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Advertising agency

Forming of the advertising agency

The advertising agency is taking place under the guidance of uk based agency but as it is forming in india
it needs to study market of india and start advertising agency according to indian market the main aspect
of the advertising is formation in india

With automotive sector and with minimum other advertising sector too

The business plan can be set as

Creating a plan for advertising agency ,pricing , top & advertisement , finding clients for the agency ,
developing the accurate plan, crating an incredible website, join advertising industry trade assumption

Name is as follows
The name of the company is meteorites “creative & speed”

The structure can be related to in house agency

1. Public relation
2. Finance research
3. Office management
4. Production
5. Contact media
6. Copy
7. Art
8. Production

Relation with public

Concerns about consumers are being addressed.

Taking customer and consumer feedback and acting on it as soon as possible.

Assist the advertising agency in liaising with third parties. Maintaining goodwill is necessary for preserving
a repo.

To produce and keep a record of all bills received or incurred by the firm.

Regularly sending out reminders to clients for outstanding debts.

Accounts must be paid on time or before the due date.

Vendor payments must be made on or before the due date.

Keep a regular and annual accounting of your finances.

Make timely payments to the government.

Office management
Organize and administer the pay accounts of employees.

Recruiting office workers, as well as training and development of new hires

Make certain that deserving candidates are promoted.
Ensure that employees have access to amenities that will benefit their health and well-being.

All paperwork must be filed and kept on file.

Contact media
Clients are provided with critical information. Attempts to keep and attract new customers
Establishing a connection between the customer and the advertising agency
Contributes to increased revenue

They are promoting their agency in order to attract new clients.

Working tirelessly to ensure the organization's rapid growth

Copywriting entails creating visually appealing copy for clients and customers.
Participate in brainstorming sessions to come up with new ideas.

They use their remarkable abilities to put flair and eloquent language while preparing a copy.

Convert the client's concept into simple, appealing visuals.
Client layouts and graphics are being created.

In close collaboration with copywriters, create visual messages.

Among other things, I paint bulletins, posters, vehicle cards, drawings, and slogans

Produces market advertisements in their final form.
Making business connections to make tasks easier to complete.

Assemble the final advertising by putting together the typographic design patterns, engraved
photographs, graphics, copy, and so on.

Sending completed work to clients for approval

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