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Shifa Student Society

Vol.1- Issue.1 February-March 2009

My “John Hancock” In the recent attacks on Gaza, hundreds of men, women and children were massacred.

Thousands were wounded. The hospitals were overflowing, and there was a severe shortage
Written by Ahmed Malik of medical professionals. There wasn’t even enough space to bury the dead, who lay in piles
on various street corners. How did this happen? Have we fallen so far that a part of us can be
Sanity Pleads forced into concentration camps, be pulverized by constant bombardment, and have critical

Written by Yousuf Raza

8 shortages of food, water, medicine, and electricity, but we remain powerless to stop it? There
was a time in our history when Muhammad bin Qasim rode out from Hijaz with an army of only
twelve thousand to face the might of the Sindhi Rajputs and free Muslim widows and children.

Abu Bakr ‘As-Siddique’

What happened? In truth, we lost sight of our true purpose in this life and discarded the Com-

Written by Dr. Waqas Ahmed

12 mandments of Allah SWT.

The most any of us might have done was to leave our homes once and protest, but
honestly, how many of us did even that? We could have at least boycotted those companies
What Pandora Managed To Save
who support or are owned by Zionists. Our money flows to them and turns into rivers of innocent
Written by Komal Atta blood. ‘Yes, yes, we know,’ you say, ‘but everything is owned by them, or supports them. Do you
want us to not ever buy anything?’ It is a matter of principle. Do the best you are able to do.

The Great Divide

19 Truly, the first and most important thing we should do is examine ourselves. Through
thorough and repeated reflection, we can begin to understand the state of the Muslim Ummah
Written by Dr. Muzaffar Iqbal
and the active role we can take to bring about its revival.

The Spiritual Heart Take a look at the world news coverage of the crisis in Gaza; it was utterly biased. Self-
Written by Mohammad Hammad
24 righteous Israel was applauded in taking initiative to stop the “terrorists” from firing rockets into
their land. The ground, air and naval raids were seen as completely justified, self-preserving
acts. To those without proper knowledge of the real situation it seemed perfectly acceptable.
Cannibalism’s Supremacy Continues Israel’s reprehensible use of chemical weapons like white phosphorous (an indiscriminate killer

Written by Umar Shuaib

26 that ignites once it is exposed to oxygen, causing painful burns) was blithely ignored.

Therefore the second thing we must do is educate ourselves and our communities. We
Wake Up! must know our Deen, its role in our lives, the current status of the Muslim Ummah, and what we

Written by Dr. Madiha Ashraf

32 can do to improve it.

The greatest change comes from within. We can endlessly blame others for our current
Women Scholars Of Islam state, but if we sincerely wish for the betterment of ourselves we must strive to change the Um-

Written by Asmara Malik

34 mah from the inside. No sudden external force will cause the strengthening and enlightenment of
the Muslims. Allah SWT explains in ayah eleven of Surah Ra’d, “Verily Allah will not change the
condition of a people as long as they do not change their state themselves.”

The Magazine Team

4 5

of the cameras self-claiming everything. He a part of our inherent nature.

didn’t even bother expressing gratitude to me
for writing to him. He could have at least said,
‘I thank all those who have been writing to me The sin of arrogance, the first sin to be
about ways in which they wanted to help this committed, was committed by Shaytan (Satan
nation.’ What does he care about this nation?” or the Devil). It was committed in regard to our
father, Adam (AS). When our Creator, Allah,
told all the angles to bow down in front of
If we ever fall into such a situation we are Adam (AS), all the angels obeyed. Iblees, who
bound to jump with joy in the first scenario and was not an angel but was ranked among them
4th year MBBS student at Shifa College of Medicine boil with anger in the second. In either case, because of his worship of Allah, refused to bow
thoughts like, “I saved the nation from the to Adam (AS),
energy crisis; I was willing enough to sacrifice
my sleep to work out this plan. I was the one
who wrote to the President. I should get credit “And (remember) when We said to the

here comes a time in a person’s life when he says, “One such citizen who was a great for my work,” might begin to creep into our angels: ‘Prostrate to Adam.’ So they
he or she gets a glimpse of being at the promoter of this new plan is—.” Your name is minds. prostrated except Iblîs
pinnacle of life. When that happens, we now known all across the nation and you are (Satan). He was one of the
tend to forget our meek beginning and our considered a great person. You are thanked jinns; he disobeyed the
ultimate end. immensely. However, there is another ending We forget however, that it Command of his Lord.”
to this story that is equally as likely to take was not I who made the (18:50)
place. President read the letter; it
Imagine, for an instance, that you write to the was not I who allowed the
President of Pakistan with a proposal for a President to be in a good How could someone be so
way out of our energy crisis. Out of the many Your plan is great and turns out to be mood at that time; it was close to the All Powerful,
letters that the President receives, he chances instrumental in catapulting the nation out of the not I who made the plan Allah, and yet blatantly
to personally read yours. He looks through energy crisis. The President announces your actually work in the end; disobey His commands?
your plan and, being in a good mood that plan to the nation, calling it, “The President’s it was not I who chose The Most Wise, Allah did
day, actually decides that he likes the plan. Energy Plan.” After the plan has progressed whether the President not leave this question to
The President then calls a meeting with his positively, the President comes on TV to would appreciate me or was the first sin ever com- float around in our minds
associates and puts the plan into action. One address the nation. He thanks all the citizens not. unanswered. In Suratul-
of two things can happen next. for their patience through the times of difficulty. mitted, even before the well- ‘Araaf, Allah (SWT) tells us,
He tells them that their concern for the nation known murder of the son of
and cooperation with the government has paid
The first thing that can happen is that your off. The President talks at length about how the
There are so many things Adam (AS).
in this world that are not “(Allâh) said: ‘What
proposed plan works out well and the nation’s plan is wonderful in many aspects and how it under our control, and yet prevented you (O Iblîs)
energy crisis is solved. The second thing that will work to keep the nation away from trouble. when we are given authority, that you did not prostrate,
can happen is that your plan fails miserably He tells the nation what steps are being taken power, or acclaim we think it is because of when I commanded you?’ Iblîs said: ‘I am
and the nation remains lost in its energy to ensure that the plan works and is properly our doing. One word can describe this feeling better than him (Adam). You created me
woes—the consequences of which we will not carried out. He goes on and on and then finally adequately—arrogance. from fire, and him You created from clay.’”
bother discussing. ends his speech with, “Pakistan, Zindabad!” (7:12)

Arrogance was the first sin ever committed,

If the plan turns out to be sound, then you can There is no mention of you; there is not even a even before the well-known murder of the son This caused Shaytan to be cast out of Jannah
be appreciated one of two ways. First, the hint about you in the speech; there is not even of Adam (AS). One has to wonder, is arrogance (heaven) and to be dejected for all eternity.
President comes on TV and addresses the a slight, “Thank you.” a sin? If it was the first one committed, then it His arrogance, however, completely clouded
whole nation about the success of a new plan should be inherently a part of us. That is where his judgment and instead of seeking the
that was initiated under his direction and which our thinking goes wrong. Yes, arrogance is a forgiveness of the Most Merciful, Allah, he
saved the nation. In this speech, the president You will probably think to yourself, “What an sin, but just because it was the first sin to be begged Allah for respite so that he could
tells the nation that it was the concern of ungrateful fool this president is! I spent hours committed doesn’t mean it is inherently a part dedicate all the time till the Day of Reckoning
the citizens for the nation, after his concern, upon hours of sleepless nights molding and of us. In fact, we should completely abhor this to mislead Adam (AS) and all his offspring,
which pulled the nation out of the crisis. Then shaping this plan, and this man sits in front sin if we consider what should or should not be including us:
6 7

Knowledge is something to aspire for,

but when we shroud it with
arrogance it is something that becomes hated. That
arrogance is not only hated by the Most Exalted, Allah, but
even by the people in this world.
[Iblîs (Satan)] said: “O my grave sin, the first sin ever doers).” (18:50)
Lord! Give me then respite committed—a sin committed with large crowds of admirers truth. An arrogant person is Independence? Perhaps it
till the Day they (the dead) by our sworn enemy. In and friends? May Allah also someone who refuses is a way to make ourselves
will be resurrected.” Suratul-Kahf the Most High, The way out of arrogance save us from such useless to refrain from things disliked feel important. These days,
Allah, asks us an important is to, firstly, understand knowledge. When this type by our Cherisher, Allah, if you want someone to sign
question after telling us about what it is and secondly, to of arrogance is applied to while knowing that they are something, you can simply
Allâh said: “Then, verily, the disobedience of Iblees, internalize an understanding religious knowledge it is even disliked by Him. After all ask them for their “John
you are of those reprieved, that everything and anything worse. What gives a person that is exactly what Iblees Hancock.” We must keep in
Till the Day of the time we accomplish comes the right to look down upon did. It is no wonder, then, mind, though, that as long as
appointed.” “Will you then take him to us by the will of Allah. others who haven’t been that the Prophet (Sallallahu a “John Hancock” just stays
(Iblîs) and his offspring as Whenever we are blessed blessed with the knowledge ‘Alyhi Wa Sallam) said, on paper and is not exhibited
protectors and helpers, with something great, we of Islam that was bestowed in a hadeeth narrated by in our attitude, it can be as
[Iblîs (Satan)] said: “O my rather than Me, while they should humble ourselves upon him or her by the All Abd-Allah Ibn Mas’ood, “No large and bold as we want it
Lord! Because you misled are enemies to you? What even further. Mighty, Allah? A pure heart one who has an atom’s- to be. Otherwise, there is a
me, I shall indeed adorn an evil is the exchange and mind will appropriately weight of arrogance in his stern warning for the arrogant
the path of error for them for the Zâlimûn (wrong- answer the question without heart will enter Paradise.” in the Qur`an:
(mankind) on the earth, When Allah blesses us delay. A man said, “O Messenger
and I shall mislead them with knowledge, we of Allah, what if a man likes
all, except Your chosen, should not think lowly his clothes and his shoes to “I (Allah) shall turn away
(guided) slaves among of those who do not Arrogance is not limited look good?” He said, “Allah from my revelations those
them.” have that knowledge. to looking down upon and is Beautiful and loves beauty. who are unjustly proud
How baseless are those thinking less of those with Arrogance means rejecting in the Earth. Even if they
people who smirk at less knowledge of the deen the truth and looking down on see every sign, they will
(Allâh) said: “This is those who know less (religion) or dunyah (world). people.” (Narrated by Muslim) not believe in it. And if
the Way which will than them? Knowledge It is also a state in which a they see the right path to
lead straight to Me. is something to aspire person refuses to accept salvation, they will not
Certainly, you shall for, but when we shroud his or her guilt or his or her Unfortunately, this quality take it. If they see the
have no authority over it with arrogance it is mistake. A person displays a has crept into our culture wrong path to error and
My slaves, except those something that becomes certain degree of arrogance so stealthily that we do not sin, they will take it. That
who follow you of the hated. That arrogance in not accepting the sincere even notice it. Why is “John is because they reject Our
Ghâwîn (those who is not only hated by the advice of others; a person Hancock” synonymous with ayaat (verses, messages,
go astray, criminals, Most Exalted, Allah, but is arrogant when he or she a signature when it was the signs, revelations) and are
polytheists, and evil- even by the people in refuses to do something largest and boldest signature heedless of them.” (7:146)
doers, etc.). And surely, this world. Have you ever while knowing that it is the on the US Declaration of
Hell is the promised seen a person blessed
place for them all.” with intellect who goes
(15:36-43) around pushing others
and mocking at their lack
of knowledge? Does such
Indeed, arrogance is a a person walk around
8 9

problems in that book and “Wouldn’t He know, (s) as the single most influential human of all
He who created?” (67:14) time. I notice your nod of acknowledgement
when I mention a non-Muslim source; ironic
how Muslims are affected by that and yet not
What happened in Arabia, 1400 years ago, is moved even a little when Allah himself bears
proof of the divine origins of the Qur’an. One witness to his greatness: “Without a doubt,
man, unlettered, with no extraordinary talents you (O Muhammad) are on the most sublime
to his credit, claimed that to him this word of character.” (68:4)
Allah was being revealed. He was ridiculed,
cut-off, offered bribes, threatened, and even
tortured. His followers in the first twelve years That was all centuries ago you say? Times
by Yousuf Raza of efforts numbered have changed? The
4th year MBBS student at Shifa College of Medicine
merely a few uncanny similarity

hundred—most between your
of them slaves are, as of now, in an abyss, ideas and those

A and the rope of Allah, the

h, I notice your keen interest in that we ironically call Islamabad—but I’m afraid I and poor folk of of the youth of our
rather eye-catching group of thinly clad am not really up for this arduous task. I prefer the land. The country is painful
young females there. What’s that? You not to dwell on such depressing thoughts— slaves who Qu’ran, is staring us in the face, to say the least.
converted were You would be
did not expect to see that here, in our part
of the world? You thought, being staunch
makes cynics of the best of us! What I can try
to do though, is talk about the most important tortured in the calling out to us to grab hold of it so surprised to know
followers of the Qur’an, our women would disaster—the blunder that we as a society most inhumane
ways imaginable:
it can deliver us from the darkness that the attitude
of the people back
that encompasses us and raise us to
cover themselves in accordance with its have made, which has brought us to this level.
orders? Your knowledge of our Holy Book is So much so that even though we number more scalded on the then was pretty
the level which we once inhabited.
truly commendable, but you should understand than a billion we are the vermin of the earth! scorching heat much the same
that your proposition is partly flawed; we are of the desert; because their
not followers of the Qur’an, we merely profess whipped; starved; excuse was the
belief in it. You are from the US? Ah, yes you We, my friend, have epitomized hypocrisy disfigured; and same as quoted
told me, I remember now. by shelving the Book that we so some murdered. by the Qur’an: “When
proudly proclaim to be the word They tolerated all that because their belief Our Ayaat are recited to them, they say these
of the All-Mighty. Can you emanated from the Qur’an, they were not are tales of days long gone” (83:13). This, my
Well, what you would find imagine the idiocy? How can namesake Muslims; they realized that friend, and I say this in the most brotherly way,
more interesting than that, if we, who claim to believe in whether they were killed or they succeeded in is nothing but an excuse, expended by those
you look around you, is not the an eternal life of bliss where somehow subverting their enemies, they were unwilling to forsake their life of sin, especially
sparseness of their clothing, we would be granted not only successful. keeping in mind the undeniable proofs of the
but the number of men that are what we need, but what we divinity of the Qur’an that they simply choose
almost—excuse me for saying desire and that which the to ignore.
this but there is no better way imagination cannot grasp, so Allah (swt), through His rahmah (mercy),
to put it—undressing them obstinately ignore that which revealed to them the Qur’an for “He is Ar-
with their eyes. That too, if you would take us towards it? Rahman; Who revealed the Qur’an” (55:1- I will indeed tell you what those proofs are, but
remember, is considered a How can we, who profess 2). Unfortunately, you would notice that please my dear friend calm yourself, I did not
transgression for Muslims. belief in an eternal and that people in our society formed a twisted, intend to offend; my apologies.
inconceivably horrendous and wishful concept of His rahmah which quite
painful life of hell, go after that conveniently emancipates them from any
Yes, I totally agree, preposterous indeed. How which would lead us there? We have allowed accountability. They dare mock the justice of Omar ibn al-Khataab! Does the name ring a
can a people claim to believe in an All-Mighty, our animal-natures and wishful desires to the Most Just? All they did was follow it jot bell? Yes, indeed, the second Caliph of Islam
All-Seeing, All-Hearing, All-Wise God, and yet supplant common sense! by jot, little by little, and before they knew it, who ruled over a vast expanse which stretched
trample over the very commandments that He 21 years into Prophethood, the greatest and over three continents… Yet, in spite of his
sent down? most complete revolution had come about. colossal empire he did not consider himself
What difference can a book make, you ask? To this fact, even the non-Muslim historians, to be an emperor, rather a slave of Allah, who
The Qur’an my friend, is no ordinary book, it in spite of all their qualms, bare witness. said it was his responsibility that even a dog
We can talk all night about how it came to is the word of Allah. Allah subhanahu wa ta- Michael H. Hart is probably the most famous should not die of hunger in his domain. When
this, in this beautiful capital of ours—which aala has spelled out the solutions for all our example of that, when he places Muhammad any foreigner walked in to see him, he could
10 11


not tell the Caliph apart from the rest of his individuals that will generate the Omar ibn al- if people insist on ignoring the Qur’an you ask?
people; such was his simplicity and austerity.
Not chains of gold, not robes of silk, not
Khataabs of the 21st century.
Well, apart from the fact that our humiliation as
women nor wine; Omar is known for the justice
and unrivaled equality prevalent in his time, You snicker? You do not expect an Omar to
a nation in this world will keep getting worse, we are also up
so much so that even Gandhi, again a non-
Muslim, said that he aimed to achieve the level
rise from the youth that spends most of its
time watching “How I Met Your Mother?” Alas,
against “the day when the sky will be like molten lead, and
of justice present in the time of Abu Bakr and you underestimate us; Zara nam ho to yeh the mountains like tufts of wool...”
Omar. And who was Omar before the Qur’an? mitti bari zarkhaiz hai sakee. Never you mind
Once he was seen crying and then laughing. what that means, but “Know that it is Allah “Indeed we have made the Qur’an easy to never satiated from studying and reflecting
He was inquired as to what triggered this who gives life to the dead earth” (57:17). Yes, understand and remember; then is there any upon it. It does not become worn away from
peculiar behavior. He said that he remembered the future generation is waylaid. Yes they are one who will receive admonition? (54:17, 22, usage and its marvels never cease. It is that
his days of ignorance. He laughed because he ignorant of their purpose in life and yes they 32, 40) which the Jinn did not stop when they heard it
remembered that once he was traveling and he are oblivious to the cataclysms they are inviting except that they said, ‘Verily, we have heard a
had forgotten his idol at home, so he molded because of their repose. But, having said all most marvelous oft repeated recitation (Quran)
one out of a clump of dates and worshipped that can you blame them? Born in front of the It is reported that Ali (RA) said that he heard and most certainly it guides to the direction.’
it. Later on in the journey he felt hungry, so he television, they were brainwashed by what from the Prophet of Allah (saw), “We shall Whoever spoke of it, spoke the truth. Whoever
ate his god and that made him laugh. About your people showed them; their morals, their not be spared from the fitnah (tribulation) acted according to it was rewarded. Whoever
the crying, he said that he remembered the values, and even their beliefs. But they realize to come!” Ali (RA) asked: “What would be judged by it, did justice and whosoever invited
time when he buried his daughter with his now that all that has gotten them nowhere. the way out of that fitnah, O Messenger of to it, he was guided to the sound and straight
own hands, and just as he They have learned that all the Allah?” Notice something here? Ali does not path.”
was lowering her into her western moral standards bother with where when and what kind of
grave she wiped some are capable of achieving tribulation; he gets straight to what is most
sand from his beard. is momentary enjoyment, pertinent, i.e. the way out of it. What do you What if people insist on ignoring the Qur’an
Before the Qur’an, and ultimately, think was the answer of the Messenger of you ask? Well, apart from the fact that our
burying his daughter depression, insomnia Allah (saw)? Surprise, surprise, he answered: humiliation as a nation in this world will keep
wasn’t distressing and and attempted suicides. “It is The Book (Al Quran) of Allah! In it are getting worse, we are also up against “the
worshipping dates related the stories about those before you, day when the sky will be like molten lead, and
wasn’t funny; before and the tidings about those after you. It is an the mountains like tufts of wool, and when no
the Qur’an Omar ibn They consider Islam arbitrator between you, and it is the criterion. friend would ask about his friend, though they
al-Khataab was a to be something So whoever turns away and leaves it is from may be in one another’s sight: [for,] everyone
merciless killer and a unpractical, stringent, amongst the arrogant, and Allah SWT will who was lost in sin will on that Day but desire
desultory worshipper. and for the lower annihilate him. And whoever seeks guidance to ransom himself from suffering at the price
But after the word of classes. This is the in other than it, Allah SWT will misguide him! It of his own children and of his spouse and of
Allah was revealed, picture that is presented is the sound and resilient Rope of Allah SWT, his brother and of all the kinsfolk who ever
his life had meaning. to them by the moulvis. and the judicious and wise remembrance, sheltered him, and of whoever else on earth,
He recognized that the What they see is self- and the straight path. It is that which cannot all of them—so he could save himself. But nay!
divine standards of right proclaimed scholars be deviated by one’s fancies. The tongues Verily, all [that awaits him] is a raging flame
and wrong are essential quibbling over non- do not find it ambiguous and the scholars are tearing away his skin!” (70:8-16)
for contentment of the soul issues, declaring each
and the benefit of the society. other Kaafirs, even killing each
other—to achieve what? Their sole aim is to
establish their own authority; in the process
We are, as of now, in an abyss, and the rope they push people away from Islam. Some of
of Allah, the Qu’ran, is staring us in the face, these moulvis even go as far as saying that the
calling out to us to grab hold of it so it can Qur’an is best left to them for understanding
deliver us from the darkness that encompasses and the general public should not try to
us and raise us to the level which we once decipher it, lest they become confused and
inhabited. It is this rope which could reunite us misled. What right did they have to declare the
and redefine our morals, so utterly tarnished by Qur’an esoteric when the author of the Book
the teachings of Hollywood. It is the learning of Himself, subhanahu wa ta aala, declared, not
the Qur’an and implementation of it in lives of once but several times in the same Surah that,
12 13

when he presented the Almost all Muslim of my arrow.” That was how
message of Islam to people, children remember the story unflinching his love for Islam
The first of the every one took their time
before answering except
of the battle of Tubuk, when
the Prophet (peace be upon
had become.

rightly guided Abu-Bakr, who did not

even hesitate for an instant
him) asked for all Muslims
to donate generously for the
Perhaps the greatest
example of his stature is

and accepted. That is why difficult expedition. All brought Islam is what transpired at
he is and always will be whatever they could. Umar- the time of the death of the
remembered as As-Siddique. bin-Khattab was to later recall noble Prophet (peace be
that he brought half of all his upon him). The Muslims
Not that his reputation possessions and aspired to were in a state of shock at
was any different before exceed the offerings of Abu- the demise of the Prophet,
he embraced Islam, but his Bakr. But Abu-Bakr brought and Umar-bin-Khattab stood
generosity saw no up with a naked

T Prophet (pbuh) once said:

hey both left Makkah awoke him. character of this man. The bounds after the sword in his hand,
under the cover closest companion of the conversion. He is threatening to

“Were I to choose any one

of darkness. With “Abu Bakr, what Prophet of mercy (peace be credited with buying harm anyone who
simple provisions happened?” asked the noble upon him) in life and in death. the freedom of insisted that the
several slaves who Prophet (peace be
as a close friend amongst
on two camels, they headed Prophet (peace be upon Father-in-law of the Prophet
towards Yemen. A few miles him). Upon hearing the reply, (peace be upon him), the first were persecuted by upon him) had died.
into the desert they reached the Prophet(peace be upon of the Rightly Guided Caliphs, their idolater owners It was Abu-Bakr

humans, it would be none

the mountain called Thawr. him) applied his own saliva the most pious amongst the for embracing Islam; who addressed the
As they approached the cave at the bite site and there was Community after the Prophet the most celebrated bereaved crowd

other than Abu Bakr.”

in the heart of the mountain, instant relief. (peace be upon him), and of them was Bilal, in the following
the younger one took the “As-Siddique” (the most the muezzin of the words, “Let it be
lead. He walked into the cave truthful); this is the way they Prophet (peace be known to the one
first to make sure there was The noble Prophet who were with him, and even upon him) and the who worships
no danger inside. The cave (peace be upon him) once we today, remember him. slave of Umayyia-bin-Khalf. Muhammad (peace
was small and full of holes The Prophet (peace be upon all his possessions and when be upon him), Muhammad is
in the walls and the two His name him) said that it was about the Prophet (peace be upon dead. But he who worships
men were barely able to was Abdullah bin Abu-Bakr that the following him) asked him what had he Allah, He is Ever Living and
fit in it. He (the younger Abu Qahafa and he verses of the Qur’an had left for his family, Abu-Bakr He never dies.” Then he
one), tore his garment belonged to the tribe of come down: “The pious said, “Only the love of Allah recited the following verse of
and plugged all the Banu-Taim. His lineage will be far removed from and His Messenger.” the Qur’an, “Muhammad is
holes one by one to meets that of the noble it (Hell). He who spends no more than a messenger,
prevent any venomous Prophet (peace be his wealth for increase in And though he was and indeed (many)
creatures from entering upon him). He was self-purification.” (Al-Lail, not an “arms-man”, he never messengers have passed
the cave. Soon, he had called Abdul Ka’bah 17-18) left the company of the away before him. If he dies
no more garment to during the period of Prophet (peace be upon him). or is killed, will you then
spare, but there was ignorance, until the He was also credited He had the honor of being turn back on your heels (as
still one hole left. So, he Prophet (peace be with persuading many of his a part of all major battles, disbelievers)? And he who
sat in a position where upon him) changed his friends to embrace Islam. including Badr, Uhud, and turns back on his heels, not
he could cover the hole name to Abdullah. He Some of the most famous Khandaq, as well as being the least harm will he do to
with his foot. The foot got was popularly known men who entered into Islam a participant at the truce of Allah.” (Al-i‘Imran, 144)
bitten, yet he kept his lips as Abu-Bakr (meaning at his instance were: Uthman- Hudaybia. His son, who was
shut tightly, lest the sacred said: “Were I to choose the father of the foal of the bin-‘Affan (the 3rd Caliph); part of the polytheist army at Ibn-‘Abbas later said
one sleeping with his head in any one as a close friend camel) because of his love Zubair-bin-‘Awam; Talha-bin- Badr, later told him that on that it was as if we had heard
his lap would be awoken. amongst humans, it would be for camels. Ubaidullah; Abdur-Rahman- that day he had held back that verse for the first time,
none other than Abu Bakr.” bin-‘Awf; Sa’d-bin-abi-Waqas; from confronting his father, and as people started reciting
The tears falling from The Prophet (peace and Abu-ubaidah-bin-al- to which Abu-Bakr replied, it, better sense began to
his eyes on the cheeks of the be upon him) has been Jarah. “If I had to face you, I would prevail and they all, including
beloved sleeper were what Such was the reported to have said that have made you the target Umar, realized that indeed

the Prophet (peace be upon Prophet were the leadership Zakat, which though was
him) had passed away. of the first Hajj delegation, in direct conformity of the
and the leading of the edict of the Qur’an, yet none
His other inestimable congregational prayers of the except him had the courage
service for Islam was believers when the Prophet at that time to take this
the bringing together of (peace be upon him) was too exemplary step.
the Qur’an. At the battle ill to lead himself.
of Yamama in 11/633, a It was during the
number of Muslims who had Upon being elected Caliphate of Abu-Bakr that
memorized the entire Qur’an as Caliph, his first statement the military campaigns
were killed. Umar-bin-Khattab was,“I have been given the against the Persian and
expressed concern to the authority over you, and I the Byzantine Empires
Caliph Abu-Bakr that unless am not the best of you. If were launched, which
efforts were made to preserve I do well, help me; and if I subsequently lead to the fall
the Qur’an, a large part of do wrong, set me right. The of both super powers of the
the revelation could be lost. weak amongst you shall be day and the establishment of
Upon his insistence, Abu- strong with me until I have Islamic rule in land all around
Bakr commanded Zayd-bin- secured his rights, if Allah Arabia. And yet he never took
Thabit, the most prominent of wills; and the strong amongst anything from the immense
the scribes of the revelation you shall be weak with me state riches for himself or his
to collect the entire Qur’an until I have wrested from him family. Only on the insistence
into one volume, so that is the rights of others. Obey me of Umar and Abu-Ubaidah did
what Zayd did. The complete as long as I obey Allah and he leave his own cloth trade
manuscript remained with His messenger.” and agree to a nominal salary
Abu-Bakr till his death, from state funds.
and then was passed on His Caliphate lasted
to the 2nd Caliph Umar-bin- only 2 yrs and 3 months His instructions to his
Khattab, and after his death and yet during this time, he family at the time of his death
to Umm-ul-Mu’mineen Hafsa. successfully crushed the were to bury him in an old
Subsequent dispersion of rebellion of the Bedouin tribes shroud. “The living deserve
copies of the Qur’an all in the campaign against more to be in new clothes,” is
over the world was from this apostasy which had started what he said to them.
master copy; the credit rests immediately after the demise
with Umar and Abu-Bakr. of the noble Prophet (peace May Allah subhanahu
be upon him). He also took wata’ala shower His Mercy
Amongst the honors up arms against those who and Blessings on Abu-Bakr
conferred on to him by the refused to give the obligatory As-Siddique.
16 17

Thus, we go desperately to Imam Ghazali points out that the

psychologists and counseling sessions to help ailments of the soul are much worse than
us with internal dilemmas created in order to those of the body; in the ailments of the soul
foster these external selves. Ironically, all that he includes misery, pride, ignorance, self-
we need to develop a healthy self-image and centeredness, social status, cowardice, fame,
to be spiritually at peace is to reflect upon our and the likes. He also gives the solution, the
own religious teachings and tradition. ultimate counseling tip: “closeness to God is
equivalent to normality whereas distance from
God leads to abnormality.”
Some of the earliest works and
By Komal Ata - 4th year MBBS student at Shifa College of Medicine major breakthroughs in psychoanalysis and
psychotherapy are traced back to Muslim The nearer we are to the teachings
scholars. Al-Razi, Ibn-e-Sina, Ghazali, Rumi all and personality of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.),
produced compelling works in psychotherapy the greater is our normality. Observing the

reek mythology has a famous rates, but it has also sent us adrift from our and spiritual ailments long before Freud’s behavior of the individual and knowing
myth pertaining to the creation individuality and our religious identity. “Talking Cure” (considered his intentions can
of the world. After the world was to be the modern basis measure this
created, Zeus (the higher Greek god) created of psychoanalysis). normality. In the
the first woman, Pandora, and handed her a What one society finds to be the
standard of excellence may be completely
Where modern
The concept of a person in Quran it is said:
“This is how we
box for safekeeping, ordering her to never ever
open it. However, out of curiosity, she opened condemned by another (think Hitler). If we techniques focus more Islam is “ideal.” It is based on ordained you to
it, unleashing every vice upon the world,
managing to only contain one thing in that box:
strive to excel in the ways of the world, we will
end up disappointed, simply because there will
on making the spirit
link with the body by a specific aim and a definite be a people most
balanced, so that
hope. My article is on psychotherapy related to never be a universal criteria of what is “ideal.” considering them as goal. Man is not created in you may be a
two separate entities, model to others,
vain and not left to the whims
Islam. By the Islamic point of view, hope is an Our youth today faces the dilemma of giving
integral component of the cure for ailments of up their moral and ethical values to conform to such as in theories of and the Prophet
the soul. the norms of a society. It is considered superior
to condemn religion and move towards either
Jung and Descartes,
the approach and
of his passion and lust; (s.a.w.) a model
to you.”
a more “logical,” “scientific,” or “humanistic” philosophy of Muslim relations with others are also
In contemporary society, everyone approach; it is better to look beautiful than to psychotherapy is
and everything is judged by certain standards act so. holistic—regarding In
and benchmarks; stereotypes the individual essence, Islam
created by the people as a complete ordains Man,
thought to be the “shapers” This race to transcendental, the best of Allah’s
of civilization. Whether it become perfect in the comprehensive, dynamic human being; a creation, to strive towards developing His
is looking a certain way, worldly sense is useless, microcosm within a macrocosm. approval and His guidance rather than the
behaving in a certain as it renders a person approval of the world, for when it comes to
manner or even thinking incomplete. Not only do people it is common knowledge that you
a certain thought—all our we loose contact with The concept of a person in Islam is cannot please everyone.
actions at the conscious our soul, but we end up “ideal.” It is based on a specific aim and a
or subconscious level cultivating a personality definite goal. Man is not created in vain and
are being shaped by the so governed by external not left to the whims of his passion and lust; According to the great Muslim healers,
current ruling ideology factors that we begin relations with others are also regulated. He is the Islamic forms of worship directly treat
of our society. Everyone ignoring boundaries of given a wide scope of thinking and working, most of the ailments of the soul. Prayer in
wants to look good, be cool, right and wrong, develop provided they are not detrimental to his fellow Islam has a psychical value, involving perfect
be thin, be rich and (in case of unnecessary biases and men. There are certain values which he concentration. It is the intense realization of
the developing world) move abroad. insecurities. We are willing to do anything to fit must sanctify and maintain, otherwise chaos, God and forgetfulness of all that is not God. By
in a community that will condemn this persona injustice and violence will reign. this feeling of dependence on an omnipotent
of ours tomorrow anyway, only to start a new deity, the mind enjoys peace and the mental
Not only has this pressure to “fit-in” “fashion.” sufferings are temporarily suspended,
greatly increased depression and suicide
18 19

producing the relaxation necessary to cure the is the ultimate remedy to dejection. God made
mentally and emotionally disturbed. hopelessness unlawful by saying: “Do not
despair Allah’s mercy.”

I titled my article in relation to hope

because it is the most powerful feeling a No matter what state of despair,
human being can acquire. Especially in the depression, or frustration we are in, whether
contemporary world, where our ummah due to the loss of a loved one or a job, as a
is being persecuted, where the youth is result of anger from someone else, or social
disenchanted by religion, where we constantly pressures, we must not give up hope. And the
feel dejected and self piteous, where we greatest hope is for mercy from Allah.
stand at a crossroad, not knowing where to go
and how to get out of this moral, ethical and
Written by Dr. Muzaffar Iqbal - President of Center for Islam and Sceince, Canada.
spiritual crisis, we must hope. The concept of tawbah is perhaps
one of the most beautiful concepts in Islam. It

offers the suffering man a hope of forgiveness.
There is no concept of self-pity or Forgiveness is the prerequisite, without which n June 5, 2008, a Mustafa Kemal based on his personal ideas
dejection in Islam. Allah forbids us from being the process of reconciliation of the patient to nine-member bench abolished the Caliphate, which considered European
pessimistic or melancholic over worldly matters the world and to God cannot take place. of the highest court exiled the last Ottoman civilization to be the best
as these trivial issues are merely a hurdle in of Turkey overturned a bill sultan to Paris, abolished the model for humanity.
the way to true success. In the Quran Allah earlier adopted by the Turkish Hijra calendar, replaced the
says: “With hardship is ease.” We must pray for His light to illuminate Parliament to lift the ban Arabic script with the Roman
the heart so that we can see beyond today’s on wearing the headscarf alphabet, persecuted the To ensure the long-
suffering. We must pray for Allah’s mercy and in educational institutions. Ulema and Sufi orders, and term survival of Kemalism,
I believe that amidst all the hardships forgiveness so that we can love and forgive The ban was proclaimed established the first secular Mustafa Kemal included in
there is tremendous facilitation. There is much ourselves and His other creations, and make by Mustafa Kemal in 1924 republic in the Islamic world, the country’s constitution
goodness and ease that Allah provides us; we peace with our creator, our surroundings, and as part of his drive to creating a monolithic system the military’s role as the sole
have and will always have much more to be ourselves. To conclude, I believe that we must “modernize” Turkey. defender and protector of the
thankful for than to regret. Hence, instead of cherish what Pandora managed to save. constitution and its secular
feeling disillusioned we must hope. For hope identity. He understood that
Mustafa Kemal brute force was the only real
was the forerunner of many power capable of producing
secular Muslim military social and political change
and political leaders who and hence he used Turkey’s
embraced all things Western. now secularized military
He saw Islam as an outdated to enforce his own writ on
religion, incompatible with the makeup of modern
modernity, and found his Turkey. This self-styled
ideals in European thought father of Turks (Atatürk)
and practices. He attempted ripped asunder centuries-
to transform Turkey into a old traditions, destroyed
modern secular state by Turkey’s sense of identity,
expelling Islam from the and gave birth to a deep
public sphere. The ruthlessly chasm in the Turkish psyche
enforced “Kemalism” which has become one of
systematically dismembered the most prominent features
centuries of spiritual, of contemporary Turkey.
intellectual, social, and Mustafa Kemal brought about
economic ties with various this remarkable change
aspects of Islam. Mustafa Kemal introducing the new Turkish through a series of “reforms”
alphabet to the people of Kayseri. September
20, 1928 in the political, legal, cultural,
social, and economic system
20 21


compartmentalization of the chasm now ripping apart the inability to read the

Kemalism was, however, merely one specific expres-

being. Such a person has the whole being at so many original source remains a
an understanding of life as levels of existence. major barrier: fundamentally,

sion of the great chasm which first appeared in the Muslim

consisting of two distinct it is the make up of the
spheres: things deemed mind and the orientation

psyche through the encounter with the modern Western

religious (and hence other- Millions of of the heart that creates a
worldly) and things deemed contemporary educated spiritual deprivation. The

world. It made its presence felt during the time of coloniza- to be belonging to this world. Muslims find themselves in message of the Qur’an is
He or she blindly follows this dilemma. They have a abundantly clear, even for
tion of the traditional lands of Islam and has since become customs and rituals learned
from the local environment
vague understanding of the
lack of rooting in the spiritual
those believers who do not
have access to the Book. But
much more complex and widespread. in things deemed to be
religious and lets his or her
and intellectual soil of Islam
but very few find themselves
this clear message demands
a thorough, deep, and all
own being be the guide for in any position to find a way embracing acceptance
things deemed to belong to anchor their existence of the Straight Path. This
of the country. The “reforms” in so many ways that many center and either casts to this world. This self- in that soil. Most of Islamic requirement is the real
were guided by positivist Muslims are incapable even out Islam from one’s life, guidance often stumbling block
and rationalist European of clearly distinguishing or relegates it to a narrow comes from one’s for the infected
enlightenment as understood various dimensions of sphere of formal worship. The environment, hearts. The nafs
by a thoroughly uprooted this malady. In essence, resulting chasm then rapidly though very fed heavy doses
elite led by a man whose it is a disease of the heart spreads within and weakens few individuals of secularism
egomaniac disrespect for forced into the wilderness the vitality of Iman, leaving are capable of through
Islam increased as the years of secular rationalism. This behind a crippled existence ascertaining the education
progressed. disease takes hold of the devoid of any purpose actual source of and social
unsuspecting believer at higher than the gratification their ideas. environment
some point in early childhood of desires and fulfillment of resists complete
Kemalism was, through education or social physical needs of the body. submission and
however, merely one specific conditioning, and grows Once follows its self-
expression of the great within until it cripples the this process created path,
chasm which first appeared entire existence by infecting In the contemporary completes, often with plenty
in the Muslim psyche through it with a vision of life that world, this great chasm the individual of justifications
the encounter with the removes the Creator from the manifests at the individual as becomes that the mind
modern Western world. It well as the collective levels. thoroughly is capable of
made its presence felt during Individually, Muslims infected uprooted from providing. The
the time of colonization with this malady find the sources of Divine result is an ever-
of the traditional lands themselves oscillating in guidance and the resulting scholarship remains beyond increasing cleavage, a
of Islam and has two mutually exclusive spiritual, intellectual, and their reach and whatever deepening chasm, and an
since become much worlds: their residual emotional crisis produces a little they can find adds to the accelerating confusion.
more complex and beliefs keep them paralysis of the worst kind, confusion because it is read
widespread. In fact, within the fold of reducing one’s existence to in a fragmentary manner.
it will not be an Islam, but the a perpetual state of internal The antidote to the
overstatement to secular makeup chaos and confusion. But secularization of the Muslim
say that this is the of their lives pulls the irony is that this state is Even the Qur’an and mind is in its re-Islamization,
greatest malady them away from never recognized for what the Sunnah—the two primary a process of slow and
of our times. This the practices and it is. This blindness of the sources of Islam—have gradual rediscovery of Islam,
great chasm runs rituals required heart is veiled and the state become alien for millions this time thoroughly rooted in
through the spiritual, by their belief of compound ignorance is of believers who continue the primary sources and not
intellectual, and in the Creator, covered by the education to consider them the true passively acquired from the
emotional planes and His Prophet, received from thoroughly sources of guidance but surroundings. The shortest
creates an impasse and His Book. secular sources. The result know not how to profit from possible route to recovery is
for Muslims at so many Often this malady is a state in which one is them. This alienation is not through the interiorization of
levels of existence and manifests itself through not even aware of the deep merely linguistic, though the life of the Noble Prophet,

upon whom be peace. This of familiarity, consciously a constant striving to prepare

life, preserved in great detail, interiorized, transforms themselves for the meeting
not only opens the sanctified the internal as well as the their Lord, Allah Who is the
Path to the deserving hearts, external features of one’s life. Light of the heavens and the
it also provides a complete This transformation cures earth; the likeness of His light
cure for the great is as a niche wherein
chasm by means is a lamp; the
which lie far lamp in a glass;
beyond the reach the glass as it
of the rational were a glittering
mind, because star kindled from a
it is steeped in blessed tree—an
spiritual realities of olive—neither of
the highest order. the East nor of the
West—whose oil
well-nigh would
The shine even though
Sunnah, the well- no fire touched it;
trodden path, is light upon light;
not merely a set Allah guides to
of rituals or du’as; His light whom He
it is a record of wills. And Allah
a sanctified life strikes similitudes
lived in complete for people; and
conformity of the Allah has knowledge
Divine Command. Before the complex disease of the of all things.
one can interiorize the Path suffering heart and produces
of the Noble Messenger, a unification of the being at
however, one has to become various levels of existence. Transformed at the
familiar with it. This requires most fundamental level of
a conscious effort to know, existence, their whole life is
in concrete detail, how that Once rooted in then devoted to the efforts
most Noble of all created daily practices and solidly to live a life guided by the
beings woke up from his anchored in the inner Book, seeking His pleasure,
sleep, how he washed, how recesses of one’s being, the yearning with all their hearts
he ate, how he walked, how desire to follow the Sunnah of to enter the everlasting abode
he conversed with his fellow the Noble Messenger, upon of His Mercy wherein they will
human beings, and how whom be peace, opens one’s hear their Creator’s call: O
he conducted himself in all access to hitherto unknown thou tranquil soul, return unto
other spheres of life. The blessings. The Prophetic light thy Sustainer, well-pleased
true familiarity with his ways produces a radiance in the and well-pleasing; enter,
of being and his character heart which lights up one’s thou, among My slaves; enter
brings with itself an unbound whole existence. Those who thou My Paradise.
love and passion which help have experientially witnessed
to emulate that character this process of recovery and
which the Creator Himself tasted the joy of finding the WaāLlĀhuāl-
has praised as the best of sanctified Path can thereafter mustaĂĀn, wa mĀ tawfąqą
all characters. The first layer never settle for anything but illĀ biā-LlĀh
By Mohammad Hammad
The Spiritual Heart 4th year MBBS student at Shifa College of Medicine

Its Life is sound PURE HEART DEAD HEART No Coutesy to
the creation
of Allah

Do I really have a YES? YES?

pure heart? Diseased Heart

Do you feel pain when reminders occur? Do you reject admonitions and reminders?




Interpreted - like symptoms of

a disease e.g Pride e.g. Cinema vs. Masjid
e.g. Envy

• Do you backbite? • Which would you prefer to

• Do you think you are superior to go to?
• Do you see through a
haze of lust?
• Are you resentful or desirous of
another’s possessions?


more LIFE in the heart more DECAY in the heart


Health > Sickness Health = Sickness Health < Sickness

e.g. asthma e.g. kidney disease e.g. cancer

is manageable Depends on environment to Needs radical

either get worse or better. treatment

Easier To Treat Needs rigorous

Needs a condusive monitoring and
environment correction
How much you want to
please your Lord and your
Creator? What sort of company do you
have? Do I really believe in Allah,
or am I just kidding myself?

By Mohammad Hammad
4th year MBBS student at Shifa College of Medicine The Spiritual Heart
26 27

parents to speak for her, but they had nothing counsel an orphan is Rs 3700 if you donate to
to say, so she herself took the initiative and Muslim Hands and many other sincere causes.
said, “Should I tell you I am innocent, and Allah While these figures are primarily from North
knows that I am surely innocent, you will not America, they apply to Pakistan as well, since
believe me; and if I were to admit something many youth emulate American culture.
of which, Allah knows, I am innocent, you will
believe me. Therefore I have no recourse Unfortunately, wastage of time is not
except the words of the father of Prophet the only danger that gossip posses. A large
Yusuf: ‘So (for me) patience is most fitting. portion of gossip also construes acts such
And it is Allah (Alone) Whose Help can be as backbiting, betrayal of trust, and causing
sought against that which you assert.’” harm to individuals and to the community.
By Umar Shuaib - 2nd year MBBS student at Shifa College of Medicine [Yusuf: 18] Regretfully, our inability to apply the hadith
where we are commanded to love for our
Subsequently, revelation acquitted brothers and sisters what we love for ourselves

A n extremely painful incident took place

on the Prophet’s (pbuh) return from the
against Aisha; unfortunately, some Muslims
also became involved.
Aisha of all slander.
Aisha, of course,
[Bukhari] is the root
of most of these
expedition against Bani Mustaliq.
On arrival to Madinah, the Prophet
was joyful and
praised Allah Wastage of time is not the only problems. Until
jealousy and envy
While the army was setting up camp,
Aisha, who was accompanying the Prophet
(pbuh) held counsel with his companions, who
gave different opinions—including divorce.
thankfully. Allah’s
Words in this
danger that gossip posses. are eliminated
from our psyche,
(pbuh), went out of the camp to answer The incident almost roused a fight between regard went as
follows: “Verily!
A large portion of gossip we are fated to
cause harm to
the call of nature. When she returned, she two rival tribes, Al-Aws and Al-Khazraj, but the
discovered that she had dropped her necklace Prophet’s intervention silenced both parties. Those who also construes acts such as those around us
brought forth the perpetually.
backbiting, betrayal of trust, and
somewhere. Aisha went out again to search
for it. On her return, the army had marched slander (against
Aisha, unaware of the rumors being
causing harm to individuals and
away along with the camel she was riding. Aisha) are a Reflecting
circulated, fell ill and was confined to bed
White sitting, sleep group among on the story of
for a month. Upon
overpowered her.
Safwan bin Mu‘attal,
recovering, she
you.” [An-Noor:
11] to the community. Aisha illuminates
many hazards of
heard of the slander
an Emigrant who and took permission gossip mongering.
was following some to go and see her To deny the During the time of
distance behind the parents in order prevalence of gossip and its negative effects is the Sahabah, whose moral character dwarfs
army, recognized to seek authentic nothing short of sheer ignorance. Randomized ours, this incident still caused such strife.
her, since he had news. Upon studies of casual conversation, such as one Disagreement over whether Rasulallah (pbuh)
seen her before the confirmation, she by Duncan et al, reveal that gossip engulfs should have divorced Aisha nearly caused
verse enjoining the burst into tears, an astounding two-thirds of conversation—a fighting between fellow Muslims; indeed, to this
veil was revealed. weeping to such statistic that is equal in both men and women, day, gossip is a leading cause for workplace
He allowed her to an extent that she contrary to popular belief. conflicts and loss of productivity. Furthermore,
mount his camel, felt her liver was the degree to which Aisha, the mother of the
then, leading the way about to rip open. Not only does gossip consume believers, was distraught indicates the danger
without even looking The Prophet (pbuh) society’s conversational time, but also a of such gossip on the rest of the Ummah,
back or saying a word, visited her in that state, very significant portion of spending and daily who are far weaker. Aisha’s response to the
escorted her until they caught up with the and after testifying to the Oneness of Allah, reading. According to New Single Copy’s scandal is one that must be emulated.
Muslim army the following day. he told her, “If you are innocent, Allah will magazine ranking, one of the many gossip
acquit you, otherwise, you have to beg for His oriented magazines, People, boasts a When reciting the Ayah from Surah
The hypocrites, led by Abdullah bin forgiveness and pardon.” circulation greater than 3.75 million and annual Yusuf, Aisha displayed a trait seldom
‘Ubay, sought to make mischief out of this revenue of 112.5 billion Rs. The monthly costs observed: placing her trust in Allah to clear
incident and spread a malicious scandal She stopped weeping and asked her to cloth, educate, feed, and psychologically her name rather than vehemently denying the
28 29

accusations against her. This practice is further If one imagines really doing such a not concern him.” [Tirmidhi] “Keep away from jealousy, for it eats up virtues
justified by the hadith narrated by Sa’eed thing, nausea will surely ensue. The Prophet faster than a fire eats dry wood” [Abu Daud].
bin Musaeb: “When the Prophet (pbuh) was (pbuh) told his companions that a rotten Jealousy is tantamount to questioning Allah’s
It is obvious that if you obtain no ill
sitting with his companions one person used donkey is better for them than backbiting judgment in distributing his bounties. Allah
knowledge of your brother, you will be unable
insulting words against Abu Bakr, causing [Abu Dawud]. Moreover, the punishment for says, “And do not covet that by which Allah
to backbite. In addition to this, apply the hadith
him pain, but Abu Bakr was silent. The man backbiting is grave; Rasulullah (pbuh) said, has made some of you excel others; men
of the Prophet (pbuh) in which he approached
used bitter words for the second time, but Abu “No tell-tell can enter paradise.” [Bukhari] shall have the benefit of what they earn
a group of companions who were conversing,
Bakr remained silent. After the third time, as and women shall have
and told them to mix
Abu Bakr tried to defend himself, the Prophet On the other hand, those that hide the benefit of what
in remembrance
(pbuh) got up. Abu Bakr asked, “Are you other’s secrets are promised a veil by the they earn; and ask
of Allah with their
Backbiting stems from
displeased with me, O Messenger of Allah?” Prophet (pbuh): “Anyone who knows about Allah of His grace;
discussions. Doing
To this, Mohammad (pbuh) replied: “No, but the fault of his Muslim brother and conceals it surely Allah knows
this will accomplish
from the heavens an angel had come down
and was denying that man’s talk, but when
will have his own faults covered on the Day of
Judgment” [Tibrani]. So we
two objectives: you primal disease of the all things.” [An-Nisa:
will be less likely to
you started to answer, the
angel went away and
see that in addition to incorporate sinful heart jelousy . Thus striv-
doing great damage
ing to eliminate jeolousy
talk due to the recent Eradicating
the devil sat down; I to others and the dhikr; and your backbiting, gossiping,
cannot sit where the
is the ultimate method to
community, backbiting conversation may betrayal of trust, and
devil is sitting.”[Abu devastates the one become one of baraka ultimately, jealousy
Daud] backbiting most,
making it critical to
rather than just merely
“killing time.”
stop backbiting, is an imminent
priority. The degree
By staying completely stop the of disunity and fitna
silent in the face practice. caused by rumors and
Often the best
of gossip and ill feelings is crippling to
way to solve this problem is to change your
accusations, you Changing any our already bleeding Ummah. Through deep
circle of close friends. Rasulullah (pbuh)
kill two birds with habit is difficult and remorse, constant awareness of the effect
said, “The example of a good companion in
one stone; not only seldom accomplished of gossip and its associated actions, as well
comparison with a bad one is like that of the
do you attain a without numerous as strong preventative measures, such as
musk seller and the blacksmith’s bellows; from
flawless defense, but countermeasures. befriending pious Muslims, this goal can be
the first you would either buy musk or enjoy
aggressors will move An acceptance achieved. Even in harmless forms, gossip
its good smell, while the bellows would either
onto other, more of wrongdoing wastes immeasurable time, and on the Day
burn your clothes or your house, or you get
reactive targets. and subsequent of Judgment, we will be held accountable for
a bad smell thereof” [Bukhari]. If those who
sincere repentance are closest to you are indulging in gossiping, wasting the blessing of our free time.
A major are paramount in both or any other sin, you will not go unscathed.
component of gossip is ceasing the activity, and While leaving a group of close friends is tough, It is ironic that gossiping and backbiting
backbiting. In a crowd of friends, hints of attaining forgiveness. it will both protect you from joining in their are commonly used to build good rapport and
someone’s secrets being revealed will wrongdoings, as well as elevate your faith trust with the listener, presumably because
instantly spawn a room full of eavesdroppers. Three steps are recommended while upon befriending the Muttaqeen. telling secrets makes them feel included. The
However, the deterrents given by Allah and his making tawbah. Firstly, you must cease astute are quick to realize, though, that they
Messenger (pbuh) are numerous. Consider the committing the sin. Secondly, feel deep regret are likely to become the topic of interest in their
Backbiting stems from a primal disease
Ayah: “O ye who believe! Avoid suspicion in performing the sin, and be repulsed by the new friend’s next conversation, and thus create
of the heart: jealousy. Thus striving to eliminate
as much (as possible): for suspicion in thought of repeating your mistake. Finally, distance. In the end, gossipers often lose both
jealousy is the ultimate method to stop
some cases is a sin: And spy not on each resolve never to commit the sin again. In order friendship in the Dunya and rewards in the
backbiting. Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) said,
other behind their backs. Would any of you to further reduce your chances of reverting to Akhira.
like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? your habit, watchfulness over any conversation
Nay, ye would abhor it. But fear Allah: For you indulge in is required. Allah’s messenger
Allah is Oft-Returning, Most Merciful.” [Al- (pbuh) said, “From the perfection of a person’s
Hujraat: 12] Islam is that he leaves alone that which does
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Sector H-8/4 - Islamabad – Pakistan
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Fund Raising For Needy Cancer Patients

“If it doesn't taste good its not on the menu.” ‘Helping Hands for Cancer Patients’ (HHCP) has been launched for early diagnosis and management of cancer in
needy patients at Shifa Foundation Falahee Clinic, H-8/4, Islamabad.

Shifa Foundation has been registered as a not-for-profit charitable organization since 1991 in Islamabad, Pakistan. HHCP
will work under the umbrella of Shifa Foundation.

• Our Logo is “Fight against the Silent Killer- CANCER”

Cancer refers to any one of a large number of diseases characterized by the development of abnormal cells that divide
uncontrollably and have the ability to infiltrate and destroy normal body tissue. Cancer can spread throughout the body.
All cancers, lead to death if not detected and treated properly. When cancers are diagnosed in early stages, i.e., when the
extent is limited, high cure rates can be achieved by relatively simple, inexpensive therapy that is less toxic and ensures
a high quality of life after treatment.
Early detection is particularly important in developing countries where, at the present time, up to 80% of cancers are diag-
nosed in advanced stages and less than 50% of patients survive for more than five years. The most common cancers in
developing countries are cancers of the lung, stomach, liver, breast, uterine cervix (neck of the womb), head and neck, oe-
sophagus, large bowel, urinary bladder and lymphoma and leukemia, which together account for four-fifths of all cancers.
Of these, early detection and appropriate treatment is currently feasible for the control of cancers of the breast, uterine
cervix, head and neck, large bowel and urinary bladder. (Source:


website: 1. Indigestion or difficulty in swallowing or feeling full after eating only a small amount of food.
2. Thickening or lump in breast, scrotum or elsewhere in the body
3. A cough that persists; hoarseness or change in the voice; a cough that does not go away; blood in the sputum
4. A sore or ulcer that does not heal, increases in size, bleeds or becomes painful
5. Change in bowel or bladder frequency, change in color of stool, diarrhea or constipation; blood in urine or stools.

6. Unusual bleeding or discharge in urine or stools; discharge (particularly if blood stained) from any part of the body,
e.g., nipples, urethra or vagina; bleeding after sexual intercourse, bleeding in between menstrual cycles.
7. A white or red patch in the mouth, lasting more than four weeks.
8. Obvious change in a wart or mole


‘Helping Hands for Cancer Patients’ (HHCP) Team
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that if allowed to grow, and if aware of and wholly obedient We compete to gain every
allowed to be guided by the to the commands of our little thing in this world, but
Written by Dr.
Written by Madiha Ashraf
Dr.Madiha Ashraf -- House
House Offi
cer at
at Shifa
Shifa International
International Hospital
right source, can make one Creator. And when we fail we lose miserably at the end
human being more special to do all that, we fail—in the because we fail to realize that
than all the others. It is this truest sense of the word. this world is temporary. We

nce I read some- forever? Could it be because concerns. And when we soul which distinguishes one give everything to this world
where that life is we don’t think about the finally stop thinking about person from the other. And it and therefore have nothing
like a dream, and matter enough? That we are our innumerable problems, is this soul which was given We fail because we left to take to the next world.
on waking up we so involved in our material what do we do? We watch to all of us as a gift and as a let slip the one chance we are We need to do some serious
will have only a few hazy world and our material selves every movie we can get our test to see which one of us given of proving ourselves. thinking. We need to wake
memories of it. The only dif- that we don’t have time to hands on, watch sports all nurtures it the best, which We waste the one life that up!
ference between the dream think beyond it? I say our day long, surf the web for one of us protects it the best, we are given as a test to
that we see at night and this material selves because that hours, stuff ourselves with and which one of us makes it qualify for entering paradise.
“life dream,” is that on waking is what we are taking care of. food and “have a good time.”
up from the life dream, we The spiritual part of our being The mind does not in fact
will have to face the conse- remains sadly neglected. have any time to think, which
quences of what we did. We are greatly aware of the is ironic since that is what it’s
Human beings can needs of our body, but the supposed to do. When the
be amazingly short sighted. needs of our soul have been mind doesn’t think, the body
We see quite clearly that pushed to the corners of our reacts to situations on its own
our lives will end sooner or minds. and we are left with nothing
later. We believe that we but basic animal instincts.
will be raised again and be
held accountable for what We know how
we did in this life. Yet we important eight hours of sleep We often wonder
don’t struggle to do what are for us; we know that why, if we are aware of the
we know we must. We we need to have a certain basic facts of life, don’t we
have the universal excuse number of meals everyday to act accordingly? Because we
of being lazy. If laziness is keep our bodies healthy; we let our bodies control us; we
a part of our nature, why get every kind of vaccination let our needs drive us. We
aren’t we lazy about making available to protect our don’t exert ourselves enough
our careers, about earning bodies from disease. Our to step out of the routine.
money, about raising our bodies get pampered to the We don’t stop to think that a
children? The answer is extent of absurdity. But what few important changes could
simple—because all this is do we do for our soul? The mean eternal bliss instead of
important to us. And that is mind doesn’t get enough hellfire.
the shortsightedness of the time to connect with the soul
human mind. because when the mind’s
not sleeping, it’s either being The soul, sitting in
stressed or entertained. We its corner, tries to reach out
Why is that which will are stressed because of to the mind, tries to demand
end soon more important to school, work, family, politics its nutrition, growth, and
us than that which will last and any number of other development. It is the soul
34 35

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n an effort to contribute positively and in an organized manner to the revival of the humanitarian
spirit of Islam towards justice, equality, and progression, the students of the Shifa College of Medi-
cine have formed the Shifa Student Society. The current state of our ummah, which is rife with
poverty, injustice, and pusillanimity, require that we do our part to bring about a change and the cre-
ation of this society is our humble effort toward that. It is only through a conscious desire for change
supplemented with an actual effort that we can better our condition as Allah, the Most High, tells us in
the Holy Qur`an, “Verily! Allâh will not change the condition of a people as long as they do not change
their state themselves” (13:11). Under the umbrella of this society, we hope to invest in programs,
publications, and activities promoting the true illuminating ideals of our complete way of life, Al-Islam
—ideals of humanitarian efforts, of exhorting of good and discouraging of evil, and of professionalism.

The second annual Islamic perspectives conference held on the 28th of February and the 1st of
March 2009, along with the first issue of this magazine, are only beginning endeavors in this regard.
With the help of Allah (SWT) and the valued support of the public, we hope to publish this magazine,
discussing pressing issues of interest to the youth from an Islamic perspective, on a periodic basis.
Our next issue will come out on August 14, 2009, in sha Allah. Through the articles in the maga-
zine, we aim to provide accessible and accurate information on Islam to the Youth of Islamabad and
Rawalpindi so that they may be able to learn about their religion. The importance of learning about our
deen was eloquently explained by our beloved Prophet ( ) when he said, “The acquisition of knowl-
edge is obligatory for every Muslim male and female.” In essence, then, it is imperative on us to seek
knowledge, especially the knowledge of Islam. The unfortunate confusion shrouding the understand-
ing of our religion today only means that we have to strive harder to gain a proper appreciation of it.
In addition to the magazine and the conference, we will, in sha Allah, also participate in and organize
various medical awareness programs and fundraising activities for the medical and other needs of the
underprivileged and displaced people of our nation and thus demonstrate the Islamic ideals practi-

The Shifa Student Society will function under the guidance of senior faculty members of the Shifa
College of Medicine and is a student-run, non-profit organization. We have a vision to link together
students from all schools, colleges, and universities in this virtuous venture. We look forward to mon-
etary and other contributions and suggestions from the public in furthering this noble mission —the
noble mission of all the Prophets of God. By contributing to this cause monetarily, one can share in
the task and also gain the immense reward in this dunyah and the hereafter that Allah promises those
who spend in His cause. We pray to Allah that He makes us sincere in our efforts and accepts
from us what little we do to spread His word. Aameen!

For more information on the society or to make a monetary contribution for the publication
of the magazine and other activities of the Shifa Student Society, please contact us at: or Yousuf Raza: 0321-5677189 or Ahmed Malik: 0301-5468090

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