Activity 1.: Formative Assessments

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BSBMGT617: Develop and implement a business plan

Formative assessments

Activity 1.
Research planning requirements

To develop, implement and maintain a strategic approach to managing human resources in an

organisation, it is essential to undertake research. Research and the analysis of information
will contribute to planning and to the identification of achievable objectives and targets.

Document the processes and steps involved in researching the ongoing HR requirements for
the organisation for which you work. If you are not currently working address the question
from the point of a generic organisation.

Answer these questions:

1. What research would you undertake and what sources of data would you access? Give
detailed responses.
2. How would that databe analysed and how would it contribute to strategic planning
procedures for the HR function in the organisation? Give examples.


Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/

not satisfactory
BSBMGT617: Develop and implement a business plan

Activity 2
Develop human resources strategic plan

Explain in 2,000 words, how you would develop, for your organisation, a suitable human
resources strategic plan and what data you would use when developing the plan. Consider
strategic targets and the goals of the organisation.

In the paper:
1. Describe the organisation and its core business.
2. Explain:
a. Whether the plan will simply extend the current HR operations into the future or
whether it will be necessary to make charge?
b. Whether it will be necessary to conduct a cost-benefit analysis and to develop risk
management and contingency plans?
c. Who you would submit the plan to for ratification/authorisation?
d. Who you would collaborate and consult with?

If you are not working your response can be based around a generic or fictitious

Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/

not satisfactory
BSBMGT617: Develop and implement a business plan

3. Describe at least two methods that can be employed to analyse political, economic,
social and technological development in a gllobal context as well as the strenghts and
weaknesses of existing and potential competitors. What tools could be used and why
would these be useful? (The use of PEST and SWOT analyses will be considered in
the summative assessment so select at least teo alternative methods)

4. In some cases a strategic plan might involve consideratons of joint ventures or

working closely with other organsations. If this to be considered appropriate due
diligence must be conducted.

Define due diligence and describe how it can be used to ensure that ventures are
consistent with your organisation’s vision, mission and values.

Activity 3
Write a strategic plan

The CEO of your organisation has asked for a procedural document to be drawn up, outlining
for any participants, the procedures to be followed when writing a strategic plan.

Design, develop and write the procedure.

Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/

not satisfactory
BSBMGT617: Develop and implement a business plan
You will need to consider:
 What information will be needed
 What background research will be conducted
 How the participants will:
- Formulate strategies and objectves for the future
- Allocate roles and responsibilities and accountability
- Assign timelines progress measures against the goals
- Circulate the plan for comment and endorsement
The procedure should be clear and concise but contain is sufficient detail to cover all the
requirements for developing and implementing strategic plans.


Activity 4
Implement strategic plan

You have developed a three year strategic plan for your company. You and four senior
managers met with middle managers to gather ideas and to find out where the personnel in
the organisation is going, and where they think it should go.

You distributed a list of questions to be answered by middle managers and their staff and
provided a number of scenarios for the middle managers and their staff to analyse in terms of
suitability. The resultant information was colected, discussed and used to help inform the
stretegic planning process.

Following the consultation process you and your senior managers worked together to draw up
a strategic plan for the whole organisation. This plan described the organisation’s goals for

Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/

not satisfactory
BSBMGT617: Develop and implement a business plan
the three year period, the objectives that should be attained in roder to achieve the goals, time
frames and the methods to be followed.

You then broke the strategicc plan down into actions, key results areas, responsibilities and
expectations with regard to the various sections or departments within the organisation.

The next step is to actually communicate the plan to ther stuff and to implement it.

In a total of 1,500 words, answer the following questions:

1. How will you go about communicating the plan to staff and why is it necessary to do
2. Who will you need to brief?
3. Will it be necessary to monitor and evaluate the implementation of strategic plan?
4. What methods might be used to evaluate the plan and what th ings would you be
assessing as part of the evaluation process?

Summative assessment 1
Conduct independent research as required.

Question 1.

In each state or territory there is legislation and regulation that affects business operations.
Some of the legislation is general and applies to all businesses, while some will be industry
specific. Codes of practice also apply in most business sectors.

Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/

not satisfactory
BSBMGT617: Develop and implement a business plan
List and describe the application of at least five different forms of legislation that will impact
on business in your state or territory. At least two should be industry specific legislation.
Decribe the relevant industry and the applicable legislation and explain how a code of
practice might impact on interactions with clients/customers/consumers.


Question 2.

What is risk management? Why is it relevant to strategic planning? Give examples of some
of the risk areas that might need to be addressed in a business organisation.

Question 3.
Strategic planning methodologies include political, economic, social and technological
analyses and strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats analyses. Explain what is
involved in a SWOT analysis and a PEST analysis. Produce an example of each, relevant to
the organisation for which you work, or for an organisation for which you previously

Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/

not satisfactory
BSBMGT617: Develop and implement a business plan
The answer to this question will require 300-400 words and a completed PEST and SWOT
analysis should be provided

Question 4.
When developing strategic plans it is necessary to identify internal and external sources of
information relevant to the organisation’s market, competitors, customer base, vision, values
and capabilities. Competitor knowledge is of particular importance.Define competitor
knowledg, explain the procrss for conducting a competitor analysis and explain why this is so
important to the deveopment of strategic plans.

Question 5.
Explain what organisational values are, why they are important and how they are developed.

Summative Assessment 2

You have been asked to head the strategic planning process for your organisation this year.

You must show that you can work with others to develop a strategic plan that will help the
organisation for which you work as it moves towards a profitable future.

Answer all of the questions and draw up and submit, with suitable justifications, a strategic

1. Describe the organisation for which you work and briefly outline its business
If you are not currently working you might develop a strategic plan for a
fictitious business. Describe the business and what it does then address the
assessment project questions. The business could be a private or a non-for-profit
2. Explain why the strategic plan is necessary.

Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/

not satisfactory
BSBMGT617: Develop and implement a business plan
3. With whom will you collaborate and why do you need to collaborate with these
4. What information will you need from senior managemnet, middle management and
teams or individuals within the organisation?
5. How will you keep all of these people informed about what is happening? Why is iit
necessary to do this?
6. What other information will you need and from what sources will it come?
7. What tools will you use to assist with collection and analysis of information- and why
will you use these particular tools?
8. Will it be necessary to seek advice from experts and if so, why? If not, why not?
9. Assess and analyse the organisation’s current vision, its goal and objectives.
Determine how relevant these are to the organisation today and what changes or
variations need to be made to carry the organisation into the futurre. Then document,
record and save the information you require in order to develop the strategic plan.
10. Work with relevant personnel to use the data you have collected in order to develop
an appropriate strategc plan. Document the plan, using, where necessary, graphs,
charts and tables. Your plan should have clearly articulated goals and objectives that
fit with the organisation’s vision. It should have well formulated strategies that
distinctly outline the steps to be taken to achieve the organisation goal and its vision.
The plan will indicate what should be done, who should do it, when it should be done,
how will be resourced, when it should be comleted and what the criteia for measuring
milestones and successes will be.
11. Consider any relevant legislation and summarise it in the context of a strategic plan.
12. To whom will you circulate the plan for comment and feedback?
13. Who needs to endorse the plan?
14. What procedures would you follow to brief others and communicate the plan to
relevant parties?
15. How will you implement the plan and what monitoring and review procedures will
you follow?

Submit to your assessor. Answerrs to the questions, the plan and any background information
that was documented in orf=dert to develop the plan, for example risk assessments, cost
benefit analyses, business analyses, graphs, tables and charts etc.

Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/
not satisfactory
BSBMGT617: Develop and implement a business plan

Alternative assessment
If you are currently employed in this field, to assist with assessment, and if you can verify
that these are entirely you own work, you might submit any of the following:
 Written reports on strategic planning
 A portfolio of evidence showing that you can develop and implement strstegic plans
 Third party workplace reports of on-the-job performance
 Performace review results
 Written reviews relating to strategic plans that you have prepared and implemented
 Documentation reviewing the development and implementaion of strategic plans
 Documented analyses of data for inclusion in strategic plans


Observation Report
The tast listed in the observation report will provide performance evidence.

Observations should occur over a period of time- to be nominated by the RTO.

Performance can be observed in an actual workplace, in a simulated workplace or as a result

of role plays.

Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/

not satisfactory
BSBMGT617: Develop and implement a business plan

Assessor Comments: Satisfactory/

not satisfactory

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