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This assignment is written to full fill the course:

Lecturer: Renita Donasari, M.Pd

Name : Ainun Syaifullah

NIM : 932218019
Class : D



A. Background

English is the third most widely spoken mother tongue in the world, after Mandarin and
Spanish. English is also used as a second language and official language by the European
Union, Commonwealth, and the United Nations, as well as various other organizations.
English in Indonesia is generally taught as a foreign language. The term 'foreign language' in
the field of language teaching differs from 'second language'. A foreign language is a
language that is not used as a communication tool in a particular country where the language
is taught. While the second language is a language that is not the primary language but
became one of the languages used in general in a country.

English has four skills that are speaking, reading, listening, writing. from some existing
skill in English, skill less interested student is writing. because there are several factors so
students are less interested in writing. internal factors are obstacles that arise from within the
student itself for example students do not have sufficient vocabulary. external factors namely
obstacles that arise from outside the student, namely from the teacher itself such as: The
teacher does not provide process writing for students, so there are no stages that can help
students in making their writing. The teacher does not teach writing using appropriate
techniques. The teacher does not provide interesting material or media in students' writing

According to the observation, the researcher sees the school's teachers only provide
explanations to students and use the book package to write a narrative text. Automatically if
the teacher only gives an explanation and gives a book to write narrative text, the student's
skill will not develop especially the student's vocabulary. Based on the above problem, the
researcher decided to promote one of the teaching pictures of series as media that appeal to
the students in order to help the students in making narrative text by using picture as media.
The purpose of using the picture of series as media in learning this writing so that students
can develop skills in writing.

B. Research Problem

Related to the background above, the researcher formulates the problem in this study are:

1. does the use of picture series increase the writing narrative text in terms of language
2. does the use of picture series increase the writing narrative text in terms of content?
C. Literature Review

There had been some research related to the writing skill by using picture series, some of
them are quoted below.

The first research was Using Picture Series to Enhance Students’ Ability in Narrative
Writing by Khotimah (2017). In this research, the researcher found that by using picture
series can improve the students’ writing skill. The result of this study showed that the
improvement of the experimental class was higher than that of the control class. It was known
from the comparison of the improvement of their average score in both classes on the content
aspect of writing. Besides, the result of the hypothesis testing shows that the score is lower,
which means the research hypothesis that “the use of picture series can improve the students’
ability in narrative writing skill especially on the content aspect” is accepted.

The second researcher was the effect of picture series toward students’ Descriptive
writing skill by Nina Puspitaloka (2016). In this research, research found that using picture
series was effective to improve students’ writing skill. In this research, written test was
administered as an instrument for both experimental and control groups and the
administrating of questionnaires given to an experimental group. To answer the first research
problem, the data from written test were analyzed using independent t-test. Moreover, the
result indicated that Picture Series media significantly was effective toward students’
descriptive writing skill. Based on the result of questionnaire, it can be explained that most of
the students had positive responses in learning writing of descriptive text by using Picture
Series media and they were felt enjoyable and interested series to use pictures in learning
writing descriptive text.

The third research was Using Pictures Series Technique to Enhance Narrative Writing
among Ninth Grade Students at Institucion Educativa Simón Araujo. In this research, the
researcher found that by using pictures series can influence the students’ achievement in
writing skill. The obtained results through descriptive statistics indicated there was a
significant difference between the group which was taught through Pictures series technique
and Process-based approach over the one which only received Process-based instruction. The
researchers conclude that the intervention with Picture series technique improved the overall
growth of writing skills, specific to the areas of Transition or logical sequence and Idea
Based on the previous related studies above, the researcher concluded that the using
picture series in the class is effective to improve students’ writing skill and students more
understand the material in their writing assignment.


A) Research Design

This research employed the pre-experimental design with one group pre-test and post-test.
This design involved one group as pre-test, exposed to treatment, and post-test.

1. Pre-test

Before doing the treatment, the students were given a pre-test. The students can ask to
write down narrative text. This test was applied to know their prior knowledge.

2. Treatment

After the pre-test was given, the students were treated by using picture series as media. It
looks 4 meetings and each meeting the students were given writing materials. For detail
information, the researcher explained the treatment in the form of teaching steps as follows:

a) Pre-writing activity

The first the teacher explained what narrative text and also explained parts or generic
structures that the students must write in a paragraph. And then, the teacher would choose or
the students choose by themselves the topic to write about. And for the last the teacher would
give the students some questions which related to the topic.

b) Writing activity

In this activity the teacher would ask the students to write their own narrative text based
on the topic. Then, the students begun to write a narrative text by answering the questions
given. And while the students were writing, the teacher moved among them, giving assistance
and guidance as required.

c) Re-writing activity

The first activity is collecting the students work, monitoring and mark their work one by
one right away, writing his comment and suggestion under ninth. And the teacher asked the
students to do their final revision and collect their work.
3. Post-test

After applied a treatment, the last steps in the writer gave post-test to the students which
supplied the same test with other topic in writing test.

B) Population and Sample

The population of the research was the first-grade students of Senior High School in the
academic year 2018/2019 consist of six classes and the number of students was 210. The
researcher took one class as a sample, it consisted of 35 students. The researcher used
purposive sampling technique because based on the observation, the researcher found one of
the six classes that the students learnt about narrative text. In this case, the researcher wanted
to know the effect of picture series as media in writing narrative text at students of grade
Senior High School.

C) Variables and Indicator Research

The independent variable was the use of picture series as media in writing narrative text.
And Dependent variable was the students’ improvement in writing skill toward narrative text.
The indicator this research was the students improve in writing a text after learning process
using picture series as media that focus on making narrative text.

D) Instrument of The Research

The researcher used essay test for pre-test and post-test to assess students writing skill.
The pre-test was given before the treatment to know the students’ prior knowledge in writing
skill. The post-test was conducted after the use picture series as media.

E) Data Collection and Data Analysis

The procedure of collecting data involves the following steps:

1. Giving Pre-test

Before doing the treatment, the students were given a pre-test to assess writing skill. The
form test was an essay test. The result of pre-test was compared with the result of post-test
after doing the treatment.

2. Giving Post-test
After the treatment, all students were given a post-test to assess their writing skill. The
test form was an essay test. The results obtained would be compared with the pre-test results
to find out how the effect of picture series as media on writing narrative texts.

The technique of data analysis is the following steps:

1. Scoring the students correct answer of pre-test and post-test by using this formula:
Score = [Students’ correct answer: Total number of item] X 100%
2. Calculation the average score of a student's writing test by using the following
Average Score = Total default Score: Number of students
3. In giving score of the students’ writing narrative texts are as follow:
a. Measured the students’ score for Content scoring.

NO Classification Score Criteria

If the central
purpose, the unity,
1 Excellent 90-100 and the
completeness of the
composition are all
If the composition
2 Very Good 80-89 contains few errors
of central purpose,
unity, and
If the composition
contains some errors
3 Good 70-79 of the central
purpose, unity, and
If the composition is
dominated by errors
4 Fair 60-69 of the central
purpose, unity, and
If the central
purpose, unity, and
5 Poor 0-59 completeness are all

b. Measured the students’ score for organization.

NO Classification Score Criteria

Mastery of grammar
1 Excellent 90-100 taught on course
only 1-2 minor
A few minor
2 Very Good 80-89 mistakes only
(preposition, articles,
Only 1 or 2 major
3 Good 70-79 mistakes but a few
minor ones.
Major mistakes lead
to difficulty in
4 Fairly Good 60-69 understanding lack
of mastery of
Numerous serious
5 Poor 0-59 mistakes.
c. Classifying the score of the students into the following measurement scale.

 Excellent: 96-100
 Very Good: 86-95
 Good: 76-85
 Fairly Good: 66-75
 Fair: 56-65
 Poor: 36-55
 Very Poor: 00-35


A. Findings

The findings will present the result of pre-test and post-test, the comparison between the
significant value of t-test and t-table, and percentage the progress of student’s achievement by
using series of picture. The data will be shown in the table and diagram or graphic.

1. The improvement of the students’ content in writing narrative text by using

picture series.

The researcher administered tests, which are given twice to the students. Firstly, pre-
test is given before the treatment. Secondly, post-test is given after treatment, the result of the
students in content area of writing paragraph whose indicator unity, and completeness on pre-
test and post-test were presented in the table below:

NO Classification Range Pre-Test Post-Test

Freq % Freq %
1 Excellent 96-100 - - - -
2 Very Good 86-95 2 40% 2 40%
3 Good 76-85 1 20% 2 40%
4 Fairly Good 66-75 2 40% 1 20%
5 Fair 56-65 - - - -
6 Poor 36-55 - - - -
7 Very Poor 00-35 - - - -
Total - 5 100% 5 100%
The table above shows the frequency and percentage of the students’ content in Pre-
Test in which 2 students (40%) got very good, 1 student (20%) got good, 2 students (40%)
got fairly good. At the Post-Test, the frequency and percentage of the students’ content in
Post-test are 2 students (40%) got very good, 2 students (40%) got good, 1 student (20%)
fairly good and none of students got excellent, fair, poor and very poor classification. From
this table and from this test we can conclude that the improvement goes goodly.

2. The improvement of the students’ language use (tenses) in writing narrative text
picture series.

The use of picture series is effective to improve the students' ability in writing narrative
text in terms of language use (tenses). It can be seen from the table below in which it
describes the students' score of language use indicators including tenses.

the students’ ability in writing narrative text. Based on the test that the use of picture
series as the instructional media in teaching and learning in writing is successful. The result
of the mean score in pre-test and post-test above, where the students mean score of tenses in
pre-test is 79,4 categorized as good and the students’ means score tenses in post-test is 81,4
categorized as good. Besides, from the data above, it can be seen that the improvement of the
students’ writing ability in term tenses after being taught by using picture series is better than

3. The improvement of the students’ mean score of writing variables.

The use of picture of series as the instructional media is effective to improve the
students’ ability in writing narrative text in terms of content and language use. It can be seen
from the table which it describes the students’ score of writing’s variables including content
and language use. The score of each variable of the students’ ability in writing narrative text.
Based on the table, it indicated that the use of series of picture as the instructional media in
teaching and learning writing is successful. The result of the mean score in pre-test and post-
test above, where the students mean score of content and language in pre-test are 79,4
categorized as fair. The students’ means score of content and language use in post-test are
81,4 categorized as good.

B. Discussion

This research concerned to the use picture series as media in increasing students’ writing
skill in term of content and language use of grade students of Senior High School. Picture
series is one of the media that is support the process of brain storming during the process of
writing as visual aids that stimulate to provide inspirations to express something. Picture
series contains the series of picture forming a story (Metiawati, 2014).
Teaching writing through the use of picture series is effective to be applied in writing
skill (Nina Puspitaloka, 2016; Ismawati, 2014, Pratiwi, 2016; Apsari, 2017; Dwi Ariningsih,
2010. The result of the study from Nurkamri (2014)) that Picture Series can be used as cues
for the retelling a story and picture series guided them to write and compose each paragraph.

Picture series can be used in various teaching learning activities especially teaching
writing in narrative text. By using picture series, students are able to develops their ideas so
that it cases students to build concept of the story will be written by them. The research
finding that the students’ writing skill by using Picture Series as Media showed the
improvement of the students’ writing skill in the term of content and language use. From the
improvement showed the process in pre-test and post-test.

The result of the students writing in pre-test was low, especially in finding the content
and language use. It showed that the students could not express their ideas and their
understandable. It was before using Picture Series as Media in writing activity. Based on the
problem above, the writer gave the treatment by using Picture Series as Media, so that the
students could show the improvement in post-test. In pre-test, writer only gave the essay text
to know their prior knowledge before using Picture Series as Media.

At the beginning, their writing skill was very bad. Almost of them were confused and
spent much time to write. They are difficulty in writing well and they have difficulty in
expressing their idea to complete their writing’s content. After students were given a pre-test,
the writer gave the treatment by using Picture Series as Media. As the result, students become
active and enjoy in writing activity. They would be easy to do writing activity. Most of their
utterance were correct and no need to write for a long time. The result of students’ mean
score after presenting in teaching writing skill by using Picture Series as Media is better than
before the treatment is given to the students. Before giving the treatment, the students’
writing skill in content and language use are fair. After giving the treatment, their writing
skill was significantly improved and categorized as good.

A. Conclusion

After conducting the research by applying Picture Series in improving students' ability in
writing narrative text at the first Grade Students of Senior High School and based on the
research findings in the previous chapter, the researcher puts two conclusions as follows:

1) Picture Series is effective to improve the students’ writing ability in terms of

language use, it was improved. The result of calculating t-test of the indicators in the
students t-test writing ability is greater than t-table. It means that there is significance
difference between before and after giving the treatment.
2) Picture Series is effective to improve the students’ writing ability in terms of content,
it was improved.
B. Suggestion

As the result of conducting Series of Picture, the researcher would like to give fours
suggestions for the next research as follows:

1) It is suggested to the English teachers to use Series of Picture as one of effective

media in the teaching and learning process especially in teaching writing ability.
2) It is suggested to the next researchers that they can used Series of Picture to improve
the students’ writing ability about the other component or variable of writing,
because the researcher only observes a small part of the component of writing
including content and language use.
3) The result of this research can also be used as an additional reference or further
research with different discussion for the next researcher.

Nina Puspitaloka. 2016. The effect of picture series toward students’ Descriptive writing
skill. Judika (Jurnal Pendidikan Unsika). (online), Vol. 4, No. 4,
(, Accessed on
February 17 2019).

Nurkamri. 2014. The Use of Series of Picture as Media to Improve the Students’ Ability In
Writing Narrative Text. Unpublshed Thesis. Makassar: Unismuh Makassar.

Fatikhah. 2014. Improving Writing Skills Through Picture Series. Journal. (online), Vol.1,
No, 1. (,
Accessed on july 19 2019).

Pratiwi. 2016. Improving the Tenth Grade Students’ Writing Skill by Using Picture Series.
Jele (Journal English Language Education). (Online), Vol. 2, No.4,
(http://ejurnal.mercubuana-, Accessed on
July 19 2019).

Apsari. 2017. The Use of Picture Series in Teaching Writing Recount Text. Journal. (online),
Vol.5, No,2. (,
Accessed on July, 19 2019).

Dwi Ariningsih. 2010. The Effectiveness of Using Picture Series to Improve the Students’
Writing Skill Viewed from Their Learning Motivation of the Seventh Grade of SMPN1
Tanjunganom Nganjuk. Undergraduate (S1) thesis. Sebelas Maret University Surakarta.

The Name/Grade of School: Senior High School

Subject: English Subject
Class/Semester X/II
Time Allocation 2x30 Minutes
Learning Skill Writing Skill

A. Standard Competition

Expressing meaning in short functional written texts and simple essays in the form of
narrative, descriptive and news items in the context of daily life.

B. Basic Competencies

Expressing meaning and rhetorical steps in simple essays accurately, fluently and
acceptable in the context of daily life in the form of narrative, descriptive, and news item

C. Indicators of Competence Achievement/Learning Objectives

The students can produce narrative text, short story, news. Students can use simple present
sentences in making a description. Students can use adverbial clauses in narrative writing.
Make students self-confident, responsibility with their duty, and have orientation to the future

D. Subject Matter
1. Identify factual meaning in the texts.
2. Identify a picture to make a story or narrative text, or news.
3. Identify the structure of narrative texts.
4. Reading and understanding narrative texts.
E. Learning Methods

In this learning, we will use cooperative learning and discussion in this learning activities.

F. Learning Strategies
1. Initial Activity
 Open the class by greet students in a friendly manner when entering the classroom.
 Check student attendance.
 explain what will be learned today
2. Core Activities
 Provide stimulus in the form of providing material about reported speech sentences in
conveying news, simple present sentences in making descriptions, adverbial clauses in
writing narratives, texts in the form of news items, and narratives.
 Discuss the material with students (English Teaching Materials Book) regarding
reported speech sentences in conveying a news, simple present sentences in making a
description, adverbial clauses in writing a narrative, text in the form of news items,
and narrative.
 Provide opportunities for students to communicate orally or to present the sentence of
reported speech in conveying a news, simple present sentence in making a description,
adverbial clause in writing a narrative, text in the form of news item, and narrative.
 Familiarize students in making reported speech sentences in conveying news, simple
present sentences in making a description, adverbial clauses in writing a narrative, text
in the form of news items, and narrative.
 Facilitate students by giving assignments to do exercises in English textbooks to be
done individually.
 Provide feedback to students by providing verbal reinforcement to students who have
been able to complete their assignments.
 Confirm the work that has been done by students through other book sources. And
Facilitate students to reflect to gain the learning experience that has been done.
 Provide motivation to students who are lacking and have not been able to follow the
material regarding reported speech sentences in conveying a news, simple present
sentences in making a description, adverbial clauses in writing a narrative, text in the
form of news items, and narrative.

3. End Activities
 Students and teachers reflect on the activities that have been carried out.
 Students are given homework related to the material on reported speech sentences in
conveying a news, simple present sentences in making a description, adverbial clauses
in writing a narrative, text in the form of news items, and narrative.
 Delivering the lesson plan at the next meeting.
4. Source/tools/Materials for teaching
 Students in Senior High School
 Dictionary and pictures

Knowing, English Subject Teacher

Headmaster of Senior High School

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