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Fill in the blanks with ought,have to,be to or need followed by the appropriate
1. Mother always tells me that I must be more careful.2.You don't have to tell him my
telephone number,he knows it.3.You mustn't have said that!See how distressed she is.4.I
don't want to do it, but I have to.5.All the same ,I think you have to visit a doctor.There must
be something the matter with you.6.Dont forget that you must get up.7. But there was no
other way out.I had to communicate with him.No one else knew her address.8.Such things
mustn't be allowed.9.You needn't have written such a long composition.The teacher only
asked for 200 words,and you have written 400.10."Perhaps I oughtn't to have troubled
you." .He closed his lips tight.He was offended.

Ex.24.Translate the sentences into English ,using must,have to,be to or need:

1.We needn't have left the houseso early,the train doesn't arrive for an hour.2.We don't have
to hurry.We needn't be there before 8.30.3.You mustn't follow thei example.It would be
foolish of you.4 I wonder if we have to bring the books.5.I didn't have to lock the door,
someone had already locked it.6.If it freezes hard tomorrow,you won't' need to go to school.
7.You needn't worry,they will soon be back.They must have lingered near the House of
Parliament on the Thames embankment:everything interests them here.8.One mustn't forget
that the East End is the home of those whose work keeps this huge city alive.9.You needn't
continue,I know that next you are going to say that among London's monuments of
architecture the most popular one is Westminster Abbey built in the thirteenth
century.10.They were to meet on Waterloo Bridge at 6 p.m.11."What am I to tell our guests
about my trip to London?"-"Describe to them the ceremony of changing the guard at the
gates of the Tower."12.She said what time we were to come and asked us not to be late.13.
We decided that the children must not go there alone.14.One needn't mention that the Louvre
is a major museum and ancient monument.Everybody knows that.15.I had to accept this
invitation although I was unwell.I didn't want to offend my new friends.16. He knew that he
might have to stay there more than a month.17.Ask the monitor who is to bring the head-
phones to the Grammar class today.

Ex.8.Translate into English,using the verb can.

1.He can’t have told a lie.It isn’t like him.2.Can it be true that he has become a famous actor?
3.They can’t be brother and sister.They aren’t alike at all.4.It couldn’t be true.Anyway we
can’t prove it.5.I wonder what you could suggest in such circumstances.6.He couldn’t have
made such a mistake.He is an experienced engineer.7.Can it be just his imagination?8.But for
him we could have lost our way.It was already getting dark.9.If I were you,I wouldn’t trust
him.he could deceive you.10.He couldn’t be so young.I have saw some grey hairs on his
temples.11.You can easily recognize him by his noble aquiline profile.12.They cant have
noticed us.We were rather far from them.13.They can’t have failed to notice us.We were
quite near.14.You can’t judge a person by appearance.Appearances are deceprive.15.Could it
be little Lizzie?How she has grown!.16.”Can I see the manager?”-”Unfortunately not.He is
coming at twelve today.”.17.Could you give me your notes on condition that I return them the
day after tommorow?18.She hopes that she can avoid the operation.19.One could see that he
was excited though he tried to look carefree.20.”Can I talk to you for a moment?”-”Well,wats
the matter?

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