Revisão - Inglês Júlia Amado Farah (2º Ano E.M)

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 Put the verb into the correct first conditional form:

a) If I __________________ (go) out tonight, I __________________ (go) to the Marissa’s
b) If they __________________ (say) that again, I __________________ (be) angry.
c) If we __________________ (not / see) our friends tomorrow, we __________________
(see) them next week.
d) If she __________________ (come) today, he __________________ (be) very surprised.
e) If you __________________ (stay) here, we __________________ (be) late.

 (UFSC – Adaptada) Choose the grammatically CORRECT proposition to complete

the blanks in the following sentence:
If he ____________ the basics of computers, he ____________ a better student.
a) learns – become
b) learning – will become
c) will learning – becomes
d) learns – will become
e) will learn – become

 (PUC-RIO) In the sentence “If you wrote about the international banking systems for
bankers, your language and information would be more technical”, the author intends
to transmit an idea of:
a) conclusion
b) addition
c) condition
d) comparison
e) contrast

 Choose the correct alternative:

a) If they go to the cinema, I will (go / gone) too.
b) She (looks / will look) completely different if she cuts her hair.
c) You won't pass the course if you (don't / won't) study.
d) If my mother goes to Paris, she (has / will have) a very nice time.
e) If I leave now, I (will arrive / arrive) in São Paulo by 6:00 PM.

 Complete the sentences below using the verbs in brackets in the appropriate
1. If I __________________, I wouldn’t lie to them. (to be)
(Se eu fosse você, eu não mentiria pra eles.)
2. If we _________________ on foot, we’ll be late. (to go)
(Se nós formos a pé, nós vamos nos atrasar.)
3. I would call the police if someone __________________ my house. (break into)
(Eu chamaria a polícia se alguém arrombasse minha casa.)
4. I_________________ weight if I eat too much chocolate. (to gain)
(Eu vou ganhar peso se eu comer muito chocolate.)
5. She will be tired in class if she _________________ to bed early.(not/ to go)
(Ela vai ficar cansada na aula se ela não for pra cama cedo.)
6. She __________________ me if she could. (to help)
(Ela me ajudaria se ela pudesse.)
7. I would buy that car if I _______________ you. It’s a real bargain! (to be)
(Eu compraria aquele carro se eu fosse você. Está uma pechincha!)
8. You _________________ if you don’t take your medicine. (not / to get better)
(Você não vai melhorar se você não tomar seu remédio.)
9. What would you do if you _______________ a wallet on the street? (to find)
(O que você faria se achasse uma carteira na rua?)
10. I will stay home if dad ________________ me the money. (not/ to lend)

(Eu vou ficar em casa se o meu pai não me emprestar o dinheiro.)

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