HSS Indicators

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Name of the Directorate:

Criteria to seriously consider in selecting and inculding an indicator for the routine health information system:
- Measurability: Should be able to be measured routinely with clear data source
- Specificity: Specifically measures what it intends to measure
- Relevance: In line with global and national priority, should have a clear relationship between the indicator and the progr
- Feasibility: In terms of cost, time and data burden to collect and use data
- Sensitivity to change: The indicator should indicate performance changes over time
- Linked with Objectives and Strategic Directions: Selected indicators should be able to measure the Objectives and Strat
- Validity: The indicator has been field tested to determine whether it is able to measure the intervention or result
- Reliable: It should be consistent over time
- Distinctiveness: An indicator should not be redundant (If captured in another program, it should not be repeated)
- Number: Should not be too many (Few and critical that are use for decison)

S.N Name of indicators

የጤና ባለሙያዎች (ነርስ፤ ሚድዋይፈሪና ሐኪም) ብዛት ከሕዝቡ ጋር ያለ ጥምረታ
በዘጠኝ ክልሎችና በድሬዳዋና በአዲስ አበባ በከተማ፤ በገጠር እና ከተማ ለይቶ
የባለሙያዎች ፍሰት ከ11% ወደ 7% መቀነስ፡፡

3 ጤና ድርጅት ውስጥ ያሉ ባለሙያዎች፤የሙያ ስብጥር የተመጣጠነ ማድረግ

(Health staff skill mix)፡፡
4 በጤና ተቋማት በእስታንዳርዱ መሠረት ባለሙያ ማሟላት (Facility staffed as
per standard)

an indicator for the routine health information system:

ely with clear data source
ould have a clear relationship between the indicator and the program
collect and use data
performance changes over time
ted indicators should be able to measure the Objectives and Strategic directions
ine whether it is able to measure the intervention or result

nt (If captured in another program, it should not be repeated)

at are use for decison)

Numerator/Denominator Status (Maintained, Name of recording

dropped, new, tool from which data
modified) is extracted





PPMED Remark Justification

Rewrite the indicator

For facility level only.. Indicator Attrition rate (Turn over
Parked rate)

????? The idea is clear but not the indicator

Parked If this one is measured then then indicator three is not

Limited profession group

More of a survey data than routine

Supportive supervision


Administrative report
Name of the Directorate: HRDD-CPD team

Criteria to seriously consider in selecting and inculding an indicator for the routine health information system:
- Measurability: Should be able to be measured routinely with clear data source
- Specificity: Specifically measures what it intends to measure
- Relevance: In line with global and national priority, should have a clear relationship between the indicator and the progr
- Feasibility: In terms of cost, time and data burden to collect and use data
- Sensitivity to change: The indicator should indicate performance changes over time
- Linked with Objectives and Strategic Directions: Selected indicators should be able to measure the Objectives and Strat
- Validity: The indicator has been field tested to determine whether it is able to measure the intervention or result
- Reliable: It should be consistent over time
- Distinctiveness: An indicator should not be redundant (If captured in another program, it should not be repeated)
- Number: Should not be too many (Few and critical that are use for decison)

S.N Name of indicators Numerator/Denominator

1 Number of CPD providers N= Number of accredited CPD providers

accrediated D= Eligible government, PAs and private health institution
ne health information system:

ship between the indicator and the program

er time
able to measure the Objectives and Strategic directions
measure the intervention or result

program, it should not be repeated)

Status (Maintained, Justification for Frequency of Reportin Name of recording

dropped, new, selecting the reporting g level tool from which data
modified) indicator (short, few is extracted

Maintained To improve CPD access Monthly National Follow up excel sheet

to HPs

PPMED Remark Justification

Supportive Not accepted This can be an admin report that can be collected at one
supervision point in time. No need to have a recording tool.

As specified, the reference will be supportive supervsion

Name of the Directorate:

Criteria to seriously consider in selecting and inculding an indicator for the routine health information system:
- Measurability: Should be able to be measured routinely with clear data source
- Specificity: Specifically measures what it intends to measure
- Relevance: In line with global and national priority, should have a clear relationship between the indicator and the progr
- Feasibility: In terms of cost, time and data burden to collect and use data
- Sensitivity to change: The indicator should indicate performance changes over time
- Linked with Objectives and Strategic Directions: Selected indicators should be able to measure the Objectives and Strat
- Validity: The indicator has been field tested to determine whether it is able to measure the intervention or result
- Reliable: It should be consistent over time
S.N -Name
of indicatorsAn indicator should not be redundant (If captured in another program, it should not be repeated)
- Number: Should not be too many (Few and critical that are use for decison)

Proportions of health professions
(cadres) included in licensure

Proportions of cadres (health
professions) Which are included in
computerized examination

Proportions of cadres (health
professions) that are being assessed
by both MCQ & OSCE

Proportion of regions using online
registration and licensing system

Percentage of health professionals

Who have renewed professional
5 license
Health Profesionals Competency Assessment and Licensing Directorate

n selecting and inculding an indicator for the routine health information system:
ble to be measured routinely with clear data source
asures what it intends to measure
al and national priority, should have a clear relationship between the indicator and the program
time and data burden to collect and use data
indicator should indicate performance changes over time
Strategic Directions: Selected indicators should be able to measure the Objectives and Strategic directions
een field tested to determine whether it is able to measure the intervention or result
tent over time
or should notNumerator/Denominator
be redundant (If captured in another program, it should not be repeated)
Status (Maintained,
many (Few and critical that are use for decison) dropped, new,

Numerator: Number of health professions (cadres) included
in examination
Denominator: number of health cadres included and
accredited by MOSHE

Numerator: number of cadres assessed by computer based
Denominator: Number of health professionals cadres
included in Licensing examination
Numerator: Number of health cadres which are being assessed
Denominator: number of health professions included in
licensure examination
Numerator: Number of regions implementing online
registration system
Denominator: number of regions in Ethiopia

Numerator: Number of health professionals who have
renewed professional license
Denominator: number of health professionals deployed

gic directions

Justification for selecting the indicator (short, few points) Frequency of reporting

The intiative is new and currently applied only on seven profesional cadres.
So it needs close follow up by minister level b/c the exam should be applied
for all health cadres in ethiopia included by MOSHE

currently, the exam is adminstred based on paper based exam

adminstration that needs high cost in each adminstration schedule. So it is
planned to adminstred online exam using computer to easy adminstration
and to be cost effective Annual

currently, the exam is only MCQ and OSCE is not applied yet. b/c it is annual
planned to adminster OSCE/practical examination which needs serious
follow up and high resource

It it planned to issue licnese using online application that helps to access Annual
and use all profesions in the contry. So ,knowing the status of regions is
important at least annual to support and apply online registration system

All health profesional should have profesional license to work on health Annual
programs. So knowing and following the use of profesional licnse before
deploye helth profesionals at all level
Reporting level Name of recording tool from Reference document
which data is extracted

PPMED Remark
Not accepted

MOH/HAPCALD) adminstrative

Not accepted

MOH/HAPCALD) adminstrative

adminstrative Not accepted


adminstrative Not accepted

Region level


facility level Accepted

Activity based reporting is enough

Activity based reporting is enough

Activity based reporting is enough

Activity based reporting is enough

Knowing the denominator is difficult

Name of the Directorate: Health and Health Realted Institutions Regulatory Directorate

S.No. Name seriously consider in selecting and inculding an indicator for the routine health information system:
- Measurability: Should be able to be measured routinely with clear data source
- Specificity: Specifically measures what it intends to measure
- Relevance: In line with global and national priority, should have a clear relationship between the indicator and the prog
- Feasibility: In terms of cost, time and data burden to collect and use data
- Sensitivity to change: The indicator should indicate performance changes over time
- Linked with Objectives and Strategic Directions: Selected indicators should be able to measure the Objectives and Stra
1 Inspection coverage of healthcare facilities Number health facilities inspected/All health
- Validity: The indicator has been field tested to facilities
determine whether it is able to measure the intervention or result
- Reliable: It should be consistent over time
Distinctiveness: An indicator
of health facilitiesshould
that not be redundant (If captured in another program, it should not be repeated)
Number of health facilities that implement
- Number: Should not be too many
2 implement Ehiopian health facility (Few and critical that are use
Ehiopian health for decison)
facility standard/All health
standard (Green level) facilities

Proportion of licensed public health Number of licensed public health facilities/ All
facilities public health facilities

Inspection coverage of hygiene and

Number of health related facilities
4 environmental health in health-related inspected/All health related facilities

Inspection coverage of hygiene and Number of food and drinking establishments

5 environmental health in food and drinking inspected/All food and drinking
establishments establishments

Proportion of licensed food and drinking Number of licensed food and drinking
6 establishments/ All food and drinking
establishments establishments
tine health information
Status system: Frequency of Reporting Name of recording Reference
e (Maintained, reporting level tool from which data document
dropped, new, is extracted
nship between the indicator and the program
PPMED Remark
ver time
able to measure the Objectives and StrategicHHrIRD/
New Annually Routine report Annual Plan
measure the intervention or result RRBs
program, it should not be repeated)
Maintained Annually Routine report/MFR Annual Plan
New Quarterly Routine report Annual Plan

New Annually Routine report Annual Plan

RRBs Routine report Annual Plan
New Not accepted

Quarterly Routine report Annual Plan
New Not accepted
Measure it by the result
A facility can be inspected
morethan once in a year

Measure it by the result

A facility can be inspected
morethan once in a year

Difficult to determine denominator

Difficult to determine denominator

Frequency of
Level of
Type of data
 N.o Indicator Data Data Source
Indicator collection/An
Prevalence of unsafe food available in
1 the market Outcome EFDA Regulatory survey 2-3 years

Percentage of substandard and falsified

2 Outcome EFDA Regulatory survey 2-3 years
medicine in the market

3 Number of registered medicines output FDA Information System Quarterly

4 Number of registered medical device output FDA Information System Quarterly

Number of registered traditional Regulatory

5 medicines output FDA Quarterly
Information System
Mid- term Target
Baseline Remark
Target 2022 (2024/25)
PPMED Remark Justification

NA 30% 25% Revised

Not accepted Not routine data

8.60% 6.50% 5% Revised

Not accepted Not routine data
I guess both activities are done
4,353 6,473 9,500 New nationally, and probably at one spot.
Accepted Can be an annually reportable data
4,448 7,000 10,050 new

- 4 10 new Data can be made available at any

time T through admin report.
Not accepted
Name of the Directorate:

Criteria to seriously consider in selecting and inculding an indicator for the routine health information system:
- Measurability: Should be able to be measured routinely with clear data source
- Specificity: Specifically measures what it intends to measure
- Relevance: In line with global and national priority, should have a clear relationship between the indicator and the program
- Feasibility: In terms of cost, time and data burden to collect and use data
- Sensitivity to change: The indicator should indicate performance changes over time
- Linked with Objectives and Strategic Directions: Selected indicators should be able to measure the Objectives and Strategic directio
- Validity: The indicator has been field tested to determine whether it is able to measure the intervention or result
- Reliable: It should be consistent over time
- Distinctiveness: An indicator should not be redundant (If captured in another program, it should not be repeated)
- Number: Should not be too many (Few and critical that are use for decison)

S.N Name of indicators Numerator/Denominator

1 Proportion of Policy/Issue briefs and/or Number of publications or policy/issue briefs

Publications used in decision making considered in decision making/ Total number of
publications, policy/issue briefs

2 Number of new/improved tools developed Number of new/improved methods and tools

(devices,dignostics, therapuetics, vaccine, ) developed

3 Number of new/improved technology New technology developed locally or improved

(Diagnostics, Therapeutics, Tools, or technology that is invented else where, adapted and
Vaccines) transferred transferred.

4 Number of publications Number of peer reviewed scientific publications that

are produced by AHRI researchers, other AHRI
affilated researchers and students

Number of graduates Number of post graduate (PhD & MSc ) trainees who
graduated from long term program
h information system:

tween the indicator and the program

measure the Objectives and Strategic directions

e the intervention or result

, it should not be repeated)

Frequency of reporting Reporting level Name of recording tool from Reference

which data is extracted document

Every five year National Assesement report AHRI assesement


every two years National Institional report AHRI institional


every two years National Institional report AHRI institional


Bi annual National Institional report AHRI institional


annually National Institional report AHRI institional

PPMED Remark Justification
Reporting units are neither health
facilities nor WoHO.
Not routine
Not accepted
Reporting units are neither health
facilities nor WoHO.
Not routine
Not accepted
Reporting units are neither health
facilities nor WoHO.
Not routine
Not accepted
Activity based reporting is enough

Not accepted
Activity based reporting is enough

Not accepted
Criteria to seriously consider in selecting and inculding an indicator for the routine health information system:
S.N -Name Should be able to be measured
of indicators routinely with clear data source Status
dropped, new,

1 Composite index Maintained

Health emergencies index/ Security Index

2 (# of Epidemics controlled within the

Percentage of epidemics controlled within standard of mortality / Maintained
the acceptable of mortality
No of epidemics occurred) *100
3 Proportion of public health risks averted (# of averted risks that identified by
identifed by Vlurablity Risk Assesment and VRAM/total # of cases identified by Modified
Mapping VRAM)*100%
4 counting of both Full and limeted scope
Number of laboratories accredited to ISO accreditation (for all tests) by an authorized Maintained
standards (ISO 15189 or 17025) accrediting agency
Number of Production packages
disseminated counting Maintained

6 Number of synthesized evidence-based

information generated and disseminated counting Maintained
for decision making
7 Number of publications produced on peer
reviewed journals from research outputs counting Maintained
(surveillances and surveys)

Number of technologies evaluated and counting Maintained

8 validated ( rapid test kits)

Resiliance index Composite index New

Ethiopian Public Health Institute
HSTP Indicators revision
information system:
Justification for selecting the indicator (short, few points) Frequency of reporting

Composition of 6 catagories,34 indictors and 84 sub indictors this Annualy

indictor will measures the country preparedness for epidemics or

measuer epedemics response controlled under the standard

mortality use as Immediate outcome Measuerment o Public health Annual/ depends on the
Epedemics occurred
Emergency responses

Use as immediate outcome measurment shows the public health

Emergency management system health risk prediction capacity. and Annualy
prevention capacity

Measure country capacity meeting international standard both in

health facilites and Public health laboratory. Increase health care Annualy
service quality.

From nutritional and traditional(indigenous Knowledge different

product packages produced and transfers to industries or producers Annually

Reaserch uptake capacity by policy makers or decision makers two to three years

country capacity in producing Reaserch publication in different

international,continential and national peer reviewed high impact Annualy

health sector capacity in Adopting and transfer health technology for Annually

Measuers public health Emergency management systems awareness,

diversity, versatility, self-regulation, and mobilization, adaption, and 5 years
integration. After ceretain health risk or emergency
Reporting level Name of recording tool from Reference document
which data is extracted

PPMED Remark
Country level, Global health security index tool Global Health Security Index periodic
institutional Assesment report
Not accepted

directorate/institutio After Action review, surveillances After Action review report

nal Data/ DHIS

institutional/directoa After Action review report, Assement

ret DHIS, VRAM document reports
Not accepted

institutional/ ENAO database, EPHI labratory Adminstrative reports, Accreditation

directoaret licensec
Not accepted

directorate Annual report Annual report
Not accepted

institutional/ desk reviews, survey, FGD survey results

Not accepted

directoret Different peer reviewed journal sites Annual report,
Not accepted
institutional/ Technology Evaluation technical Annual report
directorate reports Not accepted

Country level/ resiliance scoring index tool Survey report/ Assesments

Not accepted
Reporting units are neither health facilities nor WoHO.
Not routine

Activity based reporting is enough

Activity based reporting is enough

Not Routine

Same indicaotr with AHRI

Activity based reporting is enough

Activity based reporting is enough

Reporting units are neither health facilities nor WoHO.

Not routine
Name of Directorate:
Criteria to seriously consider in selecting and inculding an indicator for the routine health information system:
- Measurability: Should be able to be measured routinely with clear data source
S.N -Name of indicators
Specificity: Specifically measuresNumerator/Denominator
what it intends to measure
- Relevance: In line with global and national priority, should have a clear relationship between the indicator and the program
- Feasibility: In terms of cost, time and data burden to collect and use data
- Sensitivity to change: The indicator should indicate performance changes over time
- Linked with Objectives and Strategic Directions: Selected indicators should be able to measure the Objectives and Strategic directio
- Validity: The indicator has been field tested to determine whether it is able to measure the intervention or result
1 Reporting
- Reliable: It completeness
should be consistent over time
- Distinctiveness: An indicator should not be redundant (If captured in another program, it should not be repeated)
2 Reporting timeliness
- Number: Should not be too many (Few and critical that are use for decison)

Proportion of health
facilities that conduct LQAS

4 Birth notification coverage

Total birth notified/number of expected live birth in that specific period
Death notification
5 coverage
Total death notified/expected death in that specific period
6 Data Use score
mation system:
Status (Maintained, Justification for Frequency of Reportin
dropped, new,
tor and the program selecting the reporting g level
modified) indicator (short, few
ctives and Strategic directions
n or result


New Strengthening the CRVS Monthly HFs

New Strengthening the CRVS Monthly HFs

Name of recording tool from which Reference
data is extracted document

PPMED Remark

Make sure the data element capture

Delivery registry & HEWs community birth and death notification

Make sure the data element capture

IP, ICU, Emergency registries and HEW community birth and death notification
Level of
Type of
 N.o Indicator Data Data Source

1 Customer satisfaction rate

2 Stakeholder satisfaction rate
3 Cash to cash cycle time(in days)
4 Cost to income ratio
5 Return on asset,%
6 Forecasting accuracy (RDF)
7 Procurement lead time
8 Local suppliers percentage share
9 Supplier fill rate
10 Stocked According to Plan(SAP)
11 On Time and In Full /OTIF/:
12 Inventory turnover rate at EPSA
12 Pharmaceuticals wastage rate (%) at EPSA
Percentage of credit sales collected during the
13 reporting period

14 Fund utilization rate

Percentage of ISO certified processes per entity (hub or
15 Head Office)

16 Number of processes with active risk register

17 Percentage of effective partnerships established
18 Strategic partners' satisfaction rate
19 Percentage of competent  experts in the Agency
20 Staff satisfaction rate
21 Good governance index (GGI)
Percentage of processes supported with  supply chain
22 technologies

23 Percent of system functionality

Number of processes implemented as per the
24 operational research recommendations

25 Percentage of supportive supervision conducted

Frequency of
data Mid- term Target
Baseline Remark
collection/ Target 2022 (2024/25)
Analysis PPMED Remark
Not accepted
Not accepted
Not accepted
Not accepted
Not accepted
Not accepted

Not accepted

Not accepted

Not accepted

Not accepted
Not accepted

Not accepted
Not accepted
Not accepted
Not accepted
Not accepted
Not accepted
Not accepted

Not accepted
Not accepted

Not accepted
Not accepted

From Facility

Name of the Directorate:

Criteria to seriously consider in selecting and inculding an indicator for the routine health information system:
S.N -Name Should be Numerator/Denominator
of indicators able to be measured routinely with clear data source
dropped, new,

1 Percentage of encounters Total number of encounter with one or more New

with an antibiotic antibiotics/Total number of encounter*100

2 Supplier fill rate Number of line item delivered at least 80%/ Maintained
Total number of line item requested*100

3 Wastage rate Unusable stock of products during a period in Maintained

monetary value/ Beginning stoch+ received
stock during the same period in monetary

4 Percentage of medicines Total number of medicines prescribed from New

prescribed from the Health facility medicine list/ Total number of
facility’s medicines list medicine prescribed*100

5 Percentage of client with Number of client who received all prescribed Maintained
100% prescribed drug drug/Total number of client who received
filled prescription*100

6 Patients’ knowledge on Number of patient with adequate knowledge New

correct dosage on correct dosage/Total number of patient

7 Availability of functional Number of functional medical equipment in the Maintained

medical equipment health facility/ Total number of medical
equipment in the health facility from updated
medical equipment inventory list*100

8 Availability of functional
Number of available of functional medical Maintained
medical equipment as per equipment in the health facility/Total number of
the national standards medical equipment per the national standard

9 Essential Drugs Number of tracer drug available/Number of Maintained

Availability tracer drug under review*100
e health information system:
Justification for selecting the indicator (short, few points) Frequency Reporting
of level

• Consistent with international standards Quarterly HC/Hospital

• WHO and International Network for Rational Use of Drugs
(INRUD) - Core medicine use indictors – every country use

All ready included in DHIS2, which made it familiar with facilities Quarterly HC/Hospital
It is the only indicator to measure supplier perfomance at health
facilities level Pharmaceuticals availablity is one of the focus area in
HSTP2 and this indicator helps to measure it

It is one of the indicators to measure national efficiecny regarding Quarterly HC/Hospital

health commodity management
It should be followed at national level as it can lead to high resource
wastage if not propertly monitored

• Consistent with international standards Quarterly HC/Hospital

• WHO and International Network for Rational Use of Drugs
(INRUD) - Core medicine use indictors – every country use

It's a comprehensive measurement of performance of the overall Monthly HC/Hospital

national pharmaceutical Supply chain management and service, the
availability of essential pharmaceuticals in health facilities, and also
used to evaluate the responsiveness of the health facility's service
at large since ultimately patient must get all prescribed medicines to
attain the treatment outcome and ensure rational medicine use.

• Consistent with international standards Quarterly HC/Hospital

• WHO and International Network for Rational Use of Drugs
(INRUD) - Core medicine use indictors – every country use

To prevent interuption of clinical service and to take corrective Annually HC/Hospital


To ensure provision of quality clinical service Annually HC/Hospital

"Availability is the major concern of the hospitals, patients and policy Monthly HC/Hospital
This indicator helps to follow status of the medicines and medical
supplies availability
Without it, it is diificult to know the status of pharmaceuticals
availability at facility level
It is also well known and used for long time, which will help health
facilities to easily capture data as they are familiar with it"
Name of recording tool from Reference document
which data is extracted

Prescription papers, prescription

registration book
Excellent indicator: An assessment or
RRF Report, Receiving voucher
of HF, approved procurements

Bin cards, model-19, inventary

sheet, disposal report, electronic
Both numerator and denominator as data
Dispensing registration book,
Prescription paper

Dispensing registration book,

Prescription paper

Client, label of Medicine


Updated medical equipment


BIN card, Inventory record, List of

standard medical equipment
For maintainance purpose
Bin card, Electronic records and
tracer drug availability sheet
20-30% of the prescription should
have antibiotic encounter

Name of the Directorate:

Criteria to seriously consider in selecting and inculding an indicator for the routine health information system:
- Measurability: Should be able to be measured routinely with clear data source
S.N Name of indicators
- Specificity: Numerator/Denominator
Specifically measures what it intends to measure
- Relevance: In line with global and national priority, should have a clear relationship between the indicator and the program
OPD of cost,
visits bytime and data
Health burden
Total to collect
number and use data
HI beneficiaries visit made to health facilities
Sensitivity to change: The indicator should indicate performance changes over time
- Linked with Objectives and Strategic Directions: Selected indicators should be able to measure the Objectives and Strategic direction
- Validity: The indicator has been field tested to determine whether it is able to measure the intervention or result
- Reliable: It should be consistent over time
- Distinctiveness: An indicator should not be redundant (If captured in another program, it should not be repeated)
- Number: Should not be too many (Few and critical that are use for decison)
2 Percentage of referrals to beneficiaries

3 Average length of stay in days (for IPD) Total length of stay of health insurance beneficiaries (In
days)Total length of stay of health insurance beneficiaries (In

4 Proportion of health facility revenue Revenue of health facility derived from service provision
from CBHI members from the total toCBHI members
health service revenue
Proportion of HHs enrolled in CBHI No. of households enrolled in CBHI

health information system:
Status (Maintained, Justification for selecting the indicator Frequency of Reporting
een the indicator and the new,
program (short, few points) reporting level
Maintained This indicator refers to the number of visit HI Quarterly HF
beneficiaries made to health facilities in a given
asure the Objectives and Strategic directions
year divided by the number of beneficiaries in that
intervention or result particular year

hould not be repeated)

new Patients may be referred to other health Quarterly HFs

facilities for further investigation or different
conditions occurring in the service providing
new facility.
Average length of stay (ALOS)/Bed days: bed- Monthely HFs
day is a day during which a person is confined
to a bed and in which the patient stays
overnight in a hospital. The indicator is the
Maintained This
number indicator tries tovisits
of Inpatient see the
percontribution of Quarterly
eligible person HFs/bebnficiary
health insurance
in the defined in HF’s
time revenue and
reduction of out of pocket payment at point
of health service delivery.
Maintained This indicator measures the proportion of Quarterly Keble
eligible households covered by CBHI schemes. /recording
It is estimated that 80% of the total tools /scheem
catchment households are eligible for CBHI
Name of recording tool from which data Reference document
is extracted PPMED Remark
CBHI/SHI (Sex/Age/P/I diagnosis/type of Claim record/DHIS 2/HFs service
HF/type of visit/HI Programs) utilization recording tools

Accepted as data

Reasons for referral/ medical,(dx) medcine HMIS

stock out, and other/ Age/ Sex Accepted as data
SHI/CBHI/Hospital/HC/ paying/ Non paying FMOH_HMIS
Accepted as data
paying/Non paying HMIS
Accepted as data
Region, Paying/non-pay (Agrarian/ HMIS
Pastoralist/Woreda Scheme /Residence
/Membership type (new, existing, paying,
indigent) /Sex of HH head)

Justification Maintained
Numerator: Disaggregation of OPD and IPD visits
Denominator: CBHI membership enrollement rate (last
OPD attendance per capita dissaggregated by insurance
status Modified
Central Register at MRU??

Numerator: Disaggregation of referral rate indicator

Disaggregation of ALOS and total discharges to include by
health insurance status

Link it with revenue retention indicator from PCD

WoHO Cumulative
HCF data elements proposed for DHIS2
S.N Key data elements Source Frequency
1 Total health budget allocated to the health facility in the fiscal year  1
1.1 Government treasury Health facility Annually

1.2 AID Health facility Annually

1.3 Internal revenue Health facility Annually

2 Total amount of health facility budgets collected from retained revenue

2.1 Sales of Medicines and Medical Supplies Health facility Six month
2.2 Other medical examinations and Treatments Health facility Six month
2.3 Others non medical services Health facility Six month
3 Total amount of budget utilized Health facility Six month
3.1 Total amount of budget utilized from revenue retention
3.2 Total amount of budget utilized from Gov't

Regional and woreda Finance, RHB, WoHo

4 Total number of fee waived beneficaries in the fisical year Six month
5 Total visit by fee waiver beneficiaries Health facility

Regional and woreda Finance, RHB, WoHo

6 Total amount of budget allocated for fee waived (indengent) beneficarites Six month

Total amount of money reimbursed to the health facilities for fee waived Regional and woreda Finance, RHB, WoHo
7 (indengent) beneficaries Six month

8 Total amount of money spent for exempted health services

9 Amount of budget allocated for exempted health services
Total amount of money reimbursed to the health facilities for exempted
10 health services
11 Number of Health facilities outsourced at least one non-clinical service Health facility Annually
12 Number of hospitals implementing private wing services Regional Annually
13 Capacity building
13.1 Number of trained staff on Health Care Financing Regional Annually
HCF data elements proposed for DHIS2
S.N Key data elements Disaggregation Source Frequency

1 Total health budget allocated to the health facility in the fiscal year 

AID, Internal revenue Region,WoHo Regional and woreda Finance, RHB, WoHo Annually

AID Region,WoHo Regional and woreda Finance, RHB, WoHo Annually

Internal revenu Region,WoHo Regional and woreda Finance, RHB, WoHo Annually Accepted
Region,WoHo,HF type Regional and woreda Finance, RHB, WoHo
2 Total number of Health Facilities implementing HCF reform components Six month Not accepted
3 Total amount of health facility budgets collected from retained revenue
Sales of Medicines and Medical Supplies, Other medical
examinations and Treatments, Others non medical services Region,WoHo,HF type Regional and woreda Finance, RHB, WoHo Six month

Other medical examinations and Treatments Region,WoHo,HF type Regional and woreda Finance, RHB, WoHo Six month
Data element for row
Others non medical services Region,WoHo,HF type Regional and woreda Finance, RHB, WoHo Six month number 6
4 Total amount of budget utilized from revenue retention Accepted with modific

Number of public health facilities with functioning governing boards as per Region,WoHo,HF type Regional and woreda Finance, RHB, WoHo
5 regional directive Six month Not accepted
Total number of fee waived (indengent) beneficaries in the fisical year

Region,WoHo,HF type Regional and woreda Finance, RHB, WoHo

6 Six month Accepted

Total amount of money spent for fee waived (indengent) beneficarites

Region,WoHo,HF type Regional and woreda Finance, RHB, WoHo

7 Six month Accepted

Total amount of money reimbursed to the health facilities for fee waived
(indengent) beneficaries
Region,WoHo,HF type Regional and woreda Finance, RHB, WoHo
8 Six month Accepted
9 Total amount of money spent for exempted health services

From internal revenue Region,WoHo,HF type Regional and woreda Finance, RHB, WoHo Six month

From AID Region,WoHo,HF type Regional and woreda Finance, RHB, WoHo Six month Accepted
10 Total amount of money reimbursed to the health facilities for exempted health services

From internal revenue Region,WoHo,HF type Regional and woreda Finance, RHB, WoHo Six month

From AID Region,WoHo,HF type Regional and woreda Finance, RHB, WoHo Six month Accepted
11 Number of Health facilities outsourced a least one non-clinical service Region,WoHo,HF type Regional and woreda Finance, RHB, WoHo Six month Accepted
12 Number of hospitals implementing private wing services Region,WoHo,HF type Regional and woreda Finance, RHB, WoHo Six month Accepted



Government treasury


Internal Revenue



Government treasury


Internal Revenue



fee waived (indengent) beneficarites

Insurance Beneficiaries

Exempted Services


Fee waived (indengent) beneficarites

Insurance Beneficiaries

Exempted Services

Should come as part of health facility standard measurment

Disaggregation by insurance status

Budget utilization rate dissagregated by the source
Should come as part of health facility standard measurment
Supervision finding
Total # of beneficiaries = 6 & EHIA indicator
Fee Waiver
exempted services

Total amount of money spent: 7 & 9

Fee eaived beneficaries
Insurance beneficiearies
Exempted services (With 100% insurance what is an exempted service)

Name of the Directorate:

Criteria to seriously consider in selecting and inculding an indicator for the routine health information system:
- Measurability: Should be able to be measured routinely with clear data source
- Specificity: Specifically measures what it intends to measure
- Relevance: In line with global and national priority, should have a clear relationship between the indicator and the progr
- Feasibility: In terms of cost, time and data burden to collect and use data
- Sensitivity to change: The indicator should indicate performance changes over time
- Linked with Objectives and Strategic Directions: Selected indicators should be able to measure the Objectives and Strat
- Validity: The indicator has been field tested to determine whether it is able to measure the intervention or result
- Reliable: It should be consistent over time
- Distinctiveness: An indicator should not be redundant (If captured in another program, it should not be repeated)
- Number: Should not be too many (Few and critical that are use for decison)

S.N Name of indicators Numerator/Denominator

1 GBV response service utilization Number of peoples who are victims of GBV and visiting
One stop centers and get service

2 Women leadership
Number of women who are leader

3 Persons with disability health services

utilization Number of new OPD + IPD Cases from specific
th information system:

etween the indicator and the program

measure the Objectives and Strategic directions

e the intervention or result

m, it should not be repeated)

Status (Maintained, Justification for selecting the Frequency of reporting Reporting level
dropped, new, modified) indicator (short, few points)

New to establish and streangth the Monthly, Quarterly, Annualy Health facility
servies, to follow the states of
gender based violence

New To Improve the participation of Annualy Health facilities,

womens in decision making woreda, zone,
region, FMOH
New to improve the accesseblity of Monthly, Quarterly, Annualy Health facility
servise for persons with disability
Name of recording tool from which data is Reference document
PPMED Remark
Outpatient (OPD) registers, Inpatient Standard operationg proceder for
register, Emergency register; Disease the response and prevension of
information tally (HP) sexual violence (GBV SOP)
Not accepted

Addministration Report
Not accepted
Health sector persons with
Outpatient (OPD) registers, Inpatient disability mainstriming manual
register, Emergency register; Disease
information tally (HP) Not accepted

IS GBV one of the disease list

It can be one of the annually reportable
data elements if we can clearly define
what a leadership positino is.
Can this be a disaggergation for OPD and
IPD visit
A special study
Criteria to seriously consider in selecting and inculding an indicator for the routine health information system:
- Measurability: Should be able to be measured routinely with clear data source
- Specificity: Specifically measures what it intends to measure
Name of the Directorate: - Relevance: In line with global and national
Public priority,
Health should have
Infrastructure a clear relationship
Directorate (PHID) between the indicator and the program
- Feasibility: In terms of cost, time and data burden to collect and use data
- Sensitivity to change: The indicator should indicate performance changes over time
- Linked with Objectives and Strategic Directions: Selected indicators should be able to measure the Objectives and Strategic directions
- Validity: The indicator has been field tested to determine whether it is able to measure the intervention or result
- Reliable: It should be consistent over time
- Distinctiveness: An Status
indicator should not be redundant (If captured in another program, it should not be repeated)
- Number: Should not befor
many (Few and critical thatfew
are useFrequency
for decison)
Numerator Justification the indicator (short, of Reporting Name of recording Reference document
S.N Name of indicators dropped, points) reporting level tool from which (Besline year 2019 up
/Denominator data is extracted to 2029 )

Improve the speciality health services through PHID Darectorate
1 Health post New Quarterly, National From HSTP 2
construction of Rport

Improve the speciality health services through PHID Darectorate
2 2nd Generation Health Post New Quarterly, National From HSTP 2
construction of Rport

Improve the speciality health services through PHID Darectorate
3 Health Center New Quarterly, National From HSTP 2
construction of Rport

Improve the speciality health services through PHID Darectorate
4 Primary Hospital New Quarterly, National From HSTP 2
construction of Rport

Improve the speciality health services through PHID Darectorate
5 General Hospital New Quarterly, National From HSTP 2
construction of Rport

Improve the speciality health services through PHID Darectorate
6 Teaching Hospital New Quarterly, National From HSTP 2
construction of Rport

Comprehensive Special Improve the speciality health services through PHID Darectorate
7 New Quarterly, National From HSTP 2
Hospital construction of Rport

Improve the speciality health services through PHID Darectorate
8 Sub-specialty Hospital New Quarterly, National From HSTP 2
construction of Rport

Improve the speciality health services through PHID Darectorate
9 Rehabilitation Center New Quarterly, National From HSTP 2
construction of Rport

Improve the speciality health services through PHID Darectorate
10 National blood bank New Quarterly, National From HSTP 2
construction of Rport

National and Regional Improve the speciality health services through PHID Darectorate
11 New Quarterly, National From HSTP 2
Laboratory center construction of Rport
Facilities with support Improve the speciality health services through PHID Darectorate
12 New Quarterly, National From HSTP 2
functions construction of Rport
Improve the speciality health services through PHID Darectorate
13 Staff House New Quarterly, National From HSTP 2
construction of Rport
Improve the speciality health services through PHID Darectorate
14 Biomedical Workshop New Quarterly, National From HSTP 2
construction of Rport
Improve the speciality health services through PHID Darectorate
15 Regional blood bank New Quarterly, National From HSTP 2
construction of Rport
Woreda Health Office & Zone Improve the speciality health services through PHID Darectorate
16 New Quarterly, National From HSTP 2
Department construction of Rport

Ministry of Health & Regional Improve the speciality health services through PHID Darectorate
17 New Quarterly, National From HSTP 2
Health Bureaus construction of Rport

Federal FDA and Branch Improve the speciality health services through PHID Darectorate
18 New Quarterly, National From HSTP 2
Offices construction of Rport
Improve the speciality health services through PHID Darectorate
19 Port of Exit/Entry New Quarterly, National From HSTP 2
construction of Rport
Improve the speciality health services through PHID Darectorate
20 EPHI and AHRI Offices New Quarterly, National From HSTP 2
construction of Rport
Federal & Regional Offices of Improve the speciality health services through PHID Darectorate
21 New Quarterly, National From HSTP 2
HAPCO & EHIA construction of Rport
Criteria to seriously consider in selecting and inculding an indicator for the routine health information system:
- Measurability: Should be able to be measured routinely with clear data source
- Specificity: Specifically measures what it intends to measure
- Relevance: In line with global and national priority, should have a clear relationship between the indicator and the program
- Feasibility: In terms of cost, time and data burden to collect and use data
- Sensitivity to change: The indicator should indicate performance changes over time
- Linked with Objectives and Strategic Directions: Selected indicators should be able to measure the Objectives and Strategic direction
- Validity: The indicator has been field tested to determine whether it is able to measure the intervention or result
- Reliable:
S.N Name It should be consistent over time
of indicators Numerator/Denominator Status
- Distinctiveness: An indicator should not be redundant (If captured in another program, it should not be repeated)
- Number: Should not be too many (Few and critical that are use for decison) dropped, new,

1 Health facility to population ratio Number of health facility by type/ Total

Disaggregated by
Heath center, Primary Hospital, General
Hospital, specilaized hospital

2 Health facility with electricity, improved water

source, latrine


mation system:

ator and the program

ectives and Strategic directions

on or result
Justification for selecting the Frequency of Reporting level Name of recording Reference
e repeated) indicator (short, few points) reporting tool from which data document
is extracted

Annual Woreda, Region

PPMED Remark Justification
Accepted????/ Data element as denominator for indicator 3


Accepted Denominator: Should be total blood collected????

If so indicator one is not necessary. It will be a data

element in this indicator

Not accepted Activity based reporting is enough
May be consider it as annually reportable
Not accepted Activity based reporting
Criteria to seriously consider in selecting and inculding an indicator for the routine health information system:
- Measurability: Should be able to be measured routinely with clear data source
- Specificity: Specifically measures what it intends to measure
- Relevance: In line with global and national priority, should have a clear relationship between the indicator and the program
- Feasibility: In terms of cost, time and data burden to collect and use data
- Sensitivity to change: The indicator should indicate performance changes over time
- Linked with Objectives and Strategic Directions: Selected indicators should be able to measure the Objectives and Strategic direction
- Validity: The indicator has been field tested to determine whether it is able to measure the intervention or result
- Reliable:
S.N Name It should be consistent over time
of indicators Numerator/Denominator Status
- Distinctiveness: An indicator should not be redundant (If captured in another program, it should not be repeated)
- Number: Should not be too many (Few and critical that are use for decison) dropped,

1 Total Blood collection from the total Total Blood Collection Maintained
population (Percentage)

2 Transfusion Transmissible Infections N: TTIs poitive donors who received post New
Postive donors who recieved post donation donation counseling service
D : Total Blood Donors who donated blood
counseling service

3 Blood Component production from total N:number of blood units converted to blood new
collection components
D: Total number of blood donations

4 Health facilities demand satisfaction rate N: Number of blood units requested from New
of blood and blood health facilites (based Annual Demand)
D: Total units issued to health facilites from
blood banks

5 Number of accredited blood banks Number of Accredited blood Bank from the New
total blood banks in the country

6 Feedback on blood unit usage from health N: Numebr Feedbacks received on the New
facilities to blood banks usage/status of each blood unit
D: Total number of blood units issued to
health facilites
ormation system:

cator and the program

bjectives and Strategic directions

tion or result
Justification for selecting the Frequency of Reporting level Name of recording Reference
be repeated)indicator (short, few points) reporting tool from which data document
is extracted

The total blood collection has to be Monthly Blood Bank Blood safety Blood bank
increased to esnure sustainable Information System / Transformation
availability of safe blood to health National Blood bank Plan II
facilites Monthly reporting Tool

To increase coverage of post Monthly Blood Bank Blood safety Blood bank
donation counseling services and Information System / Transformation
improved the health status of blood National Blood bank Plan II
donors Monthly reporting Tool

to Increase the availability of Monthly Blood Bank Blood safety Blood bank
different blood compoent sso that Information System / Transformation
the treatmen tof patinets is baed on National Blood bank Plan II
appropriate use of blood Monthly reporting Tool
To dcrease the amount of whole
blood transfusions

to ensure the demands of facilites are Monthly Blood Bank Blood safety Blood bank
met to be used as an input fot Information System / Transformation
resource planning and facility plan National Blood bank Plan II
Monthly reporting Tool

To stregthen the Qulaity managemtn Monthly Blood Bank Blood safety Blood bank
system of the blood transfusion Information System / Transformation
services in the country through National Blood bank Plan II
ensuring conformance to national Monthly reporting Tool
and international standards.

To stregthen the proper usage of Monthly Blood Bank Blood safety Blood bank
blood and blood products at the Information System / Transformation
clinical interface,minimize waste and National Blood bank Plan II
create accountability Monthly reporting Tool
PPMED Remark Justification
Accepted????/ Data element as denominator for indicator 3


Accepted Denominator: Should be total blood collected????

If so indicator one is not necessary. It will be a data

element in this indicator


Not accepted Activity based reporting is enough

May be consider it as annually reportable

Not accepted Activity based reporting

Directorate/ # of proposed Maintained/
Strategic Direction Agency indicators Modified New Dropped
S.D.5. Improve regulatory systems
3 HPCALD 5 0 5 0
S.D.12. Improve traditional
4 HHRIRD 6 1 5 0

5 EFDA 5 0 5 0
16 1 15 0
S.D.6. Improve human resource 1 HRAD 4 4 0 0
development and management
2 HRDD 1 0 1 0
S.D.7. Enhance informed decision 6 AHRI 5 0 5 0
making and innovations
7 EPHI 9 0 9 0
8 PPMED 5 3 2 0
S.D.8. Improve health financing 9 EHIA 5 3 2 0

10 PCD 12 3 8 1
S.D.9. Strengthen governance and 11 WCYD 3 3
12 Reform 2
S.D.4. Improve access to
pharmaceuticals and medical 13 EPSA 25 0 25 0
devices and their rational and
proper use 14 PMED 9 4 5
S.D.10. Improve health
15 Infrastructure 25
S.D.11. Enhance digital health
technology 16 HITD

17 Blood Bank 6 0 6 0
Total 111 17 66 1
Accepted as Accepted as Not
indicator data element accepted Parked

1 4

2 2 2

2 3
5 0 9 2
2 2
1 8
1 4

4 3 5
1 1 1
1 24

4 3 2

2 2 2
25 8 48 7
(cade in exam, MCQ exam, digital licensing etc dropped)
Green and public facility licensing (Inspection and food and
drinking establishment: not accepted and dropped)
Registration medicine /medical devices: For routine HIS
Post market analysis, Traditional medicine - dropped

Skill mix and fulfilled as per the standard

CPD providers accreditated
Publications, Technologies evaluated, developed: for routine
Data use score to be included
OPD, ALOS, Revenue, Referral: dissaggregation
Private wing, functional board, Outsourced non clinical servic,
HCF reform implementation (Dropped)
GBV: Disease, by disability status (parked)
S.N Directorate Name
1 Policy,Plan, Monitoring and Evaluation Directorate
2 Women youth Affairs Directorate
3 Health Reform and Good Governance Directorate
4 Human Resource Administration Directorate
5 Human Resources for Health Development Directorate
6 Health Profesionals Competency Assessment and Licensing Directorate
7 Health Information Technology Directorate
8 Partnership and cooperation Directorate
9 Public Health Infrastructure Directorate
10 Pharmaceuticals and Medical Equipment Directorate
11 Health and Health Related Institution Regulatory Directorate
FMOH Agencies
12 Ethiopian Food and Drug Authority
13 Pharmaceutical Fund and Supply Agency
14 Ethiopian Public Health Institute,
15 Ethiopia's Health Insurance Agency
16 National blood bank service
17 Armauer Hanson Research Institute(AHRI)
submission status


Strategic Direction Name of the indicator
Proportion of health facilities that implement Ehiopian health facility
S.D.5. Improve standard (Green level)
regulatory systems
2 Proportion of licensed public health facilities


S.D.6. Improve human 4 Health Professional turnover rate (For Facility level)
resource development 5 Facility staffed as per standard
and management
Proportion of health Extension workers upgraded from level 3 to
6 level 4

7 Reporting completeness
S.D.7. Enhance 8 Reporting timeliness
informed decision
making and 9 Proportion of health facilities that conduct LQAS
innovations 10 Birth notification coverage
11 Death notification coverage

12 Total health budget allocated to the health facility in the fiscal year
disaggregated by source (Government treasury, AID, Internal

S.D.8. Improve health

financing 13 BUDGET UTILIZATION RATE BY SOURCE (Total utilized Government
treasury, Total utilized Internal Revenue, Total amount of budget
collected from revenue retention)


disaggregated by Fee waived (indigent) beneficiaries, Insurance
Beneficiaries, Exempted Services): Total spent by each/Total amount

15 Number of women who are leader (Define leadership position

S.D.9. Strengthen 16 Number of GBV cases managed
governance and
leadership Number of Primary health Caare facilities implementing Community
17 Score Card (CSC)
18 Number of hospitals implementing Good Goveanc e Index (GGI)
Health facility to population ratio (Disaggregated by: Heath center,
Primary Hospital, General Hospital, specilaized hospital)
S.D.10. Improve health 19
infrastructure Health facility with electricity, improved water source, latrine,
hazardous waste management (Incinearator, placenta pit)
Blood related
Blood unit usage rate from health facilities (Blood requested, Blood
21 received, blood utilized, blood discarded)

22 Percentage of encounters with an antibiotic prescribed

23 Supplier fill rate
24 Wastage rate
S.D.4. Improve access Percentage of medicines prescribed from the facility’s medicines list
to pharmaceuticals and 25
medical devices and
their rational and 26 Percentage of client with 100% prescribed drug filled
proper use Availability of functional medical equipment as per the national
standards (Change by proportion of facilities with functional medical
equipment as per the national standards)
28 Essential Drugs Availability
Agreed as data element Parked for dsicussion
Food and drinking establishments

Health staff skill mix

Data use score

(Total visit by insurance beneficiaries, Total visit by fee

waiver beneficiaries) To be included as disaggregation
to total visits in the facility

Internal revenue disaggregated by Fee waiver,

Insurance, others

Hospital with functional board

Outsourced at least one non clinical service
Proportion of HHs enrolled in CBHI
OPD attendance per capita dissaggregated
by insurance status
Central Register at MRU??
ALOS (Disaggregated by Insurance status
but cumbersom)
Disaggregation of referral rate indicator
Number of health facilities that provide one stop (Referred status
Disability insurance beneficiaries)
for service utilizers
service for GBV cases (OPD/IPD ….. Central MRU)
Availability of functional medical equipment
Strategic Direction

S.D.10. Improve health infrastructure

Agreed as data
Name of the indicator element Parked for dsicussion
Health facility to population ratio (Disaggregated by: Heath
center, Primary Hospital, General Hospital, specilaized

Health facility with electricity, improved water source,

latrine, hazardous waste management (Incinearator,
placenta pit)

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