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APPROVED: ________________________________________ DATE: ___05/17/2006_________________



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PZL-M28 Sky Truck FSB Report


Walter J. Hutchings Date:
Kansas City Aircraft Evaluation Group, MKC-AEG

General Aviation and Commercial Division, AFS-800

Thomas K. Toula Date:
Air Transportation Division, AFS-200

PZL-M28 Sky Truck FSB Report


REVISION RECORD ..............................................................................................................................................4




FSB COMPOSITION...............................................................................................................................................6

APPLICATION OF FSB REPORT........................................................................................................................7

PILOT TYPE RATING DETERMINATION .......................................................................................................7

MASTER COMMON REQUIREMENTS.............................................................................................................8

MASTER DIFFERENCE REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................................9

OPERATOR DIFFERENCE REQUIREMENTS (ODRS) TABLES................................................................10

FSB SPECIFICATIONS FOR TRAINING .........................................................................................................10

FSB SPECIFICATIONS FOR CHECKING .......................................................................................................10

FSB SPECIFICATIONS FOR CURRENCY.......................................................................................................10

FSB SPECIFICATIONS FOR DEVICES AND SIMULATORS ......................................................................11

MISCELLANEOUS ...............................................................................................................................................11

AIRCRAFT REGULATORY COMPLIANCE...................................................................................................11

ALTERNATE MEANS OF COMPLIANCE.......................................................................................................12

APPENDIX 1 - AIRCRAFT REGULATORY COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST .............................................A-1

PZL-M28 Sky Truck FSB Report


Revision No. Section Page No. Date

Original All All 03/09/2006

PZL-M28 Sky Truck FSB Report


The primary purpose of this flight standardization board (FSB) report is to specify FAA master
training, checking and currency requirements applicable to flight crews operating the PZL-M28
Sky Truck airplane. This report can provide guidance to operators, who will be operating the
PZL-M28 under Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) Part 91 and 135, FAA
Principal Operations Inspectors (POIs), Part 142 Training Centers, Part 141 Approved Schools
and other training providers. The content of this FSB report will remain effective unless
amended, superseded, or withdrawn by subsequent FSB determinations.


Relevant acronyms are defined as follows:

14 CFR Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations

AC Advisory Circular
AEG Aircraft Evaluation Group
AFM Airplane Flight Manual
APM Aircrew Program Manager
ATP Airline Transport Pilot
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CHDO Certificate Holding District Office
FSB Flight Standardization Board
FSDO Flight Standards District Office
FTD Flight Training Device
ITT Interturbine Temperature
MKC-AEG Kansas City Aircraft Evaluation Group
NSP National Simulator Program
Ng Gas Generator Speed
POI Principal Operations Inspector
PTS Practical Test Standards
PZL Polskie Zaklady Lotnicze
V1 Takeoff Decision Speed
Vso Stall Speed –Landing Configuration

PZL-M28 Sky Truck FSB Report


Polskie Zaklady Lotnicze (PZL), the manufacturer, originally applied for type certification in
the United States in 1996. The project was delayed for several years, but was reactivated in
2003. Although the PZL-M28 has been operating in other countries, it was not type
certificated in the United States until March 19, 2004.

The PZL-M28, also called the M28 Sky Truck, is a twin-engine turboprop airplane certified in
accordance with 14 CFR Part 23, in the commuter category. It is listed on FAA Type
Certificate Data Sheet Number A56CE as Model PZL M28 05.

The aircraft is an all-metal, high wing, monoplane with a double fin empennage and fixed
tricycle landing gear. It is equipped with flaps, slats and spoilers to give it an excellent short
field capability. The aircraft is powered by two Pratt & Whitney, PT6A-65B, engines rated at
1,100 shaft horsepower each and two Hartzell, HC-B5MP-3D, five-blade propellers with full
feathering and reverse thrust capability.

The PZL-M28 has a maximum certificated takeoff and landing weight of 16,534 pounds and a
maximum passenger capacity of 19. It can be built in a passenger version, a cargo version or a
mixed version. The aircraft is not pressurized, but may operate to a maximum altitude of
25,000 feet if an oxygen system is installed. The operating ambient temperature range is –85
degrees F to +122 degrees F. Flight into known or forecast icing conditions is prohibited.


The following FAA personnel served on the FSB for the PZL-M28 airplane.

Roman A. Buettner Chairman MKC-AEG

Johnathon A. Vetter Operations Inspector MKC-AEG
Jeffrey T. Weller Operations Inspector AFS-800
Brian A. Hancock Test Pilot Small Airplane Directorate

All FSB members hold Airline Transport Pilot Certificates (ATP) with multiple type ratings.
Ground and flight training was held in Naples, Florida, from January 26 to February 5, 2005.
Ground training was arranged and provided by representatives of PZL, the manufacturer from
Mielec, Poland and Sky Truck U.S., the U.S. distributor for the PZL-M28. All flight training
was conducted in the airplane by Mr. Czeslaw Zywocki, the chief test pilot from PZL.

Board members completed the type rating practical test from February 2-5, 2005, in accordance
with the Airline Transport Pilot and Aircraft Type Rating Practical Test Standards (PTS) for
Airplane, Document No. FAA-S-8081-5D dated February 2001. This method of evaluation
used for an aircraft type entering service in the United States for the first time is referred to as
the T-5 Test by Advisory Circular (AC) 120-53.

PZL-M28 Sky Truck FSB Report

The FSB performed an evaluation of all PTS maneuvers required for an airman to receive an
ATP certificate with a PZL-M28 type rating. The FSB evaluation was completed in the first
production model imported to the United States by the U.S. distributor, N305ST, Serial
Number AJE00305. The FSB completed approximately 30 hours of aircraft operations,
including type rating practical tests, to determine if the PZL-M28 was suitable for operations in
the United States under 14 CFR Parts 91 and 135. Additionally, the FSB evaluated normal,
abnormal, and emergency procedures recommended by PZL in the airplane flight manual

The FSB is responsible for completing evaluations of future changes to the PZL-M28 and
derivative models. Other aircraft changes that the FSB may need to evaluate include, but are
not limited to, engine changes, systems and instrumentation changes, and the installation of
new systems. The FSB will determine the impact of future installations on training, checking
and currency and amend the FSB report as needed.

The airplane used during the FSB was configured as a “Green” aircraft in accordance with
AFM Supplement No. 9.80 for the ferry flight to the United States from Poland. It was
equipped with the King “Silver Crown” series radio/navigation equipment rather than the
standard “Gold Crown” equipment. There was no flight director or autopilot system installed
in the airplane evaluated by the FSB.


The guidelines in this report apply to: Operations Aviation Safety Inspectors, Principal
Operations Inspectors (POIs), Training Center Program Managers (TCPMs), Aircrew Program
Managers (APMs), 14 CFR Part 135 Air Carrier Check Airmen and Instructors, Airline
Transport Pilots instructing in air transportation service, Certificated Flight Instructors,
Aircrew Program Designees, and Training Center Evaluators.


In accordance with 14 CFR Parts 1 and 61, the pilot type rating for the PZL-M28 05 (Sky
Truck) is designated as “PZL-M28”. All maneuvers required by the Airline Transport Pilot
and Aircraft Type Rating Practical Test Standards were performed and evaluated by FSB
members. Airmen who satisfactorily complete the practical test in this aircraft will receive a
PZL-M28 type rating on their airman certificate.

FSB did not conduct a comparison between the PZL-M28 05 and any other PZL models since
this aircraft is the only model presently type certificated in the United States. No credit may be
given for training, checking, or currency between the PZL-M28 and any other variant aircraft
or aircraft built by another manufacturer.

PZL-M28 Sky Truck FSB Report


TAKEOFFS. All takeoffs should be made with power at 91+1% Ng minimum to ensure the
propeller auto feather system operates automatically in the event of an engine failure after V1.
All takeoffs should also be made with a power setting of 91+1% Ng and a flap setting of at
least 5 degrees (normal takeoff flap setting is 15 degrees) in the event of an engine failure after
V1 to ensure the spoilers automatically deploy on the opposite engine wing to counteract
control wheel forces and rolling tendencies.

STEEP TURNS. It is recommended that steep turns are trained and checked at 130 knots or
less depending on the aircraft weight.

STALLS. The PZL-M28 has no unusual stall characteristics and includes an automatic slat
extension system for added stability. The stall speed in the clean configuration is 78 knots and
in the landing configuration is 68 knots. The FSB noted that a minimal power setting should be
used for all stalls depending on aircraft configuration. With no power, the onset of a stall can
occur quickly and recovery can be impeded due to a delay in engine spool-up.

EMERGENCY DESCENTS. It is recommended that emergency descents during training and

checking be done with propeller levers in a range of 1450 to 1700 RPM as listed in the AFM.
The FSB also recommends an emergency descent speed of 180 knots during training rather
than 192 knots as specified in the AFM emergency procedures.


engine shutdown and feathering of the affected propeller, the aircraft should be configured as
follows: flap setting at least 5 degrees; both engines 91+1% Ng; propellers full forward and
airspeed 92 knots. Engine shutdown is initiated by retarding the condition lever to cutoff. This
procedure will ensure that the spoilers will deploy on the good engine side. The airspeed, as
specified in Section 3 of the AFM, should be maintained for the weight/altitude/temperature

The spoilers will automatically retract if the power is reduced below 91% Ng on the operating
engine and the power lever on the inoperative engine is moved to the Idle position. An engine
restart can begin after the interturbine temperature (ITT) on the inoperative engine side is less
than 150 degrees.

SIMULATED ENGINE FAILURES. It is recommended that simulated engine failures prior to

V1 be performed with one power lever at Idle and the propeller control full forward. All
simulated engine failures after V1 can be done with the power lever at Idle and the propeller
control set to the Feather position.

PZL-M28 Sky Truck FSB Report

LANDING MINIMA. The aircraft approach category is normally based on 1.3 times the stall
speed in the landing configuration (Vso) at maximum certificated landing weight. In
accordance with 14 CFR Part 97.3, the PZL-M28 would have an approach speed of 88 knots.
However, PZL and the certificating authority of Poland have determined that the aircraft
approach speed should be as follows:

Straight in approaches – A minimum of 103 knots with flaps at 15 degrees until the
final approach fix for a non-precision approach or glide slope intercept for a precision
approach; then 97 knots with flaps 40 degrees for the final approach segment.

Circling approaches – A minimum of 103 knots with flaps at 15 degrees until the final
Approach Fix or glide slope intercept; then 97 knots with flaps at 40 degrees for the final
approach segment and circling maneuver.

The FSB concurs with PZL. The PZL-M28 will use Category B for both straight in and
circling approaches.

LANDINGS. All approaches to landings should be made at 92 knots with some power until
the aircraft is near the end of its flare to preclude the possibility of a stall prior to landing. With
the propellers forward and flaps at 40 degrees, elevator authority diminishes rapidly without

FLAP OPERATING RANGE. The PZL-M28 has flap extended speed limitations of 116 knots
with flaps at 15 degrees and 108 knots with a flap setting of 40 degrees. These limitations can
be exceeded very easily in flight.

NO FLAP APPROACHES. Approaches and landings with a 0 degree flap setting are not
waived and should be trained and evaluated. The ATP and Type Rating PTS require an
evaluation of an approach and landing with flaps at 0 degrees.

SPECIAL EMPHASIS TRAINING. It is recommended that all flight crewmembers receive

training on the operation of the rear entrance door. For aircraft configured for cargo
operations, training should be provided for operation of the cargo hoist and other equipment. If
the aircraft has approval for parachuting operations, training should be provided on system
control, special equipment and normal and emergency procedures. If the aircraft will be
operated on unimproved landing areas, the flight crew should receive additional training
appropriate to that environment.


This section is reserved for future variants of the PZL-M28.

PZL-M28 Sky Truck FSB Report


This section is reserved for future variants of the PZL-M28.


An applicant for a type rating at the ATP certificate level must meet the training requirements
of 14 CFR 61.157 (b) or (c). For the addition of a PZL-M28 type rating to a pilot certificate
other than at the ATP level, an applicant must meet the training requirements of the applicable
sections of 14 CFR 61.63 (d) or (e).

All training is at Level E since there are no approved variants of the PZL-M28 operating in the
United States.


There are no special or unusual requirements connected with the administration of a type rating
practical test to be administered in the PZL-M28.

Satisfactory completion of an ATP practical test in the PZL-M28, or the addition of a PZL-
M28 type rating to an existing ATP certificate, may be simultaneously credited for a
competency check or instrument-proficiency check, as applicable, under 14 CFR Part 135 or
Subpart K of Part 91 for pilots who have completed the air carrier’s or fractional ownership
company’s approved training program.

All checking required by 14 CFR Part 61.58, Subpart K of Part 91 and Part 135 is at Level E
since there are no variants of this make and model operating in the United States. All type
rating checks and pilot proficiency checks required by 14 CFR 61.58 will be administered in
accordance with the ATP and Type Rating Practical Test Standards.


Currency will be maintained or reestablished in accordance with the requirements of 14 CFR

Part 61.55, 61.56, 61.57, or 135.247 as applicable. All currency requirements are also at Level
E, which mandates that currency be accomplished in the PZL-M28 model.

PZL-M28 Sky Truck FSB Report

All requests for the use of training devices or flight simulators in an operator’s training
program, or at a Part 142 approved training center or other training provider should be
addressed to the appropriate FAA Flight Standards District Office (FSDO). Requests for
device or simulator approval should be made through the POI. Guidance is available in AC
120-40B, AC 120-45A and FAA Order 8400.10. POIs should seek additional assistance
through the FAA’s National Simulator Program (NSP) Office.

The training and checking requirements of 14 CFR Part 61, Subpart K of Part 91 and Part 135,
as well as the PTS, allow partial or full credit in approved training devices and flight
simulators. However, at the present time, there are no approved flight simulators or flight
training devices available for the PZL-M28 in the United States.


PROVING TESTS. Proving tests, which may be required by an operator to comply with the
requirements of 14 CFR 135.145, should be conducted in accordance with FAA Order 8400.10,
Volume III, Chapter 9.

FORWARD OBSERVER SEAT. A forward observer seat on or near the flight deck, equipped
with a headset or speaker, is required to be provided for use by the Administrator during
enroute inspections by 14 CFR 135.75 (b) and for the administration of flight tests leading to
pilot certification or operating privileges. The PZL-M28 has a jump seat installed at the front
of the cabin, which folds out and forward and locks into position behind the flight crew.


The aircraft regulatory compliance checklist is of benefit to the FAA Certificate Holding
District Office (CHDO) and assigned principal inspectors because it identifies regulatory and
operational requirements for which compliance has already been demonstrated to the FAA for a
particular type aircraft or variant model.

The FSB completed an evaluation of N305ST, Serial Number AJE00305, to determine

operational compliance with the appropriate sections of 14 CFR Parts 91 and 135. The
attached checklist, Appendix 1, provides the FSB findings.

NOTE: The PZL-M28 model evaluated by the FSB was not equipped in the manner that future
models will be since it was specifically configured for the ferry flight to the United States.
Although the FSB finding may state that equipment was “not installed on the subject aircraft,”
it is, in most cases, available for installation. The FSB recommends that those items of
equipment be checked more closely.

PZL-M28 Sky Truck FSB Report


The FSB chairman should be consulted by the POI when alternate means of compliance, other
than those specified in this report, are proposed. The FAA General Aviation and Commercial
Division, AFS-800, or the FAA Air Transportation Division, AFS-200, must approve alternate
means of compliance. If an alternate means of compliance is sought, operators will be required
to submit a proposed alternate means for approval that provides an equivalent level of safety to
the provisions of AC 120-53 and this FSB report. Analysis, demonstrations, proof of concept
testing, differences documentation, and/or other evidence may be required.


FAR Sub Requirement Compliance Remark FSB Finding

91. 9 (a) Compliance with Flight Manual, The airplane meets the 14CFR Operating limitations are
Markings, and Placard Markings 23.1545 through 23.1567 and included in: Aircraft in compliance.
23.1583 through 23.1589 1. AFM ref No.
regulations. M28/10/2002.
2. Markings and Placard
Markings: AFM Sec. 2.39
91. 9 (b)(1) Availability of Current Airplane The airplane meets the 14CFR Current AFM is furnished
Flight Manual in Aircraft 23.1581 regulations. A current, with each airplane. Actual Copy of original AFM with
approved Airplane Flight Manual and approved revisions of matching Serial No. was on the
and revisions of AFM are AFM are distributed to the aircraft.
distributed to the operator. operator and operator’s
National Authorities with the
service letters. AFM is
placed in special pocket on
frame No 9.
91. 9 (c) Identification of Aircraft in The airplane is identified in Fireproof identification
Accordance with FAR 45 accordance with 14CFR part 45 placard with all information Aircraft in compliance.
regulations. required by FAR 45 is
mounted on the rear,
outside part of fuselage
below horizontal stabilizer.
Appropriate registrations
marks are painted on
aircraft skin according to the
FAR 45 regulations.
91.191 Category II and Category III The required instruments and (14 CFR 91.191 does not
Manual equipment listed in 14CFR 91 App. apply to operations Required instruments and
A are installed in the airplane for conducted by a certificate equipment for Category II and III
Category II operation. holder operating under 14 operations were not installed in
CFR part 121 or 135 - the subject aircraft.
Commuter and on-demand Category II and III Manuals are
operations) an operator responsibility.
FAR Sub Requirement Compliance Remark FSB Finding
91.203 (a) (b) Valid Airworthiness Certificate, The airplane has an appropriate Operator has all required
Flight Permit, Registration and current airworthiness certificates displayed at the Required documents were on the
Certificate. certificate, as required by 14 CFR cockpit entrance. aircraft.
91.203. Operator responsibility.

91.203 (c) Fuel Tanks in the The airplane meets the 14CFR No fuel tanks installed in the
Passenger/Baggage 23.967(d) regulation. Passenger/Baggage No fuel tanks in the passenger or
Compartment Compartment baggage compartment.
Dwg. No. Aircraft in compliance.
28.15.1500.000.000 Issue.1.
Auxiliary fuel tank inside the
fuselage is installed for ferry
flights only. No passengers
and no cargo are allowable
on the board during ferry
91.203 (d) Fuel Venting and Exhaust The airplane meets the 14CFR 34 PZL M28 05 meets the 14
Emissions Requirements as amended through Amendment CFR Part 34 Amdt. 34-3 Aircraft in compliance.
34-3, eff. Feb. 3, 1999 Fuel Venting and Exhaust
Emissions Requirements
(See TCDS No. A56CE,
Certification Basis).
91.205 (a) Powered Civil Aircraft with The airplane may operate in any See AFM Ref. No.
Standard Category U.S. operation described in regulations M28/10/2002, Sec. 2 Aircraft in compliance.
Airworthiness Certificates: 14CFR 91.205 (b) through (f). „Limitations” Kinds of
Instrument and Equipment Operation List.
Requirements: General

91.205 (b) Day VFR The airplane is equipped as See AFM Ref. No.
required in 14CFR 91.205 (b) - M28/10/2002, Sec. 2 Aircraft in compliance.
Visual-flight rules (day). „Limitations”, Kinds of
Operation List.

FAR Sub Requirement Compliance Remark FSB Finding
91.205 (c) Night VFR The airplane is equipped as See AFM Ref. No.
required in 14CFR 91.205 (c) - M28/10/2002, Sec. 2 Aircraft in compliance.
Visual-flight rules (night). „Limitations”, Kinds of
Operation List.

91.205 (d) IFR The airplane is equipped as See AFM Ref. No.
required in 14CFR 91.205 (d) - M28/10/2002, Sec. 2 Aircraft in compliance.
Instrument flight rules. „Limitations”, Kinds of
Operation List.

91.205 (e) Flight at and Above FL240 The airplane is equipped as Max. approved operating
required in 14CFR 91.205 (e) - see altitude is FL250. DME is DME was not installed in the
remark. installed. See AFM Ref. No. subject aircraft.
M28/10/2002, Sec. 2
„Limitations”, Kinds of
Operation List.
91.205 (f) Category II Operations The airplane is equipped as See AFM Ref. No.
required in 14CFR 91.205 (f) - M28/10/2002, Sec. 2 Aircraft was not equipped for
Category II operations. „Limitations”, Kinds of Category II operations.
Operation List and
MMEL Ref. No.
91.205 (g) Category III Operations The airplane is equipped as
required in 14CFR 91.205 (g) - Aircraft was not equipped for
Category III operations (i.e. as Category III operations.
required in 14CFR 91.205 (d))

91.207 (a) (b) Emergency Locator Transmitter The airplane is equipped as For operations in the United
(ELT) required by 14CFR 91.207 (a). States, an approved Aircraft in compliance.
transmitter will be installed.

FAR Sub Requirement Compliance Remark FSB Finding
91.207 (c) (d) Emergency Locator Transmitter The airplane has the approved The aircraft operator is
(ELT) transmitting equipment installed. responsible for batteries and Concur. Operator responsibility.
Batteries and Maintenance ELT maintenance.

91.211 (a) Supplemental Oxygen: General The airplane meets the 14CFR The required minimum flight
23.1441 through 23.1449 crew is provided with and Supplemental oxygen system
regulations (23.1447(b)(2),(d),(e) – uses supplemental oxygen was not installed on aircraft.
not applicable). during flight at altitude up to
25000 ft Operator responsibility to comply
Supplemental oxygen with 14 CFR.
equipment for passengers -
not installed
91.213 Inoperative Instruments and The airplane has an approved See AFM Ref. No
Equipment Minimum Equipment List as M28/10/2002, Sec.2 A master minimum equipment list
required by 14CFR 91.213 Limitations, Kinds of (MMEL) has been developed and
regulations. Operation Equipment List approved for the PZL-M28.

91.215 (a) ATC Transponder and Altitude The airplane transponder and MTS 67A transponder
Reporting Equipment and Use altitude reporting equipment meets equipment installed meets Aircraft in compliance.
the 14CFR 91.215(a) regulations. the performance and
environmental requirements
of TSO-C112.

91.215 (b) (c) Transponder Operation The airplane transponder and See above; the airplane is
(d) altitude reporting equipment meets equipped with automatic Aircraft in compliance.
the 14CFR 91.215(b), (c), (d) pressure altitude reporting Transponder “ON” in flight and
regulations. equipment (KDC 481 Air deviations are an operator
Data Computer) transmitting responsibility.
pressure altitude information
in 100-foot increments.

FAR Sub Requirement Compliance Remark FSB Finding
91.217 (a) Data Correspondence Between The airplane equipment meets the The airplane is equipped
Automatically Reported Pressure 14CFR 91.217(a) regulation. with automatic pressure Operator is responsible for
Altitude Data and the Pilot’s altitude reporting equipment compliance.
Altitude Reference: ATC Directed (KDC 481 Air Data
Deviation Computer)

91.217 (b) Encoded Altitude Accuracy The airplane equipment meets the The airplane is equipped
14CFR 91.217(b) regulation. with automatic pressure Aircraft in compliance.
altitude reporting equipment
(KDC 481 Air Data

91.217 (c) Altimeter-Encoding Equipment The airplane equipment meets the The airplane is equipped
Specifications 14CFR 91.217(c) regulation. with automatic pressure Aircraft in compliance.
altitude reporting equipment
(KDC 481 Air Data

91.221 (a)(b) Traffic Alert and Collision The airplane is not equipped with
Avoidance System (TCAS) traffic alert and collision avoidance Agree, TCAS system not
Equipment and Use system installed on subject aircraft.

91.223 (a) Terrain Awareness and Warning The airplane equipment meets the The airplane is equipped
System (TAWS) 14CFR 91.223(a) regulation. with EGPWS Mk.VI system Not installed on the subject
(TAWS system). aircraft. Only 5 passenger seats
EGPWS meets the were installed. AFM Supplement
requirements for Class A of for EGPWS was available.
TSO C151a.

FAR Sub Requirement Compliance Remark FSB Finding
91.223 (b) Terrain Awareness and Warning The airplane equipment meets the The airplane is equipped
System (TAWS) 14CFR 91.223(b) regulation. with EGPWS Mk.VI system. Not installed on the subject
EGPWS meets the aircraft. Only 5 passenger seats
requirements for Class A were installed. AFM Supplement
TSO C151a. for EGPWS was available.

91.223 (c) AFM Procedures for TAWS The airplane meets the 14CFR See AFM Ref. No.
91.223 (c) regulations. M28/10/2002, Section Agree, there is an EGPWS
„Supplements” - Supplement in the AFM.
Supplement 9.60

91.223 (d) Exceptions to TAWS Exceptions Airplane is designated to

parachute operations (sky It is an operator responsibility to
diving) too. determine if TAWS equipment is

91.409 Inspections The airplane was inspected as The airplane was inspected
required by 14CFR 91.409 for the issuance of an PZL has prepared instructions for
regulations. airworthiness certificate in continued airworthiness and
acc. with 14CFR part 21. maintenance manuals for the
conduct of inspections.

91.411 Altimeter System and Altitude The equipment was tested as The manufacturer of the
Reporting Equipment Tests and required by 14CFR 91.411 airplane conducted the tests Aircraft is in compliance.
Inspections regulations. required by paragraph Operator responsibility.

91.413 ATC Transponder Tests and The equipment was tested as The tests required by
Inspections required by 14CFR 91.413 paragraph 91.413 were Aircraft is in compliance.
regulations. conducted by the Operator responsibility.
manufacturer of the
airplane; if the transponder
was installed by the

FAR Sub Requirement Compliance Remark FSB Finding
91.503 (a)(1) Flying Equipment and Operating Airplane flashlights meet the
Information: Flashlights 14CFR 91.503(a)(1) regulations. Operator or flight crew

91.503 (a) (2) Cockpit Checklist The Cockpit Checklist is furnished The document „Checklist for
with each airplane as required by airplane M28 „SKYTRUCK” Checklist was available on the
14CFR 91.503(a)(2) regulation. - normal procedures and subject aircraft.
emergency procedures” is Operator responsibility.
furnished with each
91.503 (a) (3) Aeronautical Charts Pertinent aeronautical charts are
(a) (4) accessible for each flight so the Operator or flight crew
14CFR 91.503(a)(3) and (a)(4) are responsibility.

91.503 (a) (5) One Engine Inoperative Climb The airplane documentation See AFM Ref. No.
Performance Data contains information as required by M28/10/2002, Section 5 Performance data is available in
14CFR 91.503(a)(5) regulation. „Performance” the AFM.

91.503 (b) (c) Cockpit Checklist Contents The airplane Cockpit Checklist See „Checklist for airplane
contains information as required by M28 „SKYTRUCK” - normal Checklist in aircraft complies.
14CFR 91.503(b) and (c) procedures and emergency
regulations. procedures”.

91.503 (d) Use of Data by Crew The equipment, charts, and data
are accessible for the pilot in Flight crew responsibility.
command and other members of
the flight crew as required by
14CFR 91.503(d) regulation.

FAR Sub Requirement Compliance Remark FSB Finding
91.507 Equipment Requirement: Over The airplane equipment meets the The airplane is equipped for
the Top, or Night VFR 14CFR 91.507 regulations for over- IFR operations under Installed in the subject aircraft.
Operations the-top or at night VFR operations. 14CFR 91.205(d) and
Landing lights meets landing lights are installed.
14CFR23.1383 regulations.

91.511 Radio Equipment for Overwater The airplane radio equipment See list of airplane operable
Operations meets 14CFR 91.511 regulations equipment. Required equipment is installed
for overwater operations, more in this aircraft.
than 30 minutes flying time

91.513 Emergency Equipment The airplane equipment meets Appropriate First-Aid-Kit and
14CFR23.851 and 23.1561 Fire-Extinguishers are Required equipment is installed
regulations. installed, see Dwg. Nos. in this aircraft.

91.517 Passenger information The airplane signs meet “Fasten Belts, No smoking”,
14CFR91.517 regulations. “EXIT” etc. Lights are Appropriate passenger
installed, see MM Ref. No. information signs are installed.
M28/11/2002, Chapter 33
Lights. Sign switch - on
horizontal control panel, see
AFM Sec. 7
91.519 Passenger Briefing Before each takeoff all passengers Appropriate procedures are
are orally briefed so the14 CFR included in AFM Sec. 4.7. An oral passenger briefing is a
91.519 regulations are met flight crew responsibility.

91.521 Shoulder Harness The airplane equipment meets PZL M28 safety belt and
14CFR91.521 regulations.. shoulder harness restraint A shoulder harness restraint
system meets 14 CFR system is installed at each pilot
23.785 regulations. station.

FAR Sub Requirement Compliance Remark FSB Finding
91.525 Carriage of Cargo Carriage of cargo meets
14CFR23.787 regulations Carriage of cargo is an
operator/flight crew

91.527 Operating in Icing Conditions Operating into known or forecast See AFM Ref. No.
icing conditions is prohibited. M28/10/2002 Sec. 2.23 Flight into icing conditions is
Kinds of Operations. prohibited in the United States.
The airplane is equipped The subject aircraft was not
with icing protection equipped with anti/deicing
(propeller blades, cockpit equipment.
windshields, pressure
probes, engine air intakes)
91.603 Aural Speed Warning Device The airplane equipment meets 14CFR91.601 regulation
14CFR 91.603 regulations. does apply to the transport Not applicable. Required by
category airplane but airplanes certificated under 14
PZL M28 05 airplane is CFR Part 25.
equipped with such device.

91.605 Transport Category Civil Airplane The airplane equipment meets 14CFR91.605 regulation
Weight Limitations 14CFR 91.605 regulations does apply to the transport Not applicable. Required by
category airplanes but airplanes certificated under 14
appropriate data are CFR Part 25.
included in AFM of the PZL
M28 05 airplane.
91.609 Flight Recorders and Cockpit The airplane equipment meets SSFDR Flight Data
Voice Recorders 14CFR91.609 regulations. Recorder and FA 2100 Flight data recorder installed.
Cockpit Voice Recorder are Cockpit voice recorder not
installed. See AFM Ref. No. installed in the subject aircraft.
M28/10/2002, Sec. 9.56 and
9.57 and MM Ref. No.
M28/11/2002, Chapter 31

FAR Sub Requirement Compliance Remark FSB Finding
91.609 (a) Operation with Inactive Flight The 14CFR 91.609(a) are met. See MMEL.
Data Recorder or Cockpit Voice Operator or flight crew
Recorder responsibility.

91.609 (b) Operation by Other than Holder The 14CFR 91.609(b) are met See MMEL.
of Air Carrier or Commercial Operator or flight crew
Certificate responsibility.

91.609 (c) Requirements for Flight Data The airplane equipment meets SSFDR approved flight
Recorder - 10+ passengers 14CFR91.609(c) regulation. recorder is capable of Aircraft complies with
recording the data specified requirement.
in appendix E to 14 CFR91
and retain 50 hours of
aircraft operation.
91.609 (d) FDR Operations The airplane equipment meets The airplane SSFDR
14CFR91.609(d) regulation. operate continuously as Operator or flight crew
required by responsibility.
14CFR91.609(d) regulation.

91.609 (e)(f) Requirement for Cockpit Voice The airplane cockpit voice recorder See AFM Ref. No.
Recorder meets 14CFR23.1457 regulations M28/10/2002, Section 9.56. Not installed on the subject
and may operate as required by aircraft. Five passenger seats
14CFR91.609(e),(f) regulations. installed. AFM Supplement is
available for installation.

91.609 (g) Accident Reporting 14CFR 91.609(g) regulations are Appropriate FDR is installed
met Operator or flight crew

FAR Sub Requirement Compliance Remark FSB Finding
91.613 Materials for Compartment The airplane meets the
Interiors compartment interior requirements The PZL-M28 is a commuter
of 14CFR23.853 regulations. category airplane, which meets
the requirements of 14 CFR
23.853. The subject airplane’s
interior was not complete and
could not be evaluated.
91.1033 (a)(1) Cockpit Checklist 14CFR 91.1033 (a)(1)&(b) For the airplane cockpit
& (b) regulations are met checklist required by Cockpit checklist available.
14CFR91.1033(a)(1) is
submitted and contain the
required by
91.1033 (a)(2) Emergency Cockpit Checklist 14CFR 91.1033 (a)(2)&(c) For the airplane emergency
& (c) regulations are met cockpit checklist required by Cockpit checklist with emergency
14CFR91.1033(a)(2) is procedures available.
submitted and contain the
required by
91.1033 (a)(3) Aeronautical Charts 14CFR 91.1033 (a)(3) regulations Aeronautical charts are
are met accessible to the pilot at the Operator flight crew
pilot station. responsibility.

91.1033 (a)(4) IFR Navigation/Approach Charts 14CFR 91.1033 (a)(4) regulations IFR Navigation/Approach
are met Charts are accessible to the Operator or flight crew
pilot at the pilot station. responsibility.

FAR Sub Requirement Compliance Remark FSB Finding
91.1035 (f) Passenger Briefing Cards 14CFR 91.1035 (f) regulations are Appropriate Passenger
met Briefing Cards are Operator responsibility.
accessible to the each

91.1045 (b)(1) Cockpit Voice Recorder The airplane is equipped with the See AFM Ref. No
cockpit voice recorder, and meets M28/10/2002, Sec. 9.56 Not installed on the subject
14CFR91.1045(b)(1) regulation. aircraft.

91.1045 (b)(2) Flight Recorder The airplane is equipped with the See AFM Ref. No
flight data recorder, and meets M28/10/2002, Sec. 9.57 Aircraft in compliance.
14CFR91.1045(b)(2) regulation.

91.1045 (b)(3) TAWS System The airplane is equipped with the EGPWS (TAWS system)
EGPWS system, and meets meets the requirements for Not installed on the subject
14CFR91.1045(b)(3) regulation. Class A TSO C151a. aircraft. Only 5 passenger seats
See AFM Ref. No were installed. AFM Supplement
M28/10/2002, Sec. 9.90 for EGPWS was available.

91.1045 (b)(4) TCAS System The airplane is not equipped with

the TCAS system TCAS system not installed on
subject aircraft.

91.1045 (b)(5) Airborne Weather Radar Equip. The airplane is equipped with the See AFM Ref. No
RDR 2000 weather radar, and M28/10/2002, Sec. 9.59 This equipment is available, but
meets 14CFR91.1045(b)(5) not installed on the subject
regulation. aircraft.

FAR Sub Requirement Compliance Remark FSB Finding
91.1115 (a) Minimum Equipment List An approved Minimum Equipment See MMEL Ref. No.
List exists for that aircraft, and M28/PRG/Z/1/2004. A MMEL has been developed
meets 14CFR91.1115(a) 14CFR 91.1015(a) and approved for use by
regulation. regulation also apply to operators of the PZL-M28.
program manager, to issue
management specifications
authorizing operations
91.1411 Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance Program complied
Maintenance Program with the 14CFR 91.1413 through Aircraft would qualify to be
91.1443 maintained under a CAMP. This
is an operator decision.

91.App Category II Operations The airplane has the equipment as The required instruments
A required by 14CFR 91.App.A. and equipment listed in Equipment was not installed in
14CFR 91 App. A are the subject aircraft. Other
installed in the airplane, for aircraft may be equipped for
Category II operation. Category II operations.

91.App Operations in the North Atlantic Not applicable. Maximum operating altitude
C (NAT) Minimum Navigation is FL 250. This Appendix does not apply.
Performance Specifications The maximum operating altitude
(MNPS) Airspace of the PZL-M28 is 25,000 feet.

91 App Operations in Reduced Vertical Not applicable. Maximum operating altitude

G Separation (RVSM) Airspace is FL 250. This Appendix does not apply.
The maximum operating altitude
of the PZL-M28 is 25,000 feet.

135. 21 Manual Requirements The airplane manuals (and See AFM Ref. No
changes) meet 14CFR M28/10/2002 and MM Ref. Company manual is an operator
135.21 regulations. No M28/11/2002. They are responsibility.
distributed as required in
14CFR 135.21 regulations.

FAR Sub Requirement Compliance Remark FSB Finding
135.75 (b) Inspector’s Credential: Admission The airplane forward observer’s See Forward Observer
to pilot’s compartment: Forward seat meets 14CFR135.75(b) Seat, Dwg. No A forward observer seat is
observer’s seat. regulation. 28.14.7503.100.000 installed on the aircraft.
(with access to headphones

135.76 (b) DOD Commercial Air Carrier The airplane forward observer’s See Forward Observer
Evaluator’s Credentials: seat meets 14CFR135.76(b) Seat, Dwg. No A forward observer seat is
Admission to Pilots regulation. 28.14.7503.100.000 installed on the aircraft.
Compartment: Forward (with access to headphones
Observer’s Seat socket)

135.83 (a) (1) Cockpit Checklist The appropriate Cockpit Checklist See „Checklist for airplane
& (b) is furnished with each airplane and M28 „SKYTRUCK” - normal A cockpit checklist provided by
meets 14CFR 135.83 (a)(1) & (b) procedures and emergency the manufacturer was available.
regulations. procedures”.

135.83 (a) (2) Emergency Procedures Checklist The appropriate Cockpit Checklist See „Checklist for airplane
& (c) is furnished with each airplane and M28 „SKYTRUCK” - normal A cockpit checklist containing
meets 14CFR 135.83 (a)(2) & (c) procedures and emergency emergency procedures provided
regulations. procedures”. by the manufacturer was

135.83 (a) (3) Aeronautical Charts 14CFR 135.83 (a)(3) regulations Aeronautical charts are
are met accessible to the pilot at the Operator or flight crew
pilot station. responsibility.

135.83 (a) (4) IFR Navigation/Approach Charts 14CFR 135.83 (a)(4) regulations IFR Navigation/Approach
are met Charts are accessible to the Operator or flight crew
pilot at the pilot station. responsibility.

FAR Sub Requirement Compliance Remark FSB Finding
135.83 (a) (5) Multiengine Aircraft One-Engine The airplane documentation See AFM Ref. No.
Climb Data contains information required by14 M28/10/2002, Section 5 The AFM includes multiengine
CFR 135.83 (a) (5) regulation. „Performance” aircraft one-engine climb data.

135.93 Autopilot: Minimum Altitudes for The airplane KFC Digital Flight See AFM Ref. No.
Use Control System meets M28/10/2002, Section 9.32 An autopilot system was not
14CFR135.93 (a) regulation. „KFC 325 Digital Flight installed on the subject aircraft.
Control System” (Minimum An AFM Supplement was
altitude for use is 600 feet) available for this installation.

135.127 Passenger Information The airplane passenger information “Fasten Belts, No smoking”
meets 14CFR135.127 regulations. light is installed. See MM “No Smoking” signs/lights are
Ref. No. M28/11/2002, installed.
Chapter 33 Lights. Sign
switch - on horizontal control
panel, see AFM Sec. 7
135.128 Safety Belts and Child Restraint Actually the airplane is not
Systems equipped with child restraint Safety belts are installed on all
system. seats.
Child restraint systems were not
available. Operator may provide.

135.129 (d) (e) Exit Seating Passenger Operator comply with the Appropriate cards are
Information Cards 14CFR135.129(d)(e) regulations accessible to the each PZL may provide, but operator is
passenger. responsible for passenger
information cards.

135.143 (b) Approved/Operable Instruments The airplane instruments and See MMEL Ref. No.
and Equipment equipment meets 14 CFR 135.143 M28/PRG/Z/1/2004. Equipment and instruments must
(b). be operable except in
accordance with an approved
MEL. Operator responsibility.

FAR Sub Requirement Compliance Remark FSB Finding
135.143 (c) ATC Transponder The airplane transponder meets 14 MTS 67A transponder
CFR 135.143 (c). equipment installed meets Installed on the aircraft.
the performance and
environmental requirements
of TSO-C112.

135.147 Dual Controls Required The airplane is equipped with dual The airplane is equipped
controls, and meets with dual controls of primary Aircraft complies with this
14CFR135.147 regulation flight surfaces - see AFM requirement.
Ref. No M28/10/2002, Sec.7
„Description of the airplane
and its systems”
135.149 (a) Altimeter Adjustable for The airplane equipment meets Sensitive pressure altimeter
Barometric Pressure 14CFR23.1303(b) regulation. Series 5934 (5934AD- Aircraft complies with this
3A.131) is installed. See requirement.
AFM Ref. No M28/10/2002,
Sec.7 „Description of the
airplane and its systems”
135.149 (b) (e) Additional Equipment The airplane equipment meets
14CFR 23.1323(e), 23.1303, Subparagraph (b) is not
23.1305 regulations. applicable to the PZL-M28.
Subparagraph (e) cannot be

135.151 (a) Requirement and Installation of The airplane cockpit voice recorder FA 2100 Cockpit Voice
CVR meets 14CFR23.1457 (a) (1) and Recorder is installed. See Not installed on the subject
(2), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), and (g); AFM Ref. No. M28/10/2002, aircraft. Aircraft had 5 passenger
regulations and may operate as Section 9.56 and MM Ref. seats. AFM Supplement is
required by 14CFR135.151(a) No. M28/11/2002, Ch. 31 available for installation.
135.151 (d) Boom and Mask Microphone The airplane cockpit voice recorder
meets 14CFR23.1457(c)(5) Aircraft not equipped. CVR is

FAR Sub Requirement Compliance Remark FSB Finding
135.151 (e) CVR - Recorded Data The airplane cockpit voice recorder See AFM Ref. No.
meets 14CFR23.1457 regulations M28/10/2002, Section 9.56. Aircraft not equipped. CVR is
and may operate as required by available.
14CFR135.151(e) regulation.

135.152 Flight Recorders The airplane equipment meets SSFDR Flight Data
14CFR135.152 regulations. Recorder is installed. See Flight data recorder was
AFM Ref. No. M28/10/2002, installed.
Sec. 9.57 and MM Ref. No.
M28/11/2002, Ch. 31

135.152 (a) Requirement for FDR The airplane equipment meets SSFDR approved flight
14CFR135.152(a) regulation. recorder is capable of Flight data recorder was
recording the data specified installed.
in appendix B to 14 CFR135
and retain 50 hours of
aircraft operation.
135.152 (c) Operations The airplane equipment meets The airplane SSFDR
14CFR135.152(c) regulation. operate continuously as Equipment complies with this
required by requirement.

135.152 (f) Installation Requirements The airplane SSFDR system SSFDR is installed in
installation meets 14CFR135.152(f) accordance with the 14 CFR Equipment complies with this
23.1459 requirements. requirement.

135.152 (g) Underwater Locator Device The airplane SSFDR meets

14CFR23.1459(d) regulation. Information was not available to
determine compliance.

FAR Sub Requirement Compliance Remark FSB Finding
135.153 (a) Requirement for GPWS The airplane EGPWS Mk.VI The airplane is equipped
system meets 14CFR135.153(a) with an approved ground GPWS equipment was not
regulation. proximity warning system. installed on the subject aircraft.
See AFM, Ref. No. It is required under 14 CFR 135
M28/10/2002, Section 9.60 and is available from PZL.

135.153 (c) Airplane Flight Manual The airplane AFM, Ref. No.
M28/10/2002, Section 9.60 AFM Supplement 9.60,
„EGPWS” meets 14CFR135.153(c) pertaining to an EGPWS system
regulation. is posted in the AFM.

135.154 Terrain Awareness and Warning The airplane EGPWS Mk.VI EGPWS Mk.VI meets the
System system meets 14CFR135.154 requirements for Class A Not installed on the subject
regulations. TSO C151a. The airplane aircraft. Five passenger seats
also includes an approved were installed. AFM Supplement
KMD 540 multifunction for EGPWS was available.
135.155 (a) Fire Extinguishers: Type and The airplane fire extinguishers One TOTAL HAL 1.2 in
Suitability of Agent meet 14CFR23.851 regulations. cockpit and Aircraft in compliance.
one TOTAL HAL 2.5 in
passenger cabin hand fire
extinguishes are installed.

135.155 (b) Fire Extinguisher on Flight Deck The airplane fire extinguisher in
cockpit meets 14CFR23.851(a) Aircraft in compliance.

135.155 (c) Fire Extinguisher in Passenger The airplane fire extinguisher in

Compartment passenger compartment meets Aircraft in compliance.
14CFR23.851(b) regulation.

FAR Sub Requirement Compliance Remark FSB Finding
135.157 (a) Oxygen Equipment The airplane oxygen equipment Oxygen system for flight
Requirements Unpressurized meets 135.157(a) regulation. crewmembers at altitudes System not installed on the
aircraft. above 3000 m (9842 ft) is aircraft.
installed. Max. cruise Aircraft is restricted to 10,000
altitude for airplane feet for passenger operations.
passenger version is 3000
m (see AFM Ref. No.
M28/10/2002, Sec. 2.27)
135.157 (c) Equipment requirement The airplane oxygen equipment Max. approved operating
meets the 14CFR 23.1441 altitude is FL250 - Oxygen system not installed on
regulations. 14CFR135.157(c) not apply. the aircraft. A supplemental
oxygen system is available for
flight crewmembers for use to
25,000 feet.

135.158 (a) Pitot Heat Indicating Systems Airplane pitot heat indication System meets the 14CFR
Requirement and Operation system meets the 23.1323 (e) Amdt 42 and Equipment was installed on the
14CFR135.158(a) regulations. has the appropriate aircraft.
indication light

135.159 (a)- Equipment Requirements: The airplane flight/navigational See Kinds of Operations List
(g) Carrying Passengers under VFR equipment provides for VFR and included to the AFM Ref. Aircraft was equipped with the
at Night or under VFR Over TheIFR flying capability, day and night. No. M28/10/2002 minimum required items of
Top Conditions The airplane installation of equipment.
instruments, electrical supply
system and lights meets the
14CFR 23.1331, 23.1351, 23.1381,
23.1401 regulations.
135.161 Radio and Navigational The airplane radio/navigational See description of particular
Equipment: Aircraft Carrying equipment meets the radio/navigational Aircraft was equipped with the
Passengers Under VFR at Night 14CFR135.161 regulations. equipment, contained in minimum required items of
or under VFR Over The Top AFM Ref. No. 28/10/2002 equipment.
Sec. 9.

FAR Sub Requirement Compliance Remark FSB Finding
135.163 (a) - Equipment Requirements: The airplane has the navigation See Kinds of Operations List
(e)(g) Aircraft Carrying Passengers equipment installed as required by included to the AFM Ref. Aircraft was equipped with the
(h) & Under IFR 14 CFR 135.163 for carrying No. M28/10/2002 minimum required items of
(i) passengers under IFR. The equipment.
airplane installation of instruments,
electrical supply system meets the
14CFR 23.1331, 23.1351
135.165 (a) (b) Radio and Navigational The airplane radio/navigational See MMEL Ref. No.
(c) & Equipment: Extended Overwater equipment meets the M28/PRG/Z/1/2004. Aircraft was equipped with the
(d) or IFR Operations 14CFR135.165(b),(c) & (d) Description of particular minimum required items of
regulations. radio/navigational equipment.
equipment contained in
AFM Ref. No. 28/10/2002
Sec. 9.
135.167 Emergency Equipment: The airplane safety equipment
Extended Overwater Operations meets 14CFR23.1411 and 23.1415 Aircraft was not equipped for
regulations. extended over water operations.
This type of operation is optional
and is an operator responsibility.

135.170 Materials for Compartment The airplane meets the 14CFR135.170 (b) - apply
Interiors compartment interior requirements except for commuter The PZL-M28 is a commuter
set forth in 14CFR23.853 category airplanes. category airplane, which meets
regulations. 14CFR135.170 (c) - apply the requirements of 14 CFR
for transport category 23.853. The subject airplane’s
airplanes. interior was not complete and
could not be evaluated.
135.171 (a) Shoulder Harness Installation at The airplane shoulder harness
Flight Crewmember Stations restraint system at flight Shoulder harness was installed
crewmember stations meets in the aircraft.
14CFR 23.785 regulations.

FAR Sub Requirement Compliance Remark FSB Finding
135.173 (a) Airborne Thunderstorm Detection The airplane is equipped with the See AFM Ref. No
Equipment airborne RDR 2000 weather radar, M28/10/2002, Sec. 9.59 This equipment was not installed
and meets 14CFR135.173(a) in the subject aircraft. It is
regulation. available as optional equipment.
There is an AFM Supplement
135.173 (f) Power Supply The 14CFR135.173(f) regulation The airplane is equipped
applies to airborne thunderstorm with the airborne weather Compliance not determined.
detection equipment supply. radar equipment. RDR 2000
radar is not supply with an
electrical power source.
135.175 (a) Airborne Weather Radar The airplane is equipped with the See AFM Ref. No
Equipment airborne RDR 2000 weather radar, M28/10/2002, Sec. 9.59 This equipment was not installed
and meets 14CFR135.173(a) in the subject aircraft. It is
regulation. available as optional equipment.
There is an AFM Supplement
135.175 (e) Power Supply RDR 2000 weather radar is not
supply with an alternate/emergency Compliance not determined.
electrical power source.

135.179 (a) Inoperable Instruments and The airplane equipment meets An approved Minimum
Equipment 14CFR135.179(a) regulation. Equipment List exists for An approved MMEL had been
that aircraft, see MMEL Ref. developed and approved for the
No. M28/PRG/Z/1/2004. PZL-M28.

135.180 (a) Requirement for an Approved The airplane is not equipped with
TCAS the TCAS system Aircraft was not in compliance.
No TCAS system installed.
10 or more seats.

FAR Sub Requirement Compliance Remark FSB Finding
135.180 (b) Flight Manual Requirements The airplane is not equipped with
the TCAS system Aircraft was not in compliance.
No TCAS system installed.
10 or more seats.

135.181 (a)(2) Performance Requirements: The airplane meets 14CFR23.67 See AFM Ref. No.
Aircraft Operated Over The Top regulations. M28/10/2002, Sec. 5.3 AFM performance data is
or in IFR Conditions Climb performance available.

135.183 (c) Performance Requirements: The airplane meets 14CFR23.67 See AFM Ref. No.
Land Aircraft Operated Over regulations. M28/10/2002, Sec. 5.3 AFM performance data is
Water Climb performance available.

135.185 (a) Empty Weight and Center of Airplane empty weight and center Airplane has current empty
Gravity: Currency Requirement of gravity data are accessible to the weight and center of gravity Subject aircraft was weighed 6
crew so the 14CFR 135.185(a) recorded in airplane log months prior to the FSB. This
requirements are met. book. determination to be made by the
assigned principal inspectors.

135.185 (b) Aircraft Original Airworthiness The airplane weighing form See „M28 empty airplane
Certificate (provide with new airplane) meets weighing form”, AFM Ref. Aircraft in compliance.
14CFR135.185(b) regulation. No. M28/10/2002, Sec. 6 Airworthiness certificate was
„Weight and balance”. issued within preceding 36

135.227 (a),(b) Icing Conditions: Operating Operating into known or forecast See AFM Ref. No.
(c),(e) Limitations icing conditions is prohibited. M28/10/2002 Sec. 2.23 The PZL-M28 is currently not
& (f) Kinds of Operations. approved for flight into icing
The airplane is equipped conditions.
with icing protection Compliance with this regulation
(propeller blades, cockpit is an operator/flight crew
windshields, pressure responsibility.
probes, engine air intakes)
FAR Sub Requirement Compliance Remark FSB Finding
135.398 (a) (b) Commuter Category Airplanes Airplane performance data are Approved AFM meets the
(c) & Performance Operating accessible to the crew so the 14CFR 23.1589, 23.1585 Performance data in the AFM
(d) Limitations 14CFR 135.398(a), (b), (c ), &(d) regulations was reviewed. The manufacturer
requirements are met. made revision to performance
data as recommended by the
135.419 Approved Aircraft Inspection The approved airplane
Program Maintenance Manual, Ref. No. ICA/Maintenance Manuals
M28/11/2002, Chapter 5 „Time submitted by PZL have been
Limits/Maintenance Checks” meets approved.
135.419 regulations. However, maintenance is an
operator responsibility.
135.425 Maintenance, Preventive The approved airplane
Maintenance and Alteration Maintenance Manual, Ref. No. ICA/Maintenance Manuals
Programs M28/11/2002 meets 135.425 submitted by PZL have been
regulations. approved.
However, maintenance is an
operator responsibility.
135.427 (b) Manual for Maintenance, The approved airplane
Preventive Maintenance and Maintenance Manual, Ref. No. ICA/Maintenance Manuals
Alterations M28/11/2002 meets 135.427(b) submitted by PZL have been
regulations. approved.
However, maintenance is an
operator responsibility.


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