C Mix B Features D Price B Target C Promotion D Questionnaire B Audience

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a strategy b plan c mix d profile

2. a portfolio b features c extension d base
3. a retail b identity c wholesale d price
4. a distribution b exporter c survey d focus
5. a USP b target c SWOT d wholesaler
6. a discount b sample c promotion d questionnaire
7. a profile b audience c strategy d retailer
8. plans b offers c samples d messages

1. annual sales – ročné výpredaje

2. business acumen – niekto, kto rozumie biznisu
3. buying spree – perioda, počas ktorej si ľudia kupujú veľa vecí
4. economic recession – recesia
5. retail outlets – maloobchodná predajň a
6. turning point – bod, zlom
7. global crisis – globá lna kríza
1. Turkey is enjoying one of the region’s strongest recoveries from the
global crisis after suffering one of its sharpest recessions.
2. In recent years the airlines industry has suffered from terrorism
economic recession and rocketing oil prices.
3. Our company has combined annual sales of about $2.5 bn with about
$600m coming from Brazil.
4. Peak Sport Products, a family-run company that now ranks among China’s
best-known sportswear brands, now has more than 6,000 retail outlets
and is opening another three every day.
5. The acquisition of Rex Electronics marked a turning point in our
company’s history.
6. The consumer electronics industry was leading in the world out of
recession by tempting consumers into a buying spree
7. While some fashion brands such as Burberry and Louis Vuitton have
married vision with business acumen all too often there is a tension
between creativity and corporate finance.


1 Four exchanges censured for anti-competitiveness

The Securities and Exchange Commission said/ has said yesterday it censured /
had censured four US options exchanges for allegedly engaging in anti-
competitve practices and ordered / was ordering them collectively to spend
$77m on surveillance and enforcement. Without admitting or denying the
charges, the American Stock Exchange, Chicago Board Options Exchange, Pacific
Exhange and Philadelphia Stock Exchange agreed / had agreed to settle with the
Sec an Justice Department, which were probing / have been probing / had been
probing options listing practices at the exchanges since last year.

2 Karsen names Liebke successor

Karsen, the Austrian derivatives exchange, appointed / has appointed / had

appointed Dieter Lahm to take over from hans Liebke as chief executive. The
appointment was announced / had been announced yesterday by Deutsche
Borse, which owns / owned 50 per cent of Karsen and is seen / was seen as a
move by the exchange to develop a stronger international presence. Mr. Liebke,
who has announced / had announced his reisgnation from Karsen the week
before, was appointed / had been appointed to the Deuttsched Borse board a
few days ago.

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