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I. Fill in WILL or BE GOING TO:

1. A: Why don’t you tidy your room?
B: I …………………………………….. play football in ten minutes, so I haven’t got time.
2. A: How can we get all this home?
B: I ………………………………………. ask James to come and help.
3. She has bought some wool. She ……………………………. knit a sweater.
4. A: This problem is very difficult.
5. B: I ………………………. help you to solve it.
6. A: Why are you taking down all the pictures?
B: I ……………………………….. paint the room.
7. I ………………………… climb that mountain one day.
8. Look at that young man. He looks very pale. He ……………………………. faint.
9. A: Why are buying that spade?
B: I ……………………………… plant some trees in my garden at the back of the house.
10. She …………………………….. get better. There are positive signs.
11. I’m hungry. I ………………………………. have something to eat.
12. I ………………………………… be 38 years old next week.

II. Fill in the blanks with the correct FUTURE forms: (Will / Going to / Present Continuous /
Simple Present)
1. A: Why are you wearing your anorak?
I ………………………………………………… (go) out.
2. I don’t know the meaning of this word so I ………………………………(look) it up in the
3. Look out! You …………………………………………… (hurt) yourself with that knife.
4. A: I’ve got a terrible headache.
Have you? Wait there and I …………………………………………. (get) an aspirin for you.
5. Mother: Your face is dirty.
Child : All right. I …………………………………………………. (wash) it.
6. A: What time ……………………the next bus ………………………. (arrive)?
B: 13 minutes later.
7. .……………………. you …………………….. (open) the door for me, please?
8. We’re early. The film ……………………………… (start) at 2:30. Why don’t we go and
have something to drink?
9. He ……………………………………… (call) the police as soon as he gets home.
10. A: What …………………….. you …………………………… (do) with that dress?
11. I …………………………………………………. (shorten) the skirt

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