Answers To Proofreading and Editing-Assignment #2 - 5%

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COMM 1715-Proofreading and Editing Assignment #2— 5%

Instructions: The paragraph on the first page contains 10 errors of various types:
fragments, run-ons, and apostrophe use. Please note that the paragraph may also
contain some errors based on earlier material we have reviewed. On the chart
below, identify the line in which the error is located, type the existing error, and then
type the correction.

*Please be sure to review the second “how-to” video posted: Demo #2 P&E
Assignments. The video can be found under the “Content” tab in DC Connect.*

Name: Karly Campbell Student ID#100853942

Answers to Proofreading and Editing- Assignment #2 – 5%

Line # Error Correction

1. 5 Plants and he bred(Fused sentence) Plants, and he bred (insert common)
2. 5 Monasteries’(apostrophe use) Monastery’s (take out ies and insert
3. 9 One. Because it (fragment) One because it (remove the period)
4. 12 Seeds. Which (fragment) Seeds. These results meant (Take out
which substitute with a noun)
5. 18 Identical, or a(comma splice ) Identical; or a (take out comma and insert
6. 19 And it’s result(apostrophe use) And its result( remove apostrophe)
7. 21 Heredity then the(homonym) Heredity than the( change then to than)
8. 22 By Mendels’ pea (apostrophe use) By Mendel’s pea( moved apostrophe
between l and s)
9. 22 Organisms; there(Run on sentence) Organisms. There(remove semi-colon add
a period and capitalize There)
10. 23 Inherited but the(fused sentence) Inherited, but the(insert comma)

*Adapted from “How Mendel's pea plants helped us understand genetics” published on 03-12-13;
transcribed on 01-09-19.

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