
the principal contracts expire in April traffic for a considerable time, and the which expenditure will take place during that of the year preceding it—consisted
own and other colonies, and even Europe,
Iare of tbe Acclimatisation Society, for the
next, the other minor works being timed formation works are now practically the year are roads at the Bay of Plenty principally of the extension of telegraph following reason :—The said flsh were.
to be finished about the same date. finished for five miles further up the district; the Napier-Murimotu road, a very communication to several smallthe villages attracted by the marvellous efficiency
of these baths. The hospital, which was caught in the Waimakariri, and as they
Allowing, therefore, for unavoidable delay Ahauriri flat. The proposal of the Govern- important line in the arterial lines of the by means of telephones. Ofthe lines
burnt down last year, is to be rebuilt on a
differed in appearance to common trout, It
we may confidently hope to see this im- j ment now is to complete this five miles country; the Kaikoura-Clarence road ; erected for this purpose, most
subsidy for bridge over the Clutha at important were—to Middlemarch, Pigeon more suitable and less costly plan. It is Oliver Twist" was produced last night was thought that as 28,000 salmo guvnnat
portant link in the railway system of the of formation with permanent way,
colony completed and open for traffic and to also construct and complete Cromwell, and the opening of tracks in Bay, Marsden Point, Norsewood, Walrau clearly recognised by Government it ought "
by the Ogden Company at the Theatre had been turned into that river, In.*"
about this time next year. The amount with permanent way a further distance of Mllford and othersounds,affording visitors Valley, Inangahua Junction, and to not to compete with local hospitals, which Royal. The title role was filled by Baby probability they were some of those Ash-
an opportunity of seeing something more Hakam and Pukekaroa, and the com- can accommodate those who can afford to Ogden with a great deal of power and There was nothing positive stated, that I
which will now be required to be autho- one mile up to McDonald's saddle, thus remember, but hopes were entertained
rised for this railway in order to cover its attaining in all a length of thirteen miles of this wonderful country. pletion of the line to Kaipara Head. The Ipay. It is only intended for persons from success throughout the piece. Miss Helen
that It might prove true. These flsh
total cost will be the full balance of the of railway, over which it is anticipated
loan allocation, namely, £90,328, and of that considerable traffic will ensue. To
GRANTS IN AID. only line erected for connection by means
of the ordinary telegraph instruments was
a distance, who must come to Rotorua,
and can only do so if cheap hospital
accommodation be provided. On thermal
Fergus gave a very powerful pourtrayal
of the character of Nancy, which showed was shown by Dr. Giinther when in Lon-
don. One of them he said was a qyxnnaX,
this amount £75,000 will be required to be admit of these works being undertaken Including roads under the Roads and to Mahikapawa for the convenience of the that in parts requiring the delineation of
Bridges Construction Act, subsidies to population on the goldfields there. The springs generally the amount expended strong emotion Miss Fergus is thoroughly the others fario. They were carefully
Toted for actual expenditure within the an authority for the balance of the loan last year was £936, and for this year we suspended by the lips in a glass jar, show-
current year. allocation £26,549 will now be asked for, local bodies under theFinance and Powers estimates for the present year provide for at home. She was very good indeed in the
Act and provision for work for unem- the extension of communication from ask for a vote for £2350 for the Rotorua scene with Rose Maylie, and that with ing they were considered worthy of atten-
Wellington-Woodyille—The Wellington- but of this amount the vote required for
Tologa Bay to Awanul, from Mongonui to Hospital, that being the estimated cost to Bill Sykes immediately preceding the tion.
Woodville Railway is now completed and actual expenditure within the current The only other flsh submitted by mc»
open for traffic from Wellington to Eketa- year willbe only £8000. Under the Roads and Bridges Construc- Kaitaia, from Mangatnahoe to Ekafcahuna, complete it. murder. Mr Ogden played the park of
huna, eighty-eight miles, thus leaving a Riversdale-Switzers—On the Riversdale- tion Act the progress payment claimed and from Pembroke to Cardno, from Riversdale Fagin, but made the mistake of delinea- him was a large, one (251b), c&u&htlntM
paid last year in pursuance of grants of to Balfour, from Te Awamutu to Otora-
EXPENDITURE ON PUBLIC WORKS ting him as of foreign extraction. Had same river a few days before I left New
cap of only twenty-seven miles unfinished Switzers railway no work has been done OF ALL CLASSES. Zealand for England. On my arrival at
m the whole distance from Wellington to since the date of my last Public Works old standing amounted, to .£872, and for hanga, and from Morrinsville to Oxford. the piece been one of the American dramas
Napier. If funds were available it would be Statement. It therefore remains in the this year about £400 will be required for On account of public works of all of the present day his interpretation the Natural History Museum, London, l
PUBLIC BUILDINGS. classes, with liabilities at the end of would have been correct, but as it was the presented the flsh to the Museum, at tne
desirable that this length should be com- same position as then descrioed, that is to similar purposes.
pleted, and Government is of opinion that say, completed for a distance of two mile9, Under the Local Bodies Finance and In connection with public buildings the March, 1888, amounting to £471,695, the character smacked too strongly of the same time asking what species it belongea
Powers Act the amount advanced following are the principal works which amount voted for expenditure during the to, as under the circumstances *Ba-M?
ft should be undertaken when further and formed without bridges for a further
funds can be provided. The present loan length of six miles, out of a total length of last year out of the public works have been done during the year out of loan year ending March last, was £895,807; and
German-American to be truthful. Mr
Marshall was appropriately ruffianly in appearance we had thought it might tx»
quinnat. That was the opinion otjaaAW
allocation is now practically exhausted, its fourteen miles from Riversdale to fund was .£11,310; for the present fund. The new prisop at Mount Eden, I of this amount £633,365 has been ex- his make-up for Bill Sykes, but his imper-
amount being £15,358, as against liabilities Switzers. The balance of the existing year only JEI47 is required to meet and new departmental buildings, Auck- Ipended. Of theforamount thus expended sonation of the part went no further. Mr who saw It before it was frozen, the lawr
a small outstanding liability, as it is not land, have been well advanced, and £104,911 was costs, charges, and Harry Power was thoroughly at home in Sir Julius yon Haast being among tne
at the end of March last amounting to loan allocation for this work is £18,615, number. Dr. GUnther. after a most CM**
£11,596, and the difference being required but the amount lequired to complete it intended to charge to the public works the Whau Lunatic Asylum additions discounts contingent on raising loans, the part of the Artful Dodger, and
for contingencies in connection with the will be £15,000 more than that, and as the fund any further advances under this have been completed. The
new prison leaving £528,454 as representing the ex- both sang and danced in a way fui and full examination in my V™*™*
works completed and in hand, including Government cannot see its way to provide Act. works at Mount Cook have made penditure on other works and services. that revived pleasant memories of (all the while tendering bis gf&«f ie £*?
the riverbank protection works at the this extra amount it is considered that no Works for Unemployed—Under tha good progress, and a new post-office is in Apportioning this total to the several parts opeia-bouffe days here. Mr Smith was tuition in such a manner that the
heading of work for unemployed the course of erection at Palmerston North. of the Public WorksFund it shows- will not soon be forgotten), pronounced
Awapurua bridge. For expenditure within further work should be done at present.
the current year the amount required is Edendale-Fortrose Line—On the Eden- amount expended last year was £34,631, The restoration and extension of the Part I—Liabilities at beginning of year appropriately described in the bill as The
Mysterious' in that he appeared at times " the flsh to be a brown trout, and tne
£12,500, and for that amount a vote will dale-Fortrose railway a length of four mainly on road construction. For the Sunnyside Asylum, partly destroyed by £205,323 ; voted for expenditure, £404,055; during the piece without any apparent most beautiful specimen of its kind he haa
current, year, with liabilities amounting fire, is being proceeded with. Minor actually expended, £209,016. reason so far as the development of the ever seen." I am informed that." •}"
beproposed. miles, from Edendale to Wyudham, votes for which were taken last been specially preserved and labelleo ior
to £2525, we ask for a vote for JEBOOO, to be buildings,
Blenheim-Awatere—On the Blenheim- has been opened for traffic for
Awatere railway the formation without several years, and a further distance
bridges is done to the end of Dashwood of five and a-half miles from Wyndham
devoted, as far as possible, on forming year, have been
country roads, the work to be done by in various parts of the colony. There was
erected or are in progress
Part 2—Liabilities at beginning of year,
£75,904; voted for expenditure,
actually expended, £86,183.
plot was concerned. In the first act what
is known as a musical olio was introduced,
in which Miss Parn well, who has a nice,
exhibition. .
In closing, let mc say that my object w
_.*__� fn

section, eight miles from Blenheim. It is to Glenham is now formed, and a con- small contracts. The balance of loan public voted last year out of loan £52,244 for
buildings, of which £34,592 was
Part 3—Liabilities at beginning of year,
£190,468; voted for expenditure, £355,541;
fresh sympathetic voice, sang very well capturing and submitting: the
dispute for identification
allocation for expenditure in future years expended.
now proposed to complete this distance, tract has just been entered for plate-
with bridges and permanent way, and also laying and stations. When that is done is £2000. n , m . The liabilities at the 31st
March, 1899, amounted to £23,454, and to
actually expended, £278,166.
As compared with the total expenditure
indeed, "111 take you home again, Kath-
leen," and Mr Power also sang a comic grounds of securing leg** -atun. tor ww
protection of fish introduced into V»
colony at the cost of many thoasaW «
to form and complete a further length of there will be a total length of nine and a- Roads to open up Crown landsJ
before song well. Baby Ogden elicited loud
sa|e—The amount expended last year was cover these, and to provide for further last year it may be interesting to men-
two and a half miles, which will bring £he half miles, terminating at the Glenham
line to a convenient stopping place at the road crossing, which is a convenient point -
£20,953. For the present year, with liabili works during the present year, a vote of tion the totals for a few years previous, "
applause by her singing, Please give mc
a penny." To-night UncleTom's Cabin," pounds, knowing that in tj>e absence oz
south side of the Dashwood Pass, and for traffic The balance of loan allocation, ties amounting to £25,434, we ask for a £48,051 will be proposed. This will leave which are in round numbers (exclusive of "
with Baby Ogden as Eva, is announced. protection they would be ***_*_*&£
from that point it is proposed to construct on the 31st March last, was £15,393, and vote for £45.827. This is to cover the a balance of loan allocation of £37,170
existing liabilities and to undertake some expenditure in succeeding years. While
for the purchase of district railways):—
For 1883-84
wholesale manner; in fact,Jt -» »«<*.£
be regretted that this is being carried
a dray road to the Awatere river. This is
of that amount £9000 will be required to that balance be devoted
new works in various parts of the colony. will continue to For 1884-85 1,33(5,000 at the present time.
all that the balance of the present loan complete the works which I have indica-
allocation admits of being done; but it is ted, leaving a balance of £6393, which is The balance of loan allocation, which will to the erection and extension of the For 1885-86 1,287,000 CORRESPONDENCE. ApolSgising for the length of »jM«ggWter.
and thankingyou for the space it requires,
anticipated that when this is done, the
railway from Blenheim to Dashwood, not
which has so long been lying idle, will be quired for
utilised, and by this means returns on the
existing Picton to Blenheim section will
at present required. The vote re-
actual expenditure within the
year is £8000.
Seaward Bush—On the Seaward Bush
thus be left for expenditure in future more important and necessary public
years, is £15,731. The general results of buildings until it is exhausted, it
last year's operations, together with the is intended thereafter to pursue the
proposals for the ensuing year, will appear policy indicated by my Statement of last
year that the whole cost of public build-
For 1886-87
For 1887-88
For 1888-89
Sib,—May I crave space in yourcolurana
-Yours, &c, g
Christchurch, 6th Ausrust, 1889.

be considerably increased. The present Branch Railway, which has been finished in the annual report on the surveys of the ings, inclusive of school buildings, shall The funds available for public works are to notice some statements made in Mr H.
road over Taylor Paes, between Awatere and opened for some time, from Appleby colony.
be borne out of the consolidated fund. The as follows :— O. Forbes' letter of the 3rd inst on the GEORGE v MEERS.
and Blenheim, is so very steep that to Oterimika, a distance
of eleven miles, SETTLEMENTS. Part I—Comprisingl—Comprising immigration, some THE EDITOR OF TI& PB3a&
VILLAGE Irestoration of the General Post-office above question. Had I not been engaged TO
It almost prohibits the possibility of cart- there is a balance of loan allocation Anyone reading my was w
smallitems of railway, roads of all classes taking flsh to the Selwyn my reply would Sib,
The amount voted for expenditure last (injured by fire) has been completed, and
ing at any reasonable cost, and the Govern- amounting to £3961, but as no extension except roads along the North Island have reached you before this. would naturally suppose]hati
ment has been informed that wool wae- which would be of any use can be made year was .£26,000, and of this sum
was expended for the current detailed
£10,770 the Admiralty House, Auckland (also in-
year. We jured by fire), has been restored. The Trunk Railway, waterworks on goldnelds, At the outset I cannot for a moment spiring with Mr Georgei to ennreg
tt>ns go round the Bluff along the sea- with this, it is not proposed to ask for any Departmental Buildings, Parliament purchase of Native land (North Island), presume that the statements made can Mr afcers. I was led" to *?««£ "LJ"!j
shore, without anyroad at all, rather than ! appropriation on account of it during the
attempt to go over Tavlor'sPass Road. cuirent year.
ask for a vote of £19,173. A re-
port on this sebject will shortly be laid Buildings, and Government Houses at except lands along North Island Trunk be laid to the charge of the writer of tbe purely a matter of business;
discovered the true nature
Wellington and Auckland have been Railway, telegraph extension, public build- letter (beyond the fact that he acknow-
before the House.
This being so, there seems to be verylittle EXPENDITURE ON RAILWAYS LAST
doubt that the railway through the Dash-
wood Pass would be utilised, as it could
painted, and the maintenance of all public
buildings upheld throughout the colony.
ings, lighthouses, harbor works and harbor
defences, rates on Native lands and ther-
ledges himself to be the anthor by his
autograph), and for these reasons, viz., he
refused absolutely to have anyj" 0
to do with it. Mr George !«»*«»• * s*£
For roads on goldfields, including sub- ; There was voted last year out of the con- malsprings. In Part 1 of the fund we had
FOR CURRENT YEAR. was not in New Zealand when the fish in

(ON ACCOUNT OF BAILWAYS IN OOUESE sidies to local bodies, and also direct solidated fund £45,151'f0r public buildings at 31st March hist the sum of £303,801, and question was taken to the Museum, and
of snort lengthand with easy grades, and OP CONSTRUCTION)— grants for the construction of roads and and domains, and £31,000 for school build- to this is to be added £87,974, to which that he admitted when I called upon him
en that basis the Government has decided will greatly obllge.-YottW,^aari
" 1 1 liabiUties this fond is entitled under section 31 of shortly after entering upon his duties you
a*fc tb* Bo o o to now authorise of^TM^ the end
March, 1888, amounting toat £261,577, tracks for the development of the mineral Lqks, or a total of £75.050. On these votes
* the of
resources of the colony, the expenditure the expenditure was respectively £29,340 the Government Loans to Local Bodies ithere, that he had not made ichthyology a
Business Notices.

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can bo offered i s Best Quality ot LOWER STRATUM.
THAT f\ for makingUnfennented Bread, Pastry
Goods, at LOWEST PRICES, which
yan be obtained at

Puddings, &c
What a Professor of the Culinary Art says:
Marine Hotel, Sumner, May Ist, ISSS3.
Messrs A. W. Nelson and Co.
TIFAVING beenweare
appointed AGENTS for the

n w prepared to SINK
WELLS in any part of Christchurch or
1 °
OLD STYLE, 46 Pre itchTwUl Flannel, new color*
500 Gross Dress Buttons. 2d card of three
Gentlemen,—Having tried your Baking Particularsof Cose or Wellsand Testimonials
AND COMPANY'3. Powder, 1 lind it a very superior article,render- i showing Success attending this Method can be
ing the goods light, and leaving them a good obtained on application
AH who have not tried their 2s TEA WOVEN WIRE MATTRESS.
color. 1 may aad that of the many brands of
GROCERIES Baking Powder that have come under my TAYLOR AND OAKLEY Ladies' aud Girls Ribbed Hose 6dnair
Our Own Make of Hoso, euper Wool, to order
Revised Monthly. . Daily
_. .. notice during a professional experience of forty-
five years the Sea Foam brand has never been PLUMBERS. GASFITTERS, &a. much reduced
Drders Solicited and Goods
excelled.—l am, yours, &c, 231 TUAM STREET WEST. A " X TUHITE is now Manufacturing the ahove MATTRESSES, through Our Own Make Gentlemen's Socks, double
JAMES W. MORTON, -OL-i Qβ « W out of very Superior Wire, and offers them to the Public as a toes and heol3, beat wool,
Only Address— Professor of Cookery at the Girls' High School THOROUGHLY GOOD ARTICLE,
Made in All Sizes. Every description £ Bedding, Furniture, Carpets, China,
E. W. MARRIOTT To be had at all the leading Christchurch
grocers, and of the following:—Lyttelton, and Glass. THE REMAINDER OF OUB FRBiNCH
AND COMPANY. MessrsForbes and Co., T. H. Lanyon, W. Q.
Sheppard, B. Bain; Sydenham, D. Gow, Mrs
Chiddey. Messrs A. Orr and Co. (Colomboroad),
the Supply Stores (Willow Bank). Mr H. Bon- COMPLETE FURNISHING WAREHOUSE. 19s Gd Hata for 79 6d; 15s Bonnets for Iβ Hd
300 Yards Moird Antique, Is 4d yard
300 Yards Striped Satin, is 6d
ningion : Addington. Mr J. Munnings; Papanui,
(OPPOSITE THB CAFE). MrH. H. Raddon; Avonvilie, Mr T. Hullett; HIGH and TUAM STREETS, CHRISTCHURCH. 264 Floorcloths. 2yards wide, Is lid ; 1 yard. It
Woolston. Mr J. H. Hopkins. 7215 i yard, 6d
2000 Yards Dress Materials, half-price
WINDMILLS, PUMPS, Our Own Make of GenUomoale Fashionable

ASK YOURGROCERFCR AVOID T '—" ur"—~-fr HYDRAULIC RAMS, HOT AND COL NEW STYLE. instead of 10s 6d, will be sold at 7s 6d
Colored Dauiask Table Covers, Iβ lid
DANGER, DUST, WASTE, LABOR. Chintz Tea Cosies. lssJd

Ladies' New Twoed Caps, fresh supply
super Is
STEAM ARTESIAN WELL-SINKER. 100Pairs Thick Dark KaiapoiTweed Trousers,
SECURE I 9a 3d pair
eltt Gasfittings and Plumbers' Requirements a 50 Dozen Mon's Merino Socks, 5Jd
Twill Sheeting, white or grey, double width


And make Cinder Sifting a Pastime
lilliiill mm \' \aJ&aa®a&*i&
II danks gas-economiser Best oa -»
Burner made; supplied to Gas Companies —
Speciality., Nickel Platinpc for the Trade. Did
Women's Corsets, Iβ pair.


? % ilgi™
;i g
E timates for all kinds of work in the above
KAYE&CARTER Ex cellent Workmanship. Low Charges.
Spectacles a Speciality.


/[Vl 20 per cent.Less Watef

JgIFTER. THE Proprietor to Inform he Public in
of New Zealand that he has
n Wasted.

Sole Licensee—
secured the

Patent, 365&

Sold by all Ironmongers, Merchants, and

NEW TWEEDS. *V «J {Near Tatteraall'a)
Where he is Prepared to XT*- n>olo
annoyance caused through the
Valves BlOppittg «P and the RamStop-
Storekeepers. RECEIVE ORDERS pinar, but a constant INOKKAsI).D autJ±*li*
jf WATER obtained without interferingWith
' Peice, 10s 6d ; or in Solid Steel,

Ram3 in'neecan be fitted with our Patent at
» very small cost.
Jp! 11l J^^^M
12s Each.
Known as Write or call for particulars to
Numerous Testimonials. KEEN'S
Manchester Street, Christchurch.
For Wholesale Price Lists and Terms
THE PATENT CINDER SIFTER Now on Exhibition. Direct Importers of all Goods Required te
abovo Tradua.
Manager. Nearly opposite Mason, Struthersand Cisa"
OottTayaaaa*. Broker, Manufacturers'. Estate, and
General Agent.
HOT SPRINGS, Agent for British and Colonial

Property Bought and Sold on Commission.
Rents and Debts Collected.
Ijanded: ■ 1 MANUFACTURED,
llf JI

Christchurch, N.Z.
DAY, on arrival of the mia-day train from
and MONDAY in time to catch the 2.30 p.m.
train for Chriatcmiroh. Through Return PERAMBULATOR MANUFACTURER,
Tickets are issued at Christchurch Railway PERAMBULATOR MANUFACTORY
Station every Saturday.
CLIMAX SKATES, 17STISHESto call theattention of the...■
TWEED SUITS, to his ; ■•

Tickets available for return for Four Weeks AT

JroniMonday after date of issue. SUPERIOR STOCK OP PERAMBULATORS
N.B.—Passengers desirous of breaking the
journey at Culverden can do so, proceeding by
LOW PRICES. Which for style and durability cannot be
Coach or Buggy to destinationwhen required.
This Ooach*leo runs in connection with Cook
and Sons' Tourist Agency.
All my materials are of the best quality, &ni
all work guaranteed. .
In connectionwith theabove Coaches, I have
GENOA CORD Allkinds of perambulatorsrepaired.

• \xi had on Hire at reasonable charges. Price lists post-free.
Parcels and Telegrams strictly attended to.
J; F. STRATZ, Note the address—
fe2 Proprietor. PRACTICAL 181 ARMAGH STREET,
C. D, LIGHTBAND, WATCHMAKER, JEWELLER AND Few doorsfrom Colombo street 6089

street I OPTICIAN,

hQ ''
119 and 121 Manchester
'-• Christchurch. OVERCOATS, , "
the, Train at Little River, leaving j CHRISTC HUBGH,
Christchurch »t&ls train from Christ
emu- tlen Mondays, Wednesday , ana Satur
(Established over 30 years),
Meets tne Steamer at PigeonBay on Tues-
days, Thursdays, and Fridays; 8,5 a.m. train pERAMBUL A T O B S. TT\R. TtrAC-OEAN ISWELL KNOWN to be MANUFAC
TURING LARGELY, thereby Saving
the heavy Duty and Merchants' Profits,
from Christchurch. and enables him to Sell Direct from the
Workshop to the public every Article at

_ . ...
Proprietor FOB Manufacturers' Prices, our own manu-
W29 Duvauchelle's Bay. PERAMBULATORS.
„ .

HENERY~~BURSON, NEW Bronchitis, Catarrh,
Whooping Cough,
Capped and Jewelled,
Croup, Winter Cough,
NEW Influenza, CURE At -£4 10s, £5 ss, and £6 15s,
and after June Ist the Governor Bay
Coach will Run on Tuesdays, Fridays, *
Hay Fever, ordinary
Colds, also a Warranted for twenty-five years, OIL-CLOTIiING "MANUFACTURER.
and Saturdays only, leaving Lyttelton Railway
■Elation at tt.3o a.m. and 4.80 p.m.; tearing
Governor's Bay at 8.20 a.m. and 3.13 p.m. Par-
(Opposite Barrett's Hotel).
NEW Specific for Diphtheria and CURE
Typhoid Fever. PARKER AND TRIBE, The regular retail value of these watches
are £610s, £810s, and £1010s. The undersigned, atTexp*ro an all branches
ol theabove trade, having had fourceeu yearrf
ceje to be paid for on delivery. NEW CURE 199 CASHEL STREET, colonialexperience, deeire*. while tuanklngUis
W. H. TffiAPS, Governor's Bay. IN STOCK OR MADE TO ORDER, CLOCKS AT UNEQUALLED PRICES. numerous .cmu>moi-s for their very liberal
Saddle Horsesadd Boats on Hire. Coach will At Prices to Meet the Times. Our name is on all railway station favors of Che past, to say that he baa now a
From Mr J. Baxter, chemist, Ivext Shop to Ballantyne's. clocks In Canterbury, the principal build- Very Large Stock of Oil-clothing on hand for
RS n JL d*T.PrivfttelT by applying to W. H.
* Also, NEW Christchurch.—Your Asthma CURE

Curehas been very successful ings, hotels, stores, &c, proving that we deliveryin Wholesale Linee; alao, a Quantity
Manufacturer of all Kinds of Wicker
Work, Ladles' Dress Stands, Clothes in cases of spasmodic asthma,
NEW in each case being recom- CURE; HORSE J^LOTHS. sell more clocks than all the other watch-
makers in Canterburyput together.
of Horse Covers, either Wh»l«SAio or Retell.
While cmployiiiK only practical workmen, he
HOT SPRINGS, Baskets, Chairs, &c, &c, at mended by their medical at- can guaranteea Firat-class Job at Curutcharob
164 HIGH STREET, CHRISTCHURCH, tendant,. Its utility in Diph-

■BANMKR PLAIKS ANB WaIAU. NEW theria is established. CURE
Opposite Barrett's Hotel. SEASON 1889. pair.
}<Xr-yt .STHfiK' , \N' tORA. !

NEW From Mr Arglea Bishop, CURE AGENT FOR (Opposite the Red Lion SabaU.
chemist, Sydenham.—l know an Immense Stock of Canvae and Felt, we havedetermined upon
that your New
used with
Cure has been „
restate in CURB HAVING
Reducing the Prices of our Celebrated Horse Covers this season to a trifle
abote Cost and much Under Wholesale Prices. AU our Covers are hand-stitched, and
TION! finiahpri in a suDerior style, and anyone favoring us with their orders can depend upon

a EEKB available f<* Iteturn
*rom Thursday after date otlssue.
OF SO many Quack Medicines for theCure
of all evils, as most
elsebut disguised Turpentine.
of them are nothing
16s 6d

" „
gettmg the Best Material and Workmanship. The following CASH PRfCE LIST
"Hack Covers formerly 14s 6d each, now 11s
„ 6d
13s 6d
Ms 6d „ „ „
„ „„
[ .-..-.. ■. '..'■'

, " ■
,**OR"walAU. Draught 20s „ 15s 6d
„ „
A 0? leave* Culverden for Walaa „ „
„„„ „
?SL oi ay Wednesday, Ihuraday ana
!! anival 20s „„ 16s 6d „
. '
Vluletchurch, returning of nwd-day Train fruiu
on Mondays, Tue3-
Is the only genuine and Scientific Prepara-
tion for the Cure of Gout, Rheumatism,
22s 6d „

„ 18s ed
18s-6d „ Grateful

°Hb ,^ 11 c catch On* leaving
iauraa*!* and DTldays, Waiau Sciatica,
&c,&c. vomfortino
SL^SSP? "S° » 2.45 p.JuTrala
tor Christchurch. Thousands have
In connection with the &bove. iae I hay
Bl»citl Uwichos, JJouble unci SUlglO Buggies
fcna Wagggnettes. and daddie Honeeon iuiuia- Bee Pamphlets.

are SOLE AGENTS for REDDA WAY'S CELEBRATED COTTON BELTING "By a thorougu ]£_o i*/iea._:_ ot r.u<j narar- ;

mate hire. Orders through pose •Jγ wire
rae»Ye prompt attention, dpedal atcentiou which is more durable than leather and i_uoh cheaper. Stock kept from 2 inch lawßwhich govei-a on- digo-Cion
and. nutrition,and by a careful application ol
giTOn CO pasSengera, and parcels
forwarded for SLESINGER'S HORSE, CATTLE AND DOG to 8 inches ; also 5 and.6 iuch Endless Belts for threshing machines. Leather Belting

the fine of woli-aoio-c-d too-a, Mr
r aattrwr by eouetu
■¥* Propria
MEDICINES „ htcalth for am*.
also kept. •
t Eppshas provided our breakfast tables with a
delicately flavored beverage wuich may save us -nvar <av,x,vr"rV]r\
tw BE?T|;-
1V mv, rOLONY,
HOLLOWaY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT. MARQUEES ON HIRE FROM 12 x 24 TO 26 80, many heavy doctor's bills. It te oy tlie. udicious AUwork
Are approved of by all owners of Horses,
a Also, use of such articles of diet that a con_titucioa ;

Cattle and Dogs, all through New Zealand and THE Pills purity the, blood, correct! all die ■ (rxisiwitecd.

KDXAii MAIL COAUU. orders ol the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys SMALL TENTS AND FLAGS. may be gradually omit- until atroug enough
Australian Colonies. toresist every tendency to disease. Hundreds
A MAIL COACttleaves Glentunnel for
and Bowels, and are invaluable in til com-
Every person who used them was pleased plaintsincidental to females.
HALE" & CO.,
ofsubtle maladies are floating around us ready •T, Ti. MAvamw), ■:':,:. ■■

£3L Ooleridjse, viaWindwhisUe Houaa The Ointment is the only reliable remedy* or
B. owtack wuerever there is a wean point. We MAHCiHEdTER STREET SOUTH, ■

and not a single complaint made these forty ad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers. For may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping our
Jttl. Bnowden,
every fiUDAY MOiINiNU, ■ 838>
oaunral of Train from C'uriatobui-cn, returu- years. SAIL TENT TARPAULIN, FLAG, HORSE-COVER, AND OILSKIN CLOTHING
Bronchitis. Diphtheria, Coughs, Colds, Goug, t>ju.n ;
selves well fort-tied wiw,i p-*ro blon I and a
Utttua tune for Evening Train SATURDAY.
Bpeoial atienUon given to passengers, SOLD BY-
Rheumatism, and all S&in Diseaeee,xt has no
LiiA^|.^UFACT uKERS AND ROPE AND TWINE MAKERS. properly nourished frauic'
■•CivilService Ga-sette."
6eo article in the ■> _><•/

and CASHEL STREETCHaiSTCHUBOH. Made simply with boiUng water or milk.

faxou* forwarded for deiivery Dy ooaoo,
A. H. BURKITT, Proprietor, J. S. COOK, Chemist, Sold by the proprietor,Thomas HollowAY,
-g NewOxford street, London, and by all mcdl; Sold in J-lb packets, by Grocers, laoeUed
Cashel street.
imperialTboot depot* """"JiMKS
-, Mouth MalTero. C. S. HOWELL, Saddler, 'ne vendors throughout the world, SPPB & 00. *
Caahel street. Bconasopathio Chemist.,


flsi AboreCoacheslrill leave the Methven

W. PIRIE, Farrier,
i*v Rayway St«aon 11 a-m. on TUEti-
at Cashel street
W. H. TRAVIS, Saddler,
"•turning from Alford Forest t-oet OtneoatA CHOICE ASSORTMENTS OF THE BEST MAKERS.
PJg. wietch of the above-mentioned dayg.
» gMsws and prdeis
will receive every attention.
SC Asaph street.
WALLACE and CO., Chemists,

, attended to. Horses aud High street. Our Colonial-made Boots are Good and Cheap.
"***osoa Hire trum the uaderaigned. Ail of Christchurch. DANDRUFF,
' ~_ K. HJiiiK, Proprietor. Which is Wμ SlOOl3««,
a sleslnger,

HUMAN Hair. Wila fiW

"'■ leaebeeeh Dally
; AeuttMi ••"S
IF Your Hair is Falling Out and Becoming
Weak and Thin from any cause, W. HARRIS. CANCER SALVE 2stabllshedlß73.
Siw? i,ra4n£roni
p m-> M"vine at Lonjjoeaua
encrueusd to tSe Fro-
eoit the present times.
Inscriptions in lead, &O

****** , utlt*
Corns and Bunions
Paeaeaeerfare—Tiirottea HEMENT BROS.,
Cats All work eaamnteeX"
speciaiTnotice. Bad Breasts
Putrid Sore Legs
Scurvy lucics
(iOUDS at the lowestpossible rates:—
nidging, Spouting, Galvanised and Cast Iron,
Diseased Bones
Poisoned Flesh
Ulcers _,
Cold on the Chest
_ Sprains
Old Sores
any shape
Pipes—Galvanised and black, from lln to 3in HAIR PRODUCER, Anda host of other Oaro", after all other
8 g_rSj?___—^nrrf^y**A remedies have failed.
If r? tZI
ssauiii AUivern,
cut and screwed to any length
Bends, Elbows, Tees, and Connections, all
sizes, in stock, Hot Water Pipes, 3in and Uα, A SAFEGUARD~TO THE PUBLIC.
As soon as the present Stocks are used up
Tbe following are two out of a number of

9ft lengths, patent joints
Ai^oUN.-iol^r- December ih-d 1888. To Mrs
the Proprietor intends to dispense with the
Baths—i.aat Iron Knamelled, Galvanised,
coloredpaper Capsule as at present over Cork
and Plate Zinc, all shapes Rider—l have much pleasure in testifying to
and in its place to Affix a Keck Label beariotr
Sinks—Cast Iron Enamelled, Copper, and i
the Registered Trad"Mark, Name, and Title of
Earthenware, any aizo
&c eiMenoy of
tSecass of
Canc*r Salve
Duriiw the last
Preparation, and Proprietor's Name litho-
Iron Tanks, Force and Lift Pomps, Hydraulic winterI have been s-nMlarly flree_cw«n them,
graphed in Red on White Ground. Also one of it to the per___tontapplio»t_oii
Rams, Windmiila, Patent Water Closets,
same Labels will be affixed over top of outside and must ascribepreparation.--Yours truly, O.
Urinals,Lavatory Basins,Supply Cisterns,Taps, of that valuable
Composition pipe, all sizes. Hot wrapper.
Lead and
Water Cylinders, copper or iron ; Electric and "■""jS-h, 1887. To Mrs Rider-I wish to
jo.her Bells, Gas Fittings and Globes, Arohi- JOHN HICKMAN, Proprietor. letyo .y that Grandmrtther'B Salve is the
median Ventilators, Chimney Pots, Cowii ail beat thi.. I ever used for Broken ChilbUirwt. I
JOHN HOOD. suape»: Sheet Lead and Galvanised Iron. Each hottle contains supply for onemonth's use. inst put a plalster on at night, and it's well in
VOUNX SOM3£RS AND JttfiTilVjfiN KOy a r We are also prepared to send experienced the inr-mlng.—Yourstruly, M.NbwTOS. Chnatr
■ charges. Ges engines repairedby experienced GEO. BONNIN'GTON,
workmen to fix the above at moss reasonable To be obtainedof ennrc-h."
: | GOULD and CO.
For further Testimonials see oirc-lara.
i titters.
!j tions
We supply and fix all druin:i^econnec-
to main sewers, &c, on the Uiost sanitary
COOK and ROSd, | W. R. COOKjk,
design, town or country. Call and get our
prices; estimates free. Orders by post wili
And All Chemists.
receive prompt attention. Telephone No. 200.
AHoraForestia: »«,»
Just Landed, few Pa ent Gas Stoves for
offices and dwellings. Guaranteed no smell. • 209 COLOMBO STREET, CATHEDRAL SQUARE, ASZ> GLOUCESTER STREET
Auctions. Auctions. Properties for Sale Miscellaneous _ Insaranca
Business Notices.
Business Notices.


H. MATSON CO., ceedinft twenty-four words ONB 3HILLINQ Undersigned havins made arrange-
-5.000.000 .. THE ments with the Directors of theTai Tapu
Dairy Factory Company to take their output of
Mattresees, 30s. Atkinson's, Manchester
Effects every description of Fire and Marine
insuraacee at Lowest Current Rates. Being a
Butter's preparedto make satisfactory arrange-
ments with retailers and the trade m general
ADDINGTON—JerroId street off purely local institution claims are settled with for supplies. The appliances at the command
street, 3-16ths Acre Land, with House six People to get Married or Fur-
A VERY CHOICE "VILLA RESIDENCE, WANTED of the Tai Tapu'Factory ensure an article of THAT
U7 Manchester promptitude,
THISJDAY. Situated in Bligh's Road, Papanui, withgarden,
outbuilding,and every convenience.
rooms and verandah, £210.
RICHMOND—London street, capital House
rooms, verandah, &c nice garden,
niture. H. Atkinson,

Bayers for Morocco-covered

Managers for Canterbury.
first quality being turned put. Tapu
678 G. A. L-NDEMAN, Tai Store.
MR CHARLES CLARE has been favored
with instructions from Mrs Cridland to
SYDENHAM— Harper street. Section contain-
ing 32 perches, with well built House of
Music Stools, 18a 6d.
chester street.
Atkinson's, Man- 131Lichfleld street, Christchurch.
Agents wanted in unrepresented districte. REMOVAL,
PELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, five room! and scullery, stable and out- Bayers for Cocoanut Matting 1J JEWELL,
LIVE AND DEAD At his Rooms Hereford street, Christchurch.
building, £300. Gibbon street. Section
about i acre, with House five rooms, plas-
tered. £230.
yards wide, 2s 6d yard. H. Atkinsons, TECK BRITISH AND COLONIALPROPERT I,
RICCARTON—Near Hotel, email Section,
with five-roomed plastered House, £165.
_NTED KNOWN -Money accommoda
tion for aU classes. Lowest charges in
City Loan and Discount Capital, £500,000.
(Next Mason and Struthers';.
AOT> i Bligh's road (close to the Papanui SYDENHAM— Near Wilson's road, Opawa, the city, at S. Cohen's
situated on service), one rood twenty-four perches Land, macro- and Pawn Offices. No. 186 Colombo street, next FRAMES. Ac, 41, 43, and 15 VICTORIA STREET
consisting of Oa lr 16p FIRK AND MARINE.
planted and laid out carpa fence, House four rooms and City HoteL Strictest secrecy in all transac-
Made and Repaired.
of Land, fenced in, scullery, stablesand traphouse,£280. tions. Post-office address. Box 102. Private Every Description of Fire and And have decided to
\fl-ESSRS H. MATSON and CO., associated
as garden, together with the
William street, Lower
High street, about i Acre, with House four
entrance, City Hotelrightof way.
KNOWN-S. Cohen lends
Marine Risks at Current Rates.
a/A ■ 7 T &J£ n,NATIoNAL
of N.ZL,
wIt e M. and A. COY.
LIMITED, have received instructions
trom Thomas Attwood. Esq. (in consequenceof
Drawing and dining-room, three bedrooms,
rooms, £330.
HOUSES TO LET in Town and Suburbs. WANTED
money from Iβ to £2000 on all tands of
goods, personal or other securities. BUU dia-
Aeents for Canterbury. In Tables. Bookracks. Work, Glove and Pocket
Agents wanted in districte now unrepresente d Handkerchief Boxes. Napkin Rings, Egg Cups,

kitchen, pantry, batn-room, detached out- J. B. DALE and CO., counted and renewed without delay. Special
his having sold big farm), to building, good water service, and every Cathedral square. &C. New Zealand Bird Skins. Maori Ciirios.
facilities given for loans repayable by weekly
SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION. 209_ or monthly instalments.
On the Homestead, about Four Miles from
Southbridge, on
THURSDAY, AUGUST Bth, 1889, N B.—All in search of an excellent freehold,
situated in this favorite locality, should attend
for Sale. W ANTEiJ KNOWN—On sale at S. Cohen's NATIONAL
largequantities of Unredeemed Pledges
remarkably cheap, comprising all classes of
Maling T. J.
At 12 o'clock sharp, thisbona fide sale.
TXORSES. COLOMBO STREET NORTH—Within four goods, notably in highest class of gold and x>AID UP Capital and Reserves, £231,222. WINES and SPIRITS of all usual varieties
Liberal terms of payment. Immediate pos-
minutes' of Post Office, Section, 40ft frontage Bilver watches, diamonds, jewellery, and sundry Jl With unlimited liability of large boay of
goods of all descriptions. Genuine Rotherham Shareholders resident in thejilo ny Fire and
/RATTLE by 132ft. with Cottage.
session. KILMORK STREET—2 Roods, with 5 Cot- watches, three years' guarantee, from £2. Marine at current
risks of all kinds accepted Manager. Wi-ISI-IES— Sandy Cook, Rob Roy. All ACCOUNTS Dne to them to be PA_n
tages tbereon, to be sold as a whole or separ- A. CARRICK, Lochiel. Old Highland Vatted. at the above address,
gives rates. AgencyBuildings
piG3 1177 Sale at 12 o'clock. No. 782
ately. Also, in same street, 1 Rood, with
tages; and 1 Hood, vacant section, fine site.
2 cot- KNOWN-S.
highest cash price for old gold and
, Grain
Cornerof Cashel streat, High street.
Glasgow Cross. Napier John-
stone's. &c, &c.
OHEEP LET, HOUSE of Eight Rooms, No. 289 silver, diamonds, fact, any kinds of goods
Trap, Dray, Tip Dray
Cashel street west, bathroom, ram, wash-
house and officee complete.
DEVON KOAD, within a minute of Tram- boushf, gold, or in
House of 7 rooms, wash-house, stable, &c.: 1 next door to City Hotel.
exchanged. Isote address,
Sub-agents throughout the Province.
'• VTeekly Press.
, See CIGARS—A Choice Assortment.
CIGARETTES—Little Beauties.
Virginia Brights. -
Drill (Duncan) McCormick Reaper and Apply to acre, doub'e frontage.
Opera Putts. TO FRUIT GROWERS. "~*
BLIGH'S ROAD (near)-2 Acres, fenced and ANTED7~to"SeII, a number of Counters
Binder CHARLEB CLARK, planted. £2UO. andlor of Shop Fittings, cheap. J. Bow- B_lne3_ Notices Richmond Gems, &o.
Horse-power. Chaff-cutter, Ploughs. Harrows
Roller, Harness. &c &c, &c. Also a
No. 786
Estate Agent,
hereford street.LORD BKOUGHAM STREET, close to roan and Son. 200 Hereford s reet.
Colomborad—House of 7 rooms and J, good BLAND'S GUNS.
few bargains.
to all Insect life, and guaranteed to dostruoUtm
No Reserve. Luncheon Provided. 1295
J. R. KING & CO.
corner. 3 frontages. £325; easy terms.
RUSKIN STREET—House of 4 rooms, &c, tion dozen,
large section. £175: small deposit. guaranteed.
10s, C.D.V. ss, Midgets 2s 6d per
two positions, any style ; satisfac-
None but firac-clasa work Surgeon Dentist, Mr S. B« S
e Xmour ENGLISH CART?. „
BILLIARD BALLS, Cues, &c-, Sec
Treos to their natural growth and vigour.
After *26 years'experience in Gardeningand
Fruit Growing In Kncrland I have pleasure in
WARD STREET—House of 4 rooms and allowed to leave the studio. Photographing MAY BK CONSULTED
iiit-o.'ucing to New Zealand Fruit Growers a
children a specialty. Amateurs' developing At his New Chambers, WORCESTER STREET.
QUEENSLAND SUGAR. verandah, nearly J-acre. £200.
LORD BROUGHAM STREET—FineCorner bury and printing done. W. E. Sorrell, the Canter-
Manchester street.
Opposite Buggy's.
Warre, Hockley
Co. Iwhich
KING and CO. have received instruc- Section, over a quarter. £150; very easy pay- Studio, Christohurch. SCALE BLIGHT EXTERMINATOR

tions from the owner, who is giving up mentS
KNITTING —To Heads of
will completely destroyall ScalyBlightIn
business, to
Cathedral square.
Families. Footballers, Bicyclists, and
The best dace for Stockings and Sox
whatever stage of growth it is found. It Is
being largely used with complete successnow In
South British Chambers, various partß of New Zealand. The Extermi-
FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, (ribbed or plain) is at Miss Hean's, Machine
THURSDAY, Bth AUGUST, MECHANICAL ENGINEER HEREFORD STREET, CHRISTCHURCH. nator applied and trees pruned at a small cost.
Money. Knicting Works, 63 Victoria street, Ohrist-
In their Rooms. Lichfield street, at 12 o'clock, Price per packet— 10s 6d packet, 10 gallons
church. Charges moderate. 110 COLOMBO STREET. Cellar Entrance from Cathedral Square. water tor *_5 trees; 21s packet, 20 gallons water
GltOCJfitt AND PiiODUCE DEALER, MONEY TO LEND. Everydescription of Cycle Made to Order. for 50 treos; 3ls packet, 30 gallons water for 75
Board and Residence. The Stock of Wines and Spirits held by this trees; with full Instructions for use. Carriage
H. MATSON and CO., associated
MESSRSwith the NATIONAL. M. and A- COY.
UF N.Z. LIMITED, have received instructions
Tea, sugar, eoap, candles £25 To~~£looo and
Bicycles, Tricycles. &c, Repaired.
Good Workmanship Guaranteed.
Company em-race every needful variety for
ordinary or special use.
paid to any address in Now Zealand. To oe
obtained from Mr J. Heseltino, saddler.
from the Consignees to
Rice, starch, blue,
Tapioca, sago, pearl barley, picklea LEND on Freehold Securities, &c, atth
Lodging on reasonable terms. Tuesday Lawn Mjfferi 3jc andßeDAtred.
Assorted dozons of Liquors are supplied for
family or invalid purposes.
Ashburton; Mr Howell, Baddler, Christchurch*
Mr J. Caygill, bootmaker, Christohuroh; Mr
At their Salerooms, Cashel street,
Jams, sauc<-8, oils, vinegar, eh« se
Bacon and hams, broom*, brushes
Lowest Current Rates of In: crest.
Solicitor, 202 Hereford street.
Night, a Temperance Meeting.
Saturday Nigura—Concerts for
Refreshments allhours.
All invited.
the People.
coalTcoaju coal. Special arrangements made for Balls or
Dinner Parties.
Lock-up Bin Cases provided for Race Meet
Nashelski, ironmonger. Christchurch; and
other Agents in all the principal towns.
Grocers' labelled tins, caddies

— ''
ON tags,Picnics, &c.
And Ashburton,
At 2 o'clock.
A great variety of Goods connected with the
trade. MONEY FOR INVESTMENT S'UPEKIOK Private Board and Residence,
St. Elmo. 187 Worcester strcecwest. 7773
OMFOItTABLK Rooms~_or~ Families at 3S
Wjnes packed and forwarded, freight paid to
any V rein New Zenland, on receipt of remit-
DTCKTVEKIVG Beat NEW- tance or satisfactory reference.
1 i«


On account of the Execuf:or3 of the late Mr
CJUMS OF MONEY varying in amount from
© £100 to £JOOO ready for investment on C^j Park 7972 I CA3TLB, (Coalbrookdale),
A choice selection of finest Indian and
GREY, and MALVerN COALS at Lowest Havannah Cigars.
Comprising, Ciuhbert, Security at CurrentRates of Intere3t.
Principal Repayable either in a Term o£
Years or by Half-Yeariy Instalments, as may
VERY Private Board and Residence
Superior PrivateBoardand Residence
_G9 Cashel street west. 659 Rates. Also,
-j rv TONS GREYS Tables,chairs, toiletware
Couches, portable boilor, beehives
suit Borrowers.
T. L JOYNT. Solicitor,
205 Gloucester 3treei-.
_S7 street.
"<_7ERY Comfortable Board and
at Residence
Forward orders to Telephone No. 143, or
Views of this Grand Region are now
being printed, and give a capital idea of
O TONS YELLOWS. Books, wire-netting, and a hO3t of other JustLanded from London per s.s Doric,
articles too numerous to mention, MONEY TO LEND.
\ Waitahuna House, 285 Caahel stree.. Wast.
Cathedral square. what will doubtless be a favorite playground
for the alpine enthusiasts of both hemispheres.
To be sold in lots as stated, with delivery in And
Bond, Christchurch. 10 tons prime Bath kidney potatoes. Undersigned has for INVESTMENT rtOUSK, Comfortable Private
4TI RO3VKNOR Residence, s klling on 1 selling on 1! Price same as our other views, 15s doz,
Grocer's cart, harness, and horse. THE VARIOUS SUMS from£100 to £15.000, at V.T Boardand No, 56 Gloucester
street Ea«r, near Latimer square. Terms very quitFtrue. WdTi BEGS to Inform tho PnUIS
Terms and Conditions at Sale.
H. MATRON and CO.,
Associated with the NATIONAL M. and A.
The whole for absolute and unreserved sale.
J. R. KING and CO.,
Lowest Rates of Interest, on mortgage of town,
country or suburban properties. Borrower"
can pay off the whole or portion of tne rnoaeys
moderate. 503
others are~~selling off,
A very good Panorama of the whole of the
Mounr. Cook Range, from the Tasman,
five plates joined, price 12s, to roll up for
• \JTe that hia
I*o3 1413 A. AY£RS, Auctioneer. Sums under LIGH'S TEMPKRANCE HOTEL and
< advanced on giving shorenotice. RKSTAUR ANT—Beat accommodation
BUT post.
LEESTON MARKET. THIS_DAY~ £100 for investment on reasonable terms.
in town is now offered to hoarders. Double
room. 16s per week; single room, 13s per week ; ToNEYCLIFFE AND C/AREY
A large ditto, Bft 6in, suitable for
or halls, £3.
board without lodgiug. 12s per week; weekly
Bth AUGUST. Hereford street Gh»mbera, dinners, la per week ; board and lodgings, 3s E. WHEELER and SON, tfOR SALE,
THURSDAY, Hereford streot. I^ Heavy White Flannel, lid
Matson and Cα JR. §er day. Goodsitting-room
accommodation for families, N.Z. Scenery Depot,
Messrs H.
(Associated with . KING and CO. have received instruc-
tions from the consignor to
Heavy Welsh Flaunel, all wool,Is 2d
(with use of piano),
Kaiapoi, Roslyn. Mosgiel,
bath-room, and shower-bat i. Stabling froe. and Wellington
Flannels, in white, Shetland, and Orkney,
F. BRIDGES, Propii tor
6 Cathedral square. And will be Sold at
instructed to LEND MONEY from Is id
WE are
on Mortgage to Farmers and Others, in
All Wooi Royal Blue Flannel, Is 3Jd
Competition is the soul "
of business.'*
In their rooms, Lichfleld street, Business Notices. Heavy Soft Twill White Sheeting, 2 yards
Will be in attendance at Leestonon At 1 o'clock, SUMS TO SUIT BORROWERS, wide. Is id Also,
FRIDAY NEXT. At Low Interest. Mexican Twill Sheeting, 2 yards wide, Is Jd BOOTMAKER.
ofv HAVE determined to meet the present
Will Conduct the Auction Sale. Positively without reserve.
198 Hereford street. WT>ARTRAMAND flO.
Serges, plain good colors, 7Jd
White Turkish M owels. 6d
cutring in the boot trade by SACRI-
FICING MY STOCK, regardless of profit, for
nPi otorial Packets—3d Paoket, or S far It
3403 Velvttoene, all colors, 25 inches wide, Is 9d THIRTY DAYS,
Residents in this district are informed that J. R. KING and Co., Black Velveteen, 25 inches wide, Is 7d. And request my customers to call and see the
(or the future no efforts will be wanting to 1515 A. AVERS, Auctioneer. 3 BUILDING AND LAND SOCIETY ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIALS
promote the interests of Clients residing in
Our Stock is Entirely New, Well Assorted, before purchasing elsewhere.
What has virtually proved itself as one of the & AGENCY and Cheap. STOCK WILL BE SOLD at GREATLY RE-
most independent and self-reliant centres of N.Z. LOAN MERCANTILE UPWARDS,
New Zealand. CO.. LIMITED. MONEY LENT FROM £25 Newcastle, Westport aai Malvern CjW. Quality is the true test of value." " DUCED PRICES to make room for the young
and Carey,
OnSale at Lowest Current Rates J. LOGIE, Bootmaker.
FREEHOLD SECURITY jLoneycliffe During this sale I will supply only First-class stock.
Sale includes that of For Fixed Periods,
fcAND, OhERTSEY JVIONTHLY ©ALE. Or on Monthly Repayment System. Ad-
The Rea'ly-MoneyDrapers,
206 Colombo street. Christchurch,
Goods, as I do not believe in marking up cheap
rubbish to deceive the public.
vances made without fees,and at a few hours All Oountry Orders Promptly Executed,

MONDAY NEXT, 12th INST. nOtiCe One Minute's Walk North of the Cathedral SALE COMMENCED JUNE 24th.
J. H. SEAGER,Secretary. end BARNETT have on SALE
SPECIAL ENTRY. FRUIT TREIKS of every description,
Offices—2l3 Hereford street. Christchurch, comprising many thousands of choice well
SECOND AND LAST~FRIDAY IN EACH Opposite Union Bank. 5204 grown trees. Apples on bright Cashel street West, next Zetland Arms Hotel. Twelve Varieties ot

Account James Copland, Esq., proof stocks, 603
MONTH.. Pears, Plums, Peaches, Ap'icpta, Quinces,

Acoonnt Salesrendered on the spot. No

OUvf Wethers aud Maiden Ewes, Fat MONEY FOR INVESTMENT. Walnuts, Grape Vines. Raspberries,
Gooseberries, Rhubarb, &c.
Tobacco is a general
Also, Roses and Khododendrona, in choice who like a cool pleasant smoke.
"Diadem" Brand
favorite with
Conifers, Shrubs, Forest Trees, and
H. H. SECRETAN, FREEHOLD SECURITY Hedge Plants, for quantity and quality are On Sale in Plugs and Straight-cut by -■rjrrE are now "showing our new W. GIMBLETT,
N.Z. FARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE Agent. unequalled in the colony.
experienced work- DA VIES and LAMB,
_ Lowest Rates. done
ASSOCIATION (LIMITED). E. G. STAVELEY, DUNCAN, COTTERJLL and MARTIN, men. Contractors and large planters liberally Hairdressers and Tobacconist-, 253 High street LADIES' JACKETS
1510 Auctioneer. dealtwith. LADIES' AND GiRLS* ULSTERS AND FRUIT GROWER, && 83-
THE 4368 Cathedral
- -i

c/o-operative a.ssociation THIS DAY*

op ! W. TonKS.] fW. H. Norton.
TONKS, NORTON and CO. will cgs
IZARD and LOUGHNAN,Chriatohuroh.
Hereford street,
Solicitors, STOCK of
Near the Railway Crossing.
canterbury, limited,


j£Bojooo. Rooms.
Commencing at 12 o'clock,
A very large consignment, contained In 21
cases, of

Tl -A.
I N S O N. AllNews Agents and Runner-, :
Canterbury Agent,
WOOL STORES, WARE, JAPANESE TOYS, FIRE TJA3 MONEY FOR INVESTMENT And is prepared to quote LOWEST The Working Man's Cooking Range Maker, Hereford street,
SCREENS, has returned to Christchnrch, and Re-Opened
PRICES on application.
South belt, Christchurch. Also, AT CURRENT RATES, AT PRATT'S BUILDINGS,
COLOMBO STREET, If you do not subscribe, buy one oopf SD&
GRAIN STORKS, A large assortment of IN LARGE OR SMALL SUMS. Corner of Tuam street. read it-
South belt, Christchurch, and Lyttelton. Fans, umbrellas OFFICES AND YARDS:
Teapots, vases, umbrella stands
LONDON OFFICE—I 6 Great St. Helens. Malacca canes Tuam, Colombo, and St. Asaph Streets. Specialattention given torepairs. 7772 Back numbers, with early "chapters of Wtla)
Toys of every description. Hotels. Telephone No. 72. P.O. Box No. 308. storiee. on hand,
Oar season s supply of Clovers, Hard Grasses, As the whole consignment must be realised SAWTELL, COLLS
& CO.
The Royal, TVoodend. J. IL Pabke r.
&c, both English and American.
Seed direct from Messrs J. Carter
and Co., and Hurstand Son.
American Seed direct from New York Seed
on at once, therewill be absolutely no reserve.
Catalogues can be obtained on Tuesday.
proprietor. IRONMONGERY. USE
-(Next Kinsey and Co.),

High street, Rangiora. __,_
, unrivalled. Last Of prioea
Company. 8M
on application,
Samples for testing purposes and Prices on (Late of Club Hotel, Rangiora, and Middleton's, COAL AND FIREWOOD MERCHANTS.
application. ARTHUR BEAUCHAMP. Kaiapoi).
~~ Liberal Advances to Farmers and Others on all
Calcutta Woolsacks, all sizes, to arrive Sep- THURSDAY, Bth AUGUST, I wtth every convenience for visitors,

At 12 o'clock. boarders, a d travellers, is RE-OPENED with GENERAL COMMISSION AND
Jas. Gr lan
Calcutta Cornsacks, full size and extra
strong, to arrive December. On the Ground, Hagley Park, near the Armagh
an entire re-furnishing. A upacious billiard
room has been added. Wines, beer, and spirits
of the best only kept. New stableswith exten
v 1 l o
street Bridge, leadinginto the Park,
To be forwarded direct from ship's side on 70 CORDa
To Fireweod Dealers, Coopuiv, Wheelwrights,
sive paddock accommodation for stock. 968
Carpentersand Builders.
116 Colombo Street,
jjo, 1. Dairy, Farm and Station Requisites
ARTHUR BEAUCHAMP has received in- TIMARU. (Opposite E. Reeoo and Sons). FOUNTAIN "BARBER'S
structions to SELL BY AUCTION, on
No. 2.—Farm and Garden Seeds.
jfo. 3. Groceries and Oilman's Stores
No, 4.—Glass and Earthenware
No. 3.—Tailoring and Mercery
the ground, above, on
At 12 o'clock,
"VVO >D, in 4ft lengths, Oak,
If John"
meiklb S. E. being his OWN CUTTER, aud no
having to employ one at a high salary, is pra
pared to make
Cf£\ CORDS SUITS 20 PER CENT. CHEAPER Romance of King Specimen Days IB
No. 6.—Woollen Goods, &c. I\J Ash and Sycamore. Arthnr America
Than thoseFirms who Employ Cutters,
7.—Boots and Shoea
No. B.—Saddlery,
&c. Terms cash. No Reserve. 1480 form CHARGE THE Proprietor has again RESUMED
of this hotel, and begs to in Thoreau's Walden
Laudor's Conversa-
Carlyle's Sartor K«*
sartus } -_—~_
c o"Tl s.
his numerous friends aud patrons that
nothing will be wanting on his part to make the
hotel all that could be desired.
Country visitors, commei-oial gentlemen, and
R, W. ENGLAND, North
Steam tions
English Opium-Eater
Rehgio Medici
Great English Painters
eratlo Vifltas
so. Vf

the travelling public will find this hotel one of

WESTPORT TIMBER MERCHANT. Essays by Leigh Hunt Burns' Letters
D. THOMAS the most comfortable and well conducted in Great Musical Com- Epictetus (o* -_■__.__
SOLE AGENTS IN NSW ZEALAND \ (Late of Matron, Cox and Co.),
South Canterbury.
The accommodation for commercial gentle* rangiora. posers
Marcus Aurelius
Johnson's Smsm—
Hazlet's Essays
INSURANCE, men is unsurpassed, as the sample rooms are
AGENT, large, spacious, well lighted, and attached to
AUGUST J. CARMICHAEL. TV.CKENS* WOR__i~ Pocket Edition, Is «*
the hotel.
produce" depart- WOOL AND GRAIN BROKER,
churns in all designs,
ASHBURTON, Funeral Notice,
AND OF butter packages, tubs, firkins
tion, Illustrated, -a
The Association handle ALL DESCRIP- SALES of Live Stock Tinwald THE OXFORD LIBR ARY, & Wakefield 8d p«■ �oh
Brokers only, in the Interests
and having Agents and Buying
and Aehburton alternately
of the Growers, FORTNIGHTLY SALES of ShoepskiDS, Fat,
Correspondents Hides, &c, on Fridays W. Ijangford, BUILDINGMATERIALS TALLOW CASKS, &0., SeO.
Pickwick Papers
Night and Morning
Vicar of j
Wide, Wide World
UncleTom fOabta
Colonial Centres, are SALES OF WOOL throughout the Season
in theChief Europeanandposition FURNISHING UNDERTAKER, Robinson Crusoe
in a epecially favourable
fignments to best advantage.
torealise con- GRAIN BOUGHT AND
SOLD on Commi* prices, not
Funerais at the lowest possible
Furnishes being
connected with any other firm SEPTEMBER Suitable for all Kinds of
Heart of Midlothian
Jacob Faithful
Tim Cringle 8 Ix*
The Colleen Bawn
poor who cannot afford to pay he CITY AND SUBURBAN DWELLINGS,
ALL CHARGES CLEARING SALES as per Arrangement in town. The
undertakes fre •of charge. Peter Simple V4#ntu le ,Vo*__ta-
AGENT FOR— Midshipman Easy A Mountain> IJ*"*-!-*
oldest established firm in New Zealand. C_cenuine Clearing
Kept at Lowest Possible Rates. Matson and Co., Christohurch
Mercantile Finance Company, Chrischuroh
order* receive prompt attention.
Please note the address—Workshops, corner WE ARE GIVING
Sale. The Scottish Chiefs
Tales of the Borders
Hazel, or Ferlt-P"-"
A »i» rf »
CASH ADVANCES Colonial Investment Company, Dunedin
National Mortgage Company, Christchurch
North and East Belts, or Office, 133 Colombo
street, opposite Al Hotel. 1358 BANKRUPT STOCK
Tales of
the Cove- Ben-Hur:
Christ Progre*-**° _,a
MADE FREE OF COMMISSION AND Boorh, Maciionald and Co., Christohurch Prince House of Pil-rinwl
Holy Wa
Murton and White's Sheep Dip OF David

On Produce Shipped,and Free of Commission Buckeye Reaper FUNERAL NOTICE. STOCK S almost entirely re-written, now _*_*-_* *■"""
on Produce Stored on Owners' Account. London and Lancashire Insurance Company Issued, price 10s 6d per volume
Graham's Foot Rot Composition
PROPERTIES. D. THOMAS. Aahburton, R. W. WILTERS & Include— A. MILLS, Cioqnets Exposition the Thirty-nine Arttl
(Established 1860),
Well-seasoned Kauri Flooring, T and GLining,
Kauri Architraves, Skirtings, &c
Grant's, The Bible Record of the Creation TEM
- m_-e

PROPERTIES FOR SALE. 43 Victoria street, and 211 Kilmore street. for Every Age, fts _->_~-_<__
What isLife and Wealth without An Explanatoryand Practical
In Canterburyisingopen for inspection by intend-
purchasers. j FO~R SALE, Funerals Furnished in Town
the shortest notice and
and Country on
at most reasonable
White andRed Pine Flooring, T and GLining
Architraves, Skirtings, &c.
Health." tbe New Testament, by W. Dalton, *
Life of' Dr. WheweU, by Mrs
TL» trade auppiied with every re- Is U
Sellers are requestedto forward particulars charges.
for insertion in same.
NS of LAND situated on quisite. WelLselected Doors, Sashes, Casements, &c THOMAS R MORLEY, From Sin to Sa!valion-The PA*&
n P j£Sg&
by &
• A. H. TURNBULL. Secretary-
3 i-ACRE SECTIPapanui,
May's road,
also 26.
Nos. 21, 22 and 23,
4 ACRES South belt, adjoining the Catholic TT
Telephone No. 146. 516
W LARGE SAXES V.D.L. Timber, Palings, and Shingles, Jnat
&C Ac, Sec
the Redemptive Process,

James Mill, a BiosTanby by &s?Jf,,— a*QA

T. QtCUAwm

Grifflthß', The Spiritual Lite, 9th «*»XiirSrtl

Specialist in Consumption, Scrofula, Ulcers,
General Weakness, Private Diseases, The Battle of Unbelief,by Gavin ny ON«g* f*__)
MR H. P. BIRCH. an ACRE, corner Johnston's street.
I ofWillow Bank, with 5-roomed House ; let
Funeral* Furnished at Lowoet Charge* Galvanised Iron, Ridging, and Guttering.
Epilepsy, &c.
Ladies and Children's Diseases orIrregularities.
Brief Exposition of Sorlptnre,
to a good tenant. Town or Country.
A.ND* ADVICE~GRATIS. Fuller's Good Though* in
Times, »»
SAFE, double doors, Phillips and 41 durham street south.
Before Annual Balance. PORTL CEMENT
Local and English Brands. Pember"-. The Great Carpenter, 7s M
1 IRON SAFE, single door, Wbitfleld and
Money lent on allkinds of security, personal Salkeld and ©ons, _
Hours of Consultation—-9 to 11 a.m., 2to 4.
and 7 to 9 p.m. Saturdays, 9 a»m. to 1 p.m.,
2to p.m.. 7to 9 p.--. Sundays, 9to 10,30a.m.,
Life and Work of Mary

or otherwise, deeds, bond warrants, life *-o8 p.m. Westward Ho In™ Locke
(Opposite TattersalTs), policies. Weekly >r monthly payments taken. Cabinetmakers. Upholsterers, and Undertakers, UTLDERS' IRONMONGERY. Hereward the
Colombo road, Sydenham.
CHRISTCHURCH, Bills discounted daily. Address, personally or by letter. 141 St.
U FUNERALS Furnished in thebest style at
lowesr current rates on shortest notice
Banks' Grain Stores).
.Asaph street (opposite
town or country). 3931 The strictest confidence observed. DAIRY FARMINGMStBOOS, ia*«-
FURNITURE, &C., . Lichfleld street. Ohriscchurch. LOWEST RATES Sheldon b Theory,Practice, and
Either by Public Auction or Private Tγ eaty James Lamb, MASON, STRUTHERS trated, 31s 6d
__-■_.-, <-_<_"
Upton s Profltable Top**


Fendalton Bridge—Superior residenceof furnished in town
f^nehe tto
Sketches, price
completely ne,Bt
rooms, with every possible AND CO., Tales and
10 convenience,
gtable, &c with U acres land well laid out,
or country at- most reasonable charges.
\se note the address. SatnrdayJournal. 1883.price is,"•**
orchard and paddock. Armagh street East- 4161
THE following GOODS, levied upon under Superior villa residence, containing 7 rooms,
Distress Warrant, pantry, scullery, and detached outbuildings,
Three doors from Barbadoes street, near East
Writing Papars and EnvelopesiatLow-J
School and Commercial
WILL BE BOLD &c. with { acre land, orchard, &c Shirley—2J


On the Premises, WaikarL
_ ON
acres good land, witn well-built house of 7
rooms and all necessary conveniences, stable
and outbuildings. Le Son's Bay—Superior THE Friends of the
are respectfully
Mr Hugh Wilson
informed that his Funeral SCHOOITBOOKa
1 Black Hone
tw Atl2o'clock. dairy farm of 213 acres, best land in district, will leave his late Residence, 33 Horatio street,
off Antigua street, on Thursday, Bth inst., at W. ROBINSON, FOUNTAIN BARBER,
OnOfiloe S
well watered, situation and frontage un-
1 GreyHorse
1 Bay Colt equalled, fenced all round, and all necessary 2 p.m., for the English Cemetery, Barbadoes a
oT_is Paper.
outbuildings. Sydenham—Nice section, well street. 159
Carrier's Dray situated, with well-built 5-roomsd house ; a J. LAMB, Undertaker, PROFESSIONAL CHIEOPODIST,
Waggon real bargain. Ellesmere —ISO acres land in
virgin state; very easy terms arranged. Good
101 l33 Lichfleld street. WILL FOB-CB
"*"* *
IDray, Harness, &c housee to let, Durham street, Salisbury street,
Woolston, Opawa, and Addington.
FfIHE Friends of the late Mrs Barr are re*
JL spectfully invited to Attend her Funeral,
■s. \°
:-r -n.'ii-i.
O_ ._.ese ~c---: U_L« ON CROPS
Press Company, Ltottea, « hw«
THOS. LYNSKEY, toleave Mountain August,
View, Annat, at 2 pan., on M S-taHFCB-BSX.
fljdapoi, Au»wt7tb,lSßßl H. N. MARTIN, Friday, the Bth of for the
187 Herefordstreet Chambers, Cemetery. 1518

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