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Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe

their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your


India Rice

Mrs. Fessler

College and Career Readiness

1 September 2021

College Essay

My mom used to work at a pregnancy care center in Gautier when I was little. It was

called PROMISS. I was there all the time because my mom was single and she could not afford a

babysitter. As a young child, I was shocked at the number of people not getting the resources

they needed to want to keep their baby. That is where I learned the horrors of abortion, and that

is when I knew I wanted to do something about it.

As I have gotten older, I have not been able to decide what I want to do with my life. I

know that I want to make a difference in the world, but just not exactly sure how. However, an

opportunity presented itself to me these past few weeks. The largest prolife organization in the

world, Live Action answered my email about an internship in San Jose, California. If I graduated

early this year, I could go live with my aunt who lives not far from there, and I could have the

internship. Live Action told me that they had a spot for me! I knew that this was the best chance

that I would get. My worries about the future instantly subsided. I would not have to go to

college and be in debt and I would even have a place to stay. Saving the babies would now be
my full time job and I could not be more thrilled. I want to help as many women as possible keep

and love their babies.

One of my biggest inspirations today is Lila Rose. She is the founder of Live Action. She

has a similar story to mine. She knew she wanted to help people at a young age just like me. She

never backs down from a challenge and gives everything her all. I admire her passion for life and

her activism. Her book is so inspiring and has made me have a new respect for life.

I cannot wait to go to California this summer to start. One of the things I look

forward to the most is getting a break from my small town and experiencing a big city for a

change. I will get to walk everywhere and see the city. This is my dream and I am so glad I gave

the chance to fulfill it. I want to gain real world experience and see lives changed because of my

work. Living in California will be good for me because I want to be independent and learn to

depend on myself for a change. Maybe I will stay on after the internship for a real job. I do not

know what the future holds, but I know Who holds my future.

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