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Art. 1568 Art.

- If the thing sold should be lost in - If two or more animals are sold
consequence of the hidden faults, and together whether for a lump sum or
the vendor was aware of them, he for a separate price for each of them,
shall bear the loss and shall be obliged the redhibitory defect of one shall
to return the price and refund the give rise to its redhibition, and not
expenses of the contract with that of the others.
damages. - Unless it should appear that the
- If he was not aware of them, he shall vendee would not have purchased the
only return the price and interest sound animal or animals without the
thereon, and reimburse the expenses defective one.
of the contract which the vendee - The latter case shall be presumed
might have paid. when a team, yoke, pair, or set is
bought, even if a separate price has
been fixed for each one of the animals
Art. 1569 composing the same.
- Redhibitory defect: it is a defect in
- If the thing sold had any hidden fault the article sold against which defect
at the time of the sale, and should the seller is bound to warrant. The
thereafter be lost by a fortuitous vice must constitute an imperfection,
event or through the fault of the a defect in its nature, of certain
vendee, the vendee may demand the importance; and a minor defect does
vendor the price paid less the value not give rise to redhibition.
which the thing had when it was lost. - GR: A defect in one should not affect
- If the vendor acted in bad faith, he the sale of the others.
shall pay damages to the vendee. - XPN: Team, yoke, pair, or set

Art. 1570 Art. 1573

- Preceding articles of shall apply to - Provisions of the preceding article
judicial sales shall apply to the sale of other things.
- Judgment debtor shall not be liable for
Art. 1574

Art. 1571 - There is no warranty against hidden

defects of animals sold at fairs or at
- Prescriptive period: six months from public auctions, or of livestock sold as
delivery. condemned.
- The buyer notifies the seller of the - The fact that the livestock is
existence of the hidden defect, but condemned must be communicated to
does not sue within 6 months, the the buyer, otherwise, the seller is still
action will prescribe. liable.
Art. 1575 b. Rescission of contract
because of breach
- The sale of animals suffering from
c. Proportionate reduction in
contagious diseases shall be void.
the price due to breach
- A contract of sale of animals shall also
d. Rescission or
be void if the use or service for which
proportionate reduction in
they are acquired has been stated in
the price for sales of real
the contract, and they are found to be
estate either by the unit or
unfit therefor.
for a lump sum due to
failure to comply with the
provisions of the contract
Art. 1576
- If the hidden defect of animals, even
in case a professional inspection has Art. 1578
been made, should be of such a nature
- If the animal should die within 3 days
that expert knowledge is not sufficient
after its purchase, the vendor shall be
to discover it, the defect shall be
liable if the disease which cause the
considered as redhibitory.
death existed at the time of the
- But if the veterinarian, through
ignorance or bad faith should fail to
discover or disclose it, he shall be
liable for damages.
Art. 1579
- Redhibitory defect: a defect in the
article sold against which defect the - If the sale is rescinded, the animal
seller is bound to warrant. The vice shall be returned in the condition in
must constitute an imperfection, a which it was sold and delivered, the
defect in its nature, of certain vendee being answerable for any
importance; and a minor defect does injury due to his negligence, and not
not give rise to redhibition. arising from the redhibitory fault or

Art. 1577
Art. 1580
- The redhibitory action, based on the
faults or defects of animals, must be - In the sale of animals with redhibitory
brought within 40 days from the date defects, the vendee shall also enjoy
of their delivery to the vendee. the right mentioned in Art. 1567; but
- This action can only be exercised with he must make use thereof within the
respect to faults and defects which are same period which has been fixed for
determined by law or by local the exercise of the redhibitory action.
customs. - Remedies of buyer:
- 40 days: the redhibitory action based 1. Withdrawal or rescission (plus
on the frauds or defects of animals. damages)
- 6 months 2. Proportionate reduction in price
a. Breach of warranty (plus damages)
against hidden defects
- Where there is a contract of sale of
goods to be delivered by stated
Art. 1581
installments, which are to be
- The form of sale of large cattle shall be separately paid for, and the seller
governed by special laws. makes defective deliveries in respect
- Act No. 1147, May 03, 1904. of one or more installments, or the
buyer neglects or refuses without just
cause to take delivery of or pay for
Obligations of the vendee one or more installments, it depends
to each case on the terms of the
Art. 1582 contract and the circumstances of the
case, whether the breach is so
- The vendee is bound to:
material as to justify the injured party
a. Accept delivery
in refusing to proceed further and
b. Pay the price of the thing sold at
suing for damages for breach of the
the time and place stipulated in
entire contract, or whether the breach
the contract
is severable, giving rise to a claim for
- If the time and place should not have
compensation but not to a right to
been stipulation, the payments must
treat the whole contract as broken.
be made at the time and place of the
- Sec. 23, PD 957
delivery of the thing sold.
- Tender of payment ought to be made
in legal tender (not check), unless
another mode is accepted by the Art. 1584
creditor. - When buyer has right to examine:
- Unless the deed of conveyance is a. Prior to delivery even if the goods
executed, the buyer as a rule is not are shipped FOB.
required to pay the price. b. Such opportunity to examine
- If seller has delivered but no time has should be availed of within a
been fixed for the payment of the reasonable time in order that the
price, the seller may require payment seller may not be subjected to
to be made at any time after delivery. undue delay or prejudice in the
The buyer here has the duty to pay payment of his raw materials,
the price immediately upon demand. workers, and other damages
- If the seller is forced to deviate from which may be incurred due to the
the provision of the contract, but the deterioration of his produces.
purchaser consents or agrees to such c. The buyer is deemed to have
deviations, the purchaser should still accepted the goods when, after
pay the price. the lapse of a reasonable time he
retains them without intimating
to the seller that he has rejected
Art. 1583 them.
- When buyer has no right to examine:
- The buyer of the goods is not bound
a. When there is a stipulation
to accept delivery thereof by
b. Goods are delivered COD unless
installments, unless otherwise agreed.
there is an agreement or a usage
of trade permitting such ownership in the corporation or partnership
examination is less than 60%, only the number of shares
corresponding to such percentage shall be
counted as of Philippine nationality.
The Grandfather Rule
It would appear therefore that under
RTLA 2000 does not defi ne when a domestic RTLA 2000, which provides for a more liberal
partnership, association or corporation is policy towards foreign investments and
deemed “foreign-owned,” to qualify to invest foreign participation in retail trade activities,
or engage in retail activities, although it is the definition of when a domestic
clear that no amount of foreign equity is partnership, association or corporation is
allowed under Category A retail trade “foreign-owned” can be expected to follow a
enterprises. more liberal application of the grandfather
rule under the DOJ-SEC formula when
When it comes to Categories B, C and determining the nationality of equity
D, foreign-owned partnerships, associations investments made by juridical entities into an
or corporations are allowed to engage in operating corporation.
covered activities only when they comply
with the capital and per-store investments
requirements. Therefore, when the capital
and per-store investments requirements are
not met, it becomes critical to determine
whether the entity is Filipino or “foreign-
Since the old Retail Trade
Nationalization Law prohibited corporations
whose shares of stock are not 100% owned
by Filipino citizens from engaging in retail
trade, the question arose as to how to
determine the citizenship of the shares of the
selling corporation when they are not held
directly by individuals, but in turn held by
another entity. Both the SEC and the DTI have
applied the so-called “grandfather rule”
which is a process of characterizing the
citizenship of shares in one corporation held
by another corporation by attributing the
controlling interest of individual stockholders
in the second layer of corporate ownership.
For purposes of investments (as
distinguished from engaging), the SEC has
adopted the rule that shares belonging to
corporations or partnerships at least 60% of
the capital of which is owned by Filipino
citizens shall be considered as Philippine
nationality, but if the percentage of Filipino

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