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The New York Times Learning Network My Generation Photo Contest Rubric

Excellent (4) Proficient (3) Developing (2) Beginning (1)

Photograph(s): The image is clear and in
focus, and lighting has been used
effectively. The composition of elements
works to express the artist’s intent. Digital
manipulation and post-processing, if any,
have been kept to a minimum. Photo
shows an originality of vision.

Artist’s State e t: Clearly explains how

the photo(s) relate to the the e of M
Ge eratio . E plores how the react to
adult/media portrayals of teenagers today
and how they make that portrait more
interesting, nuanced, complete or realistic.

Overall Message: The photo(s) a d artist’s

statement work together to show a clear,
interesting, original point of view on the
theme of M Ge eratio .

Rules: Submissions follow all rules and

guidelines stated on the contest page.

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