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You start with Paragraph 1- Introduction, where you:

– need to use a first name, invent it if it’s not given. Don’t write Dear friend

– mention an email or letter you have received from the person you’re writing to or refer to a shared experience or
add a general comment

– say what you’ve been doing recently

Phrases you can use in the introduction:

• Many thanks for your letter (- it was really nice to hear from you again)

• I thought I’d better write (and give you some more details about)

• It’s been such a long time since we wrote to each other

• I thought I’d drop you a line…

• How are you and your family?

• How are things with you?

• How was (your holiday), etc?

In the 2nd and 3rd Paragraph you :

– answer all the questions asked by the reader

– ask a question directly

– use a range of appropriate vocabulary and informal expressions

Phrases you can use to introduce the topic in the 2nd paragraph:

• I know you’re waiting to hear all about (my holiday)

• You remember I told you in my last letter (that I was going to…)

In the 4th paragraph you finish with the closing

In the last paragraph you :

– give a reason why you’re ending the letter

– send greetings and/or make reference for future contact

– close with a statement such as Love, Best wishes, should be written on a new line. If you used a comma after the
opening greeting, use a comma here too.

–sign off: Your first name then follows on another new line.

Phrases you can use to end the email/ letter

• Anyway, I must go and get on with my work! / I guess it’s time I got on with that studying I’ve been avoiding.
• Give my love / regards to… / Say hello to… / Anyway, don’t forget to let me know the dates of the party. / I’ll
try and phone you at the weekend to check the times. / We must try and meet up soon.
• I can’t wait to hear from you / Look forward to seeing you again / Hope to hear from you soon / See you
soon / Write soon
• Love. All the best, Best wishes  *

* Don’t write Yours sincerely

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