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Excellency to the juries

Respectable to all the participant of the English speech contest

Happy brother and sister

First of all, let’s pray be to Allah, Lord of the world, who has given us mercy and blessing until
we can meet together in this happy place and time.

Secondly, sholawat and salam, to our prophet Muhammad SAW, which has brought us from the
darkness to the lightness by Islam Religion.

Standing in front of you all, I would like to deliver my speech under the title “SAVE OUR

Ladies and gentleman

Drugs can be defined as narcotics, Psychotropics and may lead addiction for its users. Drug
abuse is a kind of drugs which is often misused and may cause many problems on one’s nerve.
At first, they will feel relax, however when it is used in excess, it may cause on nerve damage,
addiction and even death.

The danger of drugs are not only on physical health, but also on mental health, they will change
in behavior. Physically, drug abuse will cause damage on nerve function of the brain, heart,
lungs and another health disorder until cause death.

Drug user also will get effect onn mental health, they will change in behavior, decreasing the
quality of work, potentially causing crime and even depression.

Happy Brother And Sister

Drugs are not only used by adults, but also by teenagers. A research conducted by BNN states
that number of students who use narcotics in Indonesia recorded 2,3 million students. This is A
very serious problem for us. One generation of this nation will be lost if we don’t take action
together immediately.

Ladies and Gentleman

There are several programs can be done to minimize the spread of illegal drugs at school, They
are extracurricular activities, counselling and religion approach.
The first program, school should provide various interesting activities such as sport, music,
study club, drawing and others. By joining those activities, they will spend their leisure time to
performe positive things, so they have no chance to interact with the drugs.

The next program school should massively educate the knowledge about the dangers,
characteristics and distribution of drugs. Schools can cooperate with BNN to provide
counseling about the drugs.

Another program that is quite important is the religious approach. School should increase
religious activities as daily habits, such tahfidz, praying Dhuha, study of kitab, sholawat and
other. If the students understand about religion deeply, they will be easy, to obey religious
laws. In Islamic laws, it is very clear that drugs are strictly prohibited as Alloh says in Surah
Almaidah verse 90 :

‫اب َوااْل َ ْزاَل ُم ِرجْ سٌ مِّنْ َع َم ِل ال َّشي ْٰط ِن َفاجْ َت ِنب ُْوهُ لَ َعلَّ ُك ْم ُت ْفلِح ُْو َن‬ َ ‫ٰ ٓيا َ ُّي َها الَّ ِذي َْن ٰا َم ُن ْٓوا ِا َّن َما ْال َخ ْم ُر َو ْال َميْسِ ُر َوااْل َ ْن‬
%ُ ‫ص‬
It means ; oh you believers, indeed, alcoholic drinks, gambling and casting lots are the devil’s
action, so stay away in order you be happy.

Ladies and gentleman

We don’t want to lose our young generation because of the drugs abuse. That’s why, let’s
participate in eradicating drugs. Let’s do the effort consistently, I am sure that we could
eradicate drugs in Indonesia. Never Say Yes to Drugs., once more SAY NO TO DRUGS “.

Well, I think that’s All my speech, I hope it will be useful, please apologize me if I have mistakes,
and thanks for your attention.


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