Dimitar Hadzhiev - Operation Corona, Second Edition

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Copyright © 2021 by Dimitar M. Hadzhiev
All rights reserved.

The author grants you the right to use and distribute this book without modification and
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First edition, July 2021

Second edition, September 2021
Front cover design by Jordan Singh / Pixabay
“There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact.”

Arthur Conan Doyle

“The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes”


On a lovely sunny afternoon last year I was at home, watching an episode of the Joe
Rogan’s podcast. A podcast is an audio or video recording of a discussion on a specific
topic, typically available as a series. Joe’s guest this time was the mathematician and
economist Eric Weinstein. As the conversation went on, they switched the topic to
professional wrestling and brought up the term “shoot”. A shoot is any unplanned,
unscripted occurrence within a wrestling event. The term came to mean a real fight.
The opposite of a shoot is a “work”. A “worked-shoot” is any occurrence that is scripted
to come off as unscripted and therefore appear real, but is still part of the show. Modern
professional wrestling is staged entertainment and virtually everything in it is worked,
so shoots rarely occur.

Still, shoots do occur. Imagine that two wrestlers, whose scripted rivalry turned real for
some reason, meet in a match for the title. If they cannot keep their emotions in check
and a worked-shoot suddenly becomes an actual fight, how can anyone tell what is
really happening in the ring? As Eric pointed out, the human brain cannot go much
beyond four levels of lies. His words made me stop in my tracks. I had recently begun
looking at a fascinating, yet quite bewildering topic from a new perspective. The novel
coronavirus pandemic, which supposedly originated from a seafood market in China,
was still making all the headlines. It seems this new threat to humanity will stay with us
for the foreseeable future, if not forever. From official briefings and news reports to the
wildest conspiracies, I was following all major narratives surrounding this viral
pandemic. A pandemic I had started seeing as a well-scripted show. As a spectacle,
designed to blur the lines between reality and fiction.

I was paying close attention to the trends in public discourse as well, as most people
clustered around two completely opposing views. Many denied the existence of the
virus and thought COVID-19 was a rather benign disease, a misdiagnosed influenza
perhaps. Others fully believed every word from the official story. In the conspiracy
theory domain, the prevailing narratives revolved mostly around population control,
planned depopulation, eugenics, New World Order emergence and deliberate
destruction of businesses and livelihoods. Was that the end goal of the “elites”? And
even if so, I could not find a reason why they would put such a “plandemic” in action
now, and not say ten years ago or twenty years from now.

Many have referred to official documents, developed by political and economic

organizations, suggesting the elites have planned the events that took place last year
well in advance. While some of these agendas did raise suspicion, I could not find any
evident nefarious plot. It remained unclear to me what made 2020 so special. Were
our governments worried we would soon overthrow their “tyranny”, so they decided to
tighten their grip in response? Or perhaps we were heading towards an imminent
global economic collapse, much worse than the 2008 financial crisis, so the political
establishment used the viral outbreak as a smokescreen? By blaming the virus for the
market crash that would have followed anyway, the world leaders would hide the faulty

policies that actually caused it and rescue all major banks. Or perhaps COVID-19 was
a plan, set in motion by the elites, in order to bankrupt businesses at large and then
acquire them for pennies on the dollar?

None of the stories I had heard thus far made full sense to me, no matter whether they
came from – state officials, scientists, investigating journalists or conspiracy lovers.
Some sense – sure, but I felt they all failed to offer a complete explanation of what was
actually happening. The way the authorities had responded to the viral threat was
particularly mind-boggling to many, as the measures imposed seemed to have caused
more harm to society than the virus itself. Each story had left me with the persistent
feeling something simply did not add up. As if they all missed that final piece of the
puzzle, which would have revealed the whole truth at last.

I know many of you feel the same way. That feeling we are all being pushed into some
weird social experiment whose purpose we cannot conceive of. The scare and worry
on the faces of friends and loved ones, the conflict and aggression escalating on social
media and on the streets, the further divide between the people this pandemic has
brought – someone had to put an end to all this. Someone had to expose the lies we
were fed. This time “they”, whoever they are, went too far.

So I decided to find out the truth on my own. I promised myself I will get to the very
bottom of this mystery, regardless of how much time and effort it may take. During my
investigation, I remained as open-minded and impartial as possible. I carefully explored
and analyzed all the relevant information I could find. I stayed particularly vigilant with
respect to those deception layers that made it so difficult for us to discern the work
from the shoot. I designed, tested and eventually rejected many hypotheses, until
I finally found the one that made sense the most. It was not only capable of explaining
the unexplainable, but was also able to accurately predict the future. I had truly found
the One.

Still, I strongly urge you to challenge the findings presented in this book. I urge you to
critically review all the information provided before you form a final opinion on the topics
discussed. I urge you to do it, because this time no one else will do it for us. Our
children’s future, the very lives of the people we care about largely depend on our
understanding of the biggest catastrophic risks humanity faces today. The world
leaders want to make sure we remain largely unaware of some of these threats. Or
rather, they are spoon-feeding us the truth about the immense danger we are already
in. I can understand why they made this choice, but I am making mine as well. They
had enough time to admit what they have done, but I doubt they ever will. Therefore,
it is my duty to tell you the truth, as harsh as it may be.

I started writing this book last autumn and my work was almost complete by May this
year. I decided to publish a second edition in September for three main reasons. First
– the events that took place right after the first edition was released further confirmed
the validity of my findings and I wanted to have them included in the book. Second –
the scientists are currently following the same steps I followed during my investigation
into the origins of COVID-19, and I wanted to share the results of their studies in

support of my claims. Three – it looks like the climate catastrophe I was afraid would
eventually hit upon us will arrive sooner that I thought. Hence, I am now convinced the
world leaders have indeed used the current pandemic to enforce a “Great Reset” on
every aspect of our lives. After this opening remarks, let us dive right into the
coronavirus deception.



Now is a good time to introduce one person to those unfamiliar with him, as his findings
gave me the reason to doubt the origin of this new disease – Dr. Andrew Kaufman,
MD. If you are a “COVID sceptic” or even a denier, chances are you have heard of
him. Dr. Kaufman is not just a savvy scientist, but also a brave man who dared to stand
against the narrative that the state, mainstream media and medical establishment were
all pushing. His theory about the coronavirus was met with harsh criticism. His
knowledge and expertise were repeatedly questioned. His stand on disease-causing
human viruses was ridiculed, as he denied their existence altogether. At this time last
year I myself believed viruses like influenza take human lives away, so I understand
all the criticism. Still, my gut was telling me this man was onto something. I will keep
referring to his work as our story unfolds, but for now, let us start with some basics.

Do you remember how curious we were as children about life and everything around
us? Asking an endless stream of questions, followed by even more questions and
queries, until our curiosity was finally satisfied. Why is the sky blue? Why is the grass
green? What makes the Earth spin? If your own child asks these questions today,
it may take a while to recall what we were taught in primary school, in order to provide
the answer. Some questions kids ask pose a far bigger challenge. But wait until this
one pops up: “How do we know viruses cause illnesses and how do influenza and
coronaviruses look like?” You think that is an easy one? First, you would tell your kid
about “germ theory” and Koch’s postulates.1These are four criteria designed to
establish a causative relationship between a microbe and a disease, as follows:

1. The microorganism must be found in abundance in all organisms suffering from the
disease, but should not be found in healthy organisms.
2. The microorganism must be isolated from a diseased organism and grown in pure
3. The cultured microorganism should cause disease when introduced into a healthy
4. The microorganism must be re-isolated from the inoculated, diseased experimental
host and identified as being identical to the original specific causative agent.

You would go on to explain these criteria may not be applied to viruses and why that
is the case. You will say viruses were not even discovered when the German
microbiologist Robert Koch first formulated them in 1884. You will mention many of us
are asymptomatic carriers – that is, we are infected with a virus, but it does not cause
an illness. You will say viruses require host cells to grow and reproduce, and hence
instead of pure cultures virologists use cell cultures. Cell culture is a laboratory

technique, in which cells are taken from animal or human hosts and are grown outside
their natural environment. You will add that a single pathogen can cause a number of
diseases and a single disease may be caused by different pathogens. The more we
learned about viruses, the more obvious it became these four criteria had major
limitations. Scientists have come up with revised versions of the postulates, but they
are considered controversial as well. So far, so good.

But what if your child gets particularly curious and finds out about exosomes.
Exosomes are small, nanometer vesicles that are released from cells. They provide a
means for the cells to communicate and transfer genetic material from one another.
Exosomes bear an intriguing resemblance to viruses and can be easily isolated from
our bodies. Using a standard set of techniques, scientists can separate these tiny
bubbles from other vesicles, proteins, microbes and cell debris that may be present in
our fluids. Once isolated, scientists are able to study the genetic material those bubbles
carry. Thus, they discovered a curious fact – some exosomes contain viral material!
Interesting, isn’t it?

Now imagine your child asking the following: “Mom/dad, since scientists can easily
isolate exosomes from our bodies, study the material they carry and even find out they
may contain viral genomes, can they isolate viruses in the same way, sequence their
genomes and show they cause a disease? If not, why? Since viruses infect our cells
and use their machinery to self-replicate in millions of copies, can’t virologists extract
virus particles directly from our fluids? Why do they need to use cell cultures at all?
And when the doctor tells us influenza and coronaviruses cause the “common cold”,
how do we know that for a fact, given a disease may have different causal agents?”

In all honesty, we have to admit it may be hard to answer these logical and important
questions. Well, scientists at least must have the answers, right? After all, it is their job
to tell us what is actually true and false. And especially in the case of COVID-19,
a disease that changed the lives of billions and killed more than 3 million people so far,
they better have an undeniable proof of what actually causes it. In his hallmark
presentation about the SARS-CoV-2 discovery, Dr. Kaufman points out many of the
flaws in the way this new virus was isolated.2 There are many other videos available
on YouTube, Odysee and Bitchute, in which Andrew and a collaborator of his – Dr.
Thomas Cowan – explain in details why the methods virology uses to discover new
viruses and prove they cause diseases are quite unreliable, to say the least. They
claimed there was no actual proof that a new virus had caused the current pandemic.
Since that is quite a serious claim, I followed the trail myself. To my utter surprise, what
these good doctors were saying was actually true.

In December 2019, people in Wuhan, China were getting sick with pneumonia of
“unknown origin”. It was believed a new infectious disease had suddenly emerged. On
3 February 2020, a paper published in “Nature” described how the pathogen
associated with this new disease was isolated.3 First, the science team took a sample
from just a single sick person with pneumonia. After the initial antibiotics treatment
failed to cure the sickness, they concluded the pneumonia was not caused by a
bacterium and hence a virus must have caused it instead, ignoring all other possible

causes of disease. Second, they did not isolate any virus particle from the patient’s
fluids, in order to characterize it and study its genome. Instead, what they isolated was
RNA (ribonucleic acid) material, some of which they thought could belong to a virus.

Missing this isolation step already puts suspicion on their findings, since such samples
are impure. They contain all sorts of cells, debris and microbes. And while it is true that
scientists usually filter the samples so that only nanoscale material remain on the other
side of the filter, much of the genetic material, exosomes in particular, falls in the
nanometer range anyway. Hence, how can we be certain what the actual source of the
RNA is?

But this is not the only issue here. The SARS-CoV-2 genetic strand was never found
in its entire length in the extracted material. Instead, it was artificially created from
millions of smaller RNA fragments using computer models. Are you shocked to learn
this? Not only do we have a theoretical virus so far, but a theoretical genome of that
virus as well. And since these computer programs generate many different variants,
called contigs, of how this virus may look like (almost 400,000 generated by Megahit
and more than 1,300,000 by Trinity!), the scientists simply chose the one that had the
most nucleotides and resembled closely a previously known bat SARS-like

“Total RNA was extracted from 200 μl of BALF and a meta-transcriptomic library was
constructed for pair-end (150-bp reads) sequencing using an Illumina MiniSeq as
previously described. In total, we generated 56,565,928 sequence reads that were de
novo-assembled and screened for potential aetiological agents. Of the 384,096 contigs
assembled by Megahit, the longest (30,474 nucleotides (nt)) had a high abundance and
was closely related to a bat SARS-like coronavirus (CoV) isolate.” 3

To better understand how this genome assembly process works, you can watch
another informative video presentation by Kaufman and Cowan, particularly the
segment from 1:04:00 onward.4 So how can we be certain that the genome of SARS-
CoV-2 is not merely a theoretical model that came from a computer program and hence
does not exist in reality? Have scientists relied too heavily on modern genome
sequencing techniques and unfounded assumptions that a coronavirus caused the

Another team isolated this new virus from patients, basically following the same
procedure.5 They took lung fluid samples from just a few people falling sick with
pneumonia. Once again, they did not isolate any virus particle from the samples, but
snippets of RNA that were used to artificially create a virus genome. They found out
this new genome was nearly 80% similar to a previously known virus named SARS-
Cov-1, which allegedly caused quite a scary outbreak in 2002. But SARS-Cov-1 was
“isolated” in the same fashion as its 2019 successor, so its origin also remains unclear.

The scientists then grew the virus in a cell culture. They used human lung cancer cells
to see it “in action”. Prior to infecting the culture, they “washed” it with solution
containing antibiotics. After the infected material was introduced into the culture, they
added more antibiotics. They also used animal (monkey) cells to provide evidence of
pathogenicity – that is, a proof the virus harms its host. What do I mean by seeing the
virus in action? The so-called cytopathic effect (CPE) refers to the changes virologists
observe in cells after they have been infected. If the cells begin to break down and
particles get released from them, they consider this to be the proof that a disease-
causing virus has been isolated.

But the approach used to cultivate SARS-CoV-2 could be quite problematic. First, the
addition of antibiotics may have “stressed” the culture, as cells react to toxic exposure.
As Kaufman notices, the presence of antibiotics in cultures leads to the release of
exosomes and other particles. In fact, most cells release exosomes as part of their
normal functioning. Second, certain complications may arise from the use of animal
cells for virus isolation. These have been well documented.6 Third, cultures are usually
fed minimal amounts of nutrition to keep cells alive. Hence, cell starvation may have
also played a part in producing a cytopathic effect.

Thus, the observed CPE may have nothing to do with a virus that infects and destroys
cells, but with cells breaking down and releasing particles on their own due to the
laboratory conditions. Besides, the 80% genetic match between SARS-Cov-1 and
SARS-CoV-2 is not strong enough correlation to assume the latter is a virus, even if
the former was proven to be viral in origin. Studies have shown that humans are 96%
genetically similar to chimpanzees and 90% similar to Abyssinian domestic cats.7 Still,
these are three distinctively different types of species. So what exactly did the scientists
prove? Here is what they eventually concluded:

“Although our study does not fulfill Koch’s postulates, our analyses provide
evidence implicating 2019-nCoV in the Wuhan outbreak.” 5

A third team performed a similar study and said this at the end:

“The study…provides evidence of an association between the disease and the

presence of this virus. However, there are still many urgent questions to be answered.
We need more clinical data and samples to confirm if this virus is indeed the
etiology agent for this epidemic.” 8

As mentioned above, exosomes share intriguing similarities to viruses. Some

exosomes, for example, are quite similar to some viruses in terms of shape and size.
As shown in Fig. 1, this is very much the case with SARS-CoV-2 as well. If the photo
on the left was of better quality, the resemblance of these tiny vesicles to what the
scientists believed to the novel coronavirus would be even more startling. Hence, what
they had observed under the microscope might have simply been clusters of
exosomes, released by antibiotics-poisoned, starving cells.

Figure 1. Dr. Kaufman’s research raises a question whether what scientists believe to
be novel coronavirus particles are merely exosome clusters instead. (Source: Dr.
Andrew Kaufman’s YouTube channel, a photo of him taken during an appearance on
“London Real” )

Figure 2. Upper: A photo showing novel coronavirus particles with a diameter of about
100 nanometers, having distinct spikes that give them a “solar corona” look. Lower:
Larger, 500+ nanometer spherical extracellular viral particles contain cross-sections
through the viral genome, seen as black dots. (Source: Na Zhu et al., New England
Journal of Medicine 5 and Center of Disease Control, USA)

Kaufman’s theory may sound quite intriguing to the conspiracists, but it raises many
important questions. To begin with, the mock culture used in the experiments did not
show cytopathic effects.5 However, the virus-infected culture did show such effects, as
illustrated in Fig. 2. Coronavirus-like particles were observed as well.

“2019-nCoV particles were generally spherical with some pleomorphism. Diameter

varied from about 60 to 140 nm. Virus particles had quite distinctive spikes, about 9 to
12 nm, and gave virions the appearance of a solar corona. Extracellular free virus
particles and inclusion bodies filled with virus particles in membrane-bound vesicles in
cytoplasm were found in the human airway epithelial ultrathin sections. This observed
morphology is consistent with the Coronaviridae family.” 5

How can we explain the cytopathic effects in the infected culture, but not in the mock
one? And while some viruses are similar in size to some exosomes, exosomes do not
have spikes. Besides, what are these larger extracellular 500+ nanometer vesicles,
seen in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2? When I began my search for the answers to the questions
above, I assumed that unlike the viral-infected culture, the mock one was not treated
with antibiotics. Hence, the observed effects in the infected cells could have been
caused by their presence after all. After checking with the authors of these scientific
papers, Kaufman confirmed that the mock cultures were indeed antibiotics-free. Still,
many more questions remained.

If you are a bit confused at this point, so was I when I looked closely into the way this
new virus was being isolated from patients. Especially once I realized virology
considers this approach a standard practice. I had imagined something rather different.
I could not understand why scientists do not simply extract and purify viral particles
from bodily fluids or cell cultures, sequence their genomes and insert them into healthy
hosts to demonstrate they cause infection.

Besides, why would they stress cultures with antibiotics, given that any bacteria and
fungi should have been filtered out from a patient’s sample prior to inoculation or be
easily seen under a microscope? And remember, science can easily isolate exosomes
released from human cells and the so-called phages released from bacteria, both
being in the nanometer range. So what exactly is the issue with human viruses then?
Instead of adding more layers of evidence to come closer to reality, it seems that
virology adds more layers of abstraction to come closer to fantasy. Besides, I could not
find evidence proving COVID-19 actually existed either – that is, a sound proof an
entirely new disease had suddenly emerged. About 2.5 million people suffer from
pneumonia each year in China, due to a number of reasons, so why a mutated
coronavirus this time?

Surely, many more scientific papers of the virus isolation have been published, besides
the three I turned your attention to. I encourage you to look not only at these, but at
any research claiming SARS-CoV-2 has been successfully isolated and proven to
cause an illness. Kaufman and Cowan are by far not the only ones to point out all the
studies they have looked at to this very date share similar shortcomings. I have recently

watched interviews with Dr. Stefano Scoglio, a 2018 Nobel Prize nominee in Medicine.
He brings forth the same arguments and questions the existence of the virus. Animal
experiments have also been done, but none of the ones I have seen had proper
controls, which we will learn about in a minute. Hence, we cannot know whether a virus
or the toxic mixture from the cell culture and the way it was introduced into the animals
caused the symptoms observed. Studies on the so-called spike protein have also been
performed, but that protein was never directly obtained from a purified virus particle.

Besides, it is not just about that one virus in particular. A number of scientists and
physicians have historically challenged the entire “germ theory” narrative in principle.
A decade ago, the German biologist Stefan Lanka announced he would offer € 100,000
to anyone who could prove the existence of the measles virus. One doctor offered six
papers on the subject, but Dr. Lanka refused to pay, since in his opinion those papers
did not provide adequate evidence. The issue was taken to court.

The official story says Lanka eventually won not because the virus did not exist, but
because of a mere technicality. But that story distracts the public’s attention from a
very important fact. One of the appointed experts during the trial stated none of the
authors of those papers performed proper controlled experiments. A controlled
experiment is a test that is directly manipulated by scientists, in order to test a single
variable at a time. By using such tests virologists can tell whether the observed
cytopathic effects are really produced by the viral infection or by the lab conditions. But
they never performed such tests. Hence, the established rules and principles of good
scientific practice were never met. Thus, a paper about the existence of the measles
virus that meets these criteria is yet to be delivered.

During the trial, Lanka commissioned an independent laboratory to perform such tests.
The results showed that tissues and cells died due to the laboratory conditions,
in exactly the same way as when they come into contact with allegedly “infected”
material. This makes what Kaufman suspects much more plausible – the scientists
could have taken exosomes and debris from dying cells for virus particles.

Lanka’s measles trial is just the tip of the iceberg. I recommend reading “Virus Mania”
by Torsten Engelbrecht and Dr. Claus Köhnlein, joined by Dr. Scoglio for the book’s
third edition. The authors present decades of thorough research, sound arguments and
evidence to show how the medical industry invents microbial epidemics and make
billions in profits at our expense. As the authors put it, while it should be as easy as
taking a blood sample from a patient, isolating a virus in a purified form with its
complete genome and shell, and then imaging it with an electron microscope, these
steps have never been done for avian flu, hepatitis C and HIV viruses, among others.

I also recommend reading another book, titled “What Really Makes You Ill”, by Dawn
Lester and David Parker. The authors outline many of the flaws in the “germ theory”
narrative and explore alternative, much more plausible causes of many diseases,
including those that are considered contagious. Engelbrecht and Scoglio also co-
authored an excellent article, titled “Phantom Virus: In search of Sars-CoV-2”.9 You
may be surprised to learn that,

“In a request for a study which shows complete isolation and purification of the
particles claimed to be SARS-CoV-2, Michael Laue from…the German Robert Koch
Institute (RKI), answered that: “I am not aware of a paper which purified isolated
SARS-CoV-2.”…individuals around the world…have submitted Freedom of Information
requests to dozens of health and science institutions and a handful of political offices
around the world. They are seeking any records that describe the isolation of a SARS-
COV-2 virus from any unadulterated sample taken from a diseased patient. But all 46
responding institutions/offices utterly failed to provide or cite any record describing
“SARS-COV-2” isolation; and Germany’s Ministry of Health ignored their FOI request
altogether.” 9

Huge cash prizes have been offered to anyone who can present an actual proof of the
existence of this virus. None of these have been claimed so far. Christian Drosten, the
German virologist whose team developed the SARS-CoV-2 PCR test, was offered
€230,000 if he can present any text passages from publications that scientifically prove
the process of isolation of SARS-CoV-2 and its genetic substance. Drosten did not
respond.9 I know some of you are saying: “But of course we have been deceived,
viruses do not cause illnesses! Causation was never proven throughout history!” And
I also know others will say just the opposite: “Have you ever attended biology classes
at school? Have you ever read a single book on microbiology? Of course viruses cause
illnesses!” Whichever side of the argument you may be on, in all fairness those first
studies into the origin of COVID-19 were by no means conclusive. On the contrary,
more data was required to confirm the pandemic was indeed viral in nature. As a next
step, let us look at the way this new coronavirus spread across the globe and caught
our leaders so, well, “unprepared”.


In a famous TED talk Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft and the “The Bill & Melinda
Gates Foundation”, warned us the next epidemic humanity will face could be
dramatically more devastating than Ebola. The year was 2015. In January 2017 Donald
Trump was sworn into office as the 45th President of the United States. A few days
earlier an article was published, claiming Dr. Fauci warned Trump will face “surprise
infectious disease outbreak" during his tenure. Fauci’s remarks came during a forum
on pandemic preparedness at Georgetown University. Students and global health
experts had gathered there to encourage Trump’s new administration to plan
accordingly. For those unfamiliar with him, Anthony S. Fauci, MD, is the director of the
U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). During his forum
speech, he made some bold predictions.

“There is no question that there will be a challenge to the coming

administration in the arena of infectious diseases. The thing we're
extraordinarily confident about is that we're going to see this in the next
few years.”

That information was fact-checked to be true.10 What a surprisingly accurate prediction

of a future surprise infectious disease epidemic, isn’t it? But Fauci was certainly not
the only “extraordinarily confident” person when it comes to future pandemics. As we
just saw, by February 2020 the scientists still needed more information about this
unknown virus and the disease it was allegedly causing. They were still in terra

Yet, just a month later, scientists, media, “big thinkers” and other opinion leaders
already began preparing us for a “permanently changed world”, as seen in numerous
articles. I have outlined a few of them, to get a sense of the narrative that was
consistently being pushed.11 12 13 14 15 What is more, at the end of spring the British
government said a “second wave” would likely follow, a prediction echoed by Fauci as
well. Meanwhile, he found himself in the middle of a scandal. A report claimed the U.S.
National Institute of Health (NIH) with the backing of NIAID had committed $3.7 million
for bat coronavirus research in China in 2014, allegedly including gain-of-function
(GoF) work as well.16 GoF involves manipulating viruses in the lab to explore their
potential for infecting humans. This triggered a renewed debate whether such lab-
engineered viruses with pandemic potential are worth the risk. In 2014 the U.S.
government imposed a moratorium on federal funding of such gain-of-function type
research. However, NIH had allowed it to proceed, concluding the work was not so
risky as to fall under the moratorium.17

So, it seems such bat coronavirus lab research has really been taking place for years,
possibly even decades. Fauci’s potential involvement in it aside, why all the certainty
behind this “permanently changed world”, really? Why would scientists and opinion
leaders be so confident, particularly in those early days of the pandemic, that the
outbreak would not be quickly contained? Was that just grandiose narcissism on their
part making bold predictions or did they know something we did not? Or perhaps they
were incentivized to express such an opinion? I recall reading an interview with a top
virologist in a newspaper in March 2020, already saying we would not be going “back
to normal” anytime soon. Is he a fortuneteller with a crystal ball like Fauci too?

But let us take a step back for a moment to look at something even more curious and
utterly nonsensical at the same time. The first coronavirus cases were reported in
Wuhan at the end of December 2019. By mid-January the following year, the Chinese
government had already realized the virus posed a serious national threat. It sent the
army into the epicenter of the outbreak and imposed an unprecedented in public health
history lockdown, as the pandemic kept spreading from Wuhan to the rest of the Hubei
province.18 19 Eventually, on January 23 China decided to cut off travel from Hubei to
the rest of the country, but, surprisingly, not from Hubei to the rest of the world. 20
It requested that local airlines keep their international flights going.

To an even bigger surprise, the rest of the world did not shut its borders in response.
Aware of the draconian measures the local government had taken to limit the Wuhan
outbreak and the risks it apparently posed, each country should have banned as soon
as possible both inbound and outbound travel not only with China, but also with any
country that might have not implemented such a ban. Instead, here is what happened
in the U.S. for example, as similar nonsensical decisions were taken by many other

First, it took the U.S. almost an entire week from January 23 to respond and prohibit
people from entering the country within 14 days of being in China. However, the ban
applied only to people other than U.S. citizens, permanent residents and their
immediate family, so it was basically ineffective. And it was not until February 2 when
all inbound passengers who had been to Hubei in the previous 14 days, were placed
under quarantine.

I understand why countries needed time to have their citizens recalled from China and
then impose a travel ban. Perhaps taking immediate decisive action was not possible.
But shockingly, Trump’s administration did not extend the ban to include the Schengen
area in Europe until mid-March! This incredibly delayed decision is so appalling, since
meanwhile the EU was also way too slow to close its own borders. This allowed the
pandemic to spread not only in Europe, but also in all other places Europeans were
still allowed to travel to.21 And it was only on March 27, by which point the coronavirus
had become a global pandemic, that China finally barred foreign visitors from entering
the country. What a mess!

Back in those days it was estimated the COVID-19 death rate could reach 5%.22 This
was believed to be a deadly serious threat. Any untimely measure, any wrong step,
any unwise decision taken in handling this outbreak could have cost millions of lives
worldwide. And yet, the authorities looked so weirdly off-guard, unprepared,
inadequate and incompetent, exactly when we needed them to look out after our
protection and safety the most. China was later blamed for hiding the severity of the
pandemic, for manipulating clinical data and for lying about the time the virus had
emerged. Right. Indeed nothing says “It’s not a big deal” better than sending the army
into the outbreak epicenter and imposing unprecedented lockdowns and travel bans.
Our leaders knew exactly what was taking place and how serious it was. If any of you
were in charge at that time, you would have done a much better job at protecting your
fellow countrymen. Alas, someone else was in charge.

To go back to the U.S., the result of the disastrous choice-making by Trump’s

administration was summed up by The Intercept.23 I am sure many of you will
recognize your own government’s failure here too. To further add to this charade, a few
months later Trump was caught intentionally misleading the American people about
the severity of the virus. His reaction to the accusations – he just wanted to keep
Americans “calm”!24 So our leaders knew indeed how dangerous this thing was. And,
to reiterate, being fully aware of the seriousness of the situation, Trump left his
country’s back door open for months, eventually blaming China for his failures.

According to estimates, 430,000 people had traveled from China to the U.S. from the
time the coronavirus surfaced until the time a full travel ban was put in place.25

Ask yourselves this question: why would any President allow this to happen, risking
millions of human lives in the process? Why wouldn’t his administration or other
institutions force him to act immediately to protect the nation on all fronts? Don’t people
in power care for the safety of their own families at least? And amid all the chaos in
Wuhan, WHO’s chief Tedros Ghebreyesus travelled to China to meet President Xi
Jinping in late January 2020. Remember, the country had just imposed an
unprecedented lockdown on its entire Hubei province. So, knowing full well the
dangers COVID-19 presented and how quickly it spread locally, Tedros said the
following on February 3, just a week after his China visit:

“Adhanom Ghebreyesus said on Monday there was no need for measures that
“unnecessarily interfere with international travel and trade in trying to halt the
spread of the coronavirus.” 26

Well, he could not have been more wrong. However, “wrong” might not be the best
word to describe his statement. Just a few days before that, on January 30, WHO itself
declared the coronavirus a global health emergency! So Tedros-led WHO first called
the situation a global emergency and then opposed travel bans on China that might
come as a result of their own warning!27 But how could we possibly reconcile this
incredibly ridiculous contradiction? Well, Tedros had this simple answer about the
decision to announce an emergency situation: “It’s not because of what is happening
in China, but what is happening in other countries.” If what you just read made
absolutely no sense to you, I can assure you – you are not alone. But the world followed
Tedros’ advice anyway, at least for a while. As a result, what started as a local outbreak
quickly turned into a truly global pandemic.

To leave Tedros alone, once the virus passed our borders and began infecting the
people, we imposed strict measures and lockdowns to “flatten the curve”. We looked
unprepared, we lacked the necessary PCR testing equipment, the healthcare system
could have crumbled under the COVID-19 pressure. This is what our governments
wanted us to believe. In many hospitals the personnel was lacking even the basic
supplies to fight the virus on the frontline, not to mention respiratory and other medical
devices necessary to aid many of the COVID-19 patients. “Stay at home, save lives”,
the authorities kept telling us repeatedly. Eric Weinstein, Joe Rogan’s guest
I mentioned in the introduction, has his own podcast – “The Portal”. In one of the
episodes he suggested we check Google Scholar and see for how long scientists have
warned we are not prepared for a future healthcare crisis. Their concerns had fallen
on deaf ears, it seems, until it was too late.

Figure 3. Selected data for “Medical test kits” (382200) category imports by country,
2017. (Source: World Integrated Trade Solution website)

But were our governments really that unprepared to tackle this pandemic? The World
Integrated Trade Solution (WITS) is an online platform for international merchandise
trade data. The application is hosted on the World Banks’s website. As you begin to
browse “Trade Stats” by product code, you are kindly referred to COVID-19 related
medical product first. And when you check, say, code 382200, well – surprise, surprise
– as Dr. Fauci may exclaim. Starting in 2017, the year that began with his warning
about an upcoming “surprise” infectious disease outbreak, some intensive trading had
been taking place in the category “Medical Test kits / Instruments, apparatus used in
Diagnostic Testing”. What you see in Fig. 3 are trade records showing hundreds of
millions of diagnostic reagents, based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) nucleic
acid test, traded globally!28

This was happening three years before the novel coronavirus emerged. Moreover,
similar trade pattern is observed in other related categories as well – diagnostic
reagents based on immunological reactions, swab and viral transport medium sets,
medical ventilators, medical diagnostic test instruments and apparatus, etc. WITS
informs us that “the data here track previously existing medical devices that are now
classified by the World Customs Organization as critical to tackling COVID-19”. Well,
I bet they are. In 2017, according to the database, the top exporters within the medical
test kits category were the U.S., Germany, Netherlands and the U.K. Top importers
that year were the U.S., Germany, China and France. It looks like someone was
following Fauci’s advice and was planning accordingly!

Perhaps this is just a coincidence, you may say. Or perhaps what we see in the
database are just records of trade “as usual”, even though there is no available data
prior to 2017. Or perhaps relevant available data for previous years does exist
somewhere, but under a different code. Our governments could not have planned for
this outbreak. That is simply not possible, right? I do not think so. I do not think the
pandemic caught our leaders unprepared. Quite the opposite, in fact. They knew
exactly what was coming our way and promptly secured millions of PCR reagents,
diagnostic test instruments, ventilators and other necessary equipment. We were
warned by Bill Gates about the next devastating epidemic. We were later warned by
Fauci it was coming soon. All they had to do then was just wait for it to happen.



As the world was trying to (mis)manage its newly found threat, a number of dedicated
platforms were launched, providing real-time information and statistics about the
pandemic. Fig. 4 illustrates two such examples – “Roylab Stats” YouTube channel and
www.worldometers.info. But what are the stats displayed actually telling us? What lies
behind these numbers? As seen from WHO’s guidelines for certification and
classification of COVID-19, there are two codes assigned explicitly for this purpose:
code ‘U07.1, virus identified’ and code ‘U07.2, virus not identified’.29 Both codes are
used to discern deaths due to the coronavirus from all other mortalities.

As shown in Fig. 4, by March 2021 the number of confirmed coronavirus cases globally
was more than 110 million, while the number of fatalities was about 2.5 million. That is
the number of people who unfortunately lost their lives after testing positive for the
virus. And if you want to see how many of them died from the viral infection, you may
be surprised to read the following on the Worldometers website: “Total Deaths =
cumulative number of deaths among detected cases.” 30

What you see under “Deaths” is therefore simply the number of people who have died
after testing positive, regardless of the respective cause. Moreover, many of them must
have gotten a negative test result at some point, meaning their immune system had
fought the virus off. However, when they died later for whatever reason, they were still
put in the “COVID-19 deaths” category.

So isn’t the methodology of counting deaths from the pandemic rather misleading?
Both the U.S. Center of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and WHO have
identified a short list of COVID-19 common symptoms, such as fever, dry cough, sore
throat, tiredness and aches. Shortness of breath, chest pains or loss of speech or
movement may indicate a more serious condition. However, here is what the CDC said
in a statement regarding the COVID-19 mortality, explaining why the disease was
mentioned as the sole cause of death in only 6% of all cases:

“In 94% of deaths with COVID-19, other conditions are listed in addition to COVID-
19…The underlying cause of death is the condition that began the chain of events that
ultimately led to the person's death. In 92% of all deaths that mention COVID-19,
COVID-19 is listed as the underlying cause of death.” 31

How we should interpret this statement? As the number of coronavirus cases in the
U.S. approached 7 million by the time it was made, including late stage cancer patients,
people with severe heart and other life-threating diseases, the CDC told us basically
none of them (with some exceptions) died because of those illnesses. It was COVID-
19 that “began the chain of events”. So is it the fever, or the coughing, or perhaps the
resulting complications that took those people’s lives away? This is what the CDC
wants us to believe, but it simply makes no sense.

Figure 4. Dedicated online platforms provide real-time statistics about the unfolding
coronavirus pandemic. (Source: “Roylab Stats” YouTube channel and Worldometers)

Here is something a savvy epidemiologist may tell you. If you take a random sample
from a population and find out only 5% tested positive for a given new virus, that virus
could have actually infected well up to 30% of the population, perhaps even more. This
stark difference comes from the fact that such a study presents just a single static
“snapshot” of a dynamically unfolding picture, taken at the time it was conducted. If the
study was carried out just one day before a person got infected, their future infection
would not show in the results. Equally important, if a person got infected and then
recovered, they would probably test negative even one day after recovery, so their
prior infection would be missed too. Provided, of course, the test is accurate to begin
with. So you see how the actual dynamics of a viral spread cannot be captured by a
single study. It would have failed to account for the majority of infections.

With that in mind, consider the results from the samples many countries began
reporting last April, as I followed closely the numbers published on Worldometers.
Sure, those samples were not representative of the general population, as one would
assume people who were already experiencing COVID-like symptoms would be the
first to take a test. Still, the data obtained from them was by far the most reliable source
of information available up to that point, due to the large sample size. As we entered
the peak months of the pandemic, hundreds of thousands of tests from places like
Brazil and France were showing some staggering 30-35% positive cases! For many
other countries, including millions of tests coming from the U.S., that percentage was
around 20%. Positive rates dropped over time, but based on the initial figures, what
conclusions can we draw about these countries?

WHO at the time estimated that a person with COVID-19 would infect 2-3 people on
average within a few days, each of them further infecting 2-3 more people, etc., so the
virus would have spread rather quickly. Social distancing rules and lockdowns could
have slowed the spread, but in many countries these restrictions were imposed
probably months after the virus had already crossed the border.

Looking from that perspective, the majority of people in those countries would have
been infected by June 2020 already! Are you surprised to read this? After all, many
viruses infect well up to 90% of the population, sometimes even more. Let us take
influenza as an example. It takes two to four months for this virus to spread among the
population in the fall and winter each year. Given how contagious the novel coronavirus
is, it should have indeed infected most people in the time between February and June,
without causing an actual disease in the majority of them. And if someone’s life journey
meanwhile had ended due to cancer for example, there is a high statistical chance this
person had carried, among other viruses, SARS-CoV-2 as well. However, correlation
does not mean causation.

But with regard to the unfortunate now more than 500,000 U.S. fatalities, the CDC
wants us to believe that if the virus had been present in those people’s bodies, then it
must have caused their death 9 out of 10 times. Such a claim is not supported by any
logic or evidence, and is highly panic-inducing. In all fairness, many people could have
really developed a serious COVID-19 condition that ultimately caused their death,

similar to what happens with post-influenza pneumonia. But who can really tell how

What I present is just one simple argument. If you are into more complex scientific
stuff, “The Conversation” developed a Bayesian Network model in the summer of 2020.
It suggested that for Kobe, Japan for example, 800 times more people have had
COVID-19 than what was officially reported, while for England and Wales this figure
was 28 times!32 Another group of scientists developed a semi-Bayesian analysis for
the U.S. to account for incomplete testing and imperfect diagnostic accuracy. They
estimated by 18 April 2020 the actual number of U.S. infections could have been up to
20 times higher than reported.33

The results from such studies made a rare appearance on the news, because if it
turned out that the virus had indeed infected most of us, then the COVID-19 mortality
rate would have plummeted, making the disease much less of a threat. At the end of
2020, even the CDC admitted the number of actual U.S. cases was probably
9 times higher than the official figure. This would mean that by February 2021 more
than 200 million people in the U.S. had already been infected, making the COVID-19
lethality akin to that of seasonal influenza. But no, mainstream media, governments
and, surprisingly, the medical establishment itself, had no time to think over this.

But most importantly, science simply forgot how to perform proper research in the first
place. It forgot how to collect reliable epidemiological data, in order to make fact-based
decisions and take evidence-driven action. Once you have reasons to believe you are
on the brink of an infectious disease epidemic and the dangerous new virus is already
out there, the first thing you would do is launch large-sample, randomized, double blind
trials with a control group. This way you can gain knowledge of this new virus, estimate
its current spread and study its health effects.

To the best of my knowledge, such trials have not been done in most countries,
if any at all, although I did hear about one such study done in Spain. I also heard about
another large-sample study performed by French scientists. In an open letter to the
Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel, a professor and former Head of the Institute for
Medical Microbiology at the University of Mainz, Germany – Sucharit Bhakdi – said the

“What we need are – say – 10,000 patients, all with respiratory track disease that are
infected with common coronaviruses, and 10,000 infected with COVID-19. All really
with respiratory track disease, nothing else. Then, we need to ask how many die in each
group. If the mortality is similar in both, then clearly they are similarly dangerous…You
will ask me, has there been such a study? And I answer: “No.” Until 19 March 2020,
when the first study ever appeared from our French colleagues that addressed this
central question. What do you think they reported? The mortality in both groups was
similar. COVID-19 did not differ in dangerousness from its everyday relatives.” 34

But the scientific community at large simply had no time to ask the questions that
mattered the most and challenge the narrative we were pushed to accept. And in the
absence of true science, religion takes over. We created a COVID-19 religion that
eventually put us in a state of mass shared psychosis. A religion that wanted us to
believe that all people who die WITH the novel coronavirus, die FROM that virus, with
no other possible main cause of death. We created an almighty COVID God, who we
then blamed for taking millions of human lives alone.

Once we created this first myth, others soon followed. What happens when you label
all deaths “COVID-19 deaths”? All causes of death magically become COVID-19
attributes! Thus an illness, which was confirmed by WHO in March 2020 to be not so
different symptom-wise from the common flu, quickly added to its arsenal a whopping
100 different symptoms! It became an all-pervasive Monster that could strike in
hundreds of different ways, at hundreds of different places in the body. It seems like
someone forgot to tell the virus it had an 80% genetic match with the original SARS
one and was supposed to cause primarily lung problems.

“Yet, as the pandemic continues to ravage the world, case reports have emerged of
more unusual damage ranging from hundreds of tiny blood clots to strokes in young
people, and even mysterious inflammatory responses, such as full-body rashes in
children and the red lesions that have come to be known unofficially as COVID toe.” 35

Let me open an important bracket here. The doctors and nurses on the hospital
forefronts will tell you people are dying FROM, not WITH the virus, in very large
numbers, as COVID-19’s harm to the human body is something many of them have
never seen in their clinical practice before. They will also tell you diagnosing a patient
with COVID-19 is not simply a matter of PCR testing, but requires careful examination
of both symptoms and results from further medical tests. These healthcare workers are
absolutely right. After all, they saw this deadly disease with their own eyes.

I have huge empathy for the victims of this pandemic. I deeply empathize with our
medics too. They are my heroes. Put under incredible stress, seeing both patients and
colleagues falling to their demise, they barely had time to sleep, let alone ask questions
about what was actually taking place around them. All the more reason why science
should have stepped in. People simply falling on the ground and dying? People whose
lungs were utterly damaged? People with hypoxia or sudden neurological and
autonomic dysfunction? We know such cases exist and we know what some of the
likely causes for them are. And they have nothing to do with viral infections. The more
we saw this new virus diverging from its siblings symptom-wise, the more we should
have questioned the origin of this pandemic, instead of falling further into a state of

At some point the Italian authorities decided they had enough of these viral mythology
tales. The majority of victims there were very old people with two or more underlying
conditions, which fit the profile of most COVID-19 victims worldwide at the time. 36 Most
of those Italians had lived in highly polluted areas and hence their health had already

been quite compromised. The Telegraph launched an investigation to find out why this
country had so many coronavirus deaths. They quoted Prof. Walter Ricciardi, scientific
adviser to Italy’s minister of health.

“The way in which we code deaths in our country is very generous in the sense that
all the people who die in hospitals with the coronavirus are deemed to be dying of the
coronavirus. On re-evaluation by the National Institute of Health, only 12 per cent of
death certificates have shown a direct causality from coronavirus, while 88 per cent
of patients who have died have at least one pre-morbidity – many had two or three.”37

Other countries soon followed Italy’s example and reconsidered the way they
determine COVID-19 mortalities. Meanwhile, the President of the Bulgarian
Association of Pathology Dr. Stoyan Aleksov dropped a bombshell. In a video
conversation regarding the opinion of European pathologists about the novel
coronavirus infection, which I watched with great interest, he said the following in May

“No one died of coronavirus…There is no difference in an autopsy between someone

who died of a coronavirus and one who died of a seasonal viral infection. Only three
autopsies were performed in our country, because WHO instructed not to do
them.” 38

According to Aleksov, that was the conclusion his European colleagues had reached
during a recent seminar. Who should we believe now then? The CDC, claiming most
deaths following a positive PCR test are caused by the virus, or the pathologists?
Perhaps the truth lies somewhere in the middle? Besides, no matter how long after
someone who tested positive for the virus, died, they were considered a COVID-19
victim. But viral infections have an “expiration date”. And if, as doctors will tell you, this
particular infection may have a number of life-threating complications, then again – are
there any environmental toxins that could be causing these as well? Logically, in
August 2020 Public Health England changed its definition of COVID-related deaths.

“The new definition is now death in a person with a laboratory-confirmed positive

COVID-19 test and died within (equal to or less than) 28 days of the first positive
specimen date will now be reported.” 39

As you can imagine, if states had followed a more robust, sound approach in
determining COVID-19 deaths, the official mortality would be much different. However,
we will never see the true picture by looking at websites such as Worldometers. In fact,
we will never learn the true death toll from the pandemic. In October 2020, just as many
European countries were preparing to impose new lockdowns, WHO published a study
by a top epidemiologist and a professor in statistics John Ioannidis. His research
concluded the following:

“Across 51 locations, the median COVID-19 infection fatality rate was 0.27%
(corrected 0.23%)…In people < 70 years, infection fatality rates ranged from 0.00% to
0.31% with crude and corrected medians of 0.05%.” 40

The data presented by Prof. Ioannidis suggests the death rate from the SARS-CoV-2
infection is akin to that of seasonal influenza, regardless of what some online platforms
may indicate. They will show that COVID-19 is 10 times more lethal than what a world-
leading epidemiologist has estimated. Still, note that 0.23% is just the median fatality
rate across multiple locations. My home country for instance was hit hard by the
pandemic this winter, as the COVID-19 mortality was much higher compared to that of
seasonal flu. But looking at the global picture, I had no reasons to question the validity
of Ioannidis’ research.

I do not blame Worldometers, as they simply collect and display data received from
“official sources”. I do not blame them even when I saw that if you shared the main
coronavirus link from their website on Facebook, the link’s headline would say all
reported deaths are due to the virus, with no real evidence to support that claim. But
I do blame the authorities for taking all fatalities that occurred after a positive PCR test
and labelling them “COVID-19 deaths”. All those highly-ranked clerks who threatened
to ban any misinformation about the pandemic, should have banned themselves first.
These public servants were not merely spreading misinformation.



The “most reliable test” used to detect the novel coronavirus is the so-called COVID-
19 RT-PCR test. The testing procedure begins with a piece of genetic material,
a sample, being taken from a person for diagnostic purposes. There are a number of
methods and techniques available for collecting such specimens. One commonly used
technique is the nasopharyngeal swab one, in which a sample is gathered from the
throat behind the nose, containing a mixture of mucous and saliva.

The collected sample is then brought to a specialized laboratory and tested for the
presence of the virus using a real-time reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction
(rRT-PCR) assay – a method used to detect “specific genetic material from a
pathogen”. Since the virus, if present, is just a tiny RNA sequence within the genetic
pool contained in the sample, similar to a needle in a haystack, we need to amplify it
in order to find it. In other words, we need to amplify needles (genetic sequences) into
haystacks, to see if the specific needle we are looking for is really there. The PCR
technology performs such amplification in cycles. So far, so good.

However, you have likely come across some critique of PCR when used as a virus
detection tool. That critique is there for a reason. A good place to start delving into the
critical issues behind the COVID-19 testing is an article titled “COVID PCR tests are
scientifically meaningless”.42 So are these tests really meaningless and why that might
be the case? First, the inventor of the PCR test and a Noble Prize winner, Kary Mullis,
would have warned us to be careful when using his invention for virus detection
purposes. There is still an ongoing debate whether he would have supported the PCR
testing during this pandemic. Alas, Mullis died from pneumonia in August 2019, just a
few months before the novel coronavirus was discovered. In a long article Celia Farber,
an American author and journalist, discusses at length the surprising parallels between
the HIV/AIDS and COVID-19 pandemics, providing some very important insights on
the topic.43 Besides, she knew and interviewed Mullis himself. This is what he had to
say about his invention being used to diagnose infectious diseases:

“PCR detects a very small segment of the nucleic acid which is part of a virus itself.
The specific fragment detected is determined by the somewhat arbitrary choice of DNA
primers used which become the ends of the amplified fragment.” 43

We will see what this means in practical terms shortly. Farber continues:

“PCR is a needle in a haystack technology that can be extremely misleading in the

diagnosis of infectious diseases. The first conflict between this revolutionary
technology and human life happened on the battlefield of AIDS, and Mullis himself
came to the front line arguing against PCR as diagnostic tool.” 43

Mullis had reasons to argue against PCR as diagnostic tool. After all, it is a technique
for DNA sequence replication. We have also been warned by Gina Kolata how
declaring virus pandemics based on testing could end in disaster, as discussed in her
article “Faith in Quick Test Leads to Epidemic That Wasn’t”.44 Epidemiologists and
infectious disease specialists have declared epidemics in the past without any
grounds, simply because they have put too much faith in methods such as the PCR
test. Besides, as pointed out in Dr. Yeadon’s “The PCR False Positive Pseudo-
Epidemic” article,

“The PCR test protocol for SARS-CoV-2, which everyone in the world is now using,
was invented in the lab of Prof Drosten in Berlin. The scientific paper in which the
method was described was published in January 2020, two days after the manuscript
was submitted. One of the authors of the paper is on the editorial board of the journal
that published it. There is concern that this extremely important article, which contains
a PCR test protocol that has been used to run hundreds of millions of PCR tests across
the world, including the UK, was not peer-reviewed. No peer review report has been
released, despite many requests to do so. Furthermore, as a method, it contains
numerous technical weaknesses, some of which are serious and highly complex.” 45

Among the many issues with the COVID-19 PCR test, the number of amplification
cycles raises a particular concern. If you perform too few cycles, you might not be able
to see the viral needle that is present in the haystack, resulting in a “false negative”
error. In this case the person has the virus, but is considered uninfected. If you perform
too many cycles though, since you amplify the “noise” that may be present in the
process with each cycle round as well, this may result in a “false positive” error. Other
needles may be falsely identified as the one you are looking for, while the virus itself
may not be even present. In this case, the tested person may not have it, but is
considered infected. Issues with false positive and false negative results have raised
concerns among some scientists and practitioners, and were brought to the public’s
attentions by highly reputable sources such as the British Medical Journal.

The PCR testing for this novel virus is typically performed at 35 cycles and above.
Experts have claimed that even at 30 cycles the test may produce more false positive
than true positive results. This would mean that the actual number of infected people
detected by the test is much smaller than the official figure. We are being told that most
of us are asymptomatic carriers, yet the majority of these cases are likely false

But it was not until Celia Farber mentioned her interview with the Canadian researcher
and biologist David Crowe, that I became much more aware of the problems
associated with the PCR testing process. I highly recommend reading Crowe’s brilliant
paper, titled “Flaws in Coronavirus Pandemic Theory”.46 I also recommend visiting his
website theinfectiousmyth.com for further information on the topics of AIDS and
COVID-19. Sadly, David passed away from cancer last year. I came across his paper
right after I finished writing about the COVID-19 religion. In the opening section, I saw
David describing this new Deity in his own words:

“If the virus exists, then it should be possible to purify viral particles. From these
particles RNA can be extracted and should match the RNA used in this test…Without
purification and characterization of virus particles, it cannot be accepted that an RNA
test is proof that a virus is present...While the definition of SARS, an earlier coronavirus
panic, was self-limiting, the definition of COVID-19 disease is open-ended, allowing the
imaginary epidemic to grow. Putting aside the existence of the virus, if the COVID-19
test has a problem with false positives (as all biological tests do) then testing an
uninfected population will produce only false-positive tests, and the definition of the
disease will allow the epidemic to go on forever…

The COVID-19 test is based on PCR, a DNA manufacturing technique. When used as
a test it does not produce a positive/negative result, but simply the number of cycles
required to detect sufficient material to beat the arbitrary cutoff between positive and
negative. If positive means infected and negative means uninfected, then there are
cases of people going from infected to uninfected and back to infected again in a
couple of days. The COVID-19 scare that emanated from Wuhan, China in December

of 2019 is an epidemic of testing...There is no proof that a virus is being detected by

the test and, while there should be, there is absolutely no concern about whether there
are a significant number of false positives on the test. What is being published in
medical journals is not science, every paper has the goal of enhancing the panic by
interpreting the data only in ways that benefit the viral theory, even when the data is
confusing or contradictory. In other words, the medical papers are propaganda.” 46

Crowe’s research further indicates the following: Wang Chen, President of the Chinese
Academy of Medical Sciences, have said the test accuracy is only 30 to 50 percent
and thus we may end up with quite a few false negative results. However, Chen is one
of the many scientists who seemingly avoid the issue of false positives. But in March
2020 a team from China dropped a bombshell. Their analysis, based on reasonable
assumptions for asymptomatic people, showed the false-positive rate of positive
results was 80.33%! The best case, with the most optimistic assumptions, still
predicted more than 40% false-positive rate of positive results! 47

Since no actual gold standard exists for this PCR test, doctors are the ones making
the final decision, typically biased towards treating the patients as infected. According
to a news report patients were not considered cured in China until they no longer had
symptoms, had clear lungs and two negative COVID-19 tests. Despite these criteria,
14% of discharged patients in Guangdong Province later tested positive, but with no
relapse of symptoms.46 This strange transition from positive to negative, to positive
again would be quite difficult to explain, if the test is looking for a virus. It makes much
more sense that the RNA the test is looking for comes from our own body.
As if this was not enough, Crowe had also this to say:

“A review of 33 RT-PCR tests for COVID-19 approved under US FDA Emergency Use
Authorizations showed a wide range of differences in what the tests were looking for
and how they decided whether they had found it. The tests look for a variety of different
segments (‘genes’) of the presumed COVID-19 genome, that only amounts to about
1% or less of the total genome, which is about 30,000 bases. Perhaps the worst
feature of the tests is how they decide whether the sample is positive if more than one
segment is being looked for. Some tests look for only one, so it must be present for a
positive. But tests that look for two segments are split between those that require both
to be present and those that require either one for a positive. Some tests look for three
segments but only require any two to be present, while one test insisted on all three.
Tests that allow a segment to be undetected raise the question of how it can be said
that a virus was detected when an important part of it was missing.” 46

This is what Mullis meant by “testing for very small segments”. And that very issue
alone would make such PCR-based technology highly unreliable, especially if the
chosen segments from a given virus genome are not unique to it. Some manufacturers
have openly admitted their tests may react not only to SARS-CoV-2, but to other
viruses and bacteria as well. Crowe’s paper contains much more information, analyses

and references on the issues with COVID-19 definition, testing, transmission,

treatment and mortality. If you visit the “Infections Myth” website, you will also find an
interview with a world-leading expert on quantitative PCR – Prof. Stephen Bustin. He
outlines some key challenges related to the usage of PCR for RNA virus diagnostics.
One example would be what David points out in his summary of the interview: “RNA
must be converted to complementary DNA (cDNA). This uses the enzyme Reverse
Transcriptase and is never terribly efficient (50%)”! I bet that last fact is something
mainstream media would never turn your attention to. What are these tests really
testing for then?

One final note on false positive results. Remember what the Chinese scientists had
estimated? In the best case, with the most optimistic assumptions, the PCR test will
still yield 40% false positive rate of positive results. But what does this actually mean?
Since there is no gold standard for the test, the authorities have claimed, based on
previous studies, that the false positive rate would be 4% at most. I would certainly not
trust this number, but let us assume it is correct. But it does not mean out of 100
detected COVID-19 cases, only up to 4 could be diagnosed incorrectly. This new
disease is still rare. Similar to many other places, the percentage daily positives in my
home country usually revolved around 4-5% from April to October last year. But if the
population is generally disease-free, then 4% false positive rate would mean 4% of all
tests will be positive anyway! So, if the end result for the day is 5%, then 4 out of 5
such “positive” people will be incorrectly diagnosed, i.e. only 1 would be actually
infected. Thus, the false positive rate of positive results would be 80%!

So if my country had a population of 100 million people and the government decided
to test all of them, out of the 5 million who would be deemed “infected”, up to 4 million
could have been wrongly diagnosed! And what happens if any of those wrongly
diagnosed “positives” lose their lives, for whatever reason, at any time? Well, you know
the answer to that. The lower the actual prevalence of this infection is, the higher the
chances of getting a false positive result are.

Since there is no universal standard for the number of cycles used in the PCR testing
for this virus, we find ourselves in a rather odd situation. Not only as we move from one
country to another, from one city to another, from one hospital or clinic to another, but
even within a single clinic in which we take a series of COVID-19 tests, we may “move”
from positive to negative, to positive again. Besides, if any changes to the testing
methodology have been made between the tests, for example if the clinic has switched
from throat to nasal sampling, this alone may have a huge impact on test results.

“An article in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases found much higher
rates of positive results in nasal swabs than in throat swabs in 353 people who had
both samples taken at the same time. Overall 19% of nasal swabs and 7.6% of throat
swabs were positive. This was particularly pronounced among hospital inpatients (33%
versus 9%). The researchers did not consider that perhaps these people were
picking up RNA from the atmosphere of the hospital.” 46 48

So what do we actually know at this point? We have an allegedly new virus emerging
from Wuhan, China, which has not been properly isolated, purified and biochemically
characterized, so not proven to either exist or cause a disease. Next, the Wuhan
outbreak situation gets ridiculously mishandled by our leaders, allowing the pandemic
to spread across the globe. Meanwhile, we have developed a PCR-based technology
to test for the virus presence. This technology is unreliable for the purpose, not proven
to actually detect a virus in this case, and, on top of that, may actually search for just
a tiny fraction of its genome. Even the CDC and the FDA have admitted the PCR test
cannot be reliably used for diagnosis. So, it is up to the doctors to decide on many
occasions if a person has COVID-19, regardless of the fact this disease is
symptomatically open-ended. If an “infected” person passes away, we find it
challenging to correctly determine the cause of death. Nevertheless, the authorities
and mainstream media continue to report all these cases as “COVID-19 deaths”. In the
meantime, our psyches, livelihoods and businesses are being destroyed due to
unprecedented restrictive measures and lockdowns, taken against a viral infection that
the overwhelming majority of those contracting it survive. We were told to follow “the
science”, yet science itself failed to follow science.

Consider Germany, whose 83 million citizens already received 76 million vaccine

doses by July and hence should be close to the liberation from the COVID-19 tyranny.
Instead, their President recently signed national coronavirus rules into law. The law
states that if cities or districts exceed a seven-day incidence rate of 100 new infections
per 100,000 inhabitants over three consecutive days, then local authorities must
implement night-time curfews, impose limits on social contacts and take other
restrictive measures, based on the incidence rates. But since the PCR test results are
quite sensitive towards the number of amplification cycles used, the authorities can
easily reach 100 infections per 100,000 people by simply changing slightly the testing
protocols, as the majority of those infections would probably be false positives anyway.
The rights and freedoms of the German people are thus determined on completely
unscientific grounds at best and fraudulence at worst. Besides, if vaccination works,
why the lockdowns again? Has a sinister New Order really taken over the world?

But despite all the flaws in the official coronavirus story I and so many others have
pointed out, people were dying indeed in abnormally large numbers compared to the
previous 2019 in COVID-19 epicenters such as Lombardy, Italy and New York. Still, it
is also true that if you made a ’19 vs. ‘20 mortality comparison on a global scale, you
could not find signs of any scary pandemic taking place. In some western countries
you could even observe a decline in mortality. At least that is what the picture looked
like in the summer of 2020.

Figure 5. U.S. deaths from all causes and from all causes excluding COVID-19,
relative to the average expected number of deaths and the upper bound of the 95%
prediction interval. (Source: National Vital Statistics System, United States, January –
September 2020, the CDC )

Still, I was 100% certain something had caused hundreds of thousands of premature
deaths. And even if mostly elderly, seriously ill people had passed away, every day on
this Earth is a gift. A gift, taken perhaps way too early. Alas, as we approached the end
of the year, the “second wave” hit hard, especially across Europe, Brazil, India and the
U.S. And although the math gets complicated, the number of excess deaths vs. 2019,
to a large extent, coincided with the number of reported COVID-19 fatalities.

What was actually going on? Was the potentially wrong medical treatment killing those
poor souls? Was it the early palliative treatment or perhaps the delayed treatment of
emergency cases due to the COVID-19 crisis, as pointed out by Crowe? 49 50 Perhaps
the isolation and neglect of the elderly in nursing homes was the main reason many of
them lost their lives? 51 What happened in the nursing homes in Italy was labelled by
the media a “massacre”.52 53 Meanwhile, Canadian soldiers were called in to assist

with five care homes in Ontario, Canada, and were so shocked by what they saw, that
they wrote a letter about it.54 I would not be surprised if the living conditions in the New
York’s care homes are similar to what those solders witnessed in Ontario.

Had the fear, mass anxiety and panic worsened people’s chronic conditions, which in
turn led to a spike in deaths? Was part of that excess mortality due to misdiagnosed
“bad influenza”? Did many of those who lost their jobs due to the COVID-19 crisis
commit suicide or died of drug overdose? Perhaps all these factors had contributed to
the sudden rise in deaths. Perhaps some other, unknown risks had also played a role
in this turn of events. Still, I felt something else had “started the chain” of those events.

This is where most conspiracies end their investigation. They conclude that the excess
deaths are the result of the measures taken against a largely exaggerated or imaginary
threat. They claim our governments have turned completely evil for reasons ranging
from helping big pharma make billions in profits to planned depopulation via the
COVID-19 vaccines. But I could not go there without giving our leaders the benefit of
the doubt first. Taking into account everything I had learned so far about this pandemic
and the way it was being (mis)handled, I could come down logically to only two possible
conclusions, as they both could hold true at the same time.




Are our leaders really trying to hide another killer from us, disguised as a deadly virus?
Have they placed a glass with someone else’s fingerprints at the crime scene, so an
innocent piece of RNA got wrongly charged with murder? But that would mean the real
killer is still out there, threatening the lives of our friends and loved ones. I had to find
the murder weapon with his fingerprints on it, as soon as possible. But where was that
weapon hidden?

My gut feeling kept telling me we were not dealing with a virus here. And yet, some
things remained a mystery. Excess deaths were a fact. So were the shock and concern
among the healthcare workers. And what about curfews, lockdowns and other
restrictive measures? Why were they necessary? The authorities kept saying we
needed to trust science, yet they ignored scientists who did not serve their agenda.
Countries like the U.K. explained they needed to protect the national healthcare
system, which is understandable. Yet, I did not see these states taking any real steps
towards solving the issue, so the heavy burden on society can finally be lifted.

Something simply did not add up. How can a virus possibly take so many lives in one
country, but is much more “gentle” to its neighbors? How can it be so merciless in some
regions of a country, and so merciful in others? How can it possibly come and go in
“waves”? If lockdowns were the only means to slow down its spread and reduce
mortality, then Sweden – which did not implement such strict policies – must have
experienced an extreme spike in excess deaths, which it did not.

What happened in my country is something many of you will recognize in yours as well.
As winter approached, the daily positivity rates spiked and we began to put safety
measures in place. If we were truly dealing with a virus, the percent positive should
have dropped, but it kept rising. The more restrictions we imposed, the worse it got,
until eventually people limited their outdoor exposure and the virus slowed down a bit.
We have currently removed most restrictions. Logically, the number of new daily
infections should have spiked again, but it keeps plummeting, despite the fact only
10% of the population is fully vaccinated. The more restrictions we ease, the better it

Much of the public discourse still revolves around the virus lethality. If we consider
death rates alone, then imposing harsh restrictions on the entire population seems
completely unjustified, given the estimates provided by Prof. Ioannidis, which WHO
apparently agrees with. Such an “overreaction” by the authorities from the very start of
this pandemic would be justified in only one case – it is neither about a virus, nor about
deaths per se. There is something else in the air that everyone is potentially vulnerable
to, so when it “crosses the border”, all of us need to be protected. Mask wearing is an
attempt to limit its impact on us, while it roams around.

Having unprecedented measures in place would mean we are facing an unpreceded

threat. But what can this threat be? Are we having a Chernobyl-like scenario of some
sort? In 1986 an accident in one of the reactors in an Ukrainian nuclear power plant
occurred, rupturing the reactor core in a highly destructive steam explosion. This was
immediately followed by an open-air fire that released airborne radioactive
contamination onto parts of the Soviet Union and Western Europe. Did a major power
plant failure occur somewhere in 2019 and the authorities hid it from us? But before
going there, I decided to look at air pollution levels first.

You may be aware of the air pollution and COVID-19 link. In the first months of 2020
we saw reports of thousands of people dying in places like Wuhan, Milan and New
York. One thing these three have in common – they are notorious pollution centers in
Asia, Europe and North America, respectively. New York for example had more than
200 days in 2018 when air quality was unhealthy for children, the elderly and sick, as
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) data analysis showed.55 As I began
researching the link between the coronavirus and air pollution, one article, published
on the World Economic Forum (WEF) website, immediately caught my attention.

“A recent study published in the journal “Science of the Total Environment” has
found that long-term exposure to air pollution may be “one of the most important
contributors to fatalities caused by the COVID-19 virus around the world.” ” 56

As seen in Fig. 6, scientists have found strong correlation between two major air
pollutants – nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and particulate matter (PM) – and COVID-19
deaths. When we look at four of the countries that were hit the hardest by the summer
of 2020 – Germany, France, Italy and Spain, we see that 78% of deaths occurred in
just five regions in northern Italy and Spain.56

These regions have among Europe’s highest concentrations of NO2, which is quite
harmful to the respiratory system. Besides, they suffer from downward air pressure,
which prevents the dispersal of airborne pollutants. Lombardy was Italy’s worst
affected region, recording almost half of the state’s fatalities. It sits in the Po Valley,
which is surrounded by mountains. Madrid’s administrative region, which was the worst
affected area in Spain, is also ringed by mountains. Pollution from local activity gets
trapped in these areas, creating a serious health hazard especially during the winter.
As the study’s authors put it: “Poisoning our environment means poisoning our own
body, and when [our body] experiences chronic respiratory stress, its ability to defend
itself from infections is limited.” 56

Figure 6. Panel (A,B): Number of COVID-19 cases in China compared to PM2.5

concentration. Panel C: Italian distribution of COVID-19 cases. Panel (D,E): Levels of
NO2 air pollution (month of December 2019) in China and North Italy. Panel F: NO 2
map over Europe (ESA). (Sources: Wikipedia, NASA Giovanni, ESA - Copernicus
SENTINEL and Antonio Frontera et al., Journal of Infection 57)

The article ends on quite an interesting note about the so-called “airborne vectors”.
While air pollution harms our respiratory system and makes us more susceptible to
COVID-19, it may also function as a vector of transmission for the virus. A group of
Italian scientists have detected SARS-CoV-2 genes on particles of air pollution.
According to them, these particles may help the virus travel long distances.56

How about that! A team from Italy, led by Leonardo Setti at the University of Bologna,
has made some rather intriguing findings indeed. They used standard techniques to
collect outdoor air pollution samples at one urban and one industrial site in the
Bergamo province, identifying a gene highly specific to COVID-19 in multiple samples.
A statistical analysis performed by the team suggested higher levels of particulate
pollution could explain higher rates of infection in parts of northern Italy, before a
lockdown was imposed. The logic behind this assumption is that large virus-laden
droplets from infected people’s coughs and sneezes fall to the ground within a meter
or two. But according to Setti, much smaller droplets, between 0.1 and 1 micrometers
(microns) in diameter, may remain in the air for minutes to hours. They can travel much
further when coalesced with pollution particles of up to 10 microns in size, because the
combined particle is larger and less dense than the droplet and can remain suspended
in the air for longer. As Setti puts it, “the pollution particle is like a micro-airplane and
the passengers are the droplets”.58

These findings gained further traction in the following months, as more studies on the
COVID-19 airborne theory were carried out.59 Eventually, WHO had to rethink how the
virus spreads, as more than 200 scientists accused the organization of
underestimating the possibility of airborne transmission in an open letter. As a result,
WHO acknowledged there was indeed emerging evidence that the coronavirus can
travel attached to tiny particles in the air.60

So what exactly are these Italian scientists suggesting? The so-called particulates, also
known as atmospheric aerosols or particulate matter (PM), are microscopic particles
of solid or liquid matter suspended in the air. There are several particulate classes, as
the Italian team has perhaps referred to a class designated PM10. These are coarse
particles with a diameter of 10 micrometers or less. The theory suggests that tiny
coronavirus droplets attach to PM10 and travel long distances, using them as
transmission vehicles.

So far, so good. But wait a minute. We are being told that air pollution weakens our
respiratory system (that part is true), so our body’s ability to defend itself from infections
weakens as well. Viruses like SARS-CoV-2 can then take advantage of our
compromised defenses and deal a major, possibly even lethal, blow. But those micro-
airplanes, supposedly carrying around the coronavirus, are actually more dangerous
than their passengers! They deal a far worse blow.

Particulates are the most harmful form of air pollution, causing a number of health
hazards such as heart attacks, respiratory disease and premature death.61 62 A study
on more than 300,000 people in nine European countries revealed there was no safe
level of particulates and that for every increase of 10 micrograms per cubic meter
(μg/m3) in ambient PM10 levels, lung cancer rate rose by 22%.62

There is an even more dangerous particulate class designated PM2.5, with a diameter
of 2.5 micrometers or less, called fine particulate matter. And guess what – just like the
coronavirus, those finer PM2.5 particles also attach to the larger PM10 ones. Or perhaps
the scientists claimed virus droplets attach to PM2.5 as well? Nevertheless, have I really
found what lies beneath the COVID-19 mask? Were those fine particles the real cause
of the pandemic? Sounds way too simple to be true, but let us look at what the data

PM2.5 is particularly lethal, causing a 36% rise in lung cancer per just 10 μg/m3 increase,
as these finer particles penetrate deeper into the lungs than PM10.62 Globally, PM2.5
exposure contributed to more than 4 million deaths in 2016 alone.63 64 Four million
deaths per year! Overall, PM2.5 pollution is the fifth leading risk factor for premature
death.65 Increased levels of fine particles in the air is independently associated with
the most serious health effects, including cardiopulmonary mortality.66

And indeed, air pollution is linked to a number of coronary events. PM2.5 exposure leads
to vascular inflammation and the formation of plaque deposits in arteries. This in turn
may cause atherosclerosis – hardening of the arteries that reduces their elasticity and
leads to heart attacks and other cardiovascular problems.67 One study took more than
100,000 participants and followed them for an average of 11.5 years. The results
showed a rise in annual PM2.5 levels of just 5 μg/m3 increased the risk of coronary
events such as heart attacks by 13%.68 PM2.5 affects not only human health directly,
but also bacteria – organisms central to ecosystems in humans and in the

The list of PM2.5 adverse effects is rather lengthy. I outlined just a few of them to show
how dangerous these microscopic aerosols can be. The more I looked into the ill
effects of PM2.5, the more I saw the coronavirus at play – the vascular inflammations,
the heart attacks, even the impact this virus possibly had on our gut bacteria.70 71 72
A mirror image of one another. The more this viral pandemic seemingly concealed the
harm caused by air pollution, the more different from the rest of its siblings SARS-CoV-
2 became.

With respect to premature death, the picture looks even more grim. A U.S. study
estimated a 9.28% rise in mortality for every 10 μg/m3 increase in annual PM2.5 levels
among people aged 65 and above.73 Almost 1% surge in deaths per just 1 μg/m3! Even
more shockingly, just a two-day exposure to higher PM2.5 levels would cause a spike
in fatalities. Another U.S. investigation looked at the medical records of 4.5 million
veterans and found a link between chronic PM2.5 exposure and nearly 200,000
deaths.74 75

But last year PM2.5 seemed to no longer cause such problems. Instead, as science will
tell you, an increase of only 1 μg/m3 in PM2.5 levels is now associated with a 15%
increase in COVID-19 death rate in America!76 But if that is true, which one is more
lethal – the virus or the particles? The U.S. authorities must have expected mortality to
rise, as PM2.5 levels had increased by 5.5% on average across the country (and by
more than 11% in the West) between 2016 and 2018, after a 25% decline over the
previous seven years.77 To further showcase the link between air quality and COVID-
19, have a look at Fig. 7. You see a startling overlap between many of the U.S.
coronavirus “hotspots” in the spring of 2020 and the most heavily polluted areas,
depicted on a recent air quality map.78

You probably recall George Floyd’s death at the hands of the Minneapolis police in the
summer of 2020. In response, “Black Lives Matter” protests erupted on the streets of
many American cities. And while most protesters wore masks, little or no social
distancing was kept, at least from what I saw on the news. These large crowds were
not merely violating rules, they were posing a threat by potentially spreading the
pandemic further. Yet no one in charge seemed to have any concerns over it, despite
communicating the opposite. In fact, the authorities did not want any concerns to be
raised at all.

“Over the two last weeks, Mayor [of New York] Bill de Blasio and others have voiced
concerns that packed police brutality protests across the city could trigger a new wave
of COVID-19 infections. Whether or not that’s the case, however, remains unknown –
and de Blasio’s team won’t be directly trying to find out. The hundreds of contact
tracing workers hired by the city under de Blasio’s new “test and trace” campaign have
been instructed not to ask anyone who’s tested positive for COVID-19 whether
they recently attended a demonstration.” 79

Just as they had recently stood firmly behind strict COVID-19 measures, some
scientists suddenly turned 180 degrees and embraced the BLM protests, explaining
that addressing racial inequality is key to tackling the coronavirus epidemic. These
double standards did not go unnoticed.80 Not to mention the double standards shown
by government officials in major American cities like Portland, Minneapolis and New
York, to name just a few.

Science also said that BLM protests were not adding to the coronavirus spread, but
Trump rallies were. Playing politics again? So if you are an American citizen who
wanted to go to the nearby church with a couple of friends and pray, the police might
have arrested you for breaking the COVID-19 rules. But if you decided to join the
screaming “Defund the police!” crowd instead, which was violating not only the rules,
but was destroying private and public property as well, you would have faced no
repercussions whatsoever.


at approx. 555,000 confirmed cases

U.S. AIR QUALITY (Q1: best, Q7: worst)

Figure 7. U.S. COVID-19 “Heat Map” at approx. 555,000 confirmed cases vs.
U.S. Air Quality Map. (Source: Stanford University’s Big Local News and Pitch
Interactive’s “COVID-19 Case Mapper”, and Khan et al. 78)

But if this novel virus was truly capable of causing such a devastating, systemic harm
to the body, exposing it to enormous health risks and further complications, would the
states have so readily eased restrictions in the spring last year? This time the people
in charge could not be given the “I was not aware” free pass. And I am not talking about
easing the stay-at-home orders, I am talking about the mask-free large public
gatherings many countries were quick to allow right after a strict lockdown. I am also
talking about the swift opening of borders and allowing tourists to roam freely from
country to country, as was the case in many places in Europe during the summer.
A negative PCR test was required to enter some countries, but as we have seen, test
results mean nothing per se. The PCR testing is nothing but yet another action
designed to make the authorities look as if they are trying to halt an imaginary virus
spread. No sane leader would allow anyone to enter the country without at least a
month of quarantine, regardless of what any medical test may indicate. And how about
the “Delta variant”, first identified in India, which officials are currently so worried about?
If it really presents such a threat, why didn’t we close the borders again?

In my home city of Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria, tens of thousands of people gathered
downtown every single day for a period of more than two months last summer, to
protest against the current government. Many were not wearing masks, no social
distancing was kept, but the authorities did not seem to bother at all. September 15
marks the beginning of the new school here. On that day last year I was playing
basketball in the schoolyard across the street. Hundreds of kids were running around
– dancing, laughing, screaming, hugging, kissing, playing together, having tons of fun.
It was such a beautiful, joyful scene. None of the kids wore a mask, nor did any of the
adults around. Yet all pupils at a nearby school were ordered to wear masks at all times
once they enter the school premises.

How do we make sense of all the lack of consistency? Shouldn’t we have a more
unified, consistent, robust approach towards handling the pandemic? And I am not just
talking about obvious differences in response to COVID-19 between countries. As
infection cases spiked across Germany in the fall, its 16 federal states started placing
their own rules on travel, accommodation and social life in general. Many of these rules
were quite confusing and did not make much sense to the local population. Meanwhile,
England had imposed the “rule of six”, stating any gathering of more than six people
was now illegal.

Besides, Drosten himself claimed that in less than a week’s time after we first got
infected with SARS-CoV-2, we are no longer capable of infecting others.81 If that was
the case, do you really think if the authorities wanted to stop the virus spread for good,
they could not have imposed a well-planned, complete lockdown in each country for
just a week, while essential workers kept all necessary precautions? Of course, this
would be very difficult to achieve, but did we even try at least? And, mind you, no sane
leader would put high hopes in the saving grace of a COVID-19 vaccine in advance.
First, because developing a safe vaccine takes a lot of time. Second, because no
effective coronavirus vaccine has even been developed. Third, because studies
showed that even if the immune system produces antibodies against this virus, they
will last for just a few months. So, how is a vaccine supposed to be effective? With this

in mind, CDC director Dr. Robert Redfield’s words that wearing a face mask may do
more to protect against the spread of coronavirus than getting a vaccine, should not
come as a surprise.82 That statement was made in last September, as several
companies were already getting close to developing a “working vaccine”. Well, looks
like Redfield did not have much faith in that.

So were the authorities somehow weirdly both overreacting and underreacting to this
viral threat? Were they imposing harsher restrictions than necessary at times, while
merely pretending to do their job at others? And do not even get me started on the way
many countries have “tracked” and “cared for” those infected, but not seriously ill
people last year. This book would be filled with stories about friends (and friends’
friends), who have had all the common symptoms and have tested positive for the
virus. Just to see authorities not caring less about contract tracing or even making sure
self-isolation had indeed taken place. And while these are mere anecdotal stories,
I have seen so many people from all over the world sharing that same experience. I do
understand the amount of effort required to properly manage such a massive
healthcare threat, but something was simply not feeling right.

If you feel things just do not add up too; if you feel your government’s decisions that
are supposed to help prevent the spread of the virus lack rationality, consistency and
responsibility from the start, then consider the following hypothesis: Even if the virus
exists, it is the toxins in the air that are killing our elderly and sick, and are causing the
majority, if not all, of the COVID-19 symptoms. If that is the case and you are the one
in charge, you can afford to make irrational decisions, or rather you cannot afford to
make rational decisions, since you need to look incapable of handling the pandemic.
Actually, you are indeed incapable of putting an end to it, unless the main issue,
whatever it is, gets resolved. So many things that took place since January 2020 and
did not make much sense, suddenly make much more sense when viewed through the
lenses of air pollution. So what if these “coronavirus waves” are actually air pollution
spikes? How could I possibly prove PM2.5 was causing the coronavirus pandemic? To
begin with, I needed to look at the Lombardy region for example, and check if air quality
had worsened considerably in the ’19-‘20 winter season vs. previous years, ideally as
a part of an ongoing trend. Then I would need to repeat that exercise for all other
COVID epicenters globally. But before we go there, and since I have already
mentioned the notion of μg/m3 on several occasion, let us see what it actually means
in more practical terms.

“You will most likely come across a dedicated column for PM2.5 alongside the Air
Quality Index (AQI), Pollutants Standards Index (PSI) or the air quality standards
adopted by your country. The 24-hour concentration of PM2.5 is considered unhealthy
when it rises above 35.4 μg/m3…The longer you are exposed to PM2.5 , the higher the
risk of developing adverse effects caused by the exposure...The table below will give
you a sense of what levels of PM2.5 are harmful and the appropriate precautions you
need to take.” 83

Table 1. 24-Hour PM2.5 concentration levels (μg/m3) and corresponding Air Quality
Index (AQI), health effects and recommended precautionary actions. (Source: U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency )

Let us look at Table 1. AQI of 101 (35.5 μg/m3) is indeed considered “unhealthy for
sensitive groups”. 200 AQI means everyone should avoid prolonged exertion, while
those with respiratory or heart disease, the elderly and children should avoid any
outdoor activity. Any prolonged outdoor exposure above 150 AQI could lead to an
increase in premature mortality – exactly what took place in Italy. Speaking of which,
let us look at Lombardy’s capital, the city of Milan. You can access the World Air Quality
Historical Database from aqicn.org/historical.84 Fig. 8 shows the daily air quality
readings for Milano Senato for the 2018-2020 period. After a noticeable improvement
in 2018 vs. previous years, air quality worsened considerably during the winter of 2019
and the following year as well, including almost 10 days in a row in the “Unhealthy”
category in January. That fact alone could explain the abnormal rise in mortality in the
area during the spring. The inquiries I made about other major cities in the area
revealed the same trend I observed for the capital. Air quality in the region has been
consistently deteriorating over the last couple of years.

Figure 8. Daily PM2.5 AQI readings for Milano Senato, Lombardia, Italy from January
2018 to September 2020. (Source: World Air Quality Historical Database )

However, if it was just about PM2.5, then the 2020 excess mortality would be observed
for years prior to 2018 as well, when the air quality in the winter was also rather poor.
But when I looked at the data, things did not add up again. Something else in the air
must have further contributed to the excess deaths last year. Let me address that point
a bit later. But now, to drop a bombshell, my very first inquiry was into the city of
Brescia, which was hit particularly hard by the virus.85 Actually, the situation in the
region was so bad, that even the Italian army was called upon to help enforce lockdown
measures, just like in Wuhan.86 87 Intriguingly, Lombardy locals reported seeing U.S.
military forces on the ground as well, wondering if somehow their presence was related
to the pandemic. Those troops were part of a large-scale combat exercise called
“Defender 2020”. The exercise was planned to involve mostly army personnel,
including roughly 20,000 U.S. soldiers who were supposed to support activities across
10 European countries. American participation was reduced meanwhile, due to the

Italian military forces, U.S. ground troops, Russian military virologists,89 army-imposed
stay-at-home orders imposed by the – what the heck was going on in Lombardy,
I wondered. So Brescia was the first city I looked into from the AQI database. Call it a
hunch if you will. As you can see in Fig. 9, I was simply shell-shocked by the numbers
I saw on the screen. I stared at them for a while, as I could not believe my own eyes.
I kept telling myself this had to be a measurement mistake. No way it could be true. No
way. But, alas, it was true. On 4 April 2020, the daily average PM2.5 AQI was 592, while
two days later – mind-blowing 646! And again, two days in October 2019 – 615 and
654 respectively! When looking at the PM10 readings, those same two days in October
had AQI of 506 and 731!

My head started spinning, as I felt quite dizzy for a moment. This was a bloody murder.
The air quality was not just unhealthy on those days, it was beyond hazardous. It was
lethal. How could this be even possible? Where would such a devastating amount of
pollution come from all of a sudden, as if from nowhere? Even when I checked the
historical data from 2014 to 2021 for some of most polluted cities in the world, I was
hard-pressed to find more than a dozen of days on which the average daily PM 2.5 AQI
was higher than 650.

One of these cities is Hotan, located at the southwestern edge of Taklimakan Desert,
the world’s largest shifting sand desert of China. The desert is one of the main sources
of the frequent sand-dust storms, which the city is notorious for, and which severely
affect the air quality in that area. But that is China, not Italy, so what the hell happened
in Lombardy?

Figure 9. Daily PM2.5 AQI readings for Brescia Villaggio Sereno, Lombardia, Italy from
July 2019 to September 2020. (Source: World Air Quality Historical Database )

Did, whatever it was, spread from Brescia to the rest of the province? And when did it
all start? Back in 2019? Were they trying to cover up a major failure at some power
plant and blamed all casualties on the virus? Was the military spraying toxins in the air
with some kind of technology to make us believe the coronavirus is real and force a
New World Order for awfully sinister purposes? I pondered for a moment over those
truly bizarre conspiracies, and then it hit me. It hit me so damn hard. Dear Lord, I had
just discovered why this pandemic broke out precisely in 2020. I had just discovered
what caused it and why we all need to be protected from that threat.

But before we move on, there is one very important piece of the puzzle I have not
shared with you yet, and now is a good time to do it. Although, perhaps, many of you
already know about it. It is called “Event 201”. For those unfamiliar,

“Event 201 is a pandemic tabletop exercise hosted by The Johns Hopkins Center for
Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda
Gates Foundation on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated the
pandemic preparedness efforts needed to diminish the large-scale economic and
societal consequences of a severe pandemic. Drawing from actual events, Event 201
identifies important policy issues and preparedness challenges that could be solved
with sufficient political will and attention. These issues were designed in a narrative to
engage and educate the participants and the audience.”

Whether you decide to watch the highlights reel video from this exercise or its full-
length segments, you will inevitably be stunned by a several things. 90 91 First, its
surprisingly accurate CAPS (Coronavirus Associated Pulmonary Syndrome) outbreak
simulation to what hit us just a few months after that exercise took place. Second,
indeed, its timing, right between the death of the PCR inventor Kary Mullis and the
SARS-CoV-2 outbreak. Third, the chosen date for the exercise coincides with the date
the 2019 Military World Games began. Where? In Wuhan, of course.92 Those striking

coincidences did not go unnoticed. Conspiracy fans all over the world were utterly
shocked by the sheer arrogance the “evil elites” had displayed, by publicly revealing
their sinister plans in such a blunt, right-in-your-face fashion. A sign of total confidence,
humiliation, dominance and control over us. All the warnings from people like Gates
and Fauci, all their certainty in the inevitability of this pandemic, all the rogue bat
coronavirus gain-of-function research in those Wuhan labs – all these made perfect
sense now.

Figure 10. Event 201: A pandemic tabletop simulation stunningly similar to the actual
events that took place just a few months later. (Source: Center For Health Security’s
YouTube channel 90)

At first, I was also among those shocked to see the footage from this exercise and the
time of its release. But eventually the whole “Event 201” thing began to feel weird. My
gut feeling was telling me this must have been a set-up. It was too obvious. It was way
too obvious to be true. Especially all the coincidences with the timing of the Military
World Games in Wuhan and then the outbreak itself. There is only one reason why
your opponent would show you the ace up their sleeve – they have a real ace up the
other sleeve! Similar to the gain-of-function bat coronavirus research story, the content
and timing of “Event 201” were designed to promote the virus theory itself. And to send
those conspiracy lovers chasing their own tail all day long, thus further fueling the virus
narrative. I do give our leaders points for creativity here. The truth, however, was much,
much different.




So, what did I suddenly realize as I was watching those air pollution readings from the
city of Brescia? A curious story developed in my home country. In the fall of 2019, one
of the major national televisions added a short air quality segment to its weather news
program. Every night the viewers were informed about the average PM10
concentrations in each major city, measured during the day.

The first novel coronavirus case in Bulgaria was registered on 8 March 2020. It was
later confirmed to be a COVID-19 case indeed. What followed immediately after this
confirmation, on March 10, you think? We saw those PM10 readings for the very last
time. The segment was taken off the air. A few days later, on March 13, the Bulgarian
Parliament voted unanimously to declare a state of emergency.

By the way, do you know that Dr. Fauci was publishing academic papers in the
beginning of 2020, stating clinical consequences of COVID-19 may be more akin to
those of a severe seasonal influenza? He was estimating the death rate from COVID-
19 would not be much higher than what we typically experience during a “bad flu”
season. However, during a congressional testimony he said the novel coronavirus is
“10 times more lethal than the seasonal flu.” 93

Fauci was not the only person to make such a sudden change in opinion. The same
happened to General Mutafchiyski – Chairman of the Bulgarian National Crisis
Management Staff, which led the local efforts against the pandemic. Just like Fauci,
he gave an interview on national television in February 2020, saying in relaxed fashion
the novel coronavirus is basically not that different from seasonal influenza. However,
he looked dead serious as he addressed the nation on March 14, urging the people to
stay at home.

“An epidemic is heading towards us, with unprecedented in human history

fury…Your local store will survive after this storm passes…We must limit the
fury of what is coming our way.”

Wait. What? A few dozen COVID-19 cases, two victims so far and already a state of
emergency? What could possibly be heading our way, we will simply close the borders
immediately. What could possibly come and threaten the nation with such unseen in
human history fury then? Where from? And why was that air quality segment removed?
Those stunning PM levels in Brescia made me recall the day I saw General
Mutafchiyski for the first time on TV. They made me recall his speech once again. This
time, I asked myself: “Why would this man speak of the virus as if it was a storm, a
tsunami, a…CLOUD?!?”


And indeed, phenomena like the so-called “yellow dust storm” seem capable of
affecting not just nearby countries, but other continents as well.

“Another recent large-scale air pollution phenomenon is that of the yellow dust of
Asia. The fast and extensive industrial development of China means that large amounts
of pollutants are emitted into the air. Intense dust storms and the swift, powerful winds
that blow over the deserts of Asia can then carry these deadly dust particles eastward
over China, Korea, and Japan. The effects of these yellow dust storms are massive in
the countries of Southeast Asia: Very low visibility, significant health effects even in
healthy people, not to mention damage to plants and soil because of acid rain. In many
cases, the air pollution can even reach as far as the U.S.” 94

Was this really true? Can massive storms of air pollutants travel across continents? It
turns out, they can.

““Air pollution does not recognize national borders; the atmosphere connects
distant regions of our planet,” said Charles Kolb, chair of the committee that wrote
the report and president and CEO of Aerodyne Research Inc. “Emissions within any one
country can affect human and ecosystem health in countries far downwind. While it is
difficult to quantify these influences, in some cases the impacts are significant from
regulatory and public health perspectives.” The report examined four types of air
pollutants: ozone; particulate matter such as dust, sulfates, or soot; mercury; and
persistent organic pollutants such as DDT. The committee found evidence that these
four types of pollutants can drift across the oceans and around the Northern
Hemisphere, delivering significant concentrations to continents downwind.” 95

It was true then. Air pollution does travel across continents. But why 2020? Why a
pandemic now? Haven’t such devastating clouds circled the planet before? I will refer
to them from now on also as “Clouds Atlas”, after the title of the David Mitchell’s 2004
novel on which the movie “Cloud Atlas” is based upon. So, haven’t such clouds caused
massive harm to the population before, disguised as pulmonary, cardiovascular and
other diseases and, eventually, mortalities? What makes THIS cloud different then?
Has China all of a sudden drastically increased its air pollution? And then it hit me
again. These were not air pollutants from industrial activity and they were not coming
from China.



Alas, my intuition was telling the truth again. The 2019 Australian bushfires were an
incredibly tragic, devastating event, particularly for the animal species inhabiting these
terrains. Throughout the summer hundreds of fires burnt, mainly in the southeast part
of the country. Fire activity intensified and peaked during the months of December
2019 and January 2020. Multiple states of emergency were declared. Reinforcements
from all over Australia were called in to assist fighting the fires and relieve the
exhausted local crews in New South Wales. 46 million acres of land were burned by
March 2020, roughly the size of Syria. One billion wild animals likely perished in the
flames.96 What a nightmare.

The smoke from these fires began to drift, first to New Zealand and then across the
Pacific Ocean to South America, probably reaching even the Antarctic. The same
plumes that blanketed the skies in Australia were soon wreaking havoc in Argentina
and Chili. The skies in Santiago turned grey with thick smoke. The sunset in Buenos
Aires turned red. NASA said what we were witnessing was “just a reminder that smoke
does not stay in one place”.97 98 So, a “Cloud Atlas” indeed began travelling around the
world in January 2020. But this was not the only huge smoke cloud that came from
these bushfires, nor it was the first. An entire “train of pollution” had started circling the
globe by November 2019 already.

“Smoke particles from bushfires in Australia have reached South America, in a

striking illustration of the intensity of the unprecedented blazes...From satellite imagery
there’s still thick smoke coming out of New South Wales, so more will be being pumped
out, meaning a train of pollution going across the south Pacific, following the jet
stream...While it is relatively unusual for pollution to travel so far, studies have shown
Australia’s deadly 2009 “Black Saturday” fires released materials that travelled a similar
distance.” 99

That train of smoke did not just reach distant continents. It reached atmospheric
heights too.100

“A particularly intense series of bushfires in southeastern Australia from December

29 to January 4 spurred the formation of huge pyrocumulonimbus, or pyroCb, clouds.
Those fire-fueled thunderstorms launched between 300,000 and 900,000 metric tons
of smoke into the stratosphere, which was more than any seen from a previous inferno.
One especially large, long-lasting smoke plume rose to a record altitude while spinning
and wrapping itself in rotating winds. Those winds have never been observed around
similar plumes...This vast puff of smoke, which still hasn’t fully dissipated, spanned
roughly 1,000 kilometers – about the width of Montana. That made it one of the
largest, if not the largest, wildfire smoke plume that satellites have ever seen in
the stratosphere.” 101

Figure 11. The 2019 Australian bushfires produced enormous clouds, called
pyrocumulonimbus, or pyroCbs, which injected huge amounts of smoke into the
stratosphere. One particularly large plume rose to a record-high altitude around New
Year 2020 – 31 kilometers. The satellite image shows the smoke (brownish-gray,
center) north of New Zealand. (Source: Eigenes Werk, Wikimedia and Space Science
and Engineering Center at the University of Wisconsin PyroCb Blog 1 0 1 )

This incredibly large plume reached a record-high altitude just around New Year’s Eve,
precisely at the time when the first novel coronavirus cases were officially reported in
Wuhan. Two weeks later NASA confirmed the smoke from the Australian bushfires had
indeed made a full loop around the Earth.102 On January 5 my closest friend flied from
Auckland, New Zealand to Doha, Qatar. Before she realized what she was actually
seeing in the Auckland skies, she thought the airport windows were covered with
orange foil. She was staring in awe at the surreal scenery around her, as the plane
was taking off. Once she landed in Doha several hours later – surprise, surprise – she
was screened for fever at the airport. The local authorities were already alarmed “the
virus” might have infected arriving passengers!

So, to make sure we interpret the information presented here correctly: Part of the
smoke from the Australian bushfires started moving across the globe at the
tropospheric level – the lowest, closest to the surface, layer of the atmosphere. At the
same time, other giant plumes were formed and elevated to the upper layer – the
stratosphere. Once there, on the second floor so to speak, they were also free to circle
the globe. While tropospheric smoke particles typically settle to the ground after about
a week at most, the ones that reached the stratosphere blanketed the entire Southern
Hemisphere for months. And while these pyroCb clouds, fueled by the fires’ energy,
are considered as a means of transporting smoke to the stratosphere, weather patterns
also played a key role in the process.103

Scientists had noticed an extreme increase in one satellite-based measure of particle

loading in the atmosphere, called aerosol optical depth (AOD). The measurements
showed a deviation three times the normal, some of the highest readings ever
obtained. They were able to track these spikes to the bushfires in Australia. The further
analysis of satellite data revealed a broad band of haze in the stratosphere spreading
to cover the Southern Hemisphere, peaking from January to March and persisting
through July; eventually reaching all the way around and back to Australia’s west
coast.103 A couple of important questions come to mind at this point. One, were those
smoke plumes carrying only carbon emissions? Two, how many loops around the
Earth would they do, before they eventually dissipate? With respect to the first question
– no, they unleashed massive amounts of particulates (PM) in the atmosphere too, as
shown in Fig. 12, part of which also reached “the second floor”.

“The image below shows a huge area directly above the bushfires that is spewing
extreme amounts of aerosols into the atmosphere creating a health hazard not only
for residents in the area, but also for those affected when wind patterns carry
that smoke on jet streams.” 102

“In some cases, aerosols originating from the fires have been deposited into the
stratosphere….From there, the particulates are free to surf the jet stream across the
planet…These fire-triggered thunderheads are like an elevator for carrying materials to
altitudes where they’d seldom otherwise venture, outside of a volcanic eruption, that
is.” 104

Figure 12. A satellite image showing heavy concentrations of aerosols over the areas
on fire in eastern Australia. (Source: NASA Worldview 102)

With respect to the second question, ABC News brought some quite disturbing news.
According to their weather presenter Nate Byrne, such smoke particles could do
several loops before they eventually dissipate. NASA, as we saw above, had already
confirmed the first loop was a fact. As Byrne pointed out, the plumes had likely become
diluted as they were crossing the globe, so these pollutants were no longer visible
when they reached Australia again.

“ “The old thinking was that the solution to pollution was dilution," he said. "But in
the case of these fires – they are so huge, they are still burning, and will be burning for
quite some time – there's a constant supply of smoke particles into the air. By the time
the wind gets all the way back around to the west of Australia, it's spent a lot of time
being mixed with clean air from higher up or lower down in the atmosphere, so you
won't see the thick smoke like you'd see right next to the fire. Most likely the
only way we'll be able to detect it is from satellites…Smoke particles don't disappear
– they have to be removed from the air somehow. The more smoke particles there are
in the air, the more likely it is that some will be able to make it all the way around the
Earth and, in fact, maybe do several loops. Just like when you see really huge volcanic
explosions, the ash from those can travel several times around the globe and cause
havoc for quite some time.” ” 105

Well, that is really bad news indeed. Once this pollution train began its journey in 2019,
it probably had to do several loops around the Earth to eventually disperse. And to
make things even more complicated, the pollution particles became invisible once that
thick smoke they were initially part of diluted. Doctors have warned the health risks
from distant wildfires can be bigger than the risks from local ones. That is logical given
the fact you can seek shelter from a threat you are able to see, but how do you protect
yourself from an invisible hazard? There are two processes through which aerosols in
the troposphere fall to the ground. The first process is called “wet deposition”, which
involves removing of aerosols via rain and snow. A famous example of that would be
the so-called acid rain. The second process is called “dry deposition”, which is the free
fall to Earth directly from the atmosphere. With respect to particles that reach the
stratosphere, since “the only route for the removal of stratospheric aerosols from the
atmosphere is relatively slow transport down into the troposphere, where they are
subject to removal by wet or dry deposition, stratospheric particles can have lifetimes
of several years.”106 This means that while tropospheric aerosols from bushfires fall to
the ground relatively quickly, stratospheric particles begin to slowly move down to the
troposphere and then eventually start falling to the ground as well, but over a much
longer period.

A new question follows. How high the aerosol concentration levels within these plumes
were? The amount of fine particles in the smoke was so high that some parts of
Australia registered not only the worst air quality on the planet, but in the country’s
history as well. In fact, 90% of the total particle mass emitted by these 2019 bushfires
fall in the size range of 2.5 microns or less. Thus, Sydney recorded PM 2.5
concentrations of nearly 400 µg/m3, while Canberra’s air quality reached a level that
was 26 times higher than what is considered hazardous to human health!107 108

The Australian Prime Minister made sure half a million air pollution masks from the
national medical stockpile were given to high-risk members of the public.109 In one
Sydney suburb, called Rozelle, the AQI hit astronomical 2,552!110 As you can imagine,
that devastating amount of pollution created a tsunami of health problems.

“As well as the known effects on the lungs and heart…[Prof. Dominici’s] team
identified “new diseases including septicaemia which is a serious bloodstream
infection, urinary tract infections and renal failure”...those with asthma, heart and
lung problems can see exacerbated symptoms – such as chest tightness and difficulty
breathing...Standard face masks are ineffective when it comes to blocking out fine
particles, according to health authorities. They warned people to avoid exercising
outdoors this week – a suggestion that many have ignored.” 111

And while mask wearing became an absolute must to keep the people as safe as
possible outdoors, it turns out most masks do not ensure effective protection against
PM2.5, as indicated by Dr. Christine Cowie, a respiratory health expert.

“Will a mask do anything? In most cases, the answer is no. There are very few
academic studies about the effectiveness of face masks, and wearing a mask is not the
main recommended safety measure. Crucially, a surgeon’s mask (or similar cloth or
paper masks) won’t work – the particles in bushfire smoke are too fine. Cowie says the
only effective mask is a P2 mask – the kind worn by builders and sold in hardware
stores. And, it has to seal well around your face. Which means you need to test it out
for fit, like shoes or clothes. Different face and nose shapes will need different masks.
“If it is not fitted very carefully over the nose and mouth, people will still be exposed to
the smoke,” she says. “And you need to inspect the package and make sure it will filter
out PM2.5.”...Cowie says a mask is “not the best public health measure that we can offer”.
“We support the advice from the health department, which is to stay indoors and
trying to minimise your exposure as much as possible.” ” 112

Given these facts, people were advised to stay indoors and minimize exposure as
much as possible. Besides, fine particles are just one of the many hazardous smoke
components. Carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide, nitrogen oxide and volatile organic
compounds like benzene, all present in smoke from burning vegetation, pose
significant health risks as well. These harmful emissions have brought life-threatening
diseases, including severe bloodstream infections. They have put people with lung and
heart problems in hospitals, as many more experienced chest tightness and difficulty
breathing. And since most masks do not offer a reliable protection against this threat,
the only effective preventive measure turns out to be – well, you guessed it – a
lockdown. Does this situation look familiar to you? If it does, that is because the
authorities are trying to protect us from the very same threat that plagued the Aussies
in the beginning of 2020. “Coronavirus“ emissions from wildfires circled in the
stratosphere for quite a long time and eventually fell to the ground, putting the health
of millions of people at risk.

Can the situation possibly get any worse? And while the Australian bushfires smoke
blanketed the entire Southern Hemisphere, how about the Northern one? Did that
smoke reach every corner of the globe? Well, if the Australian fires were the only
massive wildfire event of 2019, it would have taken about an year perhaps for COVID-
19 to slow its spread and eventually disappear. But we are now in the second year of
this pandemic and the situation is even worse. That is because those bushfires were
not the only recent wildfire event of such proportions. The 2019 wildfire season in the
U.S. was not as intensive as in previous years, but still more than 250,000 acres of
land were burned in the state of California alone113, 2.2 million in total. But this figure
pales in comparison to the 2019 Siberian wildfire season. Russian authorities reported
that 7.4 million acres were on fire in July alone, an area roughly the size of Belgium!114
The smoke from these burning forests reached Alaska and, possibly mixing with smoke
from local fires, travelled to the western coast of Canada.115 And let me tell you, these
Siberian smoke plumes combined likely extended to an area bigger than the entire
European Union landmass!

Figure 13. U.S. wildfires caused the formation of yet another giant pyrocumulonimbus
cloud in 2020, as photo taken from an airplane on September 5 shows. (Source: Thalia
Dockery / Twitter)

And as if that was not enough, the following 2020 was even more devastating. The
total area burnt by wildland fires in Russia reached 47 million acres by August already
– an area one and a half times bigger than the size of Greece! Bigger than the area
burnt by the Australian bushfires too. Imagine the size of the resulting smoke clouds.
Imagine how high the PM concentrations in the atmosphere suddenly became. And to
make matters even worse, the 2020 California wildfire season was also much more
devastating than the year before. By September the fires there had burnt around
4 million acres, making 2020 the largest wildfire season recorded in California

Looking into the way local pyroCbs formed and what their impact on the air quality was,
we see the Australian bushfire story all over again. These pyroCb formations seem to
be making the air more toxic than ever before in recent history.

“A giant thunderstorm hovered above the Creek Fire on Saturday, shooting smoke
plumes into the stratosphere as flames tore through the Sierra National Forest below
– and an obscure meteorological term briefly burst into the popular lexicon:
pyrocumulonimbus. Scientists believe the pyrocumulonimbus that took shape over the
Creek Fire could be the biggest ever produced above U.S. soil...The largest
pyrocumulonimbus events ever recorded worldwide have all occurred in the past
three years, a trend that indicates they could become a lot more common as
wildfire seasons intensify.” 117

Pyrocumulonimbus events are actually not that rare, but climate change has made
them much more common recently. And just like their Australian siblings, once these
smoke clouds began their tour around the U.S. in the summer of 2020, they wreaked
havoc along the way. As the plumes moved from the West Coast to the east, the states
of Oregon, Washington and California experienced some of the most unhealthy air on
the planet. The air quality in Oregon became so hazardous that it went beyond the
scale of the state’s AQI.118 The cities of Portland, Seattle, San Francisco and Los
Angeles collectively “knocked every city in China out of the top 10 for worst air
quality”.119 As you might suspect, that smoke eventually reached Europe. Here is what
the scientists said about it:

““The scale and magnitude of these fires are at a level much higher than in any
of the 18 years that our monitoring data covers, since 2003”...The smoke thickness
from the fires, known as aerosol optical depth or AOD, was immense...“AOD levels have
reached very high values of seven or above, which has been confirmed by independent
ground-based measurement. To put this into perspective, an AOD of one would
already indicate a lot of aerosols in the atmosphere.”” 120 121

That smoke reached the Old Continent on September 16. What do you think followed
immediately, just two days later? Boris Johnson announced the U.K. was “now seeing
a second wave”. “It’s been inevitable we’d see it in this country”, he added, as reported
by CNN. The rest of Europe soon experienced a significant rise in “coronavirus cases”
as well, and began imposing new strict measures and lockdowns. Places like Paris,
Madrid and Berlin were put under harsh restrictions once again. And this was just the
beginning of yet another long, severe “viral infection” season. Many scientists have
warned we should have aimed at achieving herd immunity by the summer of 2020,
before the virus had become more lethal. They will say since we did not follow their
advice and missed this window of opportunity, we are now left with no choice but wear
masks and enter into new lockdowns for the foreseeable future. I believe this is exactly
what will happen. After all, how can we stop the spread of COVID-19? How can we
give these particles and gases the chance to fully dissipate, when in the meantime
new, bigger and more intense wildfires send even more smoke in the atmosphere?

As early as June this year, large wildfires more typical for the month of September
were already ravaging North America, due to historic droughts and heatwaves. As a
result, the next “coronavirus wave” soon hit the U.S., this time caused by the “delta
variant”. The situation was further complicated by the plumes from the Siberian fires,
which were moving in waves across the Pacific Ocean at the same time. As the U.S.
smoke began to spread across the country, many states issued health warnings. On
July 21 an article was published in The New York Times, showing smoke covering a
large portion of the country. Two days later, the U.S. announced they were now seeing
a rise in COVID-19 cases in all 50 states. Actually, the number of daily cases began to
surge precisely at the start of the wildfires season, as the 7-day average increased
tenfold during its first two months. Meanwhile, the North American plumes started
moving across the Atlantic Ocean towards the U.K. and Iceland. Those countries
immediately experienced a new “wave” of cases. How long will we continue to play this
charade for? Will we ever be told the truth? I do not think so. Alas, the bigger and more
widespread wildfires become globally, the higher those AOD levels get, the more this
novel “coronavirus” will mutate into more contagious and virulent strains, which will
eventually become resistant to all vaccines. And then, of course, even harsher
measures imposed by governments for longer time periods will be justified.

The final, most concerning blow for me, was delivered by the scientists from the
PyroTRACH project. The project attempts to find out how emissions from wildfires
change in the air and what impact they have on human health and climate. The
PyroTRACH team wanted to see if they can identify specific signatures of fires and
track what happens to the smoke as it ages in the air. They found out that while in the
air the smoke particles chemically react with trace radicals – molecules with unpaired
electrons – and undergo a process known as oxidation. This converts the materials
adsorbed to the particles into highly reactive compounds, known as free radicals. When
they are breathed in, they can damage cells and tissues in the body. Breathing in
smoke when you are close to a burning fire is unhealthy, but over time it gets worse –
up to four times more toxic a day down the road. What is more, these particles also
contain carcinogens – polyaromatic hydrocarbons – which also oxidise and become
more carcinogenic, thus increasing the risk of cancer.122

Figure 14. Satellite data showed smoke from the U.S. wildfires reached Europe on 16
September 2020. Two days later, U.K.’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced they
were now seeing the inevitable second wave. (Source: ABC News and CNN)

Figure 15. As the smoke from the U.S. 2021 wildfires began to spread across the
country, many states issued health warnings. On 21 July 2021 an article was published
in The New York Times, showing smoke covering a large portion of the country. Two
days later, the U.S. announced they were now seeing a rise in COVID-19 cases in all
50 states, this time due to the “delta variant”. (Source: The New York Times and CNBC)

1 JULY 2021

21 JULY 2021

Figure 16. In a span of just three weeks in July, the smoke from the North American
fires spread across the U.S. Naturally, the number of COVID-19 cases surged. The 7-
day average jumped tenfold during the first two months of the wildfire season. (Source:
Earth Nullschool and John Hopkins University)



Figure 17. The smoke from the U.S. 2021 wildfires started moving in waves across
the Atlantic Ocean. The upper satellite photo shows a huge plume approaching the
U.K. and Iceland on 16 July. Both countries registered a peak in daily cases the
following days, after months of relatively low COVID-19 prevalence. (Source: Earth
Nullschool and John Hopkins University)

A recent article published by Inside Climate News delivers a dire warning for the future.
It reveals that the effect of wildfire smoke can be felt thousands of miles away, while
the health impacts may last for years after the flames subside. Doctors have long
warned smoke can damage the hearts and lungs of people who are near the flames.
But they are increasing learning these emissions may also harm livers and kidneys,
impact immune systems and even prompt genetic changes that could be passed down
to future generations. As climate change continues to fuel bigger wildfires around the
planet, the article predicts millions more people will endure smoke-related illnesses in
the years to come.123

Besides, the health impacts of wildfire smoke are proving even longer lasting than was
thought a few years ago. Research has shown that the respiration of subjects in studies
was significantly worse a year after the fires than it was right after weeks of breathing
the heavy smoke. Even after two years, the lungs of many of the people had not
recovered the same breathing ability. Ironically, in line with its prediction, the article
mentions wildfire smoke makes you vulnerable to COVID-19, which has all the
symptoms of a smoke-related illness. The article ends on a particularly disturbing note
about the future of U.S. wildfires, referring to the most recent U.S. National Climate

“The same goes for the future of wildfire risk in the West as our planet warms due
to human-burning of fossil fuel...climate change will cause an increase in very large fires
across the western United State...fire frequency could increase 25% and large fires
could triple in frequency specifically across the Southwest.” 124

A grim future awaits us, unless we are able to come up with a solution to climate
change, limit wildfires activity or somehow manage to pull pollutants out of the
atmosphere at scale. As the U.S. wildfires will likely create new, bigger smoke clouds
in the years to come, so will those burning in Siberia as well. And while these Arctic
fires produced plumes cumulatively bigger than the entire EU landmass in 2019, they
had already emitted 35% more CO2 by September 2020 than the whole previous
year.125 126 Amazon rainforest fires have also recently intensified. During 2019, Brazil
suffered 80,000 fires – a 77% year-to-year increase, with more than 40,000 of those
taking place in the Legal Amazon area, which contains 60% of the entire Amazon.
I am afraid it is a matter of time before giant firestorms start ravaging other regions as
well, unleashing even more hazardous and temperature warming emissions into the

The illnesses these emissions bring, put under a common COVID-19 umbrella, will not
only cause more premature deaths and severe, long-lasting health problems to many,
but can also trigger genetic changes that could be passed down the generations. I am
terribly sorry, but the so-called “long COVID” is real. I am afraid we are yet to see its
horrific effects, which have already raised serious concern among researchers and
clinicians alike. On a separate note, reports have suggested the first “coronavirus
wave” in Wuhan had likely struck back in the summer of 2019, as a result of earlier
pyroCb formations I would assume.127 128

And speaking of Wuhan, let us look at another intriguing piece of information about the
virus variants, yet not much of a surprise at this point.

“Variant A is the “original human virus genome” and is closest to the “root of the
outbreak”...the A variant was not Wuhan’s dominant virus type. Instead, mutated
versions of A were found in Americans that lived in Wuhan and A-type viruses were
also found in patients in Australia and the US. Type B is derived from A and separated
by two mutations. This was the main type found in Wuhan city and across East Asia.”129

As a final proof that wildfire smoke causes COVID-19 in this chapter, have a look at
Fig. 18. The upper map is created by an organization involved in the science analysis
of the U.S. national cohesive wildland fire management strategy. Years ago, the people
who created this strategy forecasted future large wildfire potential on U.S. soil,
displayed on a composite five-color map.130 What these folks did not know, however,
is they would also be able to predict…student infection rate from COVID-19, once
pupils return to school in the fall of 2020, shown on the lower composite five-color
map.131 And indeed, the 2020 U.S. wildfire season was particularly intensive in those
south and south-west parts of the country. States like Florida, Arizona and Oregon
were hit the hardest in the summer by the pandemic.

After everything we have learned so far, you can imagine once a “Cloud Atlas”
descends and joins forces with local pollution, especially in regions where fine particles
can remain suspended in the air for a long time (Lombardy, Madrid), the results would
be nothing short of a disaster. And if you go outside and these aerosols are in high
concentrations, even a N95 or N99 mask cannot fully guarantee your safety.132

So what do you do, when you know giant smoke plumes, say the size of a continent
combined, are making loops up in the atmosphere and are heading towards you? What
do you do, when you know not only you cannot provide millions of P2 and N99 masks
to the population at once, but even if you can, full protection is still not guaranteed?
What do you do, when you know what the potential consequences for the people are,
both immediate and in the long run? You pray to God these plumes pass you by. And
if the emissions they carry begin to descend, you pray their concentration is not that
hazardous and atmospheric conditions swiftly remove them from the air. And while
praying, you still prepare for the worst. You quickly build new hospitals and keep
praying they will remain mostly empty, as was the case in some places in the U.K. 133
You appear on national television and ask the people to stay at home. And you tell
them the truth.



Figure 18. Large wildfires risk vs. predicted COVID-19 infection rate among U.S.
students arriving in the first week of school in the fall of 2020. ( Source: nemac.org130
and The New York Times 131)

Even if at this point I managed to convince you this pandemic is not viral in nature,
something is still missing, right? The final piece of the puzzle. I have not shown what
the coronavirus actually is. And by the standards I have applied towards all other
stories, official or conspiratorial, mine was also falling short so far, for three main
reasons. One, the alleged coronavirus is much smaller than the largest PM2.5 aerosols
– only about 100 nanometers (0.1 microns). Two, even if most COVID-19 symptoms
mirror the harm caused by wildfire smoke emissions – fine particles, carbon monoxide,
sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, to name just a few, some particularly frightening effects
on the human body must have been caused by something else. Three, several cities
in Lombardy, hit hard by the pandemic, did not register alarming air quality levels.
Unsafe at times – sure, but not really hazardous. The same goes for the United States
and many other countries as well.

So I had to assume the absolute worst case scenario – there is a coronavirus out there
indeed. What a nightmare! Not only we have local air pollution, exacerbated by huge
clouds carrying tons of microscopic poisonous particles and gases, but on top of that
– even more harmful 100-nanometer coronavirus “passengers”, attached to larger
PM2.5 “airplanes”. And what if the coronavirus is not carried by smoke clouds alone to
begin with, so a person-to-person transmission would still allow it to spread everywhere
unpredictably? But then how do you track both coronavirus and wildfire smoke
movement at the same time? How do you test for the presence of either viral or smoke
particles in the human body, because in both cases you may need to take immediate
care of this person? Let us take a concrete real-life example. In July 2020 Australia
faced sudden restrictions and lockdowns, due to a coronavirus outbreak. The
government sent 1,000 army personnel to the state of Victoria, while more than 1,300
officials were combing "hotspot" suburbs in Melbourne to carry out a massive testing

Since we are not able to control either coronavirus or “Cloud Atlas” spread, chances
are at some point a region would be hit simultaneously by both plagues. Let us assume
that happened in Australia. Having just a single PCR test, how could you possibly
handle the situation? If the test can detect only viral particles, many air-poisoned
people in need of urgent medical assistance may be left undetected. And even if they
seek medical help, how can we know those people were indeed hit by the cloud, and
not by the virus, given the similarity in symptoms and unreliable test accuracy? Since
we may need to treat patients differently depending on the pathogen (toxin), now we
need at least two different tests, which will be hard to explain.

So after everything we have discussed thus far, only one scenario made sense to me,
provided our leaders want to prevent us from both plagues at the same time. “Clouds
Atlas” carry the coronavirus around the globe, attached to fine PM2.5 particles within
the clouds. As they begin to descend, local atmospheric conditions spread both
pollution and virus particles around. The virus may go its own way and hence remain
undetected by both satellites and air quality monitoring systems, which can only track
the pollution particles. Still, the bigger the overlap between the spread of virus and
pollution particles is, the more likely a virus-detecting PCR test would accurately
indicate the presence of PM2.5 in the respiratory tract as well. And since there is only a

single PCR test available, not only PM2.5 and SARS-CoV-2 must cause similar
symptoms, but, as discussed above, the viral effects must be even more detrimental.

That was the closest I could get to the actual truth as far as my logical, rational thinking
went at this point. I know such scenario is very conditional. Perhaps too conditional to
have any truth in it. I know it leaves human-to-human transmission almost entirely out
of the game. And I know I have not even addressed the question that if a “Cloud Atlas”
indeed carries tons of PM2.5 particles, then why the monitoring systems on the surface
have not detected those either, or not consistently at least, across the areas hit hardest
by the pandemic. But that was the best I could do. So I decided to not spend more time
chasing the bloody virus. I was more curious to see if there is a way to effectively
remove those fine particles from the air. I entered my query in the Google search bar
and – I swear to you – as I was reading the very first lines of text from the very first
article on the very first page of my search results, I realized I had just found it.





Without further ado, I present to you the tiniest, yet most hazardous member of the PM
family – the ultrafine particle. Designated PM0.1, ultrafine particles (UFPs) are
nanoscale in size, 100 nanometers and less than in diameter. You can get an idea of
how small that is when you look at Fig. 19. Their tiny size, among other properties we
shall soon discuss, make UFPs more dangerous for our health than their bigger

While our body is mostly protected against the coarser PM10 class, its natural defenses
typically fail against nanoscale invasion. The hair in the nasal passage and the mucous
of the nasal cavity for example can block PM10 from entering the lungs. As shown in
Fig. 20, finer particles can bypass these barriers and reach the lungs, namely the
bronchus and the bronchioles airways. Having landed there, they have the potential to
affect the alveoli – the minute grape-like chambers at the ends of bronchioles that
facilitate the exchange of oxygen with blood.136

The ultrafine particles may not stop their journey there. They can pass through the
alveolar-capillary barrier (also known as the blood-air barrier) and enter the
bloodstream. They are so small they can enter the body even directly through the skin,
via tiny pores meant for perspiration and other bodily functions. Studies have
documented the direct correlation between skin conditions and exposure to UFPs in
industrial workers.136 Once inside the bloodstream, UFPs can be translocated to any
organ, including the liver, the spleen, the kidneys, the heart and the brain, where they
may be deposited.137

Upon reaching an organ, they may get lodged in the interstitium and remain there for
a very long time. The interstitium is the fluid-filled space existing between a structural
barrier, such as a cell wall or the skin, and internal structures, such as organs, including
muscles and the circulatory system. Thus, UFPs will not be easily removed from the
body and may have an immediate adverse effect.138 Exposure to nanoparticles, even
when their composition is not that toxic, can cause both acute (sudden) and chronic
oxidative stress, which in turn creates acute and chronic inflammation.

Ultrafine Particles
Combustion particles, organic
compounds, metals, etc.
< 100 nm in diameter

Figure 19. Size classes of particulate matter compared against a human hair and
grains of beach sand. The blue spheres are the largest PM10 particles with diameter of
10 microns. The red spheres are the largest PM2.5 particles with diameter of 2.5
microns. The yellow spheres are the largest ultrafine particles with a diameter of 0.1
microns. (Source: United States Environmental and Protection Agency)

Figure 20. Lung penetration of particulate matter by size class. Fine particles can travel
deep into the lungs, while ultrafine particles can enter the circulatory system through
the alveolar-capillary barrier. (Source: Encyclopédie de l’Environnement and South
China Morning Post, Adolfo Arranz graphics)

Oxidative stress is the imbalance of free radicals and antioxidants in the body, which
can damage cells and tissues. The mainstream narrative says that chronic
inflammation gives rise to a number of diseases, including cancer. But it is actually the
oxidative stress that lies beneath these conditions. Thus, unfortunately, UFP exposure
can induce not only heart and lung diseases, but an entire range of adverse effects,
including premature death.139 And while in the previous chapter I said that the absence
of science gave way to religion that created a mystical almighty Being, science did not
make a mistake here. UFP exposure can take the lives of even healthy adults. Chapter
4 provides more information on the topic.

What I did not realize initially was that wildfires generate incredibly large number of
UFPs. The scientific papers and reports I have looked at indicate a significant portion
of wildfire PM emissions falls within the nanometer range. PM2.5 and PM10 pollutants
can be collected on filters or be measured by electronic equipment, in order to assess
their weight in a volume of air. As we have seen, they are typically reported in
micrograms per cubic meter (μg/m3). However, since UFPs are not just so tiny in size,
but have such a small mass too, their ambient levels cannot be measured the same

I was quite surprised to learn that a cloud of millions of 10-nanometer particles may
have the same mass as a single 10-micrometer (PM10) aerosol. Hence, while
technically PM2.5 covers all sizes down to 1 nm, PM0.1 concentrations may increase
drastically in a given area without being detected by the air quality monitoring systems.
That is the reason why I was not able to see any shocking increase in AQI across many
of the cities hit hard by the pandemic. AQI captures the total weight of air pollutants,
not their number. Measuring PM0.1 requires specialized expensive instruments like the
condensation particle counter. Thus, these “corona particles” are roaming around us
literally “below the radar”.

One major UFP source is the diesel engine. That is the reason why UFP levels are
particularly high near busy roads and streets. These levels tend to drop quickly, as we
move further away from the source. One reason for this is the so-called “coagulation”
– the collision and formation of a single particle from two original ones. In most cases,
PM0.1 particles collide with existing PM2.5 and PM10 ones, and remain stuck to them,
thus getting removed from the air.

Another main source of UFP emissions is indeed wildfires. “Ultrafine particulate

constitutes a substantial proportion of wildfire-generated particulate, although the
average size of smoke particulate depends on the intensity of the fire, type of fuel, and
whether the fire is smoldering or flaming.” 140 A study on the atmospheric impact of
forest fires in Greece reveals that “the forest fires contributed significantly to the
ambient PM10 levels and changed the shape of the size distribution. The forest fire
emissions gave rise to a considerable increase in the fine fraction of the size
distribution with an increase of the ultrafine to coarse ratio from about 0.40 to 0.80”. 141

Figure 21. Thousands of wildfires are burning across the globe in the summer of 2021.
However, only a few places, such as Siberia, generate stunningly large plumes of
nanoparticles and send them high in the atmosphere. The fires in Australia, Russia,
U.S., Canada, Brazil and India are the major contributors to the COVID-19 pandemic.
(Source: Earth Nullschool)

But if large wildfires are burning across the globe every year, what made the last three
so different? Well, the problem comes mainly from the Australian bushfires in 2019 and
from those burning in Russia, which have become 10 times bigger than normal. As
discussed, the North American fires are breaking records as well. As shown in Fig. 21,
thousands of wildfires are burning this summer as well, but only a few of them release
strikingly large nanoparticle clouds in the atmosphere. The figure shows a plume of
PM1 particles almost the size of the European Union formed by the Siberian fires, and
that is just one of the many giant plumes released during the last few years.

Intriguingly, scientists are currently following the same steps I followed during my
investigation into the origins on the pandemic. They are coming to the same
conclusions you see presented in the book. First, they said that even a tiny increase
of PM2.5 levels is associated with higher chance of dying from COVID-19.76 Then they
concluded that a substantial portion of the COVID-19 deaths are actually attributable
to air pollution.142 Then they looked at some specific sources of pollution, such as
wildfire smoke emissions. They said those emissions contain ultrafine particles that
behave and infect us precisely like viruses such as SARS-CoV-2. They further
concluded that smoke exposure makes people particularly vulnerable to COVID-19.123
Then they suspected that larger PM2.5 aerosols carry not only smaller PM0.1, but also
coronavirus particles deep into the lungs.143 They reiterated that some serious
complications associated with the “new infectious disease” include pneumonia,
respiratory failure, kidney failure and sepsis or systemic inflammation.143 But that is
precisely the clinical picture observed in hospital patients after they were exposed to
the Australian bushfires smoke in 2019, as observed by Prof. Dominici’s team.111
Finally, the scientists came to the conclusion that thousands of COVID-19 cases in
California, Oregon and Washington state may be linked to wildfire smoke.144 But unlike
the particles and chemicals in smoke emissions, which are real, no scientist,
government or health authority is able to produce evidence that this new virus actually

So, as smoke clouds from burning wildfires travel in the skies, atmospheric conditions
refine their content until what remains would look like a giant invisible swarm of ultrafine
particles. As they spread, descend and begin to roam around – either on their own or
attached to PM2.5/PM10 airplanes – they eventually find a human “host”. Then, just like
what the alleged coronavirus does, they enter deep into the lungs and cause
pulmonary inflammation. A fraction of them can pass through the alveolar–capillary
barrier, get into the circulatory system and cause systemic damage to the body.145
They can also enter the brain either directly through the nose or the so-called blood-
brain barrier (BBB), and induce a number of neurological diseases. Still thinking
COVID-19 is viral in nature? It took me a while to find this article, published in 2018.146
Here is what it says about a very intriguing piece of research.

“Air pollution is one of the most important public health issues in the world. Airborne
particulate matter 2.5 (PM2.5, diameter ≤ 2.5 μm) is considered to be one of the most
hazardous factors…However, we should pay more attention to airborne nanoscale
particulate matter (NPM) because NPM is more likely than larger particles to be
produced by fuel combustion or formed by secondary reactions. In addition, NPM can
remain in the atmosphere for weeks and can thus be transported over longer distances
in the atmosphere compared to larger particles.” 146

Right, so they are talking about PM0.1. Let us see what follows.

“Once inhaled, they may have a high probability of being deposited in the lung. Due
to the large surface areas of such particles, NPM could exhibit extensive surface activity
and absorb protein-rich fluids in vivo. THE ABSORBED PROTEIN FORMS A ‘CROWN’,
WHICH IS CALLED A PROTEIN CORONA. Researchers report that the protein corona
may affect cellular interactions, cytokine expression and protein function, which further
disturbs regular metabolism and organ function.” 146

Look at that! Once inhaled and deposited in the lungs, PM0.1 forms a crown! And how
do you think this “protein corona” looks like? Fig. 22 compares a protein corona photo
from 2017 to a protein corona photo from 2019. Where have I seen that second photo
before, I wonder. 2019, you say? That is right. t looks like protein corona went “viral”
even before it went…well, viral.147 And what do you think the article from which I took
the second photo tells us?

“Imagine a tennis ball falling into a bowl of milk and cereal. The ball is immediately
covered by the sticky particles in the mix and they remain on the ball when you take it
out of the bowl. The same thing happens when a virus gets in contact with blood or
lung fluids that contain thousands of proteins…This coat of proteins makes the virus
more infectious and facilitates the formation of plaques characteristic of
neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease…

Viruses can only reproduce inside living cells and exploit the cellular machinery of
their host to their benefit. However, before entering a host cell, viruses are just
nanometer-sized particles, very similar to artificial nanoparticles used in medical
applications for diagnosis and therapy...The researchers found that viruses and
nanoparticles share another important property – they both become covered by a layer
of proteins when they encounter the biological fluids of their host before they find their
target cell. This layer of proteins on the surface influence their biological activity
significantly. Ezzat and his colleagues studied the protein corona of respiratory
syncytial virus (RSV) in different biological fluids. RSV is the most common cause of
acute lower respiratory tract infections in young children worldwide, leading up
to 34 million cases and 196,000 fatalities each year.” 148 149

Figure 22. “Evolution” of protein corona through the years. At some point, it was
associated with viral pathogenesis. (Source: Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology
News 148 and CBNS 151)

Oh, my. Not only viruses share much in common with nanoparticles, but now it turns
out they both get covered in protein corona too. However, the article says “similar to
artificial nanoparticles used in medical applications for diagnosis and therapy”. And
while I do not doubt the good intentions of this particular research team, we see no
mention of those harmful nanoscale pollutants whatsoever. “Protein corona” is a term
virologists and experts in nanomedicine are quite familiar with, but what about its
association with air pollution? How come corona-covered UFPs cause severe
respiratory disease and even premature death, but it is the corona-covered “respiratory
syncytial virus” that is killing our youth!

In 2019 the CDC estimated the following:

“Over 57,000 hospitalizations, 500,000 emergency department visits and 1.5 million
outpatient clinic visits among children <5 years of age are attributed to respiratory
syncytial virus (RSV) infections each year in the United States…Among US adults, an
estimated 177,000 hospitalizations and 14,000 deaths associated with RSV infections
occur annually. However, these are likely underestimates of RSV-associated deaths.”150

Now you see exactly how the same pollutant can wear different viral costumes to
disguise its true nature. Today we blame influenza and RSV for the problems caused
by air pollution, tomorrow – a novel coronavirus. Today we take no precaution
whatsoever against a highly contagious virus that kills almost 10% of the infected
hospitalized adults, tomorrow we change the world because of SARS-CoV-2. And
since we have finally discovered what the “coronavirus” actually is, let us pause for a
moment and review in retrospect the actual events that took place over the last several
years. And if you still have any doubts left, I will bring further proof COVID-19 is not
viral in nature.

So, these massive wildfires we see burning around the globe are certainly not a new
phenomenon. However, in the last few years those fires have intensified in regions like
California, Northern Russia and Brazil, meaning bigger areas burning for longer time
periods. The number of instances in which the resulting smoke plumes reached “the
second floor”, courtesy of pyroCbs and local weather patterns, has increased as well.
That constant supply of smoke made atmospheric UFP levels progressively more

The incredible amount of pollution that came from the Australian and Siberian wildfires
finally tipped the scales. While in previous years the amount of “corona particles” in the
air was not big enough to cause anything more severe than, say, swine flu, our leaders
knew it would eventually reach a certain threshold. Beyond that point, the ever growing
ill effects of wildfires-induced pollution had to be marketed through a different virus
brand. We reached that point in 2019.

The authorities knew that doctors in ICUs will soon begin to see many patients whose
lungs were utterly damaged, who quickly developed neurological diseases and whose
bodies created hundreds of blood clots and displayed all sorts of weird reactions. How
can all these cases be explained, if they suddenly began to emerge in every corner of
the world at around the same time? Thus, a “novel coronavirus” was the logical choice
of brand, given the scare SARS had caused two decades ago. A wholesale seafood
market in Wuhan, China – the logical choice of origin, given its proximity to the
infamous local bio lab. Meanwhile, to recall those WITS database trade records, many
states have started stockpiling the necessary medical equipment to tackle the
upcoming imminent crisis.

They were quite concerned with the “long COVID” consequences in particular, which
they knew would inevitably follow. It was never just about the death toll from this
pandemic. The people in charge were worried not only about the elderly dying, but the
young having to live with the adverse effects from UFP exposure. Actually, with the
effects of wildfire smoke in general. Initially I thought they wanted to get us scared,
terrified even, in order to ensure our full compliance. I thought they lied, cheated,
mislead, manipulated and abused us, and yet they did it to protect us. Given the
magnitude of this potentially catastrophic risk, we can see why governments have
never taken such draconian measures against a “viral pathogen” before. Especially
considering these same governments continue to allow the ubiquitous poisoning of the
environment, resulting in millions of deaths each year. This was by no means an
overreaction. And even if the measures taken had been excessively harsh at times,
you understand why it is “better safe than sorry”. The people in charge simply could
not have risked the population developing brain, lung, heart, liver and kidney diseases
at large. That would have been an utter tragedy.

This is what I thought our leaders’ motives were last year. But then I heard testimonies
from doctors like Vladimir Zelenko, who treated both President Trump and President
Bolsonaro when they fell sick with the “virus”. I realized protocols for successful
treatment of COVID-19 that significantly reduce severe cases and death rates do exist,
but those have been pushed aside in favor of less effective treatments and/or vaccines.
This realization made me seriously question some of my assumptions. As much as
I wish there is still some humanity left in our leaders, I am now quite worried that they
wanted to get us as scared as possible for reasons that may have less to do with our
health and safety, and much more with control. Hence, I will address the long
lockdowns and other restrictive measures imposed by some states a bit later, as we
may have yet another mixed work-shoot scenario here as well.

Now you know why people like Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci do not possess any
supernatural future-predicting powers. All they had to do was look at the increasingly
ill effects of wildfire smoke and make their bet. No wonder Gates and a number of
world leaders are now saying climate change is a much bigger deal than the
“coronavirus”. They know what made it emerge in the first place. Now you also realize
why Fauci and the British government knew a “second wave” would follow. It was just
as inevitable as the third one.

To get us all scared, the authorities did whatever they can to make the COVID-19 death
counts and rates look as high as possible. Alas, I believe the official death toll is close
to the actual number of casualties, either direct or collateral, as discussed in “The PCR
Test” section. And I do not even count here the indirect casualties resulting from the
breakdown of global supply chains for example. The pandemic had left some of the
world’s most vulnerable communities facing starvation as a result of mass locust
outbreaks, since COVID-19 delayed pesticide delivery for these regions. Millions more
were pushed into major food insecurity and starvation in 2020 compared to the year

Meanwhile, Gates and friends shot “Event 201” and released it precisely at the start of
the Military World Games in Wuhan. The evidence of a gain-of-function bat coronavirus
research in the local lab there sealed the deal. They used the power of conspiracy
theory to fuel their own conspiracy. Scientists and physicians who dared to question
the official narrative were harshly censored. This was certainly not the time for the
masses to rebel and refuse to wear masks or stay at home, in an act of defiance against
this newly established “political and medical fascism”.

Which brings us to the question of masks. Here is the silver lining in the story,
if there is one – as the “corona particles” descend to the ground, I believe most of them
do coalesce with one another and with larger aerosols, created by local pollution. In
addition, a portion of them at least are bigger than 100 nanometers. Hence, mask
wearing has prevented at least part of the damage our bodies would have otherwise
sustained. Had all these nanoparticles roamed freely on their own and lingered longer
in the air in high concentrations, we would have seen exactly why “wearing a mask
against the coronavirus is like building a fence against mosquitos”.

Some countries eventually advised or mandated people to wear double masks, others
mandated they wear a mask even inside their own cars. Alas, UFP levels in many
places eventually reached a point beyond which going outside, even with a mask on,
became too risky. The authorities had no choice but impose a lockdown. Or, as what
happened in my country, once they learned a pollution storm was heading our way,
they immediately declared a state of emergency and asked us to stay at home.

And what happened in Lombardy, most likely? The downward pressure, geographic
location and atmospheric patterns had created a perfect trap for these smoke particles.
They did not just coalesce with larger siblings under the radar, but made the AQI
readings in Brescia simply skyrocket at some point, while the army made sure
everyone stayed at home. Besides, outdoor UFPs are capable of getting indoors. Most
commercial buildings draw outside air in through the ventilation system, filtering the air
and mixing it with return air. Those filters are typically not equipped to efficiently remove
very fine and ultrafine particles. Office premises, shopping malls, schools, nightclubs
– none of these are “coronavirus-free”, safe spaces, especially when the UFPs
outdoors are in peak concentrations.

Alas, as you have realized, even the harshest lockdown measures are incapable of
ending the pandemic. They will certainly decrease the number of hospital admissions
and prevent some deaths temporarily. But once restrictions get lifted while the main
problem remains unresolved, a new wave will inevitably hit. Now you know why,
starting with WHO’s Tedros dropping the ball and Trump and EU leaders not
responding in a timely fashion to the Wuhan and Lombardy outbreaks, the authorities
had to act so inadequately. Otherwise how could have they possibly explained, had all
precautions been promptly taken, why this new virus somehow still managed to breach
the border? Their “incompetence” in handling this pandemic will continue, simply
because it cannot be stopped regardless of what decisions these people make.

Some of you may have realized there is no “flu season”, just “pollution season”. Most
influenza symptoms are actually means through which our body detoxifies or adjusts
to colder weather. The cough, the running nose, the fever – these are not signs of an
illness, but rather signs that the body is healing. And while the flu can be caused by
different types of toxicity, I believe air pollution is the main contributor, especially in the
winter. During a typical winter season many large cities within a given country may
register similar ambient PM2.5 and NO2 concentrations. Hence, these cities will
experience relatively similar flu prevalence as well. That may not be the case with the
“coronavirus”, since local atmospheric conditions may cause the nanoparticle swarm
to spread unevenly across the country. This will give rise to “hot zones” – cities or
regions with much higher COVID-19 prevalence than the rest of the state.

Speaking of hot zones, let us take the U.K as an example. Since the satellites were
still capable of tracking the U.S. wildfires smoke as it reached Europe in September
2020, the local government knew when to impose a new set of restrictions. But once
these invisible particles begin to descend and spread around, how can we possibly
manage the situation on the ground? We simply lack the technological capabilities to
measure UFP levels at scale. Not to mention we would also need real-time tracking to
tailor a proper local response. Thus, we are left with just a PCR test, the number of
hospital admissions and a few other indicators to assess a health threat that may
rapidly escalate or change course at any time. So the authorities put different parts of
the country at different “alert levels”. We can see how dynamically changing the
situation may be, as these levels of alert can swiftly switch from “medium” to “high”, to
“very high”.

Now you understand why we had such startling differences in COVID-19 death rates
from country to country. You realize why in some cases the analysis showed social
distancing and lockdowns worked, while in others these measures had no significant
effect, or even had a negative impact, statistically speaking. The death rate in this case
is a highly complex function of a number of input variables – PCR test parameters; final
medical diagnosis; COVID-19 deaths criteria; population’s age and underlying medical
conditions distribution; overall health and fitness levels; historical local air pollution
levels; “Clouds Atlas” movement and local atmospheric conditions; proximity and
intensity of local wildfires; high-end mask class availability and culture-specific attitude
towards mask wearing; timing, scale and duration of restrictive measures and
lockdowns; etc. Now you also understand why COVID-19 is indeed an open-ended

illness symptom-wise. The various types of chemicals in wildfire smoke may cause
their own symptoms. Besides, as we pointed out, once UFPs get into the bloodstream,
they can create all sorts of problems. You also realize why the herd immunity approach
was tried in just a few places and why we did not impose restrictions and stay-at-home
orders only on the “vulnerable” part of the population, while keeping the economy going
on full cylinders. First, because it would be quite difficult to effectively isolate the
“vulnerable” from the rest, in case this pandemic was indeed viral. And second,
because in reality no one is immune to this particular threat.

Now you see why so many of us intuitively felt there was something quite suspicious,
deceptive and dishonest in the whole viral story. Many of us felt the measures taken
by the authorities were a result of long planning and rehearsal, and hence the official
story, or at least part of it, was a lie. Others have also used their knowledge, rationale
and critical thinking to reach the same conclusion – we were fed a false story. All these
people have sensed the work, to return to our wrestling analogy, even if they felt some
shoot had taken place as well. But you can also see why many others have fully trusted
their governments and mainstream science. They have sensed, witnessed or
experienced the real thing firsthand – the disease, its implications, the ICU scenes and
the shock among the healthcare workers. They have clearly seen the shoot, even if
they felt some work had taken place as well.

And speaking of stories, the one I present to you here is basically identical to the official
narrative. Only the causal agent, its origins and transmission differ. Yet, once we
revealed what causes COVID-19, what its source is how it spreads, we were finally
able to answer the “Why 2020?” question. What is more, many of the things that are
happening around us and which perhaps made little or no sense so far, suddenly make
a lot more sense. How simple and obvious the truth was, wasn’t it? It was right there,
in front of our very eyes all the time, as usually happens. Climate change, rampant
wildfires, giant smoke plumes, coronavirus. But it was too obvious for us to notice,
right? Just like when you have your glasses on, but you forget they are on your head
and start looking for them everywhere. In all fairness, I did hear eventually some people
suggesting COVID-19 was likely caused by wildfire smoke clouds that circle the Earth.
Perhaps some of you had suspected the same. Alas, I believe this pandemic could be
even more frightening than we think, since we still do not know what the long-term
health consequences from it will look like in the years to come. We do not know how
dangerous the next waves will be either.

As a next step, let us discuss some of the main coronavirus conspiracies that emerged
last year. I want to address them, because so many people truly believe the state wants
to make them sick, infertile or even murder them through the COVID-19 vaccines. The
pandemic scare alone is such a brutal, traumatic experience. Yet, the very thought our
own governments want us mentally and financially broken, or even dead, is even more
devastating to our psyches.


As a number of countries experienced unprecedented lockdowns in the spring of 2020,

it looked as though we had taken a break from our hectic pace of life. That was certainly
not the case with the rollout of 5G technology and Elon Musk’s Starlink program, which
hit on all cylinders. Since May 2019, Musk’s spaceflight company SpaceX has been
launching batches of 60 satellites, with the goal of creating an Earth-blanketing
megaconstellation, called Starlink.152 It would offer lower latencies due to the sheer
number of satellites and low altitude of 550 kilometres above sea level, bringing them
closer to the users.153 SpaceX broke all previous records lately, launching 180
satellites in just one month.154

Musk’s project got quickly linked to a nefarious plot. Conspiracists have claimed the
elites aim to enforce mass surveillance and mind control over the population via
satellites, 5G and “microchips”, courtesy of Bill Gates. Those chips would be implanted
in our bodies via the COVID-19 vaccines. You have probably heard that any mention
of a connection between 5G and COVID-19 would get banned on social networks and
some video-sharing platforms. The reason for that is other conspiracies have claimed
5G’s electromagnetic radiation either causes COVID-19 or exacerbates its symptoms.
These theories gained further traction once we learned 5G deployment was indeed
considered essential business and witnessed its rapid rollout during the peak of the
pandemic last year. The link between 5G frequencies and hemoglobin in the blood was
among the strongest arguments this new technology is the actual source of the
pandemic. As one article puts it,

“People suspect the 5G frequencies will cause problems having to do with

oxygen…when 5G reaches the frequency band of 60 GHz, the ability for a person’s
blood hemoglobin to bind with oxygen will be damaged…oxygen does in fact
absorb 60 GHz frequencies at an extreme level, representing a spike of absorption
ability.” 155

It turns out COVID-19 indeed combines the so-called anemic hypoxia (low hemoglobin
concentration) with hypoxic hypoxia (low hemoglobin saturation).156 Hypoxia is a
condition in which the body or a region of the body is deprived of adequate oxygen
supply at the tissue level. The link to hemoglobin is also correct. Hypoxia can result
from a failure at any stage in the delivery of oxygen to cells, including due to insufficient
available hemoglobin.157 This condition gained much attention lately, as many COVID-
19 patients, to the utter surprise of the physicians, are experiencing what is known as
“silent hypoxia”.

“Silent hypoxia is when a pulse oximetry check on a patient who does not appear to
be short of breath, results in an oximetry finding lower than a physician would expect.
This occurs in a number of situations, but most recently it has made headlines because
of the large number of incidences of this occurring in individuals diagnosed with

COVID-19…The term silent comes from the fact that the patient does not appear to be
short of breath…There are probably many COVID-19 patients with hypoxemia [low
arterial oxygen supply] who get missed because they are admitted and diagnosed for
other reasons such as fever, cough, or other things of that nature…The reason that
individuals are not feeling as short of breath or looking to be short of breath is still a
bit of a mystery.” 158

According to the conspiracy theory, once 5G gets deployed, its 60 GHz frequencies
will impair our blood hemoglobin’s ability to bind with oxygen. This would result in
hypoxia, which is generally considered an “altitude illness”. The plan of the elites would
be to then blame the coronavirus for the hypoxia and any resulting fatalities, thus
concealing the ill effects of this new technology. And while this theory made sense to
many, the truth is rather different. As I was reading an article on the health effects of
bushfire smoke, one particular segment from it made me stop in my tracks.

“ Whereas CO2 presents a long-term threat to us all, its poisonous sibling carbon
monoxide (CO) is a more immediate concern to those directly exposed to smoke.
Carbon monoxide forms when combustion is interrupted on its way to make carbon
dioxide. At the high concentrations found in smoke, carbon monoxide can be deadly.
It binds strongly to our hemoglobin – the molecule in red blood cells that carries
oxygen around the body. At around 100 parts per million in air it can starve the
human body of oxygen, asphyxiating its victims.” 159

In 2018, NASA reported something quite alarming with respect to yet another intensive
California wildfires season.

“From space, AIRS measures carbon monoxide high up in the atmosphere – where
it has little effect on the air we breathe. However, strong winds can carry this pollutant
downward to where it can have significant effects on air quality. The time series of
images shows just how far the carbon monoxide from California's wildfires has
travelled eastward and what areas may be at greater risk of experiencing its
effects.” 160

Copernicus satellite images show that the fires in Russia, the U.S., Canada, Brazil and
Africa release not only tons of aerosols and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, but also
large plumes of carbon monoxide, as seen in Fig. 23. As these clouds begin to move
and spread across the globe, they create a range of health effects among the
population, including chest pain, cardiac arrhythmias, headache, weakness, dizziness,
confusion and in high concentrations – even coma and death.

Figure 23. The wildfires in Russia, U.S., Canada, Brazil and Africa release not only
large plumes of aerosols and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, but dangerous gases
like carbon monoxide as well. (Source: Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service)

So, no, what is starving people of oxygen is not a mutated coronavirus or a

technological innovation. It is the bloody smoke again, carrying tons of carbon
monoxide, hydrogen cyanide and UFPs that damage the lungs and the alveoli in
particular. The resulting alveolar inflammation (pneumonia) may create a serious
problem with diffusion of oxygen, as it typically leads to accumulation of fluid in the
lungs. Furthermore, UFP exposure may create a number of thrombi – blood clots that
form in a vein, which can then move to any part of the circulatory system.

If a clot blocks the flow of blood in an artery, it may prevent oxygen from reaching the
tissues in that area. This can cause a condition called ischemia, which in turn can lead
to hypoxia. Sometimes a small piece of clot breaks off, called an embolus. When an
embolus blocks a pulmonary artery, people may not be able to get sufficient oxygen to
the blood. Chapter 4 provides more information on the pulmonary effects from PM0.1
exposure. So by May last year physicians had already realized the use of ventilators
to help oxygen-starved COVID-19 patients typically backfires.161 These patients did
not need help breathing, they needed more oxygen when breathing.

With respect to 5G, I present to you “MegaSense”.162

“MegaSense enables smart city living by integrating multiple data sources to

produce more consistent, accurate, and useful information than that provided by any
individual data source in real time. In the context of air quality monitoring, MegaSense
gathers and fuses spatially variable gas and particulate measurements…utilizing Nb-
IoT (Internet-of-Things) and 5G technologies. MegaSense…efficiently creates accurate
and predictive knowledge structures. The knowledge structures provide evidence-
based representations of pollution hot spots and can be used to intervene with harmful
emission events and monitor the consequences of government policy
interventions.” 163

Projects like MegaSense are currently being developed all over the world.
Satellites, 5G and Artificial Intelligence will join efforts to help us combat these invisible
air pollutants much more effectively. Technological innovation will give us the ability to
not only locate, but also predict and thus avoid pollution “hot spots”. It will enable policy
makers to enforce further regulations and implement more effective environmental
management strategies, provided there is enough political will to tackle this issue.

I conclude this section with two important remarks. First, long-term exposure to certain
electromagnetic fields (EMF) is a risk factor for a number of diseases. Some of the
symptoms associated with EMF exposure resemble some of the common COVID-19
symptoms. I have seen too many “world-leading experts” standing on both sides of the
5G safety argument to be certain of anything in this regard. And while this new
technology is not the source of the pandemic, if it turns out to be somehow harmful,
then its rapid rollout should be definitely reconsidered.

Second, I do not deny the existence of a global agenda aiming at mass surveillance
and control of the population. Quite the opposite, in fact. China for example has already
put in place a “Social Credit System”, which is closely related to a mass surveillance
system called “Skynet” (yes, really). Would it be that difficult for other states to do the
same? Initially, I thought our leaders would not use the pandemic as a pretext to put
the citizens of the Western world under tight control and surveillance. I thought such a
move would be too obvious and would make us further distrust the official virus
narrative. I thought they would instead engineer a global cyberattack for example,
which would give them the perfect excuse to push their agenda forward. And yet, in
countries like Australia the authorities did use COVID-19 to lay the foundations of what
looks like a dictatorial military state. I recommend you get acquainted with all current
and future restrictions the Aussies will face, as I believe Australia has been used as a
testing ground for a model of government that will soon be implemented across the
West. “The Great Reset” has begun.


By just reading the title of this section many of you are getting quite agitated already,
and for a reason. An incredible amount of conspiracies surrounding Bill Gates and his
involvement in this pandemic have quickly emerged. Over the years, Gates has been
accused of crimes against humanity on multiple occasions, like carrying out covert
population experiments in Africa, presented as an attempt to eradicate child diseases
through vaccines. Since the beginning of the pandemic many have expressed
concerns that the COVID-19 vaccines are intended to cause sterility, disease and
death. Why? In order to drastically reduce the world’s population and preserve Earth’s
scarce resources for its “one billion privileged inhabitants”.

We have reached indeed our planet’s limits of sustainable growth. To address the
multiple crises we would face as a result, notable scientists, economists, business
leaders and former politicians formed “The Club of Rome” in 1968. The club drew the
public’s attention with its first report, “The Limits to Growth”. I recommend reading their
latest one, titled “Come on! Capitalism, Population and the Destruction of the Planet”.
The report indicates that since 1970 the human ecological footprint has risen to the
point where one and a half Earths are now needed to provide resources sustainably.
So is a vaccine-induced genocide the solution to scarcity?

When I started writing this book last year, I thought we have possibly a decade before
extreme weather events such as severe droughts, heatwaves and floods slowly begin
to destroy crops at scale and cause considerable food and water shortages on each
continent. Eventually, two decades from now, I envisioned the world having to
accommodate about two billion “climate refugees”, who would be forced to find a new
home due to deteriorating living conditions.

Looking from that perspective, it seemed like we still had time to do something about
climate change and make sure the Earth can still support 8 billion people. It made
sense to me that the world leaders still wanted to protect our health, especially the
health of our youth. And indeed, if they wanted us sick and dying, all they had to do
was just tell us to not wear masks and stay at home, because this new virus is causing
nothing more than a “bad flu”. They would say it will soon mutate into less harmful
strains, so we should not worry too much about it. They would try to downplay the
danger by hiding the real death toll. They would not put any restrictions in place, no
matter how many people fall sick. As a result, millions more would have died with each
new wave. Our healthcare systems would have indeed been overwhelmed or, in many
countries, would have simply crushed. And that is just the beginning. Eventually many
survivors would have developed severe chronic illnesses, passing them onto the next
generations. But, as you can see, the authorities in many states are doing the exact
opposite of what a nefarious plot would dictate, making serious efforts to protect their
citizens, especially during the winter season.

Besides, the chemical poisoning of the environment has already caused major fertility
issues. By 2045 the male population in the western world may have zero sperm counts!
That is a very realistic scenario, which mainstream media does not pay attention to.
Shockingly, sperm counts have fallen by more than 50% between 1973 and 2011, as
revealed by Dr. Shanna Swan in her book “Count Down”. While we have witnessed a
massive population explosion over the last century, fertility has plummeted by 50%
between 1960 and 2015. In the U.S. for instance, the birth rate is currently 16% below
what is needed for the population to replace itself – a situation most countries face

Furthermore, once I saw that the COVID-19 lockdowns reduced greenhouse gas
emissions, I thought the world leaders had finally decided to do something about our
changing climate, even if that meant destroying parts of the economy. I gave the people
in charge the benefit of the doubt. I realized that in order to tackle the challenges that
lie ahead, we need a quantum leap in both biotech and greentech. Bill Gates may not
a medical person, but he has provided continuous support in these fields. He is working
on solutions to prevent future crises by addressing what caused the current one in the
first place – climate change.

We will discuss this topic in the next section, but before that – another piece of bad
news. Preventive measures taken against the first “coronavirus wave” made the
second one even more problematic. As our lives and economies slowed down in the
spring of 2020, air pollution levels dropped as well. And while the Earth was able to
breathe again for a moment, the reduction of aerosols in the atmosphere meant more
of Sun’s warmth reached the surface and raised the global temperature, especially in
places like the U.S. and Russia.164 And while other factors also played a role, this
warming triggered the formation of even bigger wildfires in California and Siberia in the
summer. As a result, we got hit even harder by their smoke emissions in the fall.

Take a moment to let that information sink in. We are in the middle of a giant mess and
wildfires are just the tip of the iceberg. As one article, titled “Devil’s Bargain: Why
Aerosols Pose a Deadly Climate Change Threat”, puts it:

“Natural aerosols – bits of dust, salt, smoke, and organic compounds emitted from
plants – are an integral part of our planet’s atmosphere. Clouds probably wouldn’t be
able to make rain without them. But as with greenhouse gases, human activity has
resulted in too many aerosols (the excess is air pollution), with the bulk of the human-
emitted aerosols lingering in the lower atmosphere, worsening their impact on our
health. The result is a devil’s bargain: Aerosols are necessary for normal weather
and help moderate rising temperatures, but they’re also killing us. According to a
new study, we might be locked in this deadly embrace…the cooling effect of aerosols
is so large that it has masked as much as half of the warming effect from greenhouse
gases. So aerosols can’t be wiped out. Take them away and temperatures would soar
overnight. Turns out we have been unwittingly geoengineering for decades, and just
like in the movies, it’s gone off the rails.” 165

More aerosols in the air means more deaths from air pollution. Less aerosols in the air
means temperature increase and more deaths from climate change. How can we
possibly unlock ourselves from this deadly embrace? As a start, perhaps we should
dim the Sun? Not only that is not a joke, but it is precisely what Gates wants to do.

““You can't cover the sun with a finger”, but maybe with science and technology
yes...Bill Gates is funding a project that would dim sunlight in order to "cool" the Earth.
The research called "Stratospheric Controlled Disturbance Experiment" ( ScoPEx )...has
the purpose of achieving that the sunlight is reflected outside the atmosphere of our
planet. This solution would be achieved by spraying tons of non-toxic calcium
carbonate (CaCO3) into the atmosphere. "SCoPEx is a scientific experiment to advance
the understanding of stratospheric aerosols that could be relevant for solar
geoengineering" ” 166

In the coming years, the founder of Microsoft will continue to support initiatives for
reaching net zero carbon emissions. Some of these may appear strange at first, like
his investment in synthetic meat startups. He also recently said that “all rich countries
should move to 100 percent synthetic beef”. Why? In order to reduce methane
emissions from livestock, for starters. While carbon dioxide is most often associated
with global warming, methane, which livestock produce in large amounts, could be up
to 85 times more powerful than CO2 when it comes to trapping heat. Surely, there are
many ways to tackle the carbon emissions issue. I will refer you to one video
presentation in Chapter 3, which addresses the problem from a soil and agricultural
perspective. If you watch the video, you will see that we do not really have a CO2
production problem. We have a CO2 absorption problem.

Meanwhile, the World Economic Forum (WEF) held its 50th annual meeting, named
“The Great Reset”. Its agenda – achieving fairer market outcomes, advancing goals
such as equality and sustainability, and harnessing innovations. In the summer of 2020
Prof. Klaus Schwab, WEF’s founder and chairman, said that “we must prepare for an
angrier world” as a result of the economic impact of COVID-19. Мany have subscribed
to the theory that “The Great Reset” is yet another sinister plan, designed to push us
towards global economic slavery. Some people believe COVID-19 is a part of that plan.
Using the “plandemic” as a smokescreen, the elites will deliberately destroy
businesses and livelihoods. As middle class gets wiped out, millions will fall into poverty
and become fully dependent on the state or big tech companies for survival.

While many countries indeed experienced a spike in job unemployment as a result of

the pandemic, this is nothing compared to what awaits us in just a couple of decades’
time. People like the candidate for U.S. President Andrew Yang and the historian Yuval
Noah Harari have warned Artificial Intelligence may make us, humans, obsolete.
I highly recommend reading Harari’s latest book, “21 Lessons for the 21st Century”,
because I think we must have a public debate about the many important issues Yuval
raises. The truth is that an imminent technological revolution would have forced major
social changes anyway. An unscripted health crisis simply speeded things up.
Innovation will take most of our jobs away with ease, just like Amazon closed so many
brick-and-mortar stores for good. That is, unless climate change does it even sooner.

Envisioning a future in which wildfire smoke becomes a permanent health threat and
greenhouse gas emissions must get radically reduced to prevent further climate
disruption, Schwab’s ideas, whatever they might be, made sense to me. The world will
indeed become a much angrier place, as millions more will experience severe
economic hardships due to the inevitable future lockdowns. Unless some permanent
financial relief is found, we have a ticking time bomb on our hands. It is also true that
we must make a fundamental change or even completely redesign our existing socio-
economic systems. We can no longer continue doing “business as usual”. As these
systems became progressively more complex over the last several decades, they
became much more fragile too. Our countries have become too dependent on one
other. This in turn has opened the door to a series of risks. COVID-19 caused a major
disruption of our supply chain, economic and financial systems. It exposed a number
of systemic vulnerabilities, which we have been ignoring for far too long. It was high
time we fix them, before a much worse climate disaster has hit upon us.

So at first glance, it seemed to me that Gates was committed to helping us get to net
zero carbon emissions faster, while working on solutions to shield the planet from the
Sun’s radiation. It looked like governments were taking extra care to protect our health,
even if that meant enforcing a number of unparalleled restrictions. And even if “The
Great Reset” included a planned destruction of some sectors of the economy to
prevent further climate change, a potential future world government would take care
financially of those in need. I knew such a reset would be absolutely necessary, either
due to the next technological revolution or because of a looming climate crisis.

But that was last year. This summer I realized my climate assumptions were most likely
too optimistic. I realized that perhaps it is already too late to prevent a climate
catastrophe, so the political elite is now much more concerned with damage control.
Actually, climate change is irreversible without a geoengineering solution. To the best
of my knowledge, such an effective, working solution to climate change still does not
exist. Meanwhile, severe droughts, heatwaves and floods have already begun dealing
major blows to the global agriculture industry, at a scale that I believe is much greater
than previous years. In addition, a rising number of countries and regions are reporting
concerning shortages of fresh water. According to WWF, at the current consumption
rate, by 2025 two-thirds of the world’s population may face water shortages, while
ecosystems will suffer even more.167

The extreme weather events we are currently witnessing this year made me realize
what “The Great Reset” actually is, as far as its most pressing agenda is concerned.
It is a plan to enforce unpreceded restrictions and control over every aspect of our
lives, in order to: (1) prepare us for a future of severe resource scarcity and billions of
climate refugees in search of a new home; (2) implement radical climate policies that
give our children and grandchildren a chance of survival. And while governments may
still want to protect their citizens’ health, the world leaders will not hesitate to enter into
a planned depopulation mode if necessary.

At this point many of you will not believe me. First, why would those politicians care
about the future of humanity and go through all the trouble with “The Great Reset”?
The end goal here could simply be enslavement and depopulation. And second, is the
climate problem really so bad that it requires such a radical solution? After all, climate
scientists and activists have declared “code red” so many times before, so what makes
2020 different? Let me try to answer the first question in this section and the second
one in the section to follow.

First, I hope you realize the incredible risk governments are taking in their attempt to
establish a New World Order. They risk people rebelling to the point of mass civil
disobedience or even war, and army and police forces quitting their jobs for moral
reasons. If it was just about more control and power per se, surely, many governments
do tighten their grip over time, but typically in much slower, often covert ways. So why
poke the bear so much this time? If they are going “all in” so quickly, there must be a
desperate urgency behind their actions. The same holds true about the economy in my
opinion. If states have been steadily focused on GDP growth for so long, why all of a
sudden many of them are basically declaring an economic war on themselves?

The only reason I can think of why our political leaders have promptly put so many
draconian “health measures” in place, is because they know the current climate crisis
will quickly escalate to the point where, if people are left unchecked, a global war for
scarce resources will become inevitable. Unless they are able to transform societies
and put strict control over the population at large within the next few years, they are
afraid the situation will become completely unmanageable. They are afraid of losing
power and that is the reason why they are using COVID-19 to push their agenda
forward under a “health and safety concerns” pretext.

That is why Gates, Schwab, Tedros, Biden, Macron, Johnson and other influential
figures all convey the same message, they all talk about “going green”. When you
watch them speak, you can see how they are capitalizing on the fears this pandemic
has brought, in order to make us realize how serious the climate issue actually is.
Slowly, one step at a time, they are cautiously spoon-feeding us the truth. They are
subtly making the connection between COVID-19 and climate, while keeping the actual
link a secret. Their underlying message is this: “You have seen how terrible the current
pandemic is. We believe a future climate catastrophe will be far worse. We need to act
now to prevent it.” They are trying to create a powerful narrative for the public to
embrace and follow. This is where people like Prince Charles step in. Last September
he delivered a virtual keynote speech at the launch of “Climate Week NYC 2020”,
warning climate change may dwarf the impact of the coronavirus. As acknowledged by
Gates, the plan to go green must be embraced by the youth in particular, in order to
truly succeed. WEF’s 2021 summit will include thousands of members of the Global
Shapers Community – a network of youth activists from more than 150 countries
across the globe. Meanwhile, Schwab himself wrote the following on the WEF website
last summer:



This man is not messing around. As you can imagine, to the proponents of free markets
this message sounds more than horrible. As if the end days are coming. But unless we
completely change our economies, they might be coming indeed. People will say the
political establishment and a few billionaires are using this health crisis to destroy the
entire capitalistic system and enforce global socialism under the “we must save the
planet” narrative. What these people do not realize is that every industry must be
transformed indeed. There is simply no other way around it. This time nature got the
better of us. As we shall see in in the next section, the global warming situation is so
serious that we may soon find ourselves not only in COVID-19 lockdowns, but in
mandatory “climate lockdowns” too, as described by Prof. Mazzucato in MarketWatch:

“Under a “climate lockdown,” governments would limit private-vehicle use, ban

consumption of red meat, and impose extreme energy-saving measures, while fossil-
fuel companies would have to stop drilling. To avoid such a scenario, we must overhaul
our economic structures and do capitalism differently.”

But the first stage of “The Great Reset” is not just about climate lockdowns, economic
transformation and greentech solutions. I believe we will soon be hit not only with harsh
“carbon taxes”, but also with a “Social Credit System” that monitors our individual
carbon footprint. The EU Digital COVID-19 Certificate for example is the first important
step towards the full-scale implementation of this system. Based on our credit score,
we will be granted or denied access to sources of income, including “universal basic
income”, and other types of resources, including food. Brute police and army force will
be used at will to crush any resistance.

If the climate situation gets particularly pressing, the world leaders will not hesitate to
push the “Hard Reset” button tomorrow, if they deem it necessary. Not by 2030, not by
2025, literally tomorrow. And they do not even need to push that button on the pretense
of saving the planet. In fact, they can deny having anything to do with it. They will say
the reset was caused by a global cyberattack. WEF partnered with Johns Hopkins and
Gates’ Foundation during 2019’s “Event 201”. This year the Forum staged “Cyber
Polygon 2021” – a cyberattack exercise to prepare for a potential cyber pandemic.
“Cyber Polygon” simulated a fictional attack with participants from a number of
countries responding to “a targeted supply chain attack on a corporate ecosystem in
real time.” A video posted on the Forum’s YouTube channel says the following:

“The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken our economies and societies to the core, and
shown us how vulnerable we are to biological threats. In the digital world, similar risks
are being overlooked right now. A cyberattack with COVID-like characteristics
would spread faster and further than any biological virus. Its reproductive rate
would be around 10 times greater than what we’ve experienced with the
coronavirus…The only way to stop the exponential propagation of a COVID-like cyber
threat is to fully disconnect the millions of vulnerable devices from one another and
from the Internet. And all of this in a matter of days. A single day without the internet
would cost our economies more than 50 billion US dollars, and that is before
considering economic and societal damages.”

Intriguingly, the U.S. Colonial Pipeline got under attack in May this year, allegedly
carried out by a group of Russian hackers. It halted the delivery of millions of gallons
of fuel to several states and resulted in gasoline shortages across the country. Was
that a “trial test” for what is coming on a much larger scale? A single push of the “Reset”
button that takes us all back to the “dark ages” will indeed “transform” every country
and every industry overnight. Whichever plan our leaders choose to set in motion, one
thing is certain – we have accumulated too much “climate karma”. The time to pay our
dues has finally come.


To most of you, the idea that a “Great Reset” is necessary or that we must destroy
entire sectors of the economy to save the planet, sounds ludicrous perhaps. The thing
is, if we cause irreversible damage to the climate, the economy gets destroyed anyway,
alongside us as a species. But what gives me the grounds to make such a bold claim
in the first place? Is the situation really that bad?

Even within the context of COVID-19 alone, it would take an entire book to address the
topic of climate change, and yet we would have barely scratched the surface. Climate
change is such a mind-bogglingly complex system of interconnected processes,
factors and variables. One thing, though, is crystal clear – humanity is in serious

trouble. As I was writing this section, the UN released a report urging a radical shift in
the way we think about nature.

““For too long, we have been waging a senseless and suicidal war on nature," said
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres…"The result is three interlinked environmental
crises: climate disruption, biodiversity loss and pollution that threaten our viability as
a species.” "We are destroying the planet, placing our own health and prosperity at
risk," said Inger Andersen, executive director of the United Nations Environment
Program.” 168

While such statements sound too gloomy and exaggerated perhaps, this time they may
be closer to the truth than we think. As Elizabeth Kolbert writes in her book “The Sixth
Extinction”, “human activity, the consumption of fossil fuels, the acidification of the
oceans, pollution, deforestation, and forced migrations threaten life forms of all kinds.
It is estimated that one-third of corals, freshwater molluscs, sharks, and rays, one-
fourth of all mammals, one-fifth of all reptiles, and one-sixth of all birds are heading
towards extinction”. The 2017 edition of the “Red List of Threatened Species” confirms
that one-third of all species is indeed at risk of extinction, a process further exacerbated
by climate change.

The rising water temperature in the oceans have killed off phytoplankton by 40% since
1950. Phytoplankton are microscopic marine plants that produce between 50% and
80% of the world’s oxygen. With respect to another major oxygen source, forest
dieback has reached such alarming rates that there may be no rainforests left a century
from now. Besides, forests, just like phytoplankton, are an important carbon sink too.
Climate change and pesticide usage have reduced the mass of flying insects in natural
parks by 75% since 1990. More than half of all bee hives on U.S. territory have
disappeared since 1998. The loss of bees would dramatically alter human food
systems. And while this loss alone may not lead to famine, the availability and diversity
of fresh produce would decline substantially, and human nutrition would likely suffer.

Speaking of senseless, suicidal wars on nature that threaten our viability as a species,
now is good time to introduce to you one person, whose voice we better listen to, if we
want to avoid self-extinction – Daniel Schmachtenberger. Daniel has recently drawn
the public’s attention to the topic of catastrophic and existential risk, and what we
should do to avoid civilizational collapse. I highly recommend you hear him speak
about our modern-day “ubiquitous psychopathology”,169 the risks it generates and the
way to solve those risks, as they relate directly to the climate and the current COVID-
19 situation.170 171 172 In addition, his famous “The war on sensemaking” series
explains how our information ecology has become as polluted as our environment, and
what the consequences of that pollution are.173 After all, we are indeed in the middle
of a giant information war aimed at breaking our capacity to make sense of the world.
Daniel pays particular attention to the so-called climate “tipping points” – those
thresholds where a tiny change could push a system into a completely new state. You
can see nine such points outlined in an excellent article by Carbon Brief (Fig. 24).174

I also recommend this video presentation by Will Steffen, a professor of Earth System
Science, who sheds further light on the topic.175 I recommend reading the State of the
Global Climate 2020 report as well, which reveals something many of you may already
know – the Paris Agreement has failed to deliver on its promises so far.176 The goal
behind the Paris treaty was to reduce emissions and keep the rise in global average
temperature to well below 2°C, preferably to 1.5°C, compared to pre-industrial levels.
Instead, emissions today are 62% higher than when climate negotiations began in
1990. As a result, we are now at risk at reaching 1.5°C in the next few years.177 We
are currently at 1.2°C and you can see the kind of mess we are already in. Going above
2°C would be an utter catastrophe.

Well, at least that is what science says the current situation is. But science uses the
1850–1900 reference period to represent pre-industrial temperature. In reality at that
time the influence of humans on the climate was already felt, judging from ice cores
that retain a record of carbon dioxide emissions. Hence, 1750 may serve as a more
accurate baseline of what “pre-industrial” actually is. If that is the case, then we are
already very close to 2°C. Even if we stop all carbon emissions today, the Earth will
further heat due to the carbon already released in the atmosphere. Not to mention
water vapor, which is the largest contributor to the greenhouse effect, and the huge
amounts of methane that will be released as the planet continues to warm. We already
mentioned the cooling effect of aerosols. If we stop all industrial activities, then we will
lose the aerosol masking effect and the temperatures will quickly soar to a humanity-
extinction level. Hence, if we have a chance of reversing global warming, we would
need to: (1) reduce greenhouse gas emissions. (2) create some form of a “shield”
around the Earth. (3) find a way to capture and store greenhouse gases already
accumulated in the atmosphere. Step 3 is necessary not only to cool the planet off, but
because climate change has already triggered many inter-reinforcing tipping points
that are also contributing to the rise in global temperatures and are beyond human

If we now look at some of these tipping points, one immediate major concern is the
dieback of the Amazon rainforest. Both climate warming and deforestation can shift
the local climate into a drier state that can no longer support a rainforest. This would
not affect the local region alone. As Daniel points out, the U.S. should consider this
problem a National Security Threat. As of 2020, I would say it is even a Global Security
Treat. The destruction of this rainforest will further disrupt the hydrological cycle to the
north, dooming the U.S. to even more severe droughts. In combination with rising
temperatures, this will create the perfect storm for even bigger wildfires. As I listen to
people like Daniel speak, I am reminded once again how intricately connected we all
are – with one another, and with nature. A large corporation, say, from China, striving
to maximize its shareholder value, would start large scale mining and extraction of the
Amazon rainforest. This would mean, however, that the long-term well-being of the
environment and society at large will be sacrificed for short-term financial gains. Or, as
economists would say, the actions of that corporation would create a “negative
externality to the commons”. The commons in this context is any open-access and
unregulated resource such as the atmosphere, oceans, rivers, forests and fish stocks,

Figure 24. Daniel Schmachtenberger – a futurist, evolutionary philosopher and

strategist – draws the public’s attention to a number of impending catastrophic risks,
including climate change. Multiple inter-reinforcing tipping points can cause future
disasters that dwarf the current pandemic. (Source: Carbon Brief 174)

At some point, the imminent Amazon rainforest dieback would create a positive
(meaning “vicious”) feedback loop. Tree death would accelerate CO2 accumulation in
the atmosphere, as the Earth loses an important carbon sink. This in turn would fuel
global warming, which would increase the risk of local fires and cause further forest
dieback. Those fires would release heat-trapping emissions that would further warm
the planet, etc. Once the hydrological cycle to the north gets severely disrupted (due
to other interconnected climate processes as well) and the American West starts
experiencing even more prolonged droughts and heatwaves, local fires can quickly
spread over millions of acres of land. Courtesy of the pyroCbs, the resulting smoke
would start circling the globe, dealing major blows to populations and economies at

This is just one example of how human activity disrupts the delicate balance of nature.
Every day we are disrupting this balance in a million of different ways. Every day we
are killing this planet by a million paper cuts. Eventually, COVID-19 emerged to remind
us that we have been treating our home the same way psychopaths treat their victims.
We have brought the “coronavirus” on ourselves in the name of “progress”. But
progress meant declaring a war on our planet – the one war we simply cannot win.
Nature always strikes back, and is already doing so with growing fury.

To return to the tipping points, we see the same dangerous cascading effect taking
place in the north. Permafrost is the ground, soil or rock, that contains ice or frozen
organic material. It covers large parts of Siberia, Alaska, northern Canada and the
Tibetan plateau. This frozen ground holds vast amounts of carbon, accumulated from
dead plants and animals over thousands of years. There is around as twice as much
carbon in permafrost than in the Earth’s atmosphere today.178 As this ground began
to melt due to rising temperatures, huge quantities of heat-trapping gases got realized
in the air, including methane. The resulting warming will cause further thawing, so even
more gases will get released. This means that the Arctic has switched from a carbon
sink to a carbon source, which is a total disaster. Furthermore, latest research indicates
that by 2030 there might be no more ice in the Arctic sea in the summer. As pointed
out by the Climate News Network, “the northern polar ocean’s sea ice is a crucial
element in the Earth system: because it is highly reflective, it sends solar radiation back
out into space. Once it’s melted, there’s no longer any protection for the darker water
and rock beneath, and nothing to prevent them absorbing the incoming heat.”

As these events continue to reinforce each other’s warming effects, the global mean
temperature may rise to a level that threatens our viability as a species sooner than
we previously thought. As large parts of the world will eventually become uninhabitable,
more than a billion people facing displacement.179 Population growth, lack of access
to food and water, and increased exposure to natural disasters could force the
inhabitants of vulnerable areas such as sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia and the
Middle East to migrate. Given the world today has 60% less fresh water available than
it did 50 years ago, while demand for food is expected to grow by 50% in the next 30
years, rising tension and conflict over scarce resources could quickly escalate into war.
This scenario is already playing out, as Sudan and Ethiopia are currently on the brink
of a territorial war over Al-Fashaga, the fertile borderland between these two neighbors.

Independent analysts have expressed concerns such a war could quickly turn into a
much broader regional conflict.

Furthermore, since both the North and South Poles are warming at a faster rate than
the planet on average, this impacts the wind currents. As noted recently by prof. Paul
Beckwith, “The Arctic is warming way faster than lower latitudes, so the temperature
contrast between the Arctic and lower latitudes is getting smaller. Thus, the jet streams
are getting much slower and wavier and even getting stuck into ridges (under which
there are heat waves and droughts) or troughs (above which there are many storms
and torrential rains). Slower jet streams mean storms move across the Earth surface
more slowly, so have longer time to dump rain in any given storm.” This means that
the extreme weather events I was so concerned with will become much more common
from now on. They have the potential to destroy crops at scale and further threaten the
viability of our species.

To leave the tipping points, when it comes to starting wildfires, human activity certainly
plays a major role, no question about it. Not to mention many deadly fires have been
started by downed power lines.180 But it is climate change that is making progressively
larger areas more fire-prone, thus raising the odds of such incidents occurring.
Sometimes all you need is just a spark. Furthermore, dry thunderstorms occur in places
where the lower atmospheric layers contain little water vapor, and their lightning is a
major cause of wildfires. Pyrocumulonimbus clouds can create their own weather,
including numerous lightings and strong winds, which further fuel fire spread. Climate
change fuels both dry storm and pyroCb formation. Climate change caused the first
“gigafire” in modern history, a blaze spanning across one million acres of California
land.181 Climate change made big wildfires in the American West three times more
common than 50 years ago, burning seven times more acreage in an average year,
while the wildfire season became two-three months longer.182 183 Our politicians have
been warned many years ago this was forthcoming. A 2010 report, published by the
U.S. National Academy of Science, says the following:

“Our future projections indicate an impending shift to a temperature-driven global

fire regime in the 21st century, creating an unprecedentedly fire-prone
environment…in the future climate will play a considerably stronger role in driving
global fire trends, outweighing direct human influence on fire (both ignition and
suppression), a reversal from the situation during the last two centuries…This suggests
a real possibility that fire management policies will have to adapt to a world in which
climate plays a substantially stronger role in driving fire trends, outweighing direct
human influence on fire.” 184

Figure 25. Upper: Annual greenhouse gas index. Lower: Projected fire activity and
climate (left – global, right - USA). (A) Modeled fire activity with (red lines) and without
(gray lines) direct anthropogenic interference; (B) GISS GCM annual means of the
terrestrial surface temperature (orange lines), precipitation (blue lines), and relative
humidity (green lines) (Source: climate.gov and PNAS 184)

As seen in Fig. 25, there is a strong correlation between global temperature and
climate-driven fire activity. The figure further shows that such correlation exists
between temperature and greenhouse gas emissions as well. 97% of climate scientists
agree humans are causing global warming and climate change. The Earth is warming
exceptionally rapidly and as a result fire activity is expected to skyrocket in this century.
You know what that means, right? Fig. 26 shows my biggest immediate concern with
respect to COVID-19. The U.S. West is experiencing extreme droughts this year.
California began 2021 with already twice as many wildfires compared to the 2020,
which was a record-breaking year. By June 2021 the fires there burned twice the
acreage than the same time last year. This part of the world, I am afraid, will turn into
a perpetual “coronavirus” source. The same will happen with other regions across the
globe as well.

The 2019 Amazon fire season had the highest fire count since 2012 across the Legal
Amazon, while deforestation further pushed 2020 fire activity well above the 2012-2019
average. (Fig. 26). As already discussed, the 2020 Siberian wildfire season was much
more intensive than the year before. By May 2020, the fires in Siberia and the Russian
Far East were as much as 10 times worse compared to the same time in 2019.185 This
year, the fire season in these lands began quite early and it looks like it will be even
worse than the previous one. Russia’s third-largest city of Novosibirsk was blanketed
by smog from dozens of nearby wildfires, as local residents gasped for air. The
authorities had to put the 1.7 million city inhabitants under a “Black Sky” air quality
warning. Canada’s British Columbia experienced unprecedented fire events this
summer amid record-breaking temperatures of nearly 50°C. Raging local firestorms
helped spark in a span of just 15 hours more than 700,000 lightning strikes, which have
started many more new fires! Needless to say, the resulting pyroCbs reached the
stratosphere, making the COVID-19 situation even more difficult.

The people in charge were warned a long time ago this COVID-19 pandemic was
coming. What have they done over the last decades to prevent the current crisis? From
what I can tell, the only thing they did was to prepare a viral pandemic scam. And
speaking of scams, as I was closely following the vaccine saga, at some point
I already knew how it would play out eventually. Initially I assumed the work on the
COVID-19 mRNA vaccines had started years ago and they are some form of gene
therapy. A therapy that reduces the number of severe COVID-19 courses and – ideally
– the number of deaths. Once I heard booster shots were on the way, I realized those
experimental jabs are a multibillion-dollar scam at best or an attempt to make the
population progressively more sick at worst.

By the end of last year, several manufactures had shown their products were 90%+
effective. And while “coronavirus mutations” had started spreading soon after the
Wuhan outbreak took place, mainstream media was not paying much attention to that
information. However, just as we began mass manufacturing and vaccination, a few
“new strains” conveniently appeared on the scene, most notably from the U.K. and
South Africa. What an unfortunate timing indeed. Eventually, the CEO of the World
Medical Association stated that the AstraZeneca’s vaccine would have a reduced
effectiveness, recommending medical personnel and nursing staff to receive a different

one.186 And while political games and logistics issues were slowing down vaccination
across Europe, WHO Europe director Hans Kluge started backing down.

“Unless we halt transmission now, the expected benefits from the vaccination in
controlling this pandemic may not be evident .” 187

To add to that charade, The Bulgarian Minister of Health said those vaccinated should
still wear masks. According to him, while these people are protected against
developing the illness, they can still transmit the virus. His words were echoed by many
officials and experts from other countries. They insisted vaccinated people should
continue wearing a mask, since it was still not clear how the vaccines will work in “real-
world conditions”. Meanwhile Pfizer and Moderna announced their products may not
be very effective against the South African variant. A laboratory study suggested this
strain may reduce antibody protection from the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine by two-thirds,
and it was not clear if the shot will be effective against this particular mutation. Moderna
published a correspondence that showed a six-fold drop in antibody levels versus the
South African strain.188 In similar fashion, the Indian “delta variant” made the vaccines
much less effective this summer. What is more, the “mu variant” is believed to be
vaccine-resistant, and eventually it may overtake not only Columbia, but the rest of the
world as well.

By the way, do you know how the British variant was “discovered”? Oh, you are going
to love it! Remember when we discussed the PCR test, we said that it looks for just
small pieces of the viral genome? The most frequently tested gene targets for the
detection of SARS-CoV-2 include the E, S (spike), and N genes. Remember how we
also said that some tests indicate you are infected, even if one of these targets is not
found? For example, the S gene may not be found, but if the E and N genes are, you
are still considered infected. But now if the S gene is not found and the other targets
are, you are considered infected with the British variant specifically! They used a flaw
in their testing methodology to invent a new strain!

This scenario looks exactly like the flu story, doesn’t it? Since we are incapable (and
unwilling) of resolving the environmental pollution problem, influenza infections also
refuse to go away. We may come up with a new vaccine each year, but since the damn
virus “mutates” once again, we simply cannot get rid of it. Is this where we are heading
to with COVID-19 as well, remains to be seen. Rest assured, all these vaccine
manufacturers will immediately start working on another product, much more capable
of protecting us against the new “mutations”. But what does this actually mean? It
simply means than unless the main issue gets addressed, the authorities will remain
incapable of putting a halt to this crisis.

Figure 26. Upper: U.S. West is experiencing extreme and exceptional droughts this
year, which will likely cause massive wildfires in the summer. Lower: In 2020, Amazon
fire activity peaked well above the ’12-‘19 average across the Southern Amazon.
(Source: climate.gov 189 and globalfiredata.org 190)

I told you I will not spoon-feed you the truth. As you can see, I am not sugar-coating it
for you either. The “Doomsday Clock” is a symbol that represents the likelihood of a
man-made global catastrophe. In 2020 the scientists estimated that due to existential
threats like nuclear war, climate change and corruption of the information ecosphere,
we are now just 100 seconds away from Midnight – the closest we have ever been in
the history of mankind.

To close this section, I recommend watching this interview with Peter Carter, expert
IPCC reviewer and founder of the Climate Emergency Institute.191 I hope you realize
we are now in a situation where it is no longer about the lives of our grandchildren.
It is about the lives of our children. Reducing carbon emissions, finding a solution to
the resulting loss of aerosols and the release of methane from oceans and thawing
lands, and capturing greenhouse gasses from the atmosphere should be an immediate
priority for the world leaders. If they refuse to take action, this means they have thrown
in the towel and have accepted the fact we are headed towards extinction. And if what
you just read about climate change and wildfires made you quite concerned about the
future, this is what Andrew Dessler, a Professor of Atmospheric Sciences and a climate
scientist at Texas A&M University, recently said in a tweet:

“If you don’t like all of the climate disasters happening in 2020, I have some bad
news for you about the rest of your life.”


Since we are heading into an unprecedentedly fire-prone future, let us talk a bit more
about wildfire smoke. During my research, I came across a particularly helpful
document – a wildfire smoke guide for public health officials, developed jointly by
several U.S. agencies.192 So far we have focused primarily on particulate matter. Yet
smoke contains many different compounds, most of which are harmful to humans. We
already mentioned the fact that pollutants such as particulate matter and ozone can
drift across the oceans and thus travel very long distances. But other emissions from
burning vegetation can travel across continents as well. Let us briefly look at a few of
those that are particularly hazardous to our health.

First, to reiterate the effects of PM, “short-term exposures (i.e., days to weeks) are
associated with increased risk of premature mortality and aggravation of pre-existing
respiratory and cardiovascular disease. In addition, fine particles are respiratory
irritants, and exposures to high concentrations can cause persistent cough, phlegm,
wheezing, and difficulty breathing. Exposures to fine particles can also affect healthy
people, causing respiratory symptoms, transient reductions in lung function, and
pulmonary inflammation.” 192

Second, with respect to ozone, “ground-level ozone, though less of a concern from
wildfires than particulate matter, can cause effects such as reductions in lung function,
inflammation of the airways, chest pain, coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath
– even in healthy people. These effects can be more serious in people with asthma
and other lung diseases. Respiratory effects attributed to ozone exposure can lead to
increased use of medication, school absences, respiratory-related hospital
admissions, and emergency room visits for asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD). Short-term exposure to ozone may cause effects such as changes
in heart rate variability and systemic inflammation. Additionally, evidence indicates
short-term ozone exposures can lead to premature mortality.” 192

Third, with respect to carbon monoxide, the guide states it does not pose a significant
hazard, since it does not travel far from the point of combustion. However, as seen
from our 5G discussion, this is not the case, and its health effects are quite concerning.
“Carbon monoxide enters the bloodstream through the lungs and reduces oxygen
delivery to the body’s organs and tissues. People with cardiovascular disease may
experience health effects such as chest pain or cardiac arrhythmias from lower levels
of carbon monoxide than healthy people. At higher levels, carbon monoxide exposure
can cause headache, weakness, dizziness, confusion, nausea, disorientation, visual
impairment, coma, and death, even in otherwise healthy individuals.” 192

Forth, with respect to hydrogen cyanide, the CDC informs us that it is a systemic
chemical asphyxiant. It interferes with the normal use of oxygen by nearly every organ
of the body. Exposure to hydrogen cyanide can be rapidly fatal. It has whole-body
effects, particularly affecting those organ systems most sensitive to low oxygen levels:
the central nervous (CNS), cardiovascular and pulmonary systems. Mild to moderate
effects from hydrogen cyanide exposure include headache, confusion, anxiety,
dizziness, weakness, loss of consciousness, palpitations, respiratory tract irritation,
difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, transient increase in the rate and depth of
breathing, nausea and vomiting. Severe effects include coma, seizures, dilated pupils,
cardiovascular shock, abnormal or disordered heart, critically low blood pressure,
cardiac arrest, abnormally rapid, followed by abnormally slow respirations,
accumulation of fluid in the lungs (pulmonary edema), respiratory arrest, dilated pupils,
inflammation of the surface of the eye and temporary blindness.

In serious poisonings, the skin is cold, clammy, and diaphoretic. Blue discoloration of
the skin may be a late finding. In an interview last summer, Dr. Zach Bush, MD, pointed
out that many COVID-19 patients turn blue and eventually die as a result of hypoxia
and organ failure. He was right in saying those people should have not been put on
ventilators, but instead should have been treated in a way similar to treating cyanide

We should also mention the presence of Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) in wildfire
smoke. Among these, acetaldehyde, acrolein, benzene and formaldehyde are of
particular health concern, because of their differential impact on infants and children
compared to adults. Table 2 provides a useful summary of lifestages and populations
potentially at-risk of health effects from smoke exposure.

Potential Health Effects from
Wildfire Smoke Exposure

People with Breathing difficulties (e.g., coughing, wheezing, and chest

asthma and tightness) and exacerbations of chronic lung diseases (e.g.,
other respiratory asthma and COPD) leading to increased medication usage,
diseases emergency department visits, and hospital admissions.
Triggering of ischemic events, such as angina pectoris, heart
People with
attacks, and stroke; worsening of heart failure; or abnormal heart
rhythms could lead to emergency department visits, hospital
admissions, and even death.
Coughing, wheezing, difficulty breathing, chest tightness,
decreased lung function in all children. In children with asthma,
worsening of asthma symptoms or heightened risk of asthma
attacks may occur.
Limited evidence shows air pollution-related effects on pregnant
women and the developing fetus, including low birth weight and
preterm birth.
Exacerbation of heart and lung diseases leading to emergency
Older adults
department visits, hospital admissions, and even death.
Greater exposure to wildfire smoke due to less access to
People of low measures to reduce exposure, along with higher likelihood of
socioeconomic untreated or insufficiently treated health conditions could lead to
status increased risks of experiencing the health effects described
Outdoor Greater exposure to wildfire smoke can lead to increased risks
workers of experiencing the range of health effects described above.
Table 2. Lifestages and populations at-risk of health effects from wildfire smoke
exposure. (Source: “Wildfire smoke – a guide for public health officials” 192)

Reading about the link between meteorology and smoke was yet another eye-opener
for me.

“Once smoke enters the atmosphere, its concentration at any one place and time
depends on mechanisms of transport and dispersion…The intense heat generated by
an active wildfire drives smoke high into the air where it remains until it cools and
begins to descend. As smoke moves downwind, it becomes more dilute and often more
widespread, eventually reaching ground level. After sunlight passes, the terrain cools
and the air begins to descend. This creates a down-slope airflow that can alter the
smoke dispersal pattern seen during the day. These daily cycles sometimes help predict
repeating patterns of smoke impacts in communities.” 192

But of course! As temperature drops after sunset, the air begins to descend. Thus,
more “corona particles” reach the surface at night than during the day. Hence, night
time and early morning stay-at-home orders make perfect sense. Many people have
wondered why yet another unpreceded measure has been imposed across multiple
states. Now we know why authorities put curfews in place. Night time is danger time.
Imagine someone visiting the local pub or a disco with a group of friends. On the way
to the venue and back, this jolly bunch may engage in a mask-free spirited
conversation, breathe in tons of toxins and get sick with a COVID-19 infection. That is
why in many places closing restaurants, bars and night clubs alone was not enough to
prevent the “viral spread”. It was much safer if people did not leave their homes at all.

This brings up yet another interesting question – apart from these daily pollution cycles,
do seasonal cycles exist as well? The Weather Channel provides the answer,
explaining the “winter inversion” phenomenon.

“In summer, the air in the planetary boundary layer (the lowest part of the
atmosphere) is warmer and lighter, and rises upwards more easily. This carries
pollutants away from the ground and mixes them with cleaner air in the upper layers
of the atmosphere in a process called ‘vertical mixing’. During winters the planetary
boundary layer is thinner as the cooler air near the earth’s surface is dense. The cooler
air is trapped under the warm air above that forms a kind of atmospheric ‘lid’. This
phenomenon is called winter inversion. Since the vertical mixing of air happens only
within this layer, the pollutants released lack enough space to disperse in the
atmosphere. During summers, pollution levels decrease as the warmer air rises up
freely, making the boundary layer thicker, and providing enough space for pollutants
to disperse. The same thing happens during winter afternoons, when increased heat
brings down pollution slightly. The effects of inversion are stronger at night, which is
why air quality levels drop overnight. This is also why experts ask people to refrain from
early morning walks, as they could be exposed to much higher pollution levels at that
time.” 193

Winter seasons create pollution seasons that give rise to “respiratory viral infections”.
In the summer, we are less likely to “catch the flu”. And how about humidity? It seems
that with increase of humidity both fine and course particular matter is removed quicker
from the air via dry deposition.

“RH [Relative Humidity] affects the natural deposition process of PM, whereby
moisture particles adhere to PM, accumulating atmospheric PM concentration. With
increasing humidity, moisture particles eventually grow in size to a point where ‘dry
deposition’ [removal of pollutants by sedimentation under gravity] occurs, reducing
PM10 concentrations in the atmosphere.” 194

“The very dry, dry and low-humidity conditions positively affected PM2.5 and exerted
an accumulation effect, while the mid-humidity, high-humidity and extreme-humidity
conditions played a significant role in reducing particle concentrations.” 195

PM formation and concentration depend on many factors. You will come across studies
saying that as temperature and humidity increase, so does PM concentration. Still, a
hot and humid climate will reduce pollution levels more often than not. So it should not
come as a surprise to find out that “high temperature and high humidity reduce the
transmission of COVID-19”, a pattern that holds true for influenza viruses as well.196
Logically, “viral infections” then thrive in cold, dry conditions.197 One Australian study
confirms the humidity effect on SARS-CoV-2 transmission.

“We found we needed only relative humidity to predict COVID-19 cases. Humidity is
a measure of water vapour in the air. Lower relative humidity at a given temperature
means the air is drier. For every 1% decrease in relative humidity, there was a
corresponding 7-8% increase in cases.” 198

And indeed, rather intriguingly, Australia started imposing stricter measures and
lockdowns amid rising COVID-19 cases at the beginning of its 2020 winter season
(starting in June) – precisely when air temperature and humidity simultaneously began
declining towards their lowest annual values.199

You have likely come across data showing countries with warm climate suffer from
COVID-19 too, such as Brazil. Surely that is the case, especially if wildfires are burning
nearby. The same holds true for India. Forest fires that started in Uttarakhand, northern
India last year were still burning in April due to prolonged droughts and rising
temperatures. In 2021 the fires in the neighbouring Nepal also grew particularly
extreme, as NASA satellites showed smoke plumes covering much of the country by
April. What I am saying is that in general a warmer, more humid weather would reduce
the spread of “respiratory infections”. That is the reason why places like Europe and
the U.S. get a breather during the summer after yet another “flu season”. I am sure
science has the perfect explanation of how climate conditions influence viral
transmission. But at this point I am also certain that respiratory infections are not
caused by viruses or bacteria, but rather by environmental toxicity.


To return to the wildfire smoke guide, did you notice something very important in Table
2? Children are particularly vulnerable to smoke emissions. Are you surprised to hear
this? Do you recall we were told at the beginning of this pandemic that children, who
are generally quite prone to infectious diseases, are somehow almost miraculously
“immune” to COVID-19?

“In Iceland, a team of researchers tested 6 percent of the country’s population for
the coronavirus. Out of more than 848 children who responded to an invitation to
participate in one part of the study, the team found no coronavirus infections in kids
under 10 years old, even with elementary schools and day cares open at the time. The
children were either less vulnerable to the virus or never exposed to it, the authors
wrote.” 200

Similar studies in other countries have shown COVID-19 is far less likely to affect
children and adolescents than adults. Alas, over time we saw the youth getting
progressively more prone to this new disease. Yet, something still felt off. In the
summer of 2020, I was watching in disbelief the events that shook the U.S. to the core,
following George Floyd’s murder. Fox News’ host Tucker Carlson was quite bewildered
too, as he was trying to make sense of what looked like the beginning of a societal
collapse. One thing that struck me in particular was Carlson’s comments on school
policies. Quite a few U.S. counties had announced they would not open their schools
in the fall, despite the fact you’d barely find any infected child in the area or a case of
a child-to-adult transmission. Meanwhile, Harvard University announced nearly all
classed would be taught remotely. Princeton, Rutgers and others revealed similar
plans. Once COVID-19 cases spiked again last fall, many states rushed to put the
youth at home, as daycares, schools and universities were the first to close. Why do
you think that is the case? The authorities are very concerned about the long-term
health consequences for the young, that is why. They know the youth are particularly
vulnerable to environmental toxins, including wildfire smoke emissions.

“Exposure to pollutants…affects the most vulnerable among us – children – in unique

ways. Children are at greater risk than adults from the many adverse health effects of
air pollution…Children are especially vulnerable during fetal development and in their
earliest years, while their lungs, organs and brains are still maturing. They breathe faster
than adults, taking in more air and, with it, more pollutants. Children live closer to the
ground, where some pollutants reach peak concentrations. They may spend much time
outside, playing and engaging in physical activity in potentially polluted air…Children
have a longer life expectancy than adults, so latent disease mechanisms have more
time to emerge and affect their health. Their bodies, and especially their lungs, are
rapidly developing and therefore more vulnerable to inflammation and other damage
caused by pollutants. In the womb, they are vulnerable to their mothers’ exposure to

pollutants. Exposure before conception can also impose latent risks on the
fetus…children depend entirely on us – adults – to protect them from the threat
of unsafe air.” 201

While an year ago the CDC reported people under 18 contributed to just 2% of total
COVID-19 cases, even though this age group makes up 22% of the U.S. population,202
they also reported one of the worst flu seasons in recent history. Just because the PCR
test was not detecting the “virus” among kids, it does not mean they were not severely
affected by the increased toxicity in the air. Here is what the record says about the
2019-2020 flu season:

"Hospitalization rates in children 0-4 years old and adults 18-49 years old are now
the highest on record for these age groups, surpassing the rate reported during
the 2009 H1N1 pandemic…Unlike coronavirus, which seems to hit older adults the
hardest, the flu strains circulating this season – B Victoria and H1N1 –
disproportionately attack children and young adults." 203

Once I realized what the “coronavirus” actually is, one of my biggest concerns was that
we would soon see reports of children suffering from systemic, post-COVID
inflammation. But before we go there, let us have a quick look at UFP’s chemical
composition and discuss some of the reasons why despite their tiny size, UFPs are so
hazardous. UFP composition depends on the pollution source, but ambient ultrafine
particles in general contain mostly organic compounds, trace metals (iron, lead,
aluminum, mercury, titanium, chromium, zinc, etc.), carbon, sulphates, nitrates and
ammonium.204 Wildfires also emit various metals, volatile organic compounds (VOC)
and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), some of which are strongly
carcinogenic.205 As you can see, we are dealing with quite the hazardous mix of toxins
here. UFPs have a large surface-area to mass ratio that allows them to carry large
amounts of adsorbed materials per unit mass.145 They transport these toxins deep into
the lungs, bloodstream and interstitium, causing oxidative stress and damaging cells
and tissues. UFPs can sidestep clearance mechanisms and thus remain in the body
for a long time, inducing persistent inflammation.206 When deposited in the lungs, they
can seriously harm the air sacks (alveoli). This can disrupt the exchange of oxygen
with blood, as already discussed. In addition, the body’s inflammatory response to
PM0.1 exposure may also severely stress the cardiovascular system and create further

“PM0.1 that enter alveoli can be retained in surfactant, thus sidestepping the
mucociliary escalator clearance mechanisms. The retention half-life of titanium dioxide
(TiO2) particles of the identical crystalline structure, deposition burden, and conditions
in animal lungs was reported to be 170 days for 250-nm particles and 500 days for
20-nm particles. The finer particles caused stronger and more persistent
inflammation, with more type II cell proliferation and macrophage impairment and

early interstitial fibrotic foci. The small particles also moved into the lung interstitium
and periphery more than the larger ones.” 206

To return to my concerns for the children, the pediatricians soon warned about the
condition I was afraid many kids may eventually develop. COVID-19 was initially
described as asymptomatic or mild in children. It had caused just a few hospitalizations
and minimal mortality. But as of May 2020, a sudden emergence of kids presenting a
severe hyperinflammatory disorder with multisystem involvement prompted an
international alert.207 This condition was termed “pediatric inflammatory multisystem
syndrome, temporally associated with SARS-CoV-2” (PIMS-TS) or “multisystem
inflammatory syndrome (in children)” (MIS(-C)). While this syndrome is still rare, U.S.
doctors have seen a shocking increase in the number of youngsters getting sick with
it. On top of that, a larger portion of these young patients are getting seriously ill,
compared to the first wave of cases.208 That is quite worrying, given PIMS-TS can be
quite detrimental.

“PIMS-TS/MIS(-C) is characterized by fever (99.4%), gastrointestinal (85.6%) and

cardiocirculatory manifestations (79.3%), and increased inflammatory biomarkers
…50.3% present respiratory symptoms as well. Over half of patients (56.3%) present
with shock. The majority of the patients (73.3%) need intensive care treatment,
including extracorporal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) in 3.8%. Despite severe
disease, mortality is rather low (1.9%).” 207

To conclude this section, Fig. 27 shows the striking similarity between the lasting
impact of air pollution and the lasting impact of COVID-19 on human health. I wanted
to briefly discuss UFP composition above, in order to show that wildfires emit huge
amounts of trace metals, which then enter the body attached to PM0.1 particles.
Fig. 28 and Fig. 29 compare the systemic effects of that PM-mediated metal toxicity to
the systemic effects of COVID-19 and PIMS-TS/MIS(-C). Note that these two figures
illustrate some of the long-term consequences of PM0.1 exposure as well, such as lung
cancer. The short-term outcomes would be identical to many of the acute symptoms
of COVID-19 and other diseases associated with it. Lastly, Table 3 illustrates the
similarity between ultrafine particulate matter and the SARS-CoV-2 novel coronavirus.
A list of 30 items should be enough to rest my case for now. Chapter 4 presents further
evidence that the current pandemic is caused by air pollution. I am confident that any
COVID-19 symptom can be traced back to wildfire smoke and UFP exposure. I have
seen articles claiming COVID-19 cannot be a smoke-related illness, since loss of smell
has apparently turned into a registered trademark of this disease. Yet, half of Chicago
firefighters lose sense of smell.209As one wildfires fighter puts it:

“I tried to forget about all the forests I inhaled. I remember some seasons,
I just had been so impacted by this smoke. I lost my sense of smell and taste for
several months. It wasn't until maybe the next spring it started coming back.” 210

Sounds familiar?

Air Pollution: Lasting impact

Figure 27. Lasting impact of air pollution vs. lasting impact of COVID-19. (Source:
Thurston, G.D., et al. 211 and YubaNet / Sara Moser 212)

Figure 28. Systemic metal-enriched PM toxicity outcomes vs. systemic COVID-19

symptoms. (Source: Muhammad Shahid et al. 213 and Chronicle Research, Getty
Images 214)

Figure 29. Systemic metal-enriched PM toxicity outcomes vs. systemic PIMS-TS

symptoms. (Source: Muhammad Shahid et al. 213 and Levi Hoste et al. 207)

Ultrafine Particulate Matter SARS-CoV-2 Novel Coronavirus

Size of 100 nanometers or less Size of 60 to 140 nanometers

Airborne transmission Airborne transmission

Travels attached to air pollution particles Travels attached to air pollution particles
(aerosols) (aerosols)

Enters the lungs and reaches the alveoli

145 Enters the lungs and reaches the alveoli

Can enter the bloodstream 206 Can enter the bloodstream

Its outer layer is covered with a crown of

Forms a protein crown in vivo 146

Is depicted like this in vivo: Is often depicted like this:

Has a multisystem health effect 206 Has a multisystem health effect 214

Causes organ impairment 206 Causes organ impairment 214

Causes premature death 192 Causes premature death 214

Causes coughing, wheezing and Causes coughing, wheezing and

shortness of breath 192 shortness of breath 212

Worsens asthma and causes respiratory Worsens asthma and causes respiratory
problems 192 206 problems 212

Causes lung damage and inflammation Causes lung damage and inflammation
206 214

Causes vascular inflammation 139 Causes vascular inflammation

(discussed in Chapter 4)
Table 3. Comparison between ultrafine particulate matter (PM0.1) and SARS-CoV-2
novel coronavirus. (Note: some references do not mention PM0.1 as the specific causal
agent of a symptom or a disease. However, research indicates that finer particles are
responsible for the majority of health effects of PM air pollution)

Ultrafine Particulate Matter SARS-CoV-2 Novel Coronavirus

Causes blood clots formation and deep Causes blood clots formation and deep
vein thrombosis 215 vein thrombosis 216

Causes cardiovascular diseases 139 Causes cardiovascular diseases 214

Causes stroke 139 Causes stroke 214

Causes heart attack 139 Causes heart attack 214

Causes kidney damage 217 Causes kidney damage 214

Causes liver damage 218 Causes liver damage 212

Affects the skin 219 Affects the skin 35

Causes gastrointestinal symptoms such Causes gastrointestinal symptoms such

as diarrhea 220 as diarrhea 214

Causes loss of sense of smell 221 222 Causes loss of sense of smell 214

Causes loss of sense of taste 222 Causes loss of sense of taste

Causes “brain fog”

Causes “brain fog” 223
(discussed in Chapter 4)

Causes neuroinflammation 224 Causes neuroinflammation 212

Causes mental disorders, cognitive Causes mental disorders, cognitive

dysfunction, neurodegenerative dysfunction, neurodegenerative
disorders, cerebrovascular events, disorders, cerebrovascular events,
headaches and migraine 224 headaches and migraine
(discussed in Chapter 4)

Aggravates epilepsy 225 Causes violent shaking and seizures 214

Causes anxiety and depression 226 Causes anxiety and depression 212

Triggers a strong cytokine response

Triggers a “cytokine storm” 214
(discussed in Chapter 4)
Table 3 (continued). Comparison between ultrafine particulate matter (PM0.1) and
SARS-CoV-2 novel coronavirus. (Note: some references do not mention PM0.1 as the
specific causal agent of a symptom or a disease. However, research indicates that finer
particles are responsible for the majority of health effects of PM air pollution )


To conclude this chapter, I want to briefly mention the topic of volcanic eruptions and
their relation to the current pandemic. When I said we have brought COVID-19 on
ourselves in the name of progress, that was true. But it is also true that even if we had
nоt declared a war on nature, we might have ended at some point with such a
pandemic anyway, or a worse one even. Our planet follows its own cycles. They can
bring about a number of natural disasters, including extinction-level volcanic eruptions.
According to a recent scientific discovery,

“New evidence suggests volcanoes caused biggest mass extinction ever…The

extinction 252 million years ago was so dramatic and widespread that scientists call it
"the Great Dying." The catastrophe killed off more than 95 percent of life on Earth over
the course of hundreds of thousands of years.…The eruptions ignited vast deposits of
coal, releasing mercury vapor high into the atmosphere. Eventually, it rained down into
the marine sediment around the planet, creating an elemental signature of a
catastrophe that would herald the age of dinosaurs.” 227

In September 2017 Bali’s Mount Agung started rumbling and finally began to erupt two
months later, forcing 140,000 people to seek refuge. In January the following year,
Mount Kusatsu-Shirane, about 150 km northwest of Tokyo, suddenly erupted too. So
did Mount Mayon in the Philippines, displacing more than 56,000 people. Then in
February Mount Sinabung in Sumatra, Indonesia blew as well, sending ash pillars 7
km up into the skies. Those eruptions were accompanied by the worst in a century
earthquake in Papua New Guinea.228

Such intensive seismic activity in places like Japan, the Philippines and Indonesia is a
historically common phenomenon. These places are part of the so-called "Ring of Fire"
– a horseshoe-shaped belt about 40,000 km long and up to about 500 km wide. As
seen in Fig. 30, this ring is located around the Pacific Ocean rim, where many volcanic
eruptions and earthquakes occur. It is the home of about three-quarters of the world’s
most active volcanoes. After a relatively quiet 20th century, the 21st has seen a rise in
big earthquakes. During the first 18 years of this century alone, we have observed
around 25 significant volcanic eruptions as well, compared to just 65 over the entire
previous century. 228

How is this related to COVID-19? As seen from some of the articles quoted in this
book, experts have drawn a parallel between the pyrocumulonimbus clouds formed by
wildfires and the ash clouds released from volcanoes. That is because volcanos are
the other major source of pyroCbs. The contents of these ash clouds are quite
hazardous too. They are fully capable of making the current situation even more

Figure 30. The “Ring of Fire” hosts around one thousand volcanos, whose eruptions
can create pyrocumulonimbus clouds that carry hazardous particles and gases over
long distances. (Source: Universal Images Group Editorial and Pixabay)

“The average volcanic eruption releases millions to trillions cubic meters of ash into
the atmosphere. Most of it falls near the volcano, but a significant portion can travel
far away, drifting in the atmosphere for hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of
miles around the globe.” 229

“Volcanic ash NPs [nanoparticles] can serve as an important carrier for potentially
toxic elements. The concentrations of Ni, Zn, Cd, Ag, Sn, Se, Te, Hg, Tl, Pb, Bi in volcanic
ash NPs (<100 nm) were found to be 10–500 times higher than total contents of
these elements in bulk samples.” 230

In addition to heavy metals, significant amounts of carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide,

hydrogen sulfide and hydrogen halides can also be emitted from volcanoes. And while
mass volcanic eruptions can occur at any moment, Earth’s seismic activity has
intensified again, at quite the inappropriate time, just as we are trying to contain the
hazardous effects of wildfire smoke. In March 2021, 17,000 earthquakes hit the
southwestern region of Reykjanes, Iceland in a span of just a week. With multiple
volcanoes in the area, local officials warned an eruption could be imminent. The last
time we had a major Icelandic volcano eruption was ten years ago, when a massive
amount of ash was spewed some 20 km high into the atmosphere. Eventually, a
volcano in the Reykjanes peninsula did erupt.

Meanwhile, more than 30,000 tremors shook Antarctica between September and
December of 2020 alone. In a span of just a mount this year, many countries have
experienced large earthquakes. Volcanic eruptions soon followed. Mount Sinabung
blew again in February, belching tons of debris as high as 5 km in the sky. Around the
same time Italy's Mount Etna volcano exploded as well, as the columns of ash and
lava released reached a height of 10 km. Ecuador’s Sangay Volcano followed suit, with
its air plume rising to 12 km in the air. A total of 30 volcanos were erupting by March

As you can imagine, the ash from these eruptions (Etna alone exploded 16 times over
a course of five weeks) stacks on top of wildfire smoke that is currently circling the
globe. And even if the volcanic effect on COVID-19 severity is still relatively small,
I think we should closely monitor both wildfire and seismic activity from now on. You
never know where the next big “coronavirus wave” may hit us from.



But why didn’t they just tell us the truth? Why did they tell a mutated coronavirus story
instead? That is the million dollar question, isn’t it? I will provide a few plausible
answers, all of them playing a role in the authorities’ decision to deceive us perhaps.
Still, since I am now certain “Operation Corona" is indeed much more about climate
damage control than people’s safety, points 4 to 6 below should have a stronger
“weight” in the final decision made by the political elite.

1. Because we would not have believed them. When I look around, I see institutions,
authorities, scientists and “experts” at large losing their credibility and public’s trust.
This process began long before the pandemic hit. I see people still obeying their
governments’ orders, but I also see many of them openly resenting the state. The trust
is largely gone. Those in power have been lying, deceiving and abusing us for
centuries. As a result, we have become a deeply traumatized society. We may not
recognize the trauma, but it is there, buried beneath the layers of anxiety, agitation,
defiance or mistrust. The gatekeepers of society, the ones who were meant to protect
us, take care of our best interest and defend the truth, have utterly betrayed us a long
time ago.

We have been abused to a point where many no longer believe the state has any good
intentions towards us whatsoever. They believe the government is pure evil. That is
what those in charge have done to them. But then how can that same state convince
its people it is on their side this time? You see, some will say I am a “deep state” agent
who comes with a coronavirus myth buster, but in reality works for the very same elites
he claims to have exposed. Why? Because, these people will say, after the authorities
have failed to convince us in their virus scam, we should now accept an even more
ridiculous story? A story of invisible microscopic particles they cannot even prove are
everywhere around us? Is this why we must stay locked at home for months and simply
watch our livelihoods and psyches get destroyed? Is this why big pharma gets to make
billions of taxpayers’ dollars in profit? Is this why middle class gets wiped out
eventually? Do they really think we are that stupid? Their virus story was at least
somewhat believable, but this wildfire nanoscale mumbo-jumbo is just ridiculous.

And indeed, satellites can show large smoke plumes are roaming up in the skies, but
so what? We lack the technical capabilities to measure ambient PM0.1 levels on the
ground, at scale and in real time. Pilot projects have been launched in recent decades,
such as the one in the San Francisco Bay Area, but we still have a long way to go. And
even if we are somehow able to quickly deploy the necessary infrastructure across

cities, countries and continents, ultrafine particle concentrations may vary substantially
from place to place, from day to day, from an hour ago.

Besides, how can we prove beyond a doubt smoke from wildfires is the actual source
of these particles, not local urban pollution? How can we know which levels are truly
hazardous, when we do not even have safety standards set for this PM class? You do
realize how this lack-of-proof problem can quickly escalate into mass riots and street
violence once lockdowns begin, right? Hence, a viral story backed by a quickly
developed PCR test is a much preferable narrative, as it provides some credibility at
least. And even if thousands of scientists and clinicians at some point may rise in
opposition to the official narrative and measures imposed, the ICU scenes and the
spike in mortality sometimes speak louder than any counter argument.

2. Because we would have believed them. But what if we had actually believed
them? You saw how many people went into such hysteria and panic when we learned
about this new deadly disease. Yes, the authorities wanted to create this reaction on
purpose, but imagine what would have happened, had they actually told the truth. Your
President or Prime Minister would have appeared on TV to tell you this pandemic is
not caused by a virus that jumps from human to human. Rather, it is being caused by
giant clouds of infinite hazardous invisible particles and gases in the air that could strike
down anyone, at any point, anywhere. These particles can cause massive damage to
any organ, including the brain. Those who survive the attack or develop just mild
symptoms initially, may end up with a number of diseases in the long run. These
illnesses may last for years or decades and can be passed down the generations. What
is more, these emissions are not only making our elderly more at-risk of dying, but can
have serious consequences for our children in the long run too. There is no guaranteed
protection. There is no timeline for finding a solution to the situation, so we may not
return “back to normal” for years. We still do not know what percentage of people will
develop severe diseases, so we need to keep you all protected. End of broadcast.

Imagine how this all sounds, coming from your TV on a calm, lazy Sunday evening.
A year later and having seen the number of fatalities being smaller compared to what
the statistical models had initially predicted, we are perhaps less worried now, even
with the long-term consequences of COVID-19 in mind. Perhaps we can process the
truth today without going mental. But imagine the shock we would have experienced
back then. Imagine the incredible amount of chaos, panic and possibly outright
violence that would have erupted on the streets, in pharmacies, grocery stores,
shopping malls. Imagine people being afraid of leaving their homes and developing
severe mental disorders due to their scare of these particles. And how about living with
the persistent feeling of impending doom, knowing full well the situation will only get
worse over time? The tsunami of mental issues among the population would have been
much, much worse than what we saw taking place last year.

3. Because they do not want us to know how hazardous UFPs are. The COVID-
19 situation and the link to air pollution have made many of us more aware of how
serious the pollution problem is. Still, people are not just largely unaware of the effects
from PM2.5 exposure, but they do not suspect a more hazardous PM 0.1 class even
exists. Yet another reason why they might have not believed the true story in the first
place. Had the authorities been honest with us, we would have started asking lots of
inconvenient questions. Had they admitted they were particularly concerned about the
“long COVID”, we would have asked how could they possibly know about it. That would
have put them between a rock and a hard place.

I will share some shocking, perhaps, discoveries related to PM0.1 in Chapter 4. Truths
the authorities do not want us to know. Telling who the real killer is would mean
shooting themselves in the foot. Because then they would be left with no choice but
reveal all the harm UFPs have caused over the last 50 years. They would have some
tough explaining to do, like why the heck they kept that information from us. How do
you think this scenario makes them feel? It is true that science has been warning about
this threat for at least two decades now, yet the public at large has not been made
aware of how serious the problem actually is. Air pollution policies for the ultrafine
particulate class have not been introduced either.

4. Because they want to remain in power. You probably know at least one family in
which the spouses do not get along very well. They would often try to use the children
in the fight against one another. “Look at what your dad just did! I cannot rely on him
for anything! If we get divorced, it is his fault!” “Look at how disrespectful your mother
is to me! After everything I have done for this family! If tomorrow dad does not come
home, it is her fault!” But there comes a time when both parents would make a big
mess and decide to hide it from the kids. Why? Because both of them would lose
credibility, if the children find out what mom and dad did. So they agree to keep it a

In similar fashion, nations and political parties may fight each other over power and
dominance, but today they stand united as never before. All governments benefit from
playing along, because they all share one thing in common – they want to remain in
power. And I am not talking just about keeping their current tenure, I am talking about
preserving the entire political system at large. Losing a job or a loved one because of
a bloody virus is one thing, losing them because of a climate issue the people who had
sworn to serve and protect you did nothing about – another. For decades governments
have played a game of “hot potato”, leaving to their successors the task of dealing with
the climate problem, until it was finally too late. Our anger and outrage could have
wiped out the entire political establishment for good. The way things are going, with a
number of climate-related calamities expected to hit us soon, I’d rather have real
scientists and savvy experts in charge of government than those career politicians.
And if you have similar beliefs, then guess who is in trouble.

5. Because they need a “deadly virus” to make us accept the “Great Reset”.
In all honesty, there is another factor influencing our leaders’ decision to tell a lie. Quite
a big one, actually. You may disagree with me here, but this is my honest opinion and
I do want to share it with you. The moment we created businesses that began to
destroy our planet, we set ourselves up for disaster, especially once those businesses
not only acquired tremendous amounts of power and wealth, but began providing jobs
to millions of people. So imagine you are the one in charge of your country. The year
is 2000 and you know that by 2020 a climate catastrophe is inevitable. What will you
do? Will you immediately rush to net zero carbon emissions and seek to deploy costly
climate change solutions? Will you deliberately destroy entire industries, leaving
millions without a job? Will the people cooperate? Will they quietly obey your orders
and succumb to their faith because of something in the future they may not believe will
ever happen? And how will you deal with those who do not believe climate change is
real? Who think it is “just a hoax”. In a state of democracy, you cannot take such
decisive actions and still remain in power. The people will revolt and replace you with
a leader who puts the economy and jobs first.

So will you create a military state to force your agenda anyway, or will you use a more
“elegant” cyberattack? Or perhaps you will take a series of smaller steps to reduce
emissions? The problem is that such steps may be not enough to save the day, and
you will still meet strong resistance on all fronts – from businesses, lobbyists,
employees, political opponents and voters alike. Due to financial, economic,
technological and other reasons, we are still heavily dependent on fossil fuels. And
while green tech is the future, your career still depends on policies that provide benefits
to voters today. And what if somehow you manage to get your fellow politicians on
board, but most other countries do not play along? You will end up being far worse
economically than them, and a climate disaster still occurs.

I am not saying that we – the people – are solely responsible for this catastrophe,
although we certainly have our share of responsibility. Our politicians are the ones
primarily responsible for it, no doubt. What I am saying is that unless all governments
act together to solve the climate problem, it gets very difficult for any politician or
political party alone to get the people on board. And since they did nothing for the last
30 years to prevent a climate disaster, they must act now. This is what the first phase
of the upcoming “Great Reset” actually is. It is the reset we needed to make a long
time ago, but did not. Only this time, the world leaders hope they will face less
resistance, hiding behind this “deadly virus”.

So when I said governments were not overreacting to the present threat in 2020, what
if they were actually imposing lockdowns, travel bans and other measures longer than
necessary – for our own protection again, but in a different context. PM0.1 particles from
urban pollution can also travel across continents. One way to reduce the impact of this
pandemic therefore is to actually reduce man-made UFP levels worldwide. Cars and
other motor vehicles, ships, airplanes – these are all major sources of ultrafine

And what if at some point a COVID-19 lockdown covertly transitioned into a climate
lockdown? What if this is just the beginning of a series of measures aimed at both
preventing future catastrophes and containing the current one, disguised as a COVID-
19 response? If you know that is the case in your own country, would you rebel
because your personal freedoms and income are much more important than anything
else? Chances are you would. Hence, they want to make sure you won’t.

6. Because they need to keep the vaccines as a final solution to the problem at

I have avoided the topic of vaccines on purpose, other than claiming they are not
effective at preventing hospitalizations and deaths – a claim that is easily confirmed by
recent studies from countries like Israel and Great Britain. In the worst case, the Earth
will no longer be able to sustain 8 billion people. The problem with overpopulation can
be solved in at least four ways:

1. We start a Third World War, which would probably be our last. Whichever country
or alliance emerges victorious, they will still face many critical issues. The nuclear war
would have further contaminated the air, soil and water, and would have exacerbated
the climate problem.

2. Instead of countries declaring a war on each other, they declare a war on their own
citizens. Marshall law gets imposed. Mass starvation leads to mass death.

3. Civil war for scarce resources erupts in each country, leading to mass death and

In all of the above scenarios, the world leaders may quickly lose control, as the lack of
critical resources or hyperinflation may make the military turn against the state in
scenario 2. Therefore, it is logical and rational to assume that if depopulation becomes
necessary, the only way for the elites to remain in control is through a lethal injection.
First, they will make the COVID-19 vaccines mandatory, as each of us will receive
several boosters annually. Second, they will create a severe local contamination
somewhere in Asia, Africa or South America, and declare a new, even deadlier virus
outbreak has occurred. As the world watches how the authorities handle this new threat
and gets distracted from the “coronavirus”, the next COVID-19 boosters will quickly
reduce the world’s population, which this new “virus” will be blamed for.

I can continue with the list of plausible answers, but I think I have the main ones
covered. Besides, I am sure you will come up with a list of your own. But there is
something more to our leaders’ decision here. Something too secretive for the world to
know. They say love unites us in a way nothing else does. But that is not true. Lies
bind us together like nothing else does. Once a new cabinet steps into power, it is
bound to protect a long list of lies and wrongdoings made by its predecessors at all
costs. One of these wrongdoings concerns viruses. And off we go, down the rabbit
hole. Remember what my first question was, when I figured out air pollution travels
between continents?

Haven’t such devastating clouds been circling the planet before? Haven’t they
caused massive harm to the population, disguised as pulmonary, cardiovascular and
other diseases and, eventually, mortalities?

Remember how I also said that while in previous years the amount of “corona particles”
roaming in the air was not big enough to cause anything more severe than swine flu,
the authorities knew they will have to “rebrand” at some point? I did not use swine flu
as a random example. I did not mention the year 2010 randomly either. Had the truth
about the “coronavirus” been told, someone would have done the same research I did
and would have come across a piece of information I mentioned in Chapter 1. That
someone would have then realized COVID-19 is not the first viral scam rodeo our
beloved leaders have had. I am certain this time you will read the excerpt below with
different eyes.

“Smoke particles from bushfires in Australia have reached South America, in a

striking illustration of the intensity of the unprecedented blazes...From satellite imagery
there’s still thick smoke coming out of New South Wales, so more will be being pumped
out, meaning a train of pollution going across the south Pacific, following the jet
stream...While it is relatively unusual for pollution to travel so far, studies have shown
Australia’s deadly 2009 “Black Saturday” fires released materials that travelled a
similar distance.” 99

The 2009 “Black Saturday” bushfires in Victoria, Australia caused widespread

devastation and the greatest loss of life from fire since colonization at that point. 173
people lost their lives, 414 were injured, more than a million wild and domesticated
animals were lost and 1.1 million acres of land were burned.232 As you might suspect,
these fires created their own elevator to the second floor. A research team examined
“six different fire complexes on Black Saturday, finding three clearly distinct
pyrocumulonimbus storms, the largest of which reached heights of 15 km on that day
and generated hundreds of lightning strokes.” 233

“Black Saturday” occurred on 7 February 2009. Similar to the events that took place a
decade later, large pyroCbs formed and began their global tour. You know what
happened right after this? The swine flu pandemic started, as the earliest known
human case was traced to a Mexican boy on 9 March 2009. The pandemic lasted for
about 19 months. The number of lab-confirmed deaths reported was around 19,000,
although the death toll was eventually estimated at about 284,000.234 Some of you
remember the scare this pandemic created, particularly among the people in charge.
The authorities were not certain how serious the health implications from those smoke
plumes would be, so they took the “better safe than sorry” path. Or was it all about big
pharma greed? As a result, the world spent billions of dollars on vaccines and anti-
virals that were never used. The U.K. alone ordered 90 million doses of the H1N1
vaccine, as less than 5 million of these were actually used in England. Many other
countries rushed to order hundreds of millions of vaccine doses, to end up using just a
small portion of them. I think at that time the authorities already knew COVID-19 was

just a matter of time to occur. Besides, they already knew what a “bad version” of that
future disease looks like. But before we go there, let us take a moment to finally see
how pyroCbs are formed, as I am certain we will come across many more of these in
the future. The Los Angeles Times and Yale Environment have published two good
articles on this topic, which I recommend you read through.

“What are pyrocumulus clouds? Intense high pressure can promote extremely hot,
dry conditions that are ripe for the development of “plume-dominated” fires. This
means that the fires produce smoke plumes that develop vertically like a thunderstorm.
If the air over the fire is rising rapidly, as in a thunderstorm, the surrounding air will be
drawn in toward the fire. This results in stronger, more erratic winds and extreme fire
behavior. Fires such as this sustain and grow themselves.
How does this happen? Fire creates heat and smoke. The heated air from the fire rises
rapidly, creating what is called an updraft. Air from the surrounding area rushes in to
the fill the empty space. Winds at the surface can be strong or erratic as a result. Under
certain conditions, that fast-rising air can create a fire tornado. As the smoke and
heated air from the fire rise, water that is already in the atmosphere and that has
evaporated from vegetation that is being consumed by the fire will cool and condense.
This forms a pyrocumulus cloud. These are not the puffy white summertime cumulus
clouds you may have drawn as a child. These “fire clouds” get their name from “pyro,”
which means fire in Latin, and “cumulo,” which means heap or pile…
What is a pyrocumulonimbus cloud? A pyrocumulonimbus cloud, or “fire storm
cloud,” may form when a fire is big and intense enough. Thunderstorm clouds are called
cumulonimbus clouds – the nimbus part of the name comes from the Latin for “dark
cloud,” because the moisture within nimbus clouds can block or reduce incoming
sunlight. Like a thunderstorm cloud, a pyrocumulonimbus cloud produces lightning
and potentially stronger winds, which can start and spread more fires.” 235

“As a warming world causes larger, more frequent, and more intense wildfires, fire-
driven thunderstorm events are on the rise in places – including Texas, Portugal, South
Africa, and Argentina – where they have never occurred before…smoke and black
carbon from the August 2017 pyrocumulonimbus clouds in British Columbia and
Washington may have lingered for eight months because there is no rain that high in
the stratosphere to wash the clouds away. What goes up must eventually come down,
which explains what happened when Canadian scientists at a High Arctic air monitoring
station on Ellesmere Island, 700 miles from the North Pole, detected extraordinarily
high levels of ammonia, carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide, and ethane –
chemical compounds that are consistent with what the 2017 pyroCb event
injected into the stratosphere…No one knows what the rate of increase is for
pyroCbs. But there is little doubt they will occur more frequently in parallel with the
larger and hotter wildfires we are already witnessing as the world warms.” 236

Figure 31. Pyrocumulonimbus formation. (Source: Bureau of Meteorology, Australia)


Once I realized what caused the 2009 “swine flu”, I began to seriously question the
entire “viruses cause illnesses” narrative, at least as far as influenza goes.
Dr. Thomas Cowan and Sally Fallon Morell recently wrote a book titled “The Contagion
Myth”, which I found very insightful. The authors discuss many diseases and epidemics
that were most likely not communicable, despite what the official narrative says. In her
“Comets or Contagions?” blog post, Ms. Morell provides intriguing insights into some
of the most devastating pandemics in human history. I saw air corruption playing a
major role once again, this time in the Black Death plague.

“Professor Mike Baillie argues that a comet caused the pandemic. He points out that
witnesses of the period describe a significant earthquake on January 25, 1348, with
other earthquakes to follow. “There have been masses of dead fish, animals, and other
things along the sea shore and in many places covered in dust,” wrote a contemporary
observer. “And all these things seem to have come from the great corruption of the air

and earth.”…Baillie believes that the atmospheric phenomena were caused by

fragments from Comet Negra, which passed by earth in 1347. Some fragments
descended and injected huge amounts of dust into the atmosphere…According to
Baillie, illness and death resulted from poisoned air and drinking water as the
comet flew overhead.” 237

Ms. Morell goes on to explain why she believes radiation poisoning caused by the
comet dealt a bigger blow, made ever more lethal by the clouds of dust. And indeed,
the above explanation sounds much more plausible given the flaws in the conventional
“bubonic plague” theory behind the Black Death pandemic.238 And how about the
Plague of Justinian (541–549 AD), which is also considered a case of bubonic plague?

“In the summer of 536 AD, a mysterious and dramatic cloud of dust appeared over
the Mediterranean and for eighteen months darkened the sky as far east as China.
According to the Byzantine historian Procopius, “During this year a most dread portent
took place. For the sun gave forth its light without brightness…and it seemed
exceedingly like the sun in eclipse, for the beams it shed were not clear.” Analysis of
Greenland ice that was deposited between 533 and 540 AD shows high levels of tin,
nickel and iron oxides, suggesting that a comet or fragment of a comet may have hit
the Earth at that time. The impact likely triggered volcanic eruptions, which spewed
more dust into the atmosphere. With the darkened sky, temperatures dropped,
crops failed and famine descended on many parts of the world. In 541 AD a
mysterious illness began to appear on the outskirts of the Byzantine Empire. Victims
suffered from delusions, nightmares and fevers; they had lymph node swellings in the
groin, armpits and behind their ears. The plague, named after the reigning Emperor
Justinian, arrived in Constantinople, the capital of the empire, in 542 AD.” 237

And what about viral pandemics in particular, such as the Spanish flu, which at one
point was blamed on a microorganism called Pfeiffer’s bacillus? The Spanish flu, also
known as the 1918 influenza pandemic, was caused by the H1N1 influenza A virus,
according to the official story. Intriguingly, that is the same virus claimed to have
caused the 2009 swine flu as well. Lasting from February 1918 to April 1920, the
Spanish flu infected 500 million people, about a third of the world’s population at the
time. The death toll from that tragedy is estimated at the tens of millions. Although, as
pointed out in “What Makes You Really Ill”, the deaths from other diseases or causes
have likely been attributed to the pandemic as well. The first time I heard Dr. Kaufman
discussing the failed attempts of science to prove the Spanish flu was contagious,
I was quite bewildered. After all, it was claimed to have infected half a billion people.
But once I found the Journal of the American Medical Association from 1919, I realized
what he was saying was actually true.239 A study done by Milton J. Rosenau, MD,
titled “Experiments to Determine Mode of Spread of Influenza”, was published in the
journal that year. The research team selected a group of people infected with the
Spanish flu. They also selected one hundred young volunteers from the U.S. Navy, all
without prior exposure to the virus.

They took mixtures from the throats and noses of the sick people and administered
them to the healthy volunteers. None of the navy soldiers fell sick, perhaps to the
surprise of the scientists. But they kept trying. They drew blood from the patients and
transferred it to the volunteers. They used swabs to collect mucous from the sick,
filtered it and injected the filtrate into the healthy. Again, none fell sick. They asked the
patients to exhale directly onto the volunteers. Still nothing. The researchers decided
to recruit a new group of volunteers and repeat the experiment with influenza patients
from another outbreak location. Still, no matter what they tried, they were not able to
show human-to-human transmission. Here is what Rosenau said following these

“We entered the outbreak with a notion that we knew the cause of the disease, and
were quite sure we knew how it was transmitted from person to person,” he concluded.
“Perhaps, if we have learned anything, it is that we are not quite sure what we
know about the disease.” 240

“Other eight human experiments, documented in “Experiments Upon Volunteers to

Determine the Cause and Mode of Spread of Influenza, Boston, November and
December, 1918,” also failed to confirm how the Spanish flu spread…Reviewing these
studies, John M. Eyler, PhD in the historical science at the University of Minnesota, said
in a 2010 paper: “It seemed that what was acknowledged to be one of the most
contagious of communicable diseases could not be transferred under
experimental conditions.” ” 240

The Spanish flu was not contagious, simply because it was not caused by a virus or
another microbe. It was caused by air pollution again, this time created by the war
itself. A war that during the span of four years had generated unprecedented levels of
environmental toxicity. A paper, titled “Air pollution caused by war activity”, reveals the
devastating impact of large-scale warfare on air quality.

“When a bullet is fired, one experiences noise and witnesses eventual impact.
However, that bullet will more likely release in the atmosphere tiny particles of metal,
including, for instance lead. These particles are very light and can eventually settle on
any surface or can travel with the air with which they have been mixed and become
a permanent component of the air mass. In modern day war, bullets are fired in the
millions. Therefore their effect on the air quality would be very serious. Moving up the
scale, we have hand grenades, small bombs, cluster bombs, large bombs and very large
bombs all of which must add to the unwanted particles in the air. Adding to the
pollution and release of heat is the extensive use of aircraft. In one case, 4,000 sorties
a day were necessary to deliver the destructive power against the enemy and this
persisted over a whole month. Undoubtedly, this must have some influence on the air
quality because of the aircraft emissions and the concentration of disturbance of the
air currents, affecting the streamlines of the natural flow…The most significant war

event at the beginning of the twentieth century was WW1. It lasted more than four
years, during which a very large fire power was unleashed from both sides,
concentrated in Europe. It heralded the introduction of more destructive weapons
and extensive use of chemical weapons.” 241

Fine and ultrafine particles from bullets, grenades, bombs and aircraft were released
in the air together with poisonous gases, and started travelling on wind currents.
Spreading across the world, they hit mankind hard. One of the chemical agents used
extensively during WW1 – mustard gas – can last from weeks to months under cold
conditions. When I looked at the health effects from mustard gas exposure, I saw many
of the horrible symptoms of the Spanish flu. In line with the assumption that more
deaths from war-induced air pollution should occur during periods of colds and
intensive wet deposition (acid rains), the Wikipedia Spanish flu page says the following:

“Studies have shown that the immune system of Spanish flu victims was weakened
by adverse climate conditions which were particularly unseasonably cold and wet for
extended periods of time during the duration of the pandemic. This affected especially
WWI troops exposed to incessant rains and lower-than-average temperatures…Ultra-
high-resolution climate data…identified a severe climate anomaly that impacted
Europe from 1914 to 1919, with several environmental indicators directly influencing
the severity and spread of the Spanish flu pandemic. Specifically, a significant increase
in precipitation affected all of Europe during the second wave of the
pandemic…Mortality figures follow closely the concurrent increase in
precipitation and decrease in temperatures.”

As soon as I figured out the source of the 2009 “swine flu”, I immediately realized what
caused the Spanish one as well. But something did not add up. How come WW2 did
not create another “viral pandemic”? What was I missing, given the U.S. even used
atomic bombs this time? What I was missing was the fact that you do not need an
actual war to use nuclear weapons. One particular segment of the “Air pollution caused
by war activity” paper made me realize how many “Clouds Atlas” had circled the Earth
following WW2.

“Between 1945 and 2009 a number of nations undertook development of nuclear

weapons. It involved more than 2000 tests within a period of 64 years and cannot
be doubted that the air quality was heavily affected both by the chemicals which
were released in the atmosphere and more importantly by the heat which was
added to the planet’s system…Artillery shells and bombs, small, large and very large,
also chemical weapons, are constantly being developed and tested while ignoring the
restrictions which were placed on them, by international agreement, to ensure the
protection of the environment and the quality of the air.” 241

Massive nuclear weapons testing has been carried out indeed at land and water sites
by the United States, the Soviet Union (USSR), the United Kingdom, France, China,
India, Pakistan and North Korea. 2,121 tests in total have been done since July 1945,
involving 2,476 nuclear devices. As of 1993, 520 atmospheric nuclear explosions have
been conducted, with a total yield of 545 megaton (Mt).242 To put that figure into
perspective, a one megaton hydrogen bomb has about 80 times the blast power of that
1945 Hiroshima explosion.

When I looked into the list of nuclear weapons tests, several of them stood out
immediately. “Operation Plumbob”, which took place in 1957, is considered the
biggest, longest, and most controversial test series that occurred within continental
U.S. Rainier Mesa, Frenchman Flat and Yucca Flat were used as a testing ground for
29 different atmospheric explosions in total.242

“Operation Grapple” was a set of four British nuclear weapons test series of early
atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs, carried out in 1957 and 1958. The tests were
carried out in the Pacific Ocean, as part of the British hydrogen bomb programme. The
first trial series consisted of three shots. All bombs were dropped and detonated over
Malden Island, and exploded high in the atmosphere. Grapple was Britain's second
airdrop of a nuclear bomb after the Operation Buffalo test at Maralinga on 11 October
1956, and the first of a thermonuclear weapon.243

“Canopus” (or Opération Canopus) was the codename of the first French two-stage
thermonuclear test. It was conducted on 24 August 1968, at the Pacific Experiments
Centre near Fangataufa atoll, French Polynesia.244 “Canopus” was also France’s
highest yielding test. With a 2.6 megaton yield, its explosive power was 200 times that
of the Hiroshima bomb. The device weighed three tons and was suspended from a
balloon at 520 metres. The fallout caused by this test contaminated large parts of
Fangataufa atoll, leaving it off-limits for humans for six years and affecting
neighbouring atolls as well. The area was completely devastated.245

To give you an idea about the size of the resulting plumes from some of these nuclear
tests, let us take the biggest one as an example, produced by “Tsar Bomba” – the King
of Bombs. This bomb, created by the Soviet Union, was the first and last of its kind. A
bomb so big it could not be used in warfare without causing unbelievable destruction.
It was detonated on 30 October 1961 at Novya Zemlya, a largely unpopulated
archipelago in the frigid Barents Sea north of the USSR. The bomb’s mushroom cloud
soared to 64 km high, with its cap spreading outwards until it stretched nearly 100 km
from end to end. On the ground in Novya Zemlya, villages as far as 34 km away were
completely destroyed. Roofs and walls crumbled in villages hundreds of miles away.
The blast wave reverberated around the Earth a total of three times.246

A total of 22 high-yield nuclear tests were performed during the 1956-1958 period.
These were followed by 31 massive explosions in 1961 and 1962, including a dozen
devastating air drop tests by the Soviet Union and the USA. 9 more followed between
1967 and 1971. Outside those three periods, only 12 other tests with a yield of 1.4 Mt
TNT equivalent or more were carried between 1945 and 2009. Once nuclear “Clouds

Atlas” released from those experiments elevated in the atmosphere and began their
journey, one may expect nothing short of disaster followed. A huge disaster particularly
during the 1956-1958, 1961-1962 and 1967-1971 periods. Alas, that is exactly what

The 1957–1958 “Asian flu” pandemic was a global pandemic of an influenza A virus
subtype H2N2 that originated in Guizhou, southern China. The first cases were
reported in 1956 or in early 1957. The number of deaths was estimated at between
one and four million worldwide, making it one of the deadliest pandemics in history.247
Not surprisingly, it hit the U.S. in three waves, with most deaths occurring in 1959 and
1962. According to the official narrative, the H2N2 influenza virus continued to be
transmitted until 1968, when it transformed via “antigenic shift” into influenza A virus
subtype H3N2. Antigenic shift is a genetic process in which genes from multiple
subtypes are re-assorted to form a new virus. H3N2 took the blame for what followed
– the 1968 influenza pandemic, also known as the “Hong Kong” flu. Its outbreak in
1968 and 1969 killed yet another one to four million people globally and was also
among the deadliest pandemics in history. The first recorded instance of the outbreak
appeared on 13 July 1968 in British Hong Kong 248, just in time for the “Canopus”
nuclear test.

At some point the authorities had figured out what actually caused the “Spanish flu”.
I assume they tried to develop a vaccine that would give better results against the
“virus” next time a war erupts. Before the U.S. dropped the atomic bombs over Japan
in 1945, they got their troops vaccinated and I suspect they were on stand-by to
vaccinate the U.S. population at large, if necessary.249 250 In her book “Half-Lives and
Half-Truths. Confronting the Radioactive Legacies of the Cold War”, Barbara Rose
Johnston confirms that,

“The nations of the world have exploded some 504 nuclear weapons in the
atmosphere at thirteen primary sites, releasing numerous radioisotopes and dangerous
heavy metals (Simon et al. 2006). These tests produced local fallout (the deposition of
heavy particles, especially relatively short-lived highly radioactive elements);
tropospheric fallout (finer particles that enter the lower part of the earth’s atmosphere,
spread across the latitude with the atmospheric winds, and over the next month or so
fall to earth via rain, snow, and wind); and stratospheric fallout (extremely fine particles
blasted into the higher reaches of the atmosphere that encircle the globe for many
years after an explosion).”

It seems that during the Cold War period, the state, the military-industrial complex,
other industries and big pharma have signed a mutually beneficial agreement. The
military got their nuclear arms race budgets, industries continued to pollute the
environment, governments were happy to flex their nuclear muscles and see the
economy growing. Influenza was blamed for the millions of innocent people killed, while
big pharma took advantage of the situation, selling drugs and vaccines to a population
that was getting progressively sicker over time. But they did not stop at just influenza,

did they? It is much easier and profitable to blame viruses and bacteria for causing
disease and death than having to put penalties and restrictions on businesses and
commit to making the entire environment, not just the air, toxin-free. And that, of
course, is just a tiny fraction of the long list of lies and wrongdoings the world leaders
must keep secret. See how we started with some bushfires in 2009 and quickly ended
up here? So, no, no COVID-19 truth for us, folks. Sorry.

Are you shocked to read all this? I do not want to mislead you on such an important
topic with no evidence to back my claims, but I do believe that is the truth. Worsened
air quality equals worse “influenza outbreaks”. Anytime I hear about human influenza-
like pandemic from now on, I will first look for major air pollution events taking place
around the same time. Once the authorities realized their tricks work successfully, they
did not hesitate to use them at will. Especially when these were officially backed by the
science of virology. When economic growth and profiteering become the new God,
human sacrifice is naturally justified. Besides, those in power now had a convenient
scapegoat at hand.

In Chapter 1 I mentioned the book “Virus Mania”, which reveals how the medical
industry invents microbial epidemics – measles, swine flu, cervical cancer, avian flu,
SARS, BSE, hepatitis C, polio and AIDS – and make billions in profits at our expense.
Yes, AIDS too. As pointed out in the book, there is no universal definition of that
disease. For developing nations, anyone suffering from a few common and non-
specific symptoms is declared an AIDS patient without even a blood test. 251 252 253
In wealthy countries, people are deemed AIDS patients if they have tested positive for
HIV in an antibody test (which proves nothing) and also suffer from at least one of 26
well known diseases. Such loose definition is rather misleading and doubtful.

And how about the HIV virus, allegedly causing AIDS? From the 1980s on, all electron
micrographs of HIV were not even showing particles from patients’ blood, but from cell
cultures, which sometimes have been “cooked up” for days in the lab. And when at
some point an image of patient’s blood was finally shown, the particles made visible
did not look like retroviruses. Even Luc Montagnier, called the discoverer of HIV,
admitted that when they looked at electron micrographs with which HIV was allegedly
detected, they could not find particles with “morphology typical of retroviruses”.253 254
But since no particles that resemble retroviruses can be recognized in these
micrographs, how can we know HIV was detected then? After all, it is claimed to be a
very specific retrovirus.

In 2006 it was reported that HIV had been photographed in a “3-D quality never
achieved before”. But a British-German research team made a close inspection and
raised questions about what was shown on the photograph. 253 255 But even if we can
obtain pure HIV particles, we have seen that cell components like exosomes are
present in the cell culture too, and may have the same size and density of the alleged
HIV virus. This always gives rise to uncertainty. And, as indicated by a paper published
in the journal “Virology”, “identification and quantization of cellular proteins associated
with HIV-1 particles are complicated by the presence of nonvirion-associated cellular
proteins that co-purify with virions.” 253 256 257

“Virus Mania” presents the sound argument that drugs, lifestyle choices or malnutrition
are a much more likely cause of AIDS than a “retrovirus”. 4 in 5 children declared to
be AIDS patients are born to mothers who have taken intravenous drugs that destroy
the immune system. The first people to be diagnosed as AIDS patients in the USA
were all consumers of drugs that destroy immunity. Within the male gay community, a
drug named “poppers” was particularly popular. Poppers can severely damage the
immune system, organs and the brain, and can even lead to death. Still, more than 5
million people in the U.S. consumed poppers more than once a week at the end of the

And speaking of poppers, there is a type of vascular tumor called Kaposi’s sarcoma
(KS). If a patient tests positive for HIV and has KS, they are considered an AIDS
patient. But poppers are nitrates, which, when inhaled, turn into nitric oxide. Through
that process, the blood’s capability to transport oxygen is impacted, which causes
damage to the body. The first to suffer that damage are the linings of the smallest
vessels, called epithelia. If that damage becomes malignant, it is called Kaposi’s
sarcoma. Does this story remind you of a tale about wildfire smoke particles and bat
coronaviruses? In wealthy countries, the overwhelming majority of AIDS patients are
men leading a self-destructive way of life. In contrast, in poor countries a much larger
population suffers from AIDS, but the disease spreads rather equality among the two
sexes. Most of these AIDS patients are malnourished too. Given these facts, how are
we supposed to believe AIDS is a sexually transmitted disease then?

And how about smaller scale, but nevertheless terrible epidemics, like polio for
example? The official story about a new polio epidemic following WW2 says the

“In 1949, the new polio epidemic appeared and swept through selective population
centers, leaving its most tragic sign: children with wheelchairs, crutches, leg braces, and
deformed limbs…In the 1952 season, of the 57,628 cases reported, 3,145 died and a
shocking 21,269 experienced paralysis…Finally, by 1954, a vaccine was developed…and
the disease was largely eradicated in the U.S. twenty years later. It became a signature
achievement of the medical industry and the promise of vaccines.” 258

Except that it did not. The disease was not eradicated because of a vaccine, nor it was
viral in origin. A researcher from New York, named Jim West, had investigated the link
between polio and pesticides usage. A physician named Morton Biskind testified
before Congress in the 1950s. He believed that polio was not caused by a virus, but
was rather the result of central nervous system (CNS) poisoning. The most commonly
used poison during that time was called DDT.259 Used in WW2 to control mosquitos
said to cause malaria and typhus, its inventor was even awarded the Nobel Prize in
1948. Biskind had this to say about DDT:

“When in 1945 DDT was released for use by the general public in the United States and
other countries, an impressive background of toxicological investigations had already
shown beyond doubt that this compound was dangerous for all animal life…It was even
known by 1945 that DDT is stored in the body fat of mammals and appears in the
milk...With this foreknowledge the series of catastrophic events that followed the most
intensive campaign of mass poisoning in human history, should not have surprised the
experts.” 260

As the online magazine Grist puts it in hindsight,

“DDT was so widely used in the United States between the 1940s to 1970s that pretty
much everyone at the time was exposed to some degree. The health risks associated
with it were so poorly understood (and some say, overlooked) that it was sprayed
directly on playing children. Author and scientist Rachel Carson called attention to
growing concerns over the chemical with her seminal book, Silent Spring, published in
1962. But it would take another 10 years before DDT was banned in the US…Women
exposed to the pesticide DDT are still at risk for developing breast cancer four decades
later.” 261

Jim West used Biskind’s writings and testimony, along with reports on CNS poison
effects, and compiled the graphs shown in Fig. 32. Those findings, alongside
numerous complaints from people about the ill effects of DDT, finally made the
authorities put limits on its use. Once DDT usage declined, the number of polio cases
plummeted. A “vaccine” was developed in the meantime and took the credit for
stopping the epidemic. With respect to viral pandemics that weren’t, I will stop here.
Other authors explore in details the probable causes of a number of diseases,
epidemics and pandemics that are still considered infectious, but most likely are not.

Figure 32. Correlation of pesticide use and polio incidence in the U.S. (Source: Jim
West and harvoa.org )


As I was writing this book, I saw the movie “Dark Waters”, based on a real story.
A Cincinnati attorney named Rob Bilott was just a few months away from becoming a
partner at his law firm. Bilott worked for large corporate clients and excelled at
defending chemical companies in particular. One day a farmer named Wilbur Tennant
from Parkersburg, West Virginia gave him a call. He believed the chemical company
DuPont, which had recently operated a site in Parkersburg, was contaminating the
area and was killing his cows. Some neighbors of the Tennants recalled Bilott’s
grandmother used to take him to their cattle farm as a child. They knew he had become
a lawyer and thought he could help, without realizing he was actually defending
companies like DuPont. But Bilott’s grandmother gave Wilbur Rob’s number anyway.
As a favor to her, the lawyer decided to meet the farmer.

Rob looked at a videotape and saw the incredible suffering those cows were going
through. The video showed a large pipe running into the creeks, discharging water of
green colour, suggesting the source of contamination. What followed was Bilott finding
a connection between the diseased animals and PFOA – a harmful acid known at
DuPont as C8. PFOA was later connected not only to these sick animals, but to
testicular cancer, kidney cancer, ulcerative colitis, thyroid, high cholesterol and
preeclampsia among the local population as well. Chemicals like PFOA are incredibly
persistent. They last for a very long time in our bloodstream, where they accumulate.
And they last virtually forever in our environment. That is why they are dubbed “forever

Why am I telling you this story, you may wonder. Even if that large pipe was not shown
on the video, the last thing Bilott would have thought perhaps, watching those cows
agonizing, is that a virus had caused their ailment. I bet a virus would not be your best
guess either. And yet, we may go to a New York or a Wuhan hospital and see
thousands of people writhing in agony too. Just to assume without a shred of doubt a
virus had put all these poor souls there.

We must put such assumptions under harsh scrutiny from now on. Why if the members
of a family fall sick at about the same time, we rush to conclude they all “got the bug”?
Why not consider instead they all got exposed to weather changes, indoor or outdoor
air pollution, water or soil pollution, toxins sprayed around the house, radiation, food
poisoning or any other source of illness? As long as we rigidly adhere to the viral
ideology, we can never get to the root of what actually causes disease and do
something about it. Recent research has estimated that 40% of all global deaths are
caused by environmental toxicity. How many of us realize this?

In Chapter 2 I mentioned a presentation that addresses the climate change problem

from an agricultural perspective. But it is not just about climate change. This video is
among the most eye-opening talks I have even seen, delivered by Dr. Zach Bush.262
The description below it says that half of U.S. children now carry at least one chronic
disease diagnosis – a figure that is valid for many other countries as well. This is in

stark contrast to the chronic disease burden of just 4% in the U.S. population in the
1960s. Shocking, isn’t it?

During his talk, Dr. Bush explores the role of agriculture and the microbiome as ground
zero of this health crisis. I highly recommend watching more of his webinars and
interviews, although as this point I highly doubt any information about viruses in
particular. Zach will get you acquainted with the frightening health effects of glyphosate
– a herbicide contained in Monsanto’s “Roundup” products – in case you are not aware
of them. What is more, the use of that herbicide will likely trigger a tsunami of illnesses
in future generations.263 But glyphosate is just the tip of the iceberg. Businesses at
large continue to poison our environment and bodies in a million different ways, while
politicians continue to tolerate this utter psychopathy. For reasons that still elude me,
we ourselves somehow continue to tolerate it as well.

So what if the politicians want to hide from us the scope of disease and death their
negligence and corruption will cause in the future, just like they hid their wrongdoings
in the past and just like they are doing it today with COVID-19? What if wildfires and
volcanoes wreak havoc in the decades to come? What if unregulated bio or other tech
gets weaponized and bring new threats to humanity? What will happen if our leaders
want to conceal the real reason why new pandemics suddenly emerge?

We were not told the truth about this pandemic, because they wanted to “test the
waters” too. They are testing their viral model in real time, with the intention of
executing it over and over again during future epidemics. Let me give you an example.
UFPs cause a number of adverse effects during pregnancy. So do herbicides. If an
epidemic of birth defects suddenly erupts, the authorities may say it is likely due to a
mutated Zika virus, just like COVID-19 is caused by a mutated coronavirus. The
virologists will then rush to “isolate” this mutation. They will use their sequencing
programs to quickly come up with its imaginary genome and “prove” its existence by
observing dying cells in a culture. At some point they may toss aside culture
experiments altogether. Science and big pharma will then promptly provide virus tests
and vaccines based on that artificially created, non-existing in the real world genome.
This model can be successfully applied anytime a new “infectious outbreak” takes
place and the public needs to be deceived about what actually caused it.

So what can we do to prevent the COVID-19 scenario from playing out again?
I do not have all the answers, but I think it is critical we become highly critical of the
methods virology uses to discover new viruses and prove they cause illnesses.
In yet another video, Dr. Cowan talks about how these methods differ radically from
what is considered good scientific practice.264 I also recommend you read how the
proper virus isolation process should look like, as described by Morell, Cowan and
Kaufman.265 Here is how the approach science should take to prove a virus causes a
disease looks like:

1. A large sample of patients who suffer from the same disease is selected.
2. Bodily fluids are taken from all the patients, be it from the nose, lungs, blood, urine,
3. Thousands or millions of virus particles, having a protein coat and a piece of genetic
material (either RNA or DNA) inside, should be observed in these fluids. The
particles should be identical in size, shape and morphology.
4. If other vesicles are present in the samples, they should be filtered out so that only
pure virions remain. Standard procedures for isolation of exosomes and
bacteriophages, which we will talk about shortly, already exist. Exosomes and
phages are similar in size to viruses, so there aren’t any technical issues preventing
virologists from isolating virions the same way.
5. The isolated, purified virions are visualized under a microscope, photographed and
characterized as a unique biochemical structure. Their genome is sequenced.
6. The virions are introduced into healthy animals in the same way the virus
supposedly enters a host. These animals should develop symptoms consistent with
the disease observed in the selected group of patients.

This is precisely the approach I imagined virologists apply, but that is not the case. In
stark contrast to what is considered good practice, you saw in Chapter 1 how they
isolated SARS-CoV-2 from patients and proved it caused a disease. And while the
approach described above looks perfectly reasonable and scientific to me, some of
you may say that only virologists can determine which methods are truly scientific.
Well, then virologists should do proper control experiments at each step of their virus
discovery process, which they never do.

As shocking as it may sound, virologists say that direct virus isolation from patients’
fluids is not possible. When Cowan and Kaufman recently spoke to a former senior
virologist from Wuhan, he explained why that is the case. They have to “concentrate”
the virus using cell cultures, since there are not enough virus particles present in a
human sample. When Kaufman asked if the combined fluids from hundreds or
thousands of COVID-19 patients would be enough to find a virus there, the answer
was “No”. Just ridiculous.

And since we are back to the topic of virology, let us go down the rabbit hole once
again and see where it leads us this time. The story you are about to read is based on
the materials Dr. Lanka has provided on the “Wissenschafftplus” magazine website,
available in English.266 Many years ago Stefan discovered what he thought was a
harmless “giant virus”, living in sea algae. Later he came to realize what he had
discovered was not a virus, but a primordial life form. Today we know that bacteria and
other microorganisms are created from such life forms, into which they can transform
when their living conditions deteriorate. At some point in his career as a virologist (he
no longer calls himself one), Stefan came to yet another realization: disease-causing
human viruses do not exist, since virology cannot prove their existence. He claimed
the entire field of virology is based upon a set of misconceptions.

An year ago I would have sincerely laughed at such a statement. It is obvious that
Stefan is just a madman, right? And yet, I would have been quite curious. Was Stefan
so delusional as to offer a € 100,000 prize to anyone who can show an actual proof
that the measles virus exists, or was he certain no one can claim it? What could have
possibly given him this certainty? To answer this question, we need to start from the
very beginning.

The present notion of a virus is based on the ancient idea that all diseases are caused
by poisons (“toxins”) and that people would restore their health by producing
“antitoxins” as an “antidote”. There is some truth to this claim, as some diseases are
caused by poisons indeed. The idea of “antidotes” was born when our predecessors
observed that people survived large amounts of poisons such as alcohol, when their
body was exposed to progressively bigger amounts of that poison over time. However,
today we know that there are no antidotes, but instead the body produces enzymes
that neutralize and eliminate poisons (alcohol).

In 1858, Rudolf Virchow, known as “the father of modern medicine”, effectively created
a dogma that states all diseases supposedly originate inside the cells. He re-introduced
this ancient and refuted doctrine that diseases develop from poisons (in Latin: virus).
So when scientists later discovered bacteria, they assumed these microbes were
producing the pathogenic toxins (viruses) in question. This assumption gave birth to
the “germ theory”, which was quickly accepted by the scientific community. The
scientists noticed that as bacteria begin to slowly die, they create tiny, apparently
lifeless forms of survival, called spores. They suspected the spores were the
pathogenic toxins. However, their assumption was refuted when they noticed that
spores rapidly develop back into bacteria when their vital resources are restored.

Here comes the interesting part: Bacteria that are separated from their natural
environment and are mono-cultured in the lab, may perish very quickly. Since they do
not have the time to produce normal spores in this case, they transform into even
smaller life forms they once emerged from. Mini-spores, if you will. But the scientists
misinterpreted at first the nature of these particles and named them bacteriophages
(eaters of bacteria). They thought they finally discovered those bloody viruses, which
were seemingly replicating inside bacteria and were killing them.

By the time the true nature of bacteriophages was finally realized, it was already too
late. The virus hype had begun. The scientists, who previously thought viruses were
toxic proteins, were now convinced viruses had similar structure to phages. They
adopted the belief that viruses were infecting cells, replicating inside and killing them,
just like what they thought phages were doing to bacteria. The newly formed virions
would then go on to infect more cells, thus further spreading the disease. But this
means the entire theory of how human viruses cause illnesses is based on a fallacy.
It is rooted in misconception.

Initially, virologists had a tough time finding “pathogenic viruses” in humans. Actually,
they were never able to. Finally, in 1949, a man named John Franklin Enders rescued
their profession. He claimed he managed to cultivate and grow the alleged polio virus
in vitro on various tissues. How did he do that? He added fluids from patients with
poliomyelitis to tissue cultures, which he claimed to have sterilized beforehand. He
concluded that the “virus” was replicating in cells and was killing them. He even
suggested a vaccine could be harvested from that culture. As you recall, once DDT
usage declined and polio prevalence plummeted in the U.S., the polio “vaccine” took
the credit for ending the epidemic.

But the way Enders treated the cells prior to “infection” was exactly what was killing
them. What he believed to be virus particles budding from cells were simply debris
from dying cells in the culture. These “virions” did not come from a sick person.
Nevertheless, Enders won the Nobel Prize in 1954. That same year he published a
paper on the measles virus as well.267 In that experiment, he cut down on the nutrients
and added antibiotics to the cell culture, before introducing the “infected” fluid in it. The
resulting cell death was considered the “proof” the measles virus was successfully
isolated. Voilà! Virus found! This paper was among the six presented during Lanka’s
lawsuit. But, as you recall, no controlled tests were performed to exclude the possibility
that the observed cytopathic effect was actually the result of cell starvation and
poisoning. Hence, Enders’ paper, just like the other five, is scientifically meaningless.

You do understand what happened in these early lab experiments, right? Instead of
rigorously challenging their germ theory narrative, which every honest scientist would
do, they found a way to manipulate cell culture experiments in order to “prove” the
theory was true! And to make sure their “discovery” remains unquestioned, they never
did controlled tests (except for Enders once, which he ignored), because that would be
akin to shooting themselves in the foot. I think these people created a fantasy, which
they then zealously shielded from reality. That very mechanism lies in the heart of what
we call narcissistic personality disorder. But hey, who can argue with a Noble prize
winner, right! All experiments on pathogenic virus isolation from that moment on
followed that same flawed procedure and hence they are all rooted in scientific
narcissism, unwilling to look at its own failed reality test.

Fast forward to today. Virology still considers the observed cytopathic effects in cell
culture experiments with no proper controls as:

1. Evidence of infection.
2. Evidence of virus existence.
3. Evidence of its propagation.
4. Evidence of its adverse effects.

As long as this self-deception is considered standard approach to virus isolation, we

can never be certain about the cause of any future epidemic. And since virologists are
apparently not keen on doing this, finally someone did perform a controlled experiment
recently – Lanka himself. As you recall, during his measles trial, he commissioned an
independent lab to perform such a test. In April this year he hired a cell culture lab and

personally did the controlled experiment again, working with a world-leading expert on

The results from Lanka’s experiment, presented in this video 268, show that the
cytopathic effects considered to be the proof viruses exist can be produced by
laboratory conditions alone. As a next step, Stefan will isolate the genome of SARS-
CoV-2 and other RNA viruses from the cell culture by just adding pure RNA from yeast
to it! We do not need to add any “infected” or other material to “discover” viruses. That
is because these “viruses” are actually the result of the cell breakdown, not the cause!
Lanka’s experiment therefore proves that the novel coronavirus is just a myth, unless
real scientific evidence of its existence is presented.

According to Stefan, there is no real evidence of the existence of any disease-causing

viruses. A number of physicians, scientists, authors and journalists have all come to
the same conclusion, following their own research: Pathogenic viruses have never
been properly isolated, purified, biochemically characterized and conclusively proven
to be the sole cause of a disease. Thus, any “viral” particles that may bud out of cells
in the presence of a disease are likely not the cause, but the result of that illness.

This, of course, is an extraordinary claim. Yet, “Virus Mania”, “What Really Makes You
Ill” and “The Contagion Myth” gave me a new perspective on the likely causal agents
of many infectious disease epidemics, which have nothing to do with viruses and
bacteria. In the previous section, I myself provided insights on several alleged flu
pandemics. Similar to what the authors of these books have done, I also encourage
you to make your own inquiry into the subject of pathogenic viruses. As the authors of
“What Really Makes You Ill” put it:

“The authors of this book…ask people to investigate for themselves whether any ‘virus’
has been conclusively proven to be the cause of any infectious disease. Any
investigation of this nature should involve contact with the organisations that claim
viruses to be the cause of disease to ask them the following questions:

- Is there an electron micrograph of the pure and fully characterised virus?

- What is the name of the primary specialist peer reviewed paper in which the virus is
illustrated and its full genetic information described?
- What is the name of the primary publication that provides proof that a particular
virus is the sole cause of a particular disease?

It is vitally important that any documents referred to by the organisation, should they
reply, must be primary papers; textbooks or other reference materials that are not
primary documents are not acceptable; they must provide primary evidence.”

Figure 33. Upper: After winning the measles virus lawsuit, Dr. Stefan Lanka has now
shown that the cytopathic effects virologists consider to be the proof of virus isolation,
are produced by the laboratory conditions alone. Lower: Dr. Thomas Cowan presents
the results of Lanka’s experiment. (Source: Karl-josef Hildenbrand/ dpa and Dr. Thomas
Cowan’s Bitchute channel )

Before we move on, let me briefly present some of Lanka’s arguments why the
methods virologists use are non-scientific.269 Since I am sure these will not be
addressed, it is up to us as a society to demand a real evidence next time we are told
a new virus has caused a disease, especially one of pandemic proportions. We must
demand all experiments proving the existence and pathogenicity of this virus to be
accompanied by proper controlled tests.

“Virologists have never isolated a complete genetic strand of a virus and displayed it
directly, in its entire length. They always use very short pieces of nucleic acids, whose
sequence consists of four molecules to determine them and call them sequences.
From a multitude of millions of such specific, very short sequences, virologists mentally
assemble a fictitious long genome strand with the help of complex computational and
statistical methods. This process is called alignment. The result of this complex
alignment, the fictitious and very long genetic strand, is presented by virologists as the
core of a virus and they claim to have thus proven the existence of a virus. However,
such a complete strand never appears in reality and in scientific literature as a whole,
although the simplest standard techniques have long been available to determine the
length and composition of nucleic acids simply and directly.”269

“Virologists have never performed and documented an alignment using equally short
nucleic acids from control experiments. To do this, they MUST isolate the short nucleic
acids from the exact same cell culture procedure, with the difference that the suspected
"infection" does not occur by adding supposedly "infected" samples, but with sterile
materials or sterilized samples that have been "control-infected". These logical and
mandatory control experiments have never been performed and documented. The
virologists alone have thus proven that their statements have no scientific value and
must NOT be passed off as scientific statements.”269

“For transmission electron microscopy, they use cell cultures which they embed in
synthetic resin, scrape into thin layers and look through. Particles that they show in
such images have never been isolated and their composition has never been
biochemically determined. After all, all proteins and the long genome strand that is
attributed to the viruses would have to be found. Neither that, nor the isolation of such
embedded particles and the biochemical characterization of their composition appear
in a single publication by virologists. This refutes the virologists’ claim that such
recordings are viruses.” 269

“Virologists publish a large number of electron microscopic images of structures that

they pass off as viruses. They do not mention the fact that ALL of these images are
typical structures of dying cell cultures or are laboratory-produced protein-fat soap
bubbles and have never been photographed in human / animal / plant or liquids from
them. Researchers other than virologists refer to the same structures that virologists
present as viruses as either typical cell components such as villi (amoeba-like
protuberances with which cells cling to the surface and move around), exosomes or
"virus-like particles".” 269

“Virologists carry out animal experiments to prove that the substances they work with
are viruses and can cause diseases. It is clear from every single publication in which
such animal experiments have been conducted that the way the animals are treated
produces exactly the symptoms that are claimed to be caused by the virus. In each of
these publications, it is clear that no control experiments have been performed where
the animals would have been treated in the same way with sterilized starting material.”

Such arguments have raised questions whether what virology considers “viral
particles” in cultures are indeed extracellular vesicles (EVs) that cells release on their
own. As you saw in the case of AIDS, identification of HIV virions can be quite
challenging due to the presence of such vesicles. But it is not just about the HIV virus.
A May 2020 paper, published in the journal “Viruses”, says the following:

“The remarkable resemblance between EVs and viruses has caused quite a few
problems in the studies focused on the analysis of EVs released during viral infections.
Nowadays, it is an almost impossible mission to separate EVs and viruses by means of
canonical vesicle isolation methods, such as differential ultracentrifugation, because
they are frequently co-pelleted due to their similar dimension…to date, a reliable
method that can actually guarantee a complete separation does not exist.” 270

The striking similarity between viruses and EVs has given birth to the “Trojan exosome
hypothesis”. It states that retroviruses are basically exosomes that evolved upon
mutation. According to another theory, both exosome and viral particles exploit the
same cellular machinery, designed to regulate membrane traffic to the so-called

Let us now finally turn our attention to these small bubbles called exosomes.
An exosome is a type of extracellular vesicle (EV), a family of lipid-wrapped packages
released by most cells. Exosomes range from 30 to 150 nanometers in diameter and
while some EVs bud directly from the cell’s surface, exosome formation is considered
to be initiated deep within the cell.

It was initially believed that EVs are just a garbage disposal system, a method used by
cells to remove waste products. Eventually, science discovered they play a key role in
intercellular communication and mediate the horizontal transfer of genetic material.
Exosomes are also one of the mechanisms through which immune cells coordinate
their response to infection. As our understanding of their role in disease development
and treatment evolves, modern medicine will be able to effectively use these tiny
vesicles in therapy too. Exosomes are found in every bodily fluid and are able to cross
tightly regulated boundaries such as the blood-brain-barrier. Similar to viruses, they
transfer genetic information – RNA and proteins, wrapped within a lipid membrane,
from a host cell to a recipient cell. Once it reaches its destination, an exosome will
either interact with a receptor on the outer surface of the recipient or directly fuse with
its membrane, releasing its cargo inside the cell.272 273 274 275

Exosomes are just one type of extracellular vesicles. As seen in Fig. 34, EVs are
broadly classified into three main groups – exosomes, microvesicles and apoptotic
bodies. Microvesicles bud from the cell surface and are bigger in size than exosomes,
reaching up to 500 – 1,000 nm (1 μm) in diameter. It was initially believed that
microvesicles were also just a means for cells to dispose of unwanted material, but
today we know they are also involved in intercellular communication and immune
response. Apoptotic bodies are released from dying cells. They are the largest type of
EVs, reaching up to 5,000 nm in diameter.

Once a cell sends information out to another one via an EV, how does the recipient
receive it? Fig. 35 illustrates the pathways for EV uptake by the target cell –
a process called endocytosis.276 The so-called clathrin-mediated and caveolin-
mediated endocytosis was of particular interest to me for two reasons. First, because
these pathways seem to be the preferred means of entry/uptake for both exosomes
and viruses. And second, because as you can see in Fig. 35, the recipient cell in this
case forms a protein coat around the vesicle.

Science has confirmed that SARS-CoV-2 indeed enters the host cells through those
two pathways.277 Fig. 36 illustrates how this process looks like. The virus binds and
attaches to the cell via the ACE2 receptor. The cell then takes it in via endocytosis.
Once inside, the virus “hijacks” the cell machinery and starts producing copies of itself.
Note that the cell may use exactly the same mechanism to take an exosome in and
process its cargo. It may also decide to release exosomes back in the extracellular
space as a response.

How would an exosome look like once it gets taken in by the cell via the clathrin-
mediated endocytosis? Fig. 37 compares a photo of SARS-CoV-2 from the first
confirmed patient in South Korea to a typical clathrin-coated vesicle. Dressed in a
protein coat, an exosome looks exactly like a virus, doesn’t it? But it gets even more
interesting. As seen in Fig. 36, the so-called Golgi apparatus and the endoplasmic
reticulum (ER) play an important role in the entire virus hijacking and replication
operation. A Golgi apparatus is a cell organelle that helps process and package
proteins and lipid molecules, especially protein destined to be exported from the cell.
To facilitate traffic at the ER-Golgi Interface, the cell makes use of two specific vesicle
types, coated with COP I and COP II protein. Fig. 38 shows how these vesicles look in
comparison to virus particles from the U.K. variant, isolated from a patient and
cultivated in a cell culture.

Figure 34. Biogenesis and composition of extracellular vesicles. (Source: Daniel Xin
Zhang et al., IntechOpen 278)

Figure 35.
Pathways shown to
participate in EV
uptake by target
cells. (Source:
Laura Ann Mulcahy
et al., Journal of
Vesicles 276)

Figure 36. A simplified diagram of the SARS-CoV-2 replication cycle.

(Source: Siyuan Ding and T. Jake Liang, Journal of Gastroenterology 277)

Figure 37. Comparison between the SARS-CoV-2 virus (upper) and the typical
clathrin-coated vesicle formation process (lower). On the lower photo, (E) shows the
fully-formed vesicle. The lower scale bar is at 200 nm, indicating the vesicle is identical
in size to the virus. (Source: Korea Biomedical Review 279 and Volker Haucke and
Michael M. Kozlov, Journal of Cell Science 280)

Figure 38. Comparison between COPII-coated vesicles (upper – A,B,C), COPI-coated

vesicles (lower left) and SARS-CoV-2 viral particles from a cell culture (lower right).
Depending on pH levels, COPII-coated vesicles vary between 60 and 140 nm in
diameter. (Source: Bruno Antonny et al. 281, Peter Pimpl et al. 282 and NIAID. 283 The
COPI/COPII photos’ brightness, contrast and color have been modified by the author )

Studies have shown that SARS-CoV-2 may vary greatly in size. Some critics have
claimed that a virus with such an exceptional size variation cannot exist. Unless you
look at the Golgi apparatus and discover those COPII-coated vesicles. As seen in Fig.
33, their size is pH-dependent. The bar chart with error bars indicates it may vary from
about 60 to 140 nm. Their surface structure contains tightly packed ridges and spikes.
The lengths of each ridge is about 10 nm.284 Now let us look again at what one of the
first teams that isolated SARS-CoV-2 found in the virus-infected cell culture.

“2019-nCoV particles were generally spherical with some pleomorphism. Diameter

varied from about 60 to 140 nm. Virus particles had quite distinctive spikes, about 9 to
12 nm, and gave virions the appearance of a solar corona...This observed morphology
is consistent with the Coronaviridae family.” 5

As shown in Fig. 39, after the COPII vesicles bud from an ER exit site, they shed their
coats and begin to fuse with one another. The resulting structures are called vesicular
tubular clusters (VTC), on the basis of their convoluted appearance.285 Compare the
photo of these COPII bubbles budding from the ER to another beautifully color-
enhanced photo of a coronavirus cluster, isolated from a patient.286 Is it just me, or are
some of these “viral” particles really shedding their “spikes” and are beginning to fuse
with one other? Many of the novel coronavirus micrographs published in scientific
papers were later reviewed by virology experts and considered erroneous
identifications of SARS-CoV-2.287 The photo in Fig. 37 would fall in that category. But
if they never extract those virions from the cell culture and sequence their genomes,
how can they tell which particles are really viral?

Lastly, have a look at Fig. 40. The upper micrograph shows SARS-CoV-2 infected cells
from an autopsy lung specimen. So this is not a photo from a cell culture, but rather
from the lungs of a deceased person. Note that the vesicles marked as viral (black
arrows) contain cross-section through the viral genome, seen as tiny black dots (white
arrowheads). But I believe these specks are actually ultrafine pollution particles, which
the lung cells of that deceased person were trying to get rid of. As seen from the lower
left micrograph, UFPs look exactly the same as the black dots on the upper photo.
Thus, one may easily misinterpret what they see under the microscope, especially
when they are primed to look for a virus. So what you actually see in the upper part of
Fig. 35 (Sections A-E) is most likely 500 nm+ multivesicular bodies (white arrows),
which contain 100 nm exosomes (black arrows), which contain much smaller UFPs
(white arrowheads), that are about to be excreted from the cell.

Figure 39. Comparison between a

cluster of COPII-coated vesicles at an
ER exit site (upper) and SARS-CoV-2
viral particles, isolated from a patient
(lower). (Source: Alberts B, Johnson A,
Lewis J, et al. 285 and NIAID. 286 The
upper photo’s brightness, contrast and
color have been modified by the
author )

Figure 40. Comparison between SARS-CoV-2-infected cells from a lung specimen

(upper, А - Е) and cells “infected” by ambient PM0.1 and PM2.5 pollution particles,
respectively (lower). (Source: Barbara A. Maher et al. 288, Zhixiang Zhou et al. 289 and
Carsten Dittmayer et al. 290)

On a separate note, some of the coronavirus micrographs I have looked at do not fully
resemble the typical COPI/COPII vesicles. Still, I am certain these photos do not show
a virus, but yet again some of the transport vesicles around the ER-Golgi region or
other vesicles budding from cells.

So the false part of the coronavirus story lies in the fact that the virus does not exist
and the cell culture particles we are being shown are not viral. But in an actual COVID-
19 patient, the story splits into two mixed, false-real segments. First, the PCR test does
not test for a virus, therefore that part is false. But I think the test actually works at
times. I believe it registers acute inflammation in the body and hence detects a real
condition. And even if the patient tests negative, a computed tomography scan of their
chest may show the typical COVID-19 lung infection, which is a real condition as well.
If a lung specimen is then taken from the patient to confirm the virus is present there,
real ultrafine specks may be observed under the microscope, but falsely considered

Some people will say I have not presented any evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 virus
does not exist. They will say I have just shown that viruses are indeed mutated
exosomes. Or that viruses indeed hijack the host cell machinery and therefore look
exactly like some of the intracellular transport vesicles that are part of the cell’s normal
functioning. But you can see how the “virus” in not only an exosome, but at the same
time also a clathrin-coated vesicle, a COP vesicle and a microvesicle (Fig. 2, lower).
Even the scientists themselves seem to have hard time identifying it correctly. But if
you are lucky and patient enough, you can manage to observe it precisely the moment
it decides to show its spikes, before it sheds them at some point. Or, as one Australian
study revealed, they used a special enzyme to make those spikes finally appear on the

And no, none of us needs to prove the novel coronavirus does not exist. The “burden
of proof” does not lie with us, but with those who claim it exists. If someone isolates
the particles we are being shown as virions in cell cultures, confirm their genome
matches the original, introduce them into healthy hosts and via proper controls prove
they cause a disease consistent with some of the COVID-19 symptoms, then I am
ready to change my mind. Until then – the novel coronavirus is a myth.

Why did I say the PCR test works at times? Those first COVID-19 patients in Wuhan
were getting sick with pneumonia – acute inflammation of the alveoli. Since the SARS-
CoV-2 genome is a collection of RNA from various sources in our body, it likely includes
genetic material carried by EVs that were released as a response to that lung infection.
Science uses PCR to analyze microRNA carried by exosomes and microvesicles, as
they are considered potential biomarkers for a number of diseases.291 And although it
is not the perfect analogy, I believe the COVID-19 PCR testing resembles biomarker
testing in the sense that it scans for signs of acute inflammation.

Imagine you spend an entire week mostly outdoors while the air quality is quite
hazardous. Your lungs will likely get inflamed. Remember, EVs are part of the immune
system’s response to infection. The stronger that response in your body is, the more

your cells will secrete EVs that contain the same genetic material found in those Wuhan
patients, which likely became part of the SARS-CoV-2 genome. And while the issues
with false results remain, the more such EVs your cells secrete, the more likely the
PCR test will pick them up and yield a positive result.

This would explain for instance why in my country the daily percent positive in the
summer typically revolved around 4-5%, but during the winter that picture changed
completely. Bulgaria is well-known for its poor air quality in some cities, but last
November our capital registered at times the worst air quality on the planet. In the
months of November through March, the daily positive rates often spiked above 30%.
That sharp increase was not only due to the inflammation caused by the “virus”, but by
local pollution as well. This would also explain why the COVID-19 “hotspots” in the U.S.
coincided to a large degree with the major pollution zones last spring (Fig. 7). However,
not just environmental toxicity, but food poisoning, physical exercise and psychological
stress may also produce an acute inflammatory response, to name just a few from a
long list of causes.292 293 This would explain why entire sports teams of healthy athletes
may test positive for the “virus”, after days of intensive training or after a game.

Still, the issue with false results remains. Thus, one may test positive for a virus at any
time. A recent study took whole-genome sequencing data from the blood of more than
8,000 people living outside of Africa, with no known history of chronic illness or positive
screening for infectious disease. They were then screened for genetic signature of 120
different viruses, including DNA, RNA and proviruses. The results showed that 94 of
these 120 known viruses in total were discovered in 42% of the participants. In this
healthy non-African cohort, HIV was five times more prevalent than Hepatitis C and

How is that possible? Well, if the genomes of all those viruses comprise DNA and RNA
coming from our own body, then genetic virus tests detect the body’s own material.
The body releases more tissue material and thus gene fragments during inflammation.
Since the test will be positive if there is a sufficient number of gene fragments in the
sample, mаny sick people will test positive. And how about the positive results among
the healthy then? Well, you only need to increase the sample amount that is being
screened, and every human, animal and probably plant will test positive, as pointed
out by Lanka. Thus you may be told you carry a “virus”, but it did not make you sick.
You lucky you.

If we consider the rapid, unregulated development of genetic engineering, then at

some point in the future perhaps anyone with decent skills and training will be able to
create dangerous virus-based bioweapons in their basement. An article in “Science”
from almost 20 years ago revealed that a research team was able to synthesize the
polio virus from scratch. They obtained the genetic sequence of that virus, which is
available online, ordered short, tailor-made DNA sequences and combined them to
reconstruct the complete viral genome. At the end, they added the necessary
chemicals that initiated the production of a living, pathogenic virus. In principle, this
method can be used to create other viruses from similarly short DNA sequences, Ebola
being one of them. Do you know which government will allow anyone in the world to

have such capabilities at their disposal? A government that knows these dangerous
viral genomes are a piece of fiction! They cannot infect anybody!

I do thank Dr. Cowan for reminding us of this quote from Adolf Hitler’s book “Mein
Kampf”, which seems so relevant today:

“In the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses
of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional
nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds
they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves
often tell small lies in little manners but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale
falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and
they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so
infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to
their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be
some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it,
even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world
and to all who conspire together in the art of lying. These people know only too well
how to use falsehood for the basest purposes.”

But if “viral” genomes are not really viral, how does a “virus” mutate then? That is a
good question. While we are currently concerned with the British, South African,
Brazilian and Indian variants, do you know how many SARS-CoV-2 mutations are
actually out there? A September 2020 “Nature” article informs us that “despite the
virus’s sluggish mutation rate, researchers have catalogued more than 12,000
mutations in SARS-CoV-2 genomes. But scientists can spot mutations faster than they
can make sense of them.” 295 How is that possible? Well, when scientists try to isolate
the “virus” from a sample, but cannot repeat the exact genome sequencing procedure
used to generate the SARS-CoV-2 genome initially (discussed in Chapter 1), they will
end up with a strain whose sequence differs slightly from the original. “Look at that,”
they would say, “the virus has mutated.” Yes, at least 12,000 times in 8 months.

Since whatever the SARS-CoV-2 genome contains comes from our body, it is logical
that as we excrete microscopic RNA snippets through breathing or coughing, scientists
are able to find pieces of the “virus” on particulates in the air, on surfaces, etc. And to
recall the findings of the Italian team led by Setti, aerosols thus carry a really lab-
engineered fake-virus real SARS-CoV-2 genes, alongside real nanoparticles that are
the actual non-viral “viral agent” of a real disease, which is falsely considered
infectious. The perfect worked-shoot! I still cannot figure out exactly why children are
much less likely to test positive. For their sake, I hope that is because their bodies deal
quickly with these nanoscale intruders, but they cannot keep them safe forever. Alas,
as we are about to see in the next chapter, children are quite vulnerable to chronic
pollution exposure. In fact, we all are. No one is immune to the toxicity of the air we


How does the Rob Bilott’s story end, you may wonder. It has not ended yet. Rob keeps
winning lawsuits against DuPont, but the damage has already been done. In a recent
article published in the Guardian, Bilott writes the following:

“Imagine that a small group of people coordinated the intentional manufacture and
release of a lethal poison – and imagine they knew this poison had special properties
that meant, once released into the world, it would be inevitable that it would make its
way into the blood of virtually every person on the planet, even babies in their mother’s
womb, and stay there, like a ticking time bomb. Well, that “ticking time bomb” waiting
to explode into serious, even fatal, disease is not a fictional device from some
doomsday thriller; it is real, it is inside virtually all of us, right now. Tick, tick, tick…

This man-made poison, called PFOA, brought us the magic of Teflon, the convenience
of non-stick, and an array of stain and water-resistant products that revolutionized our
homes and our lives forever...The unique properties of PFOA, and its close chemical
cousin, PFOS…make them incredibly persistent: they last for an unusually long time in
our bloodstreams, where they accumulate. And they last virtually forever in our
environment. That’s why they are dubbed “forever chemicals”.

And the effects of this poison coursing through our veins can be devastating and wide-
ranging. Scientists have confirmed links between PFOA exposure and a variety of
serious diseases…more recent studies are now raising concerns that some of these
forever chemicals may negatively impact our endocrine system, our fertility, and our
immune system.” 296

Rob might as well have written about PM0.1. These ubiquitous nanoparticles are in
everyone’s body. They crawl even into the mother’s womb and harm the fetus. And
just like a ticking time bomb, they can explode into birth defects and diseases early in
life. And while no one really died from a novel coronavirus, the World Healthcare
Organization is right – the death toll from COVID-19, currently at about 3.5 million, is
underestimated. Just because we do not recognize the adverse effects of nanoscale
pollution, does not mean it is not responsible for causing them.

Let me explain. When the Italian authorities announced in April 2020 that only 12% of
COVID-19 death certificates showed direct causality from the novel virus, I believed
that was exactly what was taking place globally. Millions of people tested positive for
this new virus and when they died from cancer, heart attack, stroke, post-influenza
pneumonia, etc., they were wrongly considered victims of the pandemic. But what lies

beneath those deaths? What causes them? In many cases – air pollution again, in
combination with other factors. Long-term exposure to pollution is killing much more
people than its acute, COVID-19 form. Someone with lung cancer for example may
indeed die from a COVID-19 infection, but may also pass away from that cancer after
just testing positive for SARS-CoV-2. In either case, they will die from basically the
same “pathogen”, even if it comes from self-induced pollution like cigarette smoke.

Long before this pandemic hit, the toxins in the air had brought millions of people on
the brink of demise. The 2020 “Clouds Atlas” just delivered the fatal blow. Alas, we
have seen many young and healthy people also falling victims to COVID-19. But it was
never just about deaths. The authorities have much bigger concerns. They are worried
mostly because each “coronavirus wave” shortens the development period of a
number of diseases that would otherwise take decades to emerge. In other words, the
current pandemic accelerates the progression of illnesses that would normally appear
after long-term exposure to air pollution.

In this closing chapter, I will summarize the main health effects of ultrafine pollution,
linking it to neurological, pulmonary, cardiovascular and cancer disease. I will draw
more parallels between PM0.1 and the novel coronavirus as a further proof this
pandemic is not viral in nature. While my focus remains outdoor pollution, keep in mind
that indoor pollution, coming from sources like tobacco smoke and wood-burning
stoves for instance, has many adverse impacts as well. The scientific evidence
presented in the following pages is just a tiny fraction of the growing body of knowledge
on nanoparticle exposure. I strongly urge scientists and healthcare practitioners alike
to take the time and study the literature on the effects of wildfire smoke and UFPs.
I urge them to compare their findings to the clinical picture observed in COVID-19
patients. I am certain they will find a complete overlap between the two. I urge them to
not let their belief in the viral theory stand on the way of truth. We all have families. We
all need to know how to keep them safe and how to treat them properly if they do fall
prey to these harmful smoke emissions.


Before we delve into the heart of the matter, let us briefly discuss the major sources of
UFPs, their typical composition and concentration. According to the way they
ensemble, ultrafine particles can be classified as primary and secondary. Primary
natural sources of UFPs include forest fires, volcanic particles and marine aerosol.
Primary anthropogenic sources include “transport (on- and off-road vehicles, diesel
trains, shipping, and aircraft activities at airports), combustion in industries such as
power plants and waste incineration, construction and demolition, biomass burning,
agricultural processes, cooking and cigarette smoke.” 297

In urban environments, road vehicles are responsible for the majority of UFP
emissions. A study for Marylebone Road in London reported that vehicle exhaust
contributed to 65% of the total particle number concentration, followed by background

sources (18%), resuspension (5%) and break dust (2%). Similar pattern was observed
from measurements in Barcelona. Diesel engines have emission factors about two
orders of magnitude greater than gasoline ones.297

Let us look at Fig. 41. The upper chart illustrates the mass fraction of PM0.1, PM1 and
PM2.5 relative to PM10 for a number of emission sources in the U.K. This chart is quite
insightful and reveals one particularly important and alarming fact: combustion sources
with solid fuels have smaller fractions of the finer particle sizes than combustion with
gaseous and liquid fuels. In other words, switching from coal to gas usage in power
plants reduces CO2 emissions, but increases ambient UFP concentrations. In similar
fashion, improvements in fuel and engine technology have reduced the total mass of
vehicle exhaust emissions, but have increased the number and toxicity of PM0.1.298

The lower two charts in Fig. 41 illustrate some key findings from an important recent
study. It predicts the regional concentrations of airborne UFPs in 39 cities across the
U.S. during summertime pollution episodes. As seen from the PM 0.1 pie chart, two-
thirds of all U.S. UFP emissions come from natural gas, diesel, gasoline and aircraft
usage.299 Here is what the study concluded:

“On-road gasoline and diesel vehicles made significant contributions to regional

PM0.1 in all 39 cities even though peak contributions within 0.3 km of the roadway were
not resolved by the 4 km grid cells. Cooking also made significant contributions to
PM0.1 in all cities but biomass combustion was only important in locations impacted by
summer wildfires. Aviation was a significant source of PM0.1 in cities that had airports
within their urban footprints…Natural gas combustion made significant contributions
to PM0.1 concentrations due to the widespread use of this fuel for electricity generation,
industrial applications, residential use, and commercial use.” 299

With respect to the chemical composition of UFPs, a topic we briefly touched upon in
Chapter 2, another important report reveals the following:

“Combustion of different types of fuels results in emissions of various trace elements,

which are present in the fuel material. In most cases there is not just one specific
element that is related to the combustion of a particular fuel, but an entire source
profile of elements…For comparison, the crustal elements include Mg, Ca, Al, K, Sc, Fe
and Mn…All of the combustion sources generate large amounts of volatile and semi-
volatile organic compounds…Exposure to many of the organic compounds emitted to
the air has been associated with various types of health effects. Polynuclear Aromatic
Hydrocarbons (PAH), some of which are strongly carcinogenic, are one class of
compounds contained in the organic fraction of the fine particulate matter…The most
studied PAH is benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P), which is a physiologically active substance that
can contribute to the development of cancer in human cells.” 300

Figure 41. Upper: Mass fraction of PM0.1, PM1 and PM2.5 relative to PM10 for emission
source groups in U.K, 2015. Lower: Population-weighted average source contribution
for PM2.5 and PM0.1 across 39 major U.S. cities. (Source: Air Quality Expert Group 297
and European Geoscience Union 299)

With respect to diesel exhaust emissions in particular,

“A main characteristic of diesel exhaust is the release of particles at a rate about 20

times greater than that from gasoline-fuelled vehicles. The particles are composed of
elemental carbon, organic compounds adsorbed from fuel and lubricating oil, sulfates
from fuel-sulfur, and traces of metallic components. Most of the total particulate matter
occurs in the submicrometre range, between 0.02 and 0.5 μm.” 300

As we have pointed out, PM0.1 is commonly reported as number of particles per volume
of air. Let us see how many UFPs a cubic centimeter of air typically contains.

“A typical concentration of PM0.1 in ambient air in rural areas is 2,610 particles/cm3,

whereas a roadside concentration may be 48,180/cm3, with a mean global
concentration of 10,760/cm3. The large numbers of PM0.1 quickly diminish by
amalgamation into larger particles and atmospheric dispersion, resulting in local
concentrations or “hotspots” near traffic or sites of industrial production. It is
paradoxical that PM0.1 particle numbers decrease quickly by coalescence, yet
remain airborne for extended periods and can travel to other continents. Peak
concentrations of traffic emissions occur near curbsides, and these levels are
often more than ten-fold higher than the background.” 298

In support of the claim that winter seasons create pollution seasons, cities like Rome
and Barcelona had average annual PM0.1 levels of about 40,000/cm3, but winter
concentrations of 100,000/cm3. 298 A study in Denmark confirms the above findings.
UFP levels near a busy road in the capital peaked up to 36,000 particles/cm3, while a
cubic centimeter of air at a busy street there contained half that amount.
In comparison, the typical rural area contained only about 4,000 particles/cm3. 301 The
important thing to remember from this brief section is that as we tried to reduce vehicle
emissions mass, we introduced technologies such as the catalytic converter, whose
widespread use began in the 1970s. Similar concerns have made the U.S. for example
shut down more than 500 coal-fired plants over the last decade alone. In many
instances, they were replaced by natural gas (made up primarily of methane) plants,
which now produce almost 40% of the U.S. energy needs. But these innovations have
backfired, because we have unwittingly increased the concentration and toxicity of
smaller-size particles. PM0.1 contains a wide range of hazardous materials, including
trace metals, carcinogenic compounds and sulfates. Their concentration peaks near
busy roads and streets, where they may reach levels ten-fold higher than those in the
background. Actually, most ambient pollution particles fall in the nanometer range.302
Hence, aerosols smaller than 1 micrometer are primarily responsible for the adverse
PM effects, despite the fact these effects are technically attributed to PM2.5. So while
a portion of the research I will refer to in this chapter concerns fine particles (PM2.5),
the research findings would be valid in general for the very fine (PM1) and ultrafine
(PM0.1) class as well. Keep that information in mind as you read on.


While the most common COVID-19 symptoms include fever, cough, fatigue and
shortness of breath, neurological symptoms – those indicating the brain and nervous
system have been affected – are reported in up to 25% of all patients. “Brain fog” is
one of the most common neurological conditions associated with COVID-19.
In some people, this brain fog, or cognitive impairment, can last for many months after
recovery from the initial infection. Symptoms of brain fog include memory problems,
lack of mental clarity, poor concentration, feeling “out of it”, headaches and

Let us compare these “long COVID” symptoms to the air pollution effects on the brain.
A recent study linked pollution to decreased work productivity. The research team
found that higher outdoor pollution levels had an immediate impact on worker output.
Workers felt “a bit off” after exposure to worsened air quality.304 When the team turned
to the New York Stock Exchange, they found that an increase in PM2.5 levels influenced
cognitive functions and led to stockbrokers having more risk-averse behaviour and
lower stock trading returns. Other studies have shown that cognition test scores among
participants in an office were significantly higher in a room with lower VOC
concentrations. Spikes in daily ambient pollution reduce the attention span of
schoolchildren and worsen the performance of high-school students.305

The long-term effects of air pollution are much more concerning, especially for the
youth. Prenatal exposure to PAH is linked to cognitive development delay at 3 years
of age already. Prolonged exposure to air pollutants in utero or during childhood leads
to reduced academic performance, while in adults – to cognitive decline and
neurological diseases. In a nationally representative sample of more than 25,000
children and adults in 162 counties, a higher air pollution index was associated with
reduced cognitive function.306

Residential proximity to major roadways, where UFP levels peak, lead to impaired
verbal learning and memory, psychomotor speed, and language and executive
functioning.307 In other words, we see all the signs of “brain fogging”, resulting from
both immediate and chronic exposure to air pollution. But it is not just about the “brain
fog”. It is about IQ as well.

Being born and having lived in a highly polluted area means having lower earning
potential later in life. Higher levels of ambient PM2.5 in California were associated with
reduced intelligence in adolescents and young adults, particularly in males and families
of lower socioeconomic status.308 Another study tracked more than 1,300 pre-teens
living in neighborhoods across Los Angeles and surrounding counties over a 12-year
period. The researchers measured the kids’ IQ scores at ages 9 to 11, and then at
ages 18 to 20. The results from that study are truly shocking. For every increase of just
2.5 μg/m3 in fine particle pollution levels surrounding the teens’ homes, their
performance IQ score dropped by 1 point! 309

Performance IQ measures reasoning and problem-solving abilities and hence directly

correlates with academic performance and earning potential. But air pollution did not
affect these teens equally, in line with the results from the California study. Poorer
teens saw a 150 percent greater drop in performance IQ than wealthier teens, even
after accounting for different socioeconomic circumstances and parental intelligence.
Furthermore, boys were significantly more likely than girls to experience IQ-related
effects from air pollution.309

And indeed, boys seem to be more affected by the toxins in the air. Norwegian
researchers found that men’s IQs are measurably lower today than their fathers’ scores
at the same age. The team analysed the scores from a standardised IQ test taken by
more than 730,000 Norwegian men who reported for national service between 1970
and 2009, and found out those born in 1991 scored about five points lower than the
men born in 1975.310 311 Similar “5 IQ points per generation drop” phenomenon is
observed in the U.K. and other developed counties as well. This trend has puzzled the
experts, given that the rising IQ scores during the 20th century were considered
evidence of social progress.

“For a while, rising IQ scores seemed like clear evidence of social progress, palpable
proof that humanity was getting steadily smarter – and might even be able to boost
brainpower indefinitely. Scholars called it the "Flynn effect," in homage to J.R. Flynn,
the researcher who recognized its full sweep and import. These days, however, Flynn
himself concedes that "the IQ gains of the 20th century have faltered." A range of
studies using a variety of well-established IQ tests and metrics have found declining
scores across Scandinavia, Britain, Germany, France and Australia…Some
environmental factor – or collection of factors – is causing a drop in the IQ scores
of parents and their own children, and older kids and their younger siblings.” 312

Experts came with all sorts of theories about the origins of this recent phenomenon,
including a whole range of social and technological factors that might explain this
sudden IQ drop. And yet, most of these theories avoid looking at the simple fact that
the male brain is somehow more affected than the female. If we assume the ill effects
of air pollution stop at the micrometer range, I believe we would never find the true
reason for that sex difference. Particles this size are too big to enter the brain and
cause neurological damage, because of the protection of the nasal epithelium and the
blood-brain barrier (BBB). BBB is a highly selective border of cells that prevents solutes
in the circulating blood from non-selectively crossing into the extracellular fluid of the
central nervous system, where neurons reside. Its purpose is to protect against
circulating toxins or pathogens that could cause brain infection, while at the same time
allowing vital nutrients to reach the brain.

Lab mice experiments have demonstrated that sex may influence the integrity and
permeability of this barrier. And since 100nm exosomes are able to pass through it, so
can PM0.1. Once I realized what the “coronavirus” actually is, I soon realized why air

pollution has a different impact on the male and female brain, at least as far as IQ goes.
The latter seems to be better protected in the presence of inflammatory stimuli and
I suspect it sustains less damage from UFP exposure, both direct and indirect. Let us
look at what a group of scientists have recently discovered.

“An important feature of the current study is that the protective effects of estrogen
upon the BBB were only discernible in the presence of inflammatory stimuli. In this,
estrogen seems to act primarily as a homeostatic signal, limiting disturbance and
restoring balanced function to the BBB, and can thus be truly considered a
protective agent. This protective aspect of estrogen may go some way to explaining
the well-known sex differences in the incidence of major cerebrovascular disease, most
notably stroke…Our finding that the protective effects of estrogen upon the BBB are
most apparent following inflammatory challenge may thus at least partly underlie its
protective effects in pre-menopausal women…The prevalence of inflammatory
cerebrovascular diseases shows a distinct male predominance, with numerous studies
showing women to be relatively protected. Understanding why this is the case remains
a challenge. Here, we identify a powerful protective action of the female sex steroid
estrogen, showing that this hormone can both enhance inter-endothelial cell tight
junction function and limit lymphocyte extravasation following challenge with
inflammatory cytokines.” 313

Studies have also shown that PM0.1 attacks can make the BBB more permeable over
time, so the brain gets even more exposed to nanoparticle invasion. It seems like
estrogen guards that crucial brain barrier and maintains its integrity as much as
possible. As we shall see later in the chapter, women are more protected against
cardiovascular disease too.

Let us make another link between PM0.1 exposure and the “long COVID”. I was stunned
by a recent article written by science journalist Anthony King, titled “Where do the
children play?”, which to me is an absolute must-read.314 Prof. Lilian Calderón-
Garcidueñas has made some shocking discoveries during her medical practice in
Mexico City in the 1990s.

“In follow-up studies, she found structural and metabolic changes in children’s brains
from autopsy tissue and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies. She documented
Alzheimer-like pathologies in 11-month-old babies, including the accumulation of
amyloid plaques. ‘The hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease are evolving relentlessly in
metropolitan Mexico City infants, children and young adults,’ Calderón-Garcidueñas
warns. ‘We published the autopsy data on 203 cases and except for one subject
everybody had the Alzheimer’s disease changes.’ ” 314

Calderón-Garcidueñas, a pioneer in air pollution research, has linked the changes in

those children’s brains to nanoparticle exposure. And while all residents of heavily
polluted cities eventually experience brain damage, small children are particularly
vulnerable – a fact we already mentioned with respect to wildfire smoke emissions.
Ultrafine pollution can compromise not just the blood-brain barrier, but also the gut and
lung linings of kids, which creates a number of health hazards. A growing body of
evidence implicates UFPs not only in early start of Alzheimer’s, but also in the
development of attention deficit–hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism.

Another researcher, Jordi Sunyer, studied groups of schoolchildren in Barcelona.

While the observed pollution effects on their brains were milder compared to what
Calderón-Garcidueñas had witnessed in Mexico, Sunyer concluded that children from
heavily polluted school areas developed at a slower pace cognitively, scoring lower on
working memory and sustained attention. He believes that more significant
impairments may occur earlier in life, starting with the fetus.314 315 316 317 Are you
shocked to read this? Then let me tell you, PM0.1 is capable of causing even more harm
to the brain. Those children in Mexico City were showing already the hallmark signs of
Parkinson’s too.

“‘All fine and ultrafine particulate matter have mechanistic pathways giving rise to
cell damage,’ explains Calderón-Garcidueñas, such as injury to mitochondria, the
energy generators inside cells. ‘But there are particles with more chance of causing
havoc, including the iron-rich nanoparticles associated with combustion.’…metal-rich
particles are interfering with brain development, which chimes with previous ideas
implicating metal chemistries in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.” 314

Prof. Barbara Maher studies the effects of magnetite pollution particles on the human
brain. Research had previously linked increased amounts of magnetite in the brain to
Alzheimer’s and the scientists wondered if it comes from inhaling polluted air. It turns
out, it does. Vehicles are the major source of magnetite nanoparticles, as they are
created during fuel combustion and from the work of engine blocks and brakes. Like
other nanoscale pollutants, magnetite spheres less than 200 nm in diameter can
penetrate the brain directly through the nose, via the nerve cells of the olfactory bulb.
Actually, UFPs affect the olfactory bulb itself, causing at times loss of smell. Not
surprisingly, magnetite nanoparticles are found in very high concentrations near busy
roads, where they may reach 100 million per cubic meter! 314

One U.S. toxicologist delivered UFPs from ambient air into the breathing chambers of
her pregnant lab mice. She dialed up the pollution levels to the typical concentration
near a Los Angeles freeway. When she filtered those pollution particles, she found
huge amounts of sulfur and iron. The brains of the newly born mice displayed all sorts
of pathologies. When metals such as iron cause brain inflammation, the body naturally
produces an anti-oxidant to contain the damage, called glutathione. These lab mice
experiments showed that glutathione gets mucked by the excessive sulfur, leaving the
brain quite defenseless against the ill effects of air pollution.314 318 319 320

To draw a parallel to the current pandemic, you will not be surprised to learn that some
of the most concerning lasting effects of COVID-19 are continued loss of smell or taste,
memory or concentration problems, and other cognitive complications, “because they
indicate probable brain damage and increased risk of dementia such as Alzheimer’s
disease.” 321 An international group of researchers have come together to track the
impacts of COVID-19 on the brain. They will monitor brain-related outcomes in
thousands of patients from about 40 countries. Their major concern is that COVID-19
could lead to increased risk for Alzheimer’s and other dementia.322 Other studies have
also claimed “evidence strongly suggests that patients surviving COVID-19 are at high
risk for subsequent development of neurological disease and in particular Alzheimer’s
disease.” 323 Meanwhile, having seen some cases of acute Parkinson’s in relatively
young COVID-19 patients, experts are now concerned we may witness a wave of
Parkinson’s disease a few years down the line as well. To quote one of them,

“These cases of acute Parkinson's in patents with COVID-19 are truly remarkable.
They occurred in relatively young people – much younger than the average age of
developing Parkinson's – and none had a family history or early signs of Parkinson's
prodrome. That is quite a stunning observation. Parkinson's is normally a very slowly
developing disease, but in these cases, something happened quickly.” 324

With respect to Parkinson’s, some scientists have also made the link between the
current pandemic and the 1918’s one. Medical records show that “Spanish flu-induced
encephalitis saw a latent interval between “recovery” and onset of parkinsonism of five
years in half of the survivors of the encephalopathy.” 325 326 And indeed, encephalitis,
the medical term for brain inflammation, is yet another concerning outcome of COVID-
19 among some patients. Luckily, such cases have not been commonly reported.

As a final reference to COVID-19 in this section, Fig. 42 illustrates a proposed concept

of how air pollution constituents contribute to neurological and mental disorders. The
figure is taken from a very important and relevant paper, titled “Ambient Air Pollution
Increases the Risk of Cerebrovascular and Neuropsychiatric Disorders through
Induction of Inflammation and Oxidative Stress”. As the research team puts it,

“There is mounting recent evidence showing that exposure to multiple air pollutants,
in particular to fine particles, may affect the central nervous system (CNS) and brain
health, thereby contributing to increased risk of stroke, dementia, Parkinson’s disease,
cognitive dysfunction, neurodevelopmental disorders, depression and other related
conditions. The underlying molecular mechanisms of susceptibility and disease remain
largely elusive. However, emerging evidence suggests inflammation and oxidative
stress to be crucial factors in the pathogenesis of air pollution-induced disorders,
driven by the enhanced production of proinflammatory mediators and reactive oxygen
species in response to exposure to various air pollutants. From a public health
perspective, mitigation measures are urgent to reduce the burden of disease and
premature mortality from ambient air pollution.” 224

Figure 42. Proposed concept of how air pollution contributes to neurological and
mental disorders. Uptake of fine particulate matter, reactive gases or secondary
environmental toxins by three major pathways (indirect or direct). (Source: Omar Hahad
et al., Int. Journal of Molecular Sciences 224)

In that same paper these scientists even pointed out that “the coronavirus resembles
the ultrafine fraction of PM2.5”. If only they knew how close to the truth they actually
were. So not surprisingly, when we look at the results from a study on the neurological
and neuropsychiatric complications of COVID-19 in 153 U.K. patients, we see precisely
the picture shown in Fig. 42. 62% of those patients experienced a cerebrovascular
event such as ischaemic stroke; 31% experienced altered mental status, including
brain inflammation, psychosis, neurocognitive and other psychiatric disorders; 7% had
a peripheral or other neurological disorder.327 In addition, many COVID-19 patients
have reported mild or severe headaches and migraines. Epilepsy is reported in some
rare cases as well. The remaining neurological and mental disorders illustrated in Fig.
42 – cognitive dysfunction, memory impairment, dementia and Parkinson’s – were
already discussed above.

As seen in the figure, air pollution exposure has both direct and indirect impact on the
brain. That is, UFP uptake in our case can affect the brain without any particle even
having to enter the brain area. That would explain the following: One study on how
COVID-19 affects the brain consistently spotted hallmarks of damage caused by
thinning and leaky brain blood vessels in tissue samples from patients who died shortly
after contracting the disease. To the utter surprise of the research team, they saw no
signs of SARS-CoV-2 in these samples. Besides, they expected to see brain damage
associated with the lack of oxygen, not with neuroinflammation.

“We were completely surprised. Originally, we expected to see damage that is

caused by a lack of oxygen. Instead, we saw multifocal areas of damage that is usually
associated with strokes and neuroinflammatory diseases. So far, our results suggest
that the damage we saw may not have been caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus directly
infecting the brain.” 328

Let us now move to perhaps the most concerning topic for me in this section – autism.
If the hypothesis that PM0.1 exposure in particular is a major risk factor for developing
autism, then the following conditions at least must be met, based on what we have
discussed so far in this chapter:

1. Heavily polluted countries should have higher rates of autism.

2. Households of lower socioeconomic status should be more impacted than
households of higher socioeconomic status.
3. Boys should be more impacted than girls.
4. Brains of autistic children should contain trace metals deposits.
5. Autistic children should have very low glutathione levels.
6. Autism rates should correlate with natural gas and petroleum consumption.

Point 2 above reflects the evidence-backed assumption that poor communities

experience worse air quality. A recent U.S. study found out that “the greater the
concentration of Hispanics, Asians, African Americans or poor residents in an area,
the more likely that potentially dangerous compounds such as vanadium, nitrates and
zinc are in the mix of fine particles they breathe. Latinos had the highest exposures to
the largest number of these ingredients, while whites generally had the lowest.” 329

Looking at autism rates, the top 3 countries in the world in autism spectrum disorder
(ASD) prevalence in 2020 are Hong Kong, South Korea and U.S.330 That fact should
not come as a surprise. Hong Kong has the world’s highest traffic density, as well as
coal-burning power plants that contribute an estimated 50% to the total level of
pollution. Besides, the worst days of air pollution there are usually caused by winds
blowing smog in from China. Despite recent improvements, South Korea remains one
of the most polluted countries in the world. In fact, a 2017 study found that South Korea
had the second worst air quality of all advanced nations of the Organization for
Economic Cooperation and Development.331

In America, 1 in 10,000 children was diagnosed with ASD in 1970. Today, 1 in 36 U.S.
kids have ASD. However, the CDC uses the DSM-IV (diagnostics and statistical
manual) criteria to determine ASD prevalence. If we apply the latest DSM-V criteria,
the ASD rates would be even higher. “Currently, in 2018, the rates are likely as high
as 1 in 20 under DSM-V, and may be as high as 1 in 15.”332 I understand the argument
that some factors, such as better screening for ASD compared to previous decades for
instance, may have skewed the data. Still, the rise in ASD prevalence over the last 40
years in this country is absolutely shocking.

In line with our hypothesis regarding sex and socioeconomics,

“Autism rates among racial minorities in the United States have increased by double
digits in recent years, with black rates now exceeding those of whites in most states
and Hispanic rates growing faster than any other group…between birth year 2007 and
2013, autism rates among Hispanics age 3-5 rose 73%, while rates among blacks that
age rose 44% and rates among whites rose 25%.” 333

New Jersey is among the hardest hit states, as ASD rates there have spiked by 43%
only within a span of four years.334 335 And while ASD prevalence among boys in the
state approaches 5%, girls – consistent with the country’s mean – are 4 times less
likely to be diagnosed with the disorder.336 Dr. John Gray, whom you may recognize
as the best-selling author of the “Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus” series,
has been working for a long time on natural treatment of ASD. In 2014, he wrote a
book titled “Lost and Found: Natural Solutions for Autism Spectrum Disorder”. Let me
share some of his findings.

When we look at the brain of a child with ASD, we find accumulated toxicity and heavy
metals like mercury, aluminum, lead and cadmium, corresponding to the chemical
composition of ambient PM0.1. What is more, the bodies of these children are extremely
low in glutathione.

“The most important internally produced antioxidant is a specific protein called

glutathione. All ASD children have high levels of oxidative stress and extremely low
levels of glutathione…Children with an inhibited ability to make internally produced
antioxidants are at a much greater risk of having ASD…A major risk factor for autism is
the child’s inability to make glutathione during the gestation period…To different
degrees all mothers today are overexposed to chemical toxicity, heavy metals, stress,
over-the-counter drugs and high blood sugar. Increasing free radicals and decreasing
glutathione levels set the stage in the womb for ASD as well as other less severe
challenges like ADHD or learning disabilities. One out five boys is now diagnosed with
ADHD while one out six children suffer from learning disabilities.” 337

Now comes the intriguing part. Dr. Gray points to the fact that Cuba uses the same
schedule of American vaccinations, but over the last forty years this country has not
experienced a significant rise in autism. John believes one key difference is a drug
called acetaminophen. This medication is also known as Paracetamol or Tylenol.
Tylenol is the number one biggest selling over-the-counter drug in the U.S. It is
routinely prescribed to suppress fever. However, it is not available over-the-counter in
Cuba and Dr. Gray says the local doctors usually do not prescribe fever suppressants
after vaccination. Acetaminophen is known to inhibit the liver’s ability to produce
glutathione. Hence, its overprescription and usage during pregnancy or after a child
gets a vaccine shot may increase the child’s risk of developing ADHD/ASD.

John says that when a child gets that vaccine shot, its contents create oxidative stress
and inflammation. Taking acetaminophen to suppress the resulting fever inhibits the
natural release of glutathione, aimed to counter that stress. Hence, the brain becomes
more vulnerable to neuroinflammation and disease. Dr. Gray makes quite an
interesting observation to support his claim. In the U.S., when acetaminophen sales
dropped temporarily in 1982 and 1984, autism rates declined as well.337 While I am
certain that vaccines cause severe side effects in a minority of kids and some drugs
indeed suppress their ability to deal with oxidative stress, there is another hidden
underlying factor here.

What makes 1982 and 1984 stand out in the first place? In 1980, the U.S. economy
suffered its biggest slump since the Great Depression of the 1930s. One of the reasons
for this early 1980s recession was the Iranian Revolution of 1979, which sparked an
increase in oil prices. The U.S. Federal Reserve’s efforts to deal with inflation through
restrictive monetary policy at that time further dampened economic growth. The U.S.
economy saw a mild recovery in the summer of 1980, before falling into further decline
over the next few years. As seen in Fig. 43, that recession steered a huge drop in
petroleum and natural gas consumption. It hit its lowest point around 1985, before
returning to its upward trend from the previous decades.

So here is how the actually story looks like, I believe. Ultrafine particles from urban
pollution have started impacting the pollution at large since the 1950s, in line with the
steep rise in petroleum and natural gas usage. Technological innovations have further
increased the number and toxicity of these nanoparticles in the air. Over a span of
several decades, the American women – being continuously exposed to environmental
toxins, unhealthy food, psychological stress, overprescription of drugs and antibiotics
in particular – have begun giving birth to babies whose health was already
compromised in utero. It took a generation or two before that ticking bomb, as Rob
Bilott put it, finally exploded. At some point the minority groups were hit harder, since
they were exposed to worse air quality. The decades-long damage to the male and
female body, combined with UFP exposure during pregnancy and throughout the first
years of life of the newborn, have resulted in the ASD epidemic we are witnessing

Figure 43. Energy consumption vs. autism rate, U.S. (Source: U.S. Energy Information
Administration and Reddit )

UFPs enter the baby’s brain through the nose and the blood-brain barrier, causing
continuous oxidative stress. If this process takes place on top of numerous
vaccinations and consistent use of glutathione-suppressing drugs, it may indeed result
in autism. Probably due to sex differences in response to inflammation, boys are much
more likely to develop ASD than girls. As consumption of gas and petroleum products
declined between 1981 and 1984, ambient PM0.1 levels dropped as well. Less people
suffered from the adverse effects of air pollution and hence both acetaminophen sales
and autism rates temporarily declined too.

Of course, this hypothesis needs to be put under scrutiny before any reliable
conclusions can be drawn, although nearly 10 years ago it was already suggested that
living near a busy road may double the risk of developing ASD. Keep in mind that air
pollution is not the only risk factor for autism. We must address the environmental
toxicity problem in its entirety, if we want a better future for our kids. As seen in Fig. 44
and Fig. 45, glyphosate for instance is also associated with a number of diseases that
exploded since the early 1990s.338

Before we move to the next section, let me be very clear. The last thing I want is to get
you panicked. The last thing I want is for you to think that if tomorrow your family
catches the “coronavirus”, your parents will develop dementia or your kid will become
autistic. The severe cases of neurological damage following COVID-19 are still rare.
What I am saying is that prolonged air pollution exposure raises the risk of developing
brain diseases. Each new “coronavirus wave” makes such illnesses even more likely
to appear. I am aware of the psychological and physical consequences for children,
resulting from extended lockdowns and distance learning. I am also aware of the
burden many parents experience in this situation too. Still, I think these implications
are by far the lesser of the two evils, all things considered.

On a final note, the topic of race, sex and IQ has become so heavily charged, both
emotionally and politically, that I’d rather not go there. But if we continue to see boys
getting further behind girls academically, if we are hard-pressed to find a black kid in
Baltimore who is proficient at math, then perhaps we are dealing first and foremost with
an air pollution problem.

Figure 44. ASD and diabetes rate vs. amount of glyphosate applied to corn and soy,
U.S. (Source: Nancy Lee Swanson et al., Journal of Organic Systems 338)

Figure 45. Thyroid cancer incidence rate and intestinal infection mortality rate vs.
amount of glyphosate applied to corn and soy, U.S. (Source: Nancy Lee Swanson et al.,
Journal of Organic Systems 338)


In this section we will discuss some of the main effects of PM0.1 on the cardiovascular
system. This discussion will be a bit more technical, so please bear with me. I will start
by quoting a team of scientists, who recently outlined the stunning parallel between the
impact of COVID-19 and air pollution on the vasculature, just like their colleagues
outlined the resemblance of SARS-CoV-2 to PM0.1 in the context of neurological

“These features caused by air pollution are strikingly parallel to the ‘vascular
pathology’ caused by the COVID-19 infection and may lead to cardiovascular
diseases such a chronic coronary artery disease, acute coronary syndrome, heart failure,
thrombosis, pulmonary embolism as well as COPD and asthma…Lung injuries,
respiratory failure as well as acute coronary syndrome, heart failure arrhythmia,
thrombosis, pulmonary embolism and myocarditis have been shown to be critical
complications of a COVID-19 infection. With respect to the pathophysiology, Peter
Libby and Tom Lüscher postulated in a recent review that COVID-19 may be at the end
an endothelial disease.” 339

Fig. 46 illustrates this striking parallel in vascular pathology. As pollution particles and
gases enter the body, they cause cardiometabolic disease via several pathways,
marked in green colour. For example, air pollutants can harm the circulatory system
by triggering autonomic imbalance, activating the HPA axis, causing systemic
inflammation, etc. You can read more about these mechanisms in the Journal of the
American College of Cardiology.340 Many of the pathways are interdependent and can
“feed-forward” and amplify each other with considerable overlap. Some pathways have
more relevance to short-term pollution exposure, others likely have a more long-term

The endothelium is the single layer of cells that lines the interior surface of blood
vessels. It acts as an interface between the circulating blood and the rest of the vessel
wall. The endothelium is directly involved in vascular disease, stroke, heart disease,
diabetes, insulin resistance and venous thrombosis. Intriguingly, air pollution and
COVID-19 affect the endothelium in exactly the same way. Eventually, both pollution
exposure and the novel coronavirus infection induce cardiovascular disease and life-
threating events such as heart failure and stroke. To get a deeper understanding of
how air pollution affects the vasculature, you can watch this very informative video. 341

Figure 46. Air pollution effects on the vasculature vs. the vascular pathology caused
by the COVID-19 infection. (Source: Air Quality News 339 and Thomas Münzel et al.,
European Society of Cardiology 342)

Let us now discuss in more details PM0.1 as causal agent of cardiovascular disease.
I will use as a guide an important paper, titled “Air pollution ultrafine particles: toxicity
beyond the lung”.343

1. PM0.1 exposure disrupts the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and lowers the heart
rate variability (HRV).344 345 The autonomic nervous system is a control system that
acts largely unconsciously and regulates bodily functions such as heart rate, digestion
and respiratory rate. Hence, it influences HRV – the variation in the time interval
between heartbeats.346 People with high HRV may have greater cardiovascular fitness
and be more resilient to stress. Low HRV, on the other hand, is associated not only
with anxiety and depression, but also with an increased risk of disease and death. Low
HRV is linked to a 32–45% increased risk of a first cardiovascular event (such as heart
attack), even in people with no known prior cardiovascular diseases.347

2. PM0.1 exposure causes arterial vasoconstriction, even in healthy people.348

Vasoconstriction is the narrowing of the blood vessels, resulting from contraction of
their muscular wall. This narrowing increases the systemic vascular resistance, leading
to higher arterial blood pressure. Simultaneously, PM0.1 suppresses coronary
vasodilation – the widening of the blood vessels, the opposite of vasoconstriction. High
blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke. It damages the lining
of the arteries, making them more susceptible to the buildup of plaque. This in turn
may further narrow the arteries and thus they may supply less blood to the organs,
including the heart. The heart responds by working harder to compensate, creating
cardiovascular distress. 7 in 10 people having a first heart attack and 8 in 10 people
having a first stroke, have high blood pressure.349

3. The hardening and narrowing of the arteries, leading to the buildup of plaque, is
known as atherosclerosis. It limits the blood flow to the organs and can affect any artery
in the body, including arteries in the heart, brain, arms, legs, pelvis and kidneys.
Atherosclerosis can trigger a number of diseases, depending on which arteries are
affected, such as ischemic heart disease and chronic kidney disease.350 UFP exposure
promotes early atherosclerosis and systemic oxidative stress.351 Chronic air pollution
exposure creates continuous oxidative stress, which results in chronic inflammation.
Actually, atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory condition.

4. When the arteries cannot deliver enough blood to the heart, a coronary heart disease
can develop. It is also known as ischemic heart disease or acute coronary syndrome.
Common symptoms include chest pain or pressure, limitation of physical abilities,
nausea, irregular heart rhythm, profuse sweating and shortness of breath. A sudden,
severe blockage of one of these arteries can even cause a heart attack. Likewise, if an
artery that supplies blood to the brain is blocked, this may cause an ischemic stroke.
In most cases, ischemic stroke is caused by atherosclerosis.352 Thus, air pollution is a
serious risk factor for cardiovascular mortality and morbidity. One study revealed that
at least part of that morbidity was due to the people’s increased susceptibility to
myocardial ischemia.353 The research team followed a cohort of patients with coronary
heart disease over a period of six months. They observed that the risk of developing
ischemia (reduced blood supply) during exercise was significantly elevated at 2 days
following exposure to increased PM0.1 levels.354

5. How can a sudden, severe blockage of an artery take place? Air pollution makes the
blood more ready to coagulate. This coagulation leads to the formation of clots in blood
vessels. A blood clot is a clump of blood that has changed from a liquid to a gel-like or
semisolid state (Fig. 47). Clots can obstruct or even block blood flow in the affected
area. They pose a serious health threat, especially if they break loose and move to
vital parts of the circulatory system. The body naturally produces clotting factors when
a blood vessel is injured, in order to prevent an excessive loss of blood. But if this
process gets too excessive, it can obstruct the blood flow and form an embolus
(a piece from a clot) that moves around in the bloodstream.355

Figure 47. Buildup of plaque in blood vessels may cause a rupture. A blood clot may
form around the rupture and block the blood flow through the vessel. Clot formation is
a serious health risk, since clots can move to vital parts of the circulatory system and
block key arteries. (Source: obesitysurgeryasia.com)

As mentioned above, if clots block the arteries leading to the heart muscle, they can
cause a heart attack. If they block the blood flow to the brain, they can cause a stroke.
A clot formed in a vein is called a thrombus. Pulmonary embolism (PE) occurs when a
clot gets lodged in the lung artery. This clot usually starts out in a deep vein in the arm
or leg, before moving to the lung area. Similar to a heart attack or a stroke event, PE
can be life-threatening too. UFP exposure in particular increases the risk of thrombosis,
thus contributing to both pulmonary and cardiovascular disease mortality.356 357 358

6. In the previous section we said that UFPs can cause brain damage both directly and
indirectly. The same holds true with respect to the vasculature. Once nanoparticles
deposit in the lungs, they trigger a local inflammatory response, leading to the release
of cytokines into the circulation. These are proteins, secreted by immune cells, that

regulate immunity and inflammation. Unfortunately, cytokine secretion can also

negatively affect the stability of the plaques in the artery walls.359 360 361 Thus, UFP
exposure can stress the cardiovascular system indirectly, through the body’s response
to the lung infection. In addition, when these nanoparticles breach the blood-oxygen
barrier and enter the bloodstream, they can interact directly with the endothelium. This
interaction causes local oxidative stress that can destabilize plaques and set off a chain
reaction (rupture, thrombosis), with resulting acute events such as an acute coronary
syndrome and stroke.362 363 364 365 366

7. In conclusion, air pollution is officially recognized as a leading cause of insulin

resistance and incidence of type 2 diabetes. The association between air pollution and
diabetes is stronger for traffic-related pollutants, gases, nitrogen dioxide, tobacco
smoke and particulate matter.367

Let us now turn our attention to COVID-19 and draw further parallels between this
disease and PM0.1 exposure.

1. We said that PM0.1 disrupts the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and lowers the
heart rate variability (HRV). You will not be surprised to learn that the “long COVID” is
indeed related to the disruption of the ANS. But there is more to it. A recent study
reveals that all medical conditions predisposing for severe COVID-19 courses have a
disturbed balance of the autonomic nervous system.368 With regard to heart rate
variability, not only people with COVID-19 indeed have lower HRV, but HRV is even
considered a predictive marker for the degree of inflammatory response in patients.369

Smartwatches and other wearable devices that measure different physiological

markers can thus predict whether people are positive for the “virus” even before they
are symptomatic or the “virus” is detectable by tests.370 371 Thus, scientists believe that
by tracking heart rates people will be able to identify infections even before they know
they are sick.371 A Stanford study found that “81% of coronavirus-positive participants
experienced changes in their resting heart rates up to nine and a half days prior to the
onset of symptoms.” 371 Air pollution was already setting up the stage for those
symptoms to emerge.

2. We said that PM0.1 induces vasoconstriction and suppresses vasodilation. Now is a

good time to mention the so-called renin-angiotensin system (RAS). RAS is a signaling
pathway which regulates vascular function, blood pressure and regional blood flow.
These regulatory processes are aided by two enzymes, named ACE and ACE2. ACE
catalyzes the conversion of a hormone called angiotensin I (Ang-I) to angiotensin II
(Ang-II). ACE2 in turn catalyzes the conversion of Ang-II to angiotensin (1-7). Keeping
“healthy” ACE/ACE2 and Ang-II/Ang-(1-7) ratios is key to sustaining RAS homeostasis
and overall cardiovascular health, since the role of angiotensin is quite important.

Ang-II acts on the AT1 receptor, which exerts a powerful vasoconstriction, thrombotic,
inflammation and proliferation effect. Ang-(1-7) acts in the opposite direction of Ang-II.
It is a powerful vasodilator with anti-inflammatory, anti-thrombotic and antioxidant
activity. Both PM0.1 and SARS-CoV-2 seem to be disturbing the RAS balance in favor
of Ang-II. Ultrafine pollution exposure stimulates the programming and activation of
ACE and the AT1 receptor.372 On the other hand, the viral theory suggests that SARS-
CoV-2 binds to the ACE2 cell receptors, thus making the body ACE2 deficient.373 374
In either case, the end result is the same – an Ang-II dominated environment that
promotes inflammation, high blood pressure and vascular disease. Females have a
lower ACE/ACE2 ratio than males – yet another reason perhaps why women are less
likely to develop heart disease and die from it.

3. We said that PM0.1 exposure promotes early atherosclerosis. While there is still no
clear evidence proving COVID-19 does the same, science is concerned with the
chronic inflammatory effects of this disease.

“Accumulating evidence has indicated that endothelial cell dysfunction is a central

feature of COVID-19, accordingly, the major link to SARS-CoV-2-induced
atherosclerosis may be centered on endothelial cells…It has been appreciated that
there is not a specific virus or pathogen that initiates atherosclerosis but rather the
inflammatory level and its chronicity and intensity.” 375

4. We said that PM0.1 exposure causes ischemia – reduction of blood flow, which may
lead to acute coronary syndrome and ischemic stroke. Research suggests “it is likely
that COVID-19 directly and indirectly affects the cardiovascular system, causing or
contributing to acute coronary syndrome (ACS), myocarditis, and electrical heart
disease.” 376 In addition, ischemic stroke seems to be one of the most serious
neurologic COVID-19 complications.377 “Recent studies have linked coronavirus
disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection with an increased risk of ischemic stroke and acute
myocardial infarction (AMI)…Our findings extend those of previous reports and provide
evidence that COVID-19 may increase the risk of ischemic cardiovascular events.” 378

5. We said that PM0.1 exposure promotes blood coagulation and the formation of blood
clots, thrombi and emboli, thus contributing to the overall pulmonary and
cardiovascular mortality. Clot formation is yet another worrying outcome of the COVID-
19 infection.

“As doctors learn more about what makes COVID-19 so severe for some patients,
they have discovered a mysterious and potentially lethal complication of the disease:
blood clots. Many doctors have reported seeing an alarming number of COVID-19
patients with blood clots – gel-like clumps in the blood that can cause serious
problems, such as heart attack and stroke, according to news reports. "The number of
clotting problems I'm seeing in the ICU, all related to COVID-19, is
unprecedented," Dr. Jeffrey Laurence, a hematologist at Weill Cornell Medicine in New
York City.” 379

Furthermore, thromboembolism rates of COVID-19 are “high and associated with

higher risk of death”.380 381 Thrombosis incidence is not exactly known, although some
studies estimate it may affect up to 50% of infected patients, especially among the
critical or more serious cases.382 “The most frequent way in which these problems
present themselves is deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary thromboembolism. In the
former, a clot appears in the largest veins of the extremities, while in the latter the clot
is found in the pulmonary veins. Of these two, pulmonary thromboembolism is the more
serious complication, as it impedes the blood from reaching the lungs for correct
oxygenation.” 382

6. We said that PM0.1 affects the cardiovascular system both directly and indirectly. The
release of cytokines following a lung infection may affect the stability of the plaques in
the arteries’ walls. UFPs can also directly interact with the endothelium, causing plaque
destabilization, rupture and thrombosis. Similarly, a COVID-19 lung infection can
trigger a “cytokine storm” and create massive inflammation that weakens the blood
vessels. The “virus” can also directly damage the endothelium, particularly in the lungs.
“By attacking those cells, COVID-19 infection causes vessels to leak and blood to clot.
Those changes in turn spark inflammation throughout the body and fuel the acute
respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) responsible for most patient deaths…This
mechanism could explain why the disease pummels some patients who have obesity,
diabetes, and cardiovascular conditions: The cells lining their blood vessels are already
compromised.” 383

7. We said that PM0.1 exposure is a leading cause of insulin resistance and diabetes.
In relation to COVID-19, several mechanisms have been proposed by which infectious
diseases promote insulin resistance.384 385 Since COVID-19 can damage multiple
organs, particularly during a cytokine storm, it can affect the functions of the skeletal
muscle and the liver. These are the major insulin-responsive organs responsible for
the bulk of insulin-mediated glucose uptake.384 386 387 Furthermore, the link between
COVID-19 and diabetes has raised yet another serious concern.

“"Over the last few months, we've seen more cases of patients that had either
developed diabetes during the COVID-19 experience or shortly after that. We are now
starting to think the link is probably true – there is an ability of the virus to cause a
malfunctioning of sugar metabolism." ” 388

Clinicians noticed an uptick in new diabetes cases last year and saw COVID-19
patients with no history of diabetes suddenly developing this disease.388 A review of
3,700 hospitalized COVID-19 patients showed that about 14% developed diabetes.389
Another study of 47,000 U.K. patients found that about 5% developed the disorder.388
Science is quickly getting a grasp of the mechanisms through which COVID-19 causes
metabolic disorders. Still, I hope that studies on the metabolic effects from particle
pollution exposure will shed further light on the topic.390 391


Our body must be constantly supplied with oxygen in order to function. The respiratory
system is the network of organs and tissues that facilitate this process. It includes the
lungs, the airways and blood vessels. They work together to move oxygen throughout
the body and dispose of waste gases such as carbon dioxide. Atmospheric air is
pumped in and out through a system of pipes called airways. The airways system is
divided into two parts. The upper part comprises the nose, the throat and the oral
cavity. The lower part consists of the larynx, the trachea, the bronchia and the airway
branches within the lung lobes, such as the bronchioles and the pulmonary alveoli.

To recall from Chapter 2, the alveoli are the tiny grape-like sacs at the ends of
bronchioles. They are grouped in bunches and are surrounded by blood vessels. Gas
exchange between the air and the blood takes place through the alveolar membrane.
Oxygen passes from the air to the blood, while carbon dioxide from the blood moves
in the opposite direction. The adult human lungs contains about half a million
bronchioles and half a billion alveoli. Each alveolus is around 250 to 300 μm in diameter
and is open on one side, where it connects to the airway. The alveolar wall contains a
dense network of capillaries, which are the smallest of the blood vessels, and a
skeleton of connective tissue fibres. These capillaries then connect to larger blood
vessels, called veins, which bring the oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart.392

As discussed in Chapter 2 (Fig. 48), coarser particles (PM10) remain in the upper
respiratory tract, since the body’s natural defense systems prevent further entry. Finer
particles (PM2.5), especially those smaller than 1 μm (PM1), can penetrate deep in the
lungs. Ultrafine particles (PM0.1) can pass through the thin alveolar-capillary barrier,
enter the bloodstream and get distributed throughout the body via the circulatory
system.136 206 393 On an average low pollution day an adult person will inhale billions
of particles, half of which will be deposited in the lungs without apparent harm.343

But as pollution levels go up, so does the number of inhaled particles, making the lungs
more susceptible to disease. A decades-long exposure to air pollution has severely
compromised the respiratory system of millions of people. If, on top of that, they get hit
hard by the “coronavirus”, the cumulative lung injury may put many of them at serious
risk. Besides, while traveling in the air, these smoke particles converted into highly
reactive compounds. Thus, they gained the capacity to cause more harm to cells and
tissues. What is more, UFPs have a greater surface-to-mass ratio than PM2.5 and PM10.
In high numbers, they can affect large parts of the lungs, which is often observed in
the serious cases of COVID-19. As one must-read recent BBC article 394 reveals,

“A cloud of a billion 10nm particles has the same mass as just one PM10 particle,
but a combined surface area a million times larger. And that surface area comes
coated with toxic, unburnt fuel from vehicle exhausts.”

Figure 48. Upper: Lung penetration of particulate matter by size class. Lower: Lung
and alveoli structure. (Source: Encyclopédie de l’Environnement and Pinterest )

One excerpt from the article is particularly relevant today, when the air is filled with
invisible “corona particles” that roam undetected by the air quality monitoring systems.

“Most countries…have legal limits for the most harmful air pollutants, including
PM2.5…But no similar regulatory limits exist for nanoparticles. The typical rebuttal is that
“PM2.5 includes everything down to 1nm”, which technically it does, but as we have
seen, literally millions of nanoparticles still give a low PM2.5 reading. A low PM2.5 reading
on government website or mobile phone app can therefore give a false impression
of clean air when it is, in fact, swirling with particles entering our arteries.”

The article quotes a former atmospheric pollution and nanoparticle researcher, asked
if government emissions regulations and policies should shift towards nanoparticle

“I just don’t know why they haven’t. I mean, you feel like you are researching and
researching and producing data and nothing gets done about it, only lip service.
I feel it has to move along with the technology. PM2.5 is [just] what the monitors
measure. I still find it fascinating. If you are introducing air pollution policy for the
wellbeing of humans, and you base that guidance on data that isn’t relevant, are you
really helping people or are you actually hindering? ”

And speaking of entering the arteries, a team led by Professor David Newby at the
University of Edinburgh carried out a very important test. Until recently it was not known
exactly what size of particle could get past the lung walls and enter the circulatory
system. David’s team used a specialized equipment to scatter gold into nanoparticles
down to 2nm in size. Both mice and human volunteers then breathed in those particles.
What do you think the results were? I am sorry, but particles the size of this alleged
coronavirus – 60 to 140 nm, simply cannot get past the lungs and enter the circulatory
system. Only the ultrafine fraction of PM2.5 can.

“The team discovered a 30nm cut-off point; anything below that could be
found swimming around in the bloodstream, but anything above that failed to
get past the lungs.” 394

So, once UFPs get deposited in the lungs, they cause not only acute oxidative stress
and inflammation, but also lung disease, and cancer in the long run.395 396 397 398 399
400 They not only inflame the alveoli sacs (thus causing pneumonia), but the smaller
ones (less than 30 nm in diameter) may breach the lung walls, get into the circulatory
system and inflame the blood vessels – a condition known as vasculitis. The blood
flowing through these vessels will then begin to coagulate and form clots. This will
further disrupt the normal lung functioning in the area of inflammation.

What is more, UFPs can make the capillaries leak, filling the air sacks with fluid – a
condition called pulmonary edema. In addition, these nanoparticles can also cause
fibrosis – a lung disease that occurs when lung tissue becomes damaged and
scarred.401 PM0.1 can be retained in the pulmonary surfactant – a material which
spreads on the alveolar surface and prevents the alveolar spaces from collapsing.
PM0.1 can also remain lodged in the interstitium, giving rise to persistent, long-lasting
lung inflamation.206 If you recall from Chapter 2, at high concentrations found in smoke,
carbon monoxide can be deadly. It binds strongly to hemoglobin – the molecule in red
blood cells that carries oxygen around the body. At about 100 parts per million in air, it
can starve it of oxygen.159

As you can see, smoke emissions can impair the supply of oxygen to the body in a
number of ways, which eventually may result in hypoxia. UFP exposure can even
cause a life-threating condition, called acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) –
a type of respiratory failure characterized by rapid onset of widespread inflammation
in the lungs. In ARDS patients we see precisely the clinical picture described above.
The underlying mechanisms of ARDS involve alveolar injury, surfactant dysfunction,
activation of the immune system and dysfunction of the body’s regulation of blood
clotting.402 The air sacks of these patients are often flooded with fluid, making it difficult
for the lungs to exchange gases. Chemical constituents from combustion are also
considered important ARDS triggers.403 One study found that long-term exposure to
nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide and fine particulate matter showed significant
associations with ARDS.404 Another study examined data from nearly 30 million elderly
people over a 12-year period. The study found a significant association between yearly
changes in pollution levels and pulmonary disease. Results showed that hospital
admissions for ARDS went up with the increase in both PM 2.5 and ozone

If you recall from Chapter 1, the respiration of people exposed to wildfire smoke could
be significantly worse a year after exposure than it was right after weeks of breathing
in the smoke. Even after two years, the lungs of many people had not recovered to
their previous breathing ability.123 The most basic lung function test is called
spirometry. Forced expiratory volume (FEV) is the most important measurement of the
lung function in the spirometry test. It measures how much air a person can exhale
during a forced breath. In this respect, particle pollution exposure has an adverse effect
on lung development, lung function and FEV among both children and adults.406 407

In the previous section we said that UFP exposure leads to the formation of clots,
thrombi and emboli. Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a condition in which a blood clot
forms in a deep vein, usually the leg, groin or arm. Together, DVT and PE (pulmonary
embolism) are known as venous thromboembolism (VTE) – a dangerous, potentially
deadly medical condition. Long-term PM exposure increases DVT risk.408 Another
recent study concluded that “particulate matters play a crucial role both in determining
procoagulant disorders and in promoting an inflammatory pathway. All these situations
play a pathogenetic role on thrombotic diseases and particularly on VTE. We agree
with the conclusive remarks given by Emmerechts et al., who considered the exposure

to air pollutants as the highest risk factors for thrombotic events.” 409 In addition, a
study followed more than 115,000 nurses over a 16-year period. The study found out
that both 1-month and 12-month exposure to fine pollution particles increased the
incidence of PE in that group.410

If we now turn our attention to COVID-19 and its pulmonary effects, we will find more
striking parallels between the alleged novel coronavirus and PM0.1. As seen in Fig. 49,
during the “second phase” of the typical COVID-19 infection, the patients experience
lung inflammation and pneumonia, often accompanied by hypoxia.411 The official
narrative says that when the virus gets inside the body, it comes into contact with the
mucous membranes that line the nose, mouth and eyes. The virus will then enter a
healthy cell and use its machinery to start replicating itself. As it replicates, it begins to
infect nearby cells, moves down the respiratory tract and eventually reaches the
alveoli. Once there, the virus inflames these air sacs, causing pneumonia. In the more
serious cases, the alveoli get filled with mucus and fluid, making it harder for the body
to take in oxygen. In some critical cases, the infection damages the alveolar walls and
linings, causing the lungs to become even more inflamed and filled with fluid. 412 The
virus may also deplete the lungs of surfactant and cause persistent inflammatory
interstitial lung disease.413 In other words, we see precisely the same clinical picture
as in the case of UFP exposure.

Furthermore, on a chest computed tomography (CT), doctors often see in COVID-19

patients something they call “ground-glass opacity”, since it looks like the frosted glass
on a shower door.

“The tomographic findings considered typical of COVID-19 are ground glass

opacities (GGOs), consolidations and crazy-paving pattern with bilateral and multifocal
distribution, and a peripheral and posterior predominance.” 414

Some less typical COVID-19 features also include small growths of abnormal tissue,
called centrilobular nodules. We said that PM0.1 can cause fibrosis. A recent study
warns that COVID-19 may leave many patients, especially those who suffered severe
pneumonia, with lifetime lung damage. Six-month follow-up CT-scans have revealed
fibrotic-like features in their lungs, such as the so-called honeycombing patterns, which
may indicate potentially permanent damage.415

Turning our attention to air pollution, when we look at nanoparticle-induced pulmonary

fibrosis, we see the following picture:

“The radiographic features of pulmonary fibrosis show patchy ground-glass

opacities and numerous centrilobular nodules measuring 2 to 4 mm in diameter.
Honeycombing may be seen in advanced fibrotic stages.” 416

Figure 49. The course of COVID-19 can be divided into four phases. Phase 1 starts
when a person becomes symptomatic. The most frequent manifestations of the
disease at this stage are fever, dry cough, loss of taste and smell, general malaise.
Phase 2 is the pulmonary stage of the disease when individuals develop pulmonary
inflammation and pneumonia. Based on the presence or absence of hypoxia, this
phase can be subdivided in two. Most patients need hospitalization. In Phase 3,
patients develop ARDS and extrapulmonary systemic hyper inflammation syndrome,
shock, vasoplegia, respiratory failure, cardiopulmonary collapse, myocarditis and
acute kidney injury, with poor prognosis and increased mortality. Phase 4 is the
recovery and survival stage. (Source: Santos et al., Diabetology & Metabolic
Syndrome 411)

But we do not even need to look at ambient air pollution. Electronic cigarettes cause a
condition called vaping associated pulmonary illness (VAPI), also known as EVALI.
Vaping is the process of inhaling the aerosols created by the e-cigarettes. Similar to
outdoor pollution particles, these aerosols also contain heavy metals, volatile organic
compounds (VOC) and other hazardous substances. When you look at the typical
course of this VAPI disease, which “viral infection” does it remind you of? According to
the CDC, 95% of VAPI patients initially experienced respiratory symptoms (cough,
chest pain, or shortness of breath) and 77% had gastrointestinal symptoms (abdominal
pain, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea). Fever, chills and weight loss were reported in 85%
of all cases. 47% of all patients were admitted to the ICU and 22% needed intubation
and mechanical ventilation!417 Rings a bell? And what do you think the typical VAPI
chest CT-scan shows?

“Generally, chest CT-scans can demonstrate bilateral ground-glass opacities (GGO),

with sparing of the lung periphery, and centrilobular ground-glass nodules. Also, a
crazy-paving pattern can be seen…Other findings were air-space consolidation…,more
frequently observed in patients with respiratory failure.” 417

And how about the CT-scan of that one Chinese patient, whom SARS-CoV-2 was
“isolated” from, back in February last year?

“Chest radiographs were abnormal with air-space shadowing such as ground-glass

opacities, focal consolidation and patchy consolidation in both lungs…Computed-
tomography scans of the chest revealed bilateral focal consolidation, lobar
consolidation and patchy consolidation, especially in the lower lung.” 3

You did not expect that one, did you? On top of that, science says there is no evidence
to suggest that VAPI may be caused by an infectious agent. Moving on, we said that
PM0.1 reduces oxygen saturation through different pathways, causes ARDS, vasculitis
and VTE, and impairs lung function for a long period of time. To draw further parallels
to the current pandemic, we mentioned in Chapter 2 that many COVID-19 patients got
the doctors quite surprised by their “silent hypoxia”. Science has figured out several
pathways through which COVID-19 causes hypoxia (low oxygen in the tissues) and
hypoxemia (low oxygen in the blood). Needless to say, these can be traced back to
UFP and wildfire smoke exposure.

With respect to ARDS, it is indeed one critical complication of COVID-19, as shown in

Fig. 44. In Chapter 1 we said that the smoke from the Australian bushfire brought many
diseases to the local population, including septicaemia – a serious bloodstream
infection. Such infections give rise to sepsis – an extreme inflammatory response that
produces blood clots and leaking blood vessels. Sepsis can progress to septic shock
with the blood pressure dropping, bodily systems starting to shut down and organs
beginning to fail. Without proper treatment, sepsis can be deadly. Sepsis is the most
common cause of ARDS, alongside breathing in high concentrations of smoke. And

speaking of inflammation, SARS-CoV-2 does cause vasculitis.418 As one doctor says

in summary,

“Vascular inflammation and accompanying endothelial cell dysfunction are common

themes in COVID-19 and can involve small, medium, and large caliber arteries. The
density of inflamed blood vessels is greatest within the lungs but can involve any organ
system including the heart, central nervous system, peripheral nervous system,
gastrointestinal and hepato-biliary systems, kidneys, and skin.” 419

Furthermore, VTE is common in seriously ill COVID-19 patients.420 One meta-analysis

showed that the incidence rate of VTE was 28% and 10% in patients in the ICU and
non-ICU settings, respectively.421 COVID-19 also causes reduction in pulmonary
function months after the initial infection.422 423 A recent study found out that lung
function impairment persists in 55% of critical COVID-19 patients three months after
ICU discharge.424 Besides the pulmonary effects outlined so far, which are fully
identical to the pulmonary pathology caused by the COVID-19 infection, PM exposure
is also closely associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma
and other lung-related conditions. These conditions remain outside the scope of my
review on nanoparticle pollution. To conclude this chapter, let us look at yet another
concerning topic – cancer.


This closing section in rather short, since it is too early to tell if COVID-19 causes
cancer and hence I cannot draw a comparison between PM0.1 and SARS-CoV-2 in this
case. Besides, it is not only about UFPs. In 2013 WHO classified air pollution as a
human carcinogen and called it a leading cause of cancer deaths.425 Compounds in
diesel exhaust and wildfire smoke such as PAH were known for causing cancer a long
time ago. Still, this was the first time when air pollution, in its entirety, was classified as

Numerous studies have confirmed the link between lung cancer and particle pollution
exposure. One research team collected PM2.5 data for the 1998-2016 period in China
and used it to predict lung cancer deaths. Fig. 50 shows the comparison between
these 18-year average PM2.5 concentrations and lung cancer mortality in 2008. In 1997
another study revealed a striking association between lung cancer fatalities in the
“young” male population (<55 years) and atmospheric pollution levels, this time in
Veneto, Italy.426

But it is not just about the lungs. Another team enrolled 66,000 elderly Hong Kong
residents and followed them for more than a decade. After adjusting for factors such
as smoking status, they showed that for every annual PM2.5 increase of just 10 µg/m3,
the risk of dying from any cancer rose by 22 percent. They provided a further
breakdown per cancer type, which was quite shocking.

“For cancers of the upper digestive tract, the mortality risk was 42 percent higher.
For cancers of the accessory digestive organs, which include the liver, bile ducts, gall
bladder, and pancreas, the mortality risk was 35 percent higher. For breast cancer, the
mortality risk was 80 percent higher. And for lung cancer, the mortality risk was 36
percent higher. All figures are per 10 µg/m3 increased exposure to PM2.5. The authors
identified a few potential explanations for the increased association: Pollution might
spark defects in DNA repair function, alterations in the body’s immune response, or
inflammation that triggers angiogenesis, the growth of new blood vessels that allows
tumors to spread. In the case of the digestive organs, pollution could affect gut
microbiota and influence the development of cancer, they said.” 427 428

Figure 50. Cumulative mean

PM2.5 concentration between
1998 and 2016, China (upper)
vs. lung cancer mortality rate in
2008, China (lower). (Source:
Wei-Bin Liao et al. 429 and
Jingying Fu et al. 430)

Since UFP levels peak near busy roads and streets, you will not be surprised to learn
that living in proximity to traffic increases the risk of lung cancer by 10% and stunts
lung growth in children by up to 14%.431 Actually, air pollution causes a number of
adverse effects during pregnancy already, which predispose kids to disease early in
life.432 433 For instance, the incidence of childhood cancer in the U.S. has been steadily
increasing since 1975. The most common form of childhood cancer is leukemia,
representing about one-third of all cancers among kids aged 14 and below. The cause
of 90% of these leukemia cases is unknown. However, the CDC points out that 30%-
45% of people in large urban areas live near major roads. Not surprisingly, living near
a busy road is a major risk factor for child leukemia.434

Before we briefly mention the pathways through which air pollution promotes cancer,
I want to briefly mention telomeres first. Telomeres are protective caps at the ends of
chromosomes. Without this protection, DNA gets damaged over time and eventually
fails to function properly.435 Each time a cell divides, its telomere length shortens. Once
telomeres become too short, the cell loses its ability to divide and grow – a condition
called senescence. This shortening is sensed as a mark of DNA damage any may
trigger apoptosis (programmed cell death).

While telomere length naturally shortens with age, it is a better indicator of our
biological age rather than the chronological one. People with shorter telomeres have a
greater risk of developing lung, bladder, renal cell, gastrointestinal, head and neck
cancers.436 To make the connection to particulate matter, PM2.5 exposure shortens the
child’s telomeres length in utero, which in turn affects life expectancy and proneness
to disease.437 Air pollution shortens the telomeres of adults as well.438 Recent studies
have confirmed the impact of air quality on biological aging.439 440

“Traffic-related exposure in early life is not only associated with shorter telomere
length in placental tissue but also shorter telomere length in young adulthood. As
telomere length is a proposed measure of biological aging, these results suggest that
environmental exposure in early life may have implications for health outcomes later
in life and that age-related diseases may have their origin in the early-life
environment.” 439

Other studies have tried to decipher the complex code between air pollution and
cancer, revealing the effect particulate matter has on several major cancer
hallmarks.441 One of these hallmarks is cell death resistance. And indeed,
“a characteristic feature of human cancers is the evasion of apoptosis in response to
stress stimuli, which contributes to both tumorigenesis and treatment resistance.” 442
So how does PM promotes evasion of apoptosis and, ultimately, cancer?

PM2.5 particles can damage the mitochondria. These are vitally important cell
organelles that perform a number of critical functions. One of these functions is the
activation of cell apoptosis. The TP53 gene is also involved in this process.
It provides instructions for making the p53 protein. This protein acts as a tumor
suppressor, as it regulates cell division by keeping cells from growing and dividing

(proliferating) too fast or in an uncontrolled way.443 PM2.5 causes p53 to mutate and
inhibit its expression. The silencing or mutation of p53 is the most prevalent oncogenic
driver in lung cancer development.444 445 Thus, air pollution creates the perfect storm
for cancer disease. It shortens telomere length progressively over time, starting in the
womb, and causes continuous DNA damage. This accelerates biological aging and
makes cells reach apoptosis earlier. But since pollution also suppresses apoptosis by
damaging both p53 and mitochondria, cells that need to self-destruct may escape
death and become cancerous.

Air pollution promotes cancer growth and progression through other mechanisms as
well. For example, PM2.5 exposure is associated with sustained proliferation. Chronic
proliferation is by far the main feature of cancer cells necessary to start malignant
transformation.441 Angiogenesis is the process through which new blood vessels form
from pre-existing ones. Angiogenesis continues the growth of the vasculature by
processes of sprouting and splitting. But it plays a critical role in the growth of cancer
as well, because solid tumors need a blood supply if they are to grow beyond a few
millimeters in size. PAHs and metals in PM2.5 promote the activation of pro-angiogenic
factors, and thus promote cancer as well.441

With regard to the current pandemic, while it is too early to tell if COVID-19 causes
cancer, researchers have already noticed telomere length shortening in COVID-19
patients. They believe this shortening is caused by the disease and may explain why
damaged tissues regenerate quite slowly. It may also explain why many patients suffer
prolonged consequences or develop severe courses. 446 447 What is more, COVID-19
may be a risk factor for secondary lung cancer.448 Doctors are concerned that if those
GGO nodules, seen in CT-scans, persist, they may transform into lung cancer.449
Besides, COVID-19 may eventually reawaken dormant cancer cells too.450

This concludes Chapter 4. It is by no means a comprehensive analysis of all adverse

effects from UFP exposure. I did not discuss the mechanisms through which PM0.1
harms the liver, kidneys, pancreas and other organs. My goal was to provide further
evidence that the COVID-19 pandemic is caused by wildfire smoke emissions and
summarize some of the main PM0.1 effects on human health. I hope I have managed
to achieve that goal.

So, as you can see, it all starts with virology. Some brave PCR experts may openly
comment on the accuracy or even question the applicability of the PCR test for SARS-
CoV-2 detection, but they will not question the existence of the virus. In similar fashion,
scientists and physicians may have their opinion on what the best COVID treatment
protocols are, but if the PCR test shows tons of “viral load” in patients, the origin of
their ailment will not be questioned either. Thus, we end up with thousands of scientific
papers on a disease that is caused by air pollution, but is wrongly considered viral. We
must put an end to this self-deception for good. After all, there is indeed nothing more
deceptive than an obvious fact.


At the end of last year, United Nations’ Secretary-General António Guterres gave a
talk about the state of the planet. Here is an excerpt from it:

“Humanity is waging war on nature. This is suicidal. Nature always strikes back -- and
it is already doing so with growing force and fury. Biodiversity is collapsing. Ecosystems
are disappearing before our eyes. Deserts are spreading. Wetlands are being lost.
Oceans are overfished -- and choking with plastic waste. Coral reefs are bleached and
dying. Air and water pollution are killing 9 million people annually – more than six times
the current toll of the pandemic. Permafrost is melting and so releasing methane,
a potent greenhouse gas. Apocalyptic fires and floods, cyclones and hurricanes are
increasingly the new normal. Meanwhile, climate policies have yet to rise to the
challenge. Emissions are 62 per cent higher now than when international climate
negotiations began in 1990. Every tenth of a degree of warming matters. Today, we
are at 1.2 degrees of warming and already witnessing unprecedented climate extremes
and volatility in every region and on every continent. We are headed for a thundering
temperature rise of 3 to 5 degrees Celsius this century. This is an epic policy test. But
ultimately this is a moral test.”

Depending on how the political establishment scores on that moral test, we may take
one of the following paths in the years to come. The first path is the path of honesty,
transparency and cooperation. Our leaders have the opportunity to set a true example
of integrity, virtue and strength of character, by telling the truth. If they do that, millions
more lives will be saved, of that I am sure. Many people will start taking the air pollution
problem much more seriously than they are taking the “virus” at the moment. If our
leaders reveal the seriousness of the challenges that lie ahead and treat us like
grownups, then perhaps we will also act as grownups. We may agree in good will to
make personal sacrifices, if that’s what it takes for our children to have a future.
However, this scenario looks extremely unlikely.

The second path is the path of manipulation, coercion and abuse. Those who continue
to seek the truth behind the COVID-19 pandemic will be subject to even more pressure,
censorship and ostracism. Newer, deadlier coronavirus mutations and other viral
pandemics will continue to emerge, while the people will fall further into fear, separation
and alienation, and into the swamp of mental disorder. Millions more will get pushed
into poverty via a planned destruction of our financial and economic systems, while
increasingly dictatorial states will further tighten the grip on their citizens. Brute police
force and psychological warfare strategies will continue to be used at will to enforce
the state’s agenda and ensure our full compliance.

That second path also leads to a situation which I hope does not occur, but it might.
Both Bill Gates and Joe Biden have said there will be future pandemics. Chances are
these will be presented as viral as well, while in reality the poisons in the air will put
our health and lives at stake again. If our governments do not tell the truth about

COVID-19, the people may not take their warnings seriously or may refuse to follow
orders next time a pandemic strikes. First, because they would no longer trust the state
and would not allow to be fooled again. Second, because a growing number of people
are now convinced pathogenic viruses do not exist and hence there is nothing to fear.
This puts lives in danger. If the world leaders continue along this second path, then
I will indeed consider the vaccines to be an instrument of depopulation, especially given
over the next decade perhaps billions will be left without enough food and fresh water
to survive.

The third path in the path of solidarity and unity. I believe each of us has the ability to
recognize the truth when they see it. I hope you recognize the simple truth presented
in this book. We have been deliberately put in a state of division and fear of each other,
because those in charge fear the incredible power of our unity. Let us reclaim that
power today. Let us take decisive action, because if we do not, the future of our children
will depend upon the sole decisions of an utterly failed political class. Let us rise united
in the face of the biggest challenge of our lifetime. Standing firm in our demand for the
truth, we will succeed. Never in history has it been more critical for our governments to
be completely honest with us. Never in history has it been more critical for us to work
together in saving our planet. We can still do it.

I may not know you, but I care deeply for you, your families and loved ones. I am
incredibly concerned about all of us and about the future, despite the fact I am also
deeply hurt mankind has allowed this climate catastrophe to occur. Please do not be
quick to dismiss the information contained in this book, for my care and concern is what
made me seek the truth, and present it the best way I can. In conclusion, this book is
free of charge. I cannot let anyone profit from it, especially given the importance and
urgency of the situation. Still, if you find the book valuable and wish to support my
future work as a writer, your kind donations via the link below will be highly appreciated.


Stay safe. Stay strong. Stay united.



1 Koch’s postulates.
2 SPECIAL REPORT: Humanity is NOT a virus!” with Dr. Andrew Kaufman.
3 Wu, F., Zhao, S., Yu, B. et al. A new coronavirus associated with human respiratory disease in China.
Nature 579, 265–269 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-020-2008-3
4 COVID-19 Myths | Premium Replay
5 Zhu N, Zhang D, Wang W, et al. A Novel Coronavirus from Patients with Pneumonia in China, 2019.
N Engl J Med. 2020;382(8):727-733. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2001017
6 John A. Lednicky and Diane E. Wyatt (October 17th 2012). The Art of Animal Cell Culture for Virus
Isolation, Biomedical Tissue Culture, Luca Ceccherini-Nelli and Barbara Matteoli, IntechOpen, DOI:
7 Humans share almost all of our DNA with cats, cattle and mice.
8 Peng Zhou et al. Discovery of a novel coronavirus associated with the recent pneumonia outbreak in
humans and its potential bat origin. bioRxiv 2020.01.22.914952; doi:
9 Torsten Engelbrecht, Dr Stefano Scoglio & Konstantin Demeter. Phantom Virus: In search of Sars-CoV-
10 Fact check: Fauci warned Trump administration in 2017 of surprise infectious disease outbreak.
11 How the World Will Look After the Coronavirus Pandemic.
12 Coronavirus Will Change the World Permanently. Here’s How.
13 Scientists warn we may need to live with social distancing for a year or more.
14 Some social distancing may be needed into 2022 to keep coronavirus in check, new study says.
15 Virus Likely to Keep Coming Back Each Year, Say Top Chinese Scientists.
16 Top US health advisor Dr. Fauci backed controversial Wuhan lab for risky coronavirus research:

17 Declan Butler. Engineered bat virus stirs debate over risky research. Nature.
18 China sends the army into coronavirus epicentre as medics claim 90,000 infected with killer bug.
19 Wuhan lockdown ‘unprecedented’, shows commitment to contain virus:
WHO representative in China.
20 Coronavirus: Critics ask why China allowed flights out of Hubei during outbreak.
21 Travel restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
22 Coronavirus death rate: What are the chances of dying?
23 U.S. got more confirmed “index cases” of coronavirus from Europe than from China.
24 Fact check: Trump lies that he didn’t lie about the coronavirus.
25 430,000 People Have Traveled From China to U.S. Since Coronavirus Surfaced.
26 WHO chief says widespread travel bans not needed to beat China virus.
27 WHO calls China coronavirus an international emergency, but opposes travel bans.
28 Medical Test kits (382200) imports by country, 2017.
29 International guidelines for certification and classification (coding) of COVID-19 as cause of death.
30 Worldometer COVID-19 Data.
31 CDC official affirms coronavirus deaths really are coronavirus deaths.
32 Coronavirus: our study suggests more people have had it than previously estimated.
33 Wu, S.L., Mertens, A.N., Crider, Y.S. et al. Substantial underestimation of SARS-CoV-2 infection in the
United States. Nat Commun 11, 4507 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-18272-4
34 Offener Brief an die Bundeskanzlerin von Prof. Dr. med. Sucharit Bhakdi . Corona-Krise
(Unfortunately, the video with English subtitles was removed from YouTube)
35 Inflamed brains, toe rashes, strokes: Why COVID-19's weirdest symptoms are only emerging now.

36 Coronavirus: Italy says 99 per cent of people who died had other illnesses.
37 Why have so many coronavirus patients died in Italy?
38 Interview of Dr. Stoyan Alexov, president of the Bulgarian Pathology Association, by Dr. Stoycho
Katsarov, chair of the Center for Protection of Citizens’ Rights, regarding the European Society of
39 Public Health England has changed its definition of deaths: here’s what it means.
40 Infection fatality rate of COVID-19 inferred from seroprevalence data, John P A Ioannidis
41 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which a
person or a group covertly sows seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or group, making them
question their own memory, perception, or judgment, often evoking in them cognitive dissonance
and other changes, including low self-esteem. Using denial, misdirection, contradiction, and
misinformation, gaslighting involves attempts to destabilize the victim and delegitimize the victim’s
42 COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless.
43 The Corona Simulation Machine: Why the Inventor of The “Corona Test” Would Have Warned Us Not
To Use It To Detect A Virus.
44 Faith in Quick Test Leads to Epidemic That Wasn’t.
45 Dr. Mike Yeadon. The PCR False Positive Pseudo-Epidemic
46 David Crowe. Flaws in Coronavirus Pandemic Theory.
47 Zhuang Guihua et al. Chinese Journal of Epidemiology. Potential false-positive rate among the
‘asymptomatic infected individuals’ in close contact with COVID-19 patients. March 23, 2020.
48 Wang X, Tan L, Wang X, et al. Comparison of nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swabs for SARS-CoV-
2 detection in 353 patients received tests with both specimens simultaneously. Int J Infect Dis.
2020;94:107-109. doi:10.1016/j.ijid.2020.04.023
49 EMTs have stopped taking people in cardiac arrest to coronavirus-strained hospitals.
50 Covid-19: Doctors are told not to perform CPR on patients in cardiac arrest.
BMJ 2020; 368 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.m1282 (Published 29 March 2020)
51 Liotta G, Marazzi MC, Orlando S, Palombi L (2020) Is social connectedness a risk factor for the
spreading of COVID-19 among older adults? The Italian paradox. PLoS ONE 15(5): e0233329.
52 The ‘silent massacre’ in Italy’s nursing homes.

53 The ‘massacre’ of Italy’s elderly nursing home residents.

54 Mialkowski CJJ. Letter to Headquarters, Fourth Canadian Division Joint Task Force (Central). Personal
Correspondence. 2020 May 19.
55 New York Among Most Polluted Cities In the U.S., Analysis Shows.
56 The link between air pollution and COVID-19 deaths.
57 Frontera A, Martin C, Vlachos K, Sgubin G. Regional air pollution persistence links to COVID-19
infection zoning. J Infect. 2020;81(2):318-356. doi:10.1016/j.jinf.2020.03.045
58 Coronavirus detected on particles of air pollution.
59 How easily does COVID-19 spread through the air?
60 Coronavirus: WHO rethinking how Covid-19 spreads in air.
61 Health and Environmental Effects of Particulate Matter (PM). Health Effects.
62 Dr Ole Raaschou-Nielsen, PhD et al. Air pollution and lung cancer incidence in 17 European cohorts:
prospective analyses from the European Study of Cohorts for Air Pollution Effects (ESCAPE). July 10,
2013. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S1470-2045(13)70279-1
63 State of global air/2018 – A special report on global exposure to air pollution and its disease burden.
64 The Weight of Numbers: Air Pollution and PM2.5.
65 Particulates.
66 Cohen AJ, Ross Anderson H, Ostro B, Pandey KD, Krzyzanowski M, Künzli N, Gutschmidt K, Pope A,
Romieu I, Samet JM, Smith K. The global burden of disease due to outdoor air pollution. J Toxicol
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67 Du Y, Xu X, Chu M, Guo Y, Wang J. Air particulate matter and cardiovascular disease: the
epidemiological, biomedical and clinical evidence. J Thorac Dis. 2016;8(1):E8-E19.
68 Giulia Cesaroni et al. Long term exposure to ambient air pollution and incidence of acute coronary
events: prospective cohort study and meta-analysis in 11 European cohorts from the ESCAPE Project.
BMJ. 2014. doi: 10.1136/bmj.f7412
69 Shane. J. K. Hussey et al. Air Pollution alters Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae
Biofilms, Antibiotic Tolerance, and Colonisation: Air pollution affects biofilms and colonisation.
February 2017. DOI: 10.1111/1462-2920.13686. JO - Environmental Microbiology

70 Study: COVID-19 associated with severe heart injury, vascular inflammation.

71 A Heart Attack? No, It Was the Coronavirus.
72 COVID-19: Could gut bacteria be involved?
73 Liuhua Shi et al. Low-Concentration PM2.5 and Mortality: Estimating Acute and Chronic Effects in a
Population-Based Study. 1 January 2016 https://doi.org/10.1289/ehp.1409111 Environmental Health
Perspectives Volume 124, Issue 1.
74 Air Pollution Is Still Killing Thousands of People in the US.
75 Bowe B, Xie Y, Yan Y, Al-Aly Z. Burden of Cause-Specific Mortality Associated With PM2.5 Air Pollution
in the United States. JAMA Netw Open. 2019;2(11):e1915834.
76 Xiao Wu, View ORCID ProfileRachel C. Nethery, M. Benjamin Sabath, Danielle Braun, Francesca
Dominici. Exposure to air pollution and COVID-19 mortality in the United States. doi:
77 America’s Air Quality Worsens, Ending Years of Gains, Study Says.
78 Khan A, Plana-Ripoll O, Antonsen S, Brandt J, Geels C, Landecker H, et al. (2019) Environmental
pollution is associated with increased risk of psychiatric disorders in the US and Denmark. PloS Biol
17(8): e3000353.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.3000353
79 NYC COVID-19 Contact Tracers Not Asking About George Floyd Protest Participation, Despite Fears of
New Virus Wave.
80 Scientists caught between pandemic and protests.
81 Five days is long enough for a coronavirus quarantine, says Germany’s top virologist.
82 Coronavirus: Face masks “more guaranteed” to work against COVID-19 than a vaccine, CDC director
83 What is PM2.5 and Why You Should Care.
84 World Air Quality Historical Database.
85 Gasping for air in Brescia, Italy’s new virus epicentre.
86 Italy calls in military to enforce corona lockdown.
87 Italy: Army to patrol streets to avoid curfew breaches.

88 US participation in Defender 2020 reduced amid coronavirus outbreak.

89 Putin sends Russian military virologists to battle coronavirus in Italy as death toll rises nearly 800 in 24
hours and Lombardy region bans outdoor exercise in stricter lockdown.
90 Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Highlights Reel.
91 Center For Health Security’s YouTube channel, “videos” section. Event 201 full-length segments.
92 2019 Military World Games.
93 Fauci offers more conservative death rate in academic article than in public virus briefings.
94 How Air Pollution Moves Between Countries.
95 Pollution Travels the Globe, Study Confirms.
96 2019–20 Australian bushfire season.
97 Australia bushfires: Smoke drifts as far as South America
98 Smoke from Australia fires reaches South America.
99 Smoke from Australia’s bushfires has spread to South America.
100 Smoke from Australian Wildfires Reaches Atmospheric Highs
101 Smoke from Australian fires rose higher into the ozone layer than ever before
102 From Smoke Going Round the World to Aerosol Levels, NASA Observes Australia’s Bushfires
103 Weizmann Institute of Science. (2021, March 18). How bushfire smoke traveled around the world: A
study uncovers how some Australian fires produced a spreading stratospheric haze rivaling that of a
volcanic eruption. ScienceDaily.
104 Pollutants from the bush fires in Australia will circle the globe.
105 Bushfire smoke plume destined to reach Australia again after circling the globe, NASA says.
106 TROPOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND COMPOSITION | Aerosols/Particles. J.H. Seinfeld, in Encyclopedia of
Atmospheric Sciences (Second Edition), 2015
107 Smoke from Australian bushfires was more deadly than the fires themselves.

108 Inside Australia’s climate emergency: the air we breathe.

109 The horror of the Australian bushfires and air pollution.
110 Sydney smoke at its ‘worst ever’ with air pollution in some areas 12 times ‘hazardous’ threshold.
111 Australia bushfires: Pollution concerns for tennis tournament.
112 Will wearing a face mask protect me from bushfire smoke? – explainer.
113 2019 California wildfires.
114 2019 Siberia wildfires.
115 Siberian Smoke Reaches U.S., Canada.
116 2020 California wildfires.
117 Fire-breathing dragon of clouds’: Formation over Creek Fire said to be biggest in US history.
118 US West Coast fires: Smoke spreads to New York and Washington.
119 West coast cities face the world’s worst air quality as wildfires rage.
120 Satellites show smoke from US wildfires reaches Europe.
121 Smoke from the US West Coast wildfires has reached Europe.
122 ‘Four times more toxic’: How wildfire smoke ages over time.
123 The Fires May be in California, but the Smoke, and its Health Effects, Travel Across the Country.
124 A Colorado summer: Drought, wildfires and smoke in 2020.
125 Arctic wildfires spew soot and smoke cloud bigger than EU.
126 Arctic wildfires emit 35% more CO2 so far in 2020 than for whole of 2019.
127 Satellite images and internet trends suggest the coronavirus may have emerged months before China
reported it: ‘Something was happening in October’.
128 Coronavirus China: Data suggest infection started in summer.

129 Coronavirus Australia: Three different strains of virus identified by Cambridge University researchers.
130 The Science Analysis of The National Cohesive Wildfire Fire Management strategy. National Priorities.
131 Six maps show the effects of COVID-19 in US.
132 No good choices: A mask may block out some pollution but have other ill health effects.
133 London’s new Nightingale Hospital treats ‘just 19 coronavirus patients over the Easter weekend’
despite having a 4,000-patient capacity – because ‘established hospitals also have doubled their ICU
134 Coronavirus: Australia sends 1,000 army personnel to Victoria to fight outbreak.
135 Sushil Kumar , Mukesh K. Verma and Anup K. Srivastava. Ultrafine particles in urban ambient air and
their health perspectives. De Gruyter. November 6, 2013
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/reveh-2013-0008
136 Tiny pollutants your body has no defence against unchecked
137 Peters, A., Veronesi, B., Calderón-Garcidueñas, L. et al. Translocation and potential neurological
effects of fine and ultrafine particles a critical update. Part Fibre Toxicol 3, 13 (2006).
138 Air pollution, oxidative stress and dietary supplementation: a review
I. Romieu, F. Castro-Giner, N. Kunzli, J. Sunyer
European Respiratory Journal Jan 2008, 31 (1) 179-197; DOI: 10.1183/09031936.00128106
139 Brook RD et al. Particulate Matter Air Pollution and Cardiovascular Disease 10 May 2010
https://doi.org/10.1161/CIR.0b013e3181dbece1Circulation. 2010;121:2331–2378
140 Black C, Tesfaigzi Y, Bassein JA, Miller LA. Wildfire smoke exposure and human health: Significant gaps
in research for a growing public health issue. Environ Toxicol Pharmacol. 2017;55:186-195.
141 Lazaridis, M., Latos, M., Aleksandropoulou, V. et al. Contribution of forest fire emissions to
atmospheric pollution in Greece. Air Qual Atmos Health 1, 143–158 (2008).
142 Lung American Association. Understanding the link between COVID-19 Mortality and Air Pollution.
143 Double trouble: Wildfire smoke increasing the risk of COVID-19, experts warn
144 Raging wildfires linked to thousands of COVID-19 cases and hundreds of deaths in 2020, study says.

145 Kwon, HS., Ryu, M.H. & Carlsten, C. Ultrafine particles: unique physicochemical properties relevant to
health and disease. Exp Mol Med 52, 318–328 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s12276-020-0405-1
146 Li, Y., Wang, P., Hu, C. et al. Protein corona of airborne nanoscale PM2.5 induces aberrant
proliferation of human lung fibroblasts based on a 3D organotypic culture. Sci Rep 8, 1939 (2018).
147 Word play. According to Urban Dictionary, something that “goes viral” is an image, video, or link that
spreads rapidly through a population by being frequently shared with a number of individuals.
148 Protein Corona Guides Viral Pathogenesis and Alzheimer Protein Aggregation.
149 Ezzat, K., Pernemalm, M., Pålsson, S. et al. The viral protein corona directs viral pathogenesis and
amyloid aggregation. Nat Commun 10, 2331 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-019-10192-2
150 Standardized Case Definition for Surveillance of RSV-Associated Mortality
151 CBNS members publish perspective article on “A Decade of the Protein Corona” Publications |
December 6, 2017.
152 SpaceX’s Starlink satellite megaconstellation launches in photos.
153 SpaceX cuts broadband-satellite altitude in half to prevent space debris.
154 SpaceX broke a record by launching 180 satellites in 1 month — accelerating Elon Musk's project to
blanket Earth in high-speed internet.
155 Countless studies show 5G frequencies cause illness.
156 Cavezzi A, Troiani E, Corrao S. COVID-19: hemoglobin, iron, and hypoxia beyond inflammation. A
narrative review. Clin Pract. 2020;10(2):1271. Published 2020 May 28. doi:10.4081/cp.2020.1271
157 Hypoxia (medical).
158 Silent hypoxia and its role in COVID-19 detection.
159 Bushfire smoke is everywhere in our cities. Here’s exactly what you are inhaling.
160 Global Climate Change, NASA.
161 Why some doctors are moving away from ventilators for virus patients.
162 University of Helsinki – Project MegaSense.
164 Covid-induced lockdowns made Earth warmer: Study.

165 Devil’s Bargain: Why Aerosols Pose a Deadly Climate Change Threat.
166 Bill Gates Wants to 'Cover the Sun' to Help Counter Global Warming.
167 World Wildlife Organization: Water Scarcity
168 A new UN report urges a radical shift in the way we think about nature
169 Ubiquitous Psychopathology - Daniel Schmachtenberger
170 Daniel Schmachtenberger - What Causes Existential Risks? Pt. 1
171 Daniel Schmachtenberger - Solving The Causes of Existential Risks, Pt.2
172 Daniel Schmachtenberger - New Civilization Design Beyond Existential Risks, Pt 3
173 The War on Sensemaking, Daniel Schmachtenberger
(Note: This is the first of a total of 5 episodes, all available on YouTube)
174 Explainer: Nine ‘tipping points’ that could be triggered by climate change
175 Hot House Earth
176 State of the Global Climate 2020
177 Climate: World at risk of hitting temperature limit soon
178 The irreversible emissions of a permafrost ‘tipping point’
179 More than 1 billion people face displacement by 2050 - report
180 Why Does California Have So Many Wildfires?
181 California wildfires spawn first ‘gigafire’ in modern history
182 Large Wildfires Are Now More Common and Destructive
183 Wildfires have spread dramatically – and some forests may not recover
184 O. Pechony and D. T. Shindell. Driving forces of global wildfires over the past millennium and the
forthcoming century. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Nov 2010, 107 (45) 19167-
19170; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1003669107
185 Wildfires Are Burning 5 Million Acres in Siberia and Eastern Russia

186 Right after Frank Montgomery’s criticism of AstraZeneca, German health professionals go
immediately after Earth Health care Affiliation board with angry letter
187 Statement by Dr Hans Henri P. Kluge, WHO Regional Director for Europe
188 South African Covid variant may cut antibody protection from Pfizer vaccine by two-thirds
189 U.S. Drought Map.
190 Deforestation pushes 2020 fire activity above average across the Southern Amazon.
191 'We're looking at Billions of People not being able to Survive' | Peter Carter, Expert IPCC Reviewer
192 The Wildfire Smoke Guide for Public Health Officials, 2019. Inter-agency collaboration that includes:
California Air Resources Board; California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment; U.S.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; U.S. Forest Service; and U.S. Environmental Protection
193 Why Do Pollution Levels Skyrocket During Winter?
194 Hernandez, G., Berry, T-A., Wallis, S.L., & Poyner, D. (2017, November). Temperature and Humidity
Effects on Particulate Matter.
195 Lou, Cairong et al. Relationships of relative humidity with PM2.5 and PM10 in the Yangtze River Delta,
China. DOI: 10.1007/s10661-017-6281-z. October, 2017. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
196 COVID-19: High temperature and high humidity reduce the transmission of COVID-19. Spencer EA,
Heneghan C.
197 COVID-19 worse in colder weather.
198 Research shows coronavirus thrives in dry air.
199 Climate in Sydney (New South Wales), Australia.
200 What Is It That Keeps Most Little Kids From Getting Covid-19?
201 “Air Pollution and Child Health report”, 2018, World Healthcare Organization.
202 U.S. Children With COVID-19 Less Likely To Be Hospitalized Than Adults.

203 Coronavirus Overshadows a Deadly Flu Season.

204 Cass, Glen et al. The chemical composition of atmospheric ultrafine particles.
DOI 10.1098/rsta.2000.0670. October, 2000. Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society B:
Biological Sciences.
205 Kristensen LJ, Taylor MP. Fields and forests in flames: lead and mercury emissions from wildfire
pyrogenic activity. Environ Health Perspect. 2012;120(2):a56-a57. doi:10.1289/ehp.1104672
206 Schraufnagel, D.E. The health effects of ultrafine particles. Exp Mol Med 52, 311–317 (2020).
207 Hoste, L., Van Paemel, R. & Haerynck, F. Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children related to
COVID-19: a systematic review. Eur J Pediatr (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00431-021-03993-5
208 Covid-Linked Syndrome in Children Is Growing, and Cases Are More Severe
209 Half of city firefighters losing sense of smell, new study finds
210 Not Enough Is Known About Smoke's Effect On Wildland Firefighters' Health
211 Health effects of air pollution update.
212 Among COVID-19 survivors, an increased risk of death, serious illness
213 Shahid M. et al. (2019) Ecotoxicology of Heavy Metal(loid)-Enriched Particulate Matter: Foliar
Accumulation by Plants and Health Impacts. In: de Voogt P. (eds) Reviews of Environmental
Contamination and Toxicology Volume 253. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
(Continuation of Residue Reviews), vol 253. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/398_2019_38
214 The insidious coronavirus can invade heart, lungs – even brain.
215 Air pollution linked to dangerous blood clots.
216 Deep vein thrombosis common in patients with moderate to severe COVID-19.
217 Air pollution linked to increased hospital admissions for kidney disease and sepsis.
218 Wayne State University Division of Research. "Scientists discover mechanism for air pollution-induced
liver disease." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 2 September 2015.
219 4 Skin Problems Associated With Air Pollution.
220 Liu JC, Pereira G, Uhl SA, Bravo MA, Bell ML. A systematic review of the physical health impacts from
non-occupational exposure to wildfire smoke. Environ Res. 2015;136:120-132.

221 Carrie Arnold. 2019. Sensory Overload? Air Pollution and Impaired Olfaction
Environmental Health Perspectives 127:6 CID: 062001 https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP3621
222 Pollution is killing our sense of smell – and it’s making us fatter.
223 Air Pollution and Brain Health.
224 Hahad O, Lelieveld J, Birklein F, Lieb K, Daiber A, Münzel T. Ambient Air Pollution Increases the Risk of
Cerebrovascular and Neuropsychiatric Disorders through Induction of Inflammation and Oxidative
Stress. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2020; 21(12):4306.
225 Scorza, Carla A., Calderazzo, Lineu, Arida, Ricardo M., Cavalheiro, Esper A., & Scorza, Fulvio A.. (2013).
Environmental air pollution is an aggravating event for sudden unexpected death in epilepsy. Arquivos
de Neuro-Psiquiatria, 71(10), 807-810. https://doi.org/10.1590/0004-282X20130092
226 Isobel Braithwaite, Shuo Zhang, James B. Kirkbride, David P. J. Osborn and Joseph F. Hayes
2019 Air Pollution (Particulate Matter) Exposure and Associations with Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar,
Psychosis and Suicide Risk: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Environmental Health Perspectives 127:12 CID: 126002 https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP4595
227 University of Cincinnati. "New evidence suggests volcanoes caused biggest mass extinction ever:
Mercury found in ancient rock around the world supports theory that eruptions caused 'Great Dying'
252 million years ago.." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 15 April 2019.
228 Is the Ring of Fire becoming more active?
229 What Happens to All That Volcanic Ash?
230 Mikhail S. Ermolin, Petr S. Fedotov, Natalia A. Malik, Vasily K. Karandashev,
Nanoparticles of volcanic ash as a carrier for toxic elements on the global scale,
Chemosphere, Volume 200, 2018, Pages 16-22, ISSN 0045-6535,
231 Volcanic activity worldwide 7 Mar 2021.
232 Black Saturday bushfires.
233 Dowdy, A. J., Fromm, M. D., and McCarthy, N. (2017), Pyrocumulonimbus lightning and fire ignition on
Black Saturday in southeast Australia, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 122, 7342– 7354,
234 2009 swine flu pandemic.
235 The fire that devastated a Sierra town created a pyrocumulus cloud. What does that mean?
236 Fire-Induced Storms: A New Danger from the Rise in Wildfires
237 Comets or Contagions?

238 Did a Comet cause the Black Death?

239 MJ Rosenau, “Experiments to Determine Mode of Spread of Influenza,” Journal of the American
Medical Association 73, no. 5 (August 2, 1919): 311–313.
240 Spread of Spanish Flu Was Never Experimentally Confirmed
241 Air pollution caused by war activity
242 List of nuclear weapons tests
243 Operation Grapple
244 Canopus (nuclear test)
246 Just How Powerful Was The Biggest Bomb Ever Dropped?
247 1957–1958 influenza pandemic
248 Hong Kong flu
249 Ratto-Kim S, Yoon IK, Paris RM, Excler JL, Kim JH, O'Connell RJ. The US Military Commitment to
Vaccine Development: A Century of Successes and Challenges. Front Immunol. 2018;9:1397.
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250 Historic Dates and Events Related to Vaccines and Immunization
251 Fiala, Christian, Lieben wir gefährlich? Ein Arzt auf der Suche nach Fakten und Hintergründen von
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252 Keou FX, Bélec L, Esunge PM, Cancre N, Gresenguet G. World Health Organization clinical case
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253 “Virus Mania”, Torsten Engelbrecht and Claus Köhnlein, MD
254 Tahi, Djamel, Did Luc Montagnier Discover HIV?, Interview mit Luc Montagnier, Continuum, Winter
1997/1998, pp. 31-35
255 John A.G. Briggs, Kay Grünewald, Bärbel Glass, Friedrich Förster, Hans-Georg Kräusslich, Stephen D.
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256 Bess, Julyan, Microvesicles are a source of contaminating cellular proteins found in purified HIV-1
preparations, Virology, 31 March 1997, pp. 134-144
257 Pablo Gluschankof, Isabelle Mondor, Hans R. Gelderblom, Quentin J. Sattentau,
Cell Membrane Vesicles Are a Major Contaminant of Gradient-Enriched Human Immunodeficiency
Virus Type-1 Preparations, Virology, Volume 230, Issue 1, 1997,
Pages 125-133, ISSN 0042-6822, https://doi.org/10.1006/viro.1997.8453.

258 No Lockdowns: The Terrifying Polio Pandemic of 1949-52

259 “Toxicological Profile: for DDT, DDE, and DDE”, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.
260 Biskind, Morton, Public Health Aspects of the New Insecticides, American Journal of Digestive
Diseases, November 1953, Vol. 20, p. 332
261 Even 40 years after exposure, DDT linked to breast cancer
262 Nourish Vermont 2019 | Zach Bush, M.D. | The Soil Microbiome
263 GMOs: Engineering the Nature out of Humanity, Webinar Replay with Dr. Zach Bush
264 Tom Cowan Explains Stefan Lanka’s Study Showing "Isolation" Of Viruses Is Non Science.
265 Statement On Virus Isolation (SOVI).
266 Magazin WissenschafftPlus, Wichtige Texte
267 ENDERS JF, PEEBLES TC. Propagation in tissue cultures of cytopathogenic agents from patients with
measles. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med. 1954 Jun;86(2):277-86. doi: 10.3181/00379727-86-21073. PMID:
268 The Final Refutal of Virology - Dr Stefan Lanka
269 Stefan Lanka on the flaws in modern virology.
270 Giannessi F, Aiello A, Franchi F, Percario ZA, Affabris E. The Role of Extracellular Vesicles as Allies of
HIV, HCV and SARS Viruses. Viruses. 2020;12(5):571. Published 2020 May 22. doi:10.3390/v12050571.
271 Nuria Izquierdo-Useros, Maria Carmen Puertas, Francesc E. Borràs, Julià Blanco and
Javier Martinez-Picado. Exosomes and retroviruses: the chicken or the egg? Cellular Microbiology
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272 What Are Exosomes? Definition of Exosomes.
274 James R. Edgar. Q&A: What are exosomes, exactly? BMC Biology (2016) 14:46
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275 Doyle LM, Wang MZ. Overview of Extracellular Vesicles, Their Origin, Composition, Purpose, and
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276 Laura Ann Mulcahy, Ryan Charles Pink & David Raul Francisco Carter (2014) Routes and mechanisms
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277 Ding S, Liang TJ. Is SARS-CoV-2 Also an Enteric Pathogen With Potential Fecal-Oral Transmission? A
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278 Daniel Xin Zhang, Theodoros Kiomourtzis, Chun Kuen Lam and Minh T.N. Le (November 5th 2018).
The Biology and Therapeutic Applications of Red Blood Cell Extracellular Vesicles, Erythrocyte, Anil
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279 SNUH, Macrogen release study on whole-genome sequencing of new coronavirus
280 Volker Haucke, Michael M. Kozlov; Membrane remodeling in clathrin-mediated endocytosis. J Cell Sci
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282 In Situ Localization and in Vitro Induction of Plant COPI-Coated Vesicles
Peter Pimpl, Ali Movafeghi, Sean Coughlan, Jürgen Denecke, Stefan Hillmer, David G. Robinson The
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283 Transmission electron micrograph of SARS-CoV-2 virus particles (UK B.1.1.7 variant), isolated from a
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284 Surface structure of the COPII-coated vesicle
Ken Matsuoka, Randy Schekman, Lelio Orci, John E. Heuser
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286 Transmission electron micrograph of SARS-CoV-2 virus particles, isolated from a patient.
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288 Magnetite pollution particles in the human brain
Barbara A. Maher et al. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Sep 2016, 113 (39) 10797-
10801; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1605941113
289 Zhixiang Zhou, Tong Shao, Mengnan Qin, Xiaoyan Miao, Yu Chang, Wang Sheng, Fengshang Wu,
Yunjiang Yu, The effects of autophagy on vascular endothelial cells induced by airborne PM2.5,
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290 Why misinterpretation of electron micrographs in SARS-CoV-2-infected tissue goes viral
Carsten Dittmayer, Jenny Meinhardt, Helena Radbruch, Josefine Radke, Barbara Ingold Heppner,
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291 Bellingham SA, Shambrook M, Hill AF. Quantitative Analysis of Exosomal miRNA via qPCR and Digital
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292 Cerqueira Érica, Marinho Daniel A., Neiva Henrique P., Lourenço Olga. Inflammatory Effects of High
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295 The coronavirus is mutating — does it matter? Nature 585, 174-177 (2020)
doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-020-02544-6
296 The poison found in everyone, even unborn babies – and who is responsible for it
297 Ultrafine Particles (UFP) in the UK
298 The health effects of ultrafine particles. Schraufnagel Experimental & Molecular Medicine
299 Predicted ultrafine particulate matter source contribution across the continental United States during
summertime air pollution events https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-19-9399-2019
300 Morawska, Lidia et al. Desktop literature review and analysis: health impacts of ultrafine particles.
Australian Department of the Environment and Heritage. January, 2004.
301 Exposure to nanomaterials from the Danish Environment
302 Prashant Kumar, Lidia Morawska, Wolfram Birmili, Pauli Paasonen, Min Hu, Markku Kulmala, Roy M.
Harrison, Leslie Norford, Rex Britter, Ultrafine particles in cities,
Environment International, Volume 66, 2014, Pages 1-10, ISSN 0160-4120,
303 What to Know About COVID-19 and Brain Fog
304 Silke Schmidt. 2019. Brain Fog: Does Air Pollution Make Us Less Productive?
Environmental Health Perspectives 127:5 CID: 052001 https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP4869
305 Ebenstein, Avraham, Victor Lavy, and Sefi Roth. 2016. "The Long-Run Economic Consequences of
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306 The impact of exposure to air pollution on cognitive performance

Xin Zhang, Xi Chen, Xiaobo Zhang
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Sep 2018, 115 (37) 9193-9197; DOI:
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Pollution Exposures and Potential Mechanistic Underpinnings. Curr Environ Health Rep.
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308 Wang P, Tuvblad C, Younan D, Franklin M, Lurmann F, Wu J, et al.2017. Socioeconomic disparities and
sexual dimorphism in neurotoxic effects of ambient fine particles on youth IQ: a longitudinal analysis.
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309 Teen Exposure to Air Pollution Could Reduce IQ Levels Long Term
310 Why IQ levels are falling
311 Flynn effect and its reversal are both environmentally caused
Bernt Bratsberg, Ole Rogeberg Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Jun 2018, 115 (26)
6674-6678; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1718793115
312 IQ rates are dropping in many developed countries and that doesn't bode well for humanity
313 Maggioli, E; McArthur, S; Mauro, C; Kieswich, J; Kusters, DH; Reutelingsperger, CP;
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314 Where do the children play?
315 Brockmeyer S, D'Angiulli A. How air pollution alters brain development: the role of
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316 Sunyer, J, Dadvand, P. Pre‐natal brain development as a target for urban air pollution. Basic Clin
Pharmacol Toxicol. 2019; 125(Suppl. 3): 81– 88. https://doi.org/10.1111/bcpt.13226
317 Association between Traffic-Related Air Pollution in Schools and Cognitive Development in Primary
School Children: A Prospective Cohort Study. Jordi Sunyer et al. March 3,
318 Allen JL, Oberdorster G, Morris-Schaffer K, Wong C, Klocke C, Sobolewski M, Conrad K, Mayer-
Proschel M, Cory-Slechta DA. Developmental neurotoxicity of inhaled ambient ultrafine particle air
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319 Klocke C, Allen JL, Sobolewski M, Mayer-Pröschel M, Blum JL, Lauterstein D, Zelikoff JT, Cory-Slechta
DA. Neuropathological Consequences of Gestational Exposure to Concentrated Ambient Fine and
Ultrafine Particles in the Mouse. Toxicol Sci. 2017 Apr 1;156(2):492-508. doi: 10.1093/toxsci/kfx010.
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320 Morris-Schaffer, Keith et al. Effects of neonatal inhalation exposure to ultrafine carbon particles on
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