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Code of Ethics and Conduct of Pakistan Engineering Council

Code of Ethics:

Code of ethics is a set of dynamic principles derived from Holy Quran which will guide an
engineer to apply his knowledge for the benefit of society. Following code of ethics shall be
incumbent upon member of the PEC to subscribe to it individually and collectively to uphold
the honor of and dignity of Engineering Profession.

From Quran;

Allah commands you to render back your trust to those to whom they are, and that when you
judge between people, you judge with justice. Allah admonishes you with what is excellent.
[AL-NISA 5:58].

And let not hatred of a people incite you not to act equitably, Be just; that is nearer to
observance of duty. [AL-MAIDAH 6:8].

Fulfill the obligations. [AL-MAIDAH 5:1].

And speak straight words. [AL-AZAB 6:70].

Avoid most of suspicion for surely suspicion in some cases is sin; and spy not nor let some of
you backbite others. And follow not that of which thou hast no knowledge. Surely the hearing
and sight and heart, of all these it will be asked. [BANI ISRAEL 4:36].

And help one another in righteousness and piety, and help not one another in sin and
aggression, and keep your duty to God. [AL-MADIAH 5:2].

And whose affairs are decided by counsel among themselves. [AL-SHURA 5:38].

Code of Conduct:

A code of conduct is set of parameters or principles upon which a society or population of a

profession must set their goals and follow the basics rules. The followers of the code of
conduct of PEC must be honest, devoted, sympathetic, hardworking, skillful, reliable and
well wishers of the organizations and fellow persons. A perfectional in PEC must utilize the
human and material resources for maximum achievement without any fear and pressure and
for no personal gains at any cost in any situation of stress and strain. He must not mislead any
fellow or senior or junior employee or costumer.

He must not use the unprofessional, unethical conduct or authority to gain for individual or to
compromise on the health, safety, dignity and performances of single one or whole
community. A professional must use all positive energies in his approach in black in white,
practice or assignments in dealing with all around. A member must not indulge himself in any
financial deal or contract signing with bribe or favor in any form.

A member must not cheat/ deceive fellow engineers in getting employment, contract, position
or promotion, reputation in or out of the organization at any cost. A member must take care
of honestly the data and documents of the client as he is being trusted upon and he must
follow the rule of copyright and patent laws.

He always should guide and lead the fellows and subordinates according to the laws to
motivate and encourage them but not for his own gaining. He must be a true representative of
PEC if he is performing in abroad.

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