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SPECIFIC PURPOSE: To persuade my audience that our generation has a role to play in
saving planet earth.

CENTRAL IDEA: we are not apart from nature we are a part nature and to betray nature is
to betray us, to save nature is to save us.

INTRODUCTION: I am sure all of you must know about greenhouse gases. These gases
though have kept Earth's climate habitable for humans and millions of other species. ”. But
those gases are now out of balance and threaten to change the environment drastically. AS
Bill gates mentioned in his book “how to avoid climate disaster” that we human through our
activities emit 51 billion tons of greenhouse gases in a typical year. such high concentration of
greenhouse gases are now affecting our planet’s weather and climate systems. According to
UN climate disasters surge 5 folds over the past 50 years and in just the past 2 years we have
seen multiple such cases like wildfire in Australia, deadly floods in India, Nepal and
Bangladesh, drought in South Africa and not to forget the flooding due to heavy rainfalls and
hazardous quality of air in Pakistan specifically in Punjab.
Now there are multiple ways to bring the greenhouse gases to a safer levels so that we can
tackle climate change but one of the simplest and most effective way is planting trees.
Before continuing let me ask you all that of all the things on your to-do list, is planting more
trees one of them? No? Not a problem – that’s something that might change very soon. Because
today in my speech I am going to talk about why we as an individual should be focusing on
planting trees starting from today.

I. Why we are only focusing on plantation as a way to tackle climate change. Well as I have
already mentioned that it is one of the simplest way and mainly because trees/plants do
so much more us besides dealing with climate issues.
A. Are you aware that YOU can help end hunger and poverty, give millions of animals a
safe home to live besides fighting climate change just by planting trees?
II. Before moving forward let’s talk a little bit about SDG. They are 17 goals developed by
the United Nations (UN) to achieve a better and more sustainable future for every being
on Earth. Each of the goals addresses a global challenge that we all face.
A. These include poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, and
peace and justice.
B. Do you know that you can contribute to 16 of the 17 UN Sustainable Development
Goals starting from today just by planting trees in your own country?

III. We will talk about those goals in terms of Pakistan. According to the Climate Risk Index
2021, Pakistan ranks eighth for countries most affected by extreme weather events
between 2000 and 2019. And we must demonstrate that we are seriously addressing
our own country’s environmental issues. Only then are we in a position to influence
global environmental changes.

IV. Coming back to the point how you can help decreasing hunger, poverty, and
contribute to the SDG while planting trees in Pakistan.

A. NO POVERTY & ZERO HUNGER: The very first Sustainable Development Goal is to “end
poverty in all its forms, everywhere”. The second goal is to “end hunger, achieve food
security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture”.
1. Poverty is a complicated and far-reaching issue. Planting trees won’t solve it
overnight – but it will certainly help. How? Well planting trees is not just walk in
the park. We cannot just leave it after planting seed. Instead of looking for
volunteer we can hire local people, people in need to take good care of the
plants. We can also suggest it to the organizations we will working with in next
few months. It may be a very little amount for us but for someone it will become
a stable source of income for someone and prevent them from worrying about
what to eat next week or even next day.
2. Everybody knows that certain trees produce fruit. These trees feed both humans
and animals. Planting more trees helps to maintain healthy soils as according to
food and agriculture organization of UN trees naturally remove carbon and
noxious substances from soil? And their roots gather deep minerals and vitamins
in the soil and pull them to the surface where, combined with their decomposing
foliage, they improve the soil even further. Hence increase in production and a
sustainable agriculture

B. CLEAN WATETR: For number three, the UN set to “ensure availability and sustainable
management of water and sanitation for all”.
1. One of the reasons why planting trees is important is because they’re a
significant part of a fascinating ecosystem. One of the most important elements
of that ecosystem is the water cycle: trees help to restore it. After a rain they
hold Earth’s water supply like a natural sponge and help the land to naturally
manage its water levels.
a. Instead of constructing new water treatment facilities that are ineffective and
overworked, trees can clean the water naturally. We just have to plant more
of them.

V. Now that we have established multiple of benefits we can get by planting trees. Let’s
talk about our role here. How can we cope with problem of burning of fossil fuels that
emit greenhouse gases or how can we stop governments or corporations from cutting
forest in just our country (forget about the globe) as according to World Wildlife Fund
(WWF) Pakistan’s deforestation rate is second highest in Asia. The answer to these
questions is WE CAN’T, at least not on an individual level.

CONCLUSION: But we can redirect this. How? Let me suggest that if a farmer sees a
tree that is unhealthy they don't look at the branches to diagnose it they look at the roots
so like that farmer we must look at the roots and not to the branches of government and
not to the politicians run by corporations. We are the root, we are the foundation “this
generation”, it is up to us to take care of this country this planet, it is our only home. So
what we can do is we can plant more and more trees. We must realize that we are not
apart from nature we are a part of nature and to betray nature is to betray us to save
nature is to save us.

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