MindMovies SuccessBlocker Report W

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A Personalized Report Revealing Your Unique

Success Blocker, Where In Your Childhood It Came

From, And How To Break Free From It… Forever!
A message from Natalie Ledwell, founder of the Mind Movies human potential movement:

Congratulations on deciding to discover and erase your limiting beliefs - or as I like

to call them, your ‘Success Blockers’.

Believe me when I say: this simple step is one of the most important things you can
ever do for your personal growth.

It was Brian Tracy, one of my dearest mentors, who said, “You begin to fly when you
let go of self-limiting beliefs… and allow your mind and aspirations to rise to greater

The quiz you just took was the first step. The next is to review this personalized
PDF report, where you’ll discover:

1. The single most damaging Success Blocker in your life, based on your quiz

2. How this Success Blocker is affecting your ability to achieve, earn, grow, heal,
and connect with others.

3. A set of affirmations you can start using every day to loosen your Success
Blocker’s grip on your mind

4. And finally, you’ll receive an exclusive invitation to join me on a free online

workshop, where I’ll show you not only how to erase your Success Blocker -
but to replace it with new empowering beliefs that uplift you instead of drag
you down.

I hope you’re ready for a fascinating and rewarding journey into what really makes
you, you. But before we get started...
What exactly is a Success Blocker?

A Success Blocker is a piece of negative programming burrowed inside your

subconscious mind that negatively affect every part of your life - from how you
make decisions, to how you deal with problems to how you interact with others.

Think of it like what a computer virus is a to a computer: it’s always working secretly
in the background, it’s sneaky, it’s hard to get rid of without the right guidance, and
the longer you leave it there, the more damage it’s going to do.

According to modern neuroscience, Success Blockers are often formed in our

childhood, most commonly up until the age of six, which is when our brains are
most open to absorbing the ideas, beliefs and events around us.

I’ve experienced this for myself on a personal level too - one of my personal
Success Blockers that I probably picked up from one of my hardworking parents is
that “success is a struggle”.

So how did that affect me? Well before I dissolved this Success Blocker, I was
running 4 different businesses, working 80 hours a week, neck-deep in credit card
debt and grinding myself to the ground for little rewards - it wasn’t pretty!

So, what is the Success Blocker most affecting you? Let’s dive in.
Based On Your Quiz Results, Your No. 1 Success Blocker Is The Belief That:

“I’m Not Worthy”

This Success Blocker is a deep-seeded belief that you don’t truly deserve happiness and success.

So why does it exist in you? The most likely cause is if you experienced any of the
following in your childhood:

1. You had experiences where you

repeatedly felt like you needed to behave
perfectly all the time in order for the
people around you to be happy with you.

2. You consistently felt as though your
accomplishments and achievements were
overlooked. And even if your parents had
the very best intentions, you felt like you
were constantly receiving feedback on
what you could be doing better; instead
of positive reinforcement on what you
were already doing well.

3. You noticed others - siblings or friends, perhaps - being rewarded while you
felt you deserved to be but weren’t.

These experiences could very likely have been interpreted by your child’s mind that
praise and success isn’t something that you deserve.

So how is this Success Blocker affecting your life in the present?

Many of us are unaware of how our Success Blockers affect our lives, because
we’ve had them for as long as we can remember.
A Success Blocker is most often triggered when you’re faced with challenges
beyond your comfort zone - like speaking on stage, learning a new skill, or making a
major change in your career or personal life.

The first step to overcoming it is to simply become more mindful of its symptoms.
Here are some of the more common ones:

* You struggle to focus on the future you’d like to create, and instead you may
find yourself focusing on the past – which can totally dissolve your motivation
to set goals at all.

* If you do set the goal for yourself and start taking action on it, you may also
find yourself debilitated by negative internal chatter that starts coming up,
telling you you’re not good enough or smart enough to achieve it.

* When you hit your goals or achieve any other level of success in your life, you
may find it difficult to accept other people’s compliments. A typical response
would be: “oh, it was really no big deal, anyone could have done it.”

* You may find yourself unconsciously REJECTING financial opportunities that

come to you because you feel unworthy of them, whether it’s in the form of a
raise, a new career option, or even an investment opportunity.

* Your feelings of unworthiness can lead to other limiting beliefs in every area
of life, such as the belief that you’re unloved, or that you’re not smart or lucky
or talented enough.

* You may also find your feelings of unworthiness tripping you up every time
you want to harness the Law of Attraction, since as you probably know -
nothing destroys manifesting power more quickly than self-doubt!
5 Affirmations That Instantly Weaken Your Success Blocker

The key to erasing Success Blockers is to work directly with your subconscious
mind. There are many tools and exercises for doing this (more on that shortly) -
but one simple step you can take immediately is to start using daily affirmations that
directly counter the effects of your Success Blocker.

Affirmations are mindfully constructed statements that program your subconscious

mind to believe a certain truth, and reject all beliefs and thought patterns that get in
the way of this truth.

All you need to do is recite your set of affirmations daily - I recommend first thing
in the morning, in the afternoon as a booster, and in the evening before bed. You
can do them while looking in the mirror, while meditating, whatever you’re most
comfortable with.

Here are five affirmations you can use to instantly weaken your Success Blocker:

1. I am grateful for my success.

2. I believe in me.
3. My confidence builds every day.
4. I have the freedom and power to create the life I deserve.
5. I trust in my ability to succeed.
And Now, A Special Invitation To Reprogram Your Mind
For Unlimited Success...
You now know more about your Success Blocker than most people ever will -
which means it’s time for the next step!

As a reward for getting this far, it’s my pleasure to offer you a FREE spot on my
upcoming online workshop, where together we’ll dive deep into your subconscious
mind, and begin removing all your limiting thought patterns, beliefs, habits, and of
course Success Blockers.

Use this special link to reserve your free spot on the

How To Eliminate Your Limiting Beliefs online workshop

Over 217,000 people worldwide have experienced incredible personal

breakthroughs on this workshop.

The highlight of the session is an exhilarating Subconscious Programming

Exercise; where within minutes, and with nothing more than a pen and paper, I
will guide you deep into your subconscious - and pinpoint your deepest, most
damaging success blockers so quickly and accurately, it’s almost scary!

Then, I’ll pluck out these blockers from your psyche, and replace
them with empowering beliefs that serve you instead of sabotage

I can’t begin to describe how powerful this one exercise is, and
everyone has their own unique experience with it depending
on their Success Blockers.

Some report feeling like a dark cloud has dissolved from

somewhere deep inside… some feel an instant surge of self-
love and empowerment… some feel like a cork has been
pulled out from their minds, and an instant rush of creativity,
intuition and clarity starts flowing through.
How will this liberating experience affect your confidence at work? What will you
do with your time and resources when you’re finally able to attract the wealth and
abundance you deserve? How will you feel when you finally have the strength
and resolve to stick to your health and fitness goals? How great will it be to finally
connect, clearly, authentically, and empathically, with all the important people in
your life?

Well, you’ll have to join us to find out!

On the session I’ll also show you:

* A powerful mind hack for unearthing your hidden talents and skills (the ones
you never realized you had, and yes you do have many!) that will allow you to
double, triple, even quadruple your income once you start applying them.

* An astonishing study that proves our beliefs can even trigger physical changes
in our bodies, from our strength to our eye prescription (and how to use this
to your advantage by adopting beliefs that spark POSITIVE change in your
mind and body).

* The 3 types of limiting beliefs that lead to sadness, regret, mediocrity and
unrealized dreams (and how to free yourself from the clutches of yours).

* The number 1 “innocent” mistake that keeps 99.9% of people attached to

their self-limiting beliefs and stuck in life - and even the most positive and
enlightened people fall prey to this without even realizing.

* And how to overcome all of your limiting beliefs so you can live a life filled
with unlimited freedom and endless possibilities.

This is the next and final step of your journey to erasing your Success Blockers from
your life - and I’m so excited to guide you through it!
Quick - reserve your spot on the How To Eliminate Limiting Beliefs
online workshop, and let’s awaken your limitless life

Natalie Ledwell
Founder of Mind Movies

P.S. As soon as you claim your free spot, you’ll also

receive a free gift that I know you’re going to love. I
won’t spoil the surprise here - just grab your spot on
the online workshop and find out for yourself

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