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Section 7.

Terms of Reference

Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS)

Projects Preparation
Consulting Services


Kabul, 2020
Document Control Sheet:
Version # Description Prepared by: Reviewed by: Comments*:
Initial draft
1.0 GH ADB
(for comments and discussion)
Issued for review
Issued for approval
(Final draft)
Revised document
(if required)
Final version
2.0 TEP
(For publication)

* Comments:
Table of content
I. Introduction and background.............................................................................3
II. Purpose and objectives......................................................................................5
III. Expected key outputs..........................................................................................5
IV. Project Scope and Tasks....................................................................................6
A. Task 1: Site Survey and Data Collection:.............................................................6
Site Survey............................................................................................................6
Line Routing, Site Alignment and its Optimization................................................7
Soil Investigation...................................................................................................7
B. Task 2: Detailed Design of Projects......................................................................8
C. Task 3: Development of the Initial Environmental Examination (IEE)...............8
Initial Environmental Examination........................................................................8
Environmental and Social Management Plan.......................................................10
D. Task 4: Development of Project-Implementable Land Acquisition Resettlement
Plan (LARP)....................................................................................................................11
Scope of Land Acquisition and Resettlement Impacts..........................................12
Stakeholder Engagement......................................................................................12
E. Task 5: Economic and Financial Analysis of the Projects..................................12
F. Task 6: Cost Estimates, Bills of Quantities and bidding documents:................12
G. Major activities, deliverables and timelines........................................................14
H. Reporting requirements.......................................................................................14
I. Qualifications and Individual Terms of Reference.............................................15
V. Implementation Arrangements.........................................................................23
A. Provisions by DABS...........................................................................................23
B. Provisions by the consultant...............................................................................24
International travel and accommodation...............................................................24
Local transport – transport with rented vehicles...................................................24
Portable computers, and telephones.....................................................................24
System modeling software...................................................................................25
C. Payment Method.................................................................................................25
VI. ANNEXES............................................................................................................26
Annex 1: List of Planned Project (Substations, Transmission Lines, Distribution Networks)
Annex 2: Evaluation Criteria..........................................................................................30

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$, US$ or USD United States Dollar
ADB Asian Development Bank
AEIC Afghan Energy Information Center
CIS Customer Information Systems
COO Chief Operating Officer
CSPT Completely self-protected transformers
DABS Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat
EA Executing Agency
GIS Geographic Information System
HV High voltage
IEE Initial Environmental Examination
km kilometre
kV kilovolt
kW kilowatt
kWh kilowatt-hour
LARP Land Acquisition Resettlement Plan
LV Low voltage
MEW Ministry of Energy and Water
MV medium voltage
MVA megavolt-ampere
MW megawatt
NEPA National Environmental Protection Agency
NEPS 2013 National Energy Supply Program 2013
O&M Operations and maintenance
PSMP Power Sector Master Plan
SCADA Supervisory control and data acquisition
SEPS South-East Power Supply
SS Substation
SVC Static VAR Compensator
TL Transmission Line
DN Distribution Network
PM Person-Months
RFP Request for Proposal(s)

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I. Introduction and background
1. The Power Sector of Afghanistan is expected to undergo significant changes and
growth over the coming years. As the electricity demand is expected to grow,
generation, transmission and distribution systems need to evolve to meet the
changing demand reliably, safely, transparently and economically. This should all be
done in an environmentally responsible manner, meeting the various government
goals and policies of today and tomorrow.

2. Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS) is an integrated power utility solely

responsible for power generation, imports, transmission and distribution in

3. DABS is an independent, limited liability company established under the

Corporations and Limited Liabilities Law of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
with its’ 100% of shares owned by the Government.

4. DABS services 31 provinces of Afghanistan, but does not actively operate in

remaining three provinces of Afghanistan, namely Nooristan, Panjshir and Paktika.
The 31 provinces are further aggregated into nine regional hubs namely: Kabul,
Parwan, Kunduz, Balkh, Herat, Nengerhar, Kandahar, Ghazni, and Paktia. These nine
regional hubs have responsibilities for generation, transmission, distribution, finance,
and administration departments for their respective provinces, and operate as profit

5. With the support of the international donor organizations DABS is undertaking the
most ambitious investment program ever in Afghanistan on the power system to meet
the Government’s National Energy Supply Program 2013 (NESP 2013), which aims to
(i) increase the electrification rate, (ii) increase domestic generation, and (iii)
strengthen power exchange and trade options by 2030. The investment will cover full
range of generation, transmission, distribution and control systems, including
hardware and software to service the complete power sector. Meanwhile, DABS
management is actively seeking ways to improve the effectiveness of the investment
program and it is currently hiring advisors to develop updated and comprehensive
power system and distribution network development plans.

6. The abovementioned development plans are supposed to be completed by Q2 of

2021 and formulate a coordinated blue print for DABS up to 2030 which shall be
practical and comprehensive. Meanwhile, a number of transmission and distribution
expansion and reinforcement projects are deemed urgent and needs to be initiated
before the completion of the integrated system planning.

7. Asian Development Bank (ADB) approved the Multi-Tranche Financing Facility

(MFF0090) – Energy Supply Improvement Investment Program - Project 1 (Grant
0464/0465-AFG) for the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (Afghanistan) in December

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2015. DABS (the Client) is the executing agency (EA) for this grant with support from
the Ministry of Energy and Water (MEW).

8. Consultancy package for analytical studies providing for future development of

Afghanistan energy sector are an important component included in the scope of ADB
Grant 0464/0465-AFG.

9. DABS is hiring a number of international consulting firms and/or consortiums of firms

[hereinafter the consultant(s)] in line with ADB procurement guidelines to undertake
several required analytical studies under ADB Grant 0464/0465-AFG.

10. The consultancy package for project preparatory studies required for the
implementation of the urgent and critical projects described elsewhere in this
document are an important component under G-0464/0465.

11. DABS intends to employ an international consulting firm or a consortium of firms

(hereinafter the consultant) in line with the ADB procurement guidelines to undertake
the necessary project preparatory studies.

12. Consulting team is expected to execute most of its works in Afghanistan. The
recruitment of consultants will be in accordance with respective ADB’s procurement
guidelines 2015, as amended from time to time, using the quality- and cost-based
selection (QCBS) method.

13. The contract for these consulting services will be a lump sum contract according to the
ADB procurement guidelines. The prices shall include all costs and cannot be
negotiated. The payments will be linked to the outputs, such as reports, bidding
documents and other deliverables.

14. The urgent projects that are included under the scope for project preparatory studies
include transmission lines, substations, distribution networks and power generation
plants. The brief summary of projects that are included under the scope for this study
is presented in Table 1.
Table 1: Summary of Projects Under the Scope of Project Preparation Study
Project Implementation]
t Project Name Project Details
Location Start End
Date Date
[Year] [Year]
Package 1:
SS Chemtala to Deh
25 km
TL1 Kabul Sabz Transmission 2x220 kV 2021 2022
SS1 Kabul/ Barikab Substation 220/20 2x50 2021 2022
Barikab (Deh Sabz South SS) kV MVA

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Sheberghan 20 MVA
DN1 Shebergha 20/0.4 kV 2022 2024
Distribution Network (Capacity)
Package 2:
TL from Deh Sabz to
Poli Charkhi 25 km
TL2 Kabul 220 kV 2021 2022
(Industrial Park SS) - (Length)
(T Connection)
Kabul/ Pol-e-Charkhi (Park 220/20
SS2 MVA 2021 2022
Kabul City Sanati) Substation kV
Jawzjan/ Aqcha District 10 MVA
DN2 20/0.4 kV 2022 2024
Aqcha Distribution Network (Capacity)

15. Projects in Table 1 are divided into 2 packages: for package 1, draft bidding
documents from November 2015 are available that need to be updated in accordance
with conditions provided in this TOR. Consultant shall also prepare bidding documents
for package 2 listed in Table 1.

16. DABS reserves the right to expand the number and scope of projects subject to quality
of provided services and further negotiations with the consultant.

17. Above list of projects/scope is changeable and if number and/or scope of projects are
reduced and/or extended, projects from the attached lists in Annex I will be

II. Purpose and objectives

18. The overall objective of the Projects Preparation is to conduct respective feasibility
studies and prepare detailed designs as well as assess the technical, social
safeguard, environmental, land, resettlement, financial and economic feasibility of the
construction of the projects listed in Table 1 and prepare technical specifications, for
construction. The purpose of these Feasibility Studies and Detailed Designs are to
provide a technical, financial and economic assessment and comprehensive analysis
that will also enable preparation of tender documents and final BoQ for international
competitive bidding for the supply and construction of the project.

19. In carrying out of this feasibility study, the consultant shall address all issues related to
the project; i.e. (optimal) routing (including alternative routes and detailed alignment of
tower spotting to allow preparation of the detailed land acquisition and resettlement
plan), sizing, technology selection, detailed soil investigation and soil classification,
economic viability and environmental and social impact to ensure that the design and
results conform to DABS (applicable legislation) requirements and international

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III. Expected key outputs
20. The expected key outputs of the study for each of the projects listed in the Table 1
shall include but not be limited to the following:
(i) Site survey and data collection;
(ii) Detailed Design;
(iii) Initial Environmental Examination (IEE);
(iv) Preparing Project-Implementable Land Acquisition & Resettlement Plan
(v) Economic and Financial Analysis;
(vi) Cost Estimates, Bills of Quantities (BoQ) and respective sets of bidding

IV. Project Scope and Tasks

21. The above outputs shall be achieved by accomplishing the key activities and tasks
outlined below in this Section.

A. Task 1: Site Survey and Data Collection:

22. The consultant shall carry out site survey for the projects and collect site data to
enable them prepare detailed design of the projects. Specific tasks shall include the

1. Site Survey
23. Collect data, information, maps etc. Under this task, the consultant shall collect and
review all data required to implement this assignment through review of existing
reports/materials and acquisition of additional data where required to execute
subsequent tasks. Except where noted, the consultant shall acquire data through its
own means (e.g. purchasing or engaging in data through site surveys). DABS will
facilitate engagements with other domestic stakeholders as required. These data will
provide a basis for transmission line and distribution network line routes, pole/tower
spotting, load flow analysis, and substation alignment design, that will ultimately be
included in the tender. The data shall be captured in geo-referenced form in an
established Geographical Information System (GIS).
24. The consultant shall provide/prepare updated topographic maps; recent satellite
images, planning maps, etc. for the realization of the consulting tasks. The consultant
is responsible to acquire and prepare all GIS/mapping data necessary for the
preparation of accurate maps. The GIS/mapping data shall be stored in a transferable
database and shall include all relevant metadata, such as source, date of collection,
coordinate system and projection, revision information, photos, etc. The consultant

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shall use the same metadata convention and GIS management approach for all GIS
data necessary for this consultancy. All applicable data for all tasks of this consultancy
shall be transferred to the DABS as necessary at the completion of the consultancy.

2. Line Routing, Site Alignment and its Optimization

25. The consultant shall provide a technical proposal detailing the methodology,
technology, tools and equipment and cost for conducting line routing, tower spotting,
site location of the substations, and soil investigation of line routes and substation
26. The scope of service for transmission lines, substations and distribution networks’
survey shall include but not be limited to the following:
(i) Based on an initial corridor provided by DABS, the consultant shall carry out desk
study (reconnaissance) and walkover survey of at least two possible routes of
each transmission line;
(ii) Investigate the possible routes and fix the optimal route alignment showing the
angle points. The final and recommended route shall be so selected as to avoid
or mitigate impacts to protected areas, forest areas, wildlife sanctuaries, national
parks, biological resources, settlements, cultural heritage etc. The final route
should avoid as far as possible earth slip zones, marshy and low-lying areas,
river beds, civil and military airfields, power/communication line crossings, and
major rivers. Route optimization shall be carried out after careful and detail
comparison of the alternative routes in regards of environmental and social
impact, number of angle towers, proximity of access roads, magnitude of forest
clearance, potential risk of local obstructions, construction difficulties, crossings
(communication, river, road etc.), land acquisition and resettlement aspects and
other relevant aspects including operation & maintenance;
(iii) Detailed tower spotting for the selected route shall be carried out. For distribution
networks, pole marking/spotting shall also be carried out;
(iv) For substations, site alignment survey shall be carried out and topographical data
shall be collected.

3. Soil Investigation
27. The consultant shall carryout subsoil site reconnaissance, site geology, in-situ and
laboratory tests for each type of project (transmission line, substation, distribution
network) to such extent that brings accuracy to design and BoQ of projects. Accuracy
in foundation types of towers and poles shall also be guaranteed. For achieving
accurate data, local laws, rules and regulations, and other related international codes
and standards shall be complied. In consultation with DABS, list of needed
geotechnical investigations and methodology for carrying out these activities shall be
developed. Results of soil investigations shall be used for foundation designs and
other civil/structural and related designs of the projects.

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B. Task 2: Detailed Design of Projects
28. After completing the survey and collecting data, the consultant shall prepare detailed
design of projects to the extent that ensures accurate cost estimation and enables the
construction company to starts works based on the available design data and
drawings. Detailed design shall include but not be limited to the followings:
(i) For each transmission line, tower spotting, detailed profile, load flow analysis,
conductor sizing, foundation design, concrete mix design, tower design and other
relevant calculations, specifications and drawings shall be prepared;
(ii) For each substation, carry out all necessary detailed analyses for transformer
sizing, overhead primary and secondary conductor sizing, conductor loading
limits, short circuit rating of switchgears and operating characteristics, SCADA
requirement, concrete mix design, SLD, design of electrical system layouts,
apparatus ratings, bus bars design, structural design, etc.;
(iii) For each distribution network, profiling, sag and tension calculation, load flow
analysis, conductor and circuit breaker sizing, foundation design, concrete mix
design and other related designs shall be carried out;
(iv) The Consultant at their own expense shall use latest version of ETAP and other
latest software tool (as per client’s requirement) for load flow and other system
studies and design.
29. During detailed stage the consultant shall consider the followings:
(i) Review the existing reports and operational standards and conduct/review
network modelling;
(ii) Review the most recent Transmission Line Master Plan of DABS and other
reports of planned transmission lines as well as planned generation in the area of
the project. The consultant shall then review existing load flow modelling for the
mentioned transmission lines under the study and determine the extent to which
refinements or the extensions of models are necessary for detailed design. The
studies would also determine the reactive power compensation (capacitors,
reactors and/or SVCs) for normal and disturbed condition of system. Some of the
proposed works involves expanding the substations and this review should also
establish load transfer schemes to reconnect the circuits to a newly expanded

C. Task 3: Development of the Initial Environmental Examination (IEE)

4. Initial Environmental Examination
30. The Consultant will be required to develop the Initial Environmental Examination (IEE)
for each project in accordance with Safeguards Policy Statement (SPS) 2009,
National Environmental Protection Agency (NEPA) policies and guidelines, UN’s
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and other related ADB environmental and
social guidelines.

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31. Summarize site information including project activities and process technologies and
operating practices. Briefly describe the province/city where the project is located - in
terms of geography, administrative divisions, ethnic composition, terrain, and
economy, demographics of urban and rural areas. Describe land use immediately
prior to project use.
32. Based on documentation and the site visit, summarize and discuss relevant
environmental issues, impacts, risks and environmental resources that may have been
significantly affected as well as opine on the adequacy and compliance as per ADB
SPS. The scope of issues may include but not limited to the following:
(i) Environmental setting (baseline) of the project area. (Physical, biological,
economic and social conditions of the project area, including land, air,
water, flora and fauna). Verification on the accuracy, reliability and
sources of baseline data.
o Environmentally sensitive areas (e.g. water bodies and tributaries,
wetlands, forests or protected areas adjacent or near the project area).
Please provide location map showing environmental context.
o Sensitive receptors such as residential areas, schools, hospitals,
health centers, temples or markets. Please provide location map showing
receptor context.
(ii) Direct and indirect impacts associated with but not limited to air emissions,
water quality and availability, solid and hazardous waste management,
chemicals management, wastewater treatment and discharge,
occupational and community health and safety risks.
o Occupational health and safety impacts such as accidents and injuries,
chemical exposure and hazardous atmosphere, pathogens and vector;
o Carbon emission reduction and greenhouse gas emission with
respective estimates;
o Environmental and social benefits and improving environmental
(iii) Mitigation measures and residual negative impacts that cannot be
mitigated, key data gaps and uncertainties associated with predictions.
Discuss global, transboundary and cumulative impacts as appropriate.
(iv) Analysis of alternatives in terms of project site, technology, design and
operation, including the no project alternative, on their potential
environmental impacts as well as feasibility of mitigating these impacts.
(v) Information disclosure, consultation and participation (continuing and
planned) on the process undertaken during project design stage,

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comments and concerns received especially from vulnerable groups and
planned disclosure measures.
(vi) Grievance mechanism for handling environmental complaints, including
complaint recording, consultation, issue investigation, mitigation action,
follow-up, general timeframe and responsibilities (including community

5. Environmental and Social Management Plan

33. Summarize the environmental and social management plan (ESMP) arrangements for
each project. Include mitigation measures to minimize potential adverse environmental
impacts, the monitoring plan, implementation arrangements (schedule, organizational
arrangements, costs and resources), performance indicators as well as contractor
controls and how contractors will be implementing, environmental, health and safety
34. Collect, review and provide full record of all related national environmental,
social, resettlement, waste and water-related regulations, local experience with regard
to the application of such in IEE process. This can be in the form of IEE report section
on institutional and legal aspects, along with a copy of all relevant legislation.
35. Identify and describe of all related stakeholders and defining the priority/importance to
engage with each one of them, their level of relevance and interest with regard to the
IEE and the projects, and their ability to influence the IEE and the project (i.e.
stakeholders’ analysis). 
36. Provide necessary support to DABS with regard to IEE process in all related stages,
including collection of information from related authorities and local sources, screening
process, stakeholders’ engagement. 
37. Coordination and managing local stakeholders’ engagement and consultation,
workshops, focus groups in local community representatives along the project route,
and interview key experts in the field from related government entities and NGOs. 
38. Undertake physical environment (hydrological, geological, landscape, water
resources, physical environment attributes, etc.) rapid diagnosis and observations
recording site visits and photo survey.
39. Collect the national list of archaeological and cultural resources from related
governmental authorities, and having senior archaeological/cultural heritage specialist
visiting/documenting all such listed sites located within the corridor of the project route
visited by senior archaeologist.  
40. Undertake ecological surveys along the project route, mainly at specific route sections
based on information available on ecologically important/sensitive sites available from
secondary sources.  
41. Resettlement survey for people likely to be subject to involuntary resettlement
(physical or economic displacement) by the project. 

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D. Task 4: Development of Project-Implementable Land Acquisition Resettlement Plan
42. The Consultant will be required to prepare LARP for each project in accordance with
Safeguards Policy Statement (SPS) 2009, the Land Management Affairs Law 2017 of
Afghanistan, the Civil Code, and relevant national laws and decrees. LARP
preparation will have to fit the requirements of ADB’s Safeguards Policy Statement
(SPS) 2009 and will entail the following subtasks:
(i) Carry out a due diligence review of impacts in the field to plan and prepare
a LARP preparation program;
(ii) Public consultation with stakeholders and affected peoples will be carried
out in accordance with SPS 2009. Complete records of public
consultation, including lists of participants, will be maintained and
submitted as part of the report.
(iii) An impact measurement survey of all affected assets including land,
buildings, businesses, crops, and trees;
(iv) A census of affected people (AP) and affected households (AH);
(v) A socioeconomic detailing of the socioeconomic features of the affected
(vi) A valuation survey of affected assets reflecting the replacement value of
the affected assets.
(vii) Set up an effective grievance mechanism to be endorsed by DABS and
local Jirgas;
(viii) Develop a clear scheduled action plan for the implementation of the
(ix) Draft a final implementation-ready LARP acceptable to ADB and the
(x) The consulting services require extensive fieldwork periods in project
areas and substantial time in Kabul to write and review the LARPs;
(xi) The consultant will establish project teams, one for each LARP, headed by
a team leader with general management functions and final responsibility
for LARP drafting. Specific LARP work in the field will be carried out by
one team for each route. Each team will be led by a LARP preparation
specialist who will provide inputs on requirements to the field teams that
will carry out surveys, public consultation, or other field tasks;
(xii) The consultant will be required to carry out field surveys, data collection,
LAR planning, and reporting to ADB and DABS. The activities should be
carried out in coordination with relevant government entities and closely
with Afghanistan Ministry of Urban Development/Land (Arazi) and DABS;
(xiii) The consultant shall submit the LARPs following the format to be agreed
with ADB and DABS. Tripartite meetings involving the government, ADB,

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and the consultant will be held as needed to discuss the progress of the
projects and the findings of the LARPs. The consultant will submit 2 hard
copies of LARP to ADB and DABS;
(xiv) Final LARPs shall have details to the extent of showing ownership and
valuation, i.e. data showing government and private lands with details
such as: area of land for each tower/pole and substation; and value of
lands shall be included in the reports;
(xv) Ownership of waste material and coal mines.
6. Scope of Land Acquisition and Resettlement Impacts
43. Submitted LARP shall enumerate and clearly define the amount of land required for
each project facility, including associated facilities, and describe how land will be
acquired for the purpose of each project. Provide information on whether acquisition of
the land or necessary right of way require any physical or economic displacement by
compulsory acquisition (i.e. expropriation) or affect any buildings or structures and
require the payment of compensation. LARP should also include details for each of
two proposed transmission line routes.

7. Stakeholder Engagement
44. The consultant shall organize and conduct the consultation process of the projects.
Provide opinion on the meaningfulness of consultation undertaken with stakeholders
as defined by the ADB SPS. Describe the common issues, problems or complaints
received from the community, describe how these were addressed.

E. Task 5: Economic and Financial Analysis of the Projects

45. The Consultant shall analyze the economic and financial viability of the projects as per
International standards and norms. The consultant shall in particular perform the
following major activities:
(i) Analyze the economic viability of the projects. Identify all economic costs
and benefits with sensitivity analyses and evaluate economic internal rates
of return.
(ii) Assess and analyze the financial viability of the projects. Identify all risks
for revenues and costs with sensitivity analyses, and evaluate financial
internal rates of return. Include risk mitigation and risk transfer plans as
necessary. Economic and financial analysis shall cover the life of the
project and socio-economic impact on the people.

F. Task 6: Cost Estimates, Bills of Quantities and bidding documents:

46. The Consultant shall develop a plan for project packaging and sequencing for
procurement, and shall confirm the appropriate contract type 1 for each package along
with the technical specifications, schedules for bidding of the projects. The Consultant
shall provide recommendations covering the implementation schedule, right-of-way
Design-Bid-Built type contracts shall be considered but it shall be agreed with the client while preparing contracts.

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acquisition, permitting, procurement of works (and supply and installation) services,
contractor mobilization, construction, commissioning/testing, handover, Applicable
defect liability and warranty periods, and contract close out for each contract shall be
recommended by the Consultant.
47. The Consultant shall prepare cost estimates based on quantities taken from detailed
design and unit prices derived from a formulated methodology.
48. For material unit price, develop a formula that will include: price of material from local,
regional and other international manufacturers, transportation cost to site, taxes and
duties, percentage of estimated profit and other associated costs/expenses. For each
project, in a separate document, formulated unit prices shall be designed and reported
to DABS. Accuracy of unit prices and quantities shall be assured by the consultant.
49. Project costs shall also include accommodation for personnel involved in construction
supervision such as offices, transportation, etc., a physical contingency sum based on
perceived risk, and a price contingency sum, taking into account appropriate cost
escalation factors and the period of time over which the works will be designed,
procured, and constructed. Preparation of cost estimates shall also take into account
the costs for all access roads and other road/bridge improvements as may be
necessary to deliver equipment to site. Unit prices shall be classified into direct costs
(labour, materials and equipment), indirect costs (mobilization, on-site and general
overheads, contractor’s contingencies and profit).
50. Along with other aspects the Consultant shall also consider the following:
(i) Currency exchange rates;
(ii) Level of contingencies;
(iii) Level of inventories of materials, spares, etc.
(iv) Scaling factors used for scaling up/down cost of any major
(v) Status of engineering and design on the basis of which the estimates have
been framed;
(vi) Rates and quantity of the items on the basis of value analysis; and,
(vii) Insurance, Transportation, Custom Duty and Taxes, etc.
51. The Consultant shall prepare Bills of Quantities (“BoQs”) based on the various items
of work to be executed in accordance with the drawings and the technical
specifications. The items in the BoQs shall correspond to the work (pay) items
specified in the technical specifications.
52. The tender documents for the construction of the Works shall be prepared using the
National Procurement Authority of Afghanistan and Asian Development Bank’s

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Standard Procurement Documents in the version current at the time of preparation of
the bid packages.
53. The Consultant shall work closely with DABS in the preparation of final tender
documents. Preparation of these documents shall include preparation of the Bid Data
Sheet, Evaluation and Qualification Criteria, Bidding Forms, recommended
modifications to the Conditions of Particular Applications (if appropriate);
Specifications; Drawings; Schedule of Rates (BoQs); Schedules of guaranteed
equipment data sheets. The tender documents shall include clearly worded and
contractually enforceable clauses.

G. Major activities, deliverables and timelines

54. The major activities, deliverables and the expected completion times are summarized in Table

Table 2: Summary of major activities, deliverables and expected completion

Activity Deliverables Completion from
Notice to Proceed
1 Inception Inception Report 1 Month

2 Projects in Package 1:
2.1 Survey, Route/Site optimization and detailed design
2.2 IEE Reports and LARPs Bidding
Document for 5 Months
2.3 Economic/Financial Analysis
2.4 Preparing BoQ & Bidding Document Preparation

3 Projects in Package 2:
3.1 Survey, Route/Site optimization and detailed design
3.2 IEE Reports and LARPs Bidding
Document for 5 Months
3.3 Economic/Financial Analysis
3.4 Preparing BoQ & Bidding Document Preparation

Submitting Final Bidding Documents for Final Bidding

4 Package 1 and Package 2 Documents for 2 6 Months
Preparing RFP, Providing Clarifications to No later than 10
Bidding Process

H. Reporting requirements
55. The consultants will prepare an inception report within 1 month of the Notice to
Proceed; a draft bidding document for package-1 within 5 months and a draft bidding
document for package-2 within 5 months shall be provided to the client. Final bidding
documents for all 2 packages shall be submitted no later than 6 months from Notice to

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56. The consultant shall also cooperate during bidding process: prepare RFPs, and
answer to all bid-clarifications until the deadline. All tasks shall be completed no later
than 10 months from NTP.
57. The reports will be presented to the client. All reports will be in English and the final
report shall be translated to both Dari and Pashto languages, as and if needed by
client. All documents and reports will be made available in an electronic format to
ADB. Bidding documents shall be in English.
58. The consultant will prepare monthly status reports that highlight issues affecting timely
completion of the project.
59. Regular brief meetings will be held on a biweekly basis.
60. The consultant shall provide submittals for review consistent with the submittal
schedule dates.
61. The consultant acknowledges that DABS’s review will often involve input from, or
consultation with, a number of individuals. Therefore, should submittal dates to the
DABS be delayed, the consultant shall provide prompt notice to the DABS of the
delay. In no case shall this notice be given less than 5 (five) calendar days prior to the
scheduled submittal date for that submittal.
62. Submittals shall identify any proposed change to the requirements, or detailed design,
project delivery approach, or the project schedule provided in the consultant’s
proposal, accompanied by the rationale behind the proposed change. No changes
shall be implemented without DABS’s acceptance. Such acceptance shall not,
however, relieve the consultant of any of its obligations.
63. DABS will review submittals for consistency with the concept presented in the
consultant’s proposal. The primary purpose of DABS’s review is to satisfy itself that
the submittals generally conform to the intent of the contract. DABS’s review shall not
relieve the consultant of the sole risk and responsibility for all defects, errors or
omissions, or of sole responsibility for meeting all requirements of the contract.

I. Qualifications and Individual Terms of Reference

64. Given the technical complexity of the assignment, the consulting firm or a consortium
of firms has to demonstrate adequate capacity to ensure accomplishment of tasks in a
timely and effective manner. This requirement will be taken into account in the
evaluation of technical proposals and EOI evaluation as reflected in the attached
narrative evaluation criteria (Annex II). The firm or consortium of firms shall have:
(i) Proven experience in accomplishing projects of similar nature and
(ii) Practical experience in relevant financial and economic analyses,
feasibility studies and designing power transmission, substation and
distribution projects;
(iii) Practical experience in relevant site surveys, line routing and optimization;

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(iv) Proven experience in Environmental Impact Assessment, carrying out soil
investigations, developing Environmental Safeguard and Land Acquisition
and Resettlement Plans;
(v) Proven experience in preparation of cost estimates, bills of quantities and
bidding documents for energy projects;
(vi) Technical capabilities to conduct works in the field as well as remotely;
(vii) Experience working in fragile and conflict-afflicted areas/situations
(FCAS); and,
(viii) Working experience in the energy sectors of the central and west Asia
region. Having experience in assignment in Afghanistan is an added

65. A team of international and national experts is envisaged providing 42 and 79 person-
months of service, respectively. The estimated inputs by the experts are provided in
Table 3.
Table 3: Summary of Consulting Services Requirement
A International Experts Person Months
1 Team Leader (Power Systems Expert) 10
2 Economist/Financial Analyst 3
3 Electrical Design Engineer 6
4 Geotechnical Expert 5
5 Procurement Specialist 4
6 Civil Engineer - Civil/Structural 6
7 LARP Specialist 4
8 Environmental & Social Safeguard 4
Subtotal (A. International Experts): 42
B National Experts Person Months
1 Electrical Engineer - SS (Deputy Team Leader) 10
2 Economist/Financial Analyst 2
3 Electrical Engineer - TL 4
4 Electrical Engineer - DN 4
5 Geotechnical Engineer(s)1 6
6 Procurement Specialist 2
7 Civil Engineer - Civil/Structural 6
8 LARP Specialist(s)1 12
9 Environmental & Social Safeguard1 6
10 Survey Engineer(s)1 18
11 Draughtsman1 9
Subtotal (B. National Experts): 79
Total (A+B): 121

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More than one expert is assumed under each position with superscript (1). The number of
experts proposed by the consultant shall be sufficient to accomplish all necessary tasks in time
and meet the overall project deadline. However, the total number of person-months shall not
exceed those specified in Table 3.

66. National experts will help the international consultants to (i) collect data and
information from national and local sources; (ii) review existing documentation,
studies, and reports; (iii) undertake field surveys; (iv) organize consultations with
stakeholders, and (v) cooperate in design and bid document preparation of projects.

67. The consultant shall consider recruiting experts such that any requirements in case of
expanding the scope or number of projects shall be met by the same experts. (A list of
DABS planned projects that might be considered for future is also attached to this
TOR (Annex I) for reference.)

68. The qualification requirements for international and key national experts are provided in Table
4 and Table 5 respectively.

69. Key experts shall not be changed during the contract unless the client’s agreement is provided.

70. The consultant shall take client’s approval before bringing key experts on-board. In the
inception report, consultant shall prepare and submit when a specific expert will be on-board.
Schedule of providing services by key experts shall be submitted as well.

71. Working hours should be according to Afghanistan’s working hours.

Table 4: Qualification Requirement (International Experts)
Position Qualifications
Team Leader Licensed engineer, independent
(Power Systems Expert) professional with strong
organizational skills, bachelor’s
degree in electrical engineering and
Master degree in science or
engineering. He/she shall have
extensive knowledge of international
best practices in power systems
planning, infrastructure design,
contract procedures and project
follow-up. He/she shall also have a
proven track record of successfully
managing and coordinating as team
leader a diverse group of
professionals in accomplishing
projects of similar nature and
complexity to this assignment. A
minimum of 15 years of working
experience in design and
implementation of electricity

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Position Qualifications
transmission, distribution and
substations projects is required. The
Team Leader shall have in the last
ten years, specific experience of
managing consultancy teams
working on feasibility study and
detail design of at least one
substation of 220/20 kV or above
and high voltage transmission line
He/She shall have preferably
Master’s Degree in Economics,
Business Administration, Finance or
related studies with minimum 10
years of financial management
Economist/Financial Analyst consulting experience. The
experience shall be in
Financial/Economic analysis of high
voltage level transmission lines,
220/20 substations and 20/0.4 kV
distribution network projects.
He/She shall have at least Bachelor
Degree (preferably Master Degree)
in electrical engineering, coupled
with at least 10 years of relevant
work experience. Experience in
designing 500/220 kV transmission
line, 220/20 kV substation and
distribution networks are required.
He/She shall have specific
experience of working on at least
one transmission line design and one
Electrical Design Engineer substation design of similar nature
and in similar terrain conditions to
the proposed projects. Extensive
knowledge of international best
practices in electric transmission
system planning, line routing
processes and transmission system
design is critical. He/She must be
familiar with system software such
as PSS/E, ETAP. He/she should be
well-versed in load flow, stability
and short-circuit analysis.
Geotechnical Expert He/she shall have at least Bachelor

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Position Qualifications
Degree (preferably Master Degree)
in civil engineering with
geotechnical specialization or
geotechnical engineering, with a
minimum of 10-years professional
experience in geotechnical studies,
survey, hydrology, foundation
design and execution of
Transmission line, Distribution
network, substations and similar
projects. He/She shall have
knowledge of reviewing, analyzing
and compiling geotechnical
investigations documents, giving
instructions based on specifications,
codes and standards. Understanding
concrete mix design reports and
relevant codes and standards is a
He/She shall have at least
Bachelor’s degree in engineering or
management with minimum 10
years of procurement
specialization/experience in high
voltage transmission, substation and
Procurement Specialist distribution projects. He/She shall
have knowledge of ADB and NPA
procurement Guidelines and
Standard Procurement Documents.
Ability to design system or
methodology for project estimation
and BoQ preparation is required.
Civil Engineer - Civil/Structural He/she shall have at least Bachelor
degree (preferably Master’s Degree)
In civil Engineering with at least 10
years’ experience in transmission
line tower designs of 220 kV or
above voltage class and civil works
associated with HV transmission
projects, related to the design of
civil structures, Gantry structure
tower/and equipment’s foundations
of 220 kV or above transmission
lines and 20/0.4 kV distribution
network, and substations and

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Position Qualifications
buildings, ideally in similar terrain
conditions to the proposed project.
Ability to review geotechnical
investigation reports, classify soil
types, and propose suitable
foundation types is requirement.
He/She should have a post-graduate
degree, preferably in social sciences,
and 5-6 years of experience in
preparation, implementation or
monitoring of social development
plans. The expert should have
previously worked in the preparation
of land acquisition and resettlement
LARP Expert documents. He/She should have a
good working knowledge of
Afghanistan's customs, land
administration systems and laws.
The expert should also be fully
aware of ADB’s LARP
requirements as SPS (2009) and
Afghanistan Land Management
Affairs Law 2017.
He/She shall have a Master’s Degree
in Environmental Science/ Natural
Science; with at least eight years of
relevant work experience in
environmental assessment of
Environmental & Social Safeguard infrastructure and energy projects.
Good command of International
standards, including Asian
Development Bank safeguard
policies, NEPA policies and
regulations is also required.

Table 5: Qualification Requirement (Key National Experts)

Position Qualifications
He/she shall have at least Bachelor's Degree (Master
Degree is an advantage) in electrical engineering,
coupled with at least 7 years of relevant work experience.
Electrical Engineer – SS Experience in design of 220/20 kV and above substation
(Deputy Team Leader) design and operations are required. He/she shall have
specific experience of working on at least one substation
design project of similar nature and in similar terrain
conditions to the proposed projects. Extensive knowledge

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Position Qualifications
of international best practices in HV electric substation
system planning, design and construction is critical.
knowledge of substation protection system and SCADA
system is another requirement.
He/She shall have at least Bachelor’s Degree (Master’s
Degree is an advantage) in Economics, Business
Administration, Finance or related studies with minimum
Economist/Financial Analyst 5 years of financial management consulting experience.
The experience shall be in Financial/Economic analysis
of high voltage level transmission lines, 220/20
substations and 20/0.4 kV distribution network projects.
He/She shall have at least Bachelor's Degree (Master
Degree is an advantage) in electrical engineering,
coupled with at least 7 years of relevant experience.
Experience in design and analyzing 220 kV (or above)
transmission lines is required. He/She shall have specific
experience of working on at least one transmission line
project design of similar nature and in similar terrain
Electrical Engineer - TL
conditions to the proposed projects. Extensive knowledge
of international best practices in electric transmission
system planning, line routing processes, maintenance,
and transmission system design and construction is
critical. Understanding software(s) such as PLS-CADD
and other high voltage transmission line design tools is
He/She shall have at least Bachelor Degree (Master
Degree is an advantage) in electrical engineering,
coupled with at least 7 years of relevant experience in
survey, design and operation of 20 kV distribution
network. He/She shall have specific experience of
working on at least one project of similar nature and in
Electrical Engineer - DN
similar terrain conditions to the proposed projects.
Extensive knowledge of international best practices in
electric distribution system planning, line routing
processes, maintenance, voltage drop calculation, and
medium voltage distribution system design and
construction is critical.
He/she shall have at least Bachelor's Degree (preferably
Master's Degree) in geotechnical engineering with a
minimum of 5 years professional experience in
geotechnical data/sample collection and geotechnical
Geotechnical Engineer
investigations. Preparing relevant reports, understanding
international and local codes and standards, analyzing
geotechnical reports, and conducting laboratory tests are

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Position Qualifications
He/She shall have at least Bachelor’s degree in
engineering or management with minimum 5 years of
procurement specialization/experience in high voltage
transmission and substation projects. He/She shall have
Procurement Specialist
knowledge of ADB and NPA procurement Guidelines
and Standard Procurement Documents. Ability to design
systems for project estimation and BoQ preparation is
He/she shall have at least Bachelor's degree (Master’s
Degree is an advantage) in civil engineering with at least
7 years of experience in designing transmission lines and
substations of 220 kV or above and civil works
associated with HV transmission and MV distribution
Civil Engineer - Civil/Structural
projects. Knowledge and experience in structural design
of foundations, gantry structures, towers and other
relevant equipment for 220 kV or above transmission as
well as MV distribution facilities in similar terrain
He/She shall have at least a Bachelor's degree, preferably
in social sciences, and 4 years of experience in
preparation, implementation or monitoring of social
development plans. The expert should have previously
site survey and worked in the preparation of land
LARP Expert acquisition and resettlement documents. He/She should
have a good working knowledge of Afghanistan's
customs, land administration systems and laws. LARP
expert should also be fully aware of ADB’s LARP
requirements as SPS (2009) and Afghanistan Land
Management Affairs Law 2017.
At least Bachelor's Degree in Environmental Science/
Natural Science; with at least 4 years of relevant work
experience in environmental assessment of infrastructure
and energy projects is required. Good command of
Environmental & Social Safeguard
International standards, including Asian Development
Bank safeguard policies, NEPA policies and regulations
is also required. Knowledge of carrying out site survey,
IEE and EIA is required.
He/She shall have at least Bachelor’s Degree in
Civil/Electrical Engineering or other relevant discipline
and over 5 years of experience in detailed survey of 220
kV or above transmission lines. Experience shall include
Survey Engineer
route definition, detail survey, profiling, contouring and
tower spotting. He/She shall have an understanding of
line clearances and safety considerations. He/she shall
also have knowledge on handling and operation of

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Position Qualifications
AutoCAD, Civil 3D and other similar software. Ability to
survey in various weather conditions is required. Survey
engineer shall be able to survey sites similar to the
proposed projects.
He/She shall have at least a bachelor’s degree in
architecture engineering or relevant discipline and over 5
years of work experience in using 2D & 3D AutoCAD,
PLSSCAD software. In addition, he/she shall have
knowledge of electricity transmission lines, substations
and distribution networks. Understanding survey data,
transfer of total-station data into the CAD system is a

V. Implementation Arrangements
A. Provisions by DABS

72. DABS will nominate counterparts to work with consultant.

73. Office accommodation for the consultants will be provided by DABS free of charge.

74. Meeting rooms will be provided by DABS for any meetings that may be required.

75. Access permits to the DABS substations, offices and other premises will be arranged
by DABS.

76. No telephone service will be provided.

77. DABS will provide the consultant, free of charge, with all available relevant data,
information and documents which the consultant may reasonably request e.g. power
system data, transmission/sub-station design specifications, details of any route
considered, any other available planning information like land ownership and
acquisition, legal requirements, permits needed and granted, public information,
among other available data.

8. Translation

78. No translation services will be provided by DABS.

79. During discussions and meetings with DABS the consultant shall provide for their
translation if required.

J. Provisions by the consultant

9. International travel and accommodation

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80. The consultant will be responsible for the travel of its staff in and out of Afghanistan for
the execution of the services. The number of trips, including any visas and excess
luggage required, shall be indicated and costed as part of its proposal.

81. DABS and MEW will provide support with invitation letters that may be required.

82. The consultant shall also be responsible for the accommodation of its staff.

10. Local transport – transport with rented vehicles

83. The consultant will be responsible for all local transportation and security

11. Portable computers, and telephones

84. The consultant’s staffs are expected to have their own portable computers.

85. DABS will arrange for projector for presentations if required.

86. The consultant will provide its own mobile phones, sim cards and internet connection
while in the country.

87. Internet connection while in DABS premises will be available through a wireless
network, although communications cannot always be guaranteed and are advised to
have their own mobile and internet communication.

12. System modeling software

88. DABS has a system modelling software (ETAP) in its’ possession. All system
modelling and simulation studies are expected to either be performed in ETAP
environment or converted to ETAP afterwards with appropriate test runs proving the
operability of the model.

89. The consultant may procure special materials and equipment, if any, to be financed
under this scope of work in accordance with ADB Procurement Guidelines (2018, as
amended from time to time). Disbursements will be made in accordance with ADB’s
Disbursement Handbook (2018). Any equipment purchased under the contract will be
turned over to DABS at the end of the assignment.

K. Payment Method

90. The payment shall be based on the deliverables in the specific timeline mentioned in
Table 2 of this document (maximum 10 months).
Breakdown of payment is provided in

91. . The payments shall be processed upon approval of deliverables.

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92. Reimbursable expenses shall be used up after client’s approval. Expenses of
provisional sum and contingencies will be used up on request and prior approval by

Table 6: Payment Schedule

Outputs/Milestones Payment: Percentage milestone

1. Deliverables
Approval of Inception Report 10%
Bidding Document for Package-1 30%
Bidding Document for Package-2 30%
Final Bidding Documents for 2 Packages 10%
Bidding Process 20%

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Annex 1: List of Planned Project (Substations, Transmission Lines, Distribution Networks)

DABS Top Priority Planned Projects (TL & SS)

Voltage Length (kM)/ Expected Project Expected Project
No. Province Name of the Project
(kV) Capacity (MVA) Start Data End Data

1 Ghor TL from Salma HPP to Feroz Koh 110 150 2021 2022

2 Uruzgan TL from Kajaki HPP to Trinkot 220 80 2021 2022

3 Nimroz TL from Farah to Nimroz (Zaranj) 220 150 2021 2022
4 Daikundy TL from Trinkot to Nili 220 150 2021 2022
5 Nooristan TL from Kunar to Nooristan 220 65 2021 2022

6 Ghor Feroz Koh Substation 110/20 2x16 2021 2022

7 Uruzgan Trinkot Substation 220/20 2x16 2021 2022

8 Daikundi Nilli Substation 220/20 2x16 2021 2022
9 Nooristan Paron Substation 220/20 2x16 2021 2022
10 Nimroz Zaranj Substation 220/20 2x25 2021 2022

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Annex 2: Evaluation Criteria

1. Management Competence:

Maximum weight of 20% shall be considered. Management competence shall include the
i. Approach and Methodology

ii. ISO Certification or similar certification

iii. Key Staff

2. Technical Competence

Maximum weight of 60% shall be considered. Management competence shall include the
i. Relevant technical competence in survey, design and bid document preparation of
similar projects;

ii. Other key factors as mentioned in this document.

3. Geographical Competence

Maximum weight of 20% will be considered. Geographical competence shall include the
i. Experience in Central & West Asia Region

ii. Experience in Afghanistan

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