General Lesson Plan Template: Instructional Strategies)

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General Lesson Plan Template

Grade Level / Content Area Teacher Candidate Name Date of Lesson

First Grade Reading and Language Arts Ashley Ruggerio October 5th, 2021

Content Area Standards (Content Knowledge; Planning for Instruction)

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.1.1 Strategy: Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.1.10 Genre: Informational Text/Nonfiction, with prompting and support, read informational texts appropriately complex for
grade 1.
Learning Outcomes (The Learner and Learning; Planning for Instruction)
Students will answer the question “What do friends do together?” by using the graphic organizer while reading Friends by Nina Crews.

Important Concepts for the Lesson (Content Knowledge; Planning for Instruction)
Students will read the story Friends by Nina Crews together and use textual evidence to fill out the graphic organizer.

Essential Prior Knowledge for New Learning (Content Knowledge; Planning for Instruction)
Nonfiction text characteristics such as how it tells about real people, places, and things and gives information and facts.

Flexible and Responsive Instruction (Leaner Development and Learning Differences; Planning for Instruction)
Special Needs Special needs students can just draw a picture for each question if they have troubles writing the answers together as a
Advanced Advanced students can write on the back of the paper what they like to do with their friends in a complete sentence and
include a drawing. This can be done like “___ is my friend. When we play together, we ___”.

Instructional Procedures (Content Knowledge; Application of Content; Assessment; Planning for Instruction;
Instructional Strategies)
Review Ask the students “Who remembers what a non-fiction story is?”. Give them a chance to answer and then tell them “non-
fiction stories tell about real places, things, people, and events. They also give information and facts. They often have
photographs to illustrate facts and ideas.”.

Anticipatory Set This story is called Friends by Nina Crews. As we read this story together, think about the question what do friends do

Direct Instruction / Reading the story and asking questions along with the pages to prompt the students to answer questions that may be on
the graphic organizer after the reading. Writing the answers on the board as a class once students have an opportunity to
Modeling answer.

Checking for If a student fills out the answer together as a class on the graphic organizer and draws a picture to go along with each
answer, all students will receive full credit. I will go around and check if they have everything filled out, and if they don’t I
Understanding will give them a chance to fill in what they missed to get credit.
Guided Practice Graphic organizer will be completed together as a class, and students will have an opportunity to raise their hands and
answer the questions in front of the class.

Closure I will ask the students what they learned about how friends play form reading the story.
Summative Summative assessment will be done during the lesson, as students are called on to answer the questions on the graphic
organizer. If students know the answer, they are understanding, and if students do not know the answer, they will be
Assessment assisted by the teacher with prompts to recall what they learned in the reading.
Practice (optional)

Lesson Timeline (Summary of Instruction )

Review / Anticipatory Set Direct Instruction / Questions / Guided Practice / Closure /
Formative Assessments Summative Assessment
Hi class! Today we will be reading a story I will begin reading the book. “Pam and Jill are friends. Students will now complete the close reading
called Friends by Nina Crews. Raise your They play a lot. What do you think Pam and Jill play? graphic organizer with the class. “We are going
hand if you have a friend. Everyone They’re playing catch in the picture so they probably to draw a picture and write the answers to the
should have their hand up because we play catch! Let’s read to more to find out. Pam and Jill questions from the story we read. Pam and Jill
are all friends! We are going to read the toss a ball. Let’s look at the next picture? What do you are friends. How can you tell Pam and Jill are
story, but while we read I want you to think Pam and Jill are doing here? Pam hops. Jill hops friends? They are playing together, or tossing
think about the question, what do friends too. What does it look like Pam and Jill are doing around a ball. Let’s write that answer down and
go together? here? Maybe running a race or playing a game? Let’s draw a picture of it. They play tag. Why does Jill
read to see! They play tag. Pam is quick. We used the not like tag? She isn’t as fast as Pam. Let’s
picture to try to figure out what Pam and Jill are draw another picture to go along with that. Pam
playing. Jill is not as quick as Pam. How does Jill feel and Jill sit on a rock. Do you think they like the
in this picture? Let’s see why she looks like that. Jill is game they are playing? Yes, because they are
hot. She does not like tag. Let’s see what they friends both happy and smiling! Let’s draw a picture of
can do so they are both having fun. Pam makes a that! There is one last question on our paper. Is
plan. She has a box. Jill looks in. It is a doll and a dog! this story fiction or non-fiction? Why? This story
What do you think Jill and Pam will do with these toys is non-fiction because it is true and gives us
in the box? Pam and Jill sit on a rock. They make up a facts. What did we learn about friends from the
game. The dog and doll are friends. How do Jill and story?” Students will answer that question out
Pam both feel now? Let’s read the ending to see! Pam loud and I will go around and give them a star
and Jill play, play, play. It is a fun day! “ on their paper if they completed all of their
work. If they are not finished yet, I will prompt
them to do so by helping and restating the
question they are stuck on. All students will get
credit for participating and doing their
Lesson Materials and Supplies (Application of Content; Planning for Instruction; Instructional Strategies)
Literature anthology book on page 68 for story (all students have a copy), graphic organizer (see attached), and a pencil.

Other Required Components Specific to Individual Course

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