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Flashiwa is an audiovisual production company located in Madrid, created in

2005 and formed by a team of young professionals and entrepreneurs.

The production company is dedicated to making corporate videos, advertising

for digital media and recording events. It stands out for the creation of original
pieces, fresh and at very competitive prices.

Aware of the importance of Social Networks for its brand image and to attract
new customers, Flashiwa has decided to bet on the figure of a new Social
Media Manager, as well as a Community Manager.


1. It details the work to be done both by the Social Media Manager and
by the Community Manager to manage, build and moderate the
community of followers of the company.

Remember to keep in mind:

‒ Knowledge of the sector
‒ Objectives
‒ Social networks
‒ Strategies and tools
‒ Contents

External analysis

The market situation is important to Flashiwa as, although each the tendency of

companies to invest in advertising is increasing, we found hundreds of audio visual

production companies that have a very similar to our company and based in Madrid.

That is why it is very important to be able to differentiate ourselves through Social


Business Social Network Observations

The Music Place FB, TW, LI, IG Does not have a
platform to hang
`Piano Shop Google+, FB, LI, No blogs available
Pintrest, Blog although there’s a
section dedicated to
the website

Target audiences

Although the target audience of our company is other medium-sized companies who

want to invest in our advertising campaigns, in the case of our Social Networks we are

going to choose young followers who increase our community, with the aim of having

more relevance at the national level and favoring hiring by said companies in our

campaigns and get a good ROI.


Age: Young audience, between 15 and 30 years of age

Location: Especially in Madrid and medium-large cities of the national territory

Population type: Urban

Socio economic: level Medium or medium-high level

Lifestyle: They have an urban style, they like Social Networks and very visual content.

They like everything you have to watch with sports, adrenaline, risk activities, music,

tattoos or with a modern and current aesthetic.

Social stratum: They come from families of a medium-high social stratum and are

studying or in their first jobs

Occupation: Students, creatives, workers with or without a degree

Business Type: Any business with an urban and contemporary aesthetic

Personality: Strong, modern, irreverent, rebellious, fashion

Purchasing power: Low or medium, they are not the ones who will buy our products,

but yes those that will increase our Community

Differential factor of the company

Flashiwa is an audiovisual production company that is located in Madrid since 2005 and

which is formed by a team of young professionals and entrepreneurs who make

corporate videos, advertising for digital media and recording of events for different

companies that have a modern and groundbreaking philosophy and do not settle with

conventional advertising spots. It bases its differential factor on the creation creative,

fresh and innovative content, while proposing to its buyers very competitive rates in the

market. It is a very focused on its brand image, which is modern and current, so use

Social Networks to show your advertising pieces, reach a greater audience and create

content that helps enhance that image.

Work of the Social Media Manager and Community Manager

With the aim of improving Flashiwa's presence in Social Networks and thus promote

our brand image and reach a wider target audience We have decided to add to the

Strategic Planning Department, Creative Department, Media Department, Finance

Department and Accounts Department the professional profile of Social Media Manager

and Community Manager. Normally these two professional profiles are made by two

different people, but since our company is a producer small audiovisual we are going to

bring together both profiles in a single worker, that will perform these tasks in a

differentiated way:

1. Social Media Manager: It is the strategic figure and the head of the Social Media

work, above the Community Manager. Between his functions is to prepare the briefing

and market analysis, design the online presence strategy of the brand in accordance with

the objectives and budgets, plan campaigns, design the crisis plan, interact with the

other departments and interpret and act accordingly reports provided by the Community


2. Community Manager: It is the figure responsible for managing and leading the

practice the plan developed by the Social Media Manager, as well as build and moderate

the community of followers and act as a nexus of union between the company and the

client. Among its functions is to create content, manage possible crises, measure and

collect results obtained with each campaign and manage online reputation, take care of

web positioning.

Knowledge of the Social Media and Community Manager sector

It is necessary that these professional profiles are constantly updated in all the

information that refers to the situation of the company and new trends in the

management of Social Networks. In this sense our Community Manager will be a

professional with a degree in journalism or communication and have specific studies in

the management of Social media. You will also be informed about our business activity

and will be in permanent contact with the other departments of the production company

to know our situation, objectives and strategies.

Objectives of the Social Media Manager and Community Manager

These profiles must be fully committed to the company and understand your goals and

needs. Our objectives in Social Networks are:

1. Publicize our brand on Social Networks

2. Get new followers and improve our community

3. Promote our audiovisual production services

Social Media Management

From Flashiwa we have decided to work with generic Social Networks, being these are

the most common in the population and the ones that will most help us develop our

brand image through content that helps us to create a community of followers including

companies from the target audience and general public that appreciate our audiovisual

work. These are the Social Networks that the Community Manager will manage:

1. Blog

2. Facebook

3. Twitter

4. Instagram

5. Youtube

Strategies and tools in Social Networks

The main strategy that the Community Manager will follow in all our Social Networks

is to publish content periodically and constant, making all publications maintain an

aesthetic consistency and consistency, as well as focusing efforts on maintaining a fluid

and two-way relationship with the community and managing crises with speed and

efficiency in the event that these could occur.


It is used to manage Social Networks and centralize all activity in a single space, allows

us to monitor conversations about our brand or the competition, as well as schedule

publications and analyze any information published on Social Networks


Allows you to track potential followers, know which users. They have stopped

following us and finding possible followers among those of the competition or from



It is used to shorten a URL, a very useful tool on Twitter, as well as analyze the number

of clicks and the origin of visits to our web


The closest thing to an electronic board, allows the Community Manager organize all

your commitments and tasks as well as work and designate group tasks collaborating

with other departments


It allows to organize content and news via RSS, in such a way that the Community

Manager does not need to search for them individually, making the most of your time


It is used to collect and interpret data and statistics according to interests of the

company, it is a good tool to carry out the control and measurement of our campaign on

Social Networks


A good tool if we are interested in advertising at times punctual or promote ourselves

through the digital payment of banners, images or texts or videos on Youtube

Content on Social Networks

When planning and carrying out the content to be published in the different Social

Networks these profiles have to take into account that the content is the most relevant of

the entire strategy in Social Networks, so that must always be taken care of and quality

must prevail over quantity. They also have to be careful not to spam and not speak only

of the brand or the products that the company sells, but to generate content of interest to

users that is related to our brand. Our main content will have to do with images and

content audiovisual made by the production company, as well as internal content of the

company that allows users to know us more.

2. Post a contest on Facebook for Flashiwa. You should detail the

steps to follow, the type of interaction you are looking for with your
audience and the prize that will be offered to the participants.

Thanks to the work of our Community Manager we will develop a contest through

Facebook with the main objective of getting more fans, increase the impact of our page

and show that we have an audience of followers that correspond to the modern, current

and creative brand image that we want to convey.


It is important that the prize we offer to participants is attractive for our community and

is related to the brand, since if not many of the followers will leave us at the end of the

contest. It is because of this; we have decided that the prize for the winner is a photo

shoot professional with one of the photographers of our agency doing the activity or

modelling the way they want. To the young public and user of Social Networks usually

like to have professional quality photos, and more even doing some sport or activity that

they are passionate about, and it is an excellent way to promote ourselves as an audio-

visual production company and have more content for our own Social Networks, since

we will publish the session.


To participate in the contest, it will be necessary that each interested user make a-

minute-long video introducing yourself and doing the activity that you like the most,

appealing to the search for originality and certain quality when making the content. This

dynamic also will allow to collect information about the type of user that follows us in

Networks Social: age, hobbies, etc. Of all the videos uploaded to our Facebook contest

platform will win the one most voted by users, so we also encourage participants to ask

your family and friends who enter our page to vote and we will have more chances of

increasing followers.


To carry out this contest we are going to use the Easy promos tool, which has a video

contest format compatible with the Facebook platform. This tool allows the following


1. Accepts any video format uploaded from mobile, Tablet or laptop.

2. Allows you to create a contest tab on your Facebook page

3. There is no limit on the number of videos uploaded or reproductions.

4. You can previously moderate the videos before uploading them to the contest.

5. The platform selects and validates the winner by his number of votes.

6. It has an anti-fraud system to guarantee security.

Finally, it is also advisable to use the techniques and tools of measurement and control

at the end to assess the results, know if we have achieved the initial goal of the contest,

see if the number of followers and likes has increased or know if these followers

disappear at the end of the contest.

3. Choose a blog, an Instagram account and a Twitter profile that you

find interesting (they can be 3 of the same brand or a different profile
for each platform). Observe their movements for 7 consecutive days and
as a daily follow-up on each one of them.
- What happens?
- What does it transmit?
- Do they detach personality?
- Do you find them interesting?

Reflect and write about the three platforms and their capacity to create.
H&M is a Swedish multinational created in 1947, which is dedicated to the manufacture
and marketing of clothing, accessories and makeup through physical store and online
store. It is a large company with a physical presence in everything the world and is
really introduced in E-Commerce, with stores online that distribute to 44 countries. The
company seeks to export a philosophy of brand based on perpetuating the values of the
founder of his first store, thus how to give special relevance to the entire team of
workers that form the company, remain in a constant search for opportunities expansion
and new markets and maintain a focused manufacturing model in the sustainable
development of their garments and collaboration with projects social. He also advocates
designing clothing that is accessible to any public, as well as providing a good buyer
experience both in their physical stores and online. From a creative point of view, his
image of brand is focused on collaboration with great fashion icons to through capsule
collections, as well as in the purchase of image licenses popular fictional animation
characters and a strong investment of marketing campaigns with the presence of well-
known models and artists.
Date Blog Instagram Twitter
01-22-2021 @hm 2 tweets:
3 post: -1Tweet with the
-1 post with garments kids collection
the adult collection -1 Tweet with the
-2 post with influencers adult collection
under the label
# H & MXME

01-23-2021 2 post: 2 tweets:
-1 post of valentine dress -1 tweet about usage
-1 post announcing the sustainable cotton
parade broadcast in your clothes
MoschinoxH & M via -1 tweet about the parade
from IG Life and in your by MoschinoxH & M
store exactly the same as
On Instagram

01-24-2021 There is no content, probably due to the

time change with respect to the US and
for preparing the content of the
MoschinoxH & M show and not wanting
saturate the feed

01-25-2021 Chronicle of the parade of 8 post 10 Tweets

MoschinoxH & M, All referring to the parade All referring to
they had not updated with images of some parade with images
since 11-10-2018 featured guests and of the models, of the
also a post about promotional images guests, images
collaboration of from the collection promotional and
Moschino with the brand mentions on the event

01-26-2021 3 posts 2 Tweets

They continue with the They return to the content
parade content normal collection
MoschinoxH & M for adults and children

01-27-2021 3 post 3 Tweets

Back to content Shoes, clothes and
collection normal make-up. The content
sports, shoes and it starts to focus
fashion with influencer in the campaign of
# H & MXMI Valentine

01-28-2021 2 Post adult collections 2 tweets

Sports collection
(repeated) and children

When analysing the H&M Social Networks this week we have encountered a peculiar

situation, since the collection parade MoschinoxH & M capsule has focused much of the

content, taking its highest peak on January 25. It is correct that the Networks are used

Social not only to upload content periodically and mechanically, but also to inform or

promote exceptional situations.

• The blog has been updated once a week, specifically on the 25th of January with the

chronicle of the MoschinoxH & M parade and had be updated since November 11 also

with a post about the collection. Normally this blog has a new post every 5 days,

approximately, so the reason why it took so long without updating was to focus the

information on the capsule collection. Does not seem like a good idea, since in the end

the reader has the feeling that the blog has been abandoned and that information could

have been highlighted in a preferred while continuing to update with new content.

• Social Networks are updated with a correct rhythm of 2 or 3 daily posts in each one of

them. One of their greatest successes is that they hardly repeat the content from one

Social Network to another, as they update with different content, they publish at

different times and do not use the same texts. In the accounts publishes content of all

types of products of the brand: adult, children's fashion, shoes, makeup, etc.

• It is noted that each profile is focused on a different audience, since the Twitter

account is more serious and informative, while the Twitter account Instagram seeks to

publish more visual, eye-catching and modern content thanks to its use of tools such as

stories, gifts, highlights, etc. The contents referring to the Moschino collection have a

very aesthetic more risky than conventional collections.

• Finally, I find the use of the hashtag # H & MXME interesting, since it is use not only

to show the influencers hired to wear the garments in a Social Media campaign but

allows users to tag themselves with this hashtag in the photos in which they come out

with clothes from the brand, and then they appear on the web. In this way the user is

part of the community and makes the public feel mirrored with content.

4. Investigate a company that is characterised by the use of the figure

of the Community Manager, keeping its followers active, generating
content ... Explain the case and analyse its peculiarities.

Analysis of the case of @Doritos_Mx

Why have I chosen this account?

To carry out the study of a relevant brand thanks to the management of its Community

Manager I have decided to analyse the snacks brand account.

Doritos in Mexico, belonging to the Pepsico business group and which is shows on

Social Networks under the name of @Doritos_Mx on Twitter and @doritos_mx on

Instagram. I have chosen this brand as it rose to fame in 2016 for his good management

of a crisis on Twitter that broke out as consequence of the #DoritosRainbow campaign,

as well as its number of followers and their good use of Social Networks as an element

to create community among its followers and extol brand values.

Social Networks Usage

The communication delegation of the Doritos Mx brand has profiles in the social

networks Twitter, with 119 thousand followers, Instagram, with 16,100 followers,

Facebook, with 1,003 followers and YouTube, with 15,056 followers. Although the

presence of Doritos Mx in all these Social Networks is correct, except in the case of

Facebook, I have decided to choose Twitter as the paradigm of use of the brand in

Social Media, as it is the account with the most followers and where its management has

been most recognized, as well as for being the account where more active is shown in

their communication.

Thus, we observe that it uses YouTube to upload promotional videos of its products and

videos of events in which the brand acts as sponsor, as well as on his Instagram profile,

where he publishes photos and videos with this type of content and with good quality.

These profiles are well executed but does not use all the tools available from the

platforms and can be considered a bit flat in terms of tone and interaction with the


However, his profile on Twitter is based on the publication of this type of promotional

content, as well as in contests, surveys, questions direct and calls to action and in the

constant integration of the community of followers within the brand, which makes it a

much more dynamic and complete.


The main purpose of the account is not to constantly persuade the consumer to buy or

inform about the benefits of their products, but, inconsistent with the actions of the

marketing department, create a whole brand culture around Doritos for the young

consumer to perceive as something striking and feel identified with it. Furthermore,

with its communication strategies seeks to create community with its followers, make

that they feel part of a common project and a philosophy of life, at the same time is

positioned in social causes that they consider representative of the brand. However, the

ultimate goal of any company is to increase sales, so who also use these platforms to

give visibility to their products and promotions in an original way.

Calls to actions

The account is constantly making calls to action to users through surveys, direct

questions or inviting them to share with the community their experiences with the

products. These calls to action They also invite followers to benefit from promotions

and special offers. All account calls to action are aimed at the user being active and

making him feel that he is part of the community and that is important for the brand,

since @Doritos_Mx also always reply to all user mentions, whether in the form of reply

or retweet.


The brand runs a multitude of contests that it promotes through Twitter and your other

accounts on Social Networks, which are usually related to special marketing campaigns

and to promote the consumption of the products it launches in limited editions. In these

contests can be entered through games on the web or with codes included in the

packages and usually have in common being activities related to each promotion, novel

and interactive.


Facebook: The profile is completely abandoned, it barely shows activity and the last

publication is from August 22, 2016. There is no consistency between posts and there is

hardly any user interaction.

YouTube: The YouTube account has been created 10 months ago and has 9videos. This

content does not have a constant periodicity but is uploaded to the Social Network

coinciding with the launch of different campaigns promotional products of limited

edition, later these videos are shared on Instagram and Twitter. There is no interaction

with users.

Instagram: It does not use some of the application tools as they are stories, highlights or

IGTV but maintains a good pace with the publication of one post a day or creating

special posts in mosaic form. The content has a great quality and interacts with users.

Twitter: Currently the account maintains a good rhythm with the publication of a very

good average of three or four daily tweets, these being there commended by experts.

However, we observe that there are times of stoppage in which the account can go up to

a couple of weeks without tweeting and that all tweet campaigns on this Social Network

correspond to the marketing campaigns of the different products.


The tone used by the @Doritos_Mx account on Twitter is based on a tone funny, an

informal language, a use of popular expressions, emoticons and a way of expressing

yourself that fits in with the young audience, target audience the brand wants to target.

Also, the Community Manager adapts his language to the different types of followers

that can be more interested in one or another promotion of the brand.

Crisis management

In 2016 this Twitter account reached international relevance thanks to the management

of a crisis that developed in the Social Network from the launch in Mexico of the

promotion of the special product# DoritosRainbow. These different colored Doritos

were sold in a special packaging with the rainbow flag and were launched when the

celebration of LGTB pride. With this product the brand positioned itself in favor of the

collective in an original and meaningful way, which had as a consequence of criticism

and threats of boycott of a sector of the Twitter users who did not agree with the new

image of Doritos.

Far from being intimidated by these criticisms, ignoring them or responding in a wrong

way, the Community Manager decided to fight back with Tweets loaded with irony and

a funny tone. With this crisis management strategy. In Social Networks, the brand

proved to be faithful to its brand values, which was highly applauded by his followers

and different associations at the international, while maintaining the humorous tone

characteristic of his image brand, without giving much importance to criticism, and

defended his product already LGBT followers in your community.

In general, it stands out for having very few crises with the community but in another

On occasion we have been able to observe how the brand manages crises through

acknowledging their mistakes and taking the opportunity to apologize at the same time

who continues to advocate for their brand values. However, we can observe that,

although they maintain the rectification in their feed , they delete the tweets of conflicts,

a practice that is considered by experts as little recommendable.

Differential factor

The main differential factor of the brand in its strategy in Social Networks is the use of

light-hearted content and a tone that fits perfectly with the brand's target audience:

younger consumers. For it they base almost all their strategy on the use of Twitter, and

to a lesser extent Instagram, and they make some very striking and current publications

and content.

In addition, they base their entire campaign on Social Networks on highlighting

brand values such as respect and support for diversity, as you can observed through the

use of the hashtags #DoritosRainbow or #FortheBold (for the brave).

Finally, we found excellent coordination between the department of marketing and

communication department and Community Manager, since all the actions of the brand

in the Social Networks that it has in use have great coherence and support the goal of

increasing the sales.

Facebook, Policy for pages, groups and events (2018). Recovered from:

IAB Spain (2017). Annual study of social networks 2017. Recovered from: / uploads / iab_estudioredessociales_2017_vreducida.pdf

M. Ribó (2015). How to develop a social Media marketing plan. Recovered

plan /

M. Ribó (2014). How to manage an online reputation crisis step by He

passed. Recovered from:
reputation-crisis-online-step-by-step /

A. Hernández Díaz (2012). From the 4Ps of marketing 1.0 to the 4Cs of marketing 2.0
and 3.0. Recovered from:


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