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Nama : Kadek sane wijaya

Nim : 2027040
Kelas : 2B Kep.
Matkul : Bahasa Inggris



a. Client Biodata
Name : Mrs. Ny
Gender : Female
Age : 25 years old
Religion : Islam
Status : Not married
Ethnicity: Java
Education : Junior High School
Occupation: IRT
Address : Muara Basung, Duri
Medical Diagnosis: Sinistra Mammary Carcinoma Stage III A
Entry Date : 29 maret 2021
Study Date : 17 maret 2021

b. Medical history

c. Main complaint
The client said that the pain in his left chest was due to a surgical wound, there
was an operating wound of ±15 cm horizontal and covered with gauze, there was
p: Pain in the post-op mastectomy wound
Q: Pain is like being stabbed
R: Pain is felt in the left mammary part
S: Pain scale 6
Q: Pain comes and goes
The client looked weak and grimaced, the client said he had difficulty sleeping,
was not satisfied with sleeping, his sleep woke up because of the pain he was
d. History of Present Disease
The client said that at first there was a lump in the left breast since 2 years ago.
At first a small lump appeared without causing pain but the patient did not
examine the lump. Then the lump got bigger and more painful, so in November
2020 the client decided to go to the Permata Hati Duri Hospital for a check-up.
Ultrasound examination revealed a breast tumor. The client did a follow-up
examination, namely PA examination with the results of mammary carcinoma,
and recommended to perform surgery but the client is not ready. On April 2,
2021, a client came to Permata Hati Duri Hospital with complaints of increasing
lumps, pain in the left breast accompanied by wounds. Then the client was
referred to the Arifin Achmad Pekanbaru Hospital, the client arrived at the ER on
April 3, 2021 at 11.00 WIB and then transferred to Dahlia's room to continue
treatment. The client is planned to undergo MRM (Modified Radical Mastectomy)
surgery on April 6, 2021.
e. Past medical history
The client said that he had previously been hospitalized for do a biopsy. The
client has no allergies to drugs, food, weather and has never had an accident. The
client said that he had never suffered from other diseases other than mammary
f. Family Disease History
The client did not say that no family members had hereditary diseases (such as
cancer, hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease) and infectious diseases (such
as HIV, tuberculosis, and hepatitis).

2. Gordon's Functional Pattern

a. Health Perception Pattern
The client said that he had never taken care of his health status, if he was sick the
client had never received treatment. New clients realize that health is important.
b. Nutrition and Fluid Pattern
The client said there was no change in diet. The client says he eats 3 times a day
and finishes his food. No change in appetite. The types of food are rice,
vegetables, side dishes, and fruits. During the assessment, no nutritional
problems were found in the client. The client drank with a frequency of 5-7 times
a day, the types of drinks consumed before the illness were: mineral water, tea
and cold drinks. While at the hospital only drink mineral water
c. Elimination Pattern
BAK: When the client is at home, he urinates 4-5 times, it is clear yellow in color
and has a characteristic smell. After being hospitalized, the client BAK 3-4 times,
clear yellow color with a distinctive smell (ammonia)
CHAPTER: At the client's home, CHAPTER 1X/day is brownish yellow with a soft
consistency and there are no complaints in defecation. After being hospitalized
the client has defecated 1 time.
d. Activity and Exercise Patterns
The client said the activity before the patient was sick could carry out his
activities independently. However, during the patient's illness, only light activities
and slightly disturbed so that the client just lies on the bed, in meeting the needs
of the patient is assisted by the family such as bathing, mobility in bed and
e. Sleep and Rest Pattern
At home, the client sleeps 7-8 hours per day and there is no difficulty sleeping.
While at the hospital the client sleeps 4-5 hours / day after surgery. At the time of
assessment, the client said that he had difficulty sleeping, was not satisfied with
his sleep, his sleep woke up especially at night because he felt pain in the left
chest area, which was a surgical scar and appeared when he moved.
f. Cognitive Perception Pattern
Concentration: Clients focus when spoken to
Memory: The client is able to remember the events and the course of the disease
several years ago. Knowledge of the disease: The client does not know the
causes, symptoms, and how to treat breast carcinoma and what foods can cure
breast carcinoma.
g. Perception Patterns and Self-Concept
The client said that he was sad and ashamed of his current condition, because his
left breast was no longer there and he felt that his body had changed shape. The
client seems to cry every time he tells about his illness and pasra but always prays
for a speedy recovery.
h. Reproductive Pattern…
The client said that his first menstruation was in 6th grade with a regular 28-day
cycle, 4-5 days of menstruation. Clients using Spiral KB since Last 4 Years
i. Mechanism and Coping Pattern
The client said he was worried if the cancer had spread to the right breast. Coping
used by clients when problems arise is to be silent, cry and pray.
j. Relationship Pattern
The client says the relationship between the family is good. Clients and families
seem harmonious and if they have problems, they are always discussed and
resolved together with family members.
k. Faith and Spiritual Pattern
The client said that during his illness the patient could not perform his prayers 5
times a day because the client was afraid to move due to the completion of the
operation but
The client always pleads and prays for the healing of his illness.

3. Physical Examination
1. General Inspection
BP : 130/80 mm/Hg
N : 88 x/minute
RR : 20 x/minute.
Temperature : 37.1˚C
Weight : 65kg
Physical Complaints: None
2. Special Inspection
a. Head: Round head shape, shoulder length hair, easy hair loss, black color, no
dandruff, when palpated there are no lumps.
b. Face : symmetrical
c. Eyes: The eyes are symmetrical on the right and left, there is no edema of the
eyelids and there are dark circles in the eyes, the cornea is clear, the conjunctiva
is not anemic, the pupil is isocortic and the sclera is not icteric.
d. Nose: No nostril breathing, clean nasal cavity, normal smell.
e. Mouth: Symmetrical mouth shape, no dental caries. The state of the mouth is
clean, does not smell, the tongue is clean and does not have difficulty
f. Neck: There is no enlargement of the thyroid gland, there is no enlargement of
the lymph nodes and there is no dam in the jugular vein.
g. Thoracic Examination
a. Chest: Normochest, there is a post-mastectomy wound on the left breast
covered with a bandage measuring ± 15 cm. The gauze looks clean, no liquid
seeps, drainage is installed.
b. Lungs:
Inspection: Symmetrical, intercostal reactions are not visible,
Palpation: Vocal fremitus between right and left is equally developed
Percussion: Resonance throughout the lung fields,
Auscultation: No additional breath sounds (vesicular)
c. Heart
Inspection: Ictus cordis not visible
Palpation: regular heart rate
Percussion :Deafness
Auscultation: Regular rhythm, no additional heart sounds
h. Abdominal Examination
Inspection: Flat shape, no bumps, symmetrical
Percussion : Tympani
Palpation: No tenderness, Auscultation: Intestinal peristalsis 30x/minute
i. Integumentary Check
Dark brown skin color Looks like a surgical wound on the left breast, texture
rough skin, elastic turgor, wrinkles, tenderness in the left breast.
j. Genital Examination
Brownish yellow urine, No catheter, client said no complaints
k. Musculoskeletal Examination

4. Focus Data
1. Subjective Data:
a. The client says pain in his left breast
P: The client says pain in the post-op mastectomy wound
Q: The client says the pain is like being stabbed
R: The client says the pain is felt in the left breast
S: Pain scale 6
Q: The client says the pain is often felt suddenly and arises when moving
b. The client says he has difficulty sleeping, is not satisfied with sleeping, his sleep
wakes up because of the pain he is experiencing
c. The client says that the wound feels hot around the wound
d. The client said that he was sad and ashamed of his current condition, because
his left breast was no longer there and he felt that his body had changed shape.
e. The client said he was worried if the cancer had spread to the right breast.
2. Objective Data:
a. The client looks weak and grimaces
b. Pain scale 6
c. Vital sign:
TD 130/80 mm/Hg
Pulse 88 x/minute
Temperature 37.1˚C
RR 20x/minute.
d. The post-mastectomy wound on the left mammary is ±15 cm horizontal and
covered with a bandage
e. The wound looks red
f. Installed drainage amounting to 200 ml
g. The client looks resigned and often cries

5. Data Analysis
1. Subjective data: Physical injury Acute Pain
- The client says pain in the left agent
breast (Operating
- P: The client says pain in the Procedure)
surgical wound area
- Q: The client says pain
- like being stabbed
- R: The client says it hurts
felt in the left breast
- S: Pain scale 6
- Q: The client says the pain is
often felt suddenly and arises
when moving
Objective Data:
- Post-mastectomy wound on
left mammary ±15 cm
horizontal and covered with
- The client looks weak and
- Pain scale 6
- Vital sign:
- TD 130/80 mm/Hg
- Pulse 88 x/minute
- Temperature 37.1˚C
- RR 20 x/minute.
2. Subjective data : Surgical incision Disturbance
- The client said there was a wound Network Integrity
surgical scar on his left breast Skin
- The client says that the wound
feels hot around the wound.
Objective Data:
- Performed mastectomy surgery
on April 9, 2021
- Looks like surgery scars
mammae sinistra of ±15 cm
horizontally and covered with
- The wound looks red
3. Subjective data : Lack of sleep Sleep pattern
- The client says he has difficulty control disorder
sleeping, is not satisfied with
sleep, his sleep wakes up
because of the pain he is
Objective Data:
- Looks dark circles on the eyes
- Clients seem to yawn
- The client looks weak
4. Subjective data : Losing body parts Image Disturbance
- The client said he was sad and Body
embarrassed by his current
condition, because his left
breast was no longer there and
felt his body changed shape.
Objective Data:
- The client looks resigned and
often cries
5. Subjective data : Invasive Procedure Infection Risk
- The client says that sometimes
the wound feels hot around the
Objective Data:
- Looks like surgery scars
mammae sinistra of ±15 cm
horizontally and covered with
- Installed drainage amounting to
200 ml
- Leukocytes: 15.18 x 103 l
- Vital sign:
 TD 130/80 mm/Hg
 Pulse 88 x/minute
 Temperature 37.1˚C
 RR 20x/minute.
6. Subjective data : Less Exposure to Anxiety
- The client said he was worried Information
if the cancer spread to the right
Objective Data
- The client looks restless
- The client looks tense
- Vital sign:
 TD 130/80 mm/Hg
 Pulse 88 x/minute
 Temperature 37.1˚C
 RR 20 x/minute

6. Nursing Diagnosis
Nursing diagnoses for Mrs. N with breast carcinoma post mastectomy on the third day
1) Acute pain related to physical injury agent
2) Impaired skin tissue integrity related to therapeutic effects mastectomy
3) Impaired sleep patterns related to lack of sleep control
4) Impaired body image related to loss of body part
5) Risk of infection
6) Anxiety related to lack of exposure to information

7. Nursing Intervention
Nursing interventions carried out to Mrs. N in Dahlia Room with a diagnosis of
Carcinoma Mammae Post Mastectomy on the third day can be seen in the following
table :

No Nursing diagnosis outside Nursing intervention

1. Acute pain After care nursing 3x24 hours, Observation
Get in touch with then • Identify the location,
agents Expected pain level decreased characteristics, duration,
physical injury with the result criteria: frequency, quality,pain
• Complaints of pain intensity
decreased • Identify pain scale
• Grimace down • Identify non-verbal pain
• Decreased sleep difficulties responses
• Decreased fear of repeated • Identify the factors that
injury exacerbate and relieve pain
• Blood pressure improves Therapeutic
• Improved sleep patterns • Provide non-pharmacological
techniques to reduce pain
(deep breathing technique)
• Environmental control that
exacerbate the pain
• Facilitate rest and sleep
• Describe the causes, periods,
and triggers of pain
• Describe pain relief strategies
• Encourage self-monitoring of
 Collaborative administration
of analgesics, if necessary
2. Disruption of After care nursing 3x24 hours, Observation
integrity skin tissue then • Monitor wound
related to effect expected skin integrity and characteristics
mastectomy network increases with • Monitor for signs of infection
therapy result criteria: Therapeutic
• Decreased network damage • Apply a dressing according to
• Decreased skin layer damage the type of wound
• Pain decreases • Maintain sterile technique
• Redness decreases when performing wound care
• Improved skin temperature • Change dressing according to
• Sensation improves the amount of exudate and
 Texture improved drainage schedule change
position every 2 hours or
according to the patient's
• Describe the signs and
symptoms of infection
• Recommend consuming
foods high in calories and
• Teach wound care
procedures to clients and
 Collaborative administration
of antibiotics, if necessary
3. Pattern disorder After care nursing 3x24 hours, Observation
sleep related then • Identify sleep activity
with a lack of expected complaints of difficulty patterns
sleep control sleeping decreased with the • Identification of sleep-
result criteria: disturbing factors
• Complaints of being (physical/psychological)
dissatisfied with decreased • Identify foods or drinks that
sleep interfere with sleep
• Complaints of decreased Therapeutic
sleep patterns • Environmental modification
• Complaints of insufficient (lighting, noise)
rest decreased • Facilitate stress relief before
 • Increased activity ability bed
• Explain the importance of
getting enough sleep during
 Teach autogenic muscle
relaxation or other non-
pharmacological methods
4. Image disturbance After care nursing 3x24 hours, Observation
body relate with then • Monitor the frequency of
loss parts of body expected body image level self-critical statements
increases with the result • Monitor whether the patient
criteria: can see the changed body
• Negative feelings about body parts
changes decreased  Therapeutic
• Decreased concern about • Discuss changes in the body
rejection/reaction of others and its functions
• Hiding excessive body parts • Discuss differences in physical
decreases appearance on self-esteem
• Shows excessive body parts • Discuss stressful conditions
decreased that affect body image (eg,
 • Focus on lower body parts injury, illness, surgery)
• Discuss how to develop
realistic body image
• Discuss patient and family
perceptions of changes in
body image
• Explain to family about body
image change treatment
• Encourage self-disclosure of
body image
 Practice the body's functions.
5. Risk of infection After care nursing 3x24 hours, Observation
Relate with then • Monitor for signs and
procedure invasive expected infection rate symptoms of local and
decreased result criteria: systemic infection
• Fever decreases Therapeutic
• Redness decreases • Limit the number of visitors
• Purulent drainage decrease • Give skin care to the wound
• Periods of malaise decrease area
• White blood cell levels • Wash hands before and after
getting better contact with patients and the
• Culture of the wound area patient's environment
getting better • Maintain aseptic technique in
• White blood cell levels high risk patients
getting better Education
• Describe the signs and
symptoms of infection
• Teach how to check the
condition of the wound or
surgical wound
 Collaborative administration
of antibiotics, if necessary
6. Related anxiety After care nursing 3x24 hours, Observation
with less then • Monitor for signs of anxiety
expected level of anxiety • Identify when anxiety levels
decreased outcome criteria: change when exposed to
• Worried that the conditions information
faced are declining Therapeutic
• Decreased restless behavior • Create a therapeutic
• Decreased tense behavior atmosphere to foster trust
 • Improved sleep patterns • Motivation to identify
situations that trigger anxiety
• Inform factually about the
diagnosis, treatment, and
• Describe the procedure,
including the sensations you
may experience
 Practice relaxation

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