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Peer-Editing Form for Argumentative Essay

Directions: Check your partner’s paper for the following items and write comments.

Topic Comments
Does the introduction engage
the reader?

Copy the thesis of the essay.

What side is the writer on?

What are two claims that the 1.

writer mentions from the
other side?

Does the writer refute these

claims using facts, reasons,
or evidence?
List any emotionally charged
words that the writer might
want to change.

List two facts that are 1.

particularly relevant and
credible for making the
reader want to consider the 2.
writer’s viewpoint.

List one idea that might need

some work to accomplish the
goal of making the reader
consider the writer’s
Do ideas seem connected?
Explain where more
transitions might be needed.

Does the conclusion clearly

restate which side the writer
is on?
Does the conclusion
summarize the issue?
List any grammar or spelling
errors you find.

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