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BSBHRM602: Manage human resources strategic planning

Formative assessments

Activity 1.
Research planning requirements

To develop, implement and maintain a strategic approach to managing human resources in an

organisation, it is essential to undertake research. Research and the analysis of information
will contribute to planning and to the identification of achievable objectives and targets.

Document the processes and steps involved in researching the ongoing HR requirements for
the organisation for which you work. If you are not currently working address the question
from the point of a generic organisation.

Answer these questions:

1. What research would you undertake and what sources of data would you access? Give
detailed responses.
2. How would that data be analysed and how would it contribute to strategic planning
procedures for the HR function in the organisation? Give examples.

An organisation should do research to assist planning in order to create, execute, and

sustain a strategic approach to Human Resources Management. The study should include
both internal and external elements, and the data should be analysed to determine the
organization's Human Resource planning needs.
In addition. this should align with the organisation’s strategic plan to integrate decisions
about the future into people management strategies and systems. The HR staff, involved in
strategic planning should ensure that there are strategies in place to enable them to draw on,
now and in the future, current knowledge, regarding social, economic, legislative and
technological trends that impact on human resources in the industry section. It will involve
assessing the current HR capacity and its function, forecasting HR needs. Moreover,
conducting a suitable gap analysis- where are we now? Where do we want to be? What is the

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not satisfactory
BSBHRM602: Manage human resources strategic planning
difference between now and then?. And using the data generated for the analysis to formulate
ideas and plans.
On the other hand, assessment of human resource needs will involve gathering, collating
and analysing data relating to staff numbers, staff qualifications/participation in training,
accumulated skills, knowledge relating to process, procedures and business/organisational
requirements, staff satisfaction, required skills-training needs for current purposes,
absenteeism and attrition/staff turnover, training needs for future/forecast requirements,
current held roles and responsibilities. In addition, future/forecast role and responsibility
requirements, wages costs/budgets-current and projected, grades or classifications of
employees, and hours worked/overtime hours. Furthermore, external influences will affect
the way an organisation conducts its business and will affect workforce planning.
Organisation needs to go further than analysing the previous or current strategic and
operational plans. There’s a need to conduct forecasting activities that identify the trends that
will impact on business, its staffing needs and its strategic goals. This indicates pre-emptive
rather than reactive planning. Both local and global trends should be examined. Even if the
organisation is not a global marketer it is still possible for overseas trends to impact on their
activities. Organisations that do not keep abreast of market trends and new introductions are
likely to suffer significant downturns in business, reduced profits and an unsustainable
business. Looking to the future HR of the organisation should consider population trends,
geographic trends, social and economic trends. Moreover, data about these trends can be
gathered from a numbers of sources for example the Australian Bureau Statistic which offers
research results on a wide range of economic and social matters. ABS statistics can generally
be accessed via internet and no cost. Industry groups, peak industry bodies and trade unions
can provide information about labour issues-current and projected in specific industries can
provide information about projected changes and trends in different industry sectors and this
data can assist organisations with longer term HR strategic development.

Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/

not satisfactory
BSBHRM602: Manage human resources strategic planning

Activity 2
Develop human resources strategic plan

Explain in 2,000 words, how you would develop, for your organisation, a suitable human
resources strategic plan and what data you would use when developing the plan. Consider
strategic targets and the goals of the organisation.

In the paper:
1. Describe the organisation and its core business.
2. Explain:
a. Whether the plan will simply extend the current HR operations into the future or
whether it will be necessary to make charge?
b. Whether it will be necessary to conduct a cost-benefit analysis and to develop risk
management and contingency plans?
c. Who you would submit the plan to for ratification/authorisation?
d. Who you would collaborate and consult with?

If you are not working your response can be based around a generic or fictitious organisation.

WOK restaurant, a Chinese restaurant and its core business is to provide authentic
and innovative Chines food to be served to the people. The strategic plan would be to
develop more innovative and modern Chinese cuisine and to expand its market which
means that there is a need to train the staff and hire more staff such as social media
manager/marketing specialist that will help promote the product online and expand its
market. In addition, when developing innovative and modern variety of Chinese cuisine
there is a need to train the chefs and conduct research for them to be able to cope up with
the social, economic, population, etc. trends.
Human resources may be better aligned with business strategy with the aid of a
Strategic HR Plan. It's a crucial planning document that builds on the strategic business
plan's company purpose, vision, values, and goals. It explains how the HR function will
contribute to the organization's goals and strategy while also ensuring that HR planning

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not satisfactory
BSBHRM602: Manage human resources strategic planning
and practices are consistent. To be able to develop an ideal strategic plan I should lay out
how the gaps between current and future skills will be bridged, allowing organizations to
achieve their objectives more efficiently. Moreover, I must identify the future HR Needs
which is to hire and train people. These are the HR gaps identified and that needs to be
address. The skills that needs to be deliver is that the staff should be able to adapt and
accept the current research proposal in developing innovative and modern Chinese
cuisine. It is within the capability of the HR since it will only need to hire people for
marketing and needs trainings and seminars for the current employees to meet the
identified gaps. Furthermore, for me to be able to do this I must share it to the owner and
managers since they are the sole authority for approving the plan.
Apart from identifying the gap and objectives, it is necessary to conduct a cost-
benefit analysis and to develop risk management and contingency plans. It is for me to be
able to identify the potential risks and finding ways to minimise the impacts. Besides, it is
also important to conduct a cost benefit analysis because it will sum the potential rewards
expected from a situation or action and then subtracts the total costs associated with
taking that action. Apart from this, there must be a contingency plan that will assess the
risks and that it will prepare us for the unknown such as staff shortage due to illnesses or
accidents, resignations, disputes, etc.
On the other hand, it's also crucial to keep track of the Strategic HR Plan I'm
working on and share any achievements or changes to my team. At the absolute least, I
should evaluate the plan once a year to ensure that the goals on which it is based are still
correct and make any necessary modifications. Creating a thorough Strategic HR Plan is a
critical investment in assisting the firm in achieving its objectives. A Strategic HR Plan
integrates our company's mission with our business plan, ensuring that we have the
resources to execute strategy as we work toward our objectives.

Activity 3
Implement human resources strategic plan
Write a report of approximately 2,000 words that describes how you would implement a new
human resources strategic plan.

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not satisfactory
BSBHRM602: Manage human resources strategic planning
How would you communicate the plan to others and how would you generate support
for implementation of the plan?

Describe the procedures you would follow to monitor and review performance against
the overall plan objectives.

Explain why this is necessary and what monitoring and evaluation will achieve.

To implement a new human resources strategic plan I must work with others,
monitor and review the plan, adapt plan should circumstances change, and evaluate
and review performance against plan objectives. To implement the new strategic plan
I must align the HR needs with the business’ practices. This is the most important
component of a strong HR strategy, and it may require managerial assistance. I'll have
to strike a balance between our company's demands and employee happiness.
Unfortunately, many HR departments have the most friction in this area. Human
resource professionals are in charge of ensuring that the company complies with state
and federal legislation, as well as maintaining the status quo in the workplace.
On the other hand, to communicate the plan to others by written documents,
meetings, emails, etc. To generate support, I will ask permission from the senior
management. Also, I will inform all employees in the organisation about the plan and
its requirements. The staff needs to know how the plan aligns with the organisation’s
vision and overall strategic plan. In addition, what changes will be made now and in
the future, what support staff will receive with regard to adapting to changes; what
HR management policies, practices and activities will support the strategic plan.
Moreover, whether the changes in HR management procedures will impact directly on
them, and what impacts might be. Who will lead the implementation process and what
will be involved, what individual workers can to contribute to smooth
implementation. Plus, the benefits of the HR plan to the staff, management and the
organisation as well as whether they will be involved in monitoring and evaluation
procedures and how they can provide feedback.
Moreover, the procedures I would follow to monitor and review
performance against the overall plan objectives are the following: first and foremost is

Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/

not satisfactory
BSBHRM602: Manage human resources strategic planning
to observe. Observation entails having a methodical approach to seeing the employee
'in action.' The idea is that the plans will be used to track certain behaviors that are
referred to as performance goals. For example, if the manager has decided that
contributing to team meetings is one of the performance criteria for teamwork, then
those are the precise behaviours to watch. It's about the manager, such as looking at
the agreed-upon performance targets for behavioural aspects of the work. As well as
making plans for how to watch certain behaviours, such as paying close attention to a
staff member's behaviour during the next team meeting. Then, a report back is when a
member of staff reports on their performance to the management. This is a very
helpful approach in which the employee is accountable for evidencing' their
performance versus the goals set by the boss. If the manager had an agreed-upon
performance target for efficient time management, which included taking action to
manage disruptions, it would be an excellent example. The employee would then
simply report to the boss with instances of times when they have taken action to deal
with disruptions. Next is feedback. When a management receives feedback on a staff
member's performance, it is referred to as feedback. Customers, suppliers, team
members, and other departments might all contribute.  It's critical that managers
exclusively search for input in the following areas as agreed upon by the management
and the employee and as stated in the performance goal.
Thus, it is necessary to monitor, review, and evaluate as to determine whether
the plan is achieving the desired results. If review procedure show that the strategic
plan is not working as intended or that the strategies are not actually contributing to
the identified objectives, it will be necessary to develop new strategies or to make
adjustments. Also, appropriate consultation should take place to ensure that the
adjustments are necessary and are likely to achieve what is intended.

Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/

not satisfactory
BSBHRM602: Manage human resources strategic planning
Summative assessment

Question 1.
What are the common human resources practices and functions in a business organisation?
List and describe at least 16
1. Recruitment and selection- Implementing flexible work schedules, providing
employees with telecommuting options and training supervisors to spot signs of
workplace stress suggests the organizational culture supports employees achieving
work-life balance.
2. Achieving work-life balance- Implementing flexible work schedules, providing
employees with telecommuting options and training supervisors to spot signs of
workplace stress suggests the organizational culture supports employees achieving
work-life balance.
3. Training and development- Training and development are HR management
functions that include new-employee orientation, job skills training, leadership
training and professional development. These activities improve employees' job
skills in their current positions and equip them with skills and expertise for cross-
functional work that can increase their value to the organization.
4. Compensation and benefits- Compensation and benefits often are viewed together,
presenting a comprehensive view of how employers reward their employees.
5. Equal Employment- Recruitment and selection methods are subject to equal
employment opportunity policies
6. Drug-free workplace- A drug-free workplace policy has become the standard for
ensuring the safety of the company's employees, customers and suppliers. The use
of illegal drugs is strictly prohibited because impairment can cause workplace
accidents and endanger the well-being of the employee and his co-workers.
7. Paid time off- Policies on how employees accrue vacation and sick time are
essential to maintaining accountability for attendance and for benefits
administration, such as leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act provisions.
8. Workplace Flexibility-HR policies concerning flexible work schedules and
telecommuting vary from one company to another, depending on the type of work,
employee tenure and technology available for modifying working conditions. In

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not satisfactory
BSBHRM602: Manage human resources strategic planning
addition, HR works with department managers to determine whether flexible
scheduling meets their staffing needs and how to sustain or increase productivity
by providing alternative work arrangements for employees.
9. HR Activities in a Staffing Model- A staffing model includes similar components,
which may be called different names, but include an employee’s path through an
organization. These activities are recruitment and selection, staff orientation, staff
development, performance management and separation. Employers use these
activities to ensure employees will succeed in their positions and that the lengths
of position vacancies are minimized.
10. A Staffing Model’s Effectiveness- The effectiveness of a staffing model requires
effective human resources employees and managers who can manage human
capital. They need to have the knowledge and abilities to perform oversight
functions of assigned workers so that they can successfully plan and execute their
technical functions.
11. Company values- Supervisors and managers who work for successful, well-
respected organizations are inclined to demonstrate pride and commitment to their
official positions, as well as in their unofficial capacity as ambassadors of the
organization. Demonstrating principles that are congruent with the organization's
core values are the signs of effective business leaders.
12. Selecting and Administering Benefits- Some companies offer health insurance,
life insurance, disability coverage, tuition reimbursement, flexible spending
accounts and other benefits in order to attract and keep employees.
13. Skills and Monitoring and Training- Training helps employees learn new
information, reinforce existing knowledge and learn additional skills. The training
department coordinates new employee orientation, which helps new hires grow
accustomed to the policies and practices of the company. Existing employees also
benefit from the training function in the form of seminars, workshops and
presentations designed to reinforce existing skills and teach new skills.
14. Legal and Regulatory Compliance- Human resources professionals must abide by
state and federal employment laws.
15. On-going Performance Management- HRM practices help employees and
managers improve the effectiveness of an organization. This involves setting work

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not satisfactory
BSBHRM602: Manage human resources strategic planning
expectations, monitoring employee performance, helping employees improve their
performance, appraising performance and rewarding good performance.
16. Advancement- Human resources managers can advance to a consultant position
working independently with companies to develop a benefits package, hire new
workers and create a training program. Human resources employees can obtain
certification to advance in their careers.
Question 2.
Make a list of 10 legislative, regulatory and industrial requirements that can be applied in the
context of human resource management.
1. Fair Work Act 2009
2. Fair Work Commission Rules 2013
3. Sex Discrimination and Fair Work Amendment Act 2021
4. State And Federal Anti-Discrimination Laws
5. Work Health And Safety Act 2011
6. Disability Discrimination Act 1992
7. Public Sector Management Act 1994
8. Privacy Act
9. Superannuation Guarantee Act
10. Workplace Relations Act

Question 3

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not satisfactory
BSBHRM602: Manage human resources strategic planning
HR personnel need to be aware of the labour market options/ common options for sourcing
labour supply. In 300-350 words explain what this means and what labour options might be
available or required. You might, for example, consider full-and part-time employment,
contractors, offshore or off-site workers etc.
HR personnel should be aware of labor market options and common options for
sourcing labor supply in order to make informed recruitment decisions that support the
organization's strategies and objectives; the right number of people with the necessary skills
and experience in the right positions to ensure the organization's long-term viability. The
labor market, often known as the job market, is defined as the supply and demand for labor,
as well as the availability of both employees and employers. The labor market might be
internal, with personnel obtained from within the company, or external, with people supplied
from outside the company.

Question 4
Technological advances are constant. All organisations, regardless of size or of core business,
will utilise some form of technology. How is technological development likely to impact on
the HR function in a business? Consider this and discuss it in a short essay format of
approximately 500 words.
Technology development is a key part of the business's innovation process, and it
might involve gained knowledge. All actions in the context may have some technical
substance, which leads to increased technological progress. HR staff and company executives
have more authority to analyse what is and isn't working now that there are more user-
friendly technological tools on the market. In addition, the influence of technology on HR
may be seen not just in how executives make labour choices, but also in how HR functions.
Workflows are provided by businesses like Workday and SAP Success Factors, for example.
Businesses that would otherwise spend time and money experimenting with new methods to
develop procedures would instead operate inside the technology's processes. Moreover, the
impact of technology on HR may also be seen in how companies manage their bureaucratic
monsters.HR technology has automated some of the time-consuming paperwork, allowing
HR professionals to focus on more strategic tasks. HR technology may give workers with
smartphone access to benefits, payroll, retirement accounts, and learning tools, in addition to
streamlining internal procedures. However, technology's influence on HR can be a double-

Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/

not satisfactory
BSBHRM602: Manage human resources strategic planning
edged sword. Systems that make life simpler for certain employers may make it more
difficult for others to do their jobs. For example, depending on who you're talking to, the
widespread usage of application tracking systems is either a benefit or a problem. On one
hand, the systems automate much of the recruiting process. On the other hand, an applicant
tracking system (ATS) might allow unqualified individuals to overwhelm organizations with
applications with little effort and no repercussions. Recruiters are forced to spend more time
filtering out applicants who should never have passed the initial screening, leaving less time
to build connections with prospects who show actual potential. HR professionals now have
more data at their hands than ever before, as well as more tools to use that data. According to
John Sumser, principal analyst of San Francisco-based consulting firm HRExaminer, HR is
on the verge of becoming a systems science, with one of the primary impacts of technology
on HR being a significant expansion of the function's role. Thus, HR is evolving in both
positive and bad ways, and keeping up with these changes may be difficult or easy.

Question 5
What is strategic planning; what are the basic requirements of strategic plan; what is it
intended to achieve and why is it necessary?

Organizations utilize strategic planning to establish their objectives, the methods

required to achieve those objectives, and the internal performance management system that
will be used to track and assess progress. To uncover the fundamental causes driving their
present performance, most businesses conduct a SWOT or gap analysis. As a result, the
selection of the most high-leverage change methods is informed. The strategic planning
process concludes with the creation of a strategic plan document that acts as the
organization's overall road map. While every company is different, each strategic plan must
incorporate the following elements. First, the document's setting is defined by clear mission
and vision statements. There should also be defined timeframes for implementing the strategy
and tracking success.
Quarterly goals or benchmarks that will help you stay on track to meet your annual

Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/

not satisfactory
BSBHRM602: Manage human resources strategic planning
Identification of data sources used to measure progress, as well as the people and/or
offices in charge of each approach.

This project will enable you to demonstrate skill and underpinning knowledge- performance
evidence and knowledge evidence- and produce end products suitable for use in the work

Develop a strategic plan human resources plan which includes relevant research and data and
demonstrates clear alignment with broader business objectives.

In addition to the plan, document, in 500-800 words, how the human resources strategic plan
will be implemented and reviewed.

The human resources strategic plan should include information that relates to the human
resources practices and functions, labour market options for sourcing labour supply and the
technology that has and may impact on job roles.

If you are not currently working you might develop a scenario for a generic or fictitious
business. Describe the business and what it does then address the assessment project
questions. The business could be a private or a not-for-profit organisations.

HR strategic plan must be monitored to ensure that it is meeting the requirements of the

Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/

not satisfactory
BSBHRM602: Manage human resources strategic planning


WOK Restaurant’s Human Resources Strategic Plan

A Human Resource strategic plan should executed. WOK Chinese Restaurant, a Chinese
restaurant in Gold Coast, Australia, was chosen as the subject of the study. The firm is going
to adopt a new strategic HR strategy, which should be examined and analysed before being
put into effect, due to certain severe operational difficulties in HR management.

1. Company Overview and Description

Built-in 2015, WOK Chinese restaurant is a family-owned restaurant business that serves
authentic and innovative Chinese cuisine.. The company has two stores in Gold Coast. The
company has increased its manufacturing capacity in recent years through hard work and
consistency of the chefs. The company employs about 15 staff members across the 2 retail
stores online operations.

2. Mission Statement

The company’s mission is to provide customers with an outstanding line of Chinese cuisine
dishes while concurrently remaining within the letter of the law regarding the sale of food
and alcohol in the State of Queensland.

3. Aim of the HR Strategic Plan

The aim of the HR strategic plan is to advance flexibility, innovation and competitive
advantage, develop an appropriate organizational culture and improve business performance.

4. Stakeholders Involved in the Planning Process

The owner of the restaurant, its workers and staff members, as well as insurance companies,
is all significant players in the planning process. To make the new HR strategic plan
successful in the context of this corporate organization, each of these stakeholders should be
consulted. The owners are the most important participants in the planning process since they
are in responsibility of putting the new strategic plan into action, which will help them
enhance their business performance. The HR manager, line managers, and other general staff
members are among the workers. The HR manager would create a new strategic plan from

Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/

not satisfactory
BSBHRM602: Manage human resources strategic planning
which the employees would profit in terms of their activities, and the line managers and HR
manager himself would be able to better manage the other employees working under them.
The insurance firms will handle all of the risks associated with the new HR strategy plan,
making them a significant participant.

5. Rationale for the Strategic Plan (Internal and External Business Environment)

Due to difficulties with the internal and external business environment, as well as other legal
and ethical challenges that the firm is now experiencing, the development of a new HR
strategic plan is required. The company's SWOT analysis has been presented in order to
evaluate the need for a new HR strategic plan.

Internal Environment:

Employees and Managers: Due to the high demand for Chinese cuisine, employees are
currently suffering greatly, and managers are unable to lead staff members, resulting in a
large number of dissatisfied customers.

Money and Resources: Although the firm has obtained sufficient cash and financial resources
through the internet platform, the company's use of other resources has been inadequate,
resulting in inefficient Chinese food manufacturing that is unable to meet client expectations.

Restaurant Culture: Because the company lacks a healthy organizational culture that would
inspire people to work hard, they are falling short of their goals.

External Environment:

The Economy: The restaurant business's market economy is pretty good, however the team
has to improve its human resource management in order to earn more income from the

Competition from other businesses: In Australia, competing restaurant businesses are steadily
eroding their market share. As a result, a new HR strategic plan would assist them acquire a
competitive advantage over competitors.
Clients and Suppliers: Customers are pleased with the authenticity and creativity of WOK's
Chinese food, but they are dissatisfied with the restaurant's late service and delivery.
Suppliers of the company's raw materials have additional outlets for selling their wares,
giving them a strong negotiating position. To address these challenges, a strategic strategy is

Legal and Ethical Issues in HR:

The ethical issues faced by the current HR plan are:

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not satisfactory
BSBHRM602: Manage human resources strategic planning
 Employment Issues
 Cash and Incentive Plans
 Employee Discrimination
 Performance Appraisal
 Safety and Health
 Restructuring and Layoffs

The legal issues faced by the current HR plan are:

 Verification
 Special Company Strategies
 Workplace Policies on Different Health Issues
 Labour Rights and Implications
 Tax Laws of Organization
 Laws of the Organization

SWOT Analysis:
Strengths Weaknesses
 Good location  The company lacks a proper organizational  
 Fresh ingredients culture to motivate its employees to work
 Quick Service efficiently.
 Affordable  The company also lacks any training
 Customers continually rave program   for improving the skills of the
about our homemade pork bun new and current staff members
and yum cha
 Strong values and ethical
mission statement
Opportunities Threats
 Expansion  Too many similar restaurants/ too many
 New Menu competition within our block
 Availability of servers/staff  Rising costs of produce and other
 Potential for growth with food ingredients
delivery apps
6. Overview of Current Human Resource Functions and Policies
The current human resource functions and policies include the following which needs to be
improved with the new strategic plan.

Hiring and Recruiting: The company does not have a proper hiring and recruiting structure,
which has resulted in the hiring of many employees who are not appropriate for their job

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not satisfactory
BSBHRM602: Manage human resources strategic planning
Training and Development: WOK Restaurant lacks any training and development program to
improve the skill sets of the new and current staff members.

Handling Compensation: The company lacks an electronic payroll and database system to
handle the salaries and compensation of the employees.

Employee Benefits: The health and dental insurance and other such employee benefits are
handled well by the company HR and do not require much modification.

Employee Relations: The managers of WOK Restaurant are unable to build strong bond and
relationship with the employees so that they can be motivated and focused on their jobs.

Legal Responsibilities: The labour and employment laws are pursued properly by the
company management and do not require much modification or improvement.
8. Strategic Operational Details of the HR Strategic Plan
The new strategic HR plan has the following operational details that should be implemented
in the workplace.
New Systems: As part of the new strategic HR strategy, a new service team for the workplace
will be established to assist meet WOK Restaurant's growing expectations.
The restaurant needs a new electronic payroll and database system for HR, which will assist
handle employee wages and compensation more effectively.
Processes: To increase the skill sets of new and present employees, a new training program
must be developed.
Procedures: A new contract with the suppliers is required to verify the pricing of raw
materials, resulting in the production of less expensive and fresh components.
An hour-by-hour examination and evaluation of client numbers and orders to ensure they
have an appropriate number of personnel.
Develop a new employment and recruitment policy to hire qualified and capable people who
can carry out their responsibilities.
A new incentive system policy and an organizational culture of continuous learning have
been implemented to encourage workers to work more effectively, therefore increasing total
business productivity.
9. Labour Requirements and Sourcing of People

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not satisfactory
BSBHRM602: Manage human resources strategic planning
As per the new strategic HR plan, the strategies for labour requirement and sourcing of
people have been described below.
Defining the Job: Rather of depending on a standard work description, it is critical to find the
best applicants by presenting a compelling picture of what the job entails. When a position
offers greater chances for advancement, it is more likely to attract the finest individuals.

Compelling Promoting: Instead of being traditional and dull, it is important to be innovative

while advertising job openings. Providing chances for learning and doing on the job, rather
than stating the skills and years necessary for the position, would also aid in people sourcing.
Networking: Much like looking for a job, finding a candidate is best accomplished through
networking. It is simpler to discover the top applicants for the job who are passionate about it
if the work is intriguing enough.
10. Performance Development Plans
Following five easy stages, performance development plans may be implemented at WOK
Restaurant's workplace. Employees and supervisors will be able to enhance their skill sets
over time if they develop a culture of continuous development. The following are the actions
to take.
 Requesting a self-assessment from other staff members.
 Developing the assessment of the individual’s skill level.
 Assessing the needs of the organization and the department.
 Exploring development opportunities with staff members and managers.
 Recording, analysing and monitoring the progress of the staff member.

11. Key Performance Indicators for HR

Key Performance Indicators or KPIs are strategic metrics that have a direct link with the
organizational strategies. These metrics indicate how much HR is contributing to the rest
of the organization. The KPIs in WOK Restaurant are as follows.

 Absence Rate
 Absence Cost
 Employee Productivity Rate
 Benefits Satisfaction
 Employee Satisfaction Index
 Employee Engagement Index
 Internal Promotion Rate
 Employee Innovation Index
 Net Promoter Score
Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/
not satisfactory
BSBHRM602: Manage human resources strategic planning
 Quality of Hire
 Percentage of Cost of the Workforce
 Turnover Rate
 Involuntary Turnover Rate
 Training Effectiveness
 Voluntary Turnover Rate
 Unwanted Turnover Rate
 Quit Rate
12. Financial Requirements for Implementing HR Strategic Plan
There are certain financial requirements for implementing the HR strategic plan in WOK
Restaurant. HR budgeting is essential to prevent hiring, understand staffing needs, helps
in attracting new talent and reduces employee turnover. The financial requirements are
provided below.

 Complex forecasting on the number of employees

 Employee turnover rates
 Salary data
 Recruitment budget
 New benefits programs
 Training and development
 Payroll costs
 Overtime
 Incentive compensation
 Strategic planning (data/consultants)
 HR databases
 Intranet design and maintenance
13. Technological Requirements for Implementing the Strategy
Similar to financial requirements, there are some technological requirements that are
essential to implement the HR strategic plan. There are six major HR technological tools
that help business operations. They are as follows.

 HRMS (Human Resource Management System)

 Performance Solutions
 Recruiting Software
 Payroll Service
 Benefits Management Platform
 Employee Engagement Tools
14. Monitoring and Evaluation of the HR Plan

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not satisfactory
BSBHRM602: Manage human resources strategic planning
Once the new strategic HR plan is implemented in WOK Restaurant, the next effective
step is to monitor and evaluate the pan consistently to maintain its alignment with
company goals and objectives. The frequency of monitoring and evaluation might depend
on the situation of the business, although a 3-month monitoring gap is ideal. Reporting
the results of monitoring and evaluation helps in tracking any deviation from plan and
modifications can be made as per observations.

15. Conclusion
To summarize, the new strategic HR plan for WOK Restaurant is ideal for the company's
present situation and if properly implemented, can be successful in achieving the
company goals and objectives. The issues and drawbacks of the current HR plan should
be replaced by the new plan to develop an organizational culture and motivated

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Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/

not satisfactory

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