Charms, Spells and Herbs: Esteban J. Portela

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Charms, Spells and Herbs

Esteban J. Portela | 1
Charms, Spells and Herbs

Some Tips to Keep in Mind

Spells and Talismans

How to make Talismans
Love Talisman
Single Talisman Energy Cosmic
Talisman to protect the home

Potions, Charms and Ointments

Potions For Variety Materials
Potion A
Potion B

Amulets to ward off poverty
Amulet A
Amulet B
Practical Charms
Bad Influence Amulet
Amulet To Attract Good Luck
Amulet to protect the house of bad

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Charms, Spells and Herbs

Amulet To Avoid Lawsuits or Legal


Ointment To Attract Money
Ointment A
Ointment B

Protection Techniques
Absorbent Protection Techniques
Barrier Protection Techniques and
Protection Techniques by function
Exorcising Protection Techniques

Herbs most commonly used in Spells
Herbs and Their Role in Witchcraft
Create Spells
Composing The Spell
Spells For Quarter
Astrological Correspondences (Days
and Hours Magic)
Performing magic for others
Magic Of The Moon and Spells

Esteban J. Portela | 3
Charms, Spells and Herbs

Absorb The Moon

What Happens When A Spell does Not
Make A Practice Routine
Energy Spells and Ceremonies
Energy, Alcohol and Drugs
Magic With Success
Magical Alphabets
Breaking A Spell

Spells To Make
To prevent the negative Log In Your
To Avert The Enemy and The Danger
Spell To Clean A Business
Free A Business or Local

Esteban J. Portela | 4
Charms, Spells and Herbs

Some Tips to Keep in Mind

Hello my Friends.

This manual will give you tips for making

Spells achieve effective herbal and other
natural elements.

To begin, I tell you that when we decided to

do a ritual or ceremony, it is essential to pay
attention to certain ancestral advice.

It is very desirable to have all the elements

listed in the ritual we perform, that everything
is within your reach prior to the beginning of
the ceremony.

Taking a bath to help us cleanse and purify.

This can be done with a little rosemary, rue
and laurel. These herbs are added into the
bath water, if you don’t have one, the mix is
thrown over the body in the shower, in the
final rinse.

You must pass through the room where it

was made with a smudging ritual. You can do

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Charms, Spells and Herbs

it with the stick or with coal in a censer or in a

pan or bowl used for this purpose.

Flavourings are ideal: frankincense,

sandalwood, myrrh, and nard. You must
perfume the whole room.

Key will be to maintain optimal emotional

state and in good physical and mental
conditions, stripped of negative thoughts and

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Charms, Spells and Herbs

Spells and Talismans

Let's start with some basics. To protect and

make feel safe, so that no one can interfere in
our energy, or exercise on our body or mind
negative waves, sometimes it is necessary to
make some kind of spell, or make a talisman.


spell or incantation is called the ceremony or

ritual magic meaning, which is done by
saying certain prayers or invocations to
achieve a specific purpose.

In general, we use the spell to remove

negative entities that are outside a person's
home or business.

They were formerly known as exorcism. In

order to use certain formulas, are used
words, candles, incense smoke and certain

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Charms, Spells and Herbs


Talisman is called a magical figure in which

we seek to represent a force.

This force that wants to be attracted should

be represented in such a way that is in
harmony with universal forces. It is very
important to be clear about the reason for
which one has to make the Talisman.

The manufacture should not be like a game

or custom, it must be taken as a sacred art.

Do not forget that a Talisman attracts and it is

in harmony with the Divine Universal Forces.
It is very important the reason or purpose for
which I will make the Talisman.

Well, from the moment I begin to generate it

in my mind as an idea and until the end of it,
I'm putting in it my energy. It is also very
important that the bias and focus, during the
construction of the Talisman.

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Charms, Spells and Herbs

The traditional talisman is built on a piece of

metal, mineral or rock that must be recorded
and dedicated to exercise its real power.

Once set, no one except you can touch it.

Another way to make a talisman is with a
scroll, which should preferably be a virgin.

Any person can make a talisman, but it will

give what it promises only to the person who
consecrates it.

The power of this object is given to whoever

possesses it, and with its use nobody might
be harmed.

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How to make Talismans

Love Talisman

This talisman is useful to preserve the

tranquility and harmony in a couple. It
protects from any negative influence that
could affect it.

It is highly suggested to do this talisman on a

Friday, when the lunar phase is in its fourth
quarter, at the time of sunrise.

You should draw on a scroll, preferably a

virgin, and a circle of 6 cm in diameter.

Cut out the circle made in the scroll and write

the names of the couple, in red ink, following
the contour of the circle.

On the other side of the circle, type "Venus"

in the form of a cross, or both vertically and

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Charms, Spells and Herbs

Wrap the circumference in a tissue, not very

large, light-colored, and there pour a few
drops of perfume, the favorite of each of the
members of the couple. The talisman should
be kept in the bedroom, so that anyone but
the couple can access it, or even see it.

Single Talisman to Reactivate

Cosmic Energy

In a circle, preferably copper, engraved with a

sharp object the infinity symbol. It is an 8.
This talisman is advisable to hang on the
neck, and it is important to know that the
infinity sign is a great cosy of cosmic energy.

Talisman to Protect the Home

If we want our home to have positive energy,

we must draw the infinity sign (it is a number
8 lying down), with a black color, using a
cardboard base course.

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Charms, Spells and Herbs

When the pint is dry, hang the talisman

somewhere in the house where you usually
spend most of your time.

It is not advisable to leave it in the bedroom,

because as this talisman is made to generate
a lot of movement, could be
counterproductive and could cause
complications to sleep.

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Charms, Spells and Herbs

Potions, Talismans
and Ointments

Now I will help you to achieve wealth or

economic success.

This will teach you certain ceremonies which

use white magic to achieve it.


It's a mixture that is usually done with

perfumes, flowers and herbs.

The important thing is that the potion gives off

an aroma that helps to release energy
required for the cosmos.

To make a potion, you must have a kettle, a

good disposition and a strong belief by the
person who will do it.

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Charms, Spells and Herbs

Potions to obtain material things

Potion A

You must heat it in the kettle, and simmer,

the following elements:

 2 liters and a half of water

 Four tablespoons honey
 6 leaves of chamomile
 The peel of eight apples
 A little nutmeg

After placing everything in the kettle, let it

boil, steam and spread throughout the home,
more than anything in the dorms, and at the
place where you keep the money.

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Charms, Spells and Herbs

Potion B

Heat in the boiler, over low heat, the following


 A pint of water
 8 tablespoons of ginger
 3 tablespoons marjoram
 Petals of a camellia
 Peeled and chopped walnuts 7
 A coffee spoon
 1 cup of cardamom seeds
 150 cm3 of peppermint oil

As the potion warms repeat the following


"For the energy of this aroma, that wealth

comes to my home and get away poverty
forever. Amen "

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Charms, Spells and Herbs


We called a transposable element amulet

which has a supernatural power, and it is
used both to reverse some situations or to
protect us from harm or danger.

Amulets to ward off poverty

You see below a series of amulets with a

powerful charge to avoid poverty, and care
for those who carry any negative energy that
might impede economic or material growth.

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Charms, Spells and Herbs

Amulet A

Is best done in a glass bowl (it will be used

only for this purpose), place there the

 8 honey sweets
 A quarter of a pineapple
 4 tacks of smell
 1 berry of blackberry

Sprinkle these ingredients with castor oil, and

you put it in a place at home for 15 days.

Once this time elapses, put all the elements

in a dark colored bag, and you should take it
with you when you need money.

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Charms, Spells and Herbs

Amulet B

Get a dollar, and then a chestnut. Wrap the

latter in the dollar, and stick it with a ribbon.

For a week you should put the dollar near the

nut inside a pyramid, possibly made of

In this way the dollar will rub off of good


After seven days, take the dollar and put it in

your wallet.

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Charms, Spells and Herbs

Practical Amulets

Amulet to Drive Away Bad


You need:

 2 nails
 Wire
 Holy water

With the nails make a cross, linking it to the

wire and you impregnate the holy water of
good energy.

When the moon phases are in a crescent, the

cross has to be left for 3 nights in the open.

Then, you will carry the cross hanging from

your neck, or inside your clothes.

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Charms, Spells and Herbs

Amulet to Attract Good Luck

It takes:

 A glass bottle of approximately 7 cm

 4 leaves fresh basil
 three different types of rice grains
 1 cork
 Paraffin

Place the bottle in a pan of water and make it

boil along with the basil leaves for half an

Once this is finished, and when the bottle is

dry and cold, you fill it with rice grains. Close
the bottle with the cork, and seal the outside
with paraffin.

It is ideal to carry this amulet in your wallet,

purse, pocket, or undergarment.

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Charms, Spells and Herbs

Amulet to Protect the House of

Bad Influences

To take care of the home of negative waves,

you shall tie and hang ribbons of red silk,
olive branches, and garlic, by the various
bedrooms, and also in the doorway to the

Amulet To Avoid Lawsuits or

Legal Problems

It takes:
 A coconut
 1 white color candle
 1 golden candle
 1 dark green candle
 1 red candle

Drawing on the coconut, with the wax of each

candle, a star of five points and 5 stars in all.
Then hang the coconut near an opening, the
closest the front door of the house.

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Ointments are liquid or pasty substances

which serve to spread, to achieve a curative
or healing purpose. They are widely used for

Ointment To Attract Money

Ointment A

For this ointment, you must mix the following


 300 cm3 of sunflower oil

 2 drops of lilac oil
 4 drops of lavender oil
 4 leaves of basil
 A bit of soap coconut flavor

Once this mixture is done, place them in a

clear glass bottle, and retain all there for five

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After this time, spread the mixture with the

tips of a dollar, which then you put into your
wallet or purse of everyday use.

Ointment B

In a mortar, crush and grind the following:

 3 cloves garlic
 4 tablespoons of mustard seeds

After having crushed the ingredients, you

 3 tablespoons of almond oil
 200 cm3 of grape juice
 400 cm3 of neutral gel
 A tablespoon of forest land

Put this preparation in a clear glass bottle and

seal it completely.

After a week, rub the soles of your shoes so

you don’t lack money. Use your shoes spread
with this ointment.

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Protection Techniques

When we speak of the protection techniques,

they can be divided into two:

Absorbent Protection Techniques

Techniques that simply deflect bad energies

to a different place from where the person is.
Those energies are absorbed by the place
where we have sent, or by some special
object, and then vanish. Thus the individual
was protected.

They are techniques that belong to white

magic, because they do not return negative
energies to which we send it.

Typically absorbing elements are:

Water, Coal, Salt, Earth, Mirra, dark stones,


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Barrier Protection Techniques

They act as shields, as when using these

techniques is to be bouncing off the bad
energy, which hit the shield, and return to
their origin. This energy finally acts on who
sent it.

Techniques are faster and more active than

previous ones, but also belong to the realm of
white magic, because although they are bad
energies, refunded only against those who
sent it.

The elements that serve as barriers are:

Candles, Invocations, Mandalas, Sulphurs,

Amulets, Pentacles, Exorcism.

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Protection Techniques by

According to the role, protection techniques

can be divided into:

Preventive Protection Techniques

They are used in order to prevent negative

forces from entering our body or house.

You can use this type of defences alone or by

more complex ceremonies.

Among the simplest forms of protection, we

can use amulets, parchments, the cross of
Caravaca, stones, plants, etc.

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Exorcising Protection Techniques

They are applied once we have knowledge

that someone has sent against us harm; so it
is going to be healed, annulment, or will be

This can cause the damage back to anyone

who gave or who will charge if you used a
broker. It is used here the law of causation.

Exorcism rituals of the Christian religion (and

other religions) are complicated forms of
protection, like the "counter-spells", counter
spells, the mandala, and so on.

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They are used to produce a great effect on

our emotions. The oils can be mineral, plant
or animal.

 The minerals contain plenty of

earthly quality, and they are advised
to fulfil earthly desires,
 The plants have great vibration, or
soul, from the plant which they
 The animals are used in black

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Herbs Most Commonly

Used in Spells


It serves as a protection against envy and

jealousy of others. In a white plate, you must
put half teaspoon of cinnamon, and mix it with
a cup of talc that has no flavor.

This mixture is used for powdering and with it,

you will be well protected.

Mary Thistle

Commonly it is called a thistle. It is used as

an amulet of good fortune and success, and
serves to absorb the bad influences.
It can be placed on the house to attract good
run, or carry it. Put it in the house, but you
should change it every seven days.

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Jasmine is used to bring good luck in general,

may be material, professional or economic

It is advisable to always carry a bag pink or

blue, made for that purpose.

It can be used in any type of ceremony.


They use the laurel leaves to obtain wishes.

You must do the following: write with great

faith the desire on a paper. Then fold it into 3
sectors, and place a laurel leaf in each part.
Put it somewhere private and secret.

Once your desire is fulfilled, burn the paper

with the leaves, at Easter or Thanksgiving.

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Lilac is used to attract the tranquility, peace

and harmony to the home or work

It is best to place the lilac in a clear bag.


It is used for release. You should light a coal,

and around it, place the nutmeg.


It serves to break spells and sorceries, bad

luck, and cleanse the negative energies and
bad influences.

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It serves as protection against bad vibes or

negative energies that have been sent by
people you know, or intermediaries.


The sandalwood is often used against the

negative waves, to protect the physical,
mental and spiritual aspects.

It is generally used in a tarot session, or

yoga, it burns and opens the psychic centers.


it serves as protection from negative energy

or bad influence sent by someone. Tobacco
should be placed around a burning coal.

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It is always used in marital problems,

passion, engagement, couple, or family. It is
always good to carry it inside a clear bag.

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Herbs and Their Role in


Protection against evil eye

Economic Success, money

Peace, tranquility, awakening of psychic

Dream divination, clairvoyance

Money, physical movement

Passion, sex, love

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Charms, Spells and Herbs

Sentimental Improvement, progress, peace

Intellect Awakening

Aphrodisiac, Passion

Passion, sex, intimacy

cosmic energy, magic, disease
• White: peace, healing
• Red: sex, love, passion
• Yellow intellectual movement
• Rose: disappearance of disagreements

Protection spells

Protection Spell

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Health, healing

Protection, happiness, mental cleanup

Money, prosperity

Love, purification



Overcoming old pains of love

Divinatory dreams, sexuality

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Charms, Spells and Herbs

Success, glory

Purification, love

Happiness, love

Helps memory, love

Helps remove the vices and addictions


Love, happiness

Avoid jealousy, dreams Protection

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Divinatory dreams, love

Happiness, love





Money, sex

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Charms, Spells and Herbs

Protection in general

Protection, courage

Health, Healing

Protection of sites

Longevity, purification, prosperity

 Red: passion
 Yellow: commitments
 White: spiritual love
 Rose: peace, welfare


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Spirituality, healing, tranquility. Sexuality,

Health courage. Eliminates nightmares.


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Charms, Spells and Herbs

How to Create Spells

This is the part or section that probably

interests you most. You must know that in the
life of a witch all is magic. Even the most
absurd and minimal detail of their daily lives.
Even people who know their history along the
road that passes, the "coincidences", his
whole world is magical.

Perform a spell is not so simple. It is an art in

itself. It is the technique to practice and work,
make mistakes and learn magic. You make
what you think and want, in a voluntary act,
using specific words, and emanating a great

We talk about spells that do not harm others,

or having malicious purposes. Sometimes
this decision is complicated and not as easy
as it sounds, but only strongly recommends
that you do spells that do not go against other
people, since the universe is responsible for
those bad energies back to you.

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The spells should be planned in advance.

These are serious matters that must be
thoroughly planned, as you would in any
common work. You should not expect to sit in
front of an incense candle, say a few words,
and that everything works, magic is not so, it
takes time and concentration. Some people
just have capacity after several years, but if
you give it the importance it deserves, you
will see results sooner.

Making The Spell

When you want to do a spell on your own, it

is important to write the spell. The prayers
must be thought carefully. All your requests
and claims will be thrown into universe and
always will be fulfilled if you have within you
that conviction. Therefore, they must be
made with caution. When sending a request
to the universe, without knowing it, you
connect with a system of deities and a world
completely unknown to us.

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Do not think that a good spell must have a

rhyme, it is not, but it must sound harmonious
when you recite it. It also strives to be clear
and concise, there is no doubt that you apply
to your request. The spell should be easy to
remember and have that smooth rhythm that
you discussed. Many Witches are individuals
starting a word spells, and also to complete.

Some phrases that they like and that as time

passes will refine and taking what works for
them. An example of the beginning of spell
that is used is:

"On this night, and at this time,

Now summon the ancient power,
Oh god, bright consort,
I ask that your light contribution.”

While opening prayer evokes a spell, you

have to see that energy and light travel and
channeled through one. Then, once you feel
aligned with the gods, by a new prayer,
asking for what you need or asking for help in
what you plan to do.

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For example:

"I have a desire to be fulfilled. I ask (name of

deity) to achieve the perfect (whatever) for
(whatever reason).

I ask the Universe to give me the power to all

levels of astrological, so I can get my order

Thus, I draw specifically to me (I want)

without affecting the will of the universe, nor
harming anyone.

I proclaim this spell is done. The (desire) is


No way this spell will be reversed, nor come

to my no curse!

So be it! “

It is always important to add a thanks to the

deity to whom I have called, even a simple

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When we talk of spells, we know that we can

use many elements. Specially those who
wish to perform the ritual, and someone else
want to add. They can be candles, colors
related to us or the end sought, stones, glass,
ink, parchment, etc. When you make the
spell, do practice several times on a sheet,
until you achieve the appropriate text with
which you feel comfortable repeating.
Remember that mistakes can be costly.

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Spells For Quarter

The solstices and equinoxes are first and

foremost as a celebration, but also have
much to do with the art of magic and

Each season brings its own kind of magic and

is good to take this into account when you run
a spell you've created or created by someone

These cycles are called Seasons Elementary:

 From 21 March to 20 June is the

planting season.
 From June 21 until 22 September is the
harvest season.
 From 23 September to 20 December is
the season of calculation or planning.
 From 21 December to 20 March is the
season of Replacement or Destruction.

Many of the spells that begin, take a quarter

full in and get checked petitioned desires for

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that reason, in some cases due to schedule

long-term goals.
Some spells can be launched to operate from
next quarter, as money spells.

If a spell of money was made with little force

at the time of preparation, because usually
you will notice four weeks begin to fail (1
month) before the end of the quarter.

If thrown correctly, completed the quarter, or

earlier, you must be having good results.

A common spell is to burn money. Banknotes

of little value, on a plate, preferably metal. It
is a powerful spell with fire.

While burning your dollars, sing this:

"Saturn, Jupiter and dear sun

Join the Fun
Silver Priestess dance with me
this quarter brings a lot of money to me”

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Correspondences (Days
and Hours Magic)

Astrological correspondences and their use in

ceremonies fill everyone's mind and generate
much interest. We are all accustomed to our
astrological sign, which we innately have from

When we look at our sign in relation to the

celestial body, we can even see deeper into
our own essence, and thus to determine the
best time to perform spells, this is also related
to the purposes we seek. All spells, whether
short or long term, are governed by the
influence of our sign and planets.

For a new witch is important to consider the

astrological correspondences (see Manual
Masters Wizards). Learn to use properly the
hours, days, and moon phases.

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It serves the beginner magician to have more

luck in getting your request and increases the
chances of success.

If you have no knowledge about the

astrological correspondences, and you are in
a hurry to begin, you must perform the spell,
under the protection of a magic circle, and
invoke the deities to the correct astrological
correspondences are used in your ritual.

Many other witches may tell you that you do

not need to do this. Many times they will be
right; there is nothing more important than
your bias.

But if it's important to know that if you don’t

use them, your spells will not be harmed.
From my own experience, and after years, I
can tell you that the astrological
correspondences enhance the ceremonies
and rituals, and that is why I advise you to

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Performing magic for others

When you do magic for others, it's best to

have the consent of the individuals to be
involved in the spell.

Before performing the spells you should try to

consult your divinatory power to see the
result that your job will entail. At the same
time, you should use this power to anticipate
everything related to the life of the person
involved. It is not your intention to harm
anyone, but accidentally, sometimes you can
hurt someone who did not even know.

So we must be careful when doing magic for

others, because we know that the orders do
come true.

When planning your first spells I advise you

to do work with the moon and its magic.
Start with small and simple things. The moon
can teach you many things; it is a very
powerful celestial body.

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Magic of the Moon and Spells

One thing to keep in mind when performing a

spell is the lunar phase. The days of full or
new moon are the moment of greatest
concentration for a spell. They are powerful
moments. Some also agree that the best
days for witchcraft are three days before and
three days after this lunar phase.

Remember that the new moon attracts things

to you, and start new projects, is the
beginning, the beginning of something. But
the full moon is to remove, banish, get rid of
something bad, or vice.

Many times what begins at new moon,

culminates in a full moon. That which lasts
longer, as a spell of money, or getting a job, it
must start at new moon and to take several
months to complete.

Things on the full moon can be clarified,

focus, give clarity not previously encountered.

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It's time to figure out what key before you

could not understand, mystery, hidden things,
secrets. It is used to the full moon many times
for divination purposes, and this is so since
ancient times. The big flash of light has when
it is at this stage reveals the dark.

All works of magic that aim exchanges should

be done on this moon too. Yes you should
close any contract, share some good, some
consideration, the payment of something
close a deal, and do it when this lunar phase
finishes. It is the ideal time.

There are many witches who do not

recommend practicing magic in the dark
moon. This cycle is considered as the three
days before the new moon cycle. It is
considered a time of instability and creates a
deep vacuum. That's why the curses are
often made in the dark moon.

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Absorb The Moon

From what we mean by absorbing the moon,

is to obtain some of its energy and essence.
This power in us that we call "Absorb the
Moon." If you have reached this state, you
will feel different and full of energy that
radiates incalculable power and shift your
body material.

When the moon is absorbed, you must be

protected, and this is done by a magic circle.

It is usually done in jobs that require more

seriously. Also does not mean that in all
works it is necessary to absorb the moon.
But of course I do a ritual in tribute to this
goddess, the moon, is always good.

Many Witches use their sticks when they

want to absorb it. What you should do before,
is to open your chakras, the 7 energy circles
that own our bodies. Then you must be the
position of the goddess in your arms, with the
stick in your right hand.

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Then slowly lift your arm over you, and

together both hands on the stick, pointing to
the moon and repeating:

"Now I absorb the power of the moon in me, I

am fused with her power."

That managed to increase your vibration

energy, and helps the penetrating power of
the goddess on the stick.

If you can absorb the moon, you will easily

see that something changes. Then lower the
stick, and sign up to your heart chakra,
namely the heart. Concentrate and imagine a
silver-bluish light moving through your body,
your blood circulating, and your arms.
Visualize in all your physical and astral body.
After several minutes, lower your arms. Since
energy is dissipated, and achieved the
greatest power.

If you're going to do a job, place the stick in

your right hand to send energy. If you will not
make any request or release, leave the stick

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in your left hand, which is receiving, and

concentrate to get into a relaxed state, to help
you absorb more energy.

What happens When a Spell

Doesn’t Work?

If you notice that things are not going the way

you want, you go back and question what
you've done wrong, or possibly where you
made the error.

Join a few simple questions about the time

you perform the spell, how did you feel?,
Were you well disposed to do so?, What was
your attitude?, have you been interrupted?,
Would you have the concentration and
devotion that this entails?, Could it be that
even you did not think you deserved what you
were requesting?, "The spell could be

Remember when you spend this kind of thing

that the world has been made to discover all

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its magic and we have to learn to enjoy it.

Anything that you ask the universe sooner or
later this will be granted. Only we must learn
to ask, thinking ourselves worthy of such

If you tried to check everything and cannot

find which the problem is, it sometimes
happens that the person has asked you a job,
is the same that is blocking unintentionally
the spell energy.

Make a Routine From Practice

Once you've reached a certain level of

education and knowledge related to White
Magic, what you have to add is the courage,
action to practice magic, where you can, and
when you consider, and not to be afraid to
make mistakes and so learn from your

You have to know that this requires practice.

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Doing so is as solitary first start your own

business or enterprise. Everything you put or
leave it will be after a great commitment and
effort on your part.

You must believe in yourself, in your power,

and be sure. You must be persistent, not to
abandon the first attempt, it is essential. This
is the only way you learn and grow in this
new path. It takes real courage and guts to do
magic for yourself, alone, with candlelight,
and waiting for results.

It is very common that people start with

spells, try, be discouraged and never do it

Simply determine that this was not the way

they want to follow.

That is the fear of the new, the unknown,

fantasies, and his own mental power.
The first time something does not work, they
give up.

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If this has happened, remember that until

now, you have not practiced witchcraft. What
you did is just set up the stage and gather the
necessary elements for the ceremony but you
have not yet begun, one has to study

Just when you absorb the moon and perform

a ritual activity, you shall be practicing

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Energy, Spells and


As we know energy is something that can be

felt. Each person feels it differently. There
may be changes in the temperature of your
body, your feelings, tingling or any particular

It's good when your energy increases. To do

this you must break free and focus. That
means free you, put down roots in the
motherland and settle down.

Focus is to put your energy into the navel for

a calm and quiet state. You must practice to
achieve this, which is absolutely necessary.

Know that you cannot work as efficiently as

ever, but if you're very tired, low mood, or
stressed, it would be more difficult to find this
high energy. In this case we suggest you
save your work to do it another day.

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If this happens to you, and you can’t increase

your energy, do not worry, it is normal.
We are not always suitable for collecting the
amount of energy indicated.

This will come with time; we are all able to

increase our energy.

Only you must find the right time.

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Charms, Spells and Herbs

Energy, Alcohol and Drugs

To which we refer in this paragraph is that it

is inadvisable to mix alcoholic drinks when
you make a job. Your body should be clear of
alcohol at least 48 hours before the
ceremony. Alcohol and magic do not usually
go together.

It is not necessary to have a problem of

ethical nature, nor is it our job to judge. But it
is important to remind you that an illegal
substance can lead to jail for years. If you
require substances to be awake all day and
"energy" is well known that you need
psychological and medical need. The magic
does not have good relationship with drugs.

People who use alcohol, and are addicted to

it, or to drugs, they can’t become witches. A
true magician does not need to consume
these toxic substances to the body. On the
contrary, he must be clean, and keep the
body as healthy as possible.

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Charms, Spells and Herbs

Otherwise they are not taking the

responsibility that needs to be a real witch.
And they are forgetting about his body, of
yourselves, your family and the universe in

Magic With Success

When you see that your wish has been

fulfilled, check how has your desire come to
They usually come in different forms as they
have been ordered; the results are not
fulfilled to perfection in their ways and times.
It is not like movies.

Sometimes we notice it or not, the most

common and ordinary circumstances are truly

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Breaking a Spell

If you let a spell and it has exploded and is

causing effects that you did not want, you
culminate it, break it. You must wait until the
first Saturday after the full moon or full moon
day. Use a white candle and one black for
contrast and balance. Get yourself a stone
amethyst, white quartz Apaches or tears.
Write a spell to break what you've done, you
should be very clear.

Here we leave you an example:

"On the eve of ... (full day)

A spell cast
And those effects created
I now break
Specifically (complete with the original
desire of the spell)
I break this spell
And I now receive the gift-specific
(complete with the new desire)"

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A spell should not last more than sixty days

unless you put other parameters, or you're
expecting certain astrological
correspondences that have a different limit.

Magical Alphabets

The spells that are thrown with magical

alphabets, such as rune stones, are very
strong, and they're easy to make.

It's not like herbs or other ingredients, where

one has to run away or sometimes it is
difficult to obtain some element. Here we
require a few accessories. Use a piece of
plain paper, some Witches use a pen or
marker, but I prefer black ink as it is an item
that lasts a long time, is fraught with more
energy and time is cheaper than the marker.

First the spell is done clearly in English, write

the spell, and check to be sure that you've
been successful.

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Then choose a magical alphabet, the one that

makes you feel good and comfortable, and
transcribe it letter by letter, to the paper with
the ink or the item you've chosen.
Once you've completed the transcription of
your request, burn the paper to cast the spell,
in that dish you use for these cases.

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All magic work you make can be very useful

and beneficial for you and for those who need
your help.

Now just starting to do these bases in the art

of magic, then, once understood, you will put
them into practice in your daily life.

You will never forget what you’ve learned, it

will always be moving into your

Once you absorb the power of the moon, and

feel that state of quiet and contentment, you
cannot be eradicated.

I always advise to act ethically and do not

harm anybody. Remember that the universe
returns these things. Therefore conduct well
in life, if not, you can meet with many

Esteban J. Portela | 66
Charms, Spells and Herbs


Sunday Sun Leo Miguel Yellow Calendula Cormalina Health Fire

Heliotrope Citrine Success
Sunflower Tiger Eye Career
Buttercup Amber Ambition
Cedar Quartz Goals
Beech / oak Red Agate Personal

Monday Moon Cancer Gabriel Silver Night Moonstone Psychic search Water
White Flowers Aquamarine Psychology
Sauce Pearl Dreams
Germanic Quartz Imagination
Birch Fluorite Women's
Motherwort Geodes Mysteries
Verbena Reincarnation
White Rose

Tuesday Mars Aries Samuel Red Red Rose Carnelian Pasion Fire
Scorpio Pine Sanguinaria Mature Water
Thyme Ruby Asset
Pepper Garnet Fast Movement
Pink Energy

Wednesda Mercury Virgo Rafael Orange Fern Aventurine Wisdom Earth

y Gemini Light Blue Lavender Sanguinaria Healing
Gray Hazel Erythrocytes Communication
Cherry Moss agate Intelligence
Periwinkle Sodalite Memory

Thursday Jupiter Sagittarius Sachiel Real Blue Cinnamon Sugilite Business Fire
Pisces Hague Amethyst Gambling Water
Buttercup Turquoise Social affairs
Coltsfoot Lapis Lazuli Political power
Oak Sapphire Material wealth

Friday Venus Libra Ariel Green Rose rose Rose Quartz Romantic love Earth
Taurus pink Ivy Moonstone Friendships Air
Birch Pink Beauty
Clematis Tourmaline Soul mates
Salvia Peridot Artistic ability
Water Lily Emerald Harmony

Saturday Saturn Capricorn Casiel Black Mirra Azabache Bondage All

Aquarius Cicuta Smoky Quartz Protection
Aconite Amethyst Neutralization
Coltsfoot Black onyx Karma
Belladona Snowflake Death
Spruce obsidian Demonstration

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Charms, Spells and Herbs

Spells To Make

To Prevent The Negative

Enter In Your Home

It takes:

 Censer or earthenware bowl

 3 coal
 3 tablets of camphor

How to Proceed

The first thing you will have to do is turn on

the three coals, and colors along with the pills
in the censer.

Then you do the sign of the cross, no sooner

you start the ritual, and at its completion.

You will have to go all the rooms of the

house, forming the container and the smoke
that comes, the sign of the cross, as you

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repeat the following:

"Please Jesus, let come into this house just

good, health, love, and prosperity. Get out of
here all evil, envy and anxiety. Through
Jesus Christ, Lord, Amen".

To Avert The Enemy

and The Danger

You will pronounce the sentence that we

present here any time you're in danger, or
when you perceive that you are near a
person with bad energy.

"In the name of the Father, Son and Holy

Spirit, overcomes the lion of the tribe of
Judah. Amen".

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Spell To Clean a Business

How to proceed to clean up our business with

magical plants and herbs:

When you are starting a new business, or

you seek to remove the bad energy of the
place, to bring about change, you should
follow these steps to make the corresponding

What you need:

 Alcohol Pharmacy
 A clay bowl
 3 tablespoons powdered rosemary
 2 tablespoons myrrh
 3 tablespoons coarse spray
 6 dried red roses
 1 tablespoon dried flowers
 1 candle red

Now you have to put all the herbs in the clay

bowl and mix them.

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Once you get a good mix, pour a glass of

alcohol on it. Lay it on a table and on his left,
light the red candle.

That person responsible for conducting this

ritual should be placed facing south. The
candle is on the left of the person and to the
right of the bowl.

Turn with your left hand an incense prepared

with herbs and alcohol (be careful) and then
light the candle.

When the mixture and the candle are lit, you

must repeat with great faith and devotion the
following sentence:

"May the merciful Lord bless my business

To save the business (or say the name of
That the Lord cares for all members of the
He bring success and hard work
May the Lord of prosperity and money.
Help us St. Jude, grant us peace.

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Protect us from evil than ever among the


At the end of the prayer, after having

repeated it ten times with great concentration,
you should make the sign of the cross.

When you finish the ceremony, you must

keep the business closed for a period of 24
hours, to destroy the bad energies.

When the corresponding time has passed,

open the business, and all the windows to
receive fresh air and to eliminate any
remaining negative energy that may remain.

The herbs should be those listed in the

ingredients and not others, in this case you
cannot replace them.

It is vital to have concentration and faith; you

must see and believe the good energies.

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How to Release a Local or


The ceremony or spell presented below, aims

to clean up a business from bad influences
and energies. It is also useful when you feel
that someone has made any spell against

It is important to perform this ritual with local

openings completely closed, virtually sealed.

We will use an incense stick, and this way

you can reach all the corners.

It is advisable to do it at the weekend

because it is essential to maintain the
business closed for forty-eight hours.

What you need:

 25 grs. of thyme
 30 grs. of cloves
 25 grs of cinnamon
 40 grs of myrrh

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 30 grs powdered mauve

 1 coal

All these elements or ingredients should be

mixed in a mortar to withstand fire. Once
thoroughly mixed the elements at the middle
of the mortar, do a kind of a mountain and put
there the coal.

Proceed now to light the coals and when

everything starts to smoke, repeat the prayer
that we present below:

"May your holy fire Melchizedek,

And your sacred fire powerful Abramelin,
To fulfil my deepest desires, and make my
business to function properly.
To eliminate the evil that lurks
And stay clean and protected.
Amen. "

It is important, as in the previous spell,

comply with the quantities and herbs listed
above, no replacement is possible.

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Dear friends,

we've reached the end of this mighty Manual.

I know that the knowledge which I convey in
these pages it will be very useful in your life,
and covering the various cases pending that
may arise.

For the effectiveness of a spell to reach the

maximum possible energy released, it should
be made with Faith. The first step for a spell
to be fulfilled is to trust that it will comply.

Deposit positive energy in the time you

perform the work I describe in this incredible

With much love I wish the best for your lives.

Esteban J. Portela | 75
Charms, Spells and Herbs

Note: The spells and incantations that are in this

Manual cannot ever replace any medical treatment.
For health problems consult your doctor beforehand.
In such cases use spells to accompany the treatment
provided by the health professional.

Legal: You agree to use these spells and charms to

look good, you or third parties. In no case you can
use the content of this book to harm the physical,
moral or spiritual thirds.

Copyright (c) All rights reserved.

No reproduction / copy all or part of this information.

We will take legal action against someone who copy content of
our Web site or the Witchcraft Secret Manual.
To date, we have identified and defendant 5 copies.

Esteban J. Portela | 76

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