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Child Well-being Outcomes

World Vision focuses on improving children’s well-being through child-focused transformational

development, disaster management, and promotion of justice. Approved by the World Vision International
Board in April 2009, the Child Well-being Outcomes (CWBO) provide a practical definition of World
Vision’s understanding of well-being for children. World Vision views the well-being of children in holistic
terms. Just as Jesus grew in stature, wisdom and grace with God and with others (Luke 2:52), World Vision
promotes healthy individual development (involving physical and mental health, social and spiritual
dimensions), positive relationships and a context that provides safety, social justice, and participation in civil

World Vision’s active contribution to specific well-being outcomes varies from context to context, but the
definition remains holistic and recognises that these outcomes reinforce each other and enable our
integrated, holistic approach to ministry. World Vision does not proseltyise nor impose its understanding on
others. Child Well-being Outcomes are intended as a catalyst for dialogue, discussion and visioning as World
Vision partners with children, parents, community partners, churches, governments and other organisations.

Goal: Sustained well-being of children and fulfilment of their rights

within families and communities (1)
Luke 2 v 52 "And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and people."
Girls & Boys:
Are cared for,
Are educated Love God and
Enjoy good health protected and
for life their neighbours
Children cared for in a
Children become
Children well Children read, write, loving, safe, family and
aware of and
nourished and use numeracy skills community environment
experience God's love
with safe places to play

Children make good

Children enjoy positive
Children protected judgments, can protect Parents or caregivers
relationships with
from infection, themselves, manage provide well for their
peers, family, and
disease, and injury emotions, and children
community members
communicate ideas
Children and their
Children value and
caregivers access Adolescents ready for Children celebrated
care for others and
essential health economic opportunity and registered at birth
their environment
Children access and Children have hope Children are respected
complete basic and vision for the participants in decisions
education future that affect their lives

Foundational Principles
Children are citizens and their rights and dignity are upheld
(including girls and boys of all religions and ethnicities, any HIV status, and those with disabilities)
(1) Child Focus prioritizes children, especially the poorest and most vulnerable, and empowers them together
with their families and communities to improve their well-being. (Integrated Focus document, 2007)

World Vision is a Christian relief, development and advocacy organisation dedicated to working with children, families and
communities to overcome poverty and injustice. Motivated by our Christian faith, World Vision is dedicated to working with
the world’s most vulnerable people. World Vision serves all people regardless of religion, race, ethnicity or gender.

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