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Gas Lines Through Grade Beams in Soft-Story

Retrofits: Audit Process and Next Steps

Jeff Buckley
Policy and Public Affairs
Audit Process
4,942 Mandatory Soft Story Retrofit Properties


We reviewed all 4,942 properties that are subject to the Mandatory

Soft-Story Retrofit Program.
Audit Process – Step 1

3,497 had evidence of a concrete pour

"Rebar detail: grade beam" (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) by Sanandreas

We reviewed all inspection records and eliminated any property that did
not have “reinforcing steel,” “OK to pour,” or “grade beam” in the
inspection notes. These elements would be present if a gas line would
potentially run through a grade beam. 3
Audit Process – Step 2
520 could not be confirmed to be

We partnered with PG&E to determine which properties had been

upgraded as part of its Gas Pipe Replacement Program. We
eliminated those that had been upgraded and therefore “cased.” 4
Audit Process – Step 3
246 could not be ruled out based on
visual inspection and review of plans

New concrete grade

beam inside garage
(per approved plans)

Gas line enters at left of grade

beam and was cleared

We compared the foundation layout and details from the approved plans with
a visual inspection to determine if a new foundation element had been poured
and if there was any chance that the gas line could run through it. 5
Audit Process – Step 4
118 were confirmed as uncased through
PG&E site visits

Need Picture from PG&E

PG&E visited all remaining 246 properties to determine if some were, in

fact, cased. They concluded that 118 properties had not been cased.
Audit Process – Step 5
75 could not be ruled out based on
DBI site inspections at the property

Gas line enters building above

concrete and was cleared at
site inspection.
These comprise about 1.5%
of all Mandatory Soft-Story
Program buildings

DBI conducted site inspections at the 246 properties to determine whether the gas
line was 1) not near new concrete, 2) through new concrete, or 3) undetermined
relative to concrete. Of PG&E’s 118 confirmed uncased properties, DBI determined
75 could have a gas line running through a new foundation element.
Next Steps

There are 75 properties that may have a gas line running through a grade beam.
While these have likely been protected according to code, PG&E has agreed to
upgrade service lines for all of these addresses to ensure compliance.

1. PG&E aims to complete the work by the end of 2022 – dependent on city
cooperation in order to meet that schedule

2. DBI will submit a final report to the Building Inspection Commission and the Board
of Supervisors by the end of the year

3. DBI and PG&E will collaborate on a letter to property owners in advance of any
construction activity

4. DBI agreed to facilitate any plumbing permits and inspections and work with
Public Works on any permit needed to complete the outstanding work

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