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Dear Potential Sponsor,

We are Parkway Central High’s Robotics club, the Nuts and Colts. Our team is made up of experienced high
school engineering, coding, and marketing students, with some members having competed in the VEX world
championships twice. We would love to ask you to be a sponsor for our two robotics teams as we construct our
robots and take them into competitions throughout the VEX Turning-Point 2021-2022 season challenge. More
information regarding the robotics competition can be found at With the combination of
our skills and your support, we truly believe we can achieve great things in the robotics scene.

Our Budget

* All prices are in dollars($) and include expenses for both of our teams *

Here is a breakdown of our budget for the 2021-2022 Season:

➔ Building Materials
◆ Starter Kits for 2 Teams - $3,300
◆ Booster Kits for additional sensors and building materials - $400

➔ Team Expenses
◆ Coordinated Team hoodies - $1,050
◆ Registration fee annual - $200
◆ Registration for 3 competitions - $450

➔ Programing
◆ Educational laptops for programming - $1000
There are 3 levels of sponsorships if you choose to assist us on our journey:

Silver Sponsor ($500)

+ Company’s logo on the sleeves of team hoodie
+ Shout-outs on Social Media (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook)

Gold Sponsor ($1000)

○ Additional to Silver Sponsorship
+ Larger logo on team hoodie
+ Logo on both team’s robots
+ Logo on team website

Platinum Sponsor ($2000)

○ Additional to Gold Sponsorship
+ Custom YouTube Video shoutout
+ Company logo on team banner (will show up in social media posts)
+ Company logo on posters around the school

Our overall goal is to raise $6500, but any amount given is greatly appreciated. We hope that you seriously
consider being a sponsor for our team. This would help open up a world of opportunities for a group of students
with loads of passion and potential. Regardless of whether you choose to donate or not, thank you for your time
and consideration!
Eagerly awaiting your response,
Parkway Central Robotics

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